Bitcoinpay Miner

The official GPU miner of the Bitcoinpay network
Bitcoinpay-miner is an GPU miner for the Bitcoinpay netowrk. It's the official reference implement maintained by the Bitcoinpay team.
Currently it support 3 Bitcoinpay POW algorithms including Cuckaroo, Cuckatoo and Blake2bd.
Table of Contents

Standalone installation archive for Linux, macOS and Windows are provided in
the Releases section.
Please download an archive for your operating system and unpack the content to a place
accessible from command line.
Builds |
Release |
Date |
Last |
Stable |
Run with config file
- go to your
- create a new config file by copying from the example config file.
$ cp example.solo.conf solo.conf
- edit the config file which your create, you might need to change the
you need to create a Bitcoinpay address if you don't have it. Please see FAQ
- run miner with the config file
$ ./bitcoinpay-miner -C solo.conf
Command line usage
The Bitcoinpay-miner is a command line program. This means you can also launch it by provided valid command line options. For a full list of available command optinos, please run:
$ ./bitcoinpay-miner --help
bitcoinpay-miner [OPTIONS]
Debug Command:
-l, --listdevices List number of devices.
-v, --version show the version of miner
The Config File Options:
-C, --configfile= Path to configuration file
--minerlog= Write miner log file
The Necessary Config Options:
-P, --pow= blake2bd|cuckaroo|cuckatoo (cuckaroo)
-S, --symbol= Symbol (BTP)
-N, --network= network privnet|testnet|mainnet (testnet)
The Solo Config Option:
-M, --mineraddress= Miner Address
-s, --rpcserver= RPC server to connect to (
-u, --rpcuser= RPC username
-p, --rpcpass= RPC password
--randstr= Rand String,Your Unique Marking. (Come from Bitcoinpay!)
--notls Do not verify tls certificates (true)
--rpccert= RPC server certificate chain for validation
The pool Config Option:
-o, --pool= Pool to connect to (e.g.stratum+tcp://pool:port)
-m, --pooluser= Pool username
-n, --poolpass= Pool password
The Optional Config Option:
--cpuminer CPUMiner (false)
--proxy= Connect via SOCKS5 proxy (eg.
--proxyuser= Username for proxy server
--proxypass= Password for proxy server
--trimmerTimes= the cuckaroo trimmer times (15)
--intensity= Intensities (the work size is 2^intensity) per device. Single global value or a comma separated
list. (24)
--worksize= The explicitly declared sizes of the work to do per device (overrides intensity). Single global
value or a comma separated list. (256)
--timeout= rpc timeout. (60)
--use_devices= all gpu devices,you can use ./bitcoinpay-miner -l to see. examples:0,1 use the #0 device and #1
--max_tx_count= max pack tx count (1000)
--max_sig_count= max sign tx count (4000)
--log_level= info|debug|error|warn|trace (info)
--stats_server= stats web server (
--edge_bits= edge bits (24)
--local_size= local size (4096)
--group_size= work group size (256)
--cuda is cuda (false)
--task_interval= get blocktemplate interval (2)
--task_force_stop force stop the current task when miner fail to get blocktemplate from the bitcoinpay full node.
--mining_sync_mode force stop the current task when new task come. (true)
--force_solo force solo mining (false)
--big_graph_start_height= big graph start main height, how many days later,the r29 will be the main pow (45)
--expand= expand enum 0,1,2 (0)
--ntrims= trim times (50)
--genablocks= genablocks (4096)
--genatpb= genatpb (256)
--genbtpb= genbtpb (256)
--trimtpb= genbtpb (64)
--tailtpb= tailtpb (1024)
--recoverblocks= recoverblocks (1024)
--recovertpb= recovertpb (1024)
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Please see Bitcoinpay-Miner User References for more details
Building from source
See for build/compilation details.
There are several ways to create a Bitcoinpay address. you can use bx command , Bitcoinpay-wallet, etc.
The most easy way to download the [Bitcoinpay wallet][], which provide a more user friendly GUI to create your address/wallet step by step.
Which POW algorithm I should choose to mine ?
Bitcoinpay test network support mixing minning, which means your can choice from Cuckaroo
, Cuckatoo
and Blake2bd
anyone you like.
But the start difficulty targets are quite different. For the most case you might use Cuckaroo
as a safe choice at the beginning.
Where I can find more documentation ?
Please find more documentation from the Bitcoinpay doc site at