README ¶ g g 包核心组件。 License Dove 框架开源许可证 MIT LICENSE 致谢 以下项目对 G 包的设计产生了特别的影响。 go-kratos/kratos Kratos is a microservice-oriented governance framework implemented by golang. gogf/gf GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang. robfig/cron a cron library for go. Expand ▾ Collapse ▴ Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis encoding ghash frame g gcron gerrors gcode gerror glog gnet gipv4 gipv6 gtcp gudp netx gutil grand grand/v2 gregex gstring mutex rwmutex Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.