A simple wallpaper changer written in Go with the main goal of being light and fast.
Mainly inspired by Nitrogen, Walldo searches for your images, lists them all
and displays them on a single screen.
Change your wallpaper as fast as you want. Nothing more and nothing less, simple and functional.
A wallpaper changer app ? Why ?...
As a person who likes to change his wallpaper very often, I was looking for an app that would allow me to do it in a
simple way and as fast as possible. In Linux there are many applications that can do that,
but in Windows most of them are very slow and bloated.
We have pre-compiled binaries for windows and linux. Check out our releases section (windows may complain because the binary is unisgned).
We don't provide precompiled builds for macOS
because it's not straightforward to cross-compose Fyne projects for it.
Manual installation
To compile Walldo manually you need to have Go installed.
After installing the dependencies, open a terminal session (cmd
) and run:
go install -ldflags -H=windowsgui github.com/elias-gill/walldo-in-go@latest
Now Walldo should be available in your search bar (Win
) as "waldo-in-go".
You can create a shortcut and change the icon if you want.
Linux and macOS
After installing the dependencies, open a terminal session and run:
go install github.com/elias-gill/walldo-in-go@latest
You can now run "walldo-in-go" in your terminal. If you are using a Desktop environment, you can create a shortcut for the command.
First run
After the first run you have to setup your wallpapers folder. To do this open the config menu ( “⚙” button) and use the file explorer to add new folders.
Important (Linux users)
Walldo supports a variaty of desktop enviroments:
- Gnome
- Cinnamon
- Mate
- Deepin
For non desktop enviroments Walldo relies on Feh.
Wayland is supported via swaybg.
- Be the replacement for Nitrogen or Feh on Windows Systems.
- Be faster and lighter than similar apps.
- To ktr0731. The fuzzy finder engine is his entire work.
- To reujab. The library for changing wallapapers is a fork of his original module.