Path | Synopsis |
Package ansi contains helpers for working with ansi colors.
Package ansi contains helpers for working with ansi colors. |
Package assert is a suite of helpers and convenience methods for writing tests that wrap `*testing.T`.
Package assert is a suite of helpers and convenience methods for writing tests that wrap `*testing.T`. |
Package async provides syncronization primitives and background workers.
Package async provides syncronization primitives and background workers. |
Package bindata containers helpers for linking binary assets into programs.
Package bindata containers helpers for linking binary assets into programs. |
Package bitflag contains utilities for working with bit flags (or bit masks).
Package bitflag contains utilities for working with bit flags (or bit masks). |
Package breaker provides a circuitbraker mechanism for dealing with flaky or unreliable counterparties.
Package breaker provides a circuitbraker mechanism for dealing with flaky or unreliable counterparties. |
Package bufferutil provides helpers for dealing with buffers.
Package bufferutil provides helpers for dealing with buffers. |
Package cache provides caching primitives for in-memory caches, including LRU eviction.
Package cache provides caching primitives for in-memory caches, including LRU eviction. |
Package certutil contains helpers for working with x509 certificates.
Package certutil contains helpers for working with x509 certificates. |
Package codeowners includes github codeowners management utilities
Package codeowners includes github codeowners management utilities |
Package collections contains helper data structures.
Package collections contains helper data structures. |
Package configmeta provides a configutil metadata type to provide a cannonical location to hold common config variables.
Package configmeta provides a configutil metadata type to provide a cannonical location to hold common config variables. |
Package configutil contains helpers for configuration.
Package configutil contains helpers for configuration. |
Package copyright includes copyright header management utilities
Package copyright includes copyright header management utilities |
Package cron is an implementation of a job scheduler to run within a worker or a server.
Package cron is an implementation of a job scheduler to run within a worker or a server. |
Package crypto includes common cryptography helpers.
Package crypto includes common cryptography helpers. |
Package datadog includes helpers for interacting with datadog.
Package datadog includes helpers for interacting with datadog. |
Package traceserver is a mocked APM trace server that calls a handler for each spanlists payload it gets.
Package traceserver is a mocked APM trace server that calls a handler for each spanlists payload it gets. |
Package db provides a basic abstraction layer above normal database/sql.
Package db provides a basic abstraction layer above normal database/sql. |
Package migration provides helpers for writing rerunnable database migrations.
Package migration provides helpers for writing rerunnable database migrations. |
Package diff includes text diffing functions.
Package diff includes text diffing functions. |
Package email includes helpers for sending SMTP messages.
Package email includes helpers for sending SMTP messages. |
Package env contains environment variable helpers, enabling better tests and easier use of environment variables.
Package env contains environment variable helpers, enabling better tests and easier use of environment variables. |
Package ex provides the foundations for error handling in the SDK tree.
Package ex provides the foundations for error handling in the SDK tree. |
Package expvar provides a standardized interface to public variables, such as operation counters in servers.
Package expvar provides a standardized interface to public variables, such as operation counters in servers. |
Package fileutil provides helpers for reading and writing files.
Package fileutil provides helpers for reading and writing files. |
Package graceful provides a mechanism to gracefully stop processes on os signals.
Package graceful provides a mechanism to gracefully stop processes on os signals. |
Package grpcutil provides helpers for writing GRPC clients and servers.
Package grpcutil provides helpers for writing GRPC clients and servers. |
Package jwt provides helpers for creating and validating json web tokens.
Package jwt provides helpers for creating and validating json web tokens. |
Package logger is our high throughput event bus.
Package logger is our high throughput event bus. |
Package mathutil provides the missing standard library math functions we need for various statistical computations.
Package mathutil provides the missing standard library math functions we need for various statistical computations. |
Package names contains helpers for parsing names into constituent parts, i.e.
Package names contains helpers for parsing names into constituent parts, i.e. |
Package oauth implements some helper wrappers ontop of the existing google implementation of oauth.
Package oauth implements some helper wrappers ontop of the existing google implementation of oauth. |
Package profanity is the rules engine that powers the command `profanity` found in ``.
Package profanity is the rules engine that powers the command `profanity` found in ``. |
Package proxyprotocol implements network reader shims for terminating proxy protocol connections.
Package proxyprotocol implements network reader shims for terminating proxy protocol connections. |
Package r2 is a rewrite of the sdk http request package that eschews fluent apis in favor of the options pattern.
Package r2 is a rewrite of the sdk http request package that eschews fluent apis in favor of the options pattern. |
Package r2test provides helpers for writing tests involving calls with sdk/r2.
Package r2test provides helpers for writing tests involving calls with sdk/r2. |
Package ratelimiter implements two common rate limiters; queue and token/leaky bucket.
Package ratelimiter implements two common rate limiters; queue and token/leaky bucket. |
Package ref includes helpers for dealing with "optional" values represented by pointers.
Package ref includes helpers for dealing with "optional" values represented by pointers. |
Package reflectutil includes helpers for working with the golang reflection api.
Package reflectutil includes helpers for working with the golang reflection api. |
Package retry implements a generic retry provider.
Package retry implements a generic retry provider. |
Package reverseproxy implements a simple reverse http proxy.
Package reverseproxy implements a simple reverse http proxy. |
Package selector is a high performance selector parsing library, tightly coupled to the functionality of selectors found in Kubernetes.
Package selector is a high performance selector parsing library, tightly coupled to the functionality of selectors found in Kubernetes. |
Package semver is a fork of Hashicorp's semver package.
Package semver is a fork of Hashicorp's semver package. |
Package sentry provides helpers for logging errors to sentry from sdk primitives like the logger.
Package sentry provides helpers for logging errors to sentry from sdk primitives like the logger. |
Package sh includes helpers for writing programs that fork or run other programs.
Package sh includes helpers for writing programs that fork or run other programs. |
Package shamir includes an implementation of shamir's sharing scheme.
Package shamir includes an implementation of shamir's sharing scheme. |
Package shardutil provides some sdk/db primitives for dealing with (manually) sharded postgres databases.
Package shardutil provides some sdk/db primitives for dealing with (manually) sharded postgres databases. |
Package slack includes helpers for sending slack webhooks.
Package slack includes helpers for sending slack webhooks. |
Package stats includes helpers for writing stats to collectors by adding listeners to logger instances.
Package stats includes helpers for writing stats to collectors by adding listeners to logger instances. |
Package dbstats provides shims for writing db logger events to a stats collector.
Package dbstats provides shims for writing db logger events to a stats collector. |
Package grpcstats provides shims for writing rpc logger events to a stats collector.
Package grpcstats provides shims for writing rpc logger events to a stats collector. |
Package httpstats provides shims for writing webutil logger events to a stats collector.
Package httpstats provides shims for writing webutil logger events to a stats collector. |
Package statsd implements a client and a debugging server for UDP statsd datagrams.
Package statsd implements a client and a debugging server for UDP statsd datagrams. |
Package status provides helpers for building standardized sla status endpoints in web services.
Package status provides helpers for building standardized sla status endpoints in web services. |
Package stringutil includes string utility functions and helpers.
Package stringutil includes string utility functions and helpers. |
Package template implements helpers on-top of the stdlib `text/template`.
Package template implements helpers on-top of the stdlib `text/template`. |
Package timeutil includes helpers for working with timestamps.
Package timeutil includes helpers for working with timestamps. |
Package tracing implements some helpers and constants for open tracing.
Package tracing implements some helpers and constants for open tracing. |
Package crontrace contains tracer helpers for cron, our job management service.
Package crontrace contains tracer helpers for cron, our job management service. |
Package dbtrace contains db tracing helpers.
Package dbtrace contains db tracing helpers. |
Package grpctrace provides tracing helpers for grpc servers and clients.
Package grpctrace provides tracing helpers for grpc servers and clients. |
Package httptrace provides helpers for integrating http servers into distributed tracing results.
Package httptrace provides helpers for integrating http servers into distributed tracing results. |
Package oauthtrace provides helpers for integrating OAuth calls into distributed tracing results.
Package oauthtrace provides helpers for integrating OAuth calls into distributed tracing results. |
Package r2trace contains helpers for integrating open tracing into calls made with r2.
Package r2trace contains helpers for integrating open tracing into calls made with r2. |
Package vaulttrace contains helpers for integrating open tracing into calls made to vault with the go-sdk/secrets package.
Package vaulttrace contains helpers for integrating open tracing into calls made to vault with the go-sdk/secrets package. |
Package webtrace implements shims for reporting tracing spans from web applications.
Package webtrace implements shims for reporting tracing spans from web applications. |
Package uuid is a basic implementation of the version 4 spec of the univeral unique identifier.
Package uuid is a basic implementation of the version 4 spec of the univeral unique identifier. |
Package validate provides helpers for validating struct values.
Package validate provides helpers for validating struct values. |
Package vault implements a high throughput vault client.
Package vault implements a high throughput vault client. |
Package web implements a model view controller system for building http servers.
Package web implements a model view controller system for building http servers. |
Package webutil contains helpers for interacting with the standard library "net/http" package.
Package webutil contains helpers for interacting with the standard library "net/http" package. |
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