
v0.0.0-...-24e800f Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 14, 2019 License: ISC Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




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const (
	GL_2D                                   = 0x0600
	GL_2_BYTES                              = 0x1407
	GL_3D                                   = 0x0601
	GL_3D_COLOR                             = 0x0602
	GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE                     = 0x0603
	GL_3_BYTES                              = 0x1408
	GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE                     = 0x0604
	GL_4_BYTES                              = 0x1409
	GL_ACCUM                                = 0x0100
	GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS                     = 0x0D5B
	GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS                      = 0x0D5A
	GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT                     = 0x00000200
	GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE                    = 0x0B80
	GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS                     = 0x0D59
	GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS                       = 0x0D58
	GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES                    = 0x8B89
	GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE                       = 0x84E0
	GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS                      = 0x8B86
	GL_ADD                                  = 0x0104
	GL_ADD_SIGNED                           = 0x8574
	GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE             = 0x846E
	GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE             = 0x846D
	GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS                      = 0xFFFFFFFF
	GL_ALPHA                                = 0x1906
	GL_ALPHA12                              = 0x803D
	GL_ALPHA16                              = 0x803E
	GL_ALPHA4                               = 0x803B
	GL_ALPHA8                               = 0x803C
	GL_ALPHA_BIAS                           = 0x0D1D
	GL_ALPHA_BITS                           = 0x0D55
	GL_ALPHA_SCALE                          = 0x0D1C
	GL_ALPHA_TEST                           = 0x0BC0
	GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC                      = 0x0BC1
	GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF                       = 0x0BC2
	GL_ALWAYS                               = 0x0207
	GL_AMBIENT                              = 0x1200
	GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE                  = 0x1602
	GL_AND                                  = 0x1501
	GL_AND_INVERTED                         = 0x1504
	GL_AND_REVERSE                          = 0x1502
	GL_ARRAY_BUFFER                         = 0x8892
	GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING                 = 0x8894
	GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS                     = 0x8B85
	GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH                   = 0x0BB0
	GL_AUTO_NORMAL                          = 0x0D80
	GL_AUX0                                 = 0x0409
	GL_AUX1                                 = 0x040A
	GL_AUX2                                 = 0x040B
	GL_AUX3                                 = 0x040C
	GL_AUX_BUFFERS                          = 0x0C00
	GL_BACK                                 = 0x0405
	GL_BACK_LEFT                            = 0x0402
	GL_BACK_RIGHT                           = 0x0403
	GL_BGR                                  = 0x80E0
	GL_BGRA                                 = 0x80E1
	GL_BITMAP                               = 0x1A00
	GL_BITMAP_TOKEN                         = 0x0704
	GL_BLEND                                = 0x0BE2
	GL_BLEND_COLOR                          = 0x8005
	GL_BLEND_DST                            = 0x0BE0
	GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA                      = 0x80CA
	GL_BLEND_DST_RGB                        = 0x80C8
	GL_BLEND_EQUATION                       = 0x8009
	GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA                 = 0x883D
	GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB                   = 0x8009
	GL_BLEND_SRC                            = 0x0BE1
	GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA                      = 0x80CB
	GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB                        = 0x80C9
	GL_BLUE                                 = 0x1905
	GL_BLUE_BIAS                            = 0x0D1B
	GL_BLUE_BITS                            = 0x0D54
	GL_BLUE_SCALE                           = 0x0D1A
	GL_BOOL                                 = 0x8B56
	GL_BOOL_VEC2                            = 0x8B57
	GL_BOOL_VEC3                            = 0x8B58
	GL_BOOL_VEC4                            = 0x8B59
	GL_BUFFER_ACCESS                        = 0x88BB
	GL_BUFFER_MAPPED                        = 0x88BC
	GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER                   = 0x88BD
	GL_BUFFER_SIZE                          = 0x8764
	GL_BUFFER_USAGE                         = 0x8765
	GL_BYTE                                 = 0x1400
	GL_C3F_V3F                              = 0x2A24
	GL_C4F_N3F_V3F                          = 0x2A26
	GL_C4UB_V2F                             = 0x2A22
	GL_C4UB_V3F                             = 0x2A23
	GL_CCW                                  = 0x0901
	GL_CLAMP                                = 0x2900
	GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER                      = 0x812D
	GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE                        = 0x812F
	GL_CLEAR                                = 0x1500
	GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE                = 0x84E1
	GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT               = 0x00000001
	GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT              = 0x00000002
	GL_CLIP_PLANE0                          = 0x3000
	GL_CLIP_PLANE1                          = 0x3001
	GL_CLIP_PLANE2                          = 0x3002
	GL_CLIP_PLANE3                          = 0x3003
	GL_CLIP_PLANE4                          = 0x3004
	GL_CLIP_PLANE5                          = 0x3005
	GL_COEFF                                = 0x0A00
	GL_COLOR                                = 0x1800
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	GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER                  = 0x8090
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	GL_COLOR_INDEXES                        = 0x1603
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	GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE                  = 0x0B55
	GL_COLOR_SUM                            = 0x8458
	GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK                      = 0x0C23
	GL_COMBINE                              = 0x8570
	GL_COMBINE_ALPHA                        = 0x8572
	GL_COMBINE_RGB                          = 0x8571
	GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE                 = 0x884E
	GL_COMPILE                              = 0x1300
	GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE                  = 0x1301
	GL_COMPILE_STATUS                       = 0x8B81
	GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA                     = 0x84E9
	GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY                 = 0x84EC
	GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE                 = 0x84EA
	GL_COMPRESSED_RGB                       = 0x84ED
	GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA                      = 0x84EE
	GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE                = 0x8C4A
	GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB                      = 0x8C48
	GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA                = 0x8C49
	GL_CONSTANT                             = 0x8576
	GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA                       = 0x8003
	GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION                 = 0x1207
	GL_CONSTANT_COLOR                       = 0x8001
	GL_COORD_REPLACE                        = 0x8862
	GL_COPY                                 = 0x1503
	GL_COPY_INVERTED                        = 0x150C
	GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN                     = 0x0706
	GL_CULL_FACE                            = 0x0B44
	GL_CULL_FACE_MODE                       = 0x0B45
	GL_CURRENT_BIT                          = 0x00000001
	GL_CURRENT_COLOR                        = 0x0B00
	GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORD                    = 0x8453
	GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORDINATE               = 0x8453
	GL_CURRENT_INDEX                        = 0x0B01
	GL_CURRENT_NORMAL                       = 0x0B02
	GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM                      = 0x8B8D
	GL_CURRENT_QUERY                        = 0x8865
	GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR                 = 0x0B04
	GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE              = 0x0B09
	GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX                 = 0x0B05
	GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION              = 0x0B07
	GL_CURRENT_SECONDARY_COLOR              = 0x8459
	GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS               = 0x0B03
	GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB                = 0x8626
	GL_CW                                   = 0x0900
	GL_DECAL                                = 0x2101
	GL_DECR                                 = 0x1E03
	GL_DECR_WRAP                            = 0x8508
	GL_DELETE_STATUS                        = 0x8B80
	GL_DEPTH                                = 0x1801
	GL_DEPTH_BIAS                           = 0x0D1F
	GL_DEPTH_BITS                           = 0x0D56
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	GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT                      = 0x1902
	GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16                    = 0x81A5
	GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24                    = 0x81A6
	GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32                    = 0x81A7
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	GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK                      = 0x0B72
	GL_DIFFUSE                              = 0x1201
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	GL_DOMAIN                               = 0x0A02
	GL_DONT_CARE                            = 0x1100
	GL_DOT3_RGB                             = 0x86AE
	GL_DOT3_RGBA                            = 0x86AF
	GL_DOUBLE                               = 0x140A
	GL_DOUBLEBUFFER                         = 0x0C32
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER                          = 0x0C01
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER0                         = 0x8825
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER1                         = 0x8826
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER10                        = 0x882F
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER11                        = 0x8830
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER12                        = 0x8831
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER13                        = 0x8832
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER14                        = 0x8833
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER15                        = 0x8834
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER2                         = 0x8827
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER3                         = 0x8828
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER4                         = 0x8829
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER5                         = 0x882A
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER6                         = 0x882B
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER7                         = 0x882C
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER8                         = 0x882D
	GL_DRAW_BUFFER9                         = 0x882E
	GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN                     = 0x0705
	GL_DST_ALPHA                            = 0x0304
	GL_DST_COLOR                            = 0x0306
	GL_DYNAMIC_COPY                         = 0x88EA
	GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW                         = 0x88E8
	GL_DYNAMIC_READ                         = 0x88E9
	GL_EDGE_FLAG                            = 0x0B43
	GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY                      = 0x8079
	GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER              = 0x8093
	GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE               = 0x808C
	GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER                 = 0x8893
	GL_EMISSION                             = 0x1600
	GL_ENABLE_BIT                           = 0x00002000
	GL_EQUAL                                = 0x0202
	GL_EQUIV                                = 0x1509
	GL_EVAL_BIT                             = 0x00010000
	GL_EXP                                  = 0x0800
	GL_EXP2                                 = 0x0801
	GL_EXTENSIONS                           = 0x1F03
	GL_EYE_LINEAR                           = 0x2400
	GL_EYE_PLANE                            = 0x2502
	GL_FALSE                                = 0
	GL_FASTEST                              = 0x1101
	GL_FEEDBACK                             = 0x1C01
	GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE                 = 0x0DF1
	GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE                 = 0x0DF2
	GL_FILL                                 = 0x1B02
	GL_FLAT                                 = 0x1D00
	GL_FLOAT                                = 0x1406
	GL_FLOAT_MAT2                           = 0x8B5A
	GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3                         = 0x8B65
	GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4                         = 0x8B66
	GL_FLOAT_MAT3                           = 0x8B5B
	GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2                         = 0x8B67
	GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4                         = 0x8B68
	GL_FLOAT_MAT4                           = 0x8B5C
	GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2                         = 0x8B69
	GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3                         = 0x8B6A
	GL_FLOAT_VEC2                           = 0x8B50
	GL_FLOAT_VEC3                           = 0x8B51
	GL_FLOAT_VEC4                           = 0x8B52
	GL_FOG                                  = 0x0B60
	GL_FOG_BIT                              = 0x00000080
	GL_FOG_COLOR                            = 0x0B66
	GL_FOG_COORD                            = 0x8451
	GL_FOG_COORDINATE                       = 0x8451
	GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY                 = 0x8457
	GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE            = 0x8454
	GL_FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE                = 0x8450
	GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY                      = 0x8457
	GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER              = 0x8456
	GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE               = 0x8455
	GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE                 = 0x8454
	GL_FOG_COORD_SRC                        = 0x8450
	GL_FOG_DENSITY                          = 0x0B62
	GL_FOG_END                              = 0x0B64
	GL_FOG_HINT                             = 0x0C54
	GL_FOG_INDEX                            = 0x0B61
	GL_FOG_MODE                             = 0x0B65
	GL_FOG_START                            = 0x0B63
	GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH                       = 0x8452
	GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER                      = 0x8B30
	GL_FRONT                                = 0x0404
	GL_FRONT_AND_BACK                       = 0x0408
	GL_FRONT_FACE                           = 0x0B46
	GL_FRONT_LEFT                           = 0x0400
	GL_FRONT_RIGHT                          = 0x0401
	GL_FUNC_ADD                             = 0x8006
	GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT                = 0x800B
	GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT                        = 0x800A
	GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP                      = 0x8191
	GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT                 = 0x8192
	GL_GEQUAL                               = 0x0206
	GL_GREATER                              = 0x0204
	GL_GREEN                                = 0x1904
	GL_GREEN_BIAS                           = 0x0D19
	GL_GREEN_BITS                           = 0x0D53
	GL_GREEN_SCALE                          = 0x0D18
	GL_HINT_BIT                             = 0x00008000
	GL_INCR                                 = 0x1E02
	GL_INCR_WRAP                            = 0x8507
	GL_INDEX_ARRAY                          = 0x8077
	GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER                  = 0x8091
	GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE                   = 0x8086
	GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE                     = 0x8085
	GL_INDEX_BITS                           = 0x0D51
	GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE                    = 0x0C20
	GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP                       = 0x0BF1
	GL_INDEX_MODE                           = 0x0C30
	GL_INDEX_OFFSET                         = 0x0D13
	GL_INDEX_SHIFT                          = 0x0D12
	GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK                      = 0x0C21
	GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH                      = 0x8B84
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	GL_INTENSITY                            = 0x8049
	GL_INTENSITY12                          = 0x804C
	GL_INTENSITY16                          = 0x804D
	GL_INTENSITY4                           = 0x804A
	GL_INTENSITY8                           = 0x804B
	GL_INTERPOLATE                          = 0x8575
	GL_INT_VEC2                             = 0x8B53
	GL_INT_VEC3                             = 0x8B54
	GL_INT_VEC4                             = 0x8B55
	GL_INVALID_ENUM                         = 0x0500
	GL_INVALID_OPERATION                    = 0x0502
	GL_INVALID_VALUE                        = 0x0501
	GL_INVERT                               = 0x150A
	GL_KEEP                                 = 0x1E00
	GL_LEFT                                 = 0x0406
	GL_LEQUAL                               = 0x0203
	GL_LESS                                 = 0x0201
	GL_LIGHT0                               = 0x4000
	GL_LIGHT1                               = 0x4001
	GL_LIGHT2                               = 0x4002
	GL_LIGHT3                               = 0x4003
	GL_LIGHT4                               = 0x4004
	GL_LIGHT5                               = 0x4005
	GL_LIGHT6                               = 0x4006
	GL_LIGHT7                               = 0x4007
	GL_LIGHTING                             = 0x0B50
	GL_LIGHTING_BIT                         = 0x00000040
	GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT                  = 0x0B53
	GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER             = 0x0B51
	GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE                 = 0x0B52
	GL_LINE                                 = 0x1B01
	GL_LINEAR                               = 0x2601
	GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION                   = 0x1208
	GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR                 = 0x2703
	GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST                = 0x2701
	GL_LINES                                = 0x0001
	GL_LINE_BIT                             = 0x00000004
	GL_LINE_LOOP                            = 0x0002
	GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN                     = 0x0707
	GL_LINE_SMOOTH                          = 0x0B20
	GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT                     = 0x0C52
	GL_LINE_STIPPLE                         = 0x0B24
	GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN                 = 0x0B25
	GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT                  = 0x0B26
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	GL_LINE_WIDTH                           = 0x0B21
	GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY               = 0x0B23
	GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE                     = 0x0B22
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	GL_LIST_BIT                             = 0x00020000
	GL_LIST_INDEX                           = 0x0B33
	GL_LIST_MODE                            = 0x0B30
	GL_LOAD                                 = 0x0101
	GL_LOGIC_OP                             = 0x0BF1
	GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE                        = 0x0BF0
	GL_LOWER_LEFT                           = 0x8CA1
	GL_LUMINANCE                            = 0x1909
	GL_LUMINANCE12                          = 0x8041
	GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12                  = 0x8047
	GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4                   = 0x8046
	GL_LUMINANCE16                          = 0x8042
	GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16                  = 0x8048
	GL_LUMINANCE4                           = 0x803F
	GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4                    = 0x8043
	GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2                    = 0x8044
	GL_LUMINANCE8                           = 0x8040
	GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8                    = 0x8045
	GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA                      = 0x190A
	GL_MAP1_COLOR_4                         = 0x0D90
	GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN                     = 0x0DD0
	GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS                   = 0x0DD1
	GL_MAP1_INDEX                           = 0x0D91
	GL_MAP1_NORMAL                          = 0x0D92
	GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1                 = 0x0D93
	GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2                 = 0x0D94
	GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3                 = 0x0D95
	GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4                 = 0x0D96
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	GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4                        = 0x0D98
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	GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN                     = 0x0DD2
	GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS                   = 0x0DD3
	GL_MAP2_INDEX                           = 0x0DB1
	GL_MAP2_NORMAL                          = 0x0DB2
	GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1                 = 0x0DB3
	GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2                 = 0x0DB4
	GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3                 = 0x0DB5
	GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4                 = 0x0DB6
	GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3                        = 0x0DB7
	GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4                        = 0x0DB8
	GL_MAP_COLOR                            = 0x0D10
	GL_MAP_STENCIL                          = 0x0D11
	GL_MATRIX_MODE                          = 0x0BA0
	GL_MAX                                  = 0x8008
	GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE                  = 0x8073
	GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH               = 0x0D35
	GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES                      = 0x0D32
	GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE            = 0x851C
	GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS                     = 0x8824
	GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES                 = 0x80E9
	GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES                = 0x80E8
	GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER                       = 0x0D30
	GL_MAX_LIGHTS                           = 0x0D31
	GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING                     = 0x0B31
	GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH                 = 0x0D37
	GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE                  = 0x0D34
	GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS                   = 0x8871
	GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS              = 0x8872
	GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS                 = 0x84FD
	GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE                     = 0x0D33
	GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH              = 0x0D39
	GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS                    = 0x84E2
	GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS                   = 0x8B4B
	GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS                   = 0x8869
	GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS                    = 0x0D3A
	GL_MIN                                  = 0x8007
	GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT                      = 0x8370
	GL_MODELVIEW                            = 0x1700
	GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX                     = 0x0BA6
	GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH                = 0x0BA3
	GL_MODULATE                             = 0x2100
	GL_MULT                                 = 0x0103
	GL_MULTISAMPLE                          = 0x809D
	GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT                      = 0x20000000
	GL_N3F_V3F                              = 0x2A25
	GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH                     = 0x0D70
	GL_NAND                                 = 0x150E
	GL_NEAREST                              = 0x2600
	GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR                = 0x2702
	GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST               = 0x2700
	GL_NEVER                                = 0x0200
	GL_NICEST                               = 0x1102
	GL_NONE                                 = 0
	GL_NOOP                                 = 0x1505
	GL_NOR                                  = 0x1508
	GL_NORMALIZE                            = 0x0BA1
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	GL_NORMAL_MAP                           = 0x8511
	GL_NOTEQUAL                             = 0x0205
	GL_NO_ERROR                             = 0
	GL_OBJECT_LINEAR                        = 0x2401
	GL_OBJECT_PLANE                         = 0x2501
	GL_ONE                                  = 1
	GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA             = 0x8004
	GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR             = 0x8002
	GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA                  = 0x0305
	GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR                  = 0x0307
	GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA                  = 0x0303
	GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR                  = 0x0301
	GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA                       = 0x8598
	GL_OPERAND0_RGB                         = 0x8590
	GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA                       = 0x8599
	GL_OPERAND1_RGB                         = 0x8591
	GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA                       = 0x859A
	GL_OPERAND2_RGB                         = 0x8592
	GL_OR                                   = 0x1507
	GL_ORDER                                = 0x0A01
	GL_OR_INVERTED                          = 0x150D
	GL_OR_REVERSE                           = 0x150B
	GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY                        = 0x0505
	GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT                       = 0x0D05
	GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT                    = 0x806C
	GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST                       = 0x0D01
	GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH                      = 0x0D02
	GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES                     = 0x806B
	GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS                     = 0x0D04
	GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS                       = 0x0D03
	GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES                      = 0x0D00
	GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN                   = 0x0700
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A                     = 0x0C79
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE                = 0x0CB9
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B                     = 0x0C78
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE                = 0x0CB8
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G                     = 0x0C77
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE                = 0x0CB7
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A                     = 0x0C75
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE                = 0x0CB5
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B                     = 0x0C74
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE                = 0x0CB4
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G                     = 0x0C73
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE                = 0x0CB3
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I                     = 0x0C70
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE                = 0x0CB0
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R                     = 0x0C72
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE                = 0x0CB2
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R                     = 0x0C76
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE                = 0x0CB6
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S                     = 0x0C71
	GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE                = 0x0CB1
	GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT                       = 0x00000020
	GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER                    = 0x88EB
	GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER                  = 0x88EC
	GL_POINT                                = 0x1B00
	GL_POINTS                               = 0x0000
	GL_POINT_BIT                            = 0x00000002
	GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE            = 0x8128
	GL_POINT_SIZE                           = 0x0B11
	GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY               = 0x0B13
	GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX                       = 0x8127
	GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN                       = 0x8126
	GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE                     = 0x0B12
	GL_POINT_SMOOTH                         = 0x0B10
	GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT                    = 0x0C51
	GL_POINT_SPRITE                         = 0x8861
	GL_POINT_TOKEN                          = 0x0701
	GL_POLYGON                              = 0x0009
	GL_POLYGON_BIT                          = 0x00000008
	GL_POLYGON_MODE                         = 0x0B40
	GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR                = 0x8038
	GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL                  = 0x8037
	GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE                  = 0x2A02
	GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT                 = 0x2A01
	GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS                 = 0x2A00
	GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH                       = 0x0B41
	GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT                  = 0x0C53
	GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE                      = 0x0B42
	GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT                  = 0x00000010
	GL_POLYGON_TOKEN                        = 0x0703
	GL_POSITION                             = 0x1203
	GL_PREVIOUS                             = 0x8578
	GL_PRIMARY_COLOR                        = 0x8577
	GL_PROJECTION                           = 0x1701
	GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX                    = 0x0BA7
	GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH               = 0x0BA4
	GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D                     = 0x8063
	GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D                     = 0x8064
	GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D                     = 0x8070
	GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP               = 0x851B
	GL_Q                                    = 0x2003
	GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION                = 0x1209
	GL_QUADS                                = 0x0007
	GL_QUAD_STRIP                           = 0x0008
	GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS                   = 0x8864
	GL_QUERY_RESULT                         = 0x8866
	GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE               = 0x8867
	GL_R                                    = 0x2002
	GL_R3_G3_B2                             = 0x2A10
	GL_READ_BUFFER                          = 0x0C02
	GL_READ_ONLY                            = 0x88B8
	GL_READ_WRITE                           = 0x88BA
	GL_RED                                  = 0x1903
	GL_RED_BIAS                             = 0x0D15
	GL_RED_BITS                             = 0x0D52
	GL_RED_SCALE                            = 0x0D14
	GL_REFLECTION_MAP                       = 0x8512
	GL_RENDER                               = 0x1C00
	GL_RENDERER                             = 0x1F01
	GL_RENDER_MODE                          = 0x0C40
	GL_REPEAT                               = 0x2901
	GL_REPLACE                              = 0x1E01
	GL_RESCALE_NORMAL                       = 0x803A
	GL_RETURN                               = 0x0102
	GL_RGB                                  = 0x1907
	GL_RGB10                                = 0x8052
	GL_RGB10_A2                             = 0x8059
	GL_RGB12                                = 0x8053
	GL_RGB16                                = 0x8054
	GL_RGB4                                 = 0x804F
	GL_RGB5                                 = 0x8050
	GL_RGB5_A1                              = 0x8057
	GL_RGB8                                 = 0x8051
	GL_RGBA                                 = 0x1908
	GL_RGBA12                               = 0x805A
	GL_RGBA16                               = 0x805B
	GL_RGBA2                                = 0x8055
	GL_RGBA4                                = 0x8056
	GL_RGBA8                                = 0x8058
	GL_RGBA_MODE                            = 0x0C31
	GL_RGB_SCALE                            = 0x8573
	GL_RIGHT                                = 0x0407
	GL_S                                    = 0x2000
	GL_SAMPLER_1D                           = 0x8B5D
	GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW                    = 0x8B61
	GL_SAMPLER_2D                           = 0x8B5E
	GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW                    = 0x8B62
	GL_SAMPLER_3D                           = 0x8B5F
	GL_SAMPLER_CUBE                         = 0x8B60
	GL_SAMPLES                              = 0x80A9
	GL_SAMPLES_PASSED                       = 0x8914
	GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE             = 0x809E
	GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE                  = 0x809F
	GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS                       = 0x80A8
	GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE                      = 0x80A0
	GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT               = 0x80AB
	GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE                = 0x80AA
	GL_SCISSOR_BIT                          = 0x00080000
	GL_SCISSOR_BOX                          = 0x0C10
	GL_SCISSOR_TEST                         = 0x0C11
	GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY                = 0x845E
	GL_SELECT                               = 0x1C02
	GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE                = 0x0DF4
	GL_SET                                  = 0x150F
	GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH                 = 0x8B88
	GL_SHADER_TYPE                          = 0x8B4F
	GL_SHADE_MODEL                          = 0x0B54
	GL_SHININESS                            = 0x1601
	GL_SHORT                                = 0x1402
	GL_SINGLE_COLOR                         = 0x81F9
	GL_SLUMINANCE                           = 0x8C46
	GL_SLUMINANCE8                          = 0x8C47
	GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8                   = 0x8C45
	GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA                     = 0x8C44
	GL_SMOOTH                               = 0x1D01
	GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE              = 0x0B22
	GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE              = 0x0B12
	GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA                        = 0x8588
	GL_SOURCE0_RGB                          = 0x8580
	GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA                        = 0x8589
	GL_SOURCE1_RGB                          = 0x8581
	GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA                        = 0x858A
	GL_SOURCE2_RGB                          = 0x8582
	GL_SPECULAR                             = 0x1202
	GL_SPHERE_MAP                           = 0x2402
	GL_SPOT_CUTOFF                          = 0x1206
	GL_SPOT_DIRECTION                       = 0x1204
	GL_SPOT_EXPONENT                        = 0x1205
	GL_SRC0_ALPHA                           = 0x8588
	GL_SRC0_RGB                             = 0x8580
	GL_SRC1_ALPHA                           = 0x8589
	GL_SRC1_RGB                             = 0x8581
	GL_SRC2_ALPHA                           = 0x858A
	GL_SRC2_RGB                             = 0x8582
	GL_SRC_ALPHA                            = 0x0302
	GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE                   = 0x0308
	GL_SRC_COLOR                            = 0x0300
	GL_SRGB                                 = 0x8C40
	GL_SRGB8                                = 0x8C41
	GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8                         = 0x8C43
	GL_SRGB_ALPHA                           = 0x8C42
	GL_STACK_OVERFLOW                       = 0x0503
	GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW                      = 0x0504
	GL_STATIC_COPY                          = 0x88E6
	GL_STATIC_DRAW                          = 0x88E4
	GL_STATIC_READ                          = 0x88E5
	GL_STENCIL                              = 0x1802
	GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL                    = 0x8801
	GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC                    = 0x8800
	GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF                     = 0x8CA3
	GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK              = 0x8CA4
	GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK               = 0x8CA5
	GL_STENCIL_BITS                         = 0x0D57
	GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT                   = 0x00000400
	GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE                  = 0x0B91
	GL_STENCIL_FAIL                         = 0x0B94
	GL_STENCIL_FUNC                         = 0x0B92
	GL_STENCIL_INDEX                        = 0x1901
	GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL              = 0x0B95
	GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS              = 0x0B96
	GL_STENCIL_REF                          = 0x0B97
	GL_STENCIL_TEST                         = 0x0B90
	GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK                   = 0x0B93
	GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK                    = 0x0B98
	GL_STEREO                               = 0x0C33
	GL_STREAM_COPY                          = 0x88E2
	GL_STREAM_DRAW                          = 0x88E0
	GL_STREAM_READ                          = 0x88E1
	GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS                        = 0x0D50
	GL_SUBTRACT                             = 0x84E7
	GL_T                                    = 0x2001
	GL_T2F_C3F_V3F                          = 0x2A2A
	GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F                      = 0x2A2C
	GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F                         = 0x2A29
	GL_T2F_N3F_V3F                          = 0x2A2B
	GL_T2F_V3F                              = 0x2A27
	GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F                      = 0x2A2D
	GL_T4F_V4F                              = 0x2A28
	GL_TEXTURE                              = 0x1702
	GL_TEXTURE0                             = 0x84C0
	GL_TEXTURE1                             = 0x84C1
	GL_TEXTURE10                            = 0x84CA
	GL_TEXTURE11                            = 0x84CB
	GL_TEXTURE12                            = 0x84CC
	GL_TEXTURE13                            = 0x84CD
	GL_TEXTURE14                            = 0x84CE
	GL_TEXTURE15                            = 0x84CF
	GL_TEXTURE16                            = 0x84D0
	GL_TEXTURE17                            = 0x84D1
	GL_TEXTURE18                            = 0x84D2
	GL_TEXTURE19                            = 0x84D3
	GL_TEXTURE2                             = 0x84C2
	GL_TEXTURE20                            = 0x84D4
	GL_TEXTURE21                            = 0x84D5
	GL_TEXTURE22                            = 0x84D6
	GL_TEXTURE23                            = 0x84D7
	GL_TEXTURE24                            = 0x84D8
	GL_TEXTURE25                            = 0x84D9
	GL_TEXTURE26                            = 0x84DA
	GL_TEXTURE27                            = 0x84DB
	GL_TEXTURE28                            = 0x84DC
	GL_TEXTURE29                            = 0x84DD
	GL_TEXTURE3                             = 0x84C3
	GL_TEXTURE30                            = 0x84DE
	GL_TEXTURE31                            = 0x84DF
	GL_TEXTURE4                             = 0x84C4
	GL_TEXTURE5                             = 0x84C5
	GL_TEXTURE6                             = 0x84C6
	GL_TEXTURE7                             = 0x84C7
	GL_TEXTURE8                             = 0x84C8
	GL_TEXTURE9                             = 0x84C9
	GL_TEXTURE_1D                           = 0x0DE0
	GL_TEXTURE_2D                           = 0x0DE1
	GL_TEXTURE_3D                           = 0x806F
	GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE                   = 0x805F
	GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL                   = 0x813C
	GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D                   = 0x8068
	GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D                   = 0x8069
	GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D                   = 0x806A
	GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP             = 0x8514
	GL_TEXTURE_BIT                          = 0x00040000
	GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE                    = 0x805E
	GL_TEXTURE_BORDER                       = 0x1005
	GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR                 = 0x1004
	GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC                 = 0x884D
	GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE                 = 0x884C
	GL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS                   = 0x1003
	GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED                   = 0x86A1
	GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY                  = 0x8078
	GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE             = 0x8088
	GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE             = 0x8089
	GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP                     = 0x8513
	GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH                        = 0x8071
	GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE                   = 0x884A
	GL_TEXTURE_ENV                          = 0x2300
	GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR                    = 0x2201
	GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE                     = 0x2200
	GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL               = 0x8500
	GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE                     = 0x2500
	GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q                        = 0x0C63
	GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R                        = 0x0C62
	GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S                        = 0x0C60
	GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T                        = 0x0C61
	GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE                   = 0x805D
	GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT                       = 0x1001
	GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE               = 0x8061
	GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT              = 0x1003
	GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS                     = 0x8501
	GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE               = 0x8060
	GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER                   = 0x2800
	GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX                       = 0x0BA8
	GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL                    = 0x813D
	GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD                      = 0x813B
	GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER                   = 0x2801
	GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD                      = 0x813A
	GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY                     = 0x8066
	GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE                     = 0x805C
	GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT                     = 0x8067
	GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH                  = 0x0BA5
	GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH                        = 0x1000
	GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R                       = 0x8072
	GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S                       = 0x2802
	GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T                       = 0x2803
	GL_TRANSFORM_BIT                        = 0x00001000
	GL_TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX               = 0x84E6
	GL_TRIANGLES                            = 0x0004
	GL_TRIANGLE_FAN                         = 0x0006
	GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP                       = 0x0005
	GL_TRUE                                 = 1
	GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT                     = 0x0CF5
	GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT                  = 0x806E
	GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST                     = 0x0CF1
	GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH                    = 0x0CF2
	GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES                   = 0x806D
	GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS                   = 0x0CF4
	GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS                     = 0x0CF3
	GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES                    = 0x0CF0
	GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                        = 0x1401
	GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV              = 0x8362
	GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2                  = 0x8032
	GL_UNSIGNED_INT                         = 0x1405
	GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2              = 0x8036
	GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV          = 0x8368
	GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8                 = 0x8035
	GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV             = 0x8367
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT                       = 0x1403
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV           = 0x8366
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4               = 0x8033
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV           = 0x8365
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1               = 0x8034
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5                 = 0x8363
	GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV             = 0x8364
	GL_UPPER_LEFT                           = 0x8CA2
	GL_V2F                                  = 0x2A20
	GL_V3F                                  = 0x2A21
	GL_VALIDATE_STATUS                      = 0x8B83
	GL_VENDOR                               = 0x1F00
	GL_VERSION                              = 0x1F02
	GL_VERTEX_ARRAY                         = 0x8074
	GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER                 = 0x808E
	GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE                    = 0x807A
	GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE                  = 0x807C
	GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE                    = 0x807B
	GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE             = 0x8623
	GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE             = 0x8625
	GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE            = 0x8642
	GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE              = 0x8643
	GL_VERTEX_SHADER                        = 0x8B31
	GL_VIEWPORT                             = 0x0BA2
	GL_VIEWPORT_BIT                         = 0x00000800
	GL_WRITE_ONLY                           = 0x88B9
	GL_XOR                                  = 0x1506
	GL_ZERO                                 = 0
	GL_ZOOM_X                               = 0x0D16
	GL_ZOOM_Y                               = 0x0D17

GL Constants

View Source
const CoreProfile = false

CoreProfile is true if the API was configured for the OpenGL core profile. This is always false if API is GLES2.


View Source
var ColorModel = color.ModelFunc(colorModel)

ColorModel converts any color.Color to a GLColor; i.e. the result can safely be casted to a GLColor.


func Accum

func Accum(op uint32, value float32)

func ActiveTexture

func ActiveTexture(texture uint32)

func AlphaFunc

func AlphaFunc(func_ uint32, ref float32)

func AreTexturesResident

func AreTexturesResident(n int32, textures *uint32, residences *byte) byte

func ArrayElement

func ArrayElement(i int32)

func AttachShader

func AttachShader(program uint32, shader uint32)

func Begin

func Begin(mode uint32)

func BeginQuery

func BeginQuery(target uint32, id uint32)

func BindAttribLocation

func BindAttribLocation(program uint32, index uint32, name *int8)

func BindBuffer

func BindBuffer(target uint32, buffer uint32)

func BindTexture

func BindTexture(target uint32, texture uint32)

func Bitmap

func Bitmap(width int32, height int32, xorig float32, yorig float32, xmove float32, ymove float32, bitmap *uint8)

func BlendColor

func BlendColor(red float32, green float32, blue float32, alpha float32)

func BlendEquation

func BlendEquation(mode uint32)

func BlendEquationSeparate

func BlendEquationSeparate(modeRGB uint32, modeAlpha uint32)

func BlendFunc

func BlendFunc(sfactor uint32, dfactor uint32)

func BlendFuncSeparate

func BlendFuncSeparate(sfactorRGB uint32, dfactorRGB uint32, sfactorAlpha uint32, dfactorAlpha uint32)

func BufferData

func BufferData(target uint32, size int, data unsafe.Pointer, usage uint32)

func BufferSubData

func BufferSubData(target uint32, offset int, size int, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CallList

func CallList(list uint32)

func CallLists

func CallLists(n int32, type_ uint32, lists unsafe.Pointer)

func Clear

func Clear(mask uint32)

func ClearAccum

func ClearAccum(red float32, green float32, blue float32, alpha float32)

func ClearColor

func ClearColor(red float32, green float32, blue float32, alpha float32)

func ClearDepth

func ClearDepth(depth float64)

func ClearIndex

func ClearIndex(c float32)

func ClearStencil

func ClearStencil(s int32)

func ClientActiveTexture

func ClientActiveTexture(texture uint32)

func ClipPlane

func ClipPlane(plane uint32, equation *float64)

func Color3b

func Color3b(red int8, green int8, blue int8)

func Color3bv

func Color3bv(v *int8)

func Color3d

func Color3d(red float64, green float64, blue float64)

func Color3dv

func Color3dv(v *float64)

func Color3f

func Color3f(red float32, green float32, blue float32)

func Color3fv

func Color3fv(v *float32)

func Color3i

func Color3i(red int32, green int32, blue int32)

func Color3iv

func Color3iv(v *int32)

func Color3s

func Color3s(red int16, green int16, blue int16)

func Color3sv

func Color3sv(v *int16)

func Color3ub

func Color3ub(red uint8, green uint8, blue uint8)

func Color3ubv

func Color3ubv(v *uint8)

func Color3ui

func Color3ui(red uint32, green uint32, blue uint32)

func Color3uiv

func Color3uiv(v *uint32)

func Color3us

func Color3us(red uint16, green uint16, blue uint16)

func Color3usv

func Color3usv(v *uint16)

func Color4b

func Color4b(red int8, green int8, blue int8, alpha int8)

func Color4bv

func Color4bv(v *int8)

func Color4d

func Color4d(red float64, green float64, blue float64, alpha float64)

func Color4dv

func Color4dv(v *float64)

func Color4f

func Color4f(red float32, green float32, blue float32, alpha float32)

func Color4fv

func Color4fv(v *float32)

func Color4i

func Color4i(red int32, green int32, blue int32, alpha int32)

func Color4iv

func Color4iv(v *int32)

func Color4s

func Color4s(red int16, green int16, blue int16, alpha int16)

func Color4sv

func Color4sv(v *int16)

func Color4ub

func Color4ub(red uint8, green uint8, blue uint8, alpha uint8)

func Color4ubv

func Color4ubv(v *uint8)

func Color4ui

func Color4ui(red uint32, green uint32, blue uint32, alpha uint32)

func Color4uiv

func Color4uiv(v *uint32)

func Color4us

func Color4us(red uint16, green uint16, blue uint16, alpha uint16)

func Color4usv

func Color4usv(v *uint16)

func ColorMask

func ColorMask(red byte, green byte, blue byte, alpha byte)

func ColorMaterial

func ColorMaterial(face uint32, mode uint32)

func ColorPointer

func ColorPointer(size int32, type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func CompileShader

func CompileShader(shader uint32)

func CompressedTexImage1D

func CompressedTexImage1D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat uint32, width int32, border int32, imageSize int32, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CompressedTexImage2D

func CompressedTexImage2D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat uint32, width int32, height int32, border int32, imageSize int32, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CompressedTexImage3D

func CompressedTexImage3D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat uint32, width int32, height int32, depth int32, border int32, imageSize int32, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CompressedTexSubImage1D

func CompressedTexSubImage1D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, width int32, format uint32, imageSize int32, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CompressedTexSubImage2D

func CompressedTexSubImage2D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, width int32, height int32, format uint32, imageSize int32, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CompressedTexSubImage3D

func CompressedTexSubImage3D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, zoffset int32, width int32, height int32, depth int32, format uint32, imageSize int32, data unsafe.Pointer)

func CopyPixels

func CopyPixels(x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32, type_ uint32)

func CopyTexImage1D

func CopyTexImage1D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat uint32, x int32, y int32, width int32, border int32)

func CopyTexImage2D

func CopyTexImage2D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat uint32, x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32, border int32)

func CopyTexSubImage1D

func CopyTexSubImage1D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, x int32, y int32, width int32)

func CopyTexSubImage2D

func CopyTexSubImage2D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32)

func CopyTexSubImage3D

func CopyTexSubImage3D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, zoffset int32, x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32)

func CreateProgram

func CreateProgram() uint32

func CreateShader

func CreateShader(type_ uint32) uint32

func CullFace

func CullFace(mode uint32)

func DeleteBuffers

func DeleteBuffers(n int32, buffers *uint32)

func DeleteLists

func DeleteLists(list uint32, range_ int32)

func DeleteProgram

func DeleteProgram(program uint32)

func DeleteQueries

func DeleteQueries(n int32, ids *uint32)

func DeleteShader

func DeleteShader(shader uint32)

func DeleteTextures

func DeleteTextures(n int32, textures *uint32)

func DepthFunc

func DepthFunc(func_ uint32)

func DepthMask

func DepthMask(flag byte)

func DepthRange

func DepthRange(n float64, f float64)

func DetachShader

func DetachShader(program uint32, shader uint32)

func Disable

func Disable(cap uint32)

func DisableClientState

func DisableClientState(array uint32)

func DisableVertexAttribArray

func DisableVertexAttribArray(index uint32)

func DrawArrays

func DrawArrays(mode uint32, first int32, count int32)

func DrawBuffer

func DrawBuffer(buf uint32)

func DrawBuffers

func DrawBuffers(n int32, bufs *uint32)

func DrawElements

func DrawElements(mode uint32, count int32, type_ uint32, indices unsafe.Pointer)

func DrawPixels

func DrawPixels(width int32, height int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func DrawRangeElements

func DrawRangeElements(mode uint32, start uint32, end uint32, count int32, type_ uint32, indices unsafe.Pointer)

func EdgeFlag

func EdgeFlag(flag byte)

func EdgeFlagPointer

func EdgeFlagPointer(stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func EdgeFlagv

func EdgeFlagv(flag *byte)

func Enable

func Enable(cap uint32)

func EnableClientState

func EnableClientState(array uint32)

func EnableVertexAttribArray

func EnableVertexAttribArray(index uint32)

func End

func End()

func EndList

func EndList()

func EndQuery

func EndQuery(target uint32)

func EvalCoord1d

func EvalCoord1d(u float64)

func EvalCoord1dv

func EvalCoord1dv(u *float64)

func EvalCoord1f

func EvalCoord1f(u float32)

func EvalCoord1fv

func EvalCoord1fv(u *float32)

func EvalCoord2d

func EvalCoord2d(u float64, v float64)

func EvalCoord2dv

func EvalCoord2dv(u *float64)

func EvalCoord2f

func EvalCoord2f(u float32, v float32)

func EvalCoord2fv

func EvalCoord2fv(u *float32)

func EvalMesh1

func EvalMesh1(mode uint32, i1 int32, i2 int32)

func EvalMesh2

func EvalMesh2(mode uint32, i1 int32, i2 int32, j1 int32, j2 int32)

func EvalPoint1

func EvalPoint1(i int32)

func EvalPoint2

func EvalPoint2(i int32, j int32)

func FeedbackBuffer

func FeedbackBuffer(size int32, type_ uint32, buffer *float32)

func Finish

func Finish()

func Flush

func Flush()

func FogCoordPointer

func FogCoordPointer(type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func FogCoordd

func FogCoordd(coord float64)

func FogCoorddv

func FogCoorddv(coord *float64)

func FogCoordf

func FogCoordf(coord float32)

func FogCoordfv

func FogCoordfv(coord *float32)

func Fogf

func Fogf(pname uint32, param float32)

func Fogfv

func Fogfv(pname uint32, params *float32)

func Fogi

func Fogi(pname uint32, param int32)

func Fogiv

func Fogiv(pname uint32, params *int32)

func FrontFace

func FrontFace(mode uint32)

func Frustum

func Frustum(left float64, right float64, bottom float64, top float64, zNear float64, zFar float64)

func GenBuffers

func GenBuffers(n int32, buffers *uint32)

func GenLists

func GenLists(range_ int32) uint32

func GenQueries

func GenQueries(n int32, ids *uint32)

func GenTextures

func GenTextures(n int32, textures *uint32)

func GetActiveAttrib

func GetActiveAttrib(program uint32, index uint32, bufSize int32, length *int32, size *int32, type_ *uint32, name *int8)

func GetActiveUniform

func GetActiveUniform(program uint32, index uint32, bufSize int32, length *int32, size *int32, type_ *uint32, name *int8)

func GetAttachedShaders

func GetAttachedShaders(program uint32, maxCount int32, count *int32, shaders *uint32)

func GetAttribLocation

func GetAttribLocation(program uint32, name *int8) int32

func GetBooleanv

func GetBooleanv(pname uint32, data *byte)

func GetBufferParameteriv

func GetBufferParameteriv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetBufferPointerv

func GetBufferPointerv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *unsafe.Pointer)

func GetBufferSubData

func GetBufferSubData(target uint32, offset int, size int, data unsafe.Pointer)

func GetClipPlane

func GetClipPlane(plane uint32, equation *float64)

func GetCompressedTexImage

func GetCompressedTexImage(target uint32, level int32, img unsafe.Pointer)

func GetDoublev

func GetDoublev(pname uint32, data *float64)

func GetError

func GetError() uint32

func GetFloatv

func GetFloatv(pname uint32, data *float32)

func GetGoString

func GetGoString(name uint32) string

GetGoString is a wrapper around GetString that returns a Go string.

func GetIntegerv

func GetIntegerv(pname uint32, data *int32)

func GetLightfv

func GetLightfv(light uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetLightiv

func GetLightiv(light uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetMapdv

func GetMapdv(target uint32, query uint32, v *float64)

func GetMapfv

func GetMapfv(target uint32, query uint32, v *float32)

func GetMapiv

func GetMapiv(target uint32, query uint32, v *int32)

func GetMaterialfv

func GetMaterialfv(face uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetMaterialiv

func GetMaterialiv(face uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetPixelMapfv

func GetPixelMapfv(map_ uint32, values *float32)

func GetPixelMapuiv

func GetPixelMapuiv(map_ uint32, values *uint32)

func GetPixelMapusv

func GetPixelMapusv(map_ uint32, values *uint16)

func GetPointerv

func GetPointerv(pname uint32, params *unsafe.Pointer)

func GetPolygonStipple

func GetPolygonStipple(mask *uint8)

func GetProgramInfoLog

func GetProgramInfoLog(program uint32, bufSize int32, length *int32, infoLog *int8)

func GetProgramiv

func GetProgramiv(program uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetQueryObjectiv

func GetQueryObjectiv(id uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetQueryObjectuiv

func GetQueryObjectuiv(id uint32, pname uint32, params *uint32)

func GetQueryiv

func GetQueryiv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetShaderInfoLog

func GetShaderInfoLog(shader uint32, bufSize int32, length *int32, infoLog *int8)

func GetShaderSource

func GetShaderSource(shader uint32, bufSize int32, length *int32, source *int8)

func GetShaderiv

func GetShaderiv(shader uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetString

func GetString(name uint32) *uint8

func GetTexEnvfv

func GetTexEnvfv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetTexEnviv

func GetTexEnviv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetTexGendv

func GetTexGendv(coord uint32, pname uint32, params *float64)

func GetTexGenfv

func GetTexGenfv(coord uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetTexGeniv

func GetTexGeniv(coord uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetTexImage

func GetTexImage(target uint32, level int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func GetTexLevelParameterfv

func GetTexLevelParameterfv(target uint32, level int32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetTexLevelParameteriv

func GetTexLevelParameteriv(target uint32, level int32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetTexParameterfv

func GetTexParameterfv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetTexParameteriv

func GetTexParameteriv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func GetUniformLocation

func GetUniformLocation(program uint32, name *int8) int32

func GetUniformfv

func GetUniformfv(program uint32, location int32, params *float32)

func GetUniformiv

func GetUniformiv(program uint32, location int32, params *int32)

func GetVertexAttribPointerv

func GetVertexAttribPointerv(index uint32, pname uint32, pointer *unsafe.Pointer)

func GetVertexAttribdv

func GetVertexAttribdv(index uint32, pname uint32, params *float64)

func GetVertexAttribfv

func GetVertexAttribfv(index uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func GetVertexAttribiv

func GetVertexAttribiv(index uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func Hint

func Hint(target uint32, mode uint32)

func IndexMask

func IndexMask(mask uint32)

func IndexPointer

func IndexPointer(type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func Indexd

func Indexd(c float64)

func Indexdv

func Indexdv(c *float64)

func Indexf

func Indexf(c float32)

func Indexfv

func Indexfv(c *float32)

func Indexi

func Indexi(c int32)

func Indexiv

func Indexiv(c *int32)

func Indexs

func Indexs(c int16)

func Indexsv

func Indexsv(c *int16)

func Indexub

func Indexub(c uint8)

func Indexubv

func Indexubv(c *uint8)

func InitC

func InitC(loader unsafe.Pointer) error

InitC initializes OpenGL. loader is a function pointer to a C function of type

typedef void *(*loader) (const char *funcName)

If API is GLES2, it is safe to pass a nil pointer to this function.

func InitGo

func InitGo(loader func(string) unsafe.Pointer)

InitGo initializes OpenGL. The recommended value for loader is glfw.GetProcAddress. The loader function must panic on error.

If API is GLES2, it is safe to pass a nil pointer to this function.

func InitNames

func InitNames()

func InterleavedArrays

func InterleavedArrays(format uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func IsBuffer

func IsBuffer(buffer uint32) byte

func IsEnabled

func IsEnabled(cap uint32) byte

func IsList

func IsList(list uint32) byte

func IsProgram

func IsProgram(program uint32) byte

func IsQuery

func IsQuery(id uint32) byte

func IsShader

func IsShader(shader uint32) byte

func IsTexture

func IsTexture(texture uint32) byte

func LightModelf

func LightModelf(pname uint32, param float32)

func LightModelfv

func LightModelfv(pname uint32, params *float32)

func LightModeli

func LightModeli(pname uint32, param int32)

func LightModeliv

func LightModeliv(pname uint32, params *int32)

func Lightf

func Lightf(light uint32, pname uint32, param float32)

func Lightfv

func Lightfv(light uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func Lighti

func Lighti(light uint32, pname uint32, param int32)

func Lightiv

func Lightiv(light uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func LineStipple

func LineStipple(factor int32, pattern uint16)

func LineWidth

func LineWidth(width float32)

func LinkProgram

func LinkProgram(program uint32)

func ListBase

func ListBase(base uint32)

func LoadIdentity

func LoadIdentity()

func LoadMatrixd

func LoadMatrixd(m *float64)

func LoadMatrixf

func LoadMatrixf(m *float32)

func LoadName

func LoadName(name uint32)

func LoadTransposeMatrixd

func LoadTransposeMatrixd(m *float64)

func LoadTransposeMatrixf

func LoadTransposeMatrixf(m *float32)

func LogicOp

func LogicOp(opcode uint32)

func Map1d

func Map1d(target uint32, u1 float64, u2 float64, stride int32, order int32, points *float64)

func Map1f

func Map1f(target uint32, u1 float32, u2 float32, stride int32, order int32, points *float32)

func Map2d

func Map2d(target uint32, u1 float64, u2 float64, ustride int32, uorder int32, v1 float64, v2 float64, vstride int32, vorder int32, points *float64)

func Map2f

func Map2f(target uint32, u1 float32, u2 float32, ustride int32, uorder int32, v1 float32, v2 float32, vstride int32, vorder int32, points *float32)

func MapBuffer

func MapBuffer(target uint32, access uint32)

func MapGrid1d

func MapGrid1d(un int32, u1 float64, u2 float64)

func MapGrid1f

func MapGrid1f(un int32, u1 float32, u2 float32)

func MapGrid2d

func MapGrid2d(un int32, u1 float64, u2 float64, vn int32, v1 float64, v2 float64)

func MapGrid2f

func MapGrid2f(un int32, u1 float32, u2 float32, vn int32, v1 float32, v2 float32)

func Materialf

func Materialf(face uint32, pname uint32, param float32)

func Materialfv

func Materialfv(face uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func Materiali

func Materiali(face uint32, pname uint32, param int32)

func Materialiv

func Materialiv(face uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func MatrixMode

func MatrixMode(mode uint32)

func MultMatrixd

func MultMatrixd(m *float64)

func MultMatrixf

func MultMatrixf(m *float32)

func MultTransposeMatrixd

func MultTransposeMatrixd(m *float64)

func MultTransposeMatrixf

func MultTransposeMatrixf(m *float32)

func MultiDrawArrays

func MultiDrawArrays(mode uint32, first *int32, count *int32, drawcount int32)

func MultiDrawElements

func MultiDrawElements(mode uint32, count *int32, type_ uint32, indices *unsafe.Pointer, drawcount int32)

func MultiTexCoord1d

func MultiTexCoord1d(target uint32, s float64)

func MultiTexCoord1dv

func MultiTexCoord1dv(target uint32, v *float64)

func MultiTexCoord1f

func MultiTexCoord1f(target uint32, s float32)

func MultiTexCoord1fv

func MultiTexCoord1fv(target uint32, v *float32)

func MultiTexCoord1i

func MultiTexCoord1i(target uint32, s int32)

func MultiTexCoord1iv

func MultiTexCoord1iv(target uint32, v *int32)

func MultiTexCoord1s

func MultiTexCoord1s(target uint32, s int16)

func MultiTexCoord1sv

func MultiTexCoord1sv(target uint32, v *int16)

func MultiTexCoord2d

func MultiTexCoord2d(target uint32, s float64, t float64)

func MultiTexCoord2dv

func MultiTexCoord2dv(target uint32, v *float64)

func MultiTexCoord2f

func MultiTexCoord2f(target uint32, s float32, t float32)

func MultiTexCoord2fv

func MultiTexCoord2fv(target uint32, v *float32)

func MultiTexCoord2i

func MultiTexCoord2i(target uint32, s int32, t int32)

func MultiTexCoord2iv

func MultiTexCoord2iv(target uint32, v *int32)

func MultiTexCoord2s

func MultiTexCoord2s(target uint32, s int16, t int16)

func MultiTexCoord2sv

func MultiTexCoord2sv(target uint32, v *int16)

func MultiTexCoord3d

func MultiTexCoord3d(target uint32, s float64, t float64, r float64)

func MultiTexCoord3dv

func MultiTexCoord3dv(target uint32, v *float64)

func MultiTexCoord3f

func MultiTexCoord3f(target uint32, s float32, t float32, r float32)

func MultiTexCoord3fv

func MultiTexCoord3fv(target uint32, v *float32)

func MultiTexCoord3i

func MultiTexCoord3i(target uint32, s int32, t int32, r int32)

func MultiTexCoord3iv

func MultiTexCoord3iv(target uint32, v *int32)

func MultiTexCoord3s

func MultiTexCoord3s(target uint32, s int16, t int16, r int16)

func MultiTexCoord3sv

func MultiTexCoord3sv(target uint32, v *int16)

func MultiTexCoord4d

func MultiTexCoord4d(target uint32, s float64, t float64, r float64, q float64)

func MultiTexCoord4dv

func MultiTexCoord4dv(target uint32, v *float64)

func MultiTexCoord4f

func MultiTexCoord4f(target uint32, s float32, t float32, r float32, q float32)

func MultiTexCoord4fv

func MultiTexCoord4fv(target uint32, v *float32)

func MultiTexCoord4i

func MultiTexCoord4i(target uint32, s int32, t int32, r int32, q int32)

func MultiTexCoord4iv

func MultiTexCoord4iv(target uint32, v *int32)

func MultiTexCoord4s

func MultiTexCoord4s(target uint32, s int16, t int16, r int16, q int16)

func MultiTexCoord4sv

func MultiTexCoord4sv(target uint32, v *int16)

func NewList

func NewList(list uint32, mode uint32)

func Normal3b

func Normal3b(nx int8, ny int8, nz int8)

func Normal3bv

func Normal3bv(v *int8)

func Normal3d

func Normal3d(nx float64, ny float64, nz float64)

func Normal3dv

func Normal3dv(v *float64)

func Normal3f

func Normal3f(nx float32, ny float32, nz float32)

func Normal3fv

func Normal3fv(v *float32)

func Normal3i

func Normal3i(nx int32, ny int32, nz int32)

func Normal3iv

func Normal3iv(v *int32)

func Normal3s

func Normal3s(nx int16, ny int16, nz int16)

func Normal3sv

func Normal3sv(v *int16)

func NormalPointer

func NormalPointer(type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func Ortho

func Ortho(left float64, right float64, bottom float64, top float64, zNear float64, zFar float64)

func PassThrough

func PassThrough(token float32)

func PixelMapfv

func PixelMapfv(map_ uint32, mapsize int32, values *float32)

func PixelMapuiv

func PixelMapuiv(map_ uint32, mapsize int32, values *uint32)

func PixelMapusv

func PixelMapusv(map_ uint32, mapsize int32, values *uint16)

func PixelStoref

func PixelStoref(pname uint32, param float32)

func PixelStorei

func PixelStorei(pname uint32, param int32)

func PixelTransferf

func PixelTransferf(pname uint32, param float32)

func PixelTransferi

func PixelTransferi(pname uint32, param int32)

func PixelZoom

func PixelZoom(xfactor float32, yfactor float32)

func PointParameterf

func PointParameterf(pname uint32, param float32)

func PointParameterfv

func PointParameterfv(pname uint32, params *float32)

func PointParameteri

func PointParameteri(pname uint32, param int32)

func PointParameteriv

func PointParameteriv(pname uint32, params *int32)

func PointSize

func PointSize(size float32)

func PolygonMode

func PolygonMode(face uint32, mode uint32)

func PolygonOffset

func PolygonOffset(factor float32, units float32)

func PolygonStipple

func PolygonStipple(mask *uint8)

func PopAttrib

func PopAttrib()

func PopClientAttrib

func PopClientAttrib()

func PopMatrix

func PopMatrix()

func PopName

func PopName()

func PrioritizeTextures

func PrioritizeTextures(n int32, textures *uint32, priorities *float32)

func Ptr

func Ptr(v interface{}) unsafe.Pointer

func PushAttrib

func PushAttrib(mask uint32)

func PushClientAttrib

func PushClientAttrib(mask uint32)

func PushMatrix

func PushMatrix()

func PushName

func PushName(name uint32)

func RasterPos2d

func RasterPos2d(x float64, y float64)

func RasterPos2dv

func RasterPos2dv(v *float64)

func RasterPos2f

func RasterPos2f(x float32, y float32)

func RasterPos2fv

func RasterPos2fv(v *float32)

func RasterPos2i

func RasterPos2i(x int32, y int32)

func RasterPos2iv

func RasterPos2iv(v *int32)

func RasterPos2s

func RasterPos2s(x int16, y int16)

func RasterPos2sv

func RasterPos2sv(v *int16)

func RasterPos3d

func RasterPos3d(x float64, y float64, z float64)

func RasterPos3dv

func RasterPos3dv(v *float64)

func RasterPos3f

func RasterPos3f(x float32, y float32, z float32)

func RasterPos3fv

func RasterPos3fv(v *float32)

func RasterPos3i

func RasterPos3i(x int32, y int32, z int32)

func RasterPos3iv

func RasterPos3iv(v *int32)

func RasterPos3s

func RasterPos3s(x int16, y int16, z int16)

func RasterPos3sv

func RasterPos3sv(v *int16)

func RasterPos4d

func RasterPos4d(x float64, y float64, z float64, w float64)

func RasterPos4dv

func RasterPos4dv(v *float64)

func RasterPos4f

func RasterPos4f(x float32, y float32, z float32, w float32)

func RasterPos4fv

func RasterPos4fv(v *float32)

func RasterPos4i

func RasterPos4i(x int32, y int32, z int32, w int32)

func RasterPos4iv

func RasterPos4iv(v *int32)

func RasterPos4s

func RasterPos4s(x int16, y int16, z int16, w int16)

func RasterPos4sv

func RasterPos4sv(v *int16)

func ReadBuffer

func ReadBuffer(src uint32)

func ReadPixels

func ReadPixels(x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func Rectd

func Rectd(x1 float64, y1 float64, x2 float64, y2 float64)

func Rectdv

func Rectdv(v1 *float64, v2 *float64)

func Rectf

func Rectf(x1 float32, y1 float32, x2 float32, y2 float32)

func Rectfv

func Rectfv(v1 *float32, v2 *float32)

func Recti

func Recti(x1 int32, y1 int32, x2 int32, y2 int32)

func Rectiv

func Rectiv(v1 *int32, v2 *int32)

func Rects

func Rects(x1 int16, y1 int16, x2 int16, y2 int16)

func Rectsv

func Rectsv(v1 *int16, v2 *int16)

func RenderMode

func RenderMode(mode uint32) int32

func Rotated

func Rotated(angle float64, x float64, y float64, z float64)

func Rotatef

func Rotatef(angle float32, x float32, y float32, z float32)

func SampleCoverage

func SampleCoverage(value float32, invert byte)

func Scaled

func Scaled(x float64, y float64, z float64)

func Scalef

func Scalef(x float32, y float32, z float32)

func Scissor

func Scissor(x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32)

func SecondaryColor3b

func SecondaryColor3b(red int8, green int8, blue int8)

func SecondaryColor3bv

func SecondaryColor3bv(v *int8)

func SecondaryColor3d

func SecondaryColor3d(red float64, green float64, blue float64)

func SecondaryColor3dv

func SecondaryColor3dv(v *float64)

func SecondaryColor3f

func SecondaryColor3f(red float32, green float32, blue float32)

func SecondaryColor3fv

func SecondaryColor3fv(v *float32)

func SecondaryColor3i

func SecondaryColor3i(red int32, green int32, blue int32)

func SecondaryColor3iv

func SecondaryColor3iv(v *int32)

func SecondaryColor3s

func SecondaryColor3s(red int16, green int16, blue int16)

func SecondaryColor3sv

func SecondaryColor3sv(v *int16)

func SecondaryColor3ub

func SecondaryColor3ub(red uint8, green uint8, blue uint8)

func SecondaryColor3ubv

func SecondaryColor3ubv(v *uint8)

func SecondaryColor3ui

func SecondaryColor3ui(red uint32, green uint32, blue uint32)

func SecondaryColor3uiv

func SecondaryColor3uiv(v *uint32)

func SecondaryColor3us

func SecondaryColor3us(red uint16, green uint16, blue uint16)

func SecondaryColor3usv

func SecondaryColor3usv(v *uint16)

func SecondaryColorPointer

func SecondaryColorPointer(size int32, type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func SelectBuffer

func SelectBuffer(size int32, buffer *uint32)

func ShadeModel

func ShadeModel(mode uint32)

func ShaderSource

func ShaderSource(shader uint32, count int32, string_ **int8, length *int32)

func Sizeof

func Sizeof(v interface{}) int

func StencilFunc

func StencilFunc(func_ uint32, ref int32, mask uint32)

func StencilFuncSeparate

func StencilFuncSeparate(face uint32, func_ uint32, ref int32, mask uint32)

func StencilMask

func StencilMask(mask uint32)

func StencilMaskSeparate

func StencilMaskSeparate(face uint32, mask uint32)

func StencilOp

func StencilOp(fail uint32, zfail uint32, zpass uint32)

func StencilOpSeparate

func StencilOpSeparate(face uint32, sfail uint32, dpfail uint32, dppass uint32)

func TexCoord1d

func TexCoord1d(s float64)

func TexCoord1dv

func TexCoord1dv(v *float64)

func TexCoord1f

func TexCoord1f(s float32)

func TexCoord1fv

func TexCoord1fv(v *float32)

func TexCoord1i

func TexCoord1i(s int32)

func TexCoord1iv

func TexCoord1iv(v *int32)

func TexCoord1s

func TexCoord1s(s int16)

func TexCoord1sv

func TexCoord1sv(v *int16)

func TexCoord2d

func TexCoord2d(s float64, t float64)

func TexCoord2dv

func TexCoord2dv(v *float64)

func TexCoord2f

func TexCoord2f(s float32, t float32)

func TexCoord2fv

func TexCoord2fv(v *float32)

func TexCoord2i

func TexCoord2i(s int32, t int32)

func TexCoord2iv

func TexCoord2iv(v *int32)

func TexCoord2s

func TexCoord2s(s int16, t int16)

func TexCoord2sv

func TexCoord2sv(v *int16)

func TexCoord3d

func TexCoord3d(s float64, t float64, r float64)

func TexCoord3dv

func TexCoord3dv(v *float64)

func TexCoord3f

func TexCoord3f(s float32, t float32, r float32)

func TexCoord3fv

func TexCoord3fv(v *float32)

func TexCoord3i

func TexCoord3i(s int32, t int32, r int32)

func TexCoord3iv

func TexCoord3iv(v *int32)

func TexCoord3s

func TexCoord3s(s int16, t int16, r int16)

func TexCoord3sv

func TexCoord3sv(v *int16)

func TexCoord4d

func TexCoord4d(s float64, t float64, r float64, q float64)

func TexCoord4dv

func TexCoord4dv(v *float64)

func TexCoord4f

func TexCoord4f(s float32, t float32, r float32, q float32)

func TexCoord4fv

func TexCoord4fv(v *float32)

func TexCoord4i

func TexCoord4i(s int32, t int32, r int32, q int32)

func TexCoord4iv

func TexCoord4iv(v *int32)

func TexCoord4s

func TexCoord4s(s int16, t int16, r int16, q int16)

func TexCoord4sv

func TexCoord4sv(v *int16)

func TexCoordPointer

func TexCoordPointer(size int32, type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func TexEnvf

func TexEnvf(target uint32, pname uint32, param float32)

func TexEnvfv

func TexEnvfv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func TexEnvi

func TexEnvi(target uint32, pname uint32, param int32)

func TexEnviv

func TexEnviv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func TexGend

func TexGend(coord uint32, pname uint32, param float64)

func TexGendv

func TexGendv(coord uint32, pname uint32, params *float64)

func TexGenf

func TexGenf(coord uint32, pname uint32, param float32)

func TexGenfv

func TexGenfv(coord uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func TexGeni

func TexGeni(coord uint32, pname uint32, param int32)

func TexGeniv

func TexGeniv(coord uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func TexImage1D

func TexImage1D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat int32, width int32, border int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func TexImage2D

func TexImage2D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat int32, width int32, height int32, border int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func TexImage3D

func TexImage3D(target uint32, level int32, internalformat int32, width int32, height int32, depth int32, border int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func TexParameterf

func TexParameterf(target uint32, pname uint32, param float32)

func TexParameterfv

func TexParameterfv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *float32)

func TexParameteri

func TexParameteri(target uint32, pname uint32, param int32)

func TexParameteriv

func TexParameteriv(target uint32, pname uint32, params *int32)

func TexSubImage1D

func TexSubImage1D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, width int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func TexSubImage2D

func TexSubImage2D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, width int32, height int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func TexSubImage3D

func TexSubImage3D(target uint32, level int32, xoffset int32, yoffset int32, zoffset int32, width int32, height int32, depth int32, format uint32, type_ uint32, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

func Translated

func Translated(x float64, y float64, z float64)

func Translatef

func Translatef(x float32, y float32, z float32)

func Uniform1f

func Uniform1f(location int32, v0 float32)

func Uniform1fv

func Uniform1fv(location int32, count int32, value *float32)

func Uniform1i

func Uniform1i(location int32, v0 int32)

func Uniform1iv

func Uniform1iv(location int32, count int32, value *int32)

func Uniform2f

func Uniform2f(location int32, v0 float32, v1 float32)

func Uniform2fv

func Uniform2fv(location int32, count int32, value *float32)

func Uniform2i

func Uniform2i(location int32, v0 int32, v1 int32)

func Uniform2iv

func Uniform2iv(location int32, count int32, value *int32)

func Uniform3f

func Uniform3f(location int32, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32)

func Uniform3fv

func Uniform3fv(location int32, count int32, value *float32)

func Uniform3i

func Uniform3i(location int32, v0 int32, v1 int32, v2 int32)

func Uniform3iv

func Uniform3iv(location int32, count int32, value *int32)

func Uniform4f

func Uniform4f(location int32, v0 float32, v1 float32, v2 float32, v3 float32)

func Uniform4fv

func Uniform4fv(location int32, count int32, value *float32)

func Uniform4i

func Uniform4i(location int32, v0 int32, v1 int32, v2 int32, v3 int32)

func Uniform4iv

func Uniform4iv(location int32, count int32, value *int32)

func UniformMatrix2fv

func UniformMatrix2fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix2x3fv

func UniformMatrix2x3fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix2x4fv

func UniformMatrix2x4fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix3fv

func UniformMatrix3fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix3x2fv

func UniformMatrix3x2fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix3x4fv

func UniformMatrix3x4fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix4fv

func UniformMatrix4fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix4x2fv

func UniformMatrix4x2fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UniformMatrix4x3fv

func UniformMatrix4x3fv(location int32, count int32, transpose byte, value *float32)

func UnmapBuffer

func UnmapBuffer(target uint32) byte

func UseProgram

func UseProgram(program uint32)

func ValidateProgram

func ValidateProgram(program uint32)

func Vertex2d

func Vertex2d(x float64, y float64)

func Vertex2dv

func Vertex2dv(v *float64)

func Vertex2f

func Vertex2f(x float32, y float32)

func Vertex2fv

func Vertex2fv(v *float32)

func Vertex2i

func Vertex2i(x int32, y int32)

func Vertex2iv

func Vertex2iv(v *int32)

func Vertex2s

func Vertex2s(x int16, y int16)

func Vertex2sv

func Vertex2sv(v *int16)

func Vertex3d

func Vertex3d(x float64, y float64, z float64)

func Vertex3dv

func Vertex3dv(v *float64)

func Vertex3f

func Vertex3f(x float32, y float32, z float32)

func Vertex3fv

func Vertex3fv(v *float32)

func Vertex3i

func Vertex3i(x int32, y int32, z int32)

func Vertex3iv

func Vertex3iv(v *int32)

func Vertex3s

func Vertex3s(x int16, y int16, z int16)

func Vertex3sv

func Vertex3sv(v *int16)

func Vertex4d

func Vertex4d(x float64, y float64, z float64, w float64)

func Vertex4dv

func Vertex4dv(v *float64)

func Vertex4f

func Vertex4f(x float32, y float32, z float32, w float32)

func Vertex4fv

func Vertex4fv(v *float32)

func Vertex4i

func Vertex4i(x int32, y int32, z int32, w int32)

func Vertex4iv

func Vertex4iv(v *int32)

func Vertex4s

func Vertex4s(x int16, y int16, z int16, w int16)

func Vertex4sv

func Vertex4sv(v *int16)

func VertexAttrib1d

func VertexAttrib1d(index uint32, x float64)

func VertexAttrib1dv

func VertexAttrib1dv(index uint32, v *float64)

func VertexAttrib1f

func VertexAttrib1f(index uint32, x float32)

func VertexAttrib1fv

func VertexAttrib1fv(index uint32, v *float32)

func VertexAttrib1s

func VertexAttrib1s(index uint32, x int16)

func VertexAttrib1sv

func VertexAttrib1sv(index uint32, v *int16)

func VertexAttrib2d

func VertexAttrib2d(index uint32, x float64, y float64)

func VertexAttrib2dv

func VertexAttrib2dv(index uint32, v *float64)

func VertexAttrib2f

func VertexAttrib2f(index uint32, x float32, y float32)

func VertexAttrib2fv

func VertexAttrib2fv(index uint32, v *float32)

func VertexAttrib2s

func VertexAttrib2s(index uint32, x int16, y int16)

func VertexAttrib2sv

func VertexAttrib2sv(index uint32, v *int16)

func VertexAttrib3d

func VertexAttrib3d(index uint32, x float64, y float64, z float64)

func VertexAttrib3dv

func VertexAttrib3dv(index uint32, v *float64)

func VertexAttrib3f

func VertexAttrib3f(index uint32, x float32, y float32, z float32)

func VertexAttrib3fv

func VertexAttrib3fv(index uint32, v *float32)

func VertexAttrib3s

func VertexAttrib3s(index uint32, x int16, y int16, z int16)

func VertexAttrib3sv

func VertexAttrib3sv(index uint32, v *int16)

func VertexAttrib4Nbv

func VertexAttrib4Nbv(index uint32, v *int8)

func VertexAttrib4Niv

func VertexAttrib4Niv(index uint32, v *int32)

func VertexAttrib4Nsv

func VertexAttrib4Nsv(index uint32, v *int16)

func VertexAttrib4Nub

func VertexAttrib4Nub(index uint32, x uint8, y uint8, z uint8, w uint8)

func VertexAttrib4Nubv

func VertexAttrib4Nubv(index uint32, v *uint8)

func VertexAttrib4Nuiv

func VertexAttrib4Nuiv(index uint32, v *uint32)

func VertexAttrib4Nusv

func VertexAttrib4Nusv(index uint32, v *uint16)

func VertexAttrib4bv

func VertexAttrib4bv(index uint32, v *int8)

func VertexAttrib4d

func VertexAttrib4d(index uint32, x float64, y float64, z float64, w float64)

func VertexAttrib4dv

func VertexAttrib4dv(index uint32, v *float64)

func VertexAttrib4f

func VertexAttrib4f(index uint32, x float32, y float32, z float32, w float32)

func VertexAttrib4fv

func VertexAttrib4fv(index uint32, v *float32)

func VertexAttrib4iv

func VertexAttrib4iv(index uint32, v *int32)

func VertexAttrib4s

func VertexAttrib4s(index uint32, x int16, y int16, z int16, w int16)

func VertexAttrib4sv

func VertexAttrib4sv(index uint32, v *int16)

func VertexAttrib4ubv

func VertexAttrib4ubv(index uint32, v *uint8)

func VertexAttrib4uiv

func VertexAttrib4uiv(index uint32, v *uint32)

func VertexAttrib4usv

func VertexAttrib4usv(index uint32, v *uint16)

func VertexAttribOffset

func VertexAttribOffset(index uint32, size int32, type_ uint32, normalized byte, stride int32, offset int)

VertexAttribOffset is a variant of VertexAttribPointer for cases where pointer is an offset and not a real pointer.

func VertexAttribPointer

func VertexAttribPointer(index uint32, size int32, type_ uint32, normalized byte, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func VertexPointer

func VertexPointer(size int32, type_ uint32, stride int32, pointer unsafe.Pointer)

func Viewport

func Viewport(x int32, y int32, width int32, height int32)

func WindowPos2d

func WindowPos2d(x float64, y float64)

func WindowPos2dv

func WindowPos2dv(v *float64)

func WindowPos2f

func WindowPos2f(x float32, y float32)

func WindowPos2fv

func WindowPos2fv(v *float32)

func WindowPos2i

func WindowPos2i(x int32, y int32)

func WindowPos2iv

func WindowPos2iv(v *int32)

func WindowPos2s

func WindowPos2s(x int16, y int16)

func WindowPos2sv

func WindowPos2sv(v *int16)

func WindowPos3d

func WindowPos3d(x float64, y float64, z float64)

func WindowPos3dv

func WindowPos3dv(v *float64)

func WindowPos3f

func WindowPos3f(x float32, y float32, z float32)

func WindowPos3fv

func WindowPos3fv(v *float32)

func WindowPos3i

func WindowPos3i(x int32, y int32, z int32)

func WindowPos3iv

func WindowPos3iv(v *int32)

func WindowPos3s

func WindowPos3s(x int16, y int16, z int16)

func WindowPos3sv

func WindowPos3sv(v *int16)


type API

type API int

API type: OpenGL or OpenGLES.

const (
	OpenGL API = iota

API Values.

func (API) String

func (a API) String() string

type Color

type Color struct {
	R, G, B, A float32

Color implements color.Color. It stores alpha premultiplied color components in the range [0, 1],

func (Color) RGBA

func (c Color) RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32)

RGBA implements color.Color.

type Program

type Program uint32

func NewProgram

func NewProgram(shaders ...Shader) (Program, error)

func (Program) AttribLocation

func (p Program) AttribLocation(name string) (uint32, error)

func (Program) Delete

func (p Program) Delete()

func (Program) UniformLocation

func (p Program) UniformLocation(name string) int32

func (Program) Use

func (p Program) Use()

type Shader

type Shader uint32

func NewShader

func NewShader(typ uint32, source []byte) (Shader, error)

func (Shader) Delete

func (s Shader) Delete()

type Version

type Version struct {
	Major int
	Minor int

Version represents an API version.

func APIVersion

func APIVersion() Version

APIVersion returns the OpenGL or OpenGLES version supported by the package.

func RuntimeVersion

func RuntimeVersion() Version

RuntimeVersion returns the OpenGL or OpenGLES version available at runtime, which may differ from APIVersion.

func (Version) GE

func (v Version) GE(api API, major, minor int) bool

GE returns true if version v is greater or equal to Version{api, major, minor} and v.API is equal to the api argument.

The following example shows how to use it in compatibility checks:

ver := gl.RuntimeVersion()
switch ver {
case ver.GE(OpenGL, 4, 0) || ver.GE(OpenGLES, 3, 1):
    // call glDrawArraysIndirect
case ver.GE(OpenGL, 3, 1) || ver.GE(OpenGLES, 3, 0):
    // call glDrawArraysInstanced
    // fallback

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