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Published: Dec 14, 2017 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 34 Imported by: 0


GoRethink - RethinkDB Driver for Go

GitHub tag GoDoc Build status

Go driver for RethinkDB

GoRethink Logo

Current version: v4.0.0 (RethinkDB v2.3)

Please note that this version of the driver only supports versions of RethinkDB using the v0.4 protocol (any versions of the driver older than RethinkDB 2.0 will not work).

If you need any help you can find me on the RethinkDB slack in the #gorethink channel.


go get gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v4

Replace v4 with v3 or v2 to use previous versions.


package gorethink_test

import (

	r "gopkg.in/gorethink/gorethink.v4"

func Example() {
	session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
		Address: url,
	if err != nil {

	res, err := r.Expr("Hello World").Run(session)
	if err != nil {

	var response string
	err = res.One(&response)
	if err != nil {


	// Output:
	// Hello World


Basic Connection

Setting up a basic connection with RethinkDB is simple:

func ExampleConnect() {
	var err error

	session, err = r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
		Address: url,
	if err != nil {

See the documentation for a list of supported arguments to Connect().

Connection Pool

The driver uses a connection pool at all times, by default it creates and frees connections automatically. It's safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

To configure the connection pool InitialCap, MaxOpen and Timeout can be specified during connection. If you wish to change the value of InitialCap or MaxOpen during runtime then the functions SetInitialPoolCap and SetMaxOpenConns can be used.

func ExampleConnect_connectionPool() {
	var err error

	session, err = r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
		Address:    url,
		InitialCap: 10,
		MaxOpen:    10,
	if err != nil {
Connect to a cluster

To connect to a RethinkDB cluster which has multiple nodes you can use the following syntax. When connecting to a cluster with multiple nodes queries will be distributed between these nodes.

func ExampleConnect_cluster() {
	var err error

	session, err = r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
		Addresses: []string{url},
		//  Addresses: []string{url1, url2, url3, ...},
	if err != nil {

When DiscoverHosts is true any nodes are added to the cluster after the initial connection then the new node will be added to the pool of available nodes used by GoRethink. Unfortunately the canonical address of each server in the cluster MUST be set as otherwise clients will try to connect to the database nodes locally. For more information about how to set a RethinkDB servers canonical address set this page http://www.rethinkdb.com/docs/config-file/.

User Authentication

To login with a username and password you should first create a user, this can be done by writing to the users system table and then grant that user access to any tables or databases they need access to. This queries can also be executed in the RethinkDB admin console.

err := r.DB("rethinkdb").Table("users").Insert(map[string]string{
    "id": "john",
    "password": "p455w0rd",
err = r.DB("blog").Table("posts").Grant("john", map[string]bool{
    "read": true,
    "write": true,

Finally the username and password should be passed to Connect when creating your session, for example:

session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
    Address: "localhost:28015",
    Database: "blog",
    Username: "john",
    Password: "p455w0rd",

Please note that DiscoverHosts will not work with user authentication at this time due to the fact that RethinkDB restricts access to the required system tables.

Query Functions

This library is based on the official drivers so the code on the API page should require very few changes to work.

To view full documentation for the query functions check the API reference or GoDoc

Slice Expr Example

r.Expr([]interface{}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).Run(session)

Map Expr Example

r.Expr(map[string]interface{}{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}).Run(session)

Get Example


Map Example (Func)

r.Expr([]interface{}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).Map(func (row Term) interface{} {
    return row.Add(1)

Map Example (Implicit)

r.Expr([]interface{}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).Map(r.Row.Add(1)).Run(session)

Between (Optional Args) Example

r.DB("database").Table("table").Between(1, 10, r.BetweenOpts{
    Index: "num",
    RightBound: "closed",

For any queries which use callbacks the function signature is important as your function needs to be a valid GoRethink callback, you can see an example of this in the map example above. The simplified explanation is that all arguments must be of type r.Term, this is because of how the query is sent to the database (your callback is not actually executed in your Go application but encoded as JSON and executed by RethinkDB). The return argument can be anything you want it to be (as long as it is a valid return value for the current query) so it usually makes sense to return interface{}. Here is an example of a callback for the conflict callback of an insert operation:

r.Table("test").Insert(doc, r.InsertOpts{
    Conflict: func(id, oldDoc, newDoc r.Term) interface{} {
        return newDoc.Merge(map[string]interface{}{
            "count": oldDoc.Add(newDoc.Field("count")),
Optional Arguments

As shown above in the Between example optional arguments are passed to the function as a struct. Each function that has optional arguments as a related struct. This structs are named in the format FunctionNameOpts, for example BetweenOpts is the related struct for Between.

Cancelling queries

For query cancellation use Context argument at RunOpts. If Context is nil and ReadTimeout or WriteTimeout is not 0 from ConnectionOpts, Context will be formed by summation of these timeouts.

For unlimited timeouts for Changes() pass context.Background().


Different result types are returned depending on what function is used to execute the query.

  • Run returns a cursor which can be used to view all rows returned.
  • RunWrite returns a WriteResponse and should be used for queries such as Insert, Update, etc...
  • Exec sends a query to the server and closes the connection immediately after reading the response from the database. If you do not wish to wait for the response then you can set the NoReply flag.


res, err := r.DB("database").Table("tablename").Get(key).Run(session)
if err != nil {
    // error
defer res.Close() // Always ensure you close the cursor to ensure connections are not leaked

Cursors have a number of methods available for accessing the query results

  • Next retrieves the next document from the result set, blocking if necessary.
  • All retrieves all documents from the result set into the provided slice.
  • One retrieves the first document from the result set.


var row interface{}
for res.Next(&row) {
    // Do something with row
if res.Err() != nil {
    // error
var rows []interface{}
err := res.All(&rows)
if err != nil {
    // error
var row interface{}
err := res.One(&row)
if err == r.ErrEmptyResult {
    // row not found
if err != nil {
    // error


When passing structs to Expr(And functions that use Expr such as Insert, Update) the structs are encoded into a map before being sent to the server. Each exported field is added to the map unless

  • the field's tag is "-", or
  • the field is empty and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option.

Each fields default name in the map is the field name but can be specified in the struct field's tag value. The "gorethink" key in the struct field's tag value is the key name, followed by an optional comma and options. Examples:

// Field is ignored by this package.
Field int `gorethink:"-"`
// Field appears as key "myName".
Field int `gorethink:"myName"`
// Field appears as key "myName" and
// the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
// as defined above.
Field int `gorethink:"myName,omitempty"`
// Field appears as key "Field" (the default), but
// the field is skipped if empty.
// Note the leading comma.
Field int `gorethink:",omitempty"`
// When the tag name includes an index expression
// a compound field is created
Field1 int `gorethink:"myName[0]"`
Field2 int `gorethink:"myName[1]"`

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that struct tags are used to explicitly define the mapping between your Go type and how the data is stored by RethinkDB. This is especially important when using an Id field as by default RethinkDB will create a field named id as the primary key (note that the RethinkDB field is lowercase but the Go version starts with a capital letter).

When encoding maps with non-string keys the key values are automatically converted to strings where possible, however it is recommended that you use strings where possible (for example map[string]T).

If you wish to use the json tags for GoRethink then you can call SetTags("gorethink", "json") when starting your program, this will cause GoRethink to check for json tags after checking for gorethink tags. By default this feature is disabled. This function will also let you support any other tags, the driver will check for tags in the same order as the parameters.


RethinkDB contains some special types which can be used to store special value types, currently supports are binary values, times and geometry data types. GoRethink supports these data types natively however there are some gotchas:

  • Time types: To store times in RethinkDB with GoRethink you must pass a time.Time value to your query, due to the way Go works type aliasing or embedding is not support here
  • Binary types: To store binary data pass a byte slice ([]byte) to your query
  • Geometry types: As Go does not include any built-in data structures for storing geometry data GoRethink includes its own in the github.com/gorethink/gorethink/types package, Any of the types (Geometry, Point, Line and Lines) can be passed to a query to create a RethinkDB geometry type.
Compound Keys

RethinkDB unfortunately does not support compound primary keys using multiple fields however it does support compound keys using an array of values. For example if you wanted to create a compound key for a book where the key contained the author ID and book name then the ID might look like this ["author_id", "book name"]. Luckily GoRethink allows you to easily manage these keys while keeping the fields separate in your structs. For example:

type Book struct {
  AuthorID string `gorethink:"id[0]"`
  Name     string `gorethink:"id[1]"`
// Creates the following document in RethinkDB
{"id": [AUTHORID, NAME]}

Sometimes you may want to use a Go struct that references a document in another table, instead of creating a new struct which is just used when writing to RethinkDB you can annotate your struct with the reference tag option. This will tell GoRethink that when encoding your data it should "pluck" the ID field from the nested document and use that instead.

This is all quite complicated so hopefully this example should help. First lets assume you have two types Author and Book and you want to insert a new book into your database however you dont want to include the entire author struct in the books table. As you can see the Author field in the Book struct has some extra tags, firstly we have added the reference tag option which tells GoRethink to pluck a field from the Author struct instead of inserting the whole author document. We also have the gorethink_ref tag which tells GoRethink to look for the id field in the Author document, without this tag GoRethink would instead look for the author_id field.

type Author struct {
    ID      string  `gorethink:"id,omitempty"`
    Name    string  `gorethink:"name"`

type Book struct {
    ID      string  `gorethink:"id,omitempty"`
    Title   string  `gorethink:"title"`
    Author  Author `gorethink:"author_id,reference" gorethink_ref:"id"`

The resulting data in RethinkDB should look something like this:

    "author_id": "author_1",
    "id":  "book_1",
    "title":  "The Hobbit"

If you wanted to read back the book with the author included then you could run the following GoRethink query:

r.Table("books").Get("1").Merge(func(p r.Term) interface{} {
    return map[string]interface{}{
        "author_id": r.Table("authors").Get(p.Field("author_id")),

You are also able to reference an array of documents, for example if each book stored multiple authors you could do the following:

type Book struct {
    ID       string  `gorethink:"id,omitempty"`
    Title    string  `gorethink:"title"`
    Authors  []Author `gorethink:"author_ids,reference" gorethink_ref:"id"`
    "author_ids": ["author_1", "author_2"],
    "id":  "book_1",
    "title":  "The Hobbit"

The query for reading the data back is slightly more complicated but is very similar:

r.Table("books").Get("book_1").Merge(func(p r.Term) interface{} {
    return map[string]interface{}{
        "author_ids": r.Table("authors").GetAll(r.Args(p.Field("author_ids"))).CoerceTo("array"),
Custom Marshalers/Unmarshalers

Sometimes the default behaviour for converting Go types to and from ReQL is not desired, for these situations the driver allows you to implement both the Marshaler and Unmarshaler interfaces. These interfaces might look familiar if you are using to using the encoding/json package however instead of dealing with []byte the interfaces deal with interface{} values (which are later encoded by the encoding/json package when communicating with the database).

An good example of how to use these interfaces is in the types package, in this package the Point type is encoded as the GEOMETRY pseudo-type instead of a normal JSON object.


By default the driver logs are disabled however when enabled the driver will log errors when it fails to connect to the database. If you would like more verbose error logging you can call r.SetVerbose(true).

Alternatively if you wish to modify the logging behaviour you can modify the logger provided by github.com/sirupsen/logrus. For example the following code completely disable the logger:

// Enabled
r.Log.Out = os.Stderr
// Disabled
r.Log.Out = ioutil.Discard


The driver supports opentracing-go. You can enable this feature by setting UseOpentracing to true in the ConnectOpts. Then driver will expect opentracing.Span in the RunOpts.Context and will start new child spans for queries. Also you need to configure tracer in your program by yourself.

The driver starts span for the whole query, from the first byte is sent to the cursor closed, and second-level span for each query for fetching data.

So you can trace how much time you program spends for RethinkDB queries.


The driver includes the ability to mock queries meaning that you can test your code without needing to talk to a real RethinkDB cluster, this is perfect for ensuring that your application has high unit test coverage.

To write tests with mocking you should create an instance of Mock and then setup expectations using On and Return. Expectations allow you to define what results should be returned when a known query is executed, they are configured by passing the query term you want to mock to On and then the response and error to Return, if a non-nil error is passed to Return then any time that query is executed the error will be returned, if no error is passed then a cursor will be built using the value passed to Return. Once all your expectations have been created you should then execute you queries using the Mock instead of a Session.

Here is an example that shows how to mock a query that returns multiple rows and the resulting cursor can be used as normal.

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
	mock := r.NewMock()
		map[string]interface{}{"id": 1, "name": "John Smith"},
		map[string]interface{}{"id": 2, "name": "Jane Smith"},
	}, nil)

	cursor, err := r.Table("people").Run(mock)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("err is: %v", err)

	var rows []interface{}
	err = cursor.All(&rows)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("err is: %v", err)

	// Test result of rows


The mocking implementation is based on amazing https://github.com/stretchr/testify library, thanks to @stretchr for their awesome work!


Everyone wants their project's benchmarks to be speedy. And while we know that rethinkDb and the gorethink driver are quite fast, our primary goal is for our benchmarks to be correct. They are designed to give you, the user, an accurate picture of writes per second (w/s). If you come up with a accurate test that meets this aim, submit a pull request please.

Thanks to @jaredfolkins for the contribution.

Type Value
Model Name MacBook Pro
Model Identifier MacBookPro11,3
Processor Name Intel Core i7
Processor Speed 2.3 GHz
Number of Processors 1
Total Number of Cores 4
L2 Cache (per Core) 256 KB
L3 Cache 6 MB
Memory 16 GB
BenchmarkBatch200RandomWrites                20                              557227775                     ns/op
BenchmarkBatch200RandomWritesParallel10      30                              354465417                     ns/op
BenchmarkBatch200SoftRandomWritesParallel10  100                             761639276                     ns/op
BenchmarkRandomWrites                        100                             10456580                      ns/op
BenchmarkRandomWritesParallel10              1000                            1614175                       ns/op
BenchmarkRandomSoftWrites                    3000                            589660                        ns/op
BenchmarkRandomSoftWritesParallel10          10000                           247588                        ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialWrites                    50                              24408285                      ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialWritesParallel10          1000                            1755373                       ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialSoftWrites                3000                            631211                        ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialSoftWritesParallel10      10000                           263481                        ns/op


Many functions have examples and are viewable in the godoc, alternatively view some more full features examples on the wiki.

Another good place to find examples are the tests, almost every term will have a couple of tests that demonstrate how they can be used.

Further reading


Copyright 2013 Daniel Cannon

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.





Package gorethink implements a Go driver for RethinkDB

Current version: v3.0.2 (RethinkDB v2.3) For more in depth information on how to use RethinkDB check out the API docs at http://rethinkdb.com/api



View Source
const (
	SystemDatabase = "rethinkdb"

	TableConfigSystemTable   = "table_config"
	ServerConfigSystemTable  = "server_config"
	DBConfigSystemTable      = "db_config"
	ClusterConfigSystemTable = "cluster_config"
	TableStatusSystemTable   = "table_status"
	ServerStatusSystemTable  = "server_status"
	CurrentIssuesSystemTable = "current_issues"
	UsersSystemTable         = "users"
	PermissionsSystemTable   = "permissions"
	JobsSystemTable          = "jobs"
	StatsSystemTable         = "stats"
	LogsSystemTable          = "logs"


View Source
var (
	// ErrNoHosts is returned when no hosts to the Connect method.
	ErrNoHosts = errors.New("no hosts provided")
	// ErrNoConnectionsStarted is returned when the driver couldn't to any of
	// the provided hosts.
	ErrNoConnectionsStarted = errors.New("no connections were made when creating the session")
	// ErrInvalidNode is returned when attempting to connect to a node which
	// returns an invalid response.
	ErrInvalidNode = errors.New("invalid node")
	// ErrNoConnections is returned when there are no active connections in the
	// clusters connection pool.
	ErrNoConnections = errors.New("gorethink: no connections were available")
	// ErrConnectionClosed is returned when trying to send a query with a closed
	// connection.
	ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("gorethink: the connection is closed")
	// ErrQueryTimeout is returned when query context deadline exceeded.
	ErrQueryTimeout = errors.New("gorethink: query timeout")
View Source
var (
	// MinVal represents the smallest possible value RethinkDB can store
	MinVal = constructRootTerm("MinVal", p.Term_MINVAL, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// MaxVal represents the largest possible value RethinkDB can store
	MaxVal = constructRootTerm("MaxVal", p.Term_MAXVAL, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
View Source
var (

	// Monday is a constant representing the day of the week Monday
	Monday = constructRootTerm("Monday", p.Term_MONDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// Tuesday is a constant representing the day of the week Tuesday
	Tuesday = constructRootTerm("Tuesday", p.Term_TUESDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// Wednesday is a constant representing the day of the week Wednesday
	Wednesday = constructRootTerm("Wednesday", p.Term_WEDNESDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// Thursday is a constant representing the day of the week Thursday
	Thursday = constructRootTerm("Thursday", p.Term_THURSDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// Friday is a constant representing the day of the week Friday
	Friday = constructRootTerm("Friday", p.Term_FRIDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// Saturday is a constant representing the day of the week Saturday
	Saturday = constructRootTerm("Saturday", p.Term_SATURDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// Sunday is a constant representing the day of the week Sunday
	Sunday = constructRootTerm("Sunday", p.Term_SUNDAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})

	// January is a constant representing the month January
	January = constructRootTerm("January", p.Term_JANUARY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// February is a constant representing the month February
	February = constructRootTerm("February", p.Term_FEBRUARY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// March is a constant representing the month March
	March = constructRootTerm("March", p.Term_MARCH, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// April is a constant representing the month April
	April = constructRootTerm("April", p.Term_APRIL, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// May is a constant representing the month May
	May = constructRootTerm("May", p.Term_MAY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// June is a constant representing the month June
	June = constructRootTerm("June", p.Term_JUNE, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// July is a constant representing the month July
	July = constructRootTerm("July", p.Term_JULY, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// August is a constant representing the month August
	August = constructRootTerm("August", p.Term_AUGUST, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// September is a constant representing the month September
	September = constructRootTerm("September", p.Term_SEPTEMBER, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// October is a constant representing the month October
	October = constructRootTerm("October", p.Term_OCTOBER, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// November is a constant representing the month November
	November = constructRootTerm("November", p.Term_NOVEMBER, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
	// December is a constant representing the month December
	December = constructRootTerm("December", p.Term_DECEMBER, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})
View Source
var ErrEmptyResult = errors.New("The result does not contain any more rows")

Error constants

View Source
var (
	Log *logrus.Logger
View Source
var Row = constructRootTerm("Doc", p.Term_IMPLICIT_VAR, []interface{}{}, map[string]interface{}{})

Row returns the currently visited document. Note that Row does not work within subqueries to access nested documents; you should use anonymous functions to access those documents instead. Also note that unlike in other drivers to access a rows fields you should call Field. For example:

r.row("fieldname") should instead be r.Row.Field("fieldname")


func IsConflictErr added in v1.4.0

func IsConflictErr(err error) bool

IsConflictErr returns true if the error is non-nil and the query failed due to a duplicate primary key.

func IsTypeErr added in v1.4.0

func IsTypeErr(err error) bool

IsTypeErr returns true if the error is non-nil and the query failed due to a type error.

func SetTags added in v1.4.0

func SetTags(tags ...string)

SetTags allows you to override the tags used when decoding or encoding structs. The driver will check for the tags in the same order that they were passed into this function. If no parameters are passed then the driver will default to checking for the gorethink tag (the gorethink tag is always included)

func SetVerbose added in v0.7.0

func SetVerbose(verbose bool)

SetVerbose allows the driver logging level to be set. If true is passed then the log level is set to Debug otherwise it defaults to Info.


type BetweenOpts

type BetweenOpts struct {
	Index      interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`
	LeftBound  interface{} `gorethink:"left_bound,omitempty"`
	RightBound interface{} `gorethink:"right_bound,omitempty"`

BetweenOpts contains the optional arguments for the Between term

type ChangeResponse added in v1.0.0

type ChangeResponse struct {
	NewValue interface{} `gorethink:"new_val,omitempty"`
	OldValue interface{} `gorethink:"old_val,omitempty"`
	State    string      `gorethink:"state,omitempty"`
	Error    string      `gorethink:"error,omitempty"`

ChangeResponse is a helper type used when dealing with changefeeds. The type contains both the value before the query and the new value.

type ChangesOpts added in v0.6.0

type ChangesOpts struct {
	Squash              interface{} `gorethink:"squash,omitempty"`
	IncludeInitial      interface{} `gorethink:"include_initial,omitempty"`
	IncludeStates       interface{} `gorethink:"include_states,omitempty"`
	IncludeOffsets      interface{} `gorethink:"include_offsets,omitempty"`
	IncludeTypes        interface{} `gorethink:"include_types,omitempty"`
	ChangefeedQueueSize interface{} `gorethink:"changefeed_queue_size,omitempty"`

ChangesOpts contains the optional arguments for the Changes term

type CircleOpts added in v0.5.0

type CircleOpts struct {
	NumVertices interface{} `gorethink:"num_vertices,omitempty"`
	GeoSystem   interface{} `gorethink:"geo_system,omitempty"`
	Unit        interface{} `gorethink:"unit,omitempty"`
	Fill        interface{} `gorethink:"fill,omitempty"`

CircleOpts contains the optional arguments for the Circle term.

type CloseOpts

type CloseOpts struct {
	NoReplyWait bool `gorethink:"noreplyWait,omitempty"`

CloseOpts allows calls to the Close function to be configured.

type Cluster added in v0.7.0

type Cluster struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Cluster represents a connection to a RethinkDB cluster, a cluster is created by the Session and should rarely be created manually.

The cluster keeps track of all nodes in the cluster and if requested can listen for cluster changes and start tracking a new node if one appears. Currently nodes are removed from the pool if they become unhealthy (100 failed queries). This should hopefully soon be replaced by a backoff system.

func NewCluster added in v0.7.0

func NewCluster(hosts []Host, opts *ConnectOpts) (*Cluster, error)

NewCluster creates a new cluster by connecting to the given hosts.

func (*Cluster) AddSeeds added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) AddSeeds(hosts []Host)

AddSeeds adds new seed hosts to the cluster.

func (*Cluster) Close added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) Close(optArgs ...CloseOpts) error

Close closes the cluster

func (*Cluster) Exec added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) Exec(ctx context.Context, q Query) (err error)

Exec executes a ReQL query using the cluster to connect to the database

func (*Cluster) GetNextNode added in v1.2.0

func (c *Cluster) GetNextNode() (*Node, hostpool.HostPoolResponse, error)

GetNextNode returns a random node on the cluster

func (*Cluster) GetNodes added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) GetNodes() []*Node

GetNodes returns a list of all nodes in the cluster

func (*Cluster) IsConnected added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) IsConnected() bool

IsConnected returns true if cluster has nodes and is not already closed.

func (*Cluster) Query added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) Query(ctx context.Context, q Query) (cursor *Cursor, err error)

Query executes a ReQL query using the cluster to connect to the database

func (*Cluster) Server added in v1.2.0

func (c *Cluster) Server() (response ServerResponse, err error)

Server returns the server name and server UUID being used by a connection.

func (*Cluster) SetInitialPoolCap

func (c *Cluster) SetInitialPoolCap(n int)

SetInitialPoolCap sets the initial capacity of the connection pool.

func (*Cluster) SetMaxIdleConns added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) SetMaxIdleConns(n int)

SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

func (*Cluster) SetMaxOpenConns added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cluster) SetMaxOpenConns(n int)

SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

type ConnectOpts

type ConnectOpts struct {
	// Address holds the address of the server initially used when creating the
	// session. Only used if Addresses is empty
	Address string `gorethink:"address,omitempty"`
	// Addresses holds the addresses of the servers initially used when creating
	// the session.
	Addresses []string `gorethink:"addresses,omitempty"`
	// Database is the default database name used when executing queries, this
	// value is only used if the query does not contain any DB term
	Database string `gorethink:"database,omitempty"`
	// Username holds the username used for authentication, if blank (and the v1
	// handshake protocol is being used) then the admin user is used
	Username string `gorethink:"username,omitempty"`
	// Password holds the password used for authentication (only used when using
	// the v1 handshake protocol)
	Password string `gorethink:"password,omitempty"`
	// AuthKey is used for authentication when using the v0.4 handshake protocol
	// This field is no deprecated
	AuthKey string `gorethink:"authkey,omitempty"`
	// Timeout is the time the driver waits when creating new connections, to
	// configure the timeout used when executing queries use WriteTimeout and
	// ReadTimeout
	Timeout time.Duration `gorethink:"timeout,omitempty"`
	// WriteTimeout is the amount of time the driver will wait when sending the
	// query to the server
	WriteTimeout time.Duration `gorethink:"write_timeout,omitempty"`
	// ReadTimeout is the amount of time the driver will wait for a response from
	// the server when executing queries.
	ReadTimeout time.Duration `gorethink:"read_timeout,omitempty"`
	// KeepAlivePeriod is the keep alive period used by the connection, by default
	// this is 30s. It is not possible to disable keep alive messages
	KeepAlivePeriod time.Duration `gorethink:"keep_alive_timeout,omitempty"`
	// TLSConfig holds the TLS configuration and can be used when connecting
	// to a RethinkDB server protected by SSL
	TLSConfig *tls.Config `gorethink:"tlsconfig,omitempty"`
	// HandshakeVersion is used to specify which handshake version should be
	// used, this currently defaults to v1 which is used by RethinkDB 2.3 and
	// later. If you are using an older version then you can set the handshake
	// version to 0.4
	HandshakeVersion HandshakeVersion `gorethink:"handshake_version,omitempty"`
	// UseJSONNumber indicates whether the cursors running in this session should
	// use json.Number instead of float64 while unmarshaling documents with
	// interface{}. The default is `false`.
	UseJSONNumber bool
	// NumRetries is the number of times a query is retried if a connection
	// error is detected, queries are not retried if RethinkDB returns a
	// runtime error.
	NumRetries int

	// InitialCap is used by the internal connection pool and is used to
	// configure how many connections are created for each host when the
	// session is created. If zero then no connections are created until
	// the first query is executed.
	InitialCap int `gorethink:"initial_cap,omitempty"`
	// MaxOpen is used by the internal connection pool and is used to configure
	// the maximum number of connections held in the pool. If all available
	// connections are being used then the driver will open new connections as
	// needed however they will not be returned to the pool. By default the
	// maximum number of connections is 2
	MaxOpen int `gorethink:"max_open,omitempty"`

	// DiscoverHosts is used to enable host discovery, when true the driver
	// will attempt to discover any new nodes added to the cluster and then
	// start sending queries to these new nodes.
	DiscoverHosts bool `gorethink:"discover_hosts,omitempty"`
	// HostDecayDuration is used by the go-hostpool package to calculate a weighted
	// score when selecting a host. By default a value of 5 minutes is used.
	HostDecayDuration time.Duration

	// UseOpentracing is used to enable creating opentracing-go spans for queries.
	// Each span is created as child of span from the context in `RunOpts`.
	// This span lasts from point the query created to the point when cursor closed.
	UseOpentracing bool

	// Deprecated: This function is no longer used due to changes in the
	// way hosts are selected.
	NodeRefreshInterval time.Duration `gorethink:"node_refresh_interval,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated: Use InitialCap instead
	MaxIdle int `gorethink:"max_idle,omitempty"`

ConnectOpts is used to specify optional arguments when connecting to a cluster.

type Connection

type Connection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Connection is a connection to a rethinkdb database. Connection is not thread safe and should only be accessed be a single goroutine

func NewConnection added in v0.6.0

func NewConnection(address string, opts *ConnectOpts) (*Connection, error)

NewConnection creates a new connection to the database server

func (*Connection) Close

func (c *Connection) Close() error

Close closes the underlying net.Conn

func (*Connection) Query added in v0.6.0

func (c *Connection) Query(ctx context.Context, q Query) (*Response, *Cursor, error)

Query sends a Query to the database, returning both the raw Response and a Cursor which should be used to view the query's response.

This function is used internally by Run which should be used for most queries.

func (*Connection) Server added in v1.2.0

func (c *Connection) Server() (ServerResponse, error)

Server returns the server name and server UUID being used by a connection.

type Cursor

type Cursor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Cursor is the result of a query. Its cursor starts before the first row of the result set. A Cursor is not thread safe and should only be accessed by a single goroutine at any given time. Use Next to advance through the rows:

cursor, err := query.Run(session)
defer cursor.Close()

var response interface{}
for cursor.Next(&response) {
err = cursor.Err() // get any error encountered during iteration

func (*Cursor) All

func (c *Cursor) All(result interface{}) error

All retrieves all documents from the result set into the provided slice and closes the cursor.

The result argument must necessarily be the address for a slice. The slice may be nil or previously allocated.

Also note that you are able to reuse the same variable multiple times as `All` zeroes the value before scanning in the result. It also attempts to reuse the existing slice without allocating any more space by either resizing or returning a selection of the slice if necessary.

func (*Cursor) Close

func (c *Cursor) Close() error

Close closes the cursor, preventing further enumeration. If the end is encountered, the cursor is closed automatically. Close is idempotent.

func (*Cursor) Err

func (c *Cursor) Err() error

Err returns nil if no errors happened during iteration, or the actual error otherwise.

func (*Cursor) Interface

func (c *Cursor) Interface() (interface{}, error)

Interface retrieves all documents from the result set and returns the data as an interface{} and closes the cursor.

If the query returns multiple documents then a slice will be returned, otherwise a single value will be returned.

func (*Cursor) IsNil

func (c *Cursor) IsNil() bool

IsNil tests if the current row is nil.

func (*Cursor) Listen added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cursor) Listen(channel interface{})

Listen listens for rows from the database and sends the result onto the given channel. The type that the row is scanned into is determined by the element type of the channel.

Also note that this function returns immediately.

cursor, err := r.Expr([]int{1,2,3}).Run(session)
if err != nil {

ch := make(chan int)
<- ch // 1
<- ch // 2
<- ch // 3

func (*Cursor) Next

func (c *Cursor) Next(dest interface{}) bool

Next retrieves the next document from the result set, blocking if necessary. This method will also automatically retrieve another batch of documents from the server when the current one is exhausted, or before that in background if possible.

Next returns true if a document was successfully unmarshalled onto result, and false at the end of the result set or if an error happened. When Next returns false, the Err method should be called to verify if there was an error during iteration.

Also note that you are able to reuse the same variable multiple times as `Next` zeroes the value before scanning in the result.

func (*Cursor) NextResponse added in v1.4.0

func (c *Cursor) NextResponse() ([]byte, bool)

NextResponse retrieves the next raw response from the result set, blocking if necessary. Unlike Next the returned response is the raw JSON document returned from the database.

NextResponse returns false (and a nil byte slice) at the end of the result set or if an error happened.

func (*Cursor) One

func (c *Cursor) One(result interface{}) error

One retrieves a single document from the result set into the provided slice and closes the cursor.

Also note that you are able to reuse the same variable multiple times as `One` zeroes the value before scanning in the result.

func (*Cursor) Peek

func (c *Cursor) Peek(dest interface{}) (bool, error)

Peek behaves similarly to Next, retreiving the next document from the result set and blocking if necessary. Peek, however, does not progress the position of the cursor. This can be useful for expressions which can return different types to attempt to decode them into different interfaces.

Like Next, it will also automatically retrieve another batch of documents from the server when the current one is exhausted, or before that in background if possible.

Unlike Next, Peek does not progress the position of the cursor. Peek will return errors from decoding, but they will not be persisted in the cursor and therefore will not be available on cursor.Err(). This can be useful for expressions that can return different types to attempt to decode them into different interfaces.

Peek returns true if a document was successfully unmarshalled onto result, and false at the end of the result set or if an error happened. Peek also returns the error (if any) that occured

func (*Cursor) Profile

func (c *Cursor) Profile() interface{}

Profile returns the information returned from the query profiler.

func (*Cursor) Skip

func (c *Cursor) Skip()

Skip progresses the cursor by one record. It is useful after a successful Peek to avoid duplicate decoding work.

func (*Cursor) Type added in v0.7.0

func (c *Cursor) Type() string

Type returns the cursor type (by default "Cursor")

type DeleteOpts

type DeleteOpts struct {
	Durability    interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	ReturnChanges interface{} `gorethink:"return_changes,omitempty"`

DeleteOpts contains the optional arguments for the Delete term

type DistanceOpts added in v0.5.0

type DistanceOpts struct {
	GeoSystem interface{} `gorethink:"geo_system,omitempty"`
	Unit      interface{} `gorethink:"unit,omitempty"`

DistanceOpts contains the optional arguments for the Distance term.

type DistinctOpts added in v0.4.0

type DistinctOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`

DistinctOpts contains the optional arguments for the Distinct term

type DuringOpts

type DuringOpts struct {
	LeftBound  interface{} `gorethink:"left_bound,omitempty"`
	RightBound interface{} `gorethink:"right_bound,omitempty"`

DuringOpts contains the optional arguments for the During term

type EqJoinOpts

type EqJoinOpts struct {
	Index   interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`
	Ordered interface{} `gorethink:"ordered,omitempty"`

EqJoinOpts contains the optional arguments for the EqJoin term.

type ExecOpts added in v0.6.0

type ExecOpts struct {
	DB             interface{} `gorethink:"db,omitempty"`
	Db             interface{} `gorethink:"db,omitempty"` // Deprecated
	Profile        interface{} `gorethink:"profile,omitempty"`
	Durability     interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	UseOutdated    interface{} `gorethink:"use_outdated,omitempty"` // Deprecated
	ArrayLimit     interface{} `gorethink:"array_limit,omitempty"`
	TimeFormat     interface{} `gorethink:"time_format,omitempty"`
	GroupFormat    interface{} `gorethink:"group_format,omitempty"`
	BinaryFormat   interface{} `gorethink:"binary_format,omitempty"`
	GeometryFormat interface{} `gorethink:"geometry_format,omitempty"`

	MinBatchRows              interface{} `gorethink:"min_batch_rows,omitempty"`
	MaxBatchRows              interface{} `gorethink:"max_batch_rows,omitempty"`
	MaxBatchBytes             interface{} `gorethink:"max_batch_bytes,omitempty"`
	MaxBatchSeconds           interface{} `gorethink:"max_batch_seconds,omitempty"`
	FirstBatchScaledownFactor interface{} `gorethink:"first_batch_scaledown_factor,omitempty"`

	NoReply interface{} `gorethink:"noreply,omitempty"`

	Context context.Context `gorethink:"-"`

ExecOpts contains the optional arguments for the Exec function and inherits its options from RunOpts, the only difference is the addition of the NoReply field.

When NoReply is true it causes the driver not to wait to receive the result and return immediately.

type FilterOpts

type FilterOpts struct {
	Default interface{} `gorethink:"default,omitempty"`

FilterOpts contains the optional arguments for the Filter term

type FoldOpts

type FoldOpts struct {
	Emit      interface{} `gorethink:"emit,omitempty"`
	FinalEmit interface{} `gorethink:"final_emit,omitempty"`

FoldOpts contains the optional arguments for the Fold term

type GetAllOpts

type GetAllOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`

GetAllOpts contains the optional arguments for the GetAll term

type GetIntersectingOpts added in v0.5.0

type GetIntersectingOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`

GetIntersectingOpts contains the optional arguments for the GetIntersecting term.

type GetNearestOpts added in v0.5.0

type GetNearestOpts struct {
	Index      interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`
	MaxResults interface{} `gorethink:"max_results,omitempty"`
	MaxDist    interface{} `gorethink:"max_dist,omitempty"`
	Unit       interface{} `gorethink:"unit,omitempty"`
	GeoSystem  interface{} `gorethink:"geo_system,omitempty"`

GetNearestOpts contains the optional arguments for the GetNearest term.

type GroupOpts

type GroupOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`
	Multi interface{} `gorethink:"multi,omitempty"`

GroupOpts contains the optional arguments for the Group term

type HTTPOpts added in v1.0.0

type HTTPOpts struct {
	// General Options
	Timeout      interface{} `gorethink:"timeout,omitempty"`
	Reattempts   interface{} `gorethink:"reattempts,omitempty"`
	Redirects    interface{} `gorethink:"redirect,omitempty"`
	Verify       interface{} `gorethink:"verify,omitempty"`
	ResultFormat interface{} `gorethink:"result_format,omitempty"`

	// Request Options
	Method interface{} `gorethink:"method,omitempty"`
	Auth   interface{} `gorethink:"auth,omitempty"`
	Params interface{} `gorethink:"params,omitempty"`
	Header interface{} `gorethink:"header,omitempty"`
	Data   interface{} `gorethink:"data,omitempty"`

	// Pagination
	Page      interface{} `gorethink:"page,omitempty"`
	PageLimit interface{} `gorethink:"page_limit,omitempty"`

HTTPOpts contains the optional arguments for the HTTP term

type HandshakeVersion

type HandshakeVersion int
const (
	HandshakeV1_0 HandshakeVersion = iota

type Host added in v0.7.0

type Host struct {
	Name string
	Port int

Host name and port of server

func NewHost added in v0.7.0

func NewHost(name string, port int) Host

NewHost create a new Host

func (Host) String added in v0.7.0

func (h Host) String() string

Returns host address (name:port)

type ISO8601Opts

type ISO8601Opts struct {
	DefaultTimezone interface{} `gorethink:"default_timezone,omitempty"`

ISO8601Opts contains the optional arguments for the ISO8601 term

type IndexCreateOpts

type IndexCreateOpts struct {
	Multi interface{} `gorethink:"multi,omitempty"`
	Geo   interface{} `gorethink:"geo,omitempty"`

IndexCreateOpts contains the optional arguments for the IndexCreate term

type IndexRenameOpts added in v0.4.0

type IndexRenameOpts struct {
	Overwrite interface{} `gorethink:"overwrite,omitempty"`

IndexRenameOpts contains the optional arguments for the IndexRename term

type InsertOpts

type InsertOpts struct {
	Durability    interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	ReturnChanges interface{} `gorethink:"return_changes,omitempty"`
	Conflict      interface{} `gorethink:"conflict,omitempty"`

InsertOpts contains the optional arguments for the Insert term

type JSOpts

type JSOpts struct {
	Timeout interface{} `gorethink:"timeout,omitempty"`

JSOpts contains the optional arguments for the JS term

type MaxOpts

type MaxOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`

MaxOpts contains the optional arguments for the Max term

type MinOpts

type MinOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`

MinOpts contains the optional arguments for the Min term

type Mock

type Mock struct {
	ExpectedQueries []*MockQuery
	Queries         []MockQuery
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Mock is used to mock query execution and verify that the expected queries are being executed. Mocks are used by creating an instance using NewMock and then passing this when running your queries instead of a session. For example:

mock := r.NewMock()
mock.On(r.Table("test")).Return([]interface{}{data}, nil)

cursor, err := r.Table("test").Run(mock)


func NewMock

func NewMock(opts ...ConnectOpts) *Mock

NewMock creates an instance of Mock, you can optionally pass ConnectOpts to the function, if passed any mocked query will be generated using those options.

func (*Mock) AssertExecuted

func (m *Mock) AssertExecuted(t testingT, expectedQuery *MockQuery) bool

AssertExecuted asserts that the method was executed. It can produce a false result when an argument is a pointer type and the underlying value changed after executing the mocked method.

func (*Mock) AssertExpectations

func (m *Mock) AssertExpectations(t testingT) bool

AssertExpectations asserts that everything specified with On and Return was in fact executed as expected. Queries may have been executed in any order.

func (*Mock) AssertNotExecuted

func (m *Mock) AssertNotExecuted(t testingT, expectedQuery *MockQuery) bool

AssertNotExecuted asserts that the method was not executed. It can produce a false result when an argument is a pointer type and the underlying value changed after executing the mocked method.

func (*Mock) AssertNumberOfExecutions

func (m *Mock) AssertNumberOfExecutions(t testingT, expectedQuery *MockQuery, expectedExecutions int) bool

AssertNumberOfExecutions asserts that the query was executed expectedExecutions times.

func (*Mock) Exec

func (m *Mock) Exec(ctx context.Context, q Query) error

func (*Mock) IsConnected

func (m *Mock) IsConnected() bool

func (*Mock) On

func (m *Mock) On(t Term, opts ...map[string]interface{}) *MockQuery

On starts a description of an expectation of the specified query being executed.


func (*Mock) Query

func (m *Mock) Query(ctx context.Context, q Query) (*Cursor, error)

type MockQuery

type MockQuery struct {

	// Holds the query and term
	Query Query

	// Holds the JSON representation of query
	BuiltQuery []byte

	// Holds the response that should be returned when this method is executed.
	Response interface{}

	// Holds the error that should be returned when this method is executed.
	Error error

	// The number of times to return the return arguments when setting
	// expectations. 0 means to always return the value.
	Repeatability int

	// Holds a channel that will be used to block the Return until it either
	// recieves a message or is closed. nil means it returns immediately.
	WaitFor <-chan time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockQuery represents a mocked query and is used for setting expectations, as well as recording activity.

func (*MockQuery) After

func (mq *MockQuery) After(d time.Duration) *MockQuery

After sets how long to block until the query returns


func (*MockQuery) On

func (mq *MockQuery) On(t Term) *MockQuery

On chains a new expectation description onto the mocked interface. This allows syntax like.

   On(r.Table("test")).Return(result, nil).
   On(r.Table("test2")).Return(nil, errors.New("Some Error"))

func (*MockQuery) Once

func (mq *MockQuery) Once() *MockQuery

Once indicates that that the mock should only return the value once.

mock.On(r.Table("test")).Return(result, nil).Once()

func (*MockQuery) Return

func (mq *MockQuery) Return(response interface{}, err error) *MockQuery

Return specifies the return arguments for the expectation.

mock.On(r.Table("test")).Return(nil, errors.New("failed"))

func (*MockQuery) Times

func (mq *MockQuery) Times(i int) *MockQuery

Times indicates that that the mock should only return the indicated number of times.

mock.On(r.Table("test")).Return(result, nil).Times(5)

func (*MockQuery) Twice

func (mq *MockQuery) Twice() *MockQuery

Twice indicates that that the mock should only return the value twice.

mock.On(r.Table("test")).Return(result, nil).Twice()

func (*MockQuery) WaitUntil

func (mq *MockQuery) WaitUntil(w <-chan time.Time) *MockQuery

WaitUntil sets the channel that will block the mock's return until its closed or a message is received.


type Node added in v0.7.0

type Node struct {
	ID   string
	Host Host
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Node represents a database server in the cluster

func (*Node) Close added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) Close(optArgs ...CloseOpts) error

Close closes the session

func (*Node) Closed added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) Closed() bool

Closed returns true if the node is closed

func (*Node) Exec added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) Exec(ctx context.Context, q Query) (err error)

Exec executes a ReQL query using this nodes connection pool.

func (*Node) NoReplyWait added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) NoReplyWait() error

NoReplyWait ensures that previous queries with the noreply flag have been processed by the server. Note that this guarantee only applies to queries run on the given connection

func (*Node) Query added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) Query(ctx context.Context, q Query) (cursor *Cursor, err error)

Query executes a ReQL query using this nodes connection pool.

func (*Node) Server added in v1.2.0

func (n *Node) Server() (ServerResponse, error)

Server returns the server name and server UUID being used by a connection.

func (*Node) SetInitialPoolCap

func (n *Node) SetInitialPoolCap(idleConns int)

SetInitialPoolCap sets the initial capacity of the connection pool.

func (*Node) SetMaxIdleConns added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) SetMaxIdleConns(idleConns int)

SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

func (*Node) SetMaxOpenConns added in v0.7.0

func (n *Node) SetMaxOpenConns(openConns int)

SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

type OptArgs

type OptArgs interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

OptArgs is an interface used to represent a terms optional arguments. All optional argument types have a toMap function, the returned map can be encoded and sent as part of the query.

type OrderByOpts

type OrderByOpts struct {
	Index interface{} `gorethink:"index,omitempty"`

OrderByOpts contains the optional arguments for the OrderBy term

type Pool

type Pool struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Pool is used to store a pool of connections to a single RethinkDB server

func NewPool added in v0.6.0

func NewPool(host Host, opts *ConnectOpts) (*Pool, error)

NewPool creates a new connection pool for the given host

func (*Pool) Close

func (p *Pool) Close() error

Close closes the database, releasing any open resources.

It is rare to Close a Pool, as the Pool handle is meant to be long-lived and shared between many goroutines.

func (*Pool) Exec added in v0.6.0

func (p *Pool) Exec(ctx context.Context, q Query) error

Exec executes a query without waiting for any response.

func (*Pool) Ping added in v0.6.0

func (p *Pool) Ping() error

Ping verifies a connection to the database is still alive, establishing a connection if necessary.

func (*Pool) Query added in v0.6.0

func (p *Pool) Query(ctx context.Context, q Query) (*Cursor, error)

Query executes a query and waits for the response

func (*Pool) Server added in v1.2.0

func (p *Pool) Server() (ServerResponse, error)

Server returns the server name and server UUID being used by a connection.

func (*Pool) SetInitialPoolCap deprecated

func (p *Pool) SetInitialPoolCap(n int)

SetInitialPoolCap sets the initial capacity of the connection pool.

Deprecated: This value should only be set when connecting

func (*Pool) SetMaxIdleConns deprecated added in v0.6.0

func (p *Pool) SetMaxIdleConns(n int)

SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

Deprecated: This value should only be set when connecting

func (*Pool) SetMaxOpenConns deprecated added in v0.6.0

func (p *Pool) SetMaxOpenConns(n int)

SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

Deprecated: This value should only be set when connecting

type Query added in v0.4.0

type Query struct {
	Type  p.Query_QueryType
	Token int64
	Term  *Term
	Opts  map[string]interface{}
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Query represents a query ready to be sent to the database, A Query differs from a Term as it contains both a query type and token. These values are used by the database to determine if the query is continuing a previous request and also allows the driver to identify the response as they can come out of order.

func (*Query) Build

func (q *Query) Build() []interface{}

type QueryExecutor

type QueryExecutor interface {
	IsConnected() bool
	Query(context.Context, Query) (*Cursor, error)
	Exec(context.Context, Query) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type RQLAuthError added in v1.3.0

type RQLAuthError struct{ RQLDriverError }

func (RQLAuthError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLAuthError) Error() string

func (RQLAuthError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLAuthError) String() string

type RQLAvailabilityError added in v1.3.0

type RQLAvailabilityError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }

func (RQLAvailabilityError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLAvailabilityError) Error() string

func (RQLAvailabilityError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLAvailabilityError) String() string

type RQLClientError added in v1.0.0

type RQLClientError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RQLClientError) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLClientError) Error() string

func (RQLClientError) String added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLClientError) String() string

type RQLCompileError added in v1.0.0

type RQLCompileError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RQLCompileError) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLCompileError) Error() string

func (RQLCompileError) String added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLCompileError) String() string

type RQLConnectionError added in v1.0.0

type RQLConnectionError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RQLConnectionError represents an error when communicating with the database server.

func (RQLConnectionError) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLConnectionError) Error() string

func (RQLConnectionError) String added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLConnectionError) String() string

type RQLDriverCompileError added in v1.3.0

type RQLDriverCompileError struct{ RQLCompileError }

func (RQLDriverCompileError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLDriverCompileError) Error() string

func (RQLDriverCompileError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLDriverCompileError) String() string

type RQLDriverError added in v1.0.0

type RQLDriverError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RQLDriverError represents an unexpected error with the driver, if this error persists please create an issue.

func (RQLDriverError) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLDriverError) Error() string

func (RQLDriverError) String added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLDriverError) String() string

type RQLInternalError added in v1.3.0

type RQLInternalError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }

func (RQLInternalError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLInternalError) Error() string

func (RQLInternalError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLInternalError) String() string

type RQLNonExistenceError added in v1.3.0

type RQLNonExistenceError struct{ RQLQueryLogicError }

func (RQLNonExistenceError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLNonExistenceError) Error() string

func (RQLNonExistenceError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLNonExistenceError) String() string

type RQLOpFailedError added in v1.3.0

type RQLOpFailedError struct{ RQLAvailabilityError }

func (RQLOpFailedError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLOpFailedError) Error() string

func (RQLOpFailedError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLOpFailedError) String() string

type RQLOpIndeterminateError added in v1.3.0

type RQLOpIndeterminateError struct{ RQLAvailabilityError }

func (RQLOpIndeterminateError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLOpIndeterminateError) Error() string

func (RQLOpIndeterminateError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLOpIndeterminateError) String() string

type RQLQueryLogicError added in v1.3.0

type RQLQueryLogicError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }

func (RQLQueryLogicError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLQueryLogicError) Error() string

func (RQLQueryLogicError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLQueryLogicError) String() string

type RQLResourceLimitError added in v1.3.0

type RQLResourceLimitError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }

func (RQLResourceLimitError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLResourceLimitError) Error() string

func (RQLResourceLimitError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLResourceLimitError) String() string

type RQLRuntimeError added in v1.0.0

type RQLRuntimeError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RQLRuntimeError) Error added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLRuntimeError) Error() string

func (RQLRuntimeError) String added in v1.0.0

func (e RQLRuntimeError) String() string

type RQLServerCompileError added in v1.3.0

type RQLServerCompileError struct{ RQLCompileError }

func (RQLServerCompileError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLServerCompileError) Error() string

func (RQLServerCompileError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLServerCompileError) String() string

type RQLTimeoutError added in v1.3.0

type RQLTimeoutError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RQLTimeoutError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLTimeoutError) Error() string

func (RQLTimeoutError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLTimeoutError) String() string

type RQLUserError added in v1.3.0

type RQLUserError struct{ RQLRuntimeError }

func (RQLUserError) Error added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLUserError) Error() string

func (RQLUserError) String added in v1.3.0

func (e RQLUserError) String() string

type RandomOpts

type RandomOpts struct {
	Float interface{} `gorethink:"float,omitempty"`

RandomOpts contains the optional arguments for the Random term.

type ReconfigureOpts added in v0.6.0

type ReconfigureOpts struct {
	Shards               interface{} `gorethink:"shards,omitempty"`
	Replicas             interface{} `gorethink:"replicas,omitempty"`
	DryRun               interface{} `gorethink:"dry_run,omitempty"`
	EmergencyRepair      interface{} `gorethink:"emergency_repair,omitempty"`
	NonVotingReplicaTags interface{} `gorethink:"nonvoting_replica_tags,omitempty"`
	PrimaryReplicaTag    interface{} `gorethink:"primary_replica_tag,omitempty"`

ReconfigureOpts contains the optional arguments for the Reconfigure term.

type ReplaceOpts

type ReplaceOpts struct {
	Durability    interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	ReturnChanges interface{} `gorethink:"return_changes,omitempty"`
	NonAtomic     interface{} `gorethink:"non_atomic,omitempty"`

ReplaceOpts contains the optional arguments for the Replace term

type Response added in v0.4.0

type Response struct {
	Token     int64
	Type      p.Response_ResponseType   `json:"t"`
	ErrorType p.Response_ErrorType      `json:"e"`
	Notes     []p.Response_ResponseNote `json:"n"`
	Responses []json.RawMessage         `json:"r"`
	Backtrace []interface{}             `json:"b"`
	Profile   interface{}               `json:"p"`

Response represents the raw response from a query, most of the time you should instead use a Cursor when reading from the database.

type RunOpts

type RunOpts struct {
	DB             interface{} `gorethink:"db,omitempty"`
	Db             interface{} `gorethink:"db,omitempty"` // Deprecated
	Profile        interface{} `gorethink:"profile,omitempty"`
	Durability     interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	UseOutdated    interface{} `gorethink:"use_outdated,omitempty"` // Deprecated
	ArrayLimit     interface{} `gorethink:"array_limit,omitempty"`
	TimeFormat     interface{} `gorethink:"time_format,omitempty"`
	GroupFormat    interface{} `gorethink:"group_format,omitempty"`
	BinaryFormat   interface{} `gorethink:"binary_format,omitempty"`
	GeometryFormat interface{} `gorethink:"geometry_format,omitempty"`
	ReadMode       interface{} `gorethink:"read_mode,omitempty"`

	MinBatchRows              interface{} `gorethink:"min_batch_rows,omitempty"`
	MaxBatchRows              interface{} `gorethink:"max_batch_rows,omitempty"`
	MaxBatchBytes             interface{} `gorethink:"max_batch_bytes,omitempty"`
	MaxBatchSeconds           interface{} `gorethink:"max_batch_seconds,omitempty"`
	FirstBatchScaledownFactor interface{} `gorethink:"first_batch_scaledown_factor,omitempty"`

	Context context.Context `gorethink:"-"`

RunOpts contains the optional arguments for the Run function.

type ServerResponse added in v1.2.0

type ServerResponse struct {
	ID   string `gorethink:"id"`
	Name string `gorethink:"name"`

type Session

type Session struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Session represents a connection to a RethinkDB cluster and should be used when executing queries.

func Connect

func Connect(opts ConnectOpts) (*Session, error)

Connect creates a new database session. To view the available connection options see ConnectOpts.

By default maxIdle and maxOpen are set to 1: passing values greater than the default (e.g. MaxIdle: "10", MaxOpen: "20") will provide a pool of re-usable connections.

Basic connection example:

session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
	Host: "localhost:28015",
	Database: "test",
	AuthKey:  "14daak1cad13dj",

Cluster connection example:

session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
	Hosts: []string{"localhost:28015", "localhost:28016"},
	Database: "test",
	AuthKey:  "14daak1cad13dj",

func (*Session) Close

func (s *Session) Close(optArgs ...CloseOpts) error

Close closes the session

func (*Session) Database

func (s *Session) Database() string

Database returns the selected database set by Use

func (*Session) Exec added in v0.7.0

func (s *Session) Exec(ctx context.Context, q Query) error

Exec executes a ReQL query using the session to connect to the database

func (*Session) IsConnected added in v1.3.0

func (s *Session) IsConnected() bool

IsConnected returns true if session has a valid connection.

func (*Session) NoReplyWait

func (s *Session) NoReplyWait() error

NoReplyWait ensures that previous queries with the noreply flag have been processed by the server. Note that this guarantee only applies to queries run on the given connection

func (*Session) Query added in v0.7.0

func (s *Session) Query(ctx context.Context, q Query) (*Cursor, error)

Query executes a ReQL query using the session to connect to the database

func (*Session) Reconnect

func (s *Session) Reconnect(optArgs ...CloseOpts) error

Reconnect closes and re-opens a session.

func (*Session) Server added in v1.2.0

func (s *Session) Server() (ServerResponse, error)

Server returns the server name and server UUID being used by a connection.

func (*Session) SetHosts added in v0.7.0

func (s *Session) SetHosts(hosts []Host)

SetHosts resets the hosts used when connecting to the RethinkDB cluster

func (*Session) SetInitialPoolCap

func (s *Session) SetInitialPoolCap(n int)

SetInitialPoolCap sets the initial capacity of the connection pool.

func (*Session) SetMaxIdleConns

func (s *Session) SetMaxIdleConns(n int)

SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

func (*Session) SetMaxOpenConns

func (s *Session) SetMaxOpenConns(n int)

SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

func (*Session) Use

func (s *Session) Use(database string)

Use changes the default database used

type SliceOpts

type SliceOpts struct {
	LeftBound  interface{} `gorethink:"left_bound,omitempty"`
	RightBound interface{} `gorethink:"right_bound,omitempty"`

SliceOpts contains the optional arguments for the Slice term

type TableCreateOpts

type TableCreateOpts struct {
	PrimaryKey           interface{} `gorethink:"primary_key,omitempty"`
	Durability           interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	Shards               interface{} `gorethink:"shards,omitempty"`
	Replicas             interface{} `gorethink:"replicas,omitempty"`
	PrimaryReplicaTag    interface{} `gorethink:"primary_replica_tag,omitempty"`
	NonVotingReplicaTags interface{} `gorethink:"nonvoting_replica_tags,omitempty"`

TableCreateOpts contains the optional arguments for the TableCreate term

type TableOpts

type TableOpts struct {
	ReadMode         interface{} `gorethink:"read_mode,omitempty"`
	UseOutdated      interface{} `gorethink:"use_outdated,omitempty"` // Deprecated
	IdentifierFormat interface{} `gorethink:"identifier_format,omitempty"`

TableOpts contains the optional arguments for the Table term

type Term

type Term struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Term represents a query that is being built. Terms consist of a an array of "sub-terms" and a term type. When a Term is a sub-term the first element of the terms data is its parent Term.

When built the term becomes a JSON array, for more information on the format see http://rethinkdb.com/docs/writing-drivers/.

func Add

func Add(args ...interface{}) Term

Add sums two numbers or concatenates two arrays.

func And

func And(args ...interface{}) Term

And performs a logical and on two values.

func Args

func Args(args ...interface{}) Term

Args is a special term usd to splice an array of arguments into another term. This is useful when you want to call a varadic term such as GetAll with a set of arguments provided at runtime.

func Asc

func Asc(args ...interface{}) Term

Asc is used by the OrderBy term to specify that the ordering be ascending (the default).

func Avg

func Avg(args ...interface{}) Term

Avg returns the average of all the elements of a sequence. If called with a field name, averages all the values of that field in the sequence, skipping elements of the sequence that lack that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and averages the results, skipping elements of the sequence where that function returns null or a non-existence error.

func Binary added in v0.4.0

func Binary(data interface{}) Term

Binary encapsulates binary data within a query.

The type of data binary accepts depends on the client language. In Go, it expects either a byte array/slice or a bytes.Buffer.

Only a limited subset of ReQL commands may be chained after binary:

  • coerceTo can coerce binary objects to string types
  • count will return the number of bytes in the object
  • slice will treat bytes like array indexes (i.e., slice(10,20) will return bytes 10–19)
  • typeOf returns PTYPE<BINARY>
  • info will return information on a binary object.

func Branch

func Branch(args ...interface{}) Term

Branch evaluates one of two control paths based on the value of an expression. branch is effectively an if renamed due to language constraints.

The type of the result is determined by the type of the branch that gets executed.

func Ceil added in v1.1.0

func Ceil(args ...interface{}) Term

Ceil rounds the given value up, returning the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the given value (the value’s ceiling).

func Circle added in v0.5.0

func Circle(point, radius interface{}, optArgs ...CircleOpts) Term

Circle constructs a circular line or polygon. A circle in RethinkDB is a polygon or line approximating a circle of a given radius around a given center, consisting of a specified number of vertices (default 32).

func Contains

func Contains(args ...interface{}) Term

Contains returns whether or not a sequence contains all the specified values, or if functions are provided instead, returns whether or not a sequence contains values matching all the specified functions.

func Count

func Count(args ...interface{}) Term

Count the number of elements in the sequence. With a single argument, count the number of elements equal to it. If the argument is a function, it is equivalent to calling filter before count.

func DB added in v1.0.0

func DB(args ...interface{}) Term

DB references a database.

func DBCreate added in v1.0.0

func DBCreate(args ...interface{}) Term

DBCreate creates a database. A RethinkDB database is a collection of tables, similar to relational databases.

Note: that you can only use alphanumeric characters and underscores for the database name.

func DBDrop added in v1.0.0

func DBDrop(args ...interface{}) Term

DBDrop drops a database. The database, all its tables, and corresponding data will be deleted.

func DBList added in v1.0.0

func DBList(args ...interface{}) Term

DBList lists all database names in the system.

func Desc

func Desc(args ...interface{}) Term

Desc is used by the OrderBy term to specify the ordering to be descending.

func Distance added in v0.5.0

func Distance(point1, point2 interface{}, optArgs ...DistanceOpts) Term

Distance calculates the Haversine distance between two points. At least one of the geometry objects specified must be a point.

func Distinct

func Distinct(arg interface{}, optArgs ...DistinctOpts) Term

Distinct removes duplicate elements from the sequence.

func Div

func Div(args ...interface{}) Term

Div divides two numbers.

func Do

func Do(args ...interface{}) Term

Do evaluates the expr in the context of one or more value bindings. The type of the result is the type of the value returned from expr.

func EpochTime

func EpochTime(args ...interface{}) Term

EpochTime returns a time object based on seconds since epoch

func Eq

func Eq(args ...interface{}) Term

Eq returns true if two values are equal.

func Error

func Error(args ...interface{}) Term

Error throws a runtime error. If called with no arguments inside the second argument to `default`, re-throw the current error.

func Expr

func Expr(val interface{}) Term

Expr converts any value to an expression and is also used by many other terms such as Insert and Update. This function can convert the following basic Go types (bool, int, uint, string, float) and even pointers, maps and structs.

When evaluating structs they are encoded into a map before being sent to the server. Each exported field is added to the map unless

  • the field's tag is "-", or
  • the field is empty and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option.

Each fields default name in the map is the field name but can be specified in the struct field's tag value. The "gorethink" key in the struct field's tag value is the key name, followed by an optional comma and options. Examples:

// Field is ignored by this package.
Field int `gorethink:"-"`
// Field appears as key "myName".
Field int `gorethink:"myName"`
// Field appears as key "myName" and
// the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
// as defined above.
Field int `gorethink:"myName,omitempty"`
// Field appears as key "Field" (the default), but
// the field is skipped if empty.
// Note the leading comma.
Field int `gorethink:",omitempty"`

func Floor added in v1.1.0

func Floor(args ...interface{}) Term

Floor rounds the given value down, returning the largest integer value less than or equal to the given value (the value’s floor).

func Ge

func Ge(args ...interface{}) Term

Ge returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second.

func GeoJSON added in v1.0.0

func GeoJSON(args ...interface{}) Term

GeoJSON converts a GeoJSON object to a ReQL geometry object.

func Group

func Group(fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

Group takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

func GroupByIndex

func GroupByIndex(index interface{}, fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

GroupByIndex takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

func Gt

func Gt(args ...interface{}) Term

Gt returns true if the first value is greater than the second.

func HTTP added in v1.0.0

func HTTP(url interface{}, optArgs ...HTTPOpts) Term

HTTP retrieves data from the specified URL over HTTP. The return type depends on the resultFormat option, which checks the Content-Type of the response by default.

func ISO8601

func ISO8601(date interface{}, optArgs ...ISO8601Opts) Term

ISO8601 returns a time object based on an ISO8601 formatted date-time string

func JS added in v1.0.0

func JS(jssrc interface{}, optArgs ...JSOpts) Term

JS creates a JavaScript expression which is evaluated by the database when running the query.

func JSON added in v1.0.0

func JSON(args ...interface{}) Term

JSON parses a JSON string on the server.

func Le

func Le(args ...interface{}) Term

Le returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second.

func Line added in v0.5.0

func Line(args ...interface{}) Term

Line constructs a geometry object of type Line. The line can be specified in one of two ways:

  • Two or more two-item arrays, specifying longitude and latitude numbers of the line's vertices;
  • Two or more Point objects specifying the line's vertices.

func Literal

func Literal(args ...interface{}) Term

Literal replaces an object in a field instead of merging it with an existing object in a merge or update operation.

func Lt

func Lt(args ...interface{}) Term

Lt returns true if the first value is less than the second.

func Map added in v0.6.0

func Map(args ...interface{}) Term

Map transform each element of the sequence by applying the given mapping function. It takes two arguments, a sequence and a function of type `func (r.Term) interface{}`.

For example this query doubles each element in an array:

r.Map([]int{1,3,6}, func (row r.Term) interface{} {
    return row.Mul(2)

func Max

func Max(args ...interface{}) Term

Max finds the maximum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the largest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the largest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func MaxIndex

func MaxIndex(index interface{}, args ...interface{}) Term

MaxIndex finds the maximum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the largest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the largest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func Min

func Min(args ...interface{}) Term

Min finds the minimum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the smallest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the smallest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func MinIndex

func MinIndex(index interface{}, args ...interface{}) Term

MinIndex finds the minimum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the smallest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the smallest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func MockAnything

func MockAnything() Term

MockAnything can be used in place of any term, this is useful when you want mock similar queries or queries that you don't quite know the exact structure of.

func Mod

func Mod(args ...interface{}) Term

Mod divides two numbers and returns the remainder.

func Mul

func Mul(args ...interface{}) Term

Mul multiplies two numbers.

func MultiGroup

func MultiGroup(fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

MultiGroup takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

Unlike Group single documents can be assigned to multiple groups, similar to the behavior of multi-indexes. When the grouping value is an array, documents will be placed in each group that corresponds to the elements of the array. If the array is empty the row will be ignored.

func MultiGroupByIndex

func MultiGroupByIndex(index interface{}, fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

MultiGroupByIndex takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

Unlike Group single documents can be assigned to multiple groups, similar to the behavior of multi-indexes. When the grouping value is an array, documents will be placed in each group that corresponds to the elements of the array. If the array is empty the row will be ignored.

func Ne

func Ne(args ...interface{}) Term

Ne returns true if two values are not equal.

func Not

func Not(args ...interface{}) Term

Not performs a logical not on a value.

func Now

func Now(args ...interface{}) Term

Now returns a time object representing the current time in UTC

func Object

func Object(args ...interface{}) Term

Object creates an object from a list of key-value pairs, where the keys must be strings.

func Or

func Or(args ...interface{}) Term

Or performs a logical or on two values.

func Point added in v0.5.0

func Point(lon, lat interface{}) Term

Point constructs a geometry object of type Point. The point is specified by two floating point numbers, the longitude (−180 to 180) and latitude (−90 to 90) of the point on a perfect sphere.

func Polygon added in v0.5.0

func Polygon(args ...interface{}) Term

Polygon constructs a geometry object of type Polygon. The Polygon can be specified in one of two ways:

  • Three or more two-item arrays, specifying longitude and latitude numbers of the polygon's vertices;
  • Three or more Point objects specifying the polygon's vertices.

func Random

func Random(args ...interface{}) Term

Random generates a random number between given (or implied) bounds. Random takes zero, one or two arguments.

With zero arguments, the result will be a floating-point number in the range [0,1).

With one argument x, the result will be in the range [0,x), and will be an integer unless the Float option is set to true. Specifying a floating point number without the Float option will raise an error.

With two arguments x and y, the result will be in the range [x,y), and will be an integer unless the Float option is set to true. If x and y are equal an error will occur, unless the floating-point option has been specified, in which case x will be returned. Specifying a floating point number without the float option will raise an error.

Note: Any integer responses can be be coerced to floating-points, when unmarshaling to a Go floating-point type. The last argument given will always be the ‘open’ side of the range, but when generating a floating-point number, the ‘open’ side may be less than the ‘closed’ side.

func Range added in v0.6.0

func Range(args ...interface{}) Term

Range generates a stream of sequential integers in a specified range. It accepts 0, 1, or 2 arguments, all of which should be numbers.

func RawQuery added in v1.4.0

func RawQuery(q []byte) Term

RawQuery creates a new query from a JSON string, this bypasses any encoding done by GoRethink. The query should not contain the query type or any options as this should be handled using the normal driver API.

THis query will only work if this is the only term in the query.

func Round added in v1.1.0

func Round(args ...interface{}) Term

Round causes the input number to be rounded the given value to the nearest whole integer.

func Sub

func Sub(args ...interface{}) Term

Sub subtracts two numbers.

func Sum

func Sum(args ...interface{}) Term

Sum returns the sum of all the elements of a sequence. If called with a field name, sums all the values of that field in the sequence, skipping elements of the sequence that lack that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and sums the results, skipping elements of the sequence where that function returns null or a non-existence error.

func Table

func Table(name interface{}, optArgs ...TableOpts) Term

Table selects all documents in a table. This command can be chained with other commands to do further processing on the data.

There are two optional arguments.

  • useOutdated: if true, this allows potentially out-of-date data to be returned, with potentially faster reads. It also allows you to perform reads from a secondary replica if a primary has failed. Default false.
  • identifierFormat: possible values are name and uuid, with a default of name. If set to uuid, then system tables will refer to servers, databases and tables by UUID rather than name. (This only has an effect when used with system tables.)

func TableCreate added in v1.1.4

func TableCreate(name interface{}, optArgs ...TableCreateOpts) Term

TableCreate creates a table. A RethinkDB table is a collection of JSON documents.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are valid for the table name.

func TableDrop added in v1.1.4

func TableDrop(args ...interface{}) Term

TableDrop deletes a table. The table and all its data will be deleted.

func TableList added in v1.1.4

func TableList(args ...interface{}) Term

TableList lists all table names in a database.

func Time

func Time(args ...interface{}) Term

Time creates a time object for a specific time

func TypeOf

func TypeOf(args ...interface{}) Term

TypeOf gets the type of a value.

func UUID added in v0.5.0

func UUID(args ...interface{}) Term

UUID returns a UUID (universally unique identifier), a string that can be used as a unique ID. If a string is passed to uuid as an argument, the UUID will be deterministic, derived from the string’s SHA-1 hash.

func Union added in v1.1.0

func Union(args ...interface{}) Term

Union concatenates two sequences.

func UnionWithOpts

func UnionWithOpts(optArgs UnionOpts, args ...interface{}) Term

UnionWithOpts like Union concatenates two sequences however allows for optional arguments to be passed.

func Wait deprecated added in v0.6.0

func Wait(optArgs ...WaitOpts) Term

Wait for a table or all the tables in a database to be ready. A table may be temporarily unavailable after creation, rebalancing or reconfiguring. The wait command blocks until the given table (or database) is fully up to date.

Deprecated: This function is not supported by RethinkDB 2.3 and above.

func (Term) Add

func (t Term) Add(args ...interface{}) Term

Add sums two numbers or concatenates two arrays.

func (Term) And

func (t Term) And(args ...interface{}) Term

And performs a logical and on two values.

func (Term) Append

func (t Term) Append(args ...interface{}) Term

Append appends a value to an array.

func (Term) AtIndex added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) AtIndex(args ...interface{}) Term

AtIndex gets a single field from an object or the nth element from a sequence.

func (Term) Avg

func (t Term) Avg(args ...interface{}) Term

Avg returns the average of all the elements of a sequence. If called with a field name, averages all the values of that field in the sequence, skipping elements of the sequence that lack that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and averages the results, skipping elements of the sequence where that function returns null or a non-existence error.

func (Term) Between

func (t Term) Between(lowerKey, upperKey interface{}, optArgs ...BetweenOpts) Term

Between gets all documents between two keys. Accepts three optional arguments: index, leftBound, and rightBound. If index is set to the name of a secondary index, between will return all documents where that index’s value is in the specified range (it uses the primary key by default). leftBound or rightBound may be set to open or closed to indicate whether or not to include that endpoint of the range (by default, leftBound is closed and rightBound is open).

You may also use the special constants r.minval and r.maxval for boundaries, which represent “less than any index key” and “more than any index key” respectively. For instance, if you use r.minval as the lower key, then between will return all documents whose primary keys (or indexes) are less than the specified upper key.

func (Term) Branch added in v1.1.0

func (t Term) Branch(args ...interface{}) Term

Branch evaluates one of two control paths based on the value of an expression. branch is effectively an if renamed due to language constraints.

The type of the result is determined by the type of the branch that gets executed.

func (Term) Build

func (t Term) Build() (interface{}, error)

build takes the query tree and prepares it to be sent as a JSON expression

func (Term) Ceil added in v1.1.0

func (t Term) Ceil(args ...interface{}) Term

Ceil rounds the given value up, returning the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the given value (the value’s ceiling).

func (Term) ChangeAt

func (t Term) ChangeAt(args ...interface{}) Term

ChangeAt changes a value in an array at a given index. Returns the modified array.

func (Term) Changes

func (t Term) Changes(optArgs ...ChangesOpts) Term

Changes returns an infinite stream of objects representing changes to a query.

func (Term) CoerceTo

func (t Term) CoerceTo(args ...interface{}) Term

CoerceTo converts a value of one type into another.

You can convert: a selection, sequence, or object into an ARRAY, an array of pairs into an OBJECT, and any DATUM into a STRING.

func (Term) ConcatMap

func (t Term) ConcatMap(args ...interface{}) Term

ConcatMap concatenates one or more elements into a single sequence using a mapping function. ConcatMap works in a similar fashion to Map, applying the given function to each element in a sequence, but it will always return a single sequence.

func (Term) Config added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) Config() Term

Config can be used to read and/or update the configurations for individual tables or databases.

func (Term) Contains

func (t Term) Contains(args ...interface{}) Term

Contains returns whether or not a sequence contains all the specified values, or if functions are provided instead, returns whether or not a sequence contains values matching all the specified functions.

func (Term) Count

func (t Term) Count(args ...interface{}) Term

Count the number of elements in the sequence. With a single argument, count the number of elements equal to it. If the argument is a function, it is equivalent to calling filter before count.

func (Term) Date

func (t Term) Date(args ...interface{}) Term

Date returns a new time object only based on the day, month and year (ie. the same day at 00:00).

func (Term) Day

func (t Term) Day(args ...interface{}) Term

Day return the day of a time object as a number between 1 and 31.

func (Term) DayOfWeek

func (t Term) DayOfWeek(args ...interface{}) Term

DayOfWeek returns the day of week of a time object as a number between 1 and 7 (following ISO 8601 standard). For your convenience, the terms r.Monday(), r.Tuesday() etc. are defined and map to the appropriate integer.

func (Term) DayOfYear

func (t Term) DayOfYear(args ...interface{}) Term

DayOfYear returns the day of the year of a time object as a number between 1 and 366 (following ISO 8601 standard).

func (Term) Default

func (t Term) Default(args ...interface{}) Term

Default handles non-existence errors. Tries to evaluate and return its first argument. If an error related to the absence of a value is thrown in the process, or if its first argument returns null, returns its second argument. (Alternatively, the second argument may be a function which will be called with either the text of the non-existence error or null.)

func (Term) Delete

func (t Term) Delete(optArgs ...DeleteOpts) Term

Delete one or more documents from a table.

func (Term) DeleteAt

func (t Term) DeleteAt(args ...interface{}) Term

DeleteAt removes an element from an array at a given index. Returns the modified array.

func (Term) Difference

func (t Term) Difference(args ...interface{}) Term

Difference removes the elements of one array from another array.

func (Term) Distance added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) Distance(point interface{}, optArgs ...DistanceOpts) Term

Distance calculates the Haversine distance between two points. At least one of the geometry objects specified must be a point.

func (Term) Distinct

func (t Term) Distinct(optArgs ...DistinctOpts) Term

Distinct removes duplicate elements from the sequence.

func (Term) Div

func (t Term) Div(args ...interface{}) Term

Div divides two numbers.

func (Term) Do

func (t Term) Do(args ...interface{}) Term

Do evaluates the expr in the context of one or more value bindings. The type of the result is the type of the value returned from expr.

func (Term) Downcase

func (t Term) Downcase(args ...interface{}) Term

Downcase lower-cases a string.

func (Term) During

func (t Term) During(startTime, endTime interface{}, optArgs ...DuringOpts) Term

During returns true if a time is between two other times (by default, inclusive for the start, exclusive for the end).

func (Term) Eq

func (t Term) Eq(args ...interface{}) Term

Eq returns true if two values are equal.

func (Term) EqJoin

func (t Term) EqJoin(left, right interface{}, optArgs ...EqJoinOpts) Term

EqJoin is an efficient join that looks up elements in the right table by primary key.

Optional arguments: "index" (string - name of the index to use in right table instead of the primary key)

func (Term) Exec

func (t Term) Exec(s QueryExecutor, optArgs ...ExecOpts) error

Exec runs the query but does not return the result. Exec will still wait for the response to be received unless the NoReply field is true.

err := r.DB("database").Table("table").Insert(doc).Exec(sess, r.ExecOpts{
	NoReply: true,

func (Term) Field

func (t Term) Field(args ...interface{}) Term

Field gets a single field from an object. If called on a sequence, gets that field from every object in the sequence, skipping objects that lack it.

func (Term) Fill added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) Fill() Term

Fill converts a Line object into a Polygon object. If the last point does not specify the same coordinates as the first point, polygon will close the polygon by connecting them

func (Term) Filter

func (t Term) Filter(f interface{}, optArgs ...FilterOpts) Term

Filter gets all the documents for which the given predicate is true.

Filter can be called on a sequence, selection, or a field containing an array of elements. The return type is the same as the type on which the function was called on. The body of every filter is wrapped in an implicit `.default(false)`, and the default value can be changed by passing the optional argument `default`. Setting this optional argument to `r.error()` will cause any non-existence errors to abort the filter.

func (Term) Floor added in v1.1.0

func (t Term) Floor(args ...interface{}) Term

Floor rounds the given value down, returning the largest integer value less than or equal to the given value (the value’s floor).

func (Term) Fold

func (t Term) Fold(base, fn interface{}, optArgs ...FoldOpts) Term

Fold applies a function to a sequence in order, maintaining state via an accumulator. The Fold command returns either a single value or a new sequence.

In its first form, Fold operates like Reduce, returning a value by applying a combining function to each element in a sequence, passing the current element and the previous reduction result to the function. However, Fold has the following differences from Reduce:

  • it is guaranteed to proceed through the sequence from first element to last.
  • it passes an initial base value to the function with the first element in place of the previous reduction result.

In its second form, Fold operates like ConcatMap, returning a new sequence rather than a single value. When an emit function is provided, Fold will:

  • proceed through the sequence in order and take an initial base value, as above.
  • for each element in the sequence, call both the combining function and a separate emitting function with the current element and previous reduction result.
  • optionally pass the result of the combining function to the emitting function.

If provided, the emitting function must return a list.

func (Term) ForEach

func (t Term) ForEach(args ...interface{}) Term

ForEach loops over a sequence, evaluating the given write query for each element.

It takes one argument of type `func (r.Term) interface{}`, for example clones a table:

r.Table("table").ForEach(func (row r.Term) interface{} {
    return r.Table("new_table").Insert(row)

func (Term) Ge

func (t Term) Ge(args ...interface{}) Term

Ge returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second.

func (Term) Get

func (t Term) Get(args ...interface{}) Term

Get gets a document by primary key. If nothing was found, RethinkDB will return a nil value.

func (Term) GetAll

func (t Term) GetAll(keys ...interface{}) Term

GetAll gets all documents where the given value matches the value of the primary index. Multiple values can be passed this function if you want to select multiple documents. If the documents you are fetching have composite keys then each argument should be a slice. For more information see the examples.

func (Term) GetAllByIndex

func (t Term) GetAllByIndex(index interface{}, keys ...interface{}) Term

GetAllByIndex gets all documents where the given value matches the value of the requested index.

func (Term) GetIntersecting added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) GetIntersecting(args interface{}, optArgs ...GetIntersectingOpts) Term

GetIntersecting gets all documents where the given geometry object intersects the geometry object of the requested geospatial index.

func (Term) GetNearest added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) GetNearest(point interface{}, optArgs ...GetNearestOpts) Term

GetNearest gets all documents where the specified geospatial index is within a certain distance of the specified point (default 100 kilometers).

func (Term) Grant

func (t Term) Grant(args ...interface{}) Term

Grant modifies access permissions for a user account, globally or on a per-database or per-table basis.

func (Term) Group

func (t Term) Group(fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

Group takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

func (Term) GroupByIndex

func (t Term) GroupByIndex(index interface{}, fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

GroupByIndex takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

func (Term) Gt

func (t Term) Gt(args ...interface{}) Term

Gt returns true if the first value is greater than the second.

func (Term) HasFields

func (t Term) HasFields(args ...interface{}) Term

HasFields tests if an object has all of the specified fields. An object has a field if it has the specified key and that key maps to a non-null value. For instance,

the object `{'a':1,'b':2,'c':null}` has the fields `a` and `b`.

func (Term) Hours

func (t Term) Hours(args ...interface{}) Term

Hours returns the hour in a time object as a number between 0 and 23.

func (Term) InTimezone

func (t Term) InTimezone(args ...interface{}) Term

InTimezone returns a new time object with a different time zone. While the time stays the same, the results returned by methods such as hours() will change since they take the timezone into account. The timezone argument has to be of the ISO 8601 format.

func (Term) Includes added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) Includes(args ...interface{}) Term

Includes tests whether a geometry object is completely contained within another. When applied to a sequence of geometry objects, includes acts as a filter, returning a sequence of objects from the sequence that include the argument.

func (Term) IndexCreate

func (t Term) IndexCreate(name interface{}, optArgs ...IndexCreateOpts) Term

IndexCreate creates a new secondary index on a table. Secondary indexes improve the speed of many read queries at the slight cost of increased storage space and decreased write performance.

IndexCreate supports the creation of the following types of indexes, to create indexes using arbitrary expressions use IndexCreateFunc.

  • Simple indexes based on the value of a single field.
  • Geospatial indexes based on indexes of geometry objects, created when the geo optional argument is true.

func (Term) IndexCreateFunc

func (t Term) IndexCreateFunc(name, indexFunction interface{}, optArgs ...IndexCreateOpts) Term

IndexCreateFunc creates a new secondary index on a table. Secondary indexes improve the speed of many read queries at the slight cost of increased storage space and decreased write performance. The function takes a index name and RQL term as the index value , the term can be an anonymous function or a binary representation obtained from the function field of indexStatus.

It supports the creation of the following types of indexes.

  • Simple indexes based on the value of a single field where the index has a different name to the field.
  • Compound indexes based on multiple fields.
  • Multi indexes based on arrays of values, created when the multi optional argument is true.

func (Term) IndexDrop

func (t Term) IndexDrop(args ...interface{}) Term

IndexDrop deletes a previously created secondary index of a table.

func (Term) IndexList

func (t Term) IndexList(args ...interface{}) Term

IndexList lists all the secondary indexes of a table.

func (Term) IndexRename added in v0.4.0

func (t Term) IndexRename(oldName, newName interface{}, optArgs ...IndexRenameOpts) Term

IndexRename renames an existing secondary index on a table.

func (Term) IndexStatus

func (t Term) IndexStatus(args ...interface{}) Term

IndexStatus gets the status of the specified indexes on this table, or the status of all indexes on this table if no indexes are specified.

func (Term) IndexWait

func (t Term) IndexWait(args ...interface{}) Term

IndexWait waits for the specified indexes on this table to be ready, or for all indexes on this table to be ready if no indexes are specified.

func (Term) Info

func (t Term) Info(args ...interface{}) Term

Info gets information about a RQL value.

func (Term) InnerJoin

func (t Term) InnerJoin(args ...interface{}) Term

InnerJoin returns the inner product of two sequences (e.g. a table, a filter result) filtered by the predicate. The query compares each row of the left sequence with each row of the right sequence to find all pairs of rows which satisfy the predicate. When the predicate is satisfied, each matched pair of rows of both sequences are combined into a result row.

func (Term) Insert

func (t Term) Insert(arg interface{}, optArgs ...InsertOpts) Term

Insert documents into a table. Accepts a single document or an array of documents.

func (Term) InsertAt

func (t Term) InsertAt(args ...interface{}) Term

InsertAt inserts a value in to an array at a given index. Returns the modified array.

func (Term) Intersects added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) Intersects(args ...interface{}) Term

Intersects tests whether two geometry objects intersect with one another. When applied to a sequence of geometry objects, intersects acts as a filter, returning a sequence of objects from the sequence that intersect with the argument.

func (Term) IsEmpty

func (t Term) IsEmpty(args ...interface{}) Term

IsEmpty tests if a sequence is empty.

func (Term) Keys

func (t Term) Keys(args ...interface{}) Term

Keys returns an array containing all of the object's keys.

func (Term) Le

func (t Term) Le(args ...interface{}) Term

Le returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second.

func (Term) Limit

func (t Term) Limit(args ...interface{}) Term

Limit ends the sequence after the given number of elements.

func (Term) Lt

func (t Term) Lt(args ...interface{}) Term

Lt returns true if the first value is less than the second.

func (Term) Map

func (t Term) Map(args ...interface{}) Term

Map transforms each element of the sequence by applying the given mapping function. It takes one argument of type `func (r.Term) interface{}`.

For example this query doubles each element in an array:

r.Expr([]int{1,3,6}).Map(func (row r.Term) interface{} {
    return row.Mul(2)

func (Term) Match

func (t Term) Match(args ...interface{}) Term

Match matches against a regular expression. If no match is found, returns null. If there is a match then an object with the following fields is returned:

str: The matched string
start: The matched string’s start
end: The matched string’s end
groups: The capture groups defined with parentheses

Accepts RE2 syntax (https://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax). You can enable case-insensitive matching by prefixing the regular expression with (?i). See the linked RE2 documentation for more flags.

The match command does not support backreferences.

func (Term) Max

func (t Term) Max(args ...interface{}) Term

Max finds the maximum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the largest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the largest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func (Term) MaxIndex added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) MaxIndex(index interface{}, args ...interface{}) Term

MaxIndex finds the maximum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the largest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the largest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func (Term) Merge

func (t Term) Merge(args ...interface{}) Term

Merge merges two objects together to construct a new object with properties from both. Gives preference to attributes from other when there is a conflict.

func (Term) Min

func (t Term) Min(args ...interface{}) Term

Min finds the minimum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the smallest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the smallest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func (Term) MinIndex added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) MinIndex(index interface{}, args ...interface{}) Term

MinIndex finds the minimum of a sequence. If called with a field name, finds the element of that sequence with the smallest value in that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and returns the element which produced the smallest value, ignoring any elements where the function returns null or produces a non-existence error.

func (Term) Minutes

func (t Term) Minutes(args ...interface{}) Term

Minutes returns the minute in a time object as a number between 0 and 59.

func (Term) MockAnything

func (t Term) MockAnything() Term

func (Term) Mod

func (t Term) Mod(args ...interface{}) Term

Mod divides two numbers and returns the remainder.

func (Term) Month

func (t Term) Month(args ...interface{}) Term

Month returns the month of a time object as a number between 1 and 12. For your convenience, the terms r.January(), r.February() etc. are defined and map to the appropriate integer.

func (Term) Mul

func (t Term) Mul(args ...interface{}) Term

Mul multiplies two numbers.

func (Term) MultiGroup added in v1.0.0

func (t Term) MultiGroup(fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

MultiGroup takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

Unlike Group single documents can be assigned to multiple groups, similar to the behavior of multi-indexes. When the grouping value is an array, documents will be placed in each group that corresponds to the elements of the array. If the array is empty the row will be ignored.

func (Term) MultiGroupByIndex added in v1.0.0

func (t Term) MultiGroupByIndex(index interface{}, fieldOrFunctions ...interface{}) Term

MultiGroupByIndex takes a stream and partitions it into multiple groups based on the fields or functions provided. Commands chained after group will be called on each of these grouped sub-streams, producing grouped data.

Unlike Group single documents can be assigned to multiple groups, similar to the behavior of multi-indexes. When the grouping value is an array, documents will be placed in each group that corresponds to the elements of the array. If the array is empty the row will be ignored.

func (Term) Ne

func (t Term) Ne(args ...interface{}) Term

Ne returns true if two values are not equal.

func (Term) Not

func (t Term) Not(args ...interface{}) Term

Not performs a logical not on a value.

func (Term) Nth

func (t Term) Nth(args ...interface{}) Term

Nth gets the nth element from a sequence.

func (Term) OffsetsOf added in v0.7.0

func (t Term) OffsetsOf(args ...interface{}) Term

OffsetsOf gets the indexes of an element in a sequence. If the argument is a predicate, get the indexes of all elements matching it.

func (Term) OptArgs

func (t Term) OptArgs(args interface{}) Term

func (Term) Or

func (t Term) Or(args ...interface{}) Term

Or performs a logical or on two values.

func (Term) OrderBy

func (t Term) OrderBy(args ...interface{}) Term

OrderBy sorts the sequence by document values of the given key(s). To specify the ordering, wrap the attribute with either r.Asc or r.Desc (defaults to ascending).

Sorting without an index requires the server to hold the sequence in memory, and is limited to 100,000 documents (or the setting of the ArrayLimit option for run). Sorting with an index can be done on arbitrarily large tables, or after a between command using the same index.

func (Term) OuterJoin

func (t Term) OuterJoin(args ...interface{}) Term

OuterJoin computes a left outer join by retaining each row in the left table even if no match was found in the right table.

func (Term) Pluck

func (t Term) Pluck(args ...interface{}) Term

Pluck plucks out one or more attributes from either an object or a sequence of objects (projection).

func (Term) PolygonSub added in v0.5.0

func (t Term) PolygonSub(args ...interface{}) Term

PolygonSub "punches a hole" out of the parent polygon using the polygon passed to the function.

polygon1.PolygonSub(polygon2) -> polygon

In the example above polygon2 must be completely contained within polygon1 and must have no holes itself (it must not be the output of polygon_sub itself).

func (Term) Prepend

func (t Term) Prepend(args ...interface{}) Term

Prepend prepends a value to an array.

func (Term) ReadAll

func (t Term) ReadAll(dest interface{}, s QueryExecutor, optArgs ...RunOpts) error

ReadAll is a shortcut method that runs the query on the given connection and reads all of the responses from the cursor before closing it.

It returns any errors encountered from running the query or reading the responses

func (Term) ReadOne

func (t Term) ReadOne(dest interface{}, s QueryExecutor, optArgs ...RunOpts) error

ReadOne is a shortcut method that runs the query on the given connection and reads one response from the cursor before closing it.

It returns any errors encountered from running the query or reading the response

func (Term) Rebalance added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) Rebalance() Term

Rebalance rebalances the shards of a table. When called on a database, all the tables in that database will be rebalanced.

func (Term) Reconfigure added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) Reconfigure(optArgs ...ReconfigureOpts) Term

Reconfigure a table's sharding and replication.

func (Term) Reduce

func (t Term) Reduce(args ...interface{}) Term

Reduce produces a single value from a sequence through repeated application of a reduction function

It takes one argument of type `func (r.Term, r.Term) interface{}`, for example this query sums all elements in an array:

r.Expr([]int{1,3,6}).Reduce(func (left, right r.Term) interface{} {
    return left.Add(right)

func (Term) Replace

func (t Term) Replace(arg interface{}, optArgs ...ReplaceOpts) Term

Replace documents in a table. Accepts a JSON document or a ReQL expression, and replaces the original document with the new one. The new document must have the same primary key as the original document.

func (Term) Round added in v1.1.0

func (t Term) Round(args ...interface{}) Term

Round causes the input number to be rounded the given value to the nearest whole integer.

func (Term) Run

func (t Term) Run(s QueryExecutor, optArgs ...RunOpts) (*Cursor, error)

Run runs a query using the given connection.

	rows, err := query.Run(sess)
	if err != nil {
		// error

 var doc MyDocumentType
	for rows.Next(&doc) {
     // Do something with document

func (Term) RunWrite

func (t Term) RunWrite(s QueryExecutor, optArgs ...RunOpts) (WriteResponse, error)

RunWrite runs a query using the given connection but unlike Run automatically scans the result into a variable of type WriteResponse. This function should be used if you are running a write query (such as Insert, Update, TableCreate, etc...).

If an error occurs when running the write query the first error is returned.

res, err := r.DB("database").Table("table").Insert(doc).RunWrite(sess)

func (Term) Sample

func (t Term) Sample(args ...interface{}) Term

Sample selects a given number of elements from a sequence with uniform random distribution. Selection is done without replacement.

func (Term) Seconds

func (t Term) Seconds(args ...interface{}) Term

Seconds returns the seconds in a time object as a number between 0 and 59.999 (double precision).

func (Term) SetDifference

func (t Term) SetDifference(args ...interface{}) Term

SetDifference removes the elements of one array from another and return them as a set (an array with distinct values).

func (Term) SetInsert

func (t Term) SetInsert(args ...interface{}) Term

SetInsert adds a value to an array and return it as a set (an array with distinct values).

func (Term) SetIntersection

func (t Term) SetIntersection(args ...interface{}) Term

SetIntersection calculates the intersection of two arrays returning values that occur in both of them as a set (an array with distinct values).

func (Term) SetUnion

func (t Term) SetUnion(args ...interface{}) Term

SetUnion adds several values to an array and return it as a set (an array with distinct values).

func (Term) Skip

func (t Term) Skip(args ...interface{}) Term

Skip skips a number of elements from the head of the sequence.

func (Term) Slice

func (t Term) Slice(args ...interface{}) Term

Slice trims the sequence to within the bounds provided.

func (Term) SpliceAt

func (t Term) SpliceAt(args ...interface{}) Term

SpliceAt inserts several values in to an array at a given index. Returns the modified array.

func (Term) Split

func (t Term) Split(args ...interface{}) Term

Split splits a string into substrings. Splits on whitespace when called with no arguments. When called with a separator, splits on that separator. When called with a separator and a maximum number of splits, splits on that separator at most max_splits times. (Can be called with null as the separator if you want to split on whitespace while still specifying max_splits.)

Mimics the behavior of Python's string.split in edge cases, except for splitting on the empty string, which instead produces an array of single-character strings.

func (Term) Status added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) Status() Term

Status return the status of a table

func (Term) String

func (t Term) String() string

String returns a string representation of the query tree

func (Term) Sub

func (t Term) Sub(args ...interface{}) Term

Sub subtracts two numbers.

func (Term) Sum

func (t Term) Sum(args ...interface{}) Term

Sum returns the sum of all the elements of a sequence. If called with a field name, sums all the values of that field in the sequence, skipping elements of the sequence that lack that field. If called with a function, calls that function on every element of the sequence and sums the results, skipping elements of the sequence where that function returns null or a non-existence error.

func (Term) Sync

func (t Term) Sync(args ...interface{}) Term

Sync ensures that writes on a given table are written to permanent storage. Queries that specify soft durability do not give such guarantees, so Sync can be used to ensure the state of these queries. A call to Sync does not return until all previous writes to the table are persisted.

func (Term) Table

func (t Term) Table(name interface{}, optArgs ...TableOpts) Term

Table selects all documents in a table. This command can be chained with other commands to do further processing on the data.

There are two optional arguments.

  • useOutdated: if true, this allows potentially out-of-date data to be returned, with potentially faster reads. It also allows you to perform reads from a secondary replica if a primary has failed. Default false.
  • identifierFormat: possible values are name and uuid, with a default of name. If set to uuid, then system tables will refer to servers, databases and tables by UUID rather than name. (This only has an effect when used with system tables.)

func (Term) TableCreate

func (t Term) TableCreate(name interface{}, optArgs ...TableCreateOpts) Term

TableCreate creates a table. A RethinkDB table is a collection of JSON documents.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are valid for the table name.

func (Term) TableDrop

func (t Term) TableDrop(args ...interface{}) Term

TableDrop deletes a table. The table and all its data will be deleted.

func (Term) TableList

func (t Term) TableList(args ...interface{}) Term

TableList lists all table names in a database.

func (Term) TimeOfDay

func (t Term) TimeOfDay(args ...interface{}) Term

TimeOfDay returns the number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of the day stored in the time object.

func (Term) Timezone

func (t Term) Timezone(args ...interface{}) Term

Timezone returns the timezone of the time object

func (Term) ToEpochTime

func (t Term) ToEpochTime(args ...interface{}) Term

ToEpochTime converts a time object to its epoch time.

func (Term) ToGeoJSON added in v1.0.0

func (t Term) ToGeoJSON(args ...interface{}) Term

ToGeoJSON converts a ReQL geometry object to a GeoJSON object.

func (Term) ToISO8601

func (t Term) ToISO8601(args ...interface{}) Term

ToISO8601 converts a time object to its iso 8601 format.

func (Term) ToJSON added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) ToJSON() Term

ToJSON converts a ReQL value or object to a JSON string.

func (Term) TypeOf

func (t Term) TypeOf(args ...interface{}) Term

TypeOf gets the type of a value.

func (Term) Ungroup

func (t Term) Ungroup(args ...interface{}) Term

Ungroup takes a grouped stream or grouped data and turns it into an array of objects representing the groups. Any commands chained after Ungroup will operate on this array, rather than operating on each group individually. This is useful if you want to e.g. order the groups by the value of their reduction.

func (Term) Union

func (t Term) Union(args ...interface{}) Term

Union concatenates two sequences.

func (Term) UnionWithOpts

func (t Term) UnionWithOpts(optArgs UnionOpts, args ...interface{}) Term

UnionWithOpts like Union concatenates two sequences however allows for optional arguments to be passed.

func (Term) Upcase

func (t Term) Upcase(args ...interface{}) Term

Upcase upper-cases a string.

func (Term) Update

func (t Term) Update(arg interface{}, optArgs ...UpdateOpts) Term

Update JSON documents in a table. Accepts a JSON document, a ReQL expression, or a combination of the two. You can pass options like returnChanges that will return the old and new values of the row you have modified.

func (Term) Values added in v1.2.0

func (t Term) Values(args ...interface{}) Term

func (Term) Wait added in v0.6.0

func (t Term) Wait(optArgs ...WaitOpts) Term

Wait for a table or all the tables in a database to be ready. A table may be temporarily unavailable after creation, rebalancing or reconfiguring. The wait command blocks until the given table (or database) is fully up to date.

func (Term) WithFields

func (t Term) WithFields(args ...interface{}) Term

WithFields takes a sequence of objects and a list of fields. If any objects in the sequence don't have all of the specified fields, they're dropped from the sequence. The remaining objects have the specified fields plucked out. (This is identical to `HasFields` followed by `Pluck` on a sequence.)

func (Term) Without

func (t Term) Without(args ...interface{}) Term

Without is the opposite of pluck; takes an object or a sequence of objects, and returns them with the specified paths removed.

func (Term) Year

func (t Term) Year(args ...interface{}) Term

Year returns the year of a time object.

func (Term) Zip

func (t Term) Zip(args ...interface{}) Term

Zip is used to 'zip' up the result of a join by merging the 'right' fields into 'left' fields of each member of the sequence.

type UnionOpts

type UnionOpts struct {
	Interleave interface{} `gorethink:"interleave,omitempty"`

UnionOpts contains the optional arguments for the Slice term

type UpdateOpts

type UpdateOpts struct {
	Durability    interface{} `gorethink:"durability,omitempty"`
	ReturnChanges interface{} `gorethink:"return_changes,omitempty"`
	NonAtomic     interface{} `gorethink:"non_atomic,omitempty"`
	Conflict      interface{} `gorethink:"conflict,omitempty"`

UpdateOpts contains the optional arguments for the Update term

type WaitOpts added in v0.7.0

type WaitOpts struct {
	WaitFor interface{} `gorethink:"wait_for,omitempty"`
	Timeout interface{} `gorethink:"timeout,omitempty"`

WaitOpts contains the optional arguments for the Wait term.

type WriteResponse

type WriteResponse struct {
	Errors        int              `gorethink:"errors"`
	Inserted      int              `gorethink:"inserted"`
	Updated       int              `gorethink:"updated"`
	Unchanged     int              `gorethink:"unchanged"`
	Replaced      int              `gorethink:"replaced"`
	Renamed       int              `gorethink:"renamed"`
	Skipped       int              `gorethink:"skipped"`
	Deleted       int              `gorethink:"deleted"`
	Created       int              `gorethink:"created"`
	DBsCreated    int              `gorethink:"dbs_created"`
	TablesCreated int              `gorethink:"tables_created"`
	Dropped       int              `gorethink:"dropped"`
	DBsDropped    int              `gorethink:"dbs_dropped"`
	TablesDropped int              `gorethink:"tables_dropped"`
	GeneratedKeys []string         `gorethink:"generated_keys"`
	FirstError    string           `gorethink:"first_error"` // populated if Errors > 0
	ConfigChanges []ChangeResponse `gorethink:"config_changes"`
	Changes       []ChangeResponse

WriteResponse is a helper type used when dealing with the response of a write query. It is also returned by the RunWrite function.


Path Synopsis
Package ql2 is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package ql2 is a generated protocol buffer package.

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