
package module
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Published: Apr 10, 2015 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 9 Imported by: 0


Charts for Go

Basic charts in go.

This package focuses more on autoscaling, error bars, and logarithmic plots than on beautifull or marketing ready charts.


Some nice charts

Chart Types

The following chart types are implemented:

  • Strip Charts
  • Scatter / Function-Plot Charts
  • Histograms
  • Bar and Categorical Bar Charts
  • Pie/Ring Charts
  • Boxplots

Some Features

  • Axis can be linear, logarithmical, categorical or time/date axis.
  • Autoscaling with lots of options
  • Fine control of tics and labels

Output / Graphic Formats

Package chart itself provideds the charts/plots itself, the charts/plots can be output to different graphic drivers. Currently

  • txtg: ASCII art charts
  • svgg: scalable vector graphics (via, and
  • imgg: Go image.RGBA (via and are implemented.

For a quick overview save as xbestof.{png,svg,txt} run

  $ example/example -best

A fuller overview can be generated by

  $ example/example -All


  • Style handling (especialy colour) is a bit of a mess .
  • Text based charts are cute. But the general graphics would be much easier without.
  • Time handling code dates back to pre Go1, it should be reworked.



Package chart implements common chart/plot types.

The following chart types are available:

StripChart       Visualize set of numeric values
ScatterChart     Plot (x,y) data (with optional error bars)
                 and/or functions
HistChart        Produce histograms from data
BarChart         Show (x,y) data as bars
BoxChart         Box charts to visualize distributions
PieChart         Pie and Ring charts

Chart tries to provides useful defaults and produce nice charts without sacrificing accuracy. The generated charts look good and are higly customizable but will not match the visual quality of handmade photoshop charts or the statistical features of charts produced by S or R.

Creating charts consists of the following steps:

  1. Create chart object
  2. Configure chart, axis, autoscaling etc.
  3. Add one ore more data sets
  4. Render chart to one or more graphic outputs

You may change the configuration at any step or render to different outputs.

The different chart types and their fields are all simple struct types where the zero value provides suitable defaults. All fields are exported, even if you are not supposed to manipulate them directy or are 'output fields'. E.g. the common Data field of all chart types will store the sample data added with one or more Add... methods. Some fields are mere output which expose internal stuff for your use like the Data2Screen and Screen2Data functions of the Ranges. Some fields are even input/output fields: E.g. you may set the Range.TicSetting.Delta to some positive value which will be used as the spacing between tics on that axis; on the other hand if you leave Range.TicSetting.Delta at its default 0 you indicate to the plotting routine to automatically determine the tic delta which is then reported back in this fields.

All charts (except pie/ring charts) contain at least one axis represented by a field of type Range. Axis can be differented into following categories:

o  Date/Time axis (Time=true): The values on this axis are interpreted as
   seconds since the Unix epoc, tics are labeld in date and time units.
   (The Log and Category fields are simply ignored for Date/Time axis.)

o  Real valued axis (Time=false).  Those come in different flavours:
     -  Simple linear real valued axis (Log=false, Category=nil).
     -  Logrithmic axis (Log=True).  Such an axis may cover only a
        range of ]0,inf[
     -  Categorical axis (Log=false, Category!=nil):
        The values 0, 1, 2, ... are labeled with the strings in Category.
        (You might want to set up the range manually, e.g. with the
        Fixed() method of Range)

How the axis is autoscaled can be controlled for both ends of the axis individually by MinMode and MaxMode which allow a fine control of the (auto-) scaling.

After setting up the chart, adding data, samples, functions you can render the chart to a Graphics output. This process will set several internal fields of the chart. If you reuse the chart, add additional data and output it again these fields might no longer indicate 'automatical/default' but contain the value calculated in the first output round.



This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	KeyHorSep      float32 = 1.5  // Horizontal spacing between key box and content
	KeyVertSep     float32 = 0.5  // Vertical spacing between key box and content
	KeyColSep      float32 = 2.0  // Horizontal spacing between two columns in key
	KeySymbolWidth float32 = 5    // Horizontal length/space reserved for symbol
	KeySymbolSep   float32 = 2    // Horizontal spacing bewteen symbol and text
	KeyRowSep      float32 = 0.75 // Vertical spacing between individual rows.

The following variables control the layout of the key/legend box. All values are in font-units (fontheight for vertical, fontwidth for horizontal values)

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var CharacterWidth = map[int]float32{'a': 16.8, 'b': 17.0, 'c': 15.2, 'd': 16.8, 'e': 16.8, 'f': 8.5, 'g': 17.0,
	'h': 16.8, 'i': 5.9, 'j': 5.9, 'k': 16.8, 'l': 6.9, 'm': 25.5, 'n': 16.8, 'o': 16.8, 'p': 17.0, 'q': 17.0,
	'r': 10.2, 's': 15.2, 't': 8.4, 'u': 16.8, 'v': 15.4, 'w': 22.2, 'x': 15.2, 'y': 15.2, 'z': 15.2,
	'A': 20.2, 'B': 20.2, 'C': 22.2, 'D': 22.2, 'E': 20.2, 'F': 18.6, 'G': 23.5, 'H': 22.0, 'I': 8.2, 'J': 15.2,
	'K': 20.2, 'L': 16.8, 'M': 25.5, 'N': 22.0, 'O': 23.5, 'P': 20.2, 'Q': 23.5, 'R': 21.1, 'S': 20.2, 'T': 18.5,
	'U': 22.0, 'V': 20.2, 'W': 29.0, 'X': 20.2, 'Y': 20.2, 'Z': 18.8, ' ': 8.5,
	'1': 16.8, '2': 16.8, '3': 16.8, '4': 16.8, '5': 16.8, '6': 16.8, '7': 16.8, '8': 16.8, '9': 16.8, '0': 16.8,
	'.': 8.2, ',': 8.2, ':': 8.2, ';': 8.2, '+': 17.9, '"': 11.0, '*': 11.8, '%': 27.0, '&': 20.2, '/': 8.4,
	'(': 10.2, ')': 10.2, '=': 18.0, '?': 16.8, '!': 8.5, '[': 8.2, ']': 8.2, '{': 10.2, '}': 10.2, '$': 16.8,
	'<': 18.0, '>': 18.0, '§': 16.8, '°': 12.2, '^': 14.2, '~': 18.0,

CharacterWidth is a table of the (relative) width of common runes.

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var DebugLogger *log.Logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)

DebugLogger is used to log some information about the chart generation.

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var DefaultOptions = map[PlotElement]Style{
	MajorAxisElement: Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0xff}, LineWidth: 2, LineStyle: SolidLine},
	MinorAxisElement: Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0xff}, LineWidth: 2, LineStyle: SolidLine},
	MajorTicElement:  Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0xff}, LineWidth: 1, LineStyle: SolidLine},
	MinorTicElement:  Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0xff}, LineWidth: 1, LineStyle: SolidLine},
	ZeroAxisElement:  Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0xff}, LineWidth: 1, LineStyle: SolidLine},
	GridLineElement:  Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff}, LineWidth: 1, LineStyle: SolidLine},
	GridBlockElement: Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0xe6, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xff}, LineWidth: 0, FillColor: color.NRGBA{0xe6, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xff}},
	KeyElement: Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0xff}, LineWidth: 1, LineStyle: SolidLine,
		FillColor: color.NRGBA{0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xc0}, Font: Font{Size: SmallFontSize}},
	TitleElement: Style{LineColor: color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0xff}, LineWidth: 1, LineStyle: SolidLine,
		FillColor: color.NRGBA{0xec, 0xc7, 0x50, 0xff}, Font: Font{Size: LargeFontSize}},
	RangeLimitElement: Style{Font: Font{Size: SmallFontSize}},

DefaultStyle maps chart elements to styles.

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var Delta []TimeDelta = []TimeDelta{
	Second{1}, Second{5}, Second{15},
	Minute{1}, Minute{5}, Minute{15},
	Hour{1}, Hour{6},
	Day{1}, Week{1},
	Month{1}, Month{3}, Month{6},
	Year{1}, Year{10}, Year{100},

Delta is a list of increasing time deltas used to construct tic spacings for date/time axis. Must be sorted min to max according to Seconds() of each member.

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var ExpandABitFraction = 0.5 // Fraction of tic spacing added in ExpandABit Range.Expand mode.
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var PieChartHighlight = 0.15 // How much are flaged segments offset.
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var PieChartShrinkage = 0.66 // Scaling factor of radius of next data set.
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var StandardColors = []color.Color{
	color.NRGBA{0xcc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff},
	color.NRGBA{0x00, 0xbb, 0x00, 0xff},
	color.NRGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0xdd, 0xff},
	color.NRGBA{0x99, 0x66, 0x00, 0xff},
	color.NRGBA{0xbb, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xff},
	color.NRGBA{0x00, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xff},
	color.NRGBA{0xbb, 0xbb, 0x00, 0xff},

Standard colors used by AutoStyle

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var StandardFillFactor = 0.5

How much brighter/darker filled elements become.

Standard line styles used by AutoStyle (fill=false)

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var StandardSymbols = []int{'o', '=', '%', '&', '+', 'X', '*', '@', '#', 'A', 'Z'}

Standard symbols used by AutoStyle

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var Symbol = []int{

Symbol is the list of different symbols.

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var Units = []string{" y", " z", " a", " f", " p", " n", " µ", "m", " k", " M", " G", " T", " P", " E", " Z", " Y"}

Units are the SI prefixes for 10^3n


func AbsoluteValue

func AbsoluteValue(value, sum float64) (s string)

AbsoluteValue will format value (ignoring sum). It is a convenience function which can be assigned to the PieChart.FmtVal or PieChart.FmtKey field.

func FmtFloat

func FmtFloat(f float64) string

FmtFloat yields a string representation of f. E.g. 12345.67 --> "12.3 k"; 0.09876 --> "99 m"

func FmtTime

func FmtTime(sec int64, step TimeDelta) string

func GenericBars

func GenericBars(bg BasicGraphics, bars []Barinfo, style Style)

TODO: Is Bars and Generic Bars useful at all? Replaceable by rect?

func GenericBoxes

func GenericBoxes(bg BasicGraphics, boxes []Box, width int, style Style)

GenericBoxes draws box plots. (Default implementation for box plots). The values for each box in boxes are in screen coordinates!

func GenericCircle

func GenericCircle(bg BasicGraphics, x, y, r int, style Style)

func GenericKey

func GenericKey(bg BasicGraphics, x, y int, key Key, options PlotOptions)

func GenericPath

func GenericPath(mg MinimalGraphics, x, y []int, style Style)

GenericPath is the incomplete implementation of a list of points connected by straight lines. Incomplete: Dashed lines won't work properly.

func GenericRect

func GenericRect(mg MinimalGraphics, x, y, w, h int, style Style)

GenericRect draws a rectangle of size w x h at (x,y). Drawing is done by simple lines only.

func GenericRings

func GenericRings(bg BasicGraphics, wedges []Wedgeinfo, x, y, ro, ri int, eccentricity float64)

func GenericScatter

func GenericScatter(bg BasicGraphics, points []EPoint, plotstyle PlotStyle, style Style)

GenericScatter draws the given points according to style. style.FillColor is used as color of error bars and style.FontSize is used as the length of the endmarks of the error bars. Both have suitable defaults if the FontXyz are not set. Point coordinates and errors must be provided in screen coordinates.

func GenericSymbol

func GenericSymbol(bg BasicGraphics, x, y int, style Style)

func GenericTextLen

func GenericTextLen(mg MinimalGraphics, t string, font Font) (width int)

func GenericWedge

func GenericWedge(mg MinimalGraphics, x, y, ro, ri int, phi, psi, ecc float64, style Style)

GenericWedge draws a pie/wedge just by lines

func GenericXAxis

func GenericXAxis(bg BasicGraphics, rng Range, y, ym int, options PlotOptions)

GenericAxis draws the axis r solely by graphic primitives of bg.

func GenericYAxis

func GenericYAxis(bg BasicGraphics, rng Range, x, xm int, options PlotOptions)

GenericAxis draws the axis r solely by graphic primitives of bg.

func IntegerValue

func IntegerValue(value, sum float64) (s string)

IntegerValue will format value (ignoring sum) as an integer. It is a convenience function which can be assigned to the PieChart.FmtVal or PieChart.FmtKey field.

func NextSymbol

func NextSymbol(s int) int

NextSymbol returns the next symbol of s: Either in the global list Symbol or (if not found there) the next character.

func PercentValue

func PercentValue(value, sum float64) (s string)

PercentValue formats value as percentage of sum. It is a convenience function which can be assigned to the PieChart.FmtVal or PieChart.FmtKey field.

func PercentilInt

func PercentilInt(data []int, p int) int

Return p percentil of pre-sorted integer data. 0 <= p <= 100.

func RoundDown

func RoundDown(t time.Time, d TimeDelta) time.Time

RoundDown will round tp down to next "full" d.

func RoundNext

func RoundNext(t time.Time, d TimeDelta) time.Time

RoundNext will round t to nearest full d.

func RoundUp

func RoundUp(t time.Time, d TimeDelta) time.Time

RoundUp will round tp up to next "full" d.

func SanitizeRect

func SanitizeRect(x, y, w, h, r int) (int, int, int, int)

Normalize (= (x,y) is top-left and w and h>0) and hounour line width r.

func SixvalFloat64

func SixvalFloat64(data []float64, p int) (min, lq, med, avg, uq, max float64)

Compute minimum, p percentil, median, average, 100-p percentil and maximum of values in data.

func SixvalInt

func SixvalInt(data []int, p int) (min, lq, med, avg, uq, max int)

Compute minimum, p percentil, median, average, 100-p percentil and maximum of values in data.

func SymbolIndex

func SymbolIndex(s int) (idx int)

SymbolIndex returns the index of the symbol s in Symbol or -1 if not found.


type BarChart

type BarChart struct {
	XRange, YRange Range
	Title          string      // Title of the chart
	Key            Key         // Key/Legend
	Horizontal     bool        // Display as horizontal bars (unimplemented)
	Stacked        bool        // Display different data sets ontop of each other (default is side by side)
	ShowVal        int         // Display values: 0: don't show; 1: above bar, 2: centerd in bar; 3: at top of bar
	SameBarWidth   bool        // all data sets use the same (smalest of all data sets) bar width
	BarWidthFac    float64     // if nonzero: scale determined bar width with this factor
	Options        PlotOptions // visual apperance, nil to use DefaultOptions
	Data           []BarChartData

BarChart draws simple bar charts. (Use CategoricalBarChart if your x axis is categorical, that is not numeric.)

Stacking is on a "both bars have _identical_ x values" basis.

func (*BarChart) AddData

func (c *BarChart) AddData(name string, data []Point, style Style)

AddData adds the data to the chart.

func (*BarChart) AddDataPair

func (c *BarChart) AddDataPair(name string, x, y []float64, style Style)

AddDataPair is a convenience method to add all the (x[i],y[i]) pairs to the chart.

func (*BarChart) Plot

func (c *BarChart) Plot(g Graphics)

Plot renders the chart to the graphics output g.

func (*BarChart) Reset

func (c *BarChart) Reset()

Reset chart to state before plotting.

type BarChartData

type BarChartData struct {
	Name    string
	Style   Style
	Samples []Point

BarChartData encapsulates data sets in a bar chart.

type Barinfo

type Barinfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type BasicGraphics

type BasicGraphics interface {
	Symbol(x, y int, style Style)                          // Put symbol s at (x,y)
	Rect(x, y, w, h int, style Style)                      // Draw (w x h) rectangle at (x,y)
	Wedge(x, y, ro, ri int, phi, psi float64, style Style) // Wedge
	Path(x, y []int, style Style)                          // Path of straight lines
	Options() PlotOptions                                  // access to current PlotOptions

BasicGrapic is an interface of the most basic graphic primitives. Any type which implements BasicGraphics can use generic implementations of the Graphics methods.

type Box

type Box struct {
	X           float64   // x-position of the box
	Avg         float64   // "average" value (uncommon in std. box plots, but sometimes useful)
	Q1, Med, Q3 float64   // lower quartil, median and upper quartil
	Low, High   float64   // low and hig end of whiskers (normaly last point in the 1.5*IQR range of Q1/3)
	Outliers    []float64 // list of y-values of outliers

Box represents a box in an boxplot.

func (Box) XErr

func (p Box) XErr() float64

func (Box) XVal

func (p Box) XVal() float64

func (Box) YErr

func (p Box) YErr() float64

func (Box) YVal

func (p Box) YVal() float64

type BoxChart

type BoxChart struct {
	XRange, YRange Range  // x and y axis
	Title          string // Title of the chart
	Key            Key    // Key/legend
	Options        PlotOptions
	Data           []BoxChartData // the data sets to draw

BoxChart represents box charts.

To faciliate standard use of box plots, the method AddSet() exists which will calculate the various elents of a box (e.g. med, q3, outliers, ...) from raw data.

func (*BoxChart) AddData

func (c *BoxChart) AddData(name string, data []Box, style Style)

AddData adds all boxes in data to the chart.

func (*BoxChart) AddSet

func (c *BoxChart) AddSet(x float64, data []float64, outlier bool)

AddSet will add to last data set in the chart one new box calculated from data. If outlier is true, than outliers (1.5*IQR from 25/75 percentil) are drawn. If outlier is false, than the wiskers extend from min to max.

func (*BoxChart) NextDataSet

func (c *BoxChart) NextDataSet(name string, style Style)

NextDataSet adds a new (empty) data set to chart. After adding the data set you can fill this last data set with AddSet()

func (*BoxChart) Plot

func (c *BoxChart) Plot(g Graphics)

Plot renders the chart to the graphic output g.

func (*BoxChart) Reset

func (c *BoxChart) Reset()

Reset chart to state before plotting.

type BoxChartData

type BoxChartData struct {
	Name    string
	Style   Style
	Samples []Box

BoxChartData encapsulates a data set in a box chart

type CatValue

type CatValue struct {
	Cat  string
	Val  float64
	Flag bool

CatValue is the standard implementation for CategoryValue

func (CatValue) Category

func (c CatValue) Category() string

func (CatValue) Flaged

func (c CatValue) Flaged() bool

func (CatValue) Value

func (c CatValue) Value() float64

type CategoryChartData

type CategoryChartData struct {
	Name    string
	Style   []Style
	Samples []CatValue

type CategoryValue

type CategoryValue interface {
	Category() string
	Value() float64
	Flaged() bool

CategoryValue is an interface for any type of data which is category-real-pair.

type Chart

type Chart interface {
	Plot(g Graphics) // Output chart to g
	Reset()          // Reset any setting made during last plot

Chart ist the very simple interface for all charts: They can be plotted to a graphics output.

type Day

type Day struct{ Num int }


func (Day) Format

func (d Day) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Day) Period

func (d Day) Period() bool

func (Day) RoundDown

func (d Day) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Day) Seconds

func (d Day) Seconds() int64

func (Day) String

func (d Day) String() string

type EPoint

type EPoint struct {
	X, Y           float64
	DeltaX, DeltaY float64 // Full range of x and y error, NaN for no errorbar
	OffX, OffY     float64 // Offset of error range (must be < Delta)

EPoint represents a point in two dimensions (X,Y) with possible error ranges in both dimensions. To faciliate common symetric errors, OffX/Y default to 0 and only DeltaX/Y needs to be set up.

func (EPoint) BoundingBox

func (p EPoint) BoundingBox() (xl, yl, xh, yh float64)

func (EPoint) XErr

func (p EPoint) XErr() (float64, float64)

func (EPoint) XVal

func (p EPoint) XVal() float64

func (EPoint) YErr

func (p EPoint) YErr() (float64, float64)

func (EPoint) YVal

func (p EPoint) YVal() float64

type Expansion

type Expansion int

Expansion determines the way an axis range is expanded to align nicely with the tics on the axis.

const (
	ExpandNextTic Expansion = iota // Set min/max to next tic really below/above min/max of data
	ExpandToTic                    // Set to next tic below/above or equal to min/max of data
	ExpandTight                    // Use data min/max as limit
	ExpandABit                     // Like ExpandToTic and add/subtract ExpandABitFraction of tic distance.

Suitable values for Expand in RangeMode.

type Font

type Font struct {
	Name  string      // "": default
	Size  FontSize    // relative size of font to default in output graphics
	Color color.Color // "": default, other: use this

Font describes a font

type FontSize

type FontSize int

FontSize is the reletive font size used in chart. Five sizes seem enough.

const (
	TinyFontSize FontSize = iota - 2

type Graphics

type Graphics interface {

	Dimensions() (int, int) // character-width / height

	Begin() // start of chart drawing
	End()   // Done, cleanup

	// All stuff is preprocessed: sanitized, clipped, strings formated, integer coords,
	// screen coordinates,
	XAxis(xr Range, ys, yms int, options PlotOptions) // Draw x axis xr at screen position ys (and yms if mirrored)
	YAxis(yr Range, xs, xms int, options PlotOptions) // Same for y axis.

	Scatter(points []EPoint, plotstyle PlotStyle, style Style) // Points, Lines and Line+Points
	Boxes(boxes []Box, width int, style Style)                 // Boxplots
	Bars(bars []Barinfo, style Style)                          // any type of histogram/bars
	Rings(wedeges []Wedgeinfo, x, y, ro, ri int)               // Pie/ring diagram elements

	Key(x, y int, key Key, options PlotOptions) // place key at x,y

Graphics is the interface all chart drivers have to implement

type GridMode

type GridMode int

GridMode describes the way a grid on the major tics is drawn

const (
	GridOff    GridMode = iota // No grid lines
	GridLines                  // Grid lines
	GridBlocks                 // Zebra style background

type HistChart

type HistChart struct {
	XRange, YRange Range       // Lower limit of YRange is fixed to 0 and not available for input
	Title          string      // Title of chart
	Key            Key         // Key/Legend
	Counts         bool        // Display counts instead of frequencies
	Stacked        bool        // Display different data sets ontop of each other
	Shifted        bool        // Shift non-stacked bars sideways (and make them smaler)
	FirstBin       float64     // center of the first (lowest bin)
	BinWidth       float64     // Width of bins (0: auto)
	TBinWidth      TimeDelta   // BinWidth for time XRange
	Gap            float64     // gap between bins in (bin-width units): 0<=Gap<1,
	Sep            float64     // separation of bars in one bin (in bar width units) -1<Sep<1
	Kernel         Kernel      // Smoothing kernel (usable only for non-stacked histograms)
	Options        PlotOptions // general stylistic optins
	Data           []HistChartData

HistChart represents histogram charts.

Histograms should not be mixed up with bar charts produced by BarChart: Histograms are computed (binified) automatically from the raw data.

func (*HistChart) AddData

func (c *HistChart) AddData(name string, data []float64, style Style)

AddData will add data to the plot. Legend will be updated by name.

func (*HistChart) AddDataGeneric

func (c *HistChart) AddDataGeneric(name string, data []Value, style Style)

AddDataGeneric is the generic version which allows the addition of any type implementing the Value interface.

func (*HistChart) AddDataInt

func (c *HistChart) AddDataInt(name string, data []int, style Style)

AddDataInt is a convenience method to add integer data (a simple wrapper around AddData).

func (*HistChart) Plot

func (c *HistChart) Plot(g Graphics)

Plot will output the chart to the graphic device g.

func (*HistChart) Reset

func (c *HistChart) Reset()

Reset chart to state before plotting.

type HistChartData

type HistChartData struct {
	Name    string
	Style   Style
	Samples []float64

type Hour

type Hour struct{ Num int }


func (Hour) Format

func (h Hour) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Hour) Period

func (h Hour) Period() bool

func (Hour) RoundDown

func (h Hour) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Hour) Seconds

func (h Hour) Seconds() int64

func (Hour) String

func (h Hour) String() string

type Kernel

type Kernel func(x float64) float64
var (
	// 1/2
	RectangularKernel = func(x float64) float64 {
		if x >= -1 && x < 1 {
			return 0.5
		return 0

	// 1 - |x|
	TriangularKernel = func(x float64) float64 {
		if x >= -1 && x < 1 {
			return 1 - math.Abs(x)
		return 0

	// 15/16 * (1-x^2)^2
	BisquareKernel Kernel = func(x float64) float64 {
		if x >= -1 && x < 1 {
			a := (1 - x*x)
			return 15.0 / 16.0 * a * a
		return 0

	// 35/32 * (1-x^2)^3
	TriweightKernel Kernel = func(x float64) float64 {
		if x >= -1 && x < 1 {
			a := (1 - x*x)
			return 35.0 / 32.0 * a * a * a
		return 0

	// 3/4 * (1-x^2)
	EpanechnikovKernel Kernel = func(x float64) float64 {
		if x >= -1 && x < 1 {
			return 3.0 / 4.0 * (1.0 - x*x)
		return 0

	// 1/sqrt(2pi) * exp(-1/2x^2)
	GaussKernel Kernel = func(x float64) float64 {
		return sqrt2piinv * math.Exp(-0.5*x*x)

Some common smoothing kernels. All are identical 0 outside [-1,1[.

type Key

type Key struct {
	Hide    bool       // Don't show key/legend if true
	Cols    int        // Number of colums to use. If <0 fill rows before colums
	Border  int        // -1: off, 0: std, 1...:other styles
	Pos     string     // default "" is "itr"
	Entries []KeyEntry // List of entries in the legend
	X, Y    int

Key encapsulates settings for keys/legends in a chart.

Key placement os governed by Pos which may take the following values:

     otl  otc  otr
olt |itl  itc  itr| ort
    |             |
olc |icl  icc  icr| orc
    |             |
olb |ibl  ibc  ibr| orb
     obl  obc  obr

func (Key) Layout

func (key Key) Layout(bg BasicGraphics, m [][]*KeyEntry, font Font) (w, h int, colwidth, rowheight []int)

func (Key) Place

func (key Key) Place() (matrix [][]*KeyEntry)

Place layouts the Entries in key in the requested (by key.Cols) matrix format

type KeyEntry

type KeyEntry struct {
	Text      string    // Text to display
	PlotStyle PlotStyle // What to show: symbol, line, bar, combi thereof
	Style     Style     // How to show


KeyEntry encapsulates an antry in the key/legend.

type LayoutData

type LayoutData struct {
	Width, Height      int // width and height of graph area
	Left, Top          int // left and top margin
	KeyX, KeyY         int // x and y coordiante of key
	NumXtics, NumYtics int // suggested numer of tics for both axis

LayoutData encapsulates the layout of the graph area in the whole drawing area.

type LineStyle

type LineStyle int

LineStyle describes the different types of lines.

const (
	SolidLine      LineStyle = iota //  ----------------------
	DashedLine                      //  ----  ----  ----  ----
	DottedLine                      //  - - - - - - - - - - -
	DashDotDotLine                  //  ----  -  -  ----  -  -
	LongDashLine                    //

The supported line styles

type MinimalGraphics

type MinimalGraphics interface {
	Background() (r, g, b, a uint8)                         // Color of background
	FontMetrics(font Font) (fw float32, fh int, mono bool)  // Return fontwidth and -height in pixel
	TextLen(t string, font Font) int                        // Length=width of t in screen units if set on font
	Line(x0, y0, x1, y1 int, style Style)                   // Draw line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1)
	Text(x, y int, t string, align string, rot int, f Font) // Put t at (x,y) rotated by rot aligned [[tcb]][lcr]

MinimalGraphics is the interface any graphics driver must implement, so that he can fall back to the generic routines for the higher level outputs.

type Minute

type Minute struct {
	Num int


func (Minute) Format

func (m Minute) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Minute) Period

func (m Minute) Period() bool

func (Minute) RoundDown

func (m Minute) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Minute) Seconds

func (m Minute) Seconds() int64

func (Minute) String

func (m Minute) String() string

type MirrorAxis

type MirrorAxis int

MirrorAxis describes if and how an axis is drawn on the oposite side of a chart,

const (
	MirrorAxisAndTics MirrorAxis = 0  // draw a full mirrored axis including tics
	MirrorNothing     MirrorAxis = -1 // do not draw a mirrored axis
	MirrorAxisOnly    MirrorAxis = 1  // just draw a mirrord axis, but omit tics

type Month

type Month struct {
	Num int


func (Month) Format

func (m Month) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Month) Period

func (m Month) Period() bool

func (Month) RoundDown

func (m Month) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Month) Seconds

func (m Month) Seconds() int64

func (Month) String

func (m Month) String() string

type PieChart

type PieChart struct {
	Title   string  // The title
	Key     Key     // The Key/Legend
	Inner   float64 // relative radius of inner white are (set to 0.7 to produce ring chart)
	Options PlotOptions
	Data    []CategoryChartData // The data

	FmtVal func(value, sume float64) string // add value labels to pie segments
	FmtKey func(value, sume float64) string // add value labels to key entries

PieChart represents pie and ring charts. Data is exported but it you should use the AddData, AddDataPair and AddIntDataPair methods to populate this field. The FmtVal and FmtKey function are used to format optional labels on the pie segments (FmtVal) and on the legend/key entries if non nil. The FmtKey must be set before adding data via the AddXY methods.

func (*PieChart) AddData

func (c *PieChart) AddData(name string, data []CatValue, style []Style)

func (*PieChart) AddDataPair

func (c *PieChart) AddDataPair(name string, cat []string, val []float64)

func (*PieChart) AddIntDataPair

func (c *PieChart) AddIntDataPair(name string, cat []string, val []int)

func (*PieChart) Plot

func (c *PieChart) Plot(g Graphics)

Plot outputs the scatter chart sc to g.

func (*PieChart) Reset

func (c *PieChart) Reset()

Reset chart to state before plotting.

type PlotElement

type PlotElement int

PlotElement identifies one element in a plot/chart

const (
	MajorAxisElement PlotElement = iota

type PlotOptions

type PlotOptions map[PlotElement]Style

PlotOptions contains a Style for each PlotElement. If a PlotOption does not contain a certainPlotElement the value in DefaultStyle is used.

type PlotStyle

type PlotStyle int

PlotStyle describes how data and functions are drawn in scatter plots. Can be used to describe how a key entry is drawn

const (
	PlotStylePoints      PlotStyle = iota + 1 // draw symbol at data point
	PlotStyleLines                            // connect data points by straight lines
	PlotStyleLinesPoints                      // symbols and lines
	PlotStyleBox                              // produce boxplot

type Point

type Point struct{ X, Y float64 }

Point is a point in two dimensions (x,y) implementing XYValue.

func (Point) XErr

func (p Point) XErr() (float64, float64)

func (Point) XVal

func (p Point) XVal() float64

func (Point) YErr

func (p Point) YErr() (float64, float64)

func (Point) YVal

func (p Point) YVal() float64

type Range

type Range struct {
	Label            string     // Label of axis
	Log              bool       // Logarithmic axis?
	Time             bool       // Date/Time axis?
	MinMode, MaxMode RangeMode  // How to handel min and max of this axis/range
	TicSetting       TicSetting // How to handle tics.
	DataMin, DataMax float64    // Actual min/max values from data. If both zero: not calculated
	ShowLimits       bool       // Display axis Min and Max values on plot
	ShowZero         bool       // Add line to show 0 of this axis
	Category         []string   // If not empty (and neither Log nor Time): Use Category[n] as tic label at pos n+1.

	// The following values are set up during plotting
	Min, Max   float64   // Actual minium and maximum of this axis/range.
	TMin, TMax time.Time // Same as Min/Max, but used for Date/Time axis
	Tics       []Tic     // List of tics to display

	// The following functions are set up during plotting
	Norm        func(float64) float64 // Function to map [Min:Max] to [0:1]
	InvNorm     func(float64) float64 // Inverse of Norm()
	Data2Screen func(float64) int     // Function to map data value to screen position
	Screen2Data func(int) float64     // Inverse of Data2Screen

Range encapsulates all information about an axis.

func (*Range) Fixed

func (r *Range) Fixed(min, max, delta float64)

Fixed is a helper (just reduces typing) functions which turns of autoscaling and sets the axis range to [min,max] and the tic distance to delta.

func (*Range) Init

func (r *Range) Init()

func (*Range) Reset

func (r *Range) Reset()

Reset resets the fields in r which have been set up during a plot.

func (*Range) Setup

func (r *Range) Setup(desiredNumberOfTics, maxNumberOfTics, sWidth, sOffset int, revert bool)

SetUp sets up several fields of Range r according to RangeModes and TicSettings. DataMin and DataMax of r must be present and should indicate lowest and highest value present in the data set. The following fields of r are filled:

(T)Min and (T)Max    lower and upper limit of axis, (T)-version for date/time axis
Tics                 slice of tics to draw
TicSetting.(T)Delta  actual tic delta
Norm and InvNorm     mapping of [lower,upper]_data --> [0:1] and inverse
Data2Screen          mapping of data to screen coordinates
Screen2Data          inverse of Data2Screen

The parameters desiredNumberOfTics and maxNumberOfTics are what the say. sWidth and sOffset are screen-width and -offset and are used to set up the Data-Screen conversion functions. If revert is true, than screen coordinates are asumed to be the other way around than mathematical coordinates.

TODO(vodo) seperate screen stuff into own method.

func (*Range) TFixed

func (r *Range) TFixed(min, max time.Time, delta TimeDelta)

type RangeMode

type RangeMode struct {
	Fixed          bool      // If false: autoscaling. If true: use (T)Value/TValue as fixed setting
	Constrained    bool      // If false: full autoscaling. If true: use (T)Lower (T)Upper as limits
	Expand         Expansion // One of ExpandNextTic, ExpandTight, ExpandABit
	Value          float64   // Value of end point of axis in Fixed=true mode, ignorder otherwise
	TValue         time.Time // Same as Value, but used for Date/Time axis
	Lower, Upper   float64   // Lower and upper limit for constrained autoscaling
	TLower, TUpper time.Time // Same s Lower/Upper, but used for Date/Time axis

RangeMode describes how one end of an axis is set up. There are basically three different main modes:

o Fixed: Fixed==true.
  Use Value/TValue as fixed value ignoring data.
o Unconstrained autoscaling: Fixed==false && Constrained==false.
  Set range to whatever data requires.
o Constrained autoscaling: Fixed==false && Constrained==true.
  Scale axis according to data present, but limit scaling to intervall [Lower,Upper]

For both autoscaling modes Expand defines how much expansion is done below/above the lowest/highest data point.

type Real

type Real float64

A simple real value implemnting the Value interface

func (Real) XVal

func (r Real) XVal() float64

type ScatterChart

type ScatterChart struct {
	XRange, YRange Range  // X and Y axis
	Title          string // Title of the chart
	Key            Key    // Key/Legend
	Options        PlotOptions
	Data           []ScatterChartData // The actual data (filled with Add...-methods)
	NSamples       int                // number of samples for function plots

ScatterChart represents scatter charts, line charts and function plots.

func (*ScatterChart) AddData

func (c *ScatterChart) AddData(name string, data []EPoint, plotstyle PlotStyle, style Style)

AddData adds points in data to chart. A key/legend entry is produced if name is not empty.

func (*ScatterChart) AddDataGeneric

func (c *ScatterChart) AddDataGeneric(name string, data []XYErrValue, plotstyle PlotStyle, style Style)

AddDataGeneric is the generiv version of AddData which allows any type to be plotted that implements the XYErrValue interface.

func (*ScatterChart) AddDataPair

func (c *ScatterChart) AddDataPair(name string, x, y []float64, plotstyle PlotStyle, style Style)

AddDataPair is a convenience method which wrapps around AddData: It adds the points (x[n],y[n]) to the chart.

func (*ScatterChart) AddFunc

func (c *ScatterChart) AddFunc(name string, f func(float64) float64, plotstyle PlotStyle, style Style)

AddFunc adds a function f to this chart. A key/legend entry is produced if name is not empty.

func (*ScatterChart) Plot

func (c *ScatterChart) Plot(g Graphics)

Plot outputs the scatter chart to the graphic output g.

func (*ScatterChart) Reset

func (c *ScatterChart) Reset()

Reset chart to state before plotting.

type ScatterChartData

type ScatterChartData struct {
	Name      string                // The name of this data set. TODO: unused?
	PlotStyle PlotStyle             // Points, Lines+Points or Lines only
	Style     Style                 // Color, sizes, pointtype, linestyle, ...
	Samples   []EPoint              // The actual points for scatter/lines charts
	Func      func(float64) float64 // The function to draw.

ScatterChartData encapsulates a data set or function in a scatter chart. Not both Samples and Func may be non nil at the same time.

type Second

type Second struct {
	Num int


func (Second) Format

func (s Second) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Second) Period

func (s Second) Period() bool

func (Second) RoundDown

func (s Second) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Second) Seconds

func (s Second) Seconds() int64

func (Second) String

func (s Second) String() string

type StripChart

type StripChart struct {
	Jitter       bool // Add jitter to help distinguish overlapping values
	ScatterChart      // The embeded ScatterChart is responsible for all drawing

StripChart represents very simple strip charts.

func (*StripChart) AddData

func (sc *StripChart) AddData(name string, data []float64, style Style)

AddData adds data to the strip chart.

func (*StripChart) AddDataGeneric

func (sc *StripChart) AddDataGeneric(name string, data []Value)

func (*StripChart) Plot

func (sc *StripChart) Plot(g Graphics)

Plot outputs the strip chart sc to g.

func (*StripChart) Reset

func (sc *StripChart) Reset()

Reset chart to state before plotting.

type Style

type Style struct {
	Symbol      int         // 0: no symbol; any codepoint: this symbol
	SymbolColor color.Color // color of symbol
	SymbolSize  float64     // ccaling factor of symbol
	LineStyle   LineStyle   // SolidLine, DashedLine, DottedLine, .... see below
	LineColor   color.Color // color of line
	LineWidth   int         // 0: no line,  >=1 width of line in pixel
	Font        Font        // the font to use
	FillColor   color.Color

Style contains all information about all graphic elements in a chart. All colors are in the form "#rrggbb" with rr/gg/bb hexvalues. Not all elements of a plot use all fields in this struct.

func AutoStyle

func AutoStyle(i int, fill bool) (style Style)

AutoStyle produces a styles based on StandardColors, StandardLineStyles, and StandardSymbols. Call with fill = true for charts with filled elements (hist, bar, cbar, pie).

func ElementStyle

func ElementStyle(options PlotOptions, element PlotElement) Style

type Tic

type Tic struct {
	Pos      float64 // position of the tic on the axis (in data coordinates).
	LabelPos float64 // position of the label on the axis (in data coordinates).
	Label    string  // the Label of the tic
	Align    int     // alignment of the label:  -1: left/top,  0 center,  1 right/bottom (unused)

Tic describs a single tic on an axis.

type TicSetting

type TicSetting struct {
	Hide       bool       // dont show tics if true
	HideLabels bool       // don't show tic labels if true
	Tics       int        // 0: across axis,  1: inside,  2: outside,  other: off
	Minor      int        // 0: off,  1: auto,  >1: number of intervalls (not number of tics!)
	Delta      float64    // wanted step between major tics.  0 means auto
	TDelta     TimeDelta  // same as Delta, but used for Date/Time axis
	Grid       GridMode   // GridOff, GridLines, GridBlocks
	Mirror     MirrorAxis // 0: mirror axis and tics, -1: don't mirror anything, 1: mirror axis only (no tics)

	Format  func(float64) string              // User function to format tics.
	TFormat func(time.Time, TimeDelta) string // User function to format tics for date/time axis

	UserDelta bool // true if Delta or TDelta was input

TicSettings describes how (if at all) tics are shown on an axis.

type TimeDelta

type TimeDelta interface {
	Seconds() int64                  // amount of delta in seconds
	RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time // Round dow t to "whole" delta
	String() string                  // retrieve string representation
	Format(t time.Time) string       // format t properly
	Period() bool                    // true if this delta is a time period (like a month)

Represents a tic-distance in a timed axis

func MatchingTimeDelta

func MatchingTimeDelta(delta float64, fac float64) TimeDelta

func NextTimeDelta

func NextTimeDelta(d TimeDelta) TimeDelta

type Value

type Value interface {
	XVal() float64

Values is an interface for any type of data representable by a real. Its standard implementation here is Real (float64).

type Wedgeinfo

type Wedgeinfo struct {
	Phi, Psi float64 // Start and ende of wedge. Fuill circle if |phi-psi| > 4pi
	Text, Tp string  // label text and text position: [ico]
	Style    Style   // style of this wedge
	Font     Font    // font of text
	Shift    int     // Highlighting of wedge

type Week

type Week struct {
	Num int


func (Week) Format

func (w Week) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Week) Period

func (w Week) Period() bool

func (Week) RoundDown

func (w Week) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Week) Seconds

func (w Week) Seconds() int64

func (Week) String

func (w Week) String() string

type XYErrValue

type XYErrValue interface {
	XVal() float64
	YVal() float64
	XErr() (float64, float64) // X-range [min,max], error intervall. Use NaN to indicate "no error"
	YErr() (float64, float64) // Same for y

XYErrValue is an interface any type of data which is point-like (x,y) and has some measurement error.

type XYValue

type XYValue interface {
	XVal() float64
	YVal() float64

XY-Value is an interface for any type of data which is point-like and has a x- and y-coordinate. Its standard implementationhere is Point.

type Year

type Year struct {
	Num int


func (Year) Format

func (y Year) Format(t time.Time) string

func (Year) Period

func (y Year) Period() bool

func (Year) RoundDown

func (y Year) RoundDown(t time.Time) time.Time

func (Year) Seconds

func (y Year) Seconds() int64

func (Year) String

func (y Year) String() string


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