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Published: Jun 15, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


The Archive 2 File Format

The following is an excerpt from the ICD for the Archive II User document. LDM Raw Data File Format

To exploit the Archive II data the end user must develop a program to extract and decompress the bz2 data stored in the LDM raw data file. Once decompressed each message requires 2432 bytes of storage with the exception of Message Type 31 (Digital Radar Data Generic Format) which is variable length.

1. Volume Header Record

The first record in the file is the Volume Header Record, a 24-byte record. This record will contain the volume number along with a date and time field.

2. LDM Compressed Record

This second record is bzip2 compressed. It consists of Metadata message types 15, 13, 18, 3, 5, and 2. See section 7.3.5. This is all related to radar site status.

The first LDM Compressed Record contains the Archive II messages comprising the Archive II metadata. The size of the uncompressed metadata is fixed at 134 messages, ie. 325888 bytes. The following table contains the message types in the sequence in which they are placed in the LDM Compressed Record.
It contains the number of 2432 byte message segments set aside for each message type when they are uncompressed. In those instances where the message requires fewer segments than indicated the message type field of the excess message segments will be set to zero.

Starting with Build 19, Message type 13 will not be included in the Metadata Record. The space reserved for this message will be filled with zeros.

3-N. LDM Compressed Record

A variable size record that is bzip2 compressed. It consists of 120 radial data messages (type 1 or 31) plus 0 or more RDA Status messages (type 2).

The last message will have a radial status signaling “end of elevation” or “end of volume”. See paragraph 7.3.4. Repeat (LDM Compressed Record) Or End of File (for end of volume data)

Message Types
Message Type Description
Message 2 RDA Status Data, contains the state of operational functions
Message 3 RDA Performance/Maintenance Data
Message 5 RDA Volume Coverage Pattern
Message 13 RDA Clutter Filter Bypass Map
Message 15 RDA Clutter Map Data
Message 18 RDA Adaptation Data
Message 31 Digital Radar Data Generic Format





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const (
	LegacyCTMHeaderLen = 12
	MessageHeaderSize  = 16
	DefaultMessageSize = 2432
	// MessageBodySize is the size of the message without the legacy CTM header and Message Header. Note: this does not work for Message 31 types.
	MessageBodySize = DefaultMessageSize - LegacyCTMHeaderLen - MessageHeaderSize
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const Archive2MetadataRecordLen = 325888

Archive2MetadataRecordLen "The first LDM Compressed Record contains the Archive II messages comprising the Archive II metadata. The size of the uncompressed metadata is fixed at 134 messages, ie. 325888 bytes."

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const Message2Length = 68
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const Message3Length = 960
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const Message5Length = 960
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const MomentDataBelowThreshold = 999
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const MomentDataFolded = 998


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This section is empty.


type Archive2

type Archive2 struct {
	// ElevationScans contains all the messages for every elevation scan in the volume
	ElevationScans map[int][]*Message31
	VolumeHeader   VolumeHeaderRecord
	//RadarStatus is a container for the Message2 record from the LDM metadata
	RadarStatus *Message2
	//RadarPerformance is a container for the Message3 record from the LDM metadata
	RadarPerformance *Message3
	VCP              *Message5

Archive2 wrapper for processed archive 2 data files.

func Extract

func Extract(f io.ReadSeeker) *Archive2

Extract data from a given archive 2 data file.

func (*Archive2) Elevations

func (ar2 *Archive2) Elevations() []int

func (*Archive2) Lon

func (ar2 *Archive2) Lon() string

func (*Archive2) String

func (ar2 *Archive2) String() string

type DataBlock

type DataBlock struct {
	DataBlockType [1]byte
	DataName      [3]byte

DataBlock wraps Data Block information

type DataMoment

type DataMoment struct {
	Data []byte

DataMoment wraps all Momentary data records. ex: REF, VEL, SW data

func (*DataMoment) ScaledData

func (d *DataMoment) ScaledData() []float32

ScaledData automatically scales the nexrad moment values to their actual values. For all data moment integer values N = 0 indicates received signal is below threshold and N = 1 indicates range folded data. Actual data range is N = 2 through 255, or 1023 for data resolution size 8, and 10 bits respectively.

type ElevationData

type ElevationData struct {
	// LRTUP Size of data block in bytes
	LRTUP uint16
	// ATMOS Atmospheric Attenuation Factor
	ATMOS [2]byte
	// CalibConst Scaling constant used by the Signal Processor for this elevation to calculate reflectivity
	CalibConst float32

ElevationData wraps Message 31 elevation data

type GenericDataMoment

type GenericDataMoment struct {
	Reserved uint32
	// NumberDataMomentGates Number of data moment gates for current radial
	NumberDataMomentGates uint16
	// DataMomentRange Range to center of first range gate
	DataMomentRange uint16
	// DataMomentRangeSampleInterval Size of data moment sample interval
	DataMomentRangeSampleInterval uint16
	// TOVER Threshold parameter which specifies the minimum difference in echo power between two resolution gates for them not to be labeled "overlayed"
	TOVER uint16
	// SNRThreshold SNR threshold for valid data
	SNRThreshold uint16
	// ControlFlags Indicates special control features
	ControlFlags uint8
	// DataWordSize Number of bits (DWS) used for storing data for each Data Moment gate
	DataWordSize uint8
	// Scale value used to convert Data Moments from integer to floating point data
	Scale float32
	// Offset value used to convert Data Moments from integer to floating point data
	Offset float32

GenericDataMoment is a generic data wrapper for momentary data. ex: REF, VEL, SW data

type LDMRecord

type LDMRecord struct {
	Size           int32
	MetaDataRecord []byte

LDMRecord (Local Data Manager) contains NEXRAD message data. Following the Volume Header Record are variable-length records containing the Archive II data messages. These records are referred to as LDM Compressed Record(s).

type Message15

type Message15 struct {
	// ElevCuts contains info for each elevation angle
	ElevSegments []Message15ElevSegment

Message15 Clutter Filter Map see documentation RDA/RPG 3-61

func (*Message15) Read

func (m15 *Message15) Read(r io.ReadSeeker)

type Message15AzimuthSegment

type Message15AzimuthSegment struct {
	NumRangeZones uint16
	RangeZones    []Message15RangeZones

type Message15ElevSegment

type Message15ElevSegment struct {
	AzimuthSegments []Message15AzimuthSegment

type Message15Header

type Message15Header struct {
	MapGenDate      uint16
	MapGenTime      uint16
	NumElevSegments uint16

type Message15RangeZones

type Message15RangeZones struct {
	OpCode   uint16
	EndRange uint16

type Message2

type Message2 struct {
	RDAStatus                       uint16
	OperabilityStatus               uint16
	ControlStatus                   uint16
	AuxPowerGeneratorState          uint16
	AvgTxPower                      uint16
	HorizRefCalibCorr               uint16
	DataTxEnabled                   uint16
	VolumeCoveragePatternNum        uint16
	RDAControlAuth                  uint16
	RDABuild                        uint16
	OperationalMode                 uint16
	SuperResStatus                  uint16
	ClutterMitigationDecisionStatus uint16
	AvsetStatus                     uint16
	RDAAlarmSummary                 uint16
	CommandAck                      uint16
	ChannelControlStatus            uint16
	SpotBlankingStatus              uint16
	BypassMapGenDate                uint16
	BypassMapGenTime                uint16
	ClutterFilterMapGenDate         uint16
	ClutterFilterMapGenTime         uint16
	VertRefCalibCorr                uint16
	TransitionPwrSourceStatus       uint16
	RMSControlStatus                uint16
	PerformanceCheckStatus          uint16
	AlarmCodes                      uint16
	Spares                          [14]byte

Message2 RDA Status Data (User

func (Message2) GetBuildNumber

func (m2 Message2) GetBuildNumber() float32

GetBuildNumber as a more recognizable float

func (Message2) GetOperabilityStatus

func (m2 Message2) GetOperabilityStatus() string

GetOperabilityStatus returns a human friendly status

func (Message2) GetRDAStatus

func (m2 Message2) GetRDAStatus() string

GetRDAStatus returns a human friendly status

func (Message2) String

func (m2 Message2) String() string

type Message3

type Message3 struct {
	LoopBackTestStatus                   uint16
	T1OutputFrames                       uint32
	T1InputFrames                        uint32
	RouterMemoryUsed                     uint32
	RouterMemoryFree                     uint32
	RouterMemoryUtilization              uint16
	RouteToRPG                           uint16
	CSULossOfSignal                      uint32
	CSULossOfFrames                      uint32
	CSUYellowAlarms                      uint32 // Number of times Resource Availability Indication (RAI) (yellow) alarm received.
	CSUBlueAlarms                        uint32 // Number of times Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) (blue) alarm received
	CSU24hrErroredSeconds                uint32
	CSU24hrSeverelyErroredSeconds        uint32
	CSU24hrSeverelyErroredFramingSeconds uint32
	CSU24hrUnavailableSeconds            uint32
	CSU24hrControlledSlipSeconds         uint32
	CSU24hrPathCodingViolations          uint32
	CSU24hrLineErroredSeconds            uint32
	CSU24hrBurstyErroredSeconds          uint32
	CSU24hrDegradedMinutes               uint32

	LANSwitchCPUUtilization uint32
	LANSwitchMemory         uint16

	IFDRChassisTemp uint16
	IFDRFPGATemp    uint16

	GPSSats uint32

	IPCStatus               uint16
	CommandedChannelControl uint16

	Polarization                 uint16
	AMEInternalTemp              float32
	AMERecvModuleTemp            float32
	AMEBITECALModuleTemp         float32
	AMEPeltier                   uint16
	AMEPeltierStatus             uint16
	AMEADConverterStatus         uint16
	AMEState                     uint16
	AME33VPSVoltage              float32
	AME5VPSVoltage               float32
	AME65VPSVoltage              float32
	AME15VPSVoltage              float32
	AME48VPSVoltage              float32
	AMESTALOPower                float32
	PeltierCurrent               float32
	ADCCalibrationRefVoltage     float32
	AMEMode                      uint16
	AMEPeltierMode               uint16
	AMEPeltierInsideFanCurrent   float32
	AMEPeltierOutsideFanCurrent  float32
	HorzTRLimiterVoltage         float32
	VertTRLimiterVoltage         float32
	ADCCalibrationOffsetVoltage  float32
	ADCCalibrationGainCorrection float32
	RCPStatus                    uint16
	RCPString                    [16]byte
	SPIPPowerButtons             uint16

	MasterPowerAdminLoad    float32
	ExpansionPowerAdminLoad float32

	PS5VDC                         uint16
	PS15VDC                        uint16
	PS28VDC                        uint16
	PSn15VDC                       uint16
	PS45VDC                        uint16
	FilamentPSVoltage              uint16
	VacuumPumpPSVoltage            uint16
	FocusCoilPSVoltage             uint16
	FilamentPS                     uint16
	KlystronWarmup                 uint16
	TransmitterAvail               uint16
	WGSwitchPos                    uint16
	WGPFNTransferInterlock         uint16
	MaintenanceMode                uint16
	MaintenanceRequired            uint16
	PFNSwitchPosition              uint16
	ModulatorOverload              uint16
	ModulatorInvCurrent            uint16
	ModulatorSwitchFail            uint16
	MainPowerVoltage               uint16
	ChargingSystemFail             uint16
	InverseDiodeCurrent            uint16
	TriggerAmp                     uint16
	CirculatorTemp                 uint16
	SpectrumFilterPressure         uint16
	WGARCVSWR                      uint16
	CabinetInterlock               uint16
	CabinetAirTemp                 uint16
	CabinetAirflow                 uint16
	KlystronCurrent                uint16
	KlystronFilamentCurrent        uint16
	KlystronVacionCurrent          uint16
	KlystronAirTemp                uint16
	KlystronAirflow                uint16
	ModulatorSwitchMaintenance     uint16
	PostChargeRegulatorMaintenance uint16
	WGPressureHumidity             uint16
	TransmitterOvervoltage         uint16
	TransmitterOvercurrent         uint16
	FocusCoilCurrent               uint16
	FocusCoilAirflow               uint16
	OilTemperature                 uint16
	PRFLimit                       uint16
	TransmitterOilLevel            uint16
	TransmitterBatteryCharging     uint16
	HighVoltageStatus              uint16
	TransmitterRecyclingSummary    uint16
	TransmitterInoperable          uint16
	TransmitterAirFilter           uint16
	ZeroTestBit0                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit1                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit2                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit3                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit4                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit5                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit6                   uint16
	ZeroTestBit7                   uint16
	OneTestBit0                    uint16
	OneTestBit1                    uint16
	OneTestBit2                    uint16
	OneTestBit3                    uint16
	OneTestBit4                    uint16
	OneTestBit5                    uint16
	OneTestBit6                    uint16
	OneTestBit7                    uint16
	XMTRSPIPInterface              uint16
	TransmitterSummaryStatus       uint16

	TransmitterRFPowerSensor float32
	HorizontalXMTRPeakPower  float32
	XMTRPeakPower            float32
	VerticalXMTRPeakPower    float32
	XMTRRFAvgPower           float32

	XMTRRecycleCount        uint32
	ReceiverBiasMeasurement float32
	TransmitImbalance       float32
	XMTRPowerMeterZero      float32

	ACUnit1CompressorShutoff     uint16
	ACUnit2CompressorShutoff     uint16
	GeneratorMaintenanceRequired uint16
	GeneratorBatteryVoltage      uint16
	GeneratorEngine              uint16
	GeneratorVoltFreq            uint16
	PowerSource                  uint16
	TransitionalPowerSource      uint16
	GeneratorAutoRunOffSwitch    uint16
	AircraftHazardLighting       uint16

	EquipmentShelterFireDetectionSystem uint16
	EquipmentShelterFireSmoke           uint16
	GeneratorShelterFireSmoke           uint16
	UtilityVoltFreq                     uint16
	SiteSecurityAlarm                   uint16
	SecurityEquipment                   uint16
	SecuritySystem                      uint16
	ReceiverConnectedToAntenna          uint16
	RadomeHatch                         uint16
	ACUnit1FilterDirty                  uint16
	ACUnit2FilterDirty                  uint16
	EquipmentShelterTemp                float32
	OutsideAmbientTemp                  float32
	TransmitterLeavingAirTemp           float32
	ACUnit1DischargeAirTemp             float32
	GeneratorShelterTemp                float32
	RadomeAirTemp                       float32
	ACUnit2DischargeAirTemp             float32
	SPIPp15VPS                          float32
	SPIPn15VPS                          float32
	SPIP28VStatus                       uint16

	SPIP5VPS                    float32
	ConvertedGeneratorFuelLevel uint16

	ElevationUpperDeadLimit       uint16
	Overvolatage150               uint16
	Undervolatage150              uint16
	ElevationServoAmpInhibit      uint16
	ElevationServoAmpOvertemp     uint16
	ElevationServoAmpShortCircuit uint16
	ElevationMotorOvertemp        uint16
	ElevationStowPin              uint16
	ElevationHousing5VPS          uint16
	ElevationLowerDeadLimit       uint16
	ElevationUpperNormalLimit     uint16
	ElevationLowerNormalLimit     uint16
	ElevationEncoderLight         uint16
	ElevationGearboxOil           uint16
	ElevationHandwheel            uint16
	ElevationAmpPS                uint16
	AzimuthServoAmpInhibit        uint16
	AzimuthServoAmpShortCircuit   uint16
	AzimuthServoAmpOvertemp       uint16
	AzimuthMotorOvertemp          uint16
	AzimuthStowPin                uint16
	AzimuthHousing5VPS            uint16
	AzimuthEncoderLight           uint16
	AzimuthGearboxOil             uint16
	AzimuthBullGearboxOil         uint16
	AzimuthHandwheel              uint16
	AzimuthServoAMPPS             uint16
	Servo                         uint16
	PedestalInterlockSwitch       uint16

	COHOClock                   uint16
	RFGeneratorFreqSelectOsc    uint16
	RFGeneratorRFSTALO          uint16
	RFGeneratorPhaseShiftedCOHO uint16
	Receiver9VpPS               uint16
	Receiver5vpPS               uint16
	Receiver18VpPS              uint16
	Receiver9VnPS               uint16
	SingleChanRDAIU5VpPS        uint16

	HorzShortPulseNoise float32
	HorzLongPulseNoise  float32
	HorzNoiseTemp       float32
	VertShortPulseNoise float32
	VertLongPulseNoise  float32
	VertNoiseTemp       float32
	HorzLinearty        float32
	HorzDynamicRange    float32
	HorzDeltadBZ        float32
	VertDeltadBZ        float32
	KDPeakMeasured      float32

	ShortPulseHorzdbz float32
	LongPulseHorzdbz  float32
	VelocityProcessed uint16
	WidthProcessed    uint16
	VelocityRFGen     uint16
	WidthRFGen        uint16
	HorzIO            float32
	VertIO            float32
	VertDynamicRange  float32
	ShortPulseVertdbz float32
	LongPulseVertdbz  float32

	HorzPowerSense float32
	VertPowerSense float32
	ZDRBias        float32

	ClutterSuppressionDelta           float32
	ClutterSuppressionUnfilteredPower float32
	ClutterSuppressionFilteredPower   float32

	VertLinearity float32

	StateFileReadStatus      uint16
	StateFileWriteStatus     uint16
	BypassMapFileReadStatus  uint16
	BypassMapFileWriteStatus uint16

	CurrentAdaptationFileReadStatus  uint16
	CurrentAdaptationFileWriteStatus uint16
	CensorZoneFileReadStatus         uint16
	CensorZoneFileWriteStatus        uint16
	RemoteVCPFileReadStatus          uint16
	RemoteVCPFileWriteStatus         uint16
	BaselineAdaptationFileReadStatus uint16
	ReadStatusPRFSets                uint16
	ClutterFilterMapFileReadStatus   uint16
	ClutterFilterMapFileWriteStatus  uint16
	GeneralDiskIOError               uint16
	RSPStatus                        uint8
	MotherboardTemp                  uint8
	CPU1Temp                         uint8
	CPU2Temp                         uint8
	CPU1FanSpeed                     uint16
	CPU2FanSpeed                     uint16
	RSPFan1Speed                     uint16
	RSPFan2Speed                     uint16
	RSPFan3Speed                     uint16

	SPIPCommStatus uint16
	HCIComStatus   uint16

	SignalProcessorCommandStatus uint16
	AMECommStatus                uint16
	RMSLinkStatus                uint16
	RPGLinkStatus                uint16
	InterpanelLinkStatus         uint16
	PerformanceCheckTime         uint32

	Version uint16 /// Version number for the performance data message
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Message3 Performance/Maintenance Data see documentation RDA/RPG 3-44

type Message31

type Message31 struct {
	Header           Message31Header
	VolumeData       VolumeData
	ElevationData    ElevationData
	RadialData       RadialData
	ReflectivityData *DataMoment
	VelocityData     *DataMoment
	SwData           *DataMoment // SwData (Spectrum Width)
	ZdrData          *DataMoment // ZdrData (Differential Reflectivity) used to help identify hail shafts, detect updrafts, determine rain drop size, and identify aggregation of dry snow.
	PhiData          *DataMoment // PhiData (Differential Phase Shift)
	RhoData          *DataMoment // RhoData (Correlation Coefficient)
	CfpData          *DataMoment // CfpData (Clutter Filter Power Removed)

Message31 Digital Radar Data Generic Format

Description: The message consists of base data information, that is, reflectivity, mean radial velocity, spectrum width, differential reflectivity, differential phase, correlation coefficient, azimuth angle, elevation angle, cut type, scanning strategy and calibration parameters. The frequency and volume of the message will be dependent on the scanning strategy and the type of data associated with that scanning strategy.

type Message31Header

type Message31Header struct {
	RadarIdentifier [4]byte
	// CollectionTime Radial data collection time in milliseconds past midnight GMT
	CollectionTime uint32
	// CollectionDate Current Julian date - 2440586.5
	CollectionDate uint16
	// AzimuthNumber Radial number within elevation scan
	AzimuthNumber uint16
	// AzimuthAngle Azimuth angle at which radial data was collected
	AzimuthAngle float32
	// CompressionIndicator Indicates if message type 31 is compressed and what method of compression is used. The Data Header Block is not compressed.
	CompressionIndicator uint8
	Spare                uint8
	// RadialLength Uncompressed length of the radial in bytes including the Data Header block length
	RadialLength uint16
	// AzimuthResolutionSpacing Code for the Azimuthal spacing between adjacent radials. 1 = .5 degrees, 2 = 1degree
	AzimuthResolutionSpacingCode uint8
	// RadialStatus Radial Status
	RadialStatus uint8
	// ElevationNumber Elevation number within volume scan
	ElevationNumber uint8
	// CutSectorNumber Sector Number within cut
	CutSectorNumber uint8
	// ElevationAngle Elevation angle at which radial radar data was collected
	ElevationAngle float32
	// RadialSpotBlankingStatus Spot blanking status for current radial, elevation scan and volume scan
	RadialSpotBlankingStatus uint8
	// AzimuthIndexingMode Azimuth indexing value (Set if azimuth angle is keyed to constant angles)
	AzimuthIndexingMode uint8
	DataBlockCount      uint16

Message31Header contains header information for an Archive 2 Message 31 type

func (*Message31Header) AzimuthResolutionSpacing

func (h *Message31Header) AzimuthResolutionSpacing() float64

AzimuthResolutionSpacing returns the spacing in degrees according to the AzimuthResolutionSpacingCode

func (Message31Header) Date

func (h Message31Header) Date() time.Time

Date and time this data is valid for

func (Message31Header) String

func (h Message31Header) String() string

type Message5

type Message5 struct {
	// ElevCuts contains info for each elevation angle
	ElevCuts []Message5ElevCut

Message5 Volume Coverage Pattern Data see documentation RDA/RPG 3-54

type Message5ElevCut

type Message5ElevCut struct {
	ElevationAngle                    uint16
	ChannelConfiguration              uint8
	WaveformType                      uint8
	SuperResControl                   uint8
	SurveillancePRFNumber             uint8
	SurveillancePRFPulseCountRadial   uint16
	AzimuthRate                       uint16
	ReflectivityThreshold             uint16
	VelocityThreshold                 uint16
	SpectrumWidthThreshold            uint16
	DifferentialReflectivityThreshold uint16
	DifferentialPhaseThreshold        uint16
	CorrelationCoefficientThreshold   uint16
	EdgeAngle                         uint16
	DopplerPRFNumber                  uint16
	DopplerPRFPulseCountRadial        uint16
	SupplementalData                  uint16

	EBCAngle uint16
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Message5Header

type Message5Header struct {
	MessageSize        uint16
	PatternType        uint16
	PatternNumber      uint16
	NumElevCuts        uint16
	Version            uint8
	ClutterMapGroup    uint8
	DopplerVelocityRes uint8
	PulseWidth         uint8

	VCPSequencing       uint16
	VCPSupplementalData uint16
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type MessageHeader

type MessageHeader struct {
	MessageSize         uint16
	RDARedundantChannel uint8
	MessageType         uint8
	IDSequenceNumber    uint16
	JulianDate          uint16
	MillisOfDay         uint32
	NumMessageSegments  uint16
	MessageSegmentNum   uint16

MessageHeader wrapper for archive2 Message Headers

func (MessageHeader) Date

func (vh MessageHeader) Date() time.Time

type RadialData

type RadialData struct {
	// LRTUP Size of data block in bytes
	LRTUP uint16
	// UnambiguousRange, Interval Size
	UnambiguousRange   uint16
	NoiseLevelHorz     float32
	NoiseLevelVert     float32
	NyquistVelocity    uint16
	RadialFlags        uint16
	CalibConstHorzChan float32
	CalibConstVertChan float32

RadialData wraps Message 31 radial data

func (RadialData) String

func (r RadialData) String() string

type VolumeData

type VolumeData struct {
	// LRTUP Size of data block in bytes
	LRTUP                          uint16
	VersionMajor                   uint8
	VersionMinor                   uint8
	Lat                            float32
	Long                           float32
	SiteHeight                     uint16
	FeedhornHeight                 uint16
	CalibrationConstant            float32
	SHVTXPowerHor                  float32
	SHVTXPowerVer                  float32
	SystemDifferentialReflectivity float32
	InitialSystemDifferentialPhase float32
	VolumeCoveragePatternNumber    uint16
	ProcessingStatus               uint16

VolumeData wraps information about the Volume being extracted

type VolumeHeaderRecord

type VolumeHeaderRecord struct {
	X_FileName [12]byte
	// ModifiedJulianDate NEXRAD date since 1970/1/1 = 1
	X_ModifiedJulianDate int32
	// X_ModifiedTime  ms since midnight
	X_ModifiedTime int32
	// ICAO Radar identifier in ASCII. The four uppercase character International Civil Aviation Organization identifier of the radar producing the data.
	ICAO [4]byte

VolumeHeaderRecord for NEXRAD Archive II Data Streams

Description: The Volume Header Record is fixed length and contains information uniquely identifying the format and the data that follows. Sits at the beginning of the Archive II data stream.

Volume Header Record Data Format: The first 9 bytes is a character constant of which the last 2 characters identify the version. The next 3 bytes is a numeric string field starting with the value 001 and increasing by one for each volume of radar data in the queue to a maximum value of 999. Once the maximum value is reached the value will be rolled over. The combined 12 bytes are called the Archive II filename. The next 4 bytes contain the NEXRAD-modified Julian date the volume was produced at the RDA followed by 4 bytes containing the time the volume was recorded. The date and time integer values are big Endian. The last 4 bytes contain a 4-letter radar identifier assigned by ICAO.

Version Number Reference: Version 02: Super Resolution disabled at the RDA (pre RDA Build 12.0) Version 03: Super Resolution (pre RDA Build 12.0) Version 04: Recombined Super Resolution Version 05: Super Resolution disabled at the RDA (RDA Build 12.0 and later) Version 06: Super Resolution (RDA Build 12.0 and later) Version 07: Recombined Super Resolution (RDA Build 12.0 and later)

func (VolumeHeaderRecord) Date

func (vh VolumeHeaderRecord) Date() time.Time

Date returns a time type representing the date of the scan capture

func (VolumeHeaderRecord) FileName

func (vh VolumeHeaderRecord) FileName() string

FileName returns the name of the File

func (VolumeHeaderRecord) String

func (vh VolumeHeaderRecord) String() string

Date returns a time type representing the date of the scan capture

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