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Published: Jun 25, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 22




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type ActionConfig

type ActionConfig struct {
	Type    ActionType
	Command []string
	Headers map[string]string
	Host    string
	Port    string
	Path    string

ActionConfig defines the configuration for an action (ie on-start, pre-stop)

type ActionType

type ActionType int

ActionType defines the type of action

const (
	ActionTypeCommand ActionType = iota + 1

type AffinityType

type AffinityType int

AffinityType defines the type of affinity

const (
	AffinityHard AffinityType = iota + 1

type CRDColumn

type CRDColumn struct {
	Name        string
	Type        string
	Format      string
	Description string
	Priority    int32
	Path        string

CRDColumn specifies a column for server side printing of a custom resource definition

type CRDConfig

type CRDConfig struct {
	Name                              string
	Namespace                         string
	APIVersion                        string
	ClusterName                       string
	Group                             string
	CRDVersion                        string
	Plural                            string
	Singular                          string
	ShortNames                        []string
	Kind                              string
	ListKind                          string
	Categories                        []string
	ScaleSubresources                 *CRDScaleSubresources
	Versions                          []CRDVersion
	Validation                        *apiext.JSONSchemaProps
	Scope                             CRDScopeType
	ExtraColumns                      []CRDColumn
	ConversionStrategy                CRDConversionStraegyType
	ConversionWebhookURL              *string
	ConversionWebhookServiceNamespace string
	ConversionWebhookServiceName      string
	ConversionWebhookServicePath      *string
	ConversionWebhookCABundle         []byte
	ConversionReviewVersions          []string

CRDConfig defines the configuration for a custom defined resource

type CRDConversionStraegyType

type CRDConversionStraegyType int

CRDConversionStraegyType defines the type of conversion strategy for the custom resource

const (
	CRDConversionStraegyTypeNone CRDConversionStraegyType = iota + 1

type CRDScaleSubresources

type CRDScaleSubresources struct {
	SpecPath     string
	StatusPath   string
	SelectorPath *string

CRDScaleSubresources defines how to serve the scale subresource for the scale subresource of custom resources

type CRDScopeType

type CRDScopeType int

CRDScopeType defines the scope of the custom resource definition

const (
	CRDClusterScoped CRDScopeType = iota + 1

type CRDVersion

type CRDVersion struct {
	Name              string
	Enabled           bool
	Storage           bool
	Schema            *apiext.JSONSchemaProps
	ScaleSubresources *CRDScaleSubresources
	ExtraColumns      []CRDColumn

CRDVersion defines a version for a custom resource definition

type ClusterRoleBindingConfig

type ClusterRoleBindingConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

ClusterRoleBindingConfig defines the base configuration for a cluster role binding

type ClusterRoleConfig

type ClusterRoleConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

ClusterRoleConfig defines the basic configuration for a cluster role

type ComponentType

type ComponentType string

ComponentType defines the component type

const (
	DeploymentComponent              ComponentType = "Deployment"
	PodComponent                     ComponentType = "Pod"
	ConfigMapComponent               ComponentType = "ConfigMap"
	SecretComponent                  ComponentType = "Secret"
	ServiceComponent                 ComponentType = "Service"
	ServiceAccountComponent          ComponentType = "ServiceAccount"
	ClusterRoleComponent             ComponentType = "ClusterRole"
	ClusterRoleBindingComponent      ComponentType = "ClusterRoleBinding"
	RoleComponent                    ComponentType = "Role"
	RoleBindingComponent             ComponentType = "RoleBinding"
	ReplicationControllerComponent   ComponentType = "ReplicationController"
	CRDComponent                     ComponentType = "CustomResourceDefinition"
	Controller                       ComponentType = "Controller"
	NamespaceComponent               ComponentType = "Namespace"
	PersistentVolumeClaimComponent   ComponentType = "PersistentVolumeClaim"
	JobComponent                     ComponentType = "Job"
	HorizontalPodAutoscalerComponent ComponentType = "HorizontalPodAutoscaler"
	IngressComponent                 ComponentType = "Ingress"
	StatefulSetComponent             ComponentType = "StatefulSetIngress"
	DaemonSetComponent               ComponentType = "DaemonSetIngress"

type ConfigMapConfig

type ConfigMapConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

ConfigMapConfig defines the basic configuration for a config map

type ConfigMapOrSecretVolumeConfig

type ConfigMapOrSecretVolumeConfig struct {
	VolumeName      string
	MapOrSecretName string
	Items           []KeyPath
	DefaultMode     *int32
	Optional        *bool

ConfigMapOrSecretVolumeConfig defines the configuration for a config map or secret

type ContainerConfig

type ContainerConfig struct {
	Name                     string
	Args                     []string
	Command                  []string
	Image                    string
	PullPolicy               PullPolicyType
	MinCPU                   string
	MaxCPU                   string
	MinMem                   string
	MaxMem                   string
	Privileged               *bool
	AllowPrivilegeEscalation *bool
	ReadOnlyFS               *bool
	ForceNonRoot             *bool
	SELinux                  *SELinuxType
	UID                      *int64
	GID                      *int64
	AllocateStdin            bool
	StdinOnce                bool
	AllocateTTY              bool
	WorkingDirectory         string
	TerminationMsgPath       string
	TerminationMsgPolicy     TerminationMessagePolicyType
	ProcMount                *ProcMountType

ContainerConfig defines the basic configuration for a container

type DNSPolicyType

type DNSPolicyType int

DNSPolicyType defines the pod DNS policy

const (
	DNSClusterFirstWithHostNet DNSPolicyType = iota + 1

type DaemonSetConfig

type DaemonSetConfig struct {
	APIVersion           string
	ClusterName          string
	Name                 string
	Namespace            string
	Strategy             DaemonSetUpdateStrategyType
	MaxUnavailable       string
	MinReadySeconds      int32
	RevisionHistoryLimit *int32

DaemonSetConfig defines the basic configuration for a daemon set

type DaemonSetUpdateStrategyType

type DaemonSetUpdateStrategyType int

DaemonSetUpdateStrategyType defines the update strategy for the stateful set

const (
	DaemonSetUpdateStrategyRollingUpdate DaemonSetUpdateStrategyType = iota + 1

type DeployableComponentInterface

type DeployableComponentInterface interface {
	GetName() string
	Deploy(DeployerResources) error
	Undeploy(DeployerResources) error

DeployableComponentInterface defines an interface a component must support in order for the deployer to deploy it

type DeployerControllerInterface

type DeployerControllerInterface interface {
	Run(DeployerResources, chan struct{}) error

DeployerControllerInterface defines the interface for controllers

type DeployerResources

type DeployerResources struct {
	KubeClient           *kubernetes.Clientset
	KubeExtensionsClient *extensionsclient.Clientset

DeployerResources defines the resources the deployer will provide

type DeploymentConfig

type DeploymentConfig struct {
	APIVersion              string
	ClusterName             string
	Name                    string
	Namespace               string
	Replicas                *int32
	Strategy                DeploymentStrategyType
	MaxUnavailable          string
	MaxExtra                string
	MinReadySeconds         int32
	RevisionHistoryLimit    *int32
	Paused                  bool
	ProgressDeadlineSeconds *int32

DeploymentConfig defines the basic configuration for a deployment

type DeploymentStrategyType

type DeploymentStrategyType int
const (
	DeploymentStrategyTypeRecreate DeploymentStrategyType = iota + 1

type EmptyDirVolumeConfig

type EmptyDirVolumeConfig struct {
	VolumeName string
	Medium     StorageMediumType
	SizeLimit  string

EmptyDirVolumeConfig defines the configuration for an EmptyDir volume

type EnvConfig

type EnvConfig struct {
	NameOrPrefix string
	Type         EnvType
	KeyOrVal     string
	FromName     string
	Optional     *bool

EnvConfig defines environment variable configuration

type EnvType

type EnvType int

EnvType defines the type of environemnt configuration

const (
	EnvVal EnvType = iota + 1

type ExpressionRequirementConfig

type ExpressionRequirementConfig struct {
	Key    string
	Op     ExpressionRequirementOp
	Values []string

ExpressionRequirementConfig defines the configuration for an expression

type ExpressionRequirementOp

type ExpressionRequirementOp int

A ExpressionRequirementOp is the set of operators that can be used in a selector requirement

const (
	ExpressionRequirementOpIn ExpressionRequirementOp = iota + 1

type GCEPersistentDiskVolumeConfig

type GCEPersistentDiskVolumeConfig struct {
	VolumeName string
	DiskName   string
	FSType     string
	Partition  int32
	ReadOnly   bool

GCEPersistentDiskVolumeConfig defines the configuraton for a GCE Persistent Disk volume

type HPAConfig

type HPAConfig struct {
	APIVersion                     string
	ClusterName                    string
	Name                           string
	Namespace                      string
	MinReplicas                    *int32
	MaxReplicas                    int32
	TargetCPUUtilizationPercentage *int32
	ScaleTargetKind                string
	ScaleTargetName                string
	ScaleTargetAPIVersion          string

HPAConfig defines the basic configuration for a horizontal pod autoscaler

type HTTPIngressPathConfig

type HTTPIngressPathConfig struct {
	Path        string
	ServiceName string
	ServicePort string

HTTPIngressPathConfig defines a collection of paths that map requests to backends

type HostAliasConfig

type HostAliasConfig struct {
	IP        string
	Hostnames []string

HostAliasConfig defines the configuration for a host alias on a pod

type HostModeType

type HostModeType int

HostModeType defines the host mode for the pod

const (
	HostModeNet HostModeType = iota + 1

type HostPathType

type HostPathType int

HostPathType defines the type of HostPath

const (
	HostPathUnset HostPathType = iota + 1

type HostPathVolumeConfig

type HostPathVolumeConfig struct {
	VolumeName string
	Path       string
	Type       HostPathType

HostPathVolumeConfig defines the configuration for a HostPath volume

type IngressConfig

type IngressConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string
	ServiceName string
	ServicePort string

IngressConfig defines the basic configuration for an ingress

type IngressHostRuleConfig

type IngressHostRuleConfig struct {
	Host  string
	Paths []HTTPIngressPathConfig

IngressHostRuleConfig defines the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services

type IngressTLSConfig

type IngressTLSConfig struct {
	Hosts      []string
	SecretName string

IngressTLSConfig defines the configuration for TLS for the ingress

type JobConfig

type JobConfig struct {
	APIVersion            string
	ClusterName           string
	Name                  string
	Namespace             string
	Parallelism           *int32
	Completions           *int32
	MaxRetries            *int32
	ActiveDeadlineSeconds *int64
	SelectManually        *bool
	DeletionTTL           *int32

JobConfig defines the basic configuration for a job

type KeyPath

type KeyPath struct {
	Key  string
	Path string
	Mode *int32

KeyPath defines the mapping of a string key to a path within a volume

type LoadBalancerConfig

type LoadBalancerConfig struct {
	IP                  string
	AllowedIPs          []string
	HealthCheckNodePort int32

LoadBalancerConfig defines the configuration for a load balancer to use with a service

type MountPropagationType

type MountPropagationType int

MountPropagationType defines the type of mount propagation for the volume mount

const (
	MountPropagationHostToContainer MountPropagationType = iota + 1

type NamespaceConfig

type NamespaceConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

NamespaceConfig defines the configuration for a namespace

type NodeAffinityConfig

type NodeAffinityConfig struct {
	Weight      int32
	Expressions []NodeExpression
	Fields      []NodeExpression

NodeAffinityConfig defines the configuration for a node affinity

type NodeExpression

type NodeExpression struct {
	Key    string
	Op     NodeOperator
	Values []string

NodeExpression defines the configuration for a node expresion

type NodeOperator

type NodeOperator int

NodeOperator defines the valid operators in a node expression

const (
	NodeOperatorIn NodeOperator = iota + 1

type PVCAccessModeType

type PVCAccessModeType int

PVCAccessModeType defines the access mode for the persistent volume claim

const (
	ReadWriteOnce PVCAccessModeType = iota + 1

type PVCConfig

type PVCConfig struct {
	APIVersion         string
	ClusterName        string
	Name               string
	Namespace          string
	Class              *string
	VolumeName         string
	Size               string
	Mode               PVCMode
	DataSourceAPIGroup *string
	DataSourceKind     string
	DataSourceName     string

PVCConfig defines the configuration for a persistent volume claim

type PVCMode

type PVCMode int
const (
	PVCModeBLock PVCMode = iota + 1

type PVCVolumeConfig

type PVCVolumeConfig struct {
	VolumeName string
	PVCName    string
	ReadOnly   bool

PVCVolumeConfig defines the configuration for a persistent volume claim

type PodAffinityConfig

type PodAffinityConfig struct {
	Weight     int32
	Selector   SelectorConfig
	Topology   string
	Namespaces []string

PodAffinityConfig defines the configuration for a pod affinity or antiaffinity

type PodConfig

type PodConfig struct {
	APIVersion             string
	ClusterName            string
	Name                   string
	Namespace              string
	ServiceAccount         string
	RestartPolicy          RestartPolicyType
	TerminationGracePeriod *int64
	ActiveDeadline         *int64
	Node                   string
	FSGID                  *int64
	Hostname               string
	SchedulerName          string
	DNSPolicy              DNSPolicyType
	PriorityValue          *int32
	PriorityClass          string
	SELinux                *SELinuxType
	RunAsUser              *int64
	RunAsGroup             *int64
	ForceNonRoot           *bool
	MountSAToken           *bool
	ShareNamespace         *bool
	RuntimeClass           *string
	ServiceLinks           *bool

PodConfig defines the basic configuration for a pod

type PodDNSConfig

type PodDNSConfig struct {
	Nameservers     []string
	SearchDomains   []string
	ResolverOptions map[string]string

PodDNSConfig defines the dns configuration for a pod

type PodManagementPolicyType

type PodManagementPolicyType int

PodManagementPolicyType defines the pod managagement policy for the stateful set

const (
	PodManagementPolicyOrdered PodManagementPolicyType = iota + 1

type PolicyRuleConfig

type PolicyRuleConfig struct {
	Verbs           []string
	APIGroups       []string
	Resources       []string
	ResourceNames   []string
	NonResourceURLs []string

PolicyRuleConfig defines the configuration for a policy rule

type PortConfig

type PortConfig struct {
	Name          string
	Protocol      ProtocolType
	IP            string
	HostPort      int32
	ContainerPort int32

PortConfig defines the configuration for a port

type ProbeConfig

type ProbeConfig struct {
	Delay           int32
	Interval        int32
	MinCountSuccess int32
	MinCountFailure int32
	Timeout         int32

ProbeConfig defines the configuration for a probe

type ProcMountType

type ProcMountType int

ProcMountType defines the type of proc mount to use for the container

const (
	ProcMountTypeDefault ProcMountType = iota + 1

type ProtocolType

type ProtocolType int

ProtocolType defines the type of protocols

const (
	ProtocolTCP ProtocolType = iota + 1

type PullPolicyType

type PullPolicyType int

PullPolicyType defines the type of pull policy

const (
	PullAlways PullPolicyType = iota + 1

type ReplicationControllerConfig

type ReplicationControllerConfig struct {
	APIVersion   string
	ClusterName  string
	Name         string
	Namespace    string
	Replicas     *int32
	ReadySeconds int32

ReplicationControllerConfig defines the basic configuration for a replication controller

type RestartPolicyType

type RestartPolicyType int

RestartPolicyType defines the pod restart policy

const (
	RestartPolicyAlways RestartPolicyType = iota + 1

type RoleBindingConfig

type RoleBindingConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

RoleBindingConfig defines the base configuration for a role binding

type RoleConfig

type RoleConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

RoleConfig defines the basic configuration for a role

type RoleRefConfig

type RoleRefConfig struct {
	APIGroup  string
	Kind      string
	Name      string
	Namespace string

RoleRefConfig defines the configuration for a role reference

type SELinuxType

type SELinuxType struct {
	Level string
	Role  string
	Type  string
	User  string

SELinuxType defines SELinux labels

type SecretConfig

type SecretConfig struct {
	APIVersion  string
	ClusterName string
	Name        string
	Namespace   string
	Type        SecretType

SecretConfig defines the basic configuration for a secret

type SecretType

type SecretType int

SecretType defines the type of sercret

const (
	SecretTypeOpaque SecretType = iota + 1

type SelectorConfig

type SelectorConfig struct {
	Labels      map[string]string
	Expressions []ExpressionRequirementConfig

SelectorConfig defines the configuration for a selector

type ServiceAccountConfig

type ServiceAccountConfig struct {
	APIVersion     string
	ClusterName    string
	Name           string
	Namespace      string
	AutomountToken *bool

ServiceAccountConfig defines the basic configuration for a service account

type ServiceAccountSecretConfig

type ServiceAccountSecretConfig struct {
	Kind            string
	Namespace       string
	Name            string
	UID             string
	Version         string
	ResourceVersion string
	FieldPath       string

ServiceAccountSecretConfig defines the configuration for an allowed secret by a service account

type ServiceAffinityType

type ServiceAffinityType int
const (
	ServiceAffinityTypeClientIP ServiceAffinityType = iota + 1

type ServiceConfig

type ServiceConfig struct {
	APIVersion               string
	ClusterName              string
	Name                     string
	Namespace                string
	ExternalName             string
	Type                     ServiceType
	ClusterIP                string
	PublishNotReadyAddresses bool
	TrafficPolicy            TrafficPolicyType
	Affinity                 ServiceAffinityType
	IPTimeout                *int32

ServiceConfig defines the basic configuration for a service

type ServicePortConfig

type ServicePortConfig struct {
	Name       string
	Port       int32
	TargetPort string
	NodePort   int32
	Protocol   ProtocolType

ServicePortConfig defines the configuration for a service port

type ServiceType

type ServiceType int

ServiceType defines how the service is exposed service

const (
	ServiceTypeServiceIP ServiceType = iota + 1

type StatefulSetConfig

type StatefulSetConfig struct {
	APIVersion           string
	ClusterName          string
	Name                 string
	Namespace            string
	Replicas             *int32
	UpdateStrategy       StatefulSetUpdateStrategyType
	Partition            *int32
	RevisionHistoryLimit *int32
	PodManagementPolicy  PodManagementPolicyType
	Service              string

StatefulSetConfig defines the basic configuration for a stateful set

type StatefulSetUpdateStrategyType

type StatefulSetUpdateStrategyType int

StatefulSetUpdateStrategyType defines the update strategy for the stateful set

const (
	StatefulSetUpdateStrategyRollingUpdate StatefulSetUpdateStrategyType = iota + 1

type StorageMediumType

type StorageMediumType int

StorageMediumType defines the storage medium

const (
	StorageMediumDefault StorageMediumType = iota + 1

type SubjectConfig

type SubjectConfig struct {
	Kind      string
	APIGroup  string
	Name      string
	Namespace string

SubjectConfig defines the configuration for a subject

type TerminationMessagePolicyType

type TerminationMessagePolicyType int

TerminationMessagePolicyType defines the policy for the termination message

const (
	TerminationMessageReadFile TerminationMessagePolicyType = iota + 1

type TolerationConfig

type TolerationConfig struct {
	Duration *int64
	Effect   TolerationEffectType
	Key      string
	Value    string
	Op       TolerationOpType

TolerationConfig defines the configuration for a pod toleration

type TolerationEffectType

type TolerationEffectType int

TolerationEffectType defines the effect of the toleration

const (
	TolerationEffectNoSchedule TolerationEffectType = iota + 1

type TolerationOpType

type TolerationOpType int

TolerationOpType defines the toleration operator

const (
	TolerationOpExists TolerationOpType = iota + 1

type TrafficPolicyType

type TrafficPolicyType int

TrafficPolicyType defines the external traffic policy for the service

const (
	ServiceTrafficPolicyLocal TrafficPolicyType = iota + 1

type VolumeDeviceConfig

type VolumeDeviceConfig struct {
	Name string
	Path string

VolumeDeviceConfig defines the configuration for a volume device

type VolumeMountConfig

type VolumeMountConfig struct {
	MountPath   string
	Propagation *MountPropagationType
	Name        string
	SubPath     string
	ReadOnly    bool

VolumeMountConfig defines the configuration for a volume mount

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