FURY Network
The Sports, Gaming & Entertainment Network (FURY Network), is a blockchain
designed to support the future of sports betting & related gaming by
leveraging the modular Cosmos design. We believe the future will be heavily shaped by many of the values driving the recent wave of crypto and blockchain development: transparency, increased decentralization, and utility that benefits all stakeholders, especially the user-base.
Utilizing a sovereign blockchain uniquely enables:
- An adaptable framework to design custom applications.
- Enablement of features, tools and economic models where users can directly benefit from the value they help create.
- An unparalleled level of transparency.
- An efficiency of settlement and immediate payout to participants.
At launch, the FURY Network will be optimized to deploy an inaugural application: Six Sigma Sports, which is re-imagining the sports betting landscape and bringing a unique user experience with the benefit of blockchain technology.Please visit to learn more about Six Sigma Sports.
Hardware Requirements
- Minimal
- 1 GB RAM
- 25 GB SSD
- 1.4 GHz CPU
- Recommended
- 2 GB RAM
- 100 GB SSD
- 2.0 GHz x2 CPU
Operating System
- Linux/Windows/MacOS(x86)
- Recommended
Installation Steps
Prerequisite: go1.18+ required. ref
Fury could be installed by two ways - downloading binary from releases page or build from source.
Download from releases page
sudo mv furyd /usr/local/sbin/furyd
Building from source
Optional requirement: git. ref and GNU make. ref
git clone https://github.com/furychain/fury.git
cd fury
git fetch --tags
git checkout [vX.X.X]
go mod tidy
make install
Install system.d service file
nano /etc/systemd/system/furyd.service
Please following contents(working dir may be changed as needed)
Description=Fury Network node
ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/furyd start
Reload unit files in systemd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Generate keys
furyd keys add [key_name]
furyd keys add [key_name] --recover
to regenerate keys with your BIP39 mnemonic
Connect to a chain and start node
- Install fury application
- Initialize node
furyd init {{NODE_NAME}} --chain-id furychain-1
Select network to join
- Replace
with the genesis file of the chain.
- Add
or seeds
in ${HOME}/.fury/config/config.toml
- Start node
furyd start
Network Compatibility Matrix
Version |
Mainnet |
Testnet |
SDK Version |
v0.0.1 |
✗ |
✓ |
v0.45.4 |
Active Networks
Coming Soon!!
wget https://github.com/furychain/networks/blob/master/furychain-1/genesis.json -O ~/.fury/config/genesis.json
Verify genesis hash sum
sha256sum ~/.fury/config/genesis.json
Correct sha256 sum for furychain-1 is - 2bea72699f9c1afd6217f7e76f14f07c1fbe849d090fc37cd008a42d14d5d30c
Genesis file sha sum is published in according repository.
- Add
or seeds
in ${HOME}/.fury/config/config.toml
sed -i '/s/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656/g' $HOME/.fury/config/config.toml
furyd start
Initialize a new chain and start node
- Initialize:
furyd init [node_name] --chain-id [chain_name]
- Add key for genesis account
furyd keys add [genesis_key_name]
- Add genesis account
furyd add-genesis-account [genesis_key_name] 10000000000000000000ufury
- Create a validator at genesis
furyd gentx [genesis_key_name] 10000000ufury --chain-id [chain_name]
- Collect genesis transactions
furyd collect-gentxs
- Start node
furyd start
Reset chain
rm -rf ~/.fury
Shutdown node
killall furyd
Check version
furyd version
For the most up to date documentation please visit Gitbook