Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddChanges(repoPath string, all bool, files ...string) error
- func AddChangesWithArgs(repoPath string, globalArgs []string, all bool, files ...string) error
- func AllCommitsCount(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, hidePRRefs bool, files ...string) (int64, error)
- func AllowLFSFiltersArgs() []string
- func CheckGitVersionAtLeast(atLeast string) error
- func CheckLFSVersion()
- func Clone(ctx context.Context, from, to string, opts CloneRepoOptions) error
- func CloneWithArgs(ctx context.Context, from, to string, args []string, opts CloneRepoOptions) (err error)
- func CommitChanges(repoPath string, opts CommitChangesOptions) error
- func CommitChangesWithArgs(repoPath string, args []string, opts CommitChangesOptions) error
- func CommitsCount(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, revision ...string) (int64, error)
- func CommitsCountFiles(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, revision, relpath []string) (int64, error)
- func CommonCmdServEnvs() []string
- func CommonGitCmdEnvs() []string
- func ConcatenateError(err error, stderr string) error
- func CutDiffAroundLine(originalDiff io.Reader, line int64, old bool, numbersOfLine int) (string, error)
- func EnsureValidGitRepository(ctx context.Context, repoPath string) error
- func Fsck(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, timeout time.Duration, args ...string) error
- func GetAffectedFiles(repo *Repository, oldCommitID, newCommitID string, env []string) ([]string, error)
- func GetDiffShortStat(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, args ...string) (numFiles, totalAdditions, totalDeletions int, err error)
- func GetFullCommitID(ctx context.Context, repoPath, shortID string) (string, error)
- func GetLastCommitForPaths(ctx context.Context, cache *LastCommitCache, commit *Commit, treePath string, ...) (map[string]*Commit, error)
- func GetLatestCommitTime(ctx context.Context, repoPath string) (time.Time, error)
- func GetNote(ctx context.Context, repo *Repository, commitID string, note *Note) error
- func GetRawDiff(repo *Repository, commitID string, diffType RawDiffType, writer io.Writer) error
- func GetRemoteAddress(ctx context.Context, repoPath, remoteName string) (string, error)
- func GetRemoteURL(ctx context.Context, repoPath, remoteName string) (*giturl.GitURL, error)
- func GetRepoRawDiffForFile(repo *Repository, startCommit, endCommit string, diffType RawDiffType, ...) error
- func GetReverseRawDiff(ctx context.Context, repoPath, commitID string, writer io.Writer) error
- func HomeDir() string
- func InitOnceWithSync(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func InitRepository(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, bare bool) error
- func InitSimple(ctx context.Context) error
- func IsBranchExist(ctx context.Context, repoPath, name string) bool
- func IsErrBadLink(err error) bool
- func IsErrBranchNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrExecTimeout(err error) bool
- func IsErrMoreThanOne(err error) bool
- func IsErrNotExist(err error) bool
- func IsErrPushOutOfDate(err error) bool
- func IsErrPushRejected(err error) bool
- func IsErrUnsupportedVersion(err error) bool
- func IsReferenceExist(ctx context.Context, repoPath, name string) bool
- func IsRepoURLAccessible(ctx context.Context, url string) bool
- func IsTagExist(ctx context.Context, repoPath, name string) bool
- func IsValidHookName(name string) bool
- func LogNameStatusRepo(ctx context.Context, repository, head, treepath string, paths ...string) (*bufio.Reader, func())
- func ParseBool(value string) (result, valid bool)
- func ParseDiffHunkString(diffhunk string) (leftLine, leftHunk, rightLine, righHunk int)
- func ParseTreeLine(rd *bufio.Reader, modeBuf, fnameBuf, shaBuf []byte) (mode, fname, sha []byte, n int, err error)
- func Push(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, opts PushOptions) error
- func ReadBatchLine(rd *bufio.Reader) (sha []byte, typ string, size int64, err error)
- func ReadTagObjectID(rd *bufio.Reader, size int64) (string, error)
- func ReadTreeID(rd *bufio.Reader, size int64) (string, error)
- func RefEndName(refStr string) string
- func RefURL(repoURL, ref string) string
- func SetExecutablePath(path string) error
- func SetUpdateHook(repoPath, content string) (err error)
- func SplitRefName(refStr string) (string, string)
- func To40ByteSHA(sha, out []byte) []byte
- func VersionInfo() string
- func WalkGitLog(ctx context.Context, cache *LastCommitCache, repo *Repository, head *Commit, ...) (map[string]string, error)
- func WalkReferences(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, walkfn func(sha1, refname string) error) (int, error)
- func WriteCommitGraph(ctx context.Context, repoPath string) error
- type ArchiveType
- type BlamePart
- type BlameReader
- type Blob
- func (b *Blob) DataAsync() (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (b *Blob) GetBlobContent() (string, error)
- func (b *Blob) GetBlobContentBase64() (string, error)
- func (b *Blob) GetBlobLineCount() (int, error)
- func (b *Blob) GuessContentType() (typesniffer.SniffedType, error)
- func (b *Blob) Name() string
- func (b *Blob) Size() int64
- type Branch
- type Cache
- type CheckAttributeOpts
- type CheckAttributeReader
- type CloneRepoOptions
- type CodeActivityAuthor
- type CodeActivityStats
- type Command
- func (c *Command) AddArguments(args ...string) *Command
- func (c *Command) Run(opts *RunOpts) error
- func (c *Command) RunStdBytes(opts *RunOpts) (stdout, stderr []byte, runErr RunStdError)
- func (c *Command) RunStdString(opts *RunOpts) (stdout, stderr string, runErr RunStdError)
- func (c *Command) SetDescription(desc string) *Command
- func (c *Command) SetParentContext(ctx context.Context) *Command
- func (c *Command) String() string
- type Commit
- func (c *Commit) CommitsBefore() ([]*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) CommitsBeforeLimit(num int) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) CommitsBeforeUntil(commitID string) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) CommitsByRange(page, pageSize int) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) CommitsCount() (int64, error)
- func (c *Commit) FileChangedSinceCommit(filename, pastCommit string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetBranchName() (string, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetCommitByPath(relpath string) (*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetFileContent(filename string, limit int) (string, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetFilesChangedSinceCommit(pastCommit string) ([]string, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetRepositoryDefaultPublicGPGKey(forceUpdate bool) (*GPGSettings, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetSubModule(entryname string) (*SubModule, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetSubModules() (*ObjectCache, error)
- func (c *Commit) GetTagName() (string, error)
- func (c *Commit) HasFile(filename string) (bool, error)
- func (c *Commit) HasPreviousCommit(commitHash SHA1) (bool, error)
- func (c *Commit) LoadBranchName() (err error)
- func (c *Commit) Message() string
- func (c *Commit) Parent(n int) (*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) ParentCount() int
- func (c *Commit) ParentID(n int) (SHA1, error)
- func (c *Commit) SearchCommits(opts SearchCommitsOptions) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (c *Commit) Summary() string
- type CommitChangesOptions
- type CommitFileStatus
- type CommitGPGSignature
- type CommitInfo
- type CommitTreeOpts
- type CompareInfo
- type DeleteBranchOptions
- type DivergeObject
- type Entries
- type EntryMode
- type ErrBadLink
- type ErrBranchNotExist
- type ErrExecTimeout
- type ErrMoreThanOne
- type ErrNotExist
- type ErrPushOutOfDate
- type ErrPushRejected
- type ErrUnsupportedVersion
- type GPGSettings
- type Hasher
- type Hook
- type LastCommitCache
- type LimitedReaderCloser
- type LogNameStatusCommitData
- type LogNameStatusRepoParser
- type Note
- type ObjectCache
- type ObjectType
- type PushOptions
- type RawDiffType
- type Reference
- type Repository
- func (repo *Repository) AddObjectToIndex(mode string, object SHA1, filename string) error
- func (repo *Repository) AddRemote(name, url string, fetch bool) error
- func (repo *Repository) CatFileBatch(ctx context.Context) (WriteCloserError, *bufio.Reader, func())
- func (repo *Repository) CatFileBatchCheck(ctx context.Context) (WriteCloserError, *bufio.Reader, func())
- func (repo *Repository) CheckAttribute(opts CheckAttributeOpts) (map[string]map[string]string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CheckAttributeReader(commitID string) (*CheckAttributeReader, context.CancelFunc)
- func (repo *Repository) Close() (err error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitTree(author, committer *Signature, tree *Tree, opts CommitTreeOpts) (SHA1, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitsBetween(last, before *Commit) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitsBetweenIDs(last, before string) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitsBetweenLimit(last, before *Commit, limit, skip int) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitsByFileAndRange(revision, file string, page int) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitsByFileAndRangeNoFollow(revision, file string, page int) ([]*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CommitsCountBetween(start, end string) (int64, error)
- func (repo *Repository) ConvertToSHA1(commitID string) (SHA1, error)
- func (repo *Repository) CreateAnnotatedTag(name, message, revision string) error
- func (repo *Repository) CreateArchive(ctx context.Context, format ArchiveType, target io.Writer, usePrefix bool, ...) error
- func (repo *Repository) CreateBranch(branch, oldbranchOrCommit string) error
- func (repo *Repository) CreateBundle(ctx context.Context, commit string, out io.Writer) error
- func (repo *Repository) CreateTag(name, revision string) error
- func (repo *Repository) DeleteBranch(name string, opts DeleteBranchOptions) error
- func (repo *Repository) EmptyIndex() error
- func (repo *Repository) FileBlame(revision, path, file string) ([]byte, error)
- func (repo *Repository) FileChangedBetweenCommits(filename, id1, id2 string) (bool, error)
- func (repo *Repository) FileCommitsCount(revision, file string) (int64, error)
- func (repo *Repository) FilesCountBetween(startCommitID, endCommitID string) (int, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetAllCommitsCount() (int64, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetAnnotatedTag(sha string) (*Tag, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetBlob(idStr string) (*Blob, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetBranch(branch string) (*Branch, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetBranchCommit(name string) (*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetBranchCommitID(name string) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetBranchNames(skip, limit int) ([]string, int, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetBranches(skip, limit int) ([]*Branch, int, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetCodeActivityStats(fromTime time.Time, branch string) (*CodeActivityStats, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetCommit(commitID string) (*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetCommitByPath(relpath string) (*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetCommitsFromIDs(commitIDs []string) []*Commit
- func (repo *Repository) GetCompareInfo(basePath, baseBranch, headBranch string, directComparison, fileOnly bool) (_ *CompareInfo, err error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetDefaultBranch() (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetDefaultPublicGPGKey(forceUpdate bool) (*GPGSettings, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetDiff(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
- func (repo *Repository) GetDiffBinary(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
- func (repo *Repository) GetDiffFromMergeBase(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
- func (repo *Repository) GetDiffNumChangedFiles(base, head string, directComparison bool) (int, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetDiffOrPatch(base, head string, w io.Writer, patch, binary bool) error
- func (repo *Repository) GetDiffShortStat(base, head string) (numFiles, totalAdditions, totalDeletions int, err error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetFilesChangedBetween(base, head string) ([]string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetHEADBranch() (*Branch, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetHook(name string) (*Hook, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetLanguageStats(commitID string) (map[string]int64, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetMergeBase(tmpRemote, base, head string) (string, string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetPatch(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
- func (repo *Repository) GetRefCommitID(name string) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetRefType(ref string) ObjectType
- func (repo *Repository) GetRefs() ([]*Reference, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetRefsBySha(sha, prefix string) ([]string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetRefsFiltered(pattern string) ([]*Reference, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTag(name string) (*Tag, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagCommit(name string) (*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagCommitID(name string) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagID(name string) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagInfos(page, pageSize int) ([]*Tag, int, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagNameBySHA(sha string) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagType(id SHA1) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTagWithID(idStr, name string) (*Tag, error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTags(skip, limit int) (tags []string, err error)
- func (repo *Repository) GetTree(idStr string) (*Tree, error)
- func (repo *Repository) HashObject(reader io.Reader) (SHA1, error)
- func (repo *Repository) Hooks() ([]*Hook, error)
- func (repo *Repository) IsBranchExist(name string) bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsCommitExist(name string) bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsCommitInBranch(commitID, branch string) (r bool, err error)
- func (repo *Repository) IsEmpty() (bool, error)
- func (repo *Repository) IsObjectExist(name string) bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsReferenceExist(name string) bool
- func (repo *Repository) IsTagExist(name string) bool
- func (repo *Repository) LineBlame(revision, path, file string, line uint) (*Commit, error)
- func (repo *Repository) LsFiles(filenames ...string) ([]string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) LsTree(ref string, filenames ...string) ([]string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) ReadPatchCommit(prID int64) (commitSHA string, err error)
- func (repo *Repository) ReadTreeToIndex(treeish string, indexFilename ...string) error
- func (repo *Repository) ReadTreeToTemporaryIndex(treeish string) (filename, tmpDir string, cancel context.CancelFunc, err error)
- func (repo *Repository) RemoveFilesFromIndex(filenames ...string) error
- func (repo *Repository) RemoveReference(name string) error
- func (repo *Repository) RemoveRemote(name string) error
- func (repo *Repository) RenameBranch(from, to string) error
- func (repo *Repository) ResolveReference(name string) (string, error)
- func (repo *Repository) SetDefaultBranch(name string) error
- func (repo *Repository) SetReference(name, commitID string) error
- func (repo *Repository) WalkReferences(refType ObjectType, skip, limit int, walkfn func(sha1, refname string) error) (int, error)
- func (repo *Repository) WriteTree() (*Tree, error)
- type RunOpts
- type RunStdError
- type SHA1
- type SearchCommitsOptions
- type Signature
- type SubModule
- type SubModuleFile
- type Tag
- type Tree
- type TreeEntry
- func (te *TreeEntry) Blob() *Blob
- func (te *TreeEntry) FollowLink() (*TreeEntry, error)
- func (te *TreeEntry) FollowLinks() (*TreeEntry, error)
- func (te *TreeEntry) GetSubJumpablePathName() string
- func (te *TreeEntry) IsDir() bool
- func (te *TreeEntry) IsExecutable() bool
- func (te *TreeEntry) IsLink() bool
- func (te *TreeEntry) IsRegular() bool
- func (te *TreeEntry) IsSubModule() bool
- func (te *TreeEntry) Mode() EntryMode
- func (te *TreeEntry) Name() string
- func (te *TreeEntry) Size() int64
- func (te *TreeEntry) Type() string
- type WriteCloserError
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( // RemotePrefix is the base directory of the remotes information of git. RemotePrefix = "refs/remotes/" // PullPrefix is the base directory of the pull information of git. PullPrefix = "refs/pull/" )
const BranchPrefix = "refs/heads/"
BranchPrefix base dir of the branch information file store on git
const DefaultLocale = "C"
DefaultLocale is the default LC_ALL to run git commands in.
const EmptySHA = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
EmptySHA defines empty git SHA
const EmptyTreeSHA = "4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904"
EmptyTreeSHA is the SHA of an empty tree
const (
// GitTimeLayout is the (default) time layout used by git.
GitTimeLayout = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006 -0700"
const GitVersionRequired = "2.0.0"
GitVersionRequired is the minimum Git version required
const (
// HookPathUpdate hook update path
HookPathUpdate = "hooks/update"
const NotesRef = "refs/notes/commits"
NotesRef is the git ref where GitBundle will look for git-notes data. The value ("refs/notes/commits") is the default ref used by git-notes.
const PullRequestPrefix = "refs/for/"
PullRequestPrefix special ref to create a pull request: refs/for/<targe-branch>/<topic-branch> or refs/for/<targe-branch> -o topic='<topic-branch>'
const TagPrefix = "refs/tags/"
TagPrefix tags prefix path on the repository
Variables ¶
var ( // GitExecutable is the command name of git // Could be updated to an absolute path while initialization GitExecutable = "git" // DefaultContext is the default context to run git commands in, must be initialized by git.InitXxx DefaultContext context.Context // SupportProcReceive version >= 2.29.0 SupportProcReceive bool )
var ErrNotValidHook = errors.New("not a valid Git hook")
ErrNotValidHook error when a git hook is not valid
var RepositoryContextKey = &contextKey{"repository"}
RepositoryContextKey is a context key. It is used with context.Value() to get the current Repository for the context
var SHAPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9a-f]{4,40}$`)
SHAPattern can be used to determine if a string is an valid sha
Functions ¶
func AddChanges ¶
AddChanges marks local changes to be ready for commit.
func AddChangesWithArgs ¶
AddChangesWithArgs marks local changes to be ready for commit.
func AllCommitsCount ¶
func AllCommitsCount(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, hidePRRefs bool, files ...string) (int64, error)
AllCommitsCount returns count of all commits in repository
func AllowLFSFiltersArgs ¶
func AllowLFSFiltersArgs() []string
AllowLFSFiltersArgs return globalCommandArgs with lfs filter, it should only be used for tests
func CheckGitVersionAtLeast ¶
CheckGitVersionAtLeast check git version is at least the constraint version
func CheckLFSVersion ¶
func CheckLFSVersion()
CheckLFSVersion will check lfs version, if not satisfied, then disable it.
func Clone ¶
func Clone(ctx context.Context, from, to string, opts CloneRepoOptions) error
Clone clones original repository to target path.
func CloneWithArgs ¶
func CloneWithArgs(ctx context.Context, from, to string, args []string, opts CloneRepoOptions) (err error)
CloneWithArgs original repository to target path.
func CommitChanges ¶
func CommitChanges(repoPath string, opts CommitChangesOptions) error
CommitChanges commits local changes with given committer, author and message. If author is nil, it will be the same as committer.
func CommitChangesWithArgs ¶
func CommitChangesWithArgs(repoPath string, args []string, opts CommitChangesOptions) error
CommitChangesWithArgs commits local changes with given committer, author and message. If author is nil, it will be the same as committer.
func CommitsCount ¶
CommitsCount returns number of total commits of until given revision.
func CommitsCountFiles ¶
func CommitsCountFiles(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, revision, relpath []string) (int64, error)
CommitsCountFiles returns number of total commits of until given revision.
func CommonCmdServEnvs ¶
func CommonCmdServEnvs() []string
CommonCmdServEnvs is like CommonGitCmdEnvs but it only returns minimal required environment variables for the "gitbundle serv" command
func CommonGitCmdEnvs ¶
func CommonGitCmdEnvs() []string
CommonGitCmdEnvs returns the common environment variables for a "git" command.
func ConcatenateError ¶
ConcatenateError concatenats an error with stderr string
func CutDiffAroundLine ¶
func CutDiffAroundLine(originalDiff io.Reader, line int64, old bool, numbersOfLine int) (string, error)
CutDiffAroundLine cuts a diff of a file in way that only the given line + numberOfLine above it will be shown it also recalculates hunks and adds the appropriate headers to the new diff. Warning: Only one-file diffs are allowed.
Example ¶
const diff = `diff --git a/ b/ --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ # gitea-github-migrator + + Build Status - Latest Release Docker Pulls + cut off + cut off` result, _ := CutDiffAroundLine(strings.NewReader(diff), 4, false, 3) println(result)
func EnsureValidGitRepository ¶
EnsureValidGitRepository runs git rev-parse in the repository path - thus ensuring that the repository is a valid repository. Run before opening git cat-file. This is needed otherwise the git cat-file will hang for invalid repositories.
func GetAffectedFiles ¶
func GetAffectedFiles(repo *Repository, oldCommitID, newCommitID string, env []string) ([]string, error)
GetAffectedFiles returns the affected files between two commits
func GetDiffShortStat ¶
func GetDiffShortStat(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, args ...string) (numFiles, totalAdditions, totalDeletions int, err error)
GetDiffShortStat counts number of changed files, number of additions and deletions
func GetFullCommitID ¶
GetFullCommitID returns full length (40) of commit ID by given short SHA in a repository.
func GetLastCommitForPaths ¶
func GetLastCommitForPaths(ctx context.Context, cache *LastCommitCache, commit *Commit, treePath string, paths []string) (map[string]*Commit, error)
GetLastCommitForPaths returns last commit information
func GetLatestCommitTime ¶
GetLatestCommitTime returns time for latest commit in repository (across all branches)
func GetNote ¶
GetNote retrieves the git-notes data for a given commit. FIXME: Add LastCommitCache support
func GetRawDiff ¶
func GetRawDiff(repo *Repository, commitID string, diffType RawDiffType, writer io.Writer) error
GetRawDiff dumps diff results of repository in given commit ID to io.Writer.
func GetRemoteAddress ¶
GetRemoteAddress returns remote url of git repository in the repoPath with special remote name
func GetRemoteURL ¶
GetRemoteURL returns the url of a specific remote of the repository.
func GetRepoRawDiffForFile ¶
func GetRepoRawDiffForFile(repo *Repository, startCommit, endCommit string, diffType RawDiffType, file string, writer io.Writer) error
GetRepoRawDiffForFile dumps diff results of file in given commit ID to io.Writer according given repository
func GetReverseRawDiff ¶
GetReverseRawDiff dumps the reverse diff results of repository in given commit ID to io.Writer.
func HomeDir ¶
func HomeDir() string
HomeDir is the home dir for git to store the global config file used by GitBundle internally
func InitOnceWithSync ¶
InitOnceWithSync initializes git module with version check and change global variables, sync gitconfig. This method will update the global variables ONLY ONCE (just like git.CheckLFSVersion -- which is not ideal too), otherwise there will be data-race problem at the moment.
func InitRepository ¶
InitRepository initializes a new Git repository.
func InitSimple ¶
InitSimple initializes git module with a very simple step, no config changes, no global command arguments. This method doesn't change anything to filesystem. At the moment, it is only used by "git serv" sub-command, no data-race However, in integration test, the sub-command function may be called in the current process, so the InitSimple would be called multiple times, too
func IsBranchExist ¶
IsBranchExist returns true if given branch exists in the repository.
func IsErrBranchNotExist ¶
IsErrBranchNotExist checks if an error is a ErrBranchNotExist.
func IsErrExecTimeout ¶
IsErrExecTimeout if some error is ErrExecTimeout
func IsErrMoreThanOne ¶
IsErrMoreThanOne checks if an error is a ErrMoreThanOne
func IsErrPushOutOfDate ¶
IsErrPushOutOfDate checks if an error is a ErrPushOutOfDate.
func IsErrPushRejected ¶
IsErrPushRejected checks if an error is a ErrPushRejected.
func IsErrUnsupportedVersion ¶
IsErrUnsupportedVersion if some error is ErrUnsupportedVersion
func IsReferenceExist ¶
IsReferenceExist returns true if given reference exists in the repository.
func IsRepoURLAccessible ¶
IsRepoURLAccessible checks if given repository URL is accessible.
func IsTagExist ¶
IsTagExist returns true if given tag exists in the repository.
func IsValidHookName ¶
IsValidHookName returns true if given name is a valid Git hook.
func LogNameStatusRepo ¶
func LogNameStatusRepo(ctx context.Context, repository, head, treepath string, paths ...string) (*bufio.Reader, func())
LogNameStatusRepo opens git log --raw in the provided repo and returns a stdin pipe, a stdout reader and cancel function
func ParseBool ¶
ParseBool returns the boolean value represented by the string as per git's git_config_bool true will be returned for the result if the string is empty, but valid will be false. "true", "yes", "on" are all true, true "false", "no", "off" are all false, true 0 is false, true Any other integer is true, true Anything else will return false, false
func ParseDiffHunkString ¶
ParseDiffHunkString parse the diffhunk content and return
func ParseTreeLine ¶
func ParseTreeLine(rd *bufio.Reader, modeBuf, fnameBuf, shaBuf []byte) (mode, fname, sha []byte, n int, err error)
ParseTreeLine reads an entry from a tree in a cat-file --batch stream This carefully avoids allocations - except where fnameBuf is too small. It is recommended therefore to pass in an fnameBuf large enough to avoid almost all allocations
Each line is composed of: <mode-in-ascii-dropping-initial-zeros> SP <fname> NUL <20-byte SHA>
We don't attempt to convert the 20-byte SHA to 40-byte SHA to save a lot of time
func Push ¶
func Push(ctx context.Context, repoPath string, opts PushOptions) error
Push pushs local commits to given remote branch.
func ReadBatchLine ¶
ReadBatchLine reads the header line from cat-file --batch We expect: <sha> SP <type> SP <size> LF sha is a 40byte not 20byte here
func ReadTagObjectID ¶
ReadTagObjectID reads a tag object ID hash from a cat-file --batch stream, throwing away the rest of the stream.
func ReadTreeID ¶
ReadTreeID reads a tree ID from a cat-file --batch stream, throwing away the rest of the stream.
func RefEndName ¶
RefEndName return the end name of a ref name
func SetExecutablePath ¶
SetExecutablePath changes the path of git executable and checks the file permission and version.
func SetUpdateHook ¶
SetUpdateHook writes given content to update hook of the repository.
func SplitRefName ¶
SplitRefName splits a full refname to reftype and simple refname
func To40ByteSHA ¶
To40ByteSHA converts a 20-byte SHA into a 40-byte sha. Input and output can be the same 40 byte slice to support in place conversion without allocations. This is at least 100x quicker that hex.EncodeToString NB This requires that out is a 40-byte slice
func WalkGitLog ¶
func WalkGitLog(ctx context.Context, cache *LastCommitCache, repo *Repository, head *Commit, treepath string, paths ...string) (map[string]string, error)
WalkGitLog walks the git log --name-status for the head commit in the provided treepath and files
Types ¶
type ArchiveType ¶
type ArchiveType int
ArchiveType archive types
const ( // ZIP zip archive type ZIP ArchiveType = iota + 1 // TARGZ tar gz archive type TARGZ // BUNDLE bundle archive type BUNDLE )
func (ArchiveType) String ¶
func (a ArchiveType) String() string
String converts an ArchiveType to string
type BlameReader ¶
type BlameReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlameReader returns part of file blame one by one
func CreateBlameReader ¶
func CreateBlameReader(ctx context.Context, repoPath, commitID, file string) (*BlameReader, error)
CreateBlameReader creates reader for given repository, commit and file
func (*BlameReader) Close ¶
func (r *BlameReader) Close() error
Close BlameReader - don't run NextPart after invoking that
func (*BlameReader) NextPart ¶
func (r *BlameReader) NextPart() (*BlamePart, error)
NextPart returns next part of blame (sequential code lines with the same commit)
type Blob ¶
type Blob struct { ID SHA1 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Blob represents a Git object.
func (*Blob) DataAsync ¶
func (b *Blob) DataAsync() (io.ReadCloser, error)
DataAsync gets a ReadCloser for the contents of a blob without reading it all. Calling the Close function on the result will discard all unread output.
func (*Blob) GetBlobContent ¶
GetBlobContent Gets the content of the blob as raw text
func (*Blob) GetBlobContentBase64 ¶
GetBlobContentBase64 Reads the content of the blob with a base64 encode and returns the encoded string
func (*Blob) GetBlobLineCount ¶
GetBlobLineCount gets line count of the blob
func (*Blob) GuessContentType ¶
func (b *Blob) GuessContentType() (typesniffer.SniffedType, error)
GuessContentType guesses the content type of the blob.
type Branch ¶
Branch represents a Git branch.
func GetBranchesByPath ¶
GetBranchesByPath returns a branch by it's path if limit = 0 it will not limit
type Cache ¶
type Cache interface { // Put puts value into cache with key and expire time. Put(key string, val interface{}, timeout int64) error // Get gets cached value by given key. Get(key string) interface{} }
Cache represents a caching interface
type CheckAttributeOpts ¶
type CheckAttributeOpts struct { CachedOnly bool AllAttributes bool Attributes []string Filenames []string IndexFile string WorkTree string }
CheckAttributeOpts represents the possible options to CheckAttribute
type CheckAttributeReader ¶
type CheckAttributeReader struct { // params Attributes []string Repo *Repository IndexFile string WorkTree string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CheckAttributeReader provides a reader for check-attribute content that can be long running
func (*CheckAttributeReader) CheckPath ¶
func (c *CheckAttributeReader) CheckPath(path string) (rs map[string]string, err error)
CheckPath check attr for given path
func (*CheckAttributeReader) Close ¶
func (c *CheckAttributeReader) Close() error
Close close pip after use
type CloneRepoOptions ¶
type CloneRepoOptions struct { Timeout time.Duration Mirror bool Bare bool Quiet bool Branch string NoCheckout bool Depth int Filter string SkipTLSVerify bool }
CloneRepoOptions options when clone a repository
type CodeActivityAuthor ¶
CodeActivityAuthor represents git statistics data for commit authors
type CodeActivityStats ¶
type CodeActivityStats struct { AuthorCount int64 CommitCount int64 ChangedFiles int64 Additions int64 Deletions int64 CommitCountInAllBranches int64 Authors []*CodeActivityAuthor }
CodeActivityStats represents git statistics data
type Command ¶
type Command struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Command represents a command with its subcommands or arguments.
func NewCommand ¶
NewCommand creates and returns a new Git Command based on given command and arguments.
func NewCommandContextNoGlobals ¶
NewCommandContextNoGlobals creates and returns a new Git Command based on given command and arguments only with the specify args and don't care global command args
func NewCommandNoGlobals ¶
NewCommandNoGlobals creates and returns a new Git Command based on given command and arguments only with the specify args and don't care global command args
func (*Command) AddArguments ¶
AddArguments adds new argument(s) to the command.
func (*Command) RunStdBytes ¶
func (c *Command) RunStdBytes(opts *RunOpts) (stdout, stderr []byte, runErr RunStdError)
RunStdBytes runs the command with options and returns stdout/stderr as bytes. and store stderr to returned error (err combined with stderr).
func (*Command) RunStdString ¶
func (c *Command) RunStdString(opts *RunOpts) (stdout, stderr string, runErr RunStdError)
RunStdString runs the command with options and returns stdout/stderr as string. and store stderr to returned error (err combined with stderr).
func (*Command) SetDescription ¶
SetDescription sets the description for this command which be returned on c.String()
func (*Command) SetParentContext ¶
SetParentContext sets the parent context for this command
type Commit ¶
type Commit struct { Branch string // Branch this commit belongs to Tree ID SHA1 // The ID of this commit object Author *Signature Committer *Signature CommitMessage string Signature *CommitGPGSignature Parents []SHA1 // SHA1 strings // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Commit represents a git commit.
func CommitFromReader ¶
CommitFromReader will generate a Commit from a provided reader We need this to interpret commits from cat-file or cat-file --batch
If used as part of a cat-file --batch stream you need to limit the reader to the correct size
func (*Commit) CommitsBefore ¶
CommitsBefore returns all the commits before current revision
func (*Commit) CommitsBeforeLimit ¶
CommitsBeforeLimit returns num commits before current revision
func (*Commit) CommitsBeforeUntil ¶
CommitsBeforeUntil returns the commits between commitID to current revision
func (*Commit) CommitsByRange ¶
CommitsByRange returns the specific page commits before current revision, every page's number default by CommitsRangeSize
func (*Commit) CommitsCount ¶
CommitsCount returns number of total commits of until current revision.
func (*Commit) FileChangedSinceCommit ¶
FileChangedSinceCommit Returns true if the file given has changed since the the past commit YOU MUST ENSURE THAT pastCommit is a valid commit ID.
func (*Commit) GetBranchName ¶
GetBranchName gets the closest branch name (as returned by 'git name-rev --name-only')
func (*Commit) GetCommitByPath ¶
GetCommitByPath return the commit of relative path object.
func (*Commit) GetFileContent ¶
GetFileContent reads a file content as a string or returns false if this was not possible
func (*Commit) GetFilesChangedSinceCommit ¶
GetFilesChangedSinceCommit get all changed file names between pastCommit to current revision
func (*Commit) GetRepositoryDefaultPublicGPGKey ¶
func (c *Commit) GetRepositoryDefaultPublicGPGKey(forceUpdate bool) (*GPGSettings, error)
GetRepositoryDefaultPublicGPGKey returns the default public key for this commit
func (*Commit) GetSubModule ¶
GetSubModule get the sub module according entryname
func (*Commit) GetSubModules ¶
func (c *Commit) GetSubModules() (*ObjectCache, error)
GetSubModules get all the sub modules of current revision git tree
func (*Commit) GetTagName ¶
GetTagName gets the current tag name for given commit
func (*Commit) HasFile ¶
HasFile returns true if the file given exists on this commit This does only mean it's there - it does not mean the file was changed during the commit.
func (*Commit) HasPreviousCommit ¶
HasPreviousCommit returns true if a given commitHash is contained in commit's parents
func (*Commit) LoadBranchName ¶
LoadBranchName load branch name for commit
func (*Commit) Message ¶
Message returns the commit message. Same as retrieving CommitMessage directly.
func (*Commit) ParentCount ¶
ParentCount returns number of parents of the commit. 0 if this is the root commit, otherwise 1,2, etc.
func (*Commit) ParentID ¶
ParentID returns oid of n-th parent (0-based index). It returns nil if no such parent exists.
func (*Commit) SearchCommits ¶
func (c *Commit) SearchCommits(opts SearchCommitsOptions) ([]*Commit, error)
SearchCommits returns the commits match the keyword before current revision
type CommitChangesOptions ¶
CommitChangesOptions the options when a commit created
type CommitFileStatus ¶
CommitFileStatus represents status of files in a commit.
func GetCommitFileStatus ¶
func GetCommitFileStatus(ctx context.Context, repoPath, commitID string) (*CommitFileStatus, error)
GetCommitFileStatus returns file status of commit in given repository.
func NewCommitFileStatus ¶
func NewCommitFileStatus() *CommitFileStatus
NewCommitFileStatus creates a CommitFileStatus
type CommitGPGSignature ¶
type CommitGPGSignature struct { Signature string Payload string // TODO check if can be reconstruct from the rest of commit information to not have duplicate data }
CommitGPGSignature represents a git commit signature part.
type CommitInfo ¶
type CommitInfo struct { Entry *TreeEntry Commit *Commit SubModuleFile *SubModuleFile }
CommitInfo describes the first commit with the provided entry
type CommitTreeOpts ¶
type CommitTreeOpts struct { Parents []string Message string KeyID string NoGPGSign bool AlwaysSign bool }
CommitTreeOpts represents the possible options to CommitTree
type CompareInfo ¶
type CompareInfo struct { MergeBase string BaseCommitID string HeadCommitID string Commits []*Commit NumFiles int }
CompareInfo represents needed information for comparing references.
type DeleteBranchOptions ¶
type DeleteBranchOptions struct {
Force bool
DeleteBranchOptions Option(s) for delete branch
type DivergeObject ¶
DivergeObject represents commit count diverging commits
func GetDivergingCommits ¶
func GetDivergingCommits(ctx context.Context, repoPath, baseBranch, targetBranch string) (DivergeObject, error)
GetDivergingCommits returns the number of commits a targetBranch is ahead or behind a baseBranch
type Entries ¶
type Entries []*TreeEntry
Entries a list of entry
func (Entries) CustomSort ¶
CustomSort customizable string comparing sort entry list
func (Entries) GetCommitsInfo ¶
func (tes Entries) GetCommitsInfo(ctx context.Context, commit *Commit, treePath string, cache *LastCommitCache) ([]CommitInfo, *Commit, error)
GetCommitsInfo gets information of all commits that are corresponding to these entries
type EntryMode ¶
type EntryMode int
EntryMode the type of the object in the git tree
const ( // EntryModeBlob EntryModeBlob EntryMode = 0o100644 // EntryModeExec EntryModeExec EntryMode = 0o100755 // EntryModeSymlink EntryModeSymlink EntryMode = 0o120000 // EntryModeCommit EntryModeCommit EntryMode = 0o160000 // EntryModeTree EntryModeTree EntryMode = 0o040000 )
There are only a few file modes in Git. They look like unix file modes, but they can only be one of these.
func ToEntryMode ¶
ToEntryMode converts a string to an EntryMode
type ErrBadLink ¶
ErrBadLink entry.FollowLink error
func (ErrBadLink) Error ¶
func (err ErrBadLink) Error() string
type ErrBranchNotExist ¶
type ErrBranchNotExist struct {
Name string
ErrBranchNotExist represents a "BranchNotExist" kind of error.
func (ErrBranchNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrBranchNotExist) Error() string
type ErrExecTimeout ¶
ErrExecTimeout error when exec timed out
func (ErrExecTimeout) Error ¶
func (err ErrExecTimeout) Error() string
type ErrMoreThanOne ¶
ErrMoreThanOne represents an error if pull request fails when there are more than one sources (branch, tag) with the same name
func (*ErrMoreThanOne) Error ¶
func (err *ErrMoreThanOne) Error() string
type ErrNotExist ¶
ErrNotExist commit not exist error
func (ErrNotExist) Error ¶
func (err ErrNotExist) Error() string
type ErrPushOutOfDate ¶
ErrPushOutOfDate represents an error if merging fails due to unrelated histories
func (*ErrPushOutOfDate) Error ¶
func (err *ErrPushOutOfDate) Error() string
func (*ErrPushOutOfDate) Unwrap ¶
func (err *ErrPushOutOfDate) Unwrap() error
Unwrap unwraps the underlying error
type ErrPushRejected ¶
ErrPushRejected represents an error if merging fails due to rejection from a hook
func (*ErrPushRejected) Error ¶
func (err *ErrPushRejected) Error() string
func (*ErrPushRejected) GenerateMessage ¶
func (err *ErrPushRejected) GenerateMessage()
GenerateMessage generates the remote message from the stderr
func (*ErrPushRejected) Unwrap ¶
func (err *ErrPushRejected) Unwrap() error
Unwrap unwraps the underlying error
type ErrUnsupportedVersion ¶
type ErrUnsupportedVersion struct {
Required string
ErrUnsupportedVersion error when required git version not matched
func (ErrUnsupportedVersion) Error ¶
func (err ErrUnsupportedVersion) Error() string
type GPGSettings ¶
GPGSettings represents the default GPG settings for this repository
func (*GPGSettings) LoadPublicKeyContent ¶
func (gpgSettings *GPGSettings) LoadPublicKeyContent() error
LoadPublicKeyContent will load the key from gpg
type Hasher ¶
Hasher is a struct that will generate a SHA1
func NewHasher ¶
func NewHasher(t ObjectType, size int64) Hasher
NewHasher takes an object type and size and creates a hasher to generate a SHA
type Hook ¶
type Hook struct { IsActive bool // Indicates whether repository has this hook. Content string // Content of hook if it's active. Sample string // Sample content from Git. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Hook represents a Git hook.
type LastCommitCache ¶
type LastCommitCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LastCommitCache represents a cache to store last commit
func NewLastCommitCache ¶
func NewLastCommitCache(repoPath string, gitRepo *Repository, ttl func() int64, cache Cache) *LastCommitCache
NewLastCommitCache creates a new last commit cache for repo
func (*LastCommitCache) CacheCommit ¶
func (c *LastCommitCache) CacheCommit(ctx context.Context, commit *Commit) error
CacheCommit will cache the commit from the gitRepository
func (*LastCommitCache) Get ¶
func (c *LastCommitCache) Get(ref, entryPath string, wr WriteCloserError, rd *bufio.Reader) (interface{}, error)
Get get the last commit information by commit id and entry path
func (*LastCommitCache) Put ¶
func (c *LastCommitCache) Put(ref, entryPath, commitID string) error
Put put the last commit id with commit and entry path
type LimitedReaderCloser ¶
LimitedReaderCloser is a limited reader closer
func (*LimitedReaderCloser) Close ¶
func (l *LimitedReaderCloser) Close() error
Close implements io.Closer
type LogNameStatusCommitData ¶
LogNameStatusCommitData represents a commit artefact from git log raw
type LogNameStatusRepoParser ¶
type LogNameStatusRepoParser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogNameStatusRepoParser parses a git log raw output from LogRawRepo
func NewLogNameStatusRepoParser ¶
func NewLogNameStatusRepoParser(ctx context.Context, repository, head, treepath string, paths ...string) *LogNameStatusRepoParser
NewLogNameStatusRepoParser returns a new parser for a git log raw output
func (*LogNameStatusRepoParser) Close ¶
func (g *LogNameStatusRepoParser) Close()
Close closes the parser
func (*LogNameStatusRepoParser) Next ¶
func (g *LogNameStatusRepoParser) Next(treepath string, paths2ids map[string]int, changed []bool, maxpathlen int) (*LogNameStatusCommitData, error)
Next returns the next LogStatusCommitData
type ObjectCache ¶
type ObjectCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ObjectCache provides thread-safe cache operations.
func (*ObjectCache) Get ¶
func (oc *ObjectCache) Get(id string) (interface{}, bool)
Get get cached obj by id
func (*ObjectCache) Set ¶
func (oc *ObjectCache) Set(id string, obj interface{})
Set add obj to cache
type ObjectType ¶
type ObjectType string
ObjectType git object type
const ( // ObjectCommit commit object type ObjectCommit ObjectType = "commit" // ObjectTree tree object type ObjectTree ObjectType = "tree" // ObjectBlob blob object type ObjectBlob ObjectType = "blob" // ObjectTag tag object type ObjectTag ObjectType = "tag" // ObjectBranch branch object type ObjectBranch ObjectType = "branch" )
func (ObjectType) Bytes ¶
func (o ObjectType) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the byte array for the Object Type
type PushOptions ¶
type PushOptions struct { Remote string Branch string Force bool Mirror bool Env []string Timeout time.Duration }
PushOptions options when push to remote
type RawDiffType ¶
type RawDiffType string
RawDiffType type of a raw diff.
const ( RawDiffNormal RawDiffType = "diff" RawDiffPatch RawDiffType = "patch" )
RawDiffType possible values.
type Reference ¶
type Reference struct { Name string Object SHA1 // The id of this commit object Type string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Reference represents a Git ref.
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { Path string Ctx context.Context // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Repository represents a Git repository.
func OpenRepository ¶
func OpenRepository(ctx context.Context, repoPath string) (*Repository, error)
OpenRepository opens the repository at the given path with the provided context.
func RepositoryFromContext ¶
func RepositoryFromContext(ctx context.Context, path string) *Repository
RepositoryFromContext attempts to get the repository from the context
func RepositoryFromContextOrOpen ¶
RepositoryFromContextOrOpen attempts to get the repository from the context or just opens it
func (*Repository) AddObjectToIndex ¶
func (repo *Repository) AddObjectToIndex(mode string, object SHA1, filename string) error
AddObjectToIndex adds the provided object hash to the index at the provided filename
func (*Repository) AddRemote ¶
func (repo *Repository) AddRemote(name, url string, fetch bool) error
AddRemote adds a new remote to repository.
func (*Repository) CatFileBatch ¶
func (repo *Repository) CatFileBatch(ctx context.Context) (WriteCloserError, *bufio.Reader, func())
CatFileBatch obtains a CatFileBatch for this repository
func (*Repository) CatFileBatchCheck ¶
func (repo *Repository) CatFileBatchCheck(ctx context.Context) (WriteCloserError, *bufio.Reader, func())
CatFileBatchCheck obtains a CatFileBatchCheck for this repository
func (*Repository) CheckAttribute ¶
func (repo *Repository) CheckAttribute(opts CheckAttributeOpts) (map[string]map[string]string, error)
CheckAttribute return the Blame object of file
func (*Repository) CheckAttributeReader ¶
func (repo *Repository) CheckAttributeReader(commitID string) (*CheckAttributeReader, context.CancelFunc)
Create a check attribute reader for the current repository and provided commit ID
func (*Repository) Close ¶
func (repo *Repository) Close() (err error)
Close this repository, in particular close the underlying gogitStorage if this is not nil
func (*Repository) CommitTree ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitTree(author, committer *Signature, tree *Tree, opts CommitTreeOpts) (SHA1, error)
CommitTree creates a commit from a given tree id for the user with provided message
func (*Repository) CommitsBetween ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitsBetween(last, before *Commit) ([]*Commit, error)
CommitsBetween returns a list that contains commits between [before, last). If before is detached (removed by reset + push) it is not included.
func (*Repository) CommitsBetweenIDs ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitsBetweenIDs(last, before string) ([]*Commit, error)
CommitsBetweenIDs return commits between twoe commits
func (*Repository) CommitsBetweenLimit ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitsBetweenLimit(last, before *Commit, limit, skip int) ([]*Commit, error)
CommitsBetweenLimit returns a list that contains at most limit commits skipping the first skip commits between [before, last)
func (*Repository) CommitsByFileAndRange ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitsByFileAndRange(revision, file string, page int) ([]*Commit, error)
CommitsByFileAndRange return the commits according revision file and the page
func (*Repository) CommitsByFileAndRangeNoFollow ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitsByFileAndRangeNoFollow(revision, file string, page int) ([]*Commit, error)
CommitsByFileAndRangeNoFollow return the commits according revision file and the page
func (*Repository) CommitsCountBetween ¶
func (repo *Repository) CommitsCountBetween(start, end string) (int64, error)
CommitsCountBetween return numbers of commits between two commits
func (*Repository) ConvertToSHA1 ¶
func (repo *Repository) ConvertToSHA1(commitID string) (SHA1, error)
ConvertToSHA1 returns a Hash object from a potential ID string
func (*Repository) CreateAnnotatedTag ¶
func (repo *Repository) CreateAnnotatedTag(name, message, revision string) error
CreateAnnotatedTag create one annotated tag in the repository
func (*Repository) CreateArchive ¶
func (repo *Repository) CreateArchive(ctx context.Context, format ArchiveType, target io.Writer, usePrefix bool, commitID string) error
CreateArchive create archive content to the target path
func (*Repository) CreateBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) CreateBranch(branch, oldbranchOrCommit string) error
CreateBranch create a new branch
func (*Repository) CreateBundle ¶
CreateBundle create bundle content to the target path
func (*Repository) CreateTag ¶
func (repo *Repository) CreateTag(name, revision string) error
CreateTag create one tag in the repository
func (*Repository) DeleteBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) DeleteBranch(name string, opts DeleteBranchOptions) error
DeleteBranch delete a branch by name on repository.
func (*Repository) EmptyIndex ¶
func (repo *Repository) EmptyIndex() error
EmptyIndex empties the index
func (*Repository) FileBlame ¶
func (repo *Repository) FileBlame(revision, path, file string) ([]byte, error)
FileBlame return the Blame object of file
func (*Repository) FileChangedBetweenCommits ¶
func (repo *Repository) FileChangedBetweenCommits(filename, id1, id2 string) (bool, error)
FileChangedBetweenCommits Returns true if the file changed between commit IDs id1 and id2 You must ensure that id1 and id2 are valid commit ids.
func (*Repository) FileCommitsCount ¶
func (repo *Repository) FileCommitsCount(revision, file string) (int64, error)
FileCommitsCount return the number of files at a revision
func (*Repository) FilesCountBetween ¶
func (repo *Repository) FilesCountBetween(startCommitID, endCommitID string) (int, error)
FilesCountBetween return the number of files changed between two commits
func (*Repository) GetAllCommitsCount ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetAllCommitsCount() (int64, error)
GetAllCommitsCount returns count of all commits in repository
func (*Repository) GetAnnotatedTag ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetAnnotatedTag(sha string) (*Tag, error)
GetAnnotatedTag returns a Git tag by its SHA, must be an annotated tag
func (*Repository) GetBlob ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBlob(idStr string) (*Blob, error)
GetBlob finds the blob object in the repository.
func (*Repository) GetBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBranch(branch string) (*Branch, error)
GetBranch returns a branch by it's name
func (*Repository) GetBranchCommit ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBranchCommit(name string) (*Commit, error)
GetBranchCommit returns the last commit of given branch.
func (*Repository) GetBranchCommitID ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBranchCommitID(name string) (string, error)
GetBranchCommitID returns last commit ID string of given branch.
func (*Repository) GetBranchNames ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBranchNames(skip, limit int) ([]string, int, error)
GetBranchNames returns branches from the repository, skipping skip initial branches and returning at most limit branches, or all branches if limit is 0.
func (*Repository) GetBranches ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetBranches(skip, limit int) ([]*Branch, int, error)
GetBranches returns a slice of *git.Branch
func (*Repository) GetCodeActivityStats ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetCodeActivityStats(fromTime time.Time, branch string) (*CodeActivityStats, error)
GetCodeActivityStats returns code statistics for activity page
func (*Repository) GetCommit ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetCommit(commitID string) (*Commit, error)
GetCommit returns commit object of by ID string.
func (*Repository) GetCommitByPath ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetCommitByPath(relpath string) (*Commit, error)
GetCommitByPath returns the last commit of relative path.
func (*Repository) GetCommitsFromIDs ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetCommitsFromIDs(commitIDs []string) []*Commit
GetCommitsFromIDs get commits from commit IDs
func (*Repository) GetCompareInfo ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetCompareInfo(basePath, baseBranch, headBranch string, directComparison, fileOnly bool) (_ *CompareInfo, err error)
GetCompareInfo generates and returns compare information between base and head branches of repositories.
func (*Repository) GetDefaultBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDefaultBranch() (string, error)
GetDefaultBranch gets default branch of repository.
func (*Repository) GetDefaultPublicGPGKey ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDefaultPublicGPGKey(forceUpdate bool) (*GPGSettings, error)
GetDefaultPublicGPGKey will return and cache the default public GPG settings for this repository
func (*Repository) GetDiff ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDiff(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
GetDiff generates and returns patch data between given revisions, optimized for human readability
func (*Repository) GetDiffBinary ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDiffBinary(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
GetDiffBinary generates and returns patch data between given revisions, including binary diffs.
func (*Repository) GetDiffFromMergeBase ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDiffFromMergeBase(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
GetDiffFromMergeBase generates and return patch data from merge base to head
func (*Repository) GetDiffNumChangedFiles ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDiffNumChangedFiles(base, head string, directComparison bool) (int, error)
GetDiffNumChangedFiles counts the number of changed files This is substantially quicker than shortstat but...
func (*Repository) GetDiffOrPatch ¶
GetDiffOrPatch generates either diff or formatted patch data between given revisions
func (*Repository) GetDiffShortStat ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetDiffShortStat(base, head string) (numFiles, totalAdditions, totalDeletions int, err error)
GetDiffShortStat counts number of changed files, number of additions and deletions
func (*Repository) GetFilesChangedBetween ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetFilesChangedBetween(base, head string) ([]string, error)
GetFilesChangedBetween returns a list of all files that have been changed between the given commits
func (*Repository) GetHEADBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetHEADBranch() (*Branch, error)
GetHEADBranch returns corresponding branch of HEAD.
func (*Repository) GetHook ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetHook(name string) (*Hook, error)
GetHook get one hook according the name on a repository
func (*Repository) GetLanguageStats ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetLanguageStats(commitID string) (map[string]int64, error)
GetLanguageStats calculates language stats for git repository at specified commit
func (*Repository) GetMergeBase ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetMergeBase(tmpRemote, base, head string) (string, string, error)
GetMergeBase checks and returns merge base of two branches and the reference used as base.
func (*Repository) GetPatch ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetPatch(base, head string, w io.Writer) error
GetPatch generates and returns format-patch data between given revisions, able to be used with `git apply`
func (*Repository) GetRefCommitID ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetRefCommitID(name string) (string, error)
GetRefCommitID returns the last commit ID string of given reference (branch or tag).
func (*Repository) GetRefType ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetRefType(ref string) ObjectType
GetRefType gets the type of the ref based on the string
func (*Repository) GetRefs ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetRefs() ([]*Reference, error)
GetRefs returns all references of the repository.
func (*Repository) GetRefsBySha ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetRefsBySha(sha, prefix string) ([]string, error)
GetRefsBySha returns all references filtered with prefix that belong to a sha commit hash
func (*Repository) GetRefsFiltered ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetRefsFiltered(pattern string) ([]*Reference, error)
GetRefsFiltered returns all references of the repository that matches patterm exactly or starting with.
func (*Repository) GetTag ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTag(name string) (*Tag, error)
GetTag returns a Git tag by given name.
func (*Repository) GetTagCommit ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagCommit(name string) (*Commit, error)
GetTagCommit get the commit of the specific tag via name
func (*Repository) GetTagCommitID ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagCommitID(name string) (string, error)
GetTagCommitID returns last commit ID string of given tag.
func (*Repository) GetTagID ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagID(name string) (string, error)
GetTagID returns the object ID for a tag (annotated tags have both an object SHA AND a commit SHA)
func (*Repository) GetTagInfos ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagInfos(page, pageSize int) ([]*Tag, int, error)
GetTagInfos returns all tag infos of the repository.
func (*Repository) GetTagNameBySHA ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagNameBySHA(sha string) (string, error)
GetTagNameBySHA returns the name of a tag from its tag object SHA or commit SHA
func (*Repository) GetTagType ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagType(id SHA1) (string, error)
GetTagType gets the type of the tag, either commit (simple) or tag (annotated)
func (*Repository) GetTagWithID ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTagWithID(idStr, name string) (*Tag, error)
GetTagWithID returns a Git tag by given name and ID
func (*Repository) GetTags ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTags(skip, limit int) (tags []string, err error)
GetTags returns all tags of the repository. returning at most limit tags, or all if limit is 0.
func (*Repository) GetTree ¶
func (repo *Repository) GetTree(idStr string) (*Tree, error)
GetTree find the tree object in the repository.
func (*Repository) HashObject ¶
func (repo *Repository) HashObject(reader io.Reader) (SHA1, error)
HashObject takes a reader and returns SHA1 hash for that reader
func (*Repository) Hooks ¶
func (repo *Repository) Hooks() ([]*Hook, error)
Hooks get all the hooks on the repository
func (*Repository) IsBranchExist ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsBranchExist(name string) bool
IsBranchExist returns true if given branch exists in current repository.
func (*Repository) IsCommitExist ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsCommitExist(name string) bool
IsCommitExist returns true if given commit exists in current repository.
func (*Repository) IsCommitInBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsCommitInBranch(commitID, branch string) (r bool, err error)
IsCommitInBranch check if the commit is on the branch
func (*Repository) IsEmpty ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsEmpty() (bool, error)
IsEmpty Check if repository is empty.
func (*Repository) IsObjectExist ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsObjectExist(name string) bool
IsObjectExist returns true if given reference exists in the repository.
func (*Repository) IsReferenceExist ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsReferenceExist(name string) bool
IsReferenceExist returns true if given reference exists in the repository.
func (*Repository) IsTagExist ¶
func (repo *Repository) IsTagExist(name string) bool
IsTagExist returns true if given tag exists in the repository.
func (*Repository) LineBlame ¶
func (repo *Repository) LineBlame(revision, path, file string, line uint) (*Commit, error)
LineBlame returns the latest commit at the given line
func (*Repository) LsFiles ¶
func (repo *Repository) LsFiles(filenames ...string) ([]string, error)
LsFiles checks if the given filenames are in the index
func (*Repository) LsTree ¶
func (repo *Repository) LsTree(ref string, filenames ...string) ([]string, error)
LsTree checks if the given filenames are in the tree
func (*Repository) ReadPatchCommit ¶
func (repo *Repository) ReadPatchCommit(prID int64) (commitSHA string, err error)
ReadPatchCommit will check if a diff patch exists and return stats
func (*Repository) ReadTreeToIndex ¶
func (repo *Repository) ReadTreeToIndex(treeish string, indexFilename ...string) error
ReadTreeToIndex reads a treeish to the index
func (*Repository) ReadTreeToTemporaryIndex ¶
func (repo *Repository) ReadTreeToTemporaryIndex(treeish string) (filename, tmpDir string, cancel context.CancelFunc, err error)
ReadTreeToTemporaryIndex reads a treeish to a temporary index file
func (*Repository) RemoveFilesFromIndex ¶
func (repo *Repository) RemoveFilesFromIndex(filenames ...string) error
RemoveFilesFromIndex removes given filenames from the index - it does not check whether they are present.
func (*Repository) RemoveReference ¶
func (repo *Repository) RemoveReference(name string) error
RemoveReference removes the given reference (e.g. branch or tag).
func (*Repository) RemoveRemote ¶
func (repo *Repository) RemoveRemote(name string) error
RemoveRemote removes a remote from repository.
func (*Repository) RenameBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) RenameBranch(from, to string) error
RenameBranch rename a branch
func (*Repository) ResolveReference ¶
func (repo *Repository) ResolveReference(name string) (string, error)
ResolveReference resolves a name to a reference
func (*Repository) SetDefaultBranch ¶
func (repo *Repository) SetDefaultBranch(name string) error
SetDefaultBranch sets default branch of repository.
func (*Repository) SetReference ¶
func (repo *Repository) SetReference(name, commitID string) error
SetReference sets the commit ID string of given reference (e.g. branch or tag).
func (*Repository) WalkReferences ¶
func (repo *Repository) WalkReferences(refType ObjectType, skip, limit int, walkfn func(sha1, refname string) error) (int, error)
WalkReferences walks all the references from the repository refType should be empty, ObjectTag or ObjectBranch. All other values are equivalent to empty.
func (*Repository) WriteTree ¶
func (repo *Repository) WriteTree() (*Tree, error)
WriteTree writes the current index as a tree to the object db and returns its hash
type RunOpts ¶
type RunOpts struct { Env []string Timeout time.Duration UseContextTimeout bool Dir string Stdout, Stderr io.Writer Stdin io.Reader PipelineFunc func(context.Context, context.CancelFunc) error }
RunOpts represents parameters to run the command. If UseContextTimeout is specified, then Timeout is ignored.
type RunStdError ¶
type SHA1 ¶
type SHA1 [20]byte
SHA1 a git commit name
func ComputeBlobHash ¶
ComputeBlobHash compute the hash for a given blob content
func ComputeHash ¶
func ComputeHash(t ObjectType, content []byte) SHA1
ComputeHash compute the hash for a given ObjectType and content
func MustIDFromString ¶
MustIDFromString always creates a new sha from a ID with no validation of input.
func NewIDFromString ¶
NewIDFromString creates a new SHA1 from a ID string of length 40.
type SearchCommitsOptions ¶
type SearchCommitsOptions struct { Keywords []string Authors, Committers []string After, Before string All bool }
SearchCommitsOptions specify the parameters for SearchCommits
func NewSearchCommitsOptions ¶
func NewSearchCommitsOptions(searchString string, forAllRefs bool) SearchCommitsOptions
NewSearchCommitsOptions construct a SearchCommitsOption from a space-delimited search string
type Signature ¶
type Signature struct { // Name represents a person name. It is an arbitrary string. Name string // Email is an email, but it cannot be assumed to be well-formed. Email string // When is the timestamp of the signature. When time.Time }
Signature represents the Author or Committer information.
type SubModuleFile ¶
type SubModuleFile struct { *Commit // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SubModuleFile represents a file with submodule type.
func NewSubModuleFile ¶
func NewSubModuleFile(c *Commit, refURL, refID string) *SubModuleFile
NewSubModuleFile create a new submodule file
func (*SubModuleFile) RefURL ¶
func (sf *SubModuleFile) RefURL(urlPrefix, repoFullName, sshDomain string) string
RefURL guesses and returns reference URL.
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { Name string ID SHA1 Object SHA1 // The id of this commit object Type string Tagger *Signature Message string Signature *CommitGPGSignature }
Tag represents a Git tag.
type Tree ¶
Tree represents a flat directory listing.
func NewTree ¶
func NewTree(repo *Repository, id SHA1) *Tree
NewTree create a new tree according the repository and tree id
func (*Tree) GetBlobByPath ¶
GetBlobByPath get the blob object according the path
func (*Tree) GetTreeEntryByPath ¶
GetTreeEntryByPath get the tree entries according the sub dir
func (*Tree) ListEntries ¶
ListEntries returns all entries of current tree.
func (*Tree) ListEntriesRecursive ¶
ListEntriesRecursive returns all entries of current tree recursively including all subtrees
type TreeEntry ¶
type TreeEntry struct { ID SHA1 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TreeEntry the leaf in the git tree
func ParseTreeEntries ¶
ParseTreeEntries parses the output of a `git ls-tree -l` command.
func (*TreeEntry) FollowLink ¶
FollowLink returns the entry pointed to by a symlink
func (*TreeEntry) FollowLinks ¶
FollowLinks returns the entry ultimately pointed to by a symlink
func (*TreeEntry) GetSubJumpablePathName ¶
GetSubJumpablePathName return the full path of subdirectory jumpable ( contains only one directory )
func (*TreeEntry) IsExecutable ¶
IsExecutable if the entry is an executable file (not necessarily binary)
func (*TreeEntry) IsSubModule ¶
IsSubModule if the entry is a sub module
type WriteCloserError ¶
type WriteCloserError interface { io.WriteCloser CloseWithError(err error) error }
WriteCloserError wraps an io.WriteCloser with an additional CloseWithError function
func CatFileBatch ¶
CatFileBatch opens git cat-file --batch in the provided repo and returns a stdin pipe, a stdout reader and cancel function
func CatFileBatchCheck ¶
func CatFileBatchCheck(ctx context.Context, repoPath string) (WriteCloserError, *bufio.Reader, func())
CatFileBatchCheck opens git cat-file --batch-check in the provided repo and returns a stdin pipe, a stdout reader and cancel function
Source Files
- batch_reader.go
- blame.go
- blob.go
- blob_nogogit.go
- command.go
- commit.go
- commit_info.go
- commit_info_nogogit.go
- commit_reader.go
- diff.go
- error.go
- git.go
- hook.go
- last_commit_cache.go
- last_commit_cache_nogogit.go
- lfs.go
- log_name_status.go
- notes.go
- notes_nogogit.go
- parse_nogogit.go
- ref.go
- remote.go
- repo.go
- repo_archive.go
- repo_attribute.go
- repo_base.go
- repo_base_nogogit.go
- repo_blame.go
- repo_blob.go
- repo_blob_nogogit.go
- repo_branch.go
- repo_branch_nogogit.go
- repo_commit.go
- repo_commit_nogogit.go
- repo_commitgraph.go
- repo_compare.go
- repo_gpg.go
- repo_hook.go
- repo_index.go
- repo_language_stats.go
- repo_language_stats_nogogit.go
- repo_object.go
- repo_ref.go
- repo_ref_nogogit.go
- repo_stats.go
- repo_tag.go
- repo_tag_nogogit.go
- repo_tree.go
- repo_tree_nogogit.go
- sha1.go
- sha1_nogogit.go
- signature.go
- signature_nogogit.go
- submodule.go
- tag.go
- tree.go
- tree_blob.go
- tree_blob_nogogit.go
- tree_entry.go
- tree_entry_mode.go
- tree_entry_nogogit.go
- tree_nogogit.go
- utils.go