secretcli - A sample program on accessing secrets using the secret package
The following command line parameters are supported:
-appid string
application ID
-config string
config file in JSON. You can specify server, name, user, password, appID or scope.
If a parameter is explicitly specified, it overrides the value in the file
create text or keyvalue secret
create secret folder
Enable debug messages
delete secret object/folder
-description string
optional description of secret
get secret value
get secret metadata
-headers string
Specify extra HTTP headers as a comma-separated list. Each header is specified as <name>:<value>.
Comma (,) and colon (:) are not allowed as part of the header name or value.
Example: "X-TZOFF:480, X-Special:Marker
-jsonfile string
JSON file that contains the keyvalue secret value to create/modify.
Either JsonFile or JsonString must be specified when creating/modifying a keyvalue secret
-jsonstring string
A JSON string that specifies the keyvalue secret value to create/modify.
Either JsonFile or JsonString must be specified when creating/modifying a keyvalue secret
list folder contents
whether to log REST API call
modify secret
-name string
Path of secret
-password string
-scope string
-server string
Tenant UTL where secret is stored
-servertype string
Server type: pas for Centrify PAS
-text string
value of text secret to create/modify. Must be specified when type is "text"
Use DMC. Note: It cannot be overridden if it is set to true in the config file.
-user string
-useragent string
specify a different user agent in HTTP header
Use a JSON file to store commonly used parameters
You can store these commonly used parameters in a JSON file and specify the JSON file using the -config parameter.
- appid
- debug
- description
- headers
- jsonfile
- jsonstring
- log
- name
- password (not recommended)
- scope
- server
- servertype
- text
- useDMC
- user
- useragent
Here is an example of a jsonfile
"appid": "testsdk",
"server": "",
"user": "[email protected]",
"scope": "all",
"servertype": "pas"
Use Delegated Machine Credential to access secret
To avoid saving password/credential information in your scripts/programs, you can use Delegated Machine Credentials to access secrets.
- You need to install Centrify Client on the machine,
- The machine must login to your tenant with DMC feature enabled. For example:
cenroll -t ${TENANT_URL} -c ${CODE} -F dmc -d secret=secrets\$ -d secret=secrets/.\* -d secret=privilegeddata/.\*
Note that ${TENANT_URL} is the environment variable for the tenant URL; and ${CODE} is the environment variable for the enrollment code.
Alternatively, you can set up the same DMC scope by editing the Client Profile of the Centrify Client in the admin portal.
You need to run this program as root. Only root users can acquire Delegated Machine Credential.
Since the secret is accessed using the machine account, make sure that the machine account is granted the correct permissions to the secrets/folders.
Sample JSON configuration file when using Delegated Machine Credential
"useDMC": true,
"server": "",
"scope": "secret",
"servertype": "pas"
Exit status
Status | Errors |
EPERM(1) | ErrSecretTypeNotSupported: Specified secret type is not supported. |
ErrCannotModifySecretType: Cannot modify secret type. | |
ErrCannotModifySecretFolder: Cannot modify secret folder. | |
ENOENT(2) | ErrFolderNotFound: Secret folder does not exist. |
ErrSecretNotFound: Secret does not exist. | |
EACCES(13) | ErrNoCreatePermission: No permission to create secret/folder. |
ErrNoDeletePermission: No permission to delete secret/folder. | |
ErrNoGetMetaDataPermission: No permission to get metadata information about secret/folder. | |
ErrNoModifyPermission: No permission to modify secret. | |
ErrNoRetrievePermission: No permission to retrieve secret. | |
EEXIST(17) | ErrExists: Secret alreay exists. |
ErrDeletedSecretExists: A mark-for-delete secret already exists in the same path. | |
ENOTDIR(20) | ErrNotSecretFolder: Path is not a secret folder. |
EISDIR(21) | ErrNotSecretObject: Path is a secret folder. |
EINVAL(22) | ErrBadPathName: Illegal secret path name. |
ErrBadServerType: Invalid server type. | |
ENOSYS(38) | ErrNotImplementedYet: Function not implemented yet. |
ENOTEMPTY(39) | ErrFolderNotEmpty: Secret folder is not empty. |
EPROTO(72) | ErrUnexecptedResponse: Unexpected response received. |
255 | Usage error. Error in command line parameters. |
Listing secrets in a folder
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1 -list
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1 list map[] false map[] false}
Listing contents of [folder1]
Number of items in folder: 4
ID: 1fd46425-49dd-4cb3-bbea-783dfb32ab68 Type: Folder Name: folder3
ID: 90d07161-07df-4464-bc37-71899d7dc2be Type: Folder Name: textsecret
ID: 0cb524cc-2b97-4084-87ec-fd111fc588ac Type: Text Name: newsecrettext
ID: 0d59ddd6-7faf-4efc-9b87-be3033506597 Type: KeyValue Name: bag-secret
Getting values of a secret
A text secret:
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/newsecrettext -get
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/newsecrettext get map[] false map[] false}
Getting secret from path [folder1/newsecrettext]
Secret is a text string. Value: [now i change it]
A keyvalue secret:
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/bag-secret -get
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/bag-secret get map[] false map[] false}
Getting secret from path [folder1/bag-secret]
Secret is key value pair collection:
Key: key3 Value:third_value
Key: key with space Value:value with space
Create a text secret
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-is-fun -create -text "That's all folks"'!'
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-is-fun That's all folks! create text map[] false map[] false}
Creating secret of type text in path [folder1/secret-is-fun]
Secret created. ID: 428f658f-f5aa-4be7-83d0-e9e97ddd5c0e
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-is-fun -get
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-is-fun get map[] false map[] false}
Getting secret from path [folder1/secret-is-fun]
Secret is a text string. Value: [That's all folks!]
Create a keyvalue secret
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-keyvalue -create -jsonstring "{\"foo\":\"bar\", \"hello\":\"world\"}"
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-keyvalue {"foo":"bar", "hello":"world"} create keyvalue map[foo:bar hello:world] false map[] false}
Creating secret of type keyvalue in path [folder1/secret-keyvalue]
Secret created. ID: 0b9760fe-2ae4-4029-b1ee-2fb3a255873c
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-keyvalue -get
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-keyvalue get map[] false map[] false}
Getting secret from path [folder1/secret-keyvalue]
Secret is key value pair collection:
Key: hello Value:world
Key: foo Value:bar
Modify a secret
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-keyvalue -modify -jsonstring "{\"bar\":\"foo\", \"world\":\"hello\"}"
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-keyvalue {"bar":"foo", "world":"hello"} modify keyvalue map[bar:foo world:hello] false map[] false}
Modifying secret of type keyvalue in path [folder1/secret-keyvalue]
Secret modified. ID: 0b9760fe-2ae4-4029-b1ee-2fb3a255873c
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-keyvalue -get
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-keyvalue get map[] false map[] false}
Getting secret from path [folder1/secret-keyvalue]
Secret is key value pair collection:
Key: world Value:hello
Key: bar Value:foo
Delete a secret
$ sudo ./secretcli -config ~/dmc.json -name folder1/secret-is-fun -delete
Configuration: {/home/user/dmc.json pas true secret folder1/secret-is-fun delete map[] false map[] false}
Deleting secret in path [folder1/secret-is-fun]
Secret deleted