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Published: Aug 5, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 23


Glamour Style Guide

The JSON files in this directory are generated from the default styles. To re-generate them, run:

go generate ..

Block Elements

Block elements contain other elements and are rendered around them. All block elements support the following style settings:

Attribute Value Description
block_prefix string Printed before the block's first element (in parent's style)
block_suffix string Printed after the block's last element (in parent's style)
prefix string Printed before the block's first element
suffix string Printed after the block's last element
indent number Specifies the indentation of the block
indent_token string Specifies the indentation format
margin number Specifies the margin around the block
color color Defines the default text color for the block
background_color color Defines the default background color for the block

Elements inside a block inherit the block's following style settings:

Attribute Value Description
color color Defines the default text color for the block
background_color color Defines the default background color for the block
bold bool Increases text intensity
faint bool Decreases text intensity
italic bool Prints the text in italic
crossed_out bool Enables strikethrough as text decoration
underline bool Enables underline as text decoration
overlined bool Enables overline as text decoration
blink bool Enables blinking text
conceal bool Conceals / hides the text
inverse bool Swaps fore- & background colors

The document element represents the markdown's body.



"document": {
    "indent": 2,
    "background_color": "234",
    "block_prefix": "\n",
    "block_suffix": "\n"


The paragraph element represents a paragraph in the document.



"paragraph": {
    "margin": 4,
    "color": "15",
    "background_color": "235"


The heading element represents a heading.

h1 - h6

The h1 to h6 elements represent headings. h1 defines the most important heading, h6 the least important heading. Undefined attributes are inherited from the heading element.



# h1

## h2

### h3


"heading": {
    "color": "15",
    "background_color": "57"
"h1": {
    "prefix": "=> ",
    "suffix": " <=",
    "margin": 2,
    "bold": true,
    "background_color": "69"
"h2": {
    "prefix": "## ",
    "margin": 4
"h3": {
    "prefix": "### ",
    "margin": 6


Heading Example


The block_quote element represents a quote.



"block_quote": {
    "color": "200",
    "indent": 1,
    "indent_token": "=> "


Block Quote Example


The list element represents a list in the document.

Attribute Value Description
level_indent number Specifies the indentation for nested lists


"list": {
    "color": "15",
    "background_color": "52",
    "level_indent": 4


The code_block element represents a block of code.

Attribute Value Description
theme string Defines the Chroma theme used for syntax highlighting


"code_block": {
    "color": "200",
    "theme": "solarized-dark"


Code Block Example


The table element represents a table of data.



| Label  | Value |
| ------ | ----- |
| First  | foo   |
| Second | bar   |


"table": {
    "margin": 4


Table Example

Inline Elements

All inline elements support the following style settings:

Attribute Value Description
block_prefix string Printed before the element (in parent's style)
block_suffix string Printed after the element (in parent's style)
prefix string Printed before the element
suffix string Printed after the element
color color Defines the default text color for the document
background_color color Defines the default background color for the document
bold bool Increases text intensity
faint bool Decreases text intensity
italic bool Prints the text in italic
crossed_out bool Enables strikethrough as text decoration
underline bool Enables underline as text decoration
overlined bool Enables overline as text decoration
blink bool Enables blinking text
conceal bool Conceals / hides the text
inverse bool Swaps fore- & background colors

The text element represents a block of text.



"text": {
    "bold": true,
    "color": "15",
    "background_color": "57"


The item element represents an item in a list.



- First Item
    - Nested List Item
- Second Item


"item": {
    "block_prefix": "• "


List Example


The enumeration element represents an item in an ordered list.



1. First Item
2. Second Item


"enumeration": {
    "block_prefix": ". "


Enumeration Example


The task element represents a task item.

Attribute Value Description
ticked string Prefix for finished tasks
unticked string Prefix for unfinished tasks


- [x] Finished Task
- [ ] Outstanding Task


"task": {
    "ticked": "✓ ",
    "unticked": "✗ "


Task Example

The link element represents a link.



This is a [link](


"link": {
    "color": "123",
    "underline": true,
    "block_prefix": "(",
    "block_suffix": ")"


Link Example

The link_text element represents the text associated with a link.



"link_text": {
    "color": "123",
    "bold": true


The image element represents an image.





"image": {
    "color": "123",
    "block_prefix": "[Image: ",
    "block_suffix": "]"


Image Example


The image_text element represents the text associated with an image.



"image_text": {
    "color": "8"


The code element represents an inline code segment.



"code": {
    "color": "200"


Code Example


The emph element represents an emphasized text.



This text is *emphasized*.


"emph": {
    "italic": true


Emph Example


The strong element represents important text.



This text is **strong**.


"strong": {
    "bold": true


Strong Example


The strikethrough element represents strikethrough text.



~~Scratch this~~.


"strikethrough": {
    "crossed_out": true


Strikethrough Example


The hr element represents a horizontal rule.





"hr": {
    "block_prefix": "---"






View Source
const (
	AsciiStyle      = "ascii"
	AutoStyle       = "auto"
	DarkStyle       = "dark"
	DraculaStyle    = "dracula"
	TokyoNightStyle = "tokyo-night"
	LightStyle      = "light"
	NoTTYStyle      = "notty"
	PinkStyle       = "pink"

Default styles.


View Source
var (
	// ASCIIStyleConfig uses only ASCII characters.
	ASCIIStyleConfig = ansi.StyleConfig{
		Document: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockPrefix: "\n",
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
			Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		BlockQuote: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			Indent:         uintPtr(1),
			IndentToken:    stringPtr("| "),
		Paragraph: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		List: ansi.StyleList{
			StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
				StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			LevelIndent: defaultListLevelIndent,
		Heading: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
		H1: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "# ",
		H2: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "## ",
		H3: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "### ",
		H4: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "#### ",
		H5: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "##### ",
		H6: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "###### ",
		Strikethrough: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "~~",
			BlockSuffix: "~~",
		Emph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "*",
			BlockSuffix: "*",
		Strong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "**",
			BlockSuffix: "**",
		HorizontalRule: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Format: "\n--------\n",
		Item: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "• ",
		Enumeration: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: ". ",
		Task: ansi.StyleTask{
			Ticked:   "[x] ",
			Unticked: "[ ] ",
		ImageText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Format: "Image: {{.text}} →",
		Code: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockPrefix: "`",
				BlockSuffix: "`",
		CodeBlock: ansi.StyleCodeBlock{
			StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
				Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		Table: ansi.StyleTable{},
		DefinitionDescription: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "\n* ",

	// DarkStyleConfig is the default dark style.
	DarkStyleConfig = ansi.StyleConfig{
		Document: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockPrefix: "\n",
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
				Color:       stringPtr("252"),
			Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		BlockQuote: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			Indent:         uintPtr(1),
			IndentToken:    stringPtr("│ "),
		List: ansi.StyleList{
			LevelIndent: defaultListIndent,
		Heading: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
				Color:       stringPtr("39"),
				Bold:        boolPtr(true),
		H1: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix:          " ",
				Suffix:          " ",
				Color:           stringPtr("228"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("63"),
				Bold:            boolPtr(true),
		H2: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "## ",
		H3: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "### ",
		H4: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "#### ",
		H5: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "##### ",
		H6: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "###### ",
				Color:  stringPtr("35"),
				Bold:   boolPtr(false),
		Strikethrough: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			CrossedOut: boolPtr(true),
		Emph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Italic: boolPtr(true),
		Strong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Bold: boolPtr(true),
		HorizontalRule: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:  stringPtr("240"),
			Format: "\n--------\n",
		Item: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "• ",
		Enumeration: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: ". ",
		Task: ansi.StyleTask{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			Ticked:         "[✓] ",
			Unticked:       "[ ] ",
		Link: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:     stringPtr("30"),
			Underline: boolPtr(true),
		LinkText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color: stringPtr("35"),
			Bold:  boolPtr(true),
		Image: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:     stringPtr("212"),
			Underline: boolPtr(true),
		ImageText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:  stringPtr("243"),
			Format: "Image: {{.text}} →",
		Code: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix:          " ",
				Suffix:          " ",
				Color:           stringPtr("203"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("236"),
		CodeBlock: ansi.StyleCodeBlock{
			StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
				StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("244"),
				Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
			Chroma: &ansi.Chroma{
				Text: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#C4C4C4"),
				Error: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color:           stringPtr("#F1F1F1"),
					BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#F05B5B"),
				Comment: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#676767"),
				CommentPreproc: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF875F"),
				Keyword: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#00AAFF"),
				KeywordReserved: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF5FD2"),
				KeywordNamespace: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF5F87"),
				KeywordType: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#6E6ED8"),
				Operator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#EF8080"),
				Punctuation: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#E8E8A8"),
				Name: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#C4C4C4"),
				NameBuiltin: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF8EC7"),
				NameTag: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#B083EA"),
				NameAttribute: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#7A7AE6"),
				NameClass: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color:     stringPtr("#F1F1F1"),
					Underline: boolPtr(true),
					Bold:      boolPtr(true),
				NameDecorator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FFFF87"),
				NameFunction: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#00D787"),
				LiteralNumber: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#6EEFC0"),
				LiteralString: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#C69669"),
				LiteralStringEscape: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#AFFFD7"),
				GenericDeleted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FD5B5B"),
				GenericEmph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Italic: boolPtr(true),
				GenericInserted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#00D787"),
				GenericStrong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Bold: boolPtr(true),
				GenericSubheading: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#777777"),
				Background: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#373737"),
		Table: ansi.StyleTable{
			StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
				StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		DefinitionDescription: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "\n🠶 ",

	// LightStyleConfig is the default light style.
	LightStyleConfig = ansi.StyleConfig{
		Document: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockPrefix: "\n",
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
				Color:       stringPtr("234"),
			Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		BlockQuote: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			Indent:         uintPtr(1),
			IndentToken:    stringPtr("│ "),
		List: ansi.StyleList{
			LevelIndent: defaultListIndent,
		Heading: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
				Color:       stringPtr("27"),
				Bold:        boolPtr(true),
		H1: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix:          " ",
				Suffix:          " ",
				Color:           stringPtr("228"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("63"),
				Bold:            boolPtr(true),
		H2: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "## ",
		H3: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "### ",
		H4: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "#### ",
		H5: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "##### ",
		H6: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "###### ",
				Bold:   boolPtr(false),
		Strikethrough: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			CrossedOut: boolPtr(true),
		Emph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Italic: boolPtr(true),
		Strong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Bold: boolPtr(true),
		HorizontalRule: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:  stringPtr("249"),
			Format: "\n--------\n",
		Item: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "• ",
		Enumeration: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: ". ",
		Task: ansi.StyleTask{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			Ticked:         "[✓] ",
			Unticked:       "[ ] ",
		Link: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:     stringPtr("36"),
			Underline: boolPtr(true),
		LinkText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color: stringPtr("29"),
			Bold:  boolPtr(true),
		Image: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:     stringPtr("205"),
			Underline: boolPtr(true),
		ImageText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:  stringPtr("243"),
			Format: "Image: {{.text}} →",
		Code: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix:          " ",
				Suffix:          " ",
				Color:           stringPtr("203"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("254"),
		CodeBlock: ansi.StyleCodeBlock{
			StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
				StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("242"),
				Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
			Chroma: &ansi.Chroma{
				Text: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#2A2A2A"),
				Error: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color:           stringPtr("#F1F1F1"),
					BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#FF5555"),
				Comment: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#8D8D8D"),
				CommentPreproc: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF875F"),
				Keyword: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#279EFC"),
				KeywordReserved: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF5FD2"),
				KeywordNamespace: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FB406F"),
				KeywordType: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#7049C2"),
				Operator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FF2626"),
				Punctuation: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FA7878"),
				NameBuiltin: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#0A1BB1"),
				NameTag: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#581290"),
				NameAttribute: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#8362CB"),
				NameClass: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color:     stringPtr("#212121"),
					Underline: boolPtr(true),
					Bold:      boolPtr(true),
				NameConstant: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#581290"),
				NameDecorator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#A3A322"),
				NameFunction: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#019F57"),
				LiteralNumber: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#22CCAE"),
				LiteralString: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#7E5B38"),
				LiteralStringEscape: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#00AEAE"),
				GenericDeleted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#FD5B5B"),
				GenericEmph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Italic: boolPtr(true),
				GenericInserted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#00D787"),
				GenericStrong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Bold: boolPtr(true),
				GenericSubheading: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					Color: stringPtr("#777777"),
				Background: ansi.StylePrimitive{
					BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#373737"),
		Table: ansi.StyleTable{
			StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
				StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		DefinitionDescription: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "\n🠶 ",

	// PinkStyleConfig is the default pink style.
	PinkStyleConfig = ansi.StyleConfig{
		Document: ansi.StyleBlock{
			Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		BlockQuote: ansi.StyleBlock{
			Indent:      uintPtr(1),
			IndentToken: stringPtr("│ "),
		List: ansi.StyleList{
			LevelIndent: defaultListIndent,
		Heading: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
				Color:       stringPtr("212"),
				Bold:        boolPtr(true),
		H1: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BlockSuffix: "\n",
				BlockPrefix: "\n",
				Prefix:      "",
		H2: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "▌ ",
		H3: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "┃ ",
		H4: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "│ ",
		H5: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "┆ ",
		H6: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Prefix: "┊ ",
				Bold:   boolPtr(false),
		Text: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		Strikethrough: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			CrossedOut: boolPtr(true),
		Emph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Italic: boolPtr(true),
		Strong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Bold: boolPtr(true),
		HorizontalRule: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:  stringPtr("212"),
			Format: "\n──────\n",
		Item: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "• ",
		Enumeration: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: ". ",
		Task: ansi.StyleTask{
			Ticked:   "[✓] ",
			Unticked: "[ ] ",
		Link: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:     stringPtr("99"),
			Underline: boolPtr(true),
		LinkText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Bold: boolPtr(true),
		Image: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Underline: boolPtr(true),
		ImageText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Format: "Image: {{.text}}",
		Code: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color:           stringPtr("212"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("236"),
				Prefix:          " ",
				Suffix:          " ",
		Table:          ansi.StyleTable{},
		DefinitionList: ansi.StyleBlock{},
		DefinitionTerm: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		DefinitionDescription: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "\n🠶 ",
		HTMLBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{},
		HTMLSpan:  ansi.StyleBlock{},

	// NoTTYStyleConfig is the default notty style.
	NoTTYStyleConfig = ASCIIStyleConfig

	// DefaultStyles are the default styles.
	DefaultStyles = map[string]*ansi.StyleConfig{
		AsciiStyle: &ASCIIStyleConfig,
		DarkStyle:  &DarkStyleConfig,
		LightStyle: &LightStyleConfig,
		NoTTYStyle: &NoTTYStyleConfig,
		PinkStyle:  &PinkStyleConfig,

		DraculaStyle:    &DraculaStyleConfig,
		TokyoNightStyle: &TokyoNightStyleConfig,
View Source
var DraculaStyleConfig = ansi.StyleConfig{
	Document: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "\n",
			BlockSuffix: "\n",
			Color:       stringPtr("#f8f8f2"),
		Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
	BlockQuote: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color:  stringPtr("#f1fa8c"),
			Italic: boolPtr(true),
		Indent: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
	List: ansi.StyleList{
		LevelIndent: defaultMargin,
		StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#f8f8f2"),
	Heading: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockSuffix: "\n",
			Color:       stringPtr("#bd93f9"),
			Bold:        boolPtr(true),
	H1: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "# ",
	H2: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "## ",
	H3: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "### ",
	H4: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "#### ",
	H5: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "##### ",
	H6: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "###### ",
	Strikethrough: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		CrossedOut: boolPtr(true),
	Emph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:  stringPtr("#f1fa8c"),
		Italic: boolPtr(true),
	Strong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Bold:  boolPtr(true),
		Color: stringPtr("#ffb86c"),
	HorizontalRule: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:  stringPtr("#6272A4"),
		Format: "\n--------\n",
	Item: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		BlockPrefix: "• ",
	Enumeration: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		BlockPrefix: ". ",
		Color:       stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
	Task: ansi.StyleTask{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		Ticked:         "[✓] ",
		Unticked:       "[ ] ",
	Link: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:     stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
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	LinkText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
	Image: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:     stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
		Underline: boolPtr(true),
	ImageText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:  stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
		Format: "Image: {{.text}} →",
	Code: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color: stringPtr("#50fa7b"),
	CodeBlock: ansi.StyleCodeBlock{
		StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ffb86c"),
			Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		Chroma: &ansi.Chroma{
			Text: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#f8f8f2"),
			Error: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color:           stringPtr("#f8f8f2"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#ff5555"),
			Comment: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#6272A4"),
			CommentPreproc: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			Keyword: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			KeywordReserved: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			KeywordNamespace: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			KeywordType: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
			Operator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			Punctuation: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#f8f8f2"),
			Name: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
			NameBuiltin: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
			NameTag: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			NameAttribute: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#50fa7b"),
			NameClass: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#8be9fd"),
			NameConstant: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#bd93f9"),
			NameDecorator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#50fa7b"),
			NameFunction: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#50fa7b"),
			LiteralNumber: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#6EEFC0"),
			LiteralString: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#f1fa8c"),
			LiteralStringEscape: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff79c6"),
			GenericDeleted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff5555"),
			GenericEmph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color:  stringPtr("#f1fa8c"),
				Italic: boolPtr(true),
			GenericInserted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#50fa7b"),
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				Color: stringPtr("#ffb86c"),
				Bold:  boolPtr(true),
			GenericSubheading: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#bd93f9"),
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				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#282a36"),
	Table: ansi.StyleTable{
		StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
	DefinitionDescription: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		BlockPrefix: "\n🠶 ",

DraculaStyleConfig is the dracula style.

View Source
var TokyoNightStyleConfig = ansi.StyleConfig{
	Document: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockPrefix: "\n",
			BlockSuffix: "\n",
			Color:       stringPtr("#a9b1d6"),
		Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
	BlockQuote: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		Indent:         uintPtr(1),
		IndentToken:    stringPtr("│ "),
	List: ansi.StyleList{
		StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#a9b1d6"),
		LevelIndent: defaultListIndent,
	Heading: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			BlockSuffix: "\n",
			Color:       stringPtr("#bb9af7"),
			Bold:        boolPtr(true),
	H1: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "# ",
			Bold:   boolPtr(true),
	H2: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "## ",
	H3: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "### ",
	H4: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "#### ",
	H5: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "##### ",
	H6: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Prefix: "###### ",
	Strikethrough: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		CrossedOut: boolPtr(true),
	Emph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Italic: boolPtr(true),
	Strong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Bold: boolPtr(true),
	HorizontalRule: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:  stringPtr("#565f89"),
		Format: "\n--------\n",
	Item: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		BlockPrefix: "• ",
	Enumeration: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		BlockPrefix: ". ",
		Color:       stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
	Task: ansi.StyleTask{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
		Ticked:         "[✓] ",
		Unticked:       "[ ] ",
	Link: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:     stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
		Underline: boolPtr(true),
	LinkText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
	Image: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:     stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
		Underline: boolPtr(true),
	ImageText: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		Color:  stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
		Format: "Image: {{.text}} →",
	Code: ansi.StyleBlock{
		StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
			Color: stringPtr("#9ece6a"),
	CodeBlock: ansi.StyleCodeBlock{
		StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#ff9e64"),
			Margin: uintPtr(defaultMargin),
		Chroma: &ansi.Chroma{
			Text: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#a9b1d6"),
			Error: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color:           stringPtr("#a9b1d6"),
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#f7768e"),
			Comment: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#565f89"),
			CommentPreproc: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			Keyword: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			KeywordReserved: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			KeywordNamespace: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			KeywordType: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
			Operator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			Punctuation: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#a9b1d6"),
			Name: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
			NameConstant: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#bb9af7"),
			NameBuiltin: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
			NameTag: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			NameAttribute: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#9ece6a"),
			NameClass: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#7aa2f7"),
			NameDecorator: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#9ece6a"),
			NameFunction: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#9ece6a"),
			LiteralNumber: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
			LiteralString: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#e0af68"),
			LiteralStringEscape: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#2ac3de"),
			GenericDeleted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#f7768e"),
			GenericEmph: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Italic: boolPtr(true),
			GenericInserted: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#9ece6a"),
			GenericStrong: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Bold: boolPtr(true),
			GenericSubheading: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				Color: stringPtr("#bb9af7"),
			Background: ansi.StylePrimitive{
				BackgroundColor: stringPtr("#1a1b26"),
	Table: ansi.StyleTable{
		StyleBlock: ansi.StyleBlock{
			StylePrimitive: ansi.StylePrimitive{},
	DefinitionDescription: ansi.StylePrimitive{
		BlockPrefix: "\n🠶 ",

TokyoNightStyle is the tokyo night style.


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