
Simple program written in Go to test your email service.
Sends test message through the specified server and checks by IMAP if this message was received.
You can specify several tests and assert that message passes through (or not, if it is what you desire) while sent from different email providers.
It is created to test that everything works after changes to email server configuration.
Put tests in mchk.yml
configuration file (see next section) and run mchk
Configuration is in YAML format. On the first run example configuration file will be put into ~/.config/mchk/config.yml
Program searches for configuration in those locations in this order:
into current dir
Example configuration:
# stop if errors encountered, or continue to next test
continue_on_errors: no
- name: testing service 1
# Set to 'no' if you want to test blocking of this specified sender
should_send: yes
# Port is optional, default 25
smtp_port: 25
send_from: [email protected]
send_to: [email protected]
sender_login: [email protected]
# If you skip this option, you will be prompted for password on each test run
sender_password: password
# Time to wait in seconds between sending message and checking if it is received
wait_for: 2
# Set to 'no' if you expect this message to be absent
should_receive: yes
imap_tls: yes
# imap_port is optional. Default is 993
imap_port: 993
imap_login: [email protected]
# If you skip this option, you will be prompted for password on each test run
imap_password: password
# Deletes test message if set to 'no'
leave_message: no
# other tests if needed are configured in similar fashion
- name: testing service 2
# ...
You can omit passwords in config - then you will be prompted for them before tests are run.