Postgres Operator

The Postgres operator
manages PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes:
The operator watches additions, updates, and deletions of PostgreSQL cluster
manifests and changes the running clusters accordingly. For example, when a
user submits a new manifest, the operator fetches that manifest and spawns a
new Postgres cluster along with all necessary entities such as Kubernetes
StatefulSets and Postgres roles. See this
Postgres cluster manifest
for settings that a manifest may contain.
The operator also watches updates to its own configuration
and alters running Postgres clusters if necessary. For instance, if a pod
docker image is changed, the operator carries out the rolling update. That
is, the operator re-spawns one-by-one pods of each StatefulSet it manages
with the new Docker image.
Finally, the operator periodically synchronizes the actual state of each
Postgres cluster with the desired state defined in the cluster's manifest.
There is a browser-friendly version of this documentation at
Table of contents
the rest of the document is a tutorial to get you up and running with the operator on Minikube.
Note that you can also use built-in Kubernetes support in the Docker Desktop
for Mac to follow the steps of this tutorial. You would have to replace
minikube start
and minikube delete
with your launch actionsfor the Docker
built-in Kubernetes support.
Local execution
git clone
cd postgres-operator
minikube start
# start the operator; may take a few seconds
kubectl create -f manifests/configmap.yaml # configuration
kubectl create -f manifests/operator-service-account-rbac.yaml # identity and permissions
kubectl create -f manifests/postgres-operator.yaml # deployment
# create a Postgres cluster
kubectl create -f manifests/minimal-postgres-manifest.yaml
# connect to the Postgres master via psql
# operator creates the relevant k8s secret
export HOST_PORT=$(minikube service acid-minimal-cluster --url | sed 's,.*/,,')
export PGHOST=$(echo $HOST_PORT | cut -d: -f 1)
export PGPORT=$(echo $HOST_PORT | cut -d: -f 2)
export PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret postgres.acid-minimal-cluster.credentials -o 'jsonpath={.data.password}' | base64 -d)
psql -U postgres
# tear down cleanly
minikube delete
We have automated starting the operator and submitting the acid-minimal-cluster
for you:
cd postgres-operator
Running and testing the operator
The best way to test the operator is to run it in minikube.
Minikube is a tool to run Kubernetes cluster locally.
Configuration Options
The operator can be configured with the provided ConfigMap (manifests/configmap.yaml