Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AdjustYear(y int) (int, error)
- func GetDefaultFieldLength(tp byte) int
- func HasAutoIncrementFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasBinaryFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasMultipleKeyFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasNoDefaultValueFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasNotNullFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasOnUpdateNowFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasPriKeyFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasTimestampFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasUniKeyFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasUnsignedFlag(flag uint) bool
- func HasZerofillFlag(flag uint) bool
- func ParseYear(str string) (int16, error)
- type Decimal
- func ConvertToDecimal(value interface{}) (Decimal, error)
- func NewDecimalFromFloat(value float64) Decimal
- func NewDecimalFromFloatWithExponent(value float64, exp int32) Decimal
- func NewDecimalFromInt(value int64, exp int32) Decimal
- func NewDecimalFromUint(value uint64, exp int32) Decimal
- func ParseDecimal(value string) (Decimal, error)
- func (d Decimal) Abs() Decimal
- func (d Decimal) Add(d2 Decimal) Decimal
- func (d Decimal) Ceil() Decimal
- func (d Decimal) Cmp(d2 Decimal) int
- func (d Decimal) Div(d2 Decimal) Decimal
- func (d Decimal) Equals(d2 Decimal) bool
- func (d Decimal) Exponent() int32
- func (d Decimal) Float64() (f float64, exact bool)
- func (d Decimal) Floor() Decimal
- func (d Decimal) FracDigits() int32
- func (d Decimal) IntPart() int64
- func (d Decimal) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (d Decimal) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
- func (d Decimal) Mul(d2 Decimal) Decimal
- func (d Decimal) Rat() *big.Rat
- func (d Decimal) Round(places int32) Decimal
- func (d *Decimal) Scan(value interface{}) error
- func (d Decimal) String() string
- func (d Decimal) StringFixed(places int32) string
- func (d Decimal) StringScaled(exp int32) string
- func (d Decimal) Sub(d2 Decimal) Decimal
- func (d Decimal) Truncate(precision int32) Decimal
- func (d *Decimal) UnmarshalJSON(decimalBytes []byte) error
- func (d *Decimal) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
- func (d Decimal) Value() (driver.Value, error)
- type Duration
- func (d Duration) Compare(o Duration) int
- func (d Duration) CompareString(str string) (int, error)
- func (d Duration) ConvertToTime(tp uint8) (Time, error)
- func (d Duration) Hour() int
- func (d Duration) MicroSecond() int
- func (d Duration) Minute() int
- func (d Duration) RoundFrac(fsp int) (Duration, error)
- func (d Duration) Second() int
- func (d Duration) String() string
- func (d Duration) ToNumber() Decimal
- type SQLError
- type Time
- func ParseDate(str string) (Time, error)
- func ParseDateFromNum(num int64) (Time, error)
- func ParseDatetime(str string) (Time, error)
- func ParseDatetimeFromNum(num int64) (Time, error)
- func ParseTime(str string, tp byte, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimeFromNum(num int64, tp byte, fsp int) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimestamp(str string) (Time, error)
- func ParseTimestampFromNum(num int64) (Time, error)
- func (t Time) Compare(o Time) int
- func (t Time) CompareString(str string) (int, error)
- func (t Time) Convert(tp uint8) (Time, error)
- func (t Time) ConvertToDuration() (Duration, error)
- func (t Time) IsZero() bool
- func (t Time) Marshal() ([]byte, error)
- func (t Time) RoundFrac(fsp int) (Time, error)
- func (t Time) String() string
- func (t Time) ToNumber() Decimal
- func (t *Time) Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- func (t *Time) UnmarshalInLocation(b []byte, loc *time.Location) error
Constants ¶
const ( DefaultCharset = "utf8" DefaultCollationID = 33 BinaryCollationID = 63 DefaultCollationName = "utf8_general_ci" )
MySQL collation informations.
const ( MinProtocolVersion byte = 10 MaxPayloadLen int = 1<<24 - 1 ServerVersion string = "5.5.31-cm-1.0" )
Version informations.
const ( OKHeader byte = 0x00 ErrHeader byte = 0xff EOFHeader byte = 0xfe LocalInFileHeader byte = 0xfb )
Header informations.
const ( ServerStatusInTrans uint16 = 0x0001 ServerStatusAutocommit uint16 = 0x0002 ServerMoreResultsExists uint16 = 0x0008 ServerStatusNoGoodIndexUsed uint16 = 0x0010 ServerStatusNoIndexUsed uint16 = 0x0020 ServerStatusCursorExists uint16 = 0x0040 ServerStatusLastRowSend uint16 = 0x0080 ServerStatusDBDropped uint16 = 0x0100 ServerStatusNoBackslashEscaped uint16 = 0x0200 ServerStatusMetadataChanged uint16 = 0x0400 ServerStatusWasSlow uint16 = 0x0800 ServerPSOutParams uint16 = 0x1000 )
Server informations.
const ( ComSleep byte = iota ComQuit ComInitDB ComQuery ComFieldList ComCreateDB ComDropDB ComRefresh ComShutdown ComStatistics ComProcessInfo ComConnect ComProcessKill ComDebug ComPing ComTime ComDelayedInsert ComChangeUser ComBinlogDump ComTableDump ComConnectOut ComRegisterSlave ComStmtPrepare ComStmtExecute ComStmtSendLongData ComStmtClose ComStmtReset ComSetOption ComStmtFetch ComDaemon ComBinlogDumpGtid ComResetConnection )
Command informations.
const ( ClientLongPassword uint32 = 1 << iota ClientFoundRows ClientLongFlag ClientConnectWithDB ClientNoSchema ClientCompress ClientODBC ClientLocalFiles ClientIgnoreSpace ClientProtocol41 ClientInteractive ClientSSL ClientIgnoreSigpipe ClientTransactions ClientReserved ClientSecureConnection ClientMultiStatements ClientMultiResults ClientPSMultiResults ClientPluginAuth ClientConnectAtts ClientPluginAuthLenencClientData )
Client informations.
const ( MaxFractionDigits = 30 DivIncreasePrecision = 4 )
DivisionPrecision is the number of decimal places in the result when it doesn't divide exactly.
d1 := decimal.NewFromFloat(2).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(3) d1.String() // output: "0.6667" d2 := decimal.NewFromFloat(2).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(30000) d2.String() // output: "0.0001" d3 := decimal.NewFromFloat(20000).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(3) d3.String() // output: "6666.6666666666666667" decimal.DivisionPrecision = 3 d4 := decimal.NewFromFloat(2).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(3) d4.String() // output: "0.6667"
const ( ErErrorFirst uint16 = 1000 ErHashchk = 1000 ErNisamchk = 1001 ErNo = 1002 ErYes = 1003 ErCantCreateFile = 1004 ErCantCreateTable = 1005 ErCantCreateDb = 1006 ErDbCreateExists = 1007 ErDbDropExists = 1008 ErDbDropDelete = 1009 ErDbDropRmdir = 1010 ErCantDeleteFile = 1011 ErCantFindSystemRec = 1012 ErCantGetStat = 1013 ErCantGetWd = 1014 ErCantLock = 1015 ErCantOpenFile = 1016 ErFileNotFound = 1017 ErCantReadDir = 1018 ErCantSetWd = 1019 ErCheckread = 1020 ErDiskFull = 1021 ErDupKey = 1022 ErErrorOnClose = 1023 ErErrorOnRead = 1024 ErErrorOnRename = 1025 ErErrorOnWrite = 1026 ErFileUsed = 1027 ErFilsortAbort = 1028 ErFormNotFound = 1029 ErGetErrno = 1030 ErIllegalHa = 1031 ErKeyNotFound = 1032 ErNotFormFile = 1033 ErNotKeyfile = 1034 ErOldKeyfile = 1035 ErOpenAsReadonly = 1036 ErOutofmemory = 1037 ErOutOfSortmemory = 1038 ErUnexpectedEOF = 1039 ErConCountError = 1040 ErOutOfResources = 1041 ErBadHostError = 1042 ErHandshakeError = 1043 ErDbaccessDeniedError = 1044 ErAccessDeniedError = 1045 ErNoDbError = 1046 ErUnknownComError = 1047 ErBadNullError = 1048 ErBadDbError = 1049 ErTableExistsError = 1050 ErBadTableError = 1051 ErNonUniqError = 1052 ErServerShutdown = 1053 ErBadFieldError = 1054 ErWrongFieldWithGroup = 1055 ErWrongGroupField = 1056 ErWrongSumSelect = 1057 ErWrongValueCount = 1058 ErTooLongIdent = 1059 ErDupFieldname = 1060 ErDupKeyname = 1061 ErDupEntry = 1062 ErWrongFieldSpec = 1063 ErParseError = 1064 ErEmptyQuery = 1065 ErNonuniqTable = 1066 ErInvalidDefault = 1067 ErMultiplePriKey = 1068 ErTooManyKeys = 1069 ErTooManyKeyParts = 1070 ErTooLongKey = 1071 ErKeyColumnDoesNotExits = 1072 ErBlobUsedAsKey = 1073 ErTooBigFieldlength = 1074 ErWrongAutoKey = 1075 ErReady = 1076 ErNormalShutdown = 1077 ErGotSignal = 1078 ErShutdownComplete = 1079 ErForcingClose = 1080 ErIpsockError = 1081 ErNoSuchIndex = 1082 ErWrongFieldTerminators = 1083 ErBlobsAndNoTerminated = 1084 ErTextfileNotReadable = 1085 ErFileExistsError = 1086 ErLoadInfo = 1087 ErAlterInfo = 1088 ErWrongSubKey = 1089 ErCantRemoveAllFields = 1090 ErCantDropFieldOrKey = 1091 ErInsertInfo = 1092 ErUpdateTableUsed = 1093 ErNoSuchThread = 1094 ErKillDeniedError = 1095 ErNoTablesUsed = 1096 ErTooBigSet = 1097 ErNoUniqueLogfile = 1098 ErTableNotLockedForWrite = 1099 ErTableNotLocked = 1100 ErBlobCantHaveDefault = 1101 ErWrongDbName = 1102 ErWrongTableName = 1103 ErTooBigSelect = 1104 ErUnknownError = 1105 ErUnknownProcedure = 1106 ErWrongParamcountToProcedure = 1107 ErWrongParametersToProcedure = 1108 ErUnknownTable = 1109 ErFieldSpecifiedTwice = 1110 ErInvalidGroupFuncUse = 1111 ErUnsupportedExtension = 1112 ErTableMustHaveColumns = 1113 ErRecordFileFull = 1114 ErUnknownCharacterSet = 1115 ErTooManyTables = 1116 ErTooManyFields = 1117 ErTooBigRowsize = 1118 ErStackOverrun = 1119 ErWrongOuterJoin = 1120 ErNullColumnInIndex = 1121 ErCantFindUdf = 1122 ErCantInitializeUdf = 1123 ErUdfNoPaths = 1124 ErUdfExists = 1125 ErCantOpenLibrary = 1126 ErCantFindDlEntry = 1127 ErFunctionNotDefined = 1128 ErHostIsBlocked = 1129 ErHostNotPrivileged = 1130 ErPasswordAnonymousUser = 1131 ErPasswordNotAllowed = 1132 ErPasswordNoMatch = 1133 ErUpdateInfo = 1134 ErCantCreateThread = 1135 ErWrongValueCountOnRow = 1136 ErCantReopenTable = 1137 ErInvalidUseOfNull = 1138 ErRegexpError = 1139 ErMixOfGroupFuncAndFields = 1140 ErNonexistingGrant = 1141 ErTableaccessDeniedError = 1142 ErColumnaccessDeniedError = 1143 ErIllegalGrantForTable = 1144 ErGrantWrongHostOrUser = 1145 ErNoSuchTable = 1146 ErNonexistingTableGrant = 1147 ErNotAllowedCommand = 1148 ErSyntaxError = 1149 ErDelayedCantChangeLock = 1150 ErTooManyDelayedThreads = 1151 ErAbortingConnection = 1152 ErNetPacketTooLarge = 1153 ErNetReadErrorFromPipe = 1154 ErNetFcntlError = 1155 ErNetPacketsOutOfOrder = 1156 ErNetUncompressError = 1157 ErNetReadError = 1158 ErNetReadInterrupted = 1159 ErNetErrorOnWrite = 1160 ErNetWriteInterrupted = 1161 ErTooLongString = 1162 ErTableCantHandleBlob = 1163 ErTableCantHandleAutoIncrement = 1164 ErDelayedInsertTableLocked = 1165 ErWrongColumnName = 1166 ErWrongKeyColumn = 1167 ErWrongMrgTable = 1168 ErDupUnique = 1169 ErBlobKeyWithoutLength = 1170 ErPrimaryCantHaveNull = 1171 ErTooManyRows = 1172 ErRequiresPrimaryKey = 1173 ErNoRaidCompiled = 1174 ErUpdateWithoutKeyInSafeMode = 1175 ErKeyDoesNotExits = 1176 ErCheckNoSuchTable = 1177 ErCheckNotImplemented = 1178 ErCantDoThisDuringAnTransaction = 1179 ErErrorDuringCommit = 1180 ErErrorDuringRollback = 1181 ErErrorDuringFlushLogs = 1182 ErErrorDuringCheckpoint = 1183 ErNewAbortingConnection = 1184 ErDumpNotImplemented = 1185 ErFlushMasterBinlogClosed = 1186 ErIndexRebuild = 1187 ErMaster = 1188 ErMasterNetRead = 1189 ErMasterNetWrite = 1190 ErFtMatchingKeyNotFound = 1191 ErLockOrActiveTransaction = 1192 ErUnknownSystemVariable = 1193 ErCrashedOnUsage = 1194 ErCrashedOnRepair = 1195 ErWarningNotCompleteRollback = 1196 ErTransCacheFull = 1197 ErSlaveMustStop = 1198 ErSlaveNotRunning = 1199 ErBadSlave = 1200 ErMasterInfo = 1201 ErSlaveThread = 1202 ErTooManyUserConnections = 1203 ErSetConstantsOnly = 1204 ErLockWaitTimeout = 1205 ErLockTableFull = 1206 ErReadOnlyTransaction = 1207 ErDropDbWithReadLock = 1208 ErCreateDbWithReadLock = 1209 ErWrongArguments = 1210 ErNoPermissionToCreateUser = 1211 ErUnionTablesInDifferentDir = 1212 ErLockDeadlock = 1213 ErTableCantHandleFt = 1214 ErCannotAddForeign = 1215 ErNoReferencedRow = 1216 ErRowIsReferenced = 1217 ErConnectToMaster = 1218 ErQueryOnMaster = 1219 ErErrorWhenExecutingCommand = 1220 ErWrongUsage = 1221 ErWrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect = 1222 ErCantUpdateWithReadlock = 1223 ErMixingNotAllowed = 1224 ErDupArgument = 1225 ErUserLimitReached = 1226 ErSpecificAccessDeniedError = 1227 ErLocalVariable = 1228 ErGlobalVariable = 1229 ErNoDefault = 1230 ErWrongValueForVar = 1231 ErWrongTypeForVar = 1232 ErVarCantBeRead = 1233 ErCantUseOptionHere = 1234 ErNotSupportedYet = 1235 ErMasterFatalErrorReadingBinlog = 1236 ErSlaveIgnoredTable = 1237 ErIncorrectGlobalLocalVar = 1238 ErWrongFkDef = 1239 ErKeyRefDoNotMatchTableRef = 1240 ErOperandColumns = 1241 ErSubqueryNo1Row = 1242 ErUnknownStmtHandler = 1243 ErCorruptHelpDb = 1244 ErCyclicReference = 1245 ErAutoConvert = 1246 ErIllegalReference = 1247 ErDerivedMustHaveAlias = 1248 ErSelectReduced = 1249 ErTablenameNotAllowedHere = 1250 ErNotSupportedAuthMode = 1251 ErSpatialCantHaveNull = 1252 ErCollationCharsetMismatch = 1253 ErSlaveWasRunning = 1254 ErSlaveWasNotRunning = 1255 ErTooBigForUncompress = 1256 ErZlibZMemError = 1257 ErZlibZBufError = 1258 ErZlibZDataError = 1259 ErCutValueGroupConcat = 1260 ErWarnTooFewRecords = 1261 ErWarnTooManyRecords = 1262 ErWarnNullToNotnull = 1263 ErWarnDataOutOfRange = 1264 WarnDataTruncated = 1265 ErWarnUsingOtherHandler = 1266 ErCantAggregate2collations = 1267 ErDropUser = 1268 ErRevokeGrants = 1269 ErCantAggregate3collations = 1270 ErCantAggregateNcollations = 1271 ErVariableIsNotStruct = 1272 ErUnknownCollation = 1273 ErSlaveIgnoredSslParams = 1274 ErServerIsInSecureAuthMode = 1275 ErWarnFieldResolved = 1276 ErBadSlaveUntilCond = 1277 ErMissingSkipSlave = 1278 ErUntilCondIgnored = 1279 ErWrongNameForIndex = 1280 ErWrongNameForCatalog = 1281 ErWarnQcResize = 1282 ErBadFtColumn = 1283 ErUnknownKeyCache = 1284 ErWarnHostnameWontWork = 1285 ErUnknownStorageEngine = 1286 ErWarnDeprecatedSyntax = 1287 ErNonUpdatableTable = 1288 ErFeatureDisabled = 1289 ErOptionPreventsStatement = 1290 ErDuplicatedValueInType = 1291 ErTruncatedWrongValue = 1292 ErTooMuchAutoTimestampCols = 1293 ErInvalidOnUpdate = 1294 ErUnsupportedPs = 1295 ErGetErrmsg = 1296 ErGetTemporaryErrmsg = 1297 ErUnknownTimeZone = 1298 ErWarnInvalidTimestamp = 1299 ErInvalidCharacterString = 1300 ErWarnAllowedPacketOverflowed = 1301 ErConflictingDeclarations = 1302 ErSpNoRecursiveCreate = 1303 ErSpAlreadyExists = 1304 ErSpDoesNotExist = 1305 ErSpDropFailed = 1306 ErSpStoreFailed = 1307 ErSpLilabelMismatch = 1308 ErSpLabelRedefine = 1309 ErSpLabelMismatch = 1310 ErSpUninitVar = 1311 ErSpBadselect = 1312 ErSpBadreturn = 1313 ErSpBadstatement = 1314 ErUpdateLogDeprecatedIgnored = 1315 ErUpdateLogDeprecatedTranslated = 1316 ErQueryInterrupted = 1317 ErSpWrongNoOfArgs = 1318 ErSpCondMismatch = 1319 ErSpNoreturn = 1320 ErSpNoreturnend = 1321 ErSpBadCursorQuery = 1322 ErSpBadCursorSelect = 1323 ErSpCursorMismatch = 1324 ErSpCursorAlreadyOpen = 1325 ErSpCursorNotOpen = 1326 ErSpUndeclaredVar = 1327 ErSpWrongNoOfFetchArgs = 1328 ErSpFetchNoData = 1329 ErSpDupParam = 1330 ErSpDupVar = 1331 ErSpDupCond = 1332 ErSpDupCurs = 1333 ErSpCantAlter = 1334 ErSpSubselectNyi = 1335 ErStmtNotAllowedInSfOrTrg = 1336 ErSpVarcondAfterCurshndlr = 1337 ErSpCursorAfterHandler = 1338 ErSpCaseNotFound = 1339 ErFparserTooBigFile = 1340 ErFparserBadHeader = 1341 ErFparserEOFInComment = 1342 ErFparserErrorInParameter = 1343 ErFparserEOFInUnknownParameter = 1344 ErViewNoExplain = 1345 ErFrmUnknownType = 1346 ErWrongObject = 1347 ErNonupdateableColumn = 1348 ErViewSelectDerived = 1349 ErViewSelectClause = 1350 ErViewSelectVariable = 1351 ErViewSelectTmptable = 1352 ErViewWrongList = 1353 ErWarnViewMerge = 1354 ErWarnViewWithoutKey = 1355 ErViewInvalid = 1356 ErSpNoDropSp = 1357 ErSpGotoInHndlr = 1358 ErTrgAlreadyExists = 1359 ErTrgDoesNotExist = 1360 ErTrgOnViewOrTempTable = 1361 ErTrgCantChangeRow = 1362 ErTrgNoSuchRowInTrg = 1363 ErNoDefaultForField = 1364 ErDivisionByZero = 1365 ErTruncatedWrongValueForField = 1366 ErIllegalValueForType = 1367 ErViewNonupdCheck = 1368 ErViewCheckFailed = 1369 ErProcaccessDeniedError = 1370 ErRelayLogFail = 1371 ErPasswdLength = 1372 ErUnknownTargetBinlog = 1373 ErIoErrLogIndexRead = 1374 ErBinlogPurgeProhibited = 1375 ErFseekFail = 1376 ErBinlogPurgeFatalErr = 1377 ErLogInUse = 1378 ErLogPurgeUnknownErr = 1379 ErRelayLogInit = 1380 ErNoBinaryLogging = 1381 ErReservedSyntax = 1382 ErWsasFailed = 1383 ErDiffGroupsProc = 1384 ErNoGroupForProc = 1385 ErOrderWithProc = 1386 ErLoggingProhibitChangingOf = 1387 ErNoFileMapping = 1388 ErWrongMagic = 1389 ErPsManyParam = 1390 ErKeyPart0 = 1391 ErViewChecksum = 1392 ErViewMultiupdate = 1393 ErViewNoInsertFieldList = 1394 ErViewDeleteMergeView = 1395 ErCannotUser = 1396 ErXaerNota = 1397 ErXaerInval = 1398 ErXaerRmfail = 1399 ErXaerOutside = 1400 ErXaerRmerr = 1401 ErXaRbrollback = 1402 ErNonexistingProcGrant = 1403 ErProcAutoGrantFail = 1404 ErProcAutoRevokeFail = 1405 ErDataTooLong = 1406 ErSpBadSQLstate = 1407 ErStartup = 1408 ErLoadFromFixedSizeRowsToVar = 1409 ErCantCreateUserWithGrant = 1410 ErWrongValueForType = 1411 ErTableDefChanged = 1412 ErSpDupHandler = 1413 ErSpNotVarArg = 1414 ErSpNoRetset = 1415 ErCantCreateGeometryObject = 1416 ErFailedRoutineBreakBinlog = 1417 ErBinlogUnsafeRoutine = 1418 ErBinlogCreateRoutineNeedSuper = 1419 ErExecStmtWithOpenCursor = 1420 ErStmtHasNoOpenCursor = 1421 ErCommitNotAllowedInSfOrTrg = 1422 ErNoDefaultForViewField = 1423 ErSpNoRecursion = 1424 ErTooBigScale = 1425 ErTooBigPrecision = 1426 ErMBiggerThanD = 1427 ErWrongLockOfSystemTable = 1428 ErConnectToForeignDataSource = 1429 ErQueryOnForeignDataSource = 1430 ErForeignDataSourceDoesntExist = 1431 ErForeignDataStringInvalidCantCreate = 1432 ErForeignDataStringInvalid = 1433 ErCantCreateFederatedTable = 1434 ErTrgInWrongSchema = 1435 ErStackOverrunNeedMore = 1436 ErTooLongBody = 1437 ErWarnCantDropDefaultKeycache = 1438 ErTooBigDisplaywidth = 1439 ErXaerDupid = 1440 ErDatetimeFunctionOverflow = 1441 ErCantUpdateUsedTableInSfOrTrg = 1442 ErViewPreventUpdate = 1443 ErPsNoRecursion = 1444 ErSpCantSetAutocommit = 1445 ErMalformedDefiner = 1446 ErViewFrmNoUser = 1447 ErViewOtherUser = 1448 ErNoSuchUser = 1449 ErForbidSchemaChange = 1450 ErRowIsReferenced2 = 1451 ErNoReferencedRow2 = 1452 ErSpBadVarShadow = 1453 ErTrgNoDefiner = 1454 ErOldFileFormat = 1455 ErSpRecursionLimit = 1456 ErSpProcTableCorrupt = 1457 ErSpWrongName = 1458 ErTableNeedsUpgrade = 1459 ErSpNoAggregate = 1460 ErMaxPreparedStmtCountReached = 1461 ErViewRecursive = 1462 ErNonGroupingFieldUsed = 1463 ErTableCantHandleSpkeys = 1464 ErNoTriggersOnSystemSchema = 1465 ErRemovedSpaces = 1466 ErAutoincReadFailed = 1467 ErUsername = 1468 ErHostname = 1469 ErWrongStringLength = 1470 ErNonInsertableTable = 1471 ErAdminWrongMrgTable = 1472 ErTooHighLevelOfNestingForSelect = 1473 ErNameBecomesEmpty = 1474 ErAmbiguousFieldTerm = 1475 ErForeignServerExists = 1476 ErForeignServerDoesntExist = 1477 ErIllegalHaCreateOption = 1478 ErPartitionRequiresValuesError = 1479 ErPartitionWrongValuesError = 1480 ErPartitionMaxvalueError = 1481 ErPartitionSubpartitionError = 1482 ErPartitionSubpartMixError = 1483 ErPartitionWrongNoPartError = 1484 ErPartitionWrongNoSubpartError = 1485 ErWrongExprInPartitionFuncError = 1486 ErNoConstExprInRangeOrListError = 1487 ErFieldNotFoundPartError = 1488 ErListOfFieldsOnlyInHashError = 1489 ErInconsistentPartitionInfoError = 1490 ErPartitionFuncNotAllowedError = 1491 ErPartitionsMustBeDefinedError = 1492 ErRangeNotIncreasingError = 1493 ErInconsistentTypeOfFunctionsError = 1494 ErMultipleDefConstInListPartError = 1495 ErPartitionEntryError = 1496 ErMixHandlerError = 1497 ErPartitionNotDefinedError = 1498 ErTooManyPartitionsError = 1499 ErSubpartitionError = 1500 ErCantCreateHandlerFile = 1501 ErBlobFieldInPartFuncError = 1502 ErUniqueKeyNeedAllFieldsInPf = 1503 ErNoPartsError = 1504 ErPartitionMgmtOnNonpartitioned = 1505 ErForeignKeyOnPartitioned = 1506 ErDropPartitionNonExistent = 1507 ErDropLastPartition = 1508 ErCoalesceOnlyOnHashPartition = 1509 ErReorgHashOnlyOnSameNo = 1510 ErReorgNoParamError = 1511 ErOnlyOnRangeListPartition = 1512 ErAddPartitionSubpartError = 1513 ErAddPartitionNoNewPartition = 1514 ErCoalescePartitionNoPartition = 1515 ErReorgPartitionNotExist = 1516 ErSameNamePartition = 1517 ErNoBinlogError = 1518 ErConsecutiveReorgPartitions = 1519 ErReorgOutsideRange = 1520 ErPartitionFunctionFailure = 1521 ErPartStateError = 1522 ErLimitedPartRange = 1523 ErPluginIsNotLoaded = 1524 ErWrongValue = 1525 ErNoPartitionForGivenValue = 1526 ErFilegroupOptionOnlyOnce = 1527 ErCreateFilegroupFailed = 1528 ErDropFilegroupFailed = 1529 ErTablespaceAutoExtendError = 1530 ErWrongSizeNumber = 1531 ErSizeOverflowError = 1532 ErAlterFilegroupFailed = 1533 ErBinlogRowLoggingFailed = 1534 ErBinlogRowWrongTableDef = 1535 ErBinlogRowRbrToSbr = 1536 ErEventAlreadyExists = 1537 ErEventStoreFailed = 1538 ErEventDoesNotExist = 1539 ErEventCantAlter = 1540 ErEventDropFailed = 1541 ErEventIntervalNotPositiveOrTooBig = 1542 ErEventEndsBeforeStarts = 1543 ErEventExecTimeInThePast = 1544 ErEventOpenTableFailed = 1545 ErEventNeitherMExprNorMAt = 1546 ErObsoleteColCountDoesntMatchCorrupted = 1547 ErObsoleteCannotLoadFromTable = 1548 ErEventCannotDelete = 1549 ErEventCompileError = 1550 ErEventSameName = 1551 ErEventDataTooLong = 1552 ErDropIndexFk = 1553 ErWarnDeprecatedSyntaxWithVer = 1554 ErCantWriteLockLogTable = 1555 ErCantLockLogTable = 1556 ErForeignDuplicateKeyOldUnused = 1557 ErColCountDoesntMatchPleaseUpdate = 1558 ErTempTablePreventsSwitchOutOfRbr = 1559 ErStoredFunctionPreventsSwitchBinlogFormat = 1560 ErNdbCantSwitchBinlogFormat = 1561 ErPartitionNoTemporary = 1562 ErPartitionConstDomainError = 1563 ErPartitionFunctionIsNotAllowed = 1564 ErDdlLogError = 1565 ErNullInValuesLessThan = 1566 ErWrongPartitionName = 1567 ErCantChangeTxCharacteristics = 1568 ErDupEntryAutoincrementCase = 1569 ErEventModifyQueueError = 1570 ErEventSetVarError = 1571 ErPartitionMergeError = 1572 ErCantActivateLog = 1573 ErRbrNotAvailable = 1574 ErBase64DecodeError = 1575 ErEventRecursionForbidden = 1576 ErEventsDbError = 1577 ErOnlyIntegersAllowed = 1578 ErUnsuportedLogEngine = 1579 ErBadLogStatement = 1580 ErCantRenameLogTable = 1581 ErWrongParamcountToNativeFct = 1582 ErWrongParametersToNativeFct = 1583 ErWrongParametersToStoredFct = 1584 ErNativeFctNameCollision = 1585 ErDupEntryWithKeyName = 1586 ErBinlogPurgeEmfile = 1587 ErEventCannotCreateInThePast = 1588 ErEventCannotAlterInThePast = 1589 ErSlaveIncident = 1590 ErNoPartitionForGivenValueSilent = 1591 ErBinlogUnsafeStatement = 1592 ErSlaveFatalError = 1593 ErSlaveRelayLogReadFailure = 1594 ErSlaveRelayLogWriteFailure = 1595 ErSlaveCreateEventFailure = 1596 ErSlaveMasterComFailure = 1597 ErBinlogLoggingImpossible = 1598 ErViewNoCreationCtx = 1599 ErViewInvalidCreationCtx = 1600 ErSrInvalidCreationCtx = 1601 ErTrgCorruptedFile = 1602 ErTrgNoCreationCtx = 1603 ErTrgInvalidCreationCtx = 1604 ErEventInvalidCreationCtx = 1605 ErTrgCantOpenTable = 1606 ErCantCreateSroutine = 1607 ErNeverUsed = 1608 ErNoFormatDescriptionEventBeforeBinlogStatement = 1609 ErSlaveCorruptEvent = 1610 ErLoadDataInvalidColumn = 1611 ErLogPurgeNoFile = 1612 ErXaRbtimeout = 1613 ErXaRbdeadlock = 1614 ErNeedReprepare = 1615 ErDelayedNotSupported = 1616 WarnNoMasterInfo = 1617 WarnOptionIgnored = 1618 WarnPluginDeleteBuiltin = 1619 WarnPluginBusy = 1620 ErVariableIsReadonly = 1621 ErWarnEngineTransactionRollback = 1622 ErSlaveHeartbeatFailure = 1623 ErSlaveHeartbeatValueOutOfRange = 1624 ErNdbReplicationSchemaError = 1625 ErConflictFnParseError = 1626 ErExceptionsWriteError = 1627 ErTooLongTableComment = 1628 ErTooLongFieldComment = 1629 ErFuncInexistentNameCollision = 1630 ErDatabaseName = 1631 ErTableName = 1632 ErPartitionName = 1633 ErSubpartitionName = 1634 ErTemporaryName = 1635 ErRenamedName = 1636 ErTooManyConcurrentTrxs = 1637 WarnNonASCIISeparatorNotImplemented = 1638 ErDebugSyncTimeout = 1639 ErDebugSyncHitLimit = 1640 ErDupSignalSet = 1641 ErSignalWarn = 1642 ErSignalNotFound = 1643 ErSignalException = 1644 ErResignalWithoutActiveHandler = 1645 ErSignalBadConditionType = 1646 WarnCondItemTruncated = 1647 ErCondItemTooLong = 1648 ErUnknownLocale = 1649 ErSlaveIgnoreServerIds = 1650 ErQueryCacheDisabled = 1651 ErSameNamePartitionField = 1652 ErPartitionColumnListError = 1653 ErWrongTypeColumnValueError = 1654 ErTooManyPartitionFuncFieldsError = 1655 ErMaxvalueInValuesIn = 1656 ErTooManyValuesError = 1657 ErRowSinglePartitionFieldError = 1658 ErFieldTypeNotAllowedAsPartitionField = 1659 ErPartitionFieldsTooLong = 1660 ErBinlogRowEngineAndStmtEngine = 1661 ErBinlogRowModeAndStmtEngine = 1662 ErBinlogUnsafeAndStmtEngine = 1663 ErBinlogRowInjectionAndStmtEngine = 1664 ErBinlogStmtModeAndRowEngine = 1665 ErBinlogRowInjectionAndStmtMode = 1666 ErBinlogMultipleEnginesAndSelfLoggingEngine = 1667 ErBinlogUnsafeLimit = 1668 ErBinlogUnsafeInsertDelayed = 1669 ErBinlogUnsafeSystemTable = 1670 ErBinlogUnsafeAutoincColumns = 1671 ErBinlogUnsafeUdf = 1672 ErBinlogUnsafeSystemVariable = 1673 ErBinlogUnsafeSystemFunction = 1674 ErBinlogUnsafeNontransAfterTrans = 1675 ErMessageAndStatement = 1676 ErSlaveConversionFailed = 1677 ErSlaveCantCreateConversion = 1678 ErInsideTransactionPreventsSwitchBinlogFormat = 1679 ErPathLength = 1680 ErWarnDeprecatedSyntaxNoReplacement = 1681 ErWrongNativeTableStructure = 1682 ErWrongPerfschemaUsage = 1683 ErWarnISSkippedTable = 1684 ErInsideTransactionPreventsSwitchBinlogDirect = 1685 ErStoredFunctionPreventsSwitchBinlogDirect = 1686 ErSpatialMustHaveGeomCol = 1687 ErTooLongIndexComment = 1688 ErLockAborted = 1689 ErDataOutOfRange = 1690 ErWrongSpvarTypeInLimit = 1691 ErBinlogUnsafeMultipleEnginesAndSelfLoggingEngine = 1692 ErBinlogUnsafeMixedStatement = 1693 ErInsideTransactionPreventsSwitchSQLLogBin = 1694 ErStoredFunctionPreventsSwitchSQLLogBin = 1695 ErFailedReadFromParFile = 1696 ErValuesIsNotIntTypeError = 1697 ErAccessDeniedNoPasswordError = 1698 ErSetPasswordAuthPlugin = 1699 ErGrantPluginUserExists = 1700 ErTruncateIllegalFk = 1701 ErPluginIsPermanent = 1702 ErSlaveHeartbeatValueOutOfRangeMin = 1703 ErSlaveHeartbeatValueOutOfRangeMax = 1704 ErStmtCacheFull = 1705 ErMultiUpdateKeyConflict = 1706 ErTableNeedsRebuild = 1707 WarnOptionBelowLimit = 1708 ErIndexColumnTooLong = 1709 ErErrorInTriggerBody = 1710 ErErrorInUnknownTriggerBody = 1711 ErIndexCorrupt = 1712 ErUndoRecordTooBig = 1713 ErBinlogUnsafeInsertIgnoreSelect = 1714 ErBinlogUnsafeInsertSelectUpdate = 1715 ErBinlogUnsafeReplaceSelect = 1716 ErBinlogUnsafeCreateIgnoreSelect = 1717 ErBinlogUnsafeCreateReplaceSelect = 1718 ErBinlogUnsafeUpdateIgnore = 1719 ErPluginNoUninstall = 1720 ErPluginNoInstall = 1721 ErBinlogUnsafeWriteAutoincSelect = 1722 ErBinlogUnsafeCreateSelectAutoinc = 1723 ErBinlogUnsafeInsertTwoKeys = 1724 ErTableInFkCheck = 1725 ErUnsupportedEngine = 1726 ErBinlogUnsafeAutoincNotFirst = 1727 ErCannotLoadFromTableV2 = 1728 ErMasterDelayValueOutOfRange = 1729 ErOnlyFdAndRbrEventsAllowedInBinlogStatement = 1730 ErPartitionExchangeDifferentOption = 1731 ErPartitionExchangePartTable = 1732 ErPartitionExchangeTempTable = 1733 ErPartitionInsteadOfSubpartition = 1734 ErUnknownPartition = 1735 ErTablesDifferentMetadata = 1736 ErRowDoesNotMatchPartition = 1737 ErBinlogCacheSizeGreaterThanMax = 1738 ErWarnIndexNotApplicable = 1739 ErPartitionExchangeForeignKey = 1740 ErNoSuchKeyValue = 1741 ErRplInfoDataTooLong = 1742 ErNetworkReadEventChecksumFailure = 1743 ErBinlogReadEventChecksumFailure = 1744 ErBinlogStmtCacheSizeGreaterThanMax = 1745 ErCantUpdateTableInCreateTableSelect = 1746 ErPartitionClauseOnNonpartitioned = 1747 ErRowDoesNotMatchGivenPartitionSet = 1748 ErNoSuchPartitionunused = 1749 ErChangeRplInfoRepositoryFailure = 1750 ErWarningNotCompleteRollbackWithCreatedTempTable = 1751 ErWarningNotCompleteRollbackWithDroppedTempTable = 1752 ErMtsFeatureIsNotSupported = 1753 ErMtsUpdatedDbsGreaterMax = 1754 ErMtsCantParallel = 1755 ErMtsInconsistentData = 1756 ErFulltextNotSupportedWithPartitioning = 1757 ErDaInvalidConditionNumber = 1758 ErInsecurePlainText = 1759 ErInsecureChangeMaster = 1760 ErForeignDuplicateKeyWithChildInfo = 1761 ErForeignDuplicateKeyWithoutChildInfo = 1762 ErSQLthreadWithSecureSlave = 1763 ErTableHasNoFt = 1764 ErVariableNotSettableInSfOrTrigger = 1765 ErVariableNotSettableInTransaction = 1766 ErGtidNextIsNotInGtidNextList = 1767 ErCantChangeGtidNextInTransactionWhenGtidNextListIsNull = 1768 ErSetStatementCannotInvokeFunction = 1769 ErGtidNextCantBeAutomaticIfGtidNextListIsNonNull = 1770 ErSkippingLoggedTransaction = 1771 ErMalformedGtidSetSpecification = 1772 ErMalformedGtidSetEncoding = 1773 ErMalformedGtidSpecification = 1774 ErGnoExhausted = 1775 ErBadSlaveAutoPosition = 1776 ErAutoPositionRequiresGtidModeOn = 1777 ErCantDoImplicitCommitInTrxWhenGtidNextIsSet = 1778 ErGtidMode2Or3RequiresEnforceGtidConsistencyOn = 1779 ErGtidModeRequiresBinlog = 1780 ErCantSetGtidNextToGtidWhenGtidModeIsOff = 1781 ErCantSetGtidNextToAnonymousWhenGtidModeIsOn = 1782 ErCantSetGtidNextListToNonNullWhenGtidModeIsOff = 1783 ErFoundGtidEventWhenGtidModeIsOff = 1784 ErGtidUnsafeNonTransactionalTable = 1785 ErGtidUnsafeCreateSelect = 1786 ErGtidUnsafeCreateDropTemporaryTableInTransaction = 1787 ErGtidModeCanOnlyChangeOneStepAtATime = 1788 ErMasterHasPurgedRequiredGtids = 1789 ErCantSetGtidNextWhenOwningGtid = 1790 ErUnknownExplainFormat = 1791 ErCantExecuteInReadOnlyTransaction = 1792 ErTooLongTablePartitionComment = 1793 ErSlaveConfiguration = 1794 ErInnodbFtLimit = 1795 ErInnodbNoFtTempTable = 1796 ErInnodbFtWrongDocidColumn = 1797 ErInnodbFtWrongDocidIndex = 1798 ErInnodbOnlineLogTooBig = 1799 ErUnknownAlterAlgorithm = 1800 ErUnknownAlterLock = 1801 ErMtsChangeMasterCantRunWithGaps = 1802 ErMtsRecoveryFailure = 1803 ErMtsResetWorkers = 1804 ErColCountDoesntMatchCorruptedV2 = 1805 ErSlaveSilentRetryTransaction = 1806 ErDiscardFkChecksRunning = 1807 ErTableSchemaMismatch = 1808 ErTableInSystemTablespace = 1809 ErIoReadError = 1810 ErIoWriteError = 1811 ErTablespaceMissing = 1812 ErTablespaceExists = 1813 ErTablespaceDiscarded = 1814 ErInternalError = 1815 ErInnodbImportError = 1816 ErInnodbIndexCorrupt = 1817 ErInvalidYearColumnLength = 1818 ErNotValidPassword = 1819 ErMustChangePassword = 1820 ErFkNoIndexChild = 1821 ErFkNoIndexParent = 1822 ErFkFailAddSystem = 1823 ErFkCannotOpenParent = 1824 ErFkIncorrectOption = 1825 ErFkDupName = 1826 ErPasswordFormat = 1827 ErFkColumnCannotDrop = 1828 ErFkColumnCannotDropChild = 1829 ErFkColumnNotNull = 1830 ErDupIndex = 1831 ErFkColumnCannotChange = 1832 ErFkColumnCannotChangeChild = 1833 ErFkCannotDeleteParent = 1834 ErMalformedPacket = 1835 ErReadOnlyMode = 1836 ErGtidNextTypeUndefinedGroup = 1837 ErVariableNotSettableInSp = 1838 ErCantSetGtidPurgedWhenGtidModeIsOff = 1839 ErCantSetGtidPurgedWhenGtidExecutedIsNotEmpty = 1840 ErCantSetGtidPurgedWhenOwnedGtidsIsNotEmpty = 1841 ErGtidPurgedWasChanged = 1842 ErGtidExecutedWasChanged = 1843 ErBinlogStmtModeAndNoReplTables = 1844 ErAlterOperationNotSupported = 1845 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReason = 1846 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonCopy = 1847 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonPartition = 1848 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonFkRename = 1849 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonColumnType = 1850 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonFkCheck = 1851 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonIgnore = 1852 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonNopk = 1853 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonAutoinc = 1854 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonHiddenFts = 1855 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonChangeFts = 1856 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonFts = 1857 ErSQLSlaveSkipCounterNotSettableInGtidMode = 1858 ErDupUnknownInIndex = 1859 ErIdentCausesTooLongPath = 1860 ErAlterOperationNotSupportedReasonNotNull = 1861 ErMustChangePasswordLogin = 1862 ErRowInWrongPartition = 1863 ErErrorLast = 1863 )
MySQL error code. This value is numeric. It is not portable to other database systems.
const ( // UnspecifiedFsp is the unspecified fractional seconds part. UnspecifiedFsp int = -1 // MaxFsp is the maximum digit of fractional seconds part. MaxFsp int = 6 // MinFsp is the minimum digit of fractional seconds part. MinFsp int = 0 // DefaultFsp is the default digit of fractional seconds part. // MySQL use 0 as the default Fsp. DefaultFsp int = 0 )
const ( DateFormat = "2006-01-02" TimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" // TimeFSPFormat is time format with fractional seconds precision. TimeFSPFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000" )
Time format without fractional seconds precision.
const ( // MinYear is the minimum for mysql year type. MinYear int16 = 1901 // MaxYear is the maximum for mysql year type. MaxYear int16 = 2155 // MinTime is the minimum for mysql time type. MinTime = -time.Duration(838*3600+59*60+59) * time.Second // MaxTime is the maximum for mysql time type. MaxTime = time.Duration(838*3600+59*60+59) * time.Second )
const ( TypeDecimal byte = iota TypeTiny TypeShort TypeLong TypeFloat TypeDouble TypeNull TypeTimestamp TypeLonglong TypeInt24 TypeDate TypeDuration /* Original name was TypeTime, renamed to Duration to resolve the conflict with Go type Time.*/ TypeDatetime TypeYear TypeNewDate TypeVarchar TypeBit )
MySQL type informations.
const ( TypeNewDecimal byte = iota + 0xf6 TypeEnum TypeSet TypeTinyBlob TypeMediumBlob TypeLongBlob TypeBlob TypeVarString TypeString TypeGeometry )
MySQL type informations.
const ( NotNullFlag = 1 /* Field can't be NULL */ PriKeyFlag = 2 /* Field is part of a primary key */ UniqueKeyFlag = 4 /* Field is part of a unique key */ MultipleKeyFlag = 8 /* Field is part of a key */ BlobFlag = 16 /* Field is a blob */ UnsignedFlag = 32 /* Field is unsigned */ ZerofillFlag = 64 /* Field is zerofill */ BinaryFlag = 128 /* Field is binary */ EnumFlag = 256 /* Field is an enum */ AutoIncrementFlag = 512 /* Field is an auto increment field */ TimestampFlag = 1024 /* Field is a timestamp */ SetFlag = 2048 /* Field is a set */ NoDefaultValueFlag = 4096 /* Field doesn't have a default value */ OnUpdateNowFlag = 8192 /* Field is set to NOW on UPDATE */ NumFlag = 32768 /* Field is a num (for clients) */ PartKeyFlag = 16384 /* Intern: Part of some keys */ GroupFlag = 32768 /* Intern: Group field */ UniqueFlag = 65536 /* Intern: Used by sql_yacc */ BinCmpFlag = 131072 /* Intern: Used by sql_yacc */ )
Flag informations.
const (
AuthName = "mysql_native_password"
Auth name informations.
const (
// DefaultMySQLState is default state of the mySQL
DefaultMySQLState = "HY000"
const (
TypeNoCache byte = 0xff
Cache type informations.
Variables ¶
var ( ErrBadConn = errors.New("connection was bad") ErrMalformPacket = errors.New("Malform packet error") )
Portable analogs of some common call errors.
var ( ErrInvalidTimeFormat = errors.New("invalid time format") ErrInvalidYearFormat = errors.New("invalid year format") ErrInvalidYear = errors.New("invalid year") )
Portable analogs of some common call errors.
var ( // ZeroDuration is the zero value for Duration type. ZeroDuration = Duration{Duration: time.Duration(0), Fsp: DefaultFsp} // ZeroTime is the zero value for time.Time type. ZeroTime = time.Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // ZeroDatetime is the zero value for datetime Time. ZeroDatetime = Time{ Time: ZeroTime, Type: TypeDatetime, Fsp: DefaultFsp, } // ZeroTimestamp is the zero value for timestamp Time. ZeroTimestamp = Time{ Time: ZeroTime, Type: TypeTimestamp, Fsp: DefaultFsp, } // ZeroDate is the zero value for date Time. ZeroDate = Time{ Time: ZeroTime, Type: TypeDate, Fsp: DefaultFsp, } )
Zero values for different types.
var ( // MinDatetime is the minimum for mysql datetime type. MinDatetime = time.Date(1000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // MaxDatetime is the maximum for mysql datetime type. MaxDatetime = time.Date(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999, time.UTC) // MinTimestamp is the minimum for mysql timestamp type. MinTimestamp = time.Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, time.UTC) // MaxTimestamp is the maximum for mysql timestamp type. MaxTimestamp = time.Date(2038, 1, 19, 3, 14, 7, 999999, time.UTC) )
var CharsetIDs = map[string]uint8{
"big5": 1,
"dec8": 3,
"cp850": 4,
"hp8": 6,
"koi8r": 7,
"latin1": 8,
"latin2": 9,
"swe7": 10,
"ascii": 11,
"ujis": 12,
"sjis": 13,
"hebrew": 16,
"tis620": 18,
"euckr": 19,
"koi8u": 22,
"gb2312": 24,
"greek": 25,
"cp1250": 26,
"gbk": 28,
"latin5": 30,
"armscii8": 32,
"utf8": 33,
"ucs2": 35,
"cp866": 36,
"keybcs2": 37,
"macce": 38,
"macroman": 39,
"cp852": 40,
"latin7": 41,
"utf8mb4": 45,
"cp1251": 51,
"utf16": 54,
"utf16le": 56,
"cp1256": 57,
"cp1257": 59,
"utf32": 60,
"binary": 63,
"geostd8": 92,
"cp932": 95,
"eucjpms": 97,
CharsetIDs maps charset name to its default collation ID.
var Charsets = map[string]string{
"big5": "big5_chinese_ci",
"dec8": "dec8_swedish_ci",
"cp850": "cp850_general_ci",
"hp8": "hp8_english_ci",
"koi8r": "koi8r_general_ci",
"latin1": "latin1_swedish_ci",
"latin2": "latin2_general_ci",
"swe7": "swe7_swedish_ci",
"ascii": "ascii_general_ci",
"ujis": "ujis_japanese_ci",
"sjis": "sjis_japanese_ci",
"hebrew": "hebrew_general_ci",
"tis620": "tis620_thai_ci",
"euckr": "euckr_korean_ci",
"koi8u": "koi8u_general_ci",
"gb2312": "gb2312_chinese_ci",
"greek": "greek_general_ci",
"cp1250": "cp1250_general_ci",
"gbk": "gbk_chinese_ci",
"latin5": "latin5_turkish_ci",
"armscii8": "armscii8_general_ci",
"utf8": "utf8_general_ci",
"ucs2": "ucs2_general_ci",
"cp866": "cp866_general_ci",
"keybcs2": "keybcs2_general_ci",
"macce": "macce_general_ci",
"macroman": "macroman_general_ci",
"cp852": "cp852_general_ci",
"latin7": "latin7_general_ci",
"utf8mb4": "utf8mb4_general_ci",
"cp1251": "cp1251_general_ci",
"utf16": "utf16_general_ci",
"utf16le": "utf16le_general_ci",
"cp1256": "cp1256_general_ci",
"cp1257": "cp1257_general_ci",
"utf32": "utf32_general_ci",
"binary": "binary",
"geostd8": "geostd8_general_ci",
"cp932": "cp932_japanese_ci",
"eucjpms": "eucjpms_japanese_ci",
Charsets maps charset name to its default collation name.
var CollationNames = map[string]uint8{}/* 219 elements not displayed */
CollationNames maps MySQL default collation name to its ID
var Collations = map[uint8]string{}/* 219 elements not displayed */
Collations maps MySQL default collation ID to its name.
var MySQLErrName = map[uint16]string{}/* 864 elements not displayed */
MySQLErrName maps error code to MySQL error messages.
var MySQLState = map[uint16]string{}/* 225 elements not displayed */
MySQLState maps error code to MySQL SQLSTATE value. The values are taken from ANSI SQL and ODBC and are more standardized.
var ZeroDecimal = NewDecimalFromInt(0, 1)
ZeroDecimal is zero constant, to make computations faster.
Functions ¶
func AdjustYear ¶
AdjustYear is used for adjusting year and checking its validation.
func GetDefaultFieldLength ¶
GetDefaultFieldLength is used for Interger Types, Flen is the display length. Call this when no Flen assigned in ddl. or column value is calculated from an expression. For example: "select count(*) from t;", the column type is int64 and Flen in ResultField will be 21.
func HasAutoIncrementFlag ¶
HasAutoIncrementFlag checks if AutoIncrementFlag is set.
func HasMultipleKeyFlag ¶
HasMultipleKeyFlag checks if MultipleKeyFlag is set.
func HasNoDefaultValueFlag ¶
HasNoDefaultValueFlag checks if NoDefaultValueFlag is set.
func HasNotNullFlag ¶
HasNotNullFlag checks if NotNullFlag is set.
func HasOnUpdateNowFlag ¶
HasOnUpdateNowFlag checks if OnUpdateNowFlag is set.
func HasTimestampFlag ¶
HasTimestampFlag checks if HasTimestampFlag is set.
func HasUniKeyFlag ¶
HasUniKeyFlag checks if UniqueKeyFlag is set.
func HasUnsignedFlag ¶
HasUnsignedFlag checks if UnsignedFlag is set.
func HasZerofillFlag ¶
HasZerofillFlag checks if ZerofillFlag is set.
Types ¶
type Decimal ¶
type Decimal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Decimal represents a fixed-point decimal. It is immutable. number = value * 10 ^ exp
func ConvertToDecimal ¶
ConvertToDecimal converts interface to decimal.
func NewDecimalFromFloat ¶
NewDecimalFromFloat converts a float64 to Decimal.
NewDecimalFromFloat(123.45678901234567).String() // output: "123.4567890123456" NewDecimalFromFloat(.00000000000000001).String() // output: "0.00000000000000001"
NOTE: this will panic on NaN, +/-inf.
func NewDecimalFromFloatWithExponent ¶
NewDecimalFromFloatWithExponent converts a float64 to Decimal, with an arbitrary number of fractional digits.
NewDecimalFromFloatWithExponent(123.456, -2).String() // output: "123.46"
func NewDecimalFromInt ¶
NewDecimalFromInt returns a new fixed-point decimal, value * 10 ^ exp.
func NewDecimalFromUint ¶
NewDecimalFromUint returns a new fixed-point decimal, value * 10 ^ exp.
func ParseDecimal ¶
ParseDecimal returns a new Decimal from a string representation.
d, err := ParseDecimal("-123.45") d2, err := ParseDecimal(".0001")
func (Decimal) Cmp ¶
Cmp compares the numbers represented by d and d2, and returns:
-1 if d < d2 0 if d == d2 +1 if d > d2
func (Decimal) Div ¶
Div returns d / d2. If it doesn't divide exactly, the result will have DivisionPrecision digits after the decimal point.
func (Decimal) Float64 ¶
Float64 returns the nearest float64 value for d and a bool indicating whether f represents d exactly. For more details, see the documentation for big.Rat.Float64.
func (Decimal) FracDigits ¶
FracDigits returns the number of fractional digits of the decimal.
func (Decimal) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.
func (Decimal) MarshalText ¶
MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface for XML serialization.
func (Decimal) Round ¶
Round rounds the decimal to places decimal places. If places < 0, it will round the integer part to the nearest 10^(-places).
NewFromFloat(5.45).Round(1).String() // output: "5.5" NewFromFloat(545).Round(-1).String() // output: "550"
func (Decimal) String ¶
String returns the string representation of the decimal with the fixed point.
d := New(-12345, -3) println(d.String())
func (Decimal) StringFixed ¶
StringFixed returns a rounded fixed-point string with places digits after the decimal point.
NewFromFloat(0).StringFixed(2) // output: "0.00" NewFromFloat(0).StringFixed(0) // output: "0" NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(0) // output: "5" NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(1) // output: "5.5" NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(2) // output: "5.45" NewFromFloat(5.45).StringFixed(3) // output: "5.450" NewFromFloat(545).StringFixed(-1) // output: "550"
func (Decimal) StringScaled ¶
StringScaled first scales the decimal then calls .String() on it. NOTE: buggy, unintuitive, and DEPRECATED! Use StringFixed instead.
func (Decimal) Truncate ¶
Truncate truncates off digits from the number, without rounding.
NOTE: precision is the last digit that will not be truncated (must be >= 0).
decimal.NewFromString("123.456").Truncate(2).String() // "123.45"
func (*Decimal) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (*Decimal) UnmarshalText ¶
UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface for XML deserialization.
type Duration ¶
type Duration struct { time.Duration // Fsp is short for Fractional Seconds Precision. // See Fsp int }
Duration is the type for MySQL time type.
func ParseDuration ¶
ParseDuration parses the time form a formatted string with a fractional seconds part, returns the duration type Time value. See:
func (Duration) Compare ¶
Compare returns an integer comparing the Duration instant t to o. If d is after o, return 1, equal o, return 0, before o, return -1.
func (Duration) CompareString ¶
CompareString is like Compare, but parses str to Duration then compares.
func (Duration) ConvertToTime ¶
ConvertToTime converts duration to Time. Tp is TypeDatetime, TypeTimestamp and TypeDate.
func (Duration) MicroSecond ¶
MicroSecond returns current microsecond. e.g, hour("11:11:11.11") -> 110000
func (Duration) RoundFrac ¶
RoundFrac rounds fractional seconds precision with new fsp and returns a new one. We will use the “round half up” rule, e.g, >= 0.5 -> 1, < 0.5 -> 0, so 10:10:10.999999 round 0 -> 10:10:11 and 10:10:10.000000 round 0 -> 10:10:10
type SQLError ¶
SQLError records an error information, from executing SQL.
func NewDefaultError ¶
NewDefaultError generates a SQL error, with an error code and extra arguments for a message format specifier.
type Time ¶
type Time struct { time.Time Type uint8 // Fsp is short for Fractional Seconds Precision. // See Fsp int }
Time is the struct for handling datetime, timestamp and date. TODO: check if need a NewTime function to set Fsp default value?
func ParseDateFromNum ¶
ParseDateFromNum is a helper function wrapping ParseTimeFromNum with date type.
func ParseDatetime ¶
ParseDatetime is a helper function wrapping ParseTime with datetime type and default fsp.
func ParseDatetimeFromNum ¶
ParseDatetimeFromNum is a helper function wrapping ParseTimeFromNum with datetime type and default fsp.
func ParseTime ¶
ParseTime parses a formatted string with type tp and specific fsp. Type is TypeDatetime, TypeTimestamp and TypeDate. Fsp is in range [0, 6]. MySQL supports many valid datatime format, but still has some limitation. If delimiter exists, the date part and time part is seperated by a space or T, other punctuation character can be used as the delimiter between date parts or time parts. If no delimiter, the format must be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or YYMMDDHHMMSS If we have fractional seconds part, we must use decimal points as the delimiter. The valid datetime range is from '1000-01-01 00:00:00.000000' to '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999'. The valid timestamp range is from '1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000' to '2038-01-19 03:14:07.999999'. The valid date range is from '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31'
func ParseTimeFromNum ¶
ParseTimeFromNum parses a formatted int64, returns the value which type is tp.
func ParseTimestamp ¶
ParseTimestamp is a helper function wrapping ParseTime with timestamp type and default fsp.
func ParseTimestampFromNum ¶
ParseTimestampFromNum is a helper function wrapping ParseTimeFromNum with timestamp type and default fsp.
func (Time) Compare ¶
Compare returns an integer comparing the time instant t to o. If t is after o, return 1, equal o, return 0, before o, return -1.
func (Time) CompareString ¶
CompareString is like Compare, but parses string to Time then compares.
func (Time) ConvertToDuration ¶
ConvertToDuration converts mysql datetime, timestamp and date to mysql time type. e.g, 2012-12-12T10:10:10 -> 10:10:10 2012-12-12 -> 0
func (Time) RoundFrac ¶
RoundFrac rounds fractional seconds precision with new fsp and returns a new one. We will use the “round half up” rule, e.g, >= 0.5 -> 1, < 0.5 -> 0, so 2011:11:11 10:10:10.888888 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:11 and 2011:11:11 10:10:10.111111 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:10
func (Time) ToNumber ¶
ToNumber returns a formatted number. e.g, 2012-12-12T10:10:10 -> 20121212101010 2012-12-12T10:10:10.123456 -> 20121212101010.123456