This script performs syncing Akamai's IP ranges for SiteShield and AWS security groups.
Initially this was written with an idea to run as a CronJob in Kubernetes to perform checks and syncing (if needed) regularly, but you can run it as a CLI tool as well.
High level logic
When executed, the script does the following:
- Calls Akamai's API to get a map containing IP ranges;
- Syncing the SG rules with the Akamai IP ranges;
- Acknowledges the map (by default it does not);
- Removing of rules from the SG is incremental - which means that only CIDRs deleted since previous acknowledgement of an Akamai map will be deleted. In other words, we don't "remove all rules from a SG and add all CIDRs from Akamai". This approach allows to bring the script into use without worrying of some existing non-Akamai rules being deleted.
- Adding of rules to the SG is done by syncing with the Akamai's "Proposed CIDR".
Getting started
Step 1. Variables
The following environment variables are accepted when using a Docker image created from this repo:
Name | Default value | Required | Description |
AKAMAI_HOST | none | yes | Used for Akamai's API calls |
AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN | none | yes | Used for Akamai's API calls |
AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET | none | yes | Used for Akamai's API calls |
AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN | none | yes | Used for Akamai's API calls |
AKMGOAPP_SECURITY_GROUPS | none | yes | A comma separated list of AWS security groups to sync with a map |
AKMGOAPP_MAP_ID | none | yes | ID of an Akamai map to sync with |
AKMGOAPP_LOG_LEVEL | info | no | A level of verbosity |
AKMGOAPP_SG_RULE_DESCRIPTION | Akamai SiteShield IP. | no | Description for a security group rule |
AKMGOAPP_MAP_ADDR | /siteshield/v1/maps/ | no | Akamai's endpoint URL |
AKMGOAPP_AWS_REGION | ap-southeast-2 | no | AWS region to operate in |
AKMGOAPP_ACK_MAP | false | no | If set to true , the map will be acknowledged after syncing |
AKMGOAPP_REMOVE_ZEROES | false | no | If true, CIDRs like and ::/0 will be removed from the SG |
might have these values:
- only errors will be printed;info
- default level, printing major steps;debug
- will output details for all actions;
Note: If none of these values are supplied or an incorrect value passed to the script, it will fallback to info
Step 2. AWS credentials
In order to perform actions in AWS we need valid credentials. Depending on your use case you might do it, for example, with:
- IAM roles;
- Environment variables;
- CLI credentials file;
For more information, please read and follow this article.
Step 3. Run it
You may run a binary or a source code itself, but below I just put few examples on how you can run it as a Docker container.
Assuming, you're providing an environment file like one we have under examples/env-file
in this repo:
docker run --rm --env-file=examples/env-file ozmate/akamai2aws:latest
If you already have AWS credentials configured on your machine you may provide them by mounting .aws
docker run --rm --env-file=<YOUR_ENV_FILE> -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws:ro ozmate/akamai2aws:latest
The commands above will start a container and run a binary of the script. The progress will be printed to stdout. When it's done, the container will be removed (--rm
- Making clean 1-to-1 sync (when a SG contains nothing but Akamai's CIDRs only);
- Slack notifications on errors;
- Example of resource templates for deploying in k8s;
- How to setup Akamai credentials for API calls:
- SiteShield API:
There is no documentation for this package.