
v0.9.6 Latest Latest

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Published: May 8, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 96




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const (
	// The supported catalog services
	CatalogService_MongoDB       = "mongodb"
	CatalogService_PostgreSQL    = "postgresql"
	CatalogService_Cassandra     = "cassandra"
	CatalogService_ZooKeeper     = "zookeeper"
	CatalogService_Kafka         = "kafka"
	CatalogService_KafkaManager  = "kafkamanager"
	CatalogService_KafkaSinkES   = "kafkasinkes"
	CatalogService_Redis         = "redis"
	CatalogService_CouchDB       = "couchdb"
	CatalogService_Consul        = "consul"
	CatalogService_ElasticSearch = "elasticsearch"
	CatalogService_Kibana        = "kibana"
	CatalogService_Logstash      = "logstash"
	CatalogService_Telegraf      = "telegraf"

	// The status of one service
	// ServiceStatusCreating: creating the required resources of the service, such as volumes.
	ServiceStatusCreating = "CREATING"
	// ServiceStatusInitializing: service resources are created, wait for the initialization.
	// at this state, the service containers are running. Some services require the special
	// initialization configurations, such as configuring the DB replicaset. Some services
	// does not require this step, such as Cassandra. The service creation script could simply
	// change the service status to ACTIVE.
	ServiceStatusInitializing = "INITIALIZING"
	// ServiceStatusActive: service initialized and ready to use.
	ServiceStatusActive   = "ACTIVE"
	ServiceStatusDeleting = "DELETING"
	ServiceStatusDeleted  = "DELETED"

	// Service member status.
	ServiceMemberStatusActive = "ACTIVE"
	ServiceMemberStatusPause  = "PAUSE"
	ServiceMemberStatusBad    = "Bad"

	AnyAvailabilityZone = "any"

	// The status of one task
	TaskStatusRunning = "RUNNING"
	TaskStatusStopped = "STOPPED"

	// Task types
	TaskTypeInit = "init"

	// General Purpose SSD
	VolumeTypeGPSSD = "gp2"
	// Provisioned IOPS SSD
	VolumeTypeIOPSSSD = "io1"
	// Throughput Optimized HDD
	VolumeTypeTPHDD = "st1"

	ServiceNamePattern = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*"
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const (
	Version    = "0.9.6"
	Version095 = "0.9.5"

	CloudPlatformAWS = "aws"

	ContainerPlatformECS   = "ecs"
	ContainerPlatformSwarm = "swarm"
	ContainerPlatformK8s   = "k8s"

	DefaultK8sNamespace = "default"

	ContainerPlatformRoleManager = "manager"
	ContainerPlatformRoleWorker  = "worker"

	// OrgName and SystemName could not include "-"
	OrgName             = "cloudstax/"
	SystemName          = "firecamp"
	ContainerNamePrefix = OrgName + SystemName + "-"

	DefaultFSType = "xfs"

	// VolumeDriverName is the name for docker volume driver.
	// Do NOT change the volume driver name. If this name is changed,
	// please update the volume driver plugin in scripts/
	// please also update docker/volume/aws-ecs-agent-patch/firecamp_task_engine.go,
	// Has the separate definition in firecamp_task_engine.go aims to avoid the dependency of
	// ecs-agent on firecamp code.
	VolumeDriverName = OrgName + SystemName + "-" + "volume:" + Version

	// LogDriverName is the name for docker log driver.
	// Do NOT change the log driver name. If this name is changed,
	// please update the log driver plugin in scripts/
	LogDriverName = OrgName + SystemName + "-" + "log:" + Version
	// The LogServiceUUIDKey is set by firecamp_task_engine.go in cloudstax/amazon-ecs-agent.
	// if you want to change the value here, also need to change in cloudstax/amazon-ecs-agent.
	LogServiceUUIDKey = "ServiceUUID"
	// The LogServiceMemberKey is for the single member service, such as the management service.
	LogServiceMemberKey = "ServiceMember"

	LOGDRIVER_DEFAULT = "json-file"

	DefaultLogDir = "/var/log/" + SystemName

	NameSeparator       = "-"
	VolumeNameSeparator = "_"

	ServiceMemberDomainNameTTLSeconds = 5

	// A ECS container instance has 1,024 cpu units for every CPU core
	DefaultMaxCPUUnits     = 0
	DefaultReserveCPUUnits = 256
	DefaultMaxMemoryMB     = 0
	DefaultReserveMemoryMB = 256

	DefaultServiceWaitSeconds = 120
	DefaultTaskWaitSeconds    = 120
	DefaultTaskRetryCounts    = 5
	DefaultRetryWaitSeconds   = 3
	CliRetryWaitSeconds       = 5

	DomainSeparator  = "."
	DomainNameSuffix = SystemName
	DomainCom        = "com"

	DefaultHostIP = ""

	ContainerNameSuffix = "container"

	DefaultContainerMountPath              = "/data"
	DefaultJournalVolumeContainerMountPath = "/journal"
	DefaultConfigDir                       = "/conf"
	DefaultConfigPath                      = DefaultContainerMountPath + DefaultConfigDir
	DefaultConfigFileMode                  = 0600
	ReadOnlyFileMode                       = 0400

	DBTypeCloudDB = "clouddb" // such as AWS DynamoDB
	DBTypeK8sDB   = "k8sdb"   // db on top of k8s ConfigMap
	DBTypeMemDB   = "memdb"   // in-memory db, for test only

	ManageHTTPServerPort  = 27040
	ManageName            = "manageserver"
	ManageServiceName     = SystemName + NameSeparator + ManageName
	ManageContainerImage  = OrgName + ManageServiceName + ":" + Version
	ManageReserveCPUUnits = 256
	ManageMaxMemMB        = 4096
	ManageReserveMemMB    = 256

	ServiceTypeStateful  = "stateful"
	ServiceTypeStateless = "stateless"

	// The service DNS name will be
	// Each label of the domain name can be up to 63 bytes long. Reserve 4 bytes for the index.
	// The ServiceName can be up to 58 bytes.
	MaxServiceNameLength = 58
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const (
	// this is for passing the firecamp version to AWS ECS task definition.
	// the ECS agent patch will construct the correct volume plugin name with it.


	ENV_REGION            = "REGION"
	ENV_CLUSTER           = "CLUSTER"
	ENV_OP                = "OP"

	ENV_ADMIN          = "ADMIN"


	ENV_DB_TYPE            = "DB_TYPE"

	ENV_SHARDS            = "SHARDS"

define the common environment keys


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var (
	ErrInternal               = errors.New("InternalError")
	ErrTimeout                = errors.New("Timeout")
	ErrSystemCreating         = errors.New("System tables are at the creating status, please retry later")
	ErrServiceExist           = errors.New("Service exists")
	ErrServiceDeleting        = errors.New("Service deleting")
	ErrServiceDeleted         = errors.New("Service deleted")
	ErrConfigMismatch         = errors.New("Config mismatch")
	ErrInvalidArgs            = errors.New("InvalidArgs")
	ErrUnsupportedPlatform    = errors.New("Not supported container platform")
	ErrNotFound               = errors.New("NotFound")
	ErrNotSupported           = errors.New("NotSupported")
	ErrConditionalCheckFailed = errors.New("ConditionalCheckFailed")


This section is empty.


type ConfigFile

type ConfigFile struct {
	ServiceUUID string // partition key
	FileID      string // sort key
	Revision    int64
	Meta        ConfigFileMeta
	Spec        ConfigFileSpec

ConfigFile includes the detail config content. To update the ConfigFile of one replica, 2 steps are required: 1) create a new ConfigFile with a new FileID, 2) update ServiceAttr to point to the new ConfigFile. We could not directly update the old ConfigFile. If node crashes before step2, ServiceAttr thinks the ConfigFile is not changed.

type ConfigFileMeta added in v0.9.6

type ConfigFileMeta struct {
	FileName     string
	LastModified int64

ConfigFileMeta represents the config file metadata

type ConfigFileSpec added in v0.9.6

type ConfigFileSpec struct {
	FileMode uint32
	FileMD5  string
	Content  string // The content of the config file.

ConfigFileSpec includes the detail config file spec

type ConfigID added in v0.9.6

type ConfigID struct {
	FileName string
	// The config file uuid
	FileID string
	// The MD5 checksum of the config file content.
	// The config file content would usually not be updated. The checksum could help
	// the volume driver easily know whether it needs to load the config file content.
	// The config file content may not be small, such as a few hundreds KB.
	FileMD5 string

ConfigID includes the FileID that keeps the detail configs.

type Device

type Device struct {
	ClusterName string // partition key
	DeviceName  string // sort key
	// service that the device is assigned to
	ServiceName string

Device records the assigned device for the service. The DeviceName has to be part of the key, to ensure one device is only assigned to one service.

type EnvKeyValuePair

type EnvKeyValuePair struct {
	Name  string
	Value string

type KeyValuePair added in v0.9.1

type KeyValuePair struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

type MemberMeta added in v0.9.6

type MemberMeta struct {
	LastModified int64
	// The member status: Active, Pause, Bad.
	// This will be useful for some cases. For example, prevent the member container
	// from running when doing some maintenance for one member.
	Status string

MemberMeta represents the service member's metadata

type MemberSpec added in v0.9.6

type MemberSpec struct {
	// For the stateless service, AvailableZone is ingored, simply set to "any".
	AvailableZone       string
	TaskID              string
	ContainerInstanceID string
	ServerInstanceID    string

	// The volumes of one member. One member could have multiple volumes.
	// For example, one for DB data, the other for journal.
	// For the stateless service that does not require volume, it could be empty.
	Volumes MemberVolumes

	// The static IP assigned to this member
	StaticIP string

	// The specific configs for one member. The common service configs are kept in ServiceAttr.ServiceConfigs.
	// The configs may be nil for the stateless service.
	Configs []ConfigID

MemberSpec represents service member detail spec

type MemberVolumes added in v0.9.1

type MemberVolumes struct {
	// The config files will be created on the primary volume.
	PrimaryVolumeID string
	// The primary device will be mounted to /mnt/serviceuuid on the host and /data in the container
	PrimaryDeviceName string

	// The possible journal volume to store the service's journal
	JournalVolumeID string
	// The journal device will be mounted to /mnt/journal-serviceuuid on the host and /journal in the container.
	// We don't want to mount the journal device under the primary device mount path, such as /mnt/serviceuuid/journal.
	// If there is some bug that the journal device is not mounted, the service journal will be directly written to
	// the primary device. Later when the journal device is mounted again, some journal will be temporary lost.
	JournalDeviceName string

MemberVolumes represent the volumes of one member.

type PortMapping

type PortMapping struct {
	ContainerPort int64
	HostPort      int64
	// whether the port is a service port, used by k8s headless service for statefulset.
	IsServicePort bool

PortMapping defines the container port to host port mapping.

type Resources

type Resources struct {
	// The number of cpu units for the container.
	// A container instance has 1,024 cpu units for every CPU core.
	// MaxCPUUnits specifies how much of the available CPU resources a container can use.
	// This will set docker's --cpu-period and --cpu-quota.
	// ReserveCPUUnits is docker's --cpu-share, same with the ECS cpu units.
	// The value could be -1, which means no limit on the resource.
	MaxCPUUnits     int64
	ReserveCPUUnits int64
	MaxMemMB        int64
	ReserveMemMB    int64

Resources represents the service/task resources, cpu and memory.

type Service

type Service struct {
	ClusterName string // partition key
	ServiceName string // sort key
	ServiceUUID string

Service records the assigned uuid for the service.

type ServiceAttr

type ServiceAttr struct {
	ServiceUUID string // partition key
	// Everytime ServiceAttr is updated, revision is increased.
	Revision int64
	Meta     ServiceMeta
	Spec     ServiceSpec

ServiceAttr represents the detail attributes of the service. The ServiceUUID is passed as volume name to the volume driver. The volume driver could get the detail service attributes for other operations.

type ServiceMember

type ServiceMember struct {
	ServiceUUID string // partition key
	// The service member name, such as mypg-0, myredis-0. MemberName.DomainName is the member's DNS name.
	MemberName string // sort key
	// Everytime ServiceMember is updated, revision is increased.
	Revision int64
	Meta     MemberMeta
	Spec     MemberSpec

ServiceMember represents the attributes of one service member.

type ServiceMeta added in v0.9.6

type ServiceMeta struct {
	ClusterName  string
	ServiceName  string
	LastModified int64
	// common.ServiceTypeStateful or ServiceTypeStateless
	ServiceType   string
	ServiceStatus string

ServiceMeta represents the service metadata

type ServiceSpec added in v0.9.6

type ServiceSpec struct {
	Replicas int64
	Resource Resources

	// whether the service members need to know each other, such as database replicas.
	// if yes, the member will be registered to DNS. in aws, DNS will be Route53.
	RegisterDNS bool
	// for v1, DomainName would be the default domain, such as
	DomainName string
	// The AWS Route53 HostedZone for the current firecamp cluster.
	HostedZoneID string

	// Whether the service member needs the static ip. This is required by Redis & Consul.
	RequireStaticIP bool

	// ServiceConfigs includes the configs for the service.
	ServiceConfigs []ConfigID

	// The catalog service type, such as mongodb, etc.
	CatalogServiceType string

	// stateful service specific fields
	Volumes ServiceVolumes

ServiceSpec represents service detail spec

type ServiceStaticIP added in v0.8.1

type ServiceStaticIP struct {
	StaticIP string // partition key
	Revision int64
	Spec     StaticIPSpec

ServiceStaticIP represents the owner service of one static IP.

type ServiceStatus

type ServiceStatus struct {
	RunningCount int64
	DesiredCount int64

ServiceStatus represents the service's running status. TODO add more status. For example, the members are running on which nodes.

type ServiceVolume added in v0.9.1

type ServiceVolume struct {
	VolumeType   string
	VolumeSizeGB int64
	Iops         int64
	Encrypted    bool

ServiceVolume contains the volume parameters.

type ServiceVolumes added in v0.9.1

type ServiceVolumes struct {
	PrimaryDeviceName string
	PrimaryVolume     ServiceVolume

	// The JournalDeviceName could be empty if service only needs one volume.
	JournalDeviceName string
	JournalVolume     ServiceVolume

ServiceVolumes represent the volumes of one service. For now, allow maximum 2 devices. Could further expand if necessary in the future.

type StaticIPSpec added in v0.9.6

type StaticIPSpec struct {
	// The owner service of this static IP.
	ServiceUUID string
	// The AvailableZone this static IP belongs to.
	AvailableZone string
	// The server instance this IP is assigned to.
	ServerInstanceID string
	// The network interface this IP is assigned to.
	NetworkInterfaceID string

StaticIPSpec includes the detail static ip spec

type TaskStatus

type TaskStatus struct {
	// valid status: pending, running, stopped
	Status        string
	StoppedReason string
	StartedAt     string // time format: 2017-05-20T19:50:56.834924582Z
	FinishedAt    string

TaskStatus represents the task's status

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