Kafka Output Plugin
The kafka
output plugin produces events to Kafka. This plugin requires serializer.
Target topic name takes from an event routing key. Plugin creates one writer per topic.
This plugin may write it's own metrics
# if true, plugin client writes it's own metrics
enable_metrics = false
# list of kafka cluster nodes
brokers = [ "localhost:9092" ]
# unique identifier that the transport communicates to brokers when it sends requests
client_id = "neptunus.kafka.output"
# time after which inactive producers will be closed
# if configured value a zero, idle producers will never be closed
# if configured value less than 1m but not zero, it will be set to 1m
idle_timeout = "1h"
# time limit set for establishing connections to the kafka cluster
dial_timeout = "5s"
# timeout for write operations performed by the writer
write_timeout = "5s"
# interval between events buffer flushes if buffer length less than it's capacity
batch_interval = "5s"
# events buffer size, also, messages batch size
# if configured value less than 1, it will be set to 1
batch_buffer = 100
# kafka message maximum size in bytes
# too large messages will be dropped
max_message_size = "1MiB"
# when true, client create topics if they are not exists
topics_autocreate = false
# compression codec to be used to compress messages
# "none", "gzip", "snappy", "lz4", "zstd"
# if "none", messages are not compressed
compression = "none"
# ack mode
# "none" - fire-and-forget, do not wait for acknowledgements
# "one" - wait for the leader to acknowledge the writes
# "all" - wait for the full ISR to acknowledge the writes
required_acks = "one"
# if true, message timestamp takes from event timestamp
# otherwise, it will be automatically set when writing a message
keep_timestamp = false
# messages partition balancer
# "round-robin" - https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/[email protected]#RoundRobin
# "least-bytes" - https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/[email protected]#LeastBytes
# "fnv-1a-reference" - https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/[email protected]#ReferenceHash
# "fnv-1a" - https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/[email protected]#Hash
# "consistent", "consistent-random" - https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/[email protected]#CRC32Balancer
# "murmur2", "murmur2-random" - https://pkgo.dev/github.com/segmentio/[email protected]#Murmur2Balancer
# or "label" - takes partition number from configured label
partition_balancer = "least-bytes"
# name of label for "label" balancer
# if label not exists, not a number or not in topic partitions list
# 0 partition will be used
partition_label = ""
# name of label used as message key
key_label = ""
# maximum number of attempts to send a batch of messages
# before events will be marked as failed
# only messages that ended with:
# - network timeout error
# - retriable error - https://kafka.apache.org/protocol#protocol_error_codes
# will be used in next attempt
retry_attempts = 0 # zero for endless attempts
# interval between retries to (re-)send a batch of messages
retry_after = "5s"
## TLS configuration
# if true, TLS client will be used
tls_enable = false
# trusted root certificates for server
tls_ca_file = "/etc/neptunus/ca.pem"
# used for TLS client certificate authentication
tls_key_file = "/etc/neptunus/key.pem"
tls_cert_file = "/etc/neptunus/cert.pem"
# minimum TLS version, not limited by default
tls_min_version = "TLS12"
# send the specified TLS server name via SNI
tls_server_name = "exmple.svc.local"
# use TLS but skip chain & host verification
tls_insecure_skip_verify = false
# SASL settings
# SASL mechanism, "none", "plain", "scram-sha-256" or "scram-sha-512"
mechanism = "scram-sha-512"
# user credentials
username = ""
password = ""
# a "header -> label" map
# if event label exists, it will be added as a message header
custom_header = "my_label_name"
type = "json"
data_only = true