
What is this?
Many folks are frustated with the $GOPATH
single workspace model, it doesn't let them check out the source of a project in a directory of their choice and it does not let them have multiple copies of a project checked out at the same time.
Similarly many folks are frustrated with the gb
project model, which gives you the ability to check out a project anywhere you want, but has no solution for libraries, and gb projects are not go gettable.
kang is an experiment to try to provide a solution that:
- lets you checkout a project anywhere you want
- does not force you to give up interoperability with go get.
Kodos uses .git
The reason $GOPATH
is required by the go tool is twofold
- all
statements are resolved by the go tool relative to a fixed absolute root; $GOPATH/src
- a location to store dependencies fetched by
go get
gb showed that point 2 could be solved by writing a new build tool that did not wrap the go tool and thus was not forced to reorganise the world to fit into the $GOPATH
The problem with point 1 is whenever the go tool builds a package in a directory, it must answer the question of "what is the full import path of this package".
model answers this question by subtracting the prefix of $GOPATH/src
from the path to the directory of the current package; the remainder is the package's fully qualified import path.
This is why if you checkout a package outside a $GOPATH
workspace, the go tool cannot figure out the packages' fully qualified import path and everything falls apart.
kodos requires Go 1.7.3 or later.
go get github.com/constabulary/kodos/...
note: not done, see roadmap and TODO.
kodos build
will build all the source in a project, it can be issued anywhere in the project.
kodos test
will test all the packages in a project, ditto.
Both commands automatically cache as much as possible for fast incremental compilation.
Here are the big ticket items before kang is a working proof of concept.
- kodos test support.
- automatic dependency fetching.
- cgo support.
- cross compile support.
Lots to do.
- unit tests
- functional and integration tests
- kang has forked a number of gb components, merge the changes required back into gb so both kang and gb use the same build and test primatives.
Bug reports are most welcome.
Pull requests must include a fixes #NNN
or updates #NNN
Please discuss your design on the accompanying issue before submitting a pull request. If there is no suitable issue, please open one to discuss the feature before slinging code. Thank you.