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Published: Jul 31, 2019 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 8 Imported by: 1



Convert beer recipe standard formats between beerXML, beerXML2, and beerJSON




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func ConvertXML1to2

func ConvertXML1to2(xml1 io.Reader, beer2 *BeerXML2) error

func NewBeerXML

func NewBeerXML(r io.Reader, pBXml *BeerXML) error

NewBeerXML takes a io.Reader and returns Recipes


type AlcTolerence

type AlcTolerence struct {
	Minimum float32 `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum float32 `xml:"maximum"`

AlcTolerence minimum and maximun alcohol tolerence for perticular yeast

type BeerRecipe

type BeerRecipe struct {
	XMLName              xml.Name        `xml:"recipe"`
	Name                 string          `xml:"name"`
	Type                 string          `xml:"type"`
	Brewer               string          `xml:"brewer"`
	AssistantBrewer      string          `xml:"assistant_brewer"`
	BatchSize            float32         `xml:"batch_size"`
	BoilSize             float32         `xml:"boil_size"`
	BoilTime             int             `xml:"boil_time"`
	Efficiency           float32         `xml:"efficiency"`
	Style                StyleAddition   `xml:"style"`
	Ingredients          RecIngredients  `xml:"ingredients"`
	Mash                 MashProfile     `xml:"mash"`
	Notes                string          `xml:"notes"`
	Og                   OriginalGravity `xml:"original_gravity"`
	Fg                   FinalGravity    `xml:"final_gravity"`
	DisplayBatchSize     string          `xml:"display_batch_size"`
	DisplayBoilSize      string          `xml:"display_boil_size"`
	DisplayOg            string          `xml:"display_og"`
	DisplayFg            string          `xml:"display_fg"`
	DisplayPrimaryTemp   string          `xml:"display_primary_temp"`
	DisplaySecondaryTemp string          `xml:"display_secondary_temp"`
	DisplayTertiaryTemp  string          `xml:"display_tertiary_temp"`
	DisplayAgeTemp       string          `xml:"display_age_temp"`

BeerRecipe implements a BeerXML2 recipe including the different childs.

type BeerXML

type BeerXML struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RECIPES"`
	Recipes []Recipe `xml:"RECIPE"`

BeerXML holds a slice of Recipes

func NewBeerXMLFromFile

func NewBeerXMLFromFile(f string) (BeerXML, error)

NewBeerXMLFromFile takes a filename as string and returns Recipes

func (*BeerXML) TextSummary

func (bxml *BeerXML) TextSummary() string

TextSummary returns a string with a summary of Recipes including fermentables and hops

type BeerXML2

type BeerXML2 struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name         `xml:"beer_xml"`
	Version      string           `xml:"version"`
	HopVarieties []InvHop         `xml:"hop_varieties>hop"`
	Fermentables []InvFermentable `xml:"fermentables>fermentable"`
	Miscs        []InvMisc        `xml:"miscellaneous_ingredients>miscellaneous"`
	Cultures     []InvYeast       `xml:"cultures>yeast"`
	Styles       []StyleProfile   `xml:"styles>style"`
	Profiles     []WaterProfile   `xml:"profiles>water"`
	Procedures   []MashProfile    `xml:"procedure>mash"`
	Recipes      []BeerRecipe     `xml:"recipes>recipe"`

BeerXML2 holds all beer information. first level

func NewBeerXML2

func NewBeerXML2(r io.Reader) (bxml *BeerXML2, err error)

NewBeerXml takes a io.Reader and returns Recipes

func NewBeerXmlFromFile2

func NewBeerXmlFromFile2(f string) (bxml *BeerXML2, err error)

NewBeerXmlFromFile takes a filename as string and returns Recipes

func (*BeerXML2) Init

func (xml *BeerXML2) Init()

func (*BeerXML2) TextSummaryxml2

func (bxml *BeerXML2) TextSummaryxml2() string

TextSummary returns a string with a summary of Recipes including fermentables and hops

type Bitterness

type Bitterness struct {
	Minimum float32 `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum float32 `xml:"maximum"`

type Color

type Color struct {
	//XMLName xml.Name `xml:"color"`
	Units string  `xml:"units,attr"`
	Color float32 `xml:",chardata"`

Color is beer color with units SRM or L

type ColorScale

type ColorScale struct {
	Minimum Color `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum Color `xml:"maximum"`

ColorScale is max tolerece of a beer color for given style

type CultureAmount

type CultureAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"culture"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Date    string   `xml:"date,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type DecVol

type DecVol struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"decoction_amount"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type DryAmount

type DryAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"dry"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type EndDeg

type EndDeg struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"end_temperature"`
	Units   string   `xml:"degrees,attr"`
	Degrees float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type Equipment

type Equipment struct {
	XMLName                xml.Name `xml:"EQUIPMENT"`
	Name                   string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version                int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	BoilSize               float32  `xml:"BOIL_SIZE"`
	BatchSize              float32  `xml:"BATCH_SIZE"`
	TunVolume              float32  `xml:"TUN_VOLUME"`
	TunWeight              float32  `xml:"TUN_WEIGHT"`
	TunSpecificHeat        float32  `xml:"TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT"`
	TopUpWater             float32  `xml:"TOP_UP_WATER"`
	TrubChillerLoss        float32  `xml:"TRUB_CHILLER_LOSS"`
	EvapRate               float32  `xml:"EVAP_RATE"`
	BoilTime               float32  `xml:"BOIL_TIME"`
	CalcBoilVolume         bool     `xml:"CALC_BOIL_VOLUME"`
	LauterDeadspace        float32  `xml:"LAUTER_DEADSPACE"`
	TopUpKettle            float32  `xml:"TOP_UP_KETTLE"`
	HopUtilization         float32  `xml:"HOP_UTILIZATION"`
	CoolingLossPct         float32  `xml:"COOLING_LOSS_PCT"`
	Notes                  string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	DisplayBoilSize        string   `xml:"DISPLAY_BOIL_SIZE"`
	DisplayBatchSize       string   `xml:"DISPLAY_BATCH_SIZE"`
	DisplayTunVolume       string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TUN_VOLUME"`
	DisplayTunWeight       string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TUN_WEIGHT"`
	DisplayTopUpWater      string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TOP_UP_WATER"`
	DiplayTrubChillerLoss  string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TRUB_CHILLER_LOSS"`
	DisplayLauterDeadspace string   `xml:"DISPLAY_LAUTER_DEADSPACE"`
	DisplayTopUpKettle     string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TOP_UP_KETTLE"`

Equipment profiles for brewin beer

type EquipmentUsed

type EquipmentUsed struct {
	XMLName                xml.Name `xml:"equipment"`
	Name                   string   `xml:"name"`
	Version                int      `xml:"version"`
	BoilSize               float32  `xml:"boil_size"`
	BatchSize              float32  `xml:"batch_size"`
	TunVolume              float32  `xml:"tun_volume"`
	TunWeight              float32  `xml:"tun_weight"`
	TunSpecificHeat        float32  `xml:"tun_specific_heat"`
	TopUpWater             float32  `xml:"top_up_water"`
	TrubChillerLoss        float32  `xml:"trub_chiller_loss"`
	EvapRate               float32  `xml:"evap_rate"`
	BoilTime               float32  `xml:"boil_time"`
	CalcBoilVolume         bool     `xml:"calc_boil_volume"`
	LauterDeadspace        float32  `xml:"lauter_deadspace"`
	TopUpKettle            float32  `xml:"top_up_kettle"`
	HopUtilization         float32  `xml:"hop_utilization"`
	CoolingLossPct         float32  `xml:"cooling_loss_pct"`
	Notes                  string   `xml:"notes"`
	DisplayBoilSize        string   `xml:"display_boil_size"`
	DisplayBatchSize       string   `xml:"display_batch_size"`
	DisplayTunVolume       string   `xml:"display_tun_volume"`
	DisplayTunWeight       string   `xml:"display_tun_weight"`
	DisplayTopUpWater      string   `xml:"display_top_up_water"`
	DiplayTrubChillerLoss  string   `xml:"display_trub_chiller_loss"`
	DisplayLauterDeadspace string   `xml:"display_lauter_deadspace"`
	DisplayTopUpKettle     string   `xml:"display_top_up_kettle"`

type FermAddition

type FermAddition struct {
	XMLName       xml.Name   `xml:"fermentable"`
	Name          string     `xml:"name"`
	Type          string     `xml:"type"`
	Color         Color      `xml:"color"`
	Origin        string     `xml:"origin"`
	Supplier      string     `xml:"supplier"`
	Amount        MassAmount `xml:"amount"`
	AddAfterBoil  bool       `xml:"add_after_boil"`
	DisplayAmount string     `xml:"display_amount"`
	Inventory     string     `xml:"inventory"`
	DisplayColor  string     `xml:"display_color"`

FermAddition is fermentable ingredient added to a rrecipe

type Fermentable

type Fermentable struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name `xml:"FERMENTABLE"`
	Name              string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version           int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	Type              string   `xml:"TYPE"`
	Amount            float32  `xml:"AMOUNT"`
	Yield             float32  `xml:"YIELD"`
	Color             float32  `xml:"COLOR"`
	AddAfterBoil      bool     `xml:"ADD_AFTER_BOIL"`
	Origin            string   `xml:"ORIGIN"`
	Supplier          string   `xml:"SUPPLIER"`
	Notes             string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	CoarseFineDiff    float32  `xml:"COARSE_FINE_DIFF"`
	Moisture          float32  `xml:"MOISTURE"`
	DiastaticPower    float32  `xml:"DIASTATIC_POWER"`
	Protein           float32  `xml:"PROTEIN"`
	MaxInBatch        float32  `xml:"MAX_IN_BATCH"`
	RecommendMash     bool     `xml:"RECOMMEND_MASH"`
	IbuGalPerLb       float32  `xml:"IBU_GAL_PER_LB"`
	DisplayAmount     string   `xml:"DISPLAY_AMOUNT"`
	Inventory         string   `xml:"INVENTORY"`
	Potential         float32  `xml:"POTENTIAL"`
	DisplayColor      string   `xml:"DISPLAY_COLOR"`
	ExtractSubstitute string   `xml:"EXTRACT_SUBSTITUTE"`

Fermentable definition

type FinalGravity

type FinalGravity struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"final_gravity"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Fg      float32  `xml:",chardata"`

FinalGravity is Final Gravity by units (plato, brix, gravity)

type GrainDeg

type GrainDeg struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"grain_temperature"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Degrees float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type Gravity

type Gravity struct {
	Minimum MinDensity `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum MaxDensity `xml:"maximum"`

type Hop

type Hop struct {
	XMLName       xml.Name `xml:"HOP"`
	Name          string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version       string   `xml:"VERSION"`
	Origin        string   `xml:"ORIGIN"`
	Alpha         float32  `xml:"ALPHA"`
	Beta          float32  `xml:"BETA"`
	Amount        float32  `xml:"AMOUNT"`
	Use           string   `xml:"USE"`
	Time          string   `xml:"TIME"`
	Notes         string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	Type          string   `xml:"TYPE"`
	Form          string   `xml:"FORM"`
	Hsi           string   `xml:"HSI"`
	Humulene      float32  `xml:"HUMULENE"`
	Caryophyllene float32  `xml:"CARYOPHYLLENE"`
	Cohumulone    float32  `xml:"COHUMULONE"`
	Myrcene       float32  `xml:"MYRCENE"`
	DisplayAmount string   `xml:"DISPLAY_AMOUNT"`
	Inventory     string   `xml:"INVENTORY"`
	DisplayTime   string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TIME"`

Hop definition

type HopAddition

type HopAddition struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name   `xml:"hop"`
	Name           string     `xml:"name"`
	Origin         string     `xml:"origin"`
	AlphaAcidUnits float32    `xml:"alpha_acid_units"`
	BetaAcidUnits  float32    `xml:"beta_acid_units"`
	Form           string     `xml:"form"`
	Use            string     `xml:"use"`
	Amount         MassAmount `xml:"amount"`
	Time           UseTime    `xml:"time"`
	DisplayAmount  string     `xml:"display_amount"`
	Inventory      string     `xml:"inventory"`
	DisplayTime    string     `xml:"display_time"`

HopAddition describes hop and its brewing attributes added to a recipe

type HopInv

type HopInv struct {
	Leaf   Leaf   `xml:"leaf"`
	Pellet Pellet `xml:"pellet"`
	Plug   Plug   `xml:"plug"`

HopInv is total hops inventory for all hops in form leaf, pellet, and plugs

func (*HopInv) AddHopAmount

func (inv *HopInv) AddHopAmount(amount float32, unit string, form string)

type InfuseDeg

type InfuseDeg struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"infuse_temperature"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Degrees float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type InfuseVol

type InfuseVol struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"infuse_amount"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type InvFermentable

type InvFermentable struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name        `xml:"fermentable"`
	Name           string          `xml:"name"`
	Type           string          `xml:"type"`
	Color          Color           `xml:"color"`
	Origin         string          `xml:"origin"`
	Supplier       string          `xml:"supplier"`
	YieldDryBasis  Yield           `xml:"yield_dry_basis"`
	Notes          string          `xml:"notes"`
	Moisture       float32         `xml:"moisture"`
	DiastaticPower float32         `xml:"diastatic_power"`
	Protein        float32         `xml:"protien"`
	MaxInBatch     float32         `xml:"max_in_batch"`
	RecommendMash  bool            `xml:"recommended_mash"`
	IbuGalPerLb    float32         `xml:"ibu_gal_per_lb"`
	Inventory      InventoryAmount `xml:"inventory"`
	Potential      float32         `xml:"potential"`

InvFermentable describes fermentable stored in inventory

type InvHop

type InvHop struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"hop"`
	Name           string   `xml:"name"`
	Origin         string   `xml:"origin"`
	AlphaAcidUnits float32  `xml:"alpha_acid_units"`
	BetaAcidUnits  float32  `xml:"beta_acid_units"`
	Type           string   `xml:"type"`
	Notes          string   `xml:"notes"`
	PercentLost    float32  `xml:"percent_lost"`
	Substitutes    string   `xml:"substitutes"`
	Humulene       float32  `xml:"humulene"`
	Caryophyllene  float32  `xml:"caryophyllene"`
	Cohumulone     float32  `xml:"cohumulone"`
	Myrcene        float32  `xml:"myrcene"`
	Inventory      HopInv   `xml:"inventory"`

InvHop describes a hop stored in inventory

type InvMisc

type InvMisc struct {
	XMLName   xml.Name      `xml:"miscellaneous"`
	Name      string        `xml:"name"`
	Type      string        `xml:"type"`
	Use       string        `xml:"use"`
	UseFor    string        `xml:"use_for"`
	Notes     string        `xml:"notes"`
	Inventory InventoryMisc `xml:"inventory"`

type InvYeast

type InvYeast struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name       `xml:"yeast"`
	Name             string         `xml:"name"`
	Type             string         `xml:"type"`
	Form             string         `xml:"form"`
	Laboratory       string         `xml:"laboratory"`
	ProductID        string         `xml:"product_id"`
	TemperatureRange TempRange      `xml:"temperature_range"`
	Flocculation     string         `xml:"flocculation"`
	Attenuation      float32        `xml:"attenuation"`
	AlcoholTolerece  AlcTolerence   `xml:"alcohol_tolerence"`
	Notes            string         `xml:"notes"`
	BestFor          string         `xml:"best_for"`
	MaxReuse         int            `xml:"max_reuse"`
	Inventory        YeastInventory `xml:"inventory"`

type InventoryAmount

type InventoryAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"inventory"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

InventoryAmount is total mass of fermentables specified by units

func (*InventoryAmount) AddFermentationAmount

func (inv *InventoryAmount) AddFermentationAmount(amount float32, unit string)

type InventoryMisc

type InventoryMisc struct {
	Amount         VolAmount    `xml:"amount"`
	AmountAsWeight WeightAmount `xml:"amount_as_weight"`

func (*InventoryMisc) AddMiscMassAmount

func (inv *InventoryMisc) AddMiscMassAmount(amount float32, unit string)

func (*InventoryMisc) AddMiscVolAmount

func (inv *InventoryMisc) AddMiscVolAmount(amount float32, volume string)

type Leaf

type Leaf struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"leaf"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardate"`

Leaf is amount of hops inventory in leaf form

type LiquidAmount

type LiquidAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"liquid"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

LiquidAmount Liquid Amount in yeast sample by units

type Mash

type Mash struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name   `xml:"MASH"`
	Name              string     `xml:"NAME"`
	Version           int        `xml:"VERSION"`
	GrainTemp         float32    `xml:"GRAIN_TEMP"`
	TunTemp           float32    `xml:"TUN_TEMP"`
	SpargeTemp        float32    `xml:"SPARGE_TEMP"`
	Ph                float32    `xml:"PH"`
	TunWeight         float32    `xml:"TUN_WEIGHT"`
	TunSpecificHeat   float32    `xml:"TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT"`
	EquipAdjust       bool       `xml:"EQUIP_ADJUST"`
	Notes             string     `xml:"NOTES"`
	DisplayGrainTemp  string     `xml:"DISPLAY_GRAIN_TEMP"`
	DisplayTunTemp    string     `xml:"DISPLAY_TUN_TEMP"`
	DisplaySpargeTemp string     `xml:"DISPLAY_SPARGE_TEMP"`
	DisplayTunWeight  string     `xml:"DISPLAY_TUN_WEIGHT"`
	MashSteps         []MashStep `xml:"MASH_STEPS>MASH_STEP"`

Mash is struct defining mash type

type MashProfile

type MashProfile struct {
	XMLName           xml.Name      `xml:"mash"`
	Name              string        `xml:"name"`
	GrainTemp         GrainDeg      `xml:"grain_temperature"`
	SpargeTemp        SpargeDeg     `xml:"sparge_temperature"`
	Ph                float32       `xml:"pH"`
	Notes             string        `xml:"notes"`
	DisplayGrainTemp  string        `xml:"display_grain_temp"`
	DisplayTunTemp    string        `xml:"display_tun_temp"`
	DisplaySpargeTemp string        `xml:"display_sparge_temp"`
	DisplayTunWeight  string        `xml:"display_tun_weight"`
	MashSteps         []RecMashStep `xml:"mash_steps"`

type MashStep

type MashStep struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name `xml:"MASH_STEP"`
	Name             string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version          int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	Type             string   `xml:"TYPE"`
	InfuseAmount     float32  `xml:"INFUSE_AMOUNT"`
	StepTime         float32  `xml:"STEP_TIME"`
	StepTemp         float32  `xml:"STEP_TEMP"`
	RampTime         float32  `xml:"RAMP_TIME"`
	EndTemp          float32  `xml:"END_TEMP"`
	Description      string   `xml:"DESCRIPTION"`
	WaterGrainRatio  string   `xml:"WATER_GRAIN_RATIO"`
	DecotionAmt      string   `xml:"DECOTION_AMT"`
	InfuseTemp       string   `xml:"INFUSE_TEMP"`
	DisplayStepTemp  string   `xml:"DISPLAY_STEP_TEMP"`
	DisplayInfuseAmt string   `xml:"DISPLAY_INFUSE_AMT"`

MashStep ia single step for a mash profile

type MassAmount

type MassAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"amount"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

MassAmount is total mass amount specified by units

type MaxDensity

type MaxDensity struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"maximum"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Maximum float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type MaxTemp

type MaxTemp struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"maximum"`
	Degrees string   `xml:",Degrees,attr"`
	Temp    float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type MinDensity

type MinDensity struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"minimum"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Minimum float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type MinTemp

type MinTemp struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"minimum"`
	Degrees string   `xml:",Degrees,attr"`
	Temp    float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type Misc

type Misc struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"MISC"`
	Name           string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version        int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	Type           string   `xml:"TYPE"`
	Use            string   `xml:"USE"`
	Amount         float32  `xml:"AMOUNT"`
	Time           float32  `xml:"TIME"`
	AmountIsWeight bool     `xml:"AMOUNT_IS_WEIGHT"`
	UseFor         string   `xml:"USE_FOR"`
	Notes          string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	DisplayAmount  string   `xml:"DISPLAY_AMOUNT"`
	Inventory      string   `xml:"INVENTORY"`
	DisplayTime    string   `xml:"DISPLAY_TIME"`

Misc is miscellaneous ingredients used in beer

type MiscAdditions

type MiscAdditions struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name     `xml:"miscellaneous"`
	Name           string       `xml:"name"`
	Type           string       `xml:"type"`
	Use            string       `xml:"use"`
	Amount         VolAmount    `xml:"amount"`
	AmountAsWeight WeightAmount `xml:"amount_as_weight"`
	Time           UseTime      `xml:"time"`
	DisplayAmount  string       `xml:"display_amount"`
	Inventory      string       `xml:"inventory"`
	DisplayTime    string       `xml:"display_time"`

type OriginalGravity

type OriginalGravity struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"original_gravity"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Og      float32  `xml:",chardata"`

OriginalGravity is Original Gravity by units (plato, brix, gravity)

type Pellet

type Pellet struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"pellet"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardate"`

Pellet is amount of hops inventory in pellet form

type Plug

type Plug struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"plug"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardate"`

Plug is amount of hops inventory in plug form

type RampDur

type RampDur struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ramp_time"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Time    float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type RecIngredients

type RecIngredients struct {
	Hops         []HopAddition    `xml:"hop_bill>hop"`
	Fermentables []FermAddition   `xml:"grain_bill>fermentable"`
	Miscs        []MiscAdditions  `xml:"adjuncts>miscellaneous"`
	Yeasts       []YeastAdditions `xml:"yeast_additions>yeast"`
	Waters       []WaterAddition  `xml:"water_profile>water"`
	Equipment    []EquipmentUsed  `xml:"Equipment,omitempty"`

RecIngredients is superset of all infredient types in the recipe

type RecMashStep

type RecMashStep struct {
	XMLName          xml.Name  `xml:"step"`
	Name             string    `xml:"name"`
	Type             string    `xml:"type"`
	InfuseAmount     InfuseVol `xml:"infuse_amount"`
	StepTemp         StepDeg   `xml:"step_temperature"`
	StepTime         StepDur   `xml:"step_time"`
	RampTime         RampDur   `xml:"ramp_time"`
	EndTemp          EndDeg    `xml:"end_temperature"`
	Description      string    `xml:"description"`
	WaterGrainRatio  string    `xml:"water_grain_ratio"`
	DecotionAmt      DecVol    `xml:"decoction_amount"`
	InfuseTemp       InfuseDeg `xml:"infuse_temperature"`
	DisplayStepTemp  string    `xml:"display_step_temp"`
	DisplayInfuseAmt string    `xml:"display_infuse_amt"`

type Recipe

type Recipe struct {
	XMLName              xml.Name      `xml:"RECIPE"`
	Name                 string        `xml:"NAME"`
	Version              string        `xml:"VERSION"`
	Type                 string        `xml:"TYPE"`
	Brewer               string        `xml:"BREWER"`
	AssistantBrewer      string        `xml:"ASST_BREWER"`
	BatchSize            float32       `xml:"BATCH_SIZE"`
	BoilSize             float32       `xml:"BOIL_SIZE"`
	BoilTime             int           `xml:"BOIL_TIME"`
	Efficiency           float32       `xml:"EFFICIENCY"`
	Hops                 []Hop         `xml:"HOPS>HOP"`
	Fermentables         []Fermentable `xml:"FERMENTABLES>FERMENTABLE"`
	Miscs                []Misc        `xml:"MISCS>MISC"`
	Yeasts               []Yeast       `xml:"YEASTS>YEAST"`
	Waters               []Water       `xml:"WATERS>WATER"`
	Style                Style         `xml:"STYLE"`
	Equipment            Equipment     `xml:"EQUIPMENT"`
	Mash                 Mash          `xml:"MASH"`
	Notes                string        `xml:"NOTES"`
	TasteNotes           string        `xml:"TASTE_NOTES"`
	TasteRating          float32       `xml:"TASTE_RATING"`
	Og                   float32       `xml:"OG"`
	Fg                   float32       `xml:"FG"`
	Carbonation          float32       `xml:"CARBONATION"`
	FermentationStages   int           `xml:"FERMENTATION_STAGES"`
	PrimaryAge           float32       `xml:"PRIMARY_AGE"`
	PrimaryTemp          float32       `xml:"PRIMARY_TEMP"`
	SecondaryAge         float32       `xml:"SECONDARY_AGE"`
	SecondaryTemp        float32       `xml:"SECONDARY_TEMP"`
	TertiaryAge          float32       `xml:"TERTIARY_AGE"`
	Age                  string        `xml:"AGE"`
	AgeTemp              float32       `xml:"AGE_TEMP"`
	CarbonationUsed      string        `xml:"CARBONATION_USED"`
	PrimingSugarName     string        `xml:"PRIMING_SUGAR_NAME"`
	PrimingSugarEquiv    float32       `xml:"PRIMING_SUGAR_EQUIV"`
	KegPrimingFactor     float32       `xml:"KEG_PRIMING_FACTOR"`
	CarbonationTemp      float32       `xml:"CARBONATIOn_TEMP"`
	DisplayCarbTemp      string        `xml:"DISPLAY_CARB_TEMP"`
	Date                 string        `xml:"DATE"`
	EstOg                string        `xml:"EST_OG"`
	EstFg                string        `xml:"EST_FG"`
	EstColor             string        `xml:"EST_COLOR"`
	Ibu                  string        `xml:"IBU"`
	IbuMethod            string        `xml:"Tinseth"`
	EstAbv               string        `xml:"EST_ABV"`
	Abv                  string        `xml:"ABV"`
	ActualEfficiency     string        `xml:"ACTUAL_EFFICIENCY"`
	Calories             string        `xml:"CALORIES"`
	DisplayBatchSize     string        `xml:"DISPLAY_BATCH_SIZE"`
	DisplayBoilSize      string        `xml:"DISPLAY_BOIL_SIZE"`
	DisplayOg            string        `xml:"DISPLAY_OG"`
	DisplayFg            string        `xml:"DISPLAY_FG"`
	DisplayPrimaryTemp   string        `xml:"DISPLAY_PRIMARY_TEMP"`
	DisplaySecondaryTemp string        `xml:"DISPLAY_SECONDARY_TEMP"`
	DisplayTertiaryTemp  string        `xml:"DISPLAY_TERTIARY_TEMP"`
	DisplayAgeTemp       string        `xml:"DISPLAY_AGE_TEMP"`

Recipe implements a BeerXML recipe including the different childs.

type SlantAmount

type SlantAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"slant"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type SpargeDeg

type SpargeDeg struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"sparge_temperature"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Degrees float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type StepDeg

type StepDeg struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"step_temperature"`
	Units   string   `xml:"degrees,attr"`
	Degrees float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type StepDur

type StepDur struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"step_time"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Time    float32  `xml:",chardata"`

type Style

type Style struct {
	XMLName         xml.Name `xml:"STYLE"`
	Name            string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version         int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	Category        string   `xml:"CATEGORY"`
	CategoryNumber  int      `xml:"CATEGORY_NUMBER"`
	StyleLetter     string   `xml:"STYLE_LETTER"`
	StyleGuide      string   `xml:"STYLE_GUIDE"`
	Type            string   `xml:"TYPE"`
	OgMin           float32  `xml:"OG_MIN"`
	OgMax           float32  `xml:"OG_MAX"`
	FgMin           float32  `xml:"FG_MIN"`
	FgMax           float32  `xml:"FG_MAX"`
	IbuMin          float32  `xml:"IBU_MIN"`
	IbuMax          float32  `xml:"IBU_MAX"`
	ColorMin        float32  `xml:"COLOR_MIN"`
	ColorMax        float32  `xml:"COLOR_MAX"`
	CarbMin         float32  `xml:"CARB_MIN"`
	CarbMax         float32  `xml:"CARB_MAX"`
	AbvMax          float32  `xml:"ABV_MAX"`
	AbvMin          float32  `xml:"ABV_MIN"`
	Notes           string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	Profile         string   `xml:"PROFILE"`
	Ingredients     string   `xml:"INGREDIENTS"`
	Examples        string   `xml:"EXAMPLES"`
	DisplayOgMin    string   `xml:"DISPLAY_OG_MIN"`
	DisplayOgMax    string   `xml:"DISPLAY_OG_MAX"`
	DisplayFgMin    string   `xml:"DISPLAY_FG_MIN"`
	DisplayFgMax    string   `xml:"DISPLAY_FG_MAX"`
	DisplayColorMin string   `xml:"DISPLAY_COLOR_MIN"`
	DisplayColorMax string   `xml:"DISPLAY_COLOR_MAX"`
	OgRange         string   `xml:"OG_RANGE"`
	FgRange         string   `xml:"FG_RANGE"`
	IbuRange        string   `xml:"IBU_RANGE"`
	CarbRange       string   `xml:"CARB_RANGE"`
	ColorRange      string   `xml:"COLOR_RANGE"`
	AbvRange        string   `xml:"ABV_RANGE"`

Style defines beer styles

type StyleABV

type StyleABV struct {
	Minimum float32 `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum float32 `xml:"maximum"`

type StyleAddition

type StyleAddition struct {
	XMLName         xml.Name `xml:"style"`
	Name            string   `xml:"name"`
	Category        string   `xml:"category"`
	CategoryNumber  int      `xml:"category_number"`
	StyleLetter     string   `xml:"style_letter"`
	StyleGuide      string   `xml:"style_guide"`
	Type            string   `xml:"type"`
	DisplayOgMin    string   `xml:"display_og_min"`
	DisplayOgMax    string   `xml:"display_og_max"`
	DisplayFgMin    string   `xml:"display_fg_min"`
	DisplayFgMax    string   `xml:"display_fg_max"`
	DisplayColorMin string   `xml:"display_color_min"`
	DisplayColorMax string   `xml:"display_color_max"`

type StyleCarb

type StyleCarb struct {
	Minimum float32 `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum float32 `xml:"maximum"`

type StyleProfile

type StyleProfile struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name   `xml:"style"`
	Name           string     `xml:"name"`
	Category       string     `xml:"category"`
	CategoryNumber int        `xml:"category_number"`
	StyleLetter    string     `xml:"style_letter"`
	StyleGuide     string     `xml:"style_guide"`
	Type           string     `xml:"type"`
	Og             Gravity    `xml:"original_gravity"`
	Fg             Gravity    `xml:"final_gravity"`
	IBU            Bitterness `xml:"international_bitterness_units"`
	Color          ColorScale `xml:"color"`
	Carbonation    StyleCarb  `xml:"carbonation"`
	ABV            StyleABV   `xml:"alcohol_by_volume"` // Testfile from beerxml contains 2.1>
	Notes          string     `xml:"notes"`
	Profile        string     `xml:"profile"`
	Ingredients    string     `xml:"ingredients"`
	Examples       string     `xml:"examples"`

type TempRange

type TempRange struct {
	Minimum MinTemp `xml:"minimum"`
	Maximum MaxTemp `xml:"maximum"`

type UseTime

type UseTime struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"time"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Time    float32  `xml:",chardata"`

UseTime time hops added to brew

type VolAmount

type VolAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"amount"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Amount  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

VolAmount is amount of liquid with units

type Water

type Water struct {
	XMLName       xml.Name `xml:"WATER"`
	Name          string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version       int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	Amount        float32  `xml:"AMOUNT"`
	Calcium       float32  `xml:"CALCIUM"`
	Bicarbonate   float32  `xml:"BICARBONATE"`
	Sulfate       float32  `xml:"SULFATE"`
	Chloride      float32  `xml:"CHLORIDE"`
	Sodium        float32  `xml:"SODIUM"`
	Magnesium     float32  `xml:"MAGNESIUM"`
	Ph            float32  `xml:"PH"`
	Notes         string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	DisplayAmount string   `xml:"DISPLAY_AMOUNT"`

Water definition used in brewing process

type WaterAddition

type WaterAddition struct {
	XMLName       xml.Name  `xml:"water"`
	Name          string    `xml:"name"`
	Calcium       float32   `xml:"calcium"`
	Bicarbonate   float32   `xml:"bicarbonate"`
	Sulfate       float32   `xml:"sulfate"`
	Chloride      float32   `xml:"chloride"`
	Sodium        float32   `xml:"sodium"`
	Magnesium     float32   `xml:"magnesium"`
	Amount        VolAmount `xml:"amount"`
	DisplayAmount string    `xml:"display_amount"`

type WaterProfile

type WaterProfile struct {
	XMLName     xml.Name `xml:"water"`
	Name        string   `xml:"name"`
	Calcium     float32  `xml:"calcium"`
	Bicarbonate float32  `xml:"bicarbonate"`
	Sulfate     float32  `xml:"sulfate"`
	Chloride    float32  `xml:"chloride"`
	Sodium      float32  `xml:"sodium"`
	Magnesium   float32  `xml:"magnesium"`
	Ph          float32  `xml:"pH"`
	Notes       string   `xml:"notes"`

type WeightAmount

type WeightAmount struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"amount_as_weight"`
	Units   string   `xml:"units,attr"`
	Weight  float32  `xml:",chardata"`

WeightAmount is weight amount by unit type provided

type Yeast

type Yeast struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name `xml:"YEAST"`
	Name           string   `xml:"NAME"`
	Version        int      `xml:"VERSION"`
	Type           string   `xml:"TYPE"`
	Form           string   `xml:"FROM"`
	Amount         float32  `xml:"AMOUNT"`
	AmountIsWeight bool     `xml:"AMOUNT_IS_WEIGHT"`
	Laboratory     string   `xml:"LABORATORY"`
	ProductID      string   `xml:"PRODUCT_ID"`
	MinTemperature float32  `xml:"MIN_TEMPERATURE"`
	MaxTemperature float32  `xml:"MAX_TEMPERATURE"`
	Flocculation   string   `xml:"FLOCCULATION"`
	Attenuation    float32  `xml:"ATTENUATION"`
	Notes          string   `xml:"NOTES"`
	BestFor        string   `xml:"BEST_FOR"`
	MaxReuse       int      `xml:"MAX_REUSE"`
	TimesCultured  int      `xml:"TIMES_CULTURED"`
	AddToSecondary bool     `xml:"ADD_TO_SECONDARY"`
	DisplayAmount  string   `xml:"DISPLAY_AMOUNT"`
	DispMinTemp    string   `xml:"DISP_MIN_TEMP"`
	DispMaxTemp    string   `xml:"DISP_MAX_TEMP"`
	Inventory      string   `xml:"INVENTORY"`
	CultureDate    string   `xml:"CULTURE_DATE"`

Yeast definition

type YeastAdditions

type YeastAdditions struct {
	XMLName        xml.Name     `xml:"yeast"`
	Name           string       `xml:"name"`
	Type           string       `xml:"type"`
	Form           string       `xml:"form"`
	Laboratory     string       `xml:"laboratory"`
	ProductID      string       `xml:"product_id"`
	Amount         VolAmount    `xml:"amount"`
	AmountAsWeight WeightAmount `xml:"amount_as_weight"`
	TimesCultured  int          `xml:"times_cultured"`
	AddToSecondary bool         `xml:"add_to_secondary"`
	DisplayAmount  string       `xml:"display_amount"`
	DispMinTemp    string       `xml:"disp_min_temp"`
	DispMaxTemp    string       `xml:"disp_max_temp"`
	Inventory      string       `xml:"inventory"`
	CultureDate    string       `xml:"culture_date"`

type YeastInventory

type YeastInventory struct {
	Liquid  LiquidAmount  `xml:"liquid"`
	Dry     DryAmount     `xml:"dry"`
	Slant   SlantAmount   `xml:"slant"`
	Culture CultureAmount `xml:"culture"`

type Yield

type Yield struct {
	FineGrind      float32 `xml:"fine_grind"`
	CoarseFineDiff float32 `xml:"fine_coarse_difference"`

Yield is total for fine and coarsce grain for dry usage


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