HealthBee is a self-hosted website availability monitoring service.
System Requirements
- HealthBee has been tested to work on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Go 1.15.2
User Guide
The HealthBee API can be used to register any (web) site for availability by periodic monitoring.
Monitoring results are collected and eventually stored for analysis. The API is specified in detail below.
GET /sites
: Lists all the currently registered sites
POST /sites/{id}/stop
: Stops monitoring activity for a particular site
POST /sites
: Register a new site for monitoring
- The request for site registration can be specified in JSON as follows :
"url": "https://www.google.com", <-- the site address
"interval": "4s", <-- a monitoring interval, in seconds
"pattern": "content" <-- an optional regular expression that is searched for in the returned page
GET /sites/{id}
will return the last 20 metrics for the given site in JSON
Installation and setup
- HealthBee can be installed on your system using the
go get
command, for example
$>go get -u -v github.com/dnataraj/healthbee/cmd/healthbee
- This will install the latest HealthBee binary to a directory specified in the
env var
Starting & configuring HealthBee
Since HealthBee relies on Apache Kafka and PostgreSQL to do its work efficiently and securely, various
configurations need to be provided to the application at boot time.
- After a successful installation, the HealthBee application should be in your
or equivalent path
- Executing the application with the -h flag, like so
$> ./healthbee -h
will produce a usage description
- The following flags are mandatory
: The endpoint address for the Kafka service
: The PostgreSQL database connection string
: (For secure communication with Kafka) The Kafka provider public key certificate
: (For secure communication with Kafka) The Kafka provider private key
: (For secure communication with Kafka) The CA certificate
Once HealthBee is running, the /sites
API can be used to register a new site for monitoring. As described earlier,
the site address(URL), monitoring interval and search pattern need to be provided.
Registering a site initiates its monitoring immediately. Restarting HealthBee will resume monitoring of all registered
Shutting down
- A clean shutdown of HealthBee can be performed by simple hitting Ctrl-C on the foreground process or sending a
the running process
Development Notes
- TODO: (High) Move the consumer/auditor functionality into pkg, where it belongs
- TODO: Highlight testing strategy and possibilities - both unit and integration
- TODO: Add support for site & metrics removal
Testing guide
To run the tests, after the repository is cloned:
- To skip the database integration test (for which a live database is needed), do
$REPO_ROOT> go test -v -skip ./...
- To run the integration tests, provide the service configurations in the form of environment variables, like so:
HB_TEST_DSN="<PostgreSQL DSN>" \
HB_TEST_KAFKA_SERVICE="<Kafka service endpoint>" \
go test -v ./...
Attributions and credits
- Attributions have been mentioned in the source code wherever appropriate but are also listed here