
is a framework to execute (and verify) algorithms in zero-knowledge. It offers a high-level API to easily design circuits and fast implementation of state of the art ZKP schemes.
has not been audited and is provided as-is, use at your own risk. In particular, gnark
makes no security guarantees such as constant time implementation or side-channel attack resistance.

Proving systems
Getting started
is optimized for Unix (Linux / macOS) 64bits platforms (and not tested on other architectures).
You'll need to install Go.
Install gnark
Command line interface
go install
go get
To install for use as a Go package:
go get
Our blog post is a good place to start. In short:
- Implement the algorithm using our API (written in Go)
- Serialize the circuit in its R1CS form (
) (in the examples/cubic
subfolder, that would be go run examples/cubic/cubic.go
- Run
gnark setup circuit.r1cs
to generate proving and verifying keys
- Run
gnark prove circuit.r1cs --pk --input input
to generate a proof
- Run
gnark verify circuit.proof --vk circuit.vk --input input.public
to verify a proof
Note that, currently, the input file has a simple csv-like format:
secret, x, 3
public, y, 35
Using the gnark
CLI tool is optional. Developers may expose circuits through gRPC or REST APIs, export to Solidity, chose their serialization formats, etc. This is ongoing work on our side, but new feature suggestions or PR are welcome.
Examples and gnark
Examples are located in /examples
Run gnark --help
for a list of available commands.
// x**3 + x + 5 y
func main() {
// create root constraint system
circuit := cs.New()
// declare secret and public inputs
x := circuit.SECRET_INPUT("x")
y := circuit.PUBLIC_INPUT("y")
// specify constraints
x3 := circuit.MUL(x, x, x)
circuit.MUSTBE_EQ(y, circuit.ADD(x3, x, 5))
cd examples/cubic_equation
go run cubic.go
gnark setup circuit.r1cs
gnark prove circuit.r1cs --pk --input input
gnark verify circuit.proof --vk circuit.vk --input input.public
While several ZKP projects chose to develop their own language and compiler for the frontend, we designed a high-level API, in plain Go.
Relying on Go ---a mature and widely used language--- and its toolchain, has several benefits.
Developpers can debug, document, test and benchmark their circuits as they would with any other Go program. Circuits can be versionned, unit tested and used into standard continious delivery workflows. IDE integration (we use VSCode) and all these features come for free and are stable accross platforms.
Moreover, gnark
is not a black box and exposes APIs like a conventional cryptographic library (think aes.encrypt([]byte)
). Complex solutions need this flexibility --- gRPC/REST APIs, serialization protocols, monitoring, logging, ... are all few lines of code away.
Designing your circuit
TODO (field overflows, etc)
standard library
Currently gnark provides the following gadgets:
- The Mimc hash function
- Merkle tree (binary, without domain separation)
- Twisted Edwards curve arithmetic (for bn256 and bls381)
- Signature (eddsa aglorithm, following
It is difficult to fairly and precisely compare benchmarks between libraries. Some implementations may excel in conditions where others may not (available CPUs, RAM or instruction set, WebAssembly target, ...). Nonetheless, it appears that gnark
, is faster than existing state-of-the-art.
Here are our measurements for the Prover, using BLS381 curve. These benchmarks ran on a c5d.metal AWS instance (96 vCPUS, 192GB RAM):
nb constraints |
1000 |
10000 |
40000 |
100000 |
1000000 |
10000000 |
bellman (ms/op) |
103 |
183 |
450 |
807 |
5445 |
60045 |
gnark (ms/op) |
11 |
67 |
252 |
520 |
4674 |
56883 |
gain |
-89.3% |
-63.4% |
-44.0% |
-35.6% |
-14.2% |
-5.3% |
On this configuration, for 1M constraints+, we're only using 30% of the CPUs! Work in progress to scale better--- with number of CPUs and number of constraints.
Here are some measurements on a consumer laptop (2016 MBP, 8cores, 16GB RAM):
40k constraints |
Prove |
Verify |
bellman (ms/op) |
2021 |
3.69 |
gnark (ms/op) |
1648 |
3.04 |
gain |
-18.5% |
-17.6% |
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Get in touch: [email protected]
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details