
v1.0.57 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 16, 2022 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 59 Imported by: 1



Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-core commands.

Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-core commands.



This section is empty.


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var (
	CommandHelpTemplate = `` /* 471-byte string literal not displayed */

	OriginCommandHelpTemplate = `` /* 343-byte string literal not displayed */

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var (
	// General settings
	DataDirFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "datadir",
		Usage: "Data directory for the databases and keystore",
		Value: DirectoryString(node.DefaultDataDir()),
	AncientFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "datadir.ancient",
		Usage: "Data directory for ancient chain segments (default = inside chaindata)",
	KeyStoreDirFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "keystore",
		Usage: "Directory for the keystore (default = inside the datadir)",
	NoUSBFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nousb",
		Usage: "Disables monitoring for and managing USB hardware wallets",
	IoTFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "iot",
		Usage: "Enables Pin to indicate if node is operational",
	SmartCardDaemonPathFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "pcscdpath",
		Usage: "Path to the smartcard daemon (pcscd) socket file",
		Value: pcsclite.PCSCDSockName,
	NetworkIdFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "networkid",
		Usage: "Network identifier (integer,1=Mainnet, 3=Devin)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.NetworkId,
	DevinFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "devin",
		Usage: "Devin network: pre-configured proof-of-work test network",
	DeveloperFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "dev",
		Usage: "Ephemeral proof-of-authority network with a pre-funded developer account, mining enabled",
	DeveloperPeriodFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "dev.period",
		Usage: "Block period to use in developer mode (0 = mine only if transaction pending)",
	IdentityFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "identity",
		Usage: "Custom node name",
	DocRootFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "docroot",
		Usage: "Document Root for HTTPClient file scheme",
		Value: DirectoryString(homeDir()),
	SnapshotFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "snapshot",
		Usage: `Enables snapshot-database mode -- experimental work in progress feature`,
	ExitWhenSyncedFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "exitwhensynced",
		Usage: "Exits after block synchronisation completes",
	IterativeOutputFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "iterative",
		Usage: "Print streaming JSON iteratively, delimited by newlines",
	ExcludeStorageFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nostorage",
		Usage: "Exclude storage entries (save db lookups)",
	IncludeIncompletesFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "incompletes",
		Usage: "Include accounts for which we don't have the address (missing preimage)",
	ExcludeCodeFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nocode",
		Usage: "Exclude contract code (save db lookups)",

	SyncModeFlag = TextMarshalerFlag{
		Name:  "syncmode",
		Usage: `Blockchain sync mode ("fast", "full", or "light")`,
		Value: &defaultSyncMode,
	GCModeFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "gcmode",
		Usage: `Blockchain garbage collection mode ("full", "archive")`,
		Value: "full",
	LightKDFFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "lightkdf",
		Usage: "Reduce key-derivation RAM & CPU usage at some expense of KDF strength",
	WhitelistFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "whitelist",
		Usage: "Comma separated block number-to-hash mappings to enforce (<number>=<hash>)",
	LightServeFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "light.serve",
		Usage: "Maximum percentage of time allowed for serving LES requests (multi-threaded processing allows values over 100)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.LightServ,
	LightIngressFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "light.ingress",
		Usage: "Incoming bandwidth limit for serving light clients (kilobytes/sec, 0 = unlimited)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.LightIngress,
	LightEgressFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "light.egress",
		Usage: "Outgoing bandwidth limit for serving light clients (kilobytes/sec, 0 = unlimited)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.LightEgress,
	LightMaxPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "light.maxpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of light clients to serve, or light servers to attach to",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.LightPeers,
	UltraLightServersFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "ulc.servers",
		Usage: "List of trusted ultra-light servers",
		Value: strings.Join(xcb.DefaultConfig.UltraLightServers, ","),
	UltraLightFractionFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "ulc.fraction",
		Usage: "Minimum % of trusted ultra-light servers required to announce a new head",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.UltraLightFraction,
	UltraLightOnlyAnnounceFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "ulc.onlyannounce",
		Usage: "Ultra light server sends announcements only",
	LightNoPruneFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "light.nopruning",
		Usage: "Disable ancient light chain data pruning",
	// Transaction pool settings
	TxPoolLocalsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.locals",
		Usage: "Comma separated accounts to treat as locals (no flush, priority inclusion)",
	TxPoolNoLocalsFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.nolocals",
		Usage: "Disables price exemptions for locally submitted transactions",
	TxPoolJournalFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.journal",
		Usage: "Disk journal for local transaction to survive node restarts",
		Value: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig.Journal,
	TxPoolRejournalFlag = cli.DurationFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.rejournal",
		Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal",
		Value: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig.Rejournal,
	TxPoolPriceLimitFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.pricelimit",
		Usage: "Minimum energy price limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.PriceLimit,
	TxPoolPriceBumpFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.pricebump",
		Usage: "Price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.PriceBump,
	TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.accountslots",
		Usage: "Minimum number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.AccountSlots,
	TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.globalslots",
		Usage: "Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.GlobalSlots,
	TxPoolAccountQueueFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.accountqueue",
		Usage: "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.AccountQueue,
	TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.globalqueue",
		Usage: "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.GlobalQueue,
	TxPoolLifetimeFlag = cli.DurationFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.lifetime",
		Usage: "Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TxPool.Lifetime,
	// Performance tuning settings
	CacheFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache",
		Usage: "Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching (default = 4096 mainnet full node, 128 light mode)",
		Value: 1024,
	CacheDatabaseFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.database",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for database io",
		Value: 50,
	CacheTrieFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.trie",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for trie caching (default = 15% full mode, 30% archive mode)",
		Value: 15,
	CacheTrieJournalFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "cache.trie.journal",
		Usage: "Disk journal directory for trie cache to survive node restarts",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TrieCleanCacheJournal,
	CacheTrieRejournalFlag = cli.DurationFlag{
		Name:  "cache.trie.rejournal",
		Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the trie cache journal",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.TrieCleanCacheRejournal,
	CacheGCFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.gc",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for trie pruning (default = 25% full mode, 0% archive mode)",
		Value: 25,
	CacheSnapshotFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.snapshot",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for snapshot caching (default = 10% full mode, 20% archive mode)",
		Value: 10,
	CacheNoPrefetchFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "cache.noprefetch",
		Usage: "Disable heuristic state prefetch during block import (less CPU and disk IO, more time waiting for data)",
	// Miner settings
	MiningEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "mine",
		Usage: "Enable mining",
	MinerThreadsFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "miner.threads",
		Usage: "Number of CPU threads to use for mining",
		Value: 0,
	MinerNotifyFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "miner.notify",
		Usage: "Comma separated HTTP URL list to notify of new work packages",
	MinerEnergyTargetFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "miner.energytarget",
		Usage: "Target energy floor for mined blocks",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.Miner.EnergyFloor,
	MinerEnergyLimitFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "miner.energylimit",
		Usage: "Target energy ceiling for mined blocks",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.Miner.EnergyCeil,
	MinerEnergyPriceFlag = BigFlag{
		Name:  "miner.energyprice",
		Usage: "Minimum energy price for mining a transaction",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.Miner.EnergyPrice,
	MinerCorebaseFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "miner.corebase",
		Usage: "Public address for block mining rewards (default = first account)",
		Value: "0",
	MinerExtraDataFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "miner.extradata",
		Usage: "Block extra data set by the miner (default = client version)",
	MinerRecommitIntervalFlag = cli.DurationFlag{
		Name:  "miner.recommit",
		Usage: "Time interval to recreate the block being mined",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.Miner.Recommit,
	MinerNoVerfiyFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "miner.noverify",
		Usage: "Disable remote sealing verification",
	// Account settings
	UnlockedAccountFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "unlock",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of accounts to unlock",
		Value: "",
	PasswordFileFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "password",
		Usage: "Password file to use for non-interactive password input",
		Value: "",
	ExternalSignerFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "signer",
		Usage: "External signer (url or path to ipc file)",
		Value: "",
	VMEnableDebugFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "vmdebug",
		Usage: "Record information useful for VM and contract debugging",
	InsecureUnlockAllowedFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "allow-insecure-unlock",
		Usage: "Allow insecure account unlocking when account-related RPCs are exposed by http",
	RPCGlobalEnergyCap = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "rpc.energycap",
		Usage: "Sets a cap on energy that can be used in xcb_call/estimateEnergy",
	// Logging and debug settings
	XcbStatsURLFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "xcbstats",
		Usage: "Reporting URL of a xcbstats service (nodename:secret@host:port)",
	FakePoWFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "fakepow",
		Usage: "Disables proof-of-work verification",
	NoCompactionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nocompaction",
		Usage: "Disables db compaction after import",
	// RPC settings
	IPCDisabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "ipcdisable",
		Usage: "Disable the IPC-RPC server",
	IPCPathFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "ipcpath",
		Usage: "Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)",
	HTTPEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "http",
		Usage: "Enable the HTTP-RPC server",
	HTTPListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "http.addr",
		Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening interface",
		Value: node.DefaultHTTPHost,
	HTTPPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "http.port",
		Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening port",
		Value: node.DefaultHTTPPort,
	HTTPCORSDomainFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "http.corsdomain",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)",
		Value: "",
	HTTPVirtualHostsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "http.vhosts",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard.",
		Value: strings.Join(node.DefaultConfig.HTTPVirtualHosts, ","),
	HTTPApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "http.api",
		Usage: "API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface",
		Value: "",
	WSEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "ws",
		Usage: "Enable the WS-RPC server",
	WSListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "ws.addr",
		Usage: "WS-RPC server listening interface",
		Value: node.DefaultWSHost,
	WSPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "ws.port",
		Usage: "WS-RPC server listening port",
		Value: node.DefaultWSPort,
	WSApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "ws.api",
		Usage: "API's offered over the WS-RPC interface",
		Value: "",
	WSAllowedOriginsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "ws.origins",
		Usage: "Origins from which to accept websockets requests",
		Value: "",
	GraphQLEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "graphql",
		Usage: "Enable the GraphQL server",
	GraphQLListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "graphql.addr",
		Usage: "GraphQL server listening interface",
		Value: node.DefaultGraphQLHost,
	GraphQLPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "graphql.port",
		Usage: "GraphQL server listening port",
		Value: node.DefaultGraphQLPort,
	GraphQLCORSDomainFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "graphql.corsdomain",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)",
		Value: "",
	GraphQLVirtualHostsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "graphql.vhosts",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard.",
		Value: strings.Join(node.DefaultConfig.GraphQLVirtualHosts, ","),
	ExecFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "exec",
		Usage: "Execute JavaScript statement",
	PreloadJSFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "preload",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of JavaScript files to preload into the console",

	// Network Settings
	MaxPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "maxpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of network peers (network disabled if set to 0)",
		Value: node.DefaultConfig.P2P.MaxPeers,
	MaxPendingPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "maxpendpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of pending connection attempts (defaults used if set to 0)",
		Value: node.DefaultConfig.P2P.MaxPendingPeers,
	ListenPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "port",
		Usage: "Network listening port",
		Value: 30300,
	BootnodesFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "bootnodes",
		Usage: "Comma separated enode URLs for P2P discovery bootstrap (set v4+v5 instead for light servers)",
		Value: "",
	BootnodesV4Flag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "bootnodesv4",
		Usage: "Comma separated enode URLs for P2P v4 discovery bootstrap (light server, full nodes)",
		Value: "",
	BootnodesV5Flag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "bootnodesv5",
		Usage: "Comma separated enode URLs for P2P v5 discovery bootstrap (light server, light nodes)",
		Value: "",
	NodeKeyFileFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "nodekey",
		Usage: "P2P node key file",
	NodeKeyHexFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "nodekeyhex",
		Usage: "P2P node key as hex (for testing)",
	NATFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "nat",
		Usage: "NAT port mapping mechanism (any|auto|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>)",
		Value: "any",
	NoDiscoverFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nodiscover",
		Usage: "Disables the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition)",
	DiscoveryV5Flag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "v5disc",
		Usage: "Enables the experimental RLPx V5 (Topic Discovery) mechanism",
	NetrestrictFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "netrestrict",
		Usage: "Restricts network communication to the given IP networks (CIDR masks)",
	DNSDiscoveryFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "discovery.dns",
		Usage: "Sets DNS discovery entry points (use \"\" to disable DNS)",
	UseDNSDiscoveryFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "discovery.dns.use",
		Usage: "Turns on DNS discovery",
	NtpServerFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "ntp",
		Usage: "NTP server and port for time synchronisation",
		Value: "pool.ntp.org:123",

	// ATM the url is left to the user and deployment to
	JSpathFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "jspath",
		Usage: "JavaScript root path for `loadScript`",
		Value: ".",

	// Energy price oracle settings
	GpoBlocksFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "gpo.blocks",
		Usage: "Number of recent blocks to check for energy prices",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.GPO.Blocks,
	GpoPercentileFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "gpo.percentile",
		Usage: "Suggested energy price is the given percentile of a set of recent transaction energy prices",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.GPO.Percentile,
	GpoMaxEnergyPriceFlag = cli.Int64Flag{
		Name:  "gpo.maxprice",
		Usage: "Maximum energy price will be recommended by gpo",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.GPO.MaxPrice.Int64(),

	// Metrics flags
	MetricsEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "metrics",
		Usage: "Enable metrics collection and reporting",
	MetricsEnabledExpensiveFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.expensive",
		Usage: "Enable expensive metrics collection and reporting",
	MetricsEnableInfluxDBFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.influxdb",
		Usage: "Enable metrics export/push to an external InfluxDB database",
	MetricsInfluxDBEndpointFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.influxdb.endpoint",
		Usage: "InfluxDB API endpoint to report metrics to",
		Value: "http://localhost:8086",
	MetricsInfluxDBDatabaseFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.influxdb.database",
		Usage: "InfluxDB database name to push reported metrics to",
		Value: "gocore",
	MetricsInfluxDBUsernameFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.influxdb.username",
		Usage: "Username to authorize access to the database",
		Value: "test",
	MetricsInfluxDBPasswordFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.influxdb.password",
		Usage: "Password to authorize access to the database",
		Value: "test",
	// Tags are part of every measurement sent to InfluxDB. Queries on tags are faster in InfluxDB.
	// For example `host` tag could be used so that we can group all nodes and average a measurement
	// across all of them, but also so that we can select a specific node and inspect its measurements.
	// https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.4/concepts/key_concepts/#tag-key
	MetricsInfluxDBTagsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "metrics.influxdb.tags",
		Usage: "Comma-separated InfluxDB tags (key/values) attached to all measurements",
		Value: "host=localhost",

	EWASMInterpreterFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "vm.ewasm",
		Usage: "External ewasm configuration (default = built-in interpreter)",
		Value: "",
	CVMInterpreterFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "vm.cvm",
		Usage: "External CVM configuration (default = built-in interpreter)",
		Value: "",
View Source
var (
	// (Deprecated April 2018)
	LegacyMinerThreadsFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "minerthreads",
		Usage: "Number of CPU threads to use for mining (deprecated, use --miner.threads)",
		Value: 0,
	LegacyMinerEnergyTargetFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "targetenergylimit",
		Usage: "Target energy floor for mined blocks (deprecated, use --miner.energytarget)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.Miner.EnergyFloor,
	LegacyMinerEnergyPriceFlag = BigFlag{
		Name:  "energyprice",
		Usage: "Minimum energy price for mining a transaction (deprecated, use --miner.energyprice)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.Miner.EnergyPrice,
	LegacyMinerCorebaseFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "corebase",
		Usage: "Public address for block mining rewards (default = first account, deprecated, use --miner.corebase)",
		Value: "0",
	LegacyMinerExtraDataFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "extradata",
		Usage: "Block extra data set by the miner (default = client version, deprecated, use --miner.extradata)",

	LegacyLightPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "lightpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of light clients to serve, or light servers to attach to  (deprecated, use --light.maxpeers)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.LightPeers,

	LegacyRPCEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "rpc",
		Usage: "Enable the HTTP-RPC server (deprecated, use --http)",
	LegacyRPCListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpcaddr",
		Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening interface (deprecated, use --http.addr)",
		Value: node.DefaultHTTPHost,
	LegacyRPCPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "rpcport",
		Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening port (deprecated, use --http.port)",
		Value: node.DefaultHTTPPort,
	LegacyRPCCORSDomainFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpccorsdomain",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced) (deprecated, use --http.corsdomain)",
		Value: "",
	LegacyRPCVirtualHostsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpcvhosts",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard. (deprecated, use --http.vhosts)",
		Value: strings.Join(node.DefaultConfig.HTTPVirtualHosts, ","),
	LegacyRPCApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpcapi",
		Usage: "API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (deprecated, use --http.api)",
		Value: "",
	LegacyWSListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "wsaddr",
		Usage: "WS-RPC server listening interface (deprecated, use --ws.addr)",
		Value: node.DefaultWSHost,
	LegacyWSPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "wsport",
		Usage: "WS-RPC server listening port (deprecated, use --ws.port)",
		Value: node.DefaultWSPort,
	LegacyWSApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "wsapi",
		Usage: "API's offered over the WS-RPC interface (deprecated, use --ws.api)",
		Value: "",
	LegacyWSAllowedOriginsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "wsorigins",
		Usage: "Origins from which to accept websockets requests (deprecated, use --ws.origins)",
		Value: "",
	LegacyGpoBlocksFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "gpoblocks",
		Usage: "Number of recent blocks to check for energy prices (deprecated, use --gpo.blocks)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.GPO.Blocks,
	LegacyGpoPercentileFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "gpopercentile",
		Usage: "Suggested energy price is the given percentile of a set of recent transaction energy prices (deprecated, use --gpo.percentile)",
		Value: xcb.DefaultConfig.GPO.Percentile,
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var ShowDeprecated = cli.Command{
	Action:      showDeprecated,
	Name:        "show-deprecated-flags",
	Usage:       "Show flags that have been deprecated",
	ArgsUsage:   " ",
	Description: "Show flags that have been deprecated and will soon be removed",


func CheckExclusive

func CheckExclusive(ctx *cli.Context, args ...interface{})

CheckExclusive verifies that only a single instance of the provided flags was set by the user. Each flag might optionally be followed by a string type to specialize it further.

func ExportAppendChain

func ExportAppendChain(blockchain *core.BlockChain, fn string, first uint64, last uint64) error

ExportAppendChain exports a blockchain into the specified file, appending to the file if data already exists in it.

func ExportChain

func ExportChain(blockchain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error

ExportChain exports a blockchain into the specified file, truncating any data already present in the file.

func ExportPreimages

func ExportPreimages(db xcbdb.Database, fn string) error

ExportPreimages exports all known hash preimages into the specified file, truncating any data already present in the file.

func Fatalf

func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})

Fatalf formats a message to standard error and exits the program. The message is also printed to standard output if standard error is redirected to a different file.

func GlobalBig

func GlobalBig(ctx *cli.Context, name string) *big.Int

GlobalBig returns the value of a BigFlag from the global flag set.

func ImportChain

func ImportChain(chain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error

func ImportPreimages

func ImportPreimages(db xcbdb.Database, fn string) error

ImportPreimages imports a batch of exported hash preimages into the database.

func MakeAddress

func MakeAddress(ks *keystore.KeyStore, account string) (accounts.Account, error)

MakeAddress converts an account specified directly as a hex encoded string or a key index in the key store to an internal account representation.

func MakeChain

func MakeChain(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) (chain *core.BlockChain, chainDb xcbdb.Database)

MakeChain creates a chain manager from set command line flags.

func MakeChainDatabase

func MakeChainDatabase(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) xcbdb.Database

MakeChainDatabase open an LevelDB using the flags passed to the client and will hard crash if it fails.

func MakeConsolePreloads

func MakeConsolePreloads(ctx *cli.Context) []string

MakeConsolePreloads retrieves the absolute paths for the console JavaScript scripts to preload before starting.

func MakeDataDir

func MakeDataDir(ctx *cli.Context) string

MakeDataDir retrieves the currently requested data directory, terminating if none (or the empty string) is specified. If the node is starting a devin, the a subdirectory of the specified datadir will be used.

func MakeGenesis

func MakeGenesis(ctx *cli.Context) *core.Genesis

func MakePasswordList

func MakePasswordList(ctx *cli.Context) []string

MakePasswordList reads password lines from the file specified by the global --password flag.

func MigrateFlags

func MigrateFlags(action func(ctx *cli.Context) error) func(*cli.Context) error

MigrateFlags sets the global flag from a local flag when it's set. This is a temporary function used for migrating old command/flags to the new format.

e.g. gocore account new --keystore /tmp/mykeystore --lightkdf

is equivalent after calling this method with:

gocore --keystore /tmp/mykeystore --lightkdf account new

This allows the use of the existing configuration functionality. When all flags are migrated this function can be removed and the existing configuration functionality must be changed that is uses local flags

func NewApp

func NewApp(gitCommit, gitDate, usage string) *cli.App

NewApp creates an app with sane defaults.

func RegisterGraphQLService

func RegisterGraphQLService(stack *node.Node, endpoint string, cors, vhosts []string, timeouts rpc.HTTPTimeouts)

RegisterGraphQLService is a utility function to construct a new service and register it against a node.

func RegisterXcbService added in v1.0.48

func RegisterXcbService(stack *node.Node, cfg *xcb.Config)

RegisterXcbService adds an Core client to the stack.

func RegisterXcbStatsService added in v1.0.48

func RegisterXcbStatsService(stack *node.Node, url string)

RegisterXcbStatsService configures the Core Stats daemon and adds it to the given node.

func SetDefaultNetworkID added in v1.0.48

func SetDefaultNetworkID(ctx *cli.Context)

func SetNodeConfig

func SetNodeConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config)

SetNodeConfig applies node-related command line flags to the config.

func SetP2PConfig

func SetP2PConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *p2p.Config)

func SetXcbConfig added in v1.0.48

func SetXcbConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *xcb.Config)

SetXcbConfig applies xcb-related command line flags to the config.

func SetupMetrics

func SetupMetrics(ctx *cli.Context)

func SplitTagsFlag

func SplitTagsFlag(tagsFlag string) map[string]string

func StartNode

func StartNode(stack *node.Node)


type BigFlag

type BigFlag struct {
	Name   string
	Value  *big.Int
	Usage  string
	EnvVar string

BigFlag is a command line flag that accepts 256 bit big integers in decimal or hexadecimal syntax.

func (BigFlag) Apply

func (f BigFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)

func (BigFlag) GetName

func (f BigFlag) GetName() string

func (BigFlag) String

func (f BigFlag) String() string

type DirectoryFlag

type DirectoryFlag struct {
	Name   string
	Value  DirectoryString
	Usage  string
	EnvVar string

Custom cli.Flag type which expand the received string to an absolute path. e.g. ~/.core -> /home/username/.core

func (DirectoryFlag) Apply

func (f DirectoryFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)

called by cli library, grabs variable from environment (if in env) and adds variable to flag set for parsing.

func (DirectoryFlag) GetName

func (f DirectoryFlag) GetName() string

func (*DirectoryFlag) Set

func (f *DirectoryFlag) Set(value string)

func (DirectoryFlag) String

func (f DirectoryFlag) String() string

type DirectoryString

type DirectoryString string

Custom type which is registered in the flags library which cli uses for argument parsing. This allows us to expand Value to an absolute path when the argument is parsed

func (*DirectoryString) Set

func (s *DirectoryString) Set(value string) error

func (*DirectoryString) String

func (s *DirectoryString) String() string

type TextMarshaler

type TextMarshaler interface {

func GlobalTextMarshaler

func GlobalTextMarshaler(ctx *cli.Context, name string) TextMarshaler

GlobalTextMarshaler returns the value of a TextMarshalerFlag from the global flag set.

type TextMarshalerFlag

type TextMarshalerFlag struct {
	Name   string
	Value  TextMarshaler
	Usage  string
	EnvVar string

TextMarshalerFlag wraps a TextMarshaler value.

func (TextMarshalerFlag) Apply

func (f TextMarshalerFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)

func (TextMarshalerFlag) GetName

func (f TextMarshalerFlag) GetName() string

func (TextMarshalerFlag) String

func (f TextMarshalerFlag) String() string

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