pft - TCP file sender/receiver
A program for file transfer over a network using TCP protocol. You can independently select host or client, and sender or receiver. You need to specify the mode, address, files, and destination directory. When connecting, the first messages sent are send or receive headers, if they match "receive - send" or "send - receive" then sending starts. This protects against erroneous connections and incompatible program versions
It can be installed from the releases page. The program consists of 1 executable file and does not require any dependencies. For Linux you need to make the file executable chmod 755 pft_(version)_linux_(arch)
If you are using Arch Linux, you can install from AUR
Or building from source code.
go build
The project is compiled into 1 binary executable file, which should be moved to the PATH of your choice
#linux example
sudo mv ./pft /usr/local/bin/pft
pft hs -p <port> [files]
pft hr -p <port> -d <destdir>
pft cs -a <addr> -p <port> [files]
pft cr -a <addr> -p <port> -d <destdir>
- hs, sh - host sender
- hr, rh - host receiver
- cs, sc - client sender
- cr, rc - client receiver
- -a --address {addr} - host ip or domain, specified for the client, default local machine
- -p --port {port} - transfer port, default 29192
- -d --destdir {dir} - the folder where the received files will be uploaded, specify only for the receiver, default "."
- -b --buffer-size - r/w buffer size
- -m --mkdir - сreate destdir if it does not exist
- -z --zstd - compression during transmission, must be specified for at least one party
- files - files to be sent, specify only for the sender, separated by a space
Send two archives to the device with IP=, through default (29192) port, the received files will be placed in the current directory.
pft hr #host
pft cs -a archive1.tar archive2.tar #client
Send to the first connected client the dir/
folder on port 10104.
The second command connects to the server and retrieves files from it into the
pft -p 10104 hs dir
pft -p 10104 cr -a -d downloads/