Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateSortedSignerArray(altPrivVal, suitePrivVal tmtypes.PrivValidator, ...) []tmtypes.PrivValidator
- func GenerateKeys(t *testing.T, n uint64) ([]cryptotypes.PrivKey, []cryptotypes.PubKey, cryptotypes.PubKey)
- func GetChainID(index int) string
- func MakeBlockID(hash []byte, partSetSize uint32, partSetHash []byte) tmtypes.BlockID
- func ParseChannelIDFromEvents(events sdk.Events) (string, error)
- func ParseClientIDFromEvents(events sdk.Events) (string, error)
- func ParseConnectionIDFromEvents(events sdk.Events) (string, error)
- type ChannelConfig
- type ClientConfig
- type ConnectionConfig
- type Coordinator
- func (coord *Coordinator) AcknowledgePacket(source, counterparty *TestChain, counterpartyClient string, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) AcknowledgePacketWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanCloseInit(source, counterparty *TestChain, channel TestChannel) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenAck(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenAckWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenConfirm(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenConfirmWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenFinalizeWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenInit(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) (TestChannel, TestChannel, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenInitOnBothChains(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) (TestChannel, TestChannel, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenInitWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) (TestChannel, TestChannel, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenTry(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenTryWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) CommitBlock(chains ...*TestChain)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CommitNBlocks(chain *TestChain, n uint64)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenAck(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenAckWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenConfirm(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenConfirmWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenFinalizeWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenInit(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenInitOnBothChains(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenInitWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenTry(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenTryWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateChannel(chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, ...) (TestChannel, TestChannel)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateChannelWithProxy(chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, ...) (*TestChannel, *TestChannel)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateClient(source, counterparty *TestChain, clientType string) (clientID string, err error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateClient2(source, counterparty *TestChain, clientType string, useMultiV bool, ...) (clientID string, err error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateConnection(chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientA, clientB string, nextChannelVersion string) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateConnectionWithProxy(chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientA, clientB string, nextChannelVersion string, ...) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateMockChannels(chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, ...) (TestChannel, TestChannel)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateMultiVClient(source, counterparty *TestChain, clientType string, depth uint32) (string, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateProxyClient(downstream, proxy *TestChain, clientType string, upstreamClientID string) (string, error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) CreateTransferChannels(chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, ...) (TestChannel, TestChannel)
- func (coord *Coordinator) GetChain(chainID string) *TestChain
- func (coord *Coordinator) IncrementClientSequence(source, counterparty *TestChain, clientType string, num int) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) IncrementTime()
- func (coord *Coordinator) IncrementTimeBy(increment time.Duration)
- func (coord *Coordinator) RecvPacket(source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceClient string, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) RecvPacketWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) RelayPacket(source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceClient, counterpartyClient string, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) SendMsg(source, counterparty *TestChain, counterpartyClientID string, msg sdk.Msg) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) SendMsgs(source, counterparty *TestChain, counterpartyClientID string, msgs []sdk.Msg) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) SendPacket(source, counterparty *TestChain, packet exported.PacketI, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) SendPacketWithProxy(source, counterparty *TestChain, ...) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) SetChannelClosed(source, counterparty *TestChain, testChannel TestChannel) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) Setup(chainA, chainB *TestChain, order channeltypes.Order) (string, string, *TestConnection, *TestConnection, TestChannel, TestChannel)
- func (coord *Coordinator) SetupClientConnections(chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientType string, nextChannelVersion string) (string, string, *TestConnection, *TestConnection)
- func (coord *Coordinator) SetupClients(chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientType string) (string, string)
- func (coord *Coordinator) UpdateClient(source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID string, clientType string) (err error)
- func (coord *Coordinator) UpdateClients(chains []*TestChain, clientIDs []string, clientType string) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) UpdateMultiVClient(source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) error
- func (coord *Coordinator) WriteAcknowledgement(source, counterparty *TestChain, packet exported.PacketI, ...) error
- type ProxyInfo
- type ProxyPair
- type Solomachine
- func (solo *Solomachine) ClientState() *solomachinetypes.ClientState
- func (solo *Solomachine) ConsensusState() *solomachinetypes.ConsensusState
- func (solo *Solomachine) CreateHeader() *solomachinetypes.Header
- func (solo *Solomachine) CreateMisbehaviour() *solomachinetypes.Misbehaviour
- func (solo *Solomachine) GenerateSignature(signBytes []byte) []byte
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetChannelStatePath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetClientStatePath(counterpartyClientIdentifier string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetConnectionStatePath(connID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetConsensusStatePath(counterpartyClientIdentifier string, consensusHeight exported.Height) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetHeight() exported.Height
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetNextSequenceRecvPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetPacketAcknowledgementPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetPacketCommitmentPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- func (solo *Solomachine) GetPacketReceiptPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
- type TendermintConfig
- type TestChain
- func (chain *TestChain) AddTestChannel(conn *TestConnection, portID string) TestChannel
- func (chain *TestChain) AddTestConnection(clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string) *TestConnection
- func (chain *TestChain) ChanCloseInit(counterparty *TestChain, channel TestChannel) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenAck(counterparty *TestChain, ch, counterpartyCh TestChannel) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenConfirm(counterparty *TestChain, ch, counterpartyCh TestChannel) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenInit(ch, counterparty TestChannel, order channeltypes.Order, connectionID string) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenTry(counterparty *TestChain, ch, counterpartyCh TestChannel, ...) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenAck(counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenAckWithProxy(counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ...) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenConfirm(counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenInit(counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenTry(counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenTryWithProxy(counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ...) error
- func (chain *TestChain) ConstructMsgCreateClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string, clientType string) *clienttypes.MsgCreateClient
- func (chain *TestChain) ConstructNextTestConnection(clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string) *TestConnection
- func (chain *TestChain) ConstructUpdateTMClientHeader(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) (*ibctmtypes.Header, error)
- func (chain *TestChain) CreateChannelCapability(scopedKeeper capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper, portID, channelID string)
- func (chain *TestChain) CreateMultiVClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string, clientType string, depth uint32) error
- func (chain *TestChain) CreatePortCapability(portID string)
- func (chain *TestChain) CreateProxyClient(proxy *TestChain, clientType string, clientID string, upstreamClientID string) error
- func (chain *TestChain) CreateTMClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) error
- func (chain *TestChain) CreateTMClientHeader(chainID string, blockHeight int64, trustedHeight clienttypes.Height, ...) *ibctmtypes.Header
- func (chain *TestChain) CurrentTMClientHeader() *ibctmtypes.Header
- func (chain *TestChain) ExpireClient(amount time.Duration)
- func (chain *TestChain) GetAcknowledgement(packet exported.PacketI) []byte
- func (chain *TestChain) GetChannel(testChannel TestChannel) channeltypes.Channel
- func (chain *TestChain) GetChannelCapability(portID, channelID string) *capabilitytypes.Capability
- func (chain *TestChain) GetClientState(clientID string) exported.ClientState
- func (chain *TestChain) GetConnection(testConnection *TestConnection) connectiontypes.ConnectionEnd
- func (chain *TestChain) GetConsensusState(clientID string, height exported.Height) (exported.ConsensusState, bool)
- func (chain *TestChain) GetContext() sdk.Context
- func (chain *TestChain) GetPacketData(counterparty *TestChain) []byte
- func (chain *TestChain) GetPortCapability(portID string) *capabilitytypes.Capability
- func (chain *TestChain) GetPrefix() commitmenttypes.MerklePrefix
- func (chain *TestChain) GetProxyChannel(upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, upstreamClientID string, ...) channeltypes.Channel
- func (chain *TestChain) GetProxyConnection(upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, upstreamClientID string, connectionID string) connectiontypes.ConnectionEnd
- func (chain *TestChain) GetValsAtHeight(height int64) (*tmtypes.ValidatorSet, bool)
- func (chain *TestChain) NewClientID(clientType string) string
- func (chain *TestChain) NextBlock()
- func (chain *TestChain) NextTestChannel(conn *TestConnection, portID string) TestChannel
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryAnyClientStateProof(clientID string) (*codectypes.Any, exported.Height, []byte)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryAnyConsensusStateProof(clientID string) (*codectypes.Any, []byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryClientStateProof(clientID string) (exported.ClientState, []byte)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryConsensusStateProof(clientID string) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryMultiVBranchProof(clientID string) *multivtypes.Proof
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryMultiVLeafClientProof(head *multivtypes.Proof, upstreamClientID string) (exported.ClientState, []byte)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryMultiVLeafConsensusProof(head *multivtypes.Proof, upstreamClientID string) (exported.ConsensusState, []byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProof(key []byte) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyAcknowledgementProof(destPort, destChannel string, packetSequence uint64, ...) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyChannelStateProof(portID string, channelID string, upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, ...) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyClientStateProof(clientID string, upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, upstreamClientID string) (exported.ClientState, []byte)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyConnectionStateProof(connectionID string, upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, upstreamClientID string) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyConsensusStateProof(clientID string, upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, upstreamClientID string) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyPacketCommitmentProof(sourcePort, sourceChannel string, packetSequence uint64, ...) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyProof(key []byte) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) QueryUpgradeProof(key []byte, height uint64) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
- func (chain *TestChain) SendMsgs(msgs ...sdk.Msg) (*sdk.Result, error)
- func (chain *TestChain) SendPacket(packet exported.PacketI) error
- func (chain *TestChain) UpdateMultiVClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) error
- func (chain *TestChain) UpdateProxyClient(proxy *TestChain, proxyClientID string) error
- func (chain *TestChain) UpdateTMClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) error
- func (chain *TestChain) WriteAcknowledgement(packet exported.PacketI) error
- type TestChannel
- type TestConnection
- type TestingApp
Constants ¶
const ( // Default params constants used to create a TM client TrustingPeriod time.Duration = time.Hour * 24 * 7 * 2 UnbondingPeriod time.Duration = time.Hour * 24 * 7 * 3 MaxClockDrift time.Duration = time.Minute * 10 DefaultDelayPeriod uint64 = 0 TransferVersion = ibctransfertypes.Version InvalidID = "IDisInvalid" ConnectionIDPrefix = "conn" ChannelIDPrefix = "chan" TransferPort = ibctransfertypes.ModuleName MockPort = mock.ModuleName // used for testing UpdateClientProposal Title = "title" Description = "description" )
Variables ¶
var ( DefaultOpenInitVersion *connectiontypes.Version // Default params variables used to create a TM client DefaultTrustLevel ibctmtypes.Fraction = ibctmtypes.DefaultTrustLevel TestHash = tmhash.Sum([]byte("TESTING HASH")) TestCoin = sdk.NewCoin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, sdk.NewInt(100)) UpgradePath = []string{"upgrade", "upgradedIBCState"} ConnectionVersion = connectiontypes.ExportedVersionsToProto(connectiontypes.GetCompatibleVersions())[0] MockAcknowledgement = mock.MockAcknowledgement )
var ( ChainIDPrefix = "testchain" TimeIncrement = time.Second * 5 )
var DefaultTestingAppInit func() (TestingApp, map[string]json.RawMessage) = SetupTestingApp
Functions ¶
func CreateSortedSignerArray ¶
func CreateSortedSignerArray(altPrivVal, suitePrivVal tmtypes.PrivValidator, altVal, suiteVal *tmtypes.Validator) []tmtypes.PrivValidator
CreateSortedSignerArray takes two PrivValidators, and the corresponding Validator structs (including voting power). It returns a signer array of PrivValidators that matches the sorting of ValidatorSet. The sorting is first by .VotingPower (descending), with secondary index of .Address (ascending).
func GenerateKeys ¶
func GenerateKeys(t *testing.T, n uint64) ([]cryptotypes.PrivKey, []cryptotypes.PubKey, cryptotypes.PubKey)
GenerateKeys generates a new set of secp256k1 private keys and public keys. If the number of keys is greater than one then the public key returned represents a multisig public key. The private keys are used for signing, the public keys are used for generating the public key and the public key is used for solo machine verification. The usage of secp256k1 is entirely arbitrary. The key type can be swapped for any key type supported by the PublicKey interface, if needed. The same is true for the amino based Multisignature public key.
func GetChainID ¶
GetChainID returns the chainID used for the provided index.
func MakeBlockID ¶
MakeBlockID copied unimported test functions from tmtypes to use them here
func ParseChannelIDFromEvents ¶
ParseChannelIDFromEvents parses events emitted from a MsgChannelOpenInit or MsgChannelOpenTry and returns the channel identifier.
func ParseClientIDFromEvents ¶
ParseClientIDFromEvents parses events emitted from a MsgCreateClient and returns the client identifier.
Types ¶
type ChannelConfig ¶
type ChannelConfig struct { PortID string Version string Order channeltypes.Order }
func NewChannelConfig ¶
func NewChannelConfig() *ChannelConfig
type ClientConfig ¶
type ClientConfig interface {
GetClientType() string
type ConnectionConfig ¶
type ConnectionConfig struct { DelayPeriod uint64 Version *connectiontypes.Version }
func NewConnectionConfig ¶
func NewConnectionConfig() *ConnectionConfig
type Coordinator ¶
Coordinator is a testing struct which contains N TestChain's. It handles keeping all chains in sync with regards to time.
func NewCoordinator ¶
func NewCoordinator(t *testing.T, n int) *Coordinator
NewCoordinator initializes Coordinator with N TestChain's
func (*Coordinator) AcknowledgePacket ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) AcknowledgePacket( source, counterparty *TestChain, counterpartyClient string, packet channeltypes.Packet, ack []byte, ) error
AcknowledgePacket acknowledges on the source chain the packet received on the counterparty chain and updates the client on the counterparty representing the source chain. TODO: add a query for the acknowledgement by events -
func (*Coordinator) AcknowledgePacketWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) AcknowledgePacketWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel *TestChannel, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, packet channeltypes.Packet, ack []byte, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ChanCloseInit ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanCloseInit( source, counterparty *TestChain, channel TestChannel, ) error
ChanCloseInit closes a channel on the source chain resulting in the channels state being set to CLOSED.
NOTE: does not work with ibc-transfer module
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenAck ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenAck( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, ) error
ChanOpenAck initializes a channel on the source chain with the state OPEN using the OpenAck handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenAckWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenAckWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenConfirm ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenConfirm( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, ) error
ChanOpenConfirm initializes a channel on the source chain with the state OPEN using the OpenConfirm handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenConfirmWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenConfirmWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenFinalizeWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenFinalizeWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenInit ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenInit( source, counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, sourcePortID, counterpartyPortID string, order channeltypes.Order, ) (TestChannel, TestChannel, error)
ChanOpenInit initializes a channel on the source chain with the state INIT using the OpenInit handshake call.
NOTE: The counterparty testing channel will be created even if it is not created in the application state.
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenInitOnBothChains ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenInitOnBothChains( source, counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, sourcePortID, counterpartyPortID string, order channeltypes.Order, ) (TestChannel, TestChannel, error)
ChanOpenInitOnBothChains initializes a channel on the source chain and counterparty chain with the state INIT using the OpenInit handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenInitWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenInitWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, sourcePortID, counterpartyPortID string, order channeltypes.Order, proxies ProxyPair, ) (TestChannel, TestChannel, error)
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenTry ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenTry( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, connection *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, ) error
ChanOpenTry initializes a channel on the source chain with the state TRYOPEN using the OpenTry handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ChanOpenTryWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ChanOpenTryWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceChannel, counterpartyChannel TestChannel, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) CommitBlock ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CommitBlock(chains ...*TestChain)
CommitBlock commits a block on the provided indexes and then increments the global time.
CONTRACT: the passed in list of indexes must not contain duplicates
func (*Coordinator) CommitNBlocks ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CommitNBlocks(chain *TestChain, n uint64)
CommitNBlocks commits n blocks to state and updates the block height by 1 for each commit.
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenAck ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenAck( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnOpenAck initializes a connection on the source chain with the state OPEN using the OpenAck handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenAckWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenAckWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenConfirm ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenConfirm( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnOpenConfirm initializes a connection on the source chain with the state OPEN using the OpenConfirm handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenConfirmWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenConfirmWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenFinalizeWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenFinalizeWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenInit ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenInit( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string, ) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection, error)
ConnOpenInit initializes a connection on the source chain with the state INIT using the OpenInit handshake call.
NOTE: The counterparty testing connection will be created even if it is not created in the application state.
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenInitOnBothChains ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenInitOnBothChains( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string, ) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection, error)
ConnOpenInitOnBothChains initializes a connection on the source chain with the state INIT using the OpenInit handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenInitWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenInitWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string, proxies ProxyPair, ) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection, error)
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenTry ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenTry( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnOpenTry initializes a connection on the source chain with the state TRYOPEN using the OpenTry handshake call.
func (*Coordinator) ConnOpenTryWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) ConnOpenTryWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) CreateChannel ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateChannel( chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, sourcePortID, counterpartyPortID string, order channeltypes.Order, ) (TestChannel, TestChannel)
CreateChannel constructs and executes channel handshake messages in order to create OPEN channels on chainA and chainB. The function expects the channels to be successfully opened otherwise testing will fail.
func (*Coordinator) CreateChannelWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateChannelWithProxy( chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, sourcePortID, counterpartyPortID string, order channeltypes.Order, proxies ProxyPair, ) (*TestChannel, *TestChannel)
func (*Coordinator) CreateClient ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateClient( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientType string, ) (clientID string, err error)
CreateClient creates a counterparty client on the source chain and returns the clientID.
func (*Coordinator) CreateClient2 ¶
func (*Coordinator) CreateConnection ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateConnection( chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientA, clientB string, nextChannelVersion string, ) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection)
CreateConnection constructs and executes connection handshake messages in order to create OPEN channels on chainA and chainB. The connection information of for chainA and chainB are returned within a TestConnection struct. The function expects the connections to be successfully opened otherwise testing will fail.
func (*Coordinator) CreateConnectionWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateConnectionWithProxy( chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientA, clientB string, nextChannelVersion string, proxies ProxyPair, ) (*TestConnection, *TestConnection)
func (*Coordinator) CreateMockChannels ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateMockChannels( chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, ) (TestChannel, TestChannel)
CreateMockChannels constructs and executes channel handshake messages to create OPEN channels that use a mock application module that returns nil on all callbacks. This function is expects the channels to be successfully opened otherwise testing will fail.
func (*Coordinator) CreateMultiVClient ¶
func (*Coordinator) CreateProxyClient ¶
func (*Coordinator) CreateTransferChannels ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) CreateTransferChannels( chainA, chainB *TestChain, connA, connB *TestConnection, order channeltypes.Order, ) (TestChannel, TestChannel)
CreateTransferChannels constructs and executes channel handshake messages to create OPEN ibc-transfer channels on chainA and chainB. The function expects the channels to be successfully opened otherwise testing will fail.
func (*Coordinator) GetChain ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) GetChain(chainID string) *TestChain
GetChain returns the TestChain using the given chainID and returns an error if it does not exist.
func (*Coordinator) IncrementClientSequence ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) IncrementClientSequence( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientType string, num int, ) error
IncrementClientSequence creates a given number of clients. It's useful if you want to use different clientIDs across chains for testing purposes.
func (*Coordinator) IncrementTime ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) IncrementTime()
IncrementTime iterates through all the TestChain's and increments their current header time by 5 seconds.
CONTRACT: this function must be called after every commit on any TestChain.
func (*Coordinator) IncrementTimeBy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) IncrementTimeBy(increment time.Duration)
IncrementTimeBy iterates through all the TestChain's and increments their current header time by specified time.
func (*Coordinator) RecvPacket ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) RecvPacket( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceClient string, packet channeltypes.Packet, ) error
RecvPacket receives a channel packet on the counterparty chain and updates the client on the source chain representing the counterparty.
func (*Coordinator) RecvPacketWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) RecvPacketWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, packet channeltypes.Packet, proxies ProxyPair, ) error
func (*Coordinator) RelayPacket ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) RelayPacket( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceClient, counterpartyClient string, packet channeltypes.Packet, ack []byte, ) error
RelayPacket receives a channel packet on counterparty, queries the ack and acknowledges the packet on source. The clients are updated as needed.
func (*Coordinator) SendMsg ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SendMsg(source, counterparty *TestChain, counterpartyClientID string, msg sdk.Msg) error
SendMsg delivers a single provided message to the chain. The counterparty client is update with the new source consensus state.
func (*Coordinator) SendMsgs ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SendMsgs(source, counterparty *TestChain, counterpartyClientID string, msgs []sdk.Msg) error
SendMsgs delivers the provided messages to the chain. The counterparty client is updated with the new source consensus state.
func (*Coordinator) SendPacket ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SendPacket( source, counterparty *TestChain, packet exported.PacketI, counterpartyClientID string, ) error
SendPacket sends a packet through the channel keeper on the source chain and updates the counterparty client for the source chain.
func (*Coordinator) SendPacketWithProxy ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SendPacketWithProxy( source, counterparty *TestChain, sourceConnection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, proxies ProxyPair, msgs ...sdk.Msg, ) error
func (*Coordinator) SetChannelClosed ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SetChannelClosed( source, counterparty *TestChain, testChannel TestChannel, ) error
SetChannelClosed sets a channel state to CLOSED.
func (*Coordinator) Setup ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) Setup( chainA, chainB *TestChain, order channeltypes.Order, ) (string, string, *TestConnection, *TestConnection, TestChannel, TestChannel)
Setup constructs a TM client, connection, and channel on both chains provided. It will fail if any error occurs. The clientID's, TestConnections, and TestChannels are returned for both chains. The channels created are connected to the ibc-transfer application.
func (*Coordinator) SetupClientConnections ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SetupClientConnections( chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientType string, nextChannelVersion string, ) (string, string, *TestConnection, *TestConnection)
SetupClientConnections is a helper function to create clients and the appropriate connections on both the source and counterparty chain. It assumes the caller does not anticipate any errors.
func (*Coordinator) SetupClients ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) SetupClients( chainA, chainB *TestChain, clientType string, ) (string, string)
SetupClients is a helper function to create clients on both chains. It assumes the caller does not anticipate any errors.
func (*Coordinator) UpdateClient ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) UpdateClient( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID string, clientType string, ) (err error)
UpdateClient updates a counterparty client on the source chain.
func (*Coordinator) UpdateClients ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) UpdateClients(chains []*TestChain, clientIDs []string, clientType string) error
func (*Coordinator) UpdateMultiVClient ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) UpdateMultiVClient( source, counterparty *TestChain, clientID string, ) error
func (*Coordinator) WriteAcknowledgement ¶
func (coord *Coordinator) WriteAcknowledgement( source, counterparty *TestChain, packet exported.PacketI, counterpartyClientID string, ) error
WriteAcknowledgement writes an acknowledgement to the channel keeper on the source chain and updates the counterparty client for the source chain.
type Solomachine ¶
type Solomachine struct { ClientID string PrivateKeys []cryptotypes.PrivKey // keys used for signing PublicKeys []cryptotypes.PubKey // keys used for generating solo machine pub key PublicKey cryptotypes.PubKey // key used for verification Sequence uint64 Time uint64 Diversifier string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Solomachine is a testing helper used to simulate a counterparty solo machine client.
func NewSolomachine ¶
func NewSolomachine(t *testing.T, cdc codec.BinaryCodec, clientID, diversifier string, nKeys uint64) *Solomachine
NewSolomachine returns a new solomachine instance with an `nKeys` amount of generated private/public key pairs and a sequence starting at 1. If nKeys is greater than 1 then a multisig public key is used.
func (*Solomachine) ClientState ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) ClientState() *solomachinetypes.ClientState
ClientState returns a new solo machine ClientState instance. Default usage does not allow update after governance proposal
func (*Solomachine) ConsensusState ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) ConsensusState() *solomachinetypes.ConsensusState
ConsensusState returns a new solo machine ConsensusState instance
func (*Solomachine) CreateHeader ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) CreateHeader() *solomachinetypes.Header
CreateHeader generates a new private/public key pair and creates the necessary signature to construct a valid solo machine header.
func (*Solomachine) CreateMisbehaviour ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) CreateMisbehaviour() *solomachinetypes.Misbehaviour
CreateMisbehaviour constructs testing misbehaviour for the solo machine client by signing over two different data bytes at the same sequence.
func (*Solomachine) GenerateSignature ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GenerateSignature(signBytes []byte) []byte
GenerateSignature uses the stored private keys to generate a signature over the sign bytes with each key. If the amount of keys is greater than 1 then a multisig data type is returned.
func (*Solomachine) GetChannelStatePath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetChannelStatePath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetChannelStatePath returns the commitment path for that channel state.
func (*Solomachine) GetClientStatePath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetClientStatePath(counterpartyClientIdentifier string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetClientStatePath returns the commitment path for the client state.
func (*Solomachine) GetConnectionStatePath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetConnectionStatePath(connID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetConnectionStatePath returns the commitment path for the connection state.
func (*Solomachine) GetConsensusStatePath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetConsensusStatePath(counterpartyClientIdentifier string, consensusHeight exported.Height) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetConsensusStatePath returns the commitment path for the consensus state.
func (*Solomachine) GetHeight ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetHeight() exported.Height
GetHeight returns an exported.Height with Sequence as RevisionHeight
func (*Solomachine) GetNextSequenceRecvPath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetNextSequenceRecvPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetNextSequenceRecvPath returns the commitment path for the next sequence recv counter.
func (*Solomachine) GetPacketAcknowledgementPath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetPacketAcknowledgementPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetPacketAcknowledgementPath returns the commitment path for a packet acknowledgement.
func (*Solomachine) GetPacketCommitmentPath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetPacketCommitmentPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetPacketCommitmentPath returns the commitment path for a packet commitment.
func (*Solomachine) GetPacketReceiptPath ¶
func (solo *Solomachine) GetPacketReceiptPath(portID, channelID string) commitmenttypes.MerklePath
GetPacketReceiptPath returns the commitment path for a packet receipt and an absent receipts.
type TendermintConfig ¶
type TendermintConfig struct { TrustLevel ibctmtypes.Fraction TrustingPeriod time.Duration UnbondingPeriod time.Duration MaxClockDrift time.Duration AllowUpdateAfterExpiry bool AllowUpdateAfterMisbehaviour bool }
func NewTendermintConfig ¶
func NewTendermintConfig() *TendermintConfig
func (*TendermintConfig) GetClientType ¶
func (tmcfg *TendermintConfig) GetClientType() string
type TestChain ¶
type TestChain struct { App TestingApp ChainID string LastHeader *ibctmtypes.Header // header for last block height committed CurrentHeader tmproto.Header // header for current block height QueryServer types.QueryServer TxConfig client.TxConfig Codec codec.BinaryCodec Vals *tmtypes.ValidatorSet Signers []tmtypes.PrivValidator SenderAccount authtypes.AccountI // IBC specific helpers ClientIDs []string // ClientID's used on this chain Connections []*TestConnection // track connectionID's created for this chain // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TestChain is a testing struct that wraps a simapp with the last TM Header, the current ABCI header and the validators of the TestChain. It also contains a field called ChainID. This is the clientID that *other* chains use to refer to this TestChain. The SenderAccount is used for delivering transactions through the application state. NOTE: the actual application uses an empty chain-id for ease of testing.
func NewTestChain ¶
NewTestChain initializes a new TestChain instance with a single validator set using a generated private key. It also creates a sender account to be used for delivering transactions.
The first block height is committed to state in order to allow for client creations on counterparty chains. The TestChain will return with a block height starting at 2.
Time management is handled by the Coordinator in order to ensure synchrony between chains. Each update of any chain increments the block header time for all chains by 5 seconds.
func (*TestChain) AddTestChannel ¶
func (chain *TestChain) AddTestChannel(conn *TestConnection, portID string) TestChannel
AddTestChannel appends a new TestChannel which contains references to the port and channel ID used for channel creation and interaction. See 'NextTestChannel' for channel ID naming format.
func (*TestChain) AddTestConnection ¶
func (chain *TestChain) AddTestConnection(clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string) *TestConnection
AddTestConnection appends a new TestConnection which contains references to the connection id, client id and counterparty client id.
func (*TestChain) ChanCloseInit ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ChanCloseInit( counterparty *TestChain, channel TestChannel, ) error
ChanCloseInit will construct and execute a MsgChannelCloseInit.
NOTE: does not work with ibc-transfer module
func (*TestChain) ChanOpenAck ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenAck( counterparty *TestChain, ch, counterpartyCh TestChannel, ) error
ChanOpenAck will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenAck.
func (*TestChain) ChanOpenConfirm ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenConfirm( counterparty *TestChain, ch, counterpartyCh TestChannel, ) error
ChanOpenConfirm will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenConfirm.
func (*TestChain) ChanOpenInit ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenInit( ch, counterparty TestChannel, order channeltypes.Order, connectionID string, ) error
ChanOpenInit will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenInit.
func (*TestChain) ChanOpenTry ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ChanOpenTry( counterparty *TestChain, ch, counterpartyCh TestChannel, order channeltypes.Order, connectionID string, ) error
ChanOpenTry will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenTry.
func (*TestChain) ConnectionOpenAck ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenAck( counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnectionOpenAck will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenAck.
func (*TestChain) ConnectionOpenAckWithProxy ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenAckWithProxy( counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, counterpartyProxy ProxyInfo, ) error
chain: c0, counterparty: c1, counterpartyProxy: p1 verification:
c0 -> c1 c1 -> p1 -> c0
multi-proof: c0 -> c1 (head)-> p1 (leaf)-> c0
func (*TestChain) ConnectionOpenConfirm ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenConfirm( counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnectionOpenConfirm will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.
func (*TestChain) ConnectionOpenInit ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenInit( counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnectionOpenInit will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenInit.
func (*TestChain) ConnectionOpenTry ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenTry( counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, ) error
ConnectionOpenTry will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenTry.
func (*TestChain) ConnectionOpenTryWithProxy ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenTryWithProxy( counterparty *TestChain, connection, counterpartyConnection *TestConnection, counterpartyProxy ProxyInfo, ) error
chain: c1, counterparty: c0, counterpartyProxy: p0 verification:
c0 -> p0 -> c1 c1 -> c0
multi-proof: c1 -> c0 (head)-> p0 (leaf)-> c1
func (*TestChain) ConstructMsgCreateClient ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConstructMsgCreateClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string, clientType string) *clienttypes.MsgCreateClient
ConstructMsgCreateClient constructs a message to create a new client state (tendermint or solomachine). NOTE: a solo machine client will be created with an empty diversifier.
func (*TestChain) ConstructNextTestConnection ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConstructNextTestConnection(clientID, counterpartyClientID, nextChannelVersion string) *TestConnection
ConstructNextTestConnection constructs the next test connection to be created given a clientID and counterparty clientID. The connection id format: <chainID>-conn<index>
func (*TestChain) ConstructUpdateTMClientHeader ¶
func (chain *TestChain) ConstructUpdateTMClientHeader(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) (*ibctmtypes.Header, error)
ConstructUpdateTMClientHeader will construct a valid 07-tendermint Header to update the light client on the source chain.
func (*TestChain) CreateChannelCapability ¶
func (chain *TestChain) CreateChannelCapability(scopedKeeper capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper, portID, channelID string)
CreateChannelCapability binds and claims a capability for the given portID and channelID if it does not already exist. This function will fail testing on any resulting error.
func (*TestChain) CreateMultiVClient ¶
func (*TestChain) CreatePortCapability ¶
CreatePortCapability binds and claims a capability for the given portID if it does not already exist. This function will fail testing on any resulting error. NOTE: only creation of a capbility for a transfer or mock port is supported Other applications must bind to the port in InitGenesis or modify this code.
func (*TestChain) CreateProxyClient ¶
func (*TestChain) CreateTMClient ¶
CreateTMClient will construct and execute a 07-tendermint MsgCreateClient. A counterparty client will be created on the (target) chain.
func (*TestChain) CreateTMClientHeader ¶
func (chain *TestChain) CreateTMClientHeader(chainID string, blockHeight int64, trustedHeight clienttypes.Height, timestamp time.Time, tmValSet, tmTrustedVals *tmtypes.ValidatorSet, signers []tmtypes.PrivValidator) *ibctmtypes.Header
CreateTMClientHeader creates a TM header to update the TM client. Args are passed in to allow caller flexibility to use params that differ from the chain.
func (*TestChain) CurrentTMClientHeader ¶
func (chain *TestChain) CurrentTMClientHeader() *ibctmtypes.Header
CurrentTMClientHeader creates a TM header using the current header parameters on the chain. The trusted fields in the header are set to nil.
func (*TestChain) ExpireClient ¶
ExpireClient fast forwards the chain's block time by the provided amount of time which will expire any clients with a trusting period less than or equal to this amount of time.
func (*TestChain) GetAcknowledgement ¶
GetAcknowledgement retrieves an acknowledgement for the provided packet. If the acknowledgement does not exist then testing will fail.
func (*TestChain) GetChannel ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetChannel(testChannel TestChannel) channeltypes.Channel
GetChannel retrieves an IBC Channel for the provided TestChannel. The channel is expected to exist otherwise testing will fail.
func (*TestChain) GetChannelCapability ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetChannelCapability(portID, channelID string) *capabilitytypes.Capability
GetChannelCapability returns the channel capability for the given portID and channelID. The capability must exist, otherwise testing will fail.
func (*TestChain) GetClientState ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetClientState(clientID string) exported.ClientState
GetClientState retrieves the client state for the provided clientID. The client is expected to exist otherwise testing will fail.
func (*TestChain) GetConnection ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetConnection(testConnection *TestConnection) connectiontypes.ConnectionEnd
GetConnection retrieves an IBC Connection for the provided TestConnection. The connection is expected to exist otherwise testing will fail.
func (*TestChain) GetConsensusState ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetConsensusState(clientID string, height exported.Height) (exported.ConsensusState, bool)
GetConsensusState retrieves the consensus state for the provided clientID and height. It will return a success boolean depending on if consensus state exists or not.
func (*TestChain) GetContext ¶
GetContext returns the current context for the application.
func (*TestChain) GetPacketData ¶
GetPacketData returns a ibc-transfer marshalled packet to be used for callback testing.
func (*TestChain) GetPortCapability ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetPortCapability(portID string) *capabilitytypes.Capability
GetPortCapability returns the port capability for the given portID. The capability must exist, otherwise testing will fail.
func (*TestChain) GetPrefix ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetPrefix() commitmenttypes.MerklePrefix
GetPrefix returns the prefix for used by a chain in connection creation
func (*TestChain) GetProxyChannel ¶
func (*TestChain) GetProxyConnection ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetProxyConnection( upstreamPrefix exported.Prefix, upstreamClientID string, connectionID string, ) connectiontypes.ConnectionEnd
func (*TestChain) GetValsAtHeight ¶
func (chain *TestChain) GetValsAtHeight(height int64) (*tmtypes.ValidatorSet, bool)
GetValsAtHeight will return the validator set of the chain at a given height. It will return a success boolean depending on if the validator set exists or not at that height.
func (*TestChain) NewClientID ¶
NewClientID appends a new clientID string in the format: ClientFor<counterparty-chain-id><index>
func (*TestChain) NextBlock ¶
func (chain *TestChain) NextBlock()
NextBlock sets the last header to the current header and increments the current header to be at the next block height. It does not update the time as that is handled by the Coordinator.
CONTRACT: this function must only be called after app.Commit() occurs
func (*TestChain) NextTestChannel ¶
func (chain *TestChain) NextTestChannel(conn *TestConnection, portID string) TestChannel
NextTestChannel returns the next test channel to be created on this connection, but does not add it to the list of created channels. This function is expected to be used when the caller has not created the associated channel in app state, but would still like to refer to the non-existent channel usually to test for its non-existence.
channel ID format: <connectionid>-chan<channel-index>
The port is passed in by the caller.
func (*TestChain) QueryAnyClientStateProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryAnyConsensusStateProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryAnyConsensusStateProof(clientID string) (*codectypes.Any, []byte, clienttypes.Height)
func (*TestChain) QueryClientStateProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryClientStateProof(clientID string) (exported.ClientState, []byte)
QueryClientStateProof performs and abci query for a client state stored with a given clientID and returns the ClientState along with the proof
func (*TestChain) QueryConsensusStateProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryConsensusStateProof(clientID string) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
QueryConsensusStateProof performs an abci query for a consensus state stored on the given clientID. The proof and consensusHeight are returned.
func (*TestChain) QueryMultiVBranchProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryMultiVBranchProof(clientID string) *multivtypes.Proof
func (*TestChain) QueryMultiVLeafClientProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryMultiVLeafClientProof(head *multivtypes.Proof, upstreamClientID string) (exported.ClientState, []byte)
func (*TestChain) QueryMultiVLeafConsensusProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryMultiVLeafConsensusProof(head *multivtypes.Proof, upstreamClientID string) (exported.ConsensusState, []byte, clienttypes.Height)
func (*TestChain) QueryProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryProof(key []byte) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
QueryProof performs an abci query with the given key and returns the proto encoded merkle proof for the query and the height at which the proof will succeed on a tendermint verifier.
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyAcknowledgementProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyChannelStateProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyClientStateProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyConnectionStateProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyConsensusStateProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyPacketCommitmentProof ¶
func (*TestChain) QueryProxyProof ¶
func (chain *TestChain) QueryProxyProof(key []byte) ([]byte, clienttypes.Height)
QueryProof performs an abci query with the given key and returns the proto encoded merkle proof for the query and the height at which the proof will succeed on a tendermint verifier.
func (*TestChain) QueryUpgradeProof ¶
QueryUpgradeProof performs an abci query with the given key and returns the proto encoded merkle proof for the query and the height at which the proof will succeed on a tendermint verifier.
func (*TestChain) SendMsgs ¶
SendMsgs delivers a transaction through the application. It updates the senders sequence number and updates the TestChain's headers. It returns the result and error if one occurred.
func (*TestChain) SendPacket ¶
SendPacket simulates sending a packet through the channel keeper. No message needs to be passed since this call is made from a module.
func (*TestChain) UpdateMultiVClient ¶
func (*TestChain) UpdateProxyClient ¶
func (*TestChain) UpdateTMClient ¶
UpdateTMClient will construct and execute a 07-tendermint MsgUpdateClient. The counterparty client will be updated on the (target) chain. UpdateTMClient mocks the relayer flow necessary for updating a Tendermint client.
type TestChannel ¶
type TestChannel struct { PortID string ID string ClientID string CounterpartyClientID string Version string }
TestChannel is a testing helper struct to keep track of the portID and channelID used in creating and interacting with a channel. The clientID and counterparty client ID are also tracked to cut down on querying and argument passing.
type TestConnection ¶
type TestConnection struct { ID string ClientID string CounterpartyClientID string NextChannelVersion string Channels []TestChannel }
TestConnection is a testing helper struct to keep track of the connectionID, source clientID, counterparty clientID, and the next channel version used in creating and interacting with a connection.
func (*TestConnection) FirstOrNextTestChannel ¶
func (conn *TestConnection) FirstOrNextTestChannel(portID string) TestChannel
FirstOrNextTestChannel returns the first test channel if it exists, otherwise it returns the next test channel to be created. This function is expected to be used when the caller does not know if the channel has or has not been created in app state, but would still like to refer to it to test existence or non-existence.
type TestingApp ¶
type TestingApp interface { abci.Application // ibc-go additions GetBaseApp() *baseapp.BaseApp GetStakingKeeper() stakingkeeper.Keeper GetIBCKeeper() *keeper.Keeper GetScopedIBCKeeper() capabilitykeeper.ScopedKeeper GetTxConfig() client.TxConfig // Implemented by SimApp AppCodec() codec.Codec // Implemented by BaseApp LastCommitID() sdk.CommitID LastBlockHeight() int64 }
func SetupTestingApp ¶
func SetupTestingApp() (TestingApp, map[string]json.RawMessage)
func SetupWithGenesisValSet ¶
func SetupWithGenesisValSet(t *testing.T, valSet *tmtypes.ValidatorSet, genAccs []authtypes.GenesisAccount, balances ...banktypes.Balance) TestingApp
SetupWithGenesisValSet initializes a new SimApp with a validator set and genesis accounts that also act as delegators. For simplicity, each validator is bonded with a delegation of one consensus engine unit (10^6) in the default token of the simapp from first genesis account. A Nop logger is set in SimApp.