The kafka
input plugin reads from Kafka and passes each message to configured parser. This plugin requires parser.
Each reader uses its own commit queue into which each fetched message is placed. Every commit_interval
fetch process paused and queue scanning for uncommitted ready sequence from oldest to newest messages. Largest offset found from the beginning of the queue will be committed.
A message is marked as ready to commit if all of its events hooks are called, if parser returned zero events, or if parsing ended with an error.
If commit queue is full, fetching is suspended until at least one message is committed.
This plugin may write it's own metrics
# if true, plugin client writes it's own metrics
enable_metrics = false
# list of kafka cluster nodes
brokers = [ "localhost:9092" ]
# unique identifier that the transport communicates to brokers when it sends requests
client_id = "neptunus.kafka.input"
# topics to consume
# topic name will be set as an event routing key
topics = [ "topic_one", "topic_two" ]
# if configured, an event id will be set by data from path
# expected format - "type:path"
id_from = ""
# determines from whence the consumer group should begin consuming
# when it finds a partition without a committed offset, "first" or "last"
start_offset = "last"
# consumer group identifier
group_id = "neptunus.kafka.input"
# amount of time the consumer group will be saved by the broker
group_ttl = "24h"
# consumer group balancing strategy
# "range", "round-robin" or "rack-affinity"
group_balancer = "range"
# rack where this consumer is running
# requires for rack-affinity group balancer
rack = "rack-01"
# maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect to complete
dial_timeout = "5s"
# amount of time that may pass without a heartbeat before the coordinator
# considers the consumer dead and initiates a rebalance
session_timeout = "30s"
# amount of time the coordinator will wait for members to join as part of a rebalance
rebalance_timeout = "30s"
# frequency at which the reader sends the consumer group heartbeat update
heartbeat_interval = "3s"
# amount of time to wait to fetch message from kafka messages batch
read_batch_timeout = "3s"
# amount of time to wait for new data to come when fetching batches of messages from kafka
wait_batch_timeout = "3s"
# maximum batch size that the consumer will accept
max_batch_size = "1MiB"
# maximum length of internal uncommitted messages queue
max_uncommitted = 100
# interval between commit queue scans
commit_interval = "1s"
## TLS configuration
# if true, TLS client will be used
tls_enable = false
# trusted root certificates for server
tls_ca_file = "/etc/neptunus/ca.pem"
# used for TLS client certificate authentication
tls_key_file = "/etc/neptunus/key.pem"
tls_cert_file = "/etc/neptunus/cert.pem"
# minimum TLS version, not limited by default
tls_min_version = "TLS12"
# send the specified TLS server name via SNI
tls_server_name = "exmple.svc.local"
# use TLS but skip chain & host verification
tls_insecure_skip_verify = false
# SASL settings
# SASL mechanism, "none", "plain", "scram-sha-256" or "scram-sha-512"
mechanism = "scram-sha-512"
# user credentials
username = ""
password = ""
# a "label name -> header" map
# if message header exists, it will be saved as configured label
length = "Content-Length"
encoding = "Content-Type"
type = "json"