DataPower Commander
DataPower Commander (dpcmder) is command line tool I created for easier maintenance
of files on DataPower appliances and easier development of DataPower appliance solutions.
Current functions:
- basic file maintenance
- view, edit, copy and delete file hierarchies (DataPower and local file system)
- filter and search files in current directory
- sync mode
- turn on to automaticaly upload new and changed files from local filesystem to DataPower
- usefull for development to automaticaly propagate your changes from any IDE/editor you are using to DataPower
From project directory:
go install
Saving DataPower connection parameters
If you choose to use flag "-c" to save DataPower connection parameters be aware
that password is saved if provided with "-p" flag. Though password is not saved
as clear text it is not encrypted so don't save password if you are afraid
your dpcmder configuration file (~/.dpcmder/config.json) could be compromised.
Build from project directory:
go build dpcmder.go
GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o dpcmder-win-386.exe dpcmder.go
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o dpcmder-win-amd64.exe dpcmder.go
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 go build -o dpcmder-mac-386 dpcmder.go
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o dpcmder-mac-amd64 dpcmder.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o dpcmder-linux-386 dpcmder.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o dpcmder-linux-amd64 dpcmder.go
A bit of history of dpcmder
When I started to work with DataPower (beginning of 2008) I plunged into world
of XSLT-s - it is a verbose functional programming world. As Java developer I
used Eclipse IDE a lot and I found it a good tool to work with XML/XSL files.
There were some parts of XLST I could even test without uploading them to DataPower,
using functionalities available in Eclipse but for some DataPower-specific parts
only way to test it was to upload them to DataPower appliance.
Soon I realized it is a bit cumbersome to upload files to DataPower appliance
during development. I found IBM created an eclipse plugin which enabled us to
quickly copy files from local eclipse workspace to DataPower appliance
(and vice versa) which made development cycle much more comfortable and faster.
Unfortunately, IBM shipped this plugin only until DataPower firmware 3.8.2 and
stopped maintaining this plugin to be compatible with new DataPower versions.
There were some work-around solutions but none felt right for me.
At some point I thought about developing Eclipse plugin myself but decided to go
other direction because of the following reasons:
- from all sources I checked Eclipse plugin development is not fulfilling experience
- I thought it would be nice to have a tool which could be used to maintain files on DataPower by sysadmins, not only developers
At first, I created a bash shell which had basic functionalities I planned to
implement but on my Linux box it was working a bit slow. Then I started this
script in Linux bash console using cmder Console Emulator (
and realized it is so slow it is almost unusable. I wanted to have:
- application which would work on at least 3 major OS-es (both my company and our clients use all 3 of them)
- command line application so it can be used through ssh on some jump server if required
- application which would work fast
- application which would be simple to use (and similar to Midnight Commander and/or Total Commander)
I evaluated few technologies to implement this. After checking Node.js pkg and
Golang which both enabled me to build executables for all target platforms on my
Linux machine. At the end I decided to go with the Go as it produced smaller executables.
One issue which is still left partialy unsolved is handling keypresses for some
of the special keys on Windows (maybe MacOS) environment. Seems like it is not
quite easy to crate portable application which can correctly use arrow keys,
Home & End key etc so I added alternative keys for each of those actions. Best
of all, if you are not sure just press 'h' key (or any other unmapped key) and
help will be shown.
dpcmder funcions help
ArrowUp / i - move one item up
ArrowDown / k - move one item down
Shift+ArrowUp / I - select current item and move one item up (can use Alt instead of Shift)
Shift+ArrowDown / K - select current item and move one item down (can use Alt instead of Shift)
PgUp / u - move page of items up
PgDown / o - move page of items down
Shift+PgUp / U - select current item and move page of items up
Shift+PgDown / O - select current item and move page of items down
Home / a - move to first item
End / z - move to last item
Shift+Home / A - move to first item and select all items from current one to the first one
Shift+End / Z - move to last item and select all items from current one to the last one
ArrowLeft / j - scroll items left (usefull for long names)
ArrowRight / l - scroll items right (usefull for long names)
Space - select current item
TAB - switch from left to right panel and vice versa
Return - enter directory
F2/2 - refresh focused pane (reload files/dirs)
F3/3 - view current file or DataPower configuration
(see "Custom external commands" below)
F4/4 - edit file
(see "Custom external commands" below)
F5/5 - copy selected (or current if none selected) directories and files
- if selected is DataPower domain create export of domain
- if selected is DataPower configuration create export of whole appliance (TODO)
F7/7 - create directory
F8/8 - create empty file
- create new DataPower configuration
F9/9 - clone current DataPower configuration under new name
DEL/x - delete selected (or current if none selected) directories and files
- delete DataPower configuration
d - diff current files/directories
(must be "blocking" - see "Custom external commands" below)
/ - find string
n - find next string
m - show all status messages saved in history
p - find previous string
f - filter shown items by string
. - enter location (full path) for local file system
s - auto-synchronize selected directories (local to dp)
0 - toggle DataPower view from filestore view to object view
q - quit
any-other-char - show help (+ hex value of key pressed visible in status bar)
Navigational keys (except Left/Right can be used in combination with Shift for selections):
PgUp Up PgDn
Left Down Right
Home End
Alternative keys:
u i o
j k l
a z
Custom external commands (Viewer/Editor/Diff):
dpcmder configuration is saved to ~/.dpcmder/config.json where commands used for
calling external commands are set. By default these are "less", "vi" and "ldiff"
but could be any commands. All of those commands should be started in foreground
and should wait for user's input to complete. For example for viewer "less" or
"more" can be used while "cat" will not work. For file comparison normal "diff"
command can't be used but "blocking" diff command must be used like vimdiff or
custom ldiff script which combines diff and less commands can be prepared
(something like:
'diff "$1" "$2" | less'
or for more fancy colored output you can use something like:
'diff -u -r --color=always "$1" "$2" | less -r').
SOMA and AMP interfaces have one shortcoming - you can't see domain list if you
don't have proper rights. With REST you can get domain list without any credentials.