Overview ¶
Copyright 2021 Molecula Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2021 Molecula Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2021 Molecula Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Package pilosa implements the core of the Pilosa distributed bitmap index. It contains all the domain objects, interfaces, and logic that defines pilosa.
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2021 Molecula Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2022 Molecula Corp. (DBA FeatureBase). SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddAuthToken(ctx context.Context, header *http.Header)
- func AddressWithDefaults(addr string) (*pnet.URI, error)
- func CPUProfileForDur(dur time.Duration, outpath string)
- func CheckEpochOutOfRange(epoch, min, max time.Time) error
- func CompareTransactions(t1, t2 *Transaction) error
- func Concat(schema *arrow.Schema, tables []*BasicTable, mem memory.Allocator) arrow.Table
- func DeleteRows(ctx context.Context, src *Row, idx *Index, shard uint64) (bool, error)
- func DeleteRowsWithFlow(ctx context.Context, src *Row, idx *Index, shard uint64, normalFlow bool) (change bool, err error)
- func DeleteRowsWithFlowWithKeys(ctx context.Context, columns *roaring.Bitmap, idx *Index, shard uint64, ...) (bool, error)
- func DeleteRowsWithOutKeysFlow(ctx context.Context, columns *roaring.Bitmap, idx *Index, shard uint64, ...) (changed bool, err error)
- func FieldFromFieldOptions(fname dax.FieldName, opts ...FieldOption) (*dax.Field, error)
- func FieldInfoToField(fi *FieldInfo) *dax.Field
- func FieldInfosToFields(fis []*FieldInfo) []*dax.Field
- func FormatQualifiedFieldName(index, field string) string
- func FormatQualifiedFragmentName(index, field, view string, shard uint64) string
- func FormatQualifiedIndexName(index string) string
- func FormatQualifiedViewName(index, field, view string) string
- func GenerateNextPartitionedID(index string, prev uint64, partitionID, partitionN int) uint64
- func GenericApplyFilter(tx Tx, index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, ...) (err error)
- func GetHTTPClient(t *tls.Config, opts ...ClientOption) *http.Client
- func GetIP(r *http.Request) string
- func GetLoopProgress(start time.Time, now time.Time, iteration uint, total uint) (remaining time.Duration, pctDone float64)
- func IndexInfoToTable(ii *IndexInfo) *dax.Table
- func IndexInfosToTables(iis []*IndexInfo) []*dax.Table
- func IsValidTimeUnit(unit string) bool
- func IvyReduce(reduceCode string, opCode string, opt *ExecOptions) (func(ctx context.Context, prev, v interface{}) interface{}, ...)
- func MarshalInternalMessage(m Message, s Serializer) ([]byte, error)
- func MemProfileForDur(dur time.Duration, outpath string)
- func MustBackendToTxtype(backend string) (typ txtype)
- func NewNopAuditor() testhook.Auditor
- func NewOnPremImporter(api *API) *onPremImporter
- func NewOnPremSchema(api *API) *onPremSchema
- func NewRankCache(maxEntries uint32) *rankCache
- func OpenIDAllocator(path string, enableFsync bool) (*idAllocator, error)
- func OptAPIDirectiveWorkerPoolSize(size int) apiOption
- func OptAPIImportWorkerPoolSize(size int) apiOption
- func OptAPIIsComputeNode(is bool) apiOption
- func OptAPIServer(s *Server) apiOption
- func OptAPIServerlessStorage(mm *storage.ResourceManager) apiOption
- func OptHandlerAPI(api *API) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerAllowedOrigins(origins []string) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerAuthN(authn *authn.Auth) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerAuthZ(gp *authz.GroupPermissions) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerCloseTimeout(d time.Duration) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerFileSystem(fs FileSystem) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerListener(ln net.Listener, url string) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerLogger(logger logger.Logger) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerMiddleware(middleware func(http.Handler) http.Handler) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerQueryLogger(logger logger.Logger) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerRoaringSerializer(s Serializer) handlerOption
- func OptHandlerSerializer(s Serializer) handlerOption
- func ParseQualifiedFragmentName(name string) (index, field, view string, shard uint64, err error)
- func ReplaceFirstFromBack(s, toReplace, replacement string) string
- func Rev(input string) string
- func TimeUnitNanos(unit string) int64
- func TimestampToVal(unit string, ts time.Time) int64
- func ValToTimestamp(unit string, val int64) (time.Time, error)
- func ValidateName(name string) error
- func VersionInfo(rename bool) string
- type API
- func (api *API) ActiveQueries(ctx context.Context) ([]ActiveQueryStatus, error)
- func (api *API) ApplyDataframeChangeset(ctx context.Context, index string, cs *ChangesetRequest, shard uint64) error
- func (api *API) ApplyDirective(ctx context.Context, d *dax.Directive) error
- func (api *API) ApplySchema(ctx context.Context, s *Schema, remote bool) error
- func (api *API) AvailableShards(ctx context.Context, indexName string) (*roaring.Bitmap, error)
- func (api *API) AvailableShardsByIndex(ctx context.Context) map[string]*roaring.Bitmap
- func (api *API) Close() error
- func (api *API) ClusterMessage(ctx context.Context, reqBody io.Reader) error
- func (api *API) ClusterName() string
- func (api *API) CommitIDs(key IDAllocKey, session [32]byte, count uint64) error
- func (api *API) CompilePlan(ctx context.Context, q string) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
- func (api *API) CreateField(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, opts ...FieldOption) (*Field, error)
- func (api *API) CreateFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, index, field string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (api *API) CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, indexName string, options IndexOptions) (*Index, error)
- func (api *API) CreateIndexKeys(ctx context.Context, index string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (api *API) DeleteAvailableShard(_ context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, shardID uint64) error
- func (api *API) DeleteDataframe(ctx context.Context, indexName string) error
- func (api *API) DeleteField(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string) error
- func (api *API) DeleteIndex(ctx context.Context, indexName string) error
- func (api *API) DeleteView(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, viewName string) error
- func (api *API) Directive(ctx context.Context, d *dax.Directive) error
- func (api *API) DirectiveApplied(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (api *API) ExportCSV(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, shard uint64, ...) error
- func (api *API) Field(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string) (*Field, error)
- func (api *API) FieldInfo(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string) (*FieldInfo, error)
- func (api *API) FieldTranslateData(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string) (TranslateStore, error)
- func (api *API) FindFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, index, field string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (api *API) FindIndexKeys(ctx context.Context, index string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (api *API) FinishTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, remote bool) (*Transaction, error)
- func (api *API) FragmentData(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName, viewName string, shard uint64) (io.WriterTo, error)
- func (api *API) GetDataframeSchema(ctx context.Context, indexName string) (interface{}, error)
- func (api *API) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, remote bool) (*Transaction, error)
- func (api *API) GetTranslateEntryReader(ctx context.Context, offsets TranslateOffsetMap) (_ TranslateEntryReader, err error)
- func (api *API) Holder() *Holder
- func (api *API) Hosts(ctx context.Context) []*disco.Node
- func (api *API) Import(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportRequest, opts ...ImportOption) (err error)
- func (api *API) ImportAtomicRecord(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *AtomicRecord, opts ...ImportOption) error
- func (api *API) ImportRoaring(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, shard uint64, remote bool, ...) (err0 error)
- func (api *API) ImportRoaringShard(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64, ...) error
- func (api *API) ImportValue(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportValueRequest, opts ...ImportOption) error
- func (api *API) ImportValueWithTx(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportValueRequest, options *ImportOptions) (err0 error)
- func (api *API) ImportWithTx(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportRequest, options *ImportOptions) error
- func (api *API) Index(ctx context.Context, indexName string) (*Index, error)
- func (api *API) IndexInfo(ctx context.Context, name string) (*IndexInfo, error)
- func (api *API) IndexShardSnapshot(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64, writeTx bool) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (api *API) Info() serverInfo
- func (api *API) LongQueryTime() time.Duration
- func (api *API) MatchField(ctx context.Context, index, field string, like string) ([]uint64, error)
- func (api *API) MaxShards(ctx context.Context) map[string]uint64
- func (api *API) MutexCheck(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, indexName string, fieldName string, ...) (result interface{}, err error)
- func (api *API) MutexCheckNode(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, indexName string, fieldName string, ...) (map[uint64]map[uint64][]uint64, error)
- func (api *API) Node() *disco.Node
- func (api *API) NodeID() string
- func (api *API) PartitionNodes(ctx context.Context, partitionID int) ([]*disco.Node, error)
- func (api *API) PastQueries(ctx context.Context, remote bool) ([]PastQueryStatus, error)
- func (api *API) PrimaryNode() *disco.Node
- func (api *API) PrimaryReplicaNodeURL() url.URL
- func (api *API) Query(ctx context.Context, req *QueryRequest) (QueryResponse, error)
- func (api *API) RBFDebugInfo() map[string]*rbf.DebugInfo
- func (api *API) RecalculateCaches(ctx context.Context) error
- func (api *API) RehydratePlanOperator(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
- func (api *API) ReserveIDs(key IDAllocKey, session [32]byte, offset uint64, count uint64) ([]IDRange, error)
- func (api *API) ResetIDAlloc(index string) error
- func (api *API) RestoreIDAlloc(r io.Reader) error
- func (api *API) RestoreShard(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64, rd io.Reader) error
- func (api *API) Schema(ctx context.Context, withViews bool) ([]*IndexInfo, error)
- func (api *API) SetAPIOptions(opts ...apiOption) error
- func (api *API) ShardDistribution(ctx context.Context) map[string]interface{}
- func (api *API) ShardNodes(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64) ([]*disco.Node, error)
- func (api *API) SnapshotFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, req *dax.SnapshotFieldKeysRequest) error
- func (api *API) SnapshotShardData(ctx context.Context, req *dax.SnapshotShardDataRequest) error
- func (api *API) SnapshotTableKeys(ctx context.Context, req *dax.SnapshotTableKeysRequest) error
- func (api *API) StartTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool, ...) (*Transaction, error)
- func (api *API) State() (disco.ClusterState, error)
- func (api *API) Transactions(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
- func (api *API) TranslateData(ctx context.Context, indexName string, partition int) (TranslateStore, error)
- func (api *API) TranslateFieldDB(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, rd io.Reader) error
- func (api *API) TranslateIDs(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) (_ []byte, err error)
- func (api *API) TranslateIndexDB(ctx context.Context, indexName string, partitionID int, rd io.Reader) error
- func (api *API) TranslateIndexIDs(ctx context.Context, indexName string, ids []uint64) ([]string, error)
- func (api *API) TranslateIndexKey(ctx context.Context, indexName string, key string, writable bool) (uint64, error)
- func (api *API) TranslateKeys(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) (_ []byte, err error)
- func (api *API) Txf() *TxFactory
- func (api *API) UpdateField(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, update FieldUpdate) error
- func (api *API) Version() string
- func (api *API) Views(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string) ([]*view, error)
- func (api *API) WriteIDAllocDataTo(w io.Writer) error
- type ActiveQueryStatus
- type ApplyResult
- type AtomicRecord
- type BSIData
- type BadRequestError
- type BasicTable
- func (st *BasicTable) Column(i int) *arrow.Column
- func (st *BasicTable) Get(column, row int) interface{}
- func (st *BasicTable) IsFiltered() bool
- func (st *BasicTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (st *BasicTable) Name() string
- func (st *BasicTable) NumCols() int64
- func (st *BasicTable) NumRows() int64
- func (st *BasicTable) Release()
- func (st *BasicTable) Retain()
- func (st *BasicTable) Schema() *arrow.Schema
- type Bit
- type Bits
- func (p Bits) ColumnIDs() []uint64
- func (p Bits) ColumnKeys() []string
- func (p Bits) GroupByShard() map[uint64][]Bit
- func (p Bits) HasColumnKeys() bool
- func (p Bits) HasRowKeys() bool
- func (p Bits) Len() int
- func (p Bits) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (p Bits) RowIDs() []uint64
- func (p Bits) RowKeys() []string
- func (p Bits) Swap(i, j int)
- func (p Bits) Timestamps() []int64
- type BitsByPos
- type BlockDataRequest
- type BlockDataResponse
- type BoltInMemTranslateStore
- type BoltTranslateEntryReader
- type BoltTranslateStore
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Begin(write bool) (TranslatorTx, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Close() (err error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) CreateKeys(keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Delete(records *roaring.Bitmap) (Commitor, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) EntryReader(ctx context.Context, offset uint64) (TranslateEntryReader, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) FindKeys(keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) ForceSet(id uint64, key string) error
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) FreeIDs() (*roaring.Bitmap, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Match(filter func([]byte) bool) ([]uint64, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) MaxID() (max uint64, err error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) MergeFree(tx *bolt.Tx, newIDs *roaring.Bitmap) error
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Open() (err error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) PartitionID() int
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) ReadOnly() bool
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) SetReadOnly(v bool)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Size() int64
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) TranslateID(id uint64) (string, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) TranslateIDs(ids []uint64) ([]string, error)
- func (s *BoltTranslateStore) WriteNotify() <-chan struct{}
- type ChangesetRequest
- type ClientOption
- type ClusterNode
- type ClusterStatus
- type Commitor
- type ConflictError
- type CreateFieldMessage
- type CreateFieldObj
- type CreateIndexMessage
- type CreateShardMessage
- type CreateViewMessage
- type DBHolder
- type DBIndex
- type DBPerShard
- func (per *DBPerShard) Close() (err error)
- func (per *DBPerShard) DeleteFieldFromStore(index, field, fieldPath string) (err error)
- func (per *DBPerShard) DeleteFragment(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag *fragment) error
- func (per *DBPerShard) DeleteIndex(index string) (err error)
- func (per *DBPerShard) GetDBShard(index string, shard uint64, idx *Index) (dbs *DBShard, err error)
- func (per *DBPerShard) GetFieldView2ShardsMapForIndex(idx *Index) (vs *FieldView2Shards, err error)
- func (per *DBPerShard) LoadExistingDBs() (err error)
- func (per *DBPerShard) TypedDBPerShardGetShardsForIndex(ty txtype, idx *Index, roaringViewPath string, requireData bool) (shardMap map[uint64]struct{}, err error)
- type DBRegistry
- type DBShard
- func (dbs *DBShard) AllFieldViews() (fvs []txkey.FieldView, err error)
- func (dbs *DBShard) Close() (err error)
- func (dbs *DBShard) DeleteFieldFromStore(index, field, fieldPath string) (err error)
- func (dbs *DBShard) DeleteFragment(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag interface{}) (err error)
- func (dbs *DBShard) NewTx(write bool, initialIndexName string, o Txo) (tx Tx, err error)
- type DBWrapper
- type DeleteAvailableShardMessage
- type DeleteDataframeMessage
- type DeleteFieldMessage
- type DeleteIndexMessage
- type DeleteViewMessage
- type DiskUsage
- type DistinctTimestamp
- type Error
- type ExecOptions
- type ExecutionPlannerFn
- type ExecutionRequest
- type ExecutionRequestsAPI
- type Executor
- type ExtractedIDColumn
- type ExtractedIDMatrix
- type ExtractedIDMatrixSorted
- type ExtractedTable
- type ExtractedTableColumn
- type ExtractedTableField
- type FeatureBaseSystemAPI
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterName() string
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterNodeCount() int
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterNodes() []ClusterNode
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterReplicaCount() int
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterState() string
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) DataDir() string
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) NodeID() string
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) PlatformDescription() string
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) PlatformVersion() string
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ShardWidth() int
- func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) Version() string
- type Field
- func (f *Field) AddRemoteAvailableShards(b *roaring.Bitmap) error
- func (f *Field) AvailableShards(localOnly bool) *roaring.Bitmap
- func (f *Field) CacheSize() uint32
- func (f *Field) ClearBit(qcx *Qcx, rowID, colID uint64) (changed bool, err error)
- func (f *Field) ClearValue(qcx *Qcx, columnID uint64) (changed bool, err error)
- func (f *Field) Close() error
- func (f *Field) CreatedAt() int64
- func (f *Field) Existing(tx Tx, shard uint64) (*Row, error)
- func (f *Field) ForeignIndex() string
- func (f *Field) GetIndex() *Index
- func (f *Field) Import(qcx *Qcx, rowIDs, columnIDs []uint64, timestamps []int64, shard uint64, ...) (err0 error)
- func (f *Field) Index() string
- func (f *Field) Keys() bool
- func (f *Field) LocalAvailableShards() *roaring.Bitmap
- func (f *Field) MarkExisting(tx Tx, columnIDs []uint64, shard uint64) error
- func (f *Field) MarkNotExisting(tx Tx, columnIDs []uint64, shard uint64) error
- func (f *Field) MaxForShard(qcx *Qcx, shard uint64, filter *Row) (ValCount, error)
- func (f *Field) MinForShard(qcx *Qcx, shard uint64, filter *Row) (ValCount, error)
- func (f *Field) MutexCheck(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, details bool, limit int) (map[uint64]map[uint64][]uint64, error)
- func (f *Field) Name() string
- func (f *Field) Open() error
- func (f *Field) Options() FieldOptions
- func (f *Field) Path() string
- func (f *Field) Range(qcx *Qcx, name string, op pql.Token, predicate int64) (*Row, error)
- func (f *Field) RemoveAvailableShard(v uint64) error
- func (f *Field) Row(qcx *Qcx, rowID uint64) (*Row, error)
- func (f *Field) RowTime(qcx *Qcx, rowID uint64, time time.Time, quantum string) (*Row, error)
- func (f *Field) SetBit(qcx *Qcx, rowID, colID uint64, t *time.Time) (changed bool, err error)
- func (f *Field) SetValue(qcx *Qcx, columnID uint64, value int64) (changed bool, err error)
- func (f *Field) SortShardRow(tx Tx, shard uint64, filter *Row, sort_desc bool) (*SortedRow, error)
- func (f *Field) StringValue(qcx *Qcx, columnID uint64) (value string, exists bool, err error)
- func (f *Field) TTL() time.Duration
- func (f *Field) TimeQuantum() TimeQuantum
- func (f *Field) TranslateStore() TranslateStore
- func (f *Field) TranslateStorePath() string
- func (f *Field) Type() string
- func (f *Field) Value(qcx *Qcx, columnID uint64) (value int64, exists bool, err error)
- type FieldInfo
- type FieldOption
- func FieldOptionsFromField(fld *dax.Field) ([]FieldOption, error)
- func OptFieldForeignIndex(index string) FieldOption
- func OptFieldKeys() FieldOption
- func OptFieldTrackExistence() FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeBool() FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeDecimal(scale int64, minmax ...pql.Decimal) FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeDefault() FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeInt(min, max int64) FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeMutex(cacheType string, cacheSize uint32) FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeSet(cacheType string, cacheSize uint32) FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeTime(timeQuantum TimeQuantum, ttl string, opt ...bool) FieldOption
- func OptFieldTypeTimestamp(epoch time.Time, timeUnit string) FieldOption
- type FieldOptions
- type FieldRow
- type FieldStatus
- type FieldUpdate
- type FieldValue
- type FieldValues
- func (p FieldValues) ColumnIDs() []uint64
- func (p FieldValues) ColumnKeys() []string
- func (p FieldValues) GroupByShard() map[uint64][]FieldValue
- func (p FieldValues) HasColumnKeys() bool
- func (p FieldValues) Len() int
- func (p FieldValues) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (p FieldValues) Swap(i, j int)
- func (p FieldValues) Values() []int64
- type FieldView2Shards
- type FileSystem
- type FragmentInfo
- type GCNotifier
- type GroupCount
- type GroupCounts
- type HTTPError
- type HTTPTranslateEntryReader
- type Handler
- type HandlerI
- type Holder
- func (h *Holder) Activate()
- func (h *Holder) BeginTx(writable bool, idx *Index, shard uint64) (Tx, error)
- func (h *Holder) Close() error
- func (h *Holder) CreateIndex(name string, requestUserID string, opt IndexOptions) (*Index, error)
- func (h *Holder) CreateIndexAndBroadcast(ctx context.Context, cim *CreateIndexMessage) (*Index, error)
- func (h *Holder) CreateIndexIfNotExists(name string, requestUserID string, opt IndexOptions) (*Index, error)
- func (h *Holder) DeleteDataframe(name string) error
- func (h *Holder) DeleteIndex(name string) error
- func (h *Holder) Directive() dax.Directive
- func (h *Holder) DirectiveApplied() bool
- func (h *Holder) Field(index, name string) *Field
- func (h *Holder) FinishTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (h *Holder) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (h *Holder) HasData() (bool, error)
- func (h *Holder) Index(name string) (idx *Index)
- func (h *Holder) IndexPath(name string) string
- func (h *Holder) Indexes() []*Index
- func (h *Holder) IndexesPath() string
- func (h *Holder) LoadField(index, field string) (*Field, error)
- func (h *Holder) LoadIndex(name string) (*Index, error)
- func (h *Holder) LoadSchema() error
- func (h *Holder) LoadView(index, field, view string) (*view, error)
- func (h *Holder) Open() error
- func (h *Holder) Path() string
- func (h *Holder) Schema() ([]*IndexInfo, error)
- func (h *Holder) SetDirective(d *dax.Directive)
- func (h *Holder) SetDirectiveApplied(a bool)
- func (h *Holder) StartTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool) (*Transaction, error)
- func (h *Holder) Transactions(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
- func (h *Holder) Txf() *TxFactory
- type HolderConfig
- type HolderOpts
- type IDAllocCommitRequest
- type IDAllocKey
- type IDAllocReserveRequest
- type IDOffsetDesyncError
- type IDRange
- type IDSet
- type ImportOption
- type ImportOptions
- type ImportRequest
- type ImportResponse
- type ImportRoaringRequest
- type ImportRoaringShardRequest
- type ImportValueRequest
- func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Clone() *ImportValueRequest
- func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Len() int
- func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Less(i, j int) bool
- func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Swap(i, j int)
- func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Validate() error
- func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp(indexCreatedAt, fieldCreatedAt int64) error
- type Importer
- type InMemTransactionStore
- type Index
- func (i *Index) AvailableShards(localOnly bool) *roaring.Bitmap
- func (i *Index) BeginTx(writable bool, shard uint64) (Tx, error)
- func (i *Index) Close() error
- func (i *Index) CreateField(name string, requestUserID string, opts ...FieldOption) (*Field, error)
- func (i *Index) CreateFieldIfNotExists(name string, requestUserID string, opts ...FieldOption) (*Field, error)
- func (i *Index) CreateFieldIfNotExistsWithOptions(name string, requestUserID string, opt *FieldOptions) (*Field, error)
- func (i *Index) CreatedAt() int64
- func (i *Index) DataframesPath() string
- func (i *Index) DeleteField(name string) error
- func (i *Index) Field(name string) *Field
- func (i *Index) Fields() []*Field
- func (i *Index) FieldsPath() string
- func (i *Index) GetDataFramePath(shard uint64) string
- func (i *Index) Holder() *Holder
- func (i *Index) Keys() bool
- func (i *Index) Name() string
- func (i *Index) NewTx(txo Txo) Tx
- func (i *Index) Open() error
- func (i *Index) OpenWithSchema(idx *disco.Index) error
- func (i *Index) Options() IndexOptions
- func (i *Index) Path() string
- func (i *Index) QualifiedName() string
- func (i *Index) SetTranslatePartitions(tp dax.PartitionNums)
- func (i *Index) TranslateStore(partitionID int) TranslateStore
- func (i *Index) TranslateStorePath(partitionID int) string
- func (i *Index) UpdateField(ctx context.Context, name string, requestUserID string, update FieldUpdate) (*CreateFieldMessage, error)
- func (i *Index) UpdateFieldLocal(cfm *CreateFieldMessage, update FieldUpdate) error
- type IndexInfo
- type IndexOptions
- type IndexStatus
- type IndexTranslateOffsetMap
- type InternalClient
- func (c *InternalClient) AvailableShards(ctx context.Context, indexName string) ([]uint64, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) CreateField(ctx context.Context, index, field string) error
- func (c *InternalClient) CreateFieldKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, field string, keys ...string) (transMap map[string]uint64, err error)
- func (c *InternalClient) CreateFieldWithOptions(ctx context.Context, index, field string, opt FieldOptions) error
- func (c *InternalClient) CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, index string, opt IndexOptions) error
- func (c *InternalClient) CreateIndexKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, keys ...string) (transMap map[string]uint64, err error)
- func (c *InternalClient) EnsureField(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string) error
- func (c *InternalClient) EnsureFieldWithOptions(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, opt FieldOptions) error
- func (c *InternalClient) EnsureIndex(ctx context.Context, name string, options IndexOptions) error
- func (c *InternalClient) ExportCSV(ctx context.Context, index, field string, shard uint64, w io.Writer) error
- func (c *InternalClient) FieldTranslateDataReader(ctx context.Context, index, field string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) FindFieldKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, field string, keys ...string) (transMap map[string]uint64, err error)
- func (c *InternalClient) FindIndexKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, keys ...string) (transMap map[string]uint64, err error)
- func (c *InternalClient) FinishTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) FragmentNodes(ctx context.Context, index string, shard uint64) ([]*disco.Node, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) GetDataframeShard(ctx context.Context, index string, shard uint64) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) GetDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) (DiskUsage, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) GetIndexUsage(ctx context.Context, index string) (DiskUsage, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) GetPastQueries(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI) ([]PastQueryStatus, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) IDAllocDataReader(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) IDAllocDataWriter(ctx context.Context, f io.Reader, primary *disco.Node) error
- func (c *InternalClient) Import(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportRequest, options *ImportOptions) error
- func (c *InternalClient) ImportFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, remote bool, ...) error
- func (c *InternalClient) ImportIndexKeys(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, partitionID int, remote bool, ...) error
- func (c *InternalClient) ImportRoaring(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, shard uint64, ...) error
- func (c *InternalClient) ImportRoaringShard(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, shard uint64, remote bool, ...) error
- func (c *InternalClient) ImportValue(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportValueRequest, options *ImportOptions) error
- func (c *InternalClient) IndexTranslateDataReader(ctx context.Context, index string, partitionID int) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) MatchFieldKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, field string, like string) (matches []uint64, err error)
- func (c *InternalClient) MaxShardByIndex(ctx context.Context) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) MutexCheck(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, indexName string, fieldName string, ...) (map[uint64]map[uint64][]uint64, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) Nodes(ctx context.Context) ([]*disco.Node, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) OAuthConfig() (rsp oauth2.Config, err error)
- func (c *InternalClient) PartitionNodes(ctx context.Context, partitionID int) ([]*disco.Node, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) PostSchema(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, s *Schema, remote bool) error
- func (c *InternalClient) Query(ctx context.Context, index string, queryRequest *QueryRequest) (*QueryResponse, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) QueryNode(ctx context.Context, addr dax.Address, index string, ...) (*QueryResponse, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) RetrieveShardFromURI(ctx context.Context, index, field, view string, shard uint64, uri pnet.URI) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) RetrieveTranslatePartitionFromURI(ctx context.Context, index string, partition int, uri pnet.URI) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) Schema(ctx context.Context) ([]*IndexInfo, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) SchemaNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, views bool) ([]*IndexInfo, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, msg []byte) error
- func (c *InternalClient) SetInternalAPI(api *API)
- func (c *InternalClient) ShardReader(ctx context.Context, index string, shard uint64) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) StartTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool) (*Transaction, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) Status(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) Transactions(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) TranslateIDsNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, ids []uint64) ([]string, error)
- func (c *InternalClient) TranslateKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, keys []string, ...) ([]uint64, error)
- type InternalClientOption
- func WithClientLogger(log logger.Logger) InternalClientOption
- func WithClientRetryPeriod(period time.Duration) InternalClientOption
- func WithPathPrefix(prefix string) InternalClientOption
- func WithSecretKey(secretKey string) InternalClientOption
- func WithSerializer(s Serializer) InternalClientOption
- type KeyOrID
- type LoadSchemaMessage
- type MemoryUsage
- type Message
- type MessageProcessingError
- type MultiTranslateEntryReader
- type NameType
- type NodeEvent
- type NodeEventType
- type NodeStateMessage
- type NodeStatus
- type NopCommitor
- type NopSchemaAPI
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) ClusterName() string
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) CreateDatabase(context.Context, *dax.Database) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) CreateField(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName, fld *dax.Field) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) CreateTable(ctx context.Context, tbl *dax.Table) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DatabaseByID(ctx context.Context, dbid dax.DatabaseID) (*dax.Database, error)
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DatabaseByName(ctx context.Context, dbname dax.DatabaseName) (*dax.Database, error)
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) Databases(context.Context, ...dax.DatabaseID) ([]*dax.Database, error)
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DeleteField(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName, fname dax.FieldName) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DeleteTable(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DropDatabase(context.Context, dax.DatabaseID) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) SetDatabaseOption(ctx context.Context, dbid dax.DatabaseID, option string, value string) error
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) TableByID(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID) (*dax.Table, error)
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) TableByName(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName) (*dax.Table, error)
- func (n *NopSchemaAPI) Tables(ctx context.Context) ([]*dax.Table, error)
- type NopSystemAPI
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterName() string
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterNodeCount() int
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterNodes() []ClusterNode
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterReplicaCount() int
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterState() string
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) DataDir() string
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) NodeID() string
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) PlatformDescription() string
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) PlatformVersion() string
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ShardWidth() int
- func (napi *NopSystemAPI) Version() string
- type NotFoundError
- type OpenIDAllocatorFunc
- type OpenTransactionStoreFunc
- type OpenTranslateReaderFunc
- type OpenTranslateStoreFunc
- type Pair
- type PairField
- type Pairs
- type PairsField
- type PastQueryStatus
- type PerformanceCounter
- type PerformanceCounters
- type PreconditionFailedError
- type Qcx
- type QueryAPI
- type QueryRequest
- type QueryResponse
- type RBFTx
- func (tx *RBFTx) Add(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changeCount int, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) ApplyFilter(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, ...) (err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) ApplyRewriter(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, ...) (err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Commit() (err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Container(index, field, view string, shard uint64, key uint64) (*roaring.Container, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) ContainerIterator(index, field, view string, shard uint64, key uint64) (citer roaring.ContainerIterator, found bool, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Contains(index, field, view string, shard uint64, v uint64) (exists bool, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Count(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) CountRange(index, field, view string, shard uint64, start, end uint64) (n uint64, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) DBPath() string
- func (tx *RBFTx) GetFieldSizeBytes(index, field string) (uint64, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) GetSortedFieldViewList(idx *Index, shard uint64) (fvs []txkey.FieldView, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) ImportRoaringBits(index, field, view string, shard uint64, rit roaring.RoaringIterator, ...) (changed int, rowSet map[uint64]int, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Max(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Min(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (uint64, bool, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) OffsetRange(index, field, view string, shard uint64, offset, start, end uint64) (*roaring.Bitmap, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) PutContainer(index, field, view string, shard uint64, key uint64, c *roaring.Container) error
- func (tx *RBFTx) Remove(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changeCount int, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) RemoveContainer(index, field, view string, shard uint64, key uint64) error
- func (tx *RBFTx) Removed(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changed []uint64, err error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) RoaringBitmap(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (*roaring.Bitmap, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Rollback()
- func (tx *RBFTx) SnapshotReader() (io.Reader, error)
- func (tx *RBFTx) Type() string
- type RbfDBWrapper
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) CleanupTx(tx Tx)
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) Close() error
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) CloseDB() error
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) DeleteField(index, field, fieldPath string) error
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) DeleteFragment(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag interface{}) error
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) DeleteIndex(indexName string) error
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) HasData() (has bool, err error)
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) NewTx(write bool, initialIndex string, o Txo) (_ Tx, err error)
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) OpenDB() error
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) OpenListString() (r string)
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) Path() string
- func (w *RbfDBWrapper) SetHolder(h *Holder)
- type RecalculateCaches
- type RedirectError
- type RoaringUpdate
- type Row
- func (r *Row) Any() bool
- func (r *Row) Clone() (clone *Row)
- func (r *Row) Columns() []uint64
- func (r *Row) Count() uint64
- func (r *Row) Difference(others ...*Row) *Row
- func (r *Row) Freeze()
- func (r *Row) Hash() uint64
- func (r *Row) Includes(col uint64) bool
- func (r *Row) Intersect(other *Row) *Row
- func (r *Row) IsEmpty() bool
- func (r *Row) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (r *Row) Merge(other *Row)
- func (r *Row) Roaring() []byte
- func (r *Row) SetBit(i uint64) (changed bool)
- func (r *Row) ShardColumns() []int64
- func (r *Row) Shift(n int64) (*Row, error)
- func (r *Row) ToRows(callback func(*pb.RowResponse) error) error
- func (r *Row) ToTable() (*pb.TableResponse, error)
- func (r *Row) Union(others ...*Row) *Row
- func (r *Row) Xor(other *Row) *Row
- type RowIDs
- type RowIdentifiers
- type RowKV
- type RowSegment
- func (s *RowSegment) ClearBit(i uint64) (changed bool)
- func (s *RowSegment) Columns() []uint64
- func (s *RowSegment) Count() uint64
- func (s *RowSegment) Difference(others ...*RowSegment) *RowSegment
- func (s *RowSegment) Freeze()
- func (s *RowSegment) Intersect(other *RowSegment) *RowSegment
- func (s *RowSegment) IntersectionCount(other *RowSegment) uint64
- func (s *RowSegment) InvalidateCount()
- func (s *RowSegment) Merge(other *RowSegment)
- func (s *RowSegment) SetBit(i uint64) (changed bool)
- func (s *RowSegment) Shard() uint64
- func (s *RowSegment) ShardColumns() []int64
- func (s *RowSegment) Shift() (*RowSegment, error)
- func (s *RowSegment) Union(others ...*RowSegment) *RowSegment
- func (s *RowSegment) Xor(other *RowSegment) *RowSegment
- type Schema
- type SchemaAPI
- type Serializer
- type Server
- func (s *Server) Close() error
- func (s *Server) CompileExecutionPlan(ctx context.Context, q string) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
- func (srv *Server) FinishTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, remote bool) (*Transaction, error)
- func (s *Server) GRPCURI() pnet.URI
- func (srv *Server) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, remote bool) (*Transaction, error)
- func (s *Server) Holder() *Holder
- func (s *Server) InternalClient() *InternalClient
- func (s *Server) IsPrimary() bool
- func (s *Server) NodeID() string
- func (s *Server) Open() error
- func (s *Server) RehydratePlanOperator(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
- func (s *Server) SendAsync(m Message) error
- func (s *Server) SendSync(m Message) error
- func (s *Server) SendTo(node *disco.Node, m Message) error
- func (s *Server) SetAPI(api *API)
- func (srv *Server) StartTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool, ...) (*Transaction, error)
- func (srv *Server) Transactions(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
- func (s *Server) UpAndDown() error
- func (s *Server) ViewsRemoval(ctx context.Context)
- type ServerOption
- func OptServerClusterHasher(h disco.Hasher) ServerOption
- func OptServerClusterName(name string) ServerOption
- func OptServerDataDir(dir string) ServerOption
- func OptServerDataframeUseParquet(is bool) ServerOption
- func OptServerDiagnosticsInterval(dur time.Duration) ServerOption
- func OptServerDisCo(disCo disco.DisCo, noder disco.Noder, sharder disco.Sharder, ...) ServerOption
- func OptServerExecutionPlannerFn(fn ExecutionPlannerFn) ServerOption
- func OptServerExecutorPoolSize(size int) ServerOption
- func OptServerGCNotifier(gcn GCNotifier) ServerOption
- func OptServerGRPCURI(uri *pnet.URI) ServerOption
- func OptServerInternalClient(c *InternalClient) ServerOption
- func OptServerIsComputeNode(is bool) ServerOption
- func OptServerIsDataframeEnabled(is bool) ServerOption
- func OptServerLogger(l logger.Logger) ServerOption
- func OptServerLongQueryTime(dur time.Duration) ServerOption
- func OptServerLookupDB(dsn string) ServerOption
- func OptServerMaxQueryMemory(v int64) ServerOption
- func OptServerMaxWritesPerRequest(n int) ServerOption
- func OptServerMetricInterval(dur time.Duration) ServerOption
- func OptServerNodeDownRetries(retries int, sleep time.Duration) ServerOption
- func OptServerNodeID(nodeID string) ServerOption
- func OptServerOpenIDAllocator(fn OpenIDAllocatorFunc) ServerOption
- func OptServerOpenTranslateReader(fn OpenTranslateReaderFunc) ServerOption
- func OptServerOpenTranslateStore(fn OpenTranslateStoreFunc) ServerOption
- func OptServerPartitionAssigner(p string) ServerOption
- func OptServerPrimaryTranslateStore(store TranslateStore) ServerOption
- func OptServerQueryHistoryLength(length int) ServerOption
- func OptServerQueryLogger(l logger.Logger) ServerOption
- func OptServerRBFConfig(cfg *rbfcfg.Config) ServerOption
- func OptServerReplicaN(n int) ServerOption
- func OptServerSerializer(ser Serializer) ServerOption
- func OptServerServerlessStorage(mm *daxstorage.ResourceManager) ServerOption
- func OptServerStorageConfig(cfg *storage.Config) ServerOption
- func OptServerSystemInfo(si SystemInfo) ServerOption
- func OptServerURI(uri *pnet.URI) ServerOption
- func OptServerUUIDFile(uf string) ServerOption
- func OptServerVerChkAddress(addr string) ServerOption
- func OptServerViewsRemovalInterval(interval time.Duration) ServerOption
- type ShardFile
- func (sf *ShardFile) EnsureSchema(cs *ChangesetRequest) error
- func (sf *ShardFile) LoadBlobs() error
- func (sf *ShardFile) Process(cs *ChangesetRequest) error
- func (sf *ShardFile) ReplaceString(col, chunk, l int, s string)
- func (sf *ShardFile) Save(name string) error
- func (sf *ShardFile) SetFloatValue(col int, row int64, val float64)
- func (sf *ShardFile) SetIntValue(col int, row int64, val int64)
- func (sf *ShardFile) SetStringValue(col int, row int64, val string)
- type ShowColumnsResponse
- type SignedRow
- type SortByOther
- type SortedRow
- type StringSet
- type SystemAPI
- type SystemInfo
- type SystemLayerAPI
- type TimeArgs
- type TimeQuantum
- func (q TimeQuantum) Granularity() rune
- func (q TimeQuantum) HasDay() bool
- func (q TimeQuantum) HasHour() bool
- func (q TimeQuantum) HasMonth() bool
- func (q TimeQuantum) HasYear() bool
- func (q TimeQuantum) IsEmpty() bool
- func (q *TimeQuantum) Set(value string) error
- func (q TimeQuantum) String() string
- func (q TimeQuantum) Type() string
- func (q TimeQuantum) Valid() bool
- type Transaction
- type TransactionManager
- func (tm *TransactionManager) Finish(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (tm *TransactionManager) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (tm *TransactionManager) List(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
- func (tm *TransactionManager) ResetDeadline(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
- func (tm *TransactionManager) Start(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool) (*Transaction, error)
- type TransactionMessage
- type TransactionResponse
- type TransactionStats
- type TransactionStore
- type TranslateEntry
- type TranslateEntryReader
- type TranslateIDsRequest
- type TranslateIDsResponse
- type TranslateKeysRequest
- type TranslateKeysResponse
- type TranslateOffsetMap
- func (m TranslateOffsetMap) Empty() bool
- func (m TranslateOffsetMap) FieldOffset(index, name string) uint64
- func (m TranslateOffsetMap) IndexPartitionOffset(name string, partitionID int) uint64
- func (m TranslateOffsetMap) SetFieldOffset(index, name string, offset uint64)
- func (m TranslateOffsetMap) SetIndexPartitionOffset(name string, partitionID int, offset uint64)
- type TranslateStore
- type TranslationSyncer
- type TranslatorTx
- type Tx
- type TxFactory
- func (f *TxFactory) Close() (err error)
- func (f *TxFactory) CloseIndex(idx *Index) error
- func (f *TxFactory) DeleteFieldFromStore(index, field, fieldPath string) (err error)
- func (f *TxFactory) DeleteFragmentFromStore(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag *fragment) (err error)
- func (f *TxFactory) DeleteIndex(name string) (err error)
- func (f *TxFactory) GetDBShardPath(index string, shard uint64, idx *Index, ty txtype, write bool) (shardPath string, err error)
- func (txf *TxFactory) GetFieldView2ShardsMapForIndex(idx *Index) (vs *FieldView2Shards, err error)
- func (f *TxFactory) GetShardsForIndex(idx *Index, roaringViewPath string, requireData bool) (map[uint64]struct{}, error)
- func (txf *TxFactory) NewDBPerShard(typ txtype, holderDir string, holder *Holder) (d *DBPerShard)
- func (f *TxFactory) NewQcx() (qcx *Qcx)
- func (f *TxFactory) NewTx(o Txo) (txn Tx)
- func (f *TxFactory) NewTxGroup() (g *TxGroup)
- func (f *TxFactory) NewWritableQcx() (qcx *Qcx)
- func (f *TxFactory) Open() error
- func (f *TxFactory) TxTyp() txtype
- func (f *TxFactory) TxType() string
- type TxGroup
- type Txo
- type UpdateFieldMessage
- type ValCount
- func (vc *ValCount) Add(other ValCount) ValCount
- func (vc *ValCount) Cleanup()
- func (v *ValCount) Clone() (r *ValCount)
- func (vc *ValCount) Larger(other ValCount) ValCount
- func (vc *ValCount) Smaller(other ValCount) ValCount
- func (v ValCount) ToRows(callback func(*proto.RowResponse) error) error
- func (v ValCount) ToTable() (*proto.TableResponse, error)
- type ViewInfo
- type WireQueryField
- type WireQueryResponse
- type WireQuerySchema
Constants ¶
Transaction Actions
const ( DefaultFieldType = FieldTypeSet DefaultCacheType = CacheTypeRanked // Default ranked field cache DefaultCacheSize = 50000 )
Default field settings.
const ( FieldTypeSet = "set" FieldTypeInt = "int" FieldTypeTime = "time" FieldTypeMutex = "mutex" FieldTypeBool = "bool" FieldTypeDecimal = "decimal" FieldTypeTimestamp = "timestamp" )
Field types.
const ( CacheTypeLRU = "lru" CacheTypeRanked = "ranked" CacheTypeNone = "none" )
Cache types.
const ( TimeUnitSeconds = "s" TimeUnitMilliseconds = "ms" TimeUnitMicroseconds = "µs" TimeUnitUSeconds = "us" TimeUnitNanoseconds = "ns" )
Constants related to timestamp.
const ( // ShardWidth is the number of column IDs in a shard. It must be a power of 2 greater than or equal to 16. // shardWidthExponent = 20 // set in shardwidthNN.go files ShardWidth = 1 << shardwidth.Exponent // HashBlockSize is the number of rows in a merkle hash block. HashBlockSize = 100 )
const ( RequestActionSet = "set" RequestActionClear = "clear" RequestActionOverwrite = "overwrite" )
const ( // DiscoDir is the default data directory used by the disco implementation. DiscoDir = "disco" // IndexesDir is the default indexes directory used by the holder. IndexesDir = "indexes" // FieldsDir is the default fields directory used by each index. FieldsDir = "fields" // DataframesDir is the directory where we store the dataframe files (currently Apache Arrow) DataframesDir = "dataframes" )
const ( // OriginalIPHeader is the original IP for client // It is used mainly for authenticating on remote nodes // ForwardedIPHeader gets updated to the node's IP // when requests are forward to other nodes in the cluster OriginalIPHeader = "X-Molecula-Original-IP" // ForwardedIPHeader is part of the standard header // it is used to identify the originating IP of a client ForwardedIPHeader = "X-Forwarded-For" // AllowedNetworksGroupName is used for the admin group authorization // when authentication is completed through checking the client IP // against the allowed networks AllowedNetworksGroupName = "allowed-networks" )
const ( QueryResultTypeRow uint32 = iota QueryResultTypePairs QueryResultTypeUint64 )
QueryResult types.
const ( MetricCreateIndex = "create_index_total" MetricDeleteIndex = "delete_index_total" MetricCreateField = "create_field_total" MetricDeleteField = "delete_field_total" MetricDeleteAvailableShard = "delete_available_shard_total" MetricRecalculateCache = "recalculate_cache_total" MetricInvalidateCache = "invalidate_cache_total" MetricInvalidateCacheSkipped = "invalidate_cache_skipped_total" MetricReadDirtyCache = "dirty_cache_total" MetricRankCacheLength = "rank_cache_length" MetricCacheThresholdReached = "cache_threshold_reached_total" MetricRow = "query_row_total" MetricRowBSI = "query_row_bsi_total" MetricSetBit = "set_bit_total" MetricClearBit = "clear_bit_total" MetricImportingN = "importing_total" MetricImportedN = "imported_total" MetricClearingN = "clearing_total" MetricClearedN = "cleared_total" MetricSnapshotDurationSeconds = "snapshot_duration_seconds" MetricBlockRepair = "block_repair_total" MetricSyncFieldDurationSeconds = "sync_field_duration_seconds" MetricSyncIndexDurationSeconds = "sync_index_duration_seconds" MetricHTTPRequest = "http_request_duration_seconds" MetricGRPCUnaryQueryDurationSeconds = "grpc_request_pql_unary_query_duration_seconds" MetricGRPCUnaryFormatDurationSeconds = "grpc_request_pql_unary_format_duration_seconds" MetricGRPCStreamQueryDurationSeconds = "grpc_request_pql_stream_query_duration_seconds" MetricGRPCStreamFormatDurationSeconds = "grpc_request_pql_stream_format_duration_seconds" MetricMaxShard = "maximum_shard" MetricAntiEntropy = "antientropy_total" MetricAntiEntropyDurationSeconds = "antientropy_duration_seconds" MetricGarbageCollection = "garbage_collection_total" MetricGoroutines = "goroutines" MetricOpenFiles = "open_files" MetricHeapAlloc = "heap_alloc" MetricHeapInuse = "heap_inuse" MetricStackInuse = "stack_inuse" MetricMallocs = "mallocs" MetricFrees = "frees" MetricTransactionStart = "transaction_start" MetricTransactionEnd = "transaction_end" MetricTransactionBlocked = "transaction_blocked" MetricExclusiveTransactionRequest = "transaction_exclusive_request" MetricExclusiveTransactionActive = "transaction_exclusive_active" MetricExclusiveTransactionEnd = "transaction_exclusive_end" MetricExclusiveTransactionBlocked = "transaction_exclusive_blocked" MetricPqlQueries = "pql_queries_total" MetricSqlQueries = "sql_queries_total" MetricDeleteDataframe = "delete_dataframe" )
const ( // MetricBatchImportDurationSeconds records the full time of the // RecordBatch.Import call. This includes starting and finishing a // transaction, doing key translation, building fragments locally, // importing all data, and resetting internal structures. MetricBatchImportDurationSeconds = "batch_import_duration_seconds" // MetricBatchFlushDurationSeconds records the full time for // RecordBatch.Flush (if splitBatchMode is in use). This includes // starting and finishing a transaction, importing all data, and // resetting internal structures. MetricBatchFlushDurationSeconds = "batch_flush_duration_seconds" // MetricBatchShardImportBuildRequestsSeconds is the time it takes // after making fragments to build the shard-transactional request // objects (but not actually import them or do any network activity). MetricBatchShardImportBuildRequestsSeconds = "batch_shard_import_build_requests_seconds" // MetricBatchShardImportDurationSeconds is the time it takes to // import all data for all shards in the batch using the // shard-transactional endpoint. This does not include the time it // takes to build the requests locally. MetricBatchShardImportDurationSeconds = "batch_shard_import_duration_seconds" )
const ( // raw - for when you just want a count of something CTR_TYPE_RAW = 0 // per second - for when you accumulate counts of things // a consumer would sample this at intervals to arrive at a delta // then divide by the time in seconds between the samples to get a // per-second value CTR_TYPE_PER_SECOND = 1 // ratio - for when you accumulate a count of something that you // want to use as a numerator in a ratio calculation // e.g. 'cache hits' could be a counter of this type and you could // divide it by a 'cache lookups' counter to get the hit ratio (see below) CTR_TYPE_RATIO = 2 // ratio base - for when you accumulate a count of something that you // want to use as a denominator in a ratio calculation // e.g. 'cache lookups' could be a counter of this type and you could // use it as the denominator in a division with a 'cache hits' counter // as the numerator to get the hit ratio CTR_TYPE_RATIO_BASE = 3 )
constants for the counter types
const DetectMemAccessPastTx = false
DetectMemAccessPastTx true helps us catch places in api and executor where mmapped memory is being accessed after the point in time which the transaction has committed or rolled back. Since memory segments will be recycled by the underlying databases, this can lead to corruption. When DetectMemAccessPastTx is true, code in bolt.go will copy the transactionally viewed memory before returning it for bitmap reading, and then zero it or overwrite it with -2 when the Tx completes.
Should be false for production.
const ErrTransactionExclusive = Error("there is an exclusive transaction, try later")
const ErrTransactionExists = Error("transaction with the given id already exists")
const ErrTransactionNotFound = Error("transaction not found")
const (
ErrViewNotFound = Error("view not found")
const (
// HeaderRequestUserID is request userid header
HeaderRequestUserID = "X-Request-Userid"
const LeftShifted16MaxContainerKey = uint64(0xffffffffffff0000) // or math.MaxUint64 - (1<<16 - 1), or 18446744073709486080
LeftShifted16MaxContainerKey is 0xffffffffffff0000. It is similar to the roaring.maxContainerKey 0x0000ffffffffffff, but shifted 16 bits to the left so its domain is the full [0, 2^64) bit space. It is used to match the semantics of the roaring.OffsetRange() API. This is the maximum endx value for Tx.OffsetRange(), because the lowbits, as in the roaring.OffsetRange(), are not allowed to be set. It is used in Tx.RoaringBitamp() to obtain the full contents of a fragment from a call from tx.OffsetRange() by requesting [0, LeftShifted16MaxContainerKey) with an offset of 0.
const (
RBFTxn string = "rbf"
public strings that pilosa/server/config.go can reference
const TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04"
TimeFormat is the go-style time format used to parse string dates.
const TxInitialMmapSize = 4 << 30 // 4GB
Variables ¶
var ( DefaultEpoch = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC() // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z MinTimestampNano = time.Unix(-1<<32, 0).UTC() // 1833-11-24T17:31:44Z MaxTimestampNano = time.Unix(1<<32, 0).UTC() // 2106-02-07T06:28:16Z MinTimestamp = time.Unix(-62135596799, 0).UTC() // 0001-01-01T00:00:01Z MaxTimestamp = time.Unix(253402300799, 0).UTC() // 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z )
Timestamp field ranges.
var ( ErrHostRequired = errors.New("host required") ErrIndexRequired = errors.New("index required") ErrIndexExists = disco.ErrIndexExists ErrIndexNotFound = errors.New("index not found") ErrInvalidAddress = errors.New("invalid address") ErrInvalidSchema = errors.New("invalid schema") ErrForeignIndexNotFound = errors.New("foreign index not found") // ErrFieldRequired is returned when no field is specified. ErrFieldRequired = errors.New("field required") ErrColumnRequired = errors.New("column required") ErrFieldExists = disco.ErrFieldExists ErrFieldNotFound = errors.New("field not found") ErrBSIGroupNotFound = errors.New("bsigroup not found") ErrBSIGroupExists = errors.New("bsigroup already exists") ErrBSIGroupNameRequired = errors.New("bsigroup name required") ErrInvalidBSIGroupType = errors.New("invalid bsigroup type") ErrInvalidBSIGroupRange = errors.New("invalid bsigroup range") ErrInvalidBSIGroupValueType = errors.New("invalid bsigroup value type") ErrBSIGroupValueTooLow = errors.New("value too low for configured field range") ErrBSIGroupValueTooHigh = errors.New("value too high for configured field range") ErrInvalidRangeOperation = errors.New("invalid range operation") ErrInvalidBetweenValue = errors.New("invalid value for between operation") ErrDecimalOutOfRange = errors.New("decimal value out of range") ErrViewRequired = errors.New("view required") ErrViewExists = disco.ErrViewExists ErrInvalidView = errors.New("invalid view") ErrInvalidCacheType = errors.New("invalid cache type") ErrName = errors.New("invalid index or field name, must match [a-z][a-z0-9Θ_-]* and contain at most 230 characters") // ErrFragmentNotFound is returned when a fragment does not exist. ErrFragmentNotFound = errors.New("fragment not found") ErrQueryRequired = errors.New("query required") ErrQueryCancelled = errors.New("query cancelled") ErrQueryTimeout = errors.New("query timeout") ErrTooManyWrites = errors.New("too many write commands") // TODO(2.0) poorly named - used when a *node* doesn't own a shard. Probably // we won't need this error at all by 2.0 though. ErrClusterDoesNotOwnShard = errors.New("node does not own shard") // ErrPreconditionFailed is returned when specified index/field createdAt timestamps don't match ErrPreconditionFailed = errors.New("precondition failed") ErrNodeIDNotExists = errors.New("node with provided ID does not exist") ErrNodeNotPrimary = errors.New("node is not the primary") ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented") ErrFieldsArgumentRequired = errors.New("fields argument required") ErrExpectedFieldListArgument = errors.New("expected field list argument") ErrIntFieldWithKeys = errors.New("int field cannot be created with 'keys=true' option") ErrDecimalFieldWithKeys = errors.New("decimal field cannot be created with 'keys=true' option") ErrTimestampFieldWithKeys = errors.New("timestamp field cannot be created with 'keys=true' option") )
System errors.
var ( ErrTranslateStoreClosed = errors.New("translate store closed") ErrTranslateStoreReaderClosed = errors.New("translate store reader closed") ErrReplicationNotSupported = errors.New("replication not supported") ErrTranslateStoreReadOnly = errors.New("translate store could not find or create key, translate store read only") ErrTranslateStoreNotFound = errors.New("translate store not found") ErrTranslatingKeyNotFound = errors.New("translating key not found") )
Translate store errors.
var ( // ErrTranslateStoreClosed is returned when reading from an TranslateEntryReader // and the underlying store is closed. ErrBoltTranslateStoreClosed = errors.New("boltdb: translate store closing") // ErrTranslateKeyNotFound is returned when translating key // and the underlying store returns an empty set ErrTranslateKeyNotFound = errors.New("boltdb: translating key returned empty set") )
var BuildTime string
var Commit string
var CounterCacheThresholdReached = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricCacheThresholdReached, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterClearBit = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricClearBit, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterClearedN = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricClearedN, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterClearingingN = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricClearingN, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterCreateField = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricCreateField, Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterCreateIndex = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricCreateIndex, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterDeleteAvailableShard = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricDeleteAvailableShard, Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterDeleteDataframe = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricDeleteDataframe, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterDeleteField = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricDeleteField, Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterDeleteIndex = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricDeleteIndex, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterExclusiveTransactionActive = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricExclusiveTransactionActive, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterExclusiveTransactionBlocked = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricExclusiveTransactionBlocked, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterExclusiveTransactionEnd = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricExclusiveTransactionEnd, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterExclusiveTransactionRequest = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricExclusiveTransactionRequest, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterGarbageCollection = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricGarbageCollection, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterImportedN = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricImportedN, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterImportingN = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricImportingN, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterInvalidateCache = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricInvalidateCache, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterInvalidateCacheSkipped = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricInvalidateCacheSkipped, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterJobTotal = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "job_total", Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterPQLQueries = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricPqlQueries, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterQueryAllTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_all_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryApplyTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_apply_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryArrowTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_arrow_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryBitmapTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_bitmap_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
CounterQueryBitmapTotal represents bitmap calls.
var CounterQueryClearRowTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_clearrow_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryClearTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_clear_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryConstRowTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_constrow_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryCountTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_count_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryDeleteTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_delete_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryDifferenceTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_difference_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryDistinctTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_distinct_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryExternalLookupTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_externallookup_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryExtractTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_extract_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryFieldValueTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_fieldvalue_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryGroupByTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_groupby_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryIncludesColumnTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_includescolumn_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryInnerUnionRowsTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_innerunionrows_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryIntersectTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_intersect_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryLimitTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_limit_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryMaxRowTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_maxrow_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryMaxTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_max_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryMinRowTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_minrow_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryMinTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_min_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryNotTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_not_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryOptionsTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_options_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryPercentileTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_percentile_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryPrecomputedTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_precomputed_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryRangeTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_range_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryRowBSITotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_row_bsi_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryRowTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_row_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryRowsTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_rows_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQuerySetTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_set_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryShiftTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_shift_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQuerySortTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_sort_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryStoreTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_store_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQuerySumTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_sum_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryTopKTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_topk_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryTopNTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_topn_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryUnionRowsTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_unionrows_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryUnionTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_union_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterQueryXorTotal = prometheus.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "query_xor_total", Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var CounterReadDirtyCache = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricReadDirtyCache, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterRecalculateCache = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricRecalculateCache, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterSQLQueries = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricSqlQueries, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterSetBit = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricSetBit, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterSetRow = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "setRow", Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterTransactionBlocked = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricTransactionBlocked, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterTransactionEnd = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricTransactionEnd, Help: "TODO", }, )
var CounterTransactionStart = prometheus.NewCounter( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricTransactionStart, Help: "TODO", }, )
var DoPerQueryProfiling = false
var ErrAborted = fmt.Errorf("error: update was aborted")
var ErrInvalidTimeQuantum = errors.New("invalid time quantum")
ErrInvalidTimeQuantum is returned when parsing a time quantum.
var ErrNoData = fmt.Errorf("no data")
var ErrQcxDone = fmt.Errorf("Qcx already Aborted or Finished, so must call reset before re-use")
var GaugeFrees = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricFrees, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeGoroutines = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricGoroutines, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeHeapAlloc = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricHeapAlloc, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeHeapInUse = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricHeapInuse, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeIndexMaxShard = prometheus.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricMaxShard, Help: "TODO", }, []string{ "index", }, )
var GaugeMallocs = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricMallocs, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeOpenFiles = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricOpenFiles, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeRankCacheLength = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricRankCacheLength, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeStackInUse = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricStackInuse, Help: "TODO", }, )
var GaugeWorkerTotal = prometheus.NewGauge( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: "worker_total", Help: "TODO", }, )
var GoVersion string = runtime.Version()
var NaN = math.NaN()
var NewAuditor func() testhook.Auditor = NewNopAuditor
var NoopFinisher = func(perr *error) {}
var NopBroadcaster broadcaster = &nopBroadcaster{}
NopBroadcaster represents a Broadcaster that doesn't do anything.
var PerfCounterSQLBulkInsertBatchesSec = perfCtr{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var PerfCounterSQLBulkInsertsSec = perfCtr{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var PerfCounterSQLDeletesSec = perfCtr{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var PerfCounterSQLInsertsSec = perfCtr{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var PerfCounterSQLRequestSec = perfCtr{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var SummaryBatchFlushDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricBatchFlushDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryBatchImportDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricBatchImportDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryBatchShardImportBuildRequestsSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricBatchShardImportBuildRequestsSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryBatchShardImportDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricBatchShardImportDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryGRPCStreamFormatDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricGRPCStreamFormatDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryGRPCStreamQueryDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricGRPCStreamQueryDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryGRPCUnaryFormatDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricGRPCUnaryFormatDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryGRPCUnaryQueryDurationSeconds = prometheus.NewSummary( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricGRPCUnaryQueryDurationSeconds, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, )
var SummaryHttpRequests = prometheus.NewSummaryVec( prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: "pilosa", Name: MetricHTTPRequest, Help: "TODO", Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001}, }, []string{ "method", "path", "slow", "useragent", "where", }, )
var TrialDeadline string
var Variant string
var Version string
Functions ¶
func AddAuthToken ¶
AddAuthToken checks in a couple spots for our authorization token and adds it to the Authorization Header in the request if it finds it. It does the same for refresh tokens as well.
func AddressWithDefaults ¶
AddressWithDefaults converts addr into a valid address, using defaults when necessary.
func CPUProfileForDur ¶
CPUProfileForDur (where "Dur" is short for "Duration"), is used for performance tuning during development. It's only called—but is currently commented out—in holder.go.
func CheckEpochOutOfRange ¶
CheckEpochOutOfRange checks if the epoch is after max or before min
func CompareTransactions ¶
func CompareTransactions(t1, t2 *Transaction) error
func DeleteRows ¶
func DeleteRowsWithFlow ¶
func FieldFromFieldOptions ¶
FieldFromFieldOptions creates a dax.Field given a set of existing field options. It should possibly be unconditionally setting TrackExistence, because it's called in two places in SQL3 both of which are creating new tables, but for now I'm trying to keep its behavior transparent, and handle the enabling of TrackExistence in the code that knows it is creating a field, thus, in sql's create/alter table, or in api.CreateField.
func FieldInfoToField ¶
FieldInfoToField converts a featurebase.FieldInfo to a dax.Field.
func FieldInfosToFields ¶ added in v3.34.0
FieldInfosToFields converts a []*featurebase.FieldInfo to a []*dax.Field.
func FormatQualifiedFieldName ¶
FormatQualifiedFieldName generates a qualified name for the field to be used with Tx operations.
func FormatQualifiedFragmentName ¶
FormatQualifiedFragmentName generates a qualified name for the fragment to be used with Tx operations.
func FormatQualifiedIndexName ¶
FormatQualifiedIndexName generates a qualified name for the index to be used with Tx operations.
func FormatQualifiedViewName ¶
FormatQualifiedViewName generates a qualified name for the view to be used with Tx operations.
func GenerateNextPartitionedID ¶
GenerateNextPartitionedID returns the next ID within the same partition.
func GenericApplyFilter ¶
func GenericApplyFilter(tx Tx, index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, filter roaring.BitmapFilter) (err error)
GenericApplyFilter implements ApplyFilter in terms of tx.ContainerIterator, as a convenience if a Tx backend hasn't implemented this new function yet.
func GetHTTPClient ¶
func GetHTTPClient(t *tls.Config, opts ...ClientOption) *http.Client
func GetLoopProgress ¶
func GetLoopProgress(start time.Time, now time.Time, iteration uint, total uint) (remaining time.Duration, pctDone float64)
GetLoopProgress returns the estimated remaining time to iterate through some items as well as the loop completion percentage with the following parameters: the start time, the current time, the iteration, and the number of items
func IndexInfoToTable ¶
IndexInfoToTable converts a featurebase.IndexInfo to a dax.Table.
func IndexInfosToTables ¶
IndexInfosToTables converts a slice of featurebase.IndexInfo to a slice of dax.Table.
func IsValidTimeUnit ¶
IsValidTimeUnit returns true if unit is valid.
func IvyReduce ¶
func IvyReduce(reduceCode string, opCode string, opt *ExecOptions) (func(ctx context.Context, prev, v interface{}) interface{}, func() (*dataframe.DataFrame, error))
Possibly combine all arrays together then apply some interesting computation at the end?
func MarshalInternalMessage ¶
func MarshalInternalMessage(m Message, s Serializer) ([]byte, error)
MarshalInternalMessage serializes the pilosa message and adds pilosa internal type info which is used by the internal messaging stuff.
func MemProfileForDur ¶
MemProfileForDur (where "Dur" is short for "Duration"), is used for performance tuning during development. It's only called—but is currently commented out—in holder.go.
func MustBackendToTxtype ¶
func MustBackendToTxtype(backend string) (typ txtype)
func NewNopAuditor ¶
func NewOnPremImporter ¶
func NewOnPremImporter(api *API) *onPremImporter
func NewOnPremSchema ¶
func NewOnPremSchema(api *API) *onPremSchema
func NewRankCache ¶
func NewRankCache(maxEntries uint32) *rankCache
NewRankCache returns a new instance of RankCache.
func OpenIDAllocator ¶
func OptAPIDirectiveWorkerPoolSize ¶
func OptAPIDirectiveWorkerPoolSize(size int) apiOption
func OptAPIImportWorkerPoolSize ¶
func OptAPIImportWorkerPoolSize(size int) apiOption
func OptAPIIsComputeNode ¶
func OptAPIIsComputeNode(is bool) apiOption
func OptAPIServer ¶
func OptAPIServer(s *Server) apiOption
func OptAPIServerlessStorage ¶ added in v3.27.0
func OptAPIServerlessStorage(mm *storage.ResourceManager) apiOption
func OptHandlerAPI ¶
func OptHandlerAPI(api *API) handlerOption
func OptHandlerAllowedOrigins ¶
func OptHandlerAllowedOrigins(origins []string) handlerOption
func OptHandlerAuthN ¶
func OptHandlerAuthZ ¶
func OptHandlerAuthZ(gp *authz.GroupPermissions) handlerOption
func OptHandlerCloseTimeout ¶
OptHandlerCloseTimeout controls how long to wait for the http Server to shutdown cleanly before forcibly destroying it. Default is 30 seconds.
func OptHandlerFileSystem ¶
func OptHandlerFileSystem(fs FileSystem) handlerOption
func OptHandlerListener ¶
OptHandlerListener set the listener that will be used by the HTTP server. Url must be the advertised URL. It will be used to show a log to the user about where the Web UI is. This option is mandatory.
func OptHandlerLogger ¶
func OptHandlerMiddleware ¶
func OptHandlerQueryLogger ¶
func OptHandlerRoaringSerializer ¶
func OptHandlerRoaringSerializer(s Serializer) handlerOption
func OptHandlerSerializer ¶
func OptHandlerSerializer(s Serializer) handlerOption
func ParseQualifiedFragmentName ¶
ParseQualifiedFragmentName parses a qualified name into its parts.
func ReplaceFirstFromBack ¶
ReplaceFirstFromBack replaces the first instance of toReplace from the back of the string s
func TimeUnitNanos ¶
TimeUnitNanos returns the number of nanoseconds in unit.
func TimestampToVal ¶
TimestampToVal takes a time unit and a time.Time and converts it to an integer value
func ValToTimestamp ¶
ValToTimestamp takes a timeunit and an integer value and converts it to time.Time
func ValidateName ¶
ValidateName ensures that the index or field or view name is a valid format.
func VersionInfo ¶
Types ¶
type API ¶
type API struct { Serializer Serializer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
API provides the top level programmatic interface to Pilosa. It is usually wrapped by a handler which provides an external interface (e.g. HTTP).
func (*API) ActiveQueries ¶
func (api *API) ActiveQueries(ctx context.Context) ([]ActiveQueryStatus, error)
func (*API) ApplyDataframeChangeset ¶
func (*API) ApplyDirective ¶
ApplyDirective applies a Directive received, from the Controller, at the /directive endpoint.
func (*API) ApplySchema ¶
ApplySchema takes the given schema and applies it across the cluster (if remote is false), or just to this node (if remote is true). This is designed for the use case of replicating a schema from one Pilosa cluster to another which is initially empty. It is not officially supported in other scenarios and may produce surprising results.
func (*API) AvailableShards ¶
AvailableShards returns bitmap of available shards for a single index.
func (*API) AvailableShardsByIndex ¶
AvailableShardsByIndex returns bitmaps of shards with available by index name.
func (*API) ClusterMessage ¶
ClusterMessage is for internal use. It decodes a protobuf message out of the body and forwards it to the BroadcastHandler.
func (*API) ClusterName ¶
ClusterName returns the cluster name.
func (*API) CommitIDs ¶
func (api *API) CommitIDs(key IDAllocKey, session [32]byte, count uint64) error
func (*API) CompilePlan ¶
func (api *API) CompilePlan(ctx context.Context, q string) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
CompilePlan takes a sql string and returns a PlanOperator. Note that this is different from the internal CompilePlan() method on the CompilePlanner interface, which takes a parser statement and returns a PlanOperator. In other words, this CompilePlan() both parses and plans the provided sql string; it's the equivalent of the CompileExecutionPlan() method on Server. TODO: consider renaming this to something with less conflict.
func (*API) CreateField ¶
func (api *API) CreateField(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, opts ...FieldOption) (*Field, error)
CreateField makes the named field in the named index with the given options.
The resulting field will always have TrackExistence set.
func (*API) CreateFieldKeys ¶
func (api *API) CreateFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, index, field string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
CreateFieldKeys looks up keys in a field, mapping them to IDs. If a key does not exist, it will be created.
func (*API) CreateIndex ¶
func (api *API) CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, indexName string, options IndexOptions) (*Index, error)
CreateIndex makes a new Pilosa index.
func (*API) CreateIndexKeys ¶
func (api *API) CreateIndexKeys(ctx context.Context, index string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
CreateIndexKeys looks up column keys in the index, mapping them to IDs. If a key does not exist, it will be created.
func (*API) DeleteAvailableShard ¶
func (api *API) DeleteAvailableShard(_ context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, shardID uint64) error
DeleteAvailableShard a shard ID from the available shard set cache.
func (*API) DeleteDataframe ¶
func (*API) DeleteField ¶
DeleteField removes the named field from the named index. If the index is not found, an error is returned. If the field is not found, it is ignored and no action is taken.
func (*API) DeleteIndex ¶
DeleteIndex removes the named index. If the index is not found it does nothing and returns no error.
func (*API) DeleteView ¶
func (api *API) DeleteView(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, viewName string) error
DeleteView removes the given view.
func (*API) DirectiveApplied ¶
DirectiveApplied returns true if the computer's current Directive has been applied and is ready to be queried. This is temporary (primarily for tests) and needs to be refactored as we improve the logic around controller-to-computer communication.
func (*API) ExportCSV ¶
func (api *API) ExportCSV(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, shard uint64, w io.Writer) error
ExportCSV encodes the fragment designated by the index,field,shard as CSV of the form <row>,<col>
func (*API) FieldInfo ¶
FieldInfo returns the same information as Schema(), but only for a single field.
func (*API) FieldTranslateData ¶
func (api *API) FieldTranslateData(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string) (TranslateStore, error)
FieldTranslateData returns all translation data in the specified field.
func (*API) FindFieldKeys ¶
func (api *API) FindFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, index, field string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
FindFieldKeys looks up keys in a field, mapping them to IDs. If a key does not exist, it will be absent from the resulting map.
func (*API) FindIndexKeys ¶
func (api *API) FindIndexKeys(ctx context.Context, index string, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
FindIndexKeys looks up column keys in the index, mapping them to IDs. If a key does not exist, it will be absent from the resulting map.
func (*API) FinishTransaction ¶
func (*API) FragmentData ¶
func (api *API) FragmentData(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName, viewName string, shard uint64) (io.WriterTo, error)
FragmentData returns all data in the specified fragment.
func (*API) GetDataframeSchema ¶
func (*API) GetTransaction ¶
func (*API) GetTranslateEntryReader ¶
func (api *API) GetTranslateEntryReader(ctx context.Context, offsets TranslateOffsetMap) (_ TranslateEntryReader, err error)
GetTranslateEntryReader provides an entry reader for key translation logs starting at offset.
func (*API) Hosts ¶
Hosts returns a list of the hosts in the cluster including their ID, URL, and which is the primary.
func (*API) Import ¶
func (api *API) Import(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportRequest, opts ...ImportOption) (err error)
Import does the top-level importing.
func (*API) ImportAtomicRecord ¶
func (api *API) ImportAtomicRecord(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *AtomicRecord, opts ...ImportOption) error
func (*API) ImportRoaring ¶
func (api *API) ImportRoaring(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, shard uint64, remote bool, req *ImportRoaringRequest) (err0 error)
ImportRoaring is a low level interface for importing data to Pilosa when extremely high throughput is desired. The data must be encoded in a particular way which may be unintuitive (discussed below). The data is merged with existing data.
It takes as input a roaring bitmap which it uses as the data for the indicated index, field, and shard. The bitmap may be encoded according to the official roaring spec (, or to the pilosa roaring spec which supports 64 bit integers (
The data should be encoded the same way that Pilosa stores fragments internally. A bit "i" being set in the input bitmap indicates that the bit is set in Pilosa row "i/ShardWidth", and in column (shard*ShardWidth)+(i%ShardWidth). That is to say that "data" represents all of the rows in this shard of this field concatenated together in one long bitmap.
func (*API) ImportRoaringShard ¶
func (api *API) ImportRoaringShard(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64, req *ImportRoaringShardRequest) error
ImportRoaringShard transactionally imports roaring-encoded data across many fields in a single shard. It can both set and clear bits and updates caches/bitDepth as appropriate, although only the bitmap parts happen truly transactionally.
This function does not attempt to do existence tracking, because it can't; there's no way to distinguish empty sets from not setting bits. As a result, users of this endpoint are responsible for providing corrected existence views for fields with existence tracking. Our batch API does that.
func (*API) ImportValue ¶
func (api *API) ImportValue(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportValueRequest, opts ...ImportOption) error
ImportValue is a wrapper around the common code in ImportValueWithTx, which currently just translates req.Clear into a clear ImportOption.
func (*API) ImportValueWithTx ¶
func (api *API) ImportValueWithTx(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportValueRequest, options *ImportOptions) (err0 error)
ImportValueWithTx bulk imports values into a particular field.
func (*API) ImportWithTx ¶
func (api *API) ImportWithTx(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportRequest, options *ImportOptions) error
ImportWithTx bulk imports data into a particular index,field,shard.
func (*API) IndexInfo ¶
IndexInfo returns the same information as Schema(), but only for a single index.
func (*API) IndexShardSnapshot ¶
func (api *API) IndexShardSnapshot(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64, writeTx bool) (io.ReadCloser, error)
IndexShardSnapshot returns a reader that contains the contents of an RBF snapshot for an index/shard. When snapshotting for serverless, we need to be able to transactionally move the write log to the new version, so we expose writeTx to allow the caller to request a write transaction for the snapshot even though we'll just be reading inside RBF.
func (*API) Info ¶
func (api *API) Info() serverInfo
Info returns information about this server instance.
func (*API) LongQueryTime ¶
LongQueryTime returns the configured threshold for logging/statting long running queries.
func (*API) MatchField ¶
MatchField finds the IDs of all field keys matching a filter.
func (*API) MaxShards ¶
MaxShards returns the maximum shard number for each index in a map. TODO (2.0): This method has been deprecated. Instead, use AvailableShardsByIndex.
func (*API) MutexCheck ¶
func (api *API) MutexCheck(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, indexName string, fieldName string, details bool, limit int) (result interface{}, err error)
MutexCheck checks a named field for mutex violations, returning a map of record IDs to values for records that have multiple values in the field. The return will be one of:
details true: map[uint64][]uint64 // unkeyed index, unkeyed field map[uint64][]string // unkeyed index, keyed field map[string][]uint64 // keyed index, unkeyed field map[string][]string // keyed index, keyed field details false: []uint64 // unkeyed index []string // keyed index
func (*API) MutexCheckNode ¶
func (api *API) MutexCheckNode(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, indexName string, fieldName string, details bool, limit int) (map[uint64]map[uint64][]uint64, error)
MutexCheckNode checks for collisions in a given mutex field. The response is a map[shard]map[column]values, not translated.
func (*API) NodeID ¶
NodeID gets the ID alone, so it doesn't have to do a complete lookup of the node, searching by its ID, to return the ID it searched for.
func (*API) PartitionNodes ¶
PartitionNodes returns the node and all replicas which should contain a partition key data.
func (*API) PastQueries ¶
func (*API) PrimaryNode ¶
PrimaryNode returns the primary node for the cluster.
func (*API) PrimaryReplicaNodeURL ¶
PrimaryReplicaNodeURL returns the URL of the cluster's primary replica.
func (*API) Query ¶
func (api *API) Query(ctx context.Context, req *QueryRequest) (QueryResponse, error)
Query parses a PQL query out of the request and executes it.
func (*API) RecalculateCaches ¶
RecalculateCaches forces all TopN caches to be updated. This is done internally within a TopN query, but a user may want to do it ahead of time?
func (*API) RehydratePlanOperator ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (api *API) RehydratePlanOperator(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
func (*API) ReserveIDs ¶
func (*API) ResetIDAlloc ¶
func (*API) RestoreShard ¶
func (api *API) RestoreShard(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64, rd io.Reader) error
RestoreShard is used by the restore tool to restore previously backed up data. This call is specific to RBF data for a shard.
func (*API) Schema ¶
Schema returns information about each index in Pilosa including which fields they contain.
func (*API) SetAPIOptions ¶
SetAPIOptions applies the given functional options to the API.
func (*API) ShardDistribution ¶
ShardDistribution returns an object representing the distribution of shards across nodes for each index, distinguishing between primary and replica. The structure of this information is [indexName][nodeID][primaryOrReplica][]uint64. This function supports a view in the UI.
func (*API) ShardNodes ¶
func (api *API) ShardNodes(ctx context.Context, indexName string, shard uint64) ([]*disco.Node, error)
ShardNodes returns the node and all replicas which should contain a shard's data.
func (*API) SnapshotFieldKeys ¶
SnapshotFieldKeys triggers the node to perform a field keys snapshot based on the provided SnapshotFieldKeysRequest.
func (*API) SnapshotShardData ¶
SnapshotShardData triggers the node to perform a shard snapshot based on the provided SnapshotShardDataRequest.
func (*API) SnapshotTableKeys ¶
SnapshotTableKeys triggers the node to perform a table keys snapshot based on the provided SnapshotTableKeysRequest.
func (*API) StartTransaction ¶
func (*API) State ¶
func (api *API) State() (disco.ClusterState, error)
State returns the cluster state which is usually "NORMAL", but could be "STARTING", or potentially others. See disco.go for more details.
func (*API) Transactions ¶
func (*API) TranslateData ¶
func (api *API) TranslateData(ctx context.Context, indexName string, partition int) (TranslateStore, error)
TranslateData returns all translation data in the specified partition.
func (*API) TranslateFieldDB ¶
func (api *API) TranslateFieldDB(ctx context.Context, indexName, fieldName string, rd io.Reader) error
TranslateFieldDB is an internal function to load the field keys database
func (*API) TranslateIDs ¶
TranslateIDs handles a TranslateIDRequest.
func (*API) TranslateIndexDB ¶
func (api *API) TranslateIndexDB(ctx context.Context, indexName string, partitionID int, rd io.Reader) error
TranslateIndexDB is an internal function to load the index keys database rd is a boltdb file.
func (*API) TranslateIndexIDs ¶
func (*API) TranslateIndexKey ¶
func (*API) TranslateKeys ¶
TranslateKeys handles a TranslateKeyRequest. ErrTranslatingKeyNotFound error will be swallowed here, so the empty response will be returned.
func (*API) UpdateField ¶
type ActiveQueryStatus ¶
type ApplyResult ¶
type AtomicRecord ¶
type AtomicRecord struct { Index string Shard uint64 Ivr []*ImportValueRequest // BSI values Ir []*ImportRequest // other field types, e.g. single bit }
AtomicRecord applies all its Ivr and Ivr atomically, in a Tx. The top level Shard has to agree with Ivr[i].Shard and the Iv[i].Shard for all i included (in Ivr and Ir). The same goes for the top level Index: all records have to be writes to the same Index. These requirements are checked.
func (*AtomicRecord) Clone ¶
func (ar *AtomicRecord) Clone() *AtomicRecord
type BSIData ¶
type BSIData []*Row
BSIData contains BSI-structured data.
func AddBSI ¶
AddBSI adds two BSI bitmaps together. It does not handle sign and has no concept of overflow.
func (BSIData) PivotDescending ¶
func (bsi BSIData) PivotDescending(filter *Row, branch uint64, limit, offset *uint64, fn func(uint64, ...uint64))
PivotDescending loops over nonzero BSI values in descending order. For each value, the provided function is called with the value and a slice of the associated columns. If limit or offset are not-nil, they will be applied. Applying a limit or offset may modify the pointed-to value.
type BadRequestError ¶
type BadRequestError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BadRequestError wraps an error value to signify that a request could not be read, decoded, or parsed such that in an HTTP scenario, http.StatusBadRequest would be returned.
func NewBadRequestError ¶
func NewBadRequestError(err error) BadRequestError
NewBadRequestError returns err wrapped in a BadRequestError.
type BasicTable ¶ added in v3.30.0
type BasicTable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func BasicTableFromArrow ¶
func BasicTableFromArrow(table arrow.Table, mem memory.Allocator) *BasicTable
func (*BasicTable) Get ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) Get(column, row int) interface{}
func (*BasicTable) IsFiltered ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) IsFiltered() bool
func (*BasicTable) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BasicTable) Name ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) Name() string
func (*BasicTable) NumCols ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) NumCols() int64
func (*BasicTable) NumRows ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) NumRows() int64
func (*BasicTable) Release ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) Release()
func (*BasicTable) Retain ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) Retain()
func (*BasicTable) Schema ¶ added in v3.30.0
func (st *BasicTable) Schema() *arrow.Schema
type Bit ¶
Bit represents the intersection of a row and a column. It can be specified by integer ids or string keys.
type Bits ¶
type Bits []Bit
Bits is a slice of Bit.
func (Bits) ColumnKeys ¶
ColumnKeys returns a slice of all the column keys.
func (Bits) GroupByShard ¶
GroupByShard returns a map of bits by shard.
func (Bits) HasColumnKeys ¶
HasColumnKeys returns true if any values use a column key.
func (Bits) HasRowKeys ¶
HasRowKeys returns true if any values use a row key.
func (Bits) Timestamps ¶
Timestamps returns a slice of all the timestamps.
type BlockDataRequest ¶
BlockDataRequest describes the structure of a request for fragment block data.
type BlockDataResponse ¶
BlockDataResponse is the structured response of a block data request.
type BoltInMemTranslateStore ¶ added in v3.27.0
type BoltInMemTranslateStore struct {
func (*BoltInMemTranslateStore) Close ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (b *BoltInMemTranslateStore) Close() error
type BoltTranslateEntryReader ¶ added in v3.27.0
type BoltTranslateEntryReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BoltTranslateEntryReader) Close ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (r *BoltTranslateEntryReader) Close() error
Close closes the reader.
func (*BoltTranslateEntryReader) ReadEntry ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (r *BoltTranslateEntryReader) ReadEntry(entry *TranslateEntry) error
ReadEntry reads the next entry from the underlying translate store.
type BoltTranslateStore ¶ added in v3.27.0
type BoltTranslateStore struct { // File path to database file. Path string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BoltTranslateStore is an on-disk storage engine for translating string-to-uint64 values. An empty string will be converted into the sentinel byte slice:
var emptyKey = []byte{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x54, 0x4d, 0x54, // MTMT 0x00, 0xc2, 0xa0, // NO-BREAK SPACE 0x00, }
func NewBoltTranslateStore ¶ added in v3.27.0
func NewBoltTranslateStore(index, field string, partitionID, partitionN int, fsyncEnabled bool) *BoltTranslateStore
NewBoltTranslateStore returns a new instance of TranslateStore.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) Begin ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Begin(write bool) (TranslatorTx, error)
Begin starts and returns a transaction on the underlying store.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) Close ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Close() (err error)
Close closes the underlying database.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) CreateKeys ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) CreateKeys(keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
CreateKeys maps all keys to IDs, creating the IDs if they do not exist. If the translator is read-only, this will return an error.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) Delete ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Delete(records *roaring.Bitmap) (Commitor, error)
Delete removes the lookeup pairs in order to make avialble for reuse but doesn't commit the transaction for that is tied to the associated rbf transaction being successful
func (*BoltTranslateStore) EntryReader ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) EntryReader(ctx context.Context, offset uint64) (TranslateEntryReader, error)
EntryReader returns a reader that streams the underlying data file.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) FindKeys ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) FindKeys(keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error)
FindKeys looks up the ID for each key. Keys are not created if they do not exist. Missing keys are not considered errors, so the length of the result may be less than that of the input.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) ForceSet ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) ForceSet(id uint64, key string) error
ForceSet writes the id/key pair to the store even if read only. Used by replication.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) FreeIDs ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) FreeIDs() (*roaring.Bitmap, error)
func (*BoltTranslateStore) Match ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Match(filter func([]byte) bool) ([]uint64, error)
Match finds the IDs of all keys matching a filter.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) MaxID ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) MaxID() (max uint64, err error)
MaxID returns the highest id in the store.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) Open ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Open() (err error)
Open opens the translate file.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) PartitionID ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) PartitionID() int
PartitionID returns the partition id the store was initialized with.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) ReadFrom ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error)
ReadFrom reads the content and overwrites the existing store.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) ReadOnly ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) ReadOnly() bool
ReadOnly returns true if the store is in read-only mode.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) SetReadOnly(v bool)
SetReadOnly toggles whether store is in read-only mode.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) Size ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) Size() int64
Size returns the number of bytes in the data file.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) TranslateID ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) TranslateID(id uint64) (string, error)
TranslateID converts an integer ID to a string key. Returns a blank string if ID does not exist.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) TranslateIDs ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) TranslateIDs(ids []uint64) ([]string, error)
TranslateIDs converts a list of integer IDs to a list of string keys.
func (*BoltTranslateStore) WriteNotify ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (s *BoltTranslateStore) WriteNotify() <-chan struct{}
WriteNotify returns a channel that is closed when a new entry is written.
type ChangesetRequest ¶
type ChangesetRequest struct { ShardIds []int64 // only shardwidth bits to provide 0 indexing inside shard file Columns []interface{} SimpleSchema []NameType }
func (*ChangesetRequest) ArrowSchema ¶
func (cr *ChangesetRequest) ArrowSchema() *arrow.Schema
type ClientOption ¶
func ClientDialTimeoutOption ¶
func ClientDialTimeoutOption(dur time.Duration) ClientOption
func ClientResponseHeaderTimeoutOption ¶
func ClientResponseHeaderTimeoutOption(dur time.Duration) ClientOption
type ClusterNode ¶
type ClusterStatus ¶
ClusterStatus describes the status of the cluster including its state and node topology.
type ConflictError ¶
type ConflictError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConflictError wraps an error value to signify that a conflict with an existing resource occurred such that in an HTTP scenario, http.StatusConflict would be returned.
func (ConflictError) Unwrap ¶
func (c ConflictError) Unwrap() error
Unwrap makes it so that a ConflictError wrapping ErrFieldExists gets a true from errors.Is(ErrFieldExists).
type CreateFieldMessage ¶
type CreateFieldMessage struct { Index string Field string CreatedAt int64 Owner string Meta *FieldOptions }
CreateFieldMessage is an internal message indicating field creation.
type CreateFieldObj ¶
type CreateFieldObj struct { Name string Options []FieldOption }
CreateFieldObj is used to encapsulate the information required for creating a field in the SchemaAPI.CreateIndexAndFields interface method.
type CreateIndexMessage ¶
type CreateIndexMessage struct { Index string CreatedAt int64 Owner string Meta IndexOptions }
CreateIndexMessage is an internal message indicating index creation.
type CreateShardMessage ¶
CreateShardMessage is an internal message indicating shard creation.
type CreateViewMessage ¶
CreateViewMessage is an internal message indicating view creation.
type DBHolder ¶
func NewDBHolder ¶
func NewDBHolder() *DBHolder
type DBPerShard ¶
type DBPerShard struct { Mu sync.Mutex HolderDir string // just flat, not buried within the Node heirarchy. // Easily see how many we have. Flatmap map[flatkey]*DBShard StorageConfig *storage.Config RBFConfig *rbfcfg.Config // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DBPerShard) Close ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) Close() (err error)
func (*DBPerShard) DeleteFieldFromStore ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) DeleteFieldFromStore(index, field, fieldPath string) (err error)
func (*DBPerShard) DeleteFragment ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) DeleteFragment(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag *fragment) error
func (*DBPerShard) DeleteIndex ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) DeleteIndex(index string) (err error)
func (*DBPerShard) GetDBShard ¶
func (*DBPerShard) GetFieldView2ShardsMapForIndex ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) GetFieldView2ShardsMapForIndex(idx *Index) (vs *FieldView2Shards, err error)
func (*DBPerShard) LoadExistingDBs ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) LoadExistingDBs() (err error)
func (*DBPerShard) TypedDBPerShardGetShardsForIndex ¶
func (per *DBPerShard) TypedDBPerShardGetShardsForIndex(ty txtype, idx *Index, roaringViewPath string, requireData bool) (shardMap map[uint64]struct{}, err error)
requireData means open the database file and verify that at least one key is set. The returned sliceOfShards should not be modified. We will cache it for subsequent queries.
when a new DBShard is made, we will update the list of shards then. Thus the per.index2shard should always be up to date AFTER the first call here.
type DBRegistry ¶
type DBShard ¶
type DBShard struct { HolderPath string Index string Shard uint64 Open bool W DBWrapper ParentDBIndex *DBIndex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DBShard) AllFieldViews ¶
func (*DBShard) DeleteFieldFromStore ¶
func (*DBShard) DeleteFragment ¶
type DBWrapper ¶
type DBWrapper interface { NewTx(write bool, initialIndexName string, o Txo) (tx Tx, err error) Close() error DeleteFragment(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag interface{}) error DeleteField(index, field, fieldPath string) error OpenListString() string Path() string HasData() (has bool, err error) SetHolder(h *Holder) //needed for restore CloseDB() error OpenDB() error }
type DeleteAvailableShardMessage ¶
DeleteAvailableShardMessage is an internal message indicating available shard deletion.
type DeleteDataframeMessage ¶
type DeleteDataframeMessage struct {
Index string
DeleteDataframeMessage is an internal message indicating dataframe deletion.
type DeleteFieldMessage ¶
DeleteFieldMessage is an internal message indicating field deletion.
type DeleteIndexMessage ¶
type DeleteIndexMessage struct {
Index string
DeleteIndexMessage is an internal message indicating index deletion.
type DeleteViewMessage ¶
DeleteViewMessage is an internal message indicating view deletion.
type DiskUsage ¶
type DiskUsage struct {
Usage int64 `json:"usage"`
func GetDiskUsage ¶
GetDiskUsage gets the disk usage of the path
type DistinctTimestamp ¶
func (DistinctTimestamp) ToRows ¶
func (d DistinctTimestamp) ToRows(callback func(*proto.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
func (DistinctTimestamp) ToTable ¶
func (d DistinctTimestamp) ToTable() (*proto.TableResponse, error)
ToTable implements the ToTabler interface for DistinctTimestamp
func (*DistinctTimestamp) Union ¶
func (d *DistinctTimestamp) Union(other DistinctTimestamp) DistinctTimestamp
Union returns the union of the values of `d` and `other`
type ExecOptions ¶
type ExecOptions struct { Remote bool Profile bool PreTranslated bool EmbeddedData []*Row MaxMemory int64 }
ExecOptions represents an execution context for a single Execute() call.
type ExecutionPlannerFn ¶
type ExecutionPlannerFn func(executor Executor, api *API, sql string) sql3.CompilePlanner
type ExecutionRequest ¶
type ExecutionRequest struct { // the id of the request RequestID string // the id of the user UserID string // time the request started StartTime time.Time // time the request finished - zero iif it has not finished EndTime time.Time // status of the request 'running' or 'complete' now, could have other values later Status string // future: if the request is waiting, the type of wait that is occuring WaitType string // future: the cumulative wait time for this request WaitTime time.Duration // futuure: if the request is waiting, the thing it is waiting on WaitResource string // future: the cululative cpu time for this request CPUTime time.Duration // the elapsed time for this request ElapsedTime time.Duration // future: the cumulative number of physical reads for this request Reads int64 // future: the cumulative number of physical writes for this request Writes int64 // future: the cumulative number of logical reads for this request LogicalReads int64 // future: the cumulative number of rows affected for this request RowCount int64 // the query plan for this request formatted in json Plan string // the sql for this request SQL string }
ExecutionRequest holds data about an (sql) execution request
func (*ExecutionRequest) Copy ¶
func (e *ExecutionRequest) Copy() ExecutionRequest
Copy returns a copy of the ExecutionRequest passed
type ExecutionRequestsAPI ¶
type ExecutionRequestsAPI interface { // add a request AddRequest(requestID string, userID string, startTime time.Time, sql string) error // update a request UpdateRequest(requestID string, endTime time.Time, status string, waitType string, waitTime time.Duration, waitResource string, cpuTime time.Duration, reads int64, writes int64, logicalReads int64, rowCount int64, plan string) error // list all the requests ListRequests() ([]ExecutionRequest, error) // get a specific request GetRequest(requestID string) (ExecutionRequest, error) }
ExecutionRequestsAPI defines the API for storing, updating and querying internal state around (sql) execution requests
type Executor ¶
type Executor interface {
Execute(context.Context, dax.TableKeyer, *pql.Query, []uint64, *ExecOptions) (QueryResponse, error)
type ExtractedIDColumn ¶
type ExtractedIDMatrix ¶
type ExtractedIDMatrix struct { Fields []string Columns []ExtractedIDColumn }
func (*ExtractedIDMatrix) Append ¶
func (e *ExtractedIDMatrix) Append(m ExtractedIDMatrix)
type ExtractedIDMatrixSorted ¶
type ExtractedIDMatrixSorted struct { ExtractedIDMatrix *ExtractedIDMatrix RowKVs []RowKV }
func MergeExtractedIDMatrixSorted ¶
func MergeExtractedIDMatrixSorted(a, b ExtractedIDMatrixSorted, sort_desc bool) (ExtractedIDMatrixSorted, error)
type ExtractedTable ¶
type ExtractedTable struct { Fields []ExtractedTableField `json:"fields"` Columns []ExtractedTableColumn `json:"columns"` }
func (ExtractedTable) ToRows ¶
func (t ExtractedTable) ToRows(callback func(*proto.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
func (ExtractedTable) ToTable ¶
func (t ExtractedTable) ToTable() (*proto.TableResponse, error)
ToTable converts the table to protobuf format.
type ExtractedTableColumn ¶
type ExtractedTableColumn struct { Column KeyOrID `json:"column"` Rows []interface{} `json:"rows"` }
type ExtractedTableField ¶
type FeatureBaseSystemAPI ¶
type FeatureBaseSystemAPI struct {
FeatureBaseSystemAPI is a wrapper around pilosa.API. It implements the SystemAPI interface
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterName ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterName() string
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterNodeCount ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterNodeCount() int
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterNodes ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterNodes() []ClusterNode
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterReplicaCount ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterReplicaCount() int
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterState ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ClusterState() string
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) DataDir ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) DataDir() string
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) NodeID ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) NodeID() string
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) PlatformDescription ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) PlatformDescription() string
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) PlatformVersion ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) PlatformVersion() string
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ShardWidth ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) ShardWidth() int
func (*FeatureBaseSystemAPI) Version ¶
func (fsapi *FeatureBaseSystemAPI) Version() string
type Field ¶
type Field struct { // Instantiates new translation stores OpenTranslateStore OpenTranslateStoreFunc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Field represents a container for views.
func (*Field) AddRemoteAvailableShards ¶
AddRemoteAvailableShards merges the set of available shards into the current known set and saves the set to a file.
func (*Field) AvailableShards ¶
AvailableShards returns a bitmap of shards that contain data.
func (*Field) ClearBit ¶
ClearBit clears a bit within the field.
This does not, for now, create existence bits for the field, because it doesn't create them for the index.
func (*Field) ClearValue ¶
ClearValue removes a field value for a column.
func (*Field) Existing ¶ added in v3.35.0
Existing returns the existence row for this field, which comes from either the BSI view or the existence view.
func (*Field) ForeignIndex ¶
ForeignIndex returns the foreign index name attached to the field. Returns blank string if no foreign index exists.
func (*Field) Import ¶
func (f *Field) Import(qcx *Qcx, rowIDs, columnIDs []uint64, timestamps []int64, shard uint64, options *ImportOptions) (err0 error)
Import bulk imports data.
func (*Field) LocalAvailableShards ¶
LocalAvailableShards returns a bitmap of shards that contain data, but only from the local node. This prevents txfactory from making db-per-shard for remote shards.
func (*Field) MarkExisting ¶ added in v3.35.0
MarkExisting sets a range of column IDs as existing. The columnIDs are assumed to include the shard offset, but this will also work if they are shard-relative, as it's just stripping the offset.
Positions aren't the same as column IDs; this function takes advantage of the fact that we're always doing row 0, so we don't have to think hard about this. It doesn't overwrite its input because the column IDs could be reused by other things.
Note that this is subtly inefficient; if you're tracking existence for a field, we're computing the same column ID set to write to the index's existence field as we're using for the field's existence view. We don't have a good way to coalesce those, yet. (Also, that's not accurate in the ImportValue case, where we don't write to the existence view, etc.)
func (*Field) MarkNotExisting ¶ added in v3.35.0
MarkNotExisting is just like MarkExisting, except it is clearing bits, so it doesn't have to create the view or fragment if it doesn't exist. Because the bits reported to us in the case we wrote this for are likely to be sorted by position in the fragment, not by column ID, we sort the list after stripping the rows from the positions.
func (*Field) MaxForShard ¶
func (*Field) MinForShard ¶
MinForShard returns the minimum value which appears in this shard (this field must be an Int or Decimal field). It also returns the number of times the minimum value appears.
func (*Field) MutexCheck ¶
func (f *Field) MutexCheck(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, details bool, limit int) (map[uint64]map[uint64][]uint64, error)
mutexCheck performs a sanity-check on the available fragments for a field. The return is map[column]map[shard][]values for collisions only.
func (*Field) Options ¶
func (f *Field) Options() FieldOptions
Options returns all options for this field.
func (*Field) RemoveAvailableShard ¶
RemoveAvailableShard removes a shard from the bitmap cache.
NOTE: This can be overridden on the next sync so all nodes should be updated.
func (*Field) Row ¶
Row returns a row of the standard view. It seems this method is only being used by the test package, and the fact that it's only allowed on `set`,`mutex`, and `bool` fields is odd. This may be considered for deprecation in a future version.
func (*Field) RowTime ¶
RowTime gets the row at the particular time with the granularity specified by the quantum.
func (*Field) SortShardRow ¶
func (*Field) StringValue ¶
StringValue reads an integer field value for a column, and converts it to a string based on a foreign index string key.
func (*Field) TimeQuantum ¶
func (f *Field) TimeQuantum() TimeQuantum
TimeQuantum returns the time quantum for the field.
func (*Field) TranslateStore ¶
func (f *Field) TranslateStore() TranslateStore
TranslateStore returns the field's translation store.
func (*Field) TranslateStorePath ¶
TranslateStorePath returns the translation database path for the field.
type FieldInfo ¶
type FieldInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` CreatedAt int64 `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` Owner string `json:"owner"` Options FieldOptions `json:"options"` Cardinality *uint64 `json:"cardinality,omitempty"` Views []*ViewInfo `json:"views,omitempty"` }
FieldInfo represents schema information for a field.
func FieldToFieldInfo ¶
FieldToFieldInfo converts a dax.Field to a featurebase.FieldInfo. Note: it does not return errors; there is one scenario where a timestamp epoch could be out of range. In that case, this function will only log the error, and the proceed with timestamp option values which are likely incorrect. We are going to leave this as is for now because, since this is used for internal conversions of types which already exist and have been validated, we assume the option values are valid. TODO(tlt): add error handling to this function; worst case: panic.
type FieldOption ¶
type FieldOption func(fo *FieldOptions) error
FieldOption is a functional option type for pilosa.fieldOptions.
func FieldOptionsFromField ¶
func FieldOptionsFromField(fld *dax.Field) ([]FieldOption, error)
FieldOptionsFromField returns a slice of featurebase.FieldOption based on the given dax.Field.
func OptFieldForeignIndex ¶
func OptFieldForeignIndex(index string) FieldOption
OptFieldForeignIndex marks this field as a foreign key to another index. That is, the values of this field should be interpreted as referencing records (Pilosa columns) in another index. TODO explain where/how this is used by Pilosa.
func OptFieldKeys ¶
func OptFieldKeys() FieldOption
OptFieldKeys is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify whether keys are used for this field.
func OptFieldTrackExistence ¶ added in v3.35.0
func OptFieldTrackExistence() FieldOption
OptFieldTrackExistence exists mostly to allow the FieldFromFieldOptions/FieldOptionsFromField round-trip to work. If you are actually creating a field, via api.CreateField, it will be turned on unconditionally. You can't turn it off.
func OptFieldTypeBool ¶
func OptFieldTypeBool() FieldOption
OptFieldTypeBool is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify the field as being type `bool` and to provide any respective configuration values.
func OptFieldTypeDecimal ¶
func OptFieldTypeDecimal(scale int64, minmax ...pql.Decimal) FieldOption
OptFieldTypeDecimal is a functional option for creating a `decimal` field. Unless we decide to expand the range of supported values, `scale` is restricted to the range [0,19]. This supports anything from:
scale = 0: min: -9223372036854775808. max: 9223372036854775807.
scale = 19: min: -0.9223372036854775808 max: 0.9223372036854775807
While it's possible to support scale values outside of this range, the coverage for those scales are no longer continuous. For example,
scale = -2: min : [-922337203685477580800, -100] GAPs: [-99, -1], [-199, -101] ... [-922337203685477580799, -922337203685477580701]
max : [100, 922337203685477580700] GAPs: [1, 99], [101, 199] ... [922337203685477580601, 922337203685477580699]
An alternative to this gap strategy would be to scale the supported range to a continuous 64-bit space (which is not unreasonable using bsiGroup.Base). The issue with this approach is that we would need to know which direction to favor. For example, there are two possible ranges for `scale = -2`:
min : [-922337203685477580800, -922337203685477580800+(2^64)] max : [922337203685477580700-(2^64), 922337203685477580700]
func OptFieldTypeDefault ¶
func OptFieldTypeDefault() FieldOption
OptFieldTypeDefault is a functional option on FieldOptions used to set the field type and cache setting to the default values.
func OptFieldTypeInt ¶
func OptFieldTypeInt(min, max int64) FieldOption
OptFieldTypeInt is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify the field as being type `int` and to provide any respective configuration values.
func OptFieldTypeMutex ¶
func OptFieldTypeMutex(cacheType string, cacheSize uint32) FieldOption
OptFieldTypeMutex is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify the field as being type `mutex` and to provide any respective configuration values.
func OptFieldTypeSet ¶
func OptFieldTypeSet(cacheType string, cacheSize uint32) FieldOption
OptFieldTypeSet is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify the field as being type `set` and to provide any respective configuration values.
func OptFieldTypeTime ¶
func OptFieldTypeTime(timeQuantum TimeQuantum, ttl string, opt ...bool) FieldOption
OptFieldTypeTime is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify the field as being type `time` and to provide any respective configuration values. Pass true to skip creation of the standard view.
func OptFieldTypeTimestamp ¶
func OptFieldTypeTimestamp(epoch time.Time, timeUnit string) FieldOption
OptFieldTypeTimestamp is a functional option on FieldOptions used to specify the field as being type `timestamp` and to provide any respective configuration values.
type FieldOptions ¶
type FieldOptions struct { Base int64 `json:"base,omitempty"` BitDepth uint64 `json:"bitDepth,omitempty"` Min pql.Decimal `json:"min,omitempty"` Max pql.Decimal `json:"max,omitempty"` Scale int64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` Keys bool `json:"keys"` NoStandardView bool `json:"noStandardView,omitempty"` TrackExistence bool `json:"trackExistence,omitempty"` CacheSize uint32 `json:"cacheSize,omitempty"` CacheType string `json:"cacheType,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` TimeUnit string `json:"timeUnit,omitempty"` TimeQuantum TimeQuantum `json:"timeQuantum,omitempty"` ForeignIndex string `json:"foreignIndex"` TTL time.Duration `json:"ttl,omitempty"` }
FieldOptions represents options to set when initializing a field.
func (*FieldOptions) ActuallyTrackingExistence ¶ added in v3.35.0
func (o *FieldOptions) ActuallyTrackingExistence() bool
ActuallyTrackingExistence reflects the distinction between the TrackExistence bool, which is enabled by default for most fields, and whether we actually do existence tracking. Specifically, we don't do existence tracking for time quantum fields which don't have a standard view, or for BSI fields.
func (*FieldOptions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o *FieldOptions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals FieldOptions to JSON such that only those attributes associated to the field type are included.
type FieldRow ¶
type FieldRow struct { Field string `json:"field"` RowID uint64 `json:"rowID"` RowKey string `json:"rowKey,omitempty"` Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` FieldOptions *FieldOptions `json:"-"` }
FieldRow is used to distinguish rows in a group by result.
func (FieldRow) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals FieldRow to JSON such that either a Key or an ID is included.
type FieldStatus ¶
FieldStatus is an internal message representing the contents of a field.
type FieldUpdate ¶
FieldUpdate represents a change to a field. The thinking is to only support changing one field option at a time to keep the implementation sane. At time of writing, only TTL is supported.
type FieldValue ¶
FieldValue represents the value for a column within a range-encoded field.
type FieldValues ¶
type FieldValues []FieldValue
FieldValues represents a slice of field values.
func (FieldValues) ColumnIDs ¶
func (p FieldValues) ColumnIDs() []uint64
ColumnIDs returns a slice of all the column IDs.
func (FieldValues) ColumnKeys ¶
func (p FieldValues) ColumnKeys() []string
ColumnKeys returns a slice of all the column keys.
func (FieldValues) GroupByShard ¶
func (p FieldValues) GroupByShard() map[uint64][]FieldValue
GroupByShard returns a map of field values by shard.
func (FieldValues) HasColumnKeys ¶
func (p FieldValues) HasColumnKeys() bool
HasColumnKeys returns true if any values use a column key.
func (FieldValues) Len ¶
func (p FieldValues) Len() int
func (FieldValues) Less ¶
func (p FieldValues) Less(i, j int) bool
func (FieldValues) Swap ¶
func (p FieldValues) Swap(i, j int)
func (FieldValues) Values ¶
func (p FieldValues) Values() []int64
Values returns a slice of all the values.
type FieldView2Shards ¶
type FieldView2Shards struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFieldView2Shards ¶
func NewFieldView2Shards() *FieldView2Shards
func (*FieldView2Shards) String ¶
func (vs *FieldView2Shards) String() (r string)
type FileSystem ¶
type FileSystem interface {
New() (http.FileSystem, error)
FileSystem represents an interface for file system for serving the Lattice UI.
var NopFileSystem FileSystem
NopFileSystem represents a FileSystem that returns an error if called.
type FragmentInfo ¶
type FragmentInfo struct {
BitmapInfo roaring.BitmapInfo
type GCNotifier ¶
type GCNotifier interface { Close() AfterGC() <-chan struct{} }
GCNotifier represents an interface for garbage collection notificationss.
var NopGCNotifier GCNotifier = &nopGCNotifier{}
NopGCNotifier represents a GCNotifier that doesn't do anything.
type GroupCount ¶
type GroupCount struct { Group []FieldRow `json:"group"` Count uint64 `json:"count"` Agg int64 `json:"-"` DecimalAgg *pql.Decimal `json:"-"` }
GroupCount represents a result item for a group by query.
func ApplyConditionToGroupCounts ¶
func ApplyConditionToGroupCounts(gcs []GroupCount, subj string, cond *pql.Condition) []GroupCount
ApplyConditionToGroupCounts filters the contents of gcs according to the condition. Currently, `count` and `sum` are the only fields supported.
func (*GroupCount) Clone ¶
func (g *GroupCount) Clone() (r *GroupCount)
func (GroupCount) Compare ¶
func (g GroupCount) Compare(o GroupCount) int
Compare is used in ordering two GroupCount objects.
type GroupCounts ¶
type GroupCounts struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GroupCounts is a list of GroupCount.
func NewGroupCounts ¶
func NewGroupCounts(agg string, groups ...GroupCount) *GroupCounts
NewGroupCounts creates a GroupCounts with the given type and slice of GroupCount objects. There's intentionally no externally-accessible way to change the []GroupCount after creation.
func (*GroupCounts) AggregateColumn ¶
func (g *GroupCounts) AggregateColumn() string
AggregateColumn gives the likely column name to use for aggregates, because for historical reasons we used "sum" when it was a sum, but don't want to use that when it's something else. This will likely get revisited.
func (*GroupCounts) Groups ¶
func (g *GroupCounts) Groups() []GroupCount
Groups is a convenience method to let us not worry as much about the potentially-nil nature of a *GroupCounts.
func (*GroupCounts) MarshalJSON ¶
func (g *GroupCounts) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON makes GroupCounts satisfy interface json.Marshaler and customizes the JSON output of the aggregate field label.
func (*GroupCounts) ToRows ¶
func (g *GroupCounts) ToRows(callback func(*proto.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
func (*GroupCounts) ToTable ¶
func (g *GroupCounts) ToTable() (*proto.TableResponse, error)
ToTable implements the ToTabler interface.
type HTTPError ¶
type HTTPError struct { // Human-readable message. Message string `json:"message"` }
HTTPError defines a standard application error.
type HTTPTranslateEntryReader ¶
type HTTPTranslateEntryReader struct { // Lookup of offsets for each index & field. // Must be set before calling Open(). Offsets TranslateOffsetMap // URL to stream entries from. // Must be set before calling Open(). URL string HTTPClient *http.Client Logger logger.Logger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
HTTPTranslateEntryReader represents an implementation of TranslateEntryReader. It consolidates all index & field translate entries into a single reader.
func NewTranslateEntryReader ¶
func NewTranslateEntryReader(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) *HTTPTranslateEntryReader
NewTranslateEntryReader returns a new instance of TranslateEntryReader.
func (*HTTPTranslateEntryReader) Close ¶
func (r *HTTPTranslateEntryReader) Close() error
Close stops the reader.
func (*HTTPTranslateEntryReader) Open ¶
func (r *HTTPTranslateEntryReader) Open() error
Open initiates the reader.
func (*HTTPTranslateEntryReader) ReadEntry ¶
func (r *HTTPTranslateEntryReader) ReadEntry(entry *TranslateEntry) error
ReadEntry reads the next entry from the stream into entry. Returns io.EOF at the end of the stream.
type Handler ¶
Handler represents an HTTP handler.
func NewHandler ¶
NewHandler returns a new instance of Handler with a default logger.
func (*Handler) Close ¶
Close tries to cleanly shutdown the HTTP server, and failing that, after a timeout, calls Server.Close.
func (*Handler) DiscardHTTPServerLogs ¶ added in v3.33.0
func (h *Handler) DiscardHTTPServerLogs()
type HandlerI ¶
HandlerI is the interface for the data handler, a wrapper around Pilosa's data store.
var NopHandler HandlerI = nopHandler{}
NopHandler is a no-op implementation of the Handler interface.
type Holder ¶
type Holder struct { Schemator disco.Schemator Logger logger.Logger // Instantiates new translation stores OpenTranslateStore OpenTranslateStoreFunc OpenTranslateReader OpenTranslateReaderFunc // Func to open whatever implementation of transaction store we're using. OpenTransactionStore OpenTransactionStoreFunc // Func to open the ID allocator. OpenIDAllocator func(string, bool) (*idAllocator, error) Opts HolderOpts Auditor testhook.Auditor // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Holder represents a container for indexes.
func NewHolder ¶
func NewHolder(path string, cfg *HolderConfig) *Holder
NewHolder returns a new instance of Holder for the given path.
func (*Holder) Activate ¶
func (h *Holder) Activate()
Activate runs the background tasks relevant to keeping a holder in a stable state, such as flushing caches. This is separate from opening because, while a server would nearly always want to do this, other use cases (like consistency checks of a data directory) need to avoid it even getting started.
func (*Holder) BeginTx ¶
BeginTx starts a transaction on the holder. The index and shard must be specified.
func (*Holder) CreateIndex ¶
CreateIndex creates an index. An error is returned if the index already exists.
func (*Holder) CreateIndexAndBroadcast ¶
func (h *Holder) CreateIndexAndBroadcast(ctx context.Context, cim *CreateIndexMessage) (*Index, error)
CreateIndexAndBroadcast creates an index locally, then broadcasts the creation to other nodes so they can create locally as well. An error is returned if the index already exists.
func (*Holder) CreateIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (h *Holder) CreateIndexIfNotExists(name string, requestUserID string, opt IndexOptions) (*Index, error)
CreateIndexIfNotExists returns an index by name. The index is created if it does not already exist.
func (*Holder) DeleteDataframe ¶
func (*Holder) DeleteIndex ¶
DeleteIndex removes an index from the holder.
func (*Holder) DirectiveApplied ¶
DirectiveApplied returns true if the Holder's latest directive has been fully applied and is safe for queries. This is primarily used in testing and will likely evolve to something smarter.
func (*Holder) FinishTransaction ¶
func (*Holder) GetTransaction ¶
func (*Holder) HasData ¶
HasData returns true if Holder contains at least one index. This is used to determine if the rebalancing of data is necessary when a node joins the cluster.
func (*Holder) IndexesPath ¶
IndexesPath returns the path of the indexes directory.
func (*Holder) LoadField ¶
LoadField creates a field based on the information stored in Schemator. An error is returned if the field already exists.
func (*Holder) LoadIndex ¶
LoadIndex creates an index based on the information stored in Schemator. An error is returned if the index already exists.
func (*Holder) LoadSchema ¶
LoadSchema creates all indexes based on the information stored in Schemator. It does not return an error if an index already exists. The thinking is that this method will load all indexes that don't already exist. We likely want to revisit this; for example, we might want to confirm that the createdAt timestamps on each of the indexes matches the value in etcd.
func (*Holder) LoadView ¶
LoadView creates a view based on the information stored in Schemator. Unlike index and field, it is not considered an error if the view already exists.
func (*Holder) SetDirective ¶
func (*Holder) SetDirectiveApplied ¶
SetDirectiveApplied sets the value of directiveApplied. See the node on the DirectiveApplied method.
func (*Holder) StartTransaction ¶
func (*Holder) Transactions ¶
type HolderConfig ¶
type HolderConfig struct { PartitionN int OpenTranslateStore OpenTranslateStoreFunc OpenTranslateReader OpenTranslateReaderFunc OpenTransactionStore OpenTransactionStoreFunc OpenIDAllocator OpenIDAllocatorFunc TranslationSyncer TranslationSyncer Serializer Serializer Schemator disco.Schemator Sharder disco.Sharder CacheFlushInterval time.Duration Logger logger.Logger StorageConfig *storage.Config RBFConfig *rbfcfg.Config LookupDBDSN string }
HolderConfig holds configuration details that need to be set up at initial holder creation. NewHolder takes a *HolderConfig, which can be nil. Use DefaultHolderConfig to get a default-valued HolderConfig you can then alter.
func DefaultHolderConfig ¶
func DefaultHolderConfig() *HolderConfig
DefaultHolderConfig provides a holder config with reasonable defaults. Note that a production server would almost certainly need to override these; that's usually handled by server options such as OptServerOpenTranslateStore.
func TestHolderConfig ¶
func TestHolderConfig() *HolderConfig
TestHolderConfig provides a holder config with reasonable defaults for tests. This means it tries to disable fsync and sets significantly smaller file size limits for RBF, for instance. Do not use this outside of the test infrastructure.
type HolderOpts ¶
type HolderOpts struct { // StorageBackend controls the tx/storage engine we instatiate. Set by // server.go OptServerStorageConfig StorageBackend string }
HolderOpts holds information about the holder which other things might want to look up later while using the holder.
type IDAllocCommitRequest ¶
type IDAllocCommitRequest struct { Key IDAllocKey `json:"key"` Session [32]byte `json:"session"` Count uint64 `json:"count"` }
type IDAllocKey ¶
IDAllocKey is an ID allocation key.
func (IDAllocKey) String ¶
func (k IDAllocKey) String() string
type IDAllocReserveRequest ¶
type IDAllocReserveRequest struct { Key IDAllocKey `json:"key"` Session [32]byte `json:"session"` Offset uint64 `json:"offset"` Count uint64 `json:"count"` }
type IDOffsetDesyncError ¶ added in v3.34.0
type IDOffsetDesyncError struct { // Requested is the offset that the client attempted to reserve. Requested uint64 `json:"requested"` // Base is the next uncommitted offset for which IDs may be reserved. Base uint64 `json:"base"` }
IDOffsetDesyncError is an error generated when attempting to reserve IDs at a committed offset. This will typically happen when kafka partitions are moved between kafka ingesters - there may be a brief period in which 2 ingesters are processing the same messages at the same time. The ingester can resolve this by ignoring messages under base.
func (IDOffsetDesyncError) Error ¶ added in v3.34.0
func (err IDOffsetDesyncError) Error() string
type ImportOption ¶
type ImportOption func(*ImportOptions) error
ImportOption is a functional option type for API.Import.
func OptImportOptionsClear ¶
func OptImportOptionsClear(c bool) ImportOption
OptImportOptionsClear is a functional option on ImportOption used to specify whether the import is a set or clear operation.
func OptImportOptionsIgnoreKeyCheck ¶
func OptImportOptionsIgnoreKeyCheck(b bool) ImportOption
OptImportOptionsIgnoreKeyCheck is a functional option on ImportOption used to specify whether key check should be ignored.
func OptImportOptionsPresorted ¶
func OptImportOptionsPresorted(b bool) ImportOption
func OptImportOptionsSuppressLog ¶
func OptImportOptionsSuppressLog(b bool) ImportOption
type ImportOptions ¶
type ImportOptions struct { Clear bool IgnoreKeyCheck bool Presorted bool // test Tx atomicity if > 0 SimPowerLossAfter int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImportOptions holds the options for the API.Import method.
TODO(2.0) we have entirely missed the point of functional options by exporting this structure. If it needs to be exported for some reason, we should consider not using functional options here which just adds complexity.
type ImportRequest ¶
type ImportRequest struct { Index string IndexCreatedAt int64 Field string FieldCreatedAt int64 Shard uint64 RowIDs []uint64 ColumnIDs []uint64 RowKeys []string ColumnKeys []string Timestamps []int64 Clear bool }
ImportRequest describes the import request structure for an import. BSIs use the ImportValueRequest instead.
func (*ImportRequest) Clone ¶
func (ir *ImportRequest) Clone() *ImportRequest
Clone allows copying an import request. Normally you wouldn't, but some import functions are destructive on their inputs, and if you want to *re-use* an import request, you might need this. If you're using this outside tx_test, something is probably wrong.
func (*ImportRequest) SortToShards ¶
func (ir *ImportRequest) SortToShards() (result map[uint64]*ImportRequest)
SortToShards takes an import request which has been translated, but may not be sorted, and turns it into a map from shard IDs to individual import requests. We don't sort the entries within each shard because the correct sorting depends on the field type and we don't want to deal with that here.
func (*ImportRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp ¶
func (ir *ImportRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp(indexCreatedAt, fieldCreatedAt int64) error
ValidateWithTimestamp ensures that the payload of the request is valid.
type ImportResponse ¶
type ImportResponse struct {
Err string
ImportResponse is the structured response of an import.
type ImportRoaringRequest ¶
type ImportRoaringRequest struct { IndexCreatedAt int64 FieldCreatedAt int64 Clear bool Action string // [set, clear, overwrite] Block int Views map[string][]byte UpdateExistence bool SuppressLog bool }
ImportRoaringRequest describes the import request structure for an import containing roaring-encoded data.
func (*ImportRoaringRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp ¶
func (irr *ImportRoaringRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp(indexCreatedAt, fieldCreatedAt int64) error
ValidateWithTimestamp ensures that the payload of the request is valid.
type ImportRoaringShardRequest ¶
type ImportRoaringShardRequest struct { // Has this request already been forwarded to all replicas? If // Remote=false, then the handling server is responsible for // ensuring this request is sent to all repliacs before returning // a successful response to the client. Remote bool Views []RoaringUpdate // SuppressLog requests we not write to the write log. Typically // that would be because this request is being replayed from a // write log. SuppressLog bool }
ImportRoaringShardRequest is the request for the shard transactional endpoint.
type ImportValueRequest ¶
type ImportValueRequest struct { Index string IndexCreatedAt int64 Field string FieldCreatedAt int64 // if Shard is MaxUint64 (an impossible shard value), this // indicates that the column IDs may come from multiple shards. Shard uint64 ColumnIDs []uint64 // e.g. weather stationID ColumnKeys []string Values []int64 // e.g. temperature, humidity, barometric pressure FloatValues []float64 TimestampValues []time.Time StringValues []string Clear bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImportValueRequest describes the import request structure for a value (BSI) import. Note: no RowIDs here. have to convert BSI Values into RowIDs internally.
func (*ImportValueRequest) Clone ¶
func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Clone() *ImportValueRequest
func (*ImportValueRequest) Len ¶
func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Len() int
func (*ImportValueRequest) Less ¶
func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Less(i, j int) bool
func (*ImportValueRequest) Swap ¶
func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Swap(i, j int)
func (*ImportValueRequest) Validate ¶
func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) Validate() error
Validate ensures that the payload of the request is valid.
func (*ImportValueRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp ¶
func (ivr *ImportValueRequest) ValidateWithTimestamp(indexCreatedAt, fieldCreatedAt int64) error
ValidateWithTimestamp ensures that the payload of the request is valid.
type Importer ¶
type Importer interface { StartTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool, requestTimeout time.Duration) (*Transaction, error) FinishTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error) CreateTableKeys(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error) CreateFieldKeys(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, fname dax.FieldName, keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error) ImportRoaringBitmap(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, fld *dax.Field, shard uint64, views map[string]*roaring.Bitmap, clear bool) error ImportRoaringShard(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, shard uint64, request *ImportRoaringShardRequest) error EncodeImportValues(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, fld *dax.Field, shard uint64, vals []int64, ids []uint64, clear bool) (path string, data []byte, err error) EncodeImport(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, fld *dax.Field, shard uint64, vals, ids []uint64, clear bool) (path string, data []byte, err error) DoImport(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID, fld *dax.Field, shard uint64, path string, data []byte) error }
type InMemTransactionStore ¶
type InMemTransactionStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InMemTransactionStore does not persist transaction data and is only useful for testing.
func NewInMemTransactionStore ¶
func NewInMemTransactionStore() *InMemTransactionStore
func (*InMemTransactionStore) Get ¶
func (s *InMemTransactionStore) Get(id string) (*Transaction, error)
func (*InMemTransactionStore) List ¶
func (s *InMemTransactionStore) List() (map[string]*Transaction, error)
func (*InMemTransactionStore) Put ¶
func (s *InMemTransactionStore) Put(trns *Transaction) error
func (*InMemTransactionStore) Remove ¶
func (s *InMemTransactionStore) Remove(id string) (*Transaction, error)
type Index ¶
type Index struct { // Instantiates new translation stores OpenTranslateStore OpenTranslateStoreFunc // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Index represents a container for fields.
func NewIndex ¶
NewIndex returns an existing (but possibly empty) instance of Index at path. It will not erase any prior content.
func (*Index) AvailableShards ¶
AvailableShards returns a bitmap of all shards with data in the index.
func (*Index) CreateField ¶
CreateField creates a field. This interface enforces the setting of the TrackExistence flag; if you don't want that, use createNullableField, but actually don't. That should be used only for applying previously-created fields.
func (*Index) CreateFieldIfNotExists ¶
func (i *Index) CreateFieldIfNotExists(name string, requestUserID string, opts ...FieldOption) (*Field, error)
CreateFieldIfNotExists creates a field with the given options if it doesn't exist.
Does NOT apply the "default" TrackExistence.
func (*Index) CreateFieldIfNotExistsWithOptions ¶
func (i *Index) CreateFieldIfNotExistsWithOptions(name string, requestUserID string, opt *FieldOptions) (*Field, error)
CreateFieldIfNotExistsWithOptions is a method which I created because I needed the functionality of CreateFieldIfNotExists, but instead of taking function options, taking a *FieldOptions struct. TODO: This should definintely be refactored so we don't have these virtually equivalent methods, but I'm puttin this here for now just to see if it works.
Does NOT apply the "default" TrackExistence.
func (*Index) DataframesPath ¶
DataframePath returns the path of the dataframes specific to an index
func (*Index) DeleteField ¶
DeleteField removes a field from the index.
func (*Index) FieldsPath ¶
FieldsPath returns the path of the fields directory.
func (*Index) GetDataFramePath ¶
TODO (twg) refine parquet strategy a bit
func (*Index) OpenWithSchema ¶
OpenWithSchema opens the index and uses the provided schema to verify that the index's fields are expected.
func (*Index) Options ¶
func (i *Index) Options() IndexOptions
Options returns all options for this index.
func (*Index) QualifiedName ¶
QualifiedName returns the qualified name of the index.
func (*Index) SetTranslatePartitions ¶
func (i *Index) SetTranslatePartitions(tp dax.PartitionNums)
SetTranslatePartitions sets the cached value: translatePartitions.
There's already logic in api_directive.go which creates a new index with partitions. This particular function is used when the index already exists on the node, but we get a Directive which changes its partition list. In that case, we need to update this cached value. Really, this is kind of hacky and we need to revisit the ApplyDirective logic so that it's more intuitive with respect to index.translatePartitions.
func (*Index) TranslateStore ¶
func (i *Index) TranslateStore(partitionID int) TranslateStore
TranslateStore returns the translation store for a given partition.
func (*Index) TranslateStorePath ¶
TranslateStorePath returns the translation database path for a partition.
func (*Index) UpdateField ¶
func (i *Index) UpdateField(ctx context.Context, name string, requestUserID string, update FieldUpdate) (*CreateFieldMessage, error)
func (*Index) UpdateFieldLocal ¶
func (i *Index) UpdateFieldLocal(cfm *CreateFieldMessage, update FieldUpdate) error
type IndexInfo ¶
type IndexInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` CreatedAt int64 `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` UpdatedAt int64 `json:"updatedAt"` Owner string `json:"owner"` LastUpdateUser string `json:"lastUpdatedUser"` Options IndexOptions `json:"options"` Fields []*FieldInfo `json:"fields"` ShardWidth uint64 `json:"shardWidth"` }
IndexInfo represents schema information for an index.
func TableToIndexInfo ¶
TableToIndexInfo converts a dax.Table to a featurease.IndexInfo.
func TablesToIndexInfos ¶
TablesToIndexInfos converts a slice of dax.Table to a slice of featurease.IndexInfo.
type IndexOptions ¶
type IndexOptions struct { Keys bool `json:"keys"` TrackExistence bool `json:"trackExistence"` PartitionN int `json:"partitionN"` Description string `json:"description"` }
IndexOptions represents options to set when initializing an index.
func UnmarshalIndexOptions ¶
func UnmarshalIndexOptions(name string, createdAt int64, buf []byte) (*IndexOptions, error)
type IndexStatus ¶
type IndexStatus struct { Name string CreatedAt int64 Fields []*FieldStatus }
IndexStatus is an internal message representing the contents of an index.
type IndexTranslateOffsetMap ¶
type IndexTranslateOffsetMap struct { Partitions map[int]uint64 `json:"partitions"` Fields map[string]uint64 `json:"fields"` }
func NewIndexTranslateOffsetMap ¶
func NewIndexTranslateOffsetMap() *IndexTranslateOffsetMap
func (*IndexTranslateOffsetMap) Empty ¶
func (i *IndexTranslateOffsetMap) Empty() bool
Empty reports whether this map has neither partitions nor fields.
type InternalClient ¶
type InternalClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InternalClient represents a client to the Pilosa cluster.
func NewInternalClient ¶
func NewInternalClient(host string, remoteClient *http.Client, opts ...InternalClientOption) (*InternalClient, error)
NewInternalClient returns a new instance of InternalClient to connect to host. If api is non-nil, the client uses it for some same-host operations instead of going through http.
func NewInternalClientFromURI ¶
func NewInternalClientFromURI(defaultURI *pnet.URI, remoteClient *http.Client, opts ...InternalClientOption) *InternalClient
func (*InternalClient) AvailableShards ¶
AvailableShards returns a list of shards for an index.
func (*InternalClient) CreateField ¶
func (c *InternalClient) CreateField(ctx context.Context, index, field string) error
func (*InternalClient) CreateFieldKeysNode ¶
func (*InternalClient) CreateFieldWithOptions ¶
func (c *InternalClient) CreateFieldWithOptions(ctx context.Context, index, field string, opt FieldOptions) error
CreateFieldWithOptions creates a new field on the server.
func (*InternalClient) CreateIndex ¶
func (c *InternalClient) CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, index string, opt IndexOptions) error
CreateIndex creates a new index on the server.
func (*InternalClient) CreateIndexKeysNode ¶
func (*InternalClient) EnsureField ¶
func (*InternalClient) EnsureFieldWithOptions ¶
func (c *InternalClient) EnsureFieldWithOptions(ctx context.Context, indexName string, fieldName string, opt FieldOptions) error
func (*InternalClient) EnsureIndex ¶
func (c *InternalClient) EnsureIndex(ctx context.Context, name string, options IndexOptions) error
func (*InternalClient) ExportCSV ¶
func (c *InternalClient) ExportCSV(ctx context.Context, index, field string, shard uint64, w io.Writer) error
ExportCSV bulk exports data for a single shard from a host to CSV format.
func (*InternalClient) FieldTranslateDataReader ¶
func (c *InternalClient) FieldTranslateDataReader(ctx context.Context, index, field string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
FieldTranslateDataReader returns a reader that provides a snapshot of translation data for a field.
func (*InternalClient) FindFieldKeysNode ¶
func (*InternalClient) FindIndexKeysNode ¶
func (*InternalClient) FinishTransaction ¶
func (c *InternalClient) FinishTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
func (*InternalClient) FragmentNodes ¶
func (c *InternalClient) FragmentNodes(ctx context.Context, index string, shard uint64) ([]*disco.Node, error)
FragmentNodes returns a list of nodes that own a shard.
func (*InternalClient) GetDataframeShard ¶
func (*InternalClient) GetDiskUsage ¶
func (c *InternalClient) GetDiskUsage(ctx context.Context) (DiskUsage, error)
GetDiskUsage gets the size of data directory across all nodes.
func (*InternalClient) GetIndexUsage ¶
GetIndexUsage gets the size of an index across all nodes.
func (*InternalClient) GetPastQueries ¶
func (c *InternalClient) GetPastQueries(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI) ([]PastQueryStatus, error)
GetPastQueries retrieves the query history log for the specified node.
func (*InternalClient) GetTransaction ¶
func (c *InternalClient) GetTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
func (*InternalClient) IDAllocDataReader ¶
func (c *InternalClient) IDAllocDataReader(ctx context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, error)
IDAllocDataReader returns a reader that provides a snapshot of ID allocation data.
func (*InternalClient) IDAllocDataWriter ¶
func (*InternalClient) Import ¶
func (c *InternalClient) Import(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportRequest, options *ImportOptions) error
Import imports values using an ImportRequest, whether or not it's keyed. It may modify the contents of req.
If a request comes in with Shard -1, it will be sent to only one node, which will translate if necessary, split into shards, and loop back through this for each sub-request. If a request uses record keys, it will be set to use shard = -1 unconditionally, because we know that it has to be translated and possibly reshuffled. Value keys don't override the shard.
If we get a non-nil qcx, and have an associated API, we'll use that API directly for the local shard.
func (*InternalClient) ImportFieldKeys ¶
func (*InternalClient) ImportIndexKeys ¶
func (*InternalClient) ImportRoaring ¶
func (c *InternalClient) ImportRoaring(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, shard uint64, remote bool, req *ImportRoaringRequest) error
ImportRoaring does fast import of raw bits in roaring format (pilosa or official format, see API.ImportRoaring).
func (*InternalClient) ImportRoaringShard ¶ added in v3.27.0
func (c *InternalClient) ImportRoaringShard(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index string, shard uint64, remote bool, req *ImportRoaringShardRequest) error
ImportRoaringShard(ctx, node, string(tid), shard, request
func (*InternalClient) ImportValue ¶
func (c *InternalClient) ImportValue(ctx context.Context, qcx *Qcx, req *ImportValueRequest, options *ImportOptions) error
ImportValue imports values using an ImportValueRequest, whether or not it's keyed. It may modify the contents of req.
If a request comes in with Shard -1, it will be sent to only one node, which will translate if necessary, split into shards, and loop back through this for each sub-request. If a request uses record keys, it will be set to use shard = -1 unconditionally, because we know that it has to be translated and possibly reshuffled. Value keys don't override the shard.
If we get a non-nil qcx, and have an associated API, we'll use that API directly for the local shard.
func (*InternalClient) IndexTranslateDataReader ¶
func (c *InternalClient) IndexTranslateDataReader(ctx context.Context, index string, partitionID int) (io.ReadCloser, error)
IndexTranslateDataReader returns a reader that provides a snapshot of translation data for a partition in an index.
func (*InternalClient) MatchFieldKeysNode ¶
func (*InternalClient) MaxShardByIndex ¶
MaxShardByIndex returns the number of shards on a server by index.
func (*InternalClient) MutexCheck ¶
func (c *InternalClient) MutexCheck(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, indexName string, fieldName string, details bool, limit int) (map[uint64]map[uint64][]uint64, error)
MutexCheck uses the mutex-check endpoint to request mutex collision data from a single node. It produces per-shard results, and does not translate them.
func (*InternalClient) OAuthConfig ¶
func (c *InternalClient) OAuthConfig() (rsp oauth2.Config, err error)
func (*InternalClient) PartitionNodes ¶
func (*InternalClient) PostSchema ¶
func (*InternalClient) Query ¶
func (c *InternalClient) Query(ctx context.Context, index string, queryRequest *QueryRequest) (*QueryResponse, error)
Query executes query against the index.
func (*InternalClient) QueryNode ¶
func (c *InternalClient) QueryNode(ctx context.Context, addr dax.Address, index string, queryRequest *QueryRequest) (*QueryResponse, error)
QueryNode executes query against the index, sending the request to the node specified.
func (*InternalClient) RetrieveShardFromURI ¶
func (c *InternalClient) RetrieveShardFromURI(ctx context.Context, index, field, view string, shard uint64, uri pnet.URI) (io.ReadCloser, error)
RetrieveShardFromURI returns a ReadCloser which contains the data of the specified shard from the specified node. Caller *must* close the returned ReadCloser or risk leaking goroutines/tcp connections.
func (*InternalClient) RetrieveTranslatePartitionFromURI ¶
func (c *InternalClient) RetrieveTranslatePartitionFromURI(ctx context.Context, index string, partition int, uri pnet.URI) (io.ReadCloser, error)
RetrieveTranslatePartitionFromURI returns a ReadCloser which contains the data of the specified translate partition from the specified node. Caller *must* close the returned ReadCloser or risk leaking goroutines/tcp connections.
func (*InternalClient) Schema ¶
func (c *InternalClient) Schema(ctx context.Context) ([]*IndexInfo, error)
Schema returns all index and field schema information.
func (*InternalClient) SchemaNode ¶
func (c *InternalClient) SchemaNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, views bool) ([]*IndexInfo, error)
SchemaNode returns all index and field schema information from the specified node.
func (*InternalClient) SendMessage ¶
SendMessage posts a message synchronously.
func (*InternalClient) SetInternalAPI ¶
func (c *InternalClient) SetInternalAPI(api *API)
func (*InternalClient) ShardReader ¶
func (c *InternalClient) ShardReader(ctx context.Context, index string, shard uint64) (io.ReadCloser, error)
ShardReader returns a reader that provides a snapshot of the current shard RBF data.
func (*InternalClient) StartTransaction ¶
func (c *InternalClient) StartTransaction(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool) (*Transaction, error)
func (*InternalClient) Status ¶
func (c *InternalClient) Status(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
Status returns pilosa cluster state as a string ("NORMAL", "DEGRADED", "DOWN", ...)
func (*InternalClient) Transactions ¶
func (c *InternalClient) Transactions(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
func (*InternalClient) TranslateIDsNode ¶
func (c *InternalClient) TranslateIDsNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, ids []uint64) ([]string, error)
TranslateIDsNode sends an id translation request to a specific node.
func (*InternalClient) TranslateKeysNode ¶
func (c *InternalClient) TranslateKeysNode(ctx context.Context, uri *pnet.URI, index, field string, keys []string, writable bool) ([]uint64, error)
TranslateKeysNode function is mainly called to translate keys from primary node. If primary node returns 404 error the function wraps it with ErrTranslatingKeyNotFound.
type InternalClientOption ¶
type InternalClientOption func(c *InternalClient)
func WithClientLogger ¶
func WithClientLogger(log logger.Logger) InternalClientOption
func WithClientRetryPeriod ¶
func WithClientRetryPeriod(period time.Duration) InternalClientOption
WithClientRetryPeriod is the max amount of total time the client will retry failed requests using exponential backoff.
func WithPathPrefix ¶
func WithPathPrefix(prefix string) InternalClientOption
WithPathPrefix sets the http path prefix.
func WithSecretKey ¶
func WithSecretKey(secretKey string) InternalClientOption
WithSecretKey adds the secretKey used for inter-node communication when auth is enabled
func WithSerializer ¶
func WithSerializer(s Serializer) InternalClientOption
type KeyOrID ¶
func (KeyOrID) MarshalJSON ¶
type LoadSchemaMessage ¶
type LoadSchemaMessage struct{}
LoadSchemaMessage is an internal message used to inform a node to load the latest schema from etcd.
type MemoryUsage ¶
func GetMemoryUsage ¶
func GetMemoryUsage() (MemoryUsage, error)
GetMemoryUsage gets the memory usage
type Message ¶
type Message interface{}
Message is the interface implemented by all core pilosa types which can be serialized to messages. TODO add at least a single "isMessage()" method.
type MessageProcessingError ¶
type MessageProcessingError struct {
Err error
MessageProcessingError is an error indicating that a cluster message could not be processed.
func (MessageProcessingError) Cause ¶
func (err MessageProcessingError) Cause() error
Cause allows the error to be unwrapped.
func (MessageProcessingError) Error ¶
func (err MessageProcessingError) Error() string
func (MessageProcessingError) Unwrap ¶
func (err MessageProcessingError) Unwrap() error
Unwrap allows the error to be unwrapped.
type MultiTranslateEntryReader ¶
type MultiTranslateEntryReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MultiTranslateEntryReader reads from multiple TranslateEntryReader instances and merges them into a single reader.
func NewMultiTranslateEntryReader ¶
func NewMultiTranslateEntryReader(ctx context.Context, readers []TranslateEntryReader) *MultiTranslateEntryReader
NewMultiTranslateEntryReader returns a new instance of MultiTranslateEntryReader.
func (*MultiTranslateEntryReader) Close ¶
func (r *MultiTranslateEntryReader) Close() error
Close stops the reader & child readers and waits for all goroutines to stop.
func (*MultiTranslateEntryReader) ReadEntry ¶
func (r *MultiTranslateEntryReader) ReadEntry(entry *TranslateEntry) error
ReadEntry reads the next available entry into entry. Returns an error if any of the child readers error. Returns io.EOF if reader is closed.
type NodeEvent ¶
type NodeEvent struct { Event NodeEventType Node *disco.Node }
NodeEvent is a single event related to node activity in the cluster.
type NodeEventType ¶
type NodeEventType int
NodeEventType are the types of node events.
const ( NodeJoin NodeEventType = iota NodeLeave NodeUpdate )
Constant node event types.
type NodeStateMessage ¶
type NodeStateMessage struct { NodeID string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=NodeID,proto3" json:"NodeID,omitempty"` State string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=State,proto3" json:"State,omitempty"` }
NodeStateMessage is an internal message for broadcasting a node's state.
type NodeStatus ¶
type NodeStatus struct { Node *disco.Node Indexes []*IndexStatus Schema *Schema }
NodeStatus is an internal message representing the contents of a node.
type NopCommitor ¶
type NopCommitor struct{}
func (*NopCommitor) Commit ¶
func (c *NopCommitor) Commit() error
func (*NopCommitor) Rollback ¶
func (c *NopCommitor) Rollback()
type NopSchemaAPI ¶ added in v3.32.0
type NopSchemaAPI struct{}
NopSchemaAPI is a no-op implementation of the SchemaAPI.
func (*NopSchemaAPI) ClusterName ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (n *NopSchemaAPI) ClusterName() string
func (*NopSchemaAPI) CreateDatabase ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (*NopSchemaAPI) CreateField ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (*NopSchemaAPI) CreateTable ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (*NopSchemaAPI) DatabaseByID ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DatabaseByID(ctx context.Context, dbid dax.DatabaseID) (*dax.Database, error)
func (*NopSchemaAPI) DatabaseByName ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DatabaseByName(ctx context.Context, dbname dax.DatabaseName) (*dax.Database, error)
func (*NopSchemaAPI) Databases ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (n *NopSchemaAPI) Databases(context.Context, ...dax.DatabaseID) ([]*dax.Database, error)
func (*NopSchemaAPI) DeleteField ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (*NopSchemaAPI) DeleteTable ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (*NopSchemaAPI) DropDatabase ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (n *NopSchemaAPI) DropDatabase(context.Context, dax.DatabaseID) error
func (*NopSchemaAPI) SetDatabaseOption ¶ added in v3.32.0
func (n *NopSchemaAPI) SetDatabaseOption(ctx context.Context, dbid dax.DatabaseID, option string, value string) error
func (*NopSchemaAPI) TableByName ¶ added in v3.32.0
type NopSystemAPI ¶ added in v3.29.0
type NopSystemAPI struct{}
NopSystemAPI is a no-op implementation of the SystemAPI.
func (*NopSystemAPI) ClusterName ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterName() string
func (*NopSystemAPI) ClusterNodeCount ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterNodeCount() int
func (*NopSystemAPI) ClusterNodes ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterNodes() []ClusterNode
func (*NopSystemAPI) ClusterReplicaCount ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterReplicaCount() int
func (*NopSystemAPI) ClusterState ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ClusterState() string
func (*NopSystemAPI) DataDir ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) DataDir() string
func (*NopSystemAPI) NodeID ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) NodeID() string
func (*NopSystemAPI) PlatformDescription ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) PlatformDescription() string
func (*NopSystemAPI) PlatformVersion ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) PlatformVersion() string
func (*NopSystemAPI) ShardWidth ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) ShardWidth() int
func (*NopSystemAPI) Version ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (napi *NopSystemAPI) Version() string
type NotFoundError ¶
type NotFoundError error
NotFoundError wraps an error value to signify that a resource was not found such that in an HTTP scenario, http.StatusNotFound would be returned.
type OpenIDAllocatorFunc ¶
type OpenTransactionStoreFunc ¶
type OpenTransactionStoreFunc func(path string) (TransactionStore, error)
type OpenTranslateReaderFunc ¶
type OpenTranslateReaderFunc func(ctx context.Context, nodeURL string, offsets TranslateOffsetMap) (TranslateEntryReader, error)
OpenTranslateReaderFunc represents a function for instantiating and opening a TranslateStore.
func GetOpenTranslateReaderFunc ¶
func GetOpenTranslateReaderFunc(client *http.Client) OpenTranslateReaderFunc
func GetOpenTranslateReaderWithLockerFunc ¶
func GetOpenTranslateReaderWithLockerFunc(client *http.Client, locker sync.Locker) OpenTranslateReaderFunc
type OpenTranslateStoreFunc ¶
type OpenTranslateStoreFunc func(path, index, field string, partitionID, partitionN int, fsyncEnabled bool) (TranslateStore, error)
OpenTranslateStoreFunc represents a function for instantiating and opening a TranslateStore.
type PairField ¶
PairField is a Pair with its associated field.
func (PairField) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals PairField into a JSON-encoded byte slice, excluding `Field`.
type Pairs ¶
type Pairs []Pair
Pairs is a sortable slice of Pair objects.
func (*Pairs) Pop ¶
func (p *Pairs) Pop() interface{}
Pop removes the minimum element from the Pair slice.
type PairsField ¶
PairsField is a Pairs object with its associated field.
func (*PairsField) Clone ¶
func (p *PairsField) Clone() (r *PairsField)
func (PairsField) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PairsField) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals PairsField into a JSON-encoded byte slice, excluding `Field`.
func (*PairsField) ToRows ¶
func (p *PairsField) ToRows(callback func(*pb.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
func (*PairsField) ToTable ¶
func (p *PairsField) ToTable() (*pb.TableResponse, error)
ToTable implements the ToTabler interface.
type PastQueryStatus ¶
type PerformanceCounter ¶ added in v3.29.0
type PerformanceCounter struct { NameSpace string SubSystem string CounterName string Help string Value int64 CounterType int64 }
PerformanceCounter holds data about a performance counter for external consumers
type PerformanceCounters ¶ added in v3.29.0
type PerformanceCounters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
var PerfCounters *PerformanceCounters = newPerformanceCounters()
func (*PerformanceCounters) ListCounters ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (p *PerformanceCounters) ListCounters() ([]PerformanceCounter, error)
list all the counters we can just read here without locking because if the counters get changed midway thru the loop, absent evidence to the contrary, the world will not end
type PreconditionFailedError ¶
type PreconditionFailedError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Qcx ¶
type Qcx struct { Grp *TxGroup Txf *TxFactory // RequiredForAtomicWriteTx is used by api.ImportAtomicRecord // to ensure that all writes happen on this one Tx. RequiredForAtomicWriteTx *Tx // efficient access to the options for RequiredForAtomicWriteTx RequiredTxo *Txo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Qcx is a (Pilosa) Query Context.
It flexibly expresses the desired grouping of Tx for mass rollback at a query's end. It provides one-time commit for an atomic import write Tx that involves multiple fragments.
The most common use of Qcx is to call GetTx() to obtain a Tx locally, once the index/shard pair is known:
someFunc(qcx Qcx, idx *Index, shard uint64) (err0 error) { tx, finisher := qcx.GetTx(Txo{Write: true, Index:idx, Shard:shard, ...}) defer finisher(&err0) ... }
Qcx reuses read-only Tx on the same index/shard pair. See the Qcx.GetTx() for further discussion. The caveat is of course that your "new" read Tx actually has an "old" view of the database.
At the moment, most writes to individual shards are commited eagerly and locally when the `defer finisher(&err0)` is run. This is done by returning a finisher that actually Commits, thus freeing the one write slot for re-use. A single writer is also required by RBF, so this design accomodates both.
In contrast, the default read Tx generated (or re-used) will return a no-op finisher and the group of reads as a whole will be rolled back (mmap memory released) en-mass when Qcx.Abort() is called at the top-most level.
Local use of a (Tx, finisher) pair obtained from Qcx.GetTx() doesn't need to care about these details. Local use should always invoke finisher(&err0) or finisher(nil) to complete the Tx within the local function scope.
In summary write Tx are typically "local" and are never saved into the TxGroup. The parallelism supplied by TxGroup typically applies only to read Tx.
The one exception is this rule is for the one write Tx used during the api.ImportAtomicRecord routine. There we make a special write Tx and use it for all matching writes. This is then committed at the final, top-level, Qcx.Finish() call.
See also the Qcx.GetTx() example and the TxGroup description below.
func (*Qcx) Abort ¶
func (q *Qcx) Abort()
Abort rolls back all Tx generated and stored within the Qcx. The Qcx is then reset and can be used again immediately.
func (*Qcx) Finish ¶
Finish commits/rollsback all stored Tx. It no longer resets the Qcx for further operations automatically. User must call Reset() or NewQxc() again.
func (*Qcx) GetTx ¶
GetTx is used like this:
someFunc(ctx context.Context, shard uint64) (_ interface{}, err0 error) {
tx, finisher := qcx.GetTx(Txo{Write: !writable, Index: idx, Shard: shard}) defer finisher(&err0) return e.executeIncludesColumnCallShard(ctx, tx, index, c, shard, col) }
Note we are tracking the returned err0 error value of someFunc(). An option instead is to say
defer finisher(nil)
This means always Commit writes, ignoring if there were errors. This style is expected to be rare compared to the typical
defer finisher(&err0)
invocation, where err0 is your return from the enclosing function error. If the Tx is local and not a part of a group, then the finisher consults that error to decides whether to Commit() or Rollback().
If instead the Tx becomes part of a group, then the local finisher() is always a no-op, in deference to the Qcx.Finish() or Qcx.Abort() calls.
Take care the finisher(&err) is capturing the address of the enclosing function's err and that it has not been shadowed locally by another _, err := f() call. For this reason, it can be clearer (and much safer) to rename the enclosing functions 'err' to 'err0', to make it clear we are referring to the first and final error.
func (*Qcx) ListOpenTx ¶
func (*Qcx) Reset ¶
func (q *Qcx) Reset()
Reset forgets everything are starts fresh with an empty group, ready for use again as if NewQcx() had been called.
func (*Qcx) StartAtomicWriteTx ¶
StartAtomicWriteTx allocates a Tx and stores it in qcx.RequiredForAtomicWriteTx. All subsequent writes to this shard/index will re-use it.
type QueryAPI ¶
type QueryAPI interface {
Query(ctx context.Context, req *QueryRequest) (QueryResponse, error)
QueryAPI is a subset of the API methods which have to do with query.
type QueryRequest ¶
type QueryRequest struct { // Index to execute query against. Index string // The query string to parse and execute. Query string // The SQL source query, if applicable. SQLQuery string // The shards to include in the query execution. // If empty, all shards are included. Shards []uint64 // If true, indicates that query is part of a larger distributed query. // If false, this request is on the originating node. Remote bool // Query has already been translated. This is only used if Remote // is false, Remote=true implies this. PreTranslated bool // Should we profile this query? Profile bool // Additional data associated with the query, in cases where there's // row-style inputs for precomputed values. EmbeddedData []*Row // Limit on memory used by request (Extract() only) MaxMemory int64 }
QueryRequest represent a request to process a query.
type QueryResponse ¶
type QueryResponse struct { // Result for each top-level query call. // The result type differs depending on the query; types // include: Row, RowIdentifiers, GroupCounts, SignedRow, // ValCount, Pair, Pairs, bool, uint64. Results []interface{} // Error during parsing or execution. Err error // Profiling data, if any Profile *tracing.Profile }
QueryResponse represent a response from a processed query.
func (*QueryResponse) MarshalJSON ¶
func (resp *QueryResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals QueryResponse into a JSON-encoded byte slice
func (*QueryResponse) SameAs ¶
func (qr *QueryResponse) SameAs(other *QueryResponse) error
SameAs compares one QueryResponse to another and returns nil if the Results and Err are both identical, or a descriptive error if they differ. This function replaces using reflect.DeepEqual directly on the QueryResponse, since QueryResponse contains an error field and reflect.DeepEqual should not be used on errors.
type RBFTx ¶
type RBFTx struct { Db *RbfDBWrapper // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RBFTx) Add ¶
func (tx *RBFTx) Add(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changeCount int, err error)
Add sets all the a bits hot in the specified fragment.
func (*RBFTx) ApplyFilter ¶
func (*RBFTx) ApplyRewriter ¶
func (*RBFTx) ContainerIterator ¶
func (*RBFTx) CountRange ¶
func (tx *RBFTx) CountRange(index, field, view string, shard uint64, start, end uint64) (n uint64, err error)
CountRange returns the count of hot bits in the start, end range on the fragment. roaring.countRange counts the number of bits set between [start, end).
func (*RBFTx) GetFieldSizeBytes ¶
func (*RBFTx) GetSortedFieldViewList ¶
func (*RBFTx) ImportRoaringBits ¶
func (*RBFTx) OffsetRange ¶
func (*RBFTx) PutContainer ¶
func (*RBFTx) Remove ¶
func (tx *RBFTx) Remove(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changeCount int, err error)
Remove clears all the specified a bits in the chosen fragment.
func (*RBFTx) RemoveContainer ¶
func (*RBFTx) Removed ¶ added in v3.35.0
func (tx *RBFTx) Removed(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changed []uint64, err error)
Removed clears the specified bits and tells you which ones it actually removed.
func (*RBFTx) RoaringBitmap ¶
func (*RBFTx) SnapshotReader ¶
SnapshotReader returns a reader that provides a snapshot of the current database.
type RbfDBWrapper ¶
type RbfDBWrapper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RbfDBWrapper wraps an *rbf.DB
func (*RbfDBWrapper) CleanupTx ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) CleanupTx(tx Tx)
func (*RbfDBWrapper) Close ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) Close() error
func (*RbfDBWrapper) CloseDB ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) CloseDB() error
func (*RbfDBWrapper) DeleteField ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) DeleteField(index, field, fieldPath string) error
func (*RbfDBWrapper) DeleteFragment ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) DeleteFragment(index, field, view string, shard uint64, frag interface{}) error
func (*RbfDBWrapper) DeleteIndex ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) DeleteIndex(indexName string) error
func (*RbfDBWrapper) HasData ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) HasData() (has bool, err error)
func (*RbfDBWrapper) OpenDB ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) OpenDB() error
func (*RbfDBWrapper) OpenListString ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) OpenListString() (r string)
func (*RbfDBWrapper) Path ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) Path() string
func (*RbfDBWrapper) SetHolder ¶
func (w *RbfDBWrapper) SetHolder(h *Holder)
type RecalculateCaches ¶
type RecalculateCaches struct{}
RecalculateCaches is an internal message for recalculating all caches within a holder.
type RedirectError ¶
type RedirectError struct { HostPort string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RedirectError) Error ¶
func (r RedirectError) Error() string
type RoaringUpdate ¶
type RoaringUpdate struct { Field string View string // Clear is a roaring encoded bitmatrix of bits to clear. For // mutex or int-like fields, only the first row is looked at and // the bits in that row are cleared from every row. Clear []byte // Set is the roaring encoded bitmatrix of bits to set. If this is // a mutex or int-like field, we'll assume the first shard width // of containers is the exists row and we will first clear all // bits in those columns and then set Set []byte // ClearRecords, when true, denotes that Clear should be // interpreted as a single row which will be subtracted from every // row in this view. ClearRecords bool }
RoaringUpdate represents the bits to clear and then set in a particular view.
type Row ¶
type Row struct { Segments []RowSegment // String keys translated to/from segment columns. Keys []string // Index tells what index this row is from - needed for key translation. Index string // Field tells what field this row is from if it's a "vertical" // row. It may be the result of a Distinct query or Rows // query. Knowing the index and field, we can figure out how to // interpret the row data. Field string // NoSplit indicates that this row may not be split. // This is used for `Rows` calls in a GroupBy. NoSplit bool }
Row is a set of integers (the associated columns).
func NewRowFromBitmap ¶
NewRowFromBitmap divides a bitmap into rows, which it now calls shards. This transposes; data that was in any shard for Row 0 is now considered shard 0, etcetera.
func NewRowFromRoaring ¶
NewRowFromRoaring parses a roaring data file as a row, dividing it into bitmaps and rowSegments based on shard width.
func (*Row) Difference ¶
Difference returns the diff of r and other.
func (*Row) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns a JSON-encoded byte slice of r.
func (*Row) ShardColumns ¶
func (*Row) Shift ¶
Shift returns the bitwise shift of r by n bits. Currently only positive shift values are supported.
NOTE: the Shift method is currently unsupported, and is considerred to be incorrect. Please DO NOT use it. We are leaving it here in case someone internally wants to use it with the understanding that the results may be incorrect.
Why unsupported? For a full description, see: In short, the current implementation will shift a bit at the edge of a shard out of the shard and into a container which is assumed to be an invalid container for the shard. So for example, shifting the last bit of shard 0 (containers 0-15) will shift that bit out to container 16. While this "sort of" works, it breaks an assumption about containers, and might stop working in the future if that assumption is enforced.
func (*Row) ToRows ¶
func (r *Row) ToRows(callback func(*pb.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
func (*Row) ToTable ¶
func (r *Row) ToTable() (*pb.TableResponse, error)
ToTable implements the ToTabler interface.
type RowIDs ¶
type RowIDs []uint64
RowIDs is a query return type for just uint64 row ids. It should only be used internally (since RowIdentifiers is the external return type), but it is exported because the proto package needs access to it.
type RowIdentifiers ¶
type RowIdentifiers struct { Rows []uint64 `json:"rows"` Keys []string `json:"keys,omitempty"` Field string }
RowIdentifiers is a return type for a list of row ids or row keys. The names `Rows` and `Keys` are meant to follow the same convention as the Row query which returns `Columns` and `Keys`. TODO: Rename this to something better. Anything.
func (*RowIdentifiers) Clone ¶
func (r *RowIdentifiers) Clone() (clone *RowIdentifiers)
func (RowIdentifiers) ToRows ¶
func (r RowIdentifiers) ToRows(callback func(*proto.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
func (RowIdentifiers) ToTable ¶
func (r RowIdentifiers) ToTable() (*proto.TableResponse, error)
ToTable implements the ToTabler interface.
type RowSegment ¶
type RowSegment struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RowSegment holds a subset of a row. This could point to a mmapped roaring bitmap or an in-memory bitmap. The width of the segment will always match the shard width.
func (*RowSegment) ClearBit ¶
func (s *RowSegment) ClearBit(i uint64) (changed bool)
ClearBit clears the i-th column of the row.
func (*RowSegment) Columns ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Columns() []uint64
Columns returns a list of all columns set in the segment.
func (*RowSegment) Count ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Count() uint64
Count returns the number of set columns in the row.
func (*RowSegment) Difference ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Difference(others ...*RowSegment) *RowSegment
Difference returns the diff of s and other.
func (*RowSegment) Freeze ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Freeze()
func (*RowSegment) Intersect ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Intersect(other *RowSegment) *RowSegment
Intersect returns the itersection of s and other.
func (*RowSegment) IntersectionCount ¶
func (s *RowSegment) IntersectionCount(other *RowSegment) uint64
IntersectionCount returns the number of intersections between s and other.
func (*RowSegment) InvalidateCount ¶
func (s *RowSegment) InvalidateCount()
InvalidateCount updates the cached count in the row.
func (*RowSegment) Merge ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Merge(other *RowSegment)
Merge adds chunks from other to s. Chunks in s are overwritten if they exist in other.
func (*RowSegment) SetBit ¶
func (s *RowSegment) SetBit(i uint64) (changed bool)
SetBit sets the i-th column of the row.
func (*RowSegment) Shard ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Shard() uint64
func (*RowSegment) ShardColumns ¶
func (s *RowSegment) ShardColumns() []int64
Columns returns a list of all columns set in the segment, normalized from 0-shardwidth-1
func (*RowSegment) Shift ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Shift() (*RowSegment, error)
Shift returns s shifted by 1 bit.
func (*RowSegment) Union ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Union(others ...*RowSegment) *RowSegment
Union returns the bitwise union of s and other.
func (*RowSegment) Xor ¶
func (s *RowSegment) Xor(other *RowSegment) *RowSegment
Xor returns the xor of s and other.
type Schema ¶
type Schema struct {
Indexes []*IndexInfo `json:"indexes"`
Schema contains information about indexes and their configuration.
type SchemaAPI ¶
type SchemaAPI interface { CreateDatabase(context.Context, *dax.Database) error DropDatabase(context.Context, dax.DatabaseID) error DatabaseByName(ctx context.Context, dbname dax.DatabaseName) (*dax.Database, error) DatabaseByID(ctx context.Context, dbid dax.DatabaseID) (*dax.Database, error) SetDatabaseOption(ctx context.Context, dbid dax.DatabaseID, option string, value string) error Databases(context.Context, ...dax.DatabaseID) ([]*dax.Database, error) TableByName(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName) (*dax.Table, error) TableByID(ctx context.Context, tid dax.TableID) (*dax.Table, error) Tables(ctx context.Context) ([]*dax.Table, error) CreateTable(ctx context.Context, tbl *dax.Table) error CreateField(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName, fld *dax.Field) error DeleteTable(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName) error DeleteField(ctx context.Context, tname dax.TableName, fname dax.FieldName) error }
type Serializer ¶
Serializer is an interface for serializing pilosa types to bytes and back.
var GobSerializer Serializer = &gobSerializer{}
GobSerializer represents a Serializer that uses gob encoding. This is only used in tests; there's really no reason to use this instead of the proto serializer except that, as it's currently implemented, the proto serializer can't be used in internal tests (i.e test in the pilosa package) because the proto package imports the pilosa package, so it would result in circular imports. We really need all the pilosa types to be in a sub-package of pilosa, so that both proto and pilosa can import them without resulting in circular imports.
var NopSerializer Serializer = &nopSerializer{}
NopSerializer represents a Serializer that doesn't do anything.
type Server ¶
type Server struct { SystemLayer SystemLayerAPI // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Server represents a holder wrapped by a running HTTP server.
func NewServer ¶
func NewServer(opts ...ServerOption) (*Server, error)
NewServer returns a new instance of Server.
func (*Server) CompileExecutionPlan ¶
func (s *Server) CompileExecutionPlan(ctx context.Context, q string) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
CompileExecutionPlan parses and compiles an execution plan from a SQL statement using a new parser and planner.
func (*Server) FinishTransaction ¶
func (*Server) GetTransaction ¶
func (*Server) InternalClient ¶
func (s *Server) InternalClient() *InternalClient
func (*Server) RehydratePlanOperator ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (s *Server) RehydratePlanOperator(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader) (planner_types.PlanOperator, error)
func (*Server) StartTransaction ¶
func (*Server) Transactions ¶
func (*Server) UpAndDown ¶
UpAndDown brings the server up minimally and shuts it down again; basically, it exists for testing holder open and close.
func (*Server) ViewsRemoval ¶
Remove views based on these criterias: 1. views that are older than specified TTL 2. "standard" view of a field if its "noStandardView" option is set to true
type ServerOption ¶
ServerOption is a functional option type for pilosa.Server
func OptServerClusterHasher ¶
func OptServerClusterHasher(h disco.Hasher) ServerOption
OptServerClusterHasher is a functional option on Server used to specify the consistent hash algorithm for data location within the cluster.
func OptServerClusterName ¶
func OptServerClusterName(name string) ServerOption
OptServerClusterName sets the human-readable cluster name.
func OptServerDataDir ¶
func OptServerDataDir(dir string) ServerOption
OptServerDataDir is a functional option on Server used to set the data directory.
func OptServerDataframeUseParquet ¶ added in v3.27.0
func OptServerDataframeUseParquet(is bool) ServerOption
func OptServerDiagnosticsInterval ¶
func OptServerDiagnosticsInterval(dur time.Duration) ServerOption
OptServerDiagnosticsInterval is a functional option on Server used to specify the duration between diagnostic checks.
func OptServerDisCo ¶
func OptServerDisCo(disCo disco.DisCo, noder disco.Noder, sharder disco.Sharder, schemator disco.Schemator, ) ServerOption
OptServerDisCo is a functional option on Server used to set the Distributed Consensus implementation.
func OptServerExecutionPlannerFn ¶
func OptServerExecutionPlannerFn(fn ExecutionPlannerFn) ServerOption
func OptServerExecutorPoolSize ¶
func OptServerExecutorPoolSize(size int) ServerOption
func OptServerGCNotifier ¶
func OptServerGCNotifier(gcn GCNotifier) ServerOption
OptServerGCNotifier is a functional option on Server used to set the garbage collection notification source.
func OptServerGRPCURI ¶
func OptServerGRPCURI(uri *pnet.URI) ServerOption
OptServerGRPCURI is a functional option on Server used to set the server gRPC URI.
func OptServerInternalClient ¶
func OptServerInternalClient(c *InternalClient) ServerOption
OptServerInternalClient is a functional option on Server used to set the implementation of InternalClient.
func OptServerIsComputeNode ¶
func OptServerIsComputeNode(is bool) ServerOption
OptServerIsComputeNode specifies that this node is running as a DAX compute node.
func OptServerIsDataframeEnabled ¶
func OptServerIsDataframeEnabled(is bool) ServerOption
OptServerIsDataframeEnabled specifies if experimental dataframe support available
func OptServerLogger ¶
func OptServerLogger(l logger.Logger) ServerOption
OptServerLogger is a functional option on Server used to set the logger.
func OptServerLongQueryTime ¶
func OptServerLongQueryTime(dur time.Duration) ServerOption
OptServerLongQueryTime is a functional option on Server used to set long query duration.
func OptServerLookupDB ¶
func OptServerLookupDB(dsn string) ServerOption
OptServerLookupDB configures a connection to an external postgres database for ExternalLookup queries.
func OptServerMaxQueryMemory ¶
func OptServerMaxQueryMemory(v int64) ServerOption
OptServerMaxQueryMemory sets the memory used per Extract() and SELECT query.
func OptServerMaxWritesPerRequest ¶
func OptServerMaxWritesPerRequest(n int) ServerOption
OptServerMaxWritesPerRequest is a functional option on Server used to set the maximum number of writes allowed per request.
func OptServerMetricInterval ¶
func OptServerMetricInterval(dur time.Duration) ServerOption
OptServerMetricInterval is a functional option on Server used to set the interval between metric samples.
func OptServerNodeDownRetries ¶
func OptServerNodeDownRetries(retries int, sleep time.Duration) ServerOption
OptServerNodeDownRetries is a functional option on Server used to specify the retries and sleep duration for node down checks.
func OptServerNodeID ¶
func OptServerNodeID(nodeID string) ServerOption
OptServerNodeID is a functional option on Server used to set the server node ID.
func OptServerOpenIDAllocator ¶
func OptServerOpenIDAllocator(fn OpenIDAllocatorFunc) ServerOption
OptServerOpenIDAllocator is a functional option on Server used to specify the ID allocator data store type. Except not really (because there's only one at this time).
func OptServerOpenTranslateReader ¶
func OptServerOpenTranslateReader(fn OpenTranslateReaderFunc) ServerOption
OptServerOpenTranslateReader is a functional option on Server used to specify the remote translation data reader.
func OptServerOpenTranslateStore ¶
func OptServerOpenTranslateStore(fn OpenTranslateStoreFunc) ServerOption
OptServerOpenTranslateStore is a functional option on Server used to specify the translation data store type.
func OptServerPartitionAssigner ¶
func OptServerPartitionAssigner(p string) ServerOption
func OptServerPrimaryTranslateStore ¶
func OptServerPrimaryTranslateStore(store TranslateStore) ServerOption
OptServerPrimaryTranslateStore has been deprecated.
func OptServerQueryHistoryLength ¶
func OptServerQueryHistoryLength(length int) ServerOption
OptServerQueryHistoryLength is a functional option on Server used to specify the length of the query history buffer that maintains the information returned at /query-history.
func OptServerQueryLogger ¶
func OptServerQueryLogger(l logger.Logger) ServerOption
func OptServerRBFConfig ¶
func OptServerRBFConfig(cfg *rbfcfg.Config) ServerOption
OptServerRBFConfig conveys the RBF flags to the Holder.
func OptServerReplicaN ¶
func OptServerReplicaN(n int) ServerOption
OptServerReplicaN is a functional option on Server used to set the number of replicas.
func OptServerSerializer ¶
func OptServerSerializer(ser Serializer) ServerOption
OptServerSerializer is a functional option on Server used to set the serializer.
func OptServerServerlessStorage ¶ added in v3.27.0
func OptServerServerlessStorage(mm *daxstorage.ResourceManager) ServerOption
func OptServerStorageConfig ¶
func OptServerStorageConfig(cfg *storage.Config) ServerOption
OptServerStorageConfig is a functional option on Server used to specify the transactional-storage backend to use, resulting in RoaringTx or RbfTx being used for all Tx interface calls.
func OptServerSystemInfo ¶
func OptServerSystemInfo(si SystemInfo) ServerOption
OptServerSystemInfo is a functional option on Server used to set the system information source.
func OptServerURI ¶
func OptServerURI(uri *pnet.URI) ServerOption
OptServerURI is a functional option on Server used to set the server URI.
func OptServerUUIDFile ¶ added in v3.33.0
func OptServerUUIDFile(uf string) ServerOption
OptServerUUIDFile is a functional option on Server used to set the file name for storing the checkin UUID.
func OptServerVerChkAddress ¶ added in v3.33.0
func OptServerVerChkAddress(addr string) ServerOption
OptServerVerChkAddress is a functional option on Server used to set the address to check for the current version.
func OptServerViewsRemovalInterval ¶
func OptServerViewsRemovalInterval(interval time.Duration) ServerOption
OptServerViewsRemovalInterval is a functional option on Server used to set the ttl removal interval.
type ShardFile ¶
type ShardFile struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewShardFile ¶
func (*ShardFile) EnsureSchema ¶
func (sf *ShardFile) EnsureSchema(cs *ChangesetRequest) error
func (*ShardFile) Process ¶
func (sf *ShardFile) Process(cs *ChangesetRequest) error
func (*ShardFile) ReplaceString ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (*ShardFile) SetFloatValue ¶
func (*ShardFile) SetIntValue ¶
the row offset must be reset to 0 for the slices being appended
type ShowColumnsResponse ¶ added in v3.34.0
ShowColumnsResponse is a type used to marshal the results of a `SHOW COLUMNS` statement.
type SignedRow ¶
SignedRow represents a signed *Row with two (neg/pos) *Rows.
func (SignedRow) ToRows ¶
func (s SignedRow) ToRows(callback func(*proto.RowResponse) error) error
ToRows implements the ToRowser interface.
type SortByOther ¶ added in v3.29.0
type SortByOther twoSlices
func (SortByOther) Len ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (sbo SortByOther) Len() int
func (SortByOther) Less ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (sbo SortByOther) Less(i, j int) bool
func (SortByOther) Swap ¶ added in v3.29.0
func (sbo SortByOther) Swap(i, j int)
type SystemInfo ¶
type SystemInfo interface { Uptime() (uint64, error) Platform() (string, error) Family() (string, error) OSVersion() (string, error) KernelVersion() (string, error) MemFree() (uint64, error) MemTotal() (uint64, error) MemUsed() (uint64, error) CPUModel() string CPUCores() (physical int, logical int, err error) CPUMHz() (int, error) CPUArch() string DiskCapacity(string) (uint64, error) }
SystemInfo collects information about the host OS.
type SystemLayerAPI ¶
type SystemLayerAPI interface {
ExecutionRequests() ExecutionRequestsAPI
SystemLayerAPI defines an api to allow access to internal FeatureBase state
type TimeQuantum ¶
type TimeQuantum string
TimeQuantum represents a time granularity for time-based bitmaps.
func (TimeQuantum) Granularity ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) Granularity() rune
func (TimeQuantum) HasDay ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) HasDay() bool
HasDay returns true if the quantum contains a 'D' unit.
func (TimeQuantum) HasHour ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) HasHour() bool
HasHour returns true if the quantum contains a 'H' unit.
func (TimeQuantum) HasMonth ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) HasMonth() bool
HasMonth returns true if the quantum contains a 'M' unit.
func (TimeQuantum) HasYear ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) HasYear() bool
HasYear returns true if the quantum contains a 'Y' unit.
func (TimeQuantum) IsEmpty ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if the quantum is empty.
func (*TimeQuantum) Set ¶
func (q *TimeQuantum) Set(value string) error
Set sets the time quantum value.
func (TimeQuantum) String ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) String() string
func (TimeQuantum) Type ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) Type() string
Type returns the type of a time quantum value.
func (TimeQuantum) Valid ¶
func (q TimeQuantum) Valid() bool
Valid returns true if q is a valid time quantum value.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { // ID is an arbitrary string identifier. All transactions must have a unique ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Active notes whether an exclusive transaction is active, or // still pending (if other active transactions exist). All // non-exclusive transactions are always active. Active bool `json:"active"` // Exclusive is set to true for transactions which can only become active when no other // transactions exist. Exclusive bool `json:"exclusive"` // Timeout is the minimum idle time for which this transaction should continue to exist. Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` // CreatedAt is the timestamp at which the transaction was created. This supports // the case of listing transactions in a useful order. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Deadline is calculated from Timeout. TODO reset deadline each time there is activity // on the transaction. (we can't do this until there is some method of associating a // request/call with a transaction) Deadline time.Time `json:"deadline"` // Stats track statistics for the transaction. Not yet used. Stats TransactionStats `json:"stats"` }
Transaction contains information related to a block of work that needs to be tracked and spans multiple API calls.
func (*Transaction) Copy ¶
func (trns *Transaction) Copy() *Transaction
func (*Transaction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (trns *Transaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Transaction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (trns *Transaction) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type TransactionManager ¶
TransactionManager enforces the rules for transactions on a single node. It is goroutine-safe. It should be created by a call to NewTransactionManager where it takes a TransactionStore. If logging is desired, Log should be set before an instance of TransactionManager is used.
func NewTransactionManager ¶
func NewTransactionManager(store TransactionStore) *TransactionManager
NewTransactionManager creates a new TransactionManager with the given store, and starts a deadline-checker in a goroutine.
func (*TransactionManager) Finish ¶
func (tm *TransactionManager) Finish(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
Finish completes and removes a transaction, returning the completed transaction (so that the caller can e.g. view the Stats)
func (*TransactionManager) Get ¶
func (tm *TransactionManager) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
Get retrieves the transaction with the given ID. Returns ErrTransactionNotFound if there isn't one.
func (*TransactionManager) List ¶
func (tm *TransactionManager) List(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*Transaction, error)
List returns map of all transactions by their ID. It is a copy and so may be retained and modified by the caller.
func (*TransactionManager) ResetDeadline ¶
func (tm *TransactionManager) ResetDeadline(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Transaction, error)
ResetDeadline updates the deadline for the transaction with the given ID to be equal to the current time plus the transaction's timeout.
func (*TransactionManager) Start ¶
func (tm *TransactionManager) Start(ctx context.Context, id string, timeout time.Duration, exclusive bool) (*Transaction, error)
Start starts a new transaction with the given parameters. If an exclusive transaction is pending or in progress, ErrTransactionExclusive is returned. If a transaction with the same id already exists, that transaction is returned along with ErrTransactionExists. If there is no error, the created transaction is returned—this is primarily so that the caller can discover if an exclusive transaction has been made immediately active or if they need to poll.
type TransactionMessage ¶
type TransactionMessage struct { Transaction *Transaction Action string }
type TransactionResponse ¶
type TransactionResponse struct { Transaction *Transaction `json:"transaction,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
type TransactionStats ¶
type TransactionStats struct{}
type TransactionStore ¶
type TransactionStore interface { // Put stores a new transaction or replaces an existing transaction with the given one. Put(trns *Transaction) error // Get retrieves the transaction at id or returns ErrTransactionNotFound if there isn't one. Get(id string) (*Transaction, error) // List returns a map of all transactions by ID. The map must be safe to modify by the caller. List() (map[string]*Transaction, error) // Remove deletes the transaction from the store. It must return ErrTransactionNotFound if there isn't one. Remove(id string) (*Transaction, error) }
TransactionStore declares the functionality which a store for Pilosa transactions must implement.
func OpenInMemTransactionStore ¶
func OpenInMemTransactionStore(path string) (TransactionStore, error)
type TranslateEntry ¶
type TranslateEntry struct { Index string `json:"index,omitempty"` Field string `json:"field,omitempty"` ID uint64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` }
TranslateEntry represents a key/ID pair from a TranslateStore.
type TranslateEntryReader ¶
type TranslateEntryReader interface { io.Closer ReadEntry(entry *TranslateEntry) error }
TranslateEntryReader represents a stream of translation entries.
type TranslateIDsRequest ¶
TranslateIDsRequest describes the structure of a request for a batch of id translations.
type TranslateIDsResponse ¶
type TranslateIDsResponse struct {
Keys []string
TranslateIDsResponse is the structured response of a id translation request.
type TranslateKeysRequest ¶
type TranslateKeysRequest struct { Index string Field string Keys []string // NotWritable is an awkward name, but it's just to keep backward compatibility with client and idk. NotWritable bool }
TranslateKeysRequest describes the structure of a request for a batch of key translations.
type TranslateKeysResponse ¶
type TranslateKeysResponse struct {
IDs []uint64
TranslateKeysResponse is the structured response of a key translation request.
type TranslateOffsetMap ¶
type TranslateOffsetMap map[string]*IndexTranslateOffsetMap
TranslateOffsetMap maintains a set of offsets for both indexes & fields.
func (TranslateOffsetMap) Empty ¶
func (m TranslateOffsetMap) Empty() bool
Empty reports whether there are any actual entries in the map. This is distinct from len(m) == 0 in that an entry in this map which is itself empty doesn't count as non-empty.
func (TranslateOffsetMap) FieldOffset ¶
func (m TranslateOffsetMap) FieldOffset(index, name string) uint64
FieldOffset returns the offset for the given field.
func (TranslateOffsetMap) IndexPartitionOffset ¶
func (m TranslateOffsetMap) IndexPartitionOffset(name string, partitionID int) uint64
IndexOffset returns the offset for the given index.
func (TranslateOffsetMap) SetFieldOffset ¶
func (m TranslateOffsetMap) SetFieldOffset(index, name string, offset uint64)
SetFieldOffset sets the offset for the given field.
func (TranslateOffsetMap) SetIndexPartitionOffset ¶
func (m TranslateOffsetMap) SetIndexPartitionOffset(name string, partitionID int, offset uint64)
SetIndexOffset sets the offset for the given index.
type TranslateStore ¶
type TranslateStore interface { io.Closer // Returns the maximum ID set on the store. MaxID() (uint64, error) // Retrieves the partition ID associated with the store. // Only applies to index stores. PartitionID() int // Sets & retrieves whether the store is read-only. ReadOnly() bool SetReadOnly(v bool) // FindKeys looks up the ID for each key. // Keys are not created if they do not exist. // Missing keys are not considered errors, so the length of the result may be less than that of the input. FindKeys(keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error) // CreateKeys maps all keys to IDs, creating the IDs if they do not exist. // If the translator is read-only, this will return an error. CreateKeys(keys ...string) (map[string]uint64, error) // Match finds IDs of strings matching the filter. Match(filter func([]byte) bool) ([]uint64, error) // Converts an integer ID to its associated string key. TranslateID(id uint64) (string, error) TranslateIDs(id []uint64) ([]string, error) // Forces the write of a key/id pair, even if read only. Used by replication. ForceSet(id uint64, key string) error // Returns a reader from the given ID offset. EntryReader(ctx context.Context, offset uint64) (TranslateEntryReader, error) Begin(write bool) (TranslatorTx, error) // ReadFrom ensures that the TranslateStore implements io.ReaderFrom. // It should read from the reader and replace the data store with // the read payload. ReadFrom(io.Reader) (int64, error) Delete(records *roaring.Bitmap) (Commitor, error) }
TranslateStore is the storage for translation string-to-uint64 values. For BoltDB implementation an empty string will be converted into the sentinel byte slice:
var emptyKey = []byte{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x54, 0x4d, 0x54, // MTMT 0x00, 0xc2, 0xa0, // NO-BREAK SPACE 0x00, }
func OpenInMemTranslateStore ¶
func OpenInMemTranslateStore(rawurl, index, field string, partitionID, partitionN int, fsyncEnabled bool) (TranslateStore, error)
OpenInMemTranslateStore returns a new instance of a BoltDB based TranslateStore which removes all its files when it's closed, and tries to operate off a RAM disk if one is configured and set in the environment. Implements OpenTranslateStoreFunc.
func OpenTranslateStore ¶ added in v3.27.0
func OpenTranslateStore(path, index, field string, partitionID, partitionN int, fsyncEnabled bool) (TranslateStore, error)
OpenTranslateStore opens and initializes a boltdb translation store.
type TranslationSyncer ¶
type TranslationSyncer interface {
Reset() error
TranslationSyncer provides an interface allowing a function to notify the server that an action has occurred which requires the translation sync process to be reset. In general, this includes anything which modifies schema (add/remove index, etc), or anything that changes the cluster topology (add/remove node). I originally considered leveraging the broadcaster since that was already in place and provides similar event messages, but the broadcaster is really meant for notifiying other nodes, while this is more akin to an internal message bus. In fact, I think a future iteration on this may be to make it more generic so it can act as an internal message bus where one of the messages being published is "translationSyncReset".
var NopTranslationSyncer TranslationSyncer = &nopTranslationSyncer{}
NopTranslationSyncer represents a translationSyncer that doesn't do anything.
type TranslatorTx ¶ added in v3.27.0
TranslatorTx reproduces a subset of the methods on the BoltDB Tx object. Others may be needed in the future and we should just add them here. The idea is not to scatter direct references to bolt stuff throughout the whole codebase.
type Tx ¶
type Tx interface { // Type returns "roaring", "rbf", or one of the other // Tx types at the top of txfactory.go Type() string // Rollback must be called at the end of read-only transactions. Either // Rollback or Commit must be called at the end of writable transactions. // It is safe to call Rollback multiple times, but it must be // called at least once to release resources. Any Rollback after // a Commit is ignored, so 'defer tx.Rollback()' should be commonly // written after starting a new transaction. // // If there is an error during internal Rollback processing, // this would be quite serious, and the underlying storage is // expected to panic. Hence there is no explicit error returned // from Rollback that needs to be checked. Rollback() // Commit makes the updates in the Tx visible to subsequent transactions. Commit() error // ContainerIterator loops over the containers in the conceptual // roaring.Bitmap for the specified fragment. // Calling Next() on the returned roaring.ContainerIterator gives // you a roaring.Container that is either run, array, or raw bitmap. // Return value 'found' is true when the ckey container was present. // ckey of 0 gives all containers (in the fragment). // // ContainerIterator must not have side-effects. // // citer.Close() must be called when the client is done using it. ContainerIterator(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64) (citer roaring.ContainerIterator, found bool, err error) // ApplyFilter applies a roaring.BitmapFilter to a specified shard, // starting at the given container key. The filter's ConsiderData // method may be called with transient Container objects which *must // not* be retained or referenced after that function exits. Similarly, // their data must not be retained. If you need the data later, you // must copy it into some other memory. ApplyFilter(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, filter roaring.BitmapFilter) (err error) // ApplyRewriter applies a roaring.BitmapRewriter to a specified shard, // starting at the given container key. The filter's ConsiderData // method may be called with transient Container objects which *must // not* be retained or referenced after that function exits. Similarly, // their data must not be retained. If you need the data later, you // must copy it into some other memory. However, it is safe to overwrite // the returned container; for instance, you can DifferenceInPlace on // it. ApplyRewriter(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, filter roaring.BitmapRewriter) (err error) // RoaringBitmap retrieves the roaring.Bitmap for the entire shard. RoaringBitmap(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (*roaring.Bitmap, error) // Container returns the roaring.Container for the given ckey // (container-key or highbits) in the chosen fragment. Container(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64) (*roaring.Container, error) // PutContainer stores c under the given ckey (container-key) in the specified fragment. PutContainer(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64, c *roaring.Container) error // RemoveContainer deletes the roaring.Container under the given ckey (container-key) // in the specified fragment. RemoveContainer(index, field, view string, shard uint64, ckey uint64) error // Add adds the 'a' values to the Bitmap for the fragment. Add(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changeCount int, err error) // Remove removes the 'a' values from the Bitmap for the fragment. Remove(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changeCount int, err error) // Removed removes values, returning the set of values it removed. // It may overwrite the slice passed to it. Removed(index, field, view string, shard uint64, a ...uint64) (changed []uint64, err error) // Contains tests if the uint64 v is stored in the fragment's Bitmap. Contains(index, field, view string, shard uint64, v uint64) (exists bool, err error) // Count returns the count of hot bits on the fragment. Count(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (uint64, error) // Max returns the maximum value set in the Bitmap for the fragment. Max(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (uint64, error) // Min returns the minimum value set in the Bitmap for the fragment. Min(index, field, view string, shard uint64) (uint64, bool, error) // CountRange returns the count of hot bits in the [start, end) range on the // fragment. CountRange(index, field, view string, shard uint64, start, end uint64) (uint64, error) // OffsetRange returns a *roaring.Bitmap containing the portion of the Bitmap for the fragment // which is specified by a combination of (offset, [start, end)). // // start - The value at which to start reading. This must be the zero value // of a container; i.e. [0, 65536, ...] // end - The value at which to end reading. This must be the zero value // of a container; i.e. [0, 65536, ...] // offset - The number of positions to shift the resulting bitmap. This must // be the zero value of a container; i.e. [0, 65536, ...] // // For example, if (index, field, view, shard) represents the following bitmap: // [1, 2, 3, 65536, 65539] // // then the following results are achieved based on (offset, start, end): // (0, 0, 131072) => [1, 2, 3, 65536, 65539] // (0, 65536, 131072) => [0, 3] // (65536, 65536, 131072) => [65536, 65539] // (262144, 65536, 131072) => [262144, 262147] // OffsetRange(index, field, view string, shard uint64, offset, start, end uint64) (*roaring.Bitmap, error) // ImportRoaringBits does efficient bulk import using rit, a roaring.RoaringIterator. // // See the roaring package for details of the RoaringIterator. // // If clear is true, the bits from rit are cleared, otherwise they are set in the // specifed fragment. // // ImportRoaringBits return values changed and rowSet may be inaccurate if // the data []byte is supplied (the RoaringTx implementation neglects this for speed). ImportRoaringBits(index, field, view string, shard uint64, rit roaring.RoaringIterator, clear bool, log bool, rowSize uint64) (changed int, rowSet map[uint64]int, err error) // GetSortedFieldViewList gets the set of FieldView(s) GetSortedFieldViewList(idx *Index, shard uint64) (fvs []txkey.FieldView, err error) GetFieldSizeBytes(index, field string) (uint64, error) }
Tx providers offer transactional storage for high-level roaring.Bitmaps and low-level roaring.Containers.
The common 4-tuple of (index, field, view, shard) jointly specify a fragment. A fragment conceptually holds one roaring.Bitmap.
Within the fragment, the ckey or container-key is the uint64 that specifies the high 48-bits of the roaring.Bitmap 64-bit space. The ckey is used to retrieve a specific roaring.Container that is either a run, array, or raw bitmap. The roaring.Container is the low 16-bits of the roaring.Bitmap space. Its size is at most 8KB (2^16 bits / (8 bits / byte) == 8192 bytes).
The grain of the transaction is guaranteed to be at least at the shard within one index. Therefore updates to any of the fields within the same shard will be atomically visible only once the transaction commits. Reads from another, concurrently open, transaction will not see updates that have not been committed.
type TxFactory ¶
type TxFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TxFactory abstracts the creation of Tx interface-level transactions so that RBF, or Roaring-fragment-files, or several of these at once in parallel, is used as the storage and transction layer.
func NewTxFactory ¶
NewTxFactory always opens an existing database. If you want to a fresh database, os.RemoveAll on dir/name ahead of time. We always store files in a subdir of holderDir.
func (*TxFactory) CloseIndex ¶
CloseIndex is a no-op. This seems to be in place for debugging purposes.
func (*TxFactory) DeleteFieldFromStore ¶
func (*TxFactory) DeleteFragmentFromStore ¶
func (*TxFactory) DeleteIndex ¶
func (*TxFactory) GetDBShardPath ¶
func (*TxFactory) GetFieldView2ShardsMapForIndex ¶
func (txf *TxFactory) GetFieldView2ShardsMapForIndex(idx *Index) (vs *FieldView2Shards, err error)
func (*TxFactory) GetShardsForIndex ¶
func (f *TxFactory) GetShardsForIndex(idx *Index, roaringViewPath string, requireData bool) (map[uint64]struct{}, error)
DBPerShardGetShardsForIndex returns the shards for idx. If requireData, we open the database and see that it has a key, rather than assume that the database file presence is enough.
func (*TxFactory) NewDBPerShard ¶
func (txf *TxFactory) NewDBPerShard(typ txtype, holderDir string, holder *Holder) (d *DBPerShard)
func (*TxFactory) NewQcx ¶
NewQcx allocates a freshly allocated and empty Grp. The top-level Qcx is not marked writable. Non-writable Qcx should not be used to request write Tx.
func (*TxFactory) NewWritableQcx ¶
NewWritableQcx allocates a freshly allocated and empty Grp. The resulting Qcx is marked writable.
type TxGroup ¶
type TxGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TxGroup holds a set of read transactions that will en-mass have Rollback() (for the read set) called on them when TxGroup.Finish() is invoked. Alternatively, TxGroup.Abort() will call Rollback() on all Tx group memebers.
It used to have writes but we never actually used that because of the Qcx needing to make every commit get its own transaction.
func (*TxGroup) AbortGroup ¶
func (g *TxGroup) AbortGroup()
Abort calls Rollback() on all the group Tx, and marks the group as finished. Either Abort() or Finish() must be called on the TxGroup.
func (*TxGroup) FinishGroup ¶
Finish commits the write tx and calls Rollback() on the read tx contained in the group. Either Abort() or Finish() must be called on the TxGroup exactly once.
type Txo ¶
type Txo struct { Write bool Field *Field Index *Index Fragment *fragment Shard uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Txo holds the transaction options
type UpdateFieldMessage ¶
type UpdateFieldMessage struct { CreateFieldMessage CreateFieldMessage Update FieldUpdate }
UpdateFieldMessage represents a change to an existing field. The CreateFieldMessage holds the changed field, while the update shows the change that was made.
type ValCount ¶
type ValCount struct { Val int64 `json:"value"` FloatVal float64 `json:"floatValue"` DecimalVal *pql.Decimal `json:"decimalValue"` TimestampVal time.Time `json:"timestampValue"` Count int64 `json:"count"` }
ValCount represents a grouping of sum & count for Sum() and Average() calls. Also Min, Max....
func (*ValCount) Cleanup ¶
func (vc *ValCount) Cleanup()
cleanup removes the integer value (Val) from the ValCount if one of the other fields is in use.
ValCounts are normally holding data which is stored as a BSI (integer) under the hood. Sometimes it's convenient to be able to compare the underlying integer values rather than their interpretation as decimal, timestamp, etc, so the lower level functions may return both integer and the interpreted value, but we don't want to pass that all the way back to the client, so we remove it here.
type ViewInfo ¶
type ViewInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ViewInfo represents schema information for a view.
type WireQueryField ¶
type WireQueryField struct { Name dax.FieldName `json:"name"` Type string `json:"type"` // human readable display (e.g. "decimal(2)") BaseType dax.BaseType `json:"base-type"` // for programmatic switching on type (e.g. "decimal") TypeInfo map[string]interface{} `json:"type-info"` // type modifiers (like scale), but not constraints (like min/max) }
WireQueryField is a field name along with a supported BaseType and type information.
type WireQueryResponse ¶
type WireQueryResponse struct { Schema WireQuerySchema `json:"schema"` Data [][]interface{} `json:"data"` Error string `json:"error"` Warnings []string `json:"warnings"` QueryPlan map[string]interface{} `json:"query-plan"` ExecutionTime int64 `json:"execution-time"` }
WireQueryResponse is the standard featurebase response type which can be serialized and sent over the wire.
func (*WireQueryResponse) ShowColumnsResponse ¶ added in v3.34.0
func (s *WireQueryResponse) ShowColumnsResponse() (*ShowColumnsResponse, error)
ShowColumnsResponse returns a structure which is specific to a `SHOW COLUMNS` statement, derived from the results in the WireQueryResponse. This is kind of a crude way to unmarshal a WireQueryResponse into a type which is specific to the sql operation. TODO(tlt): see if we can standardize on this logic, because it would be useful to have the same thing for SHOW DATABASES and SHOW TABLES. TODO(tlt): the fields unmarshalled in this method are a subset of the actual columns available; at the moment, we only handled the ones we need in the CLI.
func (*WireQueryResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *WireQueryResponse) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a custom unmarshaller for the SQLResponse that converts the value types in `Data` based on the types in `Schema`.
func (*WireQueryResponse) UnmarshalJSONTyped ¶
func (s *WireQueryResponse) UnmarshalJSONTyped(in []byte, typed bool) error
UnmarshalJSONTyped is a temporary until we send typed values back in sql responses. At that point, we can get rid of the typed=false path. In order to do that, we need sql3 to return typed values, and we need the sql3/test/defs to define results as typed values (like `IDSet`) instead of (for example) `[]int64`.
type WireQuerySchema ¶
type WireQuerySchema struct {
Fields []*WireQueryField `json:"fields"`
WireQuerySchema is a list of Fields which map to the data columns in the Response.
Source Files
- api.go
- api_directive.go
- apimethod_string.go
- apply.go
- arrow.go
- audit.go
- broadcast.go
- bsi.go
- cache.go
- catcher.go
- cluster.go
- const_amd64.go
- dbshard.go
- diagnostics.go
- doc.go
- event.go
- executor.go
- field.go
- filesystem.go
- fragment.go
- gc.go
- gid.go
- hack.go
- handler.go
- holder.go
- http_handler.go
- http_translator.go
- idalloc.go
- importer.go
- index.go
- internal_client.go
- iterator.go
- like.go
- metrics.go
- performancecounters.go
- pilosa.go
- pprof.go
- rbf.go
- row.go
- schema.go
- serializer.go
- server.go
- stattx.go
- systemlayer.go
- time.go
- tracker.go
- transaction.go
- translate.go
- translate_boltdb.go
- tx.go
- txfactory.go
- util.go
- verchk.go
- version.go
- view.go
- wire_response.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package authn handles authentication
Package authn handles authentication |
Package cli contains a FeatureBase command line interface.
Package cli contains a FeatureBase command line interface. |
Package dax defines DAX domain level types.
Package dax defines DAX domain level types. |
Package computer contains the compute-specific portions of the DAX architecture.
Package computer contains the compute-specific portions of the DAX architecture. |
Package controller provides the core Controller struct.
Package controller provides the core Controller struct. |
Package balancer is an implementation of the controller.Balancer interface.
Package balancer is an implementation of the controller.Balancer interface. |
Package client is an HTTP client for Controller.
Package client is an HTTP client for Controller. |
Package http provides the http implementation of the Director interface.
Package http provides the http implementation of the Director interface. |
Package partitioner provides the Partitioner type, which provides helper methods for determining partitions based on string keys.
Package partitioner provides the Partitioner type, which provides helper methods for determining partitions based on string keys. |
Package poller provides the core Poller struct.
Package poller provides the core Poller struct. |
Package schemar provides the core Schemar interface.
Package schemar provides the core Schemar interface. |
Package client is an HTTP client for the Queryer.
Package client is an HTTP client for the Queryer. |
Package snapshotter provides the core snapshotter structs.
Package snapshotter provides the core snapshotter structs. |
Package test include external test apps, helper functions, and test data.
Package test include external test apps, helper functions, and test data. |
Package writelogger provides the writelogger structs.
Package writelogger provides the writelogger structs. |
Package errors wraps pkg/errors and includes some custom features such as error codes.
Package errors wraps pkg/errors and includes some custom features such as error codes. |
Package lru implements an LRU cache.
Package lru implements an LRU cache. |
Package querycontext provides a semi-transactional layer wrapping access to multiple underlying transactional databases.
Package querycontext provides a semi-transactional layer wrapping access to multiple underlying transactional databases. |
Package sql3 contains the latest version of FeatureBase SQL support.
Package sql3 contains the latest version of FeatureBase SQL support. |
Package task provides an interface for indicating when an operation has been blocked, so that a worker pool which wants to be doing N things at a time can start trying new things when some things are blocked.
Package task provides an interface for indicating when an operation has been blocked, so that a worker pool which wants to be doing N things at a time can start trying new things when some things are blocked. |