
v0.1.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 7, 2025 License: AGPL-3.0


ConfidentialVM Attestation Reverse Proxy


This application provides a reverse proxy with TLS termination, supporting confidentialVM attestation for both client and server sides. It allows for secure communication between a client and a server, with attestation verification to ensure the integrity of the communication.


  • Client-side TLS termination with confidentialVM attestation verification.
  • Server-side TLS termination with confidentialVM attestation verification.
  • Reverse proxy functionality to forward requests between client and server.

Both the client-side and the server-side TLS termination can be separately configured to provide attestations and verify attestations.


  • TDX support only, SEV-SNP can be added
  • uses edgeless systems constellation codebase to provide attestation on Azure using MAA

Modes of operation


  • TCP/HTTP server with regular TLS on the server side, to allow the client to verify the server's TLS certificate.
  • TCP/HTTP server with aTLS on the server side, to allow client verify the server measurement.
  • TCP/HTTP server that verifies the client (via client-side aTLS certificate). The measurement is passed along to the proxy target as header. Valid for both server-side TLS and aTLS.
  • TCP/HTTP server that performs mutual attestation, that is it both provides its own attestation, and verifies the client. The client's measurement is forwarded as a header.


  • Client making a request, verifying server's TLS certificate.
  • Client making a request, verifying server aTLS certificate (supporting one or multiple whitelisted measurements). The server's measurement is returned as a header.
  • Client making a request with a client-side aTLS cert.
  • Client making a request mutual attestation, both verifying server aTLS and providing the client-side aTLS handshake. The sever's measurement is returned as a header.


Command line arguments
  • --listen-addr: address to listen on (default: "")
  • --target-addr: address to proxy requests to (default: "https://localhost:80")
  • --server-attestation-type: type of attestation to present (none, azure-tdx) (default: "azure-tdx")
  • --tls-certificate-path: Path to certificate (PEM file) to present. Only valid for --server-attestation-type=none and with --tls-private-key-path.
  • --tls-private-key-path: Path to private key file for the certificate (PEM). Only valid with --tls-certificate-path.
  • --client-attestation-type: type of attestation to expect and verify (none, azure-tdx) (default: "none")
  • --client-measurements: optional path to JSON measurements enforced on the client
  • --log-json: log in JSON format (default: false)
  • --log-debug: log debug messages (default: false)
  • --log-dcap-quote: log dcap quotes to folder quotes/ (default: false)
  • --help, -h: show help
Build the server
# Build the binary
make build-proxy-server

# Build the Docker image
make docker-images
Run the server
# Run the binary
sudo ./build/proxy-server --listen-addr=<listen-addr> --target-addr=<target-addr> [--server-attestation-type=<server-attestation-type>] [--client-attestation-type=<client-attestation-type>] [--client-measurements=<client-measurements>]

# Run the Docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e LOG_JSON=1 cvm-proxy-server

By default the server will present Azure TDX attestation, and you can modify that via the --server-attestation-type flag. The server can be made to present a regular TLS certificate through --tls-certificate-path and --tls-private-key-path flags instead of aTLS one.

By default the server will not verify client attestations, you can change that via --client-attestation-type and --client-measurements flags. Valid for both aTLS and regular TLS.

This repository contains a dummy http server that you can use for testing the server. Simply run go run ./cmd/dummy-server/main.go and point your --target-addr= You can also use the sample measurements.json.


Command line arguments
  • --listen-addr: address to listen on (default: "")
  • --target-addr: address to proxy requests to (default: "https://localhost:80")
  • --server-attestation-type: type of attestation to expect and verify (none, azure-tdx) (default: "azure-tdx")
  • --server-measurements: optional path to JSON measurements enforced on the server
  • --verify-tls: verify server's TLS certificate instead of server's attestation. Only valid for server-attestation-type=none.
  • --tls-ca-certificate: additional CA certificate to verify against (PEM) [default=no additional TLS certs]. Only valid with --verify-tls.
  • --client-attestation-type: type of attestation to present (none, azure-tdx) (default: "none")
  • --log-json: log in JSON format (default: false)
  • --log-debug: log debug messages (default: false)
  • --log-dcap-quote: log dcap quotes to folder quotes/ (default: false)
  • --help, -h: show help
Build the client
make build-proxy-client
Run the client
./build/proxy-client --listen-addr=<listen-addr> --target-addr=<target-addr> [--server-measurements=<server-measurements-file>] [--server-attestation-type=<server-attestation-type>] [--client-attestation-type=<client-attestation-type>]

By default the client will expect the server to present an Azure TDX attestation, and you can modify that via the --server-attestation-type and --server-measurements flags. The server can also be a regular TLS server, which you can configure with the --verify-tls flag, which is only valid in combination with --server-attestation-type=none. Non-standard CA for the server can also be configured with --tls-ca-certificate.

By default the client will not present client attestations, you can change that via --client-attestation-type flag. Valid for both aTLS and TLS server proxies.

This repository contains a sample measurements.json file that you can use. The client will (correctly) complain about unexpected measurements that you can then correct.


Attestation verification requires the expected measurements which you pass through the --{client, server}-measurements flag. The measurements are expected to be a JSON map, and multiple valid measurements can be provided. The verifier will attempt to verify with each of the provided measurements, and if any succeeds, the attestation is assumed valid.

The (single) validated measurement is json-marshalled and forwarded (returned in the case of client) as "X-Flashbots-Measurement" header, and the type of attestation as "X-Flashbots-Attestation-Type" header. For mapping attestation types to OIDs and issuers, see internal/attestation/variant/variant.go. To only validate and forward the measurement (as opposed to also authorizing the measurement against an expected one), simply provide an empty expected measurements object.

Debugging DCAP quote issues

If logging dcap quotes to disk is enabled, issues with the respective quotes can be investigated using's check tool

git clone
cd go-tdx-guest
go build tools/check/check.go
./check -verbosity 2 -get_collateral true -in quotes/quote_received_20241010_121042.dat



Path Synopsis
Package common contains shared utilities
Package common contains shared utilities
package client contains code to manage CVM versions in Constellation's CDN API.
package client contains code to manage CVM versions in Constellation's CDN API.
Package client provides a client for the versions API.
Package client provides a client for the versions API.
Package fetcher implements a client for the Constellation Resource API.
Package fetcher implements a client for the Constellation Resource API.
This package provides a CLI tool to interact with the Constellation versions API.
This package provides a CLI tool to interact with the Constellation versions API.
aTLS provides config generation functions to bootstrap attested TLS connections.
aTLS provides config generation functions to bootstrap attested TLS connections.
This package deals with the low level attestation and verification logic of Constellation nodes.
This package deals with the low level attestation and verification logic of Constellation nodes.
--------- WARNING! ---------
--------- WARNING! ---------
package tdx implements attestation for TDX on Azure.
package tdx implements attestation for TDX on Azure.
Package idkeydigest provides type definitions for the `idkeydigest` value of SEV-SNP attestation.
Package idkeydigest provides type definitions for the `idkeydigest` value of SEV-SNP attestation.
Package initialize implements functions to mark a node as initialized in the context of cluster attestation.
Package initialize implements functions to mark a node as initialized in the context of cluster attestation.
TPM2 simulator used for unit tests.
TPM2 simulator used for unit tests.
Package SNP provides types shared by SNP-based attestation implementations.
Package SNP provides types shared by SNP-based attestation implementations.
Package TDX implements attestation for Intel TDX.
Package TDX implements attestation for Intel TDX.
Package variant defines Attestation variants for different CSPs.
Package variant defines Attestation variants for different CSPs.
Implements interaction with the AWS API.
Implements interaction with the AWS API.
Implements interaction with the Azure API.
Implements interaction with the Azure API.
Package gcpshared contains code to parse and define data types relevant for Microsoft Azure.
Package gcpshared contains code to parse and define data types relevant for Microsoft Azure.
Implements interaction with the GCP API.
Implements interaction with the GCP API.
Package gcpshared contains code to parse and define data types relevant for Google Cloud Platform.
Package gcpshared contains code to parse and define data types relevant for Google Cloud Platform.
This package provides an interface to fake a CSP API for QEMU instances.
This package provides an interface to fake a CSP API for QEMU instances.
Package compatibility offers helper functions for comparing and filtering versions.
Package compatibility offers helper functions for comparing and filtering versions.
Package imageversion contains the pinned container images for the config.
Package imageversion contains the pinned container images for the config.
Package migration contains outdated configuration formats and their migration functions.
Package migration contains outdated configuration formats and their migration functions.
Package constants contains the constants used by Constellation.
Package constants contains the constants used by Constellation.
This package provides container image names, registry info and digests.
This package provides container image names, registry info and digests.
Package crypto provides functions to for cryptography and random numbers.
Package crypto provides functions to for cryptography and random numbers.
Package testvector provides test vectors for key derivation and crypto functions.
Package testvector provides test vectors for key derivation and crypto functions.
Package cryptsetup provides a wrapper around libcryptsetup.
Package cryptsetup provides a wrapper around libcryptsetup.
Package encoding provides data types and functions for JSON or YAML encoding/decoding.
Package encoding provides data types and functions for JSON or YAML encoding/decoding.
Package file provides functions that combine file handling, JSON marshaling and file system abstraction.
Package file provides functions that combine file handling, JSON marshaling and file system abstraction.
Package atlscredentials handles creation of TLS credentials for attested TLS (ATLS).
Package atlscredentials handles creation of TLS credentials for attested TLS (ATLS).
Package dialer provides a grpc dialer that can be used to create grpc client connections with different levels of ATLS encryption / verification.
Package dialer provides a grpc dialer that can be used to create grpc client connections with different levels of ATLS encryption / verification.
grpclog provides a logging utilities for gRPC.
grpclog provides a logging utilities for gRPC.
Package retry provides functions to check if a gRPC error is retryable.
Package retry provides functions to check if a gRPC error is retryable.
Package testdialer provides a fake dialer for testing.
Package testdialer provides a fake dialer for testing.
Package imagefetcher provides helping wrappers around a versionsapi fetcher.
Package imagefetcher provides helping wrappers around a versionsapi fetcher.
Package installer provides functionality to install binary components of supported kubernetes versions.
Package installer provides functionality to install binary components of supported kubernetes versions.
Package config provides configuration constants for the KeyService.
Package config provides configuration constants for the KeyService.
Package kms provides an abstract interface for Key Management Services.
Package kms provides an abstract interface for Key Management Services.
Package aws implements a KMS backend for AWS KMS.
Package aws implements a KMS backend for AWS KMS.
Package azure implements KMS backends for Azure Key Vault and Azure managed HSM.
Package azure implements KMS backends for Azure Key Vault and Azure managed HSM.
Package cluster implements a KMS backend for in cluster key management.
Package cluster implements a KMS backend for in cluster key management.
Package gcp implements a KMS backend for Google Cloud KMS.
Package gcp implements a KMS backend for Google Cloud KMS.
Package internal implements the CloudKMS interface using go-kms-wrapping.
Package internal implements the CloudKMS interface using go-kms-wrapping.
Package setup provides functions to create a KMS and key store from a given URI.
Package setup provides functions to create a KMS and key store from a given URI.
Package storage implements storage backends for DEKs.
Package storage implements storage backends for DEKs.
Package awss3 implements a storage backend for the KMS using AWS S3:
Package awss3 implements a storage backend for the KMS using AWS S3:
Package azureblob implements a storage backend for the KMS using Azure Blob Storage.
Package azureblob implements a storage backend for the KMS using Azure Blob Storage.
Package gcs implements a storage backend for the KMS using Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Package gcs implements a storage backend for the KMS using Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
Package memfs implements a storage backend for the KMS that stores keys in memory only.
Package memfs implements a storage backend for the KMS that stores keys in memory only.
Package uri provides URIs and parsing logic for KMS and storage URIs.
Package uri provides URIs and parsing logic for KMS and storage URIs.
Package kubernetes provides data types and custom marshalers for Kubernetes API objects.
Package kubernetes provides data types and custom marshalers for Kubernetes API objects.
Package kubectl provides a kubectl-like interface for Kubernetes.
Package kubectl provides a kubectl-like interface for Kubernetes.
Package license provides functions to check a user's Constellation license.
Package license provides functions to check a user's Constellation license.
Package logger provides helper functions that can be used in combination with slog to increase functionality or make working with slog easier.
Package logger provides helper functions that can be used in combination with slog to increase functionality or make working with slog easier.
Package maa provides an interface for interacting with an MAA service on an infrastructure level.
Package maa provides an interface for interacting with an MAA service on an infrastructure level.
The mpimage package provides utilities for handling CSP marketplace OS images.
The mpimage package provides utilities for handling CSP marketplace OS images.
Package nodestate is used to persist the state of a Constellation node to disk.
Package nodestate is used to persist the state of a Constellation node to disk.
package osimage is used to handle osimages in the CI (uploading and maintenance).
package osimage is used to handle osimages in the CI (uploading and maintenance).
package archive is used to archive OS images in S3.
package archive is used to archive OS images in S3.
package imageinfo is used to upload image info JSON files to S3.
package imageinfo is used to upload image info JSON files to S3.
package measurementsuploader is used to upload measurements (v2) JSON files (and signatures) to S3.
package measurementsuploader is used to upload measurements (v2) JSON files (and signatures) to S3.
package nop implements a no-op for CSPs that don't require custom image upload functionality.
package nop implements a no-op for CSPs that don't require custom image upload functionality.
package secureboot holds secure boot configuration for image uploads.
package secureboot holds secure boot configuration for image uploads.
package uplosi implements uploading os images using uplosi.
package uplosi implements uploading os images using uplosi.
Package retry provides a simple interface for retrying operations.
Package retry provides a simple interface for retrying operations.
Package semver provides functionality to parse and process semantic versions, as they are used in multiple components of Constellation.
Package semver provides functionality to parse and process semantic versions, as they are used in multiple components of Constellation.
Package keyselect is used to select the correct public key for signature verification.
Package keyselect is used to select the correct public key for signature verification.
Package staticupload provides a static file uploader/updater/remover for the CDN / static API.
Package staticupload provides a static file uploader/updater/remover for the CDN / static API.
Package validation provides a unified document validation interface for use within the Constellation CLI.
Package validation provides a unified document validation interface for use within the Constellation CLI.
Package verify provides the types for the verify report in JSON format.
Package verify provides the types for the verify report in JSON format.
Package versions defines the supported versions of Constellation components.
Package versions defines the supported versions of Constellation components.
hash-generator updates the binary hashes and kubeadm patches in versions.go in place.
hash-generator updates the binary hashes and kubeadm patches in versions.go in place.
Package multimeasurements contains a helper to load a file with multiple measurements and compare provided measurements against them.
Package multimeasurements contains a helper to load a file with multiple measurements and compare provided measurements against them.
Package proxy contains the core proxy functionality and aTLS configuration
Package proxy contains the core proxy functionality and aTLS configuration

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