Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AVAddIndexEntry(st *AVStream, pos int64, timestamp int64, size int, distance int, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVAddStable(tsTb *AVRational, ts int64, incTb *AVRational, inc int64) int64
- func AVAppendPacket(s *AVIOContext, pkt *AVPacket, size int) (int, error)
- func AVBesselI0(x float64) float64
- func AVBprintChannelLayout(bp *AVBPrint, nbChannels int, channelLayout uint64)
- func AVBufferDefaultFree(opaque unsafe.Pointer, data unsafe.Pointer)
- func AVBufferGetOpaque(buf *AVBufferRef) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVBufferGetRefCount(buf *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
- func AVBufferIsWritable(buf *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
- func AVBufferMakeWritable(buf **AVBufferRef) (int, error)
- func AVBufferPoolBufferGetOpaque(ref *AVBufferRef) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVBufferPoolUninit(pool **AVBufferPool)
- func AVBufferRealloc(buf **AVBufferRef, size uint64) (int, error)
- func AVBufferReplace(dst **AVBufferRef, src *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
- func AVBufferUnref(buf **AVBufferRef)
- func AVBuffersinkGetChLayout(ctx *AVFilterContext, chLayout *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetChannelLayout(ctx *AVFilterContext) uint64
- func AVBuffersinkGetChannels(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetFormat(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetFrame(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetFrameFlags(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetH(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetSampleRate(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetSamples(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame, nbSamples int) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkGetW(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersinkSetFrameSize(ctx *AVFilterContext, frameSize uint)
- func AVBuffersrcAddFrame(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersrcAddFrameFlags(bufferSrc *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersrcClose(ctx *AVFilterContext, pts int64, flags uint) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersrcGetNbFailedRequests(bufferSrc *AVFilterContext) uint
- func AVBuffersrcParametersSet(ctx *AVFilterContext, param *AVBufferSrcParameters) (int, error)
- func AVBuffersrcWriteFrame(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVCalloc(nmemb uint64, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVChannelDescription(buf *CStr, bufSize uint64, channel AVChannel) (int, error)
- func AVChannelDescriptionBprint(bp *AVBPrint, channelId AVChannel)
- func AVChannelLayoutCheck(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutCompare(chl *AVChannelLayout, chl1 *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutCopy(dst *AVChannelLayout, src *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutDefault(chLayout *AVChannelLayout, nbChannels int)
- func AVChannelLayoutDescribe(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, buf *CStr, bufSize uint64) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutDescribeBprint(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, bp *AVBPrint) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutExtractChannel(channelLayout uint64, index int) uint64
- func AVChannelLayoutFromMask(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, mask uint64) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutFromString(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, str *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutIndexFromChannel(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, channel AVChannel) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutIndexFromString(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, name *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVChannelLayoutSubset(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, mask uint64) uint64
- func AVChannelLayoutUninit(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout)
- func AVChannelName(buf *CStr, bufSize uint64, channel AVChannel) (int, error)
- func AVChannelNameBprint(bp *AVBPrint, channelId AVChannel)
- func AVCmpQ(a *AVRational, b *AVRational) (int, error)
- func AVCodecClose(avctx *AVCodecContext) (int, error)
- func AVCodecDefaultGetBuffer2(s *AVCodecContext, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVCodecDefaultGetEncodeBuffer(s *AVCodecContext, pkt *AVPacket, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVCodecEncodeSubtitle(avctx *AVCodecContext, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufSize int, sub *AVSubtitle) (int, error)
- func AVCodecFillAudioFrame(frame *AVFrame, nbChannels int, sampleFmt AVSampleFormat, buf unsafe.Pointer, ...) (int, error)
- func AVCodecFlushBuffers(avctx *AVCodecContext)
- func AVCodecFreeContext(avctx **AVCodecContext)
- func AVCodecGetHWFramesParameters(avctx *AVCodecContext, deviceRef *AVBufferRef, hwPixFmt AVPixelFormat, ...) (int, error)
- func AVCodecGetTag(tags **AVCodecTag, id AVCodecID) uint
- func AVCodecIsDecoder(codec *AVCodec) (int, error)
- func AVCodecIsEncoder(codec *AVCodec) (int, error)
- func AVCodecIsOpen(s *AVCodecContext) (int, error)
- func AVCodecOpen2(avctx *AVCodecContext, codec *AVCodec, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVCodecParametersCopy(dst *AVCodecParameters, src *AVCodecParameters) (int, error)
- func AVCodecParametersFree(par **AVCodecParameters)
- func AVCodecParametersFromContext(par *AVCodecParameters, codec *AVCodecContext) (int, error)
- func AVCodecParametersToContext(codec *AVCodecContext, par *AVCodecParameters) (int, error)
- func AVCodecPixFmtToCodecTag(pixFmt AVPixelFormat) uint
- func AVCodecReceiveFrame(avctx *AVCodecContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVCodecReceivePacket(avctx *AVCodecContext, avpkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVCodecSendFrame(avctx *AVCodecContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVCodecSendPacket(avctx *AVCodecContext, avpkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVCodecString(buf *CStr, bufSize int, enc *AVCodecContext, encode int)
- func AVCodecVersion() uint
- func AVCompareMod(a uint64, b uint64, mod uint64) int64
- func AVCompareTs(tsA int64, tbA *AVRational, tsB int64, tbB *AVRational) (int, error)
- func AVDictCopy(dst **AVDictionary, src *AVDictionary, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVDictCount(m *AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVDictFree(m **AVDictionary)
- func AVDictParseString(pm **AVDictionary, str *CStr, keyValSep *CStr, pairsSep *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVDictSet(pm **AVDictionary, key *CStr, value *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVDictSetInt(pm **AVDictionary, key *CStr, value int64, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVDispositionFromString(disp *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVDumpFormat(ic *AVFormatContext, index int, url *CStr, isOutput int)
- func AVFilenameNumberTest(filename *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVFilterConfigLinks(filter *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
- func AVFilterFilterPadCount(filter *AVFilter, isOutput int) uint
- func AVFilterFree(filter *AVFilterContext)
- func AVFilterGraphConfig(graphctx *AVFilterGraph, logCtx unsafe.Pointer) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphCreateFilter(filtCtx **AVFilterContext, filt *AVFilter, name *CStr, args *CStr, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphFree(graph **AVFilterGraph)
- func AVFilterGraphParse(graph *AVFilterGraph, filters *CStr, inputs *AVFilterInOut, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphParse2(graph *AVFilterGraph, filters *CStr, inputs **AVFilterInOut, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphParsePtr(graph *AVFilterGraph, filters *CStr, inputs **AVFilterInOut, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphQueueCommand(graph *AVFilterGraph, target *CStr, cmd *CStr, arg *CStr, flags int, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphRequestOldest(graph *AVFilterGraph) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentApply(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int, inputs **AVFilterInOut, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentApplyOpts(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentCreateFilters(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentFree(seg **AVFilterGraphSegment)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentInit(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentLink(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int, inputs **AVFilterInOut, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSegmentParse(graph *AVFilterGraph, graphStr *CStr, flags int, seg **AVFilterGraphSegment) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSendCommand(graph *AVFilterGraph, target *CStr, cmd *CStr, arg *CStr, res *CStr, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterGraphSetAutoConvert(graph *AVFilterGraph, flags uint)
- func AVFilterInitDict(ctx *AVFilterContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVFilterInitStr(ctx *AVFilterContext, args *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVFilterInoutFree(inout **AVFilterInOut)
- func AVFilterInsertFilter(link *AVFilterLink, filt *AVFilterContext, filtSrcpadIdx uint, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterLinkFree(link **AVFilterLink)
- func AVFilterLink_(src *AVFilterContext, srcpad uint, dst *AVFilterContext, dstpad uint) (int, error)
- func AVFilterProcessCommand(filter *AVFilterContext, cmd *CStr, arg *CStr, res *CStr, resLen int, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFilterVersion() uint
- func AVFindBestStream(ic *AVFormatContext, _type AVMediaType, wantedStreamNb int, relatedStream int, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFindDefaultStreamIndex(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
- func AVFormatAllocOutputContext2(ctx **AVFormatContext, oformat *AVOutputFormat, formatName *CStr, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFormatCloseInput(s **AVFormatContext)
- func AVFormatFindStreamInfo(ic *AVFormatContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVFormatFlush(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
- func AVFormatFreeContext(s *AVFormatContext)
- func AVFormatIndexGetEntriesCount(st *AVStream) (int, error)
- func AVFormatInitOutput(s *AVFormatContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVFormatInjectGlobalSideData(s *AVFormatContext)
- func AVFormatMatchStreamSpecifier(s *AVFormatContext, st *AVStream, spec *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVFormatNetworkDeinit() (int, error)
- func AVFormatNetworkInit() (int, error)
- func AVFormatOpenInput(ps **AVFormatContext, url *CStr, fmt *AVInputFormat, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVFormatQueryCodec(ofmt *AVOutputFormat, codecId AVCodecID, stdCompliance int) (int, error)
- func AVFormatQueueAttachedPictures(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
- func AVFormatSeekFile(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, minTs int64, ts int64, maxTs int64, ...) (int, error)
- func AVFormatTransferInternalStreamTimingInfo(ofmt *AVOutputFormat, ost *AVStream, ist *AVStream, copyTb AVTimebaseSource) (int, error)
- func AVFormatVersion() uint
- func AVFormatWriteHeader(s *AVFormatContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVFrameApplyCropping(frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVFrameCopy(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVFrameCopyProps(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVFrameFree(frame **AVFrame)
- func AVFrameGetBuffer(frame *AVFrame, align int) (int, error)
- func AVFrameIsWritable(frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVFrameMakeWritable(frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVFrameMoveRef(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame)
- func AVFrameRef(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVFrameRemoveSideData(frame *AVFrame, _type AVFrameSideDataType)
- func AVFrameReplace(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVFrameUnref(frame *AVFrame)
- func AVFree(ptr unsafe.Pointer)
- func AVFreep(ptr unsafe.Pointer)
- func AVGcd(a int64, b int64) int64
- func AVGetAudioFrameDuration(avctx *AVCodecContext, frameBytes int) (int, error)
- func AVGetAudioFrameDuration2(par *AVCodecParameters, frameBytes int) (int, error)
- func AVGetBitsPerSample(codecId AVCodecID) (int, error)
- func AVGetBytesPerSample(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) (int, error)
- func AVGetChannelLayout(name *CStr) uint64
- func AVGetChannelLayoutChannelIndex(channelLayout uint64, channel uint64) (int, error)
- func AVGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(channelLayout uint64) (int, error)
- func AVGetChannelLayoutString(buf *CStr, bufSize int, nbChannels int, channelLayout uint64)
- func AVGetDefaultChannelLayout(nbChannels int) int64
- func AVGetExactBitsPerSample(codecId AVCodecID) (int, error)
- func AVGetFrameFilename(buf *CStr, bufSize int, path *CStr, number int) (int, error)
- func AVGetFrameFilename2(buf *CStr, bufSize int, path *CStr, number int, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVGetPacket(s *AVIOContext, pkt *AVPacket, size int) (int, error)
- func AVGetPictureTypeChar(pictType AVPictureType) uint8
- func AVGrowPacket(pkt *AVPacket, growBy int) (int, error)
- func AVHWDeviceCtxCreate(deviceCtx **AVBufferRef, _type AVHWDeviceType, device *CStr, ...) (int, error)
- func AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerived(dstCtx **AVBufferRef, _type AVHWDeviceType, srcCtx *AVBufferRef, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerivedOpts(dstCtx **AVBufferRef, _type AVHWDeviceType, srcCtx *AVBufferRef, ...) (int, error)
- func AVHWDeviceCtxInit(ref *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
- func AVHWDeviceHWConfigAlloc(deviceCtx *AVBufferRef) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVHWFrameConstraintsFree(constraints **AVHWFramesConstraints)
- func AVHWFrameCtxCreateDerived(derivedFrameCtx **AVBufferRef, format AVPixelFormat, ...) (int, error)
- func AVHWFrameCtxInit(ref *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
- func AVHWFrameGetBuffer(hwframeCtx *AVBufferRef, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVHWFrameMap(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVHWFrameTransferData(dst *AVFrame, src *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVHexDumpLog(avcl unsafe.Pointer, level int, buf unsafe.Pointer, size int)
- func AVIOAccept(s *AVIOContext, c **AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOCheck(url *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVIOClose(s *AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOCloseDir(s **AVIODirContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOClosep(s **AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOContextFree(s **AVIOContext)
- func AVIOFeof(s *AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOFlush(s *AVIOContext)
- func AVIOFreeDirectoryEntry(entry **AVIODirEntry)
- func AVIOGetStr(pb *AVIOContext, maxlen int, buf *CStr, buflen int) (int, error)
- func AVIOGetStr16Be(pb *AVIOContext, maxlen int, buf *CStr, buflen int) (int, error)
- func AVIOGetStr16Le(pb *AVIOContext, maxlen int, buf *CStr, buflen int) (int, error)
- func AVIOHandshake(c *AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOOpen(s **AVIOContext, url *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVIOOpen2(s **AVIOContext, url *CStr, flags int, intCb *AVIOInterruptCB, ...) (int, error)
- func AVIOOpenDir(s **AVIODirContext, url *CStr, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVIOOpenDynBuf(s **AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIOPause(h *AVIOContext, pause int) (int, error)
- func AVIOPutStr(s *AVIOContext, str *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVIOPutStr16Be(s *AVIOContext, str *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVIOPutStr16Le(s *AVIOContext, str *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVIOR8(s *AVIOContext) (int, error)
- func AVIORb16(s *AVIOContext) uint
- func AVIORb24(s *AVIOContext) uint
- func AVIORb32(s *AVIOContext) uint
- func AVIORb64(s *AVIOContext) uint64
- func AVIORead(s *AVIOContext, buf unsafe.Pointer, size int) (int, error)
- func AVIOReadDir(s *AVIODirContext, next **AVIODirEntry) (int, error)
- func AVIOReadPartial(s *AVIOContext, buf unsafe.Pointer, size int) (int, error)
- func AVIOReadToBprint(h *AVIOContext, pb *AVBPrint, maxSize uint64) (int, error)
- func AVIORl16(s *AVIOContext) uint
- func AVIORl24(s *AVIOContext) uint
- func AVIORl32(s *AVIOContext) uint
- func AVIORl64(s *AVIOContext) uint64
- func AVIOSeek(s *AVIOContext, offset int64, whence int) int64
- func AVIOSeekTime(h *AVIOContext, streamIndex int, timestamp int64, flags int) int64
- func AVIOSize(s *AVIOContext) int64
- func AVIOSkip(s *AVIOContext, offset int64) int64
- func AVIOTell(s *AVIOContext) int64
- func AVIOW8(s *AVIOContext, b int)
- func AVIOWb16(s *AVIOContext, val uint)
- func AVIOWb24(s *AVIOContext, val uint)
- func AVIOWb32(s *AVIOContext, val uint)
- func AVIOWb64(s *AVIOContext, val uint64)
- func AVIOWl16(s *AVIOContext, val uint)
- func AVIOWl24(s *AVIOContext, val uint)
- func AVIOWl32(s *AVIOContext, val uint)
- func AVIOWl64(s *AVIOContext, val uint64)
- func AVIOWrite(s *AVIOContext, buf unsafe.Pointer, size int)
- func AVIOWriteMarker(s *AVIOContext, time int64, _type AVIODataMarkerType)
- func AVIndexSearchTimestamp(st *AVStream, timestamp int64, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVInitPacket(pkt *AVPacket)
- func AVIntListLengthForSize(elsize uint, list unsafe.Pointer, term uint64) uint
- func AVInterleavedWriteFrame(s *AVFormatContext, pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVInterleavedWriteUncodedFrame(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVLogGetFlags() (int, error)
- func AVLogGetLevel() (int, error)
- func AVLogSetCallback(cb LogCallback)
- func AVLogSetFlags(arg int)
- func AVLogSetLevel(level int)
- func AVMalloc(size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVMallocArray(nmemb uint64, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVMallocz(size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVMatchExt(filename *CStr, extensions *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVMaxAlloc(max uint64)
- func AVMemcpyBackptr(dst unsafe.Pointer, back int, cnt int)
- func AVMemdup(p unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVNearerQ(q *AVRational, q1 *AVRational, q2 *AVRational) (int, error)
- func AVNewPacket(pkt *AVPacket, size int) (int, error)
- func AVOptChildNext(obj unsafe.Pointer, prev unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVOptCopy(dest unsafe.Pointer, src unsafe.Pointer) (int, error)
- func AVOptFlagIsSet(obj unsafe.Pointer, fieldName *CStr, flagName *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVOptFree(obj unsafe.Pointer)
- func AVOptFreepRanges(ranges **AVOptionRanges)
- func AVOptGetChlayout(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, searchFlags int, layout *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
- func AVOptGetDictVal(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, searchFlags int, outVal **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVOptIsSetToDefault(obj unsafe.Pointer, o *AVOption) (int, error)
- func AVOptIsSetToDefaultByName(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptPtr(avclass *AVClass, obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVOptQueryRanges(param0 **AVOptionRanges, obj unsafe.Pointer, key *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptQueryRangesDefault(param0 **AVOptionRanges, obj unsafe.Pointer, key *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSet(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val *CStr, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetBin(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val unsafe.Pointer, size int, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetChannelLayout(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, chLayout int64, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetChlayout(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, layout *AVChannelLayout, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetDefaults(s unsafe.Pointer)
- func AVOptSetDefaults2(s unsafe.Pointer, mask int, flags int)
- func AVOptSetDict(obj unsafe.Pointer, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetDict2(obj unsafe.Pointer, options **AVDictionary, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetDictVal(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val *AVDictionary, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetDouble(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val float64, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetImageSize(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, w int, h int, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetInt(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val int64, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetPixelFmt(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, fmt AVPixelFormat, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetQ(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val *AVRational, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetSampleFmt(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, fmt AVSampleFormat, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetSlice[T any](obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val []T, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptSetVideoRate(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val *AVRational, searchFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVOptShow2(obj unsafe.Pointer, avLogObj unsafe.Pointer, reqFlags int, rejFlags int) (int, error)
- func AVPacketAddSideData(pkt *AVPacket, _type AVPacketSideDataType, data unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) (int, error)
- func AVPacketCopyProps(dst *AVPacket, src *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVPacketFree(pkt **AVPacket)
- func AVPacketFreeSideData(pkt *AVPacket)
- func AVPacketFromData(pkt *AVPacket, data unsafe.Pointer, size int) (int, error)
- func AVPacketMakeRefcounted(pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVPacketMakeWritable(pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVPacketMoveRef(dst *AVPacket, src *AVPacket)
- func AVPacketNewSideData(pkt *AVPacket, _type AVPacketSideDataType, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVPacketRef(dst *AVPacket, src *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVPacketRescaleTs(pkt *AVPacket, tbSrc *AVRational, tbDst *AVRational)
- func AVPacketShrinkSideData(pkt *AVPacket, _type AVPacketSideDataType, size uint64) (int, error)
- func AVPacketUnpackDictionary(data unsafe.Pointer, size uint64, dict **AVDictionary) (int, error)
- func AVPacketUnref(pkt *AVPacket)
- func AVParserClose(s *AVCodecParserContext)
- func AVPktDumpLog2(avcl unsafe.Pointer, level int, pkt *AVPacket, dumpPayload int, st *AVStream)
- func AVProbeInputBuffer(pb *AVIOContext, fmt **AVInputFormat, url *CStr, logctx unsafe.Pointer, ...) (int, error)
- func AVProbeInputBuffer2(pb *AVIOContext, fmt **AVInputFormat, url *CStr, logctx unsafe.Pointer, ...) (int, error)
- func AVProgramAddStreamIndex(ac *AVFormatContext, progid int, idx uint)
- func AVQ2D(a *AVRational) float64
- func AVQ2Intfloat(q *AVRational) uint32
- func AVReadFrame(s *AVFormatContext, pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVReadPause(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
- func AVReadPlay(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
- func AVRealloc(ptr unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVReallocArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer, nmemb uint64, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVReallocF(ptr unsafe.Pointer, nelem uint64, elsize uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVReallocp(ptr unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) (int, error)
- func AVReallocpArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer, nmemb uint64, size uint64) (int, error)
- func AVRescale(a int64, b int64, c int64) int64
- func AVRescaleQ(a int64, bq *AVRational, cq *AVRational) int64
- func AVRescaleQRnd(a int64, bq *AVRational, cq *AVRational, rnd AVRounding) int64
- func AVRescaleRnd(a int64, b int64, c int64, rnd AVRounding) int64
- func AVSampleFmtIsPlanar(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) (int, error)
- func AVSeekFrame(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, timestamp int64, flags int) (int, error)
- func AVSetOptionsString(ctx unsafe.Pointer, opts *CStr, keyValSep *CStr, pairsSep *CStr) (int, error)
- func AVShrinkPacket(pkt *AVPacket, size int)
- func AVStreamAddSideData(st *AVStream, _type AVPacketSideDataType, data unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) (int, error)
- func AVStreamGetEndPts(st *AVStream) int64
- func AVStreamNewSideData(stream *AVStream, _type AVPacketSideDataType, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVStrerror(errnum int, errbuf *CStr, errbufSize uint64) (int, error)
- func AVSubtitleFree(sub *AVSubtitle)
- func AVUtilVersion() uint
- func AVWriteFrame(s *AVFormatContext, pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
- func AVWriteTrailer(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
- func AVWriteUncodedFrame(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
- func AVWriteUncodedFrameQuery(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int) (int, error)
- func AVXIfNull(p unsafe.Pointer, x unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
- func AVXiphlacing(s unsafe.Pointer, v uint) uint
- func FFIOWFourCC(s *AVIOContext, a uint8, b uint8, c uint8, d uint8)
- func WrapErr(code int) error
- type AVActiveFormatDescription
- type AVAudioServiceType
- type AVBPrint
- type AVBuffer
- type AVBufferPool
- type AVBufferRef
- func AVBufferAlloc(size uint64) *AVBufferRef
- func AVBufferAllocz(size uint64) *AVBufferRef
- func AVBufferPoolGet(pool *AVBufferPool) *AVBufferRef
- func AVBufferRef_(buf *AVBufferRef) *AVBufferRef
- func AVBuffersinkGetHWFramesCtx(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVBufferRef
- func AVFrameGetPlaneBuffer(frame *AVFrame, plane int) *AVBufferRef
- func AVHWDeviceCtxAlloc(_type AVHWDeviceType) *AVBufferRef
- func AVHWFrameCtxAlloc(deviceCtx *AVBufferRef) *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVBufferRef) Buffer() *AVBuffer
- func (s *AVBufferRef) Data() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVBufferRef) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVBufferRef) SetBuffer(value *AVBuffer)
- func (s *AVBufferRef) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVBufferRef) SetSize(value uint64)
- func (s *AVBufferRef) Size() uint64
- type AVBufferSrcParameters
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) ChannelLayout() uint64
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) Format() int
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) FrameRate() *AVRational
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) Height() int
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SampleRate() int
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetFormat(value int)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetFrameRate(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetSampleRate(value int)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) TimeBase() *AVRational
- func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) Width() int
- type AVCPBProperties
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) AvgBitrate() int64
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) BufferSize() int64
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) MaxBitrate() int64
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) MinBitrate() int64
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetAvgBitrate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetBufferSize(value int64)
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetMaxBitrate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetMinBitrate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetVbvDelay(value uint64)
- func (s *AVCPBProperties) VbvDelay() uint64
- type AVChannel
- type AVChannelCustom
- type AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) NbChannels() int
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) Order() AVChannelOrder
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) SetNbChannels(value int)
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVChannelLayout) SetOrder(value AVChannelOrder)
- type AVChannelOrder
- type AVChapter
- func (s *AVChapter) End() int64
- func (s *AVChapter) Id() int64
- func (s *AVChapter) Metadata() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVChapter) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVChapter) SetEnd(value int64)
- func (s *AVChapter) SetId(value int64)
- func (s *AVChapter) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVChapter) SetStart(value int64)
- func (s *AVChapter) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVChapter) Start() int64
- func (s *AVChapter) TimeBase() *AVRational
- type AVChromaLocation
- type AVClass
- func (s *AVClass) Category() AVClassCategory
- func (s *AVClass) ClassName() *CStr
- func (s *AVClass) ItemName() func(pointer unsafe.Pointer) *CStr
- func (s *AVClass) LogLevelOffsetOffset() int
- func (s *AVClass) Option() *AVOption
- func (s *AVClass) ParentLogContextOffset() int
- func (s *AVClass) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVClass) SetCategory(value AVClassCategory)
- func (s *AVClass) SetClassName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVClass) SetLogLevelOffsetOffset(value int)
- func (s *AVClass) SetOption(value *AVOption)
- func (s *AVClass) SetParentLogContextOffset(value int)
- func (s *AVClass) SetVersion(value int)
- func (s *AVClass) Version() int
- type AVClassCategory
- type AVCodec
- func (s *AVCodec) Capabilities() int
- func (s *AVCodec) ChLayouts() *AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVCodec) Id() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVCodec) LongName() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodec) MaxLowres() uint8
- func (s *AVCodec) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodec) PixFmts() *Array[AVPixelFormat]
- func (s *AVCodec) PrivClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVCodec) Profiles() *AVProfile
- func (s *AVCodec) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodec) SampleFmts() *Array[AVSampleFormat]
- func (s *AVCodec) SetCapabilities(value int)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetChLayouts(value *AVChannelLayout)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetLongName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetMaxLowres(value uint8)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetPixFmts(value *Array[AVPixelFormat])
- func (s *AVCodec) SetPrivClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetProfiles(value *AVProfile)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetSampleFmts(value *Array[AVSampleFormat])
- func (s *AVCodec) SetType(value AVMediaType)
- func (s *AVCodec) SetWrapperName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodec) Type() AVMediaType
- func (s *AVCodec) WrapperName() *CStr
- type AVCodecContext
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ActiveThreadType() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ApplyCropping() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) AudioServiceType() AVAudioServiceType
- func (s *AVCodecContext) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BQuantFactor() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BQuantOffset() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BidirRefine() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BitRate() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BitRateTolerance() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BitsPerCodedSample() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BitsPerRawSample() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) BlockAlign() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ChannelLayout() uint64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Channels() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ChromaSampleLocation() AVChromaLocation
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Codec() *AVCodec
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecDescriptor() *AVCodecDescriptor
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecId() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecTag() uint
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecType() AVMediaType
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecWhitelist() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodedHeight() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodedSideData() *AVPacketSideData
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CodedWidth() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ColorPrimaries() AVColorPrimaries
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ColorRange() AVColorRange
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ColorTrc() AVColorTransferCharacteristic
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Colorspace() AVColorSpace
- func (s *AVCodecContext) CompressionLevel() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Cutoff() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) DarkMasking() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) DctAlgo() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Debug() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Delay() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) DiaSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) DiscardDamagedPercentage() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) DumpSeparator() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ErrRecognition() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Error() *Array[uint64]
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ErrorConcealment() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ExportSideData() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ExtraHwFrames() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Extradata() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ExtradataSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) FieldOrder() AVFieldOrder
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Flags() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Flags2() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) FrameNum() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) FrameNumber() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) FrameSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Framerate() *AVRational
- func (s *AVCodecContext) GlobalQuality() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) GopSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) HasBFrames() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Height() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) HwDeviceCtx() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVCodecContext) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Hwaccel() *AVHWAccel
- func (s *AVCodecContext) HwaccelContext() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) HwaccelFlags() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) IQuantFactor() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) IQuantOffset() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) IdctAlgo() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) IldctCmp() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) InitialPadding() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) IntraDcPrecision() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) KeyintMin() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) LastPredictorCount() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Level() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) LogLevelOffset() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Lowres() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) LumiMasking() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxBFrames() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxPixels() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxQdiff() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxSamples() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MbCmp() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MbDecision() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MbLmax() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MbLmin() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MeCmp() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MePreCmp() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MeRange() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MeSubCmp() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) MeSubpelQuality() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Mv0Threshold() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) NbCodedSideData() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) NsseWeight() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PMasking() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PixFmt() AVPixelFormat
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PktTimebase() *AVRational
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PreDiaSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Profile() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Properties() uint
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionLastDts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionLastPts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Qblur() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Qcompress() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Qmax() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Qmin() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcBufferSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcInitialBufferOccupancy() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMaxAvailableVbvUse() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMaxRate() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMinRate() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMinVbvOverflowUse() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcOverride() *RcOverride
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RcOverrideCount() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Refs() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ReorderedOpaque() int64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RequestChannelLayout() uint64
- func (s *AVCodecContext) RequestSampleFmt() AVSampleFormat
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SampleFmt() AVSampleFormat
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SampleRate() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SeekPreroll() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetActiveThreadType(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetApplyCropping(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetAudioServiceType(value AVAudioServiceType)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBQuantFactor(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBQuantOffset(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBidirRefine(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitRate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitRateTolerance(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitsPerCodedSample(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitsPerRawSample(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBlockAlign(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetChannels(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetChromaSampleLocation(value AVChromaLocation)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodec(value *AVCodec)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecDescriptor(value *AVCodecDescriptor)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecTag(value uint)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecType(value AVMediaType)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecWhitelist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodedHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodedSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodedWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorPrimaries(value AVColorPrimaries)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorRange(value AVColorRange)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorTrc(value AVColorTransferCharacteristic)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorspace(value AVColorSpace)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCompressionLevel(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCutoff(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDarkMasking(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDctAlgo(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDebug(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDelay(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDiaSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDiscardDamagedPercentage(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDumpSeparator(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetErrRecognition(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetErrorConcealment(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExportSideData(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExtraHwFrames(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExtradata(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExtradataSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFieldOrder(value AVFieldOrder)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFlags2(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFrameNum(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFrameNumber(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFrameSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFramerate(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetGlobalQuality(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetGopSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHasBFrames(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwDeviceCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwaccel(value *AVHWAccel)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwaccelContext(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwaccelFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIQuantFactor(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIQuantOffset(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIdctAlgo(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIldctCmp(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetInitialPadding(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIntraDcPrecision(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetKeyintMin(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLastPredictorCount(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLevel(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLogLevelOffset(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLowres(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLumiMasking(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxBFrames(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxPixels(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxQdiff(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxSamples(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbCmp(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbDecision(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbLmax(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbLmin(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeCmp(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMePreCmp(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeRange(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeSubCmp(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeSubpelQuality(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMv0Threshold(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetNbCodedSideData(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetNsseWeight(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPMasking(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPktTimebase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPreDiaSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetProfile(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetProperties(value uint)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionLastDts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionLastPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQblur(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQcompress(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQmax(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQmin(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcBufferSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcInitialBufferOccupancy(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMaxAvailableVbvUse(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMaxRate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMinRate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMinVbvOverflowUse(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcOverride(value *RcOverride)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcOverrideCount(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRefs(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetReorderedOpaque(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRequestChannelLayout(value uint64)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRequestSampleFmt(value AVSampleFormat)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSampleFmt(value AVSampleFormat)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSampleRate(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSeekPreroll(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipAlpha(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipBottom(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipFrame(value AVDiscard)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipIdct(value AVDiscard)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipLoopFilter(value AVDiscard)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipTop(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSliceCount(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSliceFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSlices(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSpatialCplxMasking(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetStatsIn(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetStatsOut(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetStrictStdCompliance(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubCharenc(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubCharencMode(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubtitleHeader(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubtitleHeaderSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSwPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTemporalCplxMasking(value float32)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetThreadCount(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetThreadType(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTicksPerFrame(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTrailingPadding(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTrellis(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SetWorkaroundBugs(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipAlpha() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipBottom() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipFrame() AVDiscard
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipIdct() AVDiscard
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipLoopFilter() AVDiscard
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipTop() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SliceCount() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SliceFlags() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Slices() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SpatialCplxMasking() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) StatsIn() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodecContext) StatsOut() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodecContext) StrictStdCompliance() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SubCharenc() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SubCharencMode() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SubtitleHeader() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SubtitleHeaderSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) SwPixFmt() AVPixelFormat
- func (s *AVCodecContext) TemporalCplxMasking() float32
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ThreadCount() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) ThreadType() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) TicksPerFrame() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) TimeBase() *AVRational
- func (s *AVCodecContext) TrailingPadding() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Trellis() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) Width() int
- func (s *AVCodecContext) WorkaroundBugs() int
- type AVCodecDescriptor
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Id() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) LongName() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Profiles() *AVProfile
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Props() int
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetLongName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetProfiles(value *AVProfile)
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetProps(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetType(value AVMediaType)
- func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Type() AVMediaType
- type AVCodecHWConfig
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) DeviceType() AVHWDeviceType
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) Methods() int
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) PixFmt() AVPixelFormat
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) SetDeviceType(value AVHWDeviceType)
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) SetMethods(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) SetPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
- type AVCodecID
- type AVCodecParameters
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) BitRate() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) BitsPerCodedSample() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) BitsPerRawSample() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) BlockAlign() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ChannelLayout() uint64
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Channels() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ChromaLocation() AVChromaLocation
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodecId() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodecTag() uint32
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodecType() AVMediaType
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodedSideData() *AVPacketSideData
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorPrimaries() AVColorPrimaries
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorRange() AVColorRange
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorSpace() AVColorSpace
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorTrc() AVColorTransferCharacteristic
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Extradata() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) ExtradataSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) FieldOrder() AVFieldOrder
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Format() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) FrameSize() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Framerate() *AVRational
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Height() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) InitialPadding() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Level() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) NbCodedSideData() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Profile() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SampleRate() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SeekPreroll() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBitRate(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBitsPerCodedSample(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBitsPerRawSample(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBlockAlign(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetChannels(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetChromaLocation(value AVChromaLocation)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodecId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodecTag(value uint32)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodecType(value AVMediaType)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodedSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorPrimaries(value AVColorPrimaries)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorRange(value AVColorRange)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorSpace(value AVColorSpace)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorTrc(value AVColorTransferCharacteristic)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetExtradata(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetExtradataSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFieldOrder(value AVFieldOrder)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFormat(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFrameSize(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFramerate(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetInitialPadding(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetLevel(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetNbCodedSideData(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetProfile(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetSampleRate(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetSeekPreroll(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetTrailingPadding(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetVideoDelay(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) TrailingPadding() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) VideoDelay() int
- func (s *AVCodecParameters) Width() int
- type AVCodecParser
- type AVCodecParserContext
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CodedHeight() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CodedWidth() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameDts() *Array[int64]
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameEnd() *Array[int64]
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameOffset() *Array[int64]
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFramePos() *Array[int64]
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFramePts() *Array[int64]
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameStartIndex() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurOffset() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Dts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) DtsRefDtsDelta() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) DtsSyncPoint() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Duration() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) FetchTimestamp() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) FieldOrder() AVFieldOrder
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Flags() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Format() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) FrameOffset() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Height() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) KeyFrame() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) LastDts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) LastPos() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) LastPts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) NextFrameOffset() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Offset() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) OutputPictureNumber() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Parser() *AVCodecParser
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PictType() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PictureStructure() AVPictureStructure
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Pos() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Pts() int64
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PtsDtsDelta() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) RepeatPict() int
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCodedHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCodedWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCurFrameStartIndex(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCurOffset(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDtsRefDtsDelta(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDtsSyncPoint(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDuration(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFetchTimestamp(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFieldOrder(value AVFieldOrder)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFormat(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFrameOffset(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetKeyFrame(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetLastDts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetLastPos(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetLastPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetNextFrameOffset(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetOffset(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetOutputPictureNumber(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetParser(value *AVCodecParser)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPictType(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPictureStructure(value AVPictureStructure)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPos(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPtsDtsDelta(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetRepeatPict(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Width() int
- type AVCodecTag
- type AVColorPrimaries
- type AVColorRange
- type AVColorSpace
- type AVColorTransferCharacteristic
- type AVDeviceInfoList
- type AVDictionary
- type AVDictionaryEntry
- type AVDiscard
- type AVDurationEstimationMethod
- type AVError
- type AVFieldOrder
- type AVFilter
- func (s *AVFilter) Description() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilter) Flags() int
- func (s *AVFilter) FlagsInternal() int
- func (s *AVFilter) FormatsState() uint8
- func (s *AVFilter) Inputs() *AVFilterPad
- func (s *AVFilter) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilter) NbInputs() uint8
- func (s *AVFilter) NbOutputs() uint8
- func (s *AVFilter) Outputs() *AVFilterPad
- func (s *AVFilter) PrivClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVFilter) PrivSize() int
- func (s *AVFilter) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilter) SetDescription(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetFlagsInternal(value int)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetFormatsState(value uint8)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetInputs(value *AVFilterPad)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetNbInputs(value uint8)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetNbOutputs(value uint8)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetOutputs(value *AVFilterPad)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetPrivClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVFilter) SetPrivSize(value int)
- type AVFilterChain
- type AVFilterChannelLayouts
- type AVFilterContext
- func (s *AVFilterContext) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Enable() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterContext) EnableStr() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterContext) ExtraHwFrames() int
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Filter() *AVFilter
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Graph() *AVFilterGraph
- func (s *AVFilterContext) HwDeviceCtx() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVFilterContext) InputPads() *AVFilterPad
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Inputs() *Array[*AVFilterLink]
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Internal() *AVFilterInternal
- func (s *AVFilterContext) IsDisabled() int
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterContext) NbInputs() uint
- func (s *AVFilterContext) NbOutputs() uint
- func (s *AVFilterContext) NbThreads() int
- func (s *AVFilterContext) OutputPads() *AVFilterPad
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Outputs() *Array[*AVFilterLink]
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Priv() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterContext) Ready() uint
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetEnable(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetEnableStr(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetExtraHwFrames(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetFilter(value *AVFilter)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetGraph(value *AVFilterGraph)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetHwDeviceCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetInputPads(value *AVFilterPad)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetInputs(value *Array[AVFilterLink])
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetInternal(value *AVFilterInternal)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetIsDisabled(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetNbInputs(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetNbOutputs(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetNbThreads(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetOutputPads(value *AVFilterPad)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetOutputs(value *Array[AVFilterLink])
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetPriv(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetReady(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) SetThreadType(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterContext) ThreadType() int
- type AVFilterFormats
- type AVFilterFormatsConfig
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) ChannelLayouts() *AVFilterChannelLayouts
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) Formats() *AVFilterFormats
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) Samplerates() *AVFilterFormats
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetChannelLayouts(value *AVFilterChannelLayouts)
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetFormats(value *AVFilterFormats)
- func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetSamplerates(value *AVFilterFormats)
- type AVFilterGraph
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) AresampleSwrOpts() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) DisableAutoConvert() uint
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) Filters() *Array[*AVFilterContext]
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) Internal() *AVFilterGraphInternal
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) NbFilters() uint
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) NbThreads() int
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) ScaleSwsOpts() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetAresampleSwrOpts(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetDisableAutoConvert(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetFilters(value *Array[AVFilterContext])
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetInternal(value *AVFilterGraphInternal)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetNbFilters(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetNbThreads(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetScaleSwsOpts(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetSinkLinks(value *Array[AVFilterLink])
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetSinkLinksCount(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetThreadType(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SinkLinks() *Array[*AVFilterLink]
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) SinkLinksCount() int
- func (s *AVFilterGraph) ThreadType() int
- type AVFilterGraphInternal
- type AVFilterGraphSegment
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) Chains() *Array[*AVFilterChain]
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) Graph() *AVFilterGraph
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) NbChains() uint64
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) ScaleSwsOpts() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetChains(value *Array[AVFilterChain])
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetGraph(value *AVFilterGraph)
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetNbChains(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetScaleSwsOpts(value *CStr)
- type AVFilterInOut
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) FilterCtx() *AVFilterContext
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) Next() *AVFilterInOut
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) PadIdx() int
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetFilterCtx(value *AVFilterContext)
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetNext(value *AVFilterInOut)
- func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetPadIdx(value int)
- type AVFilterInternal
- type AVFilterLink
- func (s *AVFilterLink) AgeIndex() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVFilterLink) ChannelLayout() uint64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) CurrentPts() int64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) CurrentPtsUs() int64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Dst() *AVFilterContext
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Dstpad() *AVFilterPad
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Format() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameCountIn() int64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameCountOut() int64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) FramePool() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameRate() *AVRational
- func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameWantedOut() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Graph() *AVFilterGraph
- func (s *AVFilterLink) H() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Incfg() *AVFilterFormatsConfig
- func (s *AVFilterLink) InitState() uint32
- func (s *AVFilterLink) MaxSamples() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) MinSamples() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Outcfg() *AVFilterFormatsConfig
- func (s *AVFilterLink) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Reserved() *Array[uint8]
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleCountIn() int64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleCountOut() int64
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleRate() int
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetAgeIndex(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetCurrentPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetCurrentPtsUs(value int64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetDst(value *AVFilterContext)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetDstpad(value *AVFilterPad)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFormat(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameCountIn(value int64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameCountOut(value int64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFramePool(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameRate(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameWantedOut(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetGraph(value *AVFilterGraph)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetH(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetInitState(value uint32)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetMaxSamples(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetMinSamples(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleCountIn(value int64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleCountOut(value int64)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleRate(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSrc(value *AVFilterContext)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSrcpad(value *AVFilterPad)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetType(value AVMediaType)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) SetW(value int)
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Src() *AVFilterContext
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Srcpad() *AVFilterPad
- func (s *AVFilterLink) TimeBase() *AVRational
- func (s *AVFilterLink) Type() AVMediaType
- func (s *AVFilterLink) W() int
- type AVFilterPad
- type AVFilterPadParams
- type AVFilterParams
- func (s *AVFilterParams) Filter() *AVFilterContext
- func (s *AVFilterParams) FilterName() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterParams) Inputs() *Array[*AVFilterPadParams]
- func (s *AVFilterParams) InstanceName() *CStr
- func (s *AVFilterParams) NbInputs() uint
- func (s *AVFilterParams) NbOutputs() uint
- func (s *AVFilterParams) Opts() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVFilterParams) Outputs() *Array[*AVFilterPadParams]
- func (s *AVFilterParams) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetFilter(value *AVFilterContext)
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetFilterName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetInputs(value *Array[AVFilterPadParams])
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetInstanceName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetNbInputs(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetNbOutputs(value uint)
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetOpts(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVFilterParams) SetOutputs(value *Array[AVFilterPadParams])
- type AVFormatContext
- func (s *AVFormatContext) AudioCodec() *AVCodec
- func (s *AVFormatContext) AudioCodecId() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVFormatContext) AudioPreload() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVFormatContext) AvioFlags() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) AvoidNegativeTs() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) BitRate() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Chapters() *Array[*AVChapter]
- func (s *AVFormatContext) CodecWhitelist() *CStr
- func (s *AVFormatContext) CorrectTsOverflow() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) CtxFlags() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) DataCodec() *AVCodec
- func (s *AVFormatContext) DataCodecId() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Debug() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) DumpSeparator() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Duration() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) DurationEstimationMethod() AVDurationEstimationMethod
- func (s *AVFormatContext) ErrorRecognition() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) EventFlags() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Flags() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) FlushPackets() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) FormatProbesize() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) FormatWhitelist() *CStr
- func (s *AVFormatContext) FpsProbeSize() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Iformat() *AVInputFormat
- func (s *AVFormatContext) InterruptCallback() *AVIOInterruptCB
- func (s *AVFormatContext) IoRepositioned() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Key() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Keylen() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxAnalyzeDuration() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxChunkDuration() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxChunkSize() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxDelay() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxIndexSize() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxInterleaveDelta() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxPictureBuffer() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxProbePackets() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxStreams() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxTsProbe() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Metadata() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVFormatContext) MetadataHeaderPadding() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) NbChapters() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) NbPrograms() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) NbStreams() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Oformat() *AVOutputFormat
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFormatContext) OutputTsOffset() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) PacketSize() uint
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Pb() *AVIOContext
- func (s *AVFormatContext) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFormatContext) ProbeScore() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Probesize() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Programs() *Array[*AVProgram]
- func (s *AVFormatContext) ProtocolBlacklist() *CStr
- func (s *AVFormatContext) ProtocolWhitelist() *CStr
- func (s *AVFormatContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Seek2Any() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAudioCodec(value *AVCodec)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAudioCodecId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAudioPreload(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAvioFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAvoidNegativeTs(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetBitRate(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetChapters(value *Array[AVChapter])
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetCodecWhitelist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetCorrectTsOverflow(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetCtxFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDataCodec(value *AVCodec)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDataCodecId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDebug(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDumpSeparator(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDuration(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDurationEstimationMethod(value AVDurationEstimationMethod)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetErrorRecognition(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetEventFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFlushPackets(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFormatProbesize(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFormatWhitelist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFpsProbeSize(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetIformat(value *AVInputFormat)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetIoRepositioned(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetKey(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetKeylen(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxAnalyzeDuration(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxChunkDuration(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxChunkSize(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxDelay(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxIndexSize(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxInterleaveDelta(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxPictureBuffer(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxProbePackets(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxStreams(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxTsProbe(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMetadataHeaderPadding(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetNbChapters(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetNbPrograms(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetNbStreams(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetOformat(value *AVOutputFormat)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetOutputTsOffset(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPacketSize(value uint)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPb(value *AVIOContext)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProbeScore(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProbesize(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPrograms(value *Array[AVProgram])
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProtocolBlacklist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProtocolWhitelist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSeek2Any(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSkipEstimateDurationFromPts(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSkipInitialBytes(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStartTime(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStartTimeRealtime(value int64)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStreams(value *Array[AVStream])
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStrictStdCompliance(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSubtitleCodec(value *AVCodec)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSubtitleCodecId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetTsId(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetUrl(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetUseWallclockAsTimestamps(value int)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetVideoCodec(value *AVCodec)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SetVideoCodecId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SkipEstimateDurationFromPts() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SkipInitialBytes() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) StartTime() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) StartTimeRealtime() int64
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Streams() *Array[*AVStream]
- func (s *AVFormatContext) StrictStdCompliance() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SubtitleCodec() *AVCodec
- func (s *AVFormatContext) SubtitleCodecId() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVFormatContext) TsId() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) Url() *CStr
- func (s *AVFormatContext) UseWallclockAsTimestamps() int
- func (s *AVFormatContext) VideoCodec() *AVCodec
- func (s *AVFormatContext) VideoCodecId() AVCodecID
- type AVFrame
- func (s *AVFrame) BestEffortTimestamp() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) Buf() *Array[*AVBufferRef]
- func (s *AVFrame) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
- func (s *AVFrame) ChannelLayout() uint64
- func (s *AVFrame) Channels() int
- func (s *AVFrame) ChromaLocation() AVChromaLocation
- func (s *AVFrame) CodedPictureNumber() int
- func (s *AVFrame) ColorPrimaries() AVColorPrimaries
- func (s *AVFrame) ColorRange() AVColorRange
- func (s *AVFrame) ColorTrc() AVColorTransferCharacteristic
- func (s *AVFrame) Colorspace() AVColorSpace
- func (s *AVFrame) CropBottom() uint64
- func (s *AVFrame) CropLeft() uint64
- func (s *AVFrame) CropRight() uint64
- func (s *AVFrame) CropTop() uint64
- func (s *AVFrame) Data() *Array[unsafe.Pointer]
- func (s *AVFrame) DecodeErrorFlags() int
- func (s *AVFrame) DisplayPictureNumber() int
- func (s *AVFrame) Duration() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) ExtendedBuf() *Array[*AVBufferRef]
- func (s *AVFrame) Flags() int
- func (s *AVFrame) Format() int
- func (s *AVFrame) Height() int
- func (s *AVFrame) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVFrame) InterlacedFrame() int
- func (s *AVFrame) KeyFrame() int
- func (s *AVFrame) Linesize() *Array[int]
- func (s *AVFrame) Metadata() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVFrame) NbExtendedBuf() int
- func (s *AVFrame) NbSamples() int
- func (s *AVFrame) NbSideData() int
- func (s *AVFrame) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFrame) OpaqueRef() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVFrame) PaletteHasChanged() int
- func (s *AVFrame) PictType() AVPictureType
- func (s *AVFrame) PktDts() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) PktDuration() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) PktPos() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) PktSize() int
- func (s *AVFrame) PrivateRef() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVFrame) Pts() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) Quality() int
- func (s *AVFrame) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFrame) ReorderedOpaque() int64
- func (s *AVFrame) RepeatPict() int
- func (s *AVFrame) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
- func (s *AVFrame) SampleRate() int
- func (s *AVFrame) SetBestEffortTimestamp(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetChannels(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetChromaLocation(value AVChromaLocation)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetCodedPictureNumber(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetColorPrimaries(value AVColorPrimaries)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetColorRange(value AVColorRange)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetColorTrc(value AVColorTransferCharacteristic)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetColorspace(value AVColorSpace)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetCropBottom(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetCropLeft(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetCropRight(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetCropTop(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetDecodeErrorFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetDisplayPictureNumber(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetDuration(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetExtendedBuf(value *Array[AVBufferRef])
- func (s *AVFrame) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetFormat(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetInterlacedFrame(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetKeyFrame(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetNbExtendedBuf(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetNbSamples(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetNbSideData(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetOpaqueRef(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPaletteHasChanged(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPictType(value AVPictureType)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPktDts(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPktDuration(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPktPos(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPktSize(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPrivateRef(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetQuality(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetReorderedOpaque(value int64)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetRepeatPict(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetSampleRate(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetSideData(value *Array[AVFrameSideData])
- func (s *AVFrame) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetTopFieldFirst(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SetWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVFrame) SideData() *Array[*AVFrameSideData]
- func (s *AVFrame) TimeBase() *AVRational
- func (s *AVFrame) TopFieldFirst() int
- func (s *AVFrame) Width() int
- type AVFrameSideData
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) Buf() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) Data() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) Metadata() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetBuf(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetSize(value uint64)
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetType(value AVFrameSideDataType)
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) Size() uint64
- func (s *AVFrameSideData) Type() AVFrameSideDataType
- type AVFrameSideDataType
- type AVHWAccel
- func (s *AVHWAccel) Capabilities() int
- func (s *AVHWAccel) Id() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVHWAccel) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVHWAccel) PixFmt() AVPixelFormat
- func (s *AVHWAccel) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWAccel) SetCapabilities(value int)
- func (s *AVHWAccel) SetId(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVHWAccel) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVHWAccel) SetPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
- func (s *AVHWAccel) SetType(value AVMediaType)
- func (s *AVHWAccel) Type() AVMediaType
- type AVHWDeviceContext
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) Hwctx() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) Internal() *AVHWDeviceInternal
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetHwctx(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetInternal(value *AVHWDeviceInternal)
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetType(value AVHWDeviceType)
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetUserOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) Type() AVHWDeviceType
- func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) UserOpaque() unsafe.Pointer
- type AVHWDeviceInternal
- type AVHWDeviceType
- type AVHWFrameTransferDirection
- type AVHWFramesConstraints
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MaxHeight() int
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MaxWidth() int
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MinHeight() int
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MinWidth() int
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMaxHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMaxWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMinHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMinWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetValidHwFormats(value *Array[AVPixelFormat])
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetValidSwFormats(value *Array[AVPixelFormat])
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) ValidHwFormats() *Array[AVPixelFormat]
- func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) ValidSwFormats() *Array[AVPixelFormat]
- type AVHWFramesContext
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) DeviceCtx() *AVHWDeviceContext
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) DeviceRef() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Format() AVPixelFormat
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Height() int
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Hwctx() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) InitialPoolSize() int
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Internal() *AVHWFramesInternal
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Pool() *AVBufferPool
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetDeviceCtx(value *AVHWDeviceContext)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetDeviceRef(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetFormat(value AVPixelFormat)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetHeight(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetHwctx(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetInitialPoolSize(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetInternal(value *AVHWFramesInternal)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetPool(value *AVBufferPool)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetSwFormat(value AVPixelFormat)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetUserOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetWidth(value int)
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SwFormat() AVPixelFormat
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) UserOpaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Width() int
- type AVHWFramesInternal
- type AVIOContext
- func (s *AVIOContext) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVIOContext) BufferSize() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) BytesRead() int64
- func (s *AVIOContext) BytesWritten() int64
- func (s *AVIOContext) Checksum() uint32
- func (s *AVIOContext) Direct() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) EofReached() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) Error() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) IgnoreBoundaryPoint() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) MaxPacketSize() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) MinPacketSize() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVIOContext) Pos() int64
- func (s *AVIOContext) ProtocolBlacklist() *CStr
- func (s *AVIOContext) ProtocolWhitelist() *CStr
- func (s *AVIOContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVIOContext) Seekable() int
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetBufferSize(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetBytesRead(value int64)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetBytesWritten(value int64)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetChecksum(value uint32)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetDirect(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetEofReached(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetError(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetIgnoreBoundaryPoint(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetMaxPacketSize(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetMinPacketSize(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetPos(value int64)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetProtocolBlacklist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetProtocolWhitelist(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetSeekable(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) SetWriteFlag(value int)
- func (s *AVIOContext) WriteFlag() int
- type AVIODataMarkerType
- type AVIODirContext
- type AVIODirEntry
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) AccessTimestamp() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) Filemode() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) GroupId() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) ModificationTimestamp() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetAccessTimestamp(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetFilemode(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetGroupId(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetModificationTimestamp(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetSize(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetStatusChangeTimestamp(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetType(value int)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetUserId(value int64)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetUtf8(value int)
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) Size() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) StatusChangeTimestamp() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) Type() int
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) UserId() int64
- func (s *AVIODirEntry) Utf8() int
- type AVIODirEntryType
- type AVIOInterruptCB
- type AVIndexEntry
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) MinDistance() int
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) Pos() int64
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) SetMinDistance(value int)
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) SetPos(value int64)
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) SetTimestamp(value int64)
- func (s *AVIndexEntry) Timestamp() int64
- type AVInputFormat
- func (s *AVInputFormat) CodecTag() *Array[*AVCodecTag]
- func (s *AVInputFormat) Extensions() *CStr
- func (s *AVInputFormat) Flags() int
- func (s *AVInputFormat) FlagsInternal() int
- func (s *AVInputFormat) LongName() *CStr
- func (s *AVInputFormat) MimeType() *CStr
- func (s *AVInputFormat) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVInputFormat) PrivClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVInputFormat) PrivDataSize() int
- func (s *AVInputFormat) RawCodecId() int
- func (s *AVInputFormat) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetCodecTag(value *Array[AVCodecTag])
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetExtensions(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetFlagsInternal(value int)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetLongName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetMimeType(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetPrivClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetPrivDataSize(value int)
- func (s *AVInputFormat) SetRawCodecId(value int)
- type AVMatrixEncoding
- type AVMediaType
- type AVOption
- func (s *AVOption) Flags() int
- func (s *AVOption) Help() *CStr
- func (s *AVOption) Max() float64
- func (s *AVOption) Min() float64
- func (s *AVOption) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVOption) Offset() int
- func (s *AVOption) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVOption) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVOption) SetHelp(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOption) SetMax(value float64)
- func (s *AVOption) SetMin(value float64)
- func (s *AVOption) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOption) SetOffset(value int)
- func (s *AVOption) SetType(value AVOptionType)
- func (s *AVOption) SetUnit(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOption) Type() AVOptionType
- func (s *AVOption) Unit() *CStr
- type AVOptionRange
- func (s *AVOptionRange) ComponentMax() float64
- func (s *AVOptionRange) ComponentMin() float64
- func (s *AVOptionRange) IsRange() int
- func (s *AVOptionRange) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVOptionRange) SetComponentMax(value float64)
- func (s *AVOptionRange) SetComponentMin(value float64)
- func (s *AVOptionRange) SetIsRange(value int)
- func (s *AVOptionRange) SetStr(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOptionRange) SetValueMax(value float64)
- func (s *AVOptionRange) SetValueMin(value float64)
- func (s *AVOptionRange) Str() *CStr
- func (s *AVOptionRange) ValueMax() float64
- func (s *AVOptionRange) ValueMin() float64
- type AVOptionRanges
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) NbComponents() int
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) NbRanges() int
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) Range() *Array[*AVOptionRange]
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) SetNbComponents(value int)
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) SetNbRanges(value int)
- func (s *AVOptionRanges) SetRange(value *Array[AVOptionRange])
- type AVOptionType
- type AVOutputFormat
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) AudioCodec() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) CodecTag() *Array[*AVCodecTag]
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) Extensions() *CStr
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) Flags() int
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) LongName() *CStr
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) MimeType() *CStr
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) Name() *CStr
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) PrivClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetAudioCodec(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetCodecTag(value *Array[AVCodecTag])
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetExtensions(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetLongName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetMimeType(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetName(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetPrivClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetSubtitleCodec(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetVideoCodec(value AVCodecID)
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) SubtitleCodec() AVCodecID
- func (s *AVOutputFormat) VideoCodec() AVCodecID
- type AVPacket
- func (s *AVPacket) Buf() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVPacket) Data() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVPacket) Dts() int64
- func (s *AVPacket) Duration() int64
- func (s *AVPacket) Flags() int
- func (s *AVPacket) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVPacket) OpaqueRef() *AVBufferRef
- func (s *AVPacket) Pos() int64
- func (s *AVPacket) Pts() int64
- func (s *AVPacket) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVPacket) SetBuf(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetDts(value int64)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetDuration(value int64)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetOpaqueRef(value *AVBufferRef)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetPos(value int64)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetSideDataElems(value int)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetSize(value int)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetStreamIndex(value int)
- func (s *AVPacket) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVPacket) SideData() *AVPacketSideData
- func (s *AVPacket) SideDataElems() int
- func (s *AVPacket) Size() int
- func (s *AVPacket) StreamIndex() int
- func (s *AVPacket) TimeBase() *AVRational
- type AVPacketList
- type AVPacketSideData
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) Data() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) SetSize(value uint64)
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) SetType(value AVPacketSideDataType)
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) Size() uint64
- func (s *AVPacketSideData) Type() AVPacketSideDataType
- type AVPacketSideDataType
- type AVPanScan
- type AVPictureStructure
- type AVPictureType
- type AVPixelFormat
- type AVProbeData
- type AVProducerReferenceTime
- type AVProfile
- type AVProgram
- func (s *AVProgram) Discard() AVDiscard
- func (s *AVProgram) EndTime() int64
- func (s *AVProgram) Flags() int
- func (s *AVProgram) Id() int
- func (s *AVProgram) Metadata() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVProgram) NbStreamIndexes() uint
- func (s *AVProgram) PcrPid() int
- func (s *AVProgram) PmtPid() int
- func (s *AVProgram) PmtVersion() int
- func (s *AVProgram) ProgramNum() int
- func (s *AVProgram) PtsWrapBehavior() int
- func (s *AVProgram) PtsWrapReference() int64
- func (s *AVProgram) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVProgram) SetDiscard(value AVDiscard)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetEndTime(value int64)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetId(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetNbStreamIndexes(value uint)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetPcrPid(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetPmtPid(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetPmtVersion(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetProgramNum(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetPtsWrapBehavior(value int)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetPtsWrapReference(value int64)
- func (s *AVProgram) SetStartTime(value int64)
- func (s *AVProgram) StartTime() int64
- type AVRational
- func AVAddQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
- func AVBuffersinkGetFrameRate(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVRational
- func AVBuffersinkGetSampleAspectRatio(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVRational
- func AVBuffersinkGetTimeBase(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVRational
- func AVD2Q(d float64, max int) *AVRational
- func AVDivQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
- func AVGcdQ(a *AVRational, b *AVRational, maxDen int, def *AVRational) *AVRational
- func AVGetTimeBaseQ() *AVRational
- func AVGuessFrameRate(ctx *AVFormatContext, stream *AVStream, frame *AVFrame) *AVRational
- func AVGuessSampleAspectRatio(format *AVFormatContext, stream *AVStream, frame *AVFrame) *AVRational
- func AVInvQ(q *AVRational) *AVRational
- func AVMakeQ(num int, den int) *AVRational
- func AVMulQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
- func AVStreamGetCodecTimebase(st *AVStream) *AVRational
- func AVSubQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
- type AVRegionOfInterest
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Bottom() int
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Left() int
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Qoffset() *AVRational
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Right() int
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SelfSize() uint32
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetBottom(value int)
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetLeft(value int)
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetQoffset(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetRight(value int)
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetSelfSize(value uint32)
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetTop(value int)
- func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Top() int
- type AVRounding
- type AVSampleFormat
- type AVSideDataParamChangeFlags
- type AVStream
- func (s *AVStream) AttachedPic() *AVPacket
- func (s *AVStream) AvClass() *AVClass
- func (s *AVStream) AvgFrameRate() *AVRational
- func (s *AVStream) Codecpar() *AVCodecParameters
- func (s *AVStream) Discard() AVDiscard
- func (s *AVStream) Disposition() int
- func (s *AVStream) Duration() int64
- func (s *AVStream) EventFlags() int
- func (s *AVStream) Id() int
- func (s *AVStream) Index() int
- func (s *AVStream) Metadata() *AVDictionary
- func (s *AVStream) NbFrames() int64
- func (s *AVStream) NbSideData() int
- func (s *AVStream) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVStream) PtsWrapBits() int
- func (s *AVStream) RFrameRate() *AVRational
- func (s *AVStream) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVStream) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
- func (s *AVStream) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
- func (s *AVStream) SetAvgFrameRate(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVStream) SetCodecpar(value *AVCodecParameters)
- func (s *AVStream) SetDiscard(value AVDiscard)
- func (s *AVStream) SetDisposition(value int)
- func (s *AVStream) SetDuration(value int64)
- func (s *AVStream) SetEventFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVStream) SetId(value int)
- func (s *AVStream) SetIndex(value int)
- func (s *AVStream) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
- func (s *AVStream) SetNbFrames(value int64)
- func (s *AVStream) SetNbSideData(value int)
- func (s *AVStream) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
- func (s *AVStream) SetPtsWrapBits(value int)
- func (s *AVStream) SetRFrameRate(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVStream) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVStream) SetSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
- func (s *AVStream) SetStartTime(value int64)
- func (s *AVStream) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
- func (s *AVStream) SideData() *AVPacketSideData
- func (s *AVStream) StartTime() int64
- func (s *AVStream) TimeBase() *AVRational
- type AVStreamParseType
- type AVSubtitle
- func (s *AVSubtitle) EndDisplayTime() uint32
- func (s *AVSubtitle) Format() uint16
- func (s *AVSubtitle) NumRects() uint
- func (s *AVSubtitle) Pts() int64
- func (s *AVSubtitle) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVSubtitle) Rects() *Array[*AVSubtitleRect]
- func (s *AVSubtitle) SetEndDisplayTime(value uint32)
- func (s *AVSubtitle) SetFormat(value uint16)
- func (s *AVSubtitle) SetNumRects(value uint)
- func (s *AVSubtitle) SetPts(value int64)
- func (s *AVSubtitle) SetRects(value *Array[AVSubtitleRect])
- func (s *AVSubtitle) SetStartDisplayTime(value uint32)
- func (s *AVSubtitle) StartDisplayTime() uint32
- type AVSubtitleRect
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Ass() *CStr
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Data() *Array[unsafe.Pointer]
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Flags() int
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) H() int
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Linesize() *Array[int]
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) NbColors() int
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetAss(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetFlags(value int)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetH(value int)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetNbColors(value int)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetText(value *CStr)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetType(value AVSubtitleType)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetW(value int)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetX(value int)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetY(value int)
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Text() *CStr
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Type() AVSubtitleType
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) W() int
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) X() int
- func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Y() int
- type AVSubtitleType
- type AVTimebaseSource
- type Array
- func AllocAVActiveFormatDescriptionArray(size uint64) *Array[AVActiveFormatDescription]
- func AllocAVAudioServiceTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVAudioServiceType]
- func AllocAVChannelArray(size uint64) *Array[AVChannel]
- func AllocAVChannelOrderArray(size uint64) *Array[AVChannelOrder]
- func AllocAVChromaLocationArray(size uint64) *Array[AVChromaLocation]
- func AllocAVClassCategoryArray(size uint64) *Array[AVClassCategory]
- func AllocAVCodecIDArray(size uint64) *Array[AVCodecID]
- func AllocAVColorPrimariesArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorPrimaries]
- func AllocAVColorRangeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorRange]
- func AllocAVColorSpaceArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorSpace]
- func AllocAVColorTransferCharacteristicArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorTransferCharacteristic]
- func AllocAVDiscardArray(size uint64) *Array[AVDiscard]
- func AllocAVDurationEstimationMethodArray(size uint64) *Array[AVDurationEstimationMethod]
- func AllocAVFieldOrderArray(size uint64) *Array[AVFieldOrder]
- func AllocAVFrameSideDataTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVFrameSideDataType]
- func AllocAVHWDeviceTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVHWDeviceType]
- func AllocAVHWFrameTransferDirectionArray(size uint64) *Array[AVHWFrameTransferDirection]
- func AllocAVIODataMarkerTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVIODataMarkerType]
- func AllocAVIODirEntryTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVIODirEntryType]
- func AllocAVMatrixEncodingArray(size uint64) *Array[AVMatrixEncoding]
- func AllocAVMediaTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVMediaType]
- func AllocAVOptionTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVOptionType]
- func AllocAVPacketSideDataTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPacketSideDataType]
- func AllocAVPictureStructureArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPictureStructure]
- func AllocAVPictureTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPictureType]
- func AllocAVPixelFormatArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPixelFormat]
- func AllocAVRoundingArray(size uint64) *Array[AVRounding]
- func AllocAVSampleFormatArray(size uint64) *Array[AVSampleFormat]
- func AllocAVSideDataParamChangeFlagsArray(size uint64) *Array[AVSideDataParamChangeFlags]
- func AllocAVStreamParseTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVStreamParseType]
- func AllocAVSubtitleTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVSubtitleType]
- func AllocAVTimebaseSourceArray(size uint64) *Array[AVTimebaseSource]
- func ToAVActiveFormatDescriptionArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVActiveFormatDescription]
- func ToAVAudioServiceTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVAudioServiceType]
- func ToAVBPrintArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBPrint]
- func ToAVBufferArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBuffer]
- func ToAVBufferPoolArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBufferPool]
- func ToAVBufferRefArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBufferRef]
- func ToAVBufferSrcParametersArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBufferSrcParameters]
- func ToAVCPBPropertiesArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCPBProperties]
- func ToAVChannelArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVChannel]
- func ToAVChannelCustomArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVChannelCustom]
- func ToAVChannelLayoutArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVChannelLayout]
- func ToAVChannelOrderArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVChannelOrder]
- func ToAVChapterArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVChapter]
- func ToAVChromaLocationArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVChromaLocation]
- func ToAVClassArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVClass]
- func ToAVClassCategoryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVClassCategory]
- func ToAVCodecArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodec]
- func ToAVCodecContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecContext]
- func ToAVCodecDescriptorArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecDescriptor]
- func ToAVCodecHWConfigArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecHWConfig]
- func ToAVCodecIDArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVCodecID]
- func ToAVCodecParametersArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecParameters]
- func ToAVCodecParserArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecParser]
- func ToAVCodecParserContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecParserContext]
- func ToAVCodecTagArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecTag]
- func ToAVColorPrimariesArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorPrimaries]
- func ToAVColorRangeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorRange]
- func ToAVColorSpaceArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorSpace]
- func ToAVColorTransferCharacteristicArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorTransferCharacteristic]
- func ToAVDeviceInfoListArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVDeviceInfoList]
- func ToAVDictionaryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVDictionary]
- func ToAVDictionaryEntryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVDictionaryEntry]
- func ToAVDiscardArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVDiscard]
- func ToAVDurationEstimationMethodArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVDurationEstimationMethod]
- func ToAVFieldOrderArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVFieldOrder]
- func ToAVFilterArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilter]
- func ToAVFilterChainArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterChain]
- func ToAVFilterChannelLayoutsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterChannelLayouts]
- func ToAVFilterContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterContext]
- func ToAVFilterFormatsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterFormats]
- func ToAVFilterFormatsConfigArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterFormatsConfig]
- func ToAVFilterGraphArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterGraph]
- func ToAVFilterGraphInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterGraphInternal]
- func ToAVFilterGraphSegmentArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterGraphSegment]
- func ToAVFilterInOutArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterInOut]
- func ToAVFilterInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterInternal]
- func ToAVFilterLinkArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterLink]
- func ToAVFilterPadArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterPad]
- func ToAVFilterPadParamsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterPadParams]
- func ToAVFilterParamsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterParams]
- func ToAVFormatContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFormatContext]
- func ToAVFrameArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFrame]
- func ToAVFrameSideDataArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFrameSideData]
- func ToAVFrameSideDataTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVFrameSideDataType]
- func ToAVHWAccelArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWAccel]
- func ToAVHWDeviceContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWDeviceContext]
- func ToAVHWDeviceInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWDeviceInternal]
- func ToAVHWDeviceTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVHWDeviceType]
- func ToAVHWFrameTransferDirectionArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVHWFrameTransferDirection]
- func ToAVHWFramesConstraintsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWFramesConstraints]
- func ToAVHWFramesContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWFramesContext]
- func ToAVHWFramesInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWFramesInternal]
- func ToAVIOContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIOContext]
- func ToAVIODataMarkerTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVIODataMarkerType]
- func ToAVIODirContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIODirContext]
- func ToAVIODirEntryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIODirEntry]
- func ToAVIODirEntryTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVIODirEntryType]
- func ToAVIOInterruptCBArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIOInterruptCB]
- func ToAVIndexEntryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIndexEntry]
- func ToAVInputFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVInputFormat]
- func ToAVMatrixEncodingArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVMatrixEncoding]
- func ToAVMediaTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVMediaType]
- func ToAVOptionArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOption]
- func ToAVOptionRangeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOptionRange]
- func ToAVOptionRangesArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOptionRanges]
- func ToAVOptionTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVOptionType]
- func ToAVOutputFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOutputFormat]
- func ToAVPacketArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVPacket]
- func ToAVPacketListArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVPacketList]
- func ToAVPacketSideDataArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVPacketSideData]
- func ToAVPacketSideDataTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPacketSideDataType]
- func ToAVPanScanArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVPanScan]
- func ToAVPictureStructureArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPictureStructure]
- func ToAVPictureTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPictureType]
- func ToAVPixelFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPixelFormat]
- func ToAVProbeDataArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVProbeData]
- func ToAVProducerReferenceTimeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVProducerReferenceTime]
- func ToAVProfileArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVProfile]
- func ToAVProgramArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVProgram]
- func ToAVRegionOfInterestArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVRegionOfInterest]
- func ToAVRoundingArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVRounding]
- func ToAVSampleFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVSampleFormat]
- func ToAVSideDataParamChangeFlagsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVSideDataParamChangeFlags]
- func ToAVStreamArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVStream]
- func ToAVStreamParseTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVStreamParseType]
- func ToAVSubtitleArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVSubtitle]
- func ToAVSubtitleRectArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVSubtitleRect]
- func ToAVSubtitleTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVSubtitleType]
- func ToAVTimebaseSourceArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVTimebaseSource]
- func ToInt64Array(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[int64]
- func ToIntArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[int]
- func ToRcOverrideArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*RcOverride]
- func ToUint64Array(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[uint64]
- func ToUint8Array(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[uint8]
- func ToUint8PtrArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[unsafe.Pointer]
- type CStr
- func AVCodecConfiguration() *CStr
- func AVCodecGetName(id AVCodecID) *CStr
- func AVCodecLicense() *CStr
- func AVCodecProfileName(codecId AVCodecID, profile int) *CStr
- func AVDefaultItemName(ctx unsafe.Pointer) *CStr
- func AVDispositionToString(disposition int) *CStr
- func AVFilterConfiguration() *CStr
- func AVFilterGraphDump(graph *AVFilterGraph, options *CStr) *CStr
- func AVFilterLicense() *CStr
- func AVFilterPadGetName(pads *AVFilterPad, padIdx int) *CStr
- func AVFormatConfiguration() *CStr
- func AVFormatLicense() *CStr
- func AVFourccMakeString(buf *CStr, fourcc uint32) *CStr
- func AVFrameSideDataName(_type AVFrameSideDataType) *CStr
- func AVGetChannelDescription(channel uint64) *CStr
- func AVGetChannelName(channel uint64) *CStr
- func AVGetMediaTypeString(mediaType AVMediaType) *CStr
- func AVGetProfileName(codec *AVCodec, profile int) *CStr
- func AVGetSampleFmtName(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) *CStr
- func AVGetSampleFmtString(buf *CStr, bufSize int, sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) *CStr
- func AVHWDeviceGetTypeName(_type AVHWDeviceType) *CStr
- func AVIOFindProtocolName(url *CStr) *CStr
- func AVMakeErrorString(errbuf *CStr, errbufSize uint64, errnum int) *CStr
- func AVPacketSideDataName(_type AVPacketSideDataType) *CStr
- func AVStrdup(s *CStr) *CStr
- func AVStrndup(s *CStr, len uint64) *CStr
- func AVUtilConfiguration() *CStr
- func AVUtilLicense() *CStr
- func AVVersionInfo() *CStr
- func AllocCStr(len uint) *CStr
- func GlobalCStr(val string) *CStr
- func ToCStr(val string) *CStr
- type LogCallback
- type LogCtx
- type RcOverride
- func (s *RcOverride) EndFrame() int
- func (s *RcOverride) Qscale() int
- func (s *RcOverride) QualityFactor() float32
- func (s *RcOverride) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (s *RcOverride) SetEndFrame(value int)
- func (s *RcOverride) SetQscale(value int)
- func (s *RcOverride) SetQualityFactor(value float32)
- func (s *RcOverride) SetStartFrame(value int)
- func (s *RcOverride) StartFrame() int
Constants ¶
const AVBufferFlagReadonly = C.AV_BUFFER_FLAG_READONLY
AVBufferFlagReadonly wraps AV_BUFFER_FLAG_READONLY.
const AVBuffersinkFlagNoRequest = C.AV_BUFFERSINK_FLAG_NO_REQUEST
AVBuffersinkFlagNoRequest wraps AV_BUFFERSINK_FLAG_NO_REQUEST.
const AVBuffersinkFlagPeek = C.AV_BUFFERSINK_FLAG_PEEK
AVBuffersinkFlagPeek wraps AV_BUFFERSINK_FLAG_PEEK.
const AVBuffersrcFlagKeepRef = C.AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF
AVBuffersrcFlagKeepRef wraps AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF.
const AVBuffersrcFlagNoCheckFormat = C.AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_NO_CHECK_FORMAT
const AVBuffersrcFlagPush = C.AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_PUSH
AVBuffersrcFlagPush wraps AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_PUSH.
const AVChBackCenter = C.AV_CH_BACK_CENTER
AVChBackCenter wraps AV_CH_BACK_CENTER.
const AVChBackLeft = C.AV_CH_BACK_LEFT
AVChBackLeft wraps AV_CH_BACK_LEFT.
const AVChBackRight = C.AV_CH_BACK_RIGHT
AVChBackRight wraps AV_CH_BACK_RIGHT.
const AVChBottomFrontCenter = C.AV_CH_BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER
AVChBottomFrontCenter wraps AV_CH_BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER.
const AVChBottomFrontLeft = C.AV_CH_BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT
AVChBottomFrontLeft wraps AV_CH_BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT.
const AVChBottomFrontRight = C.AV_CH_BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT
AVChBottomFrontRight wraps AV_CH_BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT.
const AVChFrontCenter = C.AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER
AVChFrontCenter wraps AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER.
const AVChFrontLeft = C.AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT
AVChFrontLeft wraps AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT.
const AVChFrontLeftOfCenter = C.AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER
const AVChFrontRight = C.AV_CH_FRONT_RIGHT
AVChFrontRight wraps AV_CH_FRONT_RIGHT.
const AVChFrontRightOfCenter = C.AV_CH_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER
const AVChLayout21 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_2_1
AVChLayout21 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_2_1.
const AVChLayout22 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_2_2
AVChLayout22 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_2_2.
const AVChLayout22Point2 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_22POINT2
AVChLayout22Point2 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_22POINT2.
const AVChLayout2Point1 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_2POINT1
AVChLayout2Point1 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_2POINT1.
const AVChLayout3Point1 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1
AVChLayout3Point1 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1.
const AVChLayout3Point1Point2 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1POINT2
AVChLayout3Point1Point2 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_3POINT1POINT2.
const AVChLayout4Point0 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_4POINT0
AVChLayout4Point0 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_4POINT0.
const AVChLayout4Point1 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_4POINT1
AVChLayout4Point1 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_4POINT1.
const AVChLayout5Point0 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0
AVChLayout5Point0 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0.
const AVChLayout5Point0Back = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK
AVChLayout5Point0Back wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT0_BACK.
const AVChLayout5Point1 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1
AVChLayout5Point1 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1.
const AVChLayout5Point1Back = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK
AVChLayout5Point1Back wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1_BACK.
const AVChLayout5Point1Point2Back = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT2_BACK
AVChLayout5Point1Point2Back wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT2_BACK.
const AVChLayout5Point1Point4Back = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT4_BACK
AVChLayout5Point1Point4Back wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_5POINT1POINT4_BACK.
const AVChLayout6Point0 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT0
AVChLayout6Point0 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT0.
const AVChLayout6Point0Front = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT0_FRONT
AVChLayout6Point0Front wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT0_FRONT.
const AVChLayout6Point1 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT1
AVChLayout6Point1 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT1.
const AVChLayout6Point1Back = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT1_BACK
AVChLayout6Point1Back wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT1_BACK.
const AVChLayout6Point1Front = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT1_FRONT
AVChLayout6Point1Front wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_6POINT1_FRONT.
const AVChLayout7Point0 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT0
AVChLayout7Point0 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT0.
const AVChLayout7Point0Front = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT0_FRONT
AVChLayout7Point0Front wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT0_FRONT.
const AVChLayout7Point1 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1
AVChLayout7Point1 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1.
const AVChLayout7Point1Point2 = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT2
AVChLayout7Point1Point2 wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT2.
const AVChLayout7Point1Point4Back = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT4_BACK
AVChLayout7Point1Point4Back wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1POINT4_BACK.
const AVChLayout7Point1TopBack = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_TOP_BACK
AVChLayout7Point1TopBack wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_TOP_BACK.
const AVChLayout7Point1Wide = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE
AVChLayout7Point1Wide wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE.
const AVChLayout7Point1WideBack = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK
AVChLayout7Point1WideBack wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_7POINT1_WIDE_BACK.
const AVChLayoutCube = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_CUBE
AVChLayoutCube wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_CUBE.
const AVChLayoutHexadecagonal = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_HEXADECAGONAL
AVChLayoutHexadecagonal wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_HEXADECAGONAL.
const AVChLayoutHexagonal = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_HEXAGONAL
AVChLayoutHexagonal wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_HEXAGONAL.
const AVChLayoutMono = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO
AVChLayoutMono wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_MONO.
const AVChLayoutOctagonal = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_OCTAGONAL
AVChLayoutOctagonal wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_OCTAGONAL.
const AVChLayoutQuad = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_QUAD
AVChLayoutQuad wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_QUAD.
const AVChLayoutStereo = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO
AVChLayoutStereo wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO.
const AVChLayoutStereoDownmix = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX
AVChLayoutStereoDownmix wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO_DOWNMIX.
const AVChLayoutSurround = C.AV_CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND
AVChLayoutSurround wraps AV_CH_LAYOUT_SURROUND.
const AVChLowFrequency = C.AV_CH_LOW_FREQUENCY
AVChLowFrequency wraps AV_CH_LOW_FREQUENCY.
const AVChLowFrequency2 = C.AV_CH_LOW_FREQUENCY_2
AVChLowFrequency2 wraps AV_CH_LOW_FREQUENCY_2.
const AVChSideLeft = C.AV_CH_SIDE_LEFT
AVChSideLeft wraps AV_CH_SIDE_LEFT.
const AVChSideRight = C.AV_CH_SIDE_RIGHT
AVChSideRight wraps AV_CH_SIDE_RIGHT.
const AVChStereoLeft = C.AV_CH_STEREO_LEFT
AVChStereoLeft wraps AV_CH_STEREO_LEFT.
const AVChStereoRight = C.AV_CH_STEREO_RIGHT
AVChStereoRight wraps AV_CH_STEREO_RIGHT.
const AVChSurroundDirectLeft = C.AV_CH_SURROUND_DIRECT_LEFT
AVChSurroundDirectLeft wraps AV_CH_SURROUND_DIRECT_LEFT.
const AVChSurroundDirectRight = C.AV_CH_SURROUND_DIRECT_RIGHT
AVChSurroundDirectRight wraps AV_CH_SURROUND_DIRECT_RIGHT.
const AVChTopBackCenter = C.AV_CH_TOP_BACK_CENTER
AVChTopBackCenter wraps AV_CH_TOP_BACK_CENTER.
const AVChTopBackLeft = C.AV_CH_TOP_BACK_LEFT
AVChTopBackLeft wraps AV_CH_TOP_BACK_LEFT.
const AVChTopBackRight = C.AV_CH_TOP_BACK_RIGHT
AVChTopBackRight wraps AV_CH_TOP_BACK_RIGHT.
const AVChTopCenter = C.AV_CH_TOP_CENTER
AVChTopCenter wraps AV_CH_TOP_CENTER.
const AVChTopFrontCenter = C.AV_CH_TOP_FRONT_CENTER
AVChTopFrontCenter wraps AV_CH_TOP_FRONT_CENTER.
const AVChTopFrontLeft = C.AV_CH_TOP_FRONT_LEFT
AVChTopFrontLeft wraps AV_CH_TOP_FRONT_LEFT.
const AVChTopFrontRight = C.AV_CH_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT
AVChTopFrontRight wraps AV_CH_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT.
const AVChTopSideLeft = C.AV_CH_TOP_SIDE_LEFT
AVChTopSideLeft wraps AV_CH_TOP_SIDE_LEFT.
const AVChTopSideRight = C.AV_CH_TOP_SIDE_RIGHT
AVChTopSideRight wraps AV_CH_TOP_SIDE_RIGHT.
const AVChWideLeft = C.AV_CH_WIDE_LEFT
AVChWideLeft wraps AV_CH_WIDE_LEFT.
const AVChWideRight = C.AV_CH_WIDE_RIGHT
AVChWideRight wraps AV_CH_WIDE_RIGHT.
const AVCodecCapChannelConf = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_CHANNEL_CONF
AVCodecCapChannelConf wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_CHANNEL_CONF.
const AVCodecCapDelay = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY
AVCodecCapDelay wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY.
const AVCodecCapDr1 = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1
AVCodecCapDr1 wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1.
const AVCodecCapDrawHorizBand = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_DRAW_HORIZ_BAND
const AVCodecCapEncoderFlush = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_FLUSH
AVCodecCapEncoderFlush wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_FLUSH.
const AVCodecCapEncoderReconFrame = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_RECON_FRAME
const AVCodecCapEncoderReorderedOpaque = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_REORDERED_OPAQUE
const AVCodecCapExperimental = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_EXPERIMENTAL
AVCodecCapExperimental wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_EXPERIMENTAL.
const AVCodecCapFrameThreads = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_FRAME_THREADS
AVCodecCapFrameThreads wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_FRAME_THREADS.
const AVCodecCapHardware = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_HARDWARE
AVCodecCapHardware wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_HARDWARE.
const AVCodecCapHybrid = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_HYBRID
AVCodecCapHybrid wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_HYBRID.
const AVCodecCapOtherThreads = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_OTHER_THREADS
AVCodecCapOtherThreads wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_OTHER_THREADS.
const AVCodecCapParamChange = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_PARAM_CHANGE
AVCodecCapParamChange wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_PARAM_CHANGE.
const AVCodecCapSliceThreads = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_SLICE_THREADS
AVCodecCapSliceThreads wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_SLICE_THREADS.
const AVCodecCapSmallLastFrame = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_SMALL_LAST_FRAME
const AVCodecCapSubframes = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_SUBFRAMES
AVCodecCapSubframes wraps AV_CODEC_CAP_SUBFRAMES.
const AVCodecCapVariableFrameSize = C.AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE
const AVCodecExportDataFilmGrain = C.AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_FILM_GRAIN
const AVCodecExportDataMvs = C.AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_MVS
AVCodecExportDataMvs wraps AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_MVS.
const AVCodecExportDataPrft = C.AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_PRFT
AVCodecExportDataPrft wraps AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_PRFT.
const AVCodecFlag2Chunks = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS
AVCodecFlag2Chunks wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS.
const AVCodecFlag2ExportMvs = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_EXPORT_MVS
AVCodecFlag2ExportMvs wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_EXPORT_MVS.
const AVCodecFlag2Fast = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_FAST
AVCodecFlag2Fast wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_FAST.
const AVCodecFlag2IccProfiles = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_ICC_PROFILES
AVCodecFlag2IccProfiles wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_ICC_PROFILES.
const AVCodecFlag2IgnoreCrop = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_IGNORE_CROP
AVCodecFlag2IgnoreCrop wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_IGNORE_CROP.
const AVCodecFlag2LocalHeader = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_LOCAL_HEADER
AVCodecFlag2LocalHeader wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_LOCAL_HEADER.
const AVCodecFlag2NoOutput = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_NO_OUTPUT
AVCodecFlag2NoOutput wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_NO_OUTPUT.
const AVCodecFlag2RoFlushNoop = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_RO_FLUSH_NOOP
AVCodecFlag2RoFlushNoop wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_RO_FLUSH_NOOP.
const AVCodecFlag2ShowAll = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_SHOW_ALL
AVCodecFlag2ShowAll wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_SHOW_ALL.
const AVCodecFlag2SkipManual = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_SKIP_MANUAL
AVCodecFlag2SkipManual wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG2_SKIP_MANUAL.
const AVCodecFlag4Mv = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_4MV
AVCodecFlag4Mv wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_4MV.
const AVCodecFlagAcPred = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED
AVCodecFlagAcPred wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_AC_PRED.
const AVCodecFlagBitexact = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT
AVCodecFlagBitexact wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT.
const AVCodecFlagClosedGop = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_CLOSED_GOP
AVCodecFlagClosedGop wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_CLOSED_GOP.
const AVCodecFlagCopyOpaque = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE
AVCodecFlagCopyOpaque wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE.
const AVCodecFlagDropchanged = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_DROPCHANGED
AVCodecFlagDropchanged wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_DROPCHANGED.
const AVCodecFlagFrameDuration = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_FRAME_DURATION
AVCodecFlagFrameDuration wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_FRAME_DURATION.
const AVCodecFlagGlobalHeader = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER
AVCodecFlagGlobalHeader wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER.
const AVCodecFlagGray = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_GRAY
AVCodecFlagGray wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_GRAY.
const AVCodecFlagInterlacedDct = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_DCT
AVCodecFlagInterlacedDct wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_DCT.
const AVCodecFlagInterlacedMe = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_ME
AVCodecFlagInterlacedMe wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_ME.
const AVCodecFlagLoopFilter = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOOP_FILTER
AVCodecFlagLoopFilter wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOOP_FILTER.
const AVCodecFlagLowDelay = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY
AVCodecFlagLowDelay wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY.
const AVCodecFlagOutputCorrupt = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_OUTPUT_CORRUPT
AVCodecFlagOutputCorrupt wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_OUTPUT_CORRUPT.
const AVCodecFlagPass1 = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_PASS1
AVCodecFlagPass1 wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_PASS1.
const AVCodecFlagPass2 = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_PASS2
AVCodecFlagPass2 wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_PASS2.
const AVCodecFlagPsnr = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_PSNR
AVCodecFlagPsnr wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_PSNR.
const AVCodecFlagQpel = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_QPEL
AVCodecFlagQpel wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_QPEL.
const AVCodecFlagQscale = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE
AVCodecFlagQscale wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE.
const AVCodecFlagReconFrame = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_RECON_FRAME
AVCodecFlagReconFrame wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_RECON_FRAME.
const AVCodecFlagUnaligned = C.AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED
AVCodecFlagUnaligned wraps AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED.
const AVCodecIdH265 = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H265
AVCodecIdH265 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H265.
const AVCodecIdH266 = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H266
AVCodecIdH266 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H266.
const AVCodecIdIffByterun1 = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IFF_BYTERUN1
AVCodecIdIffByterun1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IFF_BYTERUN1.
const AVCodecPropBitmapSub = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_BITMAP_SUB
AVCodecPropBitmapSub wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_BITMAP_SUB.
const AVCodecPropFields = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_FIELDS
AVCodecPropFields wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_FIELDS.
const AVCodecPropIntraOnly = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_INTRA_ONLY
AVCodecPropIntraOnly wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_INTRA_ONLY.
const AVCodecPropLossless = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_LOSSLESS
AVCodecPropLossless wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_LOSSLESS.
const AVCodecPropLossy = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_LOSSY
AVCodecPropLossy wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_LOSSY.
const AVCodecPropReorder = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_REORDER
AVCodecPropReorder wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_REORDER.
const AVCodecPropTextSub = C.AV_CODEC_PROP_TEXT_SUB
AVCodecPropTextSub wraps AV_CODEC_PROP_TEXT_SUB.
const AVDictAppend = C.AV_DICT_APPEND
AVDictAppend wraps AV_DICT_APPEND.
const AVDictDontOverwrite = C.AV_DICT_DONT_OVERWRITE
AVDictDontOverwrite wraps AV_DICT_DONT_OVERWRITE.
const AVDictDontStrdupKey = C.AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_KEY
AVDictDontStrdupKey wraps AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_KEY.
const AVDictDontStrdupVal = C.AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_VAL
AVDictDontStrdupVal wraps AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_VAL.
const AVDictIgnoreSuffix = C.AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX
AVDictIgnoreSuffix wraps AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX.
const AVDictMatchCase = C.AV_DICT_MATCH_CASE
AVDictMatchCase wraps AV_DICT_MATCH_CASE.
const AVDictMultikey = C.AV_DICT_MULTIKEY
AVDictMultikey wraps AV_DICT_MULTIKEY.
const AVDispositionAttachedPic = C.AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC
AVDispositionAttachedPic wraps AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC.
const AVDispositionCaptions = C.AV_DISPOSITION_CAPTIONS
AVDispositionCaptions wraps AV_DISPOSITION_CAPTIONS.
const AVDispositionCleanEffects = C.AV_DISPOSITION_CLEAN_EFFECTS
AVDispositionCleanEffects wraps AV_DISPOSITION_CLEAN_EFFECTS.
const AVDispositionComment = C.AV_DISPOSITION_COMMENT
AVDispositionComment wraps AV_DISPOSITION_COMMENT.
const AVDispositionDefault = C.AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT
AVDispositionDefault wraps AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT.
const AVDispositionDependent = C.AV_DISPOSITION_DEPENDENT
AVDispositionDependent wraps AV_DISPOSITION_DEPENDENT.
const AVDispositionDescriptions = C.AV_DISPOSITION_DESCRIPTIONS
AVDispositionDescriptions wraps AV_DISPOSITION_DESCRIPTIONS.
const AVDispositionDub = C.AV_DISPOSITION_DUB
AVDispositionDub wraps AV_DISPOSITION_DUB.
const AVDispositionForced = C.AV_DISPOSITION_FORCED
AVDispositionForced wraps AV_DISPOSITION_FORCED.
const AVDispositionHearingImpaired = C.AV_DISPOSITION_HEARING_IMPAIRED
AVDispositionHearingImpaired wraps AV_DISPOSITION_HEARING_IMPAIRED.
const AVDispositionKaraoke = C.AV_DISPOSITION_KARAOKE
AVDispositionKaraoke wraps AV_DISPOSITION_KARAOKE.
const AVDispositionLyrics = C.AV_DISPOSITION_LYRICS
AVDispositionLyrics wraps AV_DISPOSITION_LYRICS.
const AVDispositionMetadata = C.AV_DISPOSITION_METADATA
AVDispositionMetadata wraps AV_DISPOSITION_METADATA.
const AVDispositionNonDiegetic = C.AV_DISPOSITION_NON_DIEGETIC
AVDispositionNonDiegetic wraps AV_DISPOSITION_NON_DIEGETIC.
const AVDispositionOriginal = C.AV_DISPOSITION_ORIGINAL
AVDispositionOriginal wraps AV_DISPOSITION_ORIGINAL.
const AVDispositionStillImage = C.AV_DISPOSITION_STILL_IMAGE
AVDispositionStillImage wraps AV_DISPOSITION_STILL_IMAGE.
const AVDispositionTimedThumbnails = C.AV_DISPOSITION_TIMED_THUMBNAILS
AVDispositionTimedThumbnails wraps AV_DISPOSITION_TIMED_THUMBNAILS.
const AVDispositionVisualImpaired = C.AV_DISPOSITION_VISUAL_IMPAIRED
AVDispositionVisualImpaired wraps AV_DISPOSITION_VISUAL_IMPAIRED.
const AVEfAggressive = C.AV_EF_AGGRESSIVE
AVEfAggressive wraps AV_EF_AGGRESSIVE.
const AVEfBitstream = C.AV_EF_BITSTREAM
AVEfBitstream wraps AV_EF_BITSTREAM.
const AVEfBuffer = C.AV_EF_BUFFER
AVEfBuffer wraps AV_EF_BUFFER.
const AVEfCareful = C.AV_EF_CAREFUL
AVEfCareful wraps AV_EF_CAREFUL.
const AVEfCompliant = C.AV_EF_COMPLIANT
AVEfCompliant wraps AV_EF_COMPLIANT.
const AVEfCrccheck = C.AV_EF_CRCCHECK
AVEfCrccheck wraps AV_EF_CRCCHECK.
const AVEfExplode = C.AV_EF_EXPLODE
AVEfExplode wraps AV_EF_EXPLODE.
const AVEfIgnoreErr = C.AV_EF_IGNORE_ERR
AVEfIgnoreErr wraps AV_EF_IGNORE_ERR.
const AVErrorBsfNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_BSF_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorBsfNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_BSF_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorBufferTooSmallConst = C.AVERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
AVErrorBufferTooSmallConst wraps AVERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
const AVErrorBug2Const = C.AVERROR_BUG2
AVErrorBug2Const wraps AVERROR_BUG2.
const AVErrorBugConst = C.AVERROR_BUG
AVErrorBugConst wraps AVERROR_BUG.
const AVErrorDecoderNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_DECODER_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorDecoderNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_DECODER_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorDemuxerNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_DEMUXER_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorDemuxerNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_DEMUXER_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorEncoderNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_ENCODER_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorEncoderNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_ENCODER_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorEofConst = C.AVERROR_EOF
AVErrorEofConst wraps AVERROR_EOF.
const AVErrorExitConst = C.AVERROR_EXIT
AVErrorExitConst wraps AVERROR_EXIT.
const AVErrorExperimentalConst = C.AVERROR_EXPERIMENTAL
AVErrorExperimentalConst wraps AVERROR_EXPERIMENTAL.
const AVErrorExternalConst = C.AVERROR_EXTERNAL
AVErrorExternalConst wraps AVERROR_EXTERNAL.
const AVErrorFilterNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorFilterNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorHttpBadRequestConst = C.AVERROR_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
AVErrorHttpBadRequestConst wraps AVERROR_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.
const AVErrorHttpForbiddenConst = C.AVERROR_HTTP_FORBIDDEN
AVErrorHttpForbiddenConst wraps AVERROR_HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
const AVErrorHttpNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_HTTP_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorHttpNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_HTTP_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorHttpOther4XxConst = C.AVERROR_HTTP_OTHER_4XX
AVErrorHttpOther4XxConst wraps AVERROR_HTTP_OTHER_4XX.
const AVErrorHttpServerErrorConst = C.AVERROR_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR
AVErrorHttpServerErrorConst wraps AVERROR_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR.
AVErrorHttpUnauthorizedConst wraps AVERROR_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED.
const AVErrorInputChangedConst = C.AVERROR_INPUT_CHANGED
AVErrorInputChangedConst wraps AVERROR_INPUT_CHANGED.
const AVErrorInvaliddataConst = C.AVERROR_INVALIDDATA
AVErrorInvaliddataConst wraps AVERROR_INVALIDDATA.
const AVErrorMaxStringSize = C.AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE
AVErrorMaxStringSize wraps AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE.
const AVErrorMuxerNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_MUXER_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorMuxerNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_MUXER_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorOptionNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorOptionNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorOutputChangedConst = C.AVERROR_OUTPUT_CHANGED
AVErrorOutputChangedConst wraps AVERROR_OUTPUT_CHANGED.
const AVErrorPatchwelcomeConst = C.AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME
AVErrorPatchwelcomeConst wraps AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME.
const AVErrorProtocolNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorProtocolNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorStreamNotFoundConst = C.AVERROR_STREAM_NOT_FOUND
AVErrorStreamNotFoundConst wraps AVERROR_STREAM_NOT_FOUND.
const AVErrorUnknownConst = C.AVERROR_UNKNOWN
AVErrorUnknownConst wraps AVERROR_UNKNOWN.
const AVFilterAutoConvertAll = C.AVFILTER_AUTO_CONVERT_ALL
const AVFilterAutoConvertNone = C.AVFILTER_AUTO_CONVERT_NONE
const AVFilterCmdFlagFast = C.AVFILTER_CMD_FLAG_FAST
const AVFilterCmdFlagOne = C.AVFILTER_CMD_FLAG_ONE
const AVFilterFlagDynamicInputs = C.AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_INPUTS
const AVFilterFlagDynamicOutputs = C.AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_OUTPUTS
const AVFilterFlagMetadataOnly = C.AVFILTER_FLAG_METADATA_ONLY
const AVFilterFlagSliceThreads = C.AVFILTER_FLAG_SLICE_THREADS
const AVFilterFlagSupportTimeline = C.AVFILTER_FLAG_SUPPORT_TIMELINE
const AVFilterThreadSlice = C.AVFILTER_THREAD_SLICE
AVFilterThreadSlice wraps AVFILTER_THREAD_SLICE.
const AVFmtAllowFlush = C.AVFMT_ALLOW_FLUSH
AVFmtAllowFlush wraps AVFMT_ALLOW_FLUSH.
const AVFmtExperimental = C.AVFMT_EXPERIMENTAL
AVFmtExperimental wraps AVFMT_EXPERIMENTAL.
const AVFmtFlagAutoBsf = C.AVFMT_FLAG_AUTO_BSF
const AVFmtFlagBitexact = C.AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT
AVFmtFlagBitexact wraps AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT.
const AVFmtFlagDiscardCorrupt = C.AVFMT_FLAG_DISCARD_CORRUPT
const AVFmtFlagFastSeek = C.AVFMT_FLAG_FAST_SEEK
const AVFmtFlagFlushPackets = C.AVFMT_FLAG_FLUSH_PACKETS
const AVFmtFlagGenpts = C.AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS
AVFmtFlagGenpts wraps AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS.
const AVFmtFlagIgndts = C.AVFMT_FLAG_IGNDTS
AVFmtFlagIgndts wraps AVFMT_FLAG_IGNDTS.
const AVFmtFlagIgnidx = C.AVFMT_FLAG_IGNIDX
AVFmtFlagIgnidx wraps AVFMT_FLAG_IGNIDX.
const AVFmtFlagNobuffer = C.AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER
AVFmtFlagNobuffer wraps AVFMT_FLAG_NOBUFFER.
const AVFmtFlagNofillin = C.AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN
AVFmtFlagNofillin wraps AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN.
const AVFmtFlagNonblock = C.AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK
AVFmtFlagNonblock wraps AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK.
const AVFmtFlagNoparse = C.AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE
AVFmtFlagNoparse wraps AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE.
const AVFmtFlagShortest = C.AVFMT_FLAG_SHORTEST
AVFmtFlagShortest wraps AVFMT_FLAG_SHORTEST.
const AVFmtFlagSortDts = C.AVFMT_FLAG_SORT_DTS
const AVFmtGenericIndex = C.AVFMT_GENERIC_INDEX
AVFmtGenericIndex wraps AVFMT_GENERIC_INDEX.
const AVFmtGlobalheader = C.AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER
AVFmtGlobalheader wraps AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER.
const AVFmtNeednumber = C.AVFMT_NEEDNUMBER
AVFmtNeednumber wraps AVFMT_NEEDNUMBER.
const AVFmtNoByteSeek = C.AVFMT_NO_BYTE_SEEK
const AVFmtNobinsearch = C.AVFMT_NOBINSEARCH
AVFmtNobinsearch wraps AVFMT_NOBINSEARCH.
const AVFmtNodimensions = C.AVFMT_NODIMENSIONS
AVFmtNodimensions wraps AVFMT_NODIMENSIONS.
const AVFmtNofile = C.AVFMT_NOFILE
AVFmtNofile wraps AVFMT_NOFILE.
const AVFmtNogensearch = C.AVFMT_NOGENSEARCH
AVFmtNogensearch wraps AVFMT_NOGENSEARCH.
const AVFmtNostreams = C.AVFMT_NOSTREAMS
AVFmtNostreams wraps AVFMT_NOSTREAMS.
const AVFmtNotimestamps = C.AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS
AVFmtNotimestamps wraps AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS.
const AVFmtSeekToPts = C.AVFMT_SEEK_TO_PTS
const AVFmtShowIds = C.AVFMT_SHOW_IDS
AVFmtShowIds wraps AVFMT_SHOW_IDS.
const AVFmtTsDiscont = C.AVFMT_TS_DISCONT
AVFmtTsDiscont wraps AVFMT_TS_DISCONT.
const AVFmtTsNegative = C.AVFMT_TS_NEGATIVE
AVFmtTsNegative wraps AVFMT_TS_NEGATIVE.
const AVFmtTsNonstrict = C.AVFMT_TS_NONSTRICT
AVFmtTsNonstrict wraps AVFMT_TS_NONSTRICT.
const AVFmtVariableFps = C.AVFMT_VARIABLE_FPS
AVFmtVariableFps wraps AVFMT_VARIABLE_FPS.
const AVFmtctxNoheader = C.AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER
AVFmtctxNoheader wraps AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER.
const AVFmtctxUnseekable = C.AVFMTCTX_UNSEEKABLE
AVFmtctxUnseekable wraps AVFMTCTX_UNSEEKABLE.
const AVFourccMaxStringSize = C.AV_FOURCC_MAX_STRING_SIZE
AVFourccMaxStringSize wraps AV_FOURCC_MAX_STRING_SIZE.
const AVFrameCropUnaligned = C.AV_FRAME_CROP_UNALIGNED
AVFrameCropUnaligned wraps AV_FRAME_CROP_UNALIGNED.
const AVFrameFilenameFlagsMultiple = C.AV_FRAME_FILENAME_FLAGS_MULTIPLE
AVFrameFilenameFlagsMultiple wraps AV_FRAME_FILENAME_FLAGS_MULTIPLE.
const AVFrameFlagCorrupt = C.AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT
AVFrameFlagCorrupt wraps AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT.
const AVFrameFlagDiscard = C.AV_FRAME_FLAG_DISCARD
AVFrameFlagDiscard wraps AV_FRAME_FLAG_DISCARD.
const AVFrameFlagInterlaced = C.AV_FRAME_FLAG_INTERLACED
AVFrameFlagInterlaced wraps AV_FRAME_FLAG_INTERLACED.
const AVFrameFlagKey = C.AV_FRAME_FLAG_KEY
AVFrameFlagKey wraps AV_FRAME_FLAG_KEY.
const AVFrameFlagTopFieldFirst = C.AV_FRAME_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST
const AVGetBufferFlagRef = C.AV_GET_BUFFER_FLAG_REF
AVGetBufferFlagRef wraps AV_GET_BUFFER_FLAG_REF.
const AVGetEncodeBufferFlagRef = C.AV_GET_ENCODE_BUFFER_FLAG_REF
const AVIndexDiscardFrame = C.AVINDEX_DISCARD_FRAME
AVIndexDiscardFrame wraps AVINDEX_DISCARD_FRAME.
const AVIndexKeyframe = C.AVINDEX_KEYFRAME
AVIndexKeyframe wraps AVINDEX_KEYFRAME.
const AVInputBufferMinSize = C.AV_INPUT_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE
AVInputBufferMinSize wraps AV_INPUT_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE.
const AVInputBufferPaddingSize = C.AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE
AVInputBufferPaddingSize wraps AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE.
const AVLevelUnknown = C.AV_LEVEL_UNKNOWN
AVLevelUnknown wraps AV_LEVEL_UNKNOWN.
const AVLinkInit = C.AVLINK_INIT
AVLinkInit wraps AVLINK_INIT.
const AVLinkStartinit = C.AVLINK_STARTINIT
AVLinkStartinit wraps AVLINK_STARTINIT.
const AVLinkUninit = C.AVLINK_UNINIT
AVLinkUninit wraps AVLINK_UNINIT.
const AVLogDebug = C.AV_LOG_DEBUG
AVLogDebug wraps AV_LOG_DEBUG.
const AVLogError = C.AV_LOG_ERROR
AVLogError wraps AV_LOG_ERROR.
const AVLogFatal = C.AV_LOG_FATAL
AVLogFatal wraps AV_LOG_FATAL.
const AVLogInfo = C.AV_LOG_INFO
AVLogInfo wraps AV_LOG_INFO.
const AVLogMaxOffset = C.AV_LOG_MAX_OFFSET
AVLogMaxOffset wraps AV_LOG_MAX_OFFSET.
const AVLogPanic = C.AV_LOG_PANIC
AVLogPanic wraps AV_LOG_PANIC.
const AVLogPrintLevel = C.AV_LOG_PRINT_LEVEL
AVLogPrintLevel wraps AV_LOG_PRINT_LEVEL.
const AVLogQuiet = C.AV_LOG_QUIET
AVLogQuiet wraps AV_LOG_QUIET.
const AVLogSkipRepeated = C.AV_LOG_SKIP_REPEATED
AVLogSkipRepeated wraps AV_LOG_SKIP_REPEATED.
const AVLogTrace = C.AV_LOG_TRACE
AVLogTrace wraps AV_LOG_TRACE.
const AVLogVerbose = C.AV_LOG_VERBOSE
AVLogVerbose wraps AV_LOG_VERBOSE.
const AVLogWarning = C.AV_LOG_WARNING
AVLogWarning wraps AV_LOG_WARNING.
const AVNoptsValue = C.AV_NOPTS_VALUE
AVNoptsValue wraps AV_NOPTS_VALUE.
const AVNumDataPointers = C.AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS
AVNumDataPointers wraps AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS.
const AVOptAllowNull = C.AV_OPT_ALLOW_NULL
AVOptAllowNull wraps AV_OPT_ALLOW_NULL.
const AVOptFlagAudioParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM
AVOptFlagAudioParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_AUDIO_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagBsfParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_BSF_PARAM
AVOptFlagBsfParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_BSF_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagChildConsts = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_CHILD_CONSTS
AVOptFlagChildConsts wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_CHILD_CONSTS.
const AVOptFlagDecodingParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM
AVOptFlagDecodingParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagDeprecated = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_DEPRECATED
AVOptFlagDeprecated wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_DEPRECATED.
const AVOptFlagEncodingParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM
AVOptFlagEncodingParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagExport = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_EXPORT
AVOptFlagExport wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_EXPORT.
const AVOptFlagFilteringParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_FILTERING_PARAM
AVOptFlagFilteringParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_FILTERING_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagImplicitKey = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_IMPLICIT_KEY
AVOptFlagImplicitKey wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_IMPLICIT_KEY.
const AVOptFlagReadonly = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_READONLY
AVOptFlagReadonly wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_READONLY.
const AVOptFlagRuntimeParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME_PARAM
AVOptFlagRuntimeParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagSubtitleParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_SUBTITLE_PARAM
AVOptFlagSubtitleParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_SUBTITLE_PARAM.
const AVOptFlagVideoParam = C.AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM
AVOptFlagVideoParam wraps AV_OPT_FLAG_VIDEO_PARAM.
const AVOptMultiComponentRange = C.AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE
AVOptMultiComponentRange wraps AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE.
const AVOptSearchChildren = C.AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN
AVOptSearchChildren wraps AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN.
const AVOptSearchFakeObj = C.AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ
AVOptSearchFakeObj wraps AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ.
const AVOptSerializeOptFlagsExact = C.AV_OPT_SERIALIZE_OPT_FLAGS_EXACT
const AVOptSerializeSkipDefaults = C.AV_OPT_SERIALIZE_SKIP_DEFAULTS
AVOptSerializeSkipDefaults wraps AV_OPT_SERIALIZE_SKIP_DEFAULTS.
const AVPaletteCount = C.AVPALETTE_COUNT
AVPaletteCount wraps AVPALETTE_COUNT.
const AVPaletteSize = C.AVPALETTE_SIZE
AVPaletteSize wraps AVPALETTE_SIZE.
const AVParserPtsNb = C.AV_PARSER_PTS_NB
AVParserPtsNb wraps AV_PARSER_PTS_NB.
const AVPixFmt0Bgr32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_0BGR32
AVPixFmt0Bgr32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_0BGR32.
const AVPixFmt0Rgb32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_0RGB32
AVPixFmt0Rgb32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_0RGB32.
const AVPixFmtAyuv64 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_AYUV64
AVPixFmtAyuv64 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_AYUV64.
const AVPixFmtBayerBggr16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR16
AVPixFmtBayerBggr16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR16.
const AVPixFmtBayerGbrg16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG16
AVPixFmtBayerGbrg16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG16.
const AVPixFmtBayerGrbg16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG16
AVPixFmtBayerGrbg16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG16.
const AVPixFmtBayerRggb16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16
AVPixFmtBayerRggb16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16.
const AVPixFmtBgr32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32
AVPixFmtBgr32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32.
const AVPixFmtBgr321 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32_1
AVPixFmtBgr321 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR32_1.
const AVPixFmtBgr444 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR444
AVPixFmtBgr444 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR444.
const AVPixFmtBgr48 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR48
AVPixFmtBgr48 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR48.
const AVPixFmtBgr555 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR555
AVPixFmtBgr555 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR555.
const AVPixFmtBgr565 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565
AVPixFmtBgr565 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565.
const AVPixFmtBgra64 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA64
AVPixFmtBgra64 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA64.
const AVPixFmtGbrap10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP10
AVPixFmtGbrap10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP10.
const AVPixFmtGbrap12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP12
AVPixFmtGbrap12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP12.
const AVPixFmtGbrap14 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP14
AVPixFmtGbrap14 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP14.
const AVPixFmtGbrap16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16
AVPixFmtGbrap16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16.
const AVPixFmtGbrapf32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAPF32
AVPixFmtGbrapf32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAPF32.
const AVPixFmtGbrp10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP10
AVPixFmtGbrp10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP10.
const AVPixFmtGbrp12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP12
AVPixFmtGbrp12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP12.
const AVPixFmtGbrp14 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP14
AVPixFmtGbrp14 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP14.
const AVPixFmtGbrp16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16
AVPixFmtGbrp16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16.
const AVPixFmtGbrp9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP9
AVPixFmtGbrp9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP9.
const AVPixFmtGbrpf32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32
AVPixFmtGbrpf32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32.
const AVPixFmtGray10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY10
AVPixFmtGray10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY10.
const AVPixFmtGray12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY12
AVPixFmtGray12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY12.
const AVPixFmtGray14 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY14
AVPixFmtGray14 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY14.
const AVPixFmtGray16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16
AVPixFmtGray16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16.
const AVPixFmtGray9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY9
AVPixFmtGray9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY9.
const AVPixFmtGrayf32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAYF32
AVPixFmtGrayf32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAYF32.
const AVPixFmtNv20 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV20
AVPixFmtNv20 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV20.
const AVPixFmtP010 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P010
AVPixFmtP010 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P010.
const AVPixFmtP012 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P012
AVPixFmtP012 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P012.
const AVPixFmtP016 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P016
AVPixFmtP016 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P016.
const AVPixFmtP210 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P210
AVPixFmtP210 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P210.
const AVPixFmtP212 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P212
AVPixFmtP212 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P212.
const AVPixFmtP216 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P216
AVPixFmtP216 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P216.
const AVPixFmtP410 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P410
AVPixFmtP410 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P410.
const AVPixFmtP412 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P412
AVPixFmtP412 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P412.
const AVPixFmtP416 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P416
AVPixFmtP416 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P416.
const AVPixFmtRgb32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32
AVPixFmtRgb32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32.
const AVPixFmtRgb321 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32_1
AVPixFmtRgb321 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32_1.
const AVPixFmtRgb444 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB444
AVPixFmtRgb444 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB444.
const AVPixFmtRgb48 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48
AVPixFmtRgb48 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48.
const AVPixFmtRgb555 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555
AVPixFmtRgb555 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555.
const AVPixFmtRgb565 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565
AVPixFmtRgb565 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565.
const AVPixFmtRgba64 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA64
AVPixFmtRgba64 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA64.
const AVPixFmtRgbaf16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF16
AVPixFmtRgbaf16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF16.
const AVPixFmtRgbaf32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF32
AVPixFmtRgbaf32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF32.
const AVPixFmtRgbf32 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBF32
AVPixFmtRgbf32 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBF32.
const AVPixFmtX2Bgr10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_X2BGR10
AVPixFmtX2Bgr10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_X2BGR10.
const AVPixFmtX2Rgb10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10
AVPixFmtX2Rgb10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10.
const AVPixFmtXv30 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XV30
AVPixFmtXv30 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XV30.
const AVPixFmtXv36 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XV36
AVPixFmtXv36 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XV36.
const AVPixFmtXyz12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XYZ12
AVPixFmtXyz12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XYZ12.
const AVPixFmtY210 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y210
AVPixFmtY210 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y210.
const AVPixFmtY212 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y212
AVPixFmtY212 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y212.
const AVPixFmtYa16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YA16
AVPixFmtYa16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YA16.
const AVPixFmtYuv420P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10
AVPixFmtYuv420P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10.
const AVPixFmtYuv420P12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12
AVPixFmtYuv420P12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12.
const AVPixFmtYuv420P14 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14
AVPixFmtYuv420P14 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14.
const AVPixFmtYuv420P16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16
AVPixFmtYuv420P16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16.
const AVPixFmtYuv420P9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P9
AVPixFmtYuv420P9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P9.
const AVPixFmtYuv422P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10
AVPixFmtYuv422P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10.
const AVPixFmtYuv422P12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12
AVPixFmtYuv422P12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12.
const AVPixFmtYuv422P14 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14
AVPixFmtYuv422P14 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14.
const AVPixFmtYuv422P16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16
AVPixFmtYuv422P16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16.
const AVPixFmtYuv422P9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P9
AVPixFmtYuv422P9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P9.
const AVPixFmtYuv440P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P10
AVPixFmtYuv440P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P10.
const AVPixFmtYuv440P12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P12
AVPixFmtYuv440P12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P12.
const AVPixFmtYuv444P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10
AVPixFmtYuv444P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10.
const AVPixFmtYuv444P12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12
AVPixFmtYuv444P12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12.
const AVPixFmtYuv444P14 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14
AVPixFmtYuv444P14 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14.
const AVPixFmtYuv444P16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16
AVPixFmtYuv444P16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16.
const AVPixFmtYuv444P9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P9
AVPixFmtYuv444P9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P9.
const AVPixFmtYuva420P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P10
AVPixFmtYuva420P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P10.
const AVPixFmtYuva420P16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P16
AVPixFmtYuva420P16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P16.
const AVPixFmtYuva420P9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P9
AVPixFmtYuva420P9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P9.
const AVPixFmtYuva422P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P10
AVPixFmtYuva422P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P10.
const AVPixFmtYuva422P12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P12
AVPixFmtYuva422P12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P12.
const AVPixFmtYuva422P16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P16
AVPixFmtYuva422P16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P16.
const AVPixFmtYuva422P9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P9
AVPixFmtYuva422P9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P9.
const AVPixFmtYuva444P10 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P10
AVPixFmtYuva444P10 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P10.
const AVPixFmtYuva444P12 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P12
AVPixFmtYuva444P12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P12.
const AVPixFmtYuva444P16 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P16
AVPixFmtYuva444P16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P16.
const AVPixFmtYuva444P9 = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P9
AVPixFmtYuva444P9 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P9.
const AVPktDataQualityFactor = C.AV_PKT_DATA_QUALITY_FACTOR
AVPktDataQualityFactor wraps AV_PKT_DATA_QUALITY_FACTOR.
const AVPktFlagCorrupt = C.AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT
AVPktFlagCorrupt wraps AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT.
const AVPktFlagDiscard = C.AV_PKT_FLAG_DISCARD
AVPktFlagDiscard wraps AV_PKT_FLAG_DISCARD.
const AVPktFlagDisposable = C.AV_PKT_FLAG_DISPOSABLE
AVPktFlagDisposable wraps AV_PKT_FLAG_DISPOSABLE.
const AVPktFlagKey = C.AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY
AVPktFlagKey wraps AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY.
const AVPktFlagTrusted = C.AV_PKT_FLAG_TRUSTED
AVPktFlagTrusted wraps AV_PKT_FLAG_TRUSTED.
const AVProbePaddingSize = C.AVPROBE_PADDING_SIZE
AVProbePaddingSize wraps AVPROBE_PADDING_SIZE.
const AVProbeScoreExtension = C.AVPROBE_SCORE_EXTENSION
AVProbeScoreExtension wraps AVPROBE_SCORE_EXTENSION.
const AVProbeScoreMax = C.AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX
AVProbeScoreMax wraps AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX.
const AVProbeScoreMime = C.AVPROBE_SCORE_MIME
AVProbeScoreMime wraps AVPROBE_SCORE_MIME.
const AVProbeScoreRetry = C.AVPROBE_SCORE_RETRY
AVProbeScoreRetry wraps AVPROBE_SCORE_RETRY.
const AVProbeScoreStreamRetry = C.AVPROBE_SCORE_STREAM_RETRY
const AVProfileAV1High = C.AV_PROFILE_AV1_HIGH
AVProfileAV1High wraps AV_PROFILE_AV1_HIGH.
const AVProfileAV1Main = C.AV_PROFILE_AV1_MAIN
AVProfileAV1Main wraps AV_PROFILE_AV1_MAIN.
const AVProfileAV1Professional = C.AV_PROFILE_AV1_PROFESSIONAL
AVProfileAV1Professional wraps AV_PROFILE_AV1_PROFESSIONAL.
const AVProfileAacEld = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_ELD
AVProfileAacEld wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_ELD.
const AVProfileAacHe = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_HE
AVProfileAacHe wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_HE.
const AVProfileAacHeV2 = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_HE_V2
AVProfileAacHeV2 wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_HE_V2.
const AVProfileAacLd = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_LD
AVProfileAacLd wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_LD.
const AVProfileAacLow = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_LOW
AVProfileAacLow wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_LOW.
const AVProfileAacLtp = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_LTP
AVProfileAacLtp wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_LTP.
const AVProfileAacMain = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_MAIN
AVProfileAacMain wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_MAIN.
const AVProfileAacSsr = C.AV_PROFILE_AAC_SSR
AVProfileAacSsr wraps AV_PROFILE_AAC_SSR.
const AVProfileAribProfileA = C.AV_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_A
AVProfileAribProfileA wraps AV_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_A.
const AVProfileAribProfileC = C.AV_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_C
AVProfileAribProfileC wraps AV_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_C.
const AVProfileDnxhd = C.AV_PROFILE_DNXHD
AVProfileDnxhd wraps AV_PROFILE_DNXHD.
const AVProfileDnxhr444 = C.AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_444
AVProfileDnxhr444 wraps AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_444.
const AVProfileDnxhrHq = C.AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQ
AVProfileDnxhrHq wraps AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQ.
const AVProfileDnxhrHqx = C.AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQX
AVProfileDnxhrHqx wraps AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQX.
const AVProfileDnxhrLb = C.AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_LB
AVProfileDnxhrLb wraps AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_LB.
const AVProfileDnxhrSq = C.AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_SQ
AVProfileDnxhrSq wraps AV_PROFILE_DNXHR_SQ.
const AVProfileDts = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS
AVProfileDts wraps AV_PROFILE_DTS.
const AVProfileDts9624 = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS_96_24
AVProfileDts9624 wraps AV_PROFILE_DTS_96_24.
const AVProfileDtsEs = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS_ES
AVProfileDtsEs wraps AV_PROFILE_DTS_ES.
const AVProfileDtsExpress = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS_EXPRESS
AVProfileDtsExpress wraps AV_PROFILE_DTS_EXPRESS.
const AVProfileDtsHdHra = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS_HD_HRA
AVProfileDtsHdHra wraps AV_PROFILE_DTS_HD_HRA.
const AVProfileDtsHdMa = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS_HD_MA
AVProfileDtsHdMa wraps AV_PROFILE_DTS_HD_MA.
const AVProfileDtsHdMaX = C.AV_PROFILE_DTS_HD_MA_X
const AVProfileEac3DdpAtmos = C.AV_PROFILE_EAC3_DDP_ATMOS
AVProfileEac3DdpAtmos wraps AV_PROFILE_EAC3_DDP_ATMOS.
const AVProfileEvcBaseline = C.AV_PROFILE_EVC_BASELINE
AVProfileEvcBaseline wraps AV_PROFILE_EVC_BASELINE.
const AVProfileEvcMain = C.AV_PROFILE_EVC_MAIN
AVProfileEvcMain wraps AV_PROFILE_EVC_MAIN.
const AVProfileH264Baseline = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE
AVProfileH264Baseline wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE.
const AVProfileH264Cavlc444 = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_CAVLC_444
AVProfileH264Cavlc444 wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_CAVLC_444.
const AVProfileH264Constrained = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED
AVProfileH264Constrained wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED.
const AVProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE
AVProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE.
const AVProfileH264Extended = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_EXTENDED
AVProfileH264Extended wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_EXTENDED.
const AVProfileH264High = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH
AVProfileH264High wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH.
const AVProfileH264High10 = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10
AVProfileH264High10 wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10.
const AVProfileH264High10Intra = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10_INTRA
AVProfileH264High10Intra wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10_INTRA.
const AVProfileH264High422 = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422
AVProfileH264High422 wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422.
const AVProfileH264High422Intra = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422_INTRA
AVProfileH264High422Intra wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422_INTRA.
const AVProfileH264High444 = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444
AVProfileH264High444 wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444.
const AVProfileH264High444Intra = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_INTRA
AVProfileH264High444Intra wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_INTRA.
const AVProfileH264High444Predictive = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE
AVProfileH264High444Predictive wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE.
const AVProfileH264Intra = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_INTRA
AVProfileH264Intra wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_INTRA.
const AVProfileH264Main = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_MAIN
AVProfileH264Main wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_MAIN.
const AVProfileH264MultiviewHigh = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_MULTIVIEW_HIGH
AVProfileH264MultiviewHigh wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_MULTIVIEW_HIGH.
const AVProfileH264StereoHigh = C.AV_PROFILE_H264_STEREO_HIGH
AVProfileH264StereoHigh wraps AV_PROFILE_H264_STEREO_HIGH.
const AVProfileHevcMain = C.AV_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN
AVProfileHevcMain wraps AV_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN.
const AVProfileHevcMain10 = C.AV_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_10
AVProfileHevcMain10 wraps AV_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_10.
const AVProfileHevcMainStillPicture = C.AV_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_STILL_PICTURE
const AVProfileHevcRext = C.AV_PROFILE_HEVC_REXT
AVProfileHevcRext wraps AV_PROFILE_HEVC_REXT.
const AVProfileHevcScc = C.AV_PROFILE_HEVC_SCC
AVProfileHevcScc wraps AV_PROFILE_HEVC_SCC.
const AVProfileJpeg2000CstreamNoRestriction = C.AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_NO_RESTRICTION
AVProfileJpeg2000CstreamNoRestriction wraps AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_NO_RESTRICTION.
const AVProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction0 = C.AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_0
AVProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction0 wraps AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_0.
const AVProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction1 = C.AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_1
AVProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction1 wraps AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_1.
const AVProfileJpeg2000Dcinema2K = C.AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_2K
AVProfileJpeg2000Dcinema2K wraps AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_2K.
const AVProfileJpeg2000Dcinema4K = C.AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_4K
AVProfileJpeg2000Dcinema4K wraps AV_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_4K.
const AVProfileKlvaAsync = C.AV_PROFILE_KLVA_ASYNC
AVProfileKlvaAsync wraps AV_PROFILE_KLVA_ASYNC.
const AVProfileKlvaSync = C.AV_PROFILE_KLVA_SYNC
AVProfileKlvaSync wraps AV_PROFILE_KLVA_SYNC.
const AVProfileMjpegHuffmanBaselineDct = C.AV_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_BASELINE_DCT
const AVProfileMjpegHuffmanLossless = C.AV_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_LOSSLESS
AVProfileMjpegHuffmanLossless wraps AV_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_LOSSLESS.
const AVProfileMjpegHuffmanProgressiveDct = C.AV_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_PROGRESSIVE_DCT
const AVProfileMjpegJpegLs = C.AV_PROFILE_MJPEG_JPEG_LS
AVProfileMjpegJpegLs wraps AV_PROFILE_MJPEG_JPEG_LS.
const AVProfileMpeg2422 = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_422
AVProfileMpeg2422 wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_422.
const AVProfileMpeg2AacHe = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_HE
AVProfileMpeg2AacHe wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_HE.
const AVProfileMpeg2AacLow = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_LOW
AVProfileMpeg2AacLow wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_LOW.
const AVProfileMpeg2High = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_HIGH
AVProfileMpeg2High wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_HIGH.
const AVProfileMpeg2Main = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_MAIN
AVProfileMpeg2Main wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_MAIN.
const AVProfileMpeg2Simple = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_SIMPLE
AVProfileMpeg2Simple wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_SIMPLE.
const AVProfileMpeg2SnrScalable = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_SNR_SCALABLE
AVProfileMpeg2SnrScalable wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_SNR_SCALABLE.
const AVProfileMpeg2Ss = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_SS
AVProfileMpeg2Ss wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG2_SS.
const AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedCoding = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CODING
AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedCoding wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CODING.
const AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedCore = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CORE
AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedCore wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CORE.
const AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedRealTime = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_REAL_TIME
AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedRealTime wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_REAL_TIME.
const AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedScalableTexture = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SCALABLE_TEXTURE
AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedScalableTexture wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SCALABLE_TEXTURE.
const AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedSimple = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SIMPLE
AVProfileMpeg4AdvancedSimple wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SIMPLE.
const AVProfileMpeg4BasicAnimatedTexture = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_BASIC_ANIMATED_TEXTURE
AVProfileMpeg4BasicAnimatedTexture wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_BASIC_ANIMATED_TEXTURE.
const AVProfileMpeg4Core = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE
AVProfileMpeg4Core wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE.
const AVProfileMpeg4CoreScalable = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE_SCALABLE
AVProfileMpeg4CoreScalable wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE_SCALABLE.
const AVProfileMpeg4Hybrid = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_HYBRID
AVProfileMpeg4Hybrid wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_HYBRID.
const AVProfileMpeg4Main = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_MAIN
AVProfileMpeg4Main wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_MAIN.
const AVProfileMpeg4NBit = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_N_BIT
AVProfileMpeg4NBit wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_N_BIT.
const AVProfileMpeg4ScalableTexture = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SCALABLE_TEXTURE
AVProfileMpeg4ScalableTexture wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SCALABLE_TEXTURE.
const AVProfileMpeg4Simple = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE
AVProfileMpeg4Simple wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE.
const AVProfileMpeg4SimpleFaceAnimation = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_FACE_ANIMATION
AVProfileMpeg4SimpleFaceAnimation wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_FACE_ANIMATION.
const AVProfileMpeg4SimpleScalable = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_SCALABLE
AVProfileMpeg4SimpleScalable wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_SCALABLE.
const AVProfileMpeg4SimpleStudio = C.AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_STUDIO
AVProfileMpeg4SimpleStudio wraps AV_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_STUDIO.
const AVProfileProres4444 = C.AV_PROFILE_PRORES_4444
AVProfileProres4444 wraps AV_PROFILE_PRORES_4444.
const AVProfileProresHq = C.AV_PROFILE_PRORES_HQ
AVProfileProresHq wraps AV_PROFILE_PRORES_HQ.
const AVProfileProresLt = C.AV_PROFILE_PRORES_LT
AVProfileProresLt wraps AV_PROFILE_PRORES_LT.
const AVProfileProresProxy = C.AV_PROFILE_PRORES_PROXY
AVProfileProresProxy wraps AV_PROFILE_PRORES_PROXY.
const AVProfileProresStandard = C.AV_PROFILE_PRORES_STANDARD
AVProfileProresStandard wraps AV_PROFILE_PRORES_STANDARD.
const AVProfileProresXq = C.AV_PROFILE_PRORES_XQ
AVProfileProresXq wraps AV_PROFILE_PRORES_XQ.
const AVProfileReserved = C.AV_PROFILE_RESERVED
AVProfileReserved wraps AV_PROFILE_RESERVED.
const AVProfileSbcMsbc = C.AV_PROFILE_SBC_MSBC
AVProfileSbcMsbc wraps AV_PROFILE_SBC_MSBC.
const AVProfileTruehdAtmos = C.AV_PROFILE_TRUEHD_ATMOS
AVProfileTruehdAtmos wraps AV_PROFILE_TRUEHD_ATMOS.
const AVProfileUnknown = C.AV_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
AVProfileUnknown wraps AV_PROFILE_UNKNOWN.
const AVProfileVc1Advanced = C.AV_PROFILE_VC1_ADVANCED
AVProfileVc1Advanced wraps AV_PROFILE_VC1_ADVANCED.
const AVProfileVc1Complex = C.AV_PROFILE_VC1_COMPLEX
AVProfileVc1Complex wraps AV_PROFILE_VC1_COMPLEX.
const AVProfileVc1Main = C.AV_PROFILE_VC1_MAIN
AVProfileVc1Main wraps AV_PROFILE_VC1_MAIN.
const AVProfileVc1Simple = C.AV_PROFILE_VC1_SIMPLE
AVProfileVc1Simple wraps AV_PROFILE_VC1_SIMPLE.
const AVProfileVp90 = C.AV_PROFILE_VP9_0
AVProfileVp90 wraps AV_PROFILE_VP9_0.
const AVProfileVp91 = C.AV_PROFILE_VP9_1
AVProfileVp91 wraps AV_PROFILE_VP9_1.
const AVProfileVp92 = C.AV_PROFILE_VP9_2
AVProfileVp92 wraps AV_PROFILE_VP9_2.
const AVProfileVp93 = C.AV_PROFILE_VP9_3
AVProfileVp93 wraps AV_PROFILE_VP9_3.
const AVProfileVvcMain10 = C.AV_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10
AVProfileVvcMain10 wraps AV_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10.
const AVProfileVvcMain10444 = C.AV_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10_444
AVProfileVvcMain10444 wraps AV_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10_444.
const AVProgramRunning = C.AV_PROGRAM_RUNNING
AVProgramRunning wraps AV_PROGRAM_RUNNING.
const AVPtsWrapAddOffset = C.AV_PTS_WRAP_ADD_OFFSET
AVPtsWrapAddOffset wraps AV_PTS_WRAP_ADD_OFFSET.
const AVPtsWrapIgnore = C.AV_PTS_WRAP_IGNORE
AVPtsWrapIgnore wraps AV_PTS_WRAP_IGNORE.
const AVPtsWrapSubOffset = C.AV_PTS_WRAP_SUB_OFFSET
AVPtsWrapSubOffset wraps AV_PTS_WRAP_SUB_OFFSET.
const AVSeekFlagAny = C.AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY
AVSeekFlagAny wraps AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY.
const AVSeekFlagBackward = C.AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD
AVSeekFlagBackward wraps AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD.
const AVSeekFlagByte = C.AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE
AVSeekFlagByte wraps AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE.
const AVSeekFlagFrame = C.AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME
AVSeekFlagFrame wraps AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME.
const AVSeekForce = C.AVSEEK_FORCE
AVSeekForce wraps AVSEEK_FORCE.
const AVSeekSize = C.AVSEEK_SIZE
AVSeekSize wraps AVSEEK_SIZE.
const AVSubtitleFlagForced = C.AV_SUBTITLE_FLAG_FORCED
AVSubtitleFlagForced wraps AV_SUBTITLE_FLAG_FORCED.
const AVTimeBase = C.AV_TIME_BASE
AVTimeBase wraps AV_TIME_BASE.
const FFAPIFifoPeek2 = C.FF_API_FIFO_PEEK2
const FFAPISvtav1Opts = C.FF_API_SVTAV1_OPTS
const FFBugAmv = C.FF_BUG_AMV
FFBugAmv wraps FF_BUG_AMV.
const FFBugAutodetect = C.FF_BUG_AUTODETECT
FFBugAutodetect wraps FF_BUG_AUTODETECT.
const FFBugDcClip = C.FF_BUG_DC_CLIP
FFBugDcClip wraps FF_BUG_DC_CLIP.
const FFBugDirectBlocksize = C.FF_BUG_DIRECT_BLOCKSIZE
FFBugDirectBlocksize wraps FF_BUG_DIRECT_BLOCKSIZE.
const FFBugEdge = C.FF_BUG_EDGE
FFBugEdge wraps FF_BUG_EDGE.
const FFBugHpelChroma = C.FF_BUG_HPEL_CHROMA
FFBugHpelChroma wraps FF_BUG_HPEL_CHROMA.
const FFBugIedge = C.FF_BUG_IEDGE
FFBugIedge wraps FF_BUG_IEDGE.
const FFBugMs = C.FF_BUG_MS
FFBugMs wraps FF_BUG_MS.
const FFBugNoPadding = C.FF_BUG_NO_PADDING
FFBugNoPadding wraps FF_BUG_NO_PADDING.
const FFBugQpelChroma = C.FF_BUG_QPEL_CHROMA
FFBugQpelChroma wraps FF_BUG_QPEL_CHROMA.
const FFBugQpelChroma2 = C.FF_BUG_QPEL_CHROMA2
FFBugQpelChroma2 wraps FF_BUG_QPEL_CHROMA2.
const FFBugStdQpel = C.FF_BUG_STD_QPEL
FFBugStdQpel wraps FF_BUG_STD_QPEL.
const FFBugTruncated = C.FF_BUG_TRUNCATED
FFBugTruncated wraps FF_BUG_TRUNCATED.
const FFBugUmp4 = C.FF_BUG_UMP4
FFBugUmp4 wraps FF_BUG_UMP4.
const FFBugXvidIlace = C.FF_BUG_XVID_ILACE
FFBugXvidIlace wraps FF_BUG_XVID_ILACE.
const FFCmpBit = C.FF_CMP_BIT
FFCmpBit wraps FF_CMP_BIT.
const FFCmpChroma = C.FF_CMP_CHROMA
FFCmpChroma wraps FF_CMP_CHROMA.
const FFCmpDct = C.FF_CMP_DCT
FFCmpDct wraps FF_CMP_DCT.
const FFCmpDct264 = C.FF_CMP_DCT264
FFCmpDct264 wraps FF_CMP_DCT264.
const FFCmpDctmax = C.FF_CMP_DCTMAX
FFCmpDctmax wraps FF_CMP_DCTMAX.
const FFCmpMedianSad = C.FF_CMP_MEDIAN_SAD
FFCmpMedianSad wraps FF_CMP_MEDIAN_SAD.
const FFCmpNsse = C.FF_CMP_NSSE
FFCmpNsse wraps FF_CMP_NSSE.
const FFCmpPsnr = C.FF_CMP_PSNR
FFCmpPsnr wraps FF_CMP_PSNR.
const FFCmpRd = C.FF_CMP_RD
FFCmpRd wraps FF_CMP_RD.
const FFCmpSad = C.FF_CMP_SAD
FFCmpSad wraps FF_CMP_SAD.
const FFCmpSatd = C.FF_CMP_SATD
FFCmpSatd wraps FF_CMP_SATD.
const FFCmpSse = C.FF_CMP_SSE
FFCmpSse wraps FF_CMP_SSE.
const FFCmpVsad = C.FF_CMP_VSAD
FFCmpVsad wraps FF_CMP_VSAD.
const FFCmpVsse = C.FF_CMP_VSSE
FFCmpVsse wraps FF_CMP_VSSE.
const FFCmpW53 = C.FF_CMP_W53
FFCmpW53 wraps FF_CMP_W53.
const FFCmpW97 = C.FF_CMP_W97
FFCmpW97 wraps FF_CMP_W97.
const FFCmpZero = C.FF_CMP_ZERO
FFCmpZero wraps FF_CMP_ZERO.
const FFCodecCrystalHd = C.FF_CODEC_CRYSTAL_HD
FFCodecCrystalHd wraps FF_CODEC_CRYSTAL_HD.
const FFCodecPropertyClosedCaptions = C.FF_CODEC_PROPERTY_CLOSED_CAPTIONS
FFCodecPropertyClosedCaptions wraps FF_CODEC_PROPERTY_CLOSED_CAPTIONS.
const FFCodecPropertyFilmGrain = C.FF_CODEC_PROPERTY_FILM_GRAIN
FFCodecPropertyFilmGrain wraps FF_CODEC_PROPERTY_FILM_GRAIN.
const FFCodecPropertyLossless = C.FF_CODEC_PROPERTY_LOSSLESS
FFCodecPropertyLossless wraps FF_CODEC_PROPERTY_LOSSLESS.
const FFComplianceExperimental = C.FF_COMPLIANCE_EXPERIMENTAL
FFComplianceExperimental wraps FF_COMPLIANCE_EXPERIMENTAL.
const FFComplianceNormal = C.FF_COMPLIANCE_NORMAL
FFComplianceNormal wraps FF_COMPLIANCE_NORMAL.
const FFComplianceStrict = C.FF_COMPLIANCE_STRICT
FFComplianceStrict wraps FF_COMPLIANCE_STRICT.
const FFComplianceUnofficial = C.FF_COMPLIANCE_UNOFFICIAL
FFComplianceUnofficial wraps FF_COMPLIANCE_UNOFFICIAL.
const FFComplianceVeryStrict = C.FF_COMPLIANCE_VERY_STRICT
FFComplianceVeryStrict wraps FF_COMPLIANCE_VERY_STRICT.
const FFCompressionDefault = C.FF_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT
FFCompressionDefault wraps FF_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT.
const FFDctAltivec = C.FF_DCT_ALTIVEC
FFDctAltivec wraps FF_DCT_ALTIVEC.
const FFDctAuto = C.FF_DCT_AUTO
FFDctAuto wraps FF_DCT_AUTO.
const FFDctFaan = C.FF_DCT_FAAN
FFDctFaan wraps FF_DCT_FAAN.
const FFDctFastint = C.FF_DCT_FASTINT
FFDctFastint wraps FF_DCT_FASTINT.
const FFDctInt = C.FF_DCT_INT
FFDctInt wraps FF_DCT_INT.
const FFDctMmx = C.FF_DCT_MMX
FFDctMmx wraps FF_DCT_MMX.
const FFDebugBitstream = C.FF_DEBUG_BITSTREAM
FFDebugBitstream wraps FF_DEBUG_BITSTREAM.
const FFDebugBuffers = C.FF_DEBUG_BUFFERS
FFDebugBuffers wraps FF_DEBUG_BUFFERS.
const FFDebugBugs = C.FF_DEBUG_BUGS
FFDebugBugs wraps FF_DEBUG_BUGS.
const FFDebugDctCoeff = C.FF_DEBUG_DCT_COEFF
FFDebugDctCoeff wraps FF_DEBUG_DCT_COEFF.
const FFDebugEr = C.FF_DEBUG_ER
FFDebugEr wraps FF_DEBUG_ER.
const FFDebugGreenMd = C.FF_DEBUG_GREEN_MD
FFDebugGreenMd wraps FF_DEBUG_GREEN_MD.
const FFDebugMbType = C.FF_DEBUG_MB_TYPE
FFDebugMbType wraps FF_DEBUG_MB_TYPE.
const FFDebugMmco = C.FF_DEBUG_MMCO
FFDebugMmco wraps FF_DEBUG_MMCO.
const FFDebugNomc = C.FF_DEBUG_NOMC
FFDebugNomc wraps FF_DEBUG_NOMC.
const FFDebugPictInfo = C.FF_DEBUG_PICT_INFO
FFDebugPictInfo wraps FF_DEBUG_PICT_INFO.
const FFDebugQp = C.FF_DEBUG_QP
FFDebugQp wraps FF_DEBUG_QP.
const FFDebugRc = C.FF_DEBUG_RC
FFDebugRc wraps FF_DEBUG_RC.
const FFDebugSkip = C.FF_DEBUG_SKIP
FFDebugSkip wraps FF_DEBUG_SKIP.
const FFDebugStartcode = C.FF_DEBUG_STARTCODE
FFDebugStartcode wraps FF_DEBUG_STARTCODE.
const FFDebugThreads = C.FF_DEBUG_THREADS
FFDebugThreads wraps FF_DEBUG_THREADS.
const FFDecodeErrorConcealmentActive = C.FF_DECODE_ERROR_CONCEALMENT_ACTIVE
FFDecodeErrorConcealmentActive wraps FF_DECODE_ERROR_CONCEALMENT_ACTIVE.
const FFDecodeErrorDecodeSlices = C.FF_DECODE_ERROR_DECODE_SLICES
FFDecodeErrorDecodeSlices wraps FF_DECODE_ERROR_DECODE_SLICES.
const FFDecodeErrorInvalidBitstream = C.FF_DECODE_ERROR_INVALID_BITSTREAM
FFDecodeErrorInvalidBitstream wraps FF_DECODE_ERROR_INVALID_BITSTREAM.
const FFDecodeErrorMissingReference = C.FF_DECODE_ERROR_MISSING_REFERENCE
FFDecodeErrorMissingReference wraps FF_DECODE_ERROR_MISSING_REFERENCE.
const FFEcDeblock = C.FF_EC_DEBLOCK
FFEcDeblock wraps FF_EC_DEBLOCK.
const FFEcFavorInter = C.FF_EC_FAVOR_INTER
FFEcFavorInter wraps FF_EC_FAVOR_INTER.
const FFEcGuessMvs = C.FF_EC_GUESS_MVS
FFEcGuessMvs wraps FF_EC_GUESS_MVS.
const FFFdebugTs = C.FF_FDEBUG_TS
FFFdebugTs wraps FF_FDEBUG_TS.
const FFIdctAltivec = C.FF_IDCT_ALTIVEC
FFIdctAltivec wraps FF_IDCT_ALTIVEC.
const FFIdctArm = C.FF_IDCT_ARM
FFIdctArm wraps FF_IDCT_ARM.
const FFIdctAuto = C.FF_IDCT_AUTO
FFIdctAuto wraps FF_IDCT_AUTO.
const FFIdctFaan = C.FF_IDCT_FAAN
FFIdctFaan wraps FF_IDCT_FAAN.
const FFIdctInt = C.FF_IDCT_INT
FFIdctInt wraps FF_IDCT_INT.
const FFIdctNone = C.FF_IDCT_NONE
FFIdctNone wraps FF_IDCT_NONE.
const FFIdctSimple = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLE
FFIdctSimple wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLE.
const FFIdctSimplearm = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLEARM
FFIdctSimplearm wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLEARM.
const FFIdctSimplearmv5Te = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLEARMV5TE
FFIdctSimplearmv5Te wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLEARMV5TE.
const FFIdctSimplearmv6 = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLEARMV6
FFIdctSimplearmv6 wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLEARMV6.
const FFIdctSimpleauto = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLEAUTO
FFIdctSimpleauto wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLEAUTO.
const FFIdctSimplemmx = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLEMMX
FFIdctSimplemmx wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLEMMX.
const FFIdctSimpleneon = C.FF_IDCT_SIMPLENEON
FFIdctSimpleneon wraps FF_IDCT_SIMPLENEON.
const FFIdctXvid = C.FF_IDCT_XVID
FFIdctXvid wraps FF_IDCT_XVID.
const FFLambdaMax = C.FF_LAMBDA_MAX
FFLambdaMax wraps FF_LAMBDA_MAX.
const FFLambdaScale = C.FF_LAMBDA_SCALE
FFLambdaScale wraps FF_LAMBDA_SCALE.
const FFLambdaShift = C.FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT
FFLambdaShift wraps FF_LAMBDA_SHIFT.
const FFLevelUnknown = C.FF_LEVEL_UNKNOWN
FFLevelUnknown wraps FF_LEVEL_UNKNOWN.
const FFMbDecisionBits = C.FF_MB_DECISION_BITS
FFMbDecisionBits wraps FF_MB_DECISION_BITS.
const FFMbDecisionRd = C.FF_MB_DECISION_RD
FFMbDecisionRd wraps FF_MB_DECISION_RD.
const FFMbDecisionSimple = C.FF_MB_DECISION_SIMPLE
FFMbDecisionSimple wraps FF_MB_DECISION_SIMPLE.
const FFProfileAV1High = C.FF_PROFILE_AV1_HIGH
FFProfileAV1High wraps FF_PROFILE_AV1_HIGH.
const FFProfileAV1Main = C.FF_PROFILE_AV1_MAIN
FFProfileAV1Main wraps FF_PROFILE_AV1_MAIN.
const FFProfileAV1Professional = C.FF_PROFILE_AV1_PROFESSIONAL
FFProfileAV1Professional wraps FF_PROFILE_AV1_PROFESSIONAL.
const FFProfileAacEld = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_ELD
FFProfileAacEld wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_ELD.
const FFProfileAacHe = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_HE
FFProfileAacHe wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_HE.
const FFProfileAacHeV2 = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_HE_V2
FFProfileAacHeV2 wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_HE_V2.
const FFProfileAacLd = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_LD
FFProfileAacLd wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_LD.
const FFProfileAacLow = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_LOW
FFProfileAacLow wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_LOW.
const FFProfileAacLtp = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_LTP
FFProfileAacLtp wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_LTP.
const FFProfileAacMain = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_MAIN
FFProfileAacMain wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_MAIN.
const FFProfileAacSsr = C.FF_PROFILE_AAC_SSR
FFProfileAacSsr wraps FF_PROFILE_AAC_SSR.
const FFProfileAribProfileA = C.FF_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_A
FFProfileAribProfileA wraps FF_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_A.
const FFProfileAribProfileC = C.FF_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_C
FFProfileAribProfileC wraps FF_PROFILE_ARIB_PROFILE_C.
const FFProfileDnxhd = C.FF_PROFILE_DNXHD
FFProfileDnxhd wraps FF_PROFILE_DNXHD.
const FFProfileDnxhr444 = C.FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_444
FFProfileDnxhr444 wraps FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_444.
const FFProfileDnxhrHq = C.FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQ
FFProfileDnxhrHq wraps FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQ.
const FFProfileDnxhrHqx = C.FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQX
FFProfileDnxhrHqx wraps FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_HQX.
const FFProfileDnxhrLb = C.FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_LB
FFProfileDnxhrLb wraps FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_LB.
const FFProfileDnxhrSq = C.FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_SQ
FFProfileDnxhrSq wraps FF_PROFILE_DNXHR_SQ.
const FFProfileDts = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS
FFProfileDts wraps FF_PROFILE_DTS.
const FFProfileDts9624 = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS_96_24
FFProfileDts9624 wraps FF_PROFILE_DTS_96_24.
const FFProfileDtsEs = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS_ES
FFProfileDtsEs wraps FF_PROFILE_DTS_ES.
const FFProfileDtsExpress = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS_EXPRESS
FFProfileDtsExpress wraps FF_PROFILE_DTS_EXPRESS.
const FFProfileDtsHdHra = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS_HD_HRA
FFProfileDtsHdHra wraps FF_PROFILE_DTS_HD_HRA.
const FFProfileDtsHdMa = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS_HD_MA
FFProfileDtsHdMa wraps FF_PROFILE_DTS_HD_MA.
const FFProfileDtsHdMaX = C.FF_PROFILE_DTS_HD_MA_X
const FFProfileEac3DdpAtmos = C.FF_PROFILE_EAC3_DDP_ATMOS
FFProfileEac3DdpAtmos wraps FF_PROFILE_EAC3_DDP_ATMOS.
const FFProfileEvcBaseline = C.FF_PROFILE_EVC_BASELINE
FFProfileEvcBaseline wraps FF_PROFILE_EVC_BASELINE.
const FFProfileEvcMain = C.FF_PROFILE_EVC_MAIN
FFProfileEvcMain wraps FF_PROFILE_EVC_MAIN.
const FFProfileH264Baseline = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE
FFProfileH264Baseline wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE.
const FFProfileH264Cavlc444 = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_CAVLC_444
FFProfileH264Cavlc444 wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_CAVLC_444.
const FFProfileH264Constrained = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED
FFProfileH264Constrained wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED.
const FFProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE
FFProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE.
const FFProfileH264Extended = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_EXTENDED
FFProfileH264Extended wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_EXTENDED.
const FFProfileH264High = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH
FFProfileH264High wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH.
const FFProfileH264High10 = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10
FFProfileH264High10 wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10.
const FFProfileH264High10Intra = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10_INTRA
FFProfileH264High10Intra wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10_INTRA.
const FFProfileH264High422 = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422
FFProfileH264High422 wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422.
const FFProfileH264High422Intra = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422_INTRA
FFProfileH264High422Intra wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422_INTRA.
const FFProfileH264High444 = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444
FFProfileH264High444 wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444.
const FFProfileH264High444Intra = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_INTRA
FFProfileH264High444Intra wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_INTRA.
const FFProfileH264High444Predictive = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE
FFProfileH264High444Predictive wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE.
const FFProfileH264Intra = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_INTRA
FFProfileH264Intra wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_INTRA.
const FFProfileH264Main = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN
FFProfileH264Main wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN.
const FFProfileH264MultiviewHigh = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_MULTIVIEW_HIGH
FFProfileH264MultiviewHigh wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_MULTIVIEW_HIGH.
const FFProfileH264StereoHigh = C.FF_PROFILE_H264_STEREO_HIGH
FFProfileH264StereoHigh wraps FF_PROFILE_H264_STEREO_HIGH.
const FFProfileHevcMain = C.FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN
FFProfileHevcMain wraps FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN.
const FFProfileHevcMain10 = C.FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_10
FFProfileHevcMain10 wraps FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_10.
const FFProfileHevcMainStillPicture = C.FF_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_STILL_PICTURE
const FFProfileHevcRext = C.FF_PROFILE_HEVC_REXT
FFProfileHevcRext wraps FF_PROFILE_HEVC_REXT.
const FFProfileHevcScc = C.FF_PROFILE_HEVC_SCC
FFProfileHevcScc wraps FF_PROFILE_HEVC_SCC.
const FFProfileJpeg2000CstreamNoRestriction = C.FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_NO_RESTRICTION
FFProfileJpeg2000CstreamNoRestriction wraps FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_NO_RESTRICTION.
const FFProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction0 = C.FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_0
FFProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction0 wraps FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_0.
const FFProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction1 = C.FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_1
FFProfileJpeg2000CstreamRestriction1 wraps FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_CSTREAM_RESTRICTION_1.
const FFProfileJpeg2000Dcinema2K = C.FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_2K
FFProfileJpeg2000Dcinema2K wraps FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_2K.
const FFProfileJpeg2000Dcinema4K = C.FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_4K
FFProfileJpeg2000Dcinema4K wraps FF_PROFILE_JPEG2000_DCINEMA_4K.
const FFProfileKlvaAsync = C.FF_PROFILE_KLVA_ASYNC
FFProfileKlvaAsync wraps FF_PROFILE_KLVA_ASYNC.
const FFProfileKlvaSync = C.FF_PROFILE_KLVA_SYNC
FFProfileKlvaSync wraps FF_PROFILE_KLVA_SYNC.
const FFProfileMjpegHuffmanBaselineDct = C.FF_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_BASELINE_DCT
const FFProfileMjpegHuffmanLossless = C.FF_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_LOSSLESS
FFProfileMjpegHuffmanLossless wraps FF_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_LOSSLESS.
const FFProfileMjpegHuffmanProgressiveDct = C.FF_PROFILE_MJPEG_HUFFMAN_PROGRESSIVE_DCT
const FFProfileMjpegJpegLs = C.FF_PROFILE_MJPEG_JPEG_LS
FFProfileMjpegJpegLs wraps FF_PROFILE_MJPEG_JPEG_LS.
const FFProfileMpeg2422 = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_422
FFProfileMpeg2422 wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_422.
const FFProfileMpeg2AacHe = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_HE
FFProfileMpeg2AacHe wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_HE.
const FFProfileMpeg2AacLow = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_LOW
FFProfileMpeg2AacLow wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_AAC_LOW.
const FFProfileMpeg2High = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_HIGH
FFProfileMpeg2High wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_HIGH.
const FFProfileMpeg2Main = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_MAIN
FFProfileMpeg2Main wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_MAIN.
const FFProfileMpeg2Simple = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_SIMPLE
FFProfileMpeg2Simple wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_SIMPLE.
const FFProfileMpeg2SnrScalable = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_SNR_SCALABLE
FFProfileMpeg2SnrScalable wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_SNR_SCALABLE.
const FFProfileMpeg2Ss = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_SS
FFProfileMpeg2Ss wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG2_SS.
const FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedCoding = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CODING
FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedCoding wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CODING.
const FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedCore = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CORE
FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedCore wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_CORE.
const FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedRealTime = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_REAL_TIME
FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedRealTime wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_REAL_TIME.
const FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedScalableTexture = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SCALABLE_TEXTURE
FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedScalableTexture wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SCALABLE_TEXTURE.
const FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedSimple = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SIMPLE
FFProfileMpeg4AdvancedSimple wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_ADVANCED_SIMPLE.
const FFProfileMpeg4BasicAnimatedTexture = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_BASIC_ANIMATED_TEXTURE
FFProfileMpeg4BasicAnimatedTexture wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_BASIC_ANIMATED_TEXTURE.
const FFProfileMpeg4Core = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE
FFProfileMpeg4Core wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE.
const FFProfileMpeg4CoreScalable = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE_SCALABLE
FFProfileMpeg4CoreScalable wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_CORE_SCALABLE.
const FFProfileMpeg4Hybrid = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_HYBRID
FFProfileMpeg4Hybrid wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_HYBRID.
const FFProfileMpeg4Main = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_MAIN
FFProfileMpeg4Main wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_MAIN.
const FFProfileMpeg4NBit = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_N_BIT
FFProfileMpeg4NBit wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_N_BIT.
const FFProfileMpeg4ScalableTexture = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SCALABLE_TEXTURE
FFProfileMpeg4ScalableTexture wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SCALABLE_TEXTURE.
const FFProfileMpeg4Simple = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE
FFProfileMpeg4Simple wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE.
const FFProfileMpeg4SimpleFaceAnimation = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_FACE_ANIMATION
FFProfileMpeg4SimpleFaceAnimation wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_FACE_ANIMATION.
const FFProfileMpeg4SimpleScalable = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_SCALABLE
FFProfileMpeg4SimpleScalable wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_SCALABLE.
const FFProfileMpeg4SimpleStudio = C.FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_STUDIO
FFProfileMpeg4SimpleStudio wraps FF_PROFILE_MPEG4_SIMPLE_STUDIO.
const FFProfileProres4444 = C.FF_PROFILE_PRORES_4444
FFProfileProres4444 wraps FF_PROFILE_PRORES_4444.
const FFProfileProresHq = C.FF_PROFILE_PRORES_HQ
FFProfileProresHq wraps FF_PROFILE_PRORES_HQ.
const FFProfileProresLt = C.FF_PROFILE_PRORES_LT
FFProfileProresLt wraps FF_PROFILE_PRORES_LT.
const FFProfileProresProxy = C.FF_PROFILE_PRORES_PROXY
FFProfileProresProxy wraps FF_PROFILE_PRORES_PROXY.
const FFProfileProresStandard = C.FF_PROFILE_PRORES_STANDARD
FFProfileProresStandard wraps FF_PROFILE_PRORES_STANDARD.
const FFProfileProresXq = C.FF_PROFILE_PRORES_XQ
FFProfileProresXq wraps FF_PROFILE_PRORES_XQ.
const FFProfileReserved = C.FF_PROFILE_RESERVED
FFProfileReserved wraps FF_PROFILE_RESERVED.
const FFProfileSbcMsbc = C.FF_PROFILE_SBC_MSBC
FFProfileSbcMsbc wraps FF_PROFILE_SBC_MSBC.
const FFProfileTruehdAtmos = C.FF_PROFILE_TRUEHD_ATMOS
FFProfileTruehdAtmos wraps FF_PROFILE_TRUEHD_ATMOS.
const FFProfileUnknown = C.FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN
FFProfileUnknown wraps FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN.
const FFProfileVc1Advanced = C.FF_PROFILE_VC1_ADVANCED
FFProfileVc1Advanced wraps FF_PROFILE_VC1_ADVANCED.
const FFProfileVc1Complex = C.FF_PROFILE_VC1_COMPLEX
FFProfileVc1Complex wraps FF_PROFILE_VC1_COMPLEX.
const FFProfileVc1Main = C.FF_PROFILE_VC1_MAIN
FFProfileVc1Main wraps FF_PROFILE_VC1_MAIN.
const FFProfileVc1Simple = C.FF_PROFILE_VC1_SIMPLE
FFProfileVc1Simple wraps FF_PROFILE_VC1_SIMPLE.
const FFProfileVp90 = C.FF_PROFILE_VP9_0
FFProfileVp90 wraps FF_PROFILE_VP9_0.
const FFProfileVp91 = C.FF_PROFILE_VP9_1
FFProfileVp91 wraps FF_PROFILE_VP9_1.
const FFProfileVp92 = C.FF_PROFILE_VP9_2
FFProfileVp92 wraps FF_PROFILE_VP9_2.
const FFProfileVp93 = C.FF_PROFILE_VP9_3
FFProfileVp93 wraps FF_PROFILE_VP9_3.
const FFProfileVvcMain10 = C.FF_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10
FFProfileVvcMain10 wraps FF_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10.
const FFProfileVvcMain10444 = C.FF_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10_444
FFProfileVvcMain10444 wraps FF_PROFILE_VVC_MAIN_10_444.
const FFQp2Lambda = C.FF_QP2LAMBDA
FFQp2Lambda wraps FF_QP2LAMBDA.
const FFQualityScale = C.FF_QUALITY_SCALE
FFQualityScale wraps FF_QUALITY_SCALE.
const FFSubCharencModeAutomatic = C.FF_SUB_CHARENC_MODE_AUTOMATIC
FFSubCharencModeAutomatic wraps FF_SUB_CHARENC_MODE_AUTOMATIC.
const FFSubCharencModeDoNothing = C.FF_SUB_CHARENC_MODE_DO_NOTHING
const FFSubCharencModeIgnore = C.FF_SUB_CHARENC_MODE_IGNORE
FFSubCharencModeIgnore wraps FF_SUB_CHARENC_MODE_IGNORE.
const FFSubCharencModePreDecoder = C.FF_SUB_CHARENC_MODE_PRE_DECODER
const FFThreadFrame = C.FF_THREAD_FRAME
FFThreadFrame wraps FF_THREAD_FRAME.
const FFThreadSlice = C.FF_THREAD_SLICE
FFThreadSlice wraps FF_THREAD_SLICE.
const LIBPostprocBuild = C.LIBPOSTPROC_BUILD
const LIBSwresampleBuild = C.LIBSWRESAMPLE_BUILD
const LIBSwscaleBuild = C.LIBSWSCALE_BUILD
const M1Pif = C.M_1_PIf
M1Pif wraps M_1_PIf.
const M2Pif = C.M_2_PIf
M2Pif wraps M_2_PIf.
const M2Sqrtpif = C.M_2_SQRTPIf
M2Sqrtpif wraps M_2_SQRTPIf.
const MEf = C.M_Ef
MEf wraps M_Ef.
const MLn10F = C.M_LN10f
MLn10F wraps M_LN10f.
const MLn2F = C.M_LN2f
MLn2F wraps M_LN2f.
const MLog210 = C.M_LOG2_10
MLog210 wraps M_LOG2_10.
const MLog210F = C.M_LOG2_10f
MLog210F wraps M_LOG2_10f.
const MPhi = C.M_PHI
MPhi wraps M_PHI.
const MPhif = C.M_PHIf
MPhif wraps M_PHIf.
const MPi2F = C.M_PI_2f
MPi2F wraps M_PI_2f.
const MPi4F = C.M_PI_4f
MPi4F wraps M_PI_4f.
const MPif = C.M_PIf
MPif wraps M_PIf.
const MSqrt12F = C.M_SQRT1_2f
MSqrt12F wraps M_SQRT1_2f.
const MSqrt2F = C.M_SQRT2f
MSqrt2F wraps M_SQRT2f.
const ParserFlagCompleteFrames = C.PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES
ParserFlagCompleteFrames wraps PARSER_FLAG_COMPLETE_FRAMES.
const ParserFlagFetchedOffset = C.PARSER_FLAG_FETCHED_OFFSET
ParserFlagFetchedOffset wraps PARSER_FLAG_FETCHED_OFFSET.
const ParserFlagOnce = C.PARSER_FLAG_ONCE
ParserFlagOnce wraps PARSER_FLAG_ONCE.
const ParserFlagUseCodecTs = C.PARSER_FLAG_USE_CODEC_TS
ParserFlagUseCodecTs wraps PARSER_FLAG_USE_CODEC_TS.
const SizeOfAVActiveFormatDescription = C.sizeof_enum_AVActiveFormatDescription
const SizeOfAVAudioServiceType = C.sizeof_enum_AVAudioServiceType
const SizeOfAVChannel = C.sizeof_enum_AVChannel
const SizeOfAVChannelOrder = C.sizeof_enum_AVChannelOrder
const SizeOfAVChromaLocation = C.sizeof_enum_AVChromaLocation
const SizeOfAVClassCategory = C.sizeof_AVClassCategory
const SizeOfAVCodecID = C.sizeof_enum_AVCodecID
const SizeOfAVColorPrimaries = C.sizeof_enum_AVColorPrimaries
const SizeOfAVColorRange = C.sizeof_enum_AVColorRange
const SizeOfAVColorSpace = C.sizeof_enum_AVColorSpace
const SizeOfAVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.sizeof_enum_AVColorTransferCharacteristic
const SizeOfAVDiscard = C.sizeof_enum_AVDiscard
const SizeOfAVDurationEstimationMethod = C.sizeof_enum_AVDurationEstimationMethod
const SizeOfAVFieldOrder = C.sizeof_enum_AVFieldOrder
const SizeOfAVFrameSideDataType = C.sizeof_enum_AVFrameSideDataType
const SizeOfAVHWDeviceType = C.sizeof_enum_AVHWDeviceType
const SizeOfAVHWFrameTransferDirection = C.sizeof_enum_AVHWFrameTransferDirection
const SizeOfAVIODataMarkerType = C.sizeof_enum_AVIODataMarkerType
const SizeOfAVIODirEntryType = C.sizeof_enum_AVIODirEntryType
const SizeOfAVMatrixEncoding = C.sizeof_enum_AVMatrixEncoding
const SizeOfAVMediaType = C.sizeof_enum_AVMediaType
const SizeOfAVOptionType = C.sizeof_enum_AVOptionType
const SizeOfAVPacketSideDataType = C.sizeof_enum_AVPacketSideDataType
const SizeOfAVPictureStructure = C.sizeof_enum_AVPictureStructure
const SizeOfAVPictureType = C.sizeof_enum_AVPictureType
const SizeOfAVPixelFormat = C.sizeof_enum_AVPixelFormat
const SizeOfAVRounding = C.sizeof_enum_AVRounding
const SizeOfAVSampleFormat = C.sizeof_enum_AVSampleFormat
const SizeOfAVSideDataParamChangeFlags = C.sizeof_enum_AVSideDataParamChangeFlags
const SizeOfAVStreamParseType = C.sizeof_enum_AVStreamParseType
const SizeOfAVSubtitleType = C.sizeof_enum_AVSubtitleType
const SizeOfAVTimebaseSource = C.sizeof_enum_AVTimebaseSource
const SliceFlagAllowField = C.SLICE_FLAG_ALLOW_FIELD
SliceFlagAllowField wraps SLICE_FLAG_ALLOW_FIELD.
const SliceFlagAllowPlane = C.SLICE_FLAG_ALLOW_PLANE
SliceFlagAllowPlane wraps SLICE_FLAG_ALLOW_PLANE.
const SliceFlagCodedOrder = C.SLICE_FLAG_CODED_ORDER
SliceFlagCodedOrder wraps SLICE_FLAG_CODED_ORDER.
Variables ¶
var ( EAgain = AVError{Code: -C.EAGAIN} AVErrorEOF = AVError{Code: AVErrorEofConst} )
var AVTimeBaseQ = &AVRational{value: C.AV_TIME_BASE_Q}
Functions ¶
func AVAddIndexEntry ¶
func AVAddIndexEntry(st *AVStream, pos int64, timestamp int64, size int, distance int, flags int) (int, error)
AVAddIndexEntry wraps av_add_index_entry.
Add an index entry into a sorted list. Update the entry if the list already contains it. @param timestamp timestamp in the time base of the given stream
func AVAddStable ¶
func AVAddStable(tsTb *AVRational, ts int64, incTb *AVRational, inc int64) int64
AVAddStable wraps av_add_stable.
Add a value to a timestamp. This function guarantees that when the same value is repeatly added that no accumulation of rounding errors occurs. @param[in] ts Input timestamp @param[in] ts_tb Input timestamp time base @param[in] inc Value to be added @param[in] inc_tb Time base of `inc`
func AVAppendPacket ¶
func AVAppendPacket(s *AVIOContext, pkt *AVPacket, size int) (int, error)
AVAppendPacket wraps av_append_packet.
Read data and append it to the current content of the AVPacket. If pkt->size is 0 this is identical to av_get_packet. Note that this uses av_grow_packet and thus involves a realloc which is inefficient. Thus this function should only be used when there is no reasonable way to know (an upper bound of) the final size. @param s associated IO context @param pkt packet @param size amount of data to read @return >0 (read size) if OK, AVERROR_xxx otherwise, previous data will not be lost even if an error occurs.
func AVBesselI0 ¶ added in v0.2.0
AVBesselI0 wraps av_bessel_i0.
0th order modified bessel function of the first kind.
func AVBprintChannelLayout ¶
AVBprintChannelLayout wraps av_bprint_channel_layout.
Append a description of a channel layout to a bprint buffer. @deprecated use av_channel_layout_describe()
func AVBufferDefaultFree ¶
AVBufferDefaultFree wraps av_buffer_default_free.
Default free callback, which calls av_free() on the buffer data. This function is meant to be passed to av_buffer_create(), not called directly.
func AVBufferGetOpaque ¶
func AVBufferGetOpaque(buf *AVBufferRef) unsafe.Pointer
AVBufferGetOpaque wraps av_buffer_get_opaque.
@return the opaque parameter set by av_buffer_create.
func AVBufferGetRefCount ¶
func AVBufferGetRefCount(buf *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVBufferGetRefCount wraps av_buffer_get_ref_count.
func AVBufferIsWritable ¶
func AVBufferIsWritable(buf *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVBufferIsWritable wraps av_buffer_is_writable.
@return 1 if the caller may write to the data referred to by buf (which is true if and only if buf is the only reference to the underlying AVBuffer). Return 0 otherwise. A positive answer is valid until av_buffer_ref() is called on buf.
func AVBufferMakeWritable ¶
func AVBufferMakeWritable(buf **AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVBufferMakeWritable wraps av_buffer_make_writable.
Create a writable reference from a given buffer reference, avoiding data copy if possible. @param buf buffer reference to make writable. On success, buf is either left untouched, or it is unreferenced and a new writable AVBufferRef is written in its place. On failure, buf is left untouched. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure.
func AVBufferPoolBufferGetOpaque ¶
func AVBufferPoolBufferGetOpaque(ref *AVBufferRef) unsafe.Pointer
AVBufferPoolBufferGetOpaque wraps av_buffer_pool_buffer_get_opaque.
Query the original opaque parameter of an allocated buffer in the pool. @param ref a buffer reference to a buffer returned by av_buffer_pool_get. @return the opaque parameter set by the buffer allocator function of the buffer pool. @note the opaque parameter of ref is used by the buffer pool implementation, therefore you have to use this function to access the original opaque parameter of an allocated buffer.
func AVBufferPoolUninit ¶
func AVBufferPoolUninit(pool **AVBufferPool)
AVBufferPoolUninit wraps av_buffer_pool_uninit.
Mark the pool as being available for freeing. It will actually be freed only once all the allocated buffers associated with the pool are released. Thus it is safe to call this function while some of the allocated buffers are still in use. @param pool pointer to the pool to be freed. It will be set to NULL.
func AVBufferRealloc ¶
func AVBufferRealloc(buf **AVBufferRef, size uint64) (int, error)
AVBufferRealloc wraps av_buffer_realloc.
Reallocate a given buffer. @param buf a buffer reference to reallocate. On success, buf will be unreferenced and a new reference with the required size will be written in its place. On failure buf will be left untouched. *buf may be NULL, then a new buffer is allocated. @param size required new buffer size. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure. @note the buffer is actually reallocated with av_realloc() only if it was initially allocated through av_buffer_realloc(NULL) and there is only one reference to it (i.e. the one passed to this function). In all other cases a new buffer is allocated and the data is copied.
func AVBufferReplace ¶
func AVBufferReplace(dst **AVBufferRef, src *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVBufferReplace wraps av_buffer_replace.
Ensure dst refers to the same data as src. When *dst is already equivalent to src, do nothing. Otherwise unreference dst and replace it with a new reference to src. @param dst Pointer to either a valid buffer reference or NULL. On success, this will point to a buffer reference equivalent to src. On failure, dst will be left untouched. @param src A buffer reference to replace dst with. May be NULL, then this function is equivalent to av_buffer_unref(dst). @return 0 on success AVERROR(ENOMEM) on memory allocation failure.
func AVBufferUnref ¶
func AVBufferUnref(buf **AVBufferRef)
AVBufferUnref wraps av_buffer_unref.
Free a given reference and automatically free the buffer if there are no more references to it. @param buf the reference to be freed. The pointer is set to NULL on return.
func AVBuffersinkGetChLayout ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetChLayout(ctx *AVFilterContext, chLayout *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetChLayout wraps av_buffersink_get_ch_layout.
func AVBuffersinkGetChannelLayout ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetChannelLayout(ctx *AVFilterContext) uint64
AVBuffersinkGetChannelLayout wraps av_buffersink_get_channel_layout.
func AVBuffersinkGetChannels ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetChannels(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetChannels wraps av_buffersink_get_channels.
func AVBuffersinkGetFormat ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetFormat(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetFormat wraps av_buffersink_get_format.
func AVBuffersinkGetFrame ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetFrame(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetFrame wraps av_buffersink_get_frame.
Get a frame with filtered data from sink and put it in frame. @param ctx pointer to a context of a buffersink or abuffersink AVFilter. @param frame pointer to an allocated frame that will be filled with data. The data must be freed using av_frame_unref() / av_frame_free() @return - >= 0 if a frame was successfully returned. - AVERROR(EAGAIN) if no frames are available at this point; more input frames must be added to the filtergraph to get more output. - AVERROR_EOF if there will be no more output frames on this sink. - A different negative AVERROR code in other failure cases.
func AVBuffersinkGetFrameFlags ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetFrameFlags(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetFrameFlags wraps av_buffersink_get_frame_flags.
Get a frame with filtered data from sink and put it in frame. @param ctx pointer to a buffersink or abuffersink filter context. @param frame pointer to an allocated frame that will be filled with data. The data must be freed using av_frame_unref() / av_frame_free() @param flags a combination of AV_BUFFERSINK_FLAG_* flags @return >= 0 in for success, a negative AVERROR code for failure.
func AVBuffersinkGetH ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetH(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetH wraps av_buffersink_get_h.
func AVBuffersinkGetSampleRate ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetSampleRate(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetSampleRate wraps av_buffersink_get_sample_rate.
func AVBuffersinkGetSamples ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetSamples(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame, nbSamples int) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetSamples wraps av_buffersink_get_samples.
Same as av_buffersink_get_frame(), but with the ability to specify the number of samples read. This function is less efficient than av_buffersink_get_frame(), because it copies the data around. @param ctx pointer to a context of the abuffersink AVFilter. @param frame pointer to an allocated frame that will be filled with data. The data must be freed using av_frame_unref() / av_frame_free() frame will contain exactly nb_samples audio samples, except at the end of stream, when it can contain less than nb_samples. @return The return codes have the same meaning as for av_buffersink_get_frame(). @warning do not mix this function with av_buffersink_get_frame(). Use only one or the other with a single sink, not both.
func AVBuffersinkGetW ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetW(ctx *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
AVBuffersinkGetW wraps av_buffersink_get_w.
func AVBuffersinkSetFrameSize ¶
func AVBuffersinkSetFrameSize(ctx *AVFilterContext, frameSize uint)
AVBuffersinkSetFrameSize wraps av_buffersink_set_frame_size.
Set the frame size for an audio buffer sink. All calls to av_buffersink_get_buffer_ref will return a buffer with exactly the specified number of samples, or AVERROR(EAGAIN) if there is not enough. The last buffer at EOF will be padded with 0.
func AVBuffersrcAddFrame ¶
func AVBuffersrcAddFrame(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVBuffersrcAddFrame wraps av_buffersrc_add_frame.
Add a frame to the buffer source. @param ctx an instance of the buffersrc filter @param frame frame to be added. If the frame is reference counted, this function will take ownership of the reference(s) and reset the frame. Otherwise the frame data will be copied. If this function returns an error, the input frame is not touched. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. @note the difference between this function and av_buffersrc_write_frame() is that av_buffersrc_write_frame() creates a new reference to the input frame, while this function takes ownership of the reference passed to it. This function is equivalent to av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags() without the AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF flag.
func AVBuffersrcAddFrameFlags ¶
func AVBuffersrcAddFrameFlags(bufferSrc *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
AVBuffersrcAddFrameFlags wraps av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags.
Add a frame to the buffer source. By default, if the frame is reference-counted, this function will take ownership of the reference(s) and reset the frame. This can be controlled using the flags. If this function returns an error, the input frame is not touched. @param buffer_src pointer to a buffer source context @param frame a frame, or NULL to mark EOF @param flags a combination of AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_* @return >= 0 in case of success, a negative AVERROR code in case of failure
func AVBuffersrcClose ¶
func AVBuffersrcClose(ctx *AVFilterContext, pts int64, flags uint) (int, error)
AVBuffersrcClose wraps av_buffersrc_close.
Close the buffer source after EOF. This is similar to passing NULL to av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags() except it takes the timestamp of the EOF, i.e. the timestamp of the end of the last frame.
func AVBuffersrcGetNbFailedRequests ¶
func AVBuffersrcGetNbFailedRequests(bufferSrc *AVFilterContext) uint
AVBuffersrcGetNbFailedRequests wraps av_buffersrc_get_nb_failed_requests.
Get the number of failed requests. A failed request is when the request_frame method is called while no frame is present in the buffer. The number is reset when a frame is added.
func AVBuffersrcParametersSet ¶
func AVBuffersrcParametersSet(ctx *AVFilterContext, param *AVBufferSrcParameters) (int, error)
AVBuffersrcParametersSet wraps av_buffersrc_parameters_set.
Initialize the buffersrc or abuffersrc filter with the provided parameters. This function may be called multiple times, the later calls override the previous ones. Some of the parameters may also be set through AVOptions, then whatever method is used last takes precedence. @param ctx an instance of the buffersrc or abuffersrc filter @param param the stream parameters. The frames later passed to this filter must conform to those parameters. All the allocated fields in param remain owned by the caller, libavfilter will make internal copies or references when necessary. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVBuffersrcWriteFrame ¶
func AVBuffersrcWriteFrame(ctx *AVFilterContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVBuffersrcWriteFrame wraps av_buffersrc_write_frame.
Add a frame to the buffer source. @param ctx an instance of the buffersrc filter @param frame frame to be added. If the frame is reference counted, this function will make a new reference to it. Otherwise the frame data will be copied. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error This function is equivalent to av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags() with the AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF flag.
func AVCalloc ¶
AVCalloc wraps av_calloc.
Allocate a memory block for an array with av_mallocz(). The allocated memory will have size `size * nmemb` bytes. @param nmemb Number of elements @param size Size of the single element @return Pointer to the allocated block, or `NULL` if the block cannot be allocated @see av_mallocz() @see av_malloc_array()
func AVChannelDescription ¶
AVChannelDescription wraps av_channel_description.
Get a human readable string describing a given channel. @param buf pre-allocated buffer where to put the generated string @param buf_size size in bytes of the buffer. @param channel the AVChannel whose description to get @return amount of bytes needed to hold the output string, or a negative AVERROR on failure. If the returned value is bigger than buf_size, then the string was truncated.
func AVChannelDescriptionBprint ¶
AVChannelDescriptionBprint wraps av_channel_description_bprint.
bprint variant of av_channel_description(). @note the string will be appended to the bprint buffer.
func AVChannelLayoutCheck ¶
func AVChannelLayoutCheck(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutCheck wraps av_channel_layout_check.
Check whether a channel layout is valid, i.e. can possibly describe audio data. @param channel_layout input channel layout @return 1 if channel_layout is valid, 0 otherwise.
func AVChannelLayoutCompare ¶
func AVChannelLayoutCompare(chl *AVChannelLayout, chl1 *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutCompare wraps av_channel_layout_compare.
Check whether two channel layouts are semantically the same, i.e. the same channels are present on the same positions in both. If one of the channel layouts is AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC, while the other is not, they are considered to be unequal. If both are AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC, they are considered equal iff the channel counts are the same in both. @param chl input channel layout @param chl1 input channel layout @return 0 if chl and chl1 are equal, 1 if they are not equal. A negative AVERROR code if one or both are invalid.
func AVChannelLayoutCopy ¶
func AVChannelLayoutCopy(dst *AVChannelLayout, src *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutCopy wraps av_channel_layout_copy.
Make a copy of a channel layout. This differs from just assigning src to dst in that it allocates and copies the map for AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_CUSTOM. @note the destination channel_layout will be always uninitialized before copy. @param dst destination channel layout @param src source channel layout @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error.
func AVChannelLayoutDefault ¶
func AVChannelLayoutDefault(chLayout *AVChannelLayout, nbChannels int)
AVChannelLayoutDefault wraps av_channel_layout_default.
Get the default channel layout for a given number of channels. @param ch_layout the layout structure to be initialized @param nb_channels number of channels
func AVChannelLayoutDescribe ¶
func AVChannelLayoutDescribe(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, buf *CStr, bufSize uint64) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutDescribe wraps av_channel_layout_describe.
Get a human-readable string describing the channel layout properties. The string will be in the same format that is accepted by @ref av_channel_layout_from_string(), allowing to rebuild the same channel layout, except for opaque pointers. @param channel_layout channel layout to be described @param buf pre-allocated buffer where to put the generated string @param buf_size size in bytes of the buffer. @return amount of bytes needed to hold the output string, or a negative AVERROR on failure. If the returned value is bigger than buf_size, then the string was truncated.
func AVChannelLayoutDescribeBprint ¶
func AVChannelLayoutDescribeBprint(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, bp *AVBPrint) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutDescribeBprint wraps av_channel_layout_describe_bprint.
bprint variant of av_channel_layout_describe(). @note the string will be appended to the bprint buffer. @return 0 on success, or a negative AVERROR value on failure.
func AVChannelLayoutExtractChannel ¶
AVChannelLayoutExtractChannel wraps av_channel_layout_extract_channel.
Get the channel with the given index in channel_layout. @deprecated use av_channel_layout_channel_from_index()
func AVChannelLayoutFromMask ¶
func AVChannelLayoutFromMask(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, mask uint64) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutFromMask wraps av_channel_layout_from_mask.
Initialize a native channel layout from a bitmask indicating which channels are present. @param channel_layout the layout structure to be initialized @param mask bitmask describing the channel layout @return 0 on success AVERROR(EINVAL) for invalid mask values
func AVChannelLayoutFromString ¶
func AVChannelLayoutFromString(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, str *CStr) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutFromString wraps av_channel_layout_from_string.
Initialize a channel layout from a given string description. The input string can be represented by: - the formal channel layout name (returned by av_channel_layout_describe()) - single or multiple channel names (returned by av_channel_name(), eg. "FL", or concatenated with "+", each optionally containing a custom name after a "@", eg. "FL@Left+FR@Right+LFE") - a decimal or hexadecimal value of a native channel layout (eg. "4" or "0x4") - the number of channels with default layout (eg. "4c") - the number of unordered channels (eg. "4C" or "4 channels") - the ambisonic order followed by optional non-diegetic channels (eg. "ambisonic 2+stereo") @param channel_layout input channel layout @param str string describing the channel layout @return 0 channel layout was detected, AVERROR_INVALIDATATA otherwise
func AVChannelLayoutIndexFromChannel ¶
func AVChannelLayoutIndexFromChannel(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, channel AVChannel) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutIndexFromChannel wraps av_channel_layout_index_from_channel.
Get the index of a given channel in a channel layout. In case multiple channels are found, only the first match will be returned. @param channel_layout input channel layout @param channel the channel whose index to obtain @return index of channel in channel_layout on success or a negative number if channel is not present in channel_layout.
func AVChannelLayoutIndexFromString ¶
func AVChannelLayoutIndexFromString(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, name *CStr) (int, error)
AVChannelLayoutIndexFromString wraps av_channel_layout_index_from_string.
Get the index in a channel layout of a channel described by the given string. In case multiple channels are found, only the first match will be returned. This function accepts channel names in the same format as @ref av_channel_from_string(). @param channel_layout input channel layout @param name string describing the channel whose index to obtain @return a channel index described by the given string, or a negative AVERROR value.
func AVChannelLayoutSubset ¶
func AVChannelLayoutSubset(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, mask uint64) uint64
AVChannelLayoutSubset wraps av_channel_layout_subset.
Find out what channels from a given set are present in a channel layout, without regard for their positions. @param channel_layout input channel layout @param mask a combination of AV_CH_* representing a set of channels @return a bitfield representing all the channels from mask that are present in channel_layout
func AVChannelLayoutUninit ¶
func AVChannelLayoutUninit(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout)
AVChannelLayoutUninit wraps av_channel_layout_uninit.
Free any allocated data in the channel layout and reset the channel count to 0. @param channel_layout the layout structure to be uninitialized
func AVChannelName ¶
AVChannelName wraps av_channel_name.
Get a human readable string in an abbreviated form describing a given channel. This is the inverse function of @ref av_channel_from_string(). @param buf pre-allocated buffer where to put the generated string @param buf_size size in bytes of the buffer. @param channel the AVChannel whose name to get @return amount of bytes needed to hold the output string, or a negative AVERROR on failure. If the returned value is bigger than buf_size, then the string was truncated.
func AVChannelNameBprint ¶
AVChannelNameBprint wraps av_channel_name_bprint.
bprint variant of av_channel_name(). @note the string will be appended to the bprint buffer.
func AVCmpQ ¶
func AVCmpQ(a *AVRational, b *AVRational) (int, error)
AVCmpQ wraps av_cmp_q.
Compare two rationals. @param a First rational @param b Second rational @return One of the following values: - 0 if `a == b` - 1 if `a > b` - -1 if `a < b` - `INT_MIN` if one of the values is of the form `0 / 0`
func AVCodecClose ¶
func AVCodecClose(avctx *AVCodecContext) (int, error)
AVCodecClose wraps avcodec_close.
Close a given AVCodecContext and free all the data associated with it (but not the AVCodecContext itself). Calling this function on an AVCodecContext that hasn't been opened will free the codec-specific data allocated in avcodec_alloc_context3() with a non-NULL codec. Subsequent calls will do nothing. @note Do not use this function. Use avcodec_free_context() to destroy a codec context (either open or closed). Opening and closing a codec context multiple times is not supported anymore -- use multiple codec contexts instead.
func AVCodecDefaultGetBuffer2 ¶
func AVCodecDefaultGetBuffer2(s *AVCodecContext, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
AVCodecDefaultGetBuffer2 wraps avcodec_default_get_buffer2.
The default callback for AVCodecContext.get_buffer2(). It is made public so it can be called by custom get_buffer2() implementations for decoders without AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 set.
func AVCodecDefaultGetEncodeBuffer ¶
func AVCodecDefaultGetEncodeBuffer(s *AVCodecContext, pkt *AVPacket, flags int) (int, error)
AVCodecDefaultGetEncodeBuffer wraps avcodec_default_get_encode_buffer.
The default callback for AVCodecContext.get_encode_buffer(). It is made public so it can be called by custom get_encode_buffer() implementations for encoders without AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 set.
func AVCodecEncodeSubtitle ¶
func AVCodecEncodeSubtitle(avctx *AVCodecContext, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufSize int, sub *AVSubtitle) (int, error)
AVCodecEncodeSubtitle wraps avcodec_encode_subtitle.
func AVCodecFillAudioFrame ¶
func AVCodecFillAudioFrame(frame *AVFrame, nbChannels int, sampleFmt AVSampleFormat, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufSize int, align int) (int, error)
AVCodecFillAudioFrame wraps avcodec_fill_audio_frame.
Fill AVFrame audio data and linesize pointers. The buffer buf must be a preallocated buffer with a size big enough to contain the specified samples amount. The filled AVFrame data pointers will point to this buffer. AVFrame extended_data channel pointers are allocated if necessary for planar audio. @param frame the AVFrame frame->nb_samples must be set prior to calling the function. This function fills in frame->data, frame->extended_data, frame->linesize[0]. @param nb_channels channel count @param sample_fmt sample format @param buf buffer to use for frame data @param buf_size size of buffer @param align plane size sample alignment (0 = default) @return >=0 on success, negative error code on failure @todo return the size in bytes required to store the samples in case of success, at the next libavutil bump
func AVCodecFlushBuffers ¶
func AVCodecFlushBuffers(avctx *AVCodecContext)
AVCodecFlushBuffers wraps avcodec_flush_buffers.
Reset the internal codec state / flush internal buffers. Should be called e.g. when seeking or when switching to a different stream. @note for decoders, this function just releases any references the decoder might keep internally, but the caller's references remain valid. @note for encoders, this function will only do something if the encoder declares support for AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_FLUSH. When called, the encoder will drain any remaining packets, and can then be re-used for a different stream (as opposed to sending a null frame which will leave the encoder in a permanent EOF state after draining). This can be desirable if the cost of tearing down and replacing the encoder instance is high.
func AVCodecFreeContext ¶
func AVCodecFreeContext(avctx **AVCodecContext)
AVCodecFreeContext wraps avcodec_free_context.
Free the codec context and everything associated with it and write NULL to the provided pointer.
func AVCodecGetHWFramesParameters ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVCodecGetHWFramesParameters(avctx *AVCodecContext, deviceRef *AVBufferRef, hwPixFmt AVPixelFormat, outFramesRef **AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVCodecGetHWFramesParameters wraps avcodec_get_hw_frames_parameters.
Create and return a AVHWFramesContext with values adequate for hardware decoding. This is meant to get called from the get_format callback, and is a helper for preparing a AVHWFramesContext for AVCodecContext.hw_frames_ctx. This API is for decoding with certain hardware acceleration modes/APIs only. The returned AVHWFramesContext is not initialized. The caller must do this with av_hwframe_ctx_init(). Calling this function is not a requirement, but makes it simpler to avoid codec or hardware API specific details when manually allocating frames. Alternatively to this, an API user can set AVCodecContext.hw_device_ctx, which sets up AVCodecContext.hw_frames_ctx fully automatically, and makes it unnecessary to call this function or having to care about AVHWFramesContext initialization at all. There are a number of requirements for calling this function: - It must be called from get_format with the same avctx parameter that was passed to get_format. Calling it outside of get_format is not allowed, and can trigger undefined behavior. - The function is not always supported (see description of return values). Even if this function returns successfully, hwaccel initialization could fail later. (The degree to which implementations check whether the stream is actually supported varies. Some do this check only after the user's get_format callback returns.) - The hw_pix_fmt must be one of the choices suggested by get_format. If the user decides to use a AVHWFramesContext prepared with this API function, the user must return the same hw_pix_fmt from get_format. - The device_ref passed to this function must support the given hw_pix_fmt. - After calling this API function, it is the user's responsibility to initialize the AVHWFramesContext (returned by the out_frames_ref parameter), and to set AVCodecContext.hw_frames_ctx to it. If done, this must be done before returning from get_format (this is implied by the normal AVCodecContext.hw_frames_ctx API rules). - The AVHWFramesContext parameters may change every time time get_format is called. Also, AVCodecContext.hw_frames_ctx is reset before get_format. So you are inherently required to go through this process again on every get_format call. - It is perfectly possible to call this function without actually using the resulting AVHWFramesContext. One use-case might be trying to reuse a previously initialized AVHWFramesContext, and calling this API function only to test whether the required frame parameters have changed. - Fields that use dynamically allocated values of any kind must not be set by the user unless setting them is explicitly allowed by the documentation. If the user sets and AVHWFramesContext.user_opaque, the new free callback must call the potentially set previous free callback. This API call may set any dynamically allocated fields, including the free callback. The function will set at least the following fields on AVHWFramesContext (potentially more, depending on hwaccel API): - All fields set by av_hwframe_ctx_alloc(). - Set the format field to hw_pix_fmt. - Set the sw_format field to the most suited and most versatile format. (An implication is that this will prefer generic formats over opaque formats with arbitrary restrictions, if possible.) - Set the width/height fields to the coded frame size, rounded up to the API-specific minimum alignment. - Only _if_ the hwaccel requires a pre-allocated pool: set the initial_pool_size field to the number of maximum reference surfaces possible with the codec, plus 1 surface for the user to work (meaning the user can safely reference at most 1 decoded surface at a time), plus additional buffering introduced by frame threading. If the hwaccel does not require pre-allocation, the field is left to 0, and the decoder will allocate new surfaces on demand during decoding. - Possibly AVHWFramesContext.hwctx fields, depending on the underlying hardware API. Essentially, out_frames_ref returns the same as av_hwframe_ctx_alloc(), but with basic frame parameters set. The function is stateless, and does not change the AVCodecContext or the device_ref AVHWDeviceContext. @param avctx The context which is currently calling get_format, and which implicitly contains all state needed for filling the returned AVHWFramesContext properly. @param device_ref A reference to the AVHWDeviceContext describing the device which will be used by the hardware decoder. @param hw_pix_fmt The hwaccel format you are going to return from get_format. @param out_frames_ref On success, set to a reference to an _uninitialized_ AVHWFramesContext, created from the given device_ref. Fields will be set to values required for decoding. Not changed if an error is returned. @return zero on success, a negative value on error. The following error codes have special semantics: AVERROR(ENOENT): the decoder does not support this functionality. Setup is always manual, or it is a decoder which does not support setting AVCodecContext.hw_frames_ctx at all, or it is a software format. AVERROR(EINVAL): it is known that hardware decoding is not supported for this configuration, or the device_ref is not supported for the hwaccel referenced by hw_pix_fmt.
func AVCodecGetTag ¶
func AVCodecGetTag(tags **AVCodecTag, id AVCodecID) uint
AVCodecGetTag wraps av_codec_get_tag.
Get the codec tag for the given codec id id. If no codec tag is found returns 0. @param tags list of supported codec_id-codec_tag pairs, as stored in AVInputFormat.codec_tag and AVOutputFormat.codec_tag @param id codec ID to match to a codec tag
func AVCodecIsDecoder ¶
AVCodecIsDecoder wraps av_codec_is_decoder.
@return a non-zero number if codec is a decoder, zero otherwise
func AVCodecIsEncoder ¶
AVCodecIsEncoder wraps av_codec_is_encoder.
@return a non-zero number if codec is an encoder, zero otherwise
func AVCodecIsOpen ¶
func AVCodecIsOpen(s *AVCodecContext) (int, error)
AVCodecIsOpen wraps avcodec_is_open.
@return a positive value if s is open (i.e. avcodec_open2() was called on it with no corresponding avcodec_close()), 0 otherwise.
func AVCodecOpen2 ¶
func AVCodecOpen2(avctx *AVCodecContext, codec *AVCodec, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVCodecOpen2 wraps avcodec_open2.
Initialize the AVCodecContext to use the given AVCodec. Prior to using this function the context has to be allocated with avcodec_alloc_context3(). The functions avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(), avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(), avcodec_find_decoder() and avcodec_find_encoder() provide an easy way for retrieving a codec. Depending on the codec, you might need to set options in the codec context also for decoding (e.g. width, height, or the pixel or audio sample format in the case the information is not available in the bitstream, as when decoding raw audio or video). Options in the codec context can be set either by setting them in the options AVDictionary, or by setting the values in the context itself, directly or by using the av_opt_set() API before calling this function. Example: @code av_dict_set(&opts, "b", "2.5M", 0); codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264); if (!codec) exit(1); context = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec); if (avcodec_open2(context, codec, opts) < 0) exit(1); @endcode In the case AVCodecParameters are available (e.g. when demuxing a stream using libavformat, and accessing the AVStream contained in the demuxer), the codec parameters can be copied to the codec context using avcodec_parameters_to_context(), as in the following example: @code AVStream *stream = ...; context = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec); if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(context, stream->codecpar) < 0) exit(1); if (avcodec_open2(context, codec, NULL) < 0) exit(1); @endcode @note Always call this function before using decoding routines (such as @ref avcodec_receive_frame()). @param avctx The context to initialize. @param codec The codec to open this context for. If a non-NULL codec has been previously passed to avcodec_alloc_context3() or for this context, then this parameter MUST be either NULL or equal to the previously passed codec. @param options A dictionary filled with AVCodecContext and codec-private options, which are set on top of the options already set in avctx, can be NULL. On return this object will be filled with options that were not found in the avctx codec context. @return zero on success, a negative value on error @see avcodec_alloc_context3(), avcodec_find_decoder(), avcodec_find_encoder(), av_dict_set(), av_opt_set(), av_opt_find(), avcodec_parameters_to_context()
func AVCodecParametersCopy ¶
func AVCodecParametersCopy(dst *AVCodecParameters, src *AVCodecParameters) (int, error)
AVCodecParametersCopy wraps avcodec_parameters_copy.
Copy the contents of src to dst. Any allocated fields in dst are freed and replaced with newly allocated duplicates of the corresponding fields in src. @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVCodecParametersFree ¶
func AVCodecParametersFree(par **AVCodecParameters)
AVCodecParametersFree wraps avcodec_parameters_free.
Free an AVCodecParameters instance and everything associated with it and write NULL to the supplied pointer.
func AVCodecParametersFromContext ¶
func AVCodecParametersFromContext(par *AVCodecParameters, codec *AVCodecContext) (int, error)
AVCodecParametersFromContext wraps avcodec_parameters_from_context.
Fill the parameters struct based on the values from the supplied codec context. Any allocated fields in par are freed and replaced with duplicates of the corresponding fields in codec. @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure
func AVCodecParametersToContext ¶
func AVCodecParametersToContext(codec *AVCodecContext, par *AVCodecParameters) (int, error)
AVCodecParametersToContext wraps avcodec_parameters_to_context.
Fill the codec context based on the values from the supplied codec parameters. Any allocated fields in codec that have a corresponding field in par are freed and replaced with duplicates of the corresponding field in par. Fields in codec that do not have a counterpart in par are not touched. @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVCodecPixFmtToCodecTag ¶
func AVCodecPixFmtToCodecTag(pixFmt AVPixelFormat) uint
AVCodecPixFmtToCodecTag wraps avcodec_pix_fmt_to_codec_tag.
Return a value representing the fourCC code associated to the pixel format pix_fmt, or 0 if no associated fourCC code can be found.
func AVCodecReceiveFrame ¶
func AVCodecReceiveFrame(avctx *AVCodecContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVCodecReceiveFrame wraps avcodec_receive_frame.
Return decoded output data from a decoder or encoder (when the @ref AV_CODEC_FLAG_RECON_FRAME flag is used). @param avctx codec context @param frame This will be set to a reference-counted video or audio frame (depending on the decoder type) allocated by the codec. Note that the function will always call av_frame_unref(frame) before doing anything else. @retval 0 success, a frame was returned @retval AVERROR(EAGAIN) output is not available in this state - user must try to send new input @retval AVERROR_EOF the codec has been fully flushed, and there will be no more output frames @retval AVERROR(EINVAL) codec not opened, or it is an encoder without the @ref AV_CODEC_FLAG_RECON_FRAME flag enabled @retval "other negative error code" legitimate decoding errors
func AVCodecReceivePacket ¶
func AVCodecReceivePacket(avctx *AVCodecContext, avpkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
AVCodecReceivePacket wraps avcodec_receive_packet.
Read encoded data from the encoder. @param avctx codec context @param avpkt This will be set to a reference-counted packet allocated by the encoder. Note that the function will always call av_packet_unref(avpkt) before doing anything else. @retval 0 success @retval AVERROR(EAGAIN) output is not available in the current state - user must try to send input @retval AVERROR_EOF the encoder has been fully flushed, and there will be no more output packets @retval AVERROR(EINVAL) codec not opened, or it is a decoder @retval "another negative error code" legitimate encoding errors
func AVCodecSendFrame ¶
func AVCodecSendFrame(avctx *AVCodecContext, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVCodecSendFrame wraps avcodec_send_frame.
Supply a raw video or audio frame to the encoder. Use avcodec_receive_packet() to retrieve buffered output packets. @param avctx codec context @param[in] frame AVFrame containing the raw audio or video frame to be encoded. Ownership of the frame remains with the caller, and the encoder will not write to the frame. The encoder may create a reference to the frame data (or copy it if the frame is not reference-counted). It can be NULL, in which case it is considered a flush packet. This signals the end of the stream. If the encoder still has packets buffered, it will return them after this call. Once flushing mode has been entered, additional flush packets are ignored, and sending frames will return AVERROR_EOF. For audio: If AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE is set, then each frame can have any number of samples. If it is not set, frame->nb_samples must be equal to avctx->frame_size for all frames except the last. The final frame may be smaller than avctx->frame_size. @retval 0 success @retval AVERROR(EAGAIN) input is not accepted in the current state - user must read output with avcodec_receive_packet() (once all output is read, the packet should be resent, and the call will not fail with EAGAIN). @retval AVERROR_EOF the encoder has been flushed, and no new frames can be sent to it @retval AVERROR(EINVAL) codec not opened, it is a decoder, or requires flush @retval AVERROR(ENOMEM) failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar @retval "another negative error code" legitimate encoding errors
func AVCodecSendPacket ¶
func AVCodecSendPacket(avctx *AVCodecContext, avpkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
AVCodecSendPacket wraps avcodec_send_packet.
Supply raw packet data as input to a decoder. Internally, this call will copy relevant AVCodecContext fields, which can influence decoding per-packet, and apply them when the packet is actually decoded. (For example AVCodecContext.skip_frame, which might direct the decoder to drop the frame contained by the packet sent with this function.) @warning The input buffer, avpkt->data must be AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE larger than the actual read bytes because some optimized bitstream readers read 32 or 64 bits at once and could read over the end. @note The AVCodecContext MUST have been opened with @ref avcodec_open2() before packets may be fed to the decoder. @param avctx codec context @param[in] avpkt The input AVPacket. Usually, this will be a single video frame, or several complete audio frames. Ownership of the packet remains with the caller, and the decoder will not write to the packet. The decoder may create a reference to the packet data (or copy it if the packet is not reference-counted). Unlike with older APIs, the packet is always fully consumed, and if it contains multiple frames (e.g. some audio codecs), will require you to call avcodec_receive_frame() multiple times afterwards before you can send a new packet. It can be NULL (or an AVPacket with data set to NULL and size set to 0); in this case, it is considered a flush packet, which signals the end of the stream. Sending the first flush packet will return success. Subsequent ones are unnecessary and will return AVERROR_EOF. If the decoder still has frames buffered, it will return them after sending a flush packet. @retval 0 success @retval AVERROR(EAGAIN) input is not accepted in the current state - user must read output with avcodec_receive_frame() (once all output is read, the packet should be resent, and the call will not fail with EAGAIN). @retval AVERROR_EOF the decoder has been flushed, and no new packets can be sent to it (also returned if more than 1 flush packet is sent) @retval AVERROR(EINVAL) codec not opened, it is an encoder, or requires flush @retval AVERROR(ENOMEM) failed to add packet to internal queue, or similar @retval "another negative error code" legitimate decoding errors
func AVCodecString ¶
func AVCodecString(buf *CStr, bufSize int, enc *AVCodecContext, encode int)
AVCodecString wraps avcodec_string.
func AVCodecVersion ¶
func AVCodecVersion() uint
AVCodecVersion wraps avcodec_version.
Return the LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT constant.
func AVCompareMod ¶
AVCompareMod wraps av_compare_mod.
Compare the remainders of two integer operands divided by a common divisor. In other words, compare the least significant `log2(mod)` bits of integers `a` and `b`. @code{.c} av_compare_mod(0x11, 0x02, 0x10) < 0 // since 0x11 % 0x10 (0x1) < 0x02 % 0x10 (0x2) av_compare_mod(0x11, 0x02, 0x20) > 0 // since 0x11 % 0x20 (0x11) > 0x02 % 0x20 (0x02) @endcode @param a Operand @param b Operand @param mod Divisor; must be a power of 2 @return - a negative value if `a % mod < b % mod` - a positive value if `a % mod > b % mod` - zero if `a % mod == b % mod`
func AVCompareTs ¶
func AVCompareTs(tsA int64, tbA *AVRational, tsB int64, tbB *AVRational) (int, error)
AVCompareTs wraps av_compare_ts.
Compare two timestamps each in its own time base. @return One of the following values: - -1 if `ts_a` is before `ts_b` - 1 if `ts_a` is after `ts_b` - 0 if they represent the same position @warning The result of the function is undefined if one of the timestamps is outside the `int64_t` range when represented in the other's timebase.
func AVDictCopy ¶
func AVDictCopy(dst **AVDictionary, src *AVDictionary, flags int) (int, error)
AVDictCopy wraps av_dict_copy.
Copy entries from one AVDictionary struct into another. @note Metadata is read using the ::AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX flag @param dst Pointer to a pointer to a AVDictionary struct to copy into. If *dst is NULL, this function will allocate a struct for you and put it in *dst @param src Pointer to the source AVDictionary struct to copy items from. @param flags Flags to use when setting entries in *dst @return 0 on success, negative AVERROR code on failure. If dst was allocated by this function, callers should free the associated memory.
func AVDictCount ¶
func AVDictCount(m *AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVDictCount wraps av_dict_count.
Get number of entries in dictionary. @param m dictionary @return number of entries in dictionary
func AVDictFree ¶
func AVDictFree(m **AVDictionary)
AVDictFree wraps av_dict_free.
Free all the memory allocated for an AVDictionary struct and all keys and values.
func AVDictParseString ¶
func AVDictParseString(pm **AVDictionary, str *CStr, keyValSep *CStr, pairsSep *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
AVDictParseString wraps av_dict_parse_string.
Parse the key/value pairs list and add the parsed entries to a dictionary. In case of failure, all the successfully set entries are stored in *pm. You may need to manually free the created dictionary. @param key_val_sep A 0-terminated list of characters used to separate key from value @param pairs_sep A 0-terminated list of characters used to separate two pairs from each other @param flags Flags to use when adding to the dictionary. ::AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_KEY and ::AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_VAL are ignored since the key/value tokens will always be duplicated. @return 0 on success, negative AVERROR code on failure
func AVDictSet ¶
AVDictSet wraps av_dict_set.
Set the given entry in *pm, overwriting an existing entry. Note: If AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_KEY or AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_VAL is set, these arguments will be freed on error. @warning Adding a new entry to a dictionary invalidates all existing entries previously returned with av_dict_get() or av_dict_iterate(). @param pm Pointer to a pointer to a dictionary struct. If *pm is NULL a dictionary struct is allocated and put in *pm. @param key Entry key to add to *pm (will either be av_strduped or added as a new key depending on flags) @param value Entry value to add to *pm (will be av_strduped or added as a new key depending on flags). Passing a NULL value will cause an existing entry to be deleted. @return >= 0 on success otherwise an error code <0
func AVDictSetInt ¶
AVDictSetInt wraps av_dict_set_int.
Convenience wrapper for av_dict_set() that converts the value to a string and stores it. Note: If ::AV_DICT_DONT_STRDUP_KEY is set, key will be freed on error.
func AVDispositionFromString ¶
AVDispositionFromString wraps av_disposition_from_string.
@return The AV_DISPOSITION_* flag corresponding to disp or a negative error code if disp does not correspond to a known stream disposition.
func AVDumpFormat ¶
func AVDumpFormat(ic *AVFormatContext, index int, url *CStr, isOutput int)
AVDumpFormat wraps av_dump_format.
Print detailed information about the input or output format, such as duration, bitrate, streams, container, programs, metadata, side data, codec and time base. @param ic the context to analyze @param index index of the stream to dump information about @param url the URL to print, such as source or destination file @param is_output Select whether the specified context is an input(0) or output(1)
func AVFilenameNumberTest ¶
AVFilenameNumberTest wraps av_filename_number_test.
Check whether filename actually is a numbered sequence generator. @param filename possible numbered sequence string @return 1 if a valid numbered sequence string, 0 otherwise
func AVFilterConfigLinks ¶
func AVFilterConfigLinks(filter *AVFilterContext) (int, error)
AVFilterConfigLinks wraps avfilter_config_links.
Negotiate the media format, dimensions, etc of all inputs to a filter. @param filter the filter to negotiate the properties for its inputs @return zero on successful negotiation
func AVFilterFilterPadCount ¶
AVFilterFilterPadCount wraps avfilter_filter_pad_count.
Get the number of elements in an AVFilter's inputs or outputs array.
func AVFilterFree ¶
func AVFilterFree(filter *AVFilterContext)
AVFilterFree wraps avfilter_free.
Free a filter context. This will also remove the filter from its filtergraph's list of filters. @param filter the filter to free
func AVFilterGraphConfig ¶
func AVFilterGraphConfig(graphctx *AVFilterGraph, logCtx unsafe.Pointer) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphConfig wraps avfilter_graph_config.
Check validity and configure all the links and formats in the graph. @param graphctx the filter graph @param log_ctx context used for logging @return >= 0 in case of success, a negative AVERROR code otherwise
func AVFilterGraphCreateFilter ¶
func AVFilterGraphCreateFilter(filtCtx **AVFilterContext, filt *AVFilter, name *CStr, args *CStr, opaque unsafe.Pointer, graphCtx *AVFilterGraph) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphCreateFilter wraps avfilter_graph_create_filter.
Create and add a filter instance into an existing graph. The filter instance is created from the filter filt and inited with the parameter args. opaque is currently ignored. In case of success put in *filt_ctx the pointer to the created filter instance, otherwise set *filt_ctx to NULL. @param name the instance name to give to the created filter instance @param graph_ctx the filter graph @return a negative AVERROR error code in case of failure, a non negative value otherwise
func AVFilterGraphFree ¶
func AVFilterGraphFree(graph **AVFilterGraph)
AVFilterGraphFree wraps avfilter_graph_free.
Free a graph, destroy its links, and set *graph to NULL. If *graph is NULL, do nothing.
func AVFilterGraphParse ¶
func AVFilterGraphParse(graph *AVFilterGraph, filters *CStr, inputs *AVFilterInOut, outputs *AVFilterInOut, logCtx unsafe.Pointer) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphParse wraps avfilter_graph_parse.
Add a graph described by a string to a graph. @note The caller must provide the lists of inputs and outputs, which therefore must be known before calling the function. @note The inputs parameter describes inputs of the already existing part of the graph; i.e. from the point of view of the newly created part, they are outputs. Similarly the outputs parameter describes outputs of the already existing filters, which are provided as inputs to the parsed filters. @param graph the filter graph where to link the parsed graph context @param filters string to be parsed @param inputs linked list to the inputs of the graph @param outputs linked list to the outputs of the graph @return zero on success, a negative AVERROR code on error
func AVFilterGraphParse2 ¶
func AVFilterGraphParse2(graph *AVFilterGraph, filters *CStr, inputs **AVFilterInOut, outputs **AVFilterInOut) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphParse2 wraps avfilter_graph_parse2.
Add a graph described by a string to a graph. @param[in] graph the filter graph where to link the parsed graph context @param[in] filters string to be parsed @param[out] inputs a linked list of all free (unlinked) inputs of the parsed graph will be returned here. It is to be freed by the caller using avfilter_inout_free(). @param[out] outputs a linked list of all free (unlinked) outputs of the parsed graph will be returned here. It is to be freed by the caller using avfilter_inout_free(). @return zero on success, a negative AVERROR code on error @note This function returns the inputs and outputs that are left unlinked after parsing the graph and the caller then deals with them. @note This function makes no reference whatsoever to already existing parts of the graph and the inputs parameter will on return contain inputs of the newly parsed part of the graph. Analogously the outputs parameter will contain outputs of the newly created filters.
func AVFilterGraphParsePtr ¶
func AVFilterGraphParsePtr(graph *AVFilterGraph, filters *CStr, inputs **AVFilterInOut, outputs **AVFilterInOut, logCtx unsafe.Pointer) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphParsePtr wraps avfilter_graph_parse_ptr.
Add a graph described by a string to a graph. In the graph filters description, if the input label of the first filter is not specified, "in" is assumed; if the output label of the last filter is not specified, "out" is assumed. @param graph the filter graph where to link the parsed graph context @param filters string to be parsed @param inputs pointer to a linked list to the inputs of the graph, may be NULL. If non-NULL, *inputs is updated to contain the list of open inputs after the parsing, should be freed with avfilter_inout_free(). @param outputs pointer to a linked list to the outputs of the graph, may be NULL. If non-NULL, *outputs is updated to contain the list of open outputs after the parsing, should be freed with avfilter_inout_free(). @return non negative on success, a negative AVERROR code on error
func AVFilterGraphQueueCommand ¶
func AVFilterGraphQueueCommand(graph *AVFilterGraph, target *CStr, cmd *CStr, arg *CStr, flags int, ts float64) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphQueueCommand wraps avfilter_graph_queue_command.
Queue a command for one or more filter instances. @param graph the filter graph @param target the filter(s) to which the command should be sent "all" sends to all filters otherwise it can be a filter or filter instance name which will send the command to all matching filters. @param cmd the command to sent, for handling simplicity all commands must be alphanumeric only @param arg the argument for the command @param ts time at which the command should be sent to the filter @note As this executes commands after this function returns, no return code from the filter is provided, also AVFILTER_CMD_FLAG_ONE is not supported.
func AVFilterGraphRequestOldest ¶
func AVFilterGraphRequestOldest(graph *AVFilterGraph) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphRequestOldest wraps avfilter_graph_request_oldest.
Request a frame on the oldest sink link. If the request returns AVERROR_EOF, try the next. Note that this function is not meant to be the sole scheduling mechanism of a filtergraph, only a convenience function to help drain a filtergraph in a balanced way under normal circumstances. Also note that AVERROR_EOF does not mean that frames did not arrive on some of the sinks during the process. When there are multiple sink links, in case the requested link returns an EOF, this may cause a filter to flush pending frames which are sent to another sink link, although unrequested. @return the return value of ff_request_frame(), or AVERROR_EOF if all links returned AVERROR_EOF
func AVFilterGraphSegmentApply ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentApply(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int, inputs **AVFilterInOut, outputs **AVFilterInOut) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSegmentApply wraps avfilter_graph_segment_apply.
Apply all filter/link descriptions from a graph segment to the associated filtergraph. This functions is currently equivalent to calling the following in sequence: - avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters(); - avfilter_graph_segment_apply_opts(); - avfilter_graph_segment_init(); - avfilter_graph_segment_link(); failing if any of them fails. This list may be extended in the future. Since the above functions are idempotent, the caller may call some of them manually, then do some custom processing on the filtergraph, then call this function to do the rest. @param seg the filtergraph segment to process @param flags reserved for future use, caller must set to 0 for now @param[out] inputs passed to avfilter_graph_segment_link() @param[out] outputs passed to avfilter_graph_segment_link() @retval "non-negative number" success @retval "negative error code" failure @note Calling this function multiple times is safe, as it is idempotent.
func AVFilterGraphSegmentApplyOpts ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentApplyOpts(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSegmentApplyOpts wraps avfilter_graph_segment_apply_opts.
Apply parsed options to filter instances in a graph segment. Walk through all filter instances in the graph segment that have option dictionaries associated with them and apply those options with av_opt_set_dict2(..., AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN). AVFilterParams.opts is replaced by the dictionary output by av_opt_set_dict2(), which should be empty (NULL) if all options were successfully applied. If any options could not be found, this function will continue processing all other filters and finally return AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND (unless another error happens). The calling program may then deal with unapplied options as it wishes. Any creation-pending filters (see avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters()) present in the segment will cause this function to fail. AVFilterParams with no associated filter context are simply skipped. @param seg the filtergraph segment to process @param flags reserved for future use, caller must set to 0 for now @retval "non-negative number" Success, all options were successfully applied. @retval AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND some options were not found in a filter @retval "another negative error code" other failures @note Calling this function multiple times is safe, as it is idempotent.
func AVFilterGraphSegmentCreateFilters ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentCreateFilters(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSegmentCreateFilters wraps avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters.
Create filters specified in a graph segment. Walk through the creation-pending AVFilterParams in the segment and create new filter instances for them. Creation-pending params are those where AVFilterParams.filter_name is non-NULL (and hence AVFilterParams.filter is NULL). All other AVFilterParams instances are ignored. For any filter created by this function, the corresponding AVFilterParams.filter is set to the newly-created filter context, AVFilterParams.filter_name and AVFilterParams.instance_name are freed and set to NULL. @param seg the filtergraph segment to process @param flags reserved for future use, caller must set to 0 for now @retval "non-negative number" Success, all creation-pending filters were successfully created @retval AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND some filter's name did not correspond to a known filter @retval "another negative error code" other failures @note Calling this function multiple times is safe, as it is idempotent.
func AVFilterGraphSegmentFree ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentFree(seg **AVFilterGraphSegment)
AVFilterGraphSegmentFree wraps avfilter_graph_segment_free.
Free the provided AVFilterGraphSegment and everything associated with it. @param seg double pointer to the AVFilterGraphSegment to be freed. NULL will be written to this pointer on exit from this function. @note The filter contexts (AVFilterParams.filter) are owned by AVFilterGraph rather than AVFilterGraphSegment, so they are not freed.
func AVFilterGraphSegmentInit ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentInit(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSegmentInit wraps avfilter_graph_segment_init.
Initialize all filter instances in a graph segment. Walk through all filter instances in the graph segment and call avfilter_init_dict(..., NULL) on those that have not been initialized yet. Any creation-pending filters (see avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters()) present in the segment will cause this function to fail. AVFilterParams with no associated filter context or whose filter context is already initialized, are simply skipped. @param seg the filtergraph segment to process @param flags reserved for future use, caller must set to 0 for now @retval "non-negative number" Success, all filter instances were successfully initialized @retval "negative error code" failure @note Calling this function multiple times is safe, as it is idempotent.
func AVFilterGraphSegmentLink ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentLink(seg *AVFilterGraphSegment, flags int, inputs **AVFilterInOut, outputs **AVFilterInOut) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSegmentLink wraps avfilter_graph_segment_link.
Link filters in a graph segment. Walk through all filter instances in the graph segment and try to link all unlinked input and output pads. Any creation-pending filters (see avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters()) present in the segment will cause this function to fail. Disabled filters and already linked pads are skipped. Every filter output pad that has a corresponding AVFilterPadParams with a non-NULL label is - linked to the input with the matching label, if one exists; - exported in the outputs linked list otherwise, with the label preserved. Unlabeled outputs are - linked to the first unlinked unlabeled input in the next non-disabled filter in the chain, if one exists - exported in the ouputs linked list otherwise, with NULL label Similarly, unlinked input pads are exported in the inputs linked list. @param seg the filtergraph segment to process @param flags reserved for future use, caller must set to 0 for now @param[out] inputs a linked list of all free (unlinked) inputs of the filters in this graph segment will be returned here. It is to be freed by the caller using avfilter_inout_free(). @param[out] outputs a linked list of all free (unlinked) outputs of the filters in this graph segment will be returned here. It is to be freed by the caller using avfilter_inout_free(). @retval "non-negative number" success @retval "negative error code" failure @note Calling this function multiple times is safe, as it is idempotent.
func AVFilterGraphSegmentParse ¶
func AVFilterGraphSegmentParse(graph *AVFilterGraph, graphStr *CStr, flags int, seg **AVFilterGraphSegment) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSegmentParse wraps avfilter_graph_segment_parse.
Parse a textual filtergraph description into an intermediate form. This intermediate representation is intended to be modified by the caller as described in the documentation of AVFilterGraphSegment and its children, and then applied to the graph either manually or with other avfilter_graph_segment_*() functions. See the documentation for avfilter_graph_segment_apply() for the canonical way to apply AVFilterGraphSegment. @param graph Filter graph the parsed segment is associated with. Will only be used for logging and similar auxiliary purposes. The graph will not be actually modified by this function - the parsing results are instead stored in seg for further processing. @param graph_str a string describing the filtergraph segment @param flags reserved for future use, caller must set to 0 for now @param seg A pointer to the newly-created AVFilterGraphSegment is written here on success. The graph segment is owned by the caller and must be freed with avfilter_graph_segment_free() before graph itself is freed. @retval "non-negative number" success @retval "negative error code" failure
func AVFilterGraphSendCommand ¶
func AVFilterGraphSendCommand(graph *AVFilterGraph, target *CStr, cmd *CStr, arg *CStr, res *CStr, resLen int, flags int) (int, error)
AVFilterGraphSendCommand wraps avfilter_graph_send_command.
Send a command to one or more filter instances. @param graph the filter graph @param target the filter(s) to which the command should be sent "all" sends to all filters otherwise it can be a filter or filter instance name which will send the command to all matching filters. @param cmd the command to send, for handling simplicity all commands must be alphanumeric only @param arg the argument for the command @param res a buffer with size res_size where the filter(s) can return a response. @returns >=0 on success otherwise an error code. AVERROR(ENOSYS) on unsupported commands
func AVFilterGraphSetAutoConvert ¶
func AVFilterGraphSetAutoConvert(graph *AVFilterGraph, flags uint)
AVFilterGraphSetAutoConvert wraps avfilter_graph_set_auto_convert.
Enable or disable automatic format conversion inside the graph. Note that format conversion can still happen inside explicitly inserted scale and aresample filters. @param flags any of the AVFILTER_AUTO_CONVERT_* constants
func AVFilterInitDict ¶
func AVFilterInitDict(ctx *AVFilterContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVFilterInitDict wraps avfilter_init_dict.
Initialize a filter with the supplied dictionary of options. @param ctx uninitialized filter context to initialize @param options An AVDictionary filled with options for this filter. On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing options that were not found. This dictionary must be freed by the caller. May be NULL, then this function is equivalent to avfilter_init_str() with the second parameter set to NULL. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure @note This function and avfilter_init_str() do essentially the same thing, the difference is in manner in which the options are passed. It is up to the calling code to choose whichever is more preferable. The two functions also behave differently when some of the provided options are not declared as supported by the filter. In such a case, avfilter_init_str() will fail, but this function will leave those extra options in the options AVDictionary and continue as usual.
func AVFilterInitStr ¶
func AVFilterInitStr(ctx *AVFilterContext, args *CStr) (int, error)
AVFilterInitStr wraps avfilter_init_str.
Initialize a filter with the supplied parameters. @param ctx uninitialized filter context to initialize @param args Options to initialize the filter with. This must be a ':'-separated list of options in the 'key=value' form. May be NULL if the options have been set directly using the AVOptions API or there are no options that need to be set. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure
func AVFilterInoutFree ¶
func AVFilterInoutFree(inout **AVFilterInOut)
AVFilterInoutFree wraps avfilter_inout_free.
Free the supplied list of AVFilterInOut and set *inout to NULL. If *inout is NULL, do nothing.
func AVFilterInsertFilter ¶
func AVFilterInsertFilter(link *AVFilterLink, filt *AVFilterContext, filtSrcpadIdx uint, filtDstpadIdx uint) (int, error)
AVFilterInsertFilter wraps avfilter_insert_filter.
Insert a filter in the middle of an existing link. @param link the link into which the filter should be inserted @param filt the filter to be inserted @param filt_srcpad_idx the input pad on the filter to connect @param filt_dstpad_idx the output pad on the filter to connect @return zero on success
func AVFilterLinkFree ¶
func AVFilterLinkFree(link **AVFilterLink)
AVFilterLinkFree wraps avfilter_link_free.
Free the link in *link, and set its pointer to NULL.
func AVFilterLink_ ¶
func AVFilterLink_(src *AVFilterContext, srcpad uint, dst *AVFilterContext, dstpad uint) (int, error)
AVFilterLink_ wraps avfilter_link.
Link two filters together. @param src the source filter @param srcpad index of the output pad on the source filter @param dst the destination filter @param dstpad index of the input pad on the destination filter @return zero on success
func AVFilterProcessCommand ¶
func AVFilterProcessCommand(filter *AVFilterContext, cmd *CStr, arg *CStr, res *CStr, resLen int, flags int) (int, error)
AVFilterProcessCommand wraps avfilter_process_command.
Make the filter instance process a command. It is recommended to use avfilter_graph_send_command().
func AVFilterVersion ¶
func AVFilterVersion() uint
AVFilterVersion wraps avfilter_version.
Return the LIBAVFILTER_VERSION_INT constant.
func AVFindBestStream ¶
func AVFindBestStream(ic *AVFormatContext, _type AVMediaType, wantedStreamNb int, relatedStream int, decoderRet **AVCodec, flags int) (int, error)
AVFindBestStream wraps av_find_best_stream.
Find the "best" stream in the file. The best stream is determined according to various heuristics as the most likely to be what the user expects. If the decoder parameter is non-NULL, av_find_best_stream will find the default decoder for the stream's codec; streams for which no decoder can be found are ignored. @param ic media file handle @param type stream type: video, audio, subtitles, etc. @param wanted_stream_nb user-requested stream number, or -1 for automatic selection @param related_stream try to find a stream related (eg. in the same program) to this one, or -1 if none @param decoder_ret if non-NULL, returns the decoder for the selected stream @param flags flags; none are currently defined @return the non-negative stream number in case of success, AVERROR_STREAM_NOT_FOUND if no stream with the requested type could be found, AVERROR_DECODER_NOT_FOUND if streams were found but no decoder @note If av_find_best_stream returns successfully and decoder_ret is not NULL, then *decoder_ret is guaranteed to be set to a valid AVCodec.
func AVFindDefaultStreamIndex ¶
func AVFindDefaultStreamIndex(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
AVFindDefaultStreamIndex wraps av_find_default_stream_index.
func AVFormatAllocOutputContext2 ¶
func AVFormatAllocOutputContext2(ctx **AVFormatContext, oformat *AVOutputFormat, formatName *CStr, filename *CStr) (int, error)
AVFormatAllocOutputContext2 wraps avformat_alloc_output_context2.
Allocate an AVFormatContext for an output format. avformat_free_context() can be used to free the context and everything allocated by the framework within it. @param ctx pointee is set to the created format context, or to NULL in case of failure @param oformat format to use for allocating the context, if NULL format_name and filename are used instead @param format_name the name of output format to use for allocating the context, if NULL filename is used instead @param filename the name of the filename to use for allocating the context, may be NULL @return >= 0 in case of success, a negative AVERROR code in case of failure
func AVFormatCloseInput ¶
func AVFormatCloseInput(s **AVFormatContext)
AVFormatCloseInput wraps avformat_close_input.
Close an opened input AVFormatContext. Free it and all its contents and set *s to NULL.
func AVFormatFindStreamInfo ¶
func AVFormatFindStreamInfo(ic *AVFormatContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVFormatFindStreamInfo wraps avformat_find_stream_info.
Read packets of a media file to get stream information. This is useful for file formats with no headers such as MPEG. This function also computes the real framerate in case of MPEG-2 repeat frame mode. The logical file position is not changed by this function; examined packets may be buffered for later processing. @param ic media file handle @param options If non-NULL, an ic.nb_streams long array of pointers to dictionaries, where i-th member contains options for codec corresponding to i-th stream. On return each dictionary will be filled with options that were not found. @return >=0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx on error @note this function isn't guaranteed to open all the codecs, so options being non-empty at return is a perfectly normal behavior. @todo Let the user decide somehow what information is needed so that we do not waste time getting stuff the user does not need.
func AVFormatFlush ¶
func AVFormatFlush(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
AVFormatFlush wraps avformat_flush.
Discard all internally buffered data. This can be useful when dealing with discontinuities in the byte stream. Generally works only with formats that can resync. This includes headerless formats like MPEG-TS/TS but should also work with NUT, Ogg and in a limited way AVI for example. The set of streams, the detected duration, stream parameters and codecs do not change when calling this function. If you want a complete reset, it's better to open a new AVFormatContext. This does not flush the AVIOContext (s->pb). If necessary, call avio_flush(s->pb) before calling this function. @param s media file handle @return >=0 on success, error code otherwise
func AVFormatFreeContext ¶
func AVFormatFreeContext(s *AVFormatContext)
AVFormatFreeContext wraps avformat_free_context.
Free an AVFormatContext and all its streams. @param s context to free
func AVFormatIndexGetEntriesCount ¶
AVFormatIndexGetEntriesCount wraps avformat_index_get_entries_count.
Get the index entry count for the given AVStream. @param st stream @return the number of index entries in the stream
func AVFormatInitOutput ¶
func AVFormatInitOutput(s *AVFormatContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVFormatInitOutput wraps avformat_init_output.
Allocate the stream private data and initialize the codec, but do not write the header. May optionally be used before avformat_write_header() to initialize stream parameters before actually writing the header. If using this function, do not pass the same options to avformat_write_header(). @param s Media file handle, must be allocated with avformat_alloc_context(). Its \ref AVFormatContext.oformat "oformat" field must be set to the desired output format; Its \ref AVFormatContext.pb "pb" field must be set to an already opened ::AVIOContext. @param options An ::AVDictionary filled with AVFormatContext and muxer-private options. On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing options that were not found. May be NULL. @retval AVSTREAM_INIT_IN_WRITE_HEADER On success, if the codec requires avformat_write_header to fully initialize. @retval AVSTREAM_INIT_IN_INIT_OUTPUT On success, if the codec has been fully initialized. @retval AVERROR Anegative AVERROR on failure. @see av_opt_find, av_dict_set, avio_open, av_oformat_next, avformat_write_header.
func AVFormatInjectGlobalSideData ¶
func AVFormatInjectGlobalSideData(s *AVFormatContext)
AVFormatInjectGlobalSideData wraps av_format_inject_global_side_data.
This function will cause global side data to be injected in the next packet of each stream as well as after any subsequent seek. @note global side data is always available in every AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.coded_side_data "codecpar side data" array, and in a @ref AVCodecContext.coded_side_data "decoder's side data" array if initialized with said stream's codecpar. @see av_packet_side_data_get()
func AVFormatMatchStreamSpecifier ¶
func AVFormatMatchStreamSpecifier(s *AVFormatContext, st *AVStream, spec *CStr) (int, error)
AVFormatMatchStreamSpecifier wraps avformat_match_stream_specifier.
Check if the stream st contained in s is matched by the stream specifier spec. See the "stream specifiers" chapter in the documentation for the syntax of spec. @return >0 if st is matched by spec; 0 if st is not matched by spec; AVERROR code if spec is invalid @note A stream specifier can match several streams in the format.
func AVFormatNetworkDeinit ¶
AVFormatNetworkDeinit wraps avformat_network_deinit.
Undo the initialization done by avformat_network_init. Call it only once for each time you called avformat_network_init.
func AVFormatNetworkInit ¶
AVFormatNetworkInit wraps avformat_network_init.
Do global initialization of network libraries. This is optional, and not recommended anymore. This functions only exists to work around thread-safety issues with older GnuTLS or OpenSSL libraries. If libavformat is linked to newer versions of those libraries, or if you do not use them, calling this function is unnecessary. Otherwise, you need to call this function before any other threads using them are started. This function will be deprecated once support for older GnuTLS and OpenSSL libraries is removed, and this function has no purpose anymore.
func AVFormatOpenInput ¶
func AVFormatOpenInput(ps **AVFormatContext, url *CStr, fmt *AVInputFormat, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVFormatOpenInput wraps avformat_open_input.
Open an input stream and read the header. The codecs are not opened. The stream must be closed with avformat_close_input(). @param ps Pointer to user-supplied AVFormatContext (allocated by avformat_alloc_context). May be a pointer to NULL, in which case an AVFormatContext is allocated by this function and written into ps. Note that a user-supplied AVFormatContext will be freed on failure. @param url URL of the stream to open. @param fmt If non-NULL, this parameter forces a specific input format. Otherwise the format is autodetected. @param options A dictionary filled with AVFormatContext and demuxer-private options. On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing options that were not found. May be NULL. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure. @note If you want to use custom IO, preallocate the format context and set its pb field.
func AVFormatQueryCodec ¶
func AVFormatQueryCodec(ofmt *AVOutputFormat, codecId AVCodecID, stdCompliance int) (int, error)
AVFormatQueryCodec wraps avformat_query_codec.
Test if the given container can store a codec. @param ofmt container to check for compatibility @param codec_id codec to potentially store in container @param std_compliance standards compliance level, one of FF_COMPLIANCE_* @return 1 if codec with ID codec_id can be stored in ofmt, 0 if it cannot. A negative number if this information is not available.
func AVFormatQueueAttachedPictures ¶
func AVFormatQueueAttachedPictures(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
AVFormatQueueAttachedPictures wraps avformat_queue_attached_pictures.
func AVFormatSeekFile ¶
func AVFormatSeekFile(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, minTs int64, ts int64, maxTs int64, flags int) (int, error)
AVFormatSeekFile wraps avformat_seek_file.
Seek to timestamp ts. Seeking will be done so that the point from which all active streams can be presented successfully will be closest to ts and within min/max_ts. Active streams are all streams that have AVStream.discard < AVDISCARD_ALL. If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE, then all timestamps are in bytes and are the file position (this may not be supported by all demuxers). If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME, then all timestamps are in frames in the stream with stream_index (this may not be supported by all demuxers). Otherwise all timestamps are in units of the stream selected by stream_index or if stream_index is -1, in AV_TIME_BASE units. If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY, then non-keyframes are treated as keyframes (this may not be supported by all demuxers). If flags contain AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD, it is ignored. @param s media file handle @param stream_index index of the stream which is used as time base reference @param min_ts smallest acceptable timestamp @param ts target timestamp @param max_ts largest acceptable timestamp @param flags flags @return >=0 on success, error code otherwise @note This is part of the new seek API which is still under construction.
func AVFormatTransferInternalStreamTimingInfo ¶
func AVFormatTransferInternalStreamTimingInfo(ofmt *AVOutputFormat, ost *AVStream, ist *AVStream, copyTb AVTimebaseSource) (int, error)
AVFormatTransferInternalStreamTimingInfo wraps avformat_transfer_internal_stream_timing_info.
Transfer internal timing information from one stream to another. This function is useful when doing stream copy. @param ofmt target output format for ost @param ost output stream which needs timings copy and adjustments @param ist reference input stream to copy timings from @param copy_tb define from where the stream codec timebase needs to be imported
func AVFormatVersion ¶
func AVFormatVersion() uint
AVFormatVersion wraps avformat_version.
Return the LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_INT constant.
func AVFormatWriteHeader ¶
func AVFormatWriteHeader(s *AVFormatContext, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVFormatWriteHeader wraps avformat_write_header.
Allocate the stream private data and write the stream header to an output media file. @param s Media file handle, must be allocated with avformat_alloc_context(). Its \ref AVFormatContext.oformat "oformat" field must be set to the desired output format; Its \ref AVFormatContext.pb "pb" field must be set to an already opened ::AVIOContext. @param options An ::AVDictionary filled with AVFormatContext and muxer-private options. On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing options that were not found. May be NULL. @retval AVSTREAM_INIT_IN_WRITE_HEADER On success, if the codec had not already been fully initialized in avformat_init_output(). @retval AVSTREAM_INIT_IN_INIT_OUTPUT On success, if the codec had already been fully initialized in avformat_init_output(). @retval AVERROR A negative AVERROR on failure. @see av_opt_find, av_dict_set, avio_open, av_oformat_next, avformat_init_output.
func AVFrameApplyCropping ¶
AVFrameApplyCropping wraps av_frame_apply_cropping.
Crop the given video AVFrame according to its crop_left/crop_top/crop_right/ crop_bottom fields. If cropping is successful, the function will adjust the data pointers and the width/height fields, and set the crop fields to 0. In all cases, the cropping boundaries will be rounded to the inherent alignment of the pixel format. In some cases, such as for opaque hwaccel formats, the left/top cropping is ignored. The crop fields are set to 0 even if the cropping was rounded or ignored. @param frame the frame which should be cropped @param flags Some combination of AV_FRAME_CROP_* flags, or 0. @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. If the cropping fields were invalid, AVERROR(ERANGE) is returned, and nothing is changed.
func AVFrameCopy ¶
AVFrameCopy wraps av_frame_copy.
Copy the frame data from src to dst. This function does not allocate anything, dst must be already initialized and allocated with the same parameters as src. This function only copies the frame data (i.e. the contents of the data / extended data arrays), not any other properties. @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error.
func AVFrameCopyProps ¶
AVFrameCopyProps wraps av_frame_copy_props.
Copy only "metadata" fields from src to dst. Metadata for the purpose of this function are those fields that do not affect the data layout in the buffers. E.g. pts, sample rate (for audio) or sample aspect ratio (for video), but not width/height or channel layout. Side data is also copied.
func AVFrameFree ¶
func AVFrameFree(frame **AVFrame)
AVFrameFree wraps av_frame_free.
Free the frame and any dynamically allocated objects in it, e.g. extended_data. If the frame is reference counted, it will be unreferenced first. @param frame frame to be freed. The pointer will be set to NULL.
func AVFrameGetBuffer ¶
AVFrameGetBuffer wraps av_frame_get_buffer.
Allocate new buffer(s) for audio or video data. The following fields must be set on frame before calling this function: - format (pixel format for video, sample format for audio) - width and height for video - nb_samples and ch_layout for audio This function will fill and AVFrame.buf arrays and, if necessary, allocate and fill AVFrame.extended_data and AVFrame.extended_buf. For planar formats, one buffer will be allocated for each plane. @warning: if frame already has been allocated, calling this function will leak memory. In addition, undefined behavior can occur in certain cases. @param frame frame in which to store the new buffers. @param align Required buffer size alignment. If equal to 0, alignment will be chosen automatically for the current CPU. It is highly recommended to pass 0 here unless you know what you are doing. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error.
func AVFrameIsWritable ¶
AVFrameIsWritable wraps av_frame_is_writable.
Check if the frame data is writable. @return A positive value if the frame data is writable (which is true if and only if each of the underlying buffers has only one reference, namely the one stored in this frame). Return 0 otherwise. If 1 is returned the answer is valid until av_buffer_ref() is called on any of the underlying AVBufferRefs (e.g. through av_frame_ref() or directly). @see av_frame_make_writable(), av_buffer_is_writable()
func AVFrameMakeWritable ¶
AVFrameMakeWritable wraps av_frame_make_writable.
Ensure that the frame data is writable, avoiding data copy if possible. Do nothing if the frame is writable, allocate new buffers and copy the data if it is not. Non-refcounted frames behave as non-writable, i.e. a copy is always made. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. @see av_frame_is_writable(), av_buffer_is_writable(), av_buffer_make_writable()
func AVFrameMoveRef ¶
AVFrameMoveRef wraps av_frame_move_ref.
Move everything contained in src to dst and reset src. @warning: dst is not unreferenced, but directly overwritten without reading or deallocating its contents. Call av_frame_unref(dst) manually before calling this function to ensure that no memory is leaked.
func AVFrameRef ¶
AVFrameRef wraps av_frame_ref.
Set up a new reference to the data described by the source frame. Copy frame properties from src to dst and create a new reference for each AVBufferRef from src. If src is not reference counted, new buffers are allocated and the data is copied. @warning: dst MUST have been either unreferenced with av_frame_unref(dst), or newly allocated with av_frame_alloc() before calling this function, or undefined behavior will occur. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error
func AVFrameRemoveSideData ¶
func AVFrameRemoveSideData(frame *AVFrame, _type AVFrameSideDataType)
AVFrameRemoveSideData wraps av_frame_remove_side_data.
Remove and free all side data instances of the given type.
func AVFrameReplace ¶ added in v0.2.0
AVFrameReplace wraps av_frame_replace.
Ensure the destination frame refers to the same data described by the source frame, either by creating a new reference for each AVBufferRef from src if they differ from those in dst, by allocating new buffers and copying data if src is not reference counted, or by unrefencing it if src is empty. Frame properties on dst will be replaced by those from src. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. On error, dst is unreferenced.
func AVFrameUnref ¶
func AVFrameUnref(frame *AVFrame)
AVFrameUnref wraps av_frame_unref.
Unreference all the buffers referenced by frame and reset the frame fields.
func AVFree ¶
AVFree wraps av_free.
Free a memory block which has been allocated with a function of av_malloc() or av_realloc() family. @param ptr Pointer to the memory block which should be freed. @note `ptr = NULL` is explicitly allowed. @note It is recommended that you use av_freep() instead, to prevent leaving behind dangling pointers. @see av_freep()
func AVFreep ¶
AVFreep wraps av_freep.
Free a memory block which has been allocated with a function of av_malloc() or av_realloc() family, and set the pointer pointing to it to `NULL`. @code{.c} uint8_t *buf = av_malloc(16); av_free(buf); buf now contains a dangling pointer to freed memory, and accidental dereference of buf will result in a use-after-free, which may be a security risk. uint8_t *buf = av_malloc(16); av_freep(&buf); buf is now NULL, and accidental dereference will only result in a NULL-pointer dereference. @endcode @param ptr Pointer to the pointer to the memory block which should be freed @note `*ptr = NULL` is safe and leads to no action. @see av_free()
func AVGcd ¶
AVGcd wraps av_gcd.
Compute the greatest common divisor of two integer operands. @param a Operand @param b Operand @return GCD of a and b up to sign; if a >= 0 and b >= 0, return value is >= 0; if a == 0 and b == 0, returns 0.
func AVGetAudioFrameDuration ¶
func AVGetAudioFrameDuration(avctx *AVCodecContext, frameBytes int) (int, error)
AVGetAudioFrameDuration wraps av_get_audio_frame_duration.
Return audio frame duration. @param avctx codec context @param frame_bytes size of the frame, or 0 if unknown @return frame duration, in samples, if known. 0 if not able to determine.
func AVGetAudioFrameDuration2 ¶
func AVGetAudioFrameDuration2(par *AVCodecParameters, frameBytes int) (int, error)
AVGetAudioFrameDuration2 wraps av_get_audio_frame_duration2.
This function is the same as av_get_audio_frame_duration(), except it works with AVCodecParameters instead of an AVCodecContext.
func AVGetBitsPerSample ¶
AVGetBitsPerSample wraps av_get_bits_per_sample.
Return codec bits per sample. @param[in] codec_id the codec @return Number of bits per sample or zero if unknown for the given codec.
func AVGetBytesPerSample ¶
func AVGetBytesPerSample(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) (int, error)
AVGetBytesPerSample wraps av_get_bytes_per_sample.
Return number of bytes per sample. @param sample_fmt the sample format @return number of bytes per sample or zero if unknown for the given sample format
func AVGetChannelLayout ¶
AVGetChannelLayout wraps av_get_channel_layout.
Return a channel layout id that matches name, or 0 if no match is found. name can be one or several of the following notations, separated by '+' or '|': - the name of an usual channel layout (mono, stereo, 4.0, quad, 5.0, 5.0(side), 5.1, 5.1(side), 7.1, 7.1(wide), downmix); - the name of a single channel (FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, FLC, FRC, BC, SL, SR, TC, TFL, TFC, TFR, TBL, TBC, TBR, DL, DR); - a number of channels, in decimal, followed by 'c', yielding the default channel layout for that number of channels (@see av_get_default_channel_layout); - a channel layout mask, in hexadecimal starting with "0x" (see the AV_CH_* macros). Example: "stereo+FC" = "2c+FC" = "2c+1c" = "0x7" @deprecated use av_channel_layout_from_string()
func AVGetChannelLayoutChannelIndex ¶
AVGetChannelLayoutChannelIndex wraps av_get_channel_layout_channel_index.
Get the index of a channel in channel_layout. @param channel_layout channel layout bitset @param channel a channel layout describing exactly one channel which must be present in channel_layout. @return index of channel in channel_layout on success, a negative AVERROR on error. @deprecated use av_channel_layout_index_from_channel()
func AVGetChannelLayoutNbChannels ¶
AVGetChannelLayoutNbChannels wraps av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels.
Return the number of channels in the channel layout. @deprecated use AVChannelLayout.nb_channels
func AVGetChannelLayoutString ¶
AVGetChannelLayoutString wraps av_get_channel_layout_string.
Return a description of a channel layout. If nb_channels is <= 0, it is guessed from the channel_layout. @param buf put here the string containing the channel layout @param buf_size size in bytes of the buffer @param nb_channels number of channels @param channel_layout channel layout bitset @deprecated use av_channel_layout_describe()
func AVGetDefaultChannelLayout ¶
AVGetDefaultChannelLayout wraps av_get_default_channel_layout.
Return default channel layout for a given number of channels. @deprecated use av_channel_layout_default()
func AVGetExactBitsPerSample ¶
AVGetExactBitsPerSample wraps av_get_exact_bits_per_sample.
Return codec bits per sample. Only return non-zero if the bits per sample is exactly correct, not an approximation. @param[in] codec_id the codec @return Number of bits per sample or zero if unknown for the given codec.
func AVGetFrameFilename ¶
AVGetFrameFilename wraps av_get_frame_filename.
func AVGetFrameFilename2 ¶
AVGetFrameFilename2 wraps av_get_frame_filename2.
Return in 'buf' the path with '%d' replaced by a number. Also handles the '%0nd' format where 'n' is the total number of digits and '%%'. @param buf destination buffer @param buf_size destination buffer size @param path numbered sequence string @param number frame number @param flags AV_FRAME_FILENAME_FLAGS_* @return 0 if OK, -1 on format error
func AVGetPacket ¶
func AVGetPacket(s *AVIOContext, pkt *AVPacket, size int) (int, error)
AVGetPacket wraps av_get_packet.
Allocate and read the payload of a packet and initialize its fields with default values. @param s associated IO context @param pkt packet @param size desired payload size @return >0 (read size) if OK, AVERROR_xxx otherwise
func AVGetPictureTypeChar ¶
func AVGetPictureTypeChar(pictType AVPictureType) uint8
AVGetPictureTypeChar wraps av_get_picture_type_char.
Return a single letter to describe the given picture type pict_type. @param[in] pict_type the picture type @return a single character representing the picture type, '?' if pict_type is unknown
func AVGrowPacket ¶
AVGrowPacket wraps av_grow_packet.
Increase packet size, correctly zeroing padding @param pkt packet @param grow_by number of bytes by which to increase the size of the packet
func AVHWDeviceCtxCreate ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceCtxCreate(deviceCtx **AVBufferRef, _type AVHWDeviceType, device *CStr, opts *AVDictionary, flags int) (int, error)
AVHWDeviceCtxCreate wraps av_hwdevice_ctx_create.
Open a device of the specified type and create an AVHWDeviceContext for it. This is a convenience function intended to cover the simple cases. Callers who need to fine-tune device creation/management should open the device manually and then wrap it in an AVHWDeviceContext using av_hwdevice_ctx_alloc()/av_hwdevice_ctx_init(). The returned context is already initialized and ready for use, the caller should not call av_hwdevice_ctx_init() on it. The user_opaque/free fields of the created AVHWDeviceContext are set by this function and should not be touched by the caller. @param device_ctx On success, a reference to the newly-created device context will be written here. The reference is owned by the caller and must be released with av_buffer_unref() when no longer needed. On failure, NULL will be written to this pointer. @param type The type of the device to create. @param device A type-specific string identifying the device to open. @param opts A dictionary of additional (type-specific) options to use in opening the device. The dictionary remains owned by the caller. @param flags currently unused @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerived ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerived(dstCtx **AVBufferRef, _type AVHWDeviceType, srcCtx *AVBufferRef, flags int) (int, error)
AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerived wraps av_hwdevice_ctx_create_derived.
Create a new device of the specified type from an existing device. If the source device is a device of the target type or was originally derived from such a device (possibly through one or more intermediate devices of other types), then this will return a reference to the existing device of the same type as is requested. Otherwise, it will attempt to derive a new device from the given source device. If direct derivation to the new type is not implemented, it will attempt the same derivation from each ancestor of the source device in turn looking for an implemented derivation method. @param dst_ctx On success, a reference to the newly-created AVHWDeviceContext. @param type The type of the new device to create. @param src_ctx A reference to an existing AVHWDeviceContext which will be used to create the new device. @param flags Currently unused; should be set to zero. @return Zero on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerivedOpts ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerivedOpts(dstCtx **AVBufferRef, _type AVHWDeviceType, srcCtx *AVBufferRef, options *AVDictionary, flags int) (int, error)
AVHWDeviceCtxCreateDerivedOpts wraps av_hwdevice_ctx_create_derived_opts.
Create a new device of the specified type from an existing device. This function performs the same action as av_hwdevice_ctx_create_derived, however, it is able to set options for the new device to be derived. @param dst_ctx On success, a reference to the newly-created AVHWDeviceContext. @param type The type of the new device to create. @param src_ctx A reference to an existing AVHWDeviceContext which will be used to create the new device. @param options Options for the new device to create, same format as in av_hwdevice_ctx_create. @param flags Currently unused; should be set to zero. @return Zero on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVHWDeviceCtxInit ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceCtxInit(ref *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVHWDeviceCtxInit wraps av_hwdevice_ctx_init.
Finalize the device context before use. This function must be called after the context is filled with all the required information and before it is used in any way. @param ref a reference to the AVHWDeviceContext @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure
func AVHWDeviceHWConfigAlloc ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceHWConfigAlloc(deviceCtx *AVBufferRef) unsafe.Pointer
AVHWDeviceHWConfigAlloc wraps av_hwdevice_hwconfig_alloc.
Allocate a HW-specific configuration structure for a given HW device. After use, the user must free all members as required by the specific hardware structure being used, then free the structure itself with av_free(). @param device_ctx a reference to the associated AVHWDeviceContext. @return The newly created HW-specific configuration structure on success or NULL on failure.
func AVHWFrameConstraintsFree ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWFrameConstraintsFree(constraints **AVHWFramesConstraints)
AVHWFrameConstraintsFree wraps av_hwframe_constraints_free.
Free an AVHWFrameConstraints structure. @param constraints The (filled or unfilled) AVHWFrameConstraints structure.
func AVHWFrameCtxCreateDerived ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWFrameCtxCreateDerived(derivedFrameCtx **AVBufferRef, format AVPixelFormat, derivedDeviceCtx *AVBufferRef, sourceFrameCtx *AVBufferRef, flags int) (int, error)
AVHWFrameCtxCreateDerived wraps av_hwframe_ctx_create_derived.
Create and initialise an AVHWFramesContext as a mapping of another existing AVHWFramesContext on a different device. av_hwframe_ctx_init() should not be called after this. @param derived_frame_ctx On success, a reference to the newly created AVHWFramesContext. @param format The AVPixelFormat for the derived context. @param derived_device_ctx A reference to the device to create the new AVHWFramesContext on. @param source_frame_ctx A reference to an existing AVHWFramesContext which will be mapped to the derived context. @param flags Some combination of AV_HWFRAME_MAP_* flags, defining the mapping parameters to apply to frames which are allocated in the derived device. @return Zero on success, negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVHWFrameCtxInit ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWFrameCtxInit(ref *AVBufferRef) (int, error)
AVHWFrameCtxInit wraps av_hwframe_ctx_init.
Finalize the context before use. This function must be called after the context is filled with all the required information and before it is attached to any frames. @param ref a reference to the AVHWFramesContext @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure
func AVHWFrameGetBuffer ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWFrameGetBuffer(hwframeCtx *AVBufferRef, frame *AVFrame, flags int) (int, error)
AVHWFrameGetBuffer wraps av_hwframe_get_buffer.
Allocate a new frame attached to the given AVHWFramesContext. @param hwframe_ctx a reference to an AVHWFramesContext @param frame an empty (freshly allocated or unreffed) frame to be filled with newly allocated buffers. @param flags currently unused, should be set to zero @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure
func AVHWFrameMap ¶ added in v0.5.0
AVHWFrameMap wraps av_hwframe_map.
Map a hardware frame. This has a number of different possible effects, depending on the format and origin of the src and dst frames. On input, src should be a usable frame with valid buffers and dst should be blank (typically as just created by av_frame_alloc()). src should have an associated hwframe context, and dst may optionally have a format and associated hwframe context. If src was created by mapping a frame from the hwframe context of dst, then this function undoes the mapping - dst is replaced by a reference to the frame that src was originally mapped from. If both src and dst have an associated hwframe context, then this function attempts to map the src frame from its hardware context to that of dst and then fill dst with appropriate data to be usable there. This will only be possible if the hwframe contexts and associated devices are compatible - given compatible devices, av_hwframe_ctx_create_derived() can be used to create a hwframe context for dst in which mapping should be possible. If src has a hwframe context but dst does not, then the src frame is mapped to normal memory and should thereafter be usable as a normal frame. If the format is set on dst, then the mapping will attempt to create dst with that format and fail if it is not possible. If format is unset (is AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) then dst will be mapped with whatever the most appropriate format to use is (probably the sw_format of the src hwframe context). A return value of AVERROR(ENOSYS) indicates that the mapping is not possible with the given arguments and hwframe setup, while other return values indicate that it failed somehow. On failure, the destination frame will be left blank, except for the hw_frames_ctx/format fields thay may have been set by the caller - those will be preserved as they were. @param dst Destination frame, to contain the mapping. @param src Source frame, to be mapped. @param flags Some combination of AV_HWFRAME_MAP_* flags. @return Zero on success, negative AVERROR code on failure.
func AVHWFrameTransferData ¶ added in v0.5.0
AVHWFrameTransferData wraps av_hwframe_transfer_data.
Copy data to or from a hw surface. At least one of dst/src must have an AVHWFramesContext attached. If src has an AVHWFramesContext attached, then the format of dst (if set) must use one of the formats returned by av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(src, AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_FROM). If dst has an AVHWFramesContext attached, then the format of src must use one of the formats returned by av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(dst, AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_TO) dst may be "clean" (i.e. with data/buf pointers unset), in which case the data buffers will be allocated by this function using av_frame_get_buffer(). If dst->format is set, then this format will be used, otherwise (when dst->format is AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) the first acceptable format will be chosen. The two frames must have matching allocated dimensions (i.e. equal to AVHWFramesContext.width/height), since not all device types support transferring a sub-rectangle of the whole surface. The display dimensions (i.e. AVFrame.width/height) may be smaller than the allocated dimensions, but also have to be equal for both frames. When the display dimensions are smaller than the allocated dimensions, the content of the padding in the destination frame is unspecified. @param dst the destination frame. dst is not touched on failure. @param src the source frame. @param flags currently unused, should be set to zero @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR error code on failure.
func AVHexDumpLog ¶
AVHexDumpLog wraps av_hex_dump_log.
Send a nice hexadecimal dump of a buffer to the log. @param avcl A pointer to an arbitrary struct of which the first field is a pointer to an AVClass struct. @param level The importance level of the message, lower values signifying higher importance. @param buf buffer @param size buffer size @see av_hex_dump, av_pkt_dump2, av_pkt_dump_log2
func AVIOAccept ¶
func AVIOAccept(s *AVIOContext, c **AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOAccept wraps avio_accept.
Accept and allocate a client context on a server context. @param s the server context @param c the client context, must be unallocated @return >= 0 on success or a negative value corresponding to an AVERROR on failure
func AVIOCheck ¶
AVIOCheck wraps avio_check.
Return AVIO_FLAG_* access flags corresponding to the access permissions of the resource in url, or a negative value corresponding to an AVERROR code in case of failure. The returned access flags are masked by the value in flags. @note This function is intrinsically unsafe, in the sense that the checked resource may change its existence or permission status from one call to another. Thus you should not trust the returned value, unless you are sure that no other processes are accessing the checked resource.
func AVIOClose ¶
func AVIOClose(s *AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOClose wraps avio_close.
Close the resource accessed by the AVIOContext s and free it. This function can only be used if s was opened by avio_open(). The internal buffer is automatically flushed before closing the resource. @return 0 on success, an AVERROR < 0 on error. @see avio_closep
func AVIOCloseDir ¶
func AVIOCloseDir(s **AVIODirContext) (int, error)
AVIOCloseDir wraps avio_close_dir.
Close directory. @note Entries created using avio_read_dir() are not deleted and must be freeded with avio_free_directory_entry(). @param s directory read context. @return >=0 on success or negative on error.
func AVIOClosep ¶
func AVIOClosep(s **AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOClosep wraps avio_closep.
Close the resource accessed by the AVIOContext *s, free it and set the pointer pointing to it to NULL. This function can only be used if s was opened by avio_open(). The internal buffer is automatically flushed before closing the resource. @return 0 on success, an AVERROR < 0 on error. @see avio_close
func AVIOContextFree ¶
func AVIOContextFree(s **AVIOContext)
AVIOContextFree wraps avio_context_free.
Free the supplied IO context and everything associated with it. @param s Double pointer to the IO context. This function will write NULL into s.
func AVIOFeof ¶
func AVIOFeof(s *AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOFeof wraps avio_feof.
Similar to feof() but also returns nonzero on read errors. @return non zero if and only if at end of file or a read error happened when reading.
func AVIOFlush ¶
func AVIOFlush(s *AVIOContext)
AVIOFlush wraps avio_flush.
Force flushing of buffered data. For write streams, force the buffered data to be immediately written to the output, without to wait to fill the internal buffer. For read streams, discard all currently buffered data, and advance the reported file position to that of the underlying stream. This does not read new data, and does not perform any seeks.
func AVIOFreeDirectoryEntry ¶
func AVIOFreeDirectoryEntry(entry **AVIODirEntry)
AVIOFreeDirectoryEntry wraps avio_free_directory_entry.
Free entry allocated by avio_read_dir(). @param entry entry to be freed.
func AVIOGetStr ¶
AVIOGetStr wraps avio_get_str.
Read a string from pb into buf. The reading will terminate when either a NULL character was encountered, maxlen bytes have been read, or nothing more can be read from pb. The result is guaranteed to be NULL-terminated, it will be truncated if buf is too small. Note that the string is not interpreted or validated in any way, it might get truncated in the middle of a sequence for multi-byte encodings. @return number of bytes read (is always <= maxlen). If reading ends on EOF or error, the return value will be one more than bytes actually read.
func AVIOGetStr16Be ¶
AVIOGetStr16Be wraps avio_get_str16be.
func AVIOGetStr16Le ¶
AVIOGetStr16Le wraps avio_get_str16le.
Read a UTF-16 string from pb and convert it to UTF-8. The reading will terminate when either a null or invalid character was encountered or maxlen bytes have been read. @return number of bytes read (is always <= maxlen)
func AVIOHandshake ¶
func AVIOHandshake(c *AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOHandshake wraps avio_handshake.
Perform one step of the protocol handshake to accept a new client. This function must be called on a client returned by avio_accept() before using it as a read/write context. It is separate from avio_accept() because it may block. A step of the handshake is defined by places where the application may decide to change the proceedings. For example, on a protocol with a request header and a reply header, each one can constitute a step because the application may use the parameters from the request to change parameters in the reply; or each individual chunk of the request can constitute a step. If the handshake is already finished, avio_handshake() does nothing and returns 0 immediately. @param c the client context to perform the handshake on @return 0 on a complete and successful handshake > 0 if the handshake progressed, but is not complete < 0 for an AVERROR code
func AVIOOpen ¶
func AVIOOpen(s **AVIOContext, url *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
AVIOOpen wraps avio_open.
Create and initialize a AVIOContext for accessing the resource indicated by url. @note When the resource indicated by url has been opened in read+write mode, the AVIOContext can be used only for writing. @param s Used to return the pointer to the created AVIOContext. In case of failure the pointed to value is set to NULL. @param url resource to access @param flags flags which control how the resource indicated by url is to be opened @return >= 0 in case of success, a negative value corresponding to an AVERROR code in case of failure
func AVIOOpen2 ¶
func AVIOOpen2(s **AVIOContext, url *CStr, flags int, intCb *AVIOInterruptCB, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVIOOpen2 wraps avio_open2.
Create and initialize a AVIOContext for accessing the resource indicated by url. @note When the resource indicated by url has been opened in read+write mode, the AVIOContext can be used only for writing. @param s Used to return the pointer to the created AVIOContext. In case of failure the pointed to value is set to NULL. @param url resource to access @param flags flags which control how the resource indicated by url is to be opened @param int_cb an interrupt callback to be used at the protocols level @param options A dictionary filled with protocol-private options. On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dict containing options that were not found. May be NULL. @return >= 0 in case of success, a negative value corresponding to an AVERROR code in case of failure
func AVIOOpenDir ¶
func AVIOOpenDir(s **AVIODirContext, url *CStr, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVIOOpenDir wraps avio_open_dir.
Open directory for reading. @param s directory read context. Pointer to a NULL pointer must be passed. @param url directory to be listed. @param options A dictionary filled with protocol-private options. On return this parameter will be destroyed and replaced with a dictionary containing options that were not found. May be NULL. @return >=0 on success or negative on error.
func AVIOOpenDynBuf ¶
func AVIOOpenDynBuf(s **AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOOpenDynBuf wraps avio_open_dyn_buf.
Open a write only memory stream. @param s new IO context @return zero if no error.
func AVIOPause ¶
func AVIOPause(h *AVIOContext, pause int) (int, error)
AVIOPause wraps avio_pause.
Pause and resume playing - only meaningful if using a network streaming protocol (e.g. MMS). @param h IO context from which to call the read_pause function pointer @param pause 1 for pause, 0 for resume
func AVIOPutStr ¶
func AVIOPutStr(s *AVIOContext, str *CStr) (int, error)
AVIOPutStr wraps avio_put_str.
Write a NULL-terminated string. @return number of bytes written.
func AVIOPutStr16Be ¶
func AVIOPutStr16Be(s *AVIOContext, str *CStr) (int, error)
AVIOPutStr16Be wraps avio_put_str16be.
Convert an UTF-8 string to UTF-16BE and write it. @param s the AVIOContext @param str NULL-terminated UTF-8 string @return number of bytes written.
func AVIOPutStr16Le ¶
func AVIOPutStr16Le(s *AVIOContext, str *CStr) (int, error)
AVIOPutStr16Le wraps avio_put_str16le.
Convert an UTF-8 string to UTF-16LE and write it. @param s the AVIOContext @param str NULL-terminated UTF-8 string @return number of bytes written.
func AVIOR8 ¶
func AVIOR8(s *AVIOContext) (int, error)
AVIOR8 wraps avio_r8.
@note return 0 if EOF, so you cannot use it if EOF handling is necessary
func AVIORead ¶
AVIORead wraps avio_read.
Read size bytes from AVIOContext into buf. @return number of bytes read or AVERROR
func AVIOReadDir ¶
func AVIOReadDir(s *AVIODirContext, next **AVIODirEntry) (int, error)
AVIOReadDir wraps avio_read_dir.
Get next directory entry. Returned entry must be freed with avio_free_directory_entry(). In particular it may outlive AVIODirContext. @param s directory read context. @param[out] next next entry or NULL when no more entries. @return >=0 on success or negative on error. End of list is not considered an error.
func AVIOReadPartial ¶
AVIOReadPartial wraps avio_read_partial.
Read size bytes from AVIOContext into buf. Unlike avio_read(), this is allowed to read fewer bytes than requested. The missing bytes can be read in the next call. This always tries to read at least 1 byte. Useful to reduce latency in certain cases. @return number of bytes read or AVERROR
func AVIOReadToBprint ¶
func AVIOReadToBprint(h *AVIOContext, pb *AVBPrint, maxSize uint64) (int, error)
AVIOReadToBprint wraps avio_read_to_bprint.
Read contents of h into print buffer, up to max_size bytes, or up to EOF. @return 0 for success (max_size bytes read or EOF reached), negative error code otherwise
func AVIOSeek ¶
func AVIOSeek(s *AVIOContext, offset int64, whence int) int64
AVIOSeek wraps avio_seek.
fseek() equivalent for AVIOContext. @return new position or AVERROR.
func AVIOSeekTime ¶
func AVIOSeekTime(h *AVIOContext, streamIndex int, timestamp int64, flags int) int64
AVIOSeekTime wraps avio_seek_time.
Seek to a given timestamp relative to some component stream. Only meaningful if using a network streaming protocol (e.g. MMS.). @param h IO context from which to call the seek function pointers @param stream_index The stream index that the timestamp is relative to. If stream_index is (-1) the timestamp should be in AV_TIME_BASE units from the beginning of the presentation. If a stream_index >= 0 is used and the protocol does not support seeking based on component streams, the call will fail. @param timestamp timestamp in AVStream.time_base units or if there is no stream specified then in AV_TIME_BASE units. @param flags Optional combination of AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD, AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE and AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY. The protocol may silently ignore AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD and AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY, but AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE will fail if used and not supported. @return >= 0 on success @see AVInputFormat::read_seek
func AVIOSize ¶
func AVIOSize(s *AVIOContext) int64
AVIOSize wraps avio_size.
Get the filesize. @return filesize or AVERROR
func AVIOSkip ¶
func AVIOSkip(s *AVIOContext, offset int64) int64
AVIOSkip wraps avio_skip.
Skip given number of bytes forward @return new position or AVERROR.
func AVIOTell ¶
func AVIOTell(s *AVIOContext) int64
AVIOTell wraps avio_tell.
ftell() equivalent for AVIOContext. @return position or AVERROR.
func AVIOWrite ¶
func AVIOWrite(s *AVIOContext, buf unsafe.Pointer, size int)
AVIOWrite wraps avio_write.
func AVIOWriteMarker ¶
func AVIOWriteMarker(s *AVIOContext, time int64, _type AVIODataMarkerType)
AVIOWriteMarker wraps avio_write_marker.
Mark the written bytestream as a specific type. Zero-length ranges are omitted from the output. @param s the AVIOContext @param time the stream time the current bytestream pos corresponds to (in AV_TIME_BASE units), or AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown or not applicable @param type the kind of data written starting at the current pos
func AVIndexSearchTimestamp ¶
AVIndexSearchTimestamp wraps av_index_search_timestamp.
Get the index for a specific timestamp. @param st stream that the timestamp belongs to @param timestamp timestamp to retrieve the index for @param flags if AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD then the returned index will correspond to the timestamp which is <= the requested one, if backward is 0, then it will be >= if AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY seek to any frame, only keyframes otherwise @return < 0 if no such timestamp could be found
func AVInitPacket ¶
func AVInitPacket(pkt *AVPacket)
AVInitPacket wraps av_init_packet.
Initialize optional fields of a packet with default values. Note, this does not touch the data and size members, which have to be initialized separately. @param pkt packet @see av_packet_alloc @see av_packet_unref @deprecated This function is deprecated. Once it's removed, sizeof(AVPacket) will not be a part of the ABI anymore.
func AVIntListLengthForSize ¶
AVIntListLengthForSize wraps av_int_list_length_for_size.
Compute the length of an integer list. @param elsize size in bytes of each list element (only 1, 2, 4 or 8) @param term list terminator (usually 0 or -1) @param list pointer to the list @return length of the list, in elements, not counting the terminator
func AVInterleavedWriteFrame ¶
func AVInterleavedWriteFrame(s *AVFormatContext, pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
AVInterleavedWriteFrame wraps av_interleaved_write_frame.
Write a packet to an output media file ensuring correct interleaving. This function will buffer the packets internally as needed to make sure the packets in the output file are properly interleaved, usually ordered by increasing dts. Callers doing their own interleaving should call av_write_frame() instead of this function. Using this function instead of av_write_frame() can give muxers advance knowledge of future packets, improving e.g. the behaviour of the mp4 muxer for VFR content in fragmenting mode. @param s media file handle @param pkt The packet containing the data to be written. <br> If the packet is reference-counted, this function will take ownership of this reference and unreference it later when it sees fit. If the packet is not reference-counted, libavformat will make a copy. The returned packet will be blank (as if returned from av_packet_alloc()), even on error. <br> This parameter can be NULL (at any time, not just at the end), to flush the interleaving queues. <br> Packet's @ref AVPacket.stream_index "stream_index" field must be set to the index of the corresponding stream in @ref AVFormatContext.streams "s->streams". <br> The timestamps (@ref AVPacket.pts "pts", @ref AVPacket.dts "dts") must be set to correct values in the stream's timebase (unless the output format is flagged with the AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS flag, then they can be set to AV_NOPTS_VALUE). The dts for subsequent packets in one stream must be strictly increasing (unless the output format is flagged with the AVFMT_TS_NONSTRICT, then they merely have to be nondecreasing). @ref AVPacket.duration "duration" should also be set if known. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. @see av_write_frame(), AVFormatContext.max_interleave_delta
func AVInterleavedWriteUncodedFrame ¶
func AVInterleavedWriteUncodedFrame(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVInterleavedWriteUncodedFrame wraps av_interleaved_write_uncoded_frame.
Write an uncoded frame to an output media file. If the muxer supports it, this function makes it possible to write an AVFrame structure directly, without encoding it into a packet. It is mostly useful for devices and similar special muxers that use raw video or PCM data and will not serialize it into a byte stream. To test whether it is possible to use it with a given muxer and stream, use av_write_uncoded_frame_query(). The caller gives up ownership of the frame and must not access it afterwards. @return >=0 for success, a negative code on error
func AVLogGetLevel ¶
AVLogGetLevel wraps av_log_get_level.
Get the current log level @see lavu_log_constants @return Current log level
func AVLogSetCallback ¶ added in v0.6.0
func AVLogSetCallback(cb LogCallback)
AVLogSetCallback wraps av_log_set_callback.
Set the logging callback @note The callback must be thread safe, even if the application does not use threads itself as some codecs are multithreaded. @see av_log_default_callback @param callback A logging function with a compatible signature.
func AVLogSetLevel ¶
func AVLogSetLevel(level int)
AVLogSetLevel wraps av_log_set_level.
Set the log level @see lavu_log_constants @param level Logging level
func AVMalloc ¶
AVMalloc wraps av_malloc.
Allocate a memory block with alignment suitable for all memory accesses (including vectors if available on the CPU). @param size Size in bytes for the memory block to be allocated @return Pointer to the allocated block, or `NULL` if the block cannot be allocated @see av_mallocz()
func AVMallocArray ¶
AVMallocArray wraps av_malloc_array.
Allocate a memory block for an array with av_malloc(). The allocated memory will have size `size * nmemb` bytes. @param nmemb Number of element @param size Size of a single element @return Pointer to the allocated block, or `NULL` if the block cannot be allocated @see av_malloc()
func AVMallocz ¶
AVMallocz wraps av_mallocz.
Allocate a memory block with alignment suitable for all memory accesses (including vectors if available on the CPU) and zero all the bytes of the block. @param size Size in bytes for the memory block to be allocated @return Pointer to the allocated block, or `NULL` if it cannot be allocated @see av_malloc()
func AVMatchExt ¶
AVMatchExt wraps av_match_ext.
Return a positive value if the given filename has one of the given extensions, 0 otherwise. @param filename file name to check against the given extensions @param extensions a comma-separated list of filename extensions
func AVMaxAlloc ¶
func AVMaxAlloc(max uint64)
AVMaxAlloc wraps av_max_alloc.
Set the maximum size that may be allocated in one block. The value specified with this function is effective for all libavutil's @ref lavu_mem_funcs "heap management functions." By default, the max value is defined as `INT_MAX`. @param max Value to be set as the new maximum size @warning Exercise extreme caution when using this function. Don't touch this if you do not understand the full consequence of doing so.
func AVMemcpyBackptr ¶
AVMemcpyBackptr wraps av_memcpy_backptr.
Overlapping memcpy() implementation. @param dst Destination buffer @param back Number of bytes back to start copying (i.e. the initial size of the overlapping window); must be > 0 @param cnt Number of bytes to copy; must be >= 0 @note `cnt > back` is valid, this will copy the bytes we just copied, thus creating a repeating pattern with a period length of `back`.
func AVMemdup ¶
AVMemdup wraps av_memdup.
Duplicate a buffer with av_malloc(). @param p Buffer to be duplicated @param size Size in bytes of the buffer copied @return Pointer to a newly allocated buffer containing a copy of `p` or `NULL` if the buffer cannot be allocated
func AVNearerQ ¶
func AVNearerQ(q *AVRational, q1 *AVRational, q2 *AVRational) (int, error)
AVNearerQ wraps av_nearer_q.
Find which of the two rationals is closer to another rational. @param q Rational to be compared against @param q1 Rational to be tested @param q2 Rational to be tested @return One of the following values: - 1 if `q1` is nearer to `q` than `q2` - -1 if `q2` is nearer to `q` than `q1` - 0 if they have the same distance
func AVNewPacket ¶
AVNewPacket wraps av_new_packet.
Allocate the payload of a packet and initialize its fields with default values. @param pkt packet @param size wanted payload size @return 0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx otherwise
func AVOptChildNext ¶
AVOptChildNext wraps av_opt_child_next.
Iterate over AVOptions-enabled children of obj. @param prev result of a previous call to this function or NULL @return next AVOptions-enabled child or NULL
func AVOptCopy ¶
AVOptCopy wraps av_opt_copy.
Copy options from src object into dest object. The underlying AVClass of both src and dest must coincide. The guarantee below does not apply if this is not fulfilled. Options that require memory allocation (e.g. string or binary) are malloc'ed in dest object. Original memory allocated for such options is freed unless both src and dest options points to the same memory. Even on error it is guaranteed that allocated options from src and dest no longer alias each other afterwards; in particular calling av_opt_free() on both src and dest is safe afterwards if dest has been memdup'ed from src. @param dest Object to copy from @param src Object to copy into @return 0 on success, negative on error
func AVOptFlagIsSet ¶
AVOptFlagIsSet wraps av_opt_flag_is_set.
Check whether a particular flag is set in a flags field. @param field_name the name of the flag field option @param flag_name the name of the flag to check @return non-zero if the flag is set, zero if the flag isn't set, isn't of the right type, or the flags field doesn't exist.
func AVOptFreepRanges ¶
func AVOptFreepRanges(ranges **AVOptionRanges)
AVOptFreepRanges wraps av_opt_freep_ranges.
Free an AVOptionRanges struct and set it to NULL.
func AVOptGetChlayout ¶
func AVOptGetChlayout(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, searchFlags int, layout *AVChannelLayout) (int, error)
AVOptGetChlayout wraps av_opt_get_chlayout.
func AVOptGetDictVal ¶
func AVOptGetDictVal(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, searchFlags int, outVal **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVOptGetDictVal wraps av_opt_get_dict_val.
@param[out] out_val The returned dictionary is a copy of the actual value and must be freed with av_dict_free() by the caller
func AVOptIsSetToDefault ¶
AVOptIsSetToDefault wraps av_opt_is_set_to_default.
Check if given option is set to its default value. Options o must belong to the obj. This function must not be called to check child's options state. @see av_opt_is_set_to_default_by_name(). @param obj AVClass object to check option on @param o option to be checked @return >0 when option is set to its default, 0 when option is not set its default, <0 on error
func AVOptIsSetToDefaultByName ¶
AVOptIsSetToDefaultByName wraps av_opt_is_set_to_default_by_name.
Check if given option is set to its default value. @param obj AVClass object to check option on @param name option name @param search_flags combination of AV_OPT_SEARCH_* @return >0 when option is set to its default, 0 when option is not set its default, <0 on error
func AVOptPtr ¶
AVOptPtr wraps av_opt_ptr.
Gets a pointer to the requested field in a struct. This function allows accessing a struct even when its fields are moved or renamed since the application making the access has been compiled, @returns a pointer to the field, it can be cast to the correct type and read or written to.
func AVOptQueryRanges ¶
func AVOptQueryRanges(param0 **AVOptionRanges, obj unsafe.Pointer, key *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
AVOptQueryRanges wraps av_opt_query_ranges.
Get a list of allowed ranges for the given option. The returned list may depend on other fields in obj like for example profile. @param flags is a bitmask of flags, undefined flags should not be set and should be ignored AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ indicates that the obj is a double pointer to a AVClass instead of a full instance AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE indicates that function may return more than one component, @see AVOptionRanges The result must be freed with av_opt_freep_ranges. @return number of compontents returned on success, a negative errro code otherwise
func AVOptQueryRangesDefault ¶
func AVOptQueryRangesDefault(param0 **AVOptionRanges, obj unsafe.Pointer, key *CStr, flags int) (int, error)
AVOptQueryRangesDefault wraps av_opt_query_ranges_default.
Get a default list of allowed ranges for the given option. This list is constructed without using the AVClass.query_ranges() callback and can be used as fallback from within the callback. @param flags is a bitmask of flags, undefined flags should not be set and should be ignored AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ indicates that the obj is a double pointer to a AVClass instead of a full instance AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE indicates that function may return more than one component, @see AVOptionRanges The result must be freed with av_opt_free_ranges. @return number of compontents returned on success, a negative errro code otherwise
func AVOptSet ¶
AVOptSet wraps av_opt_set.
Those functions set the field of obj with the given name to value. @param[in] obj A struct whose first element is a pointer to an AVClass. @param[in] name the name of the field to set @param[in] val The value to set. In case of av_opt_set() if the field is not of a string type, then the given string is parsed. SI postfixes and some named scalars are supported. If the field is of a numeric type, it has to be a numeric or named scalar. Behavior with more than one scalar and +- infix operators is undefined. If the field is of a flags type, it has to be a sequence of numeric scalars or named flags separated by '+' or '-'. Prefixing a flag with '+' causes it to be set without affecting the other flags; similarly, '-' unsets a flag. If the field is of a dictionary type, it has to be a ':' separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing ':' special characters must be escaped. @param search_flags flags passed to av_opt_find2. I.e. if AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN is passed here, then the option may be set on a child of obj. @return 0 if the value has been set, or an AVERROR code in case of error: AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND if no matching option exists AVERROR(ERANGE) if the value is out of range AVERROR(EINVAL) if the value is not valid
func AVOptSetBin ¶
func AVOptSetBin(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val unsafe.Pointer, size int, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetBin wraps av_opt_set_bin.
func AVOptSetChannelLayout ¶
func AVOptSetChannelLayout(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, chLayout int64, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetChannelLayout wraps av_opt_set_channel_layout.
func AVOptSetChlayout ¶
func AVOptSetChlayout(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, layout *AVChannelLayout, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetChlayout wraps av_opt_set_chlayout.
func AVOptSetDefaults ¶
AVOptSetDefaults wraps av_opt_set_defaults.
Set the values of all AVOption fields to their default values. @param s an AVOption-enabled struct (its first member must be a pointer to AVClass)
func AVOptSetDefaults2 ¶
AVOptSetDefaults2 wraps av_opt_set_defaults2.
Set the values of all AVOption fields to their default values. Only these AVOption fields for which (opt->flags & mask) == flags will have their default applied to s. @param s an AVOption-enabled struct (its first member must be a pointer to AVClass) @param mask combination of AV_OPT_FLAG_* @param flags combination of AV_OPT_FLAG_*
func AVOptSetDict ¶
func AVOptSetDict(obj unsafe.Pointer, options **AVDictionary) (int, error)
AVOptSetDict wraps av_opt_set_dict.
Set all the options from a given dictionary on an object. @param obj a struct whose first element is a pointer to AVClass @param options options to process. This dictionary will be freed and replaced by a new one containing all options not found in obj. Of course this new dictionary needs to be freed by caller with av_dict_free(). @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR if some option was found in obj, but could not be set. @see av_dict_copy()
func AVOptSetDict2 ¶
AVOptSetDict2 wraps av_opt_set_dict2.
Set all the options from a given dictionary on an object. @param obj a struct whose first element is a pointer to AVClass @param options options to process. This dictionary will be freed and replaced by a new one containing all options not found in obj. Of course this new dictionary needs to be freed by caller with av_dict_free(). @param search_flags A combination of AV_OPT_SEARCH_*. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR if some option was found in obj, but could not be set. @see av_dict_copy()
func AVOptSetDictVal ¶
func AVOptSetDictVal(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val *AVDictionary, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetDictVal wraps av_opt_set_dict_val.
@note Any old dictionary present is discarded and replaced with a copy of the new one. The caller still owns val is and responsible for freeing it.
func AVOptSetDouble ¶
AVOptSetDouble wraps av_opt_set_double.
func AVOptSetImageSize ¶
AVOptSetImageSize wraps av_opt_set_image_size.
func AVOptSetInt ¶
AVOptSetInt wraps av_opt_set_int.
func AVOptSetPixelFmt ¶
func AVOptSetPixelFmt(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, fmt AVPixelFormat, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetPixelFmt wraps av_opt_set_pixel_fmt.
func AVOptSetSampleFmt ¶
func AVOptSetSampleFmt(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, fmt AVSampleFormat, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetSampleFmt wraps av_opt_set_sample_fmt.
func AVOptSetSlice ¶
AVOptSetSlice is a helper for storing a slice of primitive data to the named field. This function provides no guarantees for usage with Go wrapper types.
See AVOptSet for more information.
func AVOptSetVideoRate ¶
func AVOptSetVideoRate(obj unsafe.Pointer, name *CStr, val *AVRational, searchFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptSetVideoRate wraps av_opt_set_video_rate.
func AVOptShow2 ¶
func AVOptShow2(obj unsafe.Pointer, avLogObj unsafe.Pointer, reqFlags int, rejFlags int) (int, error)
AVOptShow2 wraps av_opt_show2.
Show the obj options. @param req_flags requested flags for the options to show. Show only the options for which it is opt->flags & req_flags. @param rej_flags rejected flags for the options to show. Show only the options for which it is !(opt->flags & req_flags). @param av_log_obj log context to use for showing the options
func AVPacketAddSideData ¶
func AVPacketAddSideData(pkt *AVPacket, _type AVPacketSideDataType, data unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) (int, error)
AVPacketAddSideData wraps av_packet_add_side_data.
Wrap an existing array as a packet side data. @param pkt packet @param type side information type @param data the side data array. It must be allocated with the av_malloc() family of functions. The ownership of the data is transferred to pkt. @param size side information size @return a non-negative number on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure. On failure, the packet is unchanged and the data remains owned by the caller.
func AVPacketCopyProps ¶
AVPacketCopyProps wraps av_packet_copy_props.
Copy only "properties" fields from src to dst. Properties for the purpose of this function are all the fields beside those related to the packet data (buf, data, size) @param dst Destination packet @param src Source packet @return 0 on success AVERROR on failure.
func AVPacketFree ¶
func AVPacketFree(pkt **AVPacket)
AVPacketFree wraps av_packet_free.
Free the packet, if the packet is reference counted, it will be unreferenced first. @param pkt packet to be freed. The pointer will be set to NULL. @note passing NULL is a no-op.
func AVPacketFreeSideData ¶
func AVPacketFreeSideData(pkt *AVPacket)
AVPacketFreeSideData wraps av_packet_free_side_data.
Convenience function to free all the side data stored. All the other fields stay untouched. @param pkt packet
func AVPacketFromData ¶
AVPacketFromData wraps av_packet_from_data.
Initialize a reference-counted packet from av_malloc()ed data. @param pkt packet to be initialized. This function will set the data, size, and buf fields, all others are left untouched. @param data Data allocated by av_malloc() to be used as packet data. If this function returns successfully, the data is owned by the underlying AVBuffer. The caller may not access the data through other means. @param size size of data in bytes, without the padding. I.e. the full buffer size is assumed to be size + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error
func AVPacketMakeRefcounted ¶
AVPacketMakeRefcounted wraps av_packet_make_refcounted.
Ensure the data described by a given packet is reference counted. @note This function does not ensure that the reference will be writable. Use av_packet_make_writable instead for that purpose. @see av_packet_ref @see av_packet_make_writable @param pkt packet whose data should be made reference counted. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. On failure, the packet is unchanged.
func AVPacketMakeWritable ¶
AVPacketMakeWritable wraps av_packet_make_writable.
Create a writable reference for the data described by a given packet, avoiding data copy if possible. @param pkt Packet whose data should be made writable. @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure. On failure, the packet is unchanged.
func AVPacketMoveRef ¶
AVPacketMoveRef wraps av_packet_move_ref.
Move every field in src to dst and reset src. @see av_packet_unref @param src Source packet, will be reset @param dst Destination packet
func AVPacketNewSideData ¶
func AVPacketNewSideData(pkt *AVPacket, _type AVPacketSideDataType, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
AVPacketNewSideData wraps av_packet_new_side_data.
Allocate new information of a packet. @param pkt packet @param type side information type @param size side information size @return pointer to fresh allocated data or NULL otherwise
func AVPacketRef ¶
AVPacketRef wraps av_packet_ref.
Setup a new reference to the data described by a given packet If src is reference-counted, setup dst as a new reference to the buffer in src. Otherwise allocate a new buffer in dst and copy the data from src into it. All the other fields are copied from src. @see av_packet_unref @param dst Destination packet. Will be completely overwritten. @param src Source packet @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. On error, dst will be blank (as if returned by av_packet_alloc()).
func AVPacketRescaleTs ¶
func AVPacketRescaleTs(pkt *AVPacket, tbSrc *AVRational, tbDst *AVRational)
AVPacketRescaleTs wraps av_packet_rescale_ts.
Convert valid timing fields (timestamps / durations) in a packet from one timebase to another. Timestamps with unknown values (AV_NOPTS_VALUE) will be ignored. @param pkt packet on which the conversion will be performed @param tb_src source timebase, in which the timing fields in pkt are expressed @param tb_dst destination timebase, to which the timing fields will be converted
func AVPacketShrinkSideData ¶
func AVPacketShrinkSideData(pkt *AVPacket, _type AVPacketSideDataType, size uint64) (int, error)
AVPacketShrinkSideData wraps av_packet_shrink_side_data.
Shrink the already allocated side data buffer @param pkt packet @param type side information type @param size new side information size @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
func AVPacketUnpackDictionary ¶
AVPacketUnpackDictionary wraps av_packet_unpack_dictionary.
Unpack a dictionary from side_data. @param data data from side_data @param size size of the data @param dict the metadata storage dictionary @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
func AVPacketUnref ¶
func AVPacketUnref(pkt *AVPacket)
AVPacketUnref wraps av_packet_unref.
Wipe the packet. Unreference the buffer referenced by the packet and reset the remaining packet fields to their default values. @param pkt The packet to be unreferenced.
func AVParserClose ¶
func AVParserClose(s *AVCodecParserContext)
AVParserClose wraps av_parser_close.
func AVPktDumpLog2 ¶
AVPktDumpLog2 wraps av_pkt_dump_log2.
Send a nice dump of a packet to the log. @param avcl A pointer to an arbitrary struct of which the first field is a pointer to an AVClass struct. @param level The importance level of the message, lower values signifying higher importance. @param pkt packet to dump @param dump_payload True if the payload must be displayed, too. @param st AVStream that the packet belongs to
func AVProbeInputBuffer ¶
func AVProbeInputBuffer(pb *AVIOContext, fmt **AVInputFormat, url *CStr, logctx unsafe.Pointer, offset uint, maxProbeSize uint) (int, error)
AVProbeInputBuffer wraps av_probe_input_buffer.
Like av_probe_input_buffer2() but returns 0 on success
func AVProbeInputBuffer2 ¶
func AVProbeInputBuffer2(pb *AVIOContext, fmt **AVInputFormat, url *CStr, logctx unsafe.Pointer, offset uint, maxProbeSize uint) (int, error)
AVProbeInputBuffer2 wraps av_probe_input_buffer2.
Probe a bytestream to determine the input format. Each time a probe returns with a score that is too low, the probe buffer size is increased and another attempt is made. When the maximum probe size is reached, the input format with the highest score is returned. @param pb the bytestream to probe @param fmt the input format is put here @param url the url of the stream @param logctx the log context @param offset the offset within the bytestream to probe from @param max_probe_size the maximum probe buffer size (zero for default) @return the score in case of success, a negative value corresponding to an the maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX AVERROR code otherwise
func AVProgramAddStreamIndex ¶
func AVProgramAddStreamIndex(ac *AVFormatContext, progid int, idx uint)
AVProgramAddStreamIndex wraps av_program_add_stream_index.
func AVQ2D ¶
func AVQ2D(a *AVRational) float64
AVQ2D wraps av_q2d.
Convert an AVRational to a `double`. @param a AVRational to convert @return `a` in floating-point form @see av_d2q()
func AVQ2Intfloat ¶
func AVQ2Intfloat(q *AVRational) uint32
AVQ2Intfloat wraps av_q2intfloat.
Convert an AVRational to a IEEE 32-bit `float` expressed in fixed-point format. @param q Rational to be converted @return Equivalent floating-point value, expressed as an unsigned 32-bit integer. @note The returned value is platform-indepedant.
func AVReadFrame ¶
func AVReadFrame(s *AVFormatContext, pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
AVReadFrame wraps av_read_frame.
Return the next frame of a stream. This function returns what is stored in the file, and does not validate that what is there are valid frames for the decoder. It will split what is stored in the file into frames and return one for each call. It will not omit invalid data between valid frames so as to give the decoder the maximum information possible for decoding. On success, the returned packet is reference-counted (pkt->buf is set) and valid indefinitely. The packet must be freed with av_packet_unref() when it is no longer needed. For video, the packet contains exactly one frame. For audio, it contains an integer number of frames if each frame has a known fixed size (e.g. PCM or ADPCM data). If the audio frames have a variable size (e.g. MPEG audio), then it contains one frame. pkt->pts, pkt->dts and pkt->duration are always set to correct values in AVStream.time_base units (and guessed if the format cannot provide them). pkt->pts can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if the video format has B-frames, so it is better to rely on pkt->dts if you do not decompress the payload. @return 0 if OK, < 0 on error or end of file. On error, pkt will be blank (as if it came from av_packet_alloc()). @note pkt will be initialized, so it may be uninitialized, but it must not contain data that needs to be freed.
func AVReadPause ¶
func AVReadPause(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
AVReadPause wraps av_read_pause.
Pause a network-based stream (e.g. RTSP stream). Use av_read_play() to resume it.
func AVReadPlay ¶
func AVReadPlay(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
AVReadPlay wraps av_read_play.
Start playing a network-based stream (e.g. RTSP stream) at the current position.
func AVRealloc ¶
AVRealloc wraps av_realloc.
Allocate, reallocate, or free a block of memory. If `ptr` is `NULL` and `size` > 0, allocate a new block. Otherwise, expand or shrink that block of memory according to `size`. @param ptr Pointer to a memory block already allocated with av_realloc() or `NULL` @param size Size in bytes of the memory block to be allocated or reallocated @return Pointer to a newly-reallocated block or `NULL` if the block cannot be reallocated @warning Unlike av_malloc(), the returned pointer is not guaranteed to be correctly aligned. The returned pointer must be freed after even if size is zero. @see av_fast_realloc() @see av_reallocp()
func AVReallocArray ¶
AVReallocArray wraps av_realloc_array.
Allocate, reallocate, or free an array. If `ptr` is `NULL` and `nmemb` > 0, allocate a new block. @param ptr Pointer to a memory block already allocated with av_realloc() or `NULL` @param nmemb Number of elements in the array @param size Size of the single element of the array @return Pointer to a newly-reallocated block or NULL if the block cannot be reallocated @warning Unlike av_malloc(), the allocated memory is not guaranteed to be correctly aligned. The returned pointer must be freed after even if nmemb is zero. @see av_reallocp_array()
func AVReallocF ¶
AVReallocF wraps av_realloc_f.
Allocate, reallocate, or free a block of memory. This function does the same thing as av_realloc(), except: - It takes two size arguments and allocates `nelem * elsize` bytes, after checking the result of the multiplication for integer overflow. - It frees the input block in case of failure, thus avoiding the memory leak with the classic @code{.c} buf = realloc(buf); if (!buf) return -1; @endcode pattern.
func AVReallocp ¶
AVReallocp wraps av_reallocp.
Allocate, reallocate, or free a block of memory through a pointer to a pointer. If `*ptr` is `NULL` and `size` > 0, allocate a new block. If `size` is zero, free the memory block pointed to by `*ptr`. Otherwise, expand or shrink that block of memory according to `size`. @param[in,out] ptr Pointer to a pointer to a memory block already allocated with av_realloc(), or a pointer to `NULL`. The pointer is updated on success, or freed on failure. @param[in] size Size in bytes for the memory block to be allocated or reallocated @return Zero on success, an AVERROR error code on failure @warning Unlike av_malloc(), the allocated memory is not guaranteed to be correctly aligned.
func AVReallocpArray ¶
AVReallocpArray wraps av_reallocp_array.
Allocate, reallocate an array through a pointer to a pointer. If `*ptr` is `NULL` and `nmemb` > 0, allocate a new block. @param[in,out] ptr Pointer to a pointer to a memory block already allocated with av_realloc(), or a pointer to `NULL`. The pointer is updated on success, or freed on failure. @param[in] nmemb Number of elements @param[in] size Size of the single element @return Zero on success, an AVERROR error code on failure @warning Unlike av_malloc(), the allocated memory is not guaranteed to be correctly aligned. *ptr must be freed after even if nmemb is zero.
func AVRescale ¶
AVRescale wraps av_rescale.
Rescale a 64-bit integer with rounding to nearest. The operation is mathematically equivalent to `a * b / c`, but writing that directly can overflow. This function is equivalent to av_rescale_rnd() with #AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF. @see av_rescale_rnd(), av_rescale_q(), av_rescale_q_rnd()
func AVRescaleQ ¶
func AVRescaleQ(a int64, bq *AVRational, cq *AVRational) int64
AVRescaleQ wraps av_rescale_q.
Rescale a 64-bit integer by 2 rational numbers. The operation is mathematically equivalent to `a * bq / cq`. This function is equivalent to av_rescale_q_rnd() with #AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF. @see av_rescale(), av_rescale_rnd(), av_rescale_q_rnd()
func AVRescaleQRnd ¶
func AVRescaleQRnd(a int64, bq *AVRational, cq *AVRational, rnd AVRounding) int64
AVRescaleQRnd wraps av_rescale_q_rnd.
Rescale a 64-bit integer by 2 rational numbers with specified rounding. The operation is mathematically equivalent to `a * bq / cq`. @see av_rescale(), av_rescale_rnd(), av_rescale_q()
func AVRescaleRnd ¶
func AVRescaleRnd(a int64, b int64, c int64, rnd AVRounding) int64
AVRescaleRnd wraps av_rescale_rnd.
Rescale a 64-bit integer with specified rounding. The operation is mathematically equivalent to `a * b / c`, but writing that directly can overflow, and does not support different rounding methods. If the result is not representable then INT64_MIN is returned. @see av_rescale(), av_rescale_q(), av_rescale_q_rnd()
func AVSampleFmtIsPlanar ¶
func AVSampleFmtIsPlanar(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) (int, error)
AVSampleFmtIsPlanar wraps av_sample_fmt_is_planar.
Check if the sample format is planar. @param sample_fmt the sample format to inspect @return 1 if the sample format is planar, 0 if it is interleaved
func AVSeekFrame ¶
AVSeekFrame wraps av_seek_frame.
Seek to the keyframe at timestamp. 'timestamp' in 'stream_index'. @param s media file handle @param stream_index If stream_index is (-1), a default stream is selected, and timestamp is automatically converted from AV_TIME_BASE units to the stream specific time_base. @param timestamp Timestamp in AVStream.time_base units or, if no stream is specified, in AV_TIME_BASE units. @param flags flags which select direction and seeking mode @return >= 0 on success
func AVSetOptionsString ¶
func AVSetOptionsString(ctx unsafe.Pointer, opts *CStr, keyValSep *CStr, pairsSep *CStr) (int, error)
AVSetOptionsString wraps av_set_options_string.
Parse the key/value pairs list in opts. For each key/value pair found, stores the value in the field in ctx that is named like the key. ctx must be an AVClass context, storing is done using AVOptions. @param opts options string to parse, may be NULL @param key_val_sep a 0-terminated list of characters used to separate key from value @param pairs_sep a 0-terminated list of characters used to separate two pairs from each other @return the number of successfully set key/value pairs, or a negative value corresponding to an AVERROR code in case of error: AVERROR(EINVAL) if opts cannot be parsed, the error code issued by av_opt_set() if a key/value pair cannot be set
func AVShrinkPacket ¶
AVShrinkPacket wraps av_shrink_packet.
Reduce packet size, correctly zeroing padding @param pkt packet @param size new size
func AVStreamAddSideData ¶
func AVStreamAddSideData(st *AVStream, _type AVPacketSideDataType, data unsafe.Pointer, size uint64) (int, error)
AVStreamAddSideData wraps av_stream_add_side_data.
Wrap an existing array as stream side data. @param st stream @param type side information type @param data the side data array. It must be allocated with the av_malloc() family of functions. The ownership of the data is transferred to st. @param size side information size @return zero on success, a negative AVERROR code on failure. On failure, the stream is unchanged and the data remains owned by the caller. @deprecated use av_packet_side_data_add() with the stream's @ref AVCodecParameters.coded_side_data "codecpar side data"
func AVStreamGetEndPts ¶
AVStreamGetEndPts wraps av_stream_get_end_pts.
Returns the pts of the last muxed packet + its duration the retuned value is undefined when used with a demuxer.
func AVStreamNewSideData ¶
func AVStreamNewSideData(stream *AVStream, _type AVPacketSideDataType, size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
AVStreamNewSideData wraps av_stream_new_side_data.
Allocate new information from stream. @param stream stream @param type desired side information type @param size side information size @return pointer to fresh allocated data or NULL otherwise @deprecated use av_packet_side_data_new() with the stream's @ref AVCodecParameters.coded_side_data "codecpar side data"
func AVStrerror ¶
AVStrerror wraps av_strerror.
Put a description of the AVERROR code errnum in errbuf. In case of failure the global variable errno is set to indicate the error. Even in case of failure av_strerror() will print a generic error message indicating the errnum provided to errbuf. @param errnum error code to describe @param errbuf buffer to which description is written @param errbuf_size the size in bytes of errbuf @return 0 on success, a negative value if a description for errnum cannot be found
func AVSubtitleFree ¶
func AVSubtitleFree(sub *AVSubtitle)
AVSubtitleFree wraps avsubtitle_free.
Free all allocated data in the given subtitle struct. @param sub AVSubtitle to free.
func AVUtilVersion ¶
func AVUtilVersion() uint
AVUtilVersion wraps avutil_version.
Return the LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT constant.
func AVWriteFrame ¶
func AVWriteFrame(s *AVFormatContext, pkt *AVPacket) (int, error)
AVWriteFrame wraps av_write_frame.
Write a packet to an output media file. This function passes the packet directly to the muxer, without any buffering or reordering. The caller is responsible for correctly interleaving the packets if the format requires it. Callers that want libavformat to handle the interleaving should call av_interleaved_write_frame() instead of this function. @param s media file handle @param pkt The packet containing the data to be written. Note that unlike av_interleaved_write_frame(), this function does not take ownership of the packet passed to it (though some muxers may make an internal reference to the input packet). <br> This parameter can be NULL (at any time, not just at the end), in order to immediately flush data buffered within the muxer, for muxers that buffer up data internally before writing it to the output. <br> Packet's @ref AVPacket.stream_index "stream_index" field must be set to the index of the corresponding stream in @ref AVFormatContext.streams "s->streams". <br> The timestamps (@ref AVPacket.pts "pts", @ref AVPacket.dts "dts") must be set to correct values in the stream's timebase (unless the output format is flagged with the AVFMT_NOTIMESTAMPS flag, then they can be set to AV_NOPTS_VALUE). The dts for subsequent packets passed to this function must be strictly increasing when compared in their respective timebases (unless the output format is flagged with the AVFMT_TS_NONSTRICT, then they merely have to be nondecreasing). @ref AVPacket.duration "duration") should also be set if known. @return < 0 on error, = 0 if OK, 1 if flushed and there is no more data to flush @see av_interleaved_write_frame()
func AVWriteTrailer ¶
func AVWriteTrailer(s *AVFormatContext) (int, error)
AVWriteTrailer wraps av_write_trailer.
Write the stream trailer to an output media file and free the file private data. May only be called after a successful call to avformat_write_header. @param s media file handle @return 0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx on error
func AVWriteUncodedFrame ¶
func AVWriteUncodedFrame(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int, frame *AVFrame) (int, error)
AVWriteUncodedFrame wraps av_write_uncoded_frame.
Write an uncoded frame to an output media file. The frame must be correctly interleaved according to the container specification; if not, av_interleaved_write_uncoded_frame() must be used. See av_interleaved_write_uncoded_frame() for details.
func AVWriteUncodedFrameQuery ¶
func AVWriteUncodedFrameQuery(s *AVFormatContext, streamIndex int) (int, error)
AVWriteUncodedFrameQuery wraps av_write_uncoded_frame_query.
Test whether a muxer supports uncoded frame. @return >=0 if an uncoded frame can be written to that muxer and stream, <0 if not
func AVXiphlacing ¶
AVXiphlacing wraps av_xiphlacing.
Encode extradata length to a buffer. Used by xiph codecs. @param s buffer to write to; must be at least (v/255+1) bytes long @param v size of extradata in bytes @return number of bytes written to the buffer.
func FFIOWFourCC ¶ added in v0.6.0
func FFIOWFourCC(s *AVIOContext, a uint8, b uint8, c uint8, d uint8)
Types ¶
type AVActiveFormatDescription ¶
type AVActiveFormatDescription C.enum_AVActiveFormatDescription
AVActiveFormatDescription wraps AVActiveFormatDescription.
const ( // AVAfdSame wraps AV_AFD_SAME. AVAfdSame AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_SAME // AVAfd43 wraps AV_AFD_4_3. AVAfd43 AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_4_3 // AVAfd169 wraps AV_AFD_16_9. AVAfd169 AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_16_9 // AVAfd149 wraps AV_AFD_14_9. AVAfd149 AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_14_9 // AVAfd43Sp149 wraps AV_AFD_4_3_SP_14_9. AVAfd43Sp149 AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_4_3_SP_14_9 // AVAfd169Sp149 wraps AV_AFD_16_9_SP_14_9. AVAfd169Sp149 AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_16_9_SP_14_9 // AVAfdSp43 wraps AV_AFD_SP_4_3. AVAfdSp43 AVActiveFormatDescription = C.AV_AFD_SP_4_3 )
type AVAudioServiceType ¶
type AVAudioServiceType C.enum_AVAudioServiceType
AVAudioServiceType wraps AVAudioServiceType.
const ( // AVAudioServiceTypeMain wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_MAIN. AVAudioServiceTypeMain AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_MAIN // AVAudioServiceTypeEffects wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_EFFECTS. AVAudioServiceTypeEffects AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_EFFECTS // AVAudioServiceTypeVisuallyImpaired wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED. AVAudioServiceTypeVisuallyImpaired AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_VISUALLY_IMPAIRED // AVAudioServiceTypeHearingImpaired wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_HEARING_IMPAIRED. AVAudioServiceTypeHearingImpaired AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_HEARING_IMPAIRED // AVAudioServiceTypeDialogue wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_DIALOGUE. AVAudioServiceTypeDialogue AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_DIALOGUE // AVAudioServiceTypeCommentary wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_COMMENTARY. AVAudioServiceTypeCommentary AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_COMMENTARY // AVAudioServiceTypeEmergency wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_EMERGENCY. AVAudioServiceTypeEmergency AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_EMERGENCY // AVAudioServiceTypeVoiceOver wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_VOICE_OVER. AVAudioServiceTypeVoiceOver AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_VOICE_OVER // AVAudioServiceTypeKaraoke wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_KARAOKE. AVAudioServiceTypeKaraoke AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_KARAOKE // AVAudioServiceTypeNb wraps AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_NB. // // Not part of ABI AVAudioServiceTypeNb AVAudioServiceType = C.AV_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE_NB )
type AVBPrint ¶
type AVBPrint struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVBPrint wraps AVBPrint.
type AVBuffer ¶
type AVBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVBuffer wraps AVBuffer.
type AVBufferPool ¶
type AVBufferPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVBufferPool wraps AVBufferPool.
func (*AVBufferPool) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVBufferPool) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVBufferRef ¶
type AVBufferRef struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVBufferRef wraps AVBufferRef.
A reference to a data buffer. The size of this struct is not a part of the public ABI and it is not meant to be allocated directly.
func AVBufferAlloc ¶
func AVBufferAlloc(size uint64) *AVBufferRef
AVBufferAlloc wraps av_buffer_alloc.
Allocate an AVBuffer of the given size using av_malloc(). @return an AVBufferRef of given size or NULL when out of memory
func AVBufferAllocz ¶
func AVBufferAllocz(size uint64) *AVBufferRef
AVBufferAllocz wraps av_buffer_allocz.
Same as av_buffer_alloc(), except the returned buffer will be initialized to zero.
func AVBufferPoolGet ¶
func AVBufferPoolGet(pool *AVBufferPool) *AVBufferRef
AVBufferPoolGet wraps av_buffer_pool_get.
Allocate a new AVBuffer, reusing an old buffer from the pool when available. This function may be called simultaneously from multiple threads. @return a reference to the new buffer on success, NULL on error.
func AVBufferRef_ ¶
func AVBufferRef_(buf *AVBufferRef) *AVBufferRef
AVBufferRef_ wraps av_buffer_ref.
Create a new reference to an AVBuffer. @return a new AVBufferRef referring to the same AVBuffer as buf or NULL on failure.
func AVBuffersinkGetHWFramesCtx ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVBuffersinkGetHWFramesCtx(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVBufferRef
AVBuffersinkGetHWFramesCtx wraps av_buffersink_get_hw_frames_ctx.
func AVFrameGetPlaneBuffer ¶
func AVFrameGetPlaneBuffer(frame *AVFrame, plane int) *AVBufferRef
AVFrameGetPlaneBuffer wraps av_frame_get_plane_buffer.
Get the buffer reference a given data plane is stored in. @param frame the frame to get the plane's buffer from @param plane index of the data plane of interest in frame->extended_data. @return the buffer reference that contains the plane or NULL if the input frame is not valid.
func AVHWDeviceCtxAlloc ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceCtxAlloc(_type AVHWDeviceType) *AVBufferRef
AVHWDeviceCtxAlloc wraps av_hwdevice_ctx_alloc.
Allocate an AVHWDeviceContext for a given hardware type. @param type the type of the hardware device to allocate. @return a reference to the newly created AVHWDeviceContext on success or NULL on failure.
func AVHWFrameCtxAlloc ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWFrameCtxAlloc(deviceCtx *AVBufferRef) *AVBufferRef
AVHWFrameCtxAlloc wraps av_hwframe_ctx_alloc.
Allocate an AVHWFramesContext tied to a given device context. @param device_ctx a reference to a AVHWDeviceContext. This function will make a new reference for internal use, the one passed to the function remains owned by the caller. @return a reference to the newly created AVHWFramesContext on success or NULL on failure.
func (*AVBufferRef) Data ¶
func (s *AVBufferRef) Data() unsafe.Pointer
Data gets the data field.
The data buffer. It is considered writable if and only if this is the only reference to the buffer, in which case av_buffer_is_writable() returns 1.
func (*AVBufferRef) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVBufferRef) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVBufferRef) SetBuffer ¶
func (s *AVBufferRef) SetBuffer(value *AVBuffer)
SetBuffer sets the buffer field.
func (*AVBufferRef) SetData ¶
func (s *AVBufferRef) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetData sets the data field.
The data buffer. It is considered writable if and only if this is the only reference to the buffer, in which case av_buffer_is_writable() returns 1.
func (*AVBufferRef) SetSize ¶
func (s *AVBufferRef) SetSize(value uint64)
SetSize sets the size field.
Size of data in bytes.
func (*AVBufferRef) Size ¶
func (s *AVBufferRef) Size() uint64
Size gets the size field.
Size of data in bytes.
type AVBufferSrcParameters ¶
type AVBufferSrcParameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVBufferSrcParameters wraps AVBufferSrcParameters.
This structure contains the parameters describing the frames that will be passed to this filter. It should be allocated with av_buffersrc_parameters_alloc() and freed with av_free(). All the allocated fields in it remain owned by the caller.
func AVBuffersrcParametersAlloc ¶
func AVBuffersrcParametersAlloc() *AVBufferSrcParameters
AVBuffersrcParametersAlloc wraps av_buffersrc_parameters_alloc.
Allocate a new AVBufferSrcParameters instance. It should be freed by the caller with av_free().
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) ChLayout ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
ChLayout gets the ch_layout field.
Audio only, the audio channel layout
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) ChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) ChannelLayout() uint64
ChannelLayout gets the channel_layout field.
Audio only, the audio channel layout @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) Format ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) Format() int
Format gets the format field.
video: the pixel format, value corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat audio: the sample format, value corresponds to enum AVSampleFormat
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) FrameRate ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) FrameRate() *AVRational
FrameRate gets the frame_rate field.
Video only, the frame rate of the input video. This field must only be set to a non-zero value if input stream has a known constant framerate and should be left at its initial value if the framerate is variable or unknown.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) Height ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) Height() int
Height gets the height field.
Video only, the display dimensions of the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) HwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
HwFramesCtx gets the hw_frames_ctx field.
Video with a hwaccel pixel format only. This should be a reference to an AVHWFramesContext instance describing the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
SampleAspectRatio gets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
Video only, the sample (pixel) aspect ratio.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SampleRate ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SampleRate() int
SampleRate gets the sample_rate field.
Audio only, the audio sampling rate in samples per second.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
SetChannelLayout sets the channel_layout field.
Audio only, the audio channel layout @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetFormat ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetFormat(value int)
SetFormat sets the format field.
video: the pixel format, value corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat audio: the sample format, value corresponds to enum AVSampleFormat
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetFrameRate ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetFrameRate(value *AVRational)
SetFrameRate sets the frame_rate field.
Video only, the frame rate of the input video. This field must only be set to a non-zero value if input stream has a known constant framerate and should be left at its initial value if the framerate is variable or unknown.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetHeight(value int)
SetHeight sets the height field.
Video only, the display dimensions of the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetHwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
SetHwFramesCtx sets the hw_frames_ctx field.
Video with a hwaccel pixel format only. This should be a reference to an AVHWFramesContext instance describing the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
SetSampleAspectRatio sets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
Video only, the sample (pixel) aspect ratio.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetSampleRate ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetSampleRate(value int)
SetSampleRate sets the sample_rate field.
Audio only, the audio sampling rate in samples per second.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
The timebase to be used for the timestamps on the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) SetWidth(value int)
SetWidth sets the width field.
Video only, the display dimensions of the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
The timebase to be used for the timestamps on the input frames.
func (*AVBufferSrcParameters) Width ¶
func (s *AVBufferSrcParameters) Width() int
Width gets the width field.
Video only, the display dimensions of the input frames.
type AVCPBProperties ¶
type AVCPBProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCPBProperties wraps AVCPBProperties.
This structure describes the bitrate properties of an encoded bitstream. It roughly corresponds to a subset the VBV parameters for MPEG-2 or HRD parameters for H.264/HEVC.
func (*AVCPBProperties) AvgBitrate ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) AvgBitrate() int64
AvgBitrate gets the avg_bitrate field.
Average bitrate of the stream, in bits per second. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) BufferSize ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) BufferSize() int64
BufferSize gets the buffer_size field.
The size of the buffer to which the ratecontrol is applied, in bits. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) MaxBitrate ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) MaxBitrate() int64
MaxBitrate gets the max_bitrate field.
Maximum bitrate of the stream, in bits per second. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) MinBitrate ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) MinBitrate() int64
MinBitrate gets the min_bitrate field.
Minimum bitrate of the stream, in bits per second. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCPBProperties) SetAvgBitrate ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetAvgBitrate(value int64)
SetAvgBitrate sets the avg_bitrate field.
Average bitrate of the stream, in bits per second. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) SetBufferSize ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetBufferSize(value int64)
SetBufferSize sets the buffer_size field.
The size of the buffer to which the ratecontrol is applied, in bits. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) SetMaxBitrate ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetMaxBitrate(value int64)
SetMaxBitrate sets the max_bitrate field.
Maximum bitrate of the stream, in bits per second. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) SetMinBitrate ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetMinBitrate(value int64)
SetMinBitrate sets the min_bitrate field.
Minimum bitrate of the stream, in bits per second. Zero if unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) SetVbvDelay ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) SetVbvDelay(value uint64)
SetVbvDelay sets the vbv_delay field.
The delay between the time the packet this structure is associated with is received and the time when it should be decoded, in periods of a 27MHz clock. UINT64_MAX when unknown or unspecified.
func (*AVCPBProperties) VbvDelay ¶
func (s *AVCPBProperties) VbvDelay() uint64
VbvDelay gets the vbv_delay field.
The delay between the time the packet this structure is associated with is received and the time when it should be decoded, in periods of a 27MHz clock. UINT64_MAX when unknown or unspecified.
type AVChannel ¶
type AVChannel C.enum_AVChannel
AVChannel wraps AVChannel.
const ( // AVChanNone wraps AV_CHAN_NONE. AVChanNone AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_NONE // AVChanFrontLeft wraps AV_CHAN_FRONT_LEFT. AVChanFrontLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_FRONT_LEFT // AVChanFrontRight wraps AV_CHAN_FRONT_RIGHT. AVChanFrontRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_FRONT_RIGHT // AVChanFrontCenter wraps AV_CHAN_FRONT_CENTER. AVChanFrontCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_FRONT_CENTER // AVChanLowFrequency wraps AV_CHAN_LOW_FREQUENCY. AVChanLowFrequency AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_LOW_FREQUENCY // AVChanBackLeft wraps AV_CHAN_BACK_LEFT. AVChanBackLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_BACK_LEFT // AVChanBackRight wraps AV_CHAN_BACK_RIGHT. AVChanBackRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_BACK_RIGHT // AVChanFrontLeftOfCenter wraps AV_CHAN_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER. AVChanFrontLeftOfCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER // AVChanFrontRightOfCenter wraps AV_CHAN_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER. AVChanFrontRightOfCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER // AVChanBackCenter wraps AV_CHAN_BACK_CENTER. AVChanBackCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_BACK_CENTER // AVChanSideLeft wraps AV_CHAN_SIDE_LEFT. AVChanSideLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_SIDE_LEFT // AVChanSideRight wraps AV_CHAN_SIDE_RIGHT. AVChanSideRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_SIDE_RIGHT // AVChanTopCenter wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_CENTER. AVChanTopCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_CENTER // AVChanTopFrontLeft wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_FRONT_LEFT. AVChanTopFrontLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_FRONT_LEFT // AVChanTopFrontCenter wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_FRONT_CENTER. AVChanTopFrontCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_FRONT_CENTER // AVChanTopFrontRight wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT. AVChanTopFrontRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT // AVChanTopBackLeft wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_BACK_LEFT. AVChanTopBackLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_BACK_LEFT // AVChanTopBackCenter wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_BACK_CENTER. AVChanTopBackCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_BACK_CENTER // AVChanTopBackRight wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_BACK_RIGHT. AVChanTopBackRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_BACK_RIGHT // AVChanStereoLeft wraps AV_CHAN_STEREO_LEFT. // // Stereo downmix. AVChanStereoLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_STEREO_LEFT // AVChanStereoRight wraps AV_CHAN_STEREO_RIGHT. // // See above. AVChanStereoRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_STEREO_RIGHT // AVChanWideLeft wraps AV_CHAN_WIDE_LEFT. // // See above. AVChanWideLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_WIDE_LEFT // AVChanWideRight wraps AV_CHAN_WIDE_RIGHT. // // See above. AVChanWideRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_WIDE_RIGHT // AVChanSurroundDirectLeft wraps AV_CHAN_SURROUND_DIRECT_LEFT. // // See above. AVChanSurroundDirectLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_SURROUND_DIRECT_LEFT // AVChanSurroundDirectRight wraps AV_CHAN_SURROUND_DIRECT_RIGHT. // // See above. AVChanSurroundDirectRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_SURROUND_DIRECT_RIGHT // AVChanLowFrequency2 wraps AV_CHAN_LOW_FREQUENCY_2. // // See above. AVChanLowFrequency2 AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_LOW_FREQUENCY_2 // AVChanTopSideLeft wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_SIDE_LEFT. // // See above. AVChanTopSideLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_SIDE_LEFT // AVChanTopSideRight wraps AV_CHAN_TOP_SIDE_RIGHT. // // See above. AVChanTopSideRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_TOP_SIDE_RIGHT // AVChanBottomFrontCenter wraps AV_CHAN_BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER. // // See above. AVChanBottomFrontCenter AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_BOTTOM_FRONT_CENTER // AVChanBottomFrontLeft wraps AV_CHAN_BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT. // // See above. AVChanBottomFrontLeft AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT // AVChanBottomFrontRight wraps AV_CHAN_BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT. // // See above. AVChanBottomFrontRight AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT // AVChanUnused wraps AV_CHAN_UNUSED. // // Channel is empty can be safely skipped. AVChanUnused AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_UNUSED // AVChanUnknown wraps AV_CHAN_UNKNOWN. // // Channel contains data, but its position is unknown. AVChanUnknown AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_UNKNOWN // AVChanAmbisonicBase wraps AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_BASE. /* Range of channels between AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_BASE and AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_END represent Ambisonic components using the ACN system. Given a channel id `<i>` between AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_BASE and AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_END (inclusive), the ACN index of the channel `<n>` is `<n> = <i> - AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_BASE`. @note these values are only used for AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_CUSTOM channel orderings, the AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_AMBISONIC ordering orders the channels implicitly by their position in the stream. */ AVChanAmbisonicBase AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_BASE // AVChanAmbisonicEnd wraps AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_END. /* leave space for 1024 ids, which correspond to maximum order-32 harmonics, which should be enough for the foreseeable use cases */ AVChanAmbisonicEnd AVChannel = C.AV_CHAN_AMBISONIC_END )
func AVChannelFromString ¶
AVChannelFromString wraps av_channel_from_string.
This is the inverse function of @ref av_channel_name(). @return the channel with the given name AV_CHAN_NONE when name does not identify a known channel
func AVChannelLayoutChannelFromIndex ¶
func AVChannelLayoutChannelFromIndex(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, idx uint) AVChannel
AVChannelLayoutChannelFromIndex wraps av_channel_layout_channel_from_index.
Get the channel with the given index in a channel layout. @param channel_layout input channel layout @param idx index of the channel @return channel with the index idx in channel_layout on success or AV_CHAN_NONE on failure (if idx is not valid or the channel order is unspecified)
func AVChannelLayoutChannelFromString ¶
func AVChannelLayoutChannelFromString(channelLayout *AVChannelLayout, name *CStr) AVChannel
AVChannelLayoutChannelFromString wraps av_channel_layout_channel_from_string.
Get a channel described by the given string. This function accepts channel names in the same format as @ref av_channel_from_string(). @param channel_layout input channel layout @param name string describing the channel to obtain @return a channel described by the given string in channel_layout on success or AV_CHAN_NONE on failure (if the string is not valid or the channel order is unspecified)
type AVChannelCustom ¶
type AVChannelCustom struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVChannelCustom wraps AVChannelCustom.
An AVChannelCustom defines a single channel within a custom order layout Unlike most structures in FFmpeg, sizeof(AVChannelCustom) is a part of the public ABI. No new fields may be added to it without a major version bump.
func (*AVChannelCustom) Name ¶
func (s *AVChannelCustom) Name() *Array[uint8]
Name gets the name field.
func (*AVChannelCustom) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVChannelCustom) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
func (*AVChannelCustom) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVChannelCustom) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVChannelCustom) SetId ¶
func (s *AVChannelCustom) SetId(value AVChannel)
SetId sets the id field.
func (*AVChannelCustom) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVChannelCustom) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
type AVChannelLayout ¶
type AVChannelLayout struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVChannelLayout wraps AVChannelLayout.
An AVChannelLayout holds information about the channel layout of audio data. A channel layout here is defined as a set of channels ordered in a specific way (unless the channel order is AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC, in which case an AVChannelLayout carries only the channel count). All orders may be treated as if they were AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC by ignoring everything but the channel count, as long as av_channel_layout_check() considers they are valid. Unlike most structures in FFmpeg, sizeof(AVChannelLayout) is a part of the public ABI and may be used by the caller. E.g. it may be allocated on stack or embedded in caller-defined structs. AVChannelLayout can be initialized as follows: - default initialization with {0}, followed by setting all used fields correctly; - by assigning one of the predefined AV_CHANNEL_LAYOUT_* initializers; - with a constructor function, such as av_channel_layout_default(), av_channel_layout_from_mask() or av_channel_layout_from_string(). The channel layout must be unitialized with av_channel_layout_uninit() Copying an AVChannelLayout via assigning is forbidden, av_channel_layout_copy() must be used instead (and its return value should be checked) No new fields may be added to it without a major version bump, except for new elements of the union fitting in sizeof(uint64_t).
func (*AVChannelLayout) NbChannels ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) NbChannels() int
NbChannels gets the nb_channels field.
Number of channels in this layout. Mandatory field.
func (*AVChannelLayout) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
For some private data of the user.
func (*AVChannelLayout) Order ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) Order() AVChannelOrder
Order gets the order field.
Channel order used in this layout. This is a mandatory field.
func (*AVChannelLayout) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVChannelLayout) SetNbChannels ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) SetNbChannels(value int)
SetNbChannels sets the nb_channels field.
Number of channels in this layout. Mandatory field.
func (*AVChannelLayout) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
For some private data of the user.
func (*AVChannelLayout) SetOrder ¶
func (s *AVChannelLayout) SetOrder(value AVChannelOrder)
SetOrder sets the order field.
Channel order used in this layout. This is a mandatory field.
type AVChannelOrder ¶
type AVChannelOrder C.enum_AVChannelOrder
AVChannelOrder wraps AVChannelOrder.
const ( // AVChannelOrderUnspec wraps AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC. /* Only the channel count is specified, without any further information about the channel order. */ AVChannelOrderUnspec AVChannelOrder = C.AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC // AVChannelOrderNative wraps AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_NATIVE. /* The native channel order, i.e. the channels are in the same order in which they are defined in the AVChannel enum. This supports up to 63 different channels. */ AVChannelOrderNative AVChannelOrder = C.AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_NATIVE // AVChannelOrderCustom wraps AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_CUSTOM. /* The channel order does not correspond to any other predefined order and is stored as an explicit map. For example, this could be used to support layouts with 64 or more channels, or with empty/skipped (AV_CHAN_SILENCE) channels at arbitrary positions. */ AVChannelOrderCustom AVChannelOrder = C.AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_CUSTOM // AVChannelOrderAmbisonic wraps AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_AMBISONIC. /* The audio is represented as the decomposition of the sound field into spherical harmonics. Each channel corresponds to a single expansion component. Channels are ordered according to ACN (Ambisonic Channel Number). The channel with the index n in the stream contains the spherical harmonic of degree l and order m given by @code{.unparsed} l = floor(sqrt(n)), m = n - l * (l + 1). @endcode Conversely given a spherical harmonic of degree l and order m, the corresponding channel index n is given by @code{.unparsed} n = l * (l + 1) + m. @endcode Normalization is assumed to be SN3D (Schmidt Semi-Normalization) as defined in AmbiX format $ 2.1. */ AVChannelOrderAmbisonic AVChannelOrder = C.AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_AMBISONIC )
type AVChapter ¶
type AVChapter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVChapter wraps AVChapter.
func (*AVChapter) Metadata ¶
func (s *AVChapter) Metadata() *AVDictionary
Metadata gets the metadata field.
func (*AVChapter) SetMetadata ¶
func (s *AVChapter) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
SetMetadata sets the metadata field.
func (*AVChapter) SetStart ¶
SetStart sets the start field.
chapter start/end time in time_base units
func (*AVChapter) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVChapter) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
time base in which the start/end timestamps are specified
func (*AVChapter) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVChapter) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
time base in which the start/end timestamps are specified
type AVChromaLocation ¶
type AVChromaLocation C.enum_AVChromaLocation
AVChromaLocation wraps AVChromaLocation.
Location of chroma samples. Illustration showing the location of the first (top left) chroma sample of the image, the left shows only luma, the right shows the location of the chroma sample, the 2 could be imagined to overlay each other but are drawn separately due to limitations of ASCII 1st 2nd 1st 2nd horizontal luma sample positions v v v v ______ ______ *1st luma line > |X X ... |3 4 X ... X are luma samples, | |1 2 1-6 are possible chroma positions *2nd luma line > |X X ... |5 6 X ... 0 is undefined/unknown position
const ( // AVChromaLocUnspecified wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED. AVChromaLocUnspecified AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED // AVChromaLocLeft wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_LEFT. // // MPEG-2/4 4:2:0, H.264 default for 4:2:0 AVChromaLocLeft AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_LEFT // AVChromaLocCenter wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_CENTER. // // MPEG-1 4:2:0, JPEG 4:2:0, H.263 4:2:0 AVChromaLocCenter AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_CENTER // AVChromaLocTopleft wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_TOPLEFT. // // ITU-R 601, SMPTE 274M 296M S314M(DV 4:1:1), mpeg2 4:2:2 AVChromaLocTopleft AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_TOPLEFT // AVChromaLocTop wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_TOP. AVChromaLocTop AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_TOP // AVChromaLocBottomleft wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_BOTTOMLEFT. AVChromaLocBottomleft AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_BOTTOMLEFT // AVChromaLocBottom wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_BOTTOM. AVChromaLocBottom AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_BOTTOM // AVChromaLocNb wraps AVCHROMA_LOC_NB. // // Not part of ABI AVChromaLocNb AVChromaLocation = C.AVCHROMA_LOC_NB )
func AVCodecChromaPosToEnum ¶
func AVCodecChromaPosToEnum(xpos int, ypos int) AVChromaLocation
AVCodecChromaPosToEnum wraps avcodec_chroma_pos_to_enum.
Converts swscale x/y chroma position to AVChromaLocation. The positions represent the chroma (0,0) position in a coordinates system with luma (0,0) representing the origin and luma(1,1) representing 256,256 @param xpos horizontal chroma sample position @param ypos vertical chroma sample position @deprecated Use av_chroma_location_pos_to_enum() instead.
type AVClass ¶
type AVClass struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVClass wraps AVClass.
Describe the class of an AVClass context structure. That is an arbitrary struct of which the first field is a pointer to an AVClass struct (e.g. AVCodecContext, AVFormatContext etc.).
func AVCodecGetClass ¶
func AVCodecGetClass() *AVClass
AVCodecGetClass wraps avcodec_get_class.
Get the AVClass for AVCodecContext. It can be used in combination with AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ for examining options. @see av_opt_find().
func AVCodecGetSubtitleRectClass ¶
func AVCodecGetSubtitleRectClass() *AVClass
AVCodecGetSubtitleRectClass wraps avcodec_get_subtitle_rect_class.
Get the AVClass for AVSubtitleRect. It can be used in combination with AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ for examining options. @see av_opt_find().
func AVFilterGetClass ¶
func AVFilterGetClass() *AVClass
AVFilterGetClass wraps avfilter_get_class.
@return AVClass for AVFilterContext. @see av_opt_find().
func AVFormatGetClass ¶
func AVFormatGetClass() *AVClass
AVFormatGetClass wraps avformat_get_class.
Get the AVClass for AVFormatContext. It can be used in combination with AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ for examining options. @see av_opt_find().
func AVIOProtocolGetClass ¶
AVIOProtocolGetClass wraps avio_protocol_get_class.
Get AVClass by names of available protocols. @return A AVClass of input protocol name or NULL
func AVStreamGetClass ¶
func AVStreamGetClass() *AVClass
AVStreamGetClass wraps av_stream_get_class.
Get the AVClass for AVStream. It can be used in combination with AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ for examining options. @see av_opt_find().
func (*AVClass) Category ¶
func (s *AVClass) Category() AVClassCategory
Category gets the category field.
Category used for visualization (like color) This is only set if the category is equal for all objects using this class. available since version (51 << 16 | 56 << 8 | 100)
func (*AVClass) ClassName ¶
ClassName gets the class_name field.
The name of the class; usually it is the same name as the context structure type to which the AVClass is associated.
func (*AVClass) LogLevelOffsetOffset ¶
LogLevelOffsetOffset gets the log_level_offset_offset field.
Offset in the structure where log_level_offset is stored. 0 means there is no such variable
func (*AVClass) Option ¶
Option gets the option field.
a pointer to the first option specified in the class if any or NULL @see av_set_default_options()
func (*AVClass) ParentLogContextOffset ¶
ParentLogContextOffset gets the parent_log_context_offset field.
Offset in the structure where a pointer to the parent context for logging is stored. For example a decoder could pass its AVCodecContext to eval as such a parent context, which an av_log() implementation could then leverage to display the parent context. The offset can be NULL.
func (*AVClass) SetCategory ¶
func (s *AVClass) SetCategory(value AVClassCategory)
SetCategory sets the category field.
Category used for visualization (like color) This is only set if the category is equal for all objects using this class. available since version (51 << 16 | 56 << 8 | 100)
func (*AVClass) SetClassName ¶
SetClassName sets the class_name field.
The name of the class; usually it is the same name as the context structure type to which the AVClass is associated.
func (*AVClass) SetLogLevelOffsetOffset ¶
SetLogLevelOffsetOffset sets the log_level_offset_offset field.
Offset in the structure where log_level_offset is stored. 0 means there is no such variable
func (*AVClass) SetOption ¶
SetOption sets the option field.
a pointer to the first option specified in the class if any or NULL @see av_set_default_options()
func (*AVClass) SetParentLogContextOffset ¶
SetParentLogContextOffset sets the parent_log_context_offset field.
Offset in the structure where a pointer to the parent context for logging is stored. For example a decoder could pass its AVCodecContext to eval as such a parent context, which an av_log() implementation could then leverage to display the parent context. The offset can be NULL.
func (*AVClass) SetVersion ¶
SetVersion sets the version field.
LIBAVUTIL_VERSION with which this structure was created. This is used to allow fields to be added without requiring major version bumps everywhere.
type AVClassCategory ¶
type AVClassCategory C.AVClassCategory
AVClassCategory wraps AVClassCategory.
const ( // AVClassCategoryNa wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_NA. AVClassCategoryNa AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_NA // AVClassCategoryInput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_INPUT. AVClassCategoryInput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_INPUT // AVClassCategoryOutput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_OUTPUT. AVClassCategoryOutput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_OUTPUT // AVClassCategoryMuxer wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_MUXER. AVClassCategoryMuxer AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_MUXER // AVClassCategoryDemuxer wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEMUXER. AVClassCategoryDemuxer AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEMUXER // AVClassCategoryEncoder wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_ENCODER. AVClassCategoryEncoder AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_ENCODER // AVClassCategoryDecoder wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DECODER. AVClassCategoryDecoder AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DECODER // AVClassCategoryFilter wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_FILTER. AVClassCategoryFilter AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_FILTER // AVClassCategoryBitstreamFilter wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_BITSTREAM_FILTER. AVClassCategoryBitstreamFilter AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_BITSTREAM_FILTER // AVClassCategorySwscaler wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_SWSCALER. AVClassCategorySwscaler AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_SWSCALER // AVClassCategorySwresampler wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_SWRESAMPLER. AVClassCategorySwresampler AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_SWRESAMPLER // AVClassCategoryDeviceVideoOutput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_VIDEO_OUTPUT. AVClassCategoryDeviceVideoOutput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_VIDEO_OUTPUT // AVClassCategoryDeviceVideoInput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_VIDEO_INPUT. AVClassCategoryDeviceVideoInput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_VIDEO_INPUT // AVClassCategoryDeviceAudioOutput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_AUDIO_OUTPUT. AVClassCategoryDeviceAudioOutput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_AUDIO_OUTPUT // AVClassCategoryDeviceAudioInput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_AUDIO_INPUT. AVClassCategoryDeviceAudioInput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_AUDIO_INPUT // AVClassCategoryDeviceOutput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_OUTPUT. AVClassCategoryDeviceOutput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_OUTPUT // AVClassCategoryDeviceInput wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_INPUT. AVClassCategoryDeviceInput AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_DEVICE_INPUT // AVClassCategoryNb wraps AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_NB. // // not part of ABI/API AVClassCategoryNb AVClassCategory = C.AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_NB )
func AVDefaultGetCategory ¶
func AVDefaultGetCategory(ptr unsafe.Pointer) AVClassCategory
AVDefaultGetCategory wraps av_default_get_category.
type AVCodec ¶
type AVCodec struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodec wraps AVCodec.
func AVCodecFindDecoder ¶
AVCodecFindDecoder wraps avcodec_find_decoder.
Find a registered decoder with a matching codec ID. @param id AVCodecID of the requested decoder @return A decoder if one was found, NULL otherwise.
func AVCodecFindDecoderByName ¶
AVCodecFindDecoderByName wraps avcodec_find_decoder_by_name.
Find a registered decoder with the specified name. @param name name of the requested decoder @return A decoder if one was found, NULL otherwise.
func AVCodecFindEncoder ¶
AVCodecFindEncoder wraps avcodec_find_encoder.
Find a registered encoder with a matching codec ID. @param id AVCodecID of the requested encoder @return An encoder if one was found, NULL otherwise.
func AVCodecFindEncoderByName ¶
AVCodecFindEncoderByName wraps avcodec_find_encoder_by_name.
Find a registered encoder with the specified name. @param name name of the requested encoder @return An encoder if one was found, NULL otherwise.
func (*AVCodec) Capabilities ¶
Capabilities gets the capabilities field.
Codec capabilities. see AV_CODEC_CAP_*
func (*AVCodec) ChLayouts ¶
func (s *AVCodec) ChLayouts() *AVChannelLayout
ChLayouts gets the ch_layouts field.
Array of supported channel layouts, terminated with a zeroed layout.
func (*AVCodec) LongName ¶
LongName gets the long_name field.
Descriptive name for the codec, meant to be more human readable than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVCodec) MaxLowres ¶
MaxLowres gets the max_lowres field.
maximum value for lowres supported by the decoder
func (*AVCodec) Name ¶
Name gets the name field.
Name of the codec implementation. The name is globally unique among encoders and among decoders (but an encoder and a decoder can share the same name). This is the primary way to find a codec from the user perspective.
func (*AVCodec) PixFmts ¶
func (s *AVCodec) PixFmts() *Array[AVPixelFormat]
PixFmts gets the pix_fmts field.
array of supported pixel formats, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by -1
func (*AVCodec) Profiles ¶
Profiles gets the profiles field.
array of recognized profiles, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by {AV_PROFILE_UNKNOWN}
func (*AVCodec) SampleFmts ¶
func (s *AVCodec) SampleFmts() *Array[AVSampleFormat]
SampleFmts gets the sample_fmts field.
array of supported sample formats, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by -1
func (*AVCodec) SetCapabilities ¶
SetCapabilities sets the capabilities field.
Codec capabilities. see AV_CODEC_CAP_*
func (*AVCodec) SetChLayouts ¶
func (s *AVCodec) SetChLayouts(value *AVChannelLayout)
SetChLayouts sets the ch_layouts field.
Array of supported channel layouts, terminated with a zeroed layout.
func (*AVCodec) SetLongName ¶
SetLongName sets the long_name field.
Descriptive name for the codec, meant to be more human readable than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVCodec) SetMaxLowres ¶
SetMaxLowres sets the max_lowres field.
maximum value for lowres supported by the decoder
func (*AVCodec) SetName ¶
SetName sets the name field.
Name of the codec implementation. The name is globally unique among encoders and among decoders (but an encoder and a decoder can share the same name). This is the primary way to find a codec from the user perspective.
func (*AVCodec) SetPixFmts ¶
func (s *AVCodec) SetPixFmts(value *Array[AVPixelFormat])
SetPixFmts sets the pix_fmts field.
array of supported pixel formats, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by -1
func (*AVCodec) SetPrivClass ¶
SetPrivClass sets the priv_class field.
AVClass for the private context
func (*AVCodec) SetProfiles ¶
SetProfiles sets the profiles field.
array of recognized profiles, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by {AV_PROFILE_UNKNOWN}
func (*AVCodec) SetSampleFmts ¶
func (s *AVCodec) SetSampleFmts(value *Array[AVSampleFormat])
SetSampleFmts sets the sample_fmts field.
array of supported sample formats, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by -1
func (*AVCodec) SetWrapperName ¶
SetWrapperName sets the wrapper_name field.
Group name of the codec implementation. This is a short symbolic name of the wrapper backing this codec. A wrapper uses some kind of external implementation for the codec, such as an external library, or a codec implementation provided by the OS or the hardware. If this field is NULL, this is a builtin, libavcodec native codec. If non-NULL, this will be the suffix in in most cases (usually will be of the form "<codec_name>_<wrapper_name>").
func (*AVCodec) WrapperName ¶
WrapperName gets the wrapper_name field.
Group name of the codec implementation. This is a short symbolic name of the wrapper backing this codec. A wrapper uses some kind of external implementation for the codec, such as an external library, or a codec implementation provided by the OS or the hardware. If this field is NULL, this is a builtin, libavcodec native codec. If non-NULL, this will be the suffix in in most cases (usually will be of the form "<codec_name>_<wrapper_name>").
type AVCodecContext ¶
type AVCodecContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecContext wraps AVCodecContext.
main external API structure. New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps. Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major version bump. You can use AVOptions (av_opt* / av_set/get*()) to access these fields from user applications. The name string for AVOptions options matches the associated command line parameter name and can be found in libavcodec/options_table.h The AVOption/command line parameter names differ in some cases from the C structure field names for historic reasons or brevity. sizeof(AVCodecContext) must not be used outside libav*.
func AVCodecAllocContext3 ¶
func AVCodecAllocContext3(codec *AVCodec) *AVCodecContext
AVCodecAllocContext3 wraps avcodec_alloc_context3.
Allocate an AVCodecContext and set its fields to default values. The resulting struct should be freed with avcodec_free_context(). @param codec if non-NULL, allocate private data and initialize defaults for the given codec. It is illegal to then call avcodec_open2() with a different codec. If NULL, then the codec-specific defaults won't be initialized, which may result in suboptimal default settings (this is important mainly for encoders, e.g. libx264). @return An AVCodecContext filled with default values or NULL on failure.
func (*AVCodecContext) ActiveThreadType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ActiveThreadType() int
ActiveThreadType gets the active_thread_type field.
Which multithreading methods are in use by the codec. - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) ApplyCropping ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ApplyCropping() int
ApplyCropping gets the apply_cropping field.
Video decoding only. Certain video codecs support cropping, meaning that only a sub-rectangle of the decoded frame is intended for display. This option controls how cropping is handled by libavcodec. When set to 1 (the default), libavcodec will apply cropping internally. I.e. it will modify the output frame width/height fields and offset the data pointers (only by as much as possible while preserving alignment, or by the full amount if the AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED flag is set) so that the frames output by the decoder refer only to the cropped area. The crop_* fields of the output frames will be zero. When set to 0, the width/height fields of the output frames will be set to the coded dimensions and the crop_* fields will describe the cropping rectangle. Applying the cropping is left to the caller. @warning When hardware acceleration with opaque output frames is used, libavcodec is unable to apply cropping from the top/left border. @note when this option is set to zero, the width/height fields of the AVCodecContext and output AVFrames have different meanings. The codec context fields store display dimensions (with the coded dimensions in coded_width/height), while the frame fields store the coded dimensions (with the display dimensions being determined by the crop_* fields).
func (*AVCodecContext) AudioServiceType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) AudioServiceType() AVAudioServiceType
AudioServiceType gets the audio_service_type field.
Type of service that the audio stream conveys. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
information on struct for av_log - set by avcodec_alloc_context3
func (*AVCodecContext) BQuantFactor ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BQuantFactor() float32
BQuantFactor gets the b_quant_factor field.
qscale factor between IP and B-frames If > 0 then the last P-frame quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset). - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) BQuantOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BQuantOffset() float32
BQuantOffset gets the b_quant_offset field.
qscale offset between IP and B-frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) BidirRefine ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BidirRefine() int
BidirRefine gets the bidir_refine field.
- encoding: Set by user.
- decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) BitRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BitRate() int64
BitRate gets the bit_rate field.
the average bitrate - encoding: Set by user; unused for constant quantizer encoding. - decoding: Set by user, may be overwritten by libavcodec if this info is available in the stream
func (*AVCodecContext) BitRateTolerance ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BitRateTolerance() int
BitRateTolerance gets the bit_rate_tolerance field.
number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. the reference can be CBR (for CBR pass1) or VBR (for pass2) - encoding: Set by user; unused for constant quantizer encoding. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) BitsPerCodedSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BitsPerCodedSample() int
BitsPerCodedSample gets the bits_per_coded_sample field.
bits per sample/pixel from the demuxer (needed for huffyuv). - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) BitsPerRawSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BitsPerRawSample() int
BitsPerRawSample gets the bits_per_raw_sample field.
Bits per sample/pixel of internal libavcodec pixel/sample format. - encoding: set by user. - decoding: set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) BlockAlign ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) BlockAlign() int
BlockAlign gets the block_align field.
number of bytes per packet if constant and known or 0 Used by some WAV based audio codecs.
func (*AVCodecContext) ChLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
ChLayout gets the ch_layout field.
Audio channel layout. - encoding: must be set by the caller, to one of AVCodec.ch_layouts. - decoding: may be set by the caller if known e.g. from the container. The decoder can then override during decoding as needed.
func (*AVCodecContext) ChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ChannelLayout() uint64
ChannelLayout gets the channel_layout field.
Audio channel layout. - encoding: set by user. - decoding: set by user, may be overwritten by libavcodec. @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVCodecContext) Channels ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Channels() int
Channels gets the channels field.
number of audio channels @deprecated use ch_layout.nb_channels
func (*AVCodecContext) ChromaSampleLocation ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ChromaSampleLocation() AVChromaLocation
ChromaSampleLocation gets the chroma_sample_location field.
This defines the location of chroma samples. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) Codec ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Codec() *AVCodec
Codec gets the codec field.
func (*AVCodecContext) CodecDescriptor ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecDescriptor() *AVCodecDescriptor
CodecDescriptor gets the codec_descriptor field.
AVCodecDescriptor - encoding: unused. - decoding: set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) CodecId ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecId() AVCodecID
CodecId gets the codec_id field.
see AV_CODEC_ID_xxx
func (*AVCodecContext) CodecTag ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecTag() uint
CodecTag gets the codec_tag field.
fourcc (LSB first, so "ABCD" -> ('D'<<24) + ('C'<<16) + ('B'<<8) + 'A'). This is used to work around some encoder bugs. A demuxer should set this to what is stored in the field used to identify the codec. If there are multiple such fields in a container then the demuxer should choose the one which maximizes the information about the used codec. If the codec tag field in a container is larger than 32 bits then the demuxer should remap the longer ID to 32 bits with a table or other structure. Alternatively a new extra_codec_tag + size could be added but for this a clear advantage must be demonstrated first. - encoding: Set by user, if not then the default based on codec_id will be used. - decoding: Set by user, will be converted to uppercase by libavcodec during init.
func (*AVCodecContext) CodecType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecType() AVMediaType
CodecType gets the codec_type field.
func (*AVCodecContext) CodecWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodecWhitelist() *CStr
CodecWhitelist gets the codec_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed decoders. If NULL then all are allowed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) CodedHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodedHeight() int
CodedHeight gets the coded_height field.
Bitstream width / height, may be different from width/height e.g. when the decoded frame is cropped before being output or lowres is enabled. @note Those field may not match the value of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: unused - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) CodedSideData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodedSideData() *AVPacketSideData
CodedSideData gets the coded_side_data field.
Additional data associated with the entire coded stream. - decoding: may be set by user before calling avcodec_open2(). - encoding: may be set by libavcodec after avcodec_open2().
func (*AVCodecContext) CodedWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CodedWidth() int
CodedWidth gets the coded_width field.
Bitstream width / height, may be different from width/height e.g. when the decoded frame is cropped before being output or lowres is enabled. @note Those field may not match the value of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: unused - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) ColorPrimaries ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ColorPrimaries() AVColorPrimaries
ColorPrimaries gets the color_primaries field.
Chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) ColorRange ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ColorRange() AVColorRange
ColorRange gets the color_range field.
MPEG vs JPEG YUV range. - encoding: Set by user to override the default output color range value, If not specified, libavcodec sets the color range depending on the output format. - decoding: Set by libavcodec, can be set by the user to propagate the color range to components reading from the decoder context.
func (*AVCodecContext) ColorTrc ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ColorTrc() AVColorTransferCharacteristic
ColorTrc gets the color_trc field.
Color Transfer Characteristic. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) Colorspace ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Colorspace() AVColorSpace
Colorspace gets the colorspace field.
YUV colorspace type. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) CompressionLevel ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) CompressionLevel() int
CompressionLevel gets the compression_level field.
- encoding: Set by user.
- decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Cutoff ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Cutoff() int
Cutoff gets the cutoff field.
Audio cutoff bandwidth (0 means "automatic") - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) DarkMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) DarkMasking() float32
DarkMasking gets the dark_masking field.
darkness masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) DctAlgo ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) DctAlgo() int
DctAlgo gets the dct_algo field.
DCT algorithm, see FF_DCT_* below - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Debug ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Debug() int
Debug gets the debug field.
debug - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) Delay ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Delay() int
Delay gets the delay field.
Codec delay. Encoding: Number of frames delay there will be from the encoder input to the decoder output. (we assume the decoder matches the spec) Decoding: Number of frames delay in addition to what a standard decoder as specified in the spec would produce. Video: Number of frames the decoded output will be delayed relative to the encoded input. Audio: For encoding, this field is unused (see initial_padding). For decoding, this is the number of samples the decoder needs to output before the decoder's output is valid. When seeking, you should start decoding this many samples prior to your desired seek point. - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) DiaSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) DiaSize() int
DiaSize gets the dia_size field.
ME diamond size & shape - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) DiscardDamagedPercentage ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) DiscardDamagedPercentage() int
DiscardDamagedPercentage gets the discard_damaged_percentage field.
The percentage of damaged samples to discard a frame. - decoding: set by user - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) DumpSeparator ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) DumpSeparator() unsafe.Pointer
DumpSeparator gets the dump_separator field.
dump format separator. can be ", " or "\n " or anything else - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) ErrRecognition ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ErrRecognition() int
ErrRecognition gets the err_recognition field.
Error recognition; may misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors. This is a bitfield of the AV_EF_* values defined in defs.h. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) Error ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Error() *Array[uint64]
Error gets the error field.
error - encoding: Set by libavcodec if flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_PSNR. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) ErrorConcealment ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ErrorConcealment() int
ErrorConcealment gets the error_concealment field.
error concealment flags - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) ExportSideData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ExportSideData() int
ExportSideData gets the export_side_data field.
Bit set of AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_* flags, which affects the kind of metadata exported in frame, packet, or coded stream side data by decoders and encoders. - decoding: set by user - encoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) ExtraHwFrames ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ExtraHwFrames() int
ExtraHwFrames gets the extra_hw_frames field.
Video decoding only. Sets the number of extra hardware frames which the decoder will allocate for use by the caller. This must be set before avcodec_open2() is called. Some hardware decoders require all frames that they will use for output to be defined in advance before decoding starts. For such decoders, the hardware frame pool must therefore be of a fixed size. The extra frames set here are on top of any number that the decoder needs internally in order to operate normally (for example, frames used as reference pictures).
func (*AVCodecContext) Extradata ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Extradata() unsafe.Pointer
Extradata gets the extradata field.
some codecs need / can use extradata like Huffman tables. MJPEG: Huffman tables rv10: additional flags MPEG-4: global headers (they can be in the bitstream or here) The allocated memory should be AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE bytes larger than extradata_size to avoid problems if it is read with the bitstream reader. The bytewise contents of extradata must not depend on the architecture or CPU endianness. Must be allocated with the av_malloc() family of functions. - encoding: Set/allocated/freed by libavcodec. - decoding: Set/allocated/freed by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) ExtradataSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ExtradataSize() int
ExtradataSize gets the extradata_size field.
func (*AVCodecContext) FieldOrder ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) FieldOrder() AVFieldOrder
FieldOrder gets the field_order field.
Field order - encoding: set by libavcodec - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) Flags ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Flags() int
Flags gets the flags field.
AV_CODEC_FLAG_*. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) Flags2 ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Flags2() int
Flags2 gets the flags2 field.
AV_CODEC_FLAG2_* - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) FrameNum ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) FrameNum() int64
FrameNum gets the frame_num field.
Frame counter, set by libavcodec. - decoding: total number of frames returned from the decoder so far. - encoding: total number of frames passed to the encoder so far. @note the counter is not incremented if encoding/decoding resulted in an error.
func (*AVCodecContext) FrameNumber ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) FrameNumber() int
FrameNumber gets the frame_number field.
Frame counter, set by libavcodec. - decoding: total number of frames returned from the decoder so far. - encoding: total number of frames passed to the encoder so far. @note the counter is not incremented if encoding/decoding resulted in an error. @deprecated use frame_num instead
func (*AVCodecContext) FrameSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) FrameSize() int
FrameSize gets the frame_size field.
Number of samples per channel in an audio frame. - encoding: set by libavcodec in avcodec_open2(). Each submitted frame except the last must contain exactly frame_size samples per channel. May be 0 when the codec has AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE set, then the frame size is not restricted. - decoding: may be set by some decoders to indicate constant frame size
func (*AVCodecContext) Framerate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Framerate() *AVRational
Framerate gets the framerate field.
- decoding: For codecs that store a framerate value in the compressed bitstream, the decoder may export it here. { 0, 1} when unknown.
- encoding: May be used to signal the framerate of CFR content to an encoder.
func (*AVCodecContext) GlobalQuality ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) GlobalQuality() int
GlobalQuality gets the global_quality field.
Global quality for codecs which cannot change it per frame. This should be proportional to MPEG-1/2/4 qscale. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) GopSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) GopSize() int
GopSize gets the gop_size field.
the number of pictures in a group of pictures, or 0 for intra_only - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) HasBFrames ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) HasBFrames() int
HasBFrames gets the has_b_frames field.
Size of the frame reordering buffer in the decoder. For MPEG-2 it is 1 IPB or 0 low delay IP. - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) Height ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Height() int
Height gets the height field.
picture width / height. @note Those fields may not match the values of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: MUST be set by user. - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. Some decoders will require the dimensions to be set by the caller. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) HwDeviceCtx ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) HwDeviceCtx() *AVBufferRef
HwDeviceCtx gets the hw_device_ctx field.
A reference to the AVHWDeviceContext describing the device which will be used by a hardware encoder/decoder. The reference is set by the caller and afterwards owned (and freed) by libavcodec. This should be used if either the codec device does not require hardware frames or any that are used are to be allocated internally by libavcodec. If the user wishes to supply any of the frames used as encoder input or decoder output then hw_frames_ctx should be used instead. When hw_frames_ctx is set in get_format() for a decoder, this field will be ignored while decoding the associated stream segment, but may again be used on a following one after another get_format() call. For both encoders and decoders this field should be set before avcodec_open2() is called and must not be written to thereafter. Note that some decoders may require this field to be set initially in order to support hw_frames_ctx at all - in that case, all frames contexts used must be created on the same device.
func (*AVCodecContext) HwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
HwFramesCtx gets the hw_frames_ctx field.
A reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing the input (for encoding) or output (decoding) frames. The reference is set by the caller and afterwards owned (and freed) by libavcodec - it should never be read by the caller after being set. - decoding: This field should be set by the caller from the get_format() callback. The previous reference (if any) will always be unreffed by libavcodec before the get_format() call. If the default get_buffer2() is used with a hwaccel pixel format, then this AVHWFramesContext will be used for allocating the frame buffers. - encoding: For hardware encoders configured to use a hwaccel pixel format, this field should be set by the caller to a reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing input frames. AVHWFramesContext.format must be equal to AVCodecContext.pix_fmt. This field should be set before avcodec_open2() is called.
func (*AVCodecContext) Hwaccel ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Hwaccel() *AVHWAccel
Hwaccel gets the hwaccel field.
Hardware accelerator in use - encoding: unused. - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) HwaccelContext ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) HwaccelContext() unsafe.Pointer
HwaccelContext gets the hwaccel_context field.
Legacy hardware accelerator context. For some hardware acceleration methods, the caller may use this field to signal hwaccel-specific data to the codec. The struct pointed to by this pointer is hwaccel-dependent and defined in the respective header. Please refer to the FFmpeg HW accelerator documentation to know how to fill this. In most cases this field is optional - the necessary information may also be provided to libavcodec through @ref hw_frames_ctx or @ref hw_device_ctx (see avcodec_get_hw_config()). However, in some cases it may be the only method of signalling some (optional) information. The struct and its contents are owned by the caller. - encoding: May be set by the caller before avcodec_open2(). Must remain valid until avcodec_free_context(). - decoding: May be set by the caller in the get_format() callback. Must remain valid until the next get_format() call, or avcodec_free_context() (whichever comes first).
func (*AVCodecContext) HwaccelFlags ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) HwaccelFlags() int
HwaccelFlags gets the hwaccel_flags field.
Bit set of AV_HWACCEL_FLAG_* flags, which affect hardware accelerated decoding (if active). - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user (either before avcodec_open2(), or in the AVCodecContext.get_format callback)
func (*AVCodecContext) IQuantFactor ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) IQuantFactor() float32
IQuantFactor gets the i_quant_factor field.
qscale factor between P- and I-frames If > 0 then the last P-frame quantizer will be used (q = lastp_q * factor + offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset). - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) IQuantOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) IQuantOffset() float32
IQuantOffset gets the i_quant_offset field.
qscale offset between P and I-frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) IdctAlgo ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) IdctAlgo() int
IdctAlgo gets the idct_algo field.
IDCT algorithm, see FF_IDCT_* below. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) IldctCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) IldctCmp() int
IldctCmp gets the ildct_cmp field.
interlaced DCT comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) InitialPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) InitialPadding() int
InitialPadding gets the initial_padding field.
Audio only. The number of "priming" samples (padding) inserted by the encoder at the beginning of the audio. I.e. this number of leading decoded samples must be discarded by the caller to get the original audio without leading padding. - decoding: unused - encoding: Set by libavcodec. The timestamps on the output packets are adjusted by the encoder so that they always refer to the first sample of the data actually contained in the packet, including any added padding. E.g. if the timebase is 1/samplerate and the timestamp of the first input sample is 0, the timestamp of the first output packet will be -initial_padding.
func (*AVCodecContext) IntraDcPrecision ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) IntraDcPrecision() int
IntraDcPrecision gets the intra_dc_precision field.
precision of the intra DC coefficient - 8 - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) KeyintMin ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) KeyintMin() int
KeyintMin gets the keyint_min field.
minimum GOP size - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) LastPredictorCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) LastPredictorCount() int
LastPredictorCount gets the last_predictor_count field.
amount of previous MV predictors (2a+1 x 2a+1 square) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Level ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Level() int
Level gets the level field.
Encoding level descriptor. - encoding: Set by user, corresponds to a specific level defined by the codec, usually corresponding to the profile level, if not specified it is set to FF_LEVEL_UNKNOWN. - decoding: Set by libavcodec. See AV_LEVEL_* in defs.h.
func (*AVCodecContext) LogLevelOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) LogLevelOffset() int
LogLevelOffset gets the log_level_offset field.
func (*AVCodecContext) Lowres ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Lowres() int
Lowres gets the lowres field.
low resolution decoding, 1-> 1/2 size, 2->1/4 size - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) LumiMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) LumiMasking() float32
LumiMasking gets the lumi_masking field.
luminance masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MaxBFrames ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxBFrames() int
MaxBFrames gets the max_b_frames field.
maximum number of B-frames between non-B-frames Note: The output will be delayed by max_b_frames+1 relative to the input. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MaxPixels ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxPixels() int64
MaxPixels gets the max_pixels field.
The number of pixels per image to maximally accept. - decoding: set by user - encoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) MaxQdiff ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxQdiff() int
MaxQdiff gets the max_qdiff field.
maximum quantizer difference between frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MaxSamples ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MaxSamples() int64
MaxSamples gets the max_samples field.
The number of samples per frame to maximally accept. - decoding: set by user - encoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) MbCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MbCmp() int
MbCmp gets the mb_cmp field.
macroblock comparison function (not supported yet) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MbDecision ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MbDecision() int
MbDecision gets the mb_decision field.
macroblock decision mode - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MbLmax ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MbLmax() int
MbLmax gets the mb_lmax field.
maximum MB Lagrange multiplier - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MbLmin ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MbLmin() int
MbLmin gets the mb_lmin field.
minimum MB Lagrange multiplier - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MeCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MeCmp() int
MeCmp gets the me_cmp field.
motion estimation comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MePreCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MePreCmp() int
MePreCmp gets the me_pre_cmp field.
motion estimation prepass comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MeRange ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MeRange() int
MeRange gets the me_range field.
maximum motion estimation search range in subpel units If 0 then no limit. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MeSubCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MeSubCmp() int
MeSubCmp gets the me_sub_cmp field.
subpixel motion estimation comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) MeSubpelQuality ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) MeSubpelQuality() int
MeSubpelQuality gets the me_subpel_quality field.
subpel ME quality - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Mv0Threshold ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Mv0Threshold() int
Mv0Threshold gets the mv0_threshold field.
Note: Value depends upon the compare function used for fullpel ME. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) NbCodedSideData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) NbCodedSideData() int
NbCodedSideData gets the nb_coded_side_data field.
func (*AVCodecContext) NsseWeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) NsseWeight() int
NsseWeight gets the nsse_weight field.
noise vs. sse weight for the nsse comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
Private data of the user, can be used to carry app specific stuff. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) PMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PMasking() float32
PMasking gets the p_masking field.
p block masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) PixFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PixFmt() AVPixelFormat
PixFmt gets the pix_fmt field.
Pixel format, see AV_PIX_FMT_xxx. May be set by the demuxer if known from headers. May be overridden by the decoder if it knows better. @note This field may not match the value of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user if known, overridden by libavcodec while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) PktTimebase ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PktTimebase() *AVRational
PktTimebase gets the pkt_timebase field.
Timebase in which pkt_dts/pts and AVPacket.dts/pts are expressed. - encoding: unused. - decoding: set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) PreDiaSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PreDiaSize() int
PreDiaSize gets the pre_dia_size field.
ME prepass diamond size & shape - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) PrivData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
PrivData gets the priv_data field.
func (*AVCodecContext) Profile ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Profile() int
Profile gets the profile field.
profile - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec. See the AV_PROFILE_* defines in defs.h.
func (*AVCodecContext) Properties ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Properties() uint
Properties gets the properties field.
Properties of the stream that gets decoded - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionLastDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionLastDts() int64
PtsCorrectionLastDts gets the pts_correction_last_dts field.
PTS of the last frame
func (*AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionLastPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionLastPts() int64
PtsCorrectionLastPts gets the pts_correction_last_pts field.
Number of incorrect DTS values so far
func (*AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts() int64
PtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts gets the pts_correction_num_faulty_dts field.
Number of incorrect PTS values so far
func (*AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) PtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts() int64
PtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts gets the pts_correction_num_faulty_pts field.
Current statistics for PTS correction. - decoding: maintained and used by libavcodec, not intended to be used by user apps - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Qblur ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Qblur() float32
Qblur gets the qblur field.
amount of qscale smoothing over time (0.0-1.0)
func (*AVCodecContext) Qcompress ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Qcompress() float32
Qcompress gets the qcompress field.
amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes (0.0-1.0)
func (*AVCodecContext) Qmax ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Qmax() int
Qmax gets the qmax field.
maximum quantizer - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Qmin ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Qmin() int
Qmin gets the qmin field.
minimum quantizer - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCodecContext) RcBufferSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcBufferSize() int
RcBufferSize gets the rc_buffer_size field.
decoder bitstream buffer size - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: May be set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) RcInitialBufferOccupancy ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcInitialBufferOccupancy() int
RcInitialBufferOccupancy gets the rc_initial_buffer_occupancy field.
Number of bits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before decoding starts. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) RcMaxAvailableVbvUse ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMaxAvailableVbvUse() float32
RcMaxAvailableVbvUse gets the rc_max_available_vbv_use field.
Ratecontrol attempt to use, at maximum, <value> of what can be used without an underflow. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused.
func (*AVCodecContext) RcMaxRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMaxRate() int64
RcMaxRate gets the rc_max_rate field.
maximum bitrate - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user, may be overwritten by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) RcMinRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMinRate() int64
RcMinRate gets the rc_min_rate field.
minimum bitrate - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) RcMinVbvOverflowUse ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcMinVbvOverflowUse() float32
RcMinVbvOverflowUse gets the rc_min_vbv_overflow_use field.
Ratecontrol attempt to use, at least, <value> times the amount needed to prevent a vbv overflow. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused.
func (*AVCodecContext) RcOverride ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcOverride() *RcOverride
RcOverride gets the rc_override field.
func (*AVCodecContext) RcOverrideCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RcOverrideCount() int
RcOverrideCount gets the rc_override_count field.
ratecontrol override, see RcOverride - encoding: Allocated/set/freed by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Refs ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Refs() int
Refs gets the refs field.
number of reference frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by lavc.
func (*AVCodecContext) ReorderedOpaque ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ReorderedOpaque() int64
ReorderedOpaque gets the reordered_opaque field.
opaque 64-bit number (generally a PTS) that will be reordered and output in AVFrame.reordered_opaque - encoding: Set by libavcodec to the reordered_opaque of the input frame corresponding to the last returned packet. Only supported by encoders with the AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_REORDERED_OPAQUE capability. - decoding: Set by user. @deprecated Use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE instead
func (*AVCodecContext) RequestChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RequestChannelLayout() uint64
RequestChannelLayout gets the request_channel_layout field.
Request decoder to use this channel layout if it can (0 for default) - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user. @deprecated use "downmix" codec private option
func (*AVCodecContext) RequestSampleFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) RequestSampleFmt() AVSampleFormat
RequestSampleFmt gets the request_sample_fmt field.
desired sample format - encoding: Not used. - decoding: Set by user. Decoder will decode to this format if it can.
func (*AVCodecContext) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
SampleAspectRatio gets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
sample aspect ratio (0 if unknown) That is the width of a pixel divided by the height of the pixel. Numerator and denominator must be relatively prime and smaller than 256 for some video standards. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SampleFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SampleFmt() AVSampleFormat
SampleFmt gets the sample_fmt field.
sample format
func (*AVCodecContext) SampleRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SampleRate() int
SampleRate gets the sample_rate field.
samples per second
func (*AVCodecContext) SeekPreroll ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SeekPreroll() int
SeekPreroll gets the seek_preroll field.
Number of samples to skip after a discontinuity - decoding: unused - encoding: set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetActiveThreadType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetActiveThreadType(value int)
SetActiveThreadType sets the active_thread_type field.
Which multithreading methods are in use by the codec. - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetApplyCropping ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetApplyCropping(value int)
SetApplyCropping sets the apply_cropping field.
Video decoding only. Certain video codecs support cropping, meaning that only a sub-rectangle of the decoded frame is intended for display. This option controls how cropping is handled by libavcodec. When set to 1 (the default), libavcodec will apply cropping internally. I.e. it will modify the output frame width/height fields and offset the data pointers (only by as much as possible while preserving alignment, or by the full amount if the AV_CODEC_FLAG_UNALIGNED flag is set) so that the frames output by the decoder refer only to the cropped area. The crop_* fields of the output frames will be zero. When set to 0, the width/height fields of the output frames will be set to the coded dimensions and the crop_* fields will describe the cropping rectangle. Applying the cropping is left to the caller. @warning When hardware acceleration with opaque output frames is used, libavcodec is unable to apply cropping from the top/left border. @note when this option is set to zero, the width/height fields of the AVCodecContext and output AVFrames have different meanings. The codec context fields store display dimensions (with the coded dimensions in coded_width/height), while the frame fields store the coded dimensions (with the display dimensions being determined by the crop_* fields).
func (*AVCodecContext) SetAudioServiceType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetAudioServiceType(value AVAudioServiceType)
SetAudioServiceType sets the audio_service_type field.
Type of service that the audio stream conveys. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
information on struct for av_log - set by avcodec_alloc_context3
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBQuantFactor ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBQuantFactor(value float32)
SetBQuantFactor sets the b_quant_factor field.
qscale factor between IP and B-frames If > 0 then the last P-frame quantizer will be used (q= lastp_q*factor+offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset). - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBQuantOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBQuantOffset(value float32)
SetBQuantOffset sets the b_quant_offset field.
qscale offset between IP and B-frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBidirRefine ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBidirRefine(value int)
SetBidirRefine sets the bidir_refine field.
- encoding: Set by user.
- decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBitRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitRate(value int64)
SetBitRate sets the bit_rate field.
the average bitrate - encoding: Set by user; unused for constant quantizer encoding. - decoding: Set by user, may be overwritten by libavcodec if this info is available in the stream
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBitRateTolerance ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitRateTolerance(value int)
SetBitRateTolerance sets the bit_rate_tolerance field.
number of bits the bitstream is allowed to diverge from the reference. the reference can be CBR (for CBR pass1) or VBR (for pass2) - encoding: Set by user; unused for constant quantizer encoding. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBitsPerCodedSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitsPerCodedSample(value int)
SetBitsPerCodedSample sets the bits_per_coded_sample field.
bits per sample/pixel from the demuxer (needed for huffyuv). - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBitsPerRawSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBitsPerRawSample(value int)
SetBitsPerRawSample sets the bits_per_raw_sample field.
Bits per sample/pixel of internal libavcodec pixel/sample format. - encoding: set by user. - decoding: set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetBlockAlign ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetBlockAlign(value int)
SetBlockAlign sets the block_align field.
number of bytes per packet if constant and known or 0 Used by some WAV based audio codecs.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
SetChannelLayout sets the channel_layout field.
Audio channel layout. - encoding: set by user. - decoding: set by user, may be overwritten by libavcodec. @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVCodecContext) SetChannels ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetChannels(value int)
SetChannels sets the channels field.
number of audio channels @deprecated use ch_layout.nb_channels
func (*AVCodecContext) SetChromaSampleLocation ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetChromaSampleLocation(value AVChromaLocation)
SetChromaSampleLocation sets the chroma_sample_location field.
This defines the location of chroma samples. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodec ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodec(value *AVCodec)
SetCodec sets the codec field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodecDescriptor ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecDescriptor(value *AVCodecDescriptor)
SetCodecDescriptor sets the codec_descriptor field.
AVCodecDescriptor - encoding: unused. - decoding: set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodecId ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecId(value AVCodecID)
SetCodecId sets the codec_id field.
see AV_CODEC_ID_xxx
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodecTag ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecTag(value uint)
SetCodecTag sets the codec_tag field.
fourcc (LSB first, so "ABCD" -> ('D'<<24) + ('C'<<16) + ('B'<<8) + 'A'). This is used to work around some encoder bugs. A demuxer should set this to what is stored in the field used to identify the codec. If there are multiple such fields in a container then the demuxer should choose the one which maximizes the information about the used codec. If the codec tag field in a container is larger than 32 bits then the demuxer should remap the longer ID to 32 bits with a table or other structure. Alternatively a new extra_codec_tag + size could be added but for this a clear advantage must be demonstrated first. - encoding: Set by user, if not then the default based on codec_id will be used. - decoding: Set by user, will be converted to uppercase by libavcodec during init.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodecType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecType(value AVMediaType)
SetCodecType sets the codec_type field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodecWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodecWhitelist(value *CStr)
SetCodecWhitelist sets the codec_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed decoders. If NULL then all are allowed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodedHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodedHeight(value int)
SetCodedHeight sets the coded_height field.
Bitstream width / height, may be different from width/height e.g. when the decoded frame is cropped before being output or lowres is enabled. @note Those field may not match the value of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: unused - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodedSideData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodedSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
SetCodedSideData sets the coded_side_data field.
Additional data associated with the entire coded stream. - decoding: may be set by user before calling avcodec_open2(). - encoding: may be set by libavcodec after avcodec_open2().
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCodedWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCodedWidth(value int)
SetCodedWidth sets the coded_width field.
Bitstream width / height, may be different from width/height e.g. when the decoded frame is cropped before being output or lowres is enabled. @note Those field may not match the value of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: unused - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetColorPrimaries ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorPrimaries(value AVColorPrimaries)
SetColorPrimaries sets the color_primaries field.
Chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetColorRange ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorRange(value AVColorRange)
SetColorRange sets the color_range field.
MPEG vs JPEG YUV range. - encoding: Set by user to override the default output color range value, If not specified, libavcodec sets the color range depending on the output format. - decoding: Set by libavcodec, can be set by the user to propagate the color range to components reading from the decoder context.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetColorTrc ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorTrc(value AVColorTransferCharacteristic)
SetColorTrc sets the color_trc field.
Color Transfer Characteristic. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetColorspace ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetColorspace(value AVColorSpace)
SetColorspace sets the colorspace field.
YUV colorspace type. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCompressionLevel ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCompressionLevel(value int)
SetCompressionLevel sets the compression_level field.
- encoding: Set by user.
- decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetCutoff ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetCutoff(value int)
SetCutoff sets the cutoff field.
Audio cutoff bandwidth (0 means "automatic") - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDarkMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDarkMasking(value float32)
SetDarkMasking sets the dark_masking field.
darkness masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDctAlgo ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDctAlgo(value int)
SetDctAlgo sets the dct_algo field.
DCT algorithm, see FF_DCT_* below - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDebug ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDebug(value int)
SetDebug sets the debug field.
debug - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDelay ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDelay(value int)
SetDelay sets the delay field.
Codec delay. Encoding: Number of frames delay there will be from the encoder input to the decoder output. (we assume the decoder matches the spec) Decoding: Number of frames delay in addition to what a standard decoder as specified in the spec would produce. Video: Number of frames the decoded output will be delayed relative to the encoded input. Audio: For encoding, this field is unused (see initial_padding). For decoding, this is the number of samples the decoder needs to output before the decoder's output is valid. When seeking, you should start decoding this many samples prior to your desired seek point. - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDiaSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDiaSize(value int)
SetDiaSize sets the dia_size field.
ME diamond size & shape - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDiscardDamagedPercentage ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDiscardDamagedPercentage(value int)
SetDiscardDamagedPercentage sets the discard_damaged_percentage field.
The percentage of damaged samples to discard a frame. - decoding: set by user - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetDumpSeparator ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetDumpSeparator(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetDumpSeparator sets the dump_separator field.
dump format separator. can be ", " or "\n " or anything else - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetErrRecognition ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetErrRecognition(value int)
SetErrRecognition sets the err_recognition field.
Error recognition; may misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors. This is a bitfield of the AV_EF_* values defined in defs.h. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetErrorConcealment ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetErrorConcealment(value int)
SetErrorConcealment sets the error_concealment field.
error concealment flags - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetExportSideData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExportSideData(value int)
SetExportSideData sets the export_side_data field.
Bit set of AV_CODEC_EXPORT_DATA_* flags, which affects the kind of metadata exported in frame, packet, or coded stream side data by decoders and encoders. - decoding: set by user - encoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) SetExtraHwFrames ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExtraHwFrames(value int)
SetExtraHwFrames sets the extra_hw_frames field.
Video decoding only. Sets the number of extra hardware frames which the decoder will allocate for use by the caller. This must be set before avcodec_open2() is called. Some hardware decoders require all frames that they will use for output to be defined in advance before decoding starts. For such decoders, the hardware frame pool must therefore be of a fixed size. The extra frames set here are on top of any number that the decoder needs internally in order to operate normally (for example, frames used as reference pictures).
func (*AVCodecContext) SetExtradata ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExtradata(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetExtradata sets the extradata field.
some codecs need / can use extradata like Huffman tables. MJPEG: Huffman tables rv10: additional flags MPEG-4: global headers (they can be in the bitstream or here) The allocated memory should be AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE bytes larger than extradata_size to avoid problems if it is read with the bitstream reader. The bytewise contents of extradata must not depend on the architecture or CPU endianness. Must be allocated with the av_malloc() family of functions. - encoding: Set/allocated/freed by libavcodec. - decoding: Set/allocated/freed by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetExtradataSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetExtradataSize(value int)
SetExtradataSize sets the extradata_size field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFieldOrder ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFieldOrder(value AVFieldOrder)
SetFieldOrder sets the field_order field.
Field order - encoding: set by libavcodec - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
AV_CODEC_FLAG_*. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFlags2 ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFlags2(value int)
SetFlags2 sets the flags2 field.
AV_CODEC_FLAG2_* - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFrameNum ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFrameNum(value int64)
SetFrameNum sets the frame_num field.
Frame counter, set by libavcodec. - decoding: total number of frames returned from the decoder so far. - encoding: total number of frames passed to the encoder so far. @note the counter is not incremented if encoding/decoding resulted in an error.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFrameNumber ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFrameNumber(value int)
SetFrameNumber sets the frame_number field.
Frame counter, set by libavcodec. - decoding: total number of frames returned from the decoder so far. - encoding: total number of frames passed to the encoder so far. @note the counter is not incremented if encoding/decoding resulted in an error. @deprecated use frame_num instead
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFrameSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFrameSize(value int)
SetFrameSize sets the frame_size field.
Number of samples per channel in an audio frame. - encoding: set by libavcodec in avcodec_open2(). Each submitted frame except the last must contain exactly frame_size samples per channel. May be 0 when the codec has AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE set, then the frame size is not restricted. - decoding: may be set by some decoders to indicate constant frame size
func (*AVCodecContext) SetFramerate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetFramerate(value *AVRational)
SetFramerate sets the framerate field.
- decoding: For codecs that store a framerate value in the compressed bitstream, the decoder may export it here. { 0, 1} when unknown.
- encoding: May be used to signal the framerate of CFR content to an encoder.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetGlobalQuality ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetGlobalQuality(value int)
SetGlobalQuality sets the global_quality field.
Global quality for codecs which cannot change it per frame. This should be proportional to MPEG-1/2/4 qscale. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetGopSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetGopSize(value int)
SetGopSize sets the gop_size field.
the number of pictures in a group of pictures, or 0 for intra_only - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHasBFrames ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHasBFrames(value int)
SetHasBFrames sets the has_b_frames field.
Size of the frame reordering buffer in the decoder. For MPEG-2 it is 1 IPB or 0 low delay IP. - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHeight(value int)
SetHeight sets the height field.
picture width / height. @note Those fields may not match the values of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: MUST be set by user. - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. Some decoders will require the dimensions to be set by the caller. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHwDeviceCtx ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwDeviceCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
SetHwDeviceCtx sets the hw_device_ctx field.
A reference to the AVHWDeviceContext describing the device which will be used by a hardware encoder/decoder. The reference is set by the caller and afterwards owned (and freed) by libavcodec. This should be used if either the codec device does not require hardware frames or any that are used are to be allocated internally by libavcodec. If the user wishes to supply any of the frames used as encoder input or decoder output then hw_frames_ctx should be used instead. When hw_frames_ctx is set in get_format() for a decoder, this field will be ignored while decoding the associated stream segment, but may again be used on a following one after another get_format() call. For both encoders and decoders this field should be set before avcodec_open2() is called and must not be written to thereafter. Note that some decoders may require this field to be set initially in order to support hw_frames_ctx at all - in that case, all frames contexts used must be created on the same device.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
SetHwFramesCtx sets the hw_frames_ctx field.
A reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing the input (for encoding) or output (decoding) frames. The reference is set by the caller and afterwards owned (and freed) by libavcodec - it should never be read by the caller after being set. - decoding: This field should be set by the caller from the get_format() callback. The previous reference (if any) will always be unreffed by libavcodec before the get_format() call. If the default get_buffer2() is used with a hwaccel pixel format, then this AVHWFramesContext will be used for allocating the frame buffers. - encoding: For hardware encoders configured to use a hwaccel pixel format, this field should be set by the caller to a reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing input frames. AVHWFramesContext.format must be equal to AVCodecContext.pix_fmt. This field should be set before avcodec_open2() is called.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHwaccel ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwaccel(value *AVHWAccel)
SetHwaccel sets the hwaccel field.
Hardware accelerator in use - encoding: unused. - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHwaccelContext ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwaccelContext(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetHwaccelContext sets the hwaccel_context field.
Legacy hardware accelerator context. For some hardware acceleration methods, the caller may use this field to signal hwaccel-specific data to the codec. The struct pointed to by this pointer is hwaccel-dependent and defined in the respective header. Please refer to the FFmpeg HW accelerator documentation to know how to fill this. In most cases this field is optional - the necessary information may also be provided to libavcodec through @ref hw_frames_ctx or @ref hw_device_ctx (see avcodec_get_hw_config()). However, in some cases it may be the only method of signalling some (optional) information. The struct and its contents are owned by the caller. - encoding: May be set by the caller before avcodec_open2(). Must remain valid until avcodec_free_context(). - decoding: May be set by the caller in the get_format() callback. Must remain valid until the next get_format() call, or avcodec_free_context() (whichever comes first).
func (*AVCodecContext) SetHwaccelFlags ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetHwaccelFlags(value int)
SetHwaccelFlags sets the hwaccel_flags field.
Bit set of AV_HWACCEL_FLAG_* flags, which affect hardware accelerated decoding (if active). - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user (either before avcodec_open2(), or in the AVCodecContext.get_format callback)
func (*AVCodecContext) SetIQuantFactor ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIQuantFactor(value float32)
SetIQuantFactor sets the i_quant_factor field.
qscale factor between P- and I-frames If > 0 then the last P-frame quantizer will be used (q = lastp_q * factor + offset). If < 0 then normal ratecontrol will be done (q= -normal_q*factor+offset). - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetIQuantOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIQuantOffset(value float32)
SetIQuantOffset sets the i_quant_offset field.
qscale offset between P and I-frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetIdctAlgo ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIdctAlgo(value int)
SetIdctAlgo sets the idct_algo field.
IDCT algorithm, see FF_IDCT_* below. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetIldctCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIldctCmp(value int)
SetIldctCmp sets the ildct_cmp field.
interlaced DCT comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetInitialPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetInitialPadding(value int)
SetInitialPadding sets the initial_padding field.
Audio only. The number of "priming" samples (padding) inserted by the encoder at the beginning of the audio. I.e. this number of leading decoded samples must be discarded by the caller to get the original audio without leading padding. - decoding: unused - encoding: Set by libavcodec. The timestamps on the output packets are adjusted by the encoder so that they always refer to the first sample of the data actually contained in the packet, including any added padding. E.g. if the timebase is 1/samplerate and the timestamp of the first input sample is 0, the timestamp of the first output packet will be -initial_padding.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetIntraDcPrecision ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetIntraDcPrecision(value int)
SetIntraDcPrecision sets the intra_dc_precision field.
precision of the intra DC coefficient - 8 - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetKeyintMin ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetKeyintMin(value int)
SetKeyintMin sets the keyint_min field.
minimum GOP size - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetLastPredictorCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLastPredictorCount(value int)
SetLastPredictorCount sets the last_predictor_count field.
amount of previous MV predictors (2a+1 x 2a+1 square) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetLevel ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLevel(value int)
SetLevel sets the level field.
Encoding level descriptor. - encoding: Set by user, corresponds to a specific level defined by the codec, usually corresponding to the profile level, if not specified it is set to FF_LEVEL_UNKNOWN. - decoding: Set by libavcodec. See AV_LEVEL_* in defs.h.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetLogLevelOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLogLevelOffset(value int)
SetLogLevelOffset sets the log_level_offset field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetLowres ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLowres(value int)
SetLowres sets the lowres field.
low resolution decoding, 1-> 1/2 size, 2->1/4 size - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetLumiMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetLumiMasking(value float32)
SetLumiMasking sets the lumi_masking field.
luminance masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMaxBFrames ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxBFrames(value int)
SetMaxBFrames sets the max_b_frames field.
maximum number of B-frames between non-B-frames Note: The output will be delayed by max_b_frames+1 relative to the input. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMaxPixels ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxPixels(value int64)
SetMaxPixels sets the max_pixels field.
The number of pixels per image to maximally accept. - decoding: set by user - encoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMaxQdiff ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxQdiff(value int)
SetMaxQdiff sets the max_qdiff field.
maximum quantizer difference between frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMaxSamples ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMaxSamples(value int64)
SetMaxSamples sets the max_samples field.
The number of samples per frame to maximally accept. - decoding: set by user - encoding: set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMbCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbCmp(value int)
SetMbCmp sets the mb_cmp field.
macroblock comparison function (not supported yet) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMbDecision ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbDecision(value int)
SetMbDecision sets the mb_decision field.
macroblock decision mode - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMbLmax ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbLmax(value int)
SetMbLmax sets the mb_lmax field.
maximum MB Lagrange multiplier - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMbLmin ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMbLmin(value int)
SetMbLmin sets the mb_lmin field.
minimum MB Lagrange multiplier - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMeCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeCmp(value int)
SetMeCmp sets the me_cmp field.
motion estimation comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMePreCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMePreCmp(value int)
SetMePreCmp sets the me_pre_cmp field.
motion estimation prepass comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMeRange ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeRange(value int)
SetMeRange sets the me_range field.
maximum motion estimation search range in subpel units If 0 then no limit. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMeSubCmp ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeSubCmp(value int)
SetMeSubCmp sets the me_sub_cmp field.
subpixel motion estimation comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMeSubpelQuality ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMeSubpelQuality(value int)
SetMeSubpelQuality sets the me_subpel_quality field.
subpel ME quality - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetMv0Threshold ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetMv0Threshold(value int)
SetMv0Threshold sets the mv0_threshold field.
Note: Value depends upon the compare function used for fullpel ME. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetNbCodedSideData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetNbCodedSideData(value int)
SetNbCodedSideData sets the nb_coded_side_data field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetNsseWeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetNsseWeight(value int)
SetNsseWeight sets the nsse_weight field.
noise vs. sse weight for the nsse comparison function - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
Private data of the user, can be used to carry app specific stuff. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPMasking(value float32)
SetPMasking sets the p_masking field.
p block masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPixFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
SetPixFmt sets the pix_fmt field.
Pixel format, see AV_PIX_FMT_xxx. May be set by the demuxer if known from headers. May be overridden by the decoder if it knows better. @note This field may not match the value of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user if known, overridden by libavcodec while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPktTimebase ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPktTimebase(value *AVRational)
SetPktTimebase sets the pkt_timebase field.
Timebase in which pkt_dts/pts and AVPacket.dts/pts are expressed. - encoding: unused. - decoding: set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPreDiaSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPreDiaSize(value int)
SetPreDiaSize sets the pre_dia_size field.
ME prepass diamond size & shape - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPrivData ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetPrivData sets the priv_data field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetProfile ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetProfile(value int)
SetProfile sets the profile field.
profile - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec. See the AV_PROFILE_* defines in defs.h.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetProperties ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetProperties(value uint)
SetProperties sets the properties field.
Properties of the stream that gets decoded - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionLastDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionLastDts(value int64)
SetPtsCorrectionLastDts sets the pts_correction_last_dts field.
PTS of the last frame
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionLastPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionLastPts(value int64)
SetPtsCorrectionLastPts sets the pts_correction_last_pts field.
Number of incorrect DTS values so far
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts(value int64)
SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyDts sets the pts_correction_num_faulty_dts field.
Number of incorrect PTS values so far
func (*AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts(value int64)
SetPtsCorrectionNumFaultyPts sets the pts_correction_num_faulty_pts field.
Current statistics for PTS correction. - decoding: maintained and used by libavcodec, not intended to be used by user apps - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetQblur ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQblur(value float32)
SetQblur sets the qblur field.
amount of qscale smoothing over time (0.0-1.0)
func (*AVCodecContext) SetQcompress ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQcompress(value float32)
SetQcompress sets the qcompress field.
amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes (0.0-1.0)
func (*AVCodecContext) SetQmax ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQmax(value int)
SetQmax sets the qmax field.
maximum quantizer - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetQmin ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetQmin(value int)
SetQmin sets the qmin field.
minimum quantizer - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcBufferSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcBufferSize(value int)
SetRcBufferSize sets the rc_buffer_size field.
decoder bitstream buffer size - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: May be set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcInitialBufferOccupancy ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcInitialBufferOccupancy(value int)
SetRcInitialBufferOccupancy sets the rc_initial_buffer_occupancy field.
Number of bits which should be loaded into the rc buffer before decoding starts. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcMaxAvailableVbvUse ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMaxAvailableVbvUse(value float32)
SetRcMaxAvailableVbvUse sets the rc_max_available_vbv_use field.
Ratecontrol attempt to use, at maximum, <value> of what can be used without an underflow. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcMaxRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMaxRate(value int64)
SetRcMaxRate sets the rc_max_rate field.
maximum bitrate - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user, may be overwritten by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcMinRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMinRate(value int64)
SetRcMinRate sets the rc_min_rate field.
minimum bitrate - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcMinVbvOverflowUse ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcMinVbvOverflowUse(value float32)
SetRcMinVbvOverflowUse sets the rc_min_vbv_overflow_use field.
Ratecontrol attempt to use, at least, <value> times the amount needed to prevent a vbv overflow. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcOverride ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcOverride(value *RcOverride)
SetRcOverride sets the rc_override field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRcOverrideCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRcOverrideCount(value int)
SetRcOverrideCount sets the rc_override_count field.
ratecontrol override, see RcOverride - encoding: Allocated/set/freed by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRefs ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRefs(value int)
SetRefs sets the refs field.
number of reference frames - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by lavc.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetReorderedOpaque ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetReorderedOpaque(value int64)
SetReorderedOpaque sets the reordered_opaque field.
opaque 64-bit number (generally a PTS) that will be reordered and output in AVFrame.reordered_opaque - encoding: Set by libavcodec to the reordered_opaque of the input frame corresponding to the last returned packet. Only supported by encoders with the AV_CODEC_CAP_ENCODER_REORDERED_OPAQUE capability. - decoding: Set by user. @deprecated Use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE instead
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRequestChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRequestChannelLayout(value uint64)
SetRequestChannelLayout sets the request_channel_layout field.
Request decoder to use this channel layout if it can (0 for default) - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user. @deprecated use "downmix" codec private option
func (*AVCodecContext) SetRequestSampleFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetRequestSampleFmt(value AVSampleFormat)
SetRequestSampleFmt sets the request_sample_fmt field.
desired sample format - encoding: Not used. - decoding: Set by user. Decoder will decode to this format if it can.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
SetSampleAspectRatio sets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
sample aspect ratio (0 if unknown) That is the width of a pixel divided by the height of the pixel. Numerator and denominator must be relatively prime and smaller than 256 for some video standards. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSampleFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSampleFmt(value AVSampleFormat)
SetSampleFmt sets the sample_fmt field.
sample format
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSampleRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSampleRate(value int)
SetSampleRate sets the sample_rate field.
samples per second
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSeekPreroll ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSeekPreroll(value int)
SetSeekPreroll sets the seek_preroll field.
Number of samples to skip after a discontinuity - decoding: unused - encoding: set by libavcodec
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSkipAlpha ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipAlpha(value int)
SetSkipAlpha sets the skip_alpha field.
Skip processing alpha if supported by codec. Note that if the format uses pre-multiplied alpha (common with VP6, and recommended due to better video quality/compression) the image will look as if alpha-blended onto a black background. However for formats that do not use pre-multiplied alpha there might be serious artefacts (though e.g. libswscale currently assumes pre-multiplied alpha anyway). - decoding: set by user - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSkipBottom ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipBottom(value int)
SetSkipBottom sets the skip_bottom field.
Number of macroblock rows at the bottom which are skipped. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSkipFrame ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipFrame(value AVDiscard)
SetSkipFrame sets the skip_frame field.
Skip decoding for selected frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSkipIdct ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipIdct(value AVDiscard)
SetSkipIdct sets the skip_idct field.
Skip IDCT/dequantization for selected frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSkipLoopFilter ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipLoopFilter(value AVDiscard)
SetSkipLoopFilter sets the skip_loop_filter field.
Skip loop filtering for selected frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSkipTop ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSkipTop(value int)
SetSkipTop sets the skip_top field.
Number of macroblock rows at the top which are skipped. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSliceCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSliceCount(value int)
SetSliceCount sets the slice_count field.
slice count - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by user (or 0).
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSliceFlags ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSliceFlags(value int)
SetSliceFlags sets the slice_flags field.
slice flags - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSlices ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSlices(value int)
SetSlices sets the slices field.
Number of slices. Indicates number of picture subdivisions. Used for parallelized decoding. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSpatialCplxMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSpatialCplxMasking(value float32)
SetSpatialCplxMasking sets the spatial_cplx_masking field.
spatial complexity masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetStatsIn ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetStatsIn(value *CStr)
SetStatsIn sets the stats_in field.
pass2 encoding statistics input buffer Concatenated stuff from stats_out of pass1 should be placed here. - encoding: Allocated/set/freed by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetStatsOut ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetStatsOut(value *CStr)
SetStatsOut sets the stats_out field.
pass1 encoding statistics output buffer - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetStrictStdCompliance ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetStrictStdCompliance(value int)
SetStrictStdCompliance sets the strict_std_compliance field.
strictly follow the standard (MPEG-4, ...). - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user. Setting this to STRICT or higher means the encoder and decoder will generally do stupid things, whereas setting it to unofficial or lower will mean the encoder might produce output that is not supported by all spec-compliant decoders. Decoders don't differentiate between normal, unofficial and experimental (that is, they always try to decode things when they can) unless they are explicitly asked to behave stupidly (=strictly conform to the specs) This may only be set to one of the FF_COMPLIANCE_* values in defs.h.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSubCharenc ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubCharenc(value *CStr)
SetSubCharenc sets the sub_charenc field.
Character encoding of the input subtitles file. - decoding: set by user - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSubCharencMode ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubCharencMode(value int)
SetSubCharencMode sets the sub_charenc_mode field.
Subtitles character encoding mode. Formats or codecs might be adjusting this setting (if they are doing the conversion themselves for instance). - decoding: set by libavcodec - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSubtitleHeader ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubtitleHeader(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetSubtitleHeader sets the subtitle_header field.
Header containing style information for text subtitles. For SUBTITLE_ASS subtitle type, it should contain the whole ASS [Script Info] and [V4+ Styles] section, plus the [Events] line and the Format line following. It shouldn't include any Dialogue line. - encoding: Set/allocated/freed by user (before avcodec_open2()) - decoding: Set/allocated/freed by libavcodec (by avcodec_open2())
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSubtitleHeaderSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSubtitleHeaderSize(value int)
SetSubtitleHeaderSize sets the subtitle_header_size field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetSwPixFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetSwPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
SetSwPixFmt sets the sw_pix_fmt field.
Nominal unaccelerated pixel format, see AV_PIX_FMT_xxx. - encoding: unused. - decoding: Set by libavcodec before calling get_format()
func (*AVCodecContext) SetTemporalCplxMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTemporalCplxMasking(value float32)
SetTemporalCplxMasking sets the temporal_cplx_masking field.
temporary complexity masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetThreadCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetThreadCount(value int)
SetThreadCount sets the thread_count field.
thread count is used to decide how many independent tasks should be passed to execute() - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetThreadType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetThreadType(value int)
SetThreadType sets the thread_type field.
Which multithreading methods to use. Use of FF_THREAD_FRAME will increase decoding delay by one frame per thread, so clients which cannot provide future frames should not use it. - encoding: Set by user, otherwise the default is used. - decoding: Set by user, otherwise the default is used.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetTicksPerFrame ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTicksPerFrame(value int)
SetTicksPerFrame sets the ticks_per_frame field.
For some codecs, the time base is closer to the field rate than the frame rate. Most notably, H.264 and MPEG-2 specify time_base as half of frame duration if no telecine is used ... Set to time_base ticks per frame. Default 1, e.g., H.264/MPEG-2 set it to 2. @deprecated - decoding: Use AVCodecDescriptor.props & AV_CODEC_PROP_FIELDS - encoding: Set AVCodecContext.framerate instead
func (*AVCodecContext) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented. For fixed-fps content, timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be identically 1. This often, but not always is the inverse of the frame rate or field rate for video. 1/time_base is not the average frame rate if the frame rate is not constant. Like containers, elementary streams also can store timestamps, 1/time_base is the unit in which these timestamps are specified. As example of such codec time base see ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001(E) vop_time_increment_resolution and fixed_vop_rate (fixed_vop_rate == 0 implies that it is different from the framerate) - encoding: MUST be set by user. - decoding: unused.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetTrailingPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTrailingPadding(value int)
SetTrailingPadding sets the trailing_padding field.
Audio only. The amount of padding (in samples) appended by the encoder to the end of the audio. I.e. this number of decoded samples must be discarded by the caller from the end of the stream to get the original audio without any trailing padding. - decoding: unused - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetTrellis ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetTrellis(value int)
SetTrellis sets the trellis field.
trellis RD quantization - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetWidth(value int)
SetWidth sets the width field.
picture width / height. @note Those fields may not match the values of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: MUST be set by user. - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. Some decoders will require the dimensions to be set by the caller. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) SetWorkaroundBugs ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SetWorkaroundBugs(value int)
SetWorkaroundBugs sets the workaround_bugs field.
Work around bugs in encoders which sometimes cannot be detected automatically. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVCodecContext) SkipAlpha ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipAlpha() int
SkipAlpha gets the skip_alpha field.
Skip processing alpha if supported by codec. Note that if the format uses pre-multiplied alpha (common with VP6, and recommended due to better video quality/compression) the image will look as if alpha-blended onto a black background. However for formats that do not use pre-multiplied alpha there might be serious artefacts (though e.g. libswscale currently assumes pre-multiplied alpha anyway). - decoding: set by user - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SkipBottom ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipBottom() int
SkipBottom gets the skip_bottom field.
Number of macroblock rows at the bottom which are skipped. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SkipFrame ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipFrame() AVDiscard
SkipFrame gets the skip_frame field.
Skip decoding for selected frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SkipIdct ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipIdct() AVDiscard
SkipIdct gets the skip_idct field.
Skip IDCT/dequantization for selected frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SkipLoopFilter ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipLoopFilter() AVDiscard
SkipLoopFilter gets the skip_loop_filter field.
Skip loop filtering for selected frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SkipTop ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SkipTop() int
SkipTop gets the skip_top field.
Number of macroblock rows at the top which are skipped. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) SliceCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SliceCount() int
SliceCount gets the slice_count field.
slice count - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: Set by user (or 0).
func (*AVCodecContext) SliceFlags ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SliceFlags() int
SliceFlags gets the slice_flags field.
slice flags - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) Slices ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Slices() int
Slices gets the slices field.
Number of slices. Indicates number of picture subdivisions. Used for parallelized decoding. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SpatialCplxMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SpatialCplxMasking() float32
SpatialCplxMasking gets the spatial_cplx_masking field.
spatial complexity masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) StatsIn ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) StatsIn() *CStr
StatsIn gets the stats_in field.
pass2 encoding statistics input buffer Concatenated stuff from stats_out of pass1 should be placed here. - encoding: Allocated/set/freed by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) StatsOut ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) StatsOut() *CStr
StatsOut gets the stats_out field.
pass1 encoding statistics output buffer - encoding: Set by libavcodec. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) StrictStdCompliance ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) StrictStdCompliance() int
StrictStdCompliance gets the strict_std_compliance field.
strictly follow the standard (MPEG-4, ...). - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user. Setting this to STRICT or higher means the encoder and decoder will generally do stupid things, whereas setting it to unofficial or lower will mean the encoder might produce output that is not supported by all spec-compliant decoders. Decoders don't differentiate between normal, unofficial and experimental (that is, they always try to decode things when they can) unless they are explicitly asked to behave stupidly (=strictly conform to the specs) This may only be set to one of the FF_COMPLIANCE_* values in defs.h.
func (*AVCodecContext) SubCharenc ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SubCharenc() *CStr
SubCharenc gets the sub_charenc field.
Character encoding of the input subtitles file. - decoding: set by user - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SubCharencMode ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SubCharencMode() int
SubCharencMode gets the sub_charenc_mode field.
Subtitles character encoding mode. Formats or codecs might be adjusting this setting (if they are doing the conversion themselves for instance). - decoding: set by libavcodec - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) SubtitleHeader ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SubtitleHeader() unsafe.Pointer
SubtitleHeader gets the subtitle_header field.
Header containing style information for text subtitles. For SUBTITLE_ASS subtitle type, it should contain the whole ASS [Script Info] and [V4+ Styles] section, plus the [Events] line and the Format line following. It shouldn't include any Dialogue line. - encoding: Set/allocated/freed by user (before avcodec_open2()) - decoding: Set/allocated/freed by libavcodec (by avcodec_open2())
func (*AVCodecContext) SubtitleHeaderSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SubtitleHeaderSize() int
SubtitleHeaderSize gets the subtitle_header_size field.
func (*AVCodecContext) SwPixFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) SwPixFmt() AVPixelFormat
SwPixFmt gets the sw_pix_fmt field.
Nominal unaccelerated pixel format, see AV_PIX_FMT_xxx. - encoding: unused. - decoding: Set by libavcodec before calling get_format()
func (*AVCodecContext) TemporalCplxMasking ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) TemporalCplxMasking() float32
TemporalCplxMasking gets the temporal_cplx_masking field.
temporary complexity masking (0-> disabled) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) ThreadCount ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ThreadCount() int
ThreadCount gets the thread_count field.
thread count is used to decide how many independent tasks should be passed to execute() - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by user.
func (*AVCodecContext) ThreadType ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) ThreadType() int
ThreadType gets the thread_type field.
Which multithreading methods to use. Use of FF_THREAD_FRAME will increase decoding delay by one frame per thread, so clients which cannot provide future frames should not use it. - encoding: Set by user, otherwise the default is used. - decoding: Set by user, otherwise the default is used.
func (*AVCodecContext) TicksPerFrame ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) TicksPerFrame() int
TicksPerFrame gets the ticks_per_frame field.
For some codecs, the time base is closer to the field rate than the frame rate. Most notably, H.264 and MPEG-2 specify time_base as half of frame duration if no telecine is used ... Set to time_base ticks per frame. Default 1, e.g., H.264/MPEG-2 set it to 2. @deprecated - decoding: Use AVCodecDescriptor.props & AV_CODEC_PROP_FIELDS - encoding: Set AVCodecContext.framerate instead
func (*AVCodecContext) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented. For fixed-fps content, timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be identically 1. This often, but not always is the inverse of the frame rate or field rate for video. 1/time_base is not the average frame rate if the frame rate is not constant. Like containers, elementary streams also can store timestamps, 1/time_base is the unit in which these timestamps are specified. As example of such codec time base see ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001(E) vop_time_increment_resolution and fixed_vop_rate (fixed_vop_rate == 0 implies that it is different from the framerate) - encoding: MUST be set by user. - decoding: unused.
func (*AVCodecContext) TrailingPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) TrailingPadding() int
TrailingPadding gets the trailing_padding field.
Audio only. The amount of padding (in samples) appended by the encoder to the end of the audio. I.e. this number of decoded samples must be discarded by the caller from the end of the stream to get the original audio without any trailing padding. - decoding: unused - encoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Trellis ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Trellis() int
Trellis gets the trellis field.
trellis RD quantization - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: unused
func (*AVCodecContext) Width ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) Width() int
Width gets the width field.
picture width / height. @note Those fields may not match the values of the last AVFrame output by avcodec_receive_frame() due frame reordering. - encoding: MUST be set by user. - decoding: May be set by the user before opening the decoder if known e.g. from the container. Some decoders will require the dimensions to be set by the caller. During decoding, the decoder may overwrite those values as required while parsing the data.
func (*AVCodecContext) WorkaroundBugs ¶
func (s *AVCodecContext) WorkaroundBugs() int
WorkaroundBugs gets the workaround_bugs field.
Work around bugs in encoders which sometimes cannot be detected automatically. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by user
type AVCodecDescriptor ¶
type AVCodecDescriptor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecDescriptor wraps AVCodecDescriptor.
This struct describes the properties of a single codec described by an AVCodecID. @see avcodec_descriptor_get()
func AVCodecDescriptorGet ¶
func AVCodecDescriptorGet(id AVCodecID) *AVCodecDescriptor
AVCodecDescriptorGet wraps avcodec_descriptor_get.
@return descriptor for given codec ID or NULL if no descriptor exists.
func AVCodecDescriptorGetByName ¶
func AVCodecDescriptorGetByName(name *CStr) *AVCodecDescriptor
AVCodecDescriptorGetByName wraps avcodec_descriptor_get_by_name.
@return codec descriptor with the given name or NULL if no such descriptor exists.
func AVCodecDescriptorNext ¶
func AVCodecDescriptorNext(prev *AVCodecDescriptor) *AVCodecDescriptor
AVCodecDescriptorNext wraps avcodec_descriptor_next.
Iterate over all codec descriptors known to libavcodec. @param prev previous descriptor. NULL to get the first descriptor. @return next descriptor or NULL after the last descriptor
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) LongName ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) LongName() *CStr
LongName gets the long_name field.
A more descriptive name for this codec. May be NULL.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) Name ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Name() *CStr
Name gets the name field.
Name of the codec described by this descriptor. It is non-empty and unique for each codec descriptor. It should contain alphanumeric characters and '_' only.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) Profiles ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Profiles() *AVProfile
Profiles gets the profiles field.
If non-NULL, an array of profiles recognized for this codec. Terminated with AV_PROFILE_UNKNOWN.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) Props ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Props() int
Props gets the props field.
Codec properties, a combination of AV_CODEC_PROP_* flags.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) SetId ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetId(value AVCodecID)
SetId sets the id field.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) SetLongName ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetLongName(value *CStr)
SetLongName sets the long_name field.
A more descriptive name for this codec. May be NULL.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) SetName ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetName(value *CStr)
SetName sets the name field.
Name of the codec described by this descriptor. It is non-empty and unique for each codec descriptor. It should contain alphanumeric characters and '_' only.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) SetProfiles ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetProfiles(value *AVProfile)
SetProfiles sets the profiles field.
If non-NULL, an array of profiles recognized for this codec. Terminated with AV_PROFILE_UNKNOWN.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) SetProps ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetProps(value int)
SetProps sets the props field.
Codec properties, a combination of AV_CODEC_PROP_* flags.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) SetType ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) SetType(value AVMediaType)
SetType sets the type field.
func (*AVCodecDescriptor) Type ¶
func (s *AVCodecDescriptor) Type() AVMediaType
Type gets the type field.
type AVCodecHWConfig ¶
type AVCodecHWConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecHWConfig wraps AVCodecHWConfig.
func AVCodecGetHWConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVCodecGetHWConfig(codec *AVCodec, index int) *AVCodecHWConfig
AVCodecGetHWConfig wraps avcodec_get_hw_config.
Retrieve supported hardware configurations for a codec. Values of index from zero to some maximum return the indexed configuration descriptor; all other values return NULL. If the codec does not support any hardware configurations then it will always return NULL.
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) DeviceType ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) DeviceType() AVHWDeviceType
DeviceType gets the device_type field.
The device type associated with the configuration. Must be set for AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_DEVICE_CTX and AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_FRAMES_CTX, otherwise unused.
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) Methods ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) Methods() int
Methods gets the methods field.
Bit set of AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_* flags, describing the possible setup methods which can be used with this configuration.
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) PixFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) PixFmt() AVPixelFormat
PixFmt gets the pix_fmt field.
For decoders, a hardware pixel format which that decoder may be able to decode to if suitable hardware is available. For encoders, a pixel format which the encoder may be able to accept. If set to AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, this applies to all pixel formats supported by the codec.
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) SetDeviceType ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) SetDeviceType(value AVHWDeviceType)
SetDeviceType sets the device_type field.
The device type associated with the configuration. Must be set for AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_DEVICE_CTX and AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_FRAMES_CTX, otherwise unused.
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) SetMethods ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) SetMethods(value int)
SetMethods sets the methods field.
Bit set of AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_* flags, describing the possible setup methods which can be used with this configuration.
func (*AVCodecHWConfig) SetPixFmt ¶
func (s *AVCodecHWConfig) SetPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
SetPixFmt sets the pix_fmt field.
For decoders, a hardware pixel format which that decoder may be able to decode to if suitable hardware is available. For encoders, a pixel format which the encoder may be able to accept. If set to AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, this applies to all pixel formats supported by the codec.
type AVCodecID ¶
type AVCodecID C.enum_AVCodecID
AVCodecID wraps AVCodecID.
Identify the syntax and semantics of the bitstream. The principle is roughly: Two decoders with the same ID can decode the same streams. Two encoders with the same ID can encode compatible streams. There may be slight deviations from the principle due to implementation details. If you add a codec ID to this list, add it so that 1. no value of an existing codec ID changes (that would break ABI), 2. it is as close as possible to similar codecs After adding new codec IDs, do not forget to add an entry to the codec descriptor list and bump libavcodec minor version.
const ( // AVCodecIdNone wraps AV_CODEC_ID_NONE. AVCodecIdNone AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_NONE // AVCodecIdMpeg1Video wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO. // // video codecs AVCodecIdMpeg1Video AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO // AVCodecIdMpeg2Video wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO. // // preferred ID for MPEG-1/2 video decoding AVCodecIdMpeg2Video AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO // AVCodecIdH261 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H261. AVCodecIdH261 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H261 // AVCodecIdH263 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H263. AVCodecIdH263 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H263 // AVCodecIdRv10 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RV10. AVCodecIdRv10 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RV10 // AVCodecIdRv20 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RV20. AVCodecIdRv20 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RV20 // AVCodecIdMjpeg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG. AVCodecIdMjpeg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG // AVCodecIdMjpegb wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEGB. AVCodecIdMjpegb AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEGB // AVCodecIdLjpeg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_LJPEG. AVCodecIdLjpeg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_LJPEG // AVCodecIdSp5X wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SP5X. AVCodecIdSp5X AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SP5X // AVCodecIdJpegls wraps AV_CODEC_ID_JPEGLS. AVCodecIdJpegls AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_JPEGLS // AVCodecIdMpeg4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4. AVCodecIdMpeg4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4 // AVCodecIdRawvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO. AVCodecIdRawvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO // AVCodecIdMsmpeg4V1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V1. AVCodecIdMsmpeg4V1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V1 // AVCodecIdMsmpeg4V2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V2. AVCodecIdMsmpeg4V2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V2 // AVCodecIdMsmpeg4V3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V3. AVCodecIdMsmpeg4V3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V3 // AVCodecIdWmv1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMV1. AVCodecIdWmv1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMV1 // AVCodecIdWmv2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMV2. AVCodecIdWmv2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMV2 // AVCodecIdH263P wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H263P. AVCodecIdH263P AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H263P // AVCodecIdH263I wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H263I. AVCodecIdH263I AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H263I // AVCodecIdFlv1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FLV1. AVCodecIdFlv1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FLV1 // AVCodecIdSvq1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SVQ1. AVCodecIdSvq1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SVQ1 // AVCodecIdSvq3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SVQ3. AVCodecIdSvq3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SVQ3 // AVCodecIdDvvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DVVIDEO. AVCodecIdDvvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DVVIDEO // AVCodecIdHuffyuv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HUFFYUV. AVCodecIdHuffyuv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HUFFYUV // AVCodecIdCyuv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CYUV. AVCodecIdCyuv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CYUV // AVCodecIdH264 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_H264. AVCodecIdH264 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_H264 // AVCodecIdIndeo3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO3. AVCodecIdIndeo3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO3 // AVCodecIdVp3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP3. AVCodecIdVp3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP3 // AVCodecIdTheora wraps AV_CODEC_ID_THEORA. AVCodecIdTheora AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_THEORA // AVCodecIdAsv1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ASV1. AVCodecIdAsv1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ASV1 // AVCodecIdAsv2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ASV2. AVCodecIdAsv2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ASV2 // AVCodecIdFFV1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FFV1. AVCodecIdFFV1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FFV1 // AVCodecId4Xm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_4XM. AVCodecId4Xm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_4XM // AVCodecIdVcr1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VCR1. AVCodecIdVcr1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VCR1 // AVCodecIdCljr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CLJR. AVCodecIdCljr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CLJR // AVCodecIdMdec wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MDEC. AVCodecIdMdec AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MDEC // AVCodecIdRoq wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ROQ. AVCodecIdRoq AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ROQ // AVCodecIdInterplayVideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INTERPLAY_VIDEO. AVCodecIdInterplayVideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INTERPLAY_VIDEO // AVCodecIdXanWc3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XAN_WC3. AVCodecIdXanWc3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XAN_WC3 // AVCodecIdXanWc4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XAN_WC4. AVCodecIdXanWc4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XAN_WC4 // AVCodecIdRpza wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RPZA. AVCodecIdRpza AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RPZA // AVCodecIdCinepak wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CINEPAK. AVCodecIdCinepak AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CINEPAK // AVCodecIdWsVqa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WS_VQA. AVCodecIdWsVqa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WS_VQA // AVCodecIdMsrle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSRLE. AVCodecIdMsrle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSRLE // AVCodecIdMsvideo1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSVIDEO1. AVCodecIdMsvideo1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSVIDEO1 // AVCodecIdIdcin wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IDCIN. AVCodecIdIdcin AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IDCIN // AVCodecId8Bps wraps AV_CODEC_ID_8BPS. AVCodecId8Bps AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_8BPS // AVCodecIdSmc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMC. AVCodecIdSmc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMC // AVCodecIdFlic wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FLIC. AVCodecIdFlic AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FLIC // AVCodecIdTruemotion1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEMOTION1. AVCodecIdTruemotion1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEMOTION1 // AVCodecIdVmdvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VMDVIDEO. AVCodecIdVmdvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VMDVIDEO // AVCodecIdMszh wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSZH. AVCodecIdMszh AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSZH // AVCodecIdZlib wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ZLIB. AVCodecIdZlib AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ZLIB // AVCodecIdQtrle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QTRLE. AVCodecIdQtrle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QTRLE // AVCodecIdTscc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TSCC. AVCodecIdTscc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TSCC // AVCodecIdUlti wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ULTI. AVCodecIdUlti AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ULTI // AVCodecIdQdraw wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QDRAW. AVCodecIdQdraw AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QDRAW // AVCodecIdVixl wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VIXL. AVCodecIdVixl AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VIXL // AVCodecIdQpeg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QPEG. AVCodecIdQpeg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QPEG // AVCodecIdPng wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PNG. AVCodecIdPng AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PNG // AVCodecIdPpm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PPM. AVCodecIdPpm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PPM // AVCodecIdPbm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PBM. AVCodecIdPbm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PBM // AVCodecIdPgm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PGM. AVCodecIdPgm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PGM // AVCodecIdPgmyuv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PGMYUV. AVCodecIdPgmyuv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PGMYUV // AVCodecIdPam wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PAM. AVCodecIdPam AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PAM // AVCodecIdFFVhuff wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FFVHUFF. AVCodecIdFFVhuff AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FFVHUFF // AVCodecIdRv30 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RV30. AVCodecIdRv30 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RV30 // AVCodecIdRv40 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RV40. AVCodecIdRv40 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RV40 // AVCodecIdVc1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VC1. AVCodecIdVc1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VC1 // AVCodecIdWmv3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3. AVCodecIdWmv3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3 // AVCodecIdLoco wraps AV_CODEC_ID_LOCO. AVCodecIdLoco AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_LOCO // AVCodecIdWnv1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WNV1. AVCodecIdWnv1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WNV1 // AVCodecIdAasc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AASC. AVCodecIdAasc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AASC // AVCodecIdIndeo2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO2. AVCodecIdIndeo2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO2 // AVCodecIdFraps wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FRAPS. AVCodecIdFraps AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FRAPS // AVCodecIdTruemotion2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEMOTION2. AVCodecIdTruemotion2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEMOTION2 // AVCodecIdBmp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BMP. AVCodecIdBmp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BMP // AVCodecIdCscd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CSCD. AVCodecIdCscd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CSCD // AVCodecIdMmvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MMVIDEO. AVCodecIdMmvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MMVIDEO // AVCodecIdZmbv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ZMBV. AVCodecIdZmbv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ZMBV // AVCodecIdAVS wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AVS. AVCodecIdAVS AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AVS // AVCodecIdSmackvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMACKVIDEO. AVCodecIdSmackvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMACKVIDEO // AVCodecIdNuv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_NUV. AVCodecIdNuv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_NUV // AVCodecIdKmvc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_KMVC. AVCodecIdKmvc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_KMVC // AVCodecIdFlashsv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FLASHSV. AVCodecIdFlashsv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FLASHSV // AVCodecIdCavs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CAVS. AVCodecIdCavs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CAVS // AVCodecIdJpeg2000 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_JPEG2000. AVCodecIdJpeg2000 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_JPEG2000 // AVCodecIdVmnc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VMNC. AVCodecIdVmnc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VMNC // AVCodecIdVp5 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP5. AVCodecIdVp5 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP5 // AVCodecIdVp6 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP6. AVCodecIdVp6 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP6 // AVCodecIdVp6F wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP6F. AVCodecIdVp6F AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP6F // AVCodecIdTarga wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TARGA. AVCodecIdTarga AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TARGA // AVCodecIdDsicinvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSICINVIDEO. AVCodecIdDsicinvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSICINVIDEO // AVCodecIdTiertexseqvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TIERTEXSEQVIDEO. AVCodecIdTiertexseqvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TIERTEXSEQVIDEO // AVCodecIdTiff wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TIFF. AVCodecIdTiff AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TIFF // AVCodecIdGif wraps AV_CODEC_ID_GIF. AVCodecIdGif AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_GIF // AVCodecIdDxa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DXA. AVCodecIdDxa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DXA // AVCodecIdDnxhd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DNXHD. AVCodecIdDnxhd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DNXHD // AVCodecIdThp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_THP. AVCodecIdThp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_THP // AVCodecIdSgi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SGI. AVCodecIdSgi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SGI // AVCodecIdC93 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_C93. AVCodecIdC93 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_C93 // AVCodecIdBethsoftvid wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BETHSOFTVID. AVCodecIdBethsoftvid AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BETHSOFTVID // AVCodecIdPtx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PTX. AVCodecIdPtx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PTX // AVCodecIdTxd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TXD. AVCodecIdTxd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TXD // AVCodecIdVp6A wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP6A. AVCodecIdVp6A AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP6A // AVCodecIdAmv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AMV. AVCodecIdAmv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AMV // AVCodecIdVb wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VB. AVCodecIdVb AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VB // AVCodecIdPcx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCX. AVCodecIdPcx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCX // AVCodecIdSunrast wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SUNRAST. AVCodecIdSunrast AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SUNRAST // AVCodecIdIndeo4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO4. AVCodecIdIndeo4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO4 // AVCodecIdIndeo5 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO5. AVCodecIdIndeo5 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INDEO5 // AVCodecIdMimic wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MIMIC. AVCodecIdMimic AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MIMIC // AVCodecIdRl2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RL2. AVCodecIdRl2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RL2 // AVCodecIdEscape124 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ESCAPE124. AVCodecIdEscape124 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ESCAPE124 // AVCodecIdDirac wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DIRAC. AVCodecIdDirac AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DIRAC // AVCodecIdBfi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BFI. AVCodecIdBfi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BFI // AVCodecIdCmv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CMV. AVCodecIdCmv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CMV // AVCodecIdMotionpixels wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MOTIONPIXELS. AVCodecIdMotionpixels AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MOTIONPIXELS // AVCodecIdTgv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TGV. AVCodecIdTgv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TGV // AVCodecIdTgq wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TGQ. AVCodecIdTgq AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TGQ // AVCodecIdTqi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TQI. AVCodecIdTqi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TQI // AVCodecIdAura wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AURA. AVCodecIdAura AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AURA // AVCodecIdAura2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AURA2. AVCodecIdAura2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AURA2 // AVCodecIdV210X wraps AV_CODEC_ID_V210X. AVCodecIdV210X AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_V210X // AVCodecIdTmv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TMV. AVCodecIdTmv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TMV // AVCodecIdV210 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_V210. AVCodecIdV210 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_V210 // AVCodecIdDpx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DPX. AVCodecIdDpx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DPX // AVCodecIdMad wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MAD. AVCodecIdMad AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MAD // AVCodecIdFrwu wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FRWU. AVCodecIdFrwu AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FRWU // AVCodecIdFlashsv2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FLASHSV2. AVCodecIdFlashsv2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FLASHSV2 // AVCodecIdCdgraphics wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CDGRAPHICS. AVCodecIdCdgraphics AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CDGRAPHICS // AVCodecIdR210 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_R210. AVCodecIdR210 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_R210 // AVCodecIdAnm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ANM. AVCodecIdAnm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ANM // AVCodecIdBinkvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BINKVIDEO. AVCodecIdBinkvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BINKVIDEO // AVCodecIdIffIlbm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IFF_ILBM. AVCodecIdIffIlbm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IFF_ILBM // AVCodecIdKgv1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_KGV1. AVCodecIdKgv1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_KGV1 // AVCodecIdYop wraps AV_CODEC_ID_YOP. AVCodecIdYop AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_YOP // AVCodecIdVp8 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP8. AVCodecIdVp8 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP8 // AVCodecIdPictor wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PICTOR. AVCodecIdPictor AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PICTOR // AVCodecIdAnsi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ANSI. AVCodecIdAnsi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ANSI // AVCodecIdA64Multi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_A64_MULTI. AVCodecIdA64Multi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_A64_MULTI // AVCodecIdA64Multi5 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_A64_MULTI5. AVCodecIdA64Multi5 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_A64_MULTI5 // AVCodecIdR10K wraps AV_CODEC_ID_R10K. AVCodecIdR10K AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_R10K // AVCodecIdMxpeg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MXPEG. AVCodecIdMxpeg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MXPEG // AVCodecIdLagarith wraps AV_CODEC_ID_LAGARITH. AVCodecIdLagarith AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_LAGARITH // AVCodecIdProres wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PRORES. AVCodecIdProres AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PRORES // AVCodecIdJv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_JV. AVCodecIdJv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_JV // AVCodecIdDfa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DFA. AVCodecIdDfa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DFA // AVCodecIdWmv3Image wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3IMAGE. AVCodecIdWmv3Image AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3IMAGE // AVCodecIdVc1Image wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VC1IMAGE. AVCodecIdVc1Image AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VC1IMAGE // AVCodecIdUtvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_UTVIDEO. AVCodecIdUtvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_UTVIDEO // AVCodecIdBmvVideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BMV_VIDEO. AVCodecIdBmvVideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BMV_VIDEO // AVCodecIdVble wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VBLE. AVCodecIdVble AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VBLE // AVCodecIdDxtory wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DXTORY. AVCodecIdDxtory AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DXTORY // AVCodecIdV410 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_V410. AVCodecIdV410 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_V410 // AVCodecIdXwd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XWD. AVCodecIdXwd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XWD // AVCodecIdCdxl wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CDXL. AVCodecIdCdxl AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CDXL // AVCodecIdXbm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XBM. AVCodecIdXbm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XBM // AVCodecIdZerocodec wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ZEROCODEC. AVCodecIdZerocodec AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ZEROCODEC // AVCodecIdMss1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSS1. AVCodecIdMss1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSS1 // AVCodecIdMsa1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSA1. AVCodecIdMsa1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSA1 // AVCodecIdTscc2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TSCC2. AVCodecIdTscc2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TSCC2 // AVCodecIdMts2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MTS2. AVCodecIdMts2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MTS2 // AVCodecIdCllc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CLLC. AVCodecIdCllc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CLLC // AVCodecIdMss2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSS2. AVCodecIdMss2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSS2 // AVCodecIdVp9 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP9. AVCodecIdVp9 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP9 // AVCodecIdAic wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AIC. AVCodecIdAic AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AIC // AVCodecIdEscape130 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ESCAPE130. AVCodecIdEscape130 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ESCAPE130 // AVCodecIdG2M wraps AV_CODEC_ID_G2M. AVCodecIdG2M AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_G2M // AVCodecIdWebp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WEBP. AVCodecIdWebp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WEBP // AVCodecIdHnm4Video wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HNM4_VIDEO. AVCodecIdHnm4Video AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HNM4_VIDEO // AVCodecIdHevc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC. AVCodecIdHevc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC // AVCodecIdFic wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FIC. AVCodecIdFic AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FIC // AVCodecIdAliasPix wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ALIAS_PIX. AVCodecIdAliasPix AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ALIAS_PIX // AVCodecIdBrenderPix wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BRENDER_PIX. AVCodecIdBrenderPix AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BRENDER_PIX // AVCodecIdPafVideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PAF_VIDEO. AVCodecIdPafVideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PAF_VIDEO // AVCodecIdExr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_EXR. AVCodecIdExr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_EXR // AVCodecIdVp7 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP7. AVCodecIdVp7 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP7 // AVCodecIdSanm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SANM. AVCodecIdSanm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SANM // AVCodecIdSgirle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SGIRLE. AVCodecIdSgirle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SGIRLE // AVCodecIdMvc1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MVC1. AVCodecIdMvc1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MVC1 // AVCodecIdMvc2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MVC2. AVCodecIdMvc2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MVC2 // AVCodecIdHqx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HQX. AVCodecIdHqx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HQX // AVCodecIdTdsc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TDSC. AVCodecIdTdsc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TDSC // AVCodecIdHqHqa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HQ_HQA. AVCodecIdHqHqa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HQ_HQA // AVCodecIdHap wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HAP. AVCodecIdHap AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HAP // AVCodecIdDds wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DDS. AVCodecIdDds AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DDS // AVCodecIdDxv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DXV. AVCodecIdDxv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DXV // AVCodecIdScreenpresso wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SCREENPRESSO. AVCodecIdScreenpresso AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SCREENPRESSO // AVCodecIdRscc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RSCC. AVCodecIdRscc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RSCC // AVCodecIdAVS2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AVS2. AVCodecIdAVS2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AVS2 // AVCodecIdPgx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PGX. AVCodecIdPgx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PGX // AVCodecIdAVS3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AVS3. AVCodecIdAVS3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AVS3 // AVCodecIdMsp2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSP2. AVCodecIdMsp2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSP2 // AVCodecIdVvc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VVC. AVCodecIdVvc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VVC // AVCodecIdY41P wraps AV_CODEC_ID_Y41P. AVCodecIdY41P AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_Y41P // AVCodecIdAVRp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AVRP. AVCodecIdAVRp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AVRP // AVCodecId012V wraps AV_CODEC_ID_012V. AVCodecId012V AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_012V // AVCodecIdAVUi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AVUI. AVCodecIdAVUi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AVUI // AVCodecIdAyuv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AYUV. AVCodecIdAyuv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AYUV // AVCodecIdTargaY216 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TARGA_Y216. AVCodecIdTargaY216 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TARGA_Y216 // AVCodecIdV308 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_V308. AVCodecIdV308 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_V308 // AVCodecIdV408 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_V408. AVCodecIdV408 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_V408 // AVCodecIdYuv4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_YUV4. AVCodecIdYuv4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_YUV4 // AVCodecIdAVRn wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AVRN. AVCodecIdAVRn AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AVRN // AVCodecIdCpia wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CPIA. AVCodecIdCpia AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CPIA // AVCodecIdXface wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XFACE. AVCodecIdXface AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XFACE // AVCodecIdSnow wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SNOW. AVCodecIdSnow AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SNOW // AVCodecIdSmvjpeg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMVJPEG. AVCodecIdSmvjpeg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMVJPEG // AVCodecIdApng wraps AV_CODEC_ID_APNG. AVCodecIdApng AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_APNG // AVCodecIdDaala wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DAALA. AVCodecIdDaala AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DAALA // AVCodecIdCfhd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CFHD. AVCodecIdCfhd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CFHD // AVCodecIdTruemotion2Rt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEMOTION2RT. AVCodecIdTruemotion2Rt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEMOTION2RT // AVCodecIdM101 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_M101. AVCodecIdM101 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_M101 // AVCodecIdMagicyuv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MAGICYUV. AVCodecIdMagicyuv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MAGICYUV // AVCodecIdSheervideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SHEERVIDEO. AVCodecIdSheervideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SHEERVIDEO // AVCodecIdYlc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_YLC. AVCodecIdYlc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_YLC // AVCodecIdPsd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PSD. AVCodecIdPsd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PSD // AVCodecIdPixlet wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PIXLET. AVCodecIdPixlet AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PIXLET // AVCodecIdSpeedhq wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SPEEDHQ. AVCodecIdSpeedhq AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SPEEDHQ // AVCodecIdFmvc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FMVC. AVCodecIdFmvc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FMVC // AVCodecIdScpr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SCPR. AVCodecIdScpr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SCPR // AVCodecIdClearvideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CLEARVIDEO. AVCodecIdClearvideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CLEARVIDEO // AVCodecIdXpm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XPM. AVCodecIdXpm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XPM // AVCodecIdAV1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AV1. AVCodecIdAV1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AV1 // AVCodecIdBitpacked wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BITPACKED. AVCodecIdBitpacked AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BITPACKED // AVCodecIdMscc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSCC. AVCodecIdMscc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSCC // AVCodecIdSrgc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SRGC. AVCodecIdSrgc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SRGC // AVCodecIdSvg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SVG. AVCodecIdSvg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SVG // AVCodecIdGdv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_GDV. AVCodecIdGdv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_GDV // AVCodecIdFits wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FITS. AVCodecIdFits AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FITS // AVCodecIdImm4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IMM4. AVCodecIdImm4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IMM4 // AVCodecIdProsumer wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PROSUMER. AVCodecIdProsumer AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PROSUMER // AVCodecIdMwsc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MWSC. AVCodecIdMwsc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MWSC // AVCodecIdWcmv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WCMV. AVCodecIdWcmv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WCMV // AVCodecIdRasc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RASC. AVCodecIdRasc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RASC // AVCodecIdHymt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HYMT. AVCodecIdHymt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HYMT // AVCodecIdArbc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ARBC. AVCodecIdArbc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ARBC // AVCodecIdAgm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AGM. AVCodecIdAgm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AGM // AVCodecIdLscr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_LSCR. AVCodecIdLscr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_LSCR // AVCodecIdVp4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VP4. AVCodecIdVp4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VP4 // AVCodecIdImm5 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IMM5. AVCodecIdImm5 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IMM5 // AVCodecIdMvdv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MVDV. AVCodecIdMvdv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MVDV // AVCodecIdMvha wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MVHA. AVCodecIdMvha AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MVHA // AVCodecIdCdtoons wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CDTOONS. AVCodecIdCdtoons AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CDTOONS // AVCodecIdMv30 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MV30. AVCodecIdMv30 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MV30 // AVCodecIdNotchlc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_NOTCHLC. AVCodecIdNotchlc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_NOTCHLC // AVCodecIdPfm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PFM. AVCodecIdPfm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PFM // AVCodecIdMobiclip wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MOBICLIP. AVCodecIdMobiclip AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MOBICLIP // AVCodecIdPhotocd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PHOTOCD. AVCodecIdPhotocd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PHOTOCD // AVCodecIdIpu wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IPU. AVCodecIdIpu AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IPU // AVCodecIdArgo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ARGO. AVCodecIdArgo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ARGO // AVCodecIdCri wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CRI. AVCodecIdCri AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CRI // AVCodecIdSimbiosisImx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SIMBIOSIS_IMX. AVCodecIdSimbiosisImx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SIMBIOSIS_IMX // AVCodecIdSgaVideo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SGA_VIDEO. AVCodecIdSgaVideo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SGA_VIDEO // AVCodecIdGem wraps AV_CODEC_ID_GEM. AVCodecIdGem AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_GEM // AVCodecIdVbn wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VBN. AVCodecIdVbn AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VBN // AVCodecIdJpegxl wraps AV_CODEC_ID_JPEGXL. AVCodecIdJpegxl AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_JPEGXL // AVCodecIdQoi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QOI. AVCodecIdQoi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QOI // AVCodecIdPhm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PHM. AVCodecIdPhm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PHM // AVCodecIdRadianceHdr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RADIANCE_HDR. AVCodecIdRadianceHdr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RADIANCE_HDR // AVCodecIdWbmp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WBMP. AVCodecIdWbmp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WBMP // AVCodecIdMedia100 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MEDIA100. AVCodecIdMedia100 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MEDIA100 // AVCodecIdVqc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VQC. AVCodecIdVqc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VQC // AVCodecIdPdv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PDV. AVCodecIdPdv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PDV // AVCodecIdEvc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_EVC. AVCodecIdEvc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_EVC // AVCodecIdRtv1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RTV1. AVCodecIdRtv1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RTV1 // AVCodecIdVmix wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VMIX. AVCodecIdVmix AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VMIX // AVCodecIdFirstAudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_AUDIO. // // A dummy id pointing at the start of audio codecs AVCodecIdFirstAudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_AUDIO // AVCodecIdPcmS16Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE. AVCodecIdPcmS16Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE // AVCodecIdPcmS16Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE. AVCodecIdPcmS16Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE // AVCodecIdPcmU16Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U16LE. AVCodecIdPcmU16Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U16LE // AVCodecIdPcmU16Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U16BE. AVCodecIdPcmU16Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U16BE // AVCodecIdPcmS8 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8. AVCodecIdPcmS8 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8 // AVCodecIdPcmU8 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8. AVCodecIdPcmU8 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U8 // AVCodecIdPcmMulaw wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW. AVCodecIdPcmMulaw AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW // AVCodecIdPcmAlaw wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW. AVCodecIdPcmAlaw AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW // AVCodecIdPcmS32Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S32LE. AVCodecIdPcmS32Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S32LE // AVCodecIdPcmS32Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S32BE. AVCodecIdPcmS32Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S32BE // AVCodecIdPcmU32Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U32LE. AVCodecIdPcmU32Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U32LE // AVCodecIdPcmU32Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U32BE. AVCodecIdPcmU32Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U32BE // AVCodecIdPcmS24Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24LE. AVCodecIdPcmS24Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24LE // AVCodecIdPcmS24Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24BE. AVCodecIdPcmS24Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24BE // AVCodecIdPcmU24Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U24LE. AVCodecIdPcmU24Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U24LE // AVCodecIdPcmU24Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U24BE. AVCodecIdPcmU24Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U24BE // AVCodecIdPcmS24Daud wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24DAUD. AVCodecIdPcmS24Daud AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24DAUD // AVCodecIdPcmZork wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ZORK. AVCodecIdPcmZork AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ZORK // AVCodecIdPcmS16LePlanar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE_PLANAR. AVCodecIdPcmS16LePlanar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE_PLANAR // AVCodecIdPcmDvd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_DVD. AVCodecIdPcmDvd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_DVD // AVCodecIdPcmF32Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F32BE. AVCodecIdPcmF32Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F32BE // AVCodecIdPcmF32Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F32LE. AVCodecIdPcmF32Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F32LE // AVCodecIdPcmF64Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F64BE. AVCodecIdPcmF64Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F64BE // AVCodecIdPcmF64Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F64LE. AVCodecIdPcmF64Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F64LE // AVCodecIdPcmBluray wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_BLURAY. AVCodecIdPcmBluray AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_BLURAY // AVCodecIdPcmLxf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_LXF. AVCodecIdPcmLxf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_LXF // AVCodecIdS302M wraps AV_CODEC_ID_S302M. AVCodecIdS302M AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_S302M // AVCodecIdPcmS8Planar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8_PLANAR. AVCodecIdPcmS8Planar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S8_PLANAR // AVCodecIdPcmS24LePlanar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24LE_PLANAR. AVCodecIdPcmS24LePlanar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S24LE_PLANAR // AVCodecIdPcmS32LePlanar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S32LE_PLANAR. AVCodecIdPcmS32LePlanar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S32LE_PLANAR // AVCodecIdPcmS16BePlanar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE_PLANAR. AVCodecIdPcmS16BePlanar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE_PLANAR // AVCodecIdPcmS64Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S64LE. AVCodecIdPcmS64Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S64LE // AVCodecIdPcmS64Be wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S64BE. AVCodecIdPcmS64Be AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S64BE // AVCodecIdPcmF16Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F16LE. AVCodecIdPcmF16Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F16LE // AVCodecIdPcmF24Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F24LE. AVCodecIdPcmF24Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F24LE // AVCodecIdPcmVidc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_VIDC. AVCodecIdPcmVidc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_VIDC // AVCodecIdPcmSga wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_SGA. AVCodecIdPcmSga AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_SGA // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaQt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaQt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaWav wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WAV. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaWav AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WAV // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaDk3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_DK3. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaDk3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_DK3 // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaDk4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_DK4. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaDk4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_DK4 // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaWs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WS. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaWs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WS // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaSmjpeg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_SMJPEG. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaSmjpeg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_SMJPEG // AVCodecIdAdpcmMs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_MS. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmMs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_MS // AVCodecIdAdpcm4Xm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_4XM. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcm4Xm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_4XM // AVCodecIdAdpcmXa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_XA. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmXa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_XA // AVCodecIdAdpcmAdx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_ADX. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmAdx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_ADX // AVCodecIdAdpcmEa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmEa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA // AVCodecIdAdpcmG726 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_G726. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmG726 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_G726 // AVCodecIdAdpcmCt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_CT. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmCt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_CT // AVCodecIdAdpcmSwf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SWF. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmSwf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SWF // AVCodecIdAdpcmYamaha wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_YAMAHA. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmYamaha AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_YAMAHA // AVCodecIdAdpcmSbpro4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SBPRO_4. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmSbpro4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SBPRO_4 // AVCodecIdAdpcmSbpro3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SBPRO_3. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmSbpro3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SBPRO_3 // AVCodecIdAdpcmSbpro2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SBPRO_2. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmSbpro2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_SBPRO_2 // AVCodecIdAdpcmThp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmThp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaAmv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_AMV. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaAmv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_AMV // AVCodecIdAdpcmEaR1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_R1. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmEaR1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_R1 // AVCodecIdAdpcmEaR3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_R3. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmEaR3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_R3 // AVCodecIdAdpcmEaR2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_R2. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmEaR2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_R2 // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaEaSead wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_EA_SEAD. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaEaSead AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_EA_SEAD // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaEaEacs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_EA_EACS. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaEaEacs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_EA_EACS // AVCodecIdAdpcmEaXas wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_XAS. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmEaXas AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_XAS // AVCodecIdAdpcmEaMaxisXa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_MAXIS_XA. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmEaMaxisXa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_EA_MAXIS_XA // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaIss wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_ISS. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaIss AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_ISS // AVCodecIdAdpcmG722 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_G722. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmG722 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_G722 // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaApc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_APC. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaApc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_APC // AVCodecIdAdpcmVima wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_VIMA. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmVima AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_VIMA // AVCodecIdAdpcmAfc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AFC. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmAfc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AFC // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaOki wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_OKI. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaOki AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_OKI // AVCodecIdAdpcmDtk wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_DTK. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmDtk AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_DTK // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaRad wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_RAD. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaRad AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_RAD // AVCodecIdAdpcmG726Le wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_G726LE. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmG726Le AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_G726LE // AVCodecIdAdpcmThpLe wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP_LE. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmThpLe AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_THP_LE // AVCodecIdAdpcmPsx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_PSX. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmPsx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_PSX // AVCodecIdAdpcmAica wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AICA. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmAica AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AICA // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaDat4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_DAT4. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaDat4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_DAT4 // AVCodecIdAdpcmMtaf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_MTAF. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmMtaf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_MTAF // AVCodecIdAdpcmAgm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AGM. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmAgm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_AGM // AVCodecIdAdpcmArgo wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_ARGO. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmArgo AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_ARGO // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaSsi wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_SSI. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaSsi AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_SSI // AVCodecIdAdpcmZork wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_ZORK. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmZork AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_ZORK // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaApm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_APM. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaApm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_APM // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaAlp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_ALP. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaAlp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_ALP // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaMtf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_MTF. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaMtf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_MTF // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaCunning wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_CUNNING. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaCunning AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_CUNNING // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaMoflex wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_MOFLEX. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaMoflex AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_MOFLEX // AVCodecIdAdpcmImaAcorn wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_ACORN. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmImaAcorn AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_ACORN // AVCodecIdAdpcmXmd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_XMD. // // various ADPCM codecs AVCodecIdAdpcmXmd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_XMD // AVCodecIdAmrNb wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_NB. // // AMR AVCodecIdAmrNb AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_NB // AVCodecIdAmrWb wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_WB. // // AMR AVCodecIdAmrWb AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AMR_WB // AVCodecIdRa144 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RA_144. // // RealAudio codecs AVCodecIdRa144 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RA_144 // AVCodecIdRa288 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RA_288. // // RealAudio codecs AVCodecIdRa288 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RA_288 // AVCodecIdRoqDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ROQ_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdRoqDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ROQ_DPCM // AVCodecIdInterplayDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INTERPLAY_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdInterplayDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INTERPLAY_DPCM // AVCodecIdXanDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XAN_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdXanDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XAN_DPCM // AVCodecIdSolDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SOL_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdSolDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SOL_DPCM // AVCodecIdSdx2Dpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SDX2_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdSdx2Dpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SDX2_DPCM // AVCodecIdGremlinDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_GREMLIN_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdGremlinDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_GREMLIN_DPCM // AVCodecIdDerfDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DERF_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdDerfDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DERF_DPCM // AVCodecIdWadyDpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WADY_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdWadyDpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WADY_DPCM // AVCodecIdCbd2Dpcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CBD2_DPCM. // // various DPCM codecs AVCodecIdCbd2Dpcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CBD2_DPCM // AVCodecIdMp2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MP2. // // audio codecs AVCodecIdMp2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MP2 // AVCodecIdMp3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MP3. // // preferred ID for decoding MPEG audio layer 1, 2 or 3 AVCodecIdMp3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MP3 // AVCodecIdAac wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AAC. AVCodecIdAac AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AAC // AVCodecIdAc3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AC3. AVCodecIdAc3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AC3 // AVCodecIdDts wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DTS. AVCodecIdDts AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DTS // AVCodecIdVorbis wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VORBIS. AVCodecIdVorbis AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VORBIS // AVCodecIdDvaudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DVAUDIO. AVCodecIdDvaudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DVAUDIO // AVCodecIdWmav1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV1. AVCodecIdWmav1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV1 // AVCodecIdWmav2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV2. AVCodecIdWmav2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMAV2 // AVCodecIdMace3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MACE3. AVCodecIdMace3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MACE3 // AVCodecIdMace6 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MACE6. AVCodecIdMace6 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MACE6 // AVCodecIdVmdaudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VMDAUDIO. AVCodecIdVmdaudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VMDAUDIO // AVCodecIdFlac wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FLAC. AVCodecIdFlac AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FLAC // AVCodecIdMp3Adu wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MP3ADU. AVCodecIdMp3Adu AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MP3ADU // AVCodecIdMp3On4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MP3ON4. AVCodecIdMp3On4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MP3ON4 // AVCodecIdShorten wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SHORTEN. AVCodecIdShorten AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SHORTEN // AVCodecIdAlac wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ALAC. AVCodecIdAlac AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ALAC // AVCodecIdWestwoodSnd1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WESTWOOD_SND1. AVCodecIdWestwoodSnd1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WESTWOOD_SND1 // AVCodecIdGsm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_GSM. // // as in Berlin toast format AVCodecIdGsm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_GSM // AVCodecIdQdm2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QDM2. AVCodecIdQdm2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QDM2 // AVCodecIdCook wraps AV_CODEC_ID_COOK. AVCodecIdCook AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_COOK // AVCodecIdTruespeech wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TRUESPEECH. AVCodecIdTruespeech AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TRUESPEECH // AVCodecIdTta wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TTA. AVCodecIdTta AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TTA // AVCodecIdSmackaudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMACKAUDIO. AVCodecIdSmackaudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMACKAUDIO // AVCodecIdQcelp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QCELP. AVCodecIdQcelp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QCELP // AVCodecIdWavpack wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WAVPACK. AVCodecIdWavpack AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WAVPACK // AVCodecIdDsicinaudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSICINAUDIO. AVCodecIdDsicinaudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSICINAUDIO // AVCodecIdImc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IMC. AVCodecIdImc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IMC // AVCodecIdMusepack7 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MUSEPACK7. AVCodecIdMusepack7 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MUSEPACK7 // AVCodecIdMlp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MLP. AVCodecIdMlp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MLP // AVCodecIdGsmMs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_GSM_MS. // // as found in WAV AVCodecIdGsmMs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_GSM_MS // AVCodecIdAtrac3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3. AVCodecIdAtrac3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3 // AVCodecIdApe wraps AV_CODEC_ID_APE. AVCodecIdApe AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_APE // AVCodecIdNellymoser wraps AV_CODEC_ID_NELLYMOSER. AVCodecIdNellymoser AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_NELLYMOSER // AVCodecIdMusepack8 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MUSEPACK8. AVCodecIdMusepack8 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MUSEPACK8 // AVCodecIdSpeex wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SPEEX. AVCodecIdSpeex AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SPEEX // AVCodecIdWmavoice wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMAVOICE. AVCodecIdWmavoice AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMAVOICE // AVCodecIdWmapro wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMAPRO. AVCodecIdWmapro AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMAPRO // AVCodecIdWmalossless wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WMALOSSLESS. AVCodecIdWmalossless AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WMALOSSLESS // AVCodecIdAtrac3P wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3P. AVCodecIdAtrac3P AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3P // AVCodecIdEac3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_EAC3. AVCodecIdEac3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_EAC3 // AVCodecIdSipr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SIPR. AVCodecIdSipr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SIPR // AVCodecIdMp1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MP1. AVCodecIdMp1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MP1 // AVCodecIdTwinvq wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TWINVQ. AVCodecIdTwinvq AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TWINVQ // AVCodecIdTruehd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEHD. AVCodecIdTruehd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TRUEHD // AVCodecIdMp4Als wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MP4ALS. AVCodecIdMp4Als AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MP4ALS // AVCodecIdAtrac1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC1. AVCodecIdAtrac1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC1 // AVCodecIdBinkaudioRdft wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BINKAUDIO_RDFT. AVCodecIdBinkaudioRdft AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BINKAUDIO_RDFT // AVCodecIdBinkaudioDct wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BINKAUDIO_DCT. AVCodecIdBinkaudioDct AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BINKAUDIO_DCT // AVCodecIdAacLatm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AAC_LATM. AVCodecIdAacLatm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AAC_LATM // AVCodecIdQdmc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_QDMC. AVCodecIdQdmc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_QDMC // AVCodecIdCelt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CELT. AVCodecIdCelt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CELT // AVCodecIdG7231 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_G723_1. AVCodecIdG7231 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_G723_1 // AVCodecIdG729 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_G729. AVCodecIdG729 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_G729 // AVCodecId8SvxExp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_8SVX_EXP. AVCodecId8SvxExp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_8SVX_EXP // AVCodecId8SvxFib wraps AV_CODEC_ID_8SVX_FIB. AVCodecId8SvxFib AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_8SVX_FIB // AVCodecIdBmvAudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BMV_AUDIO. AVCodecIdBmvAudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BMV_AUDIO // AVCodecIdRalf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RALF. AVCodecIdRalf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RALF // AVCodecIdIac wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IAC. AVCodecIdIac AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IAC // AVCodecIdIlbc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ILBC. AVCodecIdIlbc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ILBC // AVCodecIdOpus wraps AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS. AVCodecIdOpus AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS // AVCodecIdComfortNoise wraps AV_CODEC_ID_COMFORT_NOISE. AVCodecIdComfortNoise AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_COMFORT_NOISE // AVCodecIdTak wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TAK. AVCodecIdTak AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TAK // AVCodecIdMetasound wraps AV_CODEC_ID_METASOUND. AVCodecIdMetasound AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_METASOUND // AVCodecIdPafAudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PAF_AUDIO. AVCodecIdPafAudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PAF_AUDIO // AVCodecIdOn2AVC wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ON2AVC. AVCodecIdOn2AVC AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ON2AVC // AVCodecIdDssSp wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSS_SP. AVCodecIdDssSp AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSS_SP // AVCodecIdCodec2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_CODEC2. AVCodecIdCodec2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_CODEC2 // AVCodecIdFFWavesynth wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FFWAVESYNTH. AVCodecIdFFWavesynth AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FFWAVESYNTH // AVCodecIdSonic wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SONIC. AVCodecIdSonic AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SONIC // AVCodecIdSonicLs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SONIC_LS. AVCodecIdSonicLs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SONIC_LS // AVCodecIdEvrc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_EVRC. AVCodecIdEvrc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_EVRC // AVCodecIdSmv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMV. AVCodecIdSmv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMV // AVCodecIdDsdLsbf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_LSBF. AVCodecIdDsdLsbf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_LSBF // AVCodecIdDsdMsbf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_MSBF. AVCodecIdDsdMsbf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_MSBF // AVCodecIdDsdLsbfPlanar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_LSBF_PLANAR. AVCodecIdDsdLsbfPlanar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_LSBF_PLANAR // AVCodecIdDsdMsbfPlanar wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_MSBF_PLANAR. AVCodecIdDsdMsbfPlanar AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DSD_MSBF_PLANAR // AVCodecId4Gv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_4GV. AVCodecId4Gv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_4GV // AVCodecIdInterplayAcm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_INTERPLAY_ACM. AVCodecIdInterplayAcm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_INTERPLAY_ACM // AVCodecIdXma1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XMA1. AVCodecIdXma1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XMA1 // AVCodecIdXma2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XMA2. AVCodecIdXma2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XMA2 // AVCodecIdDst wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DST. AVCodecIdDst AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DST // AVCodecIdAtrac3Al wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3AL. AVCodecIdAtrac3Al AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3AL // AVCodecIdAtrac3Pal wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3PAL. AVCodecIdAtrac3Pal AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC3PAL // AVCodecIdDolbyE wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DOLBY_E. AVCodecIdDolbyE AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DOLBY_E // AVCodecIdAptx wraps AV_CODEC_ID_APTX. AVCodecIdAptx AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_APTX // AVCodecIdAptxHd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_APTX_HD. AVCodecIdAptxHd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_APTX_HD // AVCodecIdSbc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SBC. AVCodecIdSbc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SBC // AVCodecIdAtrac9 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC9. AVCodecIdAtrac9 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ATRAC9 // AVCodecIdHcom wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HCOM. AVCodecIdHcom AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HCOM // AVCodecIdAcelpKelvin wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ACELP_KELVIN. AVCodecIdAcelpKelvin AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ACELP_KELVIN // AVCodecIdMpegh3DAudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPEGH_3D_AUDIO. AVCodecIdMpegh3DAudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEGH_3D_AUDIO // AVCodecIdSiren wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SIREN. AVCodecIdSiren AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SIREN // AVCodecIdHca wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HCA. AVCodecIdHca AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HCA // AVCodecIdFastaudio wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FASTAUDIO. AVCodecIdFastaudio AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FASTAUDIO // AVCodecIdMsnsiren wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MSNSIREN. AVCodecIdMsnsiren AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MSNSIREN // AVCodecIdDfpwm wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DFPWM. AVCodecIdDfpwm AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DFPWM // AVCodecIdBonk wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BONK. AVCodecIdBonk AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BONK // AVCodecIdMisc4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MISC4. AVCodecIdMisc4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MISC4 // AVCodecIdApac wraps AV_CODEC_ID_APAC. AVCodecIdApac AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_APAC // AVCodecIdFtr wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FTR. AVCodecIdFtr AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FTR // AVCodecIdWavarc wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WAVARC. AVCodecIdWavarc AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WAVARC // AVCodecIdRka wraps AV_CODEC_ID_RKA. AVCodecIdRka AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_RKA // AVCodecIdAc4 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_AC4. AVCodecIdAc4 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_AC4 // AVCodecIdOsq wraps AV_CODEC_ID_OSQ. AVCodecIdOsq AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_OSQ // AVCodecIdFirstSubtitle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_SUBTITLE. // // A dummy ID pointing at the start of subtitle codecs. AVCodecIdFirstSubtitle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_SUBTITLE // AVCodecIdDvdSubtitle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DVD_SUBTITLE. AVCodecIdDvdSubtitle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DVD_SUBTITLE // AVCodecIdDvbSubtitle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DVB_SUBTITLE. AVCodecIdDvbSubtitle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DVB_SUBTITLE // AVCodecIdText wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TEXT. // // raw UTF-8 text AVCodecIdText AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TEXT // AVCodecIdXsub wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XSUB. AVCodecIdXsub AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XSUB // AVCodecIdSsa wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SSA. AVCodecIdSsa AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SSA // AVCodecIdMovText wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT. AVCodecIdMovText AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MOV_TEXT // AVCodecIdHdmvPgsSubtitle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HDMV_PGS_SUBTITLE. AVCodecIdHdmvPgsSubtitle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HDMV_PGS_SUBTITLE // AVCodecIdDvbTeletext wraps AV_CODEC_ID_DVB_TELETEXT. AVCodecIdDvbTeletext AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DVB_TELETEXT // AVCodecIdSrt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SRT. AVCodecIdSrt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SRT // AVCodecIdMicrodvd wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MICRODVD. AVCodecIdMicrodvd AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MICRODVD // AVCodecIdEia608 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_EIA_608. AVCodecIdEia608 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_EIA_608 // AVCodecIdJacosub wraps AV_CODEC_ID_JACOSUB. AVCodecIdJacosub AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_JACOSUB // AVCodecIdSami wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SAMI. AVCodecIdSami AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SAMI // AVCodecIdRealtext wraps AV_CODEC_ID_REALTEXT. AVCodecIdRealtext AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_REALTEXT // AVCodecIdStl wraps AV_CODEC_ID_STL. AVCodecIdStl AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_STL // AVCodecIdSubviewer1 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SUBVIEWER1. AVCodecIdSubviewer1 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SUBVIEWER1 // AVCodecIdSubviewer wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SUBVIEWER. AVCodecIdSubviewer AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SUBVIEWER // AVCodecIdSubrip wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SUBRIP. AVCodecIdSubrip AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SUBRIP // AVCodecIdWebvtt wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WEBVTT. AVCodecIdWebvtt AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WEBVTT // AVCodecIdMpl2 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPL2. AVCodecIdMpl2 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPL2 // AVCodecIdVplayer wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VPLAYER. AVCodecIdVplayer AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VPLAYER // AVCodecIdPjs wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PJS. AVCodecIdPjs AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PJS // AVCodecIdAss wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ASS. AVCodecIdAss AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ASS // AVCodecIdHdmvTextSubtitle wraps AV_CODEC_ID_HDMV_TEXT_SUBTITLE. AVCodecIdHdmvTextSubtitle AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_HDMV_TEXT_SUBTITLE // AVCodecIdTtml wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TTML. AVCodecIdTtml AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TTML // AVCodecIdAribCaption wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ARIB_CAPTION. AVCodecIdAribCaption AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ARIB_CAPTION // AVCodecIdFirstUnknown wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_UNKNOWN. // // A dummy ID pointing at the start of various fake codecs. AVCodecIdFirstUnknown AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_UNKNOWN // AVCodecIdTtf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TTF. AVCodecIdTtf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TTF // AVCodecIdScte35 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35. // // Contain timestamp estimated through PCR of program stream. AVCodecIdScte35 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35 // AVCodecIdEpg wraps AV_CODEC_ID_EPG. AVCodecIdEpg AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_EPG // AVCodecIdBintext wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BINTEXT. AVCodecIdBintext AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BINTEXT // AVCodecIdXbin wraps AV_CODEC_ID_XBIN. AVCodecIdXbin AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_XBIN // AVCodecIdIdf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_IDF. AVCodecIdIdf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_IDF // AVCodecIdOtf wraps AV_CODEC_ID_OTF. AVCodecIdOtf AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_OTF // AVCodecIdSmpteKlv wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMPTE_KLV. AVCodecIdSmpteKlv AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMPTE_KLV AVCodecIdDvdNav AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_DVD_NAV // AVCodecIdTimedId3 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_TIMED_ID3. AVCodecIdTimedId3 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_TIMED_ID3 // AVCodecIdBinData wraps AV_CODEC_ID_BIN_DATA. AVCodecIdBinData AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_BIN_DATA // AVCodecIdSmpte2038 wraps AV_CODEC_ID_SMPTE_2038. AVCodecIdSmpte2038 AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_SMPTE_2038 // AVCodecIdProbe wraps AV_CODEC_ID_PROBE. // // codec_id is not known (like AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) but lavf should attempt to identify it AVCodecIdProbe AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_PROBE // AVCodecIdMpeg2Ts wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2TS. /* < _FAKE_ codec to indicate a raw MPEG-2 TS stream (only used by libavformat) */ AVCodecIdMpeg2Ts AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2TS // AVCodecIdMpeg4Systems wraps AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4SYSTEMS. /* < _FAKE_ codec to indicate a MPEG-4 Systems stream (only used by libavformat) */ AVCodecIdMpeg4Systems AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4SYSTEMS // AVCodecIdFFMetadata wraps AV_CODEC_ID_FFMETADATA. // // Dummy codec for streams containing only metadata information. AVCodecIdFFMetadata AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_FFMETADATA // AVCodecIdWrappedAVFrame wraps AV_CODEC_ID_WRAPPED_AVFRAME. // // Passthrough codec, AVFrames wrapped in AVPacket AVCodecIdWrappedAVFrame AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_WRAPPED_AVFRAME // AVCodecIdVnull wraps AV_CODEC_ID_VNULL. /* Dummy null video codec, useful mainly for development and debugging. Null encoder/decoder discard all input and never return any output. */ AVCodecIdVnull AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_VNULL // AVCodecIdAnull wraps AV_CODEC_ID_ANULL. /* Dummy null audio codec, useful mainly for development and debugging. Null encoder/decoder discard all input and never return any output. */ AVCodecIdAnull AVCodecID = C.AV_CODEC_ID_ANULL )
func AVCodecGetId ¶
func AVCodecGetId(tags **AVCodecTag, tag uint) AVCodecID
AVCodecGetId wraps av_codec_get_id.
Get the AVCodecID for the given codec tag tag. If no codec id is found returns AV_CODEC_ID_NONE. @param tags list of supported codec_id-codec_tag pairs, as stored in AVInputFormat.codec_tag and AVOutputFormat.codec_tag @param tag codec tag to match to a codec ID
func AVGetPcmCodec ¶
func AVGetPcmCodec(fmt AVSampleFormat, be int) AVCodecID
AVGetPcmCodec wraps av_get_pcm_codec.
Return the PCM codec associated with a sample format. @param be endianness, 0 for little, 1 for big, -1 (or anything else) for native @return AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_* or AV_CODEC_ID_NONE
func AVGuessCodec ¶
func AVGuessCodec(fmt *AVOutputFormat, shortName *CStr, filename *CStr, mimeType *CStr, _type AVMediaType) AVCodecID
AVGuessCodec wraps av_guess_codec.
Guess the codec ID based upon muxer and filename.
type AVCodecParameters ¶
type AVCodecParameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecParameters wraps AVCodecParameters.
This struct describes the properties of an encoded stream. sizeof(AVCodecParameters) is not a part of the public ABI, this struct must be allocated with avcodec_parameters_alloc() and freed with avcodec_parameters_free().
func AVCodecParametersAlloc ¶
func AVCodecParametersAlloc() *AVCodecParameters
AVCodecParametersAlloc wraps avcodec_parameters_alloc.
Allocate a new AVCodecParameters and set its fields to default values (unknown/invalid/0). The returned struct must be freed with avcodec_parameters_free().
func (*AVCodecParameters) BitRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) BitRate() int64
BitRate gets the bit_rate field.
The average bitrate of the encoded data (in bits per second).
func (*AVCodecParameters) BitsPerCodedSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) BitsPerCodedSample() int
BitsPerCodedSample gets the bits_per_coded_sample field.
The number of bits per sample in the codedwords. This is basically the bitrate per sample. It is mandatory for a bunch of formats to actually decode them. It's the number of bits for one sample in the actual coded bitstream. This could be for example 4 for ADPCM For PCM formats this matches bits_per_raw_sample Can be 0
func (*AVCodecParameters) BitsPerRawSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) BitsPerRawSample() int
BitsPerRawSample gets the bits_per_raw_sample field.
This is the number of valid bits in each output sample. If the sample format has more bits, the least significant bits are additional padding bits, which are always 0. Use right shifts to reduce the sample to its actual size. For example, audio formats with 24 bit samples will have bits_per_raw_sample set to 24, and format set to AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32. To get the original sample use "(int32_t)sample >> 8"." For ADPCM this might be 12 or 16 or similar Can be 0
func (*AVCodecParameters) BlockAlign ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) BlockAlign() int
BlockAlign gets the block_align field.
Audio only. The number of bytes per coded audio frame, required by some formats. Corresponds to nBlockAlign in WAVEFORMATEX.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ChLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
ChLayout gets the ch_layout field.
Audio only. The channel layout and number of channels.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ChannelLayout() uint64
ChannelLayout gets the channel_layout field.
Audio only. The channel layout bitmask. May be 0 if the channel layout is unknown or unspecified, otherwise the number of bits set must be equal to the channels field. @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVCodecParameters) Channels ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Channels() int
Channels gets the channels field.
Audio only. The number of audio channels. @deprecated use ch_layout.nb_channels
func (*AVCodecParameters) ChromaLocation ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ChromaLocation() AVChromaLocation
ChromaLocation gets the chroma_location field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) CodecId ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodecId() AVCodecID
CodecId gets the codec_id field.
Specific type of the encoded data (the codec used).
func (*AVCodecParameters) CodecTag ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodecTag() uint32
CodecTag gets the codec_tag field.
Additional information about the codec (corresponds to the AVI FOURCC).
func (*AVCodecParameters) CodecType ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodecType() AVMediaType
CodecType gets the codec_type field.
General type of the encoded data.
func (*AVCodecParameters) CodedSideData ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *AVCodecParameters) CodedSideData() *AVPacketSideData
CodedSideData gets the coded_side_data field.
Additional data associated with the entire stream.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ColorPrimaries ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorPrimaries() AVColorPrimaries
ColorPrimaries gets the color_primaries field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ColorRange ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorRange() AVColorRange
ColorRange gets the color_range field.
Video only. Additional colorspace characteristics.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ColorSpace ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorSpace() AVColorSpace
ColorSpace gets the color_space field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ColorTrc ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ColorTrc() AVColorTransferCharacteristic
ColorTrc gets the color_trc field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Extradata ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Extradata() unsafe.Pointer
Extradata gets the extradata field.
Extra binary data needed for initializing the decoder, codec-dependent. Must be allocated with av_malloc() and will be freed by avcodec_parameters_free(). The allocated size of extradata must be at least extradata_size + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, with the padding bytes zeroed.
func (*AVCodecParameters) ExtradataSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) ExtradataSize() int
ExtradataSize gets the extradata_size field.
Size of the extradata content in bytes.
func (*AVCodecParameters) FieldOrder ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) FieldOrder() AVFieldOrder
FieldOrder gets the field_order field.
Video only. The order of the fields in interlaced video.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Format ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Format() int
Format gets the format field.
- video: the pixel format, the value corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat.
- audio: the sample format, the value corresponds to enum AVSampleFormat.
func (*AVCodecParameters) FrameSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) FrameSize() int
FrameSize gets the frame_size field.
Audio only. Audio frame size, if known. Required by some formats to be static.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Framerate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Framerate() *AVRational
Framerate gets the framerate field.
Video only. Number of frames per second, for streams with constant frame durations. Should be set to { 0, 1 } when some frames have differing durations or if the value is not known. @note This field correponds to values that are stored in codec-level headers and is typically overridden by container/transport-layer timestamps, when available. It should thus be used only as a last resort, when no higher-level timing information is available.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Height ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Height() int
Height gets the height field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) InitialPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) InitialPadding() int
InitialPadding gets the initial_padding field.
Audio only. The amount of padding (in samples) inserted by the encoder at the beginning of the audio. I.e. this number of leading decoded samples must be discarded by the caller to get the original audio without leading padding.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Level ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Level() int
Level gets the level field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) NbCodedSideData ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *AVCodecParameters) NbCodedSideData() int
NbCodedSideData gets the nb_coded_side_data field.
Amount of entries in @ref coded_side_data.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Profile ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Profile() int
Profile gets the profile field.
Codec-specific bitstream restrictions that the stream conforms to.
func (*AVCodecParameters) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCodecParameters) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
SampleAspectRatio gets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
Video only. The aspect ratio (width / height) which a single pixel should have when displayed. When the aspect ratio is unknown / undefined, the numerator should be set to 0 (the denominator may have any value).
func (*AVCodecParameters) SampleRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SampleRate() int
SampleRate gets the sample_rate field.
Audio only. The number of audio samples per second.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SeekPreroll ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SeekPreroll() int
SeekPreroll gets the seek_preroll field.
Audio only. Number of samples to skip after a discontinuity.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetBitRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBitRate(value int64)
SetBitRate sets the bit_rate field.
The average bitrate of the encoded data (in bits per second).
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetBitsPerCodedSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBitsPerCodedSample(value int)
SetBitsPerCodedSample sets the bits_per_coded_sample field.
The number of bits per sample in the codedwords. This is basically the bitrate per sample. It is mandatory for a bunch of formats to actually decode them. It's the number of bits for one sample in the actual coded bitstream. This could be for example 4 for ADPCM For PCM formats this matches bits_per_raw_sample Can be 0
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetBitsPerRawSample ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBitsPerRawSample(value int)
SetBitsPerRawSample sets the bits_per_raw_sample field.
This is the number of valid bits in each output sample. If the sample format has more bits, the least significant bits are additional padding bits, which are always 0. Use right shifts to reduce the sample to its actual size. For example, audio formats with 24 bit samples will have bits_per_raw_sample set to 24, and format set to AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32. To get the original sample use "(int32_t)sample >> 8"." For ADPCM this might be 12 or 16 or similar Can be 0
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetBlockAlign ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetBlockAlign(value int)
SetBlockAlign sets the block_align field.
Audio only. The number of bytes per coded audio frame, required by some formats. Corresponds to nBlockAlign in WAVEFORMATEX.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
SetChannelLayout sets the channel_layout field.
Audio only. The channel layout bitmask. May be 0 if the channel layout is unknown or unspecified, otherwise the number of bits set must be equal to the channels field. @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetChannels ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetChannels(value int)
SetChannels sets the channels field.
Audio only. The number of audio channels. @deprecated use ch_layout.nb_channels
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetChromaLocation ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetChromaLocation(value AVChromaLocation)
SetChromaLocation sets the chroma_location field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetCodecId ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodecId(value AVCodecID)
SetCodecId sets the codec_id field.
Specific type of the encoded data (the codec used).
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetCodecTag ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodecTag(value uint32)
SetCodecTag sets the codec_tag field.
Additional information about the codec (corresponds to the AVI FOURCC).
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetCodecType ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodecType(value AVMediaType)
SetCodecType sets the codec_type field.
General type of the encoded data.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetCodedSideData ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetCodedSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
SetCodedSideData sets the coded_side_data field.
Additional data associated with the entire stream.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetColorPrimaries ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorPrimaries(value AVColorPrimaries)
SetColorPrimaries sets the color_primaries field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetColorRange ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorRange(value AVColorRange)
SetColorRange sets the color_range field.
Video only. Additional colorspace characteristics.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetColorSpace ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorSpace(value AVColorSpace)
SetColorSpace sets the color_space field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetColorTrc ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetColorTrc(value AVColorTransferCharacteristic)
SetColorTrc sets the color_trc field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetExtradata ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetExtradata(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetExtradata sets the extradata field.
Extra binary data needed for initializing the decoder, codec-dependent. Must be allocated with av_malloc() and will be freed by avcodec_parameters_free(). The allocated size of extradata must be at least extradata_size + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE, with the padding bytes zeroed.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetExtradataSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetExtradataSize(value int)
SetExtradataSize sets the extradata_size field.
Size of the extradata content in bytes.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetFieldOrder ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFieldOrder(value AVFieldOrder)
SetFieldOrder sets the field_order field.
Video only. The order of the fields in interlaced video.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetFormat ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFormat(value int)
SetFormat sets the format field.
- video: the pixel format, the value corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat.
- audio: the sample format, the value corresponds to enum AVSampleFormat.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetFrameSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFrameSize(value int)
SetFrameSize sets the frame_size field.
Audio only. Audio frame size, if known. Required by some formats to be static.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetFramerate ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetFramerate(value *AVRational)
SetFramerate sets the framerate field.
Video only. Number of frames per second, for streams with constant frame durations. Should be set to { 0, 1 } when some frames have differing durations or if the value is not known. @note This field correponds to values that are stored in codec-level headers and is typically overridden by container/transport-layer timestamps, when available. It should thus be used only as a last resort, when no higher-level timing information is available.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetHeight(value int)
SetHeight sets the height field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetInitialPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetInitialPadding(value int)
SetInitialPadding sets the initial_padding field.
Audio only. The amount of padding (in samples) inserted by the encoder at the beginning of the audio. I.e. this number of leading decoded samples must be discarded by the caller to get the original audio without leading padding.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetLevel ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetLevel(value int)
SetLevel sets the level field.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetNbCodedSideData ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetNbCodedSideData(value int)
SetNbCodedSideData sets the nb_coded_side_data field.
Amount of entries in @ref coded_side_data.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetProfile ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetProfile(value int)
SetProfile sets the profile field.
Codec-specific bitstream restrictions that the stream conforms to.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
SetSampleAspectRatio sets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
Video only. The aspect ratio (width / height) which a single pixel should have when displayed. When the aspect ratio is unknown / undefined, the numerator should be set to 0 (the denominator may have any value).
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetSampleRate ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetSampleRate(value int)
SetSampleRate sets the sample_rate field.
Audio only. The number of audio samples per second.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetSeekPreroll ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetSeekPreroll(value int)
SetSeekPreroll sets the seek_preroll field.
Audio only. Number of samples to skip after a discontinuity.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetTrailingPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetTrailingPadding(value int)
SetTrailingPadding sets the trailing_padding field.
Audio only. The amount of padding (in samples) appended by the encoder to the end of the audio. I.e. this number of decoded samples must be discarded by the caller from the end of the stream to get the original audio without any trailing padding.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetVideoDelay ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetVideoDelay(value int)
SetVideoDelay sets the video_delay field.
Video only. Number of delayed frames.
func (*AVCodecParameters) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) SetWidth(value int)
SetWidth sets the width field.
Video only. The dimensions of the video frame in pixels.
func (*AVCodecParameters) TrailingPadding ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) TrailingPadding() int
TrailingPadding gets the trailing_padding field.
Audio only. The amount of padding (in samples) appended by the encoder to the end of the audio. I.e. this number of decoded samples must be discarded by the caller from the end of the stream to get the original audio without any trailing padding.
func (*AVCodecParameters) VideoDelay ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) VideoDelay() int
VideoDelay gets the video_delay field.
Video only. Number of delayed frames.
func (*AVCodecParameters) Width ¶
func (s *AVCodecParameters) Width() int
Width gets the width field.
Video only. The dimensions of the video frame in pixels.
type AVCodecParser ¶
type AVCodecParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecParser wraps AVCodecParser.
func (*AVCodecParser) CodecIds ¶
func (s *AVCodecParser) CodecIds() *Array[int]
CodecIds gets the codec_ids field.
several codec IDs are permitted
func (*AVCodecParser) PrivDataSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecParser) PrivDataSize() int
PrivDataSize gets the priv_data_size field.
func (*AVCodecParser) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecParser) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCodecParser) SetPrivDataSize ¶
func (s *AVCodecParser) SetPrivDataSize(value int)
SetPrivDataSize sets the priv_data_size field.
type AVCodecParserContext ¶
type AVCodecParserContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecParserContext wraps AVCodecParserContext.
func AVParserInit ¶
func AVParserInit(codecId int) *AVCodecParserContext
AVParserInit wraps av_parser_init.
func AVStreamGetParser ¶
func AVStreamGetParser(s *AVStream) *AVCodecParserContext
AVStreamGetParser wraps av_stream_get_parser.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CodedHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CodedHeight() int
CodedHeight gets the coded_height field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CodedWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CodedWidth() int
CodedWidth gets the coded_width field.
Dimensions of the coded video.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameDts() *Array[int64]
CurFrameDts gets the cur_frame_dts field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameEnd ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameEnd() *Array[int64]
CurFrameEnd gets the cur_frame_end field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameOffset() *Array[int64]
CurFrameOffset gets the cur_frame_offset field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurFramePos ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFramePos() *Array[int64]
CurFramePos gets the cur_frame_pos field.
Position of the packet in file. Analogous to cur_frame_pts/dts
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurFramePts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFramePts() *Array[int64]
CurFramePts gets the cur_frame_pts field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameStartIndex ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurFrameStartIndex() int
CurFrameStartIndex gets the cur_frame_start_index field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) CurOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) CurOffset() int64
CurOffset gets the cur_offset field.
current offset (incremented by each av_parser_parse())
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Dts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Dts() int64
Dts gets the dts field.
dts of the current frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) DtsRefDtsDelta ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) DtsRefDtsDelta() int
DtsRefDtsDelta gets the dts_ref_dts_delta field.
Offset of the current timestamp against last timestamp sync point in units of AVCodecContext.time_base. Set to INT_MIN when dts_sync_point unused. Otherwise, it must contain a valid timestamp offset. Note that the timestamp of sync point has usually a nonzero dts_ref_dts_delta, which refers to the previous sync point. Offset of the next frame after timestamp sync point will be usually 1. For example, this corresponds to H.264 cpb_removal_delay.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) DtsSyncPoint ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) DtsSyncPoint() int
DtsSyncPoint gets the dts_sync_point field.
Synchronization point for start of timestamp generation. Set to >0 for sync point, 0 for no sync point and <0 for undefined (default). For example, this corresponds to presence of H.264 buffering period SEI message.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Duration ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Duration() int
Duration gets the duration field.
Duration of the current frame. For audio, this is in units of 1 / AVCodecContext.sample_rate. For all other types, this is in units of AVCodecContext.time_base.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) FetchTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) FetchTimestamp() int
FetchTimestamp gets the fetch_timestamp field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) FieldOrder ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) FieldOrder() AVFieldOrder
FieldOrder gets the field_order field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Flags ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Flags() int
Flags gets the flags field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Format ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Format() int
Format gets the format field.
The format of the coded data, corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat for video and for enum AVSampleFormat for audio. Note that a decoder can have considerable freedom in how exactly it decodes the data, so the format reported here might be different from the one returned by a decoder.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) FrameOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) FrameOffset() int64
FrameOffset gets the frame_offset field.
offset of the current frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Height ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Height() int
Height gets the height field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) KeyFrame ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) KeyFrame() int
KeyFrame gets the key_frame field.
Set by parser to 1 for key frames and 0 for non-key frames. It is initialized to -1, so if the parser doesn't set this flag, old-style fallback using AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I picture type as key frames will be used.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) LastDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) LastDts() int64
LastDts gets the last_dts field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) LastPos ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) LastPos() int64
LastPos gets the last_pos field.
Previous frame byte position.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) LastPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) LastPts() int64
LastPts gets the last_pts field.
private data
func (*AVCodecParserContext) NextFrameOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) NextFrameOffset() int64
NextFrameOffset gets the next_frame_offset field.
offset of the next frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Offset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Offset() int64
Offset gets the offset field.
byte offset from starting packet start
func (*AVCodecParserContext) OutputPictureNumber ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) OutputPictureNumber() int
OutputPictureNumber gets the output_picture_number field.
Picture number incremented in presentation or output order. This field may be reinitialized at the first picture of a new sequence. For example, this corresponds to H.264 PicOrderCnt.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Parser ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Parser() *AVCodecParser
Parser gets the parser field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) PictType ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PictType() int
PictType gets the pict_type field.
XXX: Put it back in AVCodecContext.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) PictureStructure ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PictureStructure() AVPictureStructure
PictureStructure gets the picture_structure field.
Indicate whether a picture is coded as a frame, top field or bottom field. For example, H.264 field_pic_flag equal to 0 corresponds to AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME. An H.264 picture with field_pic_flag equal to 1 and bottom_field_flag equal to 0 corresponds to AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Pos ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Pos() int64
Pos gets the pos field.
Byte position of currently parsed frame in stream.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) PrivData ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
PrivData gets the priv_data field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Pts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Pts() int64
Pts gets the pts field.
pts of the current frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) PtsDtsDelta ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) PtsDtsDelta() int
PtsDtsDelta gets the pts_dts_delta field.
Presentation delay of current frame in units of AVCodecContext.time_base. Set to INT_MIN when dts_sync_point unused. Otherwise, it must contain valid non-negative timestamp delta (presentation time of a frame must not lie in the past). This delay represents the difference between decoding and presentation time of the frame. For example, this corresponds to H.264 dpb_output_delay.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVCodecParserContext) RepeatPict ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) RepeatPict() int
RepeatPict gets the repeat_pict field.
XXX: Put it back in AVCodecContext.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetCodedHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCodedHeight(value int)
SetCodedHeight sets the coded_height field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetCodedWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCodedWidth(value int)
SetCodedWidth sets the coded_width field.
Dimensions of the coded video.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetCurFrameStartIndex ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCurFrameStartIndex(value int)
SetCurFrameStartIndex sets the cur_frame_start_index field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetCurOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetCurOffset(value int64)
SetCurOffset sets the cur_offset field.
current offset (incremented by each av_parser_parse())
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDts(value int64)
SetDts sets the dts field.
dts of the current frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetDtsRefDtsDelta ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDtsRefDtsDelta(value int)
SetDtsRefDtsDelta sets the dts_ref_dts_delta field.
Offset of the current timestamp against last timestamp sync point in units of AVCodecContext.time_base. Set to INT_MIN when dts_sync_point unused. Otherwise, it must contain a valid timestamp offset. Note that the timestamp of sync point has usually a nonzero dts_ref_dts_delta, which refers to the previous sync point. Offset of the next frame after timestamp sync point will be usually 1. For example, this corresponds to H.264 cpb_removal_delay.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetDtsSyncPoint ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDtsSyncPoint(value int)
SetDtsSyncPoint sets the dts_sync_point field.
Synchronization point for start of timestamp generation. Set to >0 for sync point, 0 for no sync point and <0 for undefined (default). For example, this corresponds to presence of H.264 buffering period SEI message.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetDuration ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetDuration(value int)
SetDuration sets the duration field.
Duration of the current frame. For audio, this is in units of 1 / AVCodecContext.sample_rate. For all other types, this is in units of AVCodecContext.time_base.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetFetchTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFetchTimestamp(value int)
SetFetchTimestamp sets the fetch_timestamp field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetFieldOrder ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFieldOrder(value AVFieldOrder)
SetFieldOrder sets the field_order field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetFormat ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFormat(value int)
SetFormat sets the format field.
The format of the coded data, corresponds to enum AVPixelFormat for video and for enum AVSampleFormat for audio. Note that a decoder can have considerable freedom in how exactly it decodes the data, so the format reported here might be different from the one returned by a decoder.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetFrameOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetFrameOffset(value int64)
SetFrameOffset sets the frame_offset field.
offset of the current frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetHeight(value int)
SetHeight sets the height field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetKeyFrame ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetKeyFrame(value int)
SetKeyFrame sets the key_frame field.
Set by parser to 1 for key frames and 0 for non-key frames. It is initialized to -1, so if the parser doesn't set this flag, old-style fallback using AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I picture type as key frames will be used.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetLastDts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetLastDts(value int64)
SetLastDts sets the last_dts field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetLastPos ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetLastPos(value int64)
SetLastPos sets the last_pos field.
Previous frame byte position.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetLastPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetLastPts(value int64)
SetLastPts sets the last_pts field.
private data
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetNextFrameOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetNextFrameOffset(value int64)
SetNextFrameOffset sets the next_frame_offset field.
offset of the next frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetOffset ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetOffset(value int64)
SetOffset sets the offset field.
byte offset from starting packet start
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetOutputPictureNumber ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetOutputPictureNumber(value int)
SetOutputPictureNumber sets the output_picture_number field.
Picture number incremented in presentation or output order. This field may be reinitialized at the first picture of a new sequence. For example, this corresponds to H.264 PicOrderCnt.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetParser ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetParser(value *AVCodecParser)
SetParser sets the parser field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetPictType ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPictType(value int)
SetPictType sets the pict_type field.
XXX: Put it back in AVCodecContext.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetPictureStructure ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPictureStructure(value AVPictureStructure)
SetPictureStructure sets the picture_structure field.
Indicate whether a picture is coded as a frame, top field or bottom field. For example, H.264 field_pic_flag equal to 0 corresponds to AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME. An H.264 picture with field_pic_flag equal to 1 and bottom_field_flag equal to 0 corresponds to AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetPos ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPos(value int64)
SetPos sets the pos field.
Byte position of currently parsed frame in stream.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetPrivData ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetPrivData sets the priv_data field.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetPts ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPts(value int64)
SetPts sets the pts field.
pts of the current frame
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetPtsDtsDelta ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetPtsDtsDelta(value int)
SetPtsDtsDelta sets the pts_dts_delta field.
Presentation delay of current frame in units of AVCodecContext.time_base. Set to INT_MIN when dts_sync_point unused. Otherwise, it must contain valid non-negative timestamp delta (presentation time of a frame must not lie in the past). This delay represents the difference between decoding and presentation time of the frame. For example, this corresponds to H.264 dpb_output_delay.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetRepeatPict ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetRepeatPict(value int)
SetRepeatPict sets the repeat_pict field.
XXX: Put it back in AVCodecContext.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) SetWidth(value int)
SetWidth sets the width field.
Dimensions of the decoded video intended for presentation.
func (*AVCodecParserContext) Width ¶
func (s *AVCodecParserContext) Width() int
Width gets the width field.
Dimensions of the decoded video intended for presentation.
type AVCodecTag ¶
type AVCodecTag struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVCodecTag wraps AVCodecTag.
input/output formats
func AVFormatGetMovAudioTags ¶
func AVFormatGetMovAudioTags() *AVCodecTag
AVFormatGetMovAudioTags wraps avformat_get_mov_audio_tags.
@return the table mapping MOV FourCCs for audio to AVCodecID.
func AVFormatGetMovVideoTags ¶
func AVFormatGetMovVideoTags() *AVCodecTag
AVFormatGetMovVideoTags wraps avformat_get_mov_video_tags.
@return the table mapping MOV FourCCs for video to libavcodec AVCodecID.
func AVFormatGetRiffAudioTags ¶
func AVFormatGetRiffAudioTags() *AVCodecTag
AVFormatGetRiffAudioTags wraps avformat_get_riff_audio_tags.
@return the table mapping RIFF FourCCs for audio to AVCodecID.
func AVFormatGetRiffVideoTags ¶
func AVFormatGetRiffVideoTags() *AVCodecTag
AVFormatGetRiffVideoTags wraps avformat_get_riff_video_tags.
@return the table mapping RIFF FourCCs for video to libavcodec AVCodecID.
func (*AVCodecTag) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVCodecTag) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVColorPrimaries ¶
type AVColorPrimaries C.enum_AVColorPrimaries
AVColorPrimaries wraps AVColorPrimaries.
Chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23091-2_2019 subclause 8.1 and ITU-T H.273.
const ( // AVColPriReserved0 wraps AVCOL_PRI_RESERVED0. AVColPriReserved0 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_RESERVED0 // AVColPriBt709 wraps AVCOL_PRI_BT709. // // also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 / SMPTE RP 177 Annex B AVColPriBt709 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_BT709 // AVColPriUnspecified wraps AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED. AVColPriUnspecified AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED // AVColPriReserved wraps AVCOL_PRI_RESERVED. AVColPriReserved AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_RESERVED // AVColPriBt470M wraps AVCOL_PRI_BT470M. // // also FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20) AVColPriBt470M AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_BT470M // AVColPriBt470Bg wraps AVCOL_PRI_BT470BG. // // also ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM AVColPriBt470Bg AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_BT470BG // AVColPriSmpte170M wraps AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE170M. // // also ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC AVColPriSmpte170M AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE170M // AVColPriSmpte240M wraps AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE240M. // // identical to above, also called "SMPTE C" even though it uses D65 AVColPriSmpte240M AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE240M // AVColPriFilm wraps AVCOL_PRI_FILM. // // colour filters using Illuminant C AVColPriFilm AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_FILM // AVColPriBt2020 wraps AVCOL_PRI_BT2020. // // ITU-R BT2020 AVColPriBt2020 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_BT2020 // AVColPriSmpte428 wraps AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE428. // // SMPTE ST 428-1 (CIE 1931 XYZ) AVColPriSmpte428 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE428 // AVColPriSmptest4281 wraps AVCOL_PRI_SMPTEST428_1. AVColPriSmptest4281 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_SMPTEST428_1 // AVColPriSmpte431 wraps AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE431. // // SMPTE ST 431-2 (2011) / DCI P3 AVColPriSmpte431 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE431 // AVColPriSmpte432 wraps AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE432. // // SMPTE ST 432-1 (2010) / P3 D65 / Display P3 AVColPriSmpte432 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_SMPTE432 // AVColPriEbu3213 wraps AVCOL_PRI_EBU3213. // // EBU Tech. 3213-E (nothing there) / one of JEDEC P22 group phosphors AVColPriEbu3213 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_EBU3213 // AVColPriJedecP22 wraps AVCOL_PRI_JEDEC_P22. AVColPriJedecP22 AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_JEDEC_P22 // AVColPriNb wraps AVCOL_PRI_NB. // // Not part of ABI AVColPriNb AVColorPrimaries = C.AVCOL_PRI_NB )
type AVColorRange ¶
type AVColorRange C.enum_AVColorRange
AVColorRange wraps AVColorRange.
Visual content value range. These values are based on definitions that can be found in multiple specifications, such as ITU-T BT.709 (3.4 - Quantization of RGB, luminance and colour-difference signals), ITU-T BT.2020 (Table 5 - Digital Representation) as well as ITU-T BT.2100 (Table 9 - Digital 10- and 12-bit integer representation). At the time of writing, the BT.2100 one is recommended, as it also defines the full range representation. Common definitions: - For RGB and luma planes such as Y in YCbCr and I in ICtCp, 'E' is the original value in range of 0.0 to 1.0. - For chroma planes such as Cb,Cr and Ct,Cp, 'E' is the original value in range of -0.5 to 0.5. - 'n' is the output bit depth. - For additional definitions such as rounding and clipping to valid n bit unsigned integer range, please refer to BT.2100 (Table 9).
const ( // AVColRangeUnspecified wraps AVCOL_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED. AVColRangeUnspecified AVColorRange = C.AVCOL_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED // AVColRangeMpeg wraps AVCOL_RANGE_MPEG. /* Narrow or limited range content. - For luma planes: (219 * E + 16) * 2^(n-8) F.ex. the range of 16-235 for 8 bits - For chroma planes: (224 * E + 128) * 2^(n-8) F.ex. the range of 16-240 for 8 bits */ AVColRangeMpeg AVColorRange = C.AVCOL_RANGE_MPEG // AVColRangeJpeg wraps AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG. /* Full range content. - For RGB and luma planes: (2^n - 1) * E F.ex. the range of 0-255 for 8 bits - For chroma planes: (2^n - 1) * E + 2^(n - 1) F.ex. the range of 1-255 for 8 bits */ AVColRangeJpeg AVColorRange = C.AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG // AVColRangeNb wraps AVCOL_RANGE_NB. // // Not part of ABI AVColRangeNb AVColorRange = C.AVCOL_RANGE_NB )
type AVColorSpace ¶
type AVColorSpace C.enum_AVColorSpace
AVColorSpace wraps AVColorSpace.
YUV colorspace type. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23091-2_2019 subclause 8.3.
const ( // AVColSpcRgb wraps AVCOL_SPC_RGB. // // order of coefficients is actually GBR, also IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB), YZX and ST 428-1 AVColSpcRgb AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_RGB // AVColSpcBt709 wraps AVCOL_SPC_BT709. // // also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC709 / derived in SMPTE RP 177 Annex B AVColSpcBt709 AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_BT709 // AVColSpcUnspecified wraps AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED. AVColSpcUnspecified AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED // AVColSpcReserved wraps AVCOL_SPC_RESERVED. // // reserved for future use by ITU-T and ISO/IEC just like 15-255 are AVColSpcReserved AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_RESERVED // AVColSpcFcc wraps AVCOL_SPC_FCC. // // FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20) AVColSpcFcc AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_FCC // AVColSpcBt470Bg wraps AVCOL_SPC_BT470BG. // // also ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC601 AVColSpcBt470Bg AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_BT470BG // AVColSpcSmpte170M wraps AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE170M. // // also ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC / functionally identical to above AVColSpcSmpte170M AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE170M // AVColSpcSmpte240M wraps AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE240M. // // derived from 170M primaries and D65 white point, 170M is derived from BT470 System M's primaries AVColSpcSmpte240M AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE240M // AVColSpcYcgco wraps AVCOL_SPC_YCGCO. // // used by Dirac / VC-2 and H.264 FRext, see ITU-T SG16 AVColSpcYcgco AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_YCGCO // AVColSpcYcocg wraps AVCOL_SPC_YCOCG. AVColSpcYcocg AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_YCOCG // AVColSpcBt2020Ncl wraps AVCOL_SPC_BT2020_NCL. // // ITU-R BT2020 non-constant luminance system AVColSpcBt2020Ncl AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_BT2020_NCL // AVColSpcBt2020Cl wraps AVCOL_SPC_BT2020_CL. // // ITU-R BT2020 constant luminance system AVColSpcBt2020Cl AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_BT2020_CL // AVColSpcSmpte2085 wraps AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE2085. // // SMPTE 2085, Y'D'zD'x AVColSpcSmpte2085 AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE2085 // AVColSpcChromaDerivedNcl wraps AVCOL_SPC_CHROMA_DERIVED_NCL. // // Chromaticity-derived non-constant luminance system AVColSpcChromaDerivedNcl AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_CHROMA_DERIVED_NCL // AVColSpcChromaDerivedCl wraps AVCOL_SPC_CHROMA_DERIVED_CL. // // Chromaticity-derived constant luminance system AVColSpcChromaDerivedCl AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_CHROMA_DERIVED_CL // AVColSpcIctcp wraps AVCOL_SPC_ICTCP. // // ITU-R BT.2100-0, ICtCp AVColSpcIctcp AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_ICTCP // AVColSpcNb wraps AVCOL_SPC_NB. // // Not part of ABI AVColSpcNb AVColorSpace = C.AVCOL_SPC_NB )
type AVColorTransferCharacteristic ¶
type AVColorTransferCharacteristic C.enum_AVColorTransferCharacteristic
AVColorTransferCharacteristic wraps AVColorTransferCharacteristic.
Color Transfer Characteristic. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23091-2_2019 subclause 8.2.
const ( // AVColTrcReserved0 wraps AVCOL_TRC_RESERVED0. AVColTrcReserved0 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_RESERVED0 // AVColTrcBt709 wraps AVCOL_TRC_BT709. // // also ITU-R BT1361 AVColTrcBt709 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_BT709 // AVColTrcUnspecified wraps AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED. AVColTrcUnspecified AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED // AVColTrcReserved wraps AVCOL_TRC_RESERVED. AVColTrcReserved AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_RESERVED // AVColTrcGamma22 wraps AVCOL_TRC_GAMMA22. // // also ITU-R BT470M / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM AVColTrcGamma22 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_GAMMA22 // AVColTrcGamma28 wraps AVCOL_TRC_GAMMA28. // // also ITU-R BT470BG AVColTrcGamma28 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_GAMMA28 // AVColTrcSmpte170M wraps AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE170M. // // also ITU-R BT601-6 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1358 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC AVColTrcSmpte170M AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE170M // AVColTrcSmpte240M wraps AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE240M. AVColTrcSmpte240M AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE240M // AVColTrcLinear wraps AVCOL_TRC_LINEAR. // // "Linear transfer characteristics" AVColTrcLinear AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_LINEAR // AVColTrcLog wraps AVCOL_TRC_LOG. // // "Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100:1 range)" AVColTrcLog AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_LOG // AVColTrcLogSqrt wraps AVCOL_TRC_LOG_SQRT. // // "Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 * Sqrt(10) : 1 range)" AVColTrcLogSqrt AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_LOG_SQRT // AVColTrcIec6196624 wraps AVCOL_TRC_IEC61966_2_4. // // IEC 61966-2-4 AVColTrcIec6196624 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_IEC61966_2_4 // AVColTrcBt1361Ecg wraps AVCOL_TRC_BT1361_ECG. // // ITU-R BT1361 Extended Colour Gamut AVColTrcBt1361Ecg AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_BT1361_ECG // AVColTrcIec6196621 wraps AVCOL_TRC_IEC61966_2_1. // // IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB or sYCC) AVColTrcIec6196621 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_IEC61966_2_1 // AVColTrcBt202010 wraps AVCOL_TRC_BT2020_10. // // ITU-R BT2020 for 10-bit system AVColTrcBt202010 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_BT2020_10 // AVColTrcBt202012 wraps AVCOL_TRC_BT2020_12. // // ITU-R BT2020 for 12-bit system AVColTrcBt202012 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_BT2020_12 // AVColTrcSmpte2084 wraps AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE2084. // // SMPTE ST 2084 for 10-, 12-, 14- and 16-bit systems AVColTrcSmpte2084 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE2084 // AVColTrcSmptest2084 wraps AVCOL_TRC_SMPTEST2084. AVColTrcSmptest2084 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_SMPTEST2084 // AVColTrcSmpte428 wraps AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE428. // // SMPTE ST 428-1 AVColTrcSmpte428 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_SMPTE428 // AVColTrcSmptest4281 wraps AVCOL_TRC_SMPTEST428_1. AVColTrcSmptest4281 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_SMPTEST428_1 // AVColTrcAribStdB67 wraps AVCOL_TRC_ARIB_STD_B67. // // ARIB STD-B67, known as "Hybrid log-gamma" AVColTrcAribStdB67 AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_ARIB_STD_B67 // AVColTrcNb wraps AVCOL_TRC_NB. // // Not part of ABI AVColTrcNb AVColorTransferCharacteristic = C.AVCOL_TRC_NB )
type AVDeviceInfoList ¶
type AVDeviceInfoList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVDeviceInfoList wraps AVDeviceInfoList.
func (*AVDeviceInfoList) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVDeviceInfoList) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVDictionary ¶
type AVDictionary struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVDictionary wraps AVDictionary.
func (*AVDictionary) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVDictionary) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVDictionaryEntry ¶
type AVDictionaryEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVDictionaryEntry wraps AVDictionaryEntry.
func AVDictGet ¶
func AVDictGet(m *AVDictionary, key *CStr, prev *AVDictionaryEntry, flags int) *AVDictionaryEntry
AVDictGet wraps av_dict_get.
Get a dictionary entry with matching key. The returned entry key or value must not be changed, or it will cause undefined behavior. @param prev Set to the previous matching element to find the next. If set to NULL the first matching element is returned. @param key Matching key @param flags A collection of AV_DICT_* flags controlling how the entry is retrieved @return Found entry or NULL in case no matching entry was found in the dictionary
func AVDictIterate ¶
func AVDictIterate(m *AVDictionary, prev *AVDictionaryEntry) *AVDictionaryEntry
AVDictIterate wraps av_dict_iterate.
Iterate over a dictionary Iterates through all entries in the dictionary. @warning The returned AVDictionaryEntry key/value must not be changed. @warning As av_dict_set() invalidates all previous entries returned by this function, it must not be called while iterating over the dict. Typical usage: @code const AVDictionaryEntry *e = NULL; while ((e = av_dict_iterate(m, e))) { // ... } @endcode @param m The dictionary to iterate over @param prev Pointer to the previous AVDictionaryEntry, NULL initially @retval AVDictionaryEntry* The next element in the dictionary @retval NULL No more elements in the dictionary
func (*AVDictionaryEntry) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVDictionaryEntry) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVDictionaryEntry) SetKey ¶
func (s *AVDictionaryEntry) SetKey(value *CStr)
SetKey sets the key field.
func (*AVDictionaryEntry) SetValue ¶
func (s *AVDictionaryEntry) SetValue(value *CStr)
SetValue sets the value field.
func (*AVDictionaryEntry) Value ¶
func (s *AVDictionaryEntry) Value() *CStr
Value gets the value field.
type AVDiscard ¶
type AVDiscard C.enum_AVDiscard
AVDiscard wraps AVDiscard.
const ( // AVDiscardNone wraps AVDISCARD_NONE. // // discard nothing AVDiscardNone AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_NONE // AVDiscardDefault wraps AVDISCARD_DEFAULT. // // discard useless packets like 0 size packets in avi AVDiscardDefault AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_DEFAULT // AVDiscardNonref wraps AVDISCARD_NONREF. // // discard all non reference AVDiscardNonref AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_NONREF // AVDiscardBidir wraps AVDISCARD_BIDIR. // // discard all bidirectional frames AVDiscardBidir AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_BIDIR // AVDiscardNonintra wraps AVDISCARD_NONINTRA. // // discard all non intra frames AVDiscardNonintra AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_NONINTRA // AVDiscardNonkey wraps AVDISCARD_NONKEY. // // discard all frames except keyframes AVDiscardNonkey AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_NONKEY // AVDiscardAll wraps AVDISCARD_ALL. // // discard all AVDiscardAll AVDiscard = C.AVDISCARD_ALL )
type AVDurationEstimationMethod ¶
type AVDurationEstimationMethod C.enum_AVDurationEstimationMethod
AVDurationEstimationMethod wraps AVDurationEstimationMethod.
The duration of a video can be estimated through various ways, and this enum can be used to know how the duration was estimated.
const ( // AVFmtDurationFromPts wraps AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_PTS. // // Duration accurately estimated from PTSes AVFmtDurationFromPts AVDurationEstimationMethod = C.AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_PTS // AVFmtDurationFromStream wraps AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_STREAM. // // Duration estimated from a stream with a known duration AVFmtDurationFromStream AVDurationEstimationMethod = C.AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_STREAM // AVFmtDurationFromBitrate wraps AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_BITRATE. // // Duration estimated from bitrate (less accurate) AVFmtDurationFromBitrate AVDurationEstimationMethod = C.AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_BITRATE )
func AVFmtCtxGetDurationEstimationMethod ¶
func AVFmtCtxGetDurationEstimationMethod(ctx *AVFormatContext) AVDurationEstimationMethod
AVFmtCtxGetDurationEstimationMethod wraps av_fmt_ctx_get_duration_estimation_method.
Returns the method used to set ctx->duration. @return AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_PTS, AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_STREAM, or AVFMT_DURATION_FROM_BITRATE.
type AVError ¶
type AVError struct {
Code int
AVError represents a non-positive return code from FFmpeg.
type AVFieldOrder ¶
type AVFieldOrder C.enum_AVFieldOrder
AVFieldOrder wraps AVFieldOrder.
const ( // AVFieldUnknown wraps AV_FIELD_UNKNOWN. AVFieldUnknown AVFieldOrder = C.AV_FIELD_UNKNOWN // AVFieldProgressive wraps AV_FIELD_PROGRESSIVE. AVFieldProgressive AVFieldOrder = C.AV_FIELD_PROGRESSIVE // AVFieldTt wraps AV_FIELD_TT. // // Top coded_first, top displayed first AVFieldTt AVFieldOrder = C.AV_FIELD_TT // AVFieldBb wraps AV_FIELD_BB. // // Bottom coded first, bottom displayed first AVFieldBb AVFieldOrder = C.AV_FIELD_BB // AVFieldTb wraps AV_FIELD_TB. // // Top coded first, bottom displayed first AVFieldTb AVFieldOrder = C.AV_FIELD_TB // AVFieldBt wraps AV_FIELD_BT. // // Bottom coded first, top displayed first AVFieldBt AVFieldOrder = C.AV_FIELD_BT )
type AVFilter ¶
type AVFilter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilter wraps AVFilter.
Filter definition. This defines the pads a filter contains, and all the callback functions used to interact with the filter.
func AVFilterGetByName ¶
AVFilterGetByName wraps avfilter_get_by_name.
Get a filter definition matching the given name. @param name the filter name to find @return the filter definition, if any matching one is registered. NULL if none found.
func (*AVFilter) Description ¶
Description gets the description field.
A description of the filter. May be NULL. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVFilter) FlagsInternal ¶
FlagsInternal gets the flags_internal field.
Additional flags for avfilter internal use only.
func (*AVFilter) FormatsState ¶
FormatsState gets the formats_state field.
This field determines the state of the formats union. It is an enum FilterFormatsState value.
func (*AVFilter) Inputs ¶
func (s *AVFilter) Inputs() *AVFilterPad
Inputs gets the inputs field.
List of static inputs. NULL if there are no (static) inputs. Instances of filters with AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_INPUTS set may have more inputs than present in this list.
func (*AVFilter) Name ¶
Name gets the name field.
Filter name. Must be non-NULL and unique among filters.
func (*AVFilter) NbInputs ¶
NbInputs gets the nb_inputs field.
The number of entries in the list of inputs.
func (*AVFilter) NbOutputs ¶
NbOutputs gets the nb_outputs field.
The number of entries in the list of outputs.
func (*AVFilter) Outputs ¶
func (s *AVFilter) Outputs() *AVFilterPad
Outputs gets the outputs field.
List of static outputs. NULL if there are no (static) outputs. Instances of filters with AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_OUTPUTS set may have more outputs than present in this list.
func (*AVFilter) PrivClass ¶
PrivClass gets the priv_class field.
A class for the private data, used to declare filter private AVOptions. This field is NULL for filters that do not declare any options. If this field is non-NULL, the first member of the filter private data must be a pointer to AVClass, which will be set by libavfilter generic code to this class.
func (*AVFilter) PrivSize ¶
PrivSize gets the priv_size field.
size of private data to allocate for the filter
func (*AVFilter) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription sets the description field.
A description of the filter. May be NULL. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVFilter) SetFlagsInternal ¶
SetFlagsInternal sets the flags_internal field.
Additional flags for avfilter internal use only.
func (*AVFilter) SetFormatsState ¶
SetFormatsState sets the formats_state field.
This field determines the state of the formats union. It is an enum FilterFormatsState value.
func (*AVFilter) SetInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilter) SetInputs(value *AVFilterPad)
SetInputs sets the inputs field.
List of static inputs. NULL if there are no (static) inputs. Instances of filters with AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_INPUTS set may have more inputs than present in this list.
func (*AVFilter) SetName ¶
SetName sets the name field.
Filter name. Must be non-NULL and unique among filters.
func (*AVFilter) SetNbInputs ¶
SetNbInputs sets the nb_inputs field.
The number of entries in the list of inputs.
func (*AVFilter) SetNbOutputs ¶
SetNbOutputs sets the nb_outputs field.
The number of entries in the list of outputs.
func (*AVFilter) SetOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilter) SetOutputs(value *AVFilterPad)
SetOutputs sets the outputs field.
List of static outputs. NULL if there are no (static) outputs. Instances of filters with AVFILTER_FLAG_DYNAMIC_OUTPUTS set may have more outputs than present in this list.
func (*AVFilter) SetPrivClass ¶
SetPrivClass sets the priv_class field.
A class for the private data, used to declare filter private AVOptions. This field is NULL for filters that do not declare any options. If this field is non-NULL, the first member of the filter private data must be a pointer to AVClass, which will be set by libavfilter generic code to this class.
func (*AVFilter) SetPrivSize ¶
SetPrivSize sets the priv_size field.
size of private data to allocate for the filter
type AVFilterChain ¶
type AVFilterChain struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterChain wraps AVFilterChain.
A filterchain is a list of filter specifications. Created as a child of AVFilterGraphSegment by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Freed in avfilter_graph_segment_free().
func (*AVFilterChain) Filters ¶
func (s *AVFilterChain) Filters() *Array[*AVFilterParams]
Filters gets the filters field.
func (*AVFilterChain) NbFilters ¶
func (s *AVFilterChain) NbFilters() uint64
NbFilters gets the nb_filters field.
func (*AVFilterChain) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterChain) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterChain) SetFilters ¶
func (s *AVFilterChain) SetFilters(value *Array[AVFilterParams])
SetFilters sets the filters field.
func (*AVFilterChain) SetNbFilters ¶
func (s *AVFilterChain) SetNbFilters(value uint64)
SetNbFilters sets the nb_filters field.
type AVFilterChannelLayouts ¶
type AVFilterChannelLayouts struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterChannelLayouts wraps AVFilterChannelLayouts.
func (*AVFilterChannelLayouts) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterChannelLayouts) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVFilterContext ¶
type AVFilterContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterContext wraps AVFilterContext.
An instance of a filter
func AVFilterGraphAllocFilter ¶
func AVFilterGraphAllocFilter(graph *AVFilterGraph, filter *AVFilter, name *CStr) *AVFilterContext
AVFilterGraphAllocFilter wraps avfilter_graph_alloc_filter.
Create a new filter instance in a filter graph. @param graph graph in which the new filter will be used @param filter the filter to create an instance of @param name Name to give to the new instance (will be copied to This may be used by the caller to identify different filters, libavfilter itself assigns no semantics to this parameter. May be NULL. @return the context of the newly created filter instance (note that it is also retrievable directly through AVFilterGraph.filters or with avfilter_graph_get_filter()) on success or NULL on failure.
func AVFilterGraphGetFilter ¶
func AVFilterGraphGetFilter(graph *AVFilterGraph, name *CStr) *AVFilterContext
AVFilterGraphGetFilter wraps avfilter_graph_get_filter.
Get a filter instance identified by instance name from graph. @param graph filter graph to search through. @param name filter instance name (should be unique in the graph). @return the pointer to the found filter instance or NULL if it cannot be found.
func (*AVFilterContext) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
needed for av_log() and filters common options
func (*AVFilterContext) Enable ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Enable() unsafe.Pointer
Enable gets the enable field.
parsed expression (AVExpr*)
func (*AVFilterContext) EnableStr ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) EnableStr() *CStr
EnableStr gets the enable_str field.
enable expression string
func (*AVFilterContext) ExtraHwFrames ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) ExtraHwFrames() int
ExtraHwFrames gets the extra_hw_frames field.
Sets the number of extra hardware frames which the filter will allocate on its output links for use in following filters or by the caller. Some hardware filters require all frames that they will use for output to be defined in advance before filtering starts. For such filters, any hardware frame pools used for output must therefore be of fixed size. The extra frames set here are on top of any number that the filter needs internally in order to operate normally. This field must be set before the graph containing this filter is configured.
func (*AVFilterContext) Filter ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Filter() *AVFilter
Filter gets the filter field.
the AVFilter of which this is an instance
func (*AVFilterContext) Graph ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Graph() *AVFilterGraph
Graph gets the graph field.
filtergraph this filter belongs to
func (*AVFilterContext) HwDeviceCtx ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) HwDeviceCtx() *AVBufferRef
HwDeviceCtx gets the hw_device_ctx field.
For filters which will create hardware frames, sets the device the filter should create them in. All other filters will ignore this field: in particular, a filter which consumes or processes hardware frames will instead use the hw_frames_ctx field in AVFilterLink to carry the hardware context information. May be set by the caller on filters flagged with AVFILTER_FLAG_HWDEVICE before initializing the filter with avfilter_init_str() or avfilter_init_dict().
func (*AVFilterContext) InputPads ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) InputPads() *AVFilterPad
InputPads gets the input_pads field.
array of input pads
func (*AVFilterContext) Inputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Inputs() *Array[*AVFilterLink]
Inputs gets the inputs field.
array of pointers to input links
func (*AVFilterContext) Internal ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Internal() *AVFilterInternal
Internal gets the internal field.
An opaque struct for libavfilter internal use.
func (*AVFilterContext) IsDisabled ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) IsDisabled() int
IsDisabled gets the is_disabled field.
the enabled state from the last expression evaluation
func (*AVFilterContext) Name ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Name() *CStr
Name gets the name field.
name of this filter instance
func (*AVFilterContext) NbInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) NbInputs() uint
NbInputs gets the nb_inputs field.
number of input pads
func (*AVFilterContext) NbOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) NbOutputs() uint
NbOutputs gets the nb_outputs field.
number of output pads
func (*AVFilterContext) NbThreads ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) NbThreads() int
NbThreads gets the nb_threads field.
Max number of threads allowed in this filter instance. If <= 0, its value is ignored. Overrides global number of threads set per filter graph.
func (*AVFilterContext) OutputPads ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) OutputPads() *AVFilterPad
OutputPads gets the output_pads field.
array of output pads
func (*AVFilterContext) Outputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Outputs() *Array[*AVFilterLink]
Outputs gets the outputs field.
array of pointers to output links
func (*AVFilterContext) Priv ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Priv() unsafe.Pointer
Priv gets the priv field.
private data for use by the filter
func (*AVFilterContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterContext) Ready ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) Ready() uint
Ready gets the ready field.
Ready status of the filter. A non-0 value means that the filter needs activating; a higher value suggests a more urgent activation.
func (*AVFilterContext) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
needed for av_log() and filters common options
func (*AVFilterContext) SetEnable ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetEnable(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetEnable sets the enable field.
parsed expression (AVExpr*)
func (*AVFilterContext) SetEnableStr ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetEnableStr(value *CStr)
SetEnableStr sets the enable_str field.
enable expression string
func (*AVFilterContext) SetExtraHwFrames ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetExtraHwFrames(value int)
SetExtraHwFrames sets the extra_hw_frames field.
Sets the number of extra hardware frames which the filter will allocate on its output links for use in following filters or by the caller. Some hardware filters require all frames that they will use for output to be defined in advance before filtering starts. For such filters, any hardware frame pools used for output must therefore be of fixed size. The extra frames set here are on top of any number that the filter needs internally in order to operate normally. This field must be set before the graph containing this filter is configured.
func (*AVFilterContext) SetFilter ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetFilter(value *AVFilter)
SetFilter sets the filter field.
the AVFilter of which this is an instance
func (*AVFilterContext) SetGraph ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetGraph(value *AVFilterGraph)
SetGraph sets the graph field.
filtergraph this filter belongs to
func (*AVFilterContext) SetHwDeviceCtx ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetHwDeviceCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
SetHwDeviceCtx sets the hw_device_ctx field.
For filters which will create hardware frames, sets the device the filter should create them in. All other filters will ignore this field: in particular, a filter which consumes or processes hardware frames will instead use the hw_frames_ctx field in AVFilterLink to carry the hardware context information. May be set by the caller on filters flagged with AVFILTER_FLAG_HWDEVICE before initializing the filter with avfilter_init_str() or avfilter_init_dict().
func (*AVFilterContext) SetInputPads ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetInputPads(value *AVFilterPad)
SetInputPads sets the input_pads field.
array of input pads
func (*AVFilterContext) SetInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetInputs(value *Array[AVFilterLink])
SetInputs sets the inputs field.
array of pointers to input links
func (*AVFilterContext) SetInternal ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetInternal(value *AVFilterInternal)
SetInternal sets the internal field.
An opaque struct for libavfilter internal use.
func (*AVFilterContext) SetIsDisabled ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetIsDisabled(value int)
SetIsDisabled sets the is_disabled field.
the enabled state from the last expression evaluation
func (*AVFilterContext) SetName ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetName(value *CStr)
SetName sets the name field.
name of this filter instance
func (*AVFilterContext) SetNbInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetNbInputs(value uint)
SetNbInputs sets the nb_inputs field.
number of input pads
func (*AVFilterContext) SetNbOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetNbOutputs(value uint)
SetNbOutputs sets the nb_outputs field.
number of output pads
func (*AVFilterContext) SetNbThreads ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetNbThreads(value int)
SetNbThreads sets the nb_threads field.
Max number of threads allowed in this filter instance. If <= 0, its value is ignored. Overrides global number of threads set per filter graph.
func (*AVFilterContext) SetOutputPads ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetOutputPads(value *AVFilterPad)
SetOutputPads sets the output_pads field.
array of output pads
func (*AVFilterContext) SetOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetOutputs(value *Array[AVFilterLink])
SetOutputs sets the outputs field.
array of pointers to output links
func (*AVFilterContext) SetPriv ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetPriv(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetPriv sets the priv field.
private data for use by the filter
func (*AVFilterContext) SetReady ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetReady(value uint)
SetReady sets the ready field.
Ready status of the filter. A non-0 value means that the filter needs activating; a higher value suggests a more urgent activation.
func (*AVFilterContext) SetThreadType ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) SetThreadType(value int)
SetThreadType sets the thread_type field.
Type of multithreading being allowed/used. A combination of AVFILTER_THREAD_* flags. May be set by the caller before initializing the filter to forbid some or all kinds of multithreading for this filter. The default is allowing everything. When the filter is initialized, this field is combined using bit AND with AVFilterGraph.thread_type to get the final mask used for determining allowed threading types. I.e. a threading type needs to be set in both to be allowed. After the filter is initialized, libavfilter sets this field to the threading type that is actually used (0 for no multithreading).
func (*AVFilterContext) ThreadType ¶
func (s *AVFilterContext) ThreadType() int
ThreadType gets the thread_type field.
Type of multithreading being allowed/used. A combination of AVFILTER_THREAD_* flags. May be set by the caller before initializing the filter to forbid some or all kinds of multithreading for this filter. The default is allowing everything. When the filter is initialized, this field is combined using bit AND with AVFilterGraph.thread_type to get the final mask used for determining allowed threading types. I.e. a threading type needs to be set in both to be allowed. After the filter is initialized, libavfilter sets this field to the threading type that is actually used (0 for no multithreading).
type AVFilterFormats ¶
type AVFilterFormats struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterFormats wraps AVFilterFormats.
func (*AVFilterFormats) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormats) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVFilterFormatsConfig ¶
type AVFilterFormatsConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterFormatsConfig wraps AVFilterFormatsConfig.
Lists of formats / etc. supported by an end of a link. This structure is directly part of AVFilterLink, in two copies: one for the source filter, one for the destination filter. These lists are used for negotiating the format to actually be used, which will be loaded into the format and channel_layout members of AVFilterLink, when chosen.
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) ChannelLayouts ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) ChannelLayouts() *AVFilterChannelLayouts
ChannelLayouts gets the channel_layouts field.
Lists of supported channel layouts, only for audio.
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) Formats ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) Formats() *AVFilterFormats
Formats gets the formats field.
List of supported formats (pixel or sample).
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) Samplerates ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) Samplerates() *AVFilterFormats
Samplerates gets the samplerates field.
Lists of supported sample rates, only for audio.
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetChannelLayouts ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetChannelLayouts(value *AVFilterChannelLayouts)
SetChannelLayouts sets the channel_layouts field.
Lists of supported channel layouts, only for audio.
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetFormats ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetFormats(value *AVFilterFormats)
SetFormats sets the formats field.
List of supported formats (pixel or sample).
func (*AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetSamplerates ¶
func (s *AVFilterFormatsConfig) SetSamplerates(value *AVFilterFormats)
SetSamplerates sets the samplerates field.
Lists of supported sample rates, only for audio.
type AVFilterGraph ¶
type AVFilterGraph struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterGraph wraps AVFilterGraph.
func AVFilterGraphAlloc ¶
func AVFilterGraphAlloc() *AVFilterGraph
AVFilterGraphAlloc wraps avfilter_graph_alloc.
Allocate a filter graph. @return the allocated filter graph on success or NULL.
func (*AVFilterGraph) AresampleSwrOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) AresampleSwrOpts() *CStr
AresampleSwrOpts gets the aresample_swr_opts field.
swr options to use for the auto-inserted aresample filters, Access ONLY through AVOptions
func (*AVFilterGraph) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) DisableAutoConvert ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) DisableAutoConvert() uint
DisableAutoConvert gets the disable_auto_convert field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) Filters ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) Filters() *Array[*AVFilterContext]
Filters gets the filters field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) Internal ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) Internal() *AVFilterGraphInternal
Internal gets the internal field.
Opaque object for libavfilter internal use.
func (*AVFilterGraph) NbFilters ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) NbFilters() uint
NbFilters gets the nb_filters field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) NbThreads ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) NbThreads() int
NbThreads gets the nb_threads field.
Maximum number of threads used by filters in this graph. May be set by the caller before adding any filters to the filtergraph. Zero (the default) means that the number of threads is determined automatically.
func (*AVFilterGraph) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
Opaque user data. May be set by the caller to an arbitrary value, e.g. to be used from callbacks like @ref AVFilterGraph.execute. Libavfilter will not touch this field in any way.
func (*AVFilterGraph) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterGraph) ScaleSwsOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) ScaleSwsOpts() *CStr
ScaleSwsOpts gets the scale_sws_opts field.
sws options to use for the auto-inserted scale filters
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetAresampleSwrOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetAresampleSwrOpts(value *CStr)
SetAresampleSwrOpts sets the aresample_swr_opts field.
swr options to use for the auto-inserted aresample filters, Access ONLY through AVOptions
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetDisableAutoConvert ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetDisableAutoConvert(value uint)
SetDisableAutoConvert sets the disable_auto_convert field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetFilters ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetFilters(value *Array[AVFilterContext])
SetFilters sets the filters field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetInternal ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetInternal(value *AVFilterGraphInternal)
SetInternal sets the internal field.
Opaque object for libavfilter internal use.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetNbFilters ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetNbFilters(value uint)
SetNbFilters sets the nb_filters field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetNbThreads ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetNbThreads(value int)
SetNbThreads sets the nb_threads field.
Maximum number of threads used by filters in this graph. May be set by the caller before adding any filters to the filtergraph. Zero (the default) means that the number of threads is determined automatically.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
Opaque user data. May be set by the caller to an arbitrary value, e.g. to be used from callbacks like @ref AVFilterGraph.execute. Libavfilter will not touch this field in any way.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetScaleSwsOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetScaleSwsOpts(value *CStr)
SetScaleSwsOpts sets the scale_sws_opts field.
sws options to use for the auto-inserted scale filters
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetSinkLinks ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetSinkLinks(value *Array[AVFilterLink])
SetSinkLinks sets the sink_links field.
Private fields The following fields are for internal use only. Their type, offset, number and semantic can change without notice.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetSinkLinksCount ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetSinkLinksCount(value int)
SetSinkLinksCount sets the sink_links_count field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SetThreadType ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SetThreadType(value int)
SetThreadType sets the thread_type field.
Type of multithreading allowed for filters in this graph. A combination of AVFILTER_THREAD_* flags. May be set by the caller at any point, the setting will apply to all filters initialized after that. The default is allowing everything. When a filter in this graph is initialized, this field is combined using bit AND with AVFilterContext.thread_type to get the final mask used for determining allowed threading types. I.e. a threading type needs to be set in both to be allowed.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SinkLinks ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SinkLinks() *Array[*AVFilterLink]
SinkLinks gets the sink_links field.
Private fields The following fields are for internal use only. Their type, offset, number and semantic can change without notice.
func (*AVFilterGraph) SinkLinksCount ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) SinkLinksCount() int
SinkLinksCount gets the sink_links_count field.
func (*AVFilterGraph) ThreadType ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraph) ThreadType() int
ThreadType gets the thread_type field.
Type of multithreading allowed for filters in this graph. A combination of AVFILTER_THREAD_* flags. May be set by the caller at any point, the setting will apply to all filters initialized after that. The default is allowing everything. When a filter in this graph is initialized, this field is combined using bit AND with AVFilterContext.thread_type to get the final mask used for determining allowed threading types. I.e. a threading type needs to be set in both to be allowed.
type AVFilterGraphInternal ¶
type AVFilterGraphInternal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterGraphInternal wraps AVFilterGraphInternal.
func (*AVFilterGraphInternal) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphInternal) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVFilterGraphSegment ¶
type AVFilterGraphSegment struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterGraphSegment wraps AVFilterGraphSegment.
A parsed representation of a filtergraph segment. A filtergraph segment is conceptually a list of filterchains, with some supplementary information (e.g. format conversion flags). Created by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Must be freed with avfilter_graph_segment_free().
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) Chains ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) Chains() *Array[*AVFilterChain]
Chains gets the chains field.
A list of filter chain contained in this segment. Set in avfilter_graph_segment_parse().
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) Graph ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) Graph() *AVFilterGraph
Graph gets the graph field.
The filtergraph this segment is associated with. Set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse().
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) NbChains ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) NbChains() uint64
NbChains gets the nb_chains field.
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) ScaleSwsOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) ScaleSwsOpts() *CStr
ScaleSwsOpts gets the scale_sws_opts field.
A string containing a colon-separated list of key=value options applied to all scale filters in this segment. May be set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). The caller may free this string with av_free() and replace it with a different av_malloc()'ed string.
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) SetChains ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetChains(value *Array[AVFilterChain])
SetChains sets the chains field.
A list of filter chain contained in this segment. Set in avfilter_graph_segment_parse().
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) SetGraph ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetGraph(value *AVFilterGraph)
SetGraph sets the graph field.
The filtergraph this segment is associated with. Set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse().
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) SetNbChains ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetNbChains(value uint64)
SetNbChains sets the nb_chains field.
func (*AVFilterGraphSegment) SetScaleSwsOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterGraphSegment) SetScaleSwsOpts(value *CStr)
SetScaleSwsOpts sets the scale_sws_opts field.
A string containing a colon-separated list of key=value options applied to all scale filters in this segment. May be set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). The caller may free this string with av_free() and replace it with a different av_malloc()'ed string.
type AVFilterInOut ¶
type AVFilterInOut struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterInOut wraps AVFilterInOut.
A linked-list of the inputs/outputs of the filter chain. This is mainly useful for avfilter_graph_parse() / avfilter_graph_parse2(), where it is used to communicate open (unlinked) inputs and outputs from and to the caller. This struct specifies, per each not connected pad contained in the graph, the filter context and the pad index required for establishing a link.
func AVFilterInoutAlloc ¶
func AVFilterInoutAlloc() *AVFilterInOut
AVFilterInoutAlloc wraps avfilter_inout_alloc.
Allocate a single AVFilterInOut entry. Must be freed with avfilter_inout_free(). @return allocated AVFilterInOut on success, NULL on failure.
func (*AVFilterInOut) FilterCtx ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) FilterCtx() *AVFilterContext
FilterCtx gets the filter_ctx field.
filter context associated to this input/output
func (*AVFilterInOut) Name ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) Name() *CStr
Name gets the name field.
unique name for this input/output in the list
func (*AVFilterInOut) Next ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) Next() *AVFilterInOut
Next gets the next field.
next input/input in the list, NULL if this is the last
func (*AVFilterInOut) PadIdx ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) PadIdx() int
PadIdx gets the pad_idx field.
index of the filt_ctx pad to use for linking
func (*AVFilterInOut) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterInOut) SetFilterCtx ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetFilterCtx(value *AVFilterContext)
SetFilterCtx sets the filter_ctx field.
filter context associated to this input/output
func (*AVFilterInOut) SetName ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetName(value *CStr)
SetName sets the name field.
unique name for this input/output in the list
func (*AVFilterInOut) SetNext ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetNext(value *AVFilterInOut)
SetNext sets the next field.
next input/input in the list, NULL if this is the last
func (*AVFilterInOut) SetPadIdx ¶
func (s *AVFilterInOut) SetPadIdx(value int)
SetPadIdx sets the pad_idx field.
index of the filt_ctx pad to use for linking
type AVFilterInternal ¶
type AVFilterInternal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterInternal wraps AVFilterInternal.
func (*AVFilterInternal) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterInternal) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVFilterLink ¶
type AVFilterLink struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterLink wraps AVFilterLink.
A link between two filters. This contains pointers to the source and destination filters between which this link exists, and the indexes of the pads involved. In addition, this link also contains the parameters which have been negotiated and agreed upon between the filter, such as image dimensions, format, etc. Applications must not normally access the link structure directly. Use the buffersrc and buffersink API instead. In the future, access to the header may be reserved for filters implementation.
func (*AVFilterLink) AgeIndex ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) AgeIndex() int
AgeIndex gets the age_index field.
Index in the age array.
func (*AVFilterLink) ChLayout ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
ChLayout gets the ch_layout field.
channel layout of current buffer (see libavutil/channel_layout.h)
func (*AVFilterLink) ChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) ChannelLayout() uint64
ChannelLayout gets the channel_layout field.
channel layout of current buffer (see libavutil/channel_layout.h) @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVFilterLink) CurrentPts ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) CurrentPts() int64
CurrentPts gets the current_pts field.
Current timestamp of the link, as defined by the most recent frame(s), in link time_base units.
func (*AVFilterLink) CurrentPtsUs ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) CurrentPtsUs() int64
CurrentPtsUs gets the current_pts_us field.
Current timestamp of the link, as defined by the most recent frame(s), in AV_TIME_BASE units.
func (*AVFilterLink) Dst ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Dst() *AVFilterContext
Dst gets the dst field.
dest filter
func (*AVFilterLink) Dstpad ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Dstpad() *AVFilterPad
Dstpad gets the dstpad field.
input pad on the dest filter
func (*AVFilterLink) Format ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Format() int
Format gets the format field.
agreed upon media format
func (*AVFilterLink) FrameCountIn ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameCountIn() int64
FrameCountIn gets the frame_count_in field.
Number of past frames sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) FrameCountOut ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameCountOut() int64
FrameCountOut gets the frame_count_out field.
Number of past frames sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) FramePool ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) FramePool() unsafe.Pointer
FramePool gets the frame_pool field.
A pointer to a FFFramePool struct.
func (*AVFilterLink) FrameRate ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameRate() *AVRational
FrameRate gets the frame_rate field.
Frame rate of the stream on the link, or 1/0 if unknown or variable; if left to 0/0, will be automatically copied from the first input of the source filter if it exists. Sources should set it to the best estimation of the real frame rate. If the source frame rate is unknown or variable, set this to 1/0. Filters should update it if necessary depending on their function. Sinks can use it to set a default output frame rate. It is similar to the r_frame_rate field in AVStream.
func (*AVFilterLink) FrameWantedOut ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) FrameWantedOut() int
FrameWantedOut gets the frame_wanted_out field.
True if a frame is currently wanted on the output of this filter. Set when ff_request_frame() is called by the output, cleared when a frame is filtered.
func (*AVFilterLink) Graph ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Graph() *AVFilterGraph
Graph gets the graph field.
Graph the filter belongs to.
func (*AVFilterLink) H ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) H() int
H gets the h field.
agreed upon image height
func (*AVFilterLink) HwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
HwFramesCtx gets the hw_frames_ctx field.
For hwaccel pixel formats, this should be a reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing the frames.
func (*AVFilterLink) Incfg ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Incfg() *AVFilterFormatsConfig
Incfg gets the incfg field.
Lists of supported formats / etc. supported by the input filter.
func (*AVFilterLink) InitState ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) InitState() uint32
InitState gets the init_state field.
func (*AVFilterLink) MaxSamples ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) MaxSamples() int
MaxSamples gets the max_samples field.
Maximum number of samples to filter at once. If filter_frame() is called with more samples, it will split them.
func (*AVFilterLink) MinSamples ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) MinSamples() int
MinSamples gets the min_samples field.
Minimum number of samples to filter at once. If filter_frame() is called with fewer samples, it will accumulate them in fifo. This field and the related ones must not be changed after filtering has started. If 0, all related fields are ignored.
func (*AVFilterLink) Outcfg ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Outcfg() *AVFilterFormatsConfig
Outcfg gets the outcfg field.
Lists of supported formats / etc. supported by the output filter.
func (*AVFilterLink) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterLink) Reserved ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Reserved() *Array[uint8]
Reserved gets the reserved field.
Internal structure members. The fields below this limit are internal for libavfilter's use and must in no way be accessed by applications.
func (*AVFilterLink) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
SampleAspectRatio gets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
agreed upon sample aspect ratio
func (*AVFilterLink) SampleCountIn ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleCountIn() int64
SampleCountIn gets the sample_count_in field.
Number of past samples sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) SampleCountOut ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleCountOut() int64
SampleCountOut gets the sample_count_out field.
Number of past samples sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) SampleRate ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SampleRate() int
SampleRate gets the sample_rate field.
samples per second
func (*AVFilterLink) SetAgeIndex ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetAgeIndex(value int)
SetAgeIndex sets the age_index field.
Index in the age array.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetChannelLayout ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetChannelLayout(value uint64)
SetChannelLayout sets the channel_layout field.
channel layout of current buffer (see libavutil/channel_layout.h) @deprecated use ch_layout
func (*AVFilterLink) SetCurrentPts ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetCurrentPts(value int64)
SetCurrentPts sets the current_pts field.
Current timestamp of the link, as defined by the most recent frame(s), in link time_base units.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetCurrentPtsUs ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetCurrentPtsUs(value int64)
SetCurrentPtsUs sets the current_pts_us field.
Current timestamp of the link, as defined by the most recent frame(s), in AV_TIME_BASE units.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetDst ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetDst(value *AVFilterContext)
SetDst sets the dst field.
dest filter
func (*AVFilterLink) SetDstpad ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetDstpad(value *AVFilterPad)
SetDstpad sets the dstpad field.
input pad on the dest filter
func (*AVFilterLink) SetFormat ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFormat(value int)
SetFormat sets the format field.
agreed upon media format
func (*AVFilterLink) SetFrameCountIn ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameCountIn(value int64)
SetFrameCountIn sets the frame_count_in field.
Number of past frames sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetFrameCountOut ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameCountOut(value int64)
SetFrameCountOut sets the frame_count_out field.
Number of past frames sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetFramePool ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFramePool(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetFramePool sets the frame_pool field.
A pointer to a FFFramePool struct.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetFrameRate ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameRate(value *AVRational)
SetFrameRate sets the frame_rate field.
Frame rate of the stream on the link, or 1/0 if unknown or variable; if left to 0/0, will be automatically copied from the first input of the source filter if it exists. Sources should set it to the best estimation of the real frame rate. If the source frame rate is unknown or variable, set this to 1/0. Filters should update it if necessary depending on their function. Sinks can use it to set a default output frame rate. It is similar to the r_frame_rate field in AVStream.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetFrameWantedOut ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetFrameWantedOut(value int)
SetFrameWantedOut sets the frame_wanted_out field.
True if a frame is currently wanted on the output of this filter. Set when ff_request_frame() is called by the output, cleared when a frame is filtered.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetGraph ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetGraph(value *AVFilterGraph)
SetGraph sets the graph field.
Graph the filter belongs to.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetH ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetH(value int)
SetH sets the h field.
agreed upon image height
func (*AVFilterLink) SetHwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
SetHwFramesCtx sets the hw_frames_ctx field.
For hwaccel pixel formats, this should be a reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing the frames.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetInitState ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetInitState(value uint32)
SetInitState sets the init_state field.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetMaxSamples ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetMaxSamples(value int)
SetMaxSamples sets the max_samples field.
Maximum number of samples to filter at once. If filter_frame() is called with more samples, it will split them.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetMinSamples ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetMinSamples(value int)
SetMinSamples sets the min_samples field.
Minimum number of samples to filter at once. If filter_frame() is called with fewer samples, it will accumulate them in fifo. This field and the related ones must not be changed after filtering has started. If 0, all related fields are ignored.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
SetSampleAspectRatio sets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
agreed upon sample aspect ratio
func (*AVFilterLink) SetSampleCountIn ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleCountIn(value int64)
SetSampleCountIn sets the sample_count_in field.
Number of past samples sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetSampleCountOut ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleCountOut(value int64)
SetSampleCountOut sets the sample_count_out field.
Number of past samples sent through the link.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetSampleRate ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSampleRate(value int)
SetSampleRate sets the sample_rate field.
samples per second
func (*AVFilterLink) SetSrc ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSrc(value *AVFilterContext)
SetSrc sets the src field.
source filter
func (*AVFilterLink) SetSrcpad ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetSrcpad(value *AVFilterPad)
SetSrcpad sets the srcpad field.
output pad on the source filter
func (*AVFilterLink) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
Define the time base used by the PTS of the frames/samples which will pass through this link. During the configuration stage, each filter is supposed to change only the output timebase, while the timebase of the input link is assumed to be an unchangeable property.
func (*AVFilterLink) SetType ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetType(value AVMediaType)
SetType sets the type field.
filter media type
func (*AVFilterLink) SetW ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) SetW(value int)
SetW sets the w field.
agreed upon image width
func (*AVFilterLink) Src ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Src() *AVFilterContext
Src gets the src field.
source filter
func (*AVFilterLink) Srcpad ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Srcpad() *AVFilterPad
Srcpad gets the srcpad field.
output pad on the source filter
func (*AVFilterLink) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
Define the time base used by the PTS of the frames/samples which will pass through this link. During the configuration stage, each filter is supposed to change only the output timebase, while the timebase of the input link is assumed to be an unchangeable property.
func (*AVFilterLink) Type ¶
func (s *AVFilterLink) Type() AVMediaType
Type gets the type field.
filter media type
type AVFilterPad ¶
type AVFilterPad struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterPad wraps AVFilterPad.
func (*AVFilterPad) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterPad) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVFilterPadParams ¶
type AVFilterPadParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterPadParams wraps AVFilterPadParams.
Parameters of a filter's input or output pad. Created as a child of AVFilterParams by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Freed in avfilter_graph_segment_free().
func (*AVFilterPadParams) Label ¶
func (s *AVFilterPadParams) Label() *CStr
Label gets the label field.
An av_malloc()'ed string containing the pad label. May be av_free()'d and set to NULL by the caller, in which case this pad will be treated as unlabeled for linking. May also be replaced by another av_malloc()'ed string.
func (*AVFilterPadParams) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterPadParams) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterPadParams) SetLabel ¶
func (s *AVFilterPadParams) SetLabel(value *CStr)
SetLabel sets the label field.
An av_malloc()'ed string containing the pad label. May be av_free()'d and set to NULL by the caller, in which case this pad will be treated as unlabeled for linking. May also be replaced by another av_malloc()'ed string.
type AVFilterParams ¶
type AVFilterParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFilterParams wraps AVFilterParams.
Parameters describing a filter to be created in a filtergraph. Created as a child of AVFilterGraphSegment by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Freed in avfilter_graph_segment_free().
func (*AVFilterParams) Filter ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) Filter() *AVFilterContext
Filter gets the filter field.
The filter context. Created by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters() based on AVFilterParams.filter_name and instance_name. Callers may also create the filter context manually, then they should av_free() filter_name and set it to NULL. Such AVFilterParams instances are then skipped by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters().
func (*AVFilterParams) FilterName ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) FilterName() *CStr
FilterName gets the filter_name field.
Name of the AVFilter to be used. An av_malloc()'ed string, set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Will be passed to avfilter_get_by_name() by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters(). Callers may av_free() this string and replace it with another one or NULL. If the caller creates the filter instance manually, this string MUST be set to NULL. When both AVFilterParams.filter an AVFilterParams.filter_name are NULL, this AVFilterParams instance is skipped by avfilter_graph_segment_*() functions.
func (*AVFilterParams) Inputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) Inputs() *Array[*AVFilterPadParams]
Inputs gets the inputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) InstanceName ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) InstanceName() *CStr
InstanceName gets the instance_name field.
Name to be used for this filter instance. An av_malloc()'ed string, may be set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse() or left NULL. The caller may av_free() this string and replace with another one or NULL. Will be used by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters() - passed as the third argument to avfilter_graph_alloc_filter(), then freed and set to NULL.
func (*AVFilterParams) NbInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) NbInputs() uint
NbInputs gets the nb_inputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) NbOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) NbOutputs() uint
NbOutputs gets the nb_outputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) Opts ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) Opts() *AVDictionary
Opts gets the opts field.
Options to be apllied to the filter. Filled by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Afterwards may be freely modified by the caller. Will be applied to the filter by avfilter_graph_segment_apply_opts() with an equivalent of av_opt_set_dict2(filter, &opts, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN), i.e. any unapplied options will be left in this dictionary.
func (*AVFilterParams) Outputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) Outputs() *Array[*AVFilterPadParams]
Outputs gets the outputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFilterParams) SetFilter ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetFilter(value *AVFilterContext)
SetFilter sets the filter field.
The filter context. Created by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters() based on AVFilterParams.filter_name and instance_name. Callers may also create the filter context manually, then they should av_free() filter_name and set it to NULL. Such AVFilterParams instances are then skipped by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters().
func (*AVFilterParams) SetFilterName ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetFilterName(value *CStr)
SetFilterName sets the filter_name field.
Name of the AVFilter to be used. An av_malloc()'ed string, set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Will be passed to avfilter_get_by_name() by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters(). Callers may av_free() this string and replace it with another one or NULL. If the caller creates the filter instance manually, this string MUST be set to NULL. When both AVFilterParams.filter an AVFilterParams.filter_name are NULL, this AVFilterParams instance is skipped by avfilter_graph_segment_*() functions.
func (*AVFilterParams) SetInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetInputs(value *Array[AVFilterPadParams])
SetInputs sets the inputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) SetInstanceName ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetInstanceName(value *CStr)
SetInstanceName sets the instance_name field.
Name to be used for this filter instance. An av_malloc()'ed string, may be set by avfilter_graph_segment_parse() or left NULL. The caller may av_free() this string and replace with another one or NULL. Will be used by avfilter_graph_segment_create_filters() - passed as the third argument to avfilter_graph_alloc_filter(), then freed and set to NULL.
func (*AVFilterParams) SetNbInputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetNbInputs(value uint)
SetNbInputs sets the nb_inputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) SetNbOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetNbOutputs(value uint)
SetNbOutputs sets the nb_outputs field.
func (*AVFilterParams) SetOpts ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetOpts(value *AVDictionary)
SetOpts sets the opts field.
Options to be apllied to the filter. Filled by avfilter_graph_segment_parse(). Afterwards may be freely modified by the caller. Will be applied to the filter by avfilter_graph_segment_apply_opts() with an equivalent of av_opt_set_dict2(filter, &opts, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN), i.e. any unapplied options will be left in this dictionary.
func (*AVFilterParams) SetOutputs ¶
func (s *AVFilterParams) SetOutputs(value *Array[AVFilterPadParams])
SetOutputs sets the outputs field.
type AVFormatContext ¶
type AVFormatContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFormatContext wraps AVFormatContext.
Format I/O context. New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps. Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major version bump. sizeof(AVFormatContext) must not be used outside libav*, use avformat_alloc_context() to create an AVFormatContext. Fields can be accessed through AVOptions (av_opt*), the name string used matches the associated command line parameter name and can be found in libavformat/options_table.h. The AVOption/command line parameter names differ in some cases from the C structure field names for historic reasons or brevity.
func AVFormatAllocContext ¶
func AVFormatAllocContext() *AVFormatContext
AVFormatAllocContext wraps avformat_alloc_context.
Allocate an AVFormatContext. avformat_free_context() can be used to free the context and everything allocated by the framework within it.
func (*AVFormatContext) AudioCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) AudioCodec() *AVCodec
AudioCodec gets the audio_codec field.
Forced audio codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) AudioCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) AudioCodecId() AVCodecID
AudioCodecId gets the audio_codec_id field.
Forced audio codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) AudioPreload ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) AudioPreload() int
AudioPreload gets the audio_preload field.
Audio preload in microseconds. Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
A class for logging and @ref avoptions. Set by avformat_alloc_context(). Exports (de)muxer private options if they exist.
func (*AVFormatContext) AvioFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) AvioFlags() int
AvioFlags gets the avio_flags field.
avio flags, used to force AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) AvoidNegativeTs ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) AvoidNegativeTs() int
AvoidNegativeTs gets the avoid_negative_ts field.
Avoid negative timestamps during muxing. Any value of the AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_* constants. Note, this works better when using av_interleaved_write_frame(). - muxing: Set by user - demuxing: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) BitRate ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) BitRate() int64
BitRate gets the bit_rate field.
Total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not available. Never set it directly if the file_size and the duration are known as FFmpeg can compute it automatically.
func (*AVFormatContext) Chapters ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Chapters() *Array[*AVChapter]
Chapters gets the chapters field.
func (*AVFormatContext) CodecWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) CodecWhitelist() *CStr
CodecWhitelist gets the codec_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed decoders. If NULL then all are allowed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) CorrectTsOverflow ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) CorrectTsOverflow() uint
CorrectTsOverflow gets the correct_ts_overflow field.
Correct single timestamp overflows - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) CtxFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) CtxFlags() int
CtxFlags gets the ctx_flags field.
Flags signalling stream properties. A combination of AVFMTCTX_*. Set by libavformat.
func (*AVFormatContext) DataCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) DataCodec() *AVCodec
DataCodec gets the data_codec field.
Forced data codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) DataCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) DataCodecId() AVCodecID
DataCodecId gets the data_codec_id field.
Forced Data codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) Debug ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Debug() int
Debug gets the debug field.
Flags to enable debugging.
func (*AVFormatContext) DumpSeparator ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) DumpSeparator() unsafe.Pointer
DumpSeparator gets the dump_separator field.
dump format separator. can be ", " or "\n " or anything else - muxing: Set by user. - demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) Duration ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Duration() int64
Duration gets the duration field.
Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the AVStream values if not set. Demuxing only, set by libavformat.
func (*AVFormatContext) DurationEstimationMethod ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) DurationEstimationMethod() AVDurationEstimationMethod
DurationEstimationMethod gets the duration_estimation_method field.
The duration field can be estimated through various ways, and this field can be used to know how the duration was estimated. - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user
func (*AVFormatContext) ErrorRecognition ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) ErrorRecognition() int
ErrorRecognition gets the error_recognition field.
Error recognition; higher values will detect more errors but may misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors. Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().
func (*AVFormatContext) EventFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) EventFlags() int
EventFlags gets the event_flags field.
Flags indicating events happening on the file, a combination of AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_*. - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(), avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared by the user once the event has been handled. - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header() to indicate a user-triggered event. The muxer will clear the flags for events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().
func (*AVFormatContext) Flags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Flags() int
Flags gets the flags field.
Flags modifying the (de)muxer behaviour. A combination of AVFMT_FLAG_*. Set by the user before avformat_open_input() / avformat_write_header().
func (*AVFormatContext) FlushPackets ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) FlushPackets() int
FlushPackets gets the flush_packets field.
Flush the I/O context after each packet. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) FormatProbesize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) FormatProbesize() int
FormatProbesize gets the format_probesize field.
Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to identify the \ref AVInputFormat "input format". Only used when the format is not set explicitly by the caller. Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input(). @sa probesize
func (*AVFormatContext) FormatWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) FormatWhitelist() *CStr
FormatWhitelist gets the format_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed demuxers. If NULL then all are allowed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) FpsProbeSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) FpsProbeSize() int
FpsProbeSize gets the fps_probe_size field.
The number of frames used for determining the framerate in avformat_find_stream_info(). Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().
func (*AVFormatContext) Iformat ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Iformat() *AVInputFormat
Iformat gets the iformat field.
The input container format. Demuxing only, set by avformat_open_input().
func (*AVFormatContext) InterruptCallback ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) InterruptCallback() *AVIOInterruptCB
InterruptCallback gets the interrupt_callback field.
Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer. demuxing: set by the user before avformat_open_input(). muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header() (mainly useful for AVFMT_NOFILE formats). The callback should also be passed to avio_open2() if it's used to open the file.
func (*AVFormatContext) IoRepositioned ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) IoRepositioned() int
IoRepositioned gets the io_repositioned field.
IO repositioned flag. This is set by avformat when the underlaying IO context read pointer is repositioned, for example when doing byte based seeking. Demuxers can use the flag to detect such changes.
func (*AVFormatContext) Key ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Key() unsafe.Pointer
Key gets the key field.
func (*AVFormatContext) Keylen ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Keylen() int
Keylen gets the keylen field.
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxAnalyzeDuration ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxAnalyzeDuration() int64
MaxAnalyzeDuration gets the max_analyze_duration field.
Maximum duration (in AV_TIME_BASE units) of the data read from input in avformat_find_stream_info(). Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info(). Can be set to 0 to let avformat choose using a heuristic.
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxChunkDuration ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxChunkDuration() int
MaxChunkDuration gets the max_chunk_duration field.
Max chunk time in microseconds. Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxChunkSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxChunkSize() int
MaxChunkSize gets the max_chunk_size field.
Max chunk size in bytes Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxDelay ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxDelay() int
MaxDelay gets the max_delay field.
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxIndexSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxIndexSize() uint
MaxIndexSize gets the max_index_size field.
Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the index of each stream. If the index exceeds this size, entries will be discarded as needed to maintain a smaller size. This can lead to slower or less accurate seeking (depends on demuxer). Demuxers for which a full in-memory index is mandatory will ignore this. - muxing: unused - demuxing: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxInterleaveDelta ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxInterleaveDelta() int64
MaxInterleaveDelta gets the max_interleave_delta field.
Maximum buffering duration for interleaving. To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly, av_interleaved_write_frame() will wait until it has at least one packet for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file. When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between successive packets), this can result in excessive buffering. This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all the streams. Muxing only, set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxPictureBuffer ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxPictureBuffer() uint
MaxPictureBuffer gets the max_picture_buffer field.
Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for buffering frames obtained from realtime capture devices.
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxProbePackets ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxProbePackets() int
MaxProbePackets gets the max_probe_packets field.
Maximum number of packets that can be probed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxStreams ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxStreams() int
MaxStreams gets the max_streams field.
The maximum number of streams. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) MaxTsProbe ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MaxTsProbe() int
MaxTsProbe gets the max_ts_probe field.
Maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp. Decoding only.
func (*AVFormatContext) Metadata ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Metadata() *AVDictionary
Metadata gets the metadata field.
Metadata that applies to the whole file. - demuxing: set by libavformat in avformat_open_input() - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().
func (*AVFormatContext) MetadataHeaderPadding ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) MetadataHeaderPadding() int
MetadataHeaderPadding gets the metadata_header_padding field.
Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header. Demuxing: Unused. Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.
func (*AVFormatContext) NbChapters ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) NbChapters() uint
NbChapters gets the nb_chapters field.
Number of chapters in AVChapter array. When muxing, chapters are normally written in the file header, so nb_chapters should normally be initialized before write_header is called. Some muxers (e.g. mov and mkv) can also write chapters in the trailer. To write chapters in the trailer, nb_chapters must be zero when write_header is called and non-zero when write_trailer is called. - muxing: set by user - demuxing: set by libavformat
func (*AVFormatContext) NbPrograms ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) NbPrograms() uint
NbPrograms gets the nb_programs field.
func (*AVFormatContext) NbStreams ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) NbStreams() uint
NbStreams gets the nb_streams field.
Number of elements in AVFormatContext.streams. Set by avformat_new_stream(), must not be modified by any other code.
func (*AVFormatContext) Oformat ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Oformat() *AVOutputFormat
Oformat gets the oformat field.
The output container format. Muxing only, must be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVFormatContext) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
User data. This is a place for some private data of the user.
func (*AVFormatContext) OutputTsOffset ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) OutputTsOffset() int64
OutputTsOffset gets the output_ts_offset field.
Output timestamp offset, in microseconds. Muxing: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) PacketSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) PacketSize() uint
PacketSize gets the packet_size field.
func (*AVFormatContext) Pb ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Pb() *AVIOContext
Pb gets the pb field.
I/O context. - demuxing: either set by the user before avformat_open_input() (then the user must close it manually) or set by avformat_open_input(). - muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header(). The caller must take care of closing / freeing the IO context. Do NOT set this field if AVFMT_NOFILE flag is set in iformat/oformat.flags. In such a case, the (de)muxer will handle I/O in some other way and this field will be NULL.
func (*AVFormatContext) PrivData ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) PrivData() unsafe.Pointer
PrivData gets the priv_data field.
Format private data. This is an AVOptions-enabled struct if and only if iformat/oformat.priv_class is not NULL. - muxing: set by avformat_write_header() - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input()
func (*AVFormatContext) ProbeScore ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) ProbeScore() int
ProbeScore gets the probe_score field.
format probing score. The maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX, its set when the demuxer probes the format. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by avformat, read by user
func (*AVFormatContext) Probesize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Probesize() int64
Probesize gets the probesize field.
Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to determine stream properties. Used when reading the global header and in avformat_find_stream_info(). Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input(). @note this is \e not used for determining the \ref AVInputFormat "input format" @sa format_probesize
func (*AVFormatContext) Programs ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Programs() *Array[*AVProgram]
Programs gets the programs field.
func (*AVFormatContext) ProtocolBlacklist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) ProtocolBlacklist() *CStr
ProtocolBlacklist gets the protocol_blacklist field.
',' separated list of disallowed protocols. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) ProtocolWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) ProtocolWhitelist() *CStr
ProtocolWhitelist gets the protocol_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed protocols. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFormatContext) Seek2Any ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Seek2Any() int
Seek2Any gets the seek2any field.
Force seeking to any (also non key) frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetAudioCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAudioCodec(value *AVCodec)
SetAudioCodec sets the audio_codec field.
Forced audio codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetAudioCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAudioCodecId(value AVCodecID)
SetAudioCodecId sets the audio_codec_id field.
Forced audio codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetAudioPreload ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAudioPreload(value int)
SetAudioPreload sets the audio_preload field.
Audio preload in microseconds. Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
A class for logging and @ref avoptions. Set by avformat_alloc_context(). Exports (de)muxer private options if they exist.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetAvioFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAvioFlags(value int)
SetAvioFlags sets the avio_flags field.
avio flags, used to force AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetAvoidNegativeTs ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetAvoidNegativeTs(value int)
SetAvoidNegativeTs sets the avoid_negative_ts field.
Avoid negative timestamps during muxing. Any value of the AVFMT_AVOID_NEG_TS_* constants. Note, this works better when using av_interleaved_write_frame(). - muxing: Set by user - demuxing: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) SetBitRate ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetBitRate(value int64)
SetBitRate sets the bit_rate field.
Total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not available. Never set it directly if the file_size and the duration are known as FFmpeg can compute it automatically.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetChapters ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetChapters(value *Array[AVChapter])
SetChapters sets the chapters field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetCodecWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetCodecWhitelist(value *CStr)
SetCodecWhitelist sets the codec_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed decoders. If NULL then all are allowed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetCorrectTsOverflow ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetCorrectTsOverflow(value uint)
SetCorrectTsOverflow sets the correct_ts_overflow field.
Correct single timestamp overflows - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetCtxFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetCtxFlags(value int)
SetCtxFlags sets the ctx_flags field.
Flags signalling stream properties. A combination of AVFMTCTX_*. Set by libavformat.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetDataCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDataCodec(value *AVCodec)
SetDataCodec sets the data_codec field.
Forced data codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetDataCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDataCodecId(value AVCodecID)
SetDataCodecId sets the data_codec_id field.
Forced Data codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetDebug ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDebug(value int)
SetDebug sets the debug field.
Flags to enable debugging.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetDumpSeparator ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDumpSeparator(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetDumpSeparator sets the dump_separator field.
dump format separator. can be ", " or "\n " or anything else - muxing: Set by user. - demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetDuration ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDuration(value int64)
SetDuration sets the duration field.
Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the AVStream values if not set. Demuxing only, set by libavformat.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetDurationEstimationMethod ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetDurationEstimationMethod(value AVDurationEstimationMethod)
SetDurationEstimationMethod sets the duration_estimation_method field.
The duration field can be estimated through various ways, and this field can be used to know how the duration was estimated. - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetErrorRecognition ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetErrorRecognition(value int)
SetErrorRecognition sets the error_recognition field.
Error recognition; higher values will detect more errors but may misdetect some more or less valid parts as errors. Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetEventFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetEventFlags(value int)
SetEventFlags sets the event_flags field.
Flags indicating events happening on the file, a combination of AVFMT_EVENT_FLAG_*. - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(), avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared by the user once the event has been handled. - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header() to indicate a user-triggered event. The muxer will clear the flags for events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
Flags modifying the (de)muxer behaviour. A combination of AVFMT_FLAG_*. Set by the user before avformat_open_input() / avformat_write_header().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetFlushPackets ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFlushPackets(value int)
SetFlushPackets sets the flush_packets field.
Flush the I/O context after each packet. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) SetFormatProbesize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFormatProbesize(value int)
SetFormatProbesize sets the format_probesize field.
Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to identify the \ref AVInputFormat "input format". Only used when the format is not set explicitly by the caller. Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input(). @sa probesize
func (*AVFormatContext) SetFormatWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFormatWhitelist(value *CStr)
SetFormatWhitelist sets the format_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed demuxers. If NULL then all are allowed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetFpsProbeSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetFpsProbeSize(value int)
SetFpsProbeSize sets the fps_probe_size field.
The number of frames used for determining the framerate in avformat_find_stream_info(). Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetIformat ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetIformat(value *AVInputFormat)
SetIformat sets the iformat field.
The input container format. Demuxing only, set by avformat_open_input().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetIoRepositioned ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetIoRepositioned(value int)
SetIoRepositioned sets the io_repositioned field.
IO repositioned flag. This is set by avformat when the underlaying IO context read pointer is repositioned, for example when doing byte based seeking. Demuxers can use the flag to detect such changes.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetKey ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetKey(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetKey sets the key field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetKeylen ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetKeylen(value int)
SetKeylen sets the keylen field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxAnalyzeDuration ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxAnalyzeDuration(value int64)
SetMaxAnalyzeDuration sets the max_analyze_duration field.
Maximum duration (in AV_TIME_BASE units) of the data read from input in avformat_find_stream_info(). Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_find_stream_info(). Can be set to 0 to let avformat choose using a heuristic.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxChunkDuration ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxChunkDuration(value int)
SetMaxChunkDuration sets the max_chunk_duration field.
Max chunk time in microseconds. Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxChunkSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxChunkSize(value int)
SetMaxChunkSize sets the max_chunk_size field.
Max chunk size in bytes Note, not all formats support this and unpredictable things may happen if it is used when not supported. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: unused
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxDelay ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxDelay(value int)
SetMaxDelay sets the max_delay field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxIndexSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxIndexSize(value uint)
SetMaxIndexSize sets the max_index_size field.
Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for the index of each stream. If the index exceeds this size, entries will be discarded as needed to maintain a smaller size. This can lead to slower or less accurate seeking (depends on demuxer). Demuxers for which a full in-memory index is mandatory will ignore this. - muxing: unused - demuxing: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxInterleaveDelta ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxInterleaveDelta(value int64)
SetMaxInterleaveDelta sets the max_interleave_delta field.
Maximum buffering duration for interleaving. To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly, av_interleaved_write_frame() will wait until it has at least one packet for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file. When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between successive packets), this can result in excessive buffering. This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all the streams. Muxing only, set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxPictureBuffer ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxPictureBuffer(value uint)
SetMaxPictureBuffer sets the max_picture_buffer field.
Maximum amount of memory in bytes to use for buffering frames obtained from realtime capture devices.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxProbePackets ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxProbePackets(value int)
SetMaxProbePackets sets the max_probe_packets field.
Maximum number of packets that can be probed - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxStreams ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxStreams(value int)
SetMaxStreams sets the max_streams field.
The maximum number of streams. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMaxTsProbe ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMaxTsProbe(value int)
SetMaxTsProbe sets the max_ts_probe field.
Maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp. Decoding only.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMetadata ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
SetMetadata sets the metadata field.
Metadata that applies to the whole file. - demuxing: set by libavformat in avformat_open_input() - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetMetadataHeaderPadding ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetMetadataHeaderPadding(value int)
SetMetadataHeaderPadding sets the metadata_header_padding field.
Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header. Demuxing: Unused. Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetNbChapters ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetNbChapters(value uint)
SetNbChapters sets the nb_chapters field.
Number of chapters in AVChapter array. When muxing, chapters are normally written in the file header, so nb_chapters should normally be initialized before write_header is called. Some muxers (e.g. mov and mkv) can also write chapters in the trailer. To write chapters in the trailer, nb_chapters must be zero when write_header is called and non-zero when write_trailer is called. - muxing: set by user - demuxing: set by libavformat
func (*AVFormatContext) SetNbPrograms ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetNbPrograms(value uint)
SetNbPrograms sets the nb_programs field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetNbStreams ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetNbStreams(value uint)
SetNbStreams sets the nb_streams field.
Number of elements in AVFormatContext.streams. Set by avformat_new_stream(), must not be modified by any other code.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetOformat ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetOformat(value *AVOutputFormat)
SetOformat sets the oformat field.
The output container format. Muxing only, must be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
User data. This is a place for some private data of the user.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetOutputTsOffset ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetOutputTsOffset(value int64)
SetOutputTsOffset sets the output_ts_offset field.
Output timestamp offset, in microseconds. Muxing: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetPacketSize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPacketSize(value uint)
SetPacketSize sets the packet_size field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetPb ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPb(value *AVIOContext)
SetPb sets the pb field.
I/O context. - demuxing: either set by the user before avformat_open_input() (then the user must close it manually) or set by avformat_open_input(). - muxing: set by the user before avformat_write_header(). The caller must take care of closing / freeing the IO context. Do NOT set this field if AVFMT_NOFILE flag is set in iformat/oformat.flags. In such a case, the (de)muxer will handle I/O in some other way and this field will be NULL.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetPrivData ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPrivData(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetPrivData sets the priv_data field.
Format private data. This is an AVOptions-enabled struct if and only if iformat/oformat.priv_class is not NULL. - muxing: set by avformat_write_header() - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input()
func (*AVFormatContext) SetProbeScore ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProbeScore(value int)
SetProbeScore sets the probe_score field.
format probing score. The maximal score is AVPROBE_SCORE_MAX, its set when the demuxer probes the format. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by avformat, read by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetProbesize ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProbesize(value int64)
SetProbesize sets the probesize field.
Maximum number of bytes read from input in order to determine stream properties. Used when reading the global header and in avformat_find_stream_info(). Demuxing only, set by the caller before avformat_open_input(). @note this is \e not used for determining the \ref AVInputFormat "input format" @sa format_probesize
func (*AVFormatContext) SetPrograms ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetPrograms(value *Array[AVProgram])
SetPrograms sets the programs field.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetProtocolBlacklist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProtocolBlacklist(value *CStr)
SetProtocolBlacklist sets the protocol_blacklist field.
',' separated list of disallowed protocols. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetProtocolWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetProtocolWhitelist(value *CStr)
SetProtocolWhitelist sets the protocol_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed protocols. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetSeek2Any ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSeek2Any(value int)
SetSeek2Any sets the seek2any field.
Force seeking to any (also non key) frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetSkipEstimateDurationFromPts ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSkipEstimateDurationFromPts(value int)
SetSkipEstimateDurationFromPts sets the skip_estimate_duration_from_pts field.
Skip duration calcuation in estimate_timings_from_pts. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetSkipInitialBytes ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSkipInitialBytes(value int64)
SetSkipInitialBytes sets the skip_initial_bytes field.
Skip initial bytes when opening stream - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetStartTime ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStartTime(value int64)
SetStartTime sets the start_time field.
Position of the first frame of the component, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. NEVER set this value directly: It is deduced from the AVStream values. Demuxing only, set by libavformat.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetStartTimeRealtime ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStartTimeRealtime(value int64)
SetStartTimeRealtime sets the start_time_realtime field.
Start time of the stream in real world time, in microseconds since the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970). That is, pts=0 in the stream was captured at this real world time. - muxing: Set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). If set to either 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE, then the current wall-time will be used. - demuxing: Set by libavformat. AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown. Note that the value may become known after some number of frames have been received.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetStreams ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStreams(value *Array[AVStream])
SetStreams sets the streams field.
A list of all streams in the file. New streams are created with avformat_new_stream(). - demuxing: streams are created by libavformat in avformat_open_input(). If AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in ctx_flags, then new streams may also appear in av_read_frame(). - muxing: streams are created by the user before avformat_write_header(). Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetStrictStdCompliance ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetStrictStdCompliance(value int)
SetStrictStdCompliance sets the strict_std_compliance field.
Allow non-standard and experimental extension @see AVCodecContext.strict_std_compliance
func (*AVFormatContext) SetSubtitleCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSubtitleCodec(value *AVCodec)
SetSubtitleCodec sets the subtitle_codec field.
Forced subtitle codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetSubtitleCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetSubtitleCodecId(value AVCodecID)
SetSubtitleCodecId sets the subtitle_codec_id field.
Forced subtitle codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) SetTsId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetTsId(value int)
SetTsId sets the ts_id field.
Transport stream id. This will be moved into demuxer private options. Thus no API/ABI compatibility
func (*AVFormatContext) SetUrl ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetUrl(value *CStr)
SetUrl sets the url field.
input or output URL. Unlike the old filename field, this field has no length restriction. - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input(), initialized to an empty string if url parameter was NULL in avformat_open_input(). - muxing: may be set by the caller before calling avformat_write_header() (or avformat_init_output() if that is called first) to a string which is freeable by av_free(). Set to an empty string if it was NULL in avformat_init_output(). Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().
func (*AVFormatContext) SetUseWallclockAsTimestamps ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetUseWallclockAsTimestamps(value int)
SetUseWallclockAsTimestamps sets the use_wallclock_as_timestamps field.
forces the use of wallclock timestamps as pts/dts of packets This has undefined results in the presence of B frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetVideoCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetVideoCodec(value *AVCodec)
SetVideoCodec sets the video_codec field.
Forced video codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SetVideoCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SetVideoCodecId(value AVCodecID)
SetVideoCodecId sets the video_codec_id field.
Forced video codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) SkipEstimateDurationFromPts ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SkipEstimateDurationFromPts() int
SkipEstimateDurationFromPts gets the skip_estimate_duration_from_pts field.
Skip duration calcuation in estimate_timings_from_pts. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SkipInitialBytes ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SkipInitialBytes() int64
SkipInitialBytes gets the skip_initial_bytes field.
Skip initial bytes when opening stream - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) StartTime ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) StartTime() int64
StartTime gets the start_time field.
Position of the first frame of the component, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds. NEVER set this value directly: It is deduced from the AVStream values. Demuxing only, set by libavformat.
func (*AVFormatContext) StartTimeRealtime ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) StartTimeRealtime() int64
StartTimeRealtime gets the start_time_realtime field.
Start time of the stream in real world time, in microseconds since the Unix epoch (00:00 1st January 1970). That is, pts=0 in the stream was captured at this real world time. - muxing: Set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). If set to either 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE, then the current wall-time will be used. - demuxing: Set by libavformat. AV_NOPTS_VALUE if unknown. Note that the value may become known after some number of frames have been received.
func (*AVFormatContext) Streams ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Streams() *Array[*AVStream]
Streams gets the streams field.
A list of all streams in the file. New streams are created with avformat_new_stream(). - demuxing: streams are created by libavformat in avformat_open_input(). If AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in ctx_flags, then new streams may also appear in av_read_frame(). - muxing: streams are created by the user before avformat_write_header(). Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().
func (*AVFormatContext) StrictStdCompliance ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) StrictStdCompliance() int
StrictStdCompliance gets the strict_std_compliance field.
Allow non-standard and experimental extension @see AVCodecContext.strict_std_compliance
func (*AVFormatContext) SubtitleCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SubtitleCodec() *AVCodec
SubtitleCodec gets the subtitle_codec field.
Forced subtitle codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) SubtitleCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) SubtitleCodecId() AVCodecID
SubtitleCodecId gets the subtitle_codec_id field.
Forced subtitle codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
func (*AVFormatContext) TsId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) TsId() int
TsId gets the ts_id field.
Transport stream id. This will be moved into demuxer private options. Thus no API/ABI compatibility
func (*AVFormatContext) Url ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) Url() *CStr
Url gets the url field.
input or output URL. Unlike the old filename field, this field has no length restriction. - demuxing: set by avformat_open_input(), initialized to an empty string if url parameter was NULL in avformat_open_input(). - muxing: may be set by the caller before calling avformat_write_header() (or avformat_init_output() if that is called first) to a string which is freeable by av_free(). Set to an empty string if it was NULL in avformat_init_output(). Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context().
func (*AVFormatContext) UseWallclockAsTimestamps ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) UseWallclockAsTimestamps() int
UseWallclockAsTimestamps gets the use_wallclock_as_timestamps field.
forces the use of wallclock timestamps as pts/dts of packets This has undefined results in the presence of B frames. - encoding: unused - decoding: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) VideoCodec ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) VideoCodec() *AVCodec
VideoCodec gets the video_codec field.
Forced video codec. This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with the same codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user
func (*AVFormatContext) VideoCodecId ¶
func (s *AVFormatContext) VideoCodecId() AVCodecID
VideoCodecId gets the video_codec_id field.
Forced video codec_id. Demuxing: Set by user.
type AVFrame ¶
type AVFrame struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFrame wraps AVFrame.
This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data. AVFrame must be allocated using av_frame_alloc(). Note that this only allocates the AVFrame itself, the buffers for the data must be managed through other means (see below). AVFrame must be freed with av_frame_free(). AVFrame is typically allocated once and then reused multiple times to hold different data (e.g. a single AVFrame to hold frames received from a decoder). In such a case, av_frame_unref() will free any references held by the frame and reset it to its original clean state before it is reused again. The data described by an AVFrame is usually reference counted through the AVBuffer API. The underlying buffer references are stored in AVFrame.buf / AVFrame.extended_buf. An AVFrame is considered to be reference counted if at least one reference is set, i.e. if AVFrame.buf[0] != NULL. In such a case, every single data plane must be contained in one of the buffers in AVFrame.buf or AVFrame.extended_buf. There may be a single buffer for all the data, or one separate buffer for each plane, or anything in between. sizeof(AVFrame) is not a part of the public ABI, so new fields may be added to the end with a minor bump. Fields can be accessed through AVOptions, the name string used, matches the C structure field name for fields accessible through AVOptions. The AVClass for AVFrame can be obtained from avcodec_get_frame_class()
func AVFrameAlloc ¶
func AVFrameAlloc() *AVFrame
AVFrameAlloc wraps av_frame_alloc.
Allocate an AVFrame and set its fields to default values. The resulting struct must be freed using av_frame_free(). @return An AVFrame filled with default values or NULL on failure. @note this only allocates the AVFrame itself, not the data buffers. Those must be allocated through other means, e.g. with av_frame_get_buffer() or manually.
func AVFrameClone ¶
AVFrameClone wraps av_frame_clone.
Create a new frame that references the same data as src. This is a shortcut for av_frame_alloc()+av_frame_ref(). @return newly created AVFrame on success, NULL on error.
func (*AVFrame) BestEffortTimestamp ¶
BestEffortTimestamp gets the best_effort_timestamp field.
frame timestamp estimated using various heuristics, in stream time base - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec, read by user.
func (*AVFrame) Buf ¶
func (s *AVFrame) Buf() *Array[*AVBufferRef]
Buf gets the buf field.
AVBuffer references backing the data for this frame. All the pointers in data and extended_data must point inside one of the buffers in buf or extended_buf. This array must be filled contiguously -- if buf[i] is non-NULL then buf[j] must also be non-NULL for all j < i. There may be at most one AVBuffer per data plane, so for video this array always contains all the references. For planar audio with more than AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS channels, there may be more buffers than can fit in this array. Then the extra AVBufferRef pointers are stored in the extended_buf array.
func (*AVFrame) ChLayout ¶
func (s *AVFrame) ChLayout() *AVChannelLayout
ChLayout gets the ch_layout field.
Channel layout of the audio data.
func (*AVFrame) ChannelLayout ¶
ChannelLayout gets the channel_layout field.
Channel layout of the audio data. @deprecated use ch_layout instead
func (*AVFrame) Channels ¶
Channels gets the channels field.
number of audio channels, only used for audio. - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user. @deprecated use ch_layout instead
func (*AVFrame) ChromaLocation ¶
func (s *AVFrame) ChromaLocation() AVChromaLocation
ChromaLocation gets the chroma_location field.
func (*AVFrame) CodedPictureNumber ¶
CodedPictureNumber gets the coded_picture_number field.
picture number in bitstream order
func (*AVFrame) ColorPrimaries ¶
func (s *AVFrame) ColorPrimaries() AVColorPrimaries
ColorPrimaries gets the color_primaries field.
func (*AVFrame) ColorRange ¶
func (s *AVFrame) ColorRange() AVColorRange
ColorRange gets the color_range field.
MPEG vs JPEG YUV range. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVFrame) ColorTrc ¶
func (s *AVFrame) ColorTrc() AVColorTransferCharacteristic
ColorTrc gets the color_trc field.
func (*AVFrame) Colorspace ¶
func (s *AVFrame) Colorspace() AVColorSpace
Colorspace gets the colorspace field.
YUV colorspace type. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVFrame) CropBottom ¶
CropBottom gets the crop_bottom field.
func (*AVFrame) Data ¶
Data gets the data field.
pointer to the picture/channel planes. This might be different from the first allocated byte. For video, it could even point to the end of the image data. All pointers in data and extended_data must point into one of the AVBufferRef in buf or extended_buf. Some decoders access areas outside 0,0 - width,height, please see avcodec_align_dimensions2(). Some filters and swscale can read up to 16 bytes beyond the planes, if these filters are to be used, then 16 extra bytes must be allocated. NOTE: Pointers not needed by the format MUST be set to NULL. @attention In case of video, the data[] pointers can point to the end of image data in order to reverse line order, when used in combination with negative values in the linesize[] array.
func (*AVFrame) DecodeErrorFlags ¶
DecodeErrorFlags gets the decode_error_flags field.
decode error flags of the frame, set to a combination of FF_DECODE_ERROR_xxx flags if the decoder produced a frame, but there were errors during the decoding. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec, read by user.
func (*AVFrame) DisplayPictureNumber ¶
DisplayPictureNumber gets the display_picture_number field.
picture number in display order
func (*AVFrame) Duration ¶
Duration gets the duration field.
Duration of the frame, in the same units as pts. 0 if unknown.
func (*AVFrame) ExtendedBuf ¶
func (s *AVFrame) ExtendedBuf() *Array[*AVBufferRef]
ExtendedBuf gets the extended_buf field.
For planar audio which requires more than AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS AVBufferRef pointers, this array will hold all the references which cannot fit into AVFrame.buf. Note that this is different from AVFrame.extended_data, which always contains all the pointers. This array only contains the extra pointers, which cannot fit into AVFrame.buf. This array is always allocated using av_malloc() by whoever constructs the frame. It is freed in av_frame_unref().
func (*AVFrame) Flags ¶
Flags gets the flags field.
Frame flags, a combination of @ref lavu_frame_flags
func (*AVFrame) Format ¶
Format gets the format field.
format of the frame, -1 if unknown or unset Values correspond to enum AVPixelFormat for video frames, enum AVSampleFormat for audio)
func (*AVFrame) HwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVFrame) HwFramesCtx() *AVBufferRef
HwFramesCtx gets the hw_frames_ctx field.
For hwaccel-format frames, this should be a reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing the frame.
func (*AVFrame) InterlacedFrame ¶
InterlacedFrame gets the interlaced_frame field.
The content of the picture is interlaced. @deprecated Use AV_FRAME_FLAG_INTERLACED instead
func (*AVFrame) KeyFrame ¶
KeyFrame gets the key_frame field.
1 -> keyframe, 0-> not @deprecated Use AV_FRAME_FLAG_KEY instead
func (*AVFrame) Linesize ¶
Linesize gets the linesize field.
For video, a positive or negative value, which is typically indicating the size in bytes of each picture line, but it can also be: - the negative byte size of lines for vertical flipping (with data[n] pointing to the end of the data - a positive or negative multiple of the byte size as for accessing even and odd fields of a frame (possibly flipped) For audio, only linesize[0] may be set. For planar audio, each channel plane must be the same size. For video the linesizes should be multiples of the CPUs alignment preference, this is 16 or 32 for modern desktop CPUs. Some code requires such alignment other code can be slower without correct alignment, for yet other it makes no difference. @note The linesize may be larger than the size of usable data -- there may be extra padding present for performance reasons. @attention In case of video, line size values can be negative to achieve a vertically inverted iteration over image lines.
func (*AVFrame) Metadata ¶
func (s *AVFrame) Metadata() *AVDictionary
Metadata gets the metadata field.
metadata. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVFrame) NbExtendedBuf ¶
NbExtendedBuf gets the nb_extended_buf field.
Number of elements in extended_buf.
func (*AVFrame) NbSamples ¶
NbSamples gets the nb_samples field.
number of audio samples (per channel) described by this frame
func (*AVFrame) NbSideData ¶
NbSideData gets the nb_side_data field.
func (*AVFrame) Opaque ¶
Opaque gets the opaque field.
Frame owner's private data. This field may be set by the code that allocates/owns the frame data. It is then not touched by any library functions, except: - it is copied to other references by av_frame_copy_props() (and hence by av_frame_ref()); - it is set to NULL when the frame is cleared by av_frame_unref() - on the caller's explicit request. E.g. libavcodec encoders/decoders will copy this field to/from @ref AVPacket "AVPackets" if the caller sets @ref AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE. @see opaque_ref the reference-counted analogue
func (*AVFrame) OpaqueRef ¶
func (s *AVFrame) OpaqueRef() *AVBufferRef
OpaqueRef gets the opaque_ref field.
Frame owner's private data. This field may be set by the code that allocates/owns the frame data. It is then not touched by any library functions, except: - a new reference to the underlying buffer is propagated by av_frame_copy_props() (and hence by av_frame_ref()); - it is unreferenced in av_frame_unref(); - on the caller's explicit request. E.g. libavcodec encoders/decoders will propagate a new reference to/from @ref AVPacket "AVPackets" if the caller sets @ref AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE. @see opaque the plain pointer analogue
func (*AVFrame) PaletteHasChanged ¶
PaletteHasChanged gets the palette_has_changed field.
Tell user application that palette has changed from previous frame.
func (*AVFrame) PictType ¶
func (s *AVFrame) PictType() AVPictureType
PictType gets the pict_type field.
Picture type of the frame.
func (*AVFrame) PktDts ¶
PktDts gets the pkt_dts field.
DTS copied from the AVPacket that triggered returning this frame. (if frame threading isn't used) This is also the Presentation time of this AVFrame calculated from only AVPacket.dts values without pts values.
func (*AVFrame) PktDuration ¶
PktDuration gets the pkt_duration field.
duration of the corresponding packet, expressed in AVStream->time_base units, 0 if unknown. - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user. @deprecated use duration instead
func (*AVFrame) PktPos ¶
PktPos gets the pkt_pos field.
reordered pos from the last AVPacket that has been input into the decoder - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user. @deprecated use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE to pass through arbitrary user data from packets to frames
func (*AVFrame) PktSize ¶
PktSize gets the pkt_size field.
size of the corresponding packet containing the compressed frame. It is set to a negative value if unknown. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec, read by user. @deprecated use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE to pass through arbitrary user data from packets to frames
func (*AVFrame) PrivateRef ¶
func (s *AVFrame) PrivateRef() *AVBufferRef
PrivateRef gets the private_ref field.
AVBufferRef for internal use by a single libav* library. Must not be used to transfer data between libraries. Has to be NULL when ownership of the frame leaves the respective library. Code outside the FFmpeg libs should never check or change the contents of the buffer ref. FFmpeg calls av_buffer_unref() on it when the frame is unreferenced. av_frame_copy_props() calls create a new reference with av_buffer_ref() for the target frame's private_ref field.
func (*AVFrame) Pts ¶
Pts gets the pts field.
Presentation timestamp in time_base units (time when frame should be shown to user).
func (*AVFrame) Quality ¶
Quality gets the quality field.
quality (between 1 (good) and FF_LAMBDA_MAX (bad))
func (*AVFrame) ReorderedOpaque ¶
ReorderedOpaque gets the reordered_opaque field.
reordered opaque 64 bits (generally an integer or a double precision float PTS but can be anything). The user sets AVCodecContext.reordered_opaque to represent the input at that time, the decoder reorders values as needed and sets AVFrame.reordered_opaque to exactly one of the values provided by the user through AVCodecContext.reordered_opaque @deprecated Use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE instead
func (*AVFrame) RepeatPict ¶
RepeatPict gets the repeat_pict field.
Number of fields in this frame which should be repeated, i.e. the total duration of this frame should be repeat_pict + 2 normal field durations. For interlaced frames this field may be set to 1, which signals that this frame should be presented as 3 fields: beginning with the first field (as determined by AV_FRAME_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST being set or not), followed by the second field, and then the first field again. For progressive frames this field may be set to a multiple of 2, which signals that this frame's duration should be (repeat_pict + 2) / 2 normal frame durations. @note This field is computed from MPEG2 repeat_first_field flag and its associated flags, H.264 pic_struct from picture timing SEI, and their analogues in other codecs. Typically it should only be used when higher-layer timing information is not available.
func (*AVFrame) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
SampleAspectRatio gets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
Sample aspect ratio for the video frame, 0/1 if unknown/unspecified.
func (*AVFrame) SetBestEffortTimestamp ¶
SetBestEffortTimestamp sets the best_effort_timestamp field.
frame timestamp estimated using various heuristics, in stream time base - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec, read by user.
func (*AVFrame) SetChannelLayout ¶
SetChannelLayout sets the channel_layout field.
Channel layout of the audio data. @deprecated use ch_layout instead
func (*AVFrame) SetChannels ¶
SetChannels sets the channels field.
number of audio channels, only used for audio. - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user. @deprecated use ch_layout instead
func (*AVFrame) SetChromaLocation ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetChromaLocation(value AVChromaLocation)
SetChromaLocation sets the chroma_location field.
func (*AVFrame) SetCodedPictureNumber ¶
SetCodedPictureNumber sets the coded_picture_number field.
picture number in bitstream order
func (*AVFrame) SetColorPrimaries ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetColorPrimaries(value AVColorPrimaries)
SetColorPrimaries sets the color_primaries field.
func (*AVFrame) SetColorRange ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetColorRange(value AVColorRange)
SetColorRange sets the color_range field.
MPEG vs JPEG YUV range. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVFrame) SetColorTrc ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetColorTrc(value AVColorTransferCharacteristic)
SetColorTrc sets the color_trc field.
func (*AVFrame) SetColorspace ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetColorspace(value AVColorSpace)
SetColorspace sets the colorspace field.
YUV colorspace type. - encoding: Set by user - decoding: Set by libavcodec
func (*AVFrame) SetCropBottom ¶
SetCropBottom sets the crop_bottom field.
func (*AVFrame) SetCropLeft ¶
SetCropLeft sets the crop_left field.
func (*AVFrame) SetCropRight ¶
SetCropRight sets the crop_right field.
func (*AVFrame) SetCropTop ¶
SetCropTop sets the crop_top field.
func (*AVFrame) SetDecodeErrorFlags ¶
SetDecodeErrorFlags sets the decode_error_flags field.
decode error flags of the frame, set to a combination of FF_DECODE_ERROR_xxx flags if the decoder produced a frame, but there were errors during the decoding. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec, read by user.
func (*AVFrame) SetDisplayPictureNumber ¶
SetDisplayPictureNumber sets the display_picture_number field.
picture number in display order
func (*AVFrame) SetDuration ¶
SetDuration sets the duration field.
Duration of the frame, in the same units as pts. 0 if unknown.
func (*AVFrame) SetExtendedBuf ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetExtendedBuf(value *Array[AVBufferRef])
SetExtendedBuf sets the extended_buf field.
For planar audio which requires more than AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS AVBufferRef pointers, this array will hold all the references which cannot fit into AVFrame.buf. Note that this is different from AVFrame.extended_data, which always contains all the pointers. This array only contains the extra pointers, which cannot fit into AVFrame.buf. This array is always allocated using av_malloc() by whoever constructs the frame. It is freed in av_frame_unref().
func (*AVFrame) SetFlags ¶
SetFlags sets the flags field.
Frame flags, a combination of @ref lavu_frame_flags
func (*AVFrame) SetFormat ¶
SetFormat sets the format field.
format of the frame, -1 if unknown or unset Values correspond to enum AVPixelFormat for video frames, enum AVSampleFormat for audio)
func (*AVFrame) SetHwFramesCtx ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetHwFramesCtx(value *AVBufferRef)
SetHwFramesCtx sets the hw_frames_ctx field.
For hwaccel-format frames, this should be a reference to the AVHWFramesContext describing the frame.
func (*AVFrame) SetInterlacedFrame ¶
SetInterlacedFrame sets the interlaced_frame field.
The content of the picture is interlaced. @deprecated Use AV_FRAME_FLAG_INTERLACED instead
func (*AVFrame) SetKeyFrame ¶
SetKeyFrame sets the key_frame field.
1 -> keyframe, 0-> not @deprecated Use AV_FRAME_FLAG_KEY instead
func (*AVFrame) SetMetadata ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
SetMetadata sets the metadata field.
metadata. - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVFrame) SetNbExtendedBuf ¶
SetNbExtendedBuf sets the nb_extended_buf field.
Number of elements in extended_buf.
func (*AVFrame) SetNbSamples ¶
SetNbSamples sets the nb_samples field.
number of audio samples (per channel) described by this frame
func (*AVFrame) SetNbSideData ¶
SetNbSideData sets the nb_side_data field.
func (*AVFrame) SetOpaque ¶
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
Frame owner's private data. This field may be set by the code that allocates/owns the frame data. It is then not touched by any library functions, except: - it is copied to other references by av_frame_copy_props() (and hence by av_frame_ref()); - it is set to NULL when the frame is cleared by av_frame_unref() - on the caller's explicit request. E.g. libavcodec encoders/decoders will copy this field to/from @ref AVPacket "AVPackets" if the caller sets @ref AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE. @see opaque_ref the reference-counted analogue
func (*AVFrame) SetOpaqueRef ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetOpaqueRef(value *AVBufferRef)
SetOpaqueRef sets the opaque_ref field.
Frame owner's private data. This field may be set by the code that allocates/owns the frame data. It is then not touched by any library functions, except: - a new reference to the underlying buffer is propagated by av_frame_copy_props() (and hence by av_frame_ref()); - it is unreferenced in av_frame_unref(); - on the caller's explicit request. E.g. libavcodec encoders/decoders will propagate a new reference to/from @ref AVPacket "AVPackets" if the caller sets @ref AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE. @see opaque the plain pointer analogue
func (*AVFrame) SetPaletteHasChanged ¶
SetPaletteHasChanged sets the palette_has_changed field.
Tell user application that palette has changed from previous frame.
func (*AVFrame) SetPictType ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetPictType(value AVPictureType)
SetPictType sets the pict_type field.
Picture type of the frame.
func (*AVFrame) SetPktDts ¶
SetPktDts sets the pkt_dts field.
DTS copied from the AVPacket that triggered returning this frame. (if frame threading isn't used) This is also the Presentation time of this AVFrame calculated from only AVPacket.dts values without pts values.
func (*AVFrame) SetPktDuration ¶
SetPktDuration sets the pkt_duration field.
duration of the corresponding packet, expressed in AVStream->time_base units, 0 if unknown. - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user. @deprecated use duration instead
func (*AVFrame) SetPktPos ¶
SetPktPos sets the pkt_pos field.
reordered pos from the last AVPacket that has been input into the decoder - encoding: unused - decoding: Read by user. @deprecated use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE to pass through arbitrary user data from packets to frames
func (*AVFrame) SetPktSize ¶
SetPktSize sets the pkt_size field.
size of the corresponding packet containing the compressed frame. It is set to a negative value if unknown. - encoding: unused - decoding: set by libavcodec, read by user. @deprecated use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE to pass through arbitrary user data from packets to frames
func (*AVFrame) SetPrivateRef ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetPrivateRef(value *AVBufferRef)
SetPrivateRef sets the private_ref field.
AVBufferRef for internal use by a single libav* library. Must not be used to transfer data between libraries. Has to be NULL when ownership of the frame leaves the respective library. Code outside the FFmpeg libs should never check or change the contents of the buffer ref. FFmpeg calls av_buffer_unref() on it when the frame is unreferenced. av_frame_copy_props() calls create a new reference with av_buffer_ref() for the target frame's private_ref field.
func (*AVFrame) SetPts ¶
SetPts sets the pts field.
Presentation timestamp in time_base units (time when frame should be shown to user).
func (*AVFrame) SetQuality ¶
SetQuality sets the quality field.
quality (between 1 (good) and FF_LAMBDA_MAX (bad))
func (*AVFrame) SetReorderedOpaque ¶
SetReorderedOpaque sets the reordered_opaque field.
reordered opaque 64 bits (generally an integer or a double precision float PTS but can be anything). The user sets AVCodecContext.reordered_opaque to represent the input at that time, the decoder reorders values as needed and sets AVFrame.reordered_opaque to exactly one of the values provided by the user through AVCodecContext.reordered_opaque @deprecated Use AV_CODEC_FLAG_COPY_OPAQUE instead
func (*AVFrame) SetRepeatPict ¶
SetRepeatPict sets the repeat_pict field.
Number of fields in this frame which should be repeated, i.e. the total duration of this frame should be repeat_pict + 2 normal field durations. For interlaced frames this field may be set to 1, which signals that this frame should be presented as 3 fields: beginning with the first field (as determined by AV_FRAME_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST being set or not), followed by the second field, and then the first field again. For progressive frames this field may be set to a multiple of 2, which signals that this frame's duration should be (repeat_pict + 2) / 2 normal frame durations. @note This field is computed from MPEG2 repeat_first_field flag and its associated flags, H.264 pic_struct from picture timing SEI, and their analogues in other codecs. Typically it should only be used when higher-layer timing information is not available.
func (*AVFrame) SetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
SetSampleAspectRatio sets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
Sample aspect ratio for the video frame, 0/1 if unknown/unspecified.
func (*AVFrame) SetSampleRate ¶
SetSampleRate sets the sample_rate field.
Sample rate of the audio data.
func (*AVFrame) SetSideData ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetSideData(value *Array[AVFrameSideData])
SetSideData sets the side_data field.
func (*AVFrame) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
Time base for the timestamps in this frame. In the future, this field may be set on frames output by decoders or filters, but its value will be by default ignored on input to encoders or filters.
func (*AVFrame) SetTopFieldFirst ¶
SetTopFieldFirst sets the top_field_first field.
If the content is interlaced, is top field displayed first. @deprecated Use AV_FRAME_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST instead
func (*AVFrame) SideData ¶
func (s *AVFrame) SideData() *Array[*AVFrameSideData]
SideData gets the side_data field.
func (*AVFrame) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVFrame) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
Time base for the timestamps in this frame. In the future, this field may be set on frames output by decoders or filters, but its value will be by default ignored on input to encoders or filters.
func (*AVFrame) TopFieldFirst ¶
TopFieldFirst gets the top_field_first field.
If the content is interlaced, is top field displayed first. @deprecated Use AV_FRAME_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST instead
type AVFrameSideData ¶
type AVFrameSideData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVFrameSideData wraps AVFrameSideData.
Structure to hold side data for an AVFrame. sizeof(AVFrameSideData) is not a part of the public ABI, so new fields may be added to the end with a minor bump.
func AVFrameGetSideData ¶
func AVFrameGetSideData(frame *AVFrame, _type AVFrameSideDataType) *AVFrameSideData
AVFrameGetSideData wraps av_frame_get_side_data.
@return a pointer to the side data of a given type on success, NULL if there is no side data with such type in this frame.
func AVFrameNewSideData ¶
func AVFrameNewSideData(frame *AVFrame, _type AVFrameSideDataType, size uint64) *AVFrameSideData
AVFrameNewSideData wraps av_frame_new_side_data.
Add a new side data to a frame. @param frame a frame to which the side data should be added @param type type of the added side data @param size size of the side data @return newly added side data on success, NULL on error
func AVFrameNewSideDataFromBuf ¶
func AVFrameNewSideDataFromBuf(frame *AVFrame, _type AVFrameSideDataType, buf *AVBufferRef) *AVFrameSideData
AVFrameNewSideDataFromBuf wraps av_frame_new_side_data_from_buf.
Add a new side data to a frame from an existing AVBufferRef @param frame a frame to which the side data should be added @param type the type of the added side data @param buf an AVBufferRef to add as side data. The ownership of the reference is transferred to the frame. @return newly added side data on success, NULL on error. On failure the frame is unchanged and the AVBufferRef remains owned by the caller.
func (*AVFrameSideData) Data ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) Data() unsafe.Pointer
Data gets the data field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) Metadata ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) Metadata() *AVDictionary
Metadata gets the metadata field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVFrameSideData) SetBuf ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetBuf(value *AVBufferRef)
SetBuf sets the buf field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) SetData ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetData sets the data field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) SetMetadata ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
SetMetadata sets the metadata field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) SetSize ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetSize(value uint64)
SetSize sets the size field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) SetType ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) SetType(value AVFrameSideDataType)
SetType sets the type field.
func (*AVFrameSideData) Type ¶
func (s *AVFrameSideData) Type() AVFrameSideDataType
Type gets the type field.
type AVFrameSideDataType ¶
type AVFrameSideDataType C.enum_AVFrameSideDataType
AVFrameSideDataType wraps AVFrameSideDataType.
AVFrame is an abstraction for reference-counted raw multimedia data.
const ( // AVFrameDataPanscan wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_PANSCAN. // // The data is the AVPanScan struct defined in libavcodec. AVFrameDataPanscan AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_PANSCAN // AVFrameDataA53Cc wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_A53_CC. /* ATSC A53 Part 4 Closed Captions. A53 CC bitstream is stored as uint8_t in The number of bytes of CC data is AVFrameSideData.size. */ AVFrameDataA53Cc AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_A53_CC // AVFrameDataStereo3D wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_STEREO3D. /* Stereoscopic 3d metadata. The data is the AVStereo3D struct defined in libavutil/stereo3d.h. */ AVFrameDataStereo3D AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_STEREO3D // AVFrameDataMatrixencoding wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_MATRIXENCODING. // // The data is the AVMatrixEncoding enum defined in libavutil/channel_layout.h. AVFrameDataMatrixencoding AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_MATRIXENCODING // AVFrameDataDownmixInfo wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DOWNMIX_INFO. /* Metadata relevant to a downmix procedure. The data is the AVDownmixInfo struct defined in libavutil/downmix_info.h. */ AVFrameDataDownmixInfo AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DOWNMIX_INFO // AVFrameDataReplaygain wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_REPLAYGAIN. // // ReplayGain information in the form of the AVReplayGain struct. AVFrameDataReplaygain AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_REPLAYGAIN // AVFrameDataDisplaymatrix wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DISPLAYMATRIX. /* This side data contains a 3x3 transformation matrix describing an affine transformation that needs to be applied to the frame for correct presentation. See libavutil/display.h for a detailed description of the data. */ AVFrameDataDisplaymatrix AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DISPLAYMATRIX // AVFrameDataAfd wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_AFD. /* Active Format Description data consisting of a single byte as specified in ETSI TS 101 154 using AVActiveFormatDescription enum. */ AVFrameDataAfd AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_AFD // AVFrameDataMotionVectors wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_MOTION_VECTORS. /* Motion vectors exported by some codecs (on demand through the export_mvs flag set in the libavcodec AVCodecContext flags2 option). The data is the AVMotionVector struct defined in libavutil/motion_vector.h. */ AVFrameDataMotionVectors AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_MOTION_VECTORS // AVFrameDataSkipSamples wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES. /* Recommmends skipping the specified number of samples. This is exported only if the "skip_manual" AVOption is set in libavcodec. This has the same format as AV_PKT_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES. @code u32le number of samples to skip from start of this packet u32le number of samples to skip from end of this packet u8 reason for start skip u8 reason for end skip (0=padding silence, 1=convergence) @endcode */ AVFrameDataSkipSamples AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES // AVFrameDataAudioServiceType wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE. /* This side data must be associated with an audio frame and corresponds to enum AVAudioServiceType defined in avcodec.h. */ AVFrameDataAudioServiceType AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE // AVFrameDataMasteringDisplayMetadata wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_MASTERING_DISPLAY_METADATA. /* Mastering display metadata associated with a video frame. The payload is an AVMasteringDisplayMetadata type and contains information about the mastering display color volume. */ AVFrameDataMasteringDisplayMetadata AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_MASTERING_DISPLAY_METADATA // AVFrameDataGopTimecode wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_GOP_TIMECODE. /* The GOP timecode in 25 bit timecode format. Data format is 64-bit integer. This is set on the first frame of a GOP that has a temporal reference of 0. */ AVFrameDataGopTimecode AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_GOP_TIMECODE // AVFrameDataSpherical wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_SPHERICAL. /* The data represents the AVSphericalMapping structure defined in libavutil/spherical.h. */ AVFrameDataSpherical AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_SPHERICAL // AVFrameDataContentLightLevel wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL. /* Content light level (based on CTA-861.3). This payload contains data in the form of the AVContentLightMetadata struct. */ AVFrameDataContentLightLevel AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL // AVFrameDataIccProfile wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_ICC_PROFILE. /* The data contains an ICC profile as an opaque octet buffer following the format described by ISO 15076-1 with an optional name defined in the metadata key entry "name". */ AVFrameDataIccProfile AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_ICC_PROFILE // AVFrameDataS12MTimecode wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_S12M_TIMECODE. /* Timecode which conforms to SMPTE ST 12-1. The data is an array of 4 uint32_t where the first uint32_t describes how many (1-3) of the other timecodes are used. The timecode format is described in the documentation of av_timecode_get_smpte_from_framenum() function in libavutil/timecode.h. */ AVFrameDataS12MTimecode AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_S12M_TIMECODE // AVFrameDataDynamicHdrPlus wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DYNAMIC_HDR_PLUS. /* HDR dynamic metadata associated with a video frame. The payload is an AVDynamicHDRPlus type and contains information for color volume transform - application 4 of SMPTE 2094-40:2016 standard. */ AVFrameDataDynamicHdrPlus AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DYNAMIC_HDR_PLUS // AVFrameDataRegionsOfInterest wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_REGIONS_OF_INTEREST. /* Regions Of Interest, the data is an array of AVRegionOfInterest type, the number of array element is implied by AVFrameSideData.size / AVRegionOfInterest.self_size. */ AVFrameDataRegionsOfInterest AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_REGIONS_OF_INTEREST // AVFrameDataVideoEncParams wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_VIDEO_ENC_PARAMS. // // Encoding parameters for a video frame, as described by AVVideoEncParams. AVFrameDataVideoEncParams AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_VIDEO_ENC_PARAMS // AVFrameDataSeiUnregistered wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_SEI_UNREGISTERED. /* User data unregistered metadata associated with a video frame. This is the H.26[45] UDU SEI message, and shouldn't be used for any other purpose The data is stored as uint8_t in which is 16 bytes of uuid_iso_iec_11578 followed by AVFrameSideData.size - 16 bytes of user_data_payload_byte. */ AVFrameDataSeiUnregistered AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_SEI_UNREGISTERED // AVFrameDataFilmGrainParams wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_FILM_GRAIN_PARAMS. /* Film grain parameters for a frame, described by AVFilmGrainParams. Must be present for every frame which should have film grain applied. */ AVFrameDataFilmGrainParams AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_FILM_GRAIN_PARAMS // AVFrameDataDetectionBboxes wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DETECTION_BBOXES. /* Bounding boxes for object detection and classification, as described by AVDetectionBBoxHeader. */ AVFrameDataDetectionBboxes AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DETECTION_BBOXES // AVFrameDataDoviRpuBuffer wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DOVI_RPU_BUFFER. /* Dolby Vision RPU raw data, suitable for passing to x265 or other libraries. Array of uint8_t, with NAL emulation bytes intact. */ AVFrameDataDoviRpuBuffer AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DOVI_RPU_BUFFER // AVFrameDataDoviMetadata wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DOVI_METADATA. /* Parsed Dolby Vision metadata, suitable for passing to a software implementation. The payload is the AVDOVIMetadata struct defined in libavutil/dovi_meta.h. */ AVFrameDataDoviMetadata AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DOVI_METADATA // AVFrameDataDynamicHdrVivid wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_DYNAMIC_HDR_VIVID. /* HDR Vivid dynamic metadata associated with a video frame. The payload is an AVDynamicHDRVivid type and contains information for color volume transform - CUVA 005.1-2021. */ AVFrameDataDynamicHdrVivid AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_DYNAMIC_HDR_VIVID // AVFrameDataAmbientViewingEnvironment wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_AMBIENT_VIEWING_ENVIRONMENT. // // Ambient viewing environment metadata, as defined by H.274. AVFrameDataAmbientViewingEnvironment AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_AMBIENT_VIEWING_ENVIRONMENT // AVFrameDataVideoHint wraps AV_FRAME_DATA_VIDEO_HINT. /* Provide encoder-specific hinting information about changed/unchanged portions of a frame. It can be used to pass information about which macroblocks can be skipped because they didn't change from the corresponding ones in the previous frame. This could be useful for applications which know this information in advance to speed up encoding. */ AVFrameDataVideoHint AVFrameSideDataType = C.AV_FRAME_DATA_VIDEO_HINT )
type AVHWAccel ¶
type AVHWAccel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVHWAccel wraps AVHWAccel.
func (*AVHWAccel) Capabilities ¶
Capabilities gets the capabilities field.
Hardware accelerated codec capabilities. see AV_HWACCEL_CODEC_CAP_*
func (*AVHWAccel) Id ¶
Id gets the id field.
Codec implemented by the hardware accelerator. See AV_CODEC_ID_xxx
func (*AVHWAccel) Name ¶
Name gets the name field.
Name of the hardware accelerated codec. The name is globally unique among encoders and among decoders (but an encoder and a decoder can share the same name).
func (*AVHWAccel) PixFmt ¶
func (s *AVHWAccel) PixFmt() AVPixelFormat
PixFmt gets the pix_fmt field.
Supported pixel format. Only hardware accelerated formats are supported here.
func (*AVHWAccel) SetCapabilities ¶
SetCapabilities sets the capabilities field.
Hardware accelerated codec capabilities. see AV_HWACCEL_CODEC_CAP_*
func (*AVHWAccel) SetId ¶
SetId sets the id field.
Codec implemented by the hardware accelerator. See AV_CODEC_ID_xxx
func (*AVHWAccel) SetName ¶
SetName sets the name field.
Name of the hardware accelerated codec. The name is globally unique among encoders and among decoders (but an encoder and a decoder can share the same name).
func (*AVHWAccel) SetPixFmt ¶
func (s *AVHWAccel) SetPixFmt(value AVPixelFormat)
SetPixFmt sets the pix_fmt field.
Supported pixel format. Only hardware accelerated formats are supported here.
func (*AVHWAccel) SetType ¶
func (s *AVHWAccel) SetType(value AVMediaType)
SetType sets the type field.
Type of codec implemented by the hardware accelerator. See AVMEDIA_TYPE_xxx
func (*AVHWAccel) Type ¶
func (s *AVHWAccel) Type() AVMediaType
Type gets the type field.
Type of codec implemented by the hardware accelerator. See AVMEDIA_TYPE_xxx
type AVHWDeviceContext ¶
type AVHWDeviceContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVHWDeviceContext wraps AVHWDeviceContext.
This struct aggregates all the (hardware/vendor-specific) "high-level" state, i.e. state that is not tied to a concrete processing configuration. E.g., in an API that supports hardware-accelerated encoding and decoding, this struct will (if possible) wrap the state that is common to both encoding and decoding and from which specific instances of encoders or decoders can be derived. This struct is reference-counted with the AVBuffer mechanism. The av_hwdevice_ctx_alloc() constructor yields a reference, whose data field points to the actual AVHWDeviceContext. Further objects derived from AVHWDeviceContext (such as AVHWFramesContext, describing a frame pool with specific properties) will hold an internal reference to it. After all the references are released, the AVHWDeviceContext itself will be freed, optionally invoking a user-specified callback for uninitializing the hardware state.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
A class for logging. Set by av_hwdevice_ctx_alloc().
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) Hwctx ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) Hwctx() unsafe.Pointer
Hwctx gets the hwctx field.
The format-specific data, allocated and freed by libavutil along with this context. Should be cast by the user to the format-specific context defined in the corresponding header (hwcontext_*.h) and filled as described in the documentation before calling av_hwdevice_ctx_init(). After calling av_hwdevice_ctx_init() this struct should not be modified by the caller.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) Internal ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) Internal() *AVHWDeviceInternal
Internal gets the internal field.
Private data used internally by libavutil. Must not be accessed in any way by the caller.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
A class for logging. Set by av_hwdevice_ctx_alloc().
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) SetHwctx ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetHwctx(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetHwctx sets the hwctx field.
The format-specific data, allocated and freed by libavutil along with this context. Should be cast by the user to the format-specific context defined in the corresponding header (hwcontext_*.h) and filled as described in the documentation before calling av_hwdevice_ctx_init(). After calling av_hwdevice_ctx_init() this struct should not be modified by the caller.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) SetInternal ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetInternal(value *AVHWDeviceInternal)
SetInternal sets the internal field.
Private data used internally by libavutil. Must not be accessed in any way by the caller.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) SetType ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetType(value AVHWDeviceType)
SetType sets the type field.
This field identifies the underlying API used for hardware access. This field is set when this struct is allocated and never changed afterwards.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) SetUserOpaque ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) SetUserOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetUserOpaque sets the user_opaque field.
Arbitrary user data, to be used e.g. by the free() callback.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) Type ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) Type() AVHWDeviceType
Type gets the type field.
This field identifies the underlying API used for hardware access. This field is set when this struct is allocated and never changed afterwards.
func (*AVHWDeviceContext) UserOpaque ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceContext) UserOpaque() unsafe.Pointer
UserOpaque gets the user_opaque field.
Arbitrary user data, to be used e.g. by the free() callback.
type AVHWDeviceInternal ¶
type AVHWDeviceInternal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVHWDeviceInternal wraps AVHWDeviceInternal.
func (*AVHWDeviceInternal) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVHWDeviceInternal) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVHWDeviceType ¶
type AVHWDeviceType C.enum_AVHWDeviceType
AVHWDeviceType wraps AVHWDeviceType.
func AVHWDeviceFindTypeByName ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceFindTypeByName(name *CStr) AVHWDeviceType
AVHWDeviceFindTypeByName wraps av_hwdevice_find_type_by_name.
Look up an AVHWDeviceType by name. @param name String name of the device type (case-insensitive). @return The type from enum AVHWDeviceType, or AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE if not found.
func AVHWDeviceIterateTypes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceIterateTypes(prev AVHWDeviceType) AVHWDeviceType
AVHWDeviceIterateTypes wraps av_hwdevice_iterate_types.
Iterate over supported device types. @param prev AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE initially, then the previous type returned by this function in subsequent iterations. @return The next usable device type from enum AVHWDeviceType, or AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE if there are no more.
type AVHWFrameTransferDirection ¶
type AVHWFrameTransferDirection C.enum_AVHWFrameTransferDirection
AVHWFrameTransferDirection wraps AVHWFrameTransferDirection.
const ( // AVHWFrameTransferDirectionFrom wraps AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_FROM. // // Transfer the data from the queried hw frame. AVHWFrameTransferDirectionFrom AVHWFrameTransferDirection = C.AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_FROM // AVHWFrameTransferDirectionTo wraps AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_TO. // // Transfer the data to the queried hw frame. AVHWFrameTransferDirectionTo AVHWFrameTransferDirection = C.AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_TO )
type AVHWFramesConstraints ¶
type AVHWFramesConstraints struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVHWFramesConstraints wraps AVHWFramesConstraints.
This struct describes the constraints on hardware frames attached to a given device with a hardware-specific configuration. This is returned by av_hwdevice_get_hwframe_constraints() and must be freed by av_hwframe_constraints_free() after use.
func AVHWDeviceGetHWFrameConstraints ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceGetHWFrameConstraints(ref *AVBufferRef, hwconfig unsafe.Pointer) *AVHWFramesConstraints
AVHWDeviceGetHWFrameConstraints wraps av_hwdevice_get_hwframe_constraints.
Get the constraints on HW frames given a device and the HW-specific configuration to be used with that device. If no HW-specific configuration is provided, returns the maximum possible capabilities of the device. @param ref a reference to the associated AVHWDeviceContext. @param hwconfig a filled HW-specific configuration structure, or NULL to return the maximum possible capabilities of the device. @return AVHWFramesConstraints structure describing the constraints on the device, or NULL if not available.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) MaxHeight ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MaxHeight() int
MaxHeight gets the max_height field.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) MaxWidth ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MaxWidth() int
MaxWidth gets the max_width field.
The maximum size of frames in this hw_frames_ctx. (INT_MAX if not known / no limit.)
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) MinHeight ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MinHeight() int
MinHeight gets the min_height field.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) MinWidth ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) MinWidth() int
MinWidth gets the min_width field.
The minimum size of frames in this hw_frames_ctx. (Zero if not known.)
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMaxHeight(value int)
SetMaxHeight sets the max_height field.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMaxWidth(value int)
SetMaxWidth sets the max_width field.
The maximum size of frames in this hw_frames_ctx. (INT_MAX if not known / no limit.)
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMinHeight ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMinHeight(value int)
SetMinHeight sets the min_height field.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMinWidth ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetMinWidth(value int)
SetMinWidth sets the min_width field.
The minimum size of frames in this hw_frames_ctx. (Zero if not known.)
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) SetValidHwFormats ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetValidHwFormats(value *Array[AVPixelFormat])
SetValidHwFormats sets the valid_hw_formats field.
A list of possible values for format in the hw_frames_ctx, terminated by AV_PIX_FMT_NONE. This member will always be filled.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) SetValidSwFormats ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) SetValidSwFormats(value *Array[AVPixelFormat])
SetValidSwFormats sets the valid_sw_formats field.
A list of possible values for sw_format in the hw_frames_ctx, terminated by AV_PIX_FMT_NONE. Can be NULL if this information is not known.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) ValidHwFormats ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) ValidHwFormats() *Array[AVPixelFormat]
ValidHwFormats gets the valid_hw_formats field.
A list of possible values for format in the hw_frames_ctx, terminated by AV_PIX_FMT_NONE. This member will always be filled.
func (*AVHWFramesConstraints) ValidSwFormats ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesConstraints) ValidSwFormats() *Array[AVPixelFormat]
ValidSwFormats gets the valid_sw_formats field.
A list of possible values for sw_format in the hw_frames_ctx, terminated by AV_PIX_FMT_NONE. Can be NULL if this information is not known.
type AVHWFramesContext ¶
type AVHWFramesContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVHWFramesContext wraps AVHWFramesContext.
This struct describes a set or pool of "hardware" frames (i.e. those with data not located in normal system memory). All the frames in the pool are assumed to be allocated in the same way and interchangeable. This struct is reference-counted with the AVBuffer mechanism and tied to a given AVHWDeviceContext instance. The av_hwframe_ctx_alloc() constructor yields a reference, whose data field points to the actual AVHWFramesContext struct.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
A class for logging.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) DeviceCtx ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) DeviceCtx() *AVHWDeviceContext
DeviceCtx gets the device_ctx field.
The parent AVHWDeviceContext. This is simply a pointer to device_ref->data provided for convenience. Set by libavutil in av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) DeviceRef ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) DeviceRef() *AVBufferRef
DeviceRef gets the device_ref field.
A reference to the parent AVHWDeviceContext. This reference is owned and managed by the enclosing AVHWFramesContext, but the caller may derive additional references from it.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) Format ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Format() AVPixelFormat
Format gets the format field.
The pixel format identifying the underlying HW surface type. Must be a hwaccel format, i.e. the corresponding descriptor must have the AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL flag set. Must be set by the user before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) Height ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Height() int
Height gets the height field.
The allocated dimensions of the frames in this pool. Must be set by the user before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) Hwctx ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Hwctx() unsafe.Pointer
Hwctx gets the hwctx field.
The format-specific data, allocated and freed automatically along with this context. Should be cast by the user to the format-specific context defined in the corresponding header (hwframe_*.h) and filled as described in the documentation before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). After any frames using this context are created, the contents of this struct should not be modified by the caller.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) InitialPoolSize ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) InitialPoolSize() int
InitialPoolSize gets the initial_pool_size field.
Initial size of the frame pool. If a device type does not support dynamically resizing the pool, then this is also the maximum pool size. May be set by the caller before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). Must be set if pool is NULL and the device type does not support dynamic pools.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) Internal ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Internal() *AVHWFramesInternal
Internal gets the internal field.
Private data used internally by libavutil. Must not be accessed in any way by the caller.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) Pool ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Pool() *AVBufferPool
Pool gets the pool field.
A pool from which the frames are allocated by av_hwframe_get_buffer(). This field may be set by the caller before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). The buffers returned by calling av_buffer_pool_get() on this pool must have the properties described in the documentation in the corresponding hw type's header (hwcontext_*.h). The pool will be freed strictly before this struct's free() callback is invoked. This field may be NULL, then libavutil will attempt to allocate a pool internally. Note that certain device types enforce pools allocated at fixed size (frame count), which cannot be extended dynamically. In such a case, initial_pool_size must be set appropriately.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
A class for logging.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetDeviceCtx ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetDeviceCtx(value *AVHWDeviceContext)
SetDeviceCtx sets the device_ctx field.
The parent AVHWDeviceContext. This is simply a pointer to device_ref->data provided for convenience. Set by libavutil in av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetDeviceRef ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetDeviceRef(value *AVBufferRef)
SetDeviceRef sets the device_ref field.
A reference to the parent AVHWDeviceContext. This reference is owned and managed by the enclosing AVHWFramesContext, but the caller may derive additional references from it.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetFormat ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetFormat(value AVPixelFormat)
SetFormat sets the format field.
The pixel format identifying the underlying HW surface type. Must be a hwaccel format, i.e. the corresponding descriptor must have the AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL flag set. Must be set by the user before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetHeight ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetHeight(value int)
SetHeight sets the height field.
The allocated dimensions of the frames in this pool. Must be set by the user before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetHwctx ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetHwctx(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetHwctx sets the hwctx field.
The format-specific data, allocated and freed automatically along with this context. Should be cast by the user to the format-specific context defined in the corresponding header (hwframe_*.h) and filled as described in the documentation before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). After any frames using this context are created, the contents of this struct should not be modified by the caller.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetInitialPoolSize ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetInitialPoolSize(value int)
SetInitialPoolSize sets the initial_pool_size field.
Initial size of the frame pool. If a device type does not support dynamically resizing the pool, then this is also the maximum pool size. May be set by the caller before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). Must be set if pool is NULL and the device type does not support dynamic pools.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetInternal ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetInternal(value *AVHWFramesInternal)
SetInternal sets the internal field.
Private data used internally by libavutil. Must not be accessed in any way by the caller.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetPool ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetPool(value *AVBufferPool)
SetPool sets the pool field.
A pool from which the frames are allocated by av_hwframe_get_buffer(). This field may be set by the caller before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). The buffers returned by calling av_buffer_pool_get() on this pool must have the properties described in the documentation in the corresponding hw type's header (hwcontext_*.h). The pool will be freed strictly before this struct's free() callback is invoked. This field may be NULL, then libavutil will attempt to allocate a pool internally. Note that certain device types enforce pools allocated at fixed size (frame count), which cannot be extended dynamically. In such a case, initial_pool_size must be set appropriately.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetSwFormat ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetSwFormat(value AVPixelFormat)
SetSwFormat sets the sw_format field.
The pixel format identifying the actual data layout of the hardware frames. Must be set by the caller before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). @note when the underlying API does not provide the exact data layout, but only the colorspace/bit depth, this field should be set to the fully planar version of that format (e.g. for 8-bit 420 YUV it should be AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, not AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 or anything else).
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetUserOpaque ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetUserOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetUserOpaque sets the user_opaque field.
Arbitrary user data, to be used e.g. by the free() callback.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SetWidth ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SetWidth(value int)
SetWidth sets the width field.
The allocated dimensions of the frames in this pool. Must be set by the user before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init().
func (*AVHWFramesContext) SwFormat ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) SwFormat() AVPixelFormat
SwFormat gets the sw_format field.
The pixel format identifying the actual data layout of the hardware frames. Must be set by the caller before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init(). @note when the underlying API does not provide the exact data layout, but only the colorspace/bit depth, this field should be set to the fully planar version of that format (e.g. for 8-bit 420 YUV it should be AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, not AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 or anything else).
func (*AVHWFramesContext) UserOpaque ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) UserOpaque() unsafe.Pointer
UserOpaque gets the user_opaque field.
Arbitrary user data, to be used e.g. by the free() callback.
func (*AVHWFramesContext) Width ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesContext) Width() int
Width gets the width field.
The allocated dimensions of the frames in this pool. Must be set by the user before calling av_hwframe_ctx_init().
type AVHWFramesInternal ¶
type AVHWFramesInternal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVHWFramesInternal wraps AVHWFramesInternal.
func (*AVHWFramesInternal) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVHWFramesInternal) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVIOContext ¶
type AVIOContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVIOContext wraps AVIOContext.
Bytestream IO Context. New public fields can be added with minor version bumps. Removal, reordering and changes to existing public fields require a major version bump. sizeof(AVIOContext) must not be used outside libav*. @note None of the function pointers in AVIOContext should be called directly, they should only be set by the client application when implementing custom I/O. Normally these are set to the function pointers specified in avio_alloc_context()
func (*AVIOContext) AvClass ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) AvClass() *AVClass
AvClass gets the av_class field.
A class for private options. If this AVIOContext is created by avio_open2(), av_class is set and passes the options down to protocols. If this AVIOContext is manually allocated, then av_class may be set by the caller. warning -- this field can be NULL, be sure to not pass this AVIOContext to any av_opt_* functions in that case.
func (*AVIOContext) BufferSize ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) BufferSize() int
BufferSize gets the buffer_size field.
Maximum buffer size
func (*AVIOContext) BytesRead ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) BytesRead() int64
BytesRead gets the bytes_read field.
Read-only statistic of bytes read for this AVIOContext.
func (*AVIOContext) BytesWritten ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) BytesWritten() int64
BytesWritten gets the bytes_written field.
Read-only statistic of bytes written for this AVIOContext.
func (*AVIOContext) Checksum ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) Checksum() uint32
Checksum gets the checksum field.
func (*AVIOContext) Direct ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) Direct() int
Direct gets the direct field.
avio_read and avio_write should if possible be satisfied directly instead of going through a buffer, and avio_seek will always call the underlying seek function directly.
func (*AVIOContext) EofReached ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) EofReached() int
EofReached gets the eof_reached field.
true if was unable to read due to error or eof
func (*AVIOContext) Error ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) Error() int
Error gets the error field.
contains the error code or 0 if no error happened
func (*AVIOContext) IgnoreBoundaryPoint ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) IgnoreBoundaryPoint() int
IgnoreBoundaryPoint gets the ignore_boundary_point field.
If set, don't call write_data_type separately for AVIO_DATA_MARKER_BOUNDARY_POINT, but ignore them and treat them as AVIO_DATA_MARKER_UNKNOWN (to avoid needlessly small chunks of data returned from the callback).
func (*AVIOContext) MaxPacketSize ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) MaxPacketSize() int
MaxPacketSize gets the max_packet_size field.
func (*AVIOContext) MinPacketSize ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) MinPacketSize() int
MinPacketSize gets the min_packet_size field.
< Try to buffer at least this amount of data before flushing it.
func (*AVIOContext) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
< A private pointer, passed to the read/write/seek/... functions.
func (*AVIOContext) Pos ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) Pos() int64
Pos gets the pos field.
position in the file of the current buffer
func (*AVIOContext) ProtocolBlacklist ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) ProtocolBlacklist() *CStr
ProtocolBlacklist gets the protocol_blacklist field.
',' separated list of disallowed protocols.
func (*AVIOContext) ProtocolWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) ProtocolWhitelist() *CStr
ProtocolWhitelist gets the protocol_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed protocols.
func (*AVIOContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVIOContext) Seekable ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) Seekable() int
Seekable gets the seekable field.
A combination of AVIO_SEEKABLE_ flags or 0 when the stream is not seekable.
func (*AVIOContext) SetAvClass ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetAvClass(value *AVClass)
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
A class for private options. If this AVIOContext is created by avio_open2(), av_class is set and passes the options down to protocols. If this AVIOContext is manually allocated, then av_class may be set by the caller. warning -- this field can be NULL, be sure to not pass this AVIOContext to any av_opt_* functions in that case.
func (*AVIOContext) SetBufferSize ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetBufferSize(value int)
SetBufferSize sets the buffer_size field.
Maximum buffer size
func (*AVIOContext) SetBytesRead ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetBytesRead(value int64)
SetBytesRead sets the bytes_read field.
Read-only statistic of bytes read for this AVIOContext.
func (*AVIOContext) SetBytesWritten ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetBytesWritten(value int64)
SetBytesWritten sets the bytes_written field.
Read-only statistic of bytes written for this AVIOContext.
func (*AVIOContext) SetChecksum ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetChecksum(value uint32)
SetChecksum sets the checksum field.
func (*AVIOContext) SetDirect ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetDirect(value int)
SetDirect sets the direct field.
avio_read and avio_write should if possible be satisfied directly instead of going through a buffer, and avio_seek will always call the underlying seek function directly.
func (*AVIOContext) SetEofReached ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetEofReached(value int)
SetEofReached sets the eof_reached field.
true if was unable to read due to error or eof
func (*AVIOContext) SetError ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetError(value int)
SetError sets the error field.
contains the error code or 0 if no error happened
func (*AVIOContext) SetIgnoreBoundaryPoint ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetIgnoreBoundaryPoint(value int)
SetIgnoreBoundaryPoint sets the ignore_boundary_point field.
If set, don't call write_data_type separately for AVIO_DATA_MARKER_BOUNDARY_POINT, but ignore them and treat them as AVIO_DATA_MARKER_UNKNOWN (to avoid needlessly small chunks of data returned from the callback).
func (*AVIOContext) SetMaxPacketSize ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetMaxPacketSize(value int)
SetMaxPacketSize sets the max_packet_size field.
func (*AVIOContext) SetMinPacketSize ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetMinPacketSize(value int)
SetMinPacketSize sets the min_packet_size field.
< Try to buffer at least this amount of data before flushing it.
func (*AVIOContext) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
< A private pointer, passed to the read/write/seek/... functions.
func (*AVIOContext) SetPos ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetPos(value int64)
SetPos sets the pos field.
position in the file of the current buffer
func (*AVIOContext) SetProtocolBlacklist ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetProtocolBlacklist(value *CStr)
SetProtocolBlacklist sets the protocol_blacklist field.
',' separated list of disallowed protocols.
func (*AVIOContext) SetProtocolWhitelist ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetProtocolWhitelist(value *CStr)
SetProtocolWhitelist sets the protocol_whitelist field.
',' separated list of allowed protocols.
func (*AVIOContext) SetSeekable ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetSeekable(value int)
SetSeekable sets the seekable field.
A combination of AVIO_SEEKABLE_ flags or 0 when the stream is not seekable.
func (*AVIOContext) SetWriteFlag ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) SetWriteFlag(value int)
SetWriteFlag sets the write_flag field.
true if open for writing
func (*AVIOContext) WriteFlag ¶
func (s *AVIOContext) WriteFlag() int
WriteFlag gets the write_flag field.
true if open for writing
type AVIODataMarkerType ¶
type AVIODataMarkerType C.enum_AVIODataMarkerType
AVIODataMarkerType wraps AVIODataMarkerType.
Different data types that can be returned via the AVIO write_data_type callback.
const ( // AVIODataMarkerHeader wraps AVIO_DATA_MARKER_HEADER. // // Header data; this needs to be present for the stream to be decodeable. AVIODataMarkerHeader AVIODataMarkerType = C.AVIO_DATA_MARKER_HEADER // AVIODataMarkerSyncPoint wraps AVIO_DATA_MARKER_SYNC_POINT. /* A point in the output bytestream where a decoder can start decoding (i.e. a keyframe). A demuxer/decoder given the data flagged with AVIO_DATA_MARKER_HEADER, followed by any AVIO_DATA_MARKER_SYNC_POINT, should give decodeable results. */ AVIODataMarkerSyncPoint AVIODataMarkerType = C.AVIO_DATA_MARKER_SYNC_POINT // AVIODataMarkerBoundaryPoint wraps AVIO_DATA_MARKER_BOUNDARY_POINT. /* A point in the output bytestream where a demuxer can start parsing (for non self synchronizing bytestream formats). That is, any non-keyframe packet start point. */ AVIODataMarkerBoundaryPoint AVIODataMarkerType = C.AVIO_DATA_MARKER_BOUNDARY_POINT // AVIODataMarkerUnknown wraps AVIO_DATA_MARKER_UNKNOWN. /* This is any, unlabelled data. It can either be a muxer not marking any positions at all, it can be an actual boundary/sync point that the muxer chooses not to mark, or a later part of a packet/fragment that is cut into multiple write callbacks due to limited IO buffer size. */ AVIODataMarkerUnknown AVIODataMarkerType = C.AVIO_DATA_MARKER_UNKNOWN // AVIODataMarkerTrailer wraps AVIO_DATA_MARKER_TRAILER. /* Trailer data, which doesn't contain actual content, but only for finalizing the output file. */ AVIODataMarkerTrailer AVIODataMarkerType = C.AVIO_DATA_MARKER_TRAILER // AVIODataMarkerFlushPoint wraps AVIO_DATA_MARKER_FLUSH_POINT. /* A point in the output bytestream where the underlying AVIOContext might flush the buffer depending on latency or buffering requirements. Typically means the end of a packet. */ AVIODataMarkerFlushPoint AVIODataMarkerType = C.AVIO_DATA_MARKER_FLUSH_POINT )
type AVIODirContext ¶
type AVIODirContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVIODirContext wraps AVIODirContext.
func (*AVIODirContext) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVIODirContext) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
type AVIODirEntry ¶
type AVIODirEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVIODirEntry wraps AVIODirEntry.
Describes single entry of the directory. Only name and type fields are guaranteed be set. Rest of fields are protocol or/and platform dependent and might be unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) AccessTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) AccessTimestamp() int64
AccessTimestamp gets the access_timestamp field.
< Time of last access in microseconds since unix epoch, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) Filemode ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) Filemode() int64
Filemode gets the filemode field.
Unix file mode, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) GroupId ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) GroupId() int64
GroupId gets the group_id field.
Group ID of owner, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) ModificationTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) ModificationTimestamp() int64
ModificationTimestamp gets the modification_timestamp field.
< Time of last modification in microseconds since unix epoch, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetAccessTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetAccessTimestamp(value int64)
SetAccessTimestamp sets the access_timestamp field.
< Time of last access in microseconds since unix epoch, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetFilemode ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetFilemode(value int64)
SetFilemode sets the filemode field.
Unix file mode, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetGroupId ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetGroupId(value int64)
SetGroupId sets the group_id field.
Group ID of owner, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetModificationTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetModificationTimestamp(value int64)
SetModificationTimestamp sets the modification_timestamp field.
< Time of last modification in microseconds since unix epoch, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetName ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetName(value *CStr)
SetName sets the name field.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetSize ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetSize(value int64)
SetSize sets the size field.
File size in bytes, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetStatusChangeTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetStatusChangeTimestamp(value int64)
SetStatusChangeTimestamp sets the status_change_timestamp field.
< Time of last status change in microseconds since unix epoch, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetType ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetType(value int)
SetType sets the type field.
Type of the entry
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetUserId ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetUserId(value int64)
SetUserId sets the user_id field.
User ID of owner, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) SetUtf8 ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) SetUtf8(value int)
SetUtf8 sets the utf8 field.
< Set to 1 when name is encoded with UTF-8, 0 otherwise. Name can be encoded with UTF-8 even though 0 is set.
func (*AVIODirEntry) Size ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) Size() int64
Size gets the size field.
File size in bytes, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) StatusChangeTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) StatusChangeTimestamp() int64
StatusChangeTimestamp gets the status_change_timestamp field.
< Time of last status change in microseconds since unix epoch, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) Type ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) Type() int
Type gets the type field.
Type of the entry
func (*AVIODirEntry) UserId ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) UserId() int64
UserId gets the user_id field.
User ID of owner, -1 if unknown.
func (*AVIODirEntry) Utf8 ¶
func (s *AVIODirEntry) Utf8() int
Utf8 gets the utf8 field.
< Set to 1 when name is encoded with UTF-8, 0 otherwise. Name can be encoded with UTF-8 even though 0 is set.
type AVIODirEntryType ¶
type AVIODirEntryType C.enum_AVIODirEntryType
AVIODirEntryType wraps AVIODirEntryType.
Directory entry types.
type AVIOInterruptCB ¶
type AVIOInterruptCB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVIOInterruptCB wraps AVIOInterruptCB.
Callback for checking whether to abort blocking functions. AVERROR_EXIT is returned in this case by the interrupted function. During blocking operations, callback is called with opaque as parameter. If the callback returns 1, the blocking operation will be aborted. No members can be added to this struct without a major bump, if new elements have been added after this struct in AVFormatContext or AVIOContext.
func (*AVIOInterruptCB) Opaque ¶
func (s *AVIOInterruptCB) Opaque() unsafe.Pointer
Opaque gets the opaque field.
func (*AVIOInterruptCB) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVIOInterruptCB) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVIOInterruptCB) SetOpaque ¶
func (s *AVIOInterruptCB) SetOpaque(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetOpaque sets the opaque field.
type AVIndexEntry ¶
type AVIndexEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVIndexEntry wraps AVIndexEntry.
func AVFormatIndexGetEntry ¶
func AVFormatIndexGetEntry(st *AVStream, idx int) *AVIndexEntry
AVFormatIndexGetEntry wraps avformat_index_get_entry.
Get the AVIndexEntry corresponding to the given index. @param st Stream containing the requested AVIndexEntry. @param idx The desired index. @return A pointer to the requested AVIndexEntry if it exists, NULL otherwise. @note The pointer returned by this function is only guaranteed to be valid until any function that takes the stream or the parent AVFormatContext as input argument is called.
func AVFormatIndexGetEntryFromTimestamp ¶
func AVFormatIndexGetEntryFromTimestamp(st *AVStream, wantedTimestamp int64, flags int) *AVIndexEntry
AVFormatIndexGetEntryFromTimestamp wraps avformat_index_get_entry_from_timestamp.
Get the AVIndexEntry corresponding to the given timestamp. @param st Stream containing the requested AVIndexEntry. @param wanted_timestamp Timestamp to retrieve the index entry for. @param flags If AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD then the returned entry will correspond to the timestamp which is <= the requested one, if backward is 0, then it will be >= if AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY seek to any frame, only keyframes otherwise. @return A pointer to the requested AVIndexEntry if it exists, NULL otherwise. @note The pointer returned by this function is only guaranteed to be valid until any function that takes the stream or the parent AVFormatContext as input argument is called.
func (*AVIndexEntry) MinDistance ¶
func (s *AVIndexEntry) MinDistance() int
MinDistance gets the min_distance field.
Minimum distance between this and the previous keyframe, used to avoid unneeded searching.
func (*AVIndexEntry) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVIndexEntry) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVIndexEntry) SetMinDistance ¶
func (s *AVIndexEntry) SetMinDistance(value int)
SetMinDistance sets the min_distance field.
Minimum distance between this and the previous keyframe, used to avoid unneeded searching.
func (*AVIndexEntry) SetTimestamp ¶
func (s *AVIndexEntry) SetTimestamp(value int64)
SetTimestamp sets the timestamp field.
< Timestamp in AVStream.time_base units, preferably the time from which on correctly decoded frames are available when seeking to this entry. That means preferable PTS on keyframe based formats. But demuxers can choose to store a different timestamp, if it is more convenient for the implementation or nothing better is known
func (*AVIndexEntry) Timestamp ¶
func (s *AVIndexEntry) Timestamp() int64
Timestamp gets the timestamp field.
< Timestamp in AVStream.time_base units, preferably the time from which on correctly decoded frames are available when seeking to this entry. That means preferable PTS on keyframe based formats. But demuxers can choose to store a different timestamp, if it is more convenient for the implementation or nothing better is known
type AVInputFormat ¶
type AVInputFormat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVInputFormat wraps AVInputFormat.
func AVFindInputFormat ¶
func AVFindInputFormat(shortName *CStr) *AVInputFormat
AVFindInputFormat wraps av_find_input_format.
Find AVInputFormat based on the short name of the input format.
func AVProbeInputFormat ¶
func AVProbeInputFormat(pd *AVProbeData, isOpened int) *AVInputFormat
AVProbeInputFormat wraps av_probe_input_format.
Guess the file format. @param pd data to be probed @param is_opened Whether the file is already opened; determines whether demuxers with or without AVFMT_NOFILE are probed.
func (*AVInputFormat) CodecTag ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) CodecTag() *Array[*AVCodecTag]
CodecTag gets the codec_tag field.
func (*AVInputFormat) Extensions ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) Extensions() *CStr
Extensions gets the extensions field.
If extensions are defined, then no probe is done. You should usually not use extension format guessing because it is not reliable enough
func (*AVInputFormat) Flags ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) Flags() int
Flags gets the flags field.
func (*AVInputFormat) FlagsInternal ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) FlagsInternal() int
FlagsInternal gets the flags_internal field.
Internal flags. See FF_FMT_FLAG_* in internal.h.
func (*AVInputFormat) LongName ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) LongName() *CStr
LongName gets the long_name field.
Descriptive name for the format, meant to be more human-readable than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVInputFormat) MimeType ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) MimeType() *CStr
MimeType gets the mime_type field.
Comma-separated list of mime types. It is used check for matching mime types while probing. @see av_probe_input_format2
func (*AVInputFormat) Name ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) Name() *CStr
Name gets the name field.
A comma separated list of short names for the format. New names may be appended with a minor bump.
func (*AVInputFormat) PrivClass ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) PrivClass() *AVClass
PrivClass gets the priv_class field.
AVClass for the private context
func (*AVInputFormat) PrivDataSize ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) PrivDataSize() int
PrivDataSize gets the priv_data_size field.
Size of private data so that it can be allocated in the wrapper.
func (*AVInputFormat) RawCodecId ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) RawCodecId() int
RawCodecId gets the raw_codec_id field.
Raw demuxers store their codec ID here.
func (*AVInputFormat) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVInputFormat) SetCodecTag ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetCodecTag(value *Array[AVCodecTag])
SetCodecTag sets the codec_tag field.
func (*AVInputFormat) SetExtensions ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetExtensions(value *CStr)
SetExtensions sets the extensions field.
If extensions are defined, then no probe is done. You should usually not use extension format guessing because it is not reliable enough
func (*AVInputFormat) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
func (*AVInputFormat) SetFlagsInternal ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetFlagsInternal(value int)
SetFlagsInternal sets the flags_internal field.
Internal flags. See FF_FMT_FLAG_* in internal.h.
func (*AVInputFormat) SetLongName ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetLongName(value *CStr)
SetLongName sets the long_name field.
Descriptive name for the format, meant to be more human-readable than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVInputFormat) SetMimeType ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetMimeType(value *CStr)
SetMimeType sets the mime_type field.
Comma-separated list of mime types. It is used check for matching mime types while probing. @see av_probe_input_format2
func (*AVInputFormat) SetName ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetName(value *CStr)
SetName sets the name field.
A comma separated list of short names for the format. New names may be appended with a minor bump.
func (*AVInputFormat) SetPrivClass ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetPrivClass(value *AVClass)
SetPrivClass sets the priv_class field.
AVClass for the private context
func (*AVInputFormat) SetPrivDataSize ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetPrivDataSize(value int)
SetPrivDataSize sets the priv_data_size field.
Size of private data so that it can be allocated in the wrapper.
func (*AVInputFormat) SetRawCodecId ¶
func (s *AVInputFormat) SetRawCodecId(value int)
SetRawCodecId sets the raw_codec_id field.
Raw demuxers store their codec ID here.
type AVMatrixEncoding ¶
type AVMatrixEncoding C.enum_AVMatrixEncoding
AVMatrixEncoding wraps AVMatrixEncoding.
const ( // AVMatrixEncodingNone wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_NONE. AVMatrixEncodingNone AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_NONE // AVMatrixEncodingDolby wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DOLBY. AVMatrixEncodingDolby AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DOLBY // AVMatrixEncodingDplii wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DPLII. AVMatrixEncodingDplii AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DPLII // AVMatrixEncodingDpliix wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DPLIIX. AVMatrixEncodingDpliix AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DPLIIX // AVMatrixEncodingDpliiz wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DPLIIZ. AVMatrixEncodingDpliiz AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DPLIIZ // AVMatrixEncodingDolbyex wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DOLBYEX. AVMatrixEncodingDolbyex AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DOLBYEX // AVMatrixEncodingDolbyheadphone wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DOLBYHEADPHONE. AVMatrixEncodingDolbyheadphone AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_DOLBYHEADPHONE // AVMatrixEncodingNb wraps AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_NB. AVMatrixEncodingNb AVMatrixEncoding = C.AV_MATRIX_ENCODING_NB )
type AVMediaType ¶
type AVMediaType C.enum_AVMediaType
AVMediaType wraps AVMediaType.
@brief Media Type
const ( // AVMediaTypeUnknown wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN. // // Usually treated as AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA AVMediaTypeUnknown AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN // AVMediaTypeVideo wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO. AVMediaTypeVideo AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO // AVMediaTypeAudio wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO. AVMediaTypeAudio AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO // AVMediaTypeData wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA. // // Opaque data information usually continuous AVMediaTypeData AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA // AVMediaTypeSubtitle wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE. AVMediaTypeSubtitle AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE // AVMediaTypeAttachment wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT. // // Opaque data information usually sparse AVMediaTypeAttachment AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT // AVMediaTypeNb wraps AVMEDIA_TYPE_NB. AVMediaTypeNb AVMediaType = C.AVMEDIA_TYPE_NB )
func AVBuffersinkGetType ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetType(ctx *AVFilterContext) AVMediaType
AVBuffersinkGetType wraps av_buffersink_get_type.
func AVCodecGetType ¶
func AVCodecGetType(codecId AVCodecID) AVMediaType
AVCodecGetType wraps avcodec_get_type.
Get the type of the given codec.
func AVFilterPadGetType ¶
func AVFilterPadGetType(pads *AVFilterPad, padIdx int) AVMediaType
AVFilterPadGetType wraps avfilter_pad_get_type.
Get the type of an AVFilterPad. @param pads an array of AVFilterPads @param pad_idx index of the pad in the array; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure the index is valid @return type of the pad_idx'th pad in pads
type AVOption ¶
type AVOption struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVOption wraps AVOption.
func AVOptFind ¶
AVOptFind wraps av_opt_find.
Look for an option in an object. Consider only options which have all the specified flags set. @param[in] obj A pointer to a struct whose first element is a pointer to an AVClass. Alternatively a double pointer to an AVClass, if AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ search flag is set. @param[in] name The name of the option to look for. @param[in] unit When searching for named constants, name of the unit it belongs to. @param opt_flags Find only options with all the specified flags set (AV_OPT_FLAG). @param search_flags A combination of AV_OPT_SEARCH_*. @return A pointer to the option found, or NULL if no option was found. @note Options found with AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN flag may not be settable directly with av_opt_set(). Use special calls which take an options AVDictionary (e.g. avformat_open_input()) to set options found with this flag.
func AVOptNext ¶
AVOptNext wraps av_opt_next.
Iterate over all AVOptions belonging to obj. @param obj an AVOptions-enabled struct or a double pointer to an AVClass describing it. @param prev result of the previous call to av_opt_next() on this object or NULL @return next AVOption or NULL
func (*AVOption) Help ¶
Help gets the help field.
short English help text @todo What about other languages?
func (*AVOption) Offset ¶
Offset gets the offset field.
The offset relative to the context structure where the option value is stored. It should be 0 for named constants.
func (*AVOption) SetHelp ¶
SetHelp sets the help field.
short English help text @todo What about other languages?
func (*AVOption) SetOffset ¶
SetOffset sets the offset field.
The offset relative to the context structure where the option value is stored. It should be 0 for named constants.
func (*AVOption) SetType ¶
func (s *AVOption) SetType(value AVOptionType)
SetType sets the type field.
type AVOptionRange ¶
type AVOptionRange struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVOptionRange wraps AVOptionRange.
A single allowed range of values, or a single allowed value.
func (*AVOptionRange) ComponentMax ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) ComponentMax() float64
ComponentMax gets the component_max field.
Value's component range. For string this represents the unicode range for chars, 0-127 limits to ASCII.
func (*AVOptionRange) ComponentMin ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) ComponentMin() float64
ComponentMin gets the component_min field.
Value's component range. For string this represents the unicode range for chars, 0-127 limits to ASCII.
func (*AVOptionRange) IsRange ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) IsRange() int
IsRange gets the is_range field.
Range flag. If set to 1 the struct encodes a range, if set to 0 a single value.
func (*AVOptionRange) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVOptionRange) SetComponentMax ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) SetComponentMax(value float64)
SetComponentMax sets the component_max field.
Value's component range. For string this represents the unicode range for chars, 0-127 limits to ASCII.
func (*AVOptionRange) SetComponentMin ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) SetComponentMin(value float64)
SetComponentMin sets the component_min field.
Value's component range. For string this represents the unicode range for chars, 0-127 limits to ASCII.
func (*AVOptionRange) SetIsRange ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) SetIsRange(value int)
SetIsRange sets the is_range field.
Range flag. If set to 1 the struct encodes a range, if set to 0 a single value.
func (*AVOptionRange) SetStr ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) SetStr(value *CStr)
SetStr sets the str field.
func (*AVOptionRange) SetValueMax ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) SetValueMax(value float64)
SetValueMax sets the value_max field.
Value range. For string ranges this represents the min/max length. For dimensions this represents the min/max pixel count or width/height in multi-component case.
func (*AVOptionRange) SetValueMin ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) SetValueMin(value float64)
SetValueMin sets the value_min field.
Value range. For string ranges this represents the min/max length. For dimensions this represents the min/max pixel count or width/height in multi-component case.
func (*AVOptionRange) ValueMax ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) ValueMax() float64
ValueMax gets the value_max field.
Value range. For string ranges this represents the min/max length. For dimensions this represents the min/max pixel count or width/height in multi-component case.
func (*AVOptionRange) ValueMin ¶
func (s *AVOptionRange) ValueMin() float64
ValueMin gets the value_min field.
Value range. For string ranges this represents the min/max length. For dimensions this represents the min/max pixel count or width/height in multi-component case.
type AVOptionRanges ¶
type AVOptionRanges struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVOptionRanges wraps AVOptionRanges.
List of AVOptionRange structs.
func (*AVOptionRanges) NbComponents ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) NbComponents() int
NbComponents gets the nb_components field.
Number of componentes.
func (*AVOptionRanges) NbRanges ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) NbRanges() int
NbRanges gets the nb_ranges field.
Number of ranges per component.
func (*AVOptionRanges) Range ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) Range() *Array[*AVOptionRange]
Range gets the range field.
Array of option ranges. Most of option types use just one component. Following describes multi-component option types: AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE: component index 0: range of pixel count (width * height). component index 1: range of width. component index 2: range of height. @note To obtain multi-component version of this structure, user must provide AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE to av_opt_query_ranges or av_opt_query_ranges_default function. Multi-component range can be read as in following example: @code int range_index, component_index; AVOptionRanges *ranges; AVOptionRange *range[3]; //may require more than 3 in the future. av_opt_query_ranges(&ranges, obj, key, AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE); for (range_index = 0; range_index < ranges->nb_ranges; range_index++) { for (component_index = 0; component_index < ranges->nb_components; component_index++) range[component_index] = ranges->range[ranges->nb_ranges * component_index + range_index]; //do something with range here. } av_opt_freep_ranges(&ranges); @endcode
func (*AVOptionRanges) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVOptionRanges) SetNbComponents ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) SetNbComponents(value int)
SetNbComponents sets the nb_components field.
Number of componentes.
func (*AVOptionRanges) SetNbRanges ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) SetNbRanges(value int)
SetNbRanges sets the nb_ranges field.
Number of ranges per component.
func (*AVOptionRanges) SetRange ¶
func (s *AVOptionRanges) SetRange(value *Array[AVOptionRange])
SetRange sets the range field.
Array of option ranges. Most of option types use just one component. Following describes multi-component option types: AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE: component index 0: range of pixel count (width * height). component index 1: range of width. component index 2: range of height. @note To obtain multi-component version of this structure, user must provide AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE to av_opt_query_ranges or av_opt_query_ranges_default function. Multi-component range can be read as in following example: @code int range_index, component_index; AVOptionRanges *ranges; AVOptionRange *range[3]; //may require more than 3 in the future. av_opt_query_ranges(&ranges, obj, key, AV_OPT_MULTI_COMPONENT_RANGE); for (range_index = 0; range_index < ranges->nb_ranges; range_index++) { for (component_index = 0; component_index < ranges->nb_components; component_index++) range[component_index] = ranges->range[ranges->nb_ranges * component_index + range_index]; //do something with range here. } av_opt_freep_ranges(&ranges); @endcode
type AVOptionType ¶
type AVOptionType C.enum_AVOptionType
AVOptionType wraps AVOptionType.
const ( // AVOptTypeFlags wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS. AVOptTypeFlags AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS // AVOptTypeInt wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_INT. AVOptTypeInt AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_INT // AVOptTypeInt64 wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64. AVOptTypeInt64 AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64 // AVOptTypeDouble wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE. AVOptTypeDouble AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_DOUBLE // AVOptTypeFloat wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT. AVOptTypeFloat AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT // AVOptTypeString wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING. AVOptTypeString AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING // AVOptTypeRational wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL. AVOptTypeRational AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_RATIONAL // AVOptTypeBinary wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_BINARY. // // offset must point to a pointer immediately followed by an int for the length AVOptTypeBinary AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_BINARY // AVOptTypeDict wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_DICT. AVOptTypeDict AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_DICT // AVOptTypeUint64 wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_UINT64. AVOptTypeUint64 AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_UINT64 // AVOptTypeConst wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST. AVOptTypeConst AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST // AVOptTypeImageSize wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE. // // offset must point to two consecutive integers AVOptTypeImageSize AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_IMAGE_SIZE // AVOptTypePixelFmt wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_PIXEL_FMT. AVOptTypePixelFmt AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_PIXEL_FMT // AVOptTypeSampleFmt wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_SAMPLE_FMT. AVOptTypeSampleFmt AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_SAMPLE_FMT // AVOptTypeVideoRate wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_VIDEO_RATE. // // offset must point to AVRational AVOptTypeVideoRate AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_VIDEO_RATE // AVOptTypeDuration wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION. AVOptTypeDuration AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_DURATION // AVOptTypeColor wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_COLOR. AVOptTypeColor AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_COLOR // AVOptTypeChannelLayout wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT. AVOptTypeChannelLayout AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT // AVOptTypeBool wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL. AVOptTypeBool AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL // AVOptTypeChlayout wraps AV_OPT_TYPE_CHLAYOUT. AVOptTypeChlayout AVOptionType = C.AV_OPT_TYPE_CHLAYOUT )
type AVOutputFormat ¶
type AVOutputFormat struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVOutputFormat wraps AVOutputFormat.
func AVGuessFormat ¶
func AVGuessFormat(shortName *CStr, filename *CStr, mimeType *CStr) *AVOutputFormat
AVGuessFormat wraps av_guess_format.
Return the output format in the list of registered output formats which best matches the provided parameters, or return NULL if there is no match. @param short_name if non-NULL checks if short_name matches with the names of the registered formats @param filename if non-NULL checks if filename terminates with the extensions of the registered formats @param mime_type if non-NULL checks if mime_type matches with the MIME type of the registered formats
func (*AVOutputFormat) AudioCodec ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) AudioCodec() AVCodecID
AudioCodec gets the audio_codec field.
default audio codec
func (*AVOutputFormat) CodecTag ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) CodecTag() *Array[*AVCodecTag]
CodecTag gets the codec_tag field.
List of supported codec_id-codec_tag pairs, ordered by "better choice first". The arrays are all terminated by AV_CODEC_ID_NONE.
func (*AVOutputFormat) Extensions ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) Extensions() *CStr
Extensions gets the extensions field.
comma-separated filename extensions
func (*AVOutputFormat) Flags ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) Flags() int
Flags gets the flags field.
func (*AVOutputFormat) LongName ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) LongName() *CStr
LongName gets the long_name field.
Descriptive name for the format, meant to be more human-readable than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVOutputFormat) MimeType ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) MimeType() *CStr
MimeType gets the mime_type field.
func (*AVOutputFormat) PrivClass ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) PrivClass() *AVClass
PrivClass gets the priv_class field.
AVClass for the private context
func (*AVOutputFormat) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetAudioCodec ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetAudioCodec(value AVCodecID)
SetAudioCodec sets the audio_codec field.
default audio codec
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetCodecTag ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetCodecTag(value *Array[AVCodecTag])
SetCodecTag sets the codec_tag field.
List of supported codec_id-codec_tag pairs, ordered by "better choice first". The arrays are all terminated by AV_CODEC_ID_NONE.
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetExtensions ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetExtensions(value *CStr)
SetExtensions sets the extensions field.
comma-separated filename extensions
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetLongName ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetLongName(value *CStr)
SetLongName sets the long_name field.
Descriptive name for the format, meant to be more human-readable than name. You should use the NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL() macro to define it.
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetMimeType ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetMimeType(value *CStr)
SetMimeType sets the mime_type field.
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetName ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetName(value *CStr)
SetName sets the name field.
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetPrivClass ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetPrivClass(value *AVClass)
SetPrivClass sets the priv_class field.
AVClass for the private context
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetSubtitleCodec ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetSubtitleCodec(value AVCodecID)
SetSubtitleCodec sets the subtitle_codec field.
default subtitle codec
func (*AVOutputFormat) SetVideoCodec ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SetVideoCodec(value AVCodecID)
SetVideoCodec sets the video_codec field.
default video codec
func (*AVOutputFormat) SubtitleCodec ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) SubtitleCodec() AVCodecID
SubtitleCodec gets the subtitle_codec field.
default subtitle codec
func (*AVOutputFormat) VideoCodec ¶
func (s *AVOutputFormat) VideoCodec() AVCodecID
VideoCodec gets the video_codec field.
default video codec
type AVPacket ¶
type AVPacket struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVPacket wraps AVPacket.
This structure stores compressed data. It is typically exported by demuxers and then passed as input to decoders, or received as output from encoders and then passed to muxers. For video, it should typically contain one compressed frame. For audio it may contain several compressed frames. Encoders are allowed to output empty packets, with no compressed data, containing only side data (e.g. to update some stream parameters at the end of encoding). The semantics of data ownership depends on the buf field. If it is set, the packet data is dynamically allocated and is valid indefinitely until a call to av_packet_unref() reduces the reference count to 0. If the buf field is not set av_packet_ref() would make a copy instead of increasing the reference count. The side data is always allocated with av_malloc(), copied by av_packet_ref() and freed by av_packet_unref(). sizeof(AVPacket) being a part of the public ABI is deprecated. once av_init_packet() is removed, new packets will only be able to be allocated with av_packet_alloc(), and new fields may be added to the end of the struct with a minor bump. @see av_packet_alloc @see av_packet_ref @see av_packet_unref
func AVPacketAlloc ¶
func AVPacketAlloc() *AVPacket
AVPacketAlloc wraps av_packet_alloc.
Allocate an AVPacket and set its fields to default values. The resulting struct must be freed using av_packet_free(). @return An AVPacket filled with default values or NULL on failure. @note this only allocates the AVPacket itself, not the data buffers. Those must be allocated through other means such as av_new_packet. @see av_new_packet
func AVPacketClone ¶
AVPacketClone wraps av_packet_clone.
Create a new packet that references the same data as src. This is a shortcut for av_packet_alloc()+av_packet_ref(). @return newly created AVPacket on success, NULL on error. @see av_packet_alloc @see av_packet_ref
func (*AVPacket) Buf ¶
func (s *AVPacket) Buf() *AVBufferRef
Buf gets the buf field.
A reference to the reference-counted buffer where the packet data is stored. May be NULL, then the packet data is not reference-counted.
func (*AVPacket) Dts ¶
Dts gets the dts field.
Decompression timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which the packet is decompressed. Can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if it is not stored in the file.
func (*AVPacket) Duration ¶
Duration gets the duration field.
Duration of this packet in AVStream->time_base units, 0 if unknown. Equals next_pts - this_pts in presentation order.
func (*AVPacket) OpaqueRef ¶
func (s *AVPacket) OpaqueRef() *AVBufferRef
OpaqueRef gets the opaque_ref field.
AVBufferRef for free use by the API user. FFmpeg will never check the contents of the buffer ref. FFmpeg calls av_buffer_unref() on it when the packet is unreferenced. av_packet_copy_props() calls create a new reference with av_buffer_ref() for the target packet's opaque_ref field. This is unrelated to the opaque field, although it serves a similar purpose.
func (*AVPacket) Pts ¶
Pts gets the pts field.
Presentation timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which the decompressed packet will be presented to the user. Can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if it is not stored in the file. pts MUST be larger or equal to dts as presentation cannot happen before decompression, unless one wants to view hex dumps. Some formats misuse the terms dts and pts/cts to mean something different. Such timestamps must be converted to true pts/dts before they are stored in AVPacket.
func (*AVPacket) SetBuf ¶
func (s *AVPacket) SetBuf(value *AVBufferRef)
SetBuf sets the buf field.
A reference to the reference-counted buffer where the packet data is stored. May be NULL, then the packet data is not reference-counted.
func (*AVPacket) SetDts ¶
SetDts sets the dts field.
Decompression timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which the packet is decompressed. Can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if it is not stored in the file.
func (*AVPacket) SetDuration ¶
SetDuration sets the duration field.
Duration of this packet in AVStream->time_base units, 0 if unknown. Equals next_pts - this_pts in presentation order.
func (*AVPacket) SetOpaqueRef ¶
func (s *AVPacket) SetOpaqueRef(value *AVBufferRef)
SetOpaqueRef sets the opaque_ref field.
AVBufferRef for free use by the API user. FFmpeg will never check the contents of the buffer ref. FFmpeg calls av_buffer_unref() on it when the packet is unreferenced. av_packet_copy_props() calls create a new reference with av_buffer_ref() for the target packet's opaque_ref field. This is unrelated to the opaque field, although it serves a similar purpose.
func (*AVPacket) SetPts ¶
SetPts sets the pts field.
Presentation timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which the decompressed packet will be presented to the user. Can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if it is not stored in the file. pts MUST be larger or equal to dts as presentation cannot happen before decompression, unless one wants to view hex dumps. Some formats misuse the terms dts and pts/cts to mean something different. Such timestamps must be converted to true pts/dts before they are stored in AVPacket.
func (*AVPacket) SetSideData ¶
func (s *AVPacket) SetSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
SetSideData sets the side_data field.
Additional packet data that can be provided by the container. Packet can contain several types of side information.
func (*AVPacket) SetSideDataElems ¶
SetSideDataElems sets the side_data_elems field.
func (*AVPacket) SetStreamIndex ¶
SetStreamIndex sets the stream_index field.
func (*AVPacket) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVPacket) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
Time base of the packet's timestamps. In the future, this field may be set on packets output by encoders or demuxers, but its value will be by default ignored on input to decoders or muxers.
func (*AVPacket) SideData ¶
func (s *AVPacket) SideData() *AVPacketSideData
SideData gets the side_data field.
Additional packet data that can be provided by the container. Packet can contain several types of side information.
func (*AVPacket) SideDataElems ¶
SideDataElems gets the side_data_elems field.
func (*AVPacket) StreamIndex ¶
StreamIndex gets the stream_index field.
func (*AVPacket) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVPacket) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
Time base of the packet's timestamps. In the future, this field may be set on packets output by encoders or demuxers, but its value will be by default ignored on input to decoders or muxers.
type AVPacketList ¶
type AVPacketList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVPacketList wraps AVPacketList.
func (*AVPacketList) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVPacketList) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVPacketList) SetNext ¶
func (s *AVPacketList) SetNext(value *AVPacketList)
SetNext sets the next field.
type AVPacketSideData ¶
type AVPacketSideData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVPacketSideData wraps AVPacketSideData.
This structure stores auxiliary information for decoding, presenting, or otherwise processing the coded stream. It is typically exported by demuxers and encoders and can be fed to decoders and muxers either in a per packet basis, or as global side data (applying to the entire coded stream). Global side data is handled as follows: - During demuxing, it may be exported through @ref AVStream.codecpar.side_data "AVStream's codec parameters", which can then be passed as input to decoders through the @ref AVCodecContext.coded_side_data "decoder context's side data", for initialization. - For muxing, it can be fed through @ref AVStream.codecpar.side_data "AVStream's codec parameters", typically the output of encoders through the @ref AVCodecContext.coded_side_data "encoder context's side data", for initialization. Packet specific side data is handled as follows: - During demuxing, it may be exported through @ref AVPacket.side_data "AVPacket's side data", which can then be passed as input to decoders. - For muxing, it can be fed through @ref AVPacket.side_data "AVPacket's side data", typically the output of encoders. Different modules may accept or export different types of side data depending on media type and codec. Refer to @ref AVPacketSideDataType for a list of defined types and where they may be found or used.
func AVPacketSideDataGet ¶ added in v0.2.0
func AVPacketSideDataGet(sd *AVPacketSideData, nbSd int, _type AVPacketSideDataType) *AVPacketSideData
AVPacketSideDataGet wraps av_packet_side_data_get.
Get side information from a side data array. @param sd the array from which the side data should be fetched @param nb_sd value containing the number of entries in the array. @param type desired side information type @return pointer to side data if present or NULL otherwise
func (*AVPacketSideData) Data ¶
func (s *AVPacketSideData) Data() unsafe.Pointer
Data gets the data field.
func (*AVPacketSideData) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVPacketSideData) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVPacketSideData) SetData ¶
func (s *AVPacketSideData) SetData(value unsafe.Pointer)
SetData sets the data field.
func (*AVPacketSideData) SetSize ¶
func (s *AVPacketSideData) SetSize(value uint64)
SetSize sets the size field.
func (*AVPacketSideData) SetType ¶
func (s *AVPacketSideData) SetType(value AVPacketSideDataType)
SetType sets the type field.
func (*AVPacketSideData) Type ¶
func (s *AVPacketSideData) Type() AVPacketSideDataType
Type gets the type field.
type AVPacketSideDataType ¶
type AVPacketSideDataType C.enum_AVPacketSideDataType
AVPacketSideDataType wraps AVPacketSideDataType.
const ( // AVPktDataPalette wraps AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE. /* An AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE side data packet contains exactly AVPALETTE_SIZE bytes worth of palette. This side data signals that a new palette is present. */ AVPktDataPalette AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE // AVPktDataNewExtradata wraps AV_PKT_DATA_NEW_EXTRADATA. /* The AV_PKT_DATA_NEW_EXTRADATA is used to notify the codec or the format that the extradata buffer was changed and the receiving side should act upon it appropriately. The new extradata is embedded in the side data buffer and should be immediately used for processing the current frame or packet. */ AVPktDataNewExtradata AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_NEW_EXTRADATA // AVPktDataParamChange wraps AV_PKT_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE. /* An AV_PKT_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE side data packet is laid out as follows: @code u32le param_flags if (param_flags & AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_CHANNEL_COUNT) s32le channel_count if (param_flags & AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT) u64le channel_layout if (param_flags & AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_SAMPLE_RATE) s32le sample_rate if (param_flags & AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_DIMENSIONS) s32le width s32le height @endcode */ AVPktDataParamChange AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE // AVPktDataH263MbInfo wraps AV_PKT_DATA_H263_MB_INFO. /* An AV_PKT_DATA_H263_MB_INFO side data packet contains a number of structures with info about macroblocks relevant to splitting the packet into smaller packets on macroblock edges (e.g. as for RFC 2190). That is, it does not necessarily contain info about all macroblocks, as long as the distance between macroblocks in the info is smaller than the target payload size. Each MB info structure is 12 bytes, and is laid out as follows: @code u32le bit offset from the start of the packet u8 current quantizer at the start of the macroblock u8 GOB number u16le macroblock address within the GOB u8 horizontal MV predictor u8 vertical MV predictor u8 horizontal MV predictor for block number 3 u8 vertical MV predictor for block number 3 @endcode */ AVPktDataH263MbInfo AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_H263_MB_INFO // AVPktDataReplaygain wraps AV_PKT_DATA_REPLAYGAIN. /* This side data should be associated with an audio stream and contains ReplayGain information in form of the AVReplayGain struct. */ AVPktDataReplaygain AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_REPLAYGAIN // AVPktDataDisplaymatrix wraps AV_PKT_DATA_DISPLAYMATRIX. /* This side data contains a 3x3 transformation matrix describing an affine transformation that needs to be applied to the decoded video frames for correct presentation. See libavutil/display.h for a detailed description of the data. */ AVPktDataDisplaymatrix AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_DISPLAYMATRIX // AVPktDataStereo3D wraps AV_PKT_DATA_STEREO3D. /* This side data should be associated with a video stream and contains Stereoscopic 3D information in form of the AVStereo3D struct. */ AVPktDataStereo3D AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_STEREO3D // AVPktDataAudioServiceType wraps AV_PKT_DATA_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE. /* This side data should be associated with an audio stream and corresponds to enum AVAudioServiceType. */ AVPktDataAudioServiceType AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_AUDIO_SERVICE_TYPE // AVPktDataQualityStats wraps AV_PKT_DATA_QUALITY_STATS. /* This side data contains quality related information from the encoder. @code u32le quality factor of the compressed frame. Allowed range is between 1 (good) and FF_LAMBDA_MAX (bad). u8 picture type u8 error count u16 reserved u64le[error count] sum of squared differences between encoder in and output @endcode */ AVPktDataQualityStats AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_QUALITY_STATS // AVPktDataFallbackTrack wraps AV_PKT_DATA_FALLBACK_TRACK. /* This side data contains an integer value representing the stream index of a "fallback" track. A fallback track indicates an alternate track to use when the current track can not be decoded for some reason. e.g. no decoder available for codec. */ AVPktDataFallbackTrack AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_FALLBACK_TRACK // AVPktDataCpbProperties wraps AV_PKT_DATA_CPB_PROPERTIES. // // This side data corresponds to the AVCPBProperties struct. AVPktDataCpbProperties AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_CPB_PROPERTIES // AVPktDataSkipSamples wraps AV_PKT_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES. /* Recommmends skipping the specified number of samples @code u32le number of samples to skip from start of this packet u32le number of samples to skip from end of this packet u8 reason for start skip u8 reason for end skip (0=padding silence, 1=convergence) @endcode */ AVPktDataSkipSamples AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES // AVPktDataJpDualmono wraps AV_PKT_DATA_JP_DUALMONO. /* An AV_PKT_DATA_JP_DUALMONO side data packet indicates that the packet may contain "dual mono" audio specific to Japanese DTV and if it is true, recommends only the selected channel to be used. @code u8 selected channels (0=main/left, 1=sub/right, 2=both) @endcode */ AVPktDataJpDualmono AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_JP_DUALMONO // AVPktDataStringsMetadata wraps AV_PKT_DATA_STRINGS_METADATA. /* A list of zero terminated key/value strings. There is no end marker for the list, so it is required to rely on the side data size to stop. */ AVPktDataStringsMetadata AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_STRINGS_METADATA // AVPktDataSubtitlePosition wraps AV_PKT_DATA_SUBTITLE_POSITION. /* Subtitle event position @code u32le x1 u32le y1 u32le x2 u32le y2 @endcode */ AVPktDataSubtitlePosition AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_SUBTITLE_POSITION // AVPktDataMatroskaBlockadditional wraps AV_PKT_DATA_MATROSKA_BLOCKADDITIONAL. /* Data found in BlockAdditional element of matroska container. There is no end marker for the data, so it is required to rely on the side data size to recognize the end. 8 byte id (as found in BlockAddId) followed by data. */ AVPktDataMatroskaBlockadditional AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_MATROSKA_BLOCKADDITIONAL // AVPktDataWebvttIdentifier wraps AV_PKT_DATA_WEBVTT_IDENTIFIER. // // The optional first identifier line of a WebVTT cue. AVPktDataWebvttIdentifier AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_WEBVTT_IDENTIFIER // AVPktDataWebvttSettings wraps AV_PKT_DATA_WEBVTT_SETTINGS. /* The optional settings (rendering instructions) that immediately follow the timestamp specifier of a WebVTT cue. */ AVPktDataWebvttSettings AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_WEBVTT_SETTINGS // AVPktDataMetadataUpdate wraps AV_PKT_DATA_METADATA_UPDATE. /* A list of zero terminated key/value strings. There is no end marker for the list, so it is required to rely on the side data size to stop. This side data includes updated metadata which appeared in the stream. */ AVPktDataMetadataUpdate AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_METADATA_UPDATE // AVPktDataMpegtsStreamId wraps AV_PKT_DATA_MPEGTS_STREAM_ID. /* MPEGTS stream ID as uint8_t, this is required to pass the stream ID information from the demuxer to the corresponding muxer. */ AVPktDataMpegtsStreamId AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_MPEGTS_STREAM_ID // AVPktDataMasteringDisplayMetadata wraps AV_PKT_DATA_MASTERING_DISPLAY_METADATA. /* Mastering display metadata (based on SMPTE-2086:2014). This metadata should be associated with a video stream and contains data in the form of the AVMasteringDisplayMetadata struct. */ AVPktDataMasteringDisplayMetadata AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_MASTERING_DISPLAY_METADATA // AVPktDataSpherical wraps AV_PKT_DATA_SPHERICAL. /* This side data should be associated with a video stream and corresponds to the AVSphericalMapping structure. */ AVPktDataSpherical AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_SPHERICAL // AVPktDataContentLightLevel wraps AV_PKT_DATA_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL. /* Content light level (based on CTA-861.3). This metadata should be associated with a video stream and contains data in the form of the AVContentLightMetadata struct. */ AVPktDataContentLightLevel AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_CONTENT_LIGHT_LEVEL // AVPktDataA53Cc wraps AV_PKT_DATA_A53_CC. /* ATSC A53 Part 4 Closed Captions. This metadata should be associated with a video stream. A53 CC bitstream is stored as uint8_t in The number of bytes of CC data is AVPacketSideData.size. */ AVPktDataA53Cc AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_A53_CC // AVPktDataEncryptionInitInfo wraps AV_PKT_DATA_ENCRYPTION_INIT_INFO. /* This side data is encryption initialization data. The format is not part of ABI, use av_encryption_init_info_* methods to access. */ AVPktDataEncryptionInitInfo AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_ENCRYPTION_INIT_INFO // AVPktDataEncryptionInfo wraps AV_PKT_DATA_ENCRYPTION_INFO. /* This side data contains encryption info for how to decrypt the packet. The format is not part of ABI, use av_encryption_info_* methods to access. */ AVPktDataEncryptionInfo AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_ENCRYPTION_INFO // AVPktDataAfd wraps AV_PKT_DATA_AFD. /* Active Format Description data consisting of a single byte as specified in ETSI TS 101 154 using AVActiveFormatDescription enum. */ AVPktDataAfd AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_AFD // AVPktDataPrft wraps AV_PKT_DATA_PRFT. /* Producer Reference Time data corresponding to the AVProducerReferenceTime struct, usually exported by some encoders (on demand through the prft flag set in the AVCodecContext export_side_data field). */ AVPktDataPrft AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_PRFT // AVPktDataIccProfile wraps AV_PKT_DATA_ICC_PROFILE. /* ICC profile data consisting of an opaque octet buffer following the format described by ISO 15076-1. */ AVPktDataIccProfile AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_ICC_PROFILE // AVPktDataDoviConf wraps AV_PKT_DATA_DOVI_CONF. /* DOVI configuration ref: dolby-vision-bitstreams-within-the-iso-base-media-file-format-v2.1.2, section 2.2 dolby-vision-bitstreams-in-mpeg-2-transport-stream-multiplex-v1.2, section 3.3 Tags are stored in struct AVDOVIDecoderConfigurationRecord. */ AVPktDataDoviConf AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_DOVI_CONF // AVPktDataS12MTimecode wraps AV_PKT_DATA_S12M_TIMECODE. /* Timecode which conforms to SMPTE ST 12-1:2014. The data is an array of 4 uint32_t where the first uint32_t describes how many (1-3) of the other timecodes are used. The timecode format is described in the documentation of av_timecode_get_smpte_from_framenum() function in libavutil/timecode.h. */ AVPktDataS12MTimecode AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_S12M_TIMECODE // AVPktDataDynamicHdr10Plus wraps AV_PKT_DATA_DYNAMIC_HDR10_PLUS. /* HDR10+ dynamic metadata associated with a video frame. The metadata is in the form of the AVDynamicHDRPlus struct and contains information for color volume transform - application 4 of SMPTE 2094-40:2016 standard. */ AVPktDataDynamicHdr10Plus AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_DYNAMIC_HDR10_PLUS // AVPktDataNb wraps AV_PKT_DATA_NB. /* The number of side data types. This is not part of the public API/ABI in the sense that it may change when new side data types are added. This must stay the last enum value. If its value becomes huge, some code using it needs to be updated as it assumes it to be smaller than other limits. */ AVPktDataNb AVPacketSideDataType = C.AV_PKT_DATA_NB )
type AVPanScan ¶
type AVPanScan struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVPanScan wraps AVPanScan.
Pan Scan area. This specifies the area which should be displayed. Note there may be multiple such areas for one frame.
func (*AVPanScan) Id ¶
Id gets the id field.
id - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
func (*AVPanScan) SetId ¶
SetId sets the id field.
id - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavcodec.
type AVPictureStructure ¶
type AVPictureStructure C.enum_AVPictureStructure
AVPictureStructure wraps AVPictureStructure.
const ( // AVPictureStructureUnknown wraps AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_UNKNOWN. // // unknown AVPictureStructureUnknown AVPictureStructure = C.AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_UNKNOWN // AVPictureStructureTopField wraps AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD. // // coded as top field AVPictureStructureTopField AVPictureStructure = C.AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD // AVPictureStructureBottomField wraps AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD. // // coded as bottom field AVPictureStructureBottomField AVPictureStructure = C.AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD // AVPictureStructureFrame wraps AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME. // // coded as frame AVPictureStructureFrame AVPictureStructure = C.AV_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME )
type AVPictureType ¶
type AVPictureType C.enum_AVPictureType
AVPictureType wraps AVPictureType.
const ( // AVPictureTypeNone wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_NONE. // // Undefined AVPictureTypeNone AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_NONE // AVPictureTypeI wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I. // // Intra AVPictureTypeI AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I // AVPictureTypeP wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P. // // Predicted AVPictureTypeP AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P // AVPictureTypeB wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B. // // Bi-dir predicted AVPictureTypeB AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B // AVPictureTypeS wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_S. // // S(GMC)-VOP MPEG-4 AVPictureTypeS AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_S // AVPictureTypeSi wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SI. // // Switching Intra AVPictureTypeSi AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SI // AVPictureTypeSp wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SP. // // Switching Predicted AVPictureTypeSp AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SP // AVPictureTypeBi wraps AV_PICTURE_TYPE_BI. // // BI type AVPictureTypeBi AVPictureType = C.AV_PICTURE_TYPE_BI )
type AVPixelFormat ¶
type AVPixelFormat C.enum_AVPixelFormat
AVPixelFormat wraps AVPixelFormat.
Pixel format. @note AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32 is handled in an endian-specific manner. An RGBA color is put together as: (A << 24) | (R << 16) | (G << 8) | B This is stored as BGRA on little-endian CPU architectures and ARGB on big-endian CPUs. @note If the resolution is not a multiple of the chroma subsampling factor then the chroma plane resolution must be rounded up. @par When the pixel format is palettized RGB32 (AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8), the palettized image data is stored in[0]. The palette is transported in[1], is 1024 bytes long (256 4-byte entries) and is formatted the same as in AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32 described above (i.e., it is also endian-specific). Note also that the individual RGB32 palette components stored in[1] should be in the range 0..255. This is important as many custom PAL8 video codecs that were designed to run on the IBM VGA graphics adapter use 6-bit palette components. @par For all the 8 bits per pixel formats, an RGB32 palette is in data[1] like for pal8. This palette is filled in automatically by the function allocating the picture.
const ( // AVPixFmtNone wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NONE. AVPixFmtNone AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NONE // AVPixFmtYuv420P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 12bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples) AVPixFmtYuv420P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P // AVPixFmtYuyv422 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUYV422. // // packed YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, Y0 Cb Y1 Cr AVPixFmtYuyv422 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUYV422 // AVPixFmtRgb24 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24. // // packed RGB 8:8:8, 24bpp, RGBRGB... AVPixFmtRgb24 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24 // AVPixFmtBgr24 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24. // // packed RGB 8:8:8, 24bpp, BGRBGR... AVPixFmtBgr24 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24 // AVPixFmtYuv422P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples) AVPixFmtYuv422P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P // AVPixFmtYuv444P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples) AVPixFmtYuv444P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P // AVPixFmtYuv410P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV410P. // // planar YUV 4:1:0, 9bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 4x4 Y samples) AVPixFmtYuv410P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV410P // AVPixFmtYuv411P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV411P. // // planar YUV 4:1:1, 12bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 4x1 Y samples) AVPixFmtYuv411P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV411P // AVPixFmtGray8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8. // // Y , 8bpp AVPixFmtGray8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8 // AVPixFmtMonowhite wraps AV_PIX_FMT_MONOWHITE. // // Y , 1bpp, 0 is white, 1 is black, in each byte pixels are ordered from the msb to the lsb AVPixFmtMonowhite AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_MONOWHITE // AVPixFmtMonoblack wraps AV_PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK. // // Y , 1bpp, 0 is black, 1 is white, in each byte pixels are ordered from the msb to the lsb AVPixFmtMonoblack AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK // AVPixFmtPal8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8. // // 8 bits with AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32 palette AVPixFmtPal8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8 // AVPixFmtYuvj420P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 12bpp, full scale (JPEG), deprecated in favor of AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P and setting color_range AVPixFmtYuvj420P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P // AVPixFmtYuvj422P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, full scale (JPEG), deprecated in favor of AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P and setting color_range AVPixFmtYuvj422P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P // AVPixFmtYuvj444P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ444P. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 24bpp, full scale (JPEG), deprecated in favor of AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P and setting color_range AVPixFmtYuvj444P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ444P // AVPixFmtUyvy422 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422. // // packed YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, Cb Y0 Cr Y1 AVPixFmtUyvy422 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_UYVY422 // AVPixFmtUyyvyy411 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_UYYVYY411. // // packed YUV 4:1:1, 12bpp, Cb Y0 Y1 Cr Y2 Y3 AVPixFmtUyyvyy411 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_UYYVYY411 // AVPixFmtBgr8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR8. // // packed RGB 3:3:2, 8bpp, (msb)2B 3G 3R(lsb) AVPixFmtBgr8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR8 // AVPixFmtBgr4 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR4. // // packed RGB 1:2:1 bitstream, 4bpp, (msb)1B 2G 1R(lsb), a byte contains two pixels, the first pixel in the byte is the one composed by the 4 msb bits AVPixFmtBgr4 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR4 // AVPixFmtBgr4Byte wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR4_BYTE. // // packed RGB 1:2:1, 8bpp, (msb)1B 2G 1R(lsb) AVPixFmtBgr4Byte AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR4_BYTE // AVPixFmtRgb8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB8. // // packed RGB 3:3:2, 8bpp, (msb)2R 3G 3B(lsb) AVPixFmtRgb8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB8 // AVPixFmtRgb4 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB4. // // packed RGB 1:2:1 bitstream, 4bpp, (msb)1R 2G 1B(lsb), a byte contains two pixels, the first pixel in the byte is the one composed by the 4 msb bits AVPixFmtRgb4 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB4 // AVPixFmtRgb4Byte wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB4_BYTE. // // packed RGB 1:2:1, 8bpp, (msb)1R 2G 1B(lsb) AVPixFmtRgb4Byte AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB4_BYTE // AVPixFmtNv12 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV12. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 12bpp, 1 plane for Y and 1 plane for the UV components, which are interleaved (first byte U and the following byte V) AVPixFmtNv12 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 // AVPixFmtNv21 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV21. // // as above, but U and V bytes are swapped AVPixFmtNv21 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV21 // AVPixFmtArgb wraps AV_PIX_FMT_ARGB. // // packed ARGB 8:8:8:8, 32bpp, ARGBARGB... AVPixFmtArgb AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_ARGB // AVPixFmtRgba wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA. // // packed RGBA 8:8:8:8, 32bpp, RGBARGBA... AVPixFmtRgba AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA // AVPixFmtAbgr wraps AV_PIX_FMT_ABGR. // // packed ABGR 8:8:8:8, 32bpp, ABGRABGR... AVPixFmtAbgr AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_ABGR // AVPixFmtBgra wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA. // // packed BGRA 8:8:8:8, 32bpp, BGRABGRA... AVPixFmtBgra AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA // AVPixFmtGray16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16BE. // // Y , 16bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGray16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16BE // AVPixFmtGray16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16LE. // // Y , 16bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGray16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16LE // AVPixFmtYuv440P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P. // // planar YUV 4:4:0 (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x2 Y samples) AVPixFmtYuv440P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P // AVPixFmtYuvj440P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ440P. // // planar YUV 4:4:0 full scale (JPEG), deprecated in favor of AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P and setting color_range AVPixFmtYuvj440P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ440P // AVPixFmtYuva420P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples) AVPixFmtYuva420P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P // AVPixFmtRgb48Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48BE. // // packed RGB 16:16:16, 48bpp, 16R, 16G, 16B, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B component is stored as big-endian AVPixFmtRgb48Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48BE // AVPixFmtRgb48Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48LE. // // packed RGB 16:16:16, 48bpp, 16R, 16G, 16B, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B component is stored as little-endian AVPixFmtRgb48Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48LE // AVPixFmtRgb565Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565BE. // // packed RGB 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb) 5R 6G 5B(lsb), big-endian AVPixFmtRgb565Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565BE // AVPixFmtRgb565Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565LE. // // packed RGB 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb) 5R 6G 5B(lsb), little-endian AVPixFmtRgb565Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB565LE // AVPixFmtRgb555Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555BE. // // packed RGB 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1X 5R 5G 5B(lsb), big-endian , X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtRgb555Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555BE // AVPixFmtRgb555Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555LE. // // packed RGB 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1X 5R 5G 5B(lsb), little-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtRgb555Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB555LE // AVPixFmtBgr565Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565BE. // // packed BGR 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb) 5B 6G 5R(lsb), big-endian AVPixFmtBgr565Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565BE // AVPixFmtBgr565Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565LE. // // packed BGR 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb) 5B 6G 5R(lsb), little-endian AVPixFmtBgr565Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR565LE // AVPixFmtBgr555Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR555BE. // // packed BGR 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1X 5B 5G 5R(lsb), big-endian , X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtBgr555Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR555BE // AVPixFmtBgr555Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR555LE. // // packed BGR 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1X 5B 5G 5R(lsb), little-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtBgr555Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR555LE // AVPixFmtVaapi wraps AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI. /* Hardware acceleration through VA-API, data[3] contains a VASurfaceID. */ AVPixFmtVaapi AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI // AVPixFmtYuv420P16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16LE // AVPixFmtYuv420P16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16BE // AVPixFmtYuv422P16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 32bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16LE // AVPixFmtYuv422P16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 32bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16BE // AVPixFmtYuv444P16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 48bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16LE // AVPixFmtYuv444P16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 48bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16BE // AVPixFmtDxva2Vld wraps AV_PIX_FMT_DXVA2_VLD. // // HW decoding through DXVA2,[3] contains a LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pointer AVPixFmtDxva2Vld AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_DXVA2_VLD // AVPixFmtRgb444Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB444LE. // // packed RGB 4:4:4, 16bpp, (msb)4X 4R 4G 4B(lsb), little-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtRgb444Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB444LE // AVPixFmtRgb444Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB444BE. // // packed RGB 4:4:4, 16bpp, (msb)4X 4R 4G 4B(lsb), big-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtRgb444Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB444BE // AVPixFmtBgr444Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR444LE. // // packed BGR 4:4:4, 16bpp, (msb)4X 4B 4G 4R(lsb), little-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtBgr444Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR444LE // AVPixFmtBgr444Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR444BE. // // packed BGR 4:4:4, 16bpp, (msb)4X 4B 4G 4R(lsb), big-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtBgr444Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR444BE // AVPixFmtYa8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YA8. // // 8 bits gray, 8 bits alpha AVPixFmtYa8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YA8 // AVPixFmtY400A wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y400A. // // alias for AV_PIX_FMT_YA8 AVPixFmtY400A AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y400A // AVPixFmtGray8A wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8A. // // alias for AV_PIX_FMT_YA8 AVPixFmtGray8A AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8A // AVPixFmtBgr48Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR48BE. // // packed RGB 16:16:16, 48bpp, 16B, 16G, 16R, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B component is stored as big-endian AVPixFmtBgr48Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR48BE // AVPixFmtBgr48Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR48LE. // // packed RGB 16:16:16, 48bpp, 16B, 16G, 16R, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B component is stored as little-endian AVPixFmtBgr48Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR48LE // AVPixFmtYuv420P9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P9BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 13.5bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P9BE // AVPixFmtYuv420P9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P9LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 13.5bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P9LE // AVPixFmtYuv420P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 15bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10BE // AVPixFmtYuv420P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0, 15bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10LE // AVPixFmtYuv422P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10BE // AVPixFmtYuv422P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10LE // AVPixFmtYuv444P9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P9BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 27bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P9BE // AVPixFmtYuv444P9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P9LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 27bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P9LE // AVPixFmtYuv444P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 30bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10BE // AVPixFmtYuv444P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 30bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10LE // AVPixFmtYuv422P9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P9BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 18bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P9BE // AVPixFmtYuv422P9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P9LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2, 18bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P9LE // AVPixFmtGbrp wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 24bpp AVPixFmtGbrp AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP // AVPixFmtGbr24P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBR24P. // // alias for #AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP AVPixFmtGbr24P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBR24P // AVPixFmtGbrp9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP9BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 27bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrp9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP9BE // AVPixFmtGbrp9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP9LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 27bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrp9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP9LE // AVPixFmtGbrp10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP10BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 30bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrp10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP10BE // AVPixFmtGbrp10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP10LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 30bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrp10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP10LE // AVPixFmtGbrp16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 48bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrp16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16BE // AVPixFmtGbrp16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 48bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrp16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP16LE // AVPixFmtYuva422P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples) AVPixFmtYuva422P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P // AVPixFmtYuva444P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 32bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples) AVPixFmtYuva444P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P // AVPixFmtYuva420P9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P9BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0 22.5bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuva420P9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P9BE // AVPixFmtYuva420P9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P9LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0 22.5bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuva420P9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P9LE // AVPixFmtYuva422P9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P9BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 27bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuva422P9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P9BE // AVPixFmtYuva422P9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P9LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 27bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuva422P9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P9LE // AVPixFmtYuva444P9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P9BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 36bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuva444P9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P9BE // AVPixFmtYuva444P9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P9LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 36bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuva444P9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P9LE // AVPixFmtYuva420P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0 25bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples, big-endian) AVPixFmtYuva420P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P10BE // AVPixFmtYuva420P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0 25bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples, little-endian) AVPixFmtYuva420P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P10LE // AVPixFmtYuva422P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 30bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples, big-endian) AVPixFmtYuva422P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P10BE // AVPixFmtYuva422P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 30bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples, little-endian) AVPixFmtYuva422P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P10LE // AVPixFmtYuva444P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 40bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples, big-endian) AVPixFmtYuva444P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P10BE // AVPixFmtYuva444P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 40bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples, little-endian) AVPixFmtYuva444P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P10LE // AVPixFmtYuva420P16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P16BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0 40bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples, big-endian) AVPixFmtYuva420P16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P16BE // AVPixFmtYuva420P16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P16LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0 40bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y & A samples, little-endian) AVPixFmtYuva420P16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P16LE // AVPixFmtYuva422P16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P16BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 48bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples, big-endian) AVPixFmtYuva422P16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P16BE // AVPixFmtYuva422P16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P16LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2 48bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y & A samples, little-endian) AVPixFmtYuva422P16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P16LE // AVPixFmtYuva444P16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P16BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 64bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples, big-endian) AVPixFmtYuva444P16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P16BE // AVPixFmtYuva444P16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P16LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4 64bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples, little-endian) AVPixFmtYuva444P16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P16LE // AVPixFmtVdpau wraps AV_PIX_FMT_VDPAU. // // HW acceleration through VDPAU,[3] contains a VdpVideoSurface AVPixFmtVdpau AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_VDPAU // AVPixFmtXyz12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XYZ12LE. // // packed XYZ 4:4:4, 36 bpp, (msb) 12X, 12Y, 12Z (lsb), the 2-byte value for each X/Y/Z is stored as little-endian, the 4 lower bits are set to 0 AVPixFmtXyz12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XYZ12LE // AVPixFmtXyz12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XYZ12BE. // // packed XYZ 4:4:4, 36 bpp, (msb) 12X, 12Y, 12Z (lsb), the 2-byte value for each X/Y/Z is stored as big-endian, the 4 lower bits are set to 0 AVPixFmtXyz12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XYZ12BE // AVPixFmtNv16 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV16. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples) AVPixFmtNv16 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV16 // AVPixFmtNv20Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV20LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtNv20Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV20LE // AVPixFmtNv20Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV20BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtNv20Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV20BE // AVPixFmtRgba64Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA64BE. // // packed RGBA 16:16:16:16, 64bpp, 16R, 16G, 16B, 16A, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B/A component is stored as big-endian AVPixFmtRgba64Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA64BE // AVPixFmtRgba64Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA64LE. // // packed RGBA 16:16:16:16, 64bpp, 16R, 16G, 16B, 16A, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B/A component is stored as little-endian AVPixFmtRgba64Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA64LE // AVPixFmtBgra64Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA64BE. // // packed RGBA 16:16:16:16, 64bpp, 16B, 16G, 16R, 16A, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B/A component is stored as big-endian AVPixFmtBgra64Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA64BE // AVPixFmtBgra64Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA64LE. // // packed RGBA 16:16:16:16, 64bpp, 16B, 16G, 16R, 16A, the 2-byte value for each R/G/B/A component is stored as little-endian AVPixFmtBgra64Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA64LE // AVPixFmtYvyu422 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YVYU422. // // packed YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, Y0 Cr Y1 Cb AVPixFmtYvyu422 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YVYU422 // AVPixFmtYa16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YA16BE. // // 16 bits gray, 16 bits alpha (big-endian) AVPixFmtYa16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YA16BE // AVPixFmtYa16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YA16LE. // // 16 bits gray, 16 bits alpha (little-endian) AVPixFmtYa16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YA16LE // AVPixFmtGbrap wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP. // // planar GBRA 4:4:4:4 32bpp AVPixFmtGbrap AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP // AVPixFmtGbrap16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16BE. // // planar GBRA 4:4:4:4 64bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrap16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16BE // AVPixFmtGbrap16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16LE. // // planar GBRA 4:4:4:4 64bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrap16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP16LE // AVPixFmtQsv wraps AV_PIX_FMT_QSV. /* HW acceleration through QSV, data[3] contains a pointer to the mfxFrameSurface1 structure. Before FFmpeg 5.0: mfxFrameSurface1.Data.MemId contains a pointer when importing the following frames as QSV frames: VAAPI: mfxFrameSurface1.Data.MemId contains a pointer to VASurfaceID DXVA2: mfxFrameSurface1.Data.MemId contains a pointer to IDirect3DSurface9 FFmpeg 5.0 and above: mfxFrameSurface1.Data.MemId contains a pointer to the mfxHDLPair structure when importing the following frames as QSV frames: VAAPI: mfxHDLPair.first contains a VASurfaceID pointer. mfxHDLPair.second is always MFX_INFINITE. DXVA2: mfxHDLPair.first contains IDirect3DSurface9 pointer. mfxHDLPair.second is always MFX_INFINITE. D3D11: mfxHDLPair.first contains a ID3D11Texture2D pointer. mfxHDLPair.second contains the texture array index of the frame if the ID3D11Texture2D is an array texture, or always MFX_INFINITE if it is a normal texture. */ AVPixFmtQsv AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_QSV // AVPixFmtMmal wraps AV_PIX_FMT_MMAL. /* HW acceleration though MMAL, data[3] contains a pointer to the MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T structure. */ AVPixFmtMmal AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_MMAL // AVPixFmtD3D11VaVld wraps AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11VA_VLD. // // HW decoding through Direct3D11 via old API,[3] contains a ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputView pointer AVPixFmtD3D11VaVld AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11VA_VLD // AVPixFmtCuda wraps AV_PIX_FMT_CUDA. /* HW acceleration through CUDA. data[i] contain CUdeviceptr pointers exactly as for system memory frames. */ AVPixFmtCuda AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_CUDA // AVPixFmt0Rgb wraps AV_PIX_FMT_0RGB. // // packed RGB 8:8:8, 32bpp, XRGBXRGB... X=unused/undefined AVPixFmt0Rgb AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_0RGB // AVPixFmtRgb0 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGB0. // // packed RGB 8:8:8, 32bpp, RGBXRGBX... X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtRgb0 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGB0 // AVPixFmt0Bgr wraps AV_PIX_FMT_0BGR. // // packed BGR 8:8:8, 32bpp, XBGRXBGR... X=unused/undefined AVPixFmt0Bgr AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_0BGR // AVPixFmtBgr0 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BGR0. // // packed BGR 8:8:8, 32bpp, BGRXBGRX... X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtBgr0 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BGR0 // AVPixFmtYuv420P12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0,18bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12BE // AVPixFmtYuv420P12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0,18bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12LE // AVPixFmtYuv420P14Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0,21bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P14Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14BE // AVPixFmtYuv420P14Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:0,21bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv420P14Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14LE // AVPixFmtYuv422P12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2,24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12BE // AVPixFmtYuv422P12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2,24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12LE // AVPixFmtYuv422P14Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2,28bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P14Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14BE // AVPixFmtYuv422P14Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2,28bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv422P14Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14LE // AVPixFmtYuv444P12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4,36bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12BE // AVPixFmtYuv444P12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4,36bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12LE // AVPixFmtYuv444P14Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4,42bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P14Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14BE // AVPixFmtYuv444P14Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4,42bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv444P14Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14LE // AVPixFmtGbrp12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP12BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 36bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrp12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP12BE // AVPixFmtGbrp12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP12LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 36bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrp12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP12LE // AVPixFmtGbrp14Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP14BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 42bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrp14Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP14BE // AVPixFmtGbrp14Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP14LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4 42bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrp14Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRP14LE // AVPixFmtYuvj411P wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ411P. // // planar YUV 4:1:1, 12bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 4x1 Y samples) full scale (JPEG), deprecated in favor of AV_PIX_FMT_YUV411P and setting color_range AVPixFmtYuvj411P AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ411P // AVPixFmtBayerBggr8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR8. // // bayer, BGBG..(odd line), GRGR..(even line), 8-bit samples AVPixFmtBayerBggr8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR8 // AVPixFmtBayerRggb8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB8. // // bayer, RGRG..(odd line), GBGB..(even line), 8-bit samples AVPixFmtBayerRggb8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB8 // AVPixFmtBayerGbrg8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG8. // // bayer, GBGB..(odd line), RGRG..(even line), 8-bit samples AVPixFmtBayerGbrg8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG8 // AVPixFmtBayerGrbg8 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG8. // // bayer, GRGR..(odd line), BGBG..(even line), 8-bit samples AVPixFmtBayerGrbg8 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG8 // AVPixFmtBayerBggr16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR16LE. // // bayer, BGBG..(odd line), GRGR..(even line), 16-bit samples, little-endian AVPixFmtBayerBggr16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR16LE // AVPixFmtBayerBggr16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR16BE. // // bayer, BGBG..(odd line), GRGR..(even line), 16-bit samples, big-endian AVPixFmtBayerBggr16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_BGGR16BE // AVPixFmtBayerRggb16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16LE. // // bayer, RGRG..(odd line), GBGB..(even line), 16-bit samples, little-endian AVPixFmtBayerRggb16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16LE // AVPixFmtBayerRggb16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16BE. // // bayer, RGRG..(odd line), GBGB..(even line), 16-bit samples, big-endian AVPixFmtBayerRggb16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_RGGB16BE // AVPixFmtBayerGbrg16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG16LE. // // bayer, GBGB..(odd line), RGRG..(even line), 16-bit samples, little-endian AVPixFmtBayerGbrg16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG16LE // AVPixFmtBayerGbrg16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG16BE. // // bayer, GBGB..(odd line), RGRG..(even line), 16-bit samples, big-endian AVPixFmtBayerGbrg16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GBRG16BE // AVPixFmtBayerGrbg16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG16LE. // // bayer, GRGR..(odd line), BGBG..(even line), 16-bit samples, little-endian AVPixFmtBayerGrbg16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG16LE // AVPixFmtBayerGrbg16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG16BE. // // bayer, GRGR..(odd line), BGBG..(even line), 16-bit samples, big-endian AVPixFmtBayerGrbg16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_BAYER_GRBG16BE // AVPixFmtXvmc wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XVMC. // // XVideo Motion Acceleration via common packet passing AVPixFmtXvmc AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XVMC // AVPixFmtYuv440P10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P10LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:0,20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv440P10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P10LE // AVPixFmtYuv440P10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P10BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:0,20bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv440P10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P10BE // AVPixFmtYuv440P12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P12LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:0,24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x2 Y samples), little-endian AVPixFmtYuv440P12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P12LE // AVPixFmtYuv440P12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P12BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:0,24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x2 Y samples), big-endian AVPixFmtYuv440P12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P12BE // AVPixFmtAyuv64Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_AYUV64LE. // // packed AYUV 4:4:4,64bpp (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples), little-endian AVPixFmtAyuv64Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_AYUV64LE // AVPixFmtAyuv64Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_AYUV64BE. // // packed AYUV 4:4:4,64bpp (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y & A samples), big-endian AVPixFmtAyuv64Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_AYUV64BE // AVPixFmtVideotoolbox wraps AV_PIX_FMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX. // // hardware decoding through Videotoolbox AVPixFmtVideotoolbox AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_VIDEOTOOLBOX // AVPixFmtP010Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P010LE. // // like NV12, with 10bpp per component, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, little-endian AVPixFmtP010Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P010LE // AVPixFmtP010Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P010BE. // // like NV12, with 10bpp per component, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, big-endian AVPixFmtP010Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P010BE // AVPixFmtGbrap12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP12BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4:4 48bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrap12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP12BE // AVPixFmtGbrap12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP12LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4:4 48bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrap12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP12LE // AVPixFmtGbrap10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP10BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4:4 40bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrap10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP10BE // AVPixFmtGbrap10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP10LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4:4 40bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrap10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP10LE // AVPixFmtMediacodec wraps AV_PIX_FMT_MEDIACODEC. // // hardware decoding through MediaCodec AVPixFmtMediacodec AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_MEDIACODEC // AVPixFmtGray12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY12BE. // // Y , 12bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGray12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY12BE // AVPixFmtGray12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY12LE. // // Y , 12bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGray12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY12LE // AVPixFmtGray10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY10BE. // // Y , 10bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGray10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY10BE // AVPixFmtGray10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY10LE. // // Y , 10bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGray10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY10LE // AVPixFmtP016Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P016LE. // // like NV12, with 16bpp per component, little-endian AVPixFmtP016Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P016LE // AVPixFmtP016Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P016BE. // // like NV12, with 16bpp per component, big-endian AVPixFmtP016Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P016BE // AVPixFmtD3D11 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11. /* Hardware surfaces for Direct3D11. This is preferred over the legacy AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11VA_VLD. The new D3D11 hwaccel API and filtering support AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11 only. data[0] contains a ID3D11Texture2D pointer, and data[1] contains the texture array index of the frame as intptr_t if the ID3D11Texture2D is an array texture (or always 0 if it's a normal texture). */ AVPixFmtD3D11 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11 // AVPixFmtGray9Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY9BE. // // Y , 9bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGray9Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY9BE // AVPixFmtGray9Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY9LE. // // Y , 9bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGray9Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY9LE // AVPixFmtGbrpf32Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32BE. // // IEEE-754 single precision planar GBR 4:4:4, 96bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrpf32Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32BE // AVPixFmtGbrpf32Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32LE. // // IEEE-754 single precision planar GBR 4:4:4, 96bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrpf32Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRPF32LE // AVPixFmtGbrapf32Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAPF32BE. // // IEEE-754 single precision planar GBRA 4:4:4:4, 128bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrapf32Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAPF32BE // AVPixFmtGbrapf32Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAPF32LE. // // IEEE-754 single precision planar GBRA 4:4:4:4, 128bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrapf32Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAPF32LE // AVPixFmtDrmPrime wraps AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME. /* DRM-managed buffers exposed through PRIME buffer sharing. data[0] points to an AVDRMFrameDescriptor. */ AVPixFmtDrmPrime AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME // AVPixFmtOpencl wraps AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL. /* Hardware surfaces for OpenCL. data[i] contain 2D image objects (typed in C as cl_mem, used in OpenCL as image2d_t) for each plane of the surface. */ AVPixFmtOpencl AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL // AVPixFmtGray14Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY14BE. // // Y , 14bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGray14Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY14BE // AVPixFmtGray14Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY14LE. // // Y , 14bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGray14Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY14LE // AVPixFmtGrayf32Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAYF32BE. // // IEEE-754 single precision Y, 32bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGrayf32Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAYF32BE // AVPixFmtGrayf32Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GRAYF32LE. // // IEEE-754 single precision Y, 32bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGrayf32Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GRAYF32LE // AVPixFmtYuva422P12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P12BE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2,24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), 12b alpha, big-endian AVPixFmtYuva422P12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P12BE // AVPixFmtYuva422P12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P12LE. // // planar YUV 4:2:2,24bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples), 12b alpha, little-endian AVPixFmtYuva422P12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA422P12LE // AVPixFmtYuva444P12Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P12BE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4,36bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), 12b alpha, big-endian AVPixFmtYuva444P12Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P12BE // AVPixFmtYuva444P12Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P12LE. // // planar YUV 4:4:4,36bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 1x1 Y samples), 12b alpha, little-endian AVPixFmtYuva444P12Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA444P12LE // AVPixFmtNv24 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV24. // // planar YUV 4:4:4, 24bpp, 1 plane for Y and 1 plane for the UV components, which are interleaved (first byte U and the following byte V) AVPixFmtNv24 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV24 // AVPixFmtNv42 wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NV42. // // as above, but U and V bytes are swapped AVPixFmtNv42 AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NV42 // AVPixFmtVulkan wraps AV_PIX_FMT_VULKAN. /* Vulkan hardware images. data[0] points to an AVVkFrame */ AVPixFmtVulkan AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_VULKAN // AVPixFmtY210Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y210BE. // // packed YUV 4:2:2 like YUYV422, 20bpp, data in the high bits, big-endian AVPixFmtY210Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y210BE // AVPixFmtY210Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y210LE. // // packed YUV 4:2:2 like YUYV422, 20bpp, data in the high bits, little-endian AVPixFmtY210Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y210LE // AVPixFmtX2Rgb10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10LE. // // packed RGB 10:10:10, 30bpp, (msb)2X 10R 10G 10B(lsb), little-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtX2Rgb10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10LE // AVPixFmtX2Rgb10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10BE. // // packed RGB 10:10:10, 30bpp, (msb)2X 10R 10G 10B(lsb), big-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtX2Rgb10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10BE // AVPixFmtX2Bgr10Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_X2BGR10LE. // // packed BGR 10:10:10, 30bpp, (msb)2X 10B 10G 10R(lsb), little-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtX2Bgr10Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_X2BGR10LE // AVPixFmtX2Bgr10Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_X2BGR10BE. // // packed BGR 10:10:10, 30bpp, (msb)2X 10B 10G 10R(lsb), big-endian, X=unused/undefined AVPixFmtX2Bgr10Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_X2BGR10BE // AVPixFmtP210Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P210BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 20bpp, data in the high bits, big-endian AVPixFmtP210Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P210BE // AVPixFmtP210Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P210LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 20bpp, data in the high bits, little-endian AVPixFmtP210Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P210LE // AVPixFmtP410Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P410BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:4:4, 30bpp, data in the high bits, big-endian AVPixFmtP410Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P410BE // AVPixFmtP410Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P410LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:4:4, 30bpp, data in the high bits, little-endian AVPixFmtP410Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P410LE // AVPixFmtP216Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P216BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 32bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtP216Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P216BE // AVPixFmtP216Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P216LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 32bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtP216Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P216LE // AVPixFmtP416Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P416BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:4:4, 48bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtP416Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P416BE // AVPixFmtP416Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P416LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:4:4, 48bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtP416Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P416LE // AVPixFmtVuya wraps AV_PIX_FMT_VUYA. // // packed VUYA 4:4:4, 32bpp, VUYAVUYA... AVPixFmtVuya AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_VUYA // AVPixFmtRgbaf16Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF16BE. // // IEEE-754 half precision packed RGBA 16:16:16:16, 64bpp, RGBARGBA..., big-endian AVPixFmtRgbaf16Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF16BE // AVPixFmtRgbaf16Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF16LE. // // IEEE-754 half precision packed RGBA 16:16:16:16, 64bpp, RGBARGBA..., little-endian AVPixFmtRgbaf16Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF16LE // AVPixFmtVuyx wraps AV_PIX_FMT_VUYX. // // packed VUYX 4:4:4, 32bpp, Variant of VUYA where alpha channel is left undefined AVPixFmtVuyx AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_VUYX // AVPixFmtP012Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P012LE. // // like NV12, with 12bpp per component, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, little-endian AVPixFmtP012Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P012LE // AVPixFmtP012Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P012BE. // // like NV12, with 12bpp per component, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, big-endian AVPixFmtP012Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P012BE // AVPixFmtY212Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y212BE. // // packed YUV 4:2:2 like YUYV422, 24bpp, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, big-endian AVPixFmtY212Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y212BE // AVPixFmtY212Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_Y212LE. // // packed YUV 4:2:2 like YUYV422, 24bpp, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, little-endian AVPixFmtY212Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_Y212LE // AVPixFmtXv30Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XV30BE. // // packed XVYU 4:4:4, 32bpp, (msb)2X 10V 10Y 10U(lsb), big-endian, variant of Y410 where alpha channel is left undefined AVPixFmtXv30Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XV30BE // AVPixFmtXv30Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XV30LE. // // packed XVYU 4:4:4, 32bpp, (msb)2X 10V 10Y 10U(lsb), little-endian, variant of Y410 where alpha channel is left undefined AVPixFmtXv30Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XV30LE // AVPixFmtXv36Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XV36BE. // // packed XVYU 4:4:4, 48bpp, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, big-endian, variant of Y412 where alpha channel is left undefined AVPixFmtXv36Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XV36BE // AVPixFmtXv36Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_XV36LE. // // packed XVYU 4:4:4, 48bpp, data in the high bits, zeros in the low bits, little-endian, variant of Y412 where alpha channel is left undefined AVPixFmtXv36Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_XV36LE // AVPixFmtRgbf32Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBF32BE. // // IEEE-754 single precision packed RGB 32:32:32, 96bpp, RGBRGB..., big-endian AVPixFmtRgbf32Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBF32BE // AVPixFmtRgbf32Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBF32LE. // // IEEE-754 single precision packed RGB 32:32:32, 96bpp, RGBRGB..., little-endian AVPixFmtRgbf32Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBF32LE // AVPixFmtRgbaf32Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF32BE. // // IEEE-754 single precision packed RGBA 32:32:32:32, 128bpp, RGBARGBA..., big-endian AVPixFmtRgbaf32Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF32BE // AVPixFmtRgbaf32Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF32LE. // // IEEE-754 single precision packed RGBA 32:32:32:32, 128bpp, RGBARGBA..., little-endian AVPixFmtRgbaf32Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBAF32LE // AVPixFmtP212Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P212BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 24bpp, data in the high bits, big-endian AVPixFmtP212Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P212BE // AVPixFmtP212Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P212LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:2:2, 24bpp, data in the high bits, little-endian AVPixFmtP212Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P212LE // AVPixFmtP412Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P412BE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:4:4, 36bpp, data in the high bits, big-endian AVPixFmtP412Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P412BE // AVPixFmtP412Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_P412LE. // // interleaved chroma YUV 4:4:4, 36bpp, data in the high bits, little-endian AVPixFmtP412Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_P412LE // AVPixFmtGbrap14Be wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP14BE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4:4 56bpp, big-endian AVPixFmtGbrap14Be AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP14BE // AVPixFmtGbrap14Le wraps AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP14LE. // // planar GBR 4:4:4:4 56bpp, little-endian AVPixFmtGbrap14Le AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_GBRAP14LE // AVPixFmtNb wraps AV_PIX_FMT_NB. // // number of pixel formats, DO NOT USE THIS if you want to link with shared libav* because the number of formats might differ between versions AVPixFmtNb AVPixelFormat = C.AV_PIX_FMT_NB )
type AVProbeData ¶
type AVProbeData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVProbeData wraps AVProbeData.
This structure contains the data a format has to probe a file.
func (*AVProbeData) BufSize ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) BufSize() int
BufSize gets the buf_size field.
Size of buf except extra allocated bytes
func (*AVProbeData) Filename ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) Filename() *CStr
Filename gets the filename field.
func (*AVProbeData) MimeType ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) MimeType() *CStr
MimeType gets the mime_type field.
mime_type, when known.
func (*AVProbeData) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVProbeData) SetBufSize ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) SetBufSize(value int)
SetBufSize sets the buf_size field.
Size of buf except extra allocated bytes
func (*AVProbeData) SetFilename ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) SetFilename(value *CStr)
SetFilename sets the filename field.
func (*AVProbeData) SetMimeType ¶
func (s *AVProbeData) SetMimeType(value *CStr)
SetMimeType sets the mime_type field.
mime_type, when known.
type AVProducerReferenceTime ¶
type AVProducerReferenceTime struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVProducerReferenceTime wraps AVProducerReferenceTime.
This structure supplies correlation between a packet timestamp and a wall clock production time. The definition follows the Producer Reference Time ('prft') as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-12
func (*AVProducerReferenceTime) Flags ¶
func (s *AVProducerReferenceTime) Flags() int
Flags gets the flags field.
func (*AVProducerReferenceTime) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVProducerReferenceTime) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVProducerReferenceTime) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVProducerReferenceTime) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
func (*AVProducerReferenceTime) SetWallclock ¶
func (s *AVProducerReferenceTime) SetWallclock(value int64)
SetWallclock sets the wallclock field.
A UTC timestamp, in microseconds, since Unix epoch (e.g, av_gettime()).
func (*AVProducerReferenceTime) Wallclock ¶
func (s *AVProducerReferenceTime) Wallclock() int64
Wallclock gets the wallclock field.
A UTC timestamp, in microseconds, since Unix epoch (e.g, av_gettime()).
type AVProfile ¶
type AVProfile struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVProfile wraps AVProfile.
func (*AVProfile) SetProfile ¶
SetProfile sets the profile field.
type AVProgram ¶
type AVProgram struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVProgram wraps AVProgram.
New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps. Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major version bump. sizeof(AVProgram) must not be used outside libav*.
func AVFindProgramFromStream ¶
func AVFindProgramFromStream(ic *AVFormatContext, last *AVProgram, s int) *AVProgram
AVFindProgramFromStream wraps av_find_program_from_stream.
Find the programs which belong to a given stream. @param ic media file handle @param last the last found program, the search will start after this program, or from the beginning if it is NULL @param s stream index @return the next program which belongs to s, NULL if no program is found or the last program is not among the programs of ic.
func AVNewProgram ¶
func AVNewProgram(s *AVFormatContext, id int) *AVProgram
AVNewProgram wraps av_new_program.
func (*AVProgram) Discard ¶
Discard gets the discard field.
selects which program to discard and which to feed to the caller
func (*AVProgram) Metadata ¶
func (s *AVProgram) Metadata() *AVDictionary
Metadata gets the metadata field.
func (*AVProgram) NbStreamIndexes ¶
NbStreamIndexes gets the nb_stream_indexes field.
func (*AVProgram) PmtVersion ¶
PmtVersion gets the pmt_version field.
func (*AVProgram) ProgramNum ¶
ProgramNum gets the program_num field.
func (*AVProgram) PtsWrapBehavior ¶
PtsWrapBehavior gets the pts_wrap_behavior field.
behavior on wrap detection
func (*AVProgram) PtsWrapReference ¶
PtsWrapReference gets the pts_wrap_reference field.
reference dts for wrap detection
func (*AVProgram) SetDiscard ¶
SetDiscard sets the discard field.
selects which program to discard and which to feed to the caller
func (*AVProgram) SetEndTime ¶
SetEndTime sets the end_time field.
func (*AVProgram) SetMetadata ¶
func (s *AVProgram) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
SetMetadata sets the metadata field.
func (*AVProgram) SetNbStreamIndexes ¶
SetNbStreamIndexes sets the nb_stream_indexes field.
func (*AVProgram) SetPmtVersion ¶
SetPmtVersion sets the pmt_version field.
func (*AVProgram) SetProgramNum ¶
SetProgramNum sets the program_num field.
func (*AVProgram) SetPtsWrapBehavior ¶
SetPtsWrapBehavior sets the pts_wrap_behavior field.
behavior on wrap detection
func (*AVProgram) SetPtsWrapReference ¶
SetPtsWrapReference sets the pts_wrap_reference field.
reference dts for wrap detection
func (*AVProgram) SetStartTime ¶
SetStartTime sets the start_time field.
*************************************************************** All fields below this line are not part of the public API. They may not be used outside of libavformat and can be changed and removed at will. New public fields should be added right above. *****************************************************************
func (*AVProgram) StartTime ¶
StartTime gets the start_time field.
*************************************************************** All fields below this line are not part of the public API. They may not be used outside of libavformat and can be changed and removed at will. New public fields should be added right above. *****************************************************************
type AVRational ¶
type AVRational struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVRational wraps AVRational.
Rational number (pair of numerator and denominator).
func AVAddQ ¶
func AVAddQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
AVAddQ wraps av_add_q.
Add two rationals. @param b First rational @param c Second rational @return b+c
func AVBuffersinkGetFrameRate ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetFrameRate(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVRational
AVBuffersinkGetFrameRate wraps av_buffersink_get_frame_rate.
func AVBuffersinkGetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetSampleAspectRatio(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVRational
AVBuffersinkGetSampleAspectRatio wraps av_buffersink_get_sample_aspect_ratio.
func AVBuffersinkGetTimeBase ¶
func AVBuffersinkGetTimeBase(ctx *AVFilterContext) *AVRational
AVBuffersinkGetTimeBase wraps av_buffersink_get_time_base.
func AVD2Q ¶
func AVD2Q(d float64, max int) *AVRational
AVD2Q wraps av_d2q.
Convert a double precision floating point number to a rational. In case of infinity, the returned value is expressed as `{1, 0}` or `{-1, 0}` depending on the sign. @param d `double` to convert @param max Maximum allowed numerator and denominator @return `d` in AVRational form @see av_q2d()
func AVDivQ ¶
func AVDivQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
AVDivQ wraps av_div_q.
Divide one rational by another. @param b First rational @param c Second rational @return b/c
func AVGcdQ ¶
func AVGcdQ(a *AVRational, b *AVRational, maxDen int, def *AVRational) *AVRational
AVGcdQ wraps av_gcd_q.
Return the best rational so that a and b are multiple of it. If the resulting denominator is larger than max_den, return def.
func AVGetTimeBaseQ ¶
func AVGetTimeBaseQ() *AVRational
AVGetTimeBaseQ wraps av_get_time_base_q.
Return the fractional representation of the internal time base.
func AVGuessFrameRate ¶
func AVGuessFrameRate(ctx *AVFormatContext, stream *AVStream, frame *AVFrame) *AVRational
AVGuessFrameRate wraps av_guess_frame_rate.
Guess the frame rate, based on both the container and codec information. @param ctx the format context which the stream is part of @param stream the stream which the frame is part of @param frame the frame for which the frame rate should be determined, may be NULL @return the guessed (valid) frame rate, 0/1 if no idea
func AVGuessSampleAspectRatio ¶
func AVGuessSampleAspectRatio(format *AVFormatContext, stream *AVStream, frame *AVFrame) *AVRational
AVGuessSampleAspectRatio wraps av_guess_sample_aspect_ratio.
Guess the sample aspect ratio of a frame, based on both the stream and the frame aspect ratio. Since the frame aspect ratio is set by the codec but the stream aspect ratio is set by the demuxer, these two may not be equal. This function tries to return the value that you should use if you would like to display the frame. Basic logic is to use the stream aspect ratio if it is set to something sane otherwise use the frame aspect ratio. This way a container setting, which is usually easy to modify can override the coded value in the frames. @param format the format context which the stream is part of @param stream the stream which the frame is part of @param frame the frame with the aspect ratio to be determined @return the guessed (valid) sample_aspect_ratio, 0/1 if no idea
func AVInvQ ¶
func AVInvQ(q *AVRational) *AVRational
AVInvQ wraps av_inv_q.
Invert a rational. @param q value @return 1 / q
func AVMakeQ ¶
func AVMakeQ(num int, den int) *AVRational
AVMakeQ wraps av_make_q.
Create an AVRational. Useful for compilers that do not support compound literals. @note The return value is not reduced. @see av_reduce()
func AVMulQ ¶
func AVMulQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
AVMulQ wraps av_mul_q.
Multiply two rationals. @param b First rational @param c Second rational @return b*c
func AVStreamGetCodecTimebase ¶
func AVStreamGetCodecTimebase(st *AVStream) *AVRational
AVStreamGetCodecTimebase wraps av_stream_get_codec_timebase.
Get the internal codec timebase from a stream. @param st input stream to extract the timebase from
func AVSubQ ¶
func AVSubQ(b *AVRational, c *AVRational) *AVRational
AVSubQ wraps av_sub_q.
Subtract one rational from another. @param b First rational @param c Second rational @return b-c
func (*AVRational) SetDen ¶
func (s *AVRational) SetDen(value int)
SetDen sets the den field.
func (*AVRational) SetNum ¶
func (s *AVRational) SetNum(value int)
SetNum sets the num field.
func (*AVRational) String ¶
func (s *AVRational) String() string
type AVRegionOfInterest ¶
type AVRegionOfInterest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVRegionOfInterest wraps AVRegionOfInterest.
Structure describing a single Region Of Interest. When multiple regions are defined in a single side-data block, they should be ordered from most to least important - some encoders are only capable of supporting a limited number of distinct regions, so will have to truncate the list. When overlapping regions are defined, the first region containing a given area of the frame applies.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) Bottom ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Bottom() int
Bottom gets the bottom field.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) Qoffset ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Qoffset() *AVRational
Qoffset gets the qoffset field.
Quantisation offset. Must be in the range -1 to +1. A value of zero indicates no quality change. A negative value asks for better quality (less quantisation), while a positive value asks for worse quality (greater quantisation). The range is calibrated so that the extreme values indicate the largest possible offset - if the rest of the frame is encoded with the worst possible quality, an offset of -1 indicates that this region should be encoded with the best possible quality anyway. Intermediate values are then interpolated in some codec-dependent way. For example, in 10-bit H.264 the quantisation parameter varies between -12 and 51. A typical qoffset value of -1/10 therefore indicates that this region should be encoded with a QP around one-tenth of the full range better than the rest of the frame. So, if most of the frame were to be encoded with a QP of around 30, this region would get a QP of around 24 (an offset of approximately -1/10 * (51 - -12) = -6.3). An extreme value of -1 would indicate that this region should be encoded with the best possible quality regardless of the treatment of the rest of the frame - that is, should be encoded at a QP of -12.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) Right ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Right() int
Right gets the right field.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SelfSize ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SelfSize() uint32
SelfSize gets the self_size field.
Must be set to the size of this data structure (that is, sizeof(AVRegionOfInterest)).
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SetBottom ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetBottom(value int)
SetBottom sets the bottom field.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SetLeft ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetLeft(value int)
SetLeft sets the left field.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SetQoffset ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetQoffset(value *AVRational)
SetQoffset sets the qoffset field.
Quantisation offset. Must be in the range -1 to +1. A value of zero indicates no quality change. A negative value asks for better quality (less quantisation), while a positive value asks for worse quality (greater quantisation). The range is calibrated so that the extreme values indicate the largest possible offset - if the rest of the frame is encoded with the worst possible quality, an offset of -1 indicates that this region should be encoded with the best possible quality anyway. Intermediate values are then interpolated in some codec-dependent way. For example, in 10-bit H.264 the quantisation parameter varies between -12 and 51. A typical qoffset value of -1/10 therefore indicates that this region should be encoded with a QP around one-tenth of the full range better than the rest of the frame. So, if most of the frame were to be encoded with a QP of around 30, this region would get a QP of around 24 (an offset of approximately -1/10 * (51 - -12) = -6.3). An extreme value of -1 would indicate that this region should be encoded with the best possible quality regardless of the treatment of the rest of the frame - that is, should be encoded at a QP of -12.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SetRight ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetRight(value int)
SetRight sets the right field.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SetSelfSize ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetSelfSize(value uint32)
SetSelfSize sets the self_size field.
Must be set to the size of this data structure (that is, sizeof(AVRegionOfInterest)).
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) SetTop ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) SetTop(value int)
SetTop sets the top field.
Distance in pixels from the top edge of the frame to the top and bottom edges and from the left edge of the frame to the left and right edges of the rectangle defining this region of interest. The constraints on a region are encoder dependent, so the region actually affected may be slightly larger for alignment or other reasons.
func (*AVRegionOfInterest) Top ¶
func (s *AVRegionOfInterest) Top() int
Top gets the top field.
Distance in pixels from the top edge of the frame to the top and bottom edges and from the left edge of the frame to the left and right edges of the rectangle defining this region of interest. The constraints on a region are encoder dependent, so the region actually affected may be slightly larger for alignment or other reasons.
type AVRounding ¶
type AVRounding C.enum_AVRounding
AVRounding wraps AVRounding.
Rounding methods.
const ( // AVRoundZero wraps AV_ROUND_ZERO. // // Round toward zero. AVRoundZero AVRounding = C.AV_ROUND_ZERO // AVRoundInf wraps AV_ROUND_INF. // // Round away from zero. AVRoundInf AVRounding = C.AV_ROUND_INF // AVRoundDown wraps AV_ROUND_DOWN. // // Round toward -infinity. AVRoundDown AVRounding = C.AV_ROUND_DOWN // AVRoundUp wraps AV_ROUND_UP. // // Round toward +infinity. AVRoundUp AVRounding = C.AV_ROUND_UP // AVRoundNearInf wraps AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF. // // Round to nearest and halfway cases away from zero. AVRoundNearInf AVRounding = C.AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF // AVRoundPassMinmax wraps AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX. /* Flag telling rescaling functions to pass `INT64_MIN`/`MAX` through unchanged, avoiding special cases for #AV_NOPTS_VALUE. Unlike other values of the enumeration AVRounding, this value is a bitmask that must be used in conjunction with another value of the enumeration through a bitwise OR, in order to set behavior for normal cases. @code{.c} av_rescale_rnd(3, 1, 2, AV_ROUND_UP | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX); Rescaling 3: Calculating 3 * 1 / 2 3 / 2 is rounded up to 2 => 2 av_rescale_rnd(AV_NOPTS_VALUE, 1, 2, AV_ROUND_UP | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX); Rescaling AV_NOPTS_VALUE: AV_NOPTS_VALUE == INT64_MIN AV_NOPTS_VALUE is passed through => AV_NOPTS_VALUE @endcode */ AVRoundPassMinmax AVRounding = C.AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX )
type AVSampleFormat ¶
type AVSampleFormat C.enum_AVSampleFormat
AVSampleFormat wraps AVSampleFormat.
Audio sample formats - The data described by the sample format is always in native-endian order. Sample values can be expressed by native C types, hence the lack of a signed 24-bit sample format even though it is a common raw audio data format. - The floating-point formats are based on full volume being in the range [-1.0, 1.0]. Any values outside this range are beyond full volume level. - The data layout as used in av_samples_fill_arrays() and elsewhere in FFmpeg (such as AVFrame in libavcodec) is as follows: @par For planar sample formats, each audio channel is in a separate data plane, and linesize is the buffer size, in bytes, for a single plane. All data planes must be the same size. For packed sample formats, only the first data plane is used, and samples for each channel are interleaved. In this case, linesize is the buffer size, in bytes, for the 1 plane.
const ( // AVSampleFmtNone wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE. AVSampleFmtNone AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE // AVSampleFmtU8 wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8. // // unsigned 8 bits AVSampleFmtU8 AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 // AVSampleFmtS16 wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16. // // signed 16 bits AVSampleFmtS16 AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 // AVSampleFmtS32 wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32. // // signed 32 bits AVSampleFmtS32 AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32 // AVSampleFmtFlt wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT. // // float AVSampleFmtFlt AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT // AVSampleFmtDbl wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL. // // double AVSampleFmtDbl AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL // AVSampleFmtU8P wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8P. // // unsigned 8 bits, planar AVSampleFmtU8P AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8P // AVSampleFmtS16P wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P. // // signed 16 bits, planar AVSampleFmtS16P AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P // AVSampleFmtS32P wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P. // // signed 32 bits, planar AVSampleFmtS32P AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P // AVSampleFmtFltp wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP. // // float, planar AVSampleFmtFltp AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP // AVSampleFmtDblp wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP. // // double, planar AVSampleFmtDblp AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP // AVSampleFmtS64 wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S64. // // signed 64 bits AVSampleFmtS64 AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S64 // AVSampleFmtS64P wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S64P. // // signed 64 bits, planar AVSampleFmtS64P AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S64P // AVSampleFmtNb wraps AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB. // // Number of sample formats. DO NOT USE if linking dynamically AVSampleFmtNb AVSampleFormat = C.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB )
func AVGetAltSampleFmt ¶
func AVGetAltSampleFmt(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat, planar int) AVSampleFormat
AVGetAltSampleFmt wraps av_get_alt_sample_fmt.
Return the planar<->packed alternative form of the given sample format, or AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE on error. If the passed sample_fmt is already in the requested planar/packed format, the format returned is the same as the input.
func AVGetPackedSampleFmt ¶
func AVGetPackedSampleFmt(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) AVSampleFormat
AVGetPackedSampleFmt wraps av_get_packed_sample_fmt.
Get the packed alternative form of the given sample format. If the passed sample_fmt is already in packed format, the format returned is the same as the input. @return the packed alternative form of the given sample format or AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE on error.
func AVGetPlanarSampleFmt ¶
func AVGetPlanarSampleFmt(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) AVSampleFormat
AVGetPlanarSampleFmt wraps av_get_planar_sample_fmt.
Get the planar alternative form of the given sample format. If the passed sample_fmt is already in planar format, the format returned is the same as the input. @return the planar alternative form of the given sample format or AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE on error.
func AVGetSampleFmt ¶
func AVGetSampleFmt(name *CStr) AVSampleFormat
AVGetSampleFmt wraps av_get_sample_fmt.
Return a sample format corresponding to name, or AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE on error.
type AVSideDataParamChangeFlags ¶
type AVSideDataParamChangeFlags C.enum_AVSideDataParamChangeFlags
AVSideDataParamChangeFlags wraps AVSideDataParamChangeFlags.
const ( // AVSideDataParamChangeChannelCount wraps AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_CHANNEL_COUNT. // // @deprecated those are not used by any decoder AVSideDataParamChangeChannelCount AVSideDataParamChangeFlags = C.AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_CHANNEL_COUNT // AVSideDataParamChangeChannelLayout wraps AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT. // // @deprecated those are not used by any decoder AVSideDataParamChangeChannelLayout AVSideDataParamChangeFlags = C.AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_CHANNEL_LAYOUT // AVSideDataParamChangeSampleRate wraps AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_SAMPLE_RATE. AVSideDataParamChangeSampleRate AVSideDataParamChangeFlags = C.AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_SAMPLE_RATE // AVSideDataParamChangeDimensions wraps AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_DIMENSIONS. AVSideDataParamChangeDimensions AVSideDataParamChangeFlags = C.AV_SIDE_DATA_PARAM_CHANGE_DIMENSIONS )
type AVStream ¶
type AVStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVStream wraps AVStream.
Stream structure. New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps. Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major version bump. sizeof(AVStream) must not be used outside libav*.
func AVFormatNewStream ¶
func AVFormatNewStream(s *AVFormatContext, c *AVCodec) *AVStream
AVFormatNewStream wraps avformat_new_stream.
Add a new stream to a media file. When demuxing, it is called by the demuxer in read_header(). If the flag AVFMTCTX_NOHEADER is set in s.ctx_flags, then it may also be called in read_packet(). When muxing, should be called by the user before avformat_write_header(). User is required to call avformat_free_context() to clean up the allocation by avformat_new_stream(). @param s media file handle @param c unused, does nothing @return newly created stream or NULL on error.
func (*AVStream) AttachedPic ¶
AttachedPic gets the attached_pic field.
For streams with AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC disposition, this packet will contain the attached picture. decoding: set by libavformat, must not be modified by the caller. encoding: unused
func (*AVStream) AvClass ¶
AvClass gets the av_class field.
A class for @ref avoptions. Set on stream creation.
func (*AVStream) AvgFrameRate ¶
func (s *AVStream) AvgFrameRate() *AVRational
AvgFrameRate gets the avg_frame_rate field.
Average framerate - demuxing: May be set by libavformat when creating the stream or in avformat_find_stream_info(). - muxing: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVStream) Codecpar ¶
func (s *AVStream) Codecpar() *AVCodecParameters
Codecpar gets the codecpar field.
Codec parameters associated with this stream. Allocated and freed by libavformat in avformat_new_stream() and avformat_free_context() respectively. - demuxing: filled by libavformat on stream creation or in avformat_find_stream_info() - muxing: filled by the caller before avformat_write_header()
func (*AVStream) Discard ¶
Discard gets the discard field.
Selects which packets can be discarded at will and do not need to be demuxed.
func (*AVStream) Disposition ¶
Disposition gets the disposition field.
Stream disposition - a combination of AV_DISPOSITION_* flags. - demuxing: set by libavformat when creating the stream or in avformat_find_stream_info(). - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVStream) Duration ¶
Duration gets the duration field.
Decoding: duration of the stream, in stream time base. If a source file does not specify a duration, but does specify a bitrate, this value will be estimated from bitrate and file size. Encoding: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() to provide a hint to the muxer about the estimated duration.
func (*AVStream) EventFlags ¶
EventFlags gets the event_flags field.
Flags indicating events happening on the stream, a combination of AVSTREAM_EVENT_FLAG_*. - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(), avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared by the user once the event has been handled. - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header(). to indicate a user-triggered event. The muxer will clear the flags for events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().
func (*AVStream) Id ¶
Id gets the id field.
Format-specific stream ID. decoding: set by libavformat encoding: set by the user, replaced by libavformat if left unset
func (*AVStream) Metadata ¶
func (s *AVStream) Metadata() *AVDictionary
Metadata gets the metadata field.
func (*AVStream) NbFrames ¶
NbFrames gets the nb_frames field.
number of frames in this stream if known or 0
func (*AVStream) NbSideData ¶
NbSideData gets the nb_side_data field.
The number of elements in the AVStream.side_data array. @deprecated use AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.nb_coded_side_data "codecpar side data".
func (*AVStream) PtsWrapBits ¶
PtsWrapBits gets the pts_wrap_bits field.
Number of bits in timestamps. Used for wrapping control. - demuxing: set by libavformat - muxing: set by libavformat
func (*AVStream) RFrameRate ¶
func (s *AVStream) RFrameRate() *AVRational
RFrameRate gets the r_frame_rate field.
Real base framerate of the stream. This is the lowest framerate with which all timestamps can be represented accurately (it is the least common multiple of all framerates in the stream). Note, this value is just a guess! For example, if the time base is 1/90000 and all frames have either approximately 3600 or 1800 timer ticks, then r_frame_rate will be 50/1.
func (*AVStream) SampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVStream) SampleAspectRatio() *AVRational
SampleAspectRatio gets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
sample aspect ratio (0 if unknown) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavformat.
func (*AVStream) SetAvClass ¶
SetAvClass sets the av_class field.
A class for @ref avoptions. Set on stream creation.
func (*AVStream) SetAvgFrameRate ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetAvgFrameRate(value *AVRational)
SetAvgFrameRate sets the avg_frame_rate field.
Average framerate - demuxing: May be set by libavformat when creating the stream or in avformat_find_stream_info(). - muxing: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVStream) SetCodecpar ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetCodecpar(value *AVCodecParameters)
SetCodecpar sets the codecpar field.
Codec parameters associated with this stream. Allocated and freed by libavformat in avformat_new_stream() and avformat_free_context() respectively. - demuxing: filled by libavformat on stream creation or in avformat_find_stream_info() - muxing: filled by the caller before avformat_write_header()
func (*AVStream) SetDiscard ¶
SetDiscard sets the discard field.
Selects which packets can be discarded at will and do not need to be demuxed.
func (*AVStream) SetDisposition ¶
SetDisposition sets the disposition field.
Stream disposition - a combination of AV_DISPOSITION_* flags. - demuxing: set by libavformat when creating the stream or in avformat_find_stream_info(). - muxing: may be set by the caller before avformat_write_header().
func (*AVStream) SetDuration ¶
SetDuration sets the duration field.
Decoding: duration of the stream, in stream time base. If a source file does not specify a duration, but does specify a bitrate, this value will be estimated from bitrate and file size. Encoding: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() to provide a hint to the muxer about the estimated duration.
func (*AVStream) SetEventFlags ¶
SetEventFlags sets the event_flags field.
Flags indicating events happening on the stream, a combination of AVSTREAM_EVENT_FLAG_*. - demuxing: may be set by the demuxer in avformat_open_input(), avformat_find_stream_info() and av_read_frame(). Flags must be cleared by the user once the event has been handled. - muxing: may be set by the user after avformat_write_header(). to indicate a user-triggered event. The muxer will clear the flags for events it has handled in av_[interleaved]_write_frame().
func (*AVStream) SetId ¶
SetId sets the id field.
Format-specific stream ID. decoding: set by libavformat encoding: set by the user, replaced by libavformat if left unset
func (*AVStream) SetMetadata ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetMetadata(value *AVDictionary)
SetMetadata sets the metadata field.
func (*AVStream) SetNbFrames ¶
SetNbFrames sets the nb_frames field.
number of frames in this stream if known or 0
func (*AVStream) SetNbSideData ¶
SetNbSideData sets the nb_side_data field.
The number of elements in the AVStream.side_data array. @deprecated use AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.nb_coded_side_data "codecpar side data".
func (*AVStream) SetPrivData ¶
SetPrivData sets the priv_data field.
func (*AVStream) SetPtsWrapBits ¶
SetPtsWrapBits sets the pts_wrap_bits field.
Number of bits in timestamps. Used for wrapping control. - demuxing: set by libavformat - muxing: set by libavformat
func (*AVStream) SetRFrameRate ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetRFrameRate(value *AVRational)
SetRFrameRate sets the r_frame_rate field.
Real base framerate of the stream. This is the lowest framerate with which all timestamps can be represented accurately (it is the least common multiple of all framerates in the stream). Note, this value is just a guess! For example, if the time base is 1/90000 and all frames have either approximately 3600 or 1800 timer ticks, then r_frame_rate will be 50/1.
func (*AVStream) SetSampleAspectRatio ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetSampleAspectRatio(value *AVRational)
SetSampleAspectRatio sets the sample_aspect_ratio field.
sample aspect ratio (0 if unknown) - encoding: Set by user. - decoding: Set by libavformat.
func (*AVStream) SetSideData ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetSideData(value *AVPacketSideData)
SetSideData sets the side_data field.
An array of side data that applies to the whole stream (i.e. the container does not allow it to change between packets). There may be no overlap between the side data in this array and side data in the packets. I.e. a given side data is either exported by the muxer (demuxing) / set by the caller (muxing) in this array, then it never appears in the packets, or the side data is exported / sent through the packets (always in the first packet where the value becomes known or changes), then it does not appear in this array. - demuxing: Set by libavformat when the stream is created. - muxing: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context(). @deprecated use AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.coded_side_data "codecpar side data".
func (*AVStream) SetStartTime ¶
SetStartTime sets the start_time field.
Decoding: pts of the first frame of the stream in presentation order, in stream time base. Only set this if you are absolutely 100% sure that the value you set it to really is the pts of the first frame. This may be undefined (AV_NOPTS_VALUE). @note The ASF header does NOT contain a correct start_time the ASF demuxer must NOT set this.
func (*AVStream) SetTimeBase ¶
func (s *AVStream) SetTimeBase(value *AVRational)
SetTimeBase sets the time_base field.
This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented. decoding: set by libavformat encoding: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() to provide a hint to the muxer about the desired timebase. In avformat_write_header(), the muxer will overwrite this field with the timebase that will actually be used for the timestamps written into the file (which may or may not be related to the user-provided one, depending on the format).
func (*AVStream) SideData ¶
func (s *AVStream) SideData() *AVPacketSideData
SideData gets the side_data field.
An array of side data that applies to the whole stream (i.e. the container does not allow it to change between packets). There may be no overlap between the side data in this array and side data in the packets. I.e. a given side data is either exported by the muxer (demuxing) / set by the caller (muxing) in this array, then it never appears in the packets, or the side data is exported / sent through the packets (always in the first packet where the value becomes known or changes), then it does not appear in this array. - demuxing: Set by libavformat when the stream is created. - muxing: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header(). Freed by libavformat in avformat_free_context(). @deprecated use AVStream's @ref AVCodecParameters.coded_side_data "codecpar side data".
func (*AVStream) StartTime ¶
StartTime gets the start_time field.
Decoding: pts of the first frame of the stream in presentation order, in stream time base. Only set this if you are absolutely 100% sure that the value you set it to really is the pts of the first frame. This may be undefined (AV_NOPTS_VALUE). @note The ASF header does NOT contain a correct start_time the ASF demuxer must NOT set this.
func (*AVStream) TimeBase ¶
func (s *AVStream) TimeBase() *AVRational
TimeBase gets the time_base field.
This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented. decoding: set by libavformat encoding: May be set by the caller before avformat_write_header() to provide a hint to the muxer about the desired timebase. In avformat_write_header(), the muxer will overwrite this field with the timebase that will actually be used for the timestamps written into the file (which may or may not be related to the user-provided one, depending on the format).
type AVStreamParseType ¶
type AVStreamParseType C.enum_AVStreamParseType
AVStreamParseType wraps AVStreamParseType.
const ( // AVStreamParseNone wraps AVSTREAM_PARSE_NONE. AVStreamParseNone AVStreamParseType = C.AVSTREAM_PARSE_NONE // AVStreamParseFull wraps AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL. // // full parsing and repack AVStreamParseFull AVStreamParseType = C.AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL // AVStreamParseHeaders wraps AVSTREAM_PARSE_HEADERS. // // Only parse headers, do not repack. AVStreamParseHeaders AVStreamParseType = C.AVSTREAM_PARSE_HEADERS // AVStreamParseTimestamps wraps AVSTREAM_PARSE_TIMESTAMPS. // // full parsing and interpolation of timestamps for frames not starting on a packet boundary AVStreamParseTimestamps AVStreamParseType = C.AVSTREAM_PARSE_TIMESTAMPS // AVStreamParseFullOnce wraps AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_ONCE. // // full parsing and repack of the first frame only, only implemented for H.264 currently AVStreamParseFullOnce AVStreamParseType = C.AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_ONCE // AVStreamParseFullRaw wraps AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW. /* < full parsing and repack with timestamp and position generation by parser for raw this assumes that each packet in the file contains no demuxer level headers and just codec level data, otherwise position generation would fail */ AVStreamParseFullRaw AVStreamParseType = C.AVSTREAM_PARSE_FULL_RAW )
type AVSubtitle ¶
type AVSubtitle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVSubtitle wraps AVSubtitle.
func (*AVSubtitle) EndDisplayTime ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) EndDisplayTime() uint32
EndDisplayTime gets the end_display_time field.
relative to packet pts, in ms
func (*AVSubtitle) Format ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) Format() uint16
Format gets the format field.
0 = graphics
func (*AVSubtitle) NumRects ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) NumRects() uint
NumRects gets the num_rects field.
func (*AVSubtitle) Pts ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) Pts() int64
Pts gets the pts field.
Same as packet pts, in AV_TIME_BASE
func (*AVSubtitle) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVSubtitle) Rects ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) Rects() *Array[*AVSubtitleRect]
Rects gets the rects field.
func (*AVSubtitle) SetEndDisplayTime ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) SetEndDisplayTime(value uint32)
SetEndDisplayTime sets the end_display_time field.
relative to packet pts, in ms
func (*AVSubtitle) SetFormat ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) SetFormat(value uint16)
SetFormat sets the format field.
0 = graphics
func (*AVSubtitle) SetNumRects ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) SetNumRects(value uint)
SetNumRects sets the num_rects field.
func (*AVSubtitle) SetPts ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) SetPts(value int64)
SetPts sets the pts field.
Same as packet pts, in AV_TIME_BASE
func (*AVSubtitle) SetRects ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) SetRects(value *Array[AVSubtitleRect])
SetRects sets the rects field.
func (*AVSubtitle) SetStartDisplayTime ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) SetStartDisplayTime(value uint32)
SetStartDisplayTime sets the start_display_time field.
relative to packet pts, in ms
func (*AVSubtitle) StartDisplayTime ¶
func (s *AVSubtitle) StartDisplayTime() uint32
StartDisplayTime gets the start_display_time field.
relative to packet pts, in ms
type AVSubtitleRect ¶
type AVSubtitleRect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AVSubtitleRect wraps AVSubtitleRect.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) Ass ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Ass() *CStr
Ass gets the ass field.
0 terminated ASS/SSA compatible event line. The presentation of this is unaffected by the other values in this struct.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) Data ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Data() *Array[unsafe.Pointer]
Data gets the data field.
data+linesize for the bitmap of this subtitle. Can be set for text/ass as well once they are rendered.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) H ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) H() int
H gets the h field.
height of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) Linesize ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Linesize() *Array[int]
Linesize gets the linesize field.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) NbColors ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) NbColors() int
NbColors gets the nb_colors field.
number of colors in pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) RawPtr ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetAss ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetAss(value *CStr)
SetAss sets the ass field.
0 terminated ASS/SSA compatible event line. The presentation of this is unaffected by the other values in this struct.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetFlags ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetFlags(value int)
SetFlags sets the flags field.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetH ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetH(value int)
SetH sets the h field.
height of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetNbColors ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetNbColors(value int)
SetNbColors sets the nb_colors field.
number of colors in pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetText ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetText(value *CStr)
SetText sets the text field.
0 terminated plain UTF-8 text
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetType ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetType(value AVSubtitleType)
SetType sets the type field.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetW ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetW(value int)
SetW sets the w field.
width of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetX ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetX(value int)
SetX sets the x field.
top left corner of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) SetY ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) SetY(value int)
SetY sets the y field.
top left corner of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) Text ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Text() *CStr
Text gets the text field.
0 terminated plain UTF-8 text
func (*AVSubtitleRect) Type ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Type() AVSubtitleType
Type gets the type field.
func (*AVSubtitleRect) W ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) W() int
W gets the w field.
width of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) X ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) X() int
X gets the x field.
top left corner of pict, undefined when pict is not set
func (*AVSubtitleRect) Y ¶
func (s *AVSubtitleRect) Y() int
Y gets the y field.
top left corner of pict, undefined when pict is not set
type AVSubtitleType ¶
type AVSubtitleType C.enum_AVSubtitleType
AVSubtitleType wraps AVSubtitleType.
const ( // SubtitleNone wraps SUBTITLE_NONE. SubtitleNone AVSubtitleType = C.SUBTITLE_NONE // SubtitleBitmap wraps SUBTITLE_BITMAP. // // A bitmap, pict will be set SubtitleBitmap AVSubtitleType = C.SUBTITLE_BITMAP // SubtitleText wraps SUBTITLE_TEXT. /* Plain text, the text field must be set by the decoder and is authoritative. ass and pict fields may contain approximations. */ SubtitleText AVSubtitleType = C.SUBTITLE_TEXT // SubtitleAss wraps SUBTITLE_ASS. /* Formatted text, the ass field must be set by the decoder and is authoritative. pict and text fields may contain approximations. */ SubtitleAss AVSubtitleType = C.SUBTITLE_ASS )
type AVTimebaseSource ¶
type AVTimebaseSource C.enum_AVTimebaseSource
AVTimebaseSource wraps AVTimebaseSource.
const ( // AVFmtTbcfAuto wraps AVFMT_TBCF_AUTO. AVFmtTbcfAuto AVTimebaseSource = C.AVFMT_TBCF_AUTO // AVFmtTbcfDecoder wraps AVFMT_TBCF_DECODER. AVFmtTbcfDecoder AVTimebaseSource = C.AVFMT_TBCF_DECODER // AVFmtTbcfDemuxer wraps AVFMT_TBCF_DEMUXER. AVFmtTbcfDemuxer AVTimebaseSource = C.AVFMT_TBCF_DEMUXER // AVFmtTbcfRFramerate wraps AVFMT_TBCF_R_FRAMERATE. AVFmtTbcfRFramerate AVTimebaseSource = C.AVFMT_TBCF_R_FRAMERATE )
type Array ¶
type Array[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Array is a helper utility for accessing arrays of FFmpeg types. You can not directly allocate this type, and you must use one of the inbuilt constructors, such as AllocAVCodecIDArray.
Arrays have no inbuilt length, matching the behaviour of C code. Getting or setting an out of bound index will lead to undefined behaviour.
func AllocAVActiveFormatDescriptionArray ¶
func AllocAVActiveFormatDescriptionArray(size uint64) *Array[AVActiveFormatDescription]
func AllocAVAudioServiceTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVAudioServiceTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVAudioServiceType]
func AllocAVChannelArray ¶
func AllocAVChannelOrderArray ¶
func AllocAVChannelOrderArray(size uint64) *Array[AVChannelOrder]
func AllocAVChromaLocationArray ¶
func AllocAVChromaLocationArray(size uint64) *Array[AVChromaLocation]
func AllocAVClassCategoryArray ¶
func AllocAVClassCategoryArray(size uint64) *Array[AVClassCategory]
func AllocAVCodecIDArray ¶
func AllocAVColorPrimariesArray ¶
func AllocAVColorPrimariesArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorPrimaries]
func AllocAVColorRangeArray ¶
func AllocAVColorRangeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorRange]
func AllocAVColorSpaceArray ¶
func AllocAVColorSpaceArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorSpace]
func AllocAVColorTransferCharacteristicArray ¶
func AllocAVColorTransferCharacteristicArray(size uint64) *Array[AVColorTransferCharacteristic]
func AllocAVDiscardArray ¶
func AllocAVDurationEstimationMethodArray ¶
func AllocAVDurationEstimationMethodArray(size uint64) *Array[AVDurationEstimationMethod]
func AllocAVFieldOrderArray ¶
func AllocAVFieldOrderArray(size uint64) *Array[AVFieldOrder]
func AllocAVFrameSideDataTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVFrameSideDataTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVFrameSideDataType]
func AllocAVHWDeviceTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVHWDeviceTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVHWDeviceType]
func AllocAVHWFrameTransferDirectionArray ¶
func AllocAVHWFrameTransferDirectionArray(size uint64) *Array[AVHWFrameTransferDirection]
func AllocAVIODataMarkerTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVIODataMarkerTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVIODataMarkerType]
func AllocAVIODirEntryTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVIODirEntryTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVIODirEntryType]
func AllocAVMatrixEncodingArray ¶
func AllocAVMatrixEncodingArray(size uint64) *Array[AVMatrixEncoding]
func AllocAVMediaTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVMediaTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVMediaType]
func AllocAVOptionTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVOptionTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVOptionType]
func AllocAVPacketSideDataTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVPacketSideDataTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPacketSideDataType]
func AllocAVPictureStructureArray ¶
func AllocAVPictureStructureArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPictureStructure]
func AllocAVPictureTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVPictureTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPictureType]
func AllocAVPixelFormatArray ¶
func AllocAVPixelFormatArray(size uint64) *Array[AVPixelFormat]
func AllocAVRoundingArray ¶
func AllocAVRoundingArray(size uint64) *Array[AVRounding]
func AllocAVSampleFormatArray ¶
func AllocAVSampleFormatArray(size uint64) *Array[AVSampleFormat]
func AllocAVSideDataParamChangeFlagsArray ¶
func AllocAVSideDataParamChangeFlagsArray(size uint64) *Array[AVSideDataParamChangeFlags]
func AllocAVStreamParseTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVStreamParseTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVStreamParseType]
func AllocAVSubtitleTypeArray ¶
func AllocAVSubtitleTypeArray(size uint64) *Array[AVSubtitleType]
func AllocAVTimebaseSourceArray ¶
func AllocAVTimebaseSourceArray(size uint64) *Array[AVTimebaseSource]
func ToAVActiveFormatDescriptionArray ¶
func ToAVActiveFormatDescriptionArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVActiveFormatDescription]
func ToAVAudioServiceTypeArray ¶
func ToAVAudioServiceTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVAudioServiceType]
func ToAVBufferPoolArray ¶
func ToAVBufferPoolArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBufferPool]
func ToAVBufferRefArray ¶
func ToAVBufferRefArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBufferRef]
func ToAVBufferSrcParametersArray ¶
func ToAVBufferSrcParametersArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVBufferSrcParameters]
func ToAVCPBPropertiesArray ¶
func ToAVCPBPropertiesArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCPBProperties]
func ToAVChannelCustomArray ¶
func ToAVChannelCustomArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVChannelCustom]
func ToAVChannelLayoutArray ¶
func ToAVChannelLayoutArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVChannelLayout]
func ToAVChannelOrderArray ¶
func ToAVChannelOrderArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVChannelOrder]
func ToAVChromaLocationArray ¶
func ToAVChromaLocationArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVChromaLocation]
func ToAVClassCategoryArray ¶
func ToAVClassCategoryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVClassCategory]
func ToAVCodecContextArray ¶
func ToAVCodecContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecContext]
func ToAVCodecDescriptorArray ¶
func ToAVCodecDescriptorArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecDescriptor]
func ToAVCodecHWConfigArray ¶
func ToAVCodecHWConfigArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecHWConfig]
func ToAVCodecParametersArray ¶
func ToAVCodecParametersArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecParameters]
func ToAVCodecParserArray ¶
func ToAVCodecParserArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecParser]
func ToAVCodecParserContextArray ¶
func ToAVCodecParserContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecParserContext]
func ToAVCodecTagArray ¶
func ToAVCodecTagArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVCodecTag]
func ToAVColorPrimariesArray ¶
func ToAVColorPrimariesArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorPrimaries]
func ToAVColorRangeArray ¶
func ToAVColorRangeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorRange]
func ToAVColorSpaceArray ¶
func ToAVColorSpaceArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorSpace]
func ToAVColorTransferCharacteristicArray ¶
func ToAVColorTransferCharacteristicArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVColorTransferCharacteristic]
func ToAVDeviceInfoListArray ¶
func ToAVDeviceInfoListArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVDeviceInfoList]
func ToAVDictionaryArray ¶
func ToAVDictionaryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVDictionary]
func ToAVDictionaryEntryArray ¶
func ToAVDictionaryEntryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVDictionaryEntry]
func ToAVDurationEstimationMethodArray ¶
func ToAVDurationEstimationMethodArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVDurationEstimationMethod]
func ToAVFieldOrderArray ¶
func ToAVFieldOrderArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVFieldOrder]
func ToAVFilterChainArray ¶
func ToAVFilterChainArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterChain]
func ToAVFilterChannelLayoutsArray ¶
func ToAVFilterChannelLayoutsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterChannelLayouts]
func ToAVFilterContextArray ¶
func ToAVFilterContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterContext]
func ToAVFilterFormatsArray ¶
func ToAVFilterFormatsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterFormats]
func ToAVFilterFormatsConfigArray ¶
func ToAVFilterFormatsConfigArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterFormatsConfig]
func ToAVFilterGraphArray ¶
func ToAVFilterGraphArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterGraph]
func ToAVFilterGraphInternalArray ¶
func ToAVFilterGraphInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterGraphInternal]
func ToAVFilterGraphSegmentArray ¶
func ToAVFilterGraphSegmentArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterGraphSegment]
func ToAVFilterInOutArray ¶
func ToAVFilterInOutArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterInOut]
func ToAVFilterInternalArray ¶
func ToAVFilterInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterInternal]
func ToAVFilterLinkArray ¶
func ToAVFilterLinkArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterLink]
func ToAVFilterPadArray ¶
func ToAVFilterPadArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterPad]
func ToAVFilterPadParamsArray ¶
func ToAVFilterPadParamsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterPadParams]
func ToAVFilterParamsArray ¶
func ToAVFilterParamsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFilterParams]
func ToAVFormatContextArray ¶
func ToAVFormatContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFormatContext]
func ToAVFrameSideDataArray ¶
func ToAVFrameSideDataArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVFrameSideData]
func ToAVFrameSideDataTypeArray ¶
func ToAVFrameSideDataTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVFrameSideDataType]
func ToAVHWDeviceContextArray ¶
func ToAVHWDeviceContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWDeviceContext]
func ToAVHWDeviceInternalArray ¶
func ToAVHWDeviceInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWDeviceInternal]
func ToAVHWDeviceTypeArray ¶
func ToAVHWDeviceTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVHWDeviceType]
func ToAVHWFrameTransferDirectionArray ¶
func ToAVHWFrameTransferDirectionArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVHWFrameTransferDirection]
func ToAVHWFramesConstraintsArray ¶
func ToAVHWFramesConstraintsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWFramesConstraints]
func ToAVHWFramesContextArray ¶
func ToAVHWFramesContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWFramesContext]
func ToAVHWFramesInternalArray ¶
func ToAVHWFramesInternalArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVHWFramesInternal]
func ToAVIOContextArray ¶
func ToAVIOContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIOContext]
func ToAVIODataMarkerTypeArray ¶
func ToAVIODataMarkerTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVIODataMarkerType]
func ToAVIODirContextArray ¶
func ToAVIODirContextArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIODirContext]
func ToAVIODirEntryArray ¶
func ToAVIODirEntryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIODirEntry]
func ToAVIODirEntryTypeArray ¶
func ToAVIODirEntryTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVIODirEntryType]
func ToAVIOInterruptCBArray ¶
func ToAVIOInterruptCBArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIOInterruptCB]
func ToAVIndexEntryArray ¶
func ToAVIndexEntryArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVIndexEntry]
func ToAVInputFormatArray ¶
func ToAVInputFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVInputFormat]
func ToAVMatrixEncodingArray ¶
func ToAVMatrixEncodingArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVMatrixEncoding]
func ToAVMediaTypeArray ¶
func ToAVMediaTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVMediaType]
func ToAVOptionRangeArray ¶
func ToAVOptionRangeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOptionRange]
func ToAVOptionRangesArray ¶
func ToAVOptionRangesArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOptionRanges]
func ToAVOptionTypeArray ¶
func ToAVOptionTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVOptionType]
func ToAVOutputFormatArray ¶
func ToAVOutputFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVOutputFormat]
func ToAVPacketListArray ¶
func ToAVPacketListArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVPacketList]
func ToAVPacketSideDataArray ¶
func ToAVPacketSideDataArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVPacketSideData]
func ToAVPacketSideDataTypeArray ¶
func ToAVPacketSideDataTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPacketSideDataType]
func ToAVPictureStructureArray ¶
func ToAVPictureStructureArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPictureStructure]
func ToAVPictureTypeArray ¶
func ToAVPictureTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPictureType]
func ToAVPixelFormatArray ¶
func ToAVPixelFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVPixelFormat]
func ToAVProbeDataArray ¶
func ToAVProbeDataArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVProbeData]
func ToAVProducerReferenceTimeArray ¶
func ToAVProducerReferenceTimeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVProducerReferenceTime]
func ToAVRegionOfInterestArray ¶
func ToAVRegionOfInterestArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVRegionOfInterest]
func ToAVRoundingArray ¶
func ToAVRoundingArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVRounding]
func ToAVSampleFormatArray ¶
func ToAVSampleFormatArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVSampleFormat]
func ToAVSideDataParamChangeFlagsArray ¶
func ToAVSideDataParamChangeFlagsArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVSideDataParamChangeFlags]
func ToAVStreamParseTypeArray ¶
func ToAVStreamParseTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVStreamParseType]
func ToAVSubtitleArray ¶
func ToAVSubtitleArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVSubtitle]
func ToAVSubtitleRectArray ¶
func ToAVSubtitleRectArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*AVSubtitleRect]
func ToAVSubtitleTypeArray ¶
func ToAVSubtitleTypeArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVSubtitleType]
func ToAVTimebaseSourceArray ¶
func ToAVTimebaseSourceArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[AVTimebaseSource]
func ToRcOverrideArray ¶
func ToRcOverrideArray(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Array[*RcOverride]
func (*Array[T]) Free ¶
func (a *Array[T]) Free()
Free deallocates the underlying memory. You should only call this if you own the array.
type CStr ¶
type CStr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CStr is a string allocated in the C memory space. You may need to call Free to clean up the string depending on the owner and use-case.
func AVCodecConfiguration ¶
func AVCodecConfiguration() *CStr
AVCodecConfiguration wraps avcodec_configuration.
Return the libavcodec build-time configuration.
func AVCodecGetName ¶
AVCodecGetName wraps avcodec_get_name.
Get the name of a codec. @return a static string identifying the codec; never NULL
func AVCodecLicense ¶
func AVCodecLicense() *CStr
AVCodecLicense wraps avcodec_license.
Return the libavcodec license.
func AVCodecProfileName ¶
AVCodecProfileName wraps avcodec_profile_name.
Return a name for the specified profile, if available. @param codec_id the ID of the codec to which the requested profile belongs @param profile the profile value for which a name is requested @return A name for the profile if found, NULL otherwise. @note unlike av_get_profile_name(), which searches a list of profiles supported by a specific decoder or encoder implementation, this function searches the list of profiles from the AVCodecDescriptor
func AVDefaultItemName ¶
AVDefaultItemName wraps av_default_item_name.
Return the context name @param ctx The AVClass context @return The AVClass class_name
func AVDispositionToString ¶
AVDispositionToString wraps av_disposition_to_string.
@param disposition a combination of AV_DISPOSITION_* values @return The string description corresponding to the lowest set bit in disposition. NULL when the lowest set bit does not correspond to a known disposition or when disposition is 0.
func AVFilterConfiguration ¶
func AVFilterConfiguration() *CStr
AVFilterConfiguration wraps avfilter_configuration.
Return the libavfilter build-time configuration.
func AVFilterGraphDump ¶
func AVFilterGraphDump(graph *AVFilterGraph, options *CStr) *CStr
AVFilterGraphDump wraps avfilter_graph_dump.
Dump a graph into a human-readable string representation. @param graph the graph to dump @param options formatting options; currently ignored @return a string, or NULL in case of memory allocation failure; the string must be freed using av_free
func AVFilterLicense ¶
func AVFilterLicense() *CStr
AVFilterLicense wraps avfilter_license.
Return the libavfilter license.
func AVFilterPadGetName ¶
func AVFilterPadGetName(pads *AVFilterPad, padIdx int) *CStr
AVFilterPadGetName wraps avfilter_pad_get_name.
Get the name of an AVFilterPad. @param pads an array of AVFilterPads @param pad_idx index of the pad in the array; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure the index is valid @return name of the pad_idx'th pad in pads
func AVFormatConfiguration ¶
func AVFormatConfiguration() *CStr
AVFormatConfiguration wraps avformat_configuration.
Return the libavformat build-time configuration.
func AVFormatLicense ¶
func AVFormatLicense() *CStr
AVFormatLicense wraps avformat_license.
Return the libavformat license.
func AVFourccMakeString ¶
AVFourccMakeString wraps av_fourcc_make_string.
Fill the provided buffer with a string containing a FourCC (four-character code) representation. @param buf a buffer with size in bytes of at least AV_FOURCC_MAX_STRING_SIZE @param fourcc the fourcc to represent @return the buffer in input
func AVFrameSideDataName ¶
func AVFrameSideDataName(_type AVFrameSideDataType) *CStr
AVFrameSideDataName wraps av_frame_side_data_name.
@return a string identifying the side data type
func AVGetChannelDescription ¶
AVGetChannelDescription wraps av_get_channel_description.
Get the description of a given channel. @param channel a channel layout with a single channel @return channel description on success, NULL on error @deprecated use av_channel_description()
func AVGetChannelName ¶
AVGetChannelName wraps av_get_channel_name.
Get the name of a given channel. @return channel name on success, NULL on error. @deprecated use av_channel_name()
func AVGetMediaTypeString ¶
func AVGetMediaTypeString(mediaType AVMediaType) *CStr
AVGetMediaTypeString wraps av_get_media_type_string.
Return a string describing the media_type enum, NULL if media_type is unknown.
func AVGetProfileName ¶
AVGetProfileName wraps av_get_profile_name.
Return a name for the specified profile, if available. @param codec the codec that is searched for the given profile @param profile the profile value for which a name is requested @return A name for the profile if found, NULL otherwise.
func AVGetSampleFmtName ¶
func AVGetSampleFmtName(sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) *CStr
AVGetSampleFmtName wraps av_get_sample_fmt_name.
Return the name of sample_fmt, or NULL if sample_fmt is not recognized.
func AVGetSampleFmtString ¶
func AVGetSampleFmtString(buf *CStr, bufSize int, sampleFmt AVSampleFormat) *CStr
AVGetSampleFmtString wraps av_get_sample_fmt_string.
Generate a string corresponding to the sample format with sample_fmt, or a header if sample_fmt is negative. @param buf the buffer where to write the string @param buf_size the size of buf @param sample_fmt the number of the sample format to print the corresponding info string, or a negative value to print the corresponding header. @return the pointer to the filled buffer or NULL if sample_fmt is unknown or in case of other errors
func AVHWDeviceGetTypeName ¶ added in v0.5.0
func AVHWDeviceGetTypeName(_type AVHWDeviceType) *CStr
AVHWDeviceGetTypeName wraps av_hwdevice_get_type_name.
Get the string name of an AVHWDeviceType. @param type Type from enum AVHWDeviceType. @return Pointer to a static string containing the name, or NULL if the type is not valid.
func AVIOFindProtocolName ¶
AVIOFindProtocolName wraps avio_find_protocol_name.
Return the name of the protocol that will handle the passed URL. NULL is returned if no protocol could be found for the given URL. @return Name of the protocol or NULL.
func AVMakeErrorString ¶
AVMakeErrorString wraps av_make_error_string.
Fill the provided buffer with a string containing an error string corresponding to the AVERROR code errnum. @param errbuf a buffer @param errbuf_size size in bytes of errbuf @param errnum error code to describe @return the buffer in input, filled with the error description @see av_strerror()
func AVPacketSideDataName ¶
func AVPacketSideDataName(_type AVPacketSideDataType) *CStr
AVPacketSideDataName wraps av_packet_side_data_name.
func AVStrdup ¶
AVStrdup wraps av_strdup.
Duplicate a string. @param s String to be duplicated @return Pointer to a newly-allocated string containing a copy of `s` or `NULL` if the string cannot be allocated @see av_strndup()
func AVStrndup ¶
AVStrndup wraps av_strndup.
Duplicate a substring of a string. @param s String to be duplicated @param len Maximum length of the resulting string (not counting the terminating byte) @return Pointer to a newly-allocated string containing a substring of `s` or `NULL` if the string cannot be allocated
func AVUtilConfiguration ¶
func AVUtilConfiguration() *CStr
AVUtilConfiguration wraps avutil_configuration.
Return the libavutil build-time configuration.
func AVUtilLicense ¶
func AVUtilLicense() *CStr
AVUtilLicense wraps avutil_license.
Return the libavutil license.
func AVVersionInfo ¶
func AVVersionInfo() *CStr
AVVersionInfo wraps av_version_info.
Return an informative version string. This usually is the actual release version number or a git commit description. This string has no fixed format and can change any time. It should never be parsed by code.
func AllocCStr ¶
AllocCStr allocates an empty string with the given length. The buffer will be initialised to 0.
func GlobalCStr ¶
GlobalCStr resolves the given string to a CStr. Multiple calls with the same input string will return the same CStr. You should not attempt to free the CStr returned. When passing to FFmpeg, you may need to call Dup to create a copy if the FFmpeg code expects to take ownership and will likely free the string.
func ToCStr ¶
ToCStr allocates a new CStr with the given content. The CStr will not be automatically garbage collected.
func (*CStr) Free ¶
func (s *CStr) Free()
Free frees the backing memory for this string. You should only call this function if you are the owner of the memory.
type LogCallback ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SLogAdapter ¶ added in v0.6.0
func SLogAdapter(logger *slog.Logger) LogCallback
type RcOverride ¶
type RcOverride struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RcOverride wraps RcOverride.
func (*RcOverride) EndFrame ¶
func (s *RcOverride) EndFrame() int
EndFrame gets the end_frame field.
func (*RcOverride) Qscale ¶
func (s *RcOverride) Qscale() int
Qscale gets the qscale field.
If this is 0 then quality_factor will be used instead.
func (*RcOverride) QualityFactor ¶
func (s *RcOverride) QualityFactor() float32
QualityFactor gets the quality_factor field.
func (*RcOverride) RawPtr ¶
func (s *RcOverride) RawPtr() unsafe.Pointer
func (*RcOverride) SetEndFrame ¶
func (s *RcOverride) SetEndFrame(value int)
SetEndFrame sets the end_frame field.
func (*RcOverride) SetQscale ¶
func (s *RcOverride) SetQscale(value int)
SetQscale sets the qscale field.
If this is 0 then quality_factor will be used instead.
func (*RcOverride) SetQualityFactor ¶
func (s *RcOverride) SetQualityFactor(value float32)
SetQualityFactor sets the quality_factor field.
func (*RcOverride) SetStartFrame ¶
func (s *RcOverride) SetStartFrame(value int)
SetStartFrame sets the start_frame field.
func (*RcOverride) StartFrame ¶
func (s *RcOverride) StartFrame() int
StartFrame gets the start_frame field.