
A reverse proxy for prometheus that provides label based acls via oidc.
- Running prometheus server
- OpenID Connect server (i.e. Keycloak) with option to set custom fields in the Access Token
- Grafana instance that authentificates with OpenID Connect
Via environment you can configure all settings.
: IP and port to to listen on (default :8080
: URL for prometheus-acls, used to generate redirects, login and callback routes (e.g.
: Cookie Secret (should be 32 or 64 chars), autogenerated if empty
: URL to the upstream Prometheus (default http://localhost:9090)
: URL to the OpenID Connect Sever (e.g.
: Oauth Client ID (e.g. grafana
: Oauth Client Secret (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc
: Field in Acces Token to load the users role (default roles
: Full or relative path to acl configuration file (default prometheus-acls.yml
The prometheus-acls.yml
file is used to map roles to access rights.
# syntax:
# <rolename>:
# <metricname>: <prometheus label matches>
# # or
# re!<regex>: <prometheus label matches>
developer: # The keys match the OIDC_ROLES_CLAIM field of the access token.
re!^awesome_app_: # regex match for all metrics that stat with awesome_app_
env=dev # prometheus label match for dev env
re!^node_: # regex match for node exporter
instance=~'.*\.lan$' # prometheus label match for instances that end with .lan
up: env!=dev,app=hal # prometheus labels are handled by prometheus, so their complete
# syntax is supported
admin: # The keys match the OIDC_ROLES_CLAIM field of the access token.
secret_app_: # exact metric name
~ # yaml null value will bock access to a metric
'*': # wildchard match for all metrics
'' # emty prometheus label match for NO RESTRICTIONS
Order of metric name matching:
- Exact metric name
- Regex metric name
- Wildcard metric name
- Default deny access
Best Practices:
- Metric regex matches should be started with
- Regex label matches are slower than exact matches
OIDC Provider
Example for keycloak:
- Create a new client with Access Type
- Go to the clients mappers and add a new one
- Most mappers should work e.g
User Client Role
- Set
Token Claim Name
to roles
(if you change this you also need to supply $OIDC_ROLES_CLAIM
to prometheus-acls)
Claim JSON Type
is String
Add to access token
must be on
- Configure both Grafana and prometheus-acls with the same settings OIDC settings
Note: When you have multiple roles, the first one that is mentioned in prometheus-acls
will be used.
We currently use per client roles to avoid any conflics.