
v1.2.12 Latest Latest

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Published: May 25, 2023 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 8 Imported by: 0


Gosl. opt. Solvers for optimization problems

Go Reference

This package provides routines to solve optimization problems. The methods Conjugate Gradients ConjGrad, Powell's method Powell and Gradient Descent GradDesc can be used to solve unconstrained nonlinear problems. Linear programming problems can be solved with the Interior-Point Method for linear problems LinIpm.

Auxiliary structures

  • History -- holds history of numerical optimization
  • Factory -- holds some pre-configured optimization problems
  • Problem -- defines functions required for each optimization problem
  • Convergence -- holds the objective and gradient functions and some control parameters to assess the convergence of the nonlinear solver. An instance of History is also recorded here.

Nonlinear problems

  • ConjGrad -- conjugate gradients
  • Powell -- Powell's method
  • GradDesc -- gradient descent

These structures are instantiated with a given objective function and its gradient. They are all instances of Convergence and thus use the control parameters from there. The method Min can be called to solve the problem.

Conjugate Gradients, Powell, Gradient Descent

Comparison using Simple Quadratic Function
	// objective function
	problem := opt.Factory.SimpleQuadratic2d()

	// initial point
	x0 := la.NewVectorSlice([]float64{1.5, -0.75})

	// ConjGrad
	xmin1 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol1 := opt.NewConjGrad(problem)
	sol1.UseHist = true
	t0 := time.Now()
	fmin1 := sol1.Min(xmin1, nil)
	dt := time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin1, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: xmin     = %.9f  (xref = %g)\n", xmin1, problem.Xref)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: NumIter  = %d\n", sol1.NumIter)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: NumFeval = %d\n", sol1.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: NumGeval = %d\n", sol1.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

	// Powell
	xmin2 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol2 := opt.NewPowell(problem)
	sol2.UseHist = true
	t0 = time.Now()
	fmin2 := sol2.Min(xmin2, nil)
	dt = time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("Powell: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin2, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("Powell: xmin     = %.9f  (xref = %g)\n", xmin2, problem.Xref)
	io.Pf("Powell: NumIter  = %d\n", sol2.NumIter)
	io.Pf("Powell: NumFeval = %d\n", sol2.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("Powell: NumGeval = %d\n", sol2.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("Powell: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

	// GradDesc
	xmin3 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol3 := opt.NewGradDesc(problem)
	sol3.UseHist = true
	sol3.Alpha = 0.2
	t0 = time.Now()
	fmin3 := sol3.Min(xmin3, nil)
	dt = time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("GradDesc: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin3, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: xmin     = %.9f  (xref = %g)\n", xmin3, problem.Xref)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: NumIter  = %d\n", sol3.NumIter)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: NumFeval = %d\n", sol3.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: NumGeval = %d\n", sol3.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

Rosenbrock Function
	// objective function: Rosenbrock
	N := 5 // 5D
	problem := opt.Factory.RosenbrockMulti(N)

	// initial point
	x0 := la.NewVectorSlice([]float64{1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2})

	// solve using Brent's method as Line Search
	xmin1 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol1 := opt.NewConjGrad(problem)
	sol1.UseBrent = true
	sol1.UseHist = true
	t0 := time.Now()
	fmin1 := sol1.Min(xmin1, nil)
	dt := time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("Brent: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin1, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("Brent: xmin     = %.9f\n", xmin1)
	io.Pf("Brent: NumIter  = %d\n", sol1.NumIter)
	io.Pf("Brent: NumFeval = %d\n", sol1.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("Brent: NumGeval = %d\n", sol1.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("Brent: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

	// solve using Wolfe's method as Line Search
	xmin2 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol2 := opt.NewConjGrad(problem)
	sol2.UseBrent = false
	sol2.UseHist = true
	t0 = time.Now()
	fmin2 := sol2.Min(xmin2, nil)
	dt = time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("Wolfe: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin2, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: xmin     = %.9f\n", xmin2)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: NumIter  = %d\n", sol2.NumIter)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: NumFeval = %d\n", sol2.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: NumGeval = %d\n", sol2.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

Interior-point method for linear problems

LinIpm solves:

        min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

or the dual problem:

        max bᵀλ   s.t.   Aᵀλ + s = c, s ≥ 0

Linear problems can be solved with the LinIpm structure. First, the problem definitions are initialized with the Init command and by giving the matrix of constraint coefficients (A), the right-hand side vector (b) of the constraints, and the vector defining the minimization problem (c).

The matrix A is given as compressed-column sparse for efficiency purposes.

Example 1

Simple linear problem:

linear programming problem:

  min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

specific problem:

     min   -4*x0 - 5*x1

   s.t.  2*x0 +   x1 ≤ 3
           x0 + 2*x1 ≤ 3

         x0,x1 ≥ 0

standard form:

       min      -4*x0 - 5*x1


   2*x0 +   x1 + x2     = 3
     x0 + 2*x1     + x3 = 3

   x0,x1,x2,x3 ≥ 0

as matrix:
                 / x0 \
  [-4  -5  0  0] | x1 | = cᵀ x
                 | x2 |
                 \ x3 /

   _            _   / x0 \
  |  2  1  1  0  |  | x1 | = Aᵀ x
  |_ 1  2  0  1 _|  | x2 |
                    \ x3 /

Go code:

	// coefficients vector
	c := []float64{-4, -5, 0, 0}

	// constraints as a sparse matrix
	var T la.Triplet
	T.Init(2, 4, 6) // 2 by 4 matrix, with 6 non-zeros
	T.Put(0, 0, 2.0)
	T.Put(0, 1, 1.0)
	T.Put(0, 2, 1.0)
	T.Put(1, 0, 1.0)
	T.Put(1, 1, 2.0)
	T.Put(1, 3, 1.0)
	Am := T.ToMatrix(nil) // compressed-column matrix

	// right-hand side
	b := []float64{3, 3}

	// solve LP
	var ipm opt.LinIpm
	defer ipm.Free()
	ipm.Init(Am, b, c, nil)

	// print solution
	io.Pf("x = %v\n", ipm.X)
	io.Pf("λ = %v\n", ipm.L)
	io.Pf("s = %v\n", ipm.S)

	// check solution
	A := Am.ToDense()
	bchk := la.NewVector(2)
	la.MatVecMul(bchk, 1, A, ipm.X)
	io.Pf("b(check) = %v\n", bchk)


A =
     2     1     1     0
     1     2     0     1

b =      3     3

c =     -4    -5     0     0

 it            f(x)           error
  0 -9.99000000e+00  1.71974522e-01
  1 -8.65656141e+00  3.63052829e-02
  2 -8.99639576e+00  3.78555516e-04
  3 -8.99996396e+00  3.78424585e-06
  4 -8.99999964e+00  3.78423235e-08
  5 -9.00000000e+00  3.78423337e-10

x = [0.9999999990004347 1.000000000078799 1.9203318816792844e-09 8.419670861842801e-10]
λ = [-1.0000000003319234 -1.9999999997280653]
s = [7.256799795925211e-10 1.218218347079067e-10 1.0000000006656913 2.000000000061833]
b(check) = [2.9999999980796686 2.9999999991580326]

Example 2

Another linear problem:

linear programming problem:

  min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

specific problem:

  min   2*x0 +   x1
  s.t.   -x0 +   x1 ≤ 1
          x0 +   x1 ≥ 2   →  -x0 - x1 ≤ -2
          x0 - 2*x1 ≤ 4
        x1 ≥ 0

standard (step 1) add slack
  s.t.   -x0 +   x1 + x2           = 1
         -x0 -   x1      + x3      = -2
          x0 - 2*x1           + x4 = 4

standard (step 2)
   replace x0 := x0_ - x5
   because it's unbounded

   min  2*x0_ +   x1                - 2*x5
   s.t.  -x0_ +   x1 + x2           +   x5 = 1
         -x0_ -   x1      + x3      +   x5 = -2
          x0_ - 2*x1           + x4 -   x5 = 4
        x0_,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 ≥ 0

Go code:

	// coefficients vector
	c := []float64{2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -2}

	// constraints as a sparse matrix
	var T la.Triplet
	T.Init(3, 6, 12) // 3 by 6 matrix, with 12 non-zeros
	T.Put(0, 0, -1)
	T.Put(0, 1, 1)
	T.Put(0, 2, 1)
	T.Put(0, 5, 1)
	T.Put(1, 0, -1)
	T.Put(1, 1, -1)
	T.Put(1, 3, 1)
	T.Put(1, 5, 1)
	T.Put(2, 0, 1)
	T.Put(2, 1, -2)
	T.Put(2, 4, 1)
	T.Put(2, 5, -1)
	Am := T.ToMatrix(nil) // compressed-column matrix

	// right-hand side
	b := []float64{1, -2, 4}

	// solve LP
	var ipm opt.LinIpm
	defer ipm.Free()
	ipm.Init(Am, b, c, nil)

	// print solution
	io.Pf("x = %v\n", ipm.X)
	io.Pf("λ = %v\n", ipm.L)
	io.Pf("s = %v\n", ipm.S)

	// check solution
	chk.Verbose = true
	tst := new(testing.T)
	A := Am.ToDense()
	bres := make([]float64, len(b))
	la.MatVecMul(bres, 1, A, ipm.X)
	chk.Array(tst, "A*x=b", 1e-8, bres, b)

	// fix and check x
	x := ipm.X[:2]
	x[0] -= ipm.X[5]
	chk.Array(tst, "x", 1e-8, x, []float64{0.5, 1.5})


A =
    -1     1     1     0     0     1
    -1    -1     0     1     0     1
     1    -2     0     0     1    -1

b =      1    -2     4

c =      2     1     0     0     0    -2

 it            f(x)           error
  0  4.82195674e+00  4.72141263e-01
  1  3.66300276e+00  4.21080232e-01
  2  2.67385434e+00  3.69702809e-02
  3  2.50182089e+00  5.20560741e-04
  4  2.50001821e+00  5.20845343e-06
  5  2.50000018e+00  5.20848030e-08
  6  2.50000000e+00  5.20848253e-10

x = [3.4562270104040635 1.4999999986259591 2.971515056222099e-09 2.2343305942772616e-10 6.499999995654445 2.9562270088065894]
λ = [-0.49999999992944033 -1.4999999999550573 4.316183389793475e-12]
s = [2.489351257414523e-10 1.207644468431149e-10 0.5000000000671894 1.5000000000928062 1.3343281402633547e-10 2.6562805299653977e-11]
x = [0.5000000015974742 1.4999999986259591]
b(check) = [0.999999997028485 -2.0000000002234333 -2.499999995654444]


Please see the documentation here



Package opt implements routines for solving optimization problems



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View Source
var Factory = FactoryType{}

Factory holds Objective functions to be minimized


func ReadLPfortran

func ReadLPfortran(fn string) (A *la.CCMatrix, b, c, l, u []float64)

ReadLPfortran reads linear program from particular fortran file

download LP files from here: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/hager/coap/format.html
 A -- compressed-column sparse matrix where:
      Ap -- pointers to the beginning of storage of column (size n+1)
      Ai -- row indices for each non zero entry (input, nnz A)
      Ax -- non zero entries (input, nnz A)
 b -- right hand side (input, size m)
 c -- objective vector (minimize, size n)
 l -- lower bounds on variables (size n)
 u -- upper bounds on variables (size n)


type ConjGrad added in v1.1.0

type ConjGrad struct {

	// merge properties
	Convergence // auxiliary object to check convergence

	// configuration
	UseBrent    bool // use Brent method insted of LineSearch (Wolfe conditions)
	UseFRmethod bool // use Fletcher-Reeves method instead of Polak-Ribiere
	CheckJfcn   bool // check Jacobian function at all points during minimization
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConjGrad implements the multidimensional minimization by the Fletcher-Reeves-Polak-Ribiere method.

NOTE: Check Convergence to see how to set convergence parameters,
      max iteration number, or to enable and access history of iterations

[1] Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling WT, Fnannery BP (2007) Numerical Recipes:
    The Art of Scientific Computing. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1235p.

func NewConjGrad added in v1.1.0

func NewConjGrad(prob *Problem) (o *ConjGrad)

NewConjGrad returns a new multidimensional optimizer using ConjGrad's method (no derivatives required)

func (*ConjGrad) Min added in v1.1.0

func (o *ConjGrad) Min(x la.Vector, params utl.Params) (fmin float64)

Min solves minimization problem

  x -- [ndim] initial starting point (will be modified)
  params -- [may be nil] optional parameters. e.g. "alpha", "maxit". Example:
               params := utl.NewParams(
                   &utl.P{N: "brent", V: 1},
                   &utl.P{N: "maxit", V: 1000},
                   &utl.P{N: "maxitls", V: 20},
                   &utl.P{N: "maxitzoom", V: 20},
                   &utl.P{N: "ftol", V: 1e-2},
                   &utl.P{N: "gtol", V: 1e-2},
                   &utl.P{N: "hist", V: 1},
                   &utl.P{N: "verb", V: 1},

  fmin -- f(x@min) minimum f({x}) found
  x -- [modify input] position of minimum f({x})

type Convergence added in v1.1.0

type Convergence struct {

	// input
	Ffcn fun.Sv // objective function; scalar function of vector: y = f({x})
	Gfcn fun.Vv // gradient function: vector function of vector: g = dy/d{x} = deriv(f({x}), {x}) [may be nil]

	// configuration
	MaxIt   int     // max iterations
	Ftol    float64 // tolerance on f({x})
	Gtol    float64 // convergence criterion for the zero gradient test
	EpsF    float64 // small number to rectify the special case of converging to exactly zero function value
	UseHist bool    // save history
	Verbose bool    // show messages

	// statistics and History (e.g. for debugging)
	NumFeval int      // number of calls to Ffcn (function evaluations)
	NumGeval int      // number of calls to Gfcn (Jacobian evaluations)
	NumIter  int      // number of iterations from last call to Solve
	Hist     *History // history of optimization data (for debugging)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Convergence assists in checking the convergence of numerical optimizers Convergence can be accessed to set convergence parameters, max iteration number, or to enable and access history of iterations.

func (*Convergence) AccessHistory added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) AccessHistory() *History

AccessHistory gets access to History

func (*Convergence) Fconvergence added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) Fconvergence(fprev, fmin float64) bool

Fconvergence performs the check for f({x}) values

  fprev -- a previous f({x}) value
  fmin -- current f({x}) value

  returns true if f values are not changing any longer

func (*Convergence) Gconvergence added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) Gconvergence(fprev float64, x, u la.Vector) bool

Gconvergence performs the check for df/dx|({x}) values

  fprev -- a previous f({x}) value (for normalization purposes)
  x -- current {x} value
  u -- current direction; e.g. dfdx

  returns true if dfdy values are not changing any longer

func (*Convergence) InitConvergence added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) InitConvergence(Ffcn fun.Sv, Gfcn fun.Vv)

InitConvergence initialize convergence parameters

func (*Convergence) InitHist added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) InitHist(x0 la.Vector)

InitHist initializes history

func (*Convergence) SetConvParams added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) SetConvParams(maxIt int, ftol, gtol float64)

SetConvParams sets convergence parameters

func (*Convergence) SetParams added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) SetParams(params utl.Params)

SetParams sets parameters

              &utl.P{N: "maxit", V: 1000},
              &utl.P{N: "ftol", V: 1e-2},
              &utl.P{N: "gtol", V: 1e-2},
              &utl.P{N: "hist", V: 1},
              &utl.P{N: "verb", V: 1},

func (*Convergence) SetUseHistory added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) SetUseHistory(useHist bool)

SetUseHistory sets use history parameter

func (*Convergence) SetVerbose added in v1.1.0

func (o *Convergence) SetVerbose(verbose bool)

SetVerbose sets verbose mode

type FactoryType added in v1.1.0

type FactoryType struct{}

FactoryType defines a structure to implement a factory of Objective functions to be minimized

func (FactoryType) Rosenbrock2d added in v1.1.0

func (o FactoryType) Rosenbrock2d(a, b float64) (p *Problem)

Rosenbrock2d returns the classical Rosenbrock2d function

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenbrock_function

  a -- parameter a, a=0 ⇒ function is symmetric and minimum is at origin
  b -- parameter b

NOTE: the commonly used values are a=1 and b=100

func (FactoryType) RosenbrockMulti added in v1.1.0

func (o FactoryType) RosenbrockMulti(N int) (p *Problem)

RosenbrockMulti returns the multi-variate version of the Rosenbrock function

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosenbrock_function
See https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/tutorial/optimize.html#unconstrained-minimization-of-multivariate-scalar-functions-minimize

  N -- dimension == ndim

func (FactoryType) SimpleParaboloid added in v1.1.0

func (o FactoryType) SimpleParaboloid() (p *Problem)

SimpleParaboloid returns a simple optimization problem using a paraboloid as the objective function

func (FactoryType) SimpleQuadratic2d added in v1.1.0

func (o FactoryType) SimpleQuadratic2d() (p *Problem)

SimpleQuadratic2d returns a simple problem with a quadratic function such that f(x) = xᵀ A x (2D)

func (FactoryType) SimpleQuadratic3d added in v1.1.0

func (o FactoryType) SimpleQuadratic3d() (p *Problem)

SimpleQuadratic3d returns a simple problem with a quadratic function such that f(x) = xᵀ A x (3D)

type GradDesc added in v1.1.0

type GradDesc struct {

	// merge properties
	Convergence // auxiliary object to check convergence

	// configuration
	Alpha float64 // rate to take descents
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GradDesc implements a simple gradient-descent optimizer

NOTE: Check Convergence to see how to set convergence parameters,
      max iteration number, or to enable and access history of iterations

func NewGradDesc added in v1.1.0

func NewGradDesc(prob *Problem) (o *GradDesc)

NewGradDesc returns a new multidimensional optimizer using GradDesc's method (no derivatives required)

func (*GradDesc) Min added in v1.1.0

func (o *GradDesc) Min(x la.Vector, params utl.Params) (fmin float64)

Min solves minimization problem

  x -- [ndim] initial starting point (will be modified)
  params -- [may be nil] optional parameters. e.g. "alpha", "maxit". Example:
               params := utl.NewParams(
                   &utl.P{N: "alpha", V: 0.5},
                   &utl.P{N: "maxit", V: 1000},
                   &utl.P{N: "ftol", V: 1e-2},
                   &utl.P{N: "gtol", V: 1e-2},
                   &utl.P{N: "hist", V: 1},
                   &utl.P{N: "verb", V: 1},
  fmin -- f(x@min) minimum f({x}) found
  x -- [modify input] position of minimum f({x})

type History added in v1.1.0

type History struct {

	// data
	Ndim  int         // dimension of x-vector
	HistX []la.Vector // [it] history of x-values (position)
	HistU []la.Vector // [it] history of u-values (direction)
	HistF []float64   // [it] history of f-values
	HistI []float64   // [it] index of iteration

	// configuration
	NptsI   int       // number of points for contour
	NptsJ   int       // number of points for contour
	RangeXi []float64 // {ximin, ximax} [may be nil for default]
	RangeXj []float64 // {xjmin, xjmax} [may be nil for default]
	GapXi   float64   // expand {ximin, ximax}
	GapXj   float64   // expand {ximin, ximax}
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

History holds history of optimization using directions; e.g. for Debugging

func NewHistory added in v1.1.0

func NewHistory(nMaxIt int, f0 float64, x0 la.Vector, ffcn fun.Sv) (o *History)

NewHistory returns new object

func (*History) Append added in v1.1.0

func (o *History) Append(fx float64, x, u la.Vector)

Append appends new x and u vectors, and updates F and I arrays

func (*History) Limits added in v1.1.0

func (o *History) Limits() (Xmin []float64, Xmax []float64)

Limits computes range of X variables

type LinIpm

type LinIpm struct {

	// problem
	A *la.CCMatrix // [Nl][nx]
	B la.Vector    // [Nl]
	C la.Vector    // [nx]

	// constants
	NmaxIt int     // max number of iterations
	Tol    float64 // tolerance ϵ for stopping iterations

	// dimensions
	Nx int // number of x
	Nl int // number of λ
	Ny int // number of y = nx + ns + nl = 2 * nx + nl

	// solution vector
	Y   la.Vector // y := [x, λ, s]
	X   la.Vector // subset of y
	L   la.Vector // subset of y
	S   la.Vector // subset of y
	Mdy la.Vector // -Δy
	Mdx la.Vector // subset of Mdy == -Δx
	Mdl la.Vector // subset of Mdy == -Δλ
	Mds la.Vector // subset of Mdy == -Δs

	// affine solution
	R  la.Vector   // residual
	Rx la.Vector   // subset of R
	Rl la.Vector   // subset of R
	Rs la.Vector   // subset of R
	J  *la.Triplet // [ny][ny] Jacobian matrix

	// linear solver
	Lis la.SparseSolver // linear solver

LinIpm implements the interior-point methods for linear programming problems

        min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

or the dual problem:

        max bᵀλ   s.t.   Aᵀλ + s = c, s ≥ 0

func (*LinIpm) Free

func (o *LinIpm) Free()

Free frees allocated memory

func (*LinIpm) Init

func (o *LinIpm) Init(A *la.CCMatrix, b, c la.Vector, prms utl.Params)

Init initializes LinIpm

func (*LinIpm) Solve

func (o *LinIpm) Solve(verbose bool)

Solve solves linear programming problem

type LineSearch added in v1.1.0

type LineSearch struct {

	// configuration
	MaxIt     int     // max iterations
	MaxItZoom int     // max iterations in zoom routine
	MaxAlpha  float64 // max 'a'
	MulAlpha  float64 // multiplier to increase 'a'; e.g. 1.5
	Coef1     float64 // "sufficient decrease" coefficient (c1); typically = 1e-4 (Fig 3.3, page 33 of [1])
	Coef2     float64 // "curvature condition" coefficient (c2); typically = 0.1 for CG methods and 0.9 for Newton or quasi-Newton methods (Fig 3.4, page 34 of [1])
	CoefQuad  float64 // coefficient for limiting 'a' in quadratic interpolation in zoom
	CoefCubic float64 // coefficient for limiting 'a' in cubic interpolation in zoom

	// statistics and History (for debugging)
	NumFeval    int // number of calls to Ffcn (function evaluations)
	NumJeval    int // number of calls to Jfcn (Jacobian evaluations)
	NumIter     int // number of iterations from last call to Find
	NumIterZoom int // number of iterations from last call to zoom

	Jfcn fun.Vv // vector function of vector: {J} = df/d{x} @ {x}
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LineSearch finds the scalar 'a' that gives a substantial reduction of f({x}+a⋅{u})

[1] Nocedal, J. and Wright, S. (2006) Numerical Optimization.
    Springer Series in Operations Research. 2nd Edition. Springer. 664p

func NewLineSearch added in v1.1.0

func NewLineSearch(ndim int, ffcn fun.Sv, Jfcn fun.Vv) (o *LineSearch)

NewLineSearch returns a new LineSearch object

ndim -- length(x)
ffcn -- function y = f({x})
Jfcn -- Jacobian {J} = df/d{x} @ {x}

func (*LineSearch) F added in v1.1.0

func (o *LineSearch) F(a float64) float64

F implements f(a) := f({xnew}(a,u)) where {xnew}(a,u) := {x} + a⋅{u}

func (*LineSearch) G added in v1.1.0

func (o *LineSearch) G(a float64) float64

G implements g(a) = df/da|({xnew}(a,u)) = df/d{xnew}⋅d{xnew}/da where {xnew} == {x} + a⋅{u}

func (*LineSearch) Set added in v1.1.0

func (o *LineSearch) Set(x, u la.Vector)

Set sets x and u vectors as required by G(a) and H(a) functions

func (*LineSearch) SetParams added in v1.1.0

func (o *LineSearch) SetParams(params utl.Params)

SetParams sets parameters

              &utl.P{N: "maxitls", V: 10},
              &utl.P{N: "maxitzoom", V: 10},
              &utl.P{N: "maxalpha", V: 100},
              &utl.P{N: "mulalpha", V: 2},
              &utl.P{N: "coef1", V: 1e-4},
              &utl.P{N: "coef2", V: 0.4},
              &utl.P{N: "coefquad", V: 0.1},
              &utl.P{N: "coefcubic", V: 0.2},

func (*LineSearch) Wolfe added in v1.1.0

func (o *LineSearch) Wolfe(x, u la.Vector, useFold bool, fold float64) (a, f float64)

Wolfe finds the scalar 'a' that gives a substantial reduction of f({x}+a⋅{u}) (Wolfe conditions)

  x -- initial point
  u -- direction

  a -- scale parameter
  f -- f @ a
  x -- x + a⋅u  [update input x]

Reference: Algorithm 3.5, page 60 of [1]

type NonLinSolver added in v1.1.0

type NonLinSolver interface {
	Min(x la.Vector, params utl.Params) (fmin float64) // computes minimum and updates x @ min
	SetConvParams(maxIt int, ftol, gtol float64)       // SetConvParams sets convergence parameters
	SetUseHistory(useHist bool)                        // SetUseHist sets use history parameter
	SetVerbose(verbose bool)                           // SetVerbose sets verbose mode
	AccessHistory() *History                           // get access to history

NonLinSolver solves (unconstrained) nonlinear optimization problems

func GetNonLinSolver added in v1.1.0

func GetNonLinSolver(kind string, prob *Problem) NonLinSolver

GetNonLinSolver finds a non-linear-solver in database or panic

kind -- e.g. conjgrad, powel, graddesc

type Powell added in v1.1.0

type Powell struct {

	// merge properties
	Convergence // auxiliary object to check convergence

	// access
	Umat *la.Matrix // matrix whose columns contain the directions u
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Powell implements the multidimensional minimization by Powell's method (no derivatives required)

NOTE: Check Convergence to see how to set convergence parameters,
      max iteration number, or to enable and access history of iterations

[1] Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling WT, Fnannery BP (2007) Numerical Recipes:
    The Art of Scientific Computing. Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1235p.

func NewPowell added in v1.1.0

func NewPowell(prob *Problem) (o *Powell)

NewPowell returns a new multidimensional optimizer using Powell's method (no derivatives required)

func (*Powell) Min added in v1.1.0

func (o *Powell) Min(x la.Vector, params utl.Params) (fmin float64)

Min solves minimization problem

  x -- [ndim] initial starting point (will be modified)

  params -- [may be nil] optional parameters:

          "reuse" > 0 -- use pre-computed matrix containing the directions as columns;
                         otherwise, set Umat as a diagonal matrix

  fmin -- f(x@min) minimum f({x}) found
  x -- [given as input] position of minimum f({x})

type Problem added in v1.1.0

type Problem struct {
	Ndim int       // dimension of x == len(x)
	Ffcn fun.Sv    // objective function f({x})
	Gfcn fun.Vv    // gradient function df/d{x}|(x)
	Hfcn fun.Mv    // Hessian function d²f/d{x}d{x}|(x)
	Fref float64   // known solution fmin = f({x})
	Xref la.Vector // known solution {x} @ min

Problem holds the functions defining an optimization problem

func NewQuadraticProblem added in v1.1.0

func NewQuadraticProblem(Amat [][]float64) (p *Problem)

NewQuadraticProblem returns a quadratic optimization problem such that f(x) = xᵀ A x

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