Path | Synopsis |
Package beacon-chain defines all the utilities needed for a beacon chain node.
Package beacon-chain defines all the utilities needed for a beacon chain node. |
Package blockchain defines the life-cycle and status of the beacon chain as well as the Ethereum Serenity beacon chain fork-choice rule based on Casper Proof of Stake finality.
Package blockchain defines the life-cycle and status of the beacon chain as well as the Ethereum Serenity beacon chain fork-choice rule based on Casper Proof of Stake finality. |
Package forkchoice implements the Latest Message Driven GHOST (Greediest Heaviest Observed Sub-Tree) algorithm as the Ethereum Serenity beacon chain fork choice rule.
Package forkchoice implements the Latest Message Driven GHOST (Greediest Heaviest Observed Sub-Tree) algorithm as the Ethereum Serenity beacon chain fork choice rule. |
Package blocks contains block processing libraries.
Package blocks contains block processing libraries. |
Package epoch contains epoch processing libraries.
Package epoch contains epoch processing libraries. |
Package helpers contains helper functions outlined in ETH2.0 spec beacon chain spec
Package helpers contains helper functions outlined in ETH2.0 spec beacon chain spec |
Package state implements the whole state transition function which consists of per slot, per-epoch transitions.
Package state implements the whole state transition function which consists of per slot, per-epoch transitions. |
Package validators contains libraries to shuffle validators and retrieve active validator indices from a given slot or an attestation.
Package validators contains libraries to shuffle validators and retrieve active validator indices from a given slot or an attestation. |
Package filters specifies utilities for building a set of data attribute filters to be used when filtering data through database queries in practice.
Package filters specifies utilities for building a set of data attribute filters to be used when filtering data through database queries in practice. |
Package node defines the services that a beacon chain node would perform.
Package node defines the services that a beacon chain node would perform. |
Package operations defines the life-cycle of beacon block operations.
Package operations defines the life-cycle of beacon block operations. |
Package p2p implements the Ethereum 2.0 networking specification.
Package p2p implements the Ethereum 2.0 networking specification. |
Package encoder allows for registering custom data encoders for information sent as raw bytes over the wire via p2p to other nodes.
Package encoder allows for registering custom data encoders for information sent as raw bytes over the wire via p2p to other nodes. |
Package powchain defines the services that interact with the ETH1.0 of Ethereum.
Package powchain defines the services that interact with the ETH1.0 of Ethereum. |
Package rpc defines the services that the beacon-chain uses to communicate via gRPC.
Package rpc defines the services that the beacon-chain uses to communicate via gRPC. |
Package internal is a generated GoMock package.
Package internal is a generated GoMock package. |
Package sync TODO(3147): Add details on how sync works.
Package sync TODO(3147): Add details on how sync works. |
Package peerstatus is a threadsafe global cache to store recent peer status messages for access across multiple services.
Package peerstatus is a threadsafe global cache to store recent peer status messages for access across multiple services. |
Package ethereum_beacon_rpc_v1 is a reverse proxy.
Package ethereum_beacon_rpc_v1 is a reverse proxy. |
Package bls implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme.
Package bls implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme. |
Package bytesutil defines helper methods for converting integers to byte slices.
Package bytesutil defines helper methods for converting integers to byte slices. |
Package cmd defines the command line flags for the shared utlities.
Package cmd defines the command line flags for the shared utlities. |
Package debug defines useful profiling utils that came originally with go-ethereum.
Package debug defines useful profiling utils that came originally with go-ethereum. |
Package featureconfig defines which features are enabled for runtime in order to selctively enable certain features to maintain a stable runtime.
Package featureconfig defines which features are enabled for runtime in order to selctively enable certain features to maintain a stable runtime. |
Package logutil creates a Multi writer instance that write all logs that are written to stdout.
Package logutil creates a Multi writer instance that write all logs that are written to stdout. |
Package mclockutil is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source
Package mclockutil is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source |
Package mock_p2p is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_p2p is a generated GoMock package. |
Package params defines important constants that are essential to the Ethereum 2.0 services.
Package params defines important constants that are essential to the Ethereum 2.0 services. |
Package roughtime is a wrapper for a roughtime clock source
Package roughtime is a wrapper for a roughtime clock source |
Package sliceutil implements set operations for specified data type Currently types which are tested and supported are: []uint32 []int32 []string []float32 []uint64 []int64 []string []float64 Intersection, Union, Not , IsIn are the operations which are supported on slices
Package sliceutil implements set operations for specified data type Currently types which are tested and supported are: []uint32 []int32 []string []float32 []uint64 []int64 []string []float64 Intersection, Union, Not , IsIn are the operations which are supported on slices |
Package testutil defines the testing utils such as asserting logs.
Package testutil defines the testing utils such as asserting logs. |
Package slasher defines the service used to retrieve slashings proofs.
Package slasher defines the service used to retrieve slashings proofs. |
* * Bootnode * * A node which implements the DiscoveryV5 protocol for peer * discovery.
* * Bootnode * * A node which implements the DiscoveryV5 protocol for peer * discovery. |
Bootstrap / DHT query tool Usage: bazel run //tools/boostrap-query -- $BOOTNODE_ADDRESS This tool queries the bootstrap / DHT node for peers then attempts to dial and ping each of them.
Bootstrap / DHT query tool Usage: bazel run //tools/boostrap-query -- $BOOTNODE_ADDRESS This tool queries the bootstrap / DHT node for peers then attempts to dial and ping each of them. |
* * This tool exists to serve currently configured contract address in k8s.
* * This tool exists to serve currently configured contract address in k8s. |
This binary is a simple rest API endpoint to calculate the ENR value of a node given its private key,ip address and port.
This binary is a simple rest API endpoint to calculate the ENR value of a node given its private key,ip address and port. |
Prometheus exporter for Ethereum address balances.
Prometheus exporter for Ethereum address balances. |
* * Fork choice checker * * A gRPC client that polls beacon node at every slot to log or compare nodes current head.
* * Fork choice checker * * A gRPC client that polls beacon node at every slot to log or compare nodes current head. |
Used for converting keys.yaml files from eth2.0-pm for interop testing.
Used for converting keys.yaml files from eth2.0-pm for interop testing. |
* * Relay node * * A simple libp2p relay node peers to connect inbound traffic behind a NAT or * other network restriction.
* * Relay node * * A simple libp2p relay node peers to connect inbound traffic behind a NAT or * other network restriction. |
This code was adapted from
This code was adapted from |
Package client represents the functionality to act as a validator.
Package client represents the functionality to act as a validator. |
Package internal is a generated GoMock package.
Package internal is a generated GoMock package. |
Package node defines a validator client which connects to a full beacon node as part of the Ethereum Serenity specification.
Package node defines a validator client which connects to a full beacon node as part of the Ethereum Serenity specification. |
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