Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Authenticate(ctx context.Context, a common.AuthAttempt) (context.Context, error)
- func AuthorizationHeaderMiddleware(sessionKey string) (func(h http.Handler) http.Handler, error)
- func CreateApi(ctx context.Context, controllerOptions *ControllerOptions) (http.Handler, error)
- func CreateGoaV3Handler(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) (http.Handler, error)
- func ExpeditionDefaultPicture(id int64) ([]byte, error)
- func FirmwareSummariesType(firmwares []*data.Firmware) []*firmware.FirmwareSummary
- func FirmwareSummaryType(fw *data.Firmware) *firmware.FirmwareSummary
- func FirmwaresType(firmwares []*data.Firmware) *firmware.Firmwares
- func InterceptDownloadResponses(defaultEncoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder
- func Logger(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger
- func MakeExportStatus(signer *Signer, de *data.DataExport) (*exportService.ExportStatus, error)
- func MakeExportStatuses(signer *Signer, all []*data.DataExport) ([]*exportService.ExportStatus, error)
- func NewRawQueryParamsFromCsvExport(payload *exportService.CsvPayload) (*backend.RawQueryParams, error)
- func NewRawQueryParamsFromJSONLinesExport(payload *exportService.JSONLinesPayload) (*backend.RawQueryParams, error)
- func NewRawQueryParamsFromSensorData(payload *sensor.DataPayload) (*backend.RawQueryParams, error)
- func NewTestableApi(e *tests.TestEnv) (http.Handler, error)
- func NewTransmissionToken(now time.Time, user *data.User) *jwtgo.Token
- func ProjectDefaultPicture(id int64) ([]byte, error)
- func ProjectType(signer *Signer, dm *data.Project, numberOfFollowers int32, ...) (*project.Project, error)
- func ProjectUserType(signer *Signer, dm *data.ProjectUserAndUser) (*user.ProjectUser, error)
- func ProjectUsersType(signer *Signer, users []*data.ProjectUserAndUser, ...) (*user.ProjectUsers, error)
- func ProjectsType(signer *Signer, projects []*data.Project, followers []*data.FollowersSummary, ...) (*project.Projects, error)
- func StationDefaultPicture(id int64) ([]byte, error)
- func ThreadedPage(page *data.PageOfDiscussion) ([]*discService.ThreadedPost, error)
- func ThreadedPost(dp *data.DiscussionPost, users map[int32]*data.User) (*discService.ThreadedPost, error)
- func UserDefaultPicture(id int64) ([]byte, error)
- func UserType(signer *Signer, dm *data.User) (*user.User, error)
- func VerifyToken(ctx context.Context, a common.AuthAttempt) (jwt.MapClaims, int32, error)
- func ViewDataEvent(de *data.DataEvent, users map[int32]*data.User) (*eventsService.DataEvent, error)
- func ViewDataEvents(des []*data.DataEvent, users map[int32]*data.User) ([]*eventsService.DataEvent, error)
- type ActivitiesByCreatedAt
- type ActivityService
- func (s *ActivityService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *ActivityService) Project(ctx context.Context, payload *activity.ProjectPayload) (page *activity.ProjectActivityPage, err error)
- func (c *ActivityService) Station(ctx context.Context, payload *activity.StationPayload) (page *activity.StationActivityPage, err error)
- type AfterAuthenticationFunc
- type ApiConfiguration
- type AuthServer
- type AuthenticationErrorResponseBody
- type BlocksSummaryRow
- type BucketNames
- type Claims
- type ControllerOptions
- type CsvService
- type DataService
- type DiscourseAuth
- type DiscourseAuthConfig
- type DiscourseService
- type DiscussionPermissions
- type DiscussionService
- func (c *DiscussionService) Data(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.DataPayload) (*discService.Discussion, error)
- func (c *DiscussionService) DeleteMessage(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.DeleteMessagePayload) error
- func (s *DiscussionService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *DiscussionService) PostMessage(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.PostMessagePayload) (*discService.PostMessageResult, error)
- func (c *DiscussionService) Project(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.ProjectPayload) (*discService.Discussion, error)
- func (c *DiscussionService) UpdateMessage(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.UpdateMessagePayload) (*discService.UpdateMessageResult, error)
- type DownloadResponseBody
- type ErrorNamer
- type EventsService
- func (c *EventsService) AddDataEvent(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.AddDataEventPayload) (*eventsService.AddDataEventResult, error)
- func (c *EventsService) DataEventsEndpoint(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.DataEventsPayload) (*eventsService.DataEvents, error)
- func (c *EventsService) DeleteDataEvent(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.DeleteDataEventPayload) error
- func (s *EventsService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *EventsService) UpdateDataEvent(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.UpdateDataEventPayload) (*eventsService.UpdateDataEventResult, error)
- type ExportService
- func (c *ExportService) Csv(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.CsvPayload) (*exportService.CsvResult, error)
- func (c *ExportService) Download(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.DownloadPayload) (*exportService.DownloadResult, io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (c *ExportService) JSONLines(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.JSONLinesPayload) (*exportService.JSONLinesResult, error)
- func (s *ExportService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *ExportService) ListMine(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.ListMinePayload) (*exportService.UserExports, error)
- func (c *ExportService) Status(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.StatusPayload) (*exportService.ExportStatus, error)
- type ExternalMedia
- type FirmwareService
- func (s *FirmwareService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.AddPayload) error
- func (s *FirmwareService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.DeletePayload) error
- func (s *FirmwareService) Download(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.DownloadPayload) (*firmware.DownloadResult, io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (s *FirmwareService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (s *FirmwareService) List(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.ListPayload) (*firmware.Firmwares, error)
- type FollowingService
- func (c *FollowingService) Follow(ctx context.Context, payload *following.FollowPayload) error
- func (c *FollowingService) Followers(ctx context.Context, payload *following.FollowersPayload) (page *following.FollowersPage, err error)
- func (s *FollowingService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *FollowingService) Unfollow(ctx context.Context, payload *following.UnfollowPayload) error
- type InformationService
- func (c *InformationService) DeviceLayout(ctx context.Context, payload *information.DeviceLayoutPayload) (response *information.DeviceLayoutResponse, err error)
- func (c *InformationService) FirmwareStatistics(ctx context.Context, payload *information.FirmwareStatisticsPayload) (response *information.FirmwareStatisticsResult, err error)
- func (s *InformationService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- type IngestionService
- func (c *IngestionService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.DeletePayload) (err error)
- func (s *IngestionService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *IngestionService) ProcessIngestion(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessIngestionPayload) (err error)
- func (c *IngestionService) ProcessPending(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessPendingPayload) (err error)
- func (c *IngestionService) ProcessStation(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessStationPayload) (err error)
- func (c *IngestionService) ProcessStationIngestions(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessStationIngestionsPayload) (err error)
- func (c *IngestionService) RefreshViews(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.RefreshViewsPayload) (err error)
- func (c *IngestionService) WalkEverything(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.WalkEverythingPayload) (err error)
- type KeycloakConfig
- type LinkState
- type Listener
- type ListenerError
- type MetaResult
- type ModulesService
- type NoteMediaWithNoteID
- type NotesService
- func (s *NotesService) DeleteMedia(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.DeleteMediaPayload) error
- func (s *NotesService) DownloadMedia(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.DownloadMediaPayload) (*notes.DownloadMediaResult, io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (s *NotesService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.GetPayload) (*notes.FieldNotes, error)
- func (s *NotesService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (s *NotesService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.UpdatePayload) (*notes.FieldNotes, error)
- func (s *NotesService) UploadMedia(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.UploadMediaPayload, body io.ReadCloser) (*notes.NoteMedia, error)
- type NotificationsService
- func (s *NotificationsService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *NotificationsService) Listen(ctx context.Context, stream notifications.ListenServerStream) error
- func (c *NotificationsService) Seen(ctx context.Context, payload *notifications.SeenPayload) error
- type OidcAuth
- type OidcAuthConfig
- type OidcService
- func (s *OidcService) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, payload *oidcService.AuthenticatePayload) (*oidcService.AuthenticateResult, error)
- func (s *OidcService) Required(ctx context.Context, payload *oidcService.RequiredPayload) (*oidcService.RequiredResult, error)
- func (s *OidcService) URL(ctx context.Context, payload *oidcService.URLPayload) (*oidcService.URLResult, error)
- type Permissions
- type PhotoCache
- type PhotoCropSettings
- type PhotoFromCache
- type PhotoResizeSettings
- type Pile
- func (pile *Pile) Add(ctx context.Context, key PileKey, reader io.Reader) error
- func (pile *Pile) AddBytes(ctx context.Context, key PileKey, data []byte) error
- func (pile *Pile) Close() error
- func (pile *Pile) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (pile *Pile) Find(ctx context.Context, key PileKey) (io.Reader, int64, error)
- func (pile *Pile) IsOpen() bool
- func (pile *Pile) Open(ctx context.Context) error
- type PileKey
- type PileMeta
- type ProjectPermissions
- type ProjectService
- func (c *ProjectService) AcceptInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AcceptInvitePayload) (err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) AcceptProjectInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AcceptProjectInvitePayload) (err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AddPayload) (*project.Project, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) AddStation(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AddStationPayload) error
- func (c *ProjectService) AddUpdate(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AddUpdatePayload) (pu *project.ProjectUpdate, err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *project.DeletePayload) error
- func (c *ProjectService) DeleteUpdate(ctx context.Context, payload *project.DeleteUpdatePayload) (err error)
- func (s *ProjectService) DownloadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *project.DownloadPhotoPayload) (*project.DownloadedPhoto, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) EditUser(ctx context.Context, payload *project.EditUserPayload) error
- func (c *ProjectService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *project.GetPayload) (*project.Project, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) Invite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.InvitePayload) error
- func (c *ProjectService) Invites(ctx context.Context, payload *project.InvitesPayload) (invites *project.PendingInvites, err error)
- func (s *ProjectService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) ListCommunity(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ListCommunityPayload) (*project.Projects, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) ListMine(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ListMinePayload) (*project.Projects, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) LookupInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.LookupInvitePayload) (invites *project.PendingInvites, err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) ModifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ModifyUpdatePayload) (pu *project.ProjectUpdate, err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) ProjectsStation(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ProjectsStationPayload) (*project.Projects, error)
- func (c *ProjectService) RejectInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RejectInvitePayload) (err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) RejectProjectInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RejectProjectInvitePayload) (err error)
- func (c *ProjectService) RemoveStation(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RemoveStationPayload) error
- func (c *ProjectService) RemoveUser(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RemoveUserPayload) error
- func (c *ProjectService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *project.UpdatePayload) (*project.Project, error)
- func (s *ProjectService) UploadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *project.UploadPhotoPayload, body io.ReadCloser) error
- type ProvisionSummaryRow
- type RecordsService
- func (c *RecordsService) Data(ctx context.Context, payload *records.DataPayload) (*records.DataResult, error)
- func (s *RecordsService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *RecordsService) Meta(ctx context.Context, payload *records.MetaPayload) (*records.MetaResult, error)
- func (c *RecordsService) Resolved(ctx context.Context, payload *records.ResolvedPayload) (*records.ResolvedResult, error)
- type ResizedImage
- type ResolveFunc
- type SamlAuth
- type SamlAuthConfig
- type SensorMeta
- type SensorService
- func (c *SensorService) Bookmark(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.BookmarkPayload) (*sensor.SavedBookmark, error)
- func (c *SensorService) Data(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.DataPayload) (*sensor.DataResult, error)
- func (s *SensorService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *SensorService) Meta(ctx context.Context) (*sensor.MetaResult, error)
- func (c *SensorService) Recently(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.RecentlyPayload) (*sensor.RecentlyResult, error)
- func (c *SensorService) Resolve(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.ResolvePayload) (*sensor.SavedBookmark, error)
- func (c *SensorService) SensorMeta(ctx context.Context) (*sensor.SensorMetaResult, error)
- func (c *SensorService) StationMeta(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.StationMetaPayload) (*sensor.StationMetaResult, error)
- func (c *SensorService) Tail(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.TailPayload) (*sensor.TailResult, error)
- type Signer
- type StationPermissions
- type StationService
- func (c *StationService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *station.AddPayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
- func (c *StationService) AdminSearch(ctx context.Context, payload *station.AdminSearchPayload) (*station.PageOfStations, error)
- func (c *StationService) DefaultPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *station.DefaultPhotoPayload) (err error)
- func (c *StationService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *station.DeletePayload) error
- func (c *StationService) DownloadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *station.DownloadPhotoPayload) (*station.DownloadedPhoto, error)
- func (c *StationService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *station.GetPayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
- func (s *StationService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (c *StationService) ListAll(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListAllPayload) (*station.PageOfStations, error)
- func (c *StationService) ListAssociated(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListAssociatedPayload) (response *station.AssociatedStations, err error)
- func (c *StationService) ListMine(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListMinePayload) (response *station.StationsFull, err error)
- func (c *StationService) ListProject(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListProjectPayload) (response *station.StationsFull, err error)
- func (c *StationService) ListProjectAssociated(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListProjectAssociatedPayload) (response *station.AssociatedStations, err error)
- func (c *StationService) Progress(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ProgressPayload) (response *station.StationProgress, err error)
- func (c *StationService) Transfer(ctx context.Context, payload *station.TransferPayload) (err error)
- func (c *StationService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *station.UpdatePayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
- func (c *StationService) UpdateModule(ctx context.Context, payload *station.UpdateModulePayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
- type StationsMeta
- type StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder
- type Subscriptions
- type TasksService
- type TestService
- func (sc *TestService) Email(ctx context.Context, payload *test.EmailPayload) error
- func (sc *TestService) Error(ctx context.Context) error
- func (sc *TestService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *test.GetPayload) error
- func (s *TestService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- type UserService
- func (s *UserService) AcceptTnc(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AcceptTncPayload) (*user.User, error)
- func (s *UserService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AddPayload) (*user.User, error)
- func (s *UserService) AdminDelete(outerCtx context.Context, payload *user.AdminDeletePayload) error
- func (c *UserService) AdminSearch(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AdminSearchPayload) (*user.AdminSearchResult, error)
- func (c *UserService) AdminTermsAndConditions(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AdminTermsAndConditionsPayload) error
- func (s *UserService) ChangePassword(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ChangePasswordPayload) (*user.User, error)
- func (s *UserService) DownloadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *user.DownloadPhotoPayload) (*user.DownloadedPhoto, error)
- func (s *UserService) GetCurrent(ctx context.Context, payload *user.GetCurrentPayload) (*user.User, error)
- func (s *UserService) IssueTransmissionToken(ctx context.Context, payload *user.IssueTransmissionTokenPayload) (*user.TransmissionToken, error)
- func (s *UserService) JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, scheme *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)
- func (s *UserService) ListByProject(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ListByProjectPayload) (*user.ProjectUsers, error)
- func (s *UserService) Login(ctx context.Context, payload *user.LoginPayload) (*user.LoginResult, error)
- func (s *UserService) Logout(ctx context.Context, payload *user.LogoutPayload) error
- func (c *UserService) Mentionables(ctx context.Context, payload *user.MentionablesPayload) (*user.MentionableOptions, error)
- func (s *UserService) ProjectRoles(ctx context.Context) (user.ProjectRoleCollection, error)
- func (s *UserService) Recovery(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RecoveryPayload) error
- func (s *UserService) RecoveryLookup(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RecoveryLookupPayload) error
- func (s *UserService) Refresh(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RefreshPayload) (*user.RefreshResult, error)
- func (s *UserService) Resume(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ResumePayload) (*user.ResumeResult, error)
- func (s *UserService) Roles(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RolesPayload) (*user.AvailableRoles, error)
- func (s *UserService) SendValidation(ctx context.Context, payload *user.SendValidationPayload) error
- func (s *UserService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *user.UpdatePayload) (*user.User, error)
- func (s *UserService) UploadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *user.UploadPhotoPayload, body io.ReadCloser) error
- func (s *UserService) Validate(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ValidatePayload) (*user.ValidateResult, error)
- type ValidatedDiscourseAttempt
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( MimeTypeJpeg = "image/jpeg" MimeTypeGif = "image/gif" MimeTypePng = "image/png" )
View Source
const ( KeycloakPortalIDAttribute = "portal_id" OurAudience = "" )
View Source
const (
DefaultFirmwarePattern = "^(.+main.+)$"
View Source
const ISO8601 = "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700"
View Source
const RFC2822 = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
View Source
const (
TailLength = 20
Variables ¶
View Source
var (
ErrNoConfig = errors.New("insufficient config")
View Source
var (
KeyOrder = []string{
View Source
var (
NameMap = map[string]string{
"distance": "modules.distance",
"weather": "",
"diagnostics": "modules.diagnostics",
"ultrasonic": "modules.distance",
Functions ¶
func Authenticate ¶
func CreateGoaV3Handler ¶
func FirmwareSummariesType ¶
func FirmwareSummariesType(firmwares []*data.Firmware) []*firmware.FirmwareSummary
func FirmwareSummaryType ¶
func FirmwareSummaryType(fw *data.Firmware) *firmware.FirmwareSummary
func MakeExportStatus ¶
func MakeExportStatus(signer *Signer, de *data.DataExport) (*exportService.ExportStatus, error)
func MakeExportStatuses ¶
func MakeExportStatuses(signer *Signer, all []*data.DataExport) ([]*exportService.ExportStatus, error)
func NewRawQueryParamsFromCsvExport ¶
func NewRawQueryParamsFromCsvExport(payload *exportService.CsvPayload) (*backend.RawQueryParams, error)
func NewRawQueryParamsFromJSONLinesExport ¶
func NewRawQueryParamsFromJSONLinesExport(payload *exportService.JSONLinesPayload) (*backend.RawQueryParams, error)
func NewRawQueryParamsFromSensorData ¶
func NewRawQueryParamsFromSensorData(payload *sensor.DataPayload) (*backend.RawQueryParams, error)
func ProjectDefaultPicture ¶
func ProjectType ¶
func ProjectUserType ¶
func ProjectUserType(signer *Signer, dm *data.ProjectUserAndUser) (*user.ProjectUser, error)
func ProjectUsersType ¶
func ProjectUsersType(signer *Signer, users []*data.ProjectUserAndUser, invites []*data.ProjectInvite) (*user.ProjectUsers, error)
func ProjectsType ¶
func StationDefaultPicture ¶
func ThreadedPage ¶
func ThreadedPage(page *data.PageOfDiscussion) ([]*discService.ThreadedPost, error)
func ThreadedPost ¶
func ThreadedPost(dp *data.DiscussionPost, users map[int32]*data.User) (*discService.ThreadedPost, error)
func UserDefaultPicture ¶
func VerifyToken ¶
func ViewDataEvent ¶
func ViewDataEvents ¶
Types ¶
type ActivitiesByCreatedAt ¶
type ActivitiesByCreatedAt []*activity.ActivityEntry
func (ActivitiesByCreatedAt) Len ¶
func (s ActivitiesByCreatedAt) Len() int
func (ActivitiesByCreatedAt) Less ¶
func (s ActivitiesByCreatedAt) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ActivitiesByCreatedAt) Swap ¶
func (s ActivitiesByCreatedAt) Swap(i, j int)
type ActivityService ¶
type ActivityService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewActivityService ¶
func NewActivityService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *ActivityService
func (*ActivityService) Project ¶
func (c *ActivityService) Project(ctx context.Context, payload *activity.ProjectPayload) (page *activity.ProjectActivityPage, err error)
func (*ActivityService) Station ¶
func (c *ActivityService) Station(ctx context.Context, payload *activity.StationPayload) (page *activity.StationActivityPage, err error)
type AfterAuthenticationFunc ¶
type ApiConfiguration ¶
type ApiConfiguration struct { ApiHost string SessionKey string MapboxToken string Emailer string Domain string PortalDomain string EmailOverride string Buckets *BucketNames }
func (*ApiConfiguration) MakeApiUrl ¶
func (ac *ApiConfiguration) MakeApiUrl(f string, args ...interface{}) string
type AuthServer ¶
type AuthServer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAuthServer ¶
func NewAuthServer() (*AuthServer, error)
func (*AuthServer) Login ¶
func (as *AuthServer) Login(ctx context.Context, email, password string) (*gocloak.JWT, error)
func (*AuthServer) UpdateAuthentication ¶
type AuthenticationErrorResponseBody ¶
type AuthenticationErrorResponseBody struct { Name string `form:"name" json:"name" xml:"name"` ID string `form:"id" json:"id" xml:"id"` Message string `form:"message" json:"message" xml:"message"` Temporary bool `form:"temporary" json:"temporary" xml:"temporary"` Timeout bool `form:"timeout" json:"timeout" xml:"timeout"` Fault bool `form:"fault" json:"fault" xml:"fault"` }
type BlocksSummaryRow ¶
type BlocksSummaryRow struct { Size int64 Blocks data.Int64Range }
type BucketNames ¶
type ControllerOptions ¶
type ControllerOptions struct { Config *ApiConfiguration Session *session.Session Database *sqlxcache.DB Querier *data.Querier JWTHMACKey []byte Emailer email.Emailer Domain string PortalDomain string Metrics *logging.Metrics Publisher jobs.MessagePublisher MediaFiles files.FileArchive // Twitter ConsumerKey string ConsumerSecret string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateServiceOptions ¶
func CreateServiceOptions(ctx context.Context, config *ApiConfiguration, database *sqlxcache.DB, publisher jobs.MessagePublisher, mediaFiles files.FileArchive, awsSession *session.Session, metrics *logging.Metrics, que *gue.Client, influxConfig *querying.InfluxDBConfig, timeScaleConfig *storage.TimeScaleDBConfig) (controllerOptions *ControllerOptions, err error)
func NewServiceOptions ¶
func NewServiceOptions(e *tests.TestEnv) (*ControllerOptions, error)
func (*ControllerOptions) Close ¶
func (o *ControllerOptions) Close() error
type CsvService ¶
type CsvService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCsvService ¶
func NewCsvService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *CsvService
type DataService ¶
type DataService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDataService ¶
func NewDataService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *DataService
func (*DataService) DeviceSummary ¶
func (s *DataService) DeviceSummary(ctx context.Context, payload *datas.DeviceSummaryPayload) (*datas.DeviceDataSummaryResponse, error)
type DiscourseAuth ¶
type DiscourseAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDiscourseAuth ¶
func NewDiscourseAuth(options *ControllerOptions, config *DiscourseAuthConfig) *DiscourseAuth
func (*DiscourseAuth) Validate ¶
func (sa *DiscourseAuth) Validate(ssoVal string, sigVal string) (*ValidatedDiscourseAttempt, error)
type DiscourseAuthConfig ¶
func NewDiscourseAuthConfig ¶
func NewDiscourseAuthConfig() *DiscourseAuthConfig
type DiscourseService ¶
type DiscourseService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDiscourseService ¶
func NewDiscourseService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *DiscourseService
func (*DiscourseService) Authenticate ¶
func (s *DiscourseService) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, payload *discourse.AuthenticatePayload) (*discourse.AuthenticateResult, error)
type DiscussionPermissions ¶
type DiscussionPermissions interface { Permissions Discussion() *data.DiscussionPost CanDelete() error }
type DiscussionService ¶
type DiscussionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDiscussionService ¶
func NewDiscussionService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *DiscussionService
func (*DiscussionService) Data ¶
func (c *DiscussionService) Data(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.DataPayload) (*discService.Discussion, error)
func (*DiscussionService) DeleteMessage ¶
func (c *DiscussionService) DeleteMessage(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.DeleteMessagePayload) error
func (*DiscussionService) PostMessage ¶
func (c *DiscussionService) PostMessage(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.PostMessagePayload) (*discService.PostMessageResult, error)
func (*DiscussionService) Project ¶
func (c *DiscussionService) Project(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.ProjectPayload) (*discService.Discussion, error)
func (*DiscussionService) UpdateMessage ¶
func (c *DiscussionService) UpdateMessage(ctx context.Context, payload *discService.UpdateMessagePayload) (*discService.UpdateMessageResult, error)
type DownloadResponseBody ¶
type ErrorNamer ¶
type ErrorNamer interface {
ErrorName() string
type EventsService ¶
type EventsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEventsService ¶
func NewEventsService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *EventsService
func (*EventsService) AddDataEvent ¶
func (c *EventsService) AddDataEvent(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.AddDataEventPayload) (*eventsService.AddDataEventResult, error)
func (*EventsService) DataEventsEndpoint ¶
func (c *EventsService) DataEventsEndpoint(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.DataEventsPayload) (*eventsService.DataEvents, error)
func (*EventsService) DeleteDataEvent ¶
func (c *EventsService) DeleteDataEvent(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.DeleteDataEventPayload) error
func (*EventsService) UpdateDataEvent ¶
func (c *EventsService) UpdateDataEvent(ctx context.Context, payload *eventsService.UpdateDataEventPayload) (*eventsService.UpdateDataEventResult, error)
type ExportService ¶
type ExportService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewExportService ¶
func NewExportService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *ExportService
func (*ExportService) Csv ¶
func (c *ExportService) Csv(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.CsvPayload) (*exportService.CsvResult, error)
func (*ExportService) Download ¶
func (c *ExportService) Download(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.DownloadPayload) (*exportService.DownloadResult, io.ReadCloser, error)
func (*ExportService) JSONLines ¶
func (c *ExportService) JSONLines(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.JSONLinesPayload) (*exportService.JSONLinesResult, error)
func (*ExportService) ListMine ¶
func (c *ExportService) ListMine(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.ListMinePayload) (*exportService.UserExports, error)
func (*ExportService) Status ¶
func (c *ExportService) Status(ctx context.Context, payload *exportService.StatusPayload) (*exportService.ExportStatus, error)
type ExternalMedia ¶
type FirmwareService ¶
type FirmwareService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFirmwareService ¶
func NewFirmwareService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *FirmwareService
func (*FirmwareService) Add ¶
func (s *FirmwareService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.AddPayload) error
func (*FirmwareService) Delete ¶
func (s *FirmwareService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.DeletePayload) error
func (*FirmwareService) Download ¶
func (s *FirmwareService) Download(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.DownloadPayload) (*firmware.DownloadResult, io.ReadCloser, error)
func (*FirmwareService) List ¶
func (s *FirmwareService) List(ctx context.Context, payload *firmware.ListPayload) (*firmware.Firmwares, error)
type FollowingService ¶
type FollowingService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFollowingService ¶
func NewFollowingService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *FollowingService
func (*FollowingService) Follow ¶
func (c *FollowingService) Follow(ctx context.Context, payload *following.FollowPayload) error
func (*FollowingService) Followers ¶
func (c *FollowingService) Followers(ctx context.Context, payload *following.FollowersPayload) (page *following.FollowersPage, err error)
func (*FollowingService) Unfollow ¶
func (c *FollowingService) Unfollow(ctx context.Context, payload *following.UnfollowPayload) error
type InformationService ¶
type InformationService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInformationService ¶
func NewInformationService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *InformationService
func (*InformationService) DeviceLayout ¶
func (c *InformationService) DeviceLayout(ctx context.Context, payload *information.DeviceLayoutPayload) (response *information.DeviceLayoutResponse, err error)
func (*InformationService) FirmwareStatistics ¶
func (c *InformationService) FirmwareStatistics(ctx context.Context, payload *information.FirmwareStatisticsPayload) (response *information.FirmwareStatisticsResult, err error)
type IngestionService ¶
type IngestionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIngestionService ¶
func NewIngestionService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *IngestionService
func (*IngestionService) Delete ¶
func (c *IngestionService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.DeletePayload) (err error)
func (*IngestionService) ProcessIngestion ¶
func (c *IngestionService) ProcessIngestion(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessIngestionPayload) (err error)
func (*IngestionService) ProcessPending ¶
func (c *IngestionService) ProcessPending(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessPendingPayload) (err error)
func (*IngestionService) ProcessStation ¶
func (c *IngestionService) ProcessStation(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessStationPayload) (err error)
func (*IngestionService) ProcessStationIngestions ¶
func (c *IngestionService) ProcessStationIngestions(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.ProcessStationIngestionsPayload) (err error)
func (*IngestionService) RefreshViews ¶
func (c *IngestionService) RefreshViews(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.RefreshViewsPayload) (err error)
func (*IngestionService) WalkEverything ¶
func (c *IngestionService) WalkEverything(ctx context.Context, payload *ingestion.WalkEverythingPayload) (err error)
type KeycloakConfig ¶
type KeycloakConfig struct { Realm string URL string ApiUser string ApiPassword string ApiRealm string }
func NewKeycloakConfig ¶
func NewKeycloakConfig() *KeycloakConfig
func (*KeycloakConfig) Valid ¶
func (c *KeycloakConfig) Valid() bool
type Listener ¶
type Listener struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewListener ¶
func NewListener(options *ControllerOptions, stream notifications.ListenServerStream, afterAuth AfterAuthenticationFunc) (l *Listener)
type ListenerError ¶
func (*ListenerError) Error ¶
func (e *ListenerError) Error() string
type MetaResult ¶
type MetaResult struct { Sensors []*SensorMeta `json:"sensors"` Modules interface{} `json:"modules"` }
type ModulesService ¶
type ModulesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewModulesService ¶
func NewModulesService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *ModulesService
func (*ModulesService) Meta ¶
func (ms *ModulesService) Meta(ctx context.Context) (*modules.MetaResult, error)
type NoteMediaWithNoteID ¶
type NoteMediaWithNoteID struct { NoteID *int64 `db:"note_id,omitempty"` data.FieldNoteMedia }
type NotesService ¶
type NotesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNotesService ¶
func NewNotesService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *NotesService
func (*NotesService) DeleteMedia ¶
func (s *NotesService) DeleteMedia(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.DeleteMediaPayload) error
func (*NotesService) DownloadMedia ¶
func (s *NotesService) DownloadMedia(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.DownloadMediaPayload) (*notes.DownloadMediaResult, io.ReadCloser, error)
func (*NotesService) Get ¶
func (s *NotesService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.GetPayload) (*notes.FieldNotes, error)
func (*NotesService) Update ¶
func (s *NotesService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.UpdatePayload) (*notes.FieldNotes, error)
func (*NotesService) UploadMedia ¶
func (s *NotesService) UploadMedia(ctx context.Context, payload *notes.UploadMediaPayload, body io.ReadCloser) (*notes.NoteMedia, error)
type NotificationsService ¶
type NotificationsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNotificationsService ¶
func NewNotificationsService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *NotificationsService
func (*NotificationsService) Listen ¶
func (c *NotificationsService) Listen(ctx context.Context, stream notifications.ListenServerStream) error
func (*NotificationsService) Seen ¶
func (c *NotificationsService) Seen(ctx context.Context, payload *notifications.SeenPayload) error
type OidcAuth ¶
type OidcAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOidcAuth ¶
func NewOidcAuth(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions, config *OidcAuthConfig) (*OidcAuth, error)
type OidcAuthConfig ¶
type OidcAuthConfig struct { ClientID string ClientSecret string ConfigURL string RedirectURL string }
func NewOidcAuthConfig ¶
func NewOidcAuthConfig() *OidcAuthConfig
type OidcService ¶
type OidcService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOidcService ¶
func NewOidcService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *OidcService
func (*OidcService) Authenticate ¶
func (s *OidcService) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, payload *oidcService.AuthenticatePayload) (*oidcService.AuthenticateResult, error)
func (*OidcService) Required ¶
func (s *OidcService) Required(ctx context.Context, payload *oidcService.RequiredPayload) (*oidcService.RequiredResult, error)
func (*OidcService) URL ¶
func (s *OidcService) URL(ctx context.Context, payload *oidcService.URLPayload) (*oidcService.URLResult, error)
type Permissions ¶
type Permissions interface { Unwrap() (permissions Permissions, err error) UserID() int32 Anonymous() bool MaybeUserID() *int32 RefreshToken() string RequireAdmin() error IsAdmin() bool ForProjectByID(id int32) (permissions ProjectPermissions, err error) ForProject(project *data.Project) (permissions ProjectPermissions, err error) ForStationByID(id int) (permissions StationPermissions, err error) ForStationByDeviceID(id []byte) (permissions StationPermissions, err error) ForStation(station *data.Station) (permissions StationPermissions, err error) ForDiscussions(discussion *data.DiscussionPost) (permissions DiscussionPermissions, err error) }
func NewPermissions ¶
func NewPermissions(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) Permissions
type PhotoCache ¶
type PhotoCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPhotoCache ¶
func NewPhotoCache(originals files.FileArchive, metrics *logging.Metrics) *PhotoCache
func (*PhotoCache) Load ¶
func (pc *PhotoCache) Load(ctx context.Context, media *ExternalMedia, resize *PhotoResizeSettings, crop *PhotoCropSettings, ifNoneMatch *string) (*PhotoFromCache, error)
type PhotoCropSettings ¶
type PhotoFromCache ¶
type PhotoResizeSettings ¶
type PhotoResizeSettings struct {
Size int32
type Pile ¶
type Pile struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ProjectPermissions ¶
type ProjectPermissions interface { Permissions Project() *data.Project CanView() error CanModify() error }
type ProjectService ¶
type ProjectService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProjectService ¶
func NewProjectService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *ProjectService
func (*ProjectService) AcceptInvite ¶
func (c *ProjectService) AcceptInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AcceptInvitePayload) (err error)
func (*ProjectService) AcceptProjectInvite ¶
func (c *ProjectService) AcceptProjectInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AcceptProjectInvitePayload) (err error)
func (*ProjectService) Add ¶
func (c *ProjectService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AddPayload) (*project.Project, error)
func (*ProjectService) AddStation ¶
func (c *ProjectService) AddStation(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AddStationPayload) error
func (*ProjectService) AddUpdate ¶
func (c *ProjectService) AddUpdate(ctx context.Context, payload *project.AddUpdatePayload) (pu *project.ProjectUpdate, err error)
func (*ProjectService) Delete ¶
func (c *ProjectService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *project.DeletePayload) error
func (*ProjectService) DeleteUpdate ¶
func (c *ProjectService) DeleteUpdate(ctx context.Context, payload *project.DeleteUpdatePayload) (err error)
func (*ProjectService) DownloadPhoto ¶
func (s *ProjectService) DownloadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *project.DownloadPhotoPayload) (*project.DownloadedPhoto, error)
func (*ProjectService) EditUser ¶
func (c *ProjectService) EditUser(ctx context.Context, payload *project.EditUserPayload) error
func (*ProjectService) Get ¶
func (c *ProjectService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *project.GetPayload) (*project.Project, error)
func (*ProjectService) Invite ¶
func (c *ProjectService) Invite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.InvitePayload) error
func (*ProjectService) Invites ¶
func (c *ProjectService) Invites(ctx context.Context, payload *project.InvitesPayload) (invites *project.PendingInvites, err error)
func (*ProjectService) ListCommunity ¶
func (c *ProjectService) ListCommunity(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ListCommunityPayload) (*project.Projects, error)
func (*ProjectService) ListMine ¶
func (c *ProjectService) ListMine(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ListMinePayload) (*project.Projects, error)
func (*ProjectService) LookupInvite ¶
func (c *ProjectService) LookupInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.LookupInvitePayload) (invites *project.PendingInvites, err error)
func (*ProjectService) ModifyUpdate ¶
func (c *ProjectService) ModifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ModifyUpdatePayload) (pu *project.ProjectUpdate, err error)
func (*ProjectService) ProjectsStation ¶
func (c *ProjectService) ProjectsStation(ctx context.Context, payload *project.ProjectsStationPayload) (*project.Projects, error)
func (*ProjectService) RejectInvite ¶
func (c *ProjectService) RejectInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RejectInvitePayload) (err error)
func (*ProjectService) RejectProjectInvite ¶
func (c *ProjectService) RejectProjectInvite(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RejectProjectInvitePayload) (err error)
func (*ProjectService) RemoveStation ¶
func (c *ProjectService) RemoveStation(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RemoveStationPayload) error
func (*ProjectService) RemoveUser ¶
func (c *ProjectService) RemoveUser(ctx context.Context, payload *project.RemoveUserPayload) error
func (*ProjectService) Update ¶
func (c *ProjectService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *project.UpdatePayload) (*project.Project, error)
func (*ProjectService) UploadPhoto ¶
func (s *ProjectService) UploadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *project.UploadPhotoPayload, body io.ReadCloser) error
type ProvisionSummaryRow ¶
type ProvisionSummaryRow struct { GenerationID []byte `db:"generation"` Type string `db:"type"` Blocks data.Int64Range `db:"blocks"` }
type RecordsService ¶
type RecordsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRecordsService ¶
func NewRecordsService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *RecordsService
func (*RecordsService) Data ¶
func (c *RecordsService) Data(ctx context.Context, payload *records.DataPayload) (*records.DataResult, error)
func (*RecordsService) Meta ¶
func (c *RecordsService) Meta(ctx context.Context, payload *records.MetaPayload) (*records.MetaResult, error)
func (*RecordsService) Resolved ¶
func (c *RecordsService) Resolved(ctx context.Context, payload *records.ResolvedPayload) (*records.ResolvedResult, error)
type ResizedImage ¶
type ResolveFunc ¶
type SamlAuth ¶
type SamlAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSamlAuth ¶
func NewSamlAuth(options *ControllerOptions, config *SamlAuthConfig) *SamlAuth
type SamlAuthConfig ¶
type SensorMeta ¶
type SensorService ¶
type SensorService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSensorService ¶
func NewSensorService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions, influxConfig *querying.InfluxDBConfig, timeScaleConfig *storage.TimeScaleDBConfig) *SensorService
func (*SensorService) Bookmark ¶
func (c *SensorService) Bookmark(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.BookmarkPayload) (*sensor.SavedBookmark, error)
func (*SensorService) Data ¶
func (c *SensorService) Data(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.DataPayload) (*sensor.DataResult, error)
func (*SensorService) Meta ¶
func (c *SensorService) Meta(ctx context.Context) (*sensor.MetaResult, error)
func (*SensorService) Recently ¶
func (c *SensorService) Recently(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.RecentlyPayload) (*sensor.RecentlyResult, error)
func (*SensorService) Resolve ¶
func (c *SensorService) Resolve(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.ResolvePayload) (*sensor.SavedBookmark, error)
func (*SensorService) SensorMeta ¶
func (c *SensorService) SensorMeta(ctx context.Context) (*sensor.SensorMetaResult, error)
func (*SensorService) StationMeta ¶
func (c *SensorService) StationMeta(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.StationMetaPayload) (*sensor.StationMetaResult, error)
func (*SensorService) Tail ¶
func (c *SensorService) Tail(ctx context.Context, payload *sensor.TailPayload) (*sensor.TailResult, error)
type Signer ¶
type Signer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Signer) SignAndBustURL ¶
type StationPermissions ¶
type StationService ¶
type StationService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStationService ¶
func NewStationService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *StationService
func (*StationService) Add ¶
func (c *StationService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *station.AddPayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
func (*StationService) AdminSearch ¶
func (c *StationService) AdminSearch(ctx context.Context, payload *station.AdminSearchPayload) (*station.PageOfStations, error)
func (*StationService) DefaultPhoto ¶
func (c *StationService) DefaultPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *station.DefaultPhotoPayload) (err error)
func (*StationService) Delete ¶
func (c *StationService) Delete(ctx context.Context, payload *station.DeletePayload) error
func (*StationService) DownloadPhoto ¶
func (c *StationService) DownloadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *station.DownloadPhotoPayload) (*station.DownloadedPhoto, error)
func (*StationService) Get ¶
func (c *StationService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *station.GetPayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
func (*StationService) ListAll ¶
func (c *StationService) ListAll(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListAllPayload) (*station.PageOfStations, error)
func (*StationService) ListAssociated ¶
func (c *StationService) ListAssociated(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListAssociatedPayload) (response *station.AssociatedStations, err error)
func (*StationService) ListMine ¶
func (c *StationService) ListMine(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListMinePayload) (response *station.StationsFull, err error)
func (*StationService) ListProject ¶
func (c *StationService) ListProject(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListProjectPayload) (response *station.StationsFull, err error)
func (*StationService) ListProjectAssociated ¶
func (c *StationService) ListProjectAssociated(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ListProjectAssociatedPayload) (response *station.AssociatedStations, err error)
func (*StationService) Progress ¶
func (c *StationService) Progress(ctx context.Context, payload *station.ProgressPayload) (response *station.StationProgress, err error)
func (*StationService) Transfer ¶
func (c *StationService) Transfer(ctx context.Context, payload *station.TransferPayload) (err error)
func (*StationService) Update ¶
func (c *StationService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *station.UpdatePayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
func (*StationService) UpdateModule ¶
func (c *StationService) UpdateModule(ctx context.Context, payload *station.UpdateModulePayload) (response *station.StationFull, err error)
type StationsMeta ¶
type StationsMeta struct {
Stations map[int32][]*repositories.StationSensor `json:"stations"`
type StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder ¶
type StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder ¶
func NewStreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder(ctx context.Context, defaultEncoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder, rw http.ResponseWriter) *StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder
func (*StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder) Encode ¶
func (e *StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder) Encode(v interface{}) error
func (*StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder) EncodeDownload ¶
func (e *StreamAndCacheFriendlyEncoder) EncodeDownload(body *DownloadResponseBody) error
type Subscriptions ¶
type Subscriptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSubscriptions ¶
func NewSubscriptions() (s *Subscriptions)
type TasksService ¶
type TasksService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTasksService ¶
func NewTasksService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *TasksService
type TestService ¶
type TestService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTestSevice ¶
func NewTestSevice(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *TestService
func (*TestService) Email ¶
func (sc *TestService) Email(ctx context.Context, payload *test.EmailPayload) error
func (*TestService) Get ¶
func (sc *TestService) Get(ctx context.Context, payload *test.GetPayload) error
type UserService ¶
type UserService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUserService ¶
func NewUserService(ctx context.Context, options *ControllerOptions) *UserService
func (*UserService) AcceptTnc ¶
func (s *UserService) AcceptTnc(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AcceptTncPayload) (*user.User, error)
func (*UserService) Add ¶
func (s *UserService) Add(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AddPayload) (*user.User, error)
func (*UserService) AdminDelete ¶
func (s *UserService) AdminDelete(outerCtx context.Context, payload *user.AdminDeletePayload) error
func (*UserService) AdminSearch ¶
func (c *UserService) AdminSearch(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AdminSearchPayload) (*user.AdminSearchResult, error)
func (*UserService) AdminTermsAndConditions ¶
func (c *UserService) AdminTermsAndConditions(ctx context.Context, payload *user.AdminTermsAndConditionsPayload) error
func (*UserService) ChangePassword ¶
func (s *UserService) ChangePassword(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ChangePasswordPayload) (*user.User, error)
func (*UserService) DownloadPhoto ¶
func (s *UserService) DownloadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *user.DownloadPhotoPayload) (*user.DownloadedPhoto, error)
func (*UserService) GetCurrent ¶
func (s *UserService) GetCurrent(ctx context.Context, payload *user.GetCurrentPayload) (*user.User, error)
func (*UserService) IssueTransmissionToken ¶
func (s *UserService) IssueTransmissionToken(ctx context.Context, payload *user.IssueTransmissionTokenPayload) (*user.TransmissionToken, error)
func (*UserService) ListByProject ¶
func (s *UserService) ListByProject(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ListByProjectPayload) (*user.ProjectUsers, error)
func (*UserService) Login ¶
func (s *UserService) Login(ctx context.Context, payload *user.LoginPayload) (*user.LoginResult, error)
func (*UserService) Logout ¶
func (s *UserService) Logout(ctx context.Context, payload *user.LogoutPayload) error
func (*UserService) Mentionables ¶
func (c *UserService) Mentionables(ctx context.Context, payload *user.MentionablesPayload) (*user.MentionableOptions, error)
func (*UserService) ProjectRoles ¶
func (s *UserService) ProjectRoles(ctx context.Context) (user.ProjectRoleCollection, error)
func (*UserService) Recovery ¶
func (s *UserService) Recovery(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RecoveryPayload) error
func (*UserService) RecoveryLookup ¶
func (s *UserService) RecoveryLookup(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RecoveryLookupPayload) error
func (*UserService) Refresh ¶
func (s *UserService) Refresh(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RefreshPayload) (*user.RefreshResult, error)
func (*UserService) Resume ¶
func (s *UserService) Resume(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ResumePayload) (*user.ResumeResult, error)
func (*UserService) Roles ¶
func (s *UserService) Roles(ctx context.Context, payload *user.RolesPayload) (*user.AvailableRoles, error)
func (*UserService) SendValidation ¶
func (s *UserService) SendValidation(ctx context.Context, payload *user.SendValidationPayload) error
func (*UserService) Update ¶
func (s *UserService) Update(ctx context.Context, payload *user.UpdatePayload) (*user.User, error)
func (*UserService) UploadPhoto ¶
func (s *UserService) UploadPhoto(ctx context.Context, payload *user.UploadPhotoPayload, body io.ReadCloser) error
func (*UserService) Validate ¶
func (s *UserService) Validate(ctx context.Context, payload *user.ValidatePayload) (*user.ValidateResult, error)
type ValidatedDiscourseAttempt ¶
type ValidatedDiscourseAttempt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Source Files
- activity.go
- config.go
- csv_service.go
- data.go
- discourse.go
- discussion.go
- encoding.go
- events.go
- export_service.go
- factory.go
- firmware.go
- following.go
- goa.go
- information.go
- ingestion.go
- logging.go
- modules.go
- notes_service.go
- notifications.go
- oidc.go
- permissions.go
- photo_cache.go
- picture.go
- pile.go
- project_service.go
- records.go
- saml.go
- sensor_service.go
- service_options.go
- signer.go
- station_service.go
- subscriptions.go
- tasks.go
- test.go
- testing.go
- user_service.go
- utilities.go
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.