Overview ¶
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package ui contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func ApplyAutoScroll(ev *tcell.EventKey, app gowid.IApp) bool
- func ApplyCurrentProfile(app gowid.IApp, vp *viper.Viper, vc *viper.Viper) error
- func ApplyCurrentTheme(app gowid.IApp)
- func Build(tty string) (*gowid.App, error)
- func ClearProgressWidgetFor(app gowid.IApp, owner WidgetOwner)
- func ClosePleaseWait(app gowid.IApp)
- func ComputeConvFilterOp(dirOp FilterMask, comb FilterCombinator, model IFilterModel, curFilter string) string
- func ComputeFilterCombOp(comb FilterCombinator, newFilter string, curFilter string) string
- func EnsureTemplateData()
- func IsProgressIndeterminate() bool
- func IsTerminalLegible(app gowid.IApp)
- func MakeCheckGlobalJumpAfterPsml(jmp termshark.GlobalJumpPos) checkGlobalJumpAfterPsml
- func MakeMenuNavigatingKeyPress(left *NextMenu, right *NextMenu) appkeys.KeyInputFn
- func MakeMenuWithHotKeys(items []SimpleMenuItem) gowid.IWidget
- func MakePacketViewUpdater() updatePacketViews
- func MakeUpdateCurrentCaptureInTitle() updateCurrentCaptureInTitle
- func MaybeKeepThenRequestLoadPcap(pcapf string, displayFilter string, jump termshark.GlobalJumpPos, ...)
- func MenuNavigatingKeyPress(evk *tcell.EventKey, left *NextMenu, right *NextMenu, app gowid.IApp) bool
- func NewDefaultPsmlColumnsModel(app gowid.IApp) *psmlColumnsModel
- func NewPsmlColumnsModel(app gowid.IApp) *psmlColumnsModel
- func NewPsmlColumnsModelFrom(colsKey string, app gowid.IApp) *psmlColumnsModel
- func NewPsmlTableRowWidget(w *rowFocusTableWidget, c []pcap.PacketColors) *psmlTableRowWidget
- func NewRowFocusTableWidget(w iRowFocusTableWidgetNeeds, rs string, rf string) *rowFocusTableWidget
- func OpenError(msgt string, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
- func OpenLongError(msgt string, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
- func OpenLongMessage(msgt string, openOver gowid.ISettableComposite, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
- func OpenMessage(msgt string, openOver gowid.ISettableComposite, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
- func OpenMessageForCopy(msgt string, openOver gowid.ISettableComposite, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
- func OpenPleaseWait(container gowid.ISettableComposite, app gowid.IApp)
- func OpenTemplatedDialog(container gowid.ISettableComposite, tmplName string, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
- func OpenTemplatedDialogExt(container gowid.ISettableComposite, tmplName string, ...) *dialog.Widget
- func RequestLoadInterfaces(psrcs []pcap.IPacketSource, captureFilter string, displayFilter string, ...)
- func RequestLoadPcap(pcapf string, displayFilter string, jump termshark.GlobalJumpPos, ...)
- func RequestNewFilter(displayFilter string, app gowid.IApp)
- func RequestQuit()
- func RequestReload(app gowid.IApp)
- func SetDarkMode(mode bool)
- func SetProgressDeterminateFor(app gowid.IApp, owner WidgetOwner)
- func SetProgressIndeterminateFor(app gowid.IApp, owner WidgetOwner)
- func SetProgressWidget(app gowid.IApp)
- func SetProgressWidgetCustom(app gowid.IApp, c *columns.Widget, owner WidgetOwner)
- func SetSearchProgressWidget(app gowid.IApp)
- func SetupColors()
- func StopEmptyHexViewTimer()
- func StopEmptyStructViewTimer()
- func SuggestSwitchingTerm(app gowid.IApp)
- func UpdateProfileWidget(name string, app gowid.IApp)
- func UpdateProgressBarForFile(c *pcap.PacketLoader, prevRatio float64, app gowid.IApp) float64
- func UpdateProgressBarForInterface(c *pcap.InterfaceLoader, app gowid.IApp)
- func UpdateRecentMenu(app gowid.IApp)
- func WriteHelp(p *flags.Parser, w io.Writer)
- func WriteMarks(p *flags.Parser, marks map[rune]int, w io.Writer)
- func WriteTsharkVersion(p *flags.Parser, bin string, ver semver.Version, w io.Writer)
- func WriteVersion(p *flags.Parser, w io.Writer)
- type BytesResult
- type BytesSearchCallbacks
- func (s BytesSearchCallbacks) OnError(err error, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s BytesSearchCallbacks) OnTick(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *BytesSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *BytesSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s *BytesSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *BytesSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
- type CancelledMessage
- type ClearMarksHandler
- type ClearWormholeState
- type ConvAddr
- type ConvsModel
- type ConvsUiOptions
- type ConvsUiWidget
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) AbsoluteTime() bool
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) Context() context.Context
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) FilterValue() string
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) OnCancel(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) OnData(data string, app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) ReloadNeeded()
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) Render(size gowid.IRenderSize, focus gowid.Selector, app gowid.IApp) gowid.ICanvas
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) ResolveNames() bool
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) SetAbsoluteTime(val bool)
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) SetResolveNames(val bool)
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) SetUseFilter(val bool)
- func (w *ConvsUiWidget) UseFilter() bool
- type CsvTableCopier
- type Direction
- type FilterCombinator
- type FilterMask
- type FilterResult
- type FilterSearchCallbacks
- func (s FilterSearchCallbacks) OnError(err error, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s FilterSearchCallbacks) OnTick(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) RequestStop(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s *FilterSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
- type IFilterBuilder
- type IFilterModel
- type IOnDataSync
- type IPleaseWait
- type ListResult
- type ListSearchCallbacks
- func (s ListSearchCallbacks) OnError(err error, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s ListSearchCallbacks) OnTick(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *ListSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *ListSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s *ListSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *ListSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
- type LoadResult
- type ManageCapinfoCache
- type ManageConvsCache
- type ManageSearchData
- type ManageStreamCache
- type MenuHolder
- type MultiMenuOpener
- type NextMenu
- type NoHandlers
- type OpenErrorDialog
- type PacketSearcher
- type PaletteSwitcher
- type Prog
- type RenderRatioUpTo
- type RenderWeightUpTo
- type SaveRecents
- type SearchStopper
- type SetStructWidgets
- type SimpleErrors
- type SimpleMenuItem
- type StartUIWhenThereArePackets
- type StructResult
- type StructSearchCallbacks
- func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) CheckNode(tr tree.IModel, pos tree.IPos) bool
- func (s StructSearchCallbacks) OnError(err error, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s StructSearchCallbacks) OnTick(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
- func (s *StructSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
- func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
- type WidgetOwner
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( YesNo *dialog.Widget MiniBuffer *minibuffer.Widget PleaseWait *dialog.Widget )
var ( RegularPalette gowid.Palette DarkModePalette gowid.Palette )
var AutoScroll bool // true if the packet list should auto-scroll when listening on an interface.
var CacheRequests []pcap.LoadPcapSlice
var CacheRequestsChan chan struct{} // false means started, true means finished
var CapinfoData string
var CapinfoLoader *capinfo.Loader
var CapinfoTime time.Time
var ColumnsFormatError = fmt.Errorf("The supplied list of columns and names is invalid")
var CopyModePredicate ifwidget.Predicate
var CopyModeWidget gowid.IWidget
var CurrentColsWidget *psmlColumnsModel
These are global variables used to hold the current model for the edit-columns widget, and the current line selected. This is hacky but it's so that I can tell, when a menu button is clicked within this PSML columns widget, which column it should apply to. I could generate unique menus for each row of the table, as an alternative...
var CurrentWormholeWidget *wormhole.Widget
var DarkMode bool // global state in app
var DoOnce sync.Once
var EmptyHexViewTimer *time.Timer
var EmptyStructViewTimer *time.Timer
var FieldCompleter *fields.TSharkFields // share this - safe once constructed
var FilterWidget *filter.Widget
var Fin *rossshark.Widget
var Goroutinewg *sync.WaitGroup
var Loader *pcap.PacketLoader
var Loadingw gowid.IWidget // "loading..."
var MissingMsgw gowid.IWidget // centered, holding singlePacketViewMsgHolder
var NoGlobalJump termshark.GlobalJumpPos // leave as default, like a placeholder
var PacketColors bool // global state in app
var PacketColorsSupported bool // global state in app - true if it's even possible
var QuitRequested bool // true if a quit has been issued, but not yet processed. Stops some handlers displaying errors.
var QuitRequestedChan chan struct{}
var Running bool // true if gowid/tcell is controlling the terminal
var SearchWidget *search.Widget
var StartUIChan chan struct{}
var StartUIOnce sync.Once
var StreamLoader *streams.Loader // DOC - one because it holds stream index state for pcap
var TemplateData map[string]interface{}
var Templates = template.Must(template.New("Help").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(`
{{define "NameVer"}}termshark {{.Version}}{{end}}
{{define "TsharkVer"}}using tshark {{.TsharkVersion}} (from {{.TsharkAbsolutePath}}){{end}}
{{define "OneLine"}}A wireshark-inspired terminal user interface for tshark. Analyze network traffic interactively from your terminal.{{end}}
{{define "Header"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
{{template "OneLine"}}
See for more information.{{end}}
{{define "Footer"}}
If --pass-thru is true (or auto, and stdout is not a tty), tshark will be
executed with the supplied command-line flags. You can provide
tshark-specific flags and they will be passed through to tshark (-n, -d, -T,
etc). For example:
$ termshark -r file.pcap -T psml -n | less{{end}}
{{define "UIUserGuide"}}{{.UserGuideURL}}
{{define "UIFAQ"}}{{.FAQURL}}
{{define "UIBug"}}{{.BugURL}}
{{define "UIFeature"}}{{.FeatureURL}}
{{define "UIHelp"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
A wireshark-inspired tui for tshark. Analyze network traffic interactively from your terminal.
/__ - Go to display filter/stream search
q__ - Quit
tab - Switch panes
c__ - Switch to copy-mode
|__ - Cycle through pane layouts
\__ - Toggle pane zoom
esc - Activate menu
+/- - Adjust horizontal split
</> - Adjust vertical split
:__ - Activate cmdline mode (see help cmdline)
z__ - Maximize/restore any modal dialog
?__ - Display help
In the filter, type a wireshark display filter expression.
Most terminals will support using the mouse! Try clicking the Close button.
Use shift-left-mouse to copy and shift-right-mouse to paste.{{end}}
{{define "VimHelp"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
Navigate the UI using vim-style keys.
hjkl___ - Move left/down/up/right in various views
gg_____ - Go to the top of the current table
G______ - Go to the bottom of the current table
5gg____ - Go to the 5th row of the table
C-w C-w - Switch panes (same as tab)
C-w_=__ - Equalize pane spacing
ma_____ - Mark current packet (use a through z)
'a_____ - Jump to packet marked 'a'
mA_____ - Mark current packet + pcap (use A through Z)
'A_____ - Jump to packet + pcap marked 'A'
''_____ - After a jump; jump back to prior packet
ZZ_____ - Quit without confirmation
See also help cmdline.{{end}}
{{define "CmdLineHelp"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
Activate cmdline mode with the : key.
Hit tab to see and choose possible completions.
capinfo______ - Capture file properties
clear-filter_ - Clear the display filter and apply
clear-packets - Clear the current pcap
columns______ - Choose the columns to display
config_______ - Show termshark's config file (Unix-only)
convs________ - Open conversations view
filter_______ - Choose a display filter from recently-used
help_________ - Various help dialogs
load_________ - Load a pcap from the filesystem
logs_________ - Show termshark's log file (Unix-only)
map__________ - Map a keypress to a key sequence (see help map)
marks________ - Show file-local and global packet marks
menu_________ - Open the UI Misc menu
no-theme_____ - Clear theme for the current terminal color mode
profile______ - Profile actions - create, use, delete, etc
quit_________ - Quit termshark
recents______ - Load a pcap from those recently-used
set__________ - Set various config properties (see help set)
streams______ - Open stream reassembly view
theme________ - Choose a theme for the current terminal color mode
unmap________ - Remove a keypress mapping
wormhole_____ - Prepare to transfer the current pcap{{end}}
{{define "SetHelp"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
Use the cmdline set command to change configuration.
Type :set and hit tab for options.
auto-scroll___________ - scroll during live captures
copy-timeout__________ - wait this long before failing a copy
dark-mode_____________ - enable or disable dark-mode
disable-shark-fin_____ - switch off the secret shark fin
packet-colors_________ - use colors in the packet list view
pager_________________ - pager (used for termshark's log file)
nopager_______________ - disable the pager (use PAGER instead)
suppress-tshark-errors - don't show tshark errors in the UI
term__________________ - make termshark assume this terminal type
noterm________________ - disable the terminal type (use TERM){{end}}
{{define "MapHelp"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
Use the cmdline map command to set key macros e.g.
map <f1> ZZ - hit f1 key to quit
Use vim-style syntax for key-presses. Printable characters
represent themselves. Compound keys can be:
<C-s>, <A-/>
<up>, <down>, <left>, <right>
<pgup>, <pgdn>
<home>, <end>
Use the unmap command to remove a mapping.{{end}}
{{define "CopyModeHelp"}}{{template "NameVer" .}}
termshark is in copy-mode. You can press:
'q', 'c' - Exit copy-mode
ctrl-c__ - Copy from selected widget
left____ - Widen selection
right___ - Narrow selection
'?'_____ - Display copy-mode help
{{define "Marks"}}{{if not .Marks}}No local marks are set{{else}}Mark Packet Summary{{range $key, $value := .Marks }}
{{printf " %c" $key}}{{printf "%6d" $value.Pos}} {{printf "%s" $value.Summary}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{if not .GlobalMarks}}No cross-file marks are set{{else}}Mark Packet File Summary{{range $key, $value := .GlobalMarks }}
{{printf " %-4c" $key}} {{printf "%-7d" $value.Pos}}{{printf "%-18s" $value.Base}}{{printf "%s" $value.Summary}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{define "Key Mappings"}}{{if .Maps.None}}No key mappings are set{{else}} From To {{range $mapping := .Maps.Get }}
{{printf " %-14v" $mapping.From}}{{printf "%v" $mapping.To}} {{end}}{{end}}
var WriteToDeleted bool // true if the user deleted the temporary pcap before quitting
var WriteToSelected bool // true if the user provided the -w flag
Functions ¶
func ApplyAutoScroll ¶ added in v2.2.0
don't claim the keypress
func ApplyCurrentProfile ¶ added in v2.4.0
vp and vc guaranteed to be non-nil
func ApplyCurrentTheme ¶ added in v2.4.0
func ClearProgressWidgetFor ¶ added in v2.4.0
func ClearProgressWidgetFor(app gowid.IApp, owner WidgetOwner)
func ClosePleaseWait ¶
func ComputeConvFilterOp ¶ added in v2.3.0
func ComputeConvFilterOp(dirOp FilterMask, comb FilterCombinator, model IFilterModel, curFilter string) string
func ComputeFilterCombOp ¶ added in v2.3.0
func ComputeFilterCombOp(comb FilterCombinator, newFilter string, curFilter string) string
func EnsureTemplateData ¶ added in v2.2.0
func EnsureTemplateData()
func IsProgressIndeterminate ¶
func IsProgressIndeterminate() bool
func IsTerminalLegible ¶ added in v2.3.0
IsTerminalLegible will open up a dialog asking the user to confirm that their running termshark is legible, having upgraded the TERM variable to a 256-color version and restarted.
func MakeCheckGlobalJumpAfterPsml ¶ added in v2.2.0
func MakeCheckGlobalJumpAfterPsml(jmp termshark.GlobalJumpPos) checkGlobalJumpAfterPsml
func MakeMenuNavigatingKeyPress ¶
func MakeMenuNavigatingKeyPress(left *NextMenu, right *NextMenu) appkeys.KeyInputFn
func MakeMenuWithHotKeys ¶
func MakeMenuWithHotKeys(items []SimpleMenuItem) gowid.IWidget
func MakePacketViewUpdater ¶
func MakePacketViewUpdater() updatePacketViews
func MakeUpdateCurrentCaptureInTitle ¶
func MakeUpdateCurrentCaptureInTitle() updateCurrentCaptureInTitle
func MaybeKeepThenRequestLoadPcap ¶ added in v2.3.0
func MaybeKeepThenRequestLoadPcap(pcapf string, displayFilter string, jump termshark.GlobalJumpPos, app gowid.IApp)
MaybeKeepThenRequestLoadPcap loads a pcap after first checking to see whether the current load is a live load and the packets need to be kept.
func MenuNavigatingKeyPress ¶
func NewDefaultPsmlColumnsModel ¶ added in v2.3.0
func NewPsmlColumnsModel ¶ added in v2.3.0
func NewPsmlColumnsModelFrom ¶ added in v2.3.0
func NewPsmlTableRowWidget ¶ added in v2.1.0
func NewPsmlTableRowWidget(w *rowFocusTableWidget, c []pcap.PacketColors) *psmlTableRowWidget
func NewRowFocusTableWidget ¶ added in v2.1.0
func OpenLongMessage ¶ added in v2.2.0
func OpenMessage ¶
func OpenMessageForCopy ¶ added in v2.1.0
func OpenPleaseWait ¶
func OpenPleaseWait(container gowid.ISettableComposite, app gowid.IApp)
func OpenTemplatedDialog ¶
func OpenTemplatedDialogExt ¶ added in v2.2.0
func OpenTemplatedDialogExt(container gowid.ISettableComposite, tmplName string, width gowid.IWidgetDimension, height gowid.IWidgetDimension, app gowid.IApp) *dialog.Widget
func RequestLoadInterfaces ¶ added in v2.2.0
func RequestLoadPcap ¶ added in v2.3.0
func RequestLoadPcap(pcapf string, displayFilter string, jump termshark.GlobalJumpPos, app gowid.IApp)
Call from app goroutine context
func RequestNewFilter ¶ added in v2.2.0
func RequestQuit ¶ added in v2.2.0
func RequestQuit()
func RequestReload ¶ added in v2.3.0
func SetDarkMode ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SetDarkMode(mode bool)
func SetProgressDeterminateFor ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SetProgressDeterminateFor(app gowid.IApp, owner WidgetOwner)
func SetProgressIndeterminateFor ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SetProgressIndeterminateFor(app gowid.IApp, owner WidgetOwner)
func SetProgressWidget ¶ added in v2.2.0
func SetProgressWidgetCustom ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SetProgressWidgetCustom(app gowid.IApp, c *columns.Widget, owner WidgetOwner)
func SetSearchProgressWidget ¶ added in v2.4.0
func SetupColors ¶ added in v2.2.0
func SetupColors()
func StopEmptyHexViewTimer ¶
func StopEmptyHexViewTimer()
func StopEmptyStructViewTimer ¶
func StopEmptyStructViewTimer()
func SuggestSwitchingTerm ¶ added in v2.3.0
SuggestSwitchingTerm will open a dialog asking the user if they would like to try a more colorful TERM setting.
func UpdateProfileWidget ¶ added in v2.4.0
func UpdateProgressBarForFile ¶
Runs in app goroutine
func UpdateProgressBarForInterface ¶
func UpdateProgressBarForInterface(c *pcap.InterfaceLoader, app gowid.IApp)
Runs in app goroutine
func UpdateRecentMenu ¶
func WriteTsharkVersion ¶
func WriteVersion ¶
Types ¶
type BytesResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
BytesResult represents a match for a search within the bytes of the packets loaded. A match is a packet number, and the position within the byte array representing the packet's data.
func (BytesResult) PacketNumber ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s BytesResult) PacketNumber() int
type BytesSearchCallbacks ¶ added in v2.4.0
type BytesSearchCallbacks struct { *SearchStopper // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Search in the packet hex view
func (*BytesSearchCallbacks) Reset ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *BytesSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
func (*BytesSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *BytesSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
own goroutine startPacketNumber >= 1
func (*BytesSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s *BytesSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
func (*BytesSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *BytesSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
type CancelledMessage ¶ added in v2.2.0
type CancelledMessage struct{}
func (CancelledMessage) AfterEnd ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (t CancelledMessage) AfterEnd(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
type ClearMarksHandler ¶ added in v2.2.0
type ClearMarksHandler struct{}
type ClearWormholeState ¶ added in v2.3.0
type ClearWormholeState struct{}
func (ClearWormholeState) OnNewSource ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (t ClearWormholeState) OnNewSource(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
type ConvsModel ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (ConvsModel) GetAFilter ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (m ConvsModel) GetAFilter(row int, dir Direction) string
func (ConvsModel) GetBFilter ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (m ConvsModel) GetBFilter(row int, dir Direction) string
type ConvsUiOptions ¶ added in v2.1.1
type ConvsUiWidget ¶ added in v2.1.1
func NewConvsUi ¶ added in v2.1.1
func NewConvsUi(captureDevice string, displayFilter string, pcapf string, pw IPleaseWait, opts ...ConvsUiOptions) *ConvsUiWidget
func (*ConvsUiWidget) AbsoluteTime ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) AbsoluteTime() bool
func (*ConvsUiWidget) Context ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) Context() context.Context
func (*ConvsUiWidget) FilterValue ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) FilterValue() string
func (*ConvsUiWidget) OnCancel ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) OnCancel(app gowid.IApp)
func (*ConvsUiWidget) OnData ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) OnData(data string, app gowid.IApp)
func (*ConvsUiWidget) ReloadNeeded ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) ReloadNeeded()
func (*ConvsUiWidget) Render ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) Render(size gowid.IRenderSize, focus gowid.Selector, app gowid.IApp) gowid.ICanvas
func (*ConvsUiWidget) ResolveNames ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) ResolveNames() bool
func (*ConvsUiWidget) SetAbsoluteTime ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) SetAbsoluteTime(val bool)
func (*ConvsUiWidget) SetResolveNames ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) SetResolveNames(val bool)
func (*ConvsUiWidget) SetUseFilter ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) SetUseFilter(val bool)
func (*ConvsUiWidget) UseFilter ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (w *ConvsUiWidget) UseFilter() bool
type CsvTableCopier ¶ added in v2.1.1
type CsvTableCopier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (CsvTableCopier) CopyRow ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (c CsvTableCopier) CopyRow(id table.RowId) []gowid.ICopyResult
func (CsvTableCopier) CopyTable ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (c CsvTableCopier) CopyTable() []gowid.ICopyResult
type FilterCombinator ¶ added in v2.1.1
type FilterCombinator int
const ( Selected FilterCombinator = 0 NotSelected FilterCombinator = iota AndSelected FilterCombinator = iota OrSelected FilterCombinator = iota AndNotSelected FilterCombinator = iota OrNotSelected FilterCombinator = iota )
type FilterMask ¶ added in v2.1.1
type FilterMask int
const ( AtfB FilterMask = 0 AtB FilterMask = iota BtA FilterMask = iota AtfAny FilterMask = iota AtAny FilterMask = iota AnytA FilterMask = iota AnytfB FilterMask = iota AnytB FilterMask = iota BtAny FilterMask = iota )
type FilterResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
type FilterResult struct {
PacketNum int
FilterResult represents a match via a display filter search. This is no more specific than a packet/frame number to jump to.
func (FilterResult) PacketNumber ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s FilterResult) PacketNumber() int
type FilterSearchCallbacks ¶ added in v2.4.0
type FilterSearchCallbacks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Search via a display filter
func NewFilterSearchCallbacks ¶ added in v2.4.0
func NewFilterSearchCallbacks( callbacks *commonSearchCallbacks, searchCh chan search.IntermediateResult) *FilterSearchCallbacks
func (*FilterSearchCallbacks) RequestStop ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) RequestStop(app gowid.IApp)
func (*FilterSearchCallbacks) Reset ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
func (*FilterSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
startPacketNumber >= 1
func (*FilterSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s *FilterSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
func (*FilterSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *FilterSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
type IFilterBuilder ¶ added in v2.1.1
type IFilterBuilder interface { fmt.Stringer FilterFrom(vals ...string) string FilterTo(vals ...string) string FilterAny(vals ...string) string AIndex() []int BIndex() []int }
Use to construct a string like "ip.addr == && tcp.port == 12345"
type IFilterModel ¶ added in v2.3.0
type IOnDataSync ¶ added in v2.1.1
type IPleaseWait ¶ added in v2.1.1
type ListResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
ListResult represents a match for a search within the packet list view. This is really just the PSML already generated by tshark. The result is a packet number and a column; on a match, the packet list view will be updated to show the matched row and column.
func (ListResult) PacketNumber ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s ListResult) PacketNumber() int
type ListSearchCallbacks ¶ added in v2.4.0
type ListSearchCallbacks struct { *SearchStopper // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Search in the packet list view: 1 0.000000 DNS 77 Standard query 0x51fe A 2 0.024306 176.103.130. DNS 77 Standard query 0x51fe A 3 0.024875 DNS 139 Standard query response 0x51fe A CNAME 4 0.025500 TCP 66 55408 → 443 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 S 0
func (*ListSearchCallbacks) Reset ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *ListSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
func (*ListSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *ListSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
own goroutine startPacketNumber >= 1
func (*ListSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s *ListSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
func (*ListSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *ListSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
type LoadResult ¶
type LoadResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ManageCapinfoCache ¶ added in v2.1.0
type ManageCapinfoCache struct{}
func (ManageCapinfoCache) OnClear ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (t ManageCapinfoCache) OnClear(pcap.HandlerCode, gowid.IApp)
func (ManageCapinfoCache) OnNewSource ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (t ManageCapinfoCache) OnNewSource(pcap.HandlerCode, gowid.IApp)
Make sure that existing stream widgets are discarded if the user loads a new pcap.
type ManageConvsCache ¶ added in v2.1.1
type ManageConvsCache struct{}
func (ManageConvsCache) OnNewSource ¶ added in v2.1.1
func (t ManageConvsCache) OnNewSource(pcap.HandlerCode, gowid.IApp)
Make sure that existing data is discarded if the user loads a new pcap.
type ManageSearchData ¶ added in v2.4.0
type ManageSearchData struct{}
func (ManageSearchData) OnClear ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (t ManageSearchData) OnClear(c pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
func (ManageSearchData) OnNewSource ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (t ManageSearchData) OnNewSource(c pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
Make sure that existing stream widgets are discarded if the user loads a new pcap.
type ManageStreamCache ¶
type ManageStreamCache struct{}
func (ManageStreamCache) OnClear ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (t ManageStreamCache) OnClear(pcap.HandlerCode, gowid.IApp)
func (ManageStreamCache) OnNewSource ¶
func (t ManageStreamCache) OnNewSource(pcap.HandlerCode, gowid.IApp)
Make sure that existing stream widgets are discarded if the user loads a new pcap.
type MenuHolder ¶ added in v2.3.0
type MenuHolder struct {
type MultiMenuOpener ¶ added in v2.3.0
type MultiMenuOpener struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type NoHandlers ¶
type NoHandlers struct{}
type OpenErrorDialog ¶ added in v2.4.0
type OpenErrorDialog struct{}
type PacketSearcher ¶ added in v2.4.0
type PacketSearcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PacketSearcher coordinates a packet search and communicates results back from the search implementations via resultChan.
func (*PacketSearcher) SearchPackets ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *PacketSearcher) SearchPackets(term search.INeedle, cbs search.ICallbacks, app gowid.IApp)
SearchPackets looks for the given search term in the currently loaded packets. It is written generically, with the specifics of the packet details to be searched provided by a set of callbacks. These give the search algorithm the starting position, the mechanics of the search, and so on. An instance of a search can return a matching position, or a value indicating that the algorithm needs to wait until packet data is available (e.g. if PDML data needs to be searched but is not currently loaded). If a match is found, the callbacks also determine how to update the UI to represent the match.
type PaletteSwitcher ¶
func (PaletteSwitcher) CellStyler ¶
func (p PaletteSwitcher) CellStyler(name string) (gowid.ICellStyler, bool)
func (PaletteSwitcher) RangeOverPalette ¶
func (p PaletteSwitcher) RangeOverPalette(f func(key string, value gowid.ICellStyler) bool)
type Prog ¶
type Prog struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Prog hold a progress model - a current value on the way up to the max value
type RenderRatioUpTo ¶ added in v2.3.0
type RenderRatioUpTo struct { gowid.RenderWithRatio // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RenderRatioUpTo) MaxUnits ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (r RenderRatioUpTo) MaxUnits() int
func (RenderRatioUpTo) String ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (r RenderRatioUpTo) String() string
type RenderWeightUpTo ¶
type RenderWeightUpTo struct { gowid.RenderWithWeight // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RenderWeightUpTo) MaxUnits ¶
func (s RenderWeightUpTo) MaxUnits() int
type SaveRecents ¶
func MakeSaveRecents ¶
func MakeSaveRecents(pcap string, filter string) SaveRecents
func (SaveRecents) BeforeBegin ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (t SaveRecents) BeforeBegin(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
type SearchStopper ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (*SearchStopper) DoIfStopped ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s *SearchStopper) DoIfStopped(f func())
func (*SearchStopper) RequestStop ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s *SearchStopper) RequestStop(app gowid.IApp)
type SetStructWidgets ¶
type SetStructWidgets struct {
Ld *pcap.PacketLoader
used for the pdml loader
func (SetStructWidgets) AfterEnd ¶
func (s SetStructWidgets) AfterEnd(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
Close the channel before the callback. When the global loader state is idle, app.Quit() will stop accepting app callbacks, so the goroutine that waits for ch to be closed will never terminate.
func (SetStructWidgets) BeforeBegin ¶
func (s SetStructWidgets) BeforeBegin(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
func (SetStructWidgets) OnError ¶
func (s SetStructWidgets) OnError(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp, err error)
type SimpleErrors ¶ added in v2.2.0
type SimpleErrors struct{}
func (SimpleErrors) OnError ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (t SimpleErrors) OnError(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp, err error)
type SimpleMenuItem ¶
type SimpleMenuItem struct { Txt string Key gowid.IKey CB gowid.WidgetChangedFunction }
func MakeMenuDivider ¶
func MakeMenuDivider() SimpleMenuItem
type StartUIWhenThereArePackets ¶ added in v2.2.0
type StartUIWhenThereArePackets struct{}
func (StartUIWhenThereArePackets) OnPsmlHeader ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (t StartUIWhenThereArePackets) OnPsmlHeader(code pcap.HandlerCode, app gowid.IApp)
type StructResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
StructResult represents a match for a search within the packet structure. The result is a specific location in the packet struct model. The UI will be updated to show this match, expanded, when a search succeeds.
func (StructResult) PacketNumber ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s StructResult) PacketNumber() int
type StructSearchCallbacks ¶ added in v2.4.0
type StructSearchCallbacks struct { *SearchStopper // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Search in the packet struct view:
<proto name="ip" showname="Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:" size="20" pos="0">
<field name="ip.version" showname="0100 .... = Version: 4" size="1" pos="0" show="4" value="45"/> <field name="ip.hdr_len" showname=".... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)" size="1" pos="0" show="20" value="45"/> <field name="ip.dsfield" showname="Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP: CS0, ECN: Not-ECT)" size="1" pos="1" show="0x00000000" value="00"> <field name="ip.dsfield.dscp" showname="0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0)" size="1" pos="1" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="00"/> <field name="ip.dsfield.ecn" showname=".... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)" size="1" pos="1" show="0" value="0" unmaskedvalue="00"/> </field>
func (*StructSearchCallbacks) CheckNode ¶ added in v2.4.0
CheckNode is provided to implement ISearchPred for the gowid tree's depth first search.
func (*StructSearchCallbacks) Reset ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) Reset(app gowid.IApp)
func (*StructSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsFrom(ifrom interface{}, istart interface{}, term search.INeedle, app gowid.IApp)
own goroutine startPacketNumber >= 1
func (*StructSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (s *StructSearchCallbacks) SearchPacketsResult(res search.Result, app gowid.IApp)
func (*StructSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (w *StructSearchCallbacks) StartingPosition() (interface{}, error)
type WidgetOwner ¶ added in v2.4.0
type WidgetOwner int
const ( NoOwner WidgetOwner = iota LoaderOwns SearchOwns )
Source Files
- capinfoui.go
- convscallbacks.go
- convsui.go
- darkmode.go
- dialog.go
- filterconvs.go
- lastline.go
- logsui.go
- menu.go
- messages.go
- newprofile.go
- palette.go
- prochandlers.go
- psmlcols.go
- psmlcolsmodel.go
- searchalg.go
- searchbyfilter.go
- searchcommon.go
- searchpktbytes.go
- searchpktlist.go
- searchpktstruct.go
- streamui.go
- switchterm.go
- ui.go
- wormhole.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package menuutil contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark.
Package menuutil contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark. |
Package tableutil contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark's tables - in particular, helpers for vim key sequences like 5gg and G
Package tableutil contains user-interface functions and helpers for termshark's tables - in particular, helpers for vim key sequences like 5gg and G |