Named from the Swiss Army Knife.This is a golang development kit.

go get -u github.com/coder2z/g-saber
Encapsulate many tool functions and methods, and continue to update. Most of the methods are open source and other open source projects.
xcfg = > config
xcolor = > color formatting
xconsole = > console output
xdefer = > stack execution method
xerrgroup = > group coroutine run
xfile = > file folder operating
xflag = > cobra secondary packaging
xgp = > coroutine pool
xjson = > json operating
xlog = > log
xnet = > network operating
xreminder = > task execution
xsignls = > signal management
xstring = > various string operations
xtime = > time operations
xtransform = > all kinds of data conversion
xvalidator = > data verification
Direct correspondence method is OK!
🎉Contribute code
Open source projects are inseparable from everyone’s support. If you have a good idea, encountered some bugs and fixed them, and corrected the errors in the document, please submit a Pull Request~
- Fork this project to your own repo
- Clone the project in the past, that is, the project in your warehouse, to your local
- Modify the code
- Push to your own library after commit
- Initiate a PR (pull request) request and submit it to the
- Waiting to merge
Distributed under MIT License, please see license file within the code for more details.