Path | Synopsis |
Package app provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality for running graphical user interfaces.
Package app provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality for running graphical user interfaces. |
Package points standard output, standard error and the standard library package log to the platform logger.
Package points standard output, standard error and the standard library package log to the platform logger. |
package wm implements platform specific windows and GPU contexts.
package wm implements platform specific windows and GPU contexts. |
Package xkb implements a Go interface for the X Keyboard Extension library.
Package xkb implements a Go interface for the X Keyboard Extension library. |
Package permission includes sub-packages that should be imported by a Gio program or by one of its dependencies to indicate that specific operating-system permissions are required.
Package permission includes sub-packages that should be imported by a Gio program or by one of its dependencies to indicate that specific operating-system permissions are required. |
Package bluetooth implements permissions to access Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy hardware, including the ability to discover and pair devices.
Package bluetooth implements permissions to access Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy hardware, including the ability to discover and pair devices. |
Package camera implements permissions to access camera hardware.
Package camera implements permissions to access camera hardware. |
Package networkstate implements permissions to access network connectivity information.
Package networkstate implements permissions to access network connectivity information. |
Package storage implements read and write storage permissions on mobile devices.
Package storage implements read and write storage permissions on mobile devices. |
The gogio tool builds and packages Gio programs for Android, iOS/tvOS and WebAssembly.
The gogio tool builds and packages Gio programs for Android, iOS/tvOS and WebAssembly. |
Package f32 is a float32 implementation of package image's Point and Rectangle.
Package f32 is a float32 implementation of package image's Point and Rectangle. |
Package gofont exports the Go fonts as a text.Collection.
Package gofont exports the Go fonts as a text.Collection. |
Package opentype implements text layout and shaping for OpenType files.
Package opentype implements text layout and shaping for OpenType files. |
Package gesture implements common pointer gestures.
Package gesture implements common pointer gestures. |
Package gpu implements the rendering of Gio drawing operations.
Package gpu implements the rendering of Gio drawing operations. |
Package headless implements headless windows for rendering an operation list to an image.
Package headless implements headless windows for rendering an operation list to an image. |
Package rendertest is intended for testing of drawing ops only.
Package rendertest is intended for testing of drawing ops only. |
Package byteslice provides byte slice views of other Go values such as slices and structs.
Package byteslice provides byte slice views of other Go values such as slices and structs. |
Package cocoainit initializes support for multithreaded programs in Cocoa.
Package cocoainit initializes support for multithreaded programs in Cocoa. |
Package scene encodes and decodes graphics commands in the format used by the compute renderer.
Package scene encodes and decodes graphics commands in the format used by the compute renderer. |
Package stroke implements conversion of strokes to filled outlines.
Package stroke implements conversion of strokes to filled outlines. |
Package event contains the types for event handling.
Package event contains the types for event handling. |
Package key implements key and text events and operations.
Package key implements key and text events and operations. |
Package pointer implements pointer events and operations.
Package pointer implements pointer events and operations. |
Package profiles provides access to rendering profiles.
Package profiles provides access to rendering profiles. |
Package router implements Router, a event.Queue implementation that that disambiguates and routes events to handlers declared in operation lists.
Package router implements Router, a event.Queue implementation that that disambiguates and routes events to handlers declared in operation lists. |
Package system contains events usually handled at the top-level program level.
Package system contains events usually handled at the top-level program level. |
Package op implements operations for updating a user interface.
Package op implements operations for updating a user interface. |
Package clip provides operations for clipping paint operations.
Package clip provides operations for clipping paint operations. |
Package paint provides drawing operations for 2D graphics.
Package paint provides drawing operations for 2D graphics. |
Package unit implements device independent units and values.
Package unit implements device independent units and values. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.