A tool to replay queries from a slow query log file.
There is multiple ways to get slowql-replayer
By using go install
$ go install
By cloning the repo and building it
$ git clone
$ cd slowql/
$ make replayer
A binary called replayer
will be created at the root of the repo, under bin/
is required!)
By downloading the pre-built binary
You can find the latest version in the releases
Usage of replayer:
-db string
Name of the database to use
-f string
Slow query log file to use
-h string
Addres of the database, with IP and port
Hide progress bar while replaying
-k string
Kind of the database (mysql, mariadb...)
-l string
Logging level (default "info")
Replay the requests on the database for real
-p Use a password to connect to database
-pprof string
pprof server address
Show SQL errors when they occur
-u string
User to use to connect to database
-w int
Number of maximum simultaneous connections to database (default 100)
-x float
Speed factor (default 1)
A typical example might be:
$ ./replayer -u ezekiel -p -h -k mysql -f ~/files/databases/log/mysql.log -db mydb
By adding -no-dry-run
, it will send the queries to the database for real.
At the end, a short report is displayed:
=-= Results =-=
Replay duration: 49.330633992s
Real duration: 49.327466s
Log file: /home/ezekiel/files/databases/log/mysql.log
Dry run: false
Workers: 100
├─ kind: mysql
├─ user: ezekiel
├─ use pass: true
└─ address:
├─ Queries: 90004
├─ Errors: 2
├─ Queries success rate: 99.9978%
├─ Speed factor: 1.0000
├─ Duration difference: replayer took 3.167992ms more
└─ Replayer speed: -0.0064%
The file Dockerfile.replayer
allows you to build the Docker image of replayer
$ docker build -f Dockerfile.replayer -t dw/replayer .
By default, replayer
looks for file called slowquery.log
at /log
. So you can provide the file by sharing it via a volume, and then give the arguments:
$ docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/slowquery/file/local-slowquery.log:/log/slowquery.log dw/replayer [OPTIONS (without -f)]
NOTE: don't forget to add the option -it
if you want to use a password !
You can also adjust a speed factor with the option -x
which can receive a float. For example, if you set the speed factor to 2
, it will replay the queries twice as fast. On the ortherhand, if you set it to 0.5
, it will replay twice as slow.
Also, you can specify the number of workers that will request the database is simultaneously with -w
. This way, you can simulate concurrency. The default value is 100
Progress bar
If the progress bar bothers you, you can hide it with -hide-progress
Databases kinds
The following table shows all the accepted values for -k
Database |
-k value |
mysql |
MariaDB |
mariadb |
Percona XtraDB Cluster |
pxc |
Supported databases
We successfully tested replayer
- MariaDB
- Percona-db
- Percona-cluster
Note: slowql-replayer
relies heavily on the slowql
package, so if a database is missing in the package, it will not be present in the replayer.