Overview ¶
Package jen is a code generator for Go
Index ¶
- type Code
- type Dict
- type File
- type Group
- func (g *Group) Add(code ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Append(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) AppendFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Assert(typ Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Block(statements ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) BlockFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Bool() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Break() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Byte() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Call(params ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) CallFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Cap(v Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Case(cases ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) CaseFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Chan() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Close(c Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Comment(str string) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Commentf(format string, a ...interface{}) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Complex(r Code, i Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Complex128() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Complex64() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Const() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Continue() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Copy(dst Code, src Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Default() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Defer() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Defs(definitions ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) DefsFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Delete(m Code, key Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Do(f func(*Statement)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Dot(name string) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Else() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Empty() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Err() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Error() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Fallthrough() *Statement
- func (g *Group) False() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Float32() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Float64() *Statement
- func (g *Group) For(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) ForFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Func() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Go() *Statement
- func (g *Group) GoString() string
- func (g *Group) Goto() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Id(name string) *Statement
- func (g *Group) If(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) IfFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Imag(c Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Index(items ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) IndexFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Int() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Int16() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Int32() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Int64() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Int8() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Interface(methods ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) InterfaceFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Iota() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Len(v Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Line() *Statement
- func (g *Group) List(items ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) ListFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Lit(v interface{}) *Statement
- func (g *Group) LitByte(v byte) *Statement
- func (g *Group) LitByteFunc(f func() byte) *Statement
- func (g *Group) LitFunc(f func() interface{}) *Statement
- func (g *Group) LitRune(v rune) *Statement
- func (g *Group) LitRuneFunc(f func() rune) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Make(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Map(typ Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) New(typ Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Nil() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Null() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Op(op string) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Panic(v Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Params(params ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) ParamsFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Parens(item Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Print(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) PrintFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Println(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) PrintlnFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Qual(path, name string) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Range() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Real(c Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Recover() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Return(results ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) ReturnFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Rune() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Select() *Statement
- func (g *Group) String() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Struct(fields ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) StructFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Switch(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) SwitchFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Tag(items map[string]string) *Statement
- func (g *Group) True() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Type() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Uint() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Uint16() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Uint32() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Uint64() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Uint8() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Uintptr() *Statement
- func (g *Group) Values(values ...Code) *Statement
- func (g *Group) ValuesFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (g *Group) Var() *Statement
- type Statement
- func Add(code ...Code) *Statement
- func Append(args ...Code) *Statement
- func AppendFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Assert(typ Code) *Statement
- func Block(statements ...Code) *Statement
- func BlockFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Bool() *Statement
- func Break() *Statement
- func Byte() *Statement
- func Call(params ...Code) *Statement
- func CallFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Cap(v Code) *Statement
- func Case(cases ...Code) *Statement
- func CaseFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Chan() *Statement
- func Close(c Code) *Statement
- func Comment(str string) *Statement
- func Commentf(format string, a ...interface{}) *Statement
- func Complex(r Code, i Code) *Statement
- func Complex128() *Statement
- func Complex64() *Statement
- func Const() *Statement
- func Continue() *Statement
- func Copy(dst Code, src Code) *Statement
- func Default() *Statement
- func Defer() *Statement
- func Defs(definitions ...Code) *Statement
- func DefsFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Delete(m Code, key Code) *Statement
- func Do(f func(*Statement)) *Statement
- func Dot(name string) *Statement
- func Else() *Statement
- func Empty() *Statement
- func Err() *Statement
- func Error() *Statement
- func Fallthrough() *Statement
- func False() *Statement
- func Float32() *Statement
- func Float64() *Statement
- func For(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func ForFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Func() *Statement
- func Go() *Statement
- func Goto() *Statement
- func Id(name string) *Statement
- func If(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func IfFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Imag(c Code) *Statement
- func Index(items ...Code) *Statement
- func IndexFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Int() *Statement
- func Int16() *Statement
- func Int32() *Statement
- func Int64() *Statement
- func Int8() *Statement
- func Interface(methods ...Code) *Statement
- func InterfaceFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Iota() *Statement
- func Len(v Code) *Statement
- func Line() *Statement
- func List(items ...Code) *Statement
- func ListFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Lit(v interface{}) *Statement
- func LitByte(v byte) *Statement
- func LitByteFunc(f func() byte) *Statement
- func LitFunc(f func() interface{}) *Statement
- func LitRune(v rune) *Statement
- func LitRuneFunc(f func() rune) *Statement
- func Make(args ...Code) *Statement
- func Map(typ Code) *Statement
- func New(typ Code) *Statement
- func Nil() *Statement
- func Null() *Statement
- func Op(op string) *Statement
- func Panic(v Code) *Statement
- func Params(params ...Code) *Statement
- func ParamsFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Parens(item Code) *Statement
- func Print(args ...Code) *Statement
- func PrintFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Println(args ...Code) *Statement
- func PrintlnFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Qual(path, name string) *Statement
- func Range() *Statement
- func Real(c Code) *Statement
- func Recover() *Statement
- func Return(results ...Code) *Statement
- func ReturnFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Rune() *Statement
- func Select() *Statement
- func String() *Statement
- func Struct(fields ...Code) *Statement
- func StructFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Switch(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func SwitchFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Tag(items map[string]string) *Statement
- func True() *Statement
- func Type() *Statement
- func Uint() *Statement
- func Uint16() *Statement
- func Uint32() *Statement
- func Uint64() *Statement
- func Uint8() *Statement
- func Uintptr() *Statement
- func Values(values ...Code) *Statement
- func ValuesFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func Var() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Add(code ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Append(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) AppendFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Assert(typ Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Block(statements ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) BlockFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Bool() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Break() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Byte() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Call(params ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) CallFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Cap(v Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Case(cases ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) CaseFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Chan() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Clone() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Close(c Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Comment(str string) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Commentf(format string, a ...interface{}) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Complex(r Code, i Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Complex128() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Complex64() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Const() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Continue() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Copy(dst Code, src Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Default() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Defer() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Defs(definitions ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) DefsFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Delete(m Code, key Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Do(f func(*Statement)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Dot(name string) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Else() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Empty() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Err() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Error() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Fallthrough() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) False() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Float32() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Float64() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) For(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) ForFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Func() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Go() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) GoString() string
- func (s *Statement) Goto() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Id(name string) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) If(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) IfFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Imag(c Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Index(items ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) IndexFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Int() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Int16() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Int32() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Int64() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Int8() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Interface(methods ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) InterfaceFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Iota() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Len(v Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Line() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) List(items ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) ListFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Lit(v interface{}) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) LitByte(v byte) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) LitByteFunc(f func() byte) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) LitFunc(f func() interface{}) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) LitRune(v rune) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) LitRuneFunc(f func() rune) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Make(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Map(typ Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) New(typ Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Nil() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Null() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Op(op string) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Panic(v Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Params(params ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) ParamsFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Parens(item Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Print(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) PrintFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Println(args ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) PrintlnFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Qual(path, name string) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Range() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Real(c Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Recover() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Return(results ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) ReturnFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Rune() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Select() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) String() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Struct(fields ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) StructFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Switch(conditions ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) SwitchFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Tag(items map[string]string) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) True() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Type() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Uint() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Uint16() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Uint32() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Uint64() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Uint8() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Uintptr() *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Values(values ...Code) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) ValuesFunc(f func(*Group)) *Statement
- func (s *Statement) Var() *Statement
Examples ¶
- Add
- Add (Var)
- Append
- Append (More)
- Assert
- Block
- Block (Case)
- Block (Complex)
- Block (If)
- BlockFunc
- BlockFunc (Case)
- Bool
- Break
- Byte
- Call
- Call (Fmt)
- CallFunc
- Cap
- Case
- CaseFunc
- Chan
- Close
- Comment
- Comment (Formatting_disabled)
- Comment (Multiline)
- Commentf
- Complex
- Complex128
- Complex64
- Defer
- Defs
- Dict
- Dict (Nil)
- DictFunc
- Do
- Dot
- Empty
- Err
- File.Anon
- File.PackageComment
- File.Render
- For
- Func (Declaration)
- Func (Literal)
- Goto
- Id
- Id (Local)
- Id (Remote)
- Id (Select)
- If
- Index
- Index (Empty)
- Index (Index)
- Interface
- Interface (Empty)
- List
- Lit
- Lit (Bool_false)
- Lit (Bool_true)
- Lit (Byte)
- Lit (Complex128)
- Lit (Complex64)
- Lit (Float)
- Lit (Float32)
- Lit (Float64_negative)
- Lit (Float64_negative_whole)
- Lit (Float64_one_point_zero)
- Lit (Float64_zero)
- Lit (Int)
- Lit (Int16)
- Lit (Int32)
- Lit (Int64)
- Lit (Int8)
- Lit (Rune)
- Lit (String)
- Lit (Uint)
- Lit (Uint16)
- Lit (Uint32)
- Lit (Uint64)
- Lit (Uint8)
- Lit (Uintptr)
- LitByte
- LitByteFunc
- LitFunc
- LitRune
- LitRuneFunc
- Map
- NewFile
- NewFilePath
- NewFilePathName
- Null (And_nil)
- Null (Index)
- Op
- Op (Star)
- Op (Variadic)
- Params
- Parens
- Parens (Order)
- Qual
- Qual (File)
- Qual (Local)
- Return
- Statement.Clone (Broken)
- Statement.Clone (Fixed)
- Struct
- Struct (Empty)
- Switch
- Tag
- Values
- Values (Dict_composite)
- Values (Dict_multiple)
- Values (Dict_single)
- ValuesFunc
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Code ¶
type Code interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Code represents an item of code that can be rendered.
type Dict ¶
Dict renders as key/value pairs. Use with Values for map or composite literals.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Map(String()).String().Values(Dict{ Lit("a"): Lit("b"), Lit("c"): Lit("d"), }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := map[string]string{ "a": "b", "c": "d", }
Example (Nil) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Map(String()).String().Values() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := map[string]string{}
func DictFunc ¶
DictFunc executes a func(Dict) to generate the value. Use with Values for map or composite literals.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Map(String()).String().Values(DictFunc(func(d Dict) { d[Lit("a")] = Lit("b") d[Lit("c")] = Lit("d") })) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := map[string]string{ "a": "b", "c": "d", }
type File ¶
type File struct { *Group // If you're worried about package aliases conflicting with local variable // names, you can set a prefix here. Package foo becomes {prefix}_foo. PackagePrefix string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
File represents a single source file. Package imports are managed automaticaly by File.
func NewFile ¶
NewFile Creates a new file, with the specified package name.
Example ¶
f := NewFile("main") f.Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Lit("Hello, world")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package main import fmt "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world") }
func NewFilePath ¶
NewFilePath creates a new file while specifying the package path - the package name is inferred from the path.
Example ¶
f := NewFilePath("a.b/c") f.Func().Id("init").Params().Block( Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call().Comment("Local package - alias is omitted."), Qual("d.e/f", "Bar").Call().Comment("Import is automatically added."), Qual("g.h/f", "Baz").Call().Comment("Colliding package name is automatically renamed."), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package c import ( f "d.e/f" f1 "g.h/f" ) func init() { Foo() // Local package - alias is omitted. f.Bar() // Import is automatically added. f1.Baz() // Colliding package name is automatically renamed. }
func NewFilePathName ¶
NewFilePathName creates a new file with the specified package path and name.
Example ¶
f := NewFilePathName("a.b/c", "main") f.Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package main func main() { Foo() }
func (*File) Anon ¶
Anon adds an anonymous import:
Example ¶
f := NewFile("c") f.Anon("a") f.Func().Id("init").Params().Block() fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package c import _ "a" func init() {}
func (*File) PackageComment ¶
PackageComment adds a comment to the top of the file, above the package keyword.
Example ¶
f := NewFile("c") f.PackageComment("a") f.PackageComment("b") f.Func().Id("init").Params().Block() fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: // a // b package c func init() {}
type Group ¶
type Group struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Group represents a list of Code items, separated by tokens with an optional open and close token.
func (*Group) AppendFunc ¶ added in v0.9.1
AppendFunc renders the append built-in function.
func (*Group) Assert ¶
Assert renders a period followed by a single item enclosed by parenthesis. Use for type assertions.
func (*Group) Block ¶
Block renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks. A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements.
func (*Group) BlockFunc ¶
BlockFunc renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks. A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements.
func (*Group) Call ¶
Call renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.
func (*Group) CallFunc ¶
CallFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.
func (*Group) Comment ¶
Comment adds a comment. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style. If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.
func (*Group) Commentf ¶
Commentf adds a comment, using a format string and a list of parameters. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style. If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.
func (*Group) Complex128 ¶
Complex128 renders the complex128 identifier.
func (*Group) Defs ¶
Defs renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.
func (*Group) DefsFunc ¶
DefsFunc renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.
func (*Group) Do ¶
Do calls the provided function with the statement as a parameter. Use for embedding logic.
func (*Group) Dot ¶ added in v0.11.0
Dot renders a period followed by an identifier. Use for fields and selectors.
func (*Group) Empty ¶
Empty adds an empty item. Empty items render nothing but are followed by a separator in lists.
func (*Group) Fallthrough ¶
Fallthrough renders the fallthrough keyword.
func (*Group) Index ¶
Index renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.
func (*Group) IndexFunc ¶
IndexFunc renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.
func (*Group) Interface ¶
Interface renders the keyword followed by a method list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Group) InterfaceFunc ¶
InterfaceFunc renders the keyword followed by a method list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Group) ListFunc ¶
ListFunc renders a comma separated list. Use for multiple return functions.
func (*Group) LitByteFunc ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitByteFunc renders a byte literal. LitByteFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
func (*Group) LitFunc ¶
LitFunc renders a literal, using the format provided by the fmt package %#v verb. LitFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
func (*Group) LitRuneFunc ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitRuneFunc renders a rune literal. LitRuneFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
func (*Group) Make ¶
Make renders the make built-in function. The final parameter of the make function is optional, so it is represented by a variadic parameter list.
func (*Group) Map ¶
Map renders the keyword followed by a single item enclosed by square brackets. Use for map definitions.
func (*Group) Null ¶
Null adds a null item. Null items render nothing and are not followed by a separator in lists.
func (*Group) Params ¶
Params renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.
func (*Group) ParamsFunc ¶
ParamsFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.
func (*Group) Parens ¶
Parens renders a single item in parenthesis. Use for type conversion or to specify evaluation order.
func (*Group) PrintlnFunc ¶ added in v0.9.1
PrintlnFunc renders the println built-in function.
func (*Group) Qual ¶
Qual renders a qualified identifier. Imports are automatically added when used with a File. If the path matches the local path, the package name is omitted. If package names conflict they are automatically renamed.
func (*Group) ReturnFunc ¶
ReturnFunc renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.
func (*Group) Struct ¶
Struct renders the keyword followed by a field list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Group) StructFunc ¶ added in v0.9.3
StructFunc renders the keyword followed by a field list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Group) SwitchFunc ¶
SwitchFunc renders the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.
func (*Group) Values ¶
Values renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.
func (*Group) ValuesFunc ¶
ValuesFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.
type Statement ¶
type Statement []Code
Statement represents a simple list of code items. When rendered the items are separated by spaces.
func Add ¶
Add appends the provided items to the statement.
Example ¶
ptr := Op("*") c := Id("a").Op("=").Add(ptr).Id("b") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a = *b
Example (Var) ¶
a := Id("a") i := Int() c := Var().Add(a, i) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: var a int
func Append ¶
Append renders the append built-in function.
Example ¶
c := Append(Id("a"), Id("b")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: append(a, b)
Example (More) ¶
c := Id("a").Op("=").Append(Id("a"), Id("b").Op("...")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a = append(a, b...)
func AppendFunc ¶ added in v0.9.1
AppendFunc renders the append built-in function.
func Assert ¶
Assert renders a period followed by a single item enclosed by parenthesis. Use for type assertions.
Example ¶
c := List(Id("b"), Id("ok")).Op(":=").Id("a").Assert(Bool()) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: b, ok := a.(bool)
func Block ¶
Block renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks. A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements.
Example ¶
c := Func().Id("foo").Params().String().Block( Id("a").Op("=").Id("b"), Id("b").Op("++"), Return(Id("b")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func foo() string { a = b b++ return b }
Example (Case) ¶
c := Select().Block( Case(Op("<-").Id("done")).Block( Return(Nil()), ), Case(List(Err(), Id("open")).Op(":=").Op("<-").Id("fail")).Block( If(Op("!").Id("open")).Block( Return(Err()), ), ), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: select { case <-done: return nil case err, open := <-fail: if !open { return err } }
Example (Complex) ¶
collection := func(name string, key Code, value Code) *Statement { if key == nil { // slice return Var().Id(name).Index().Add(value) } else { // map return Var().Id(name).Map(key).Add(value) } } c := Func().Id("main").Params().Block( collection("foo", nil, String()), collection("bar", String(), Int()), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func main() { var foo []string var bar map[string]int }
Example (If) ¶
c := If(Id("a").Op(">").Lit(10)).Block( Id("a").Op("=").Id("a").Op("/").Lit(2), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: if a > 10 { a = a / 2 }
func BlockFunc ¶
BlockFunc renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks. A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements.
Example ¶
increment := true name := "a" c := Func().Id("a").Params().BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Id(name).Op("=").Lit(1) if increment { g.Id(name).Op("++") } else { g.Id(name).Op("--") } }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func a() { a = 1 a++ }
Example (Case) ¶
preventExitOnError := true c := Select().Block( Case(Op("<-").Id("done")).Block( Return(Nil()), ), Case(Err().Op(":=").Op("<-").Id("fail")).BlockFunc(func(g *Group) { if !preventExitOnError { g.Return(Err()) } else { g.Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Err()) } }), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: select { case <-done: return nil case err := <-fail: fmt.Println(err) }
func Bool ¶
func Bool() *Statement
Bool renders the bool identifier.
Example ¶
c := Var().Id("b").Bool() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: var b bool
func Break ¶
func Break() *Statement
Break renders the break keyword.
Example ¶
c := For( Id("i").Op(":=").Lit(0), Id("i").Op("<").Lit(10), Id("i").Op("++"), ).Block( If(Id("i").Op(">").Lit(5)).Block( Break(), ), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { if i > 5 { break } }
func Byte ¶
func Byte() *Statement
Byte renders the byte identifier.
Example ¶
c := Id("b").Op(":=").Id("a").Assert(Byte()) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: b := a.(byte)
func Call ¶
Call renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.
Example ¶
c := Qual("fmt", "Printf").Call( Lit("%#v: %T\n"), Id("a"), Id("b"), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: fmt.Printf("%#v: %T\n", a, b)
Example (Fmt) ¶
c := Id("a").Call(Lit("b")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a("b")
func CallFunc ¶
CallFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.
Example ¶
f := func(name string, second string) { c := Id("foo").CallFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Id(name) if second != "" { g.Lit(second) } }) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c) } f("a", "b") f("c", "")
Output: foo(a, "b") foo(c)
func Cap ¶
Cap renders the cap built-in function.
Example ¶
c := Id("i").Op(":=").Cap(Id("v")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: i := cap(v)
func Case ¶
Case renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.
Example ¶
c := Switch(Id("person")).Block( Case(Id("John"), Id("Peter")).Block( Return(Lit("male")), ), Case(Id("Gill")).Block( Return(Lit("female")), ), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: switch person { case John, Peter: return "male" case Gill: return "female" }
func CaseFunc ¶
CaseFunc renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.
Example ¶
samIsMale := false c := Switch(Id("person")).Block( CaseFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Id("John") g.Id("Peter") if samIsMale { g.Id("Sam") } }).Block( Return(Lit("male")), ), CaseFunc(func(g *Group) { g.Id("Gill") if !samIsMale { g.Id("Sam") } }).Block( Return(Lit("female")), ), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: switch person { case John, Peter: return "male" case Gill, Sam: return "female" }
func Chan ¶
func Chan() *Statement
Chan renders the chan keyword.
Example ¶
c := Func().Id("init").Params().Block( Id("c").Op(":=").Make(Chan().Qual("os", "Signal"), Lit(1)), Qual("os/signal", "Notify").Call(Id("c"), Qual("os", "Interrupt")), Qual("os/signal", "Notify").Call(Id("c"), Qual("syscall", "SIGTERM")), Go().Func().Params().Block( Op("<-").Id("c"), Id("cancel").Call(), ).Call(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func init() { c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c cancel() }() }
func Close ¶
Close renders the close built-in function.
Example ¶
c := Block( Id("ch").Op(":=").Make(Chan().Struct()), Go().Func().Params().Block( Op("<-").Id("ch"), Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Lit("done.")), ).Call(), Close(Id("ch")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: { ch := make(chan struct{}) go func() { <-ch fmt.Println("done.") }() close(ch) }
func Comment ¶
Comment adds a comment. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style. If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.
Example ¶
f := NewFile("a") f.Comment("Foo returns the string \"foo\"") f.Func().Id("Foo").Params().String().Block( Return(Lit("foo")).Comment("return the string foo"), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package a // Foo returns the string "foo" func Foo() string { return "foo" // return the string foo }
Example (Formatting_disabled) ¶
c := Id("foo").Call(Comment("/* inline */")).Comment("//no-space") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: foo( /* inline */ ) //no-space
Example (Multiline) ¶
c := Comment("a\nb") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: /* a b */
func Commentf ¶
Commentf adds a comment, using a format string and a list of parameters. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style. If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.
Example ¶
name := "foo" val := "bar" c := Id(name).Op(":=").Lit(val).Commentf("%s is the string \"%s\"", name, val) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: foo := "bar" // foo is the string "bar"
func Complex ¶
Complex renders the complex built-in function.
Example ¶
c := Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Id("c1").Op(":=").Lit(1+3.75i), Id("c2").Op(":=").Complex(Lit(1), Lit(3.75)), Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Id("c1").Op("==").Id("c2")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func main() { c1 := (1 + 3.75i) c2 := complex(1, 3.75) fmt.Println(c1 == c2) }
func Complex128 ¶
func Complex128() *Statement
Complex128 renders the complex128 identifier.
Example ¶
c := Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Var().Id("c").Complex128(), Id("c").Op("=").Lit(1+2i), Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Id("c")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func main() { var c complex128 c = (1 + 2i) fmt.Println(c) }
func Complex64 ¶
func Complex64() *Statement
Complex64 renders the complex64 identifier.
Example ¶
c := Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Var().Id("c64").Complex64(), Id("c64").Op("=").Complex(Lit(5), Float32().Parens(Lit(2))), Qual("fmt", "Printf").Call(Lit("%T\n"), Id("c64")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func main() { var c64 complex64 c64 = complex(5, float32(2)) fmt.Printf("%T\n", c64) }
func Defer ¶
func Defer() *Statement
Defer renders the defer keyword.
Example ¶
c := Defer().Id("foo").Call() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: defer foo()
func Defs ¶
Defs renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.
Example ¶
c := Const().Defs( Id("a").Op("=").Lit("a"), Id("b").Op("=").Lit("b"), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: const ( a = "a" b = "b" )
func DefsFunc ¶
DefsFunc renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.
func Do ¶
Do calls the provided function with the statement as a parameter. Use for embedding logic.
Example ¶
f := func(name string, isMap bool) *Statement { return Id(name).Op(":=").Do(func(s *Statement) { if isMap { s.Map(String()).String() } else { s.Index().String() } }).Values() } fmt.Printf("%#v\n%#v", f("a", true), f("b", false))
Output: a := map[string]string{} b := []string{}
func Dot ¶ added in v0.11.0
Dot renders a period followed by an identifier. Use for fields and selectors.
Example ¶
c := Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call().Dot("Bar").Index(Lit(0)).Dot("Baz") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: c.Foo().Bar[0].Baz
func Empty ¶
func Empty() *Statement
Empty adds an empty item. Empty items render nothing but are followed by a separator in lists.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(1), Empty()) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := b[1:]
func Err ¶
func Err() *Statement
Err renders the err identifier.
Example ¶
c := If( Err().Op(":=").Id("foo").Call(), Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( Return(Err()), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: if err := foo(); err != nil { return err }
func For ¶
For renders the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.
Example ¶
c := For( Id("i").Op(":=").Lit(0), Id("i").Op("<").Lit(10), Id("i").Op("++"), ).Block( Qual("fmt", "Println").Call(Id("i")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { fmt.Println(i) }
func Func ¶
func Func() *Statement
Func renders the func keyword.
Example (Declaration) ¶
c := Func().Id("a").Params().Block() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func a() {}
Example (Literal) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Func().Params().Block() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := func() {}
func Goto ¶
func Goto() *Statement
Goto renders the goto keyword.
Example ¶
c := Goto().Id("Outer") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: goto Outer
func Id ¶
Id renders an identifier.
Example ¶
c := If(Id("i").Op("==").Id("j")).Block( Return(Id("i")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: if i == j { return i }
Example (Local) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Lit(1) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := 1
Example (Remote) ¶
f := NewFile("main") f.Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Qual("fmt", "Println").Call( Lit("Hello, world"), ), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package main import fmt "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world") }
Example (Select) ¶
c := Id("a").Dot("b").Dot("c").Call() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a.b.c()
func If ¶
If renders the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.
Example ¶
c := If( Err().Op(":=").Id("a").Call(), Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( Return(Err()), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: if err := a(); err != nil { return err }
func Index ¶
Index renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.
Example ¶
c := Var().Id("a").Index().String() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: var a []string
Example (Empty) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(1), Empty()) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := b[1:]
Example (Index) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(0), Lit(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := b[0:1]
func IndexFunc ¶
IndexFunc renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.
func Interface ¶
Interface renders the keyword followed by a method list enclosed by curly braces.
Example ¶
c := Type().Id("a").Interface( Id("b").Params().String(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: type a interface { b() string }
Example (Empty) ¶
c := Var().Id("a").Interface() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: var a interface{}
func InterfaceFunc ¶
InterfaceFunc renders the keyword followed by a method list enclosed by curly braces.
func List ¶
List renders a comma separated list. Use for multiple return functions.
Example ¶
c := List(Id("a"), Err()).Op(":=").Id("b").Call() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a, err := b()
func Lit ¶
func Lit(v interface{}) *Statement
Lit renders a literal, using the format provided by the fmt package %#v verb.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Lit("a") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := "a"
Example (Bool_false) ¶
c := Lit(false) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: false
Example (Bool_true) ¶
c := Lit(true) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: true
Example (Byte) ¶
// Lit can't tell the difference between byte and uint8. Use LitByte to // render byte literals. c := Lit(byte(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uint8(0x1)
Example (Complex128) ¶
c := Lit(0 + 0i) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: (0 + 0i)
Example (Complex64) ¶
c := Lit(complex64(0 + 0i)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: complex64(0 + 0i)
Example (Float) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Lit(1.5) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := 1.5
Example (Float32) ¶
c := Lit(float32(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: float32(1)
Example (Float64_negative) ¶
c := Lit(-0.1) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: -0.1
Example (Float64_negative_whole) ¶
c := Lit(-1.0) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: -1.0
Example (Float64_one_point_zero) ¶
c := Lit(1.0) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: 1.0
Example (Float64_zero) ¶
c := Lit(0.0) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: 0.0
Example (Int) ¶
c := Lit(1) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: 1
Example (Int16) ¶
c := Lit(int16(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: int16(1)
Example (Int32) ¶
c := Lit(int32(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: int32(1)
Example (Int64) ¶
c := Lit(int64(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: int64(1)
Example (Int8) ¶
c := Lit(int8(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: int8(1)
Example (Rune) ¶
// Lit can't tell the difference between rune and int32. Use LitRune to // render rune literals. c := Lit('x') fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: int32(120)
Example (String) ¶
c := Lit("foo") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: "foo"
Example (Uint) ¶
c := Lit(uint(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uint(0x1)
Example (Uint16) ¶
c := Lit(uint16(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uint16(0x1)
Example (Uint32) ¶
c := Lit(uint32(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uint32(0x1)
Example (Uint64) ¶
c := Lit(uint64(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uint64(0x1)
Example (Uint8) ¶
c := Lit(uint8(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uint8(0x1)
Example (Uintptr) ¶
c := Lit(uintptr(0x1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: uintptr(0x1)
func LitByte ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitByte renders a byte literal.
Example ¶
c := LitByte(byte(1)) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: byte(0x1)
func LitByteFunc ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitByteFunc renders a byte literal. LitByteFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
Example ¶
c := LitByteFunc(func() byte { return byte(2) }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: byte(0x2)
func LitFunc ¶
func LitFunc(f func() interface{}) *Statement
LitFunc renders a literal, using the format provided by the fmt package %#v verb. LitFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").LitFunc(func() interface{} { return 1 + 1 }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := 2
func LitRune ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitRune renders a rune literal.
Example ¶
c := LitRune('x') fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: 'x'
func LitRuneFunc ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitRuneFunc renders a rune literal. LitRuneFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
Example ¶
c := LitRuneFunc(func() rune { return '\t' }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: '\t'
func Make ¶
Make renders the make built-in function. The final parameter of the make function is optional, so it is represented by a variadic parameter list.
func Map ¶
Map renders the keyword followed by a single item enclosed by square brackets. Use for map definitions.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Map(String()).String().Values() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := map[string]string{}
func Null ¶
func Null() *Statement
Null adds a null item. Null items render nothing and are not followed by a separator in lists.
Example (And_nil) ¶
c := Func().Id("foo").Params( nil, Id("s").String(), Null(), Id("i").Int(), ).Block() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func foo(s string, i int) {}
Example (Index) ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Index(Lit(1), Null()) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := b[1]
func Op ¶
Op renders the provided operator / token.
Example ¶
c := Id("a").Op(":=").Id("b").Call() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a := b()
Example (Star) ¶
c := Id("a").Op("=").Op("*").Id("b") fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a = *b
Example (Variadic) ¶
c := Id("a").Call(Id("b").Op("...")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a(b...)
func Params ¶
Params renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.
Example ¶
c := Func().Params( Id("a").Id("A"), ).Id("foo").Params( Id("b"), Id("c").String(), ).String().Block( Return(Id("b").Op("+").Id("c")), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: func (a A) foo(b, c string) string { return b + c }
func ParamsFunc ¶
ParamsFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.
func Parens ¶
Parens renders a single item in parenthesis. Use for type conversion or to specify evaluation order.
Example ¶
c := Id("b").Op(":=").Index().Byte().Parens(Id("s")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: b := []byte(s)
Example (Order) ¶
c := Id("a").Op("/").Parens(Id("b").Op("+").Id("c")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: a / (b + c)
func PrintlnFunc ¶ added in v0.9.1
PrintlnFunc renders the println built-in function.
func Qual ¶
Qual renders a qualified identifier. Imports are automatically added when used with a File. If the path matches the local path, the package name is omitted. If package names conflict they are automatically renamed.
Example ¶
c := Qual("encoding/gob", "NewEncoder").Call() fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: gob.NewEncoder()
Example (File) ¶
f := NewFilePath("a.b/c") f.Func().Id("init").Params().Block( Qual("a.b/c", "Foo").Call().Comment("Local package - name is omitted."), Qual("d.e/f", "Bar").Call().Comment("Import is automatically added."), Qual("g.h/f", "Baz").Call().Comment("Colliding package name is renamed."), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package c import ( f "d.e/f" f1 "g.h/f" ) func init() { Foo() // Local package - name is omitted. f.Bar() // Import is automatically added. f1.Baz() // Colliding package name is renamed. }
Example (Local) ¶
f := NewFilePath("a.b/c") f.Func().Id("main").Params().Block( Qual("a.b/c", "D").Call(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", f)
Output: package c func main() { D() }
func Return ¶
Return renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.
Example ¶
c := Return(Id("a"), Id("b")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: return a, b
func ReturnFunc ¶
ReturnFunc renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.
func Struct ¶
Struct renders the keyword followed by a field list enclosed by curly braces.
Example ¶
c := Type().Id("foo").Struct( List(Id("x"), Id("y")).Int(), Id("u").Float32(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: type foo struct { x, y int u float32 }
Example (Empty) ¶
c := Id("c").Op(":=").Make(Chan().Struct()) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: c := make(chan struct{})
func StructFunc ¶ added in v0.9.3
StructFunc renders the keyword followed by a field list enclosed by curly braces.
func Switch ¶
Switch renders the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.
Example ¶
c := Switch(Id("value").Dot("Kind").Call()).Block( Case(Qual("reflect", "Float32"), Qual("reflect", "Float64")).Block( Return(Lit("float")), ), Case(Qual("reflect", "Bool")).Block( Return(Lit("bool")), ), Case(Qual("reflect", "Uintptr")).Block( Fallthrough(), ), Default().Block( Return(Lit("none")), ), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: switch value.Kind() { case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return "float" case reflect.Bool: return "bool" case reflect.Uintptr: fallthrough default: return "none" }
func SwitchFunc ¶
SwitchFunc renders the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.
func Tag ¶
Tag renders a struct tag
Example ¶
c := Type().Id("foo").Struct( Id("A").String().Tag(map[string]string{"json": "a"}), Id("B").Int().Tag(map[string]string{"json": "b", "bar": "baz"}), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: type foo struct { A string `json:"a"` B int `bar:"baz" json:"b"` }
func Values ¶
Values renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.
Example ¶
c := Index().String().Values(Lit("a"), Lit("b")) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: []string{"a", "b"}
Example (Dict_composite) ¶
c := Op("&").Id("Person").Values(Dict{ Id("Age"): Lit(1), Id("Name"): Lit("a"), }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: &Person{ Age: 1, Name: "a", }
Example (Dict_multiple) ¶
c := Map(String()).String().Values(Dict{ Lit("a"): Lit("b"), Lit("c"): Lit("d"), }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: map[string]string{ "a": "b", "c": "d", }
Example (Dict_single) ¶
c := Map(String()).String().Values(Dict{ Lit("a"): Lit("b"), }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: map[string]string{"a": "b"}
func ValuesFunc ¶
ValuesFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.
Example ¶
c := Id("numbers").Op(":=").Index().Int().ValuesFunc(func(g *Group) { for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ { g.Lit(i) } }) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: numbers := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
func (*Statement) AppendFunc ¶ added in v0.9.1
AppendFunc renders the append built-in function.
func (*Statement) Assert ¶
Assert renders a period followed by a single item enclosed by parenthesis. Use for type assertions.
func (*Statement) Block ¶
Block renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks. A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements.
func (*Statement) BlockFunc ¶
BlockFunc renders a statement list enclosed by curly braces. Use for code blocks. A special case applies when used directly after Case or Default, where the braces are omitted. This allows use in switch and select statements.
func (*Statement) Call ¶
Call renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.
func (*Statement) CallFunc ¶
CallFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function calls.
func (*Statement) Clone ¶
Clone makes a copy of the Statement, so further tokens can be appended without affecting the original.
Example (Broken) ¶
a := Id("a") c := Block( a.Call(), a.Call(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: { a()() a()() }
Example (Fixed) ¶
a := Id("a") c := Block( a.Clone().Call(), a.Clone().Call(), ) fmt.Printf("%#v", c)
Output: { a() a() }
func (*Statement) Comment ¶
Comment adds a comment. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style. If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.
func (*Statement) Commentf ¶
Commentf adds a comment, using a format string and a list of parameters. If the provided string contains a newline, the comment is formatted in multiline style. If the comment string starts with "//" or "/*", the automatic formatting is disabled and the string is rendered directly.
func (*Statement) Complex128 ¶
Complex128 renders the complex128 identifier.
func (*Statement) Defs ¶
Defs renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.
func (*Statement) DefsFunc ¶
DefsFunc renders a statement list enclosed in parenthesis. Use for definition lists.
func (*Statement) Do ¶
Do calls the provided function with the statement as a parameter. Use for embedding logic.
func (*Statement) Dot ¶ added in v0.11.0
Dot renders a period followed by an identifier. Use for fields and selectors.
func (*Statement) Empty ¶
Empty adds an empty item. Empty items render nothing but are followed by a separator in lists.
func (*Statement) Fallthrough ¶
Fallthrough renders the fallthrough keyword.
func (*Statement) GoString ¶
GoString renders the Statement for testing. Any error will cause a panic.
func (*Statement) Index ¶
Index renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.
func (*Statement) IndexFunc ¶
IndexFunc renders a colon separated list enclosed by square brackets. Use for array / slice indexes and definitions.
func (*Statement) Interface ¶
Interface renders the keyword followed by a method list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Statement) InterfaceFunc ¶
InterfaceFunc renders the keyword followed by a method list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Statement) ListFunc ¶
ListFunc renders a comma separated list. Use for multiple return functions.
func (*Statement) Lit ¶
Lit renders a literal, using the format provided by the fmt package %#v verb.
func (*Statement) LitByteFunc ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitByteFunc renders a byte literal. LitByteFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
func (*Statement) LitFunc ¶
LitFunc renders a literal, using the format provided by the fmt package %#v verb. LitFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
func (*Statement) LitRuneFunc ¶ added in v0.13.0
LitRuneFunc renders a rune literal. LitRuneFunc generates the value to render by executing the provided function.
func (*Statement) Make ¶
Make renders the make built-in function. The final parameter of the make function is optional, so it is represented by a variadic parameter list.
func (*Statement) Map ¶
Map renders the keyword followed by a single item enclosed by square brackets. Use for map definitions.
func (*Statement) Null ¶
Null adds a null item. Null items render nothing and are not followed by a separator in lists.
func (*Statement) Params ¶
Params renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.
func (*Statement) ParamsFunc ¶
ParamsFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by parenthesis. Use for function parameters and method receivers.
func (*Statement) Parens ¶
Parens renders a single item in parenthesis. Use for type conversion or to specify evaluation order.
func (*Statement) PrintlnFunc ¶ added in v0.9.1
PrintlnFunc renders the println built-in function.
func (*Statement) Qual ¶
Qual renders a qualified identifier. Imports are automatically added when used with a File. If the path matches the local path, the package name is omitted. If package names conflict they are automatically renamed.
func (*Statement) ReturnFunc ¶
ReturnFunc renders the keyword followed by a comma separated list.
func (*Statement) Struct ¶
Struct renders the keyword followed by a field list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Statement) StructFunc ¶ added in v0.9.3
StructFunc renders the keyword followed by a field list enclosed by curly braces.
func (*Statement) SwitchFunc ¶
SwitchFunc renders the keyword followed by a semicolon separated list.
func (*Statement) Values ¶
Values renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.
func (*Statement) ValuesFunc ¶
ValuesFunc renders a comma separated list enclosed by curly braces. Use for slice or composite literals.