This work is based on previous work here. While art does only ASCII conversion
for static images, movart does the same for mp4 encoded videos. Just like before, you can choose between monochrome,
gray scale and color characters. Movart also supports playing the audio stream if desired using the -audio option.

Example Usage:
./movart -file video.mp4
./movart -file video.mp4 -audio
./movart -file video.mp4 -mode gray -audio
./movart -file video.mp4 -mode color -audio
./movart -file video.mp4 -alphabet "*\. " -fontfile courier_prime.ttf

Libraries used for this project:
This project would not have been possible without reisen, a simple library to extract video and audio
frames from media containers.
Other useful reading:
Ebiten 2D Game Engine
Disintegration Imaging Library
OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Library