A web application is written in go lang; that logs the HTTP requests it responds; to a file, Kafka, and a database.

Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ecoderat/go-kafka-hook.git
Change to the directory where you cloned this repository
cd go-kafka-hook
Run docker-compose with build tag
sudo docker-compose up --build
Monitoring with Grafana
Usage Grafana
- Open a new tab.
- Browse to localhost:3000.
Add a metrics data source
- In the side bar, hover your cursor over the Configuration (gear) icon, and then click Data Sources.
- Click Add data source.
- In the list of data sources, click Postgresql.
- In the URL box, enter
- In the Database box, enter test.
- In the User box, enter postgres.
- In the Password box, enter password.
- In the SSL Mode box, turn disable.
- In the Version box, enter 12.
- Click Save & Test.
Build a dashboard
- In the side bar, hover your cursor over the Create (plus sign) icon and then click Dashboard.
- Click Add new panel.
- Configire like that:

Stops containers and removes containers with data
docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes
Murat Güngör - @ecoderat - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/ecoderat/go-kafka-hook
Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE
for more information.