Overview ¶
Package ghttp provides powerful http server and simple client implements.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func BuildParams(params interface{}, noUrlEncode ...bool) (encodedParamStr string)
- func ConnectBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func ConnectContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func DeleteBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func DeleteContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func GetBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func GetContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func HeadBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func HeadContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func IsExitError(err interface{}) bool
- func OptionsBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func OptionsContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func PatchBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func PatchContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func PostBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func PostContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func PutBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func PutContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func RequestBytes(method string, url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func RequestContent(method string, url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func RestartAllServer(newExeFilePath ...string) error
- func SetGraceful(enabled bool)
- func ShutdownAllServer() error
- func TraceBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func TraceContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func Wait()
- type CORSOptions
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Clone() *Client
- func (c *Client) Connect(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ConnectBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) ConnectContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) Delete(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) DeleteContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) DoRequest(method, url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Get(url string) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) GetBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) GetContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) Head(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) HeadBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) HeadContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) Options(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) OptionsBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) OptionsContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) Patch(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PatchBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) PatchContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) Post(url string, data ...interface{}) (resp *ClientResponse, err error)
- func (c *Client) PostBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) PostContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) Put(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PutBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) PutContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) RequestBytes(method string, url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) RequestContent(method string, url string, data ...interface{}) string
- func (c *Client) SetBasicAuth(user, pass string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetBrowserMode(enabled bool) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetContentType(contentType string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCookie(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetCookieMap(m map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHeader(key, value string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHeaderMap(m map[string]string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetHeaderRaw(header string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetPrefix(prefix string) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetRetry(retryCount int, retryInterval int) *Client
- func (c *Client) SetTimeOut(t time.Duration) *Client
- func (c *Client) Trace(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) TraceBytes(url string, data ...interface{}) []byte
- func (c *Client) TraceContent(url string, data ...interface{}) string
- type ClientResponse
- func Connect(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Delete(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func DoRequest(method, url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Get(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Head(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Options(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Patch(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Post(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Put(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- func Trace(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
- type Controller
- type Cookie
- func (c *Cookie) Contains(key string) bool
- func (c *Cookie) Get(key string, def ...string) string
- func (c *Cookie) GetSessionId() string
- func (c *Cookie) Map() map[string]string
- func (c *Cookie) Output()
- func (c *Cookie) Remove(key string)
- func (c *Cookie) RemoveCookie(key, domain, path string)
- func (c *Cookie) Set(key, value string)
- func (c *Cookie) SetCookie(key, value, domain, path string, maxAge time.Duration, httpOnly ...bool)
- func (c *Cookie) SetSessionId(id string)
- type CookieItem
- type Domain
- func (d *Domain) BindController(pattern string, c Controller, methods ...string)
- func (d *Domain) BindControllerMethod(pattern string, c Controller, method string)
- func (d *Domain) BindControllerRest(pattern string, c Controller)
- func (d *Domain) BindHandler(pattern string, handler HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) BindHookHandler(pattern string, hook string, handler HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) BindHookHandlerByMap(pattern string, hookmap map[string]HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) BindMiddleware(pattern string, handlers ...HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) BindMiddlewareDefault(handlers ...HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) BindObject(pattern string, obj interface{}, methods ...string)
- func (d *Domain) BindObjectMethod(pattern string, obj interface{}, method string)
- func (d *Domain) BindObjectRest(pattern string, obj interface{})
- func (d *Domain) BindStatusHandler(status int, handler HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) BindStatusHandlerByMap(handlerMap map[int]HandlerFunc)
- func (d *Domain) Group(prefix string, groups ...func(group *RouterGroup)) *RouterGroup
- type GroupItem
- type HandlerFunc
- type Middleware
- type Request
- func (r *Request) Assign(key string, value interface{})
- func (r *Request) Assigns(data gview.Params)
- func (r *Request) BasicAuth(user, pass string, tips ...string) bool
- func (r *Request) Exit()
- func (r *Request) ExitAll()
- func (r *Request) ExitHook()
- func (r *Request) Get(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetArray(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetBody() []byte
- func (r *Request) GetBodyString() string
- func (r *Request) GetBool(key string, def ...interface{}) bool
- func (r *Request) GetClientIp() string
- func (r *Request) GetError() error
- func (r *Request) GetFloat32(key string, def ...interface{}) float32
- func (r *Request) GetFloat64(key string, def ...interface{}) float64
- func (r *Request) GetFloats(key string, def ...interface{}) []float64
- func (r *Request) GetForm(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetFormArray(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetFormBool(key string, def ...interface{}) bool
- func (r *Request) GetFormFloat32(key string, def ...interface{}) float32
- func (r *Request) GetFormFloat64(key string, def ...interface{}) float64
- func (r *Request) GetFormFloats(key string, def ...interface{}) []float64
- func (r *Request) GetFormInt(key string, def ...interface{}) int
- func (r *Request) GetFormInt32(key string, def ...interface{}) int32
- func (r *Request) GetFormInt64(key string, def ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *Request) GetFormInterfaces(key string, def ...interface{}) []interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetFormInts(key string, def ...interface{}) []int
- func (r *Request) GetFormMap(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetFormMapStrStr(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]string
- func (r *Request) GetFormMapStrVar(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]*gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetFormString(key string, def ...interface{}) string
- func (r *Request) GetFormStrings(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetFormStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetFormToStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetFormUint(key string, def ...interface{}) uint
- func (r *Request) GetFormUint32(key string, def ...interface{}) uint32
- func (r *Request) GetFormUint64(key string, def ...interface{}) uint64
- func (r *Request) GetFormVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetHost() string
- func (r *Request) GetInt(key string, def ...interface{}) int
- func (r *Request) GetInt32(key string, def ...interface{}) int32
- func (r *Request) GetInt64(key string, def ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *Request) GetInterfaces(key string, def ...interface{}) []interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetInts(key string, def ...interface{}) []int
- func (r *Request) GetJson() (*gjson.Json, error)
- func (r *Request) GetMap(def[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetMapStrStr(def[string]interface{}) map[string]string
- func (r *Request) GetMultipartFiles(name string) []*multipart.FileHeader
- func (r *Request) GetMultipartForm() *multipart.Form
- func (r *Request) GetParam(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetParamVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetPost(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetPostArray(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetPostBool(key string, def ...interface{}) bool
- func (r *Request) GetPostFloat32(key string, def ...interface{}) float32
- func (r *Request) GetPostFloat64(key string, def ...interface{}) float64
- func (r *Request) GetPostFloats(key string, def ...interface{}) []float64
- func (r *Request) GetPostInt(key string, def ...interface{}) int
- func (r *Request) GetPostInt32(key string, def ...interface{}) int32
- func (r *Request) GetPostInt64(key string, def ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *Request) GetPostInterfaces(key string, def ...interface{}) []interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetPostInts(key string, def ...interface{}) []int
- func (r *Request) GetPostMap(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetPostMapStrStr(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]string
- func (r *Request) GetPostMapStrVar(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]*gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetPostString(key string, def ...interface{}) string
- func (r *Request) GetPostStrings(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetPostStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetPostToStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetPostUint(key string, def ...interface{}) uint
- func (r *Request) GetPostUint32(key string, def ...interface{}) uint32
- func (r *Request) GetPostUint64(key string, def ...interface{}) uint64
- func (r *Request) GetPostVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetQuery(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetQueryArray(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetQueryBool(key string, def ...interface{}) bool
- func (r *Request) GetQueryFloat32(key string, def ...interface{}) float32
- func (r *Request) GetQueryFloat64(key string, def ...interface{}) float64
- func (r *Request) GetQueryFloats(key string, def ...interface{}) []float64
- func (r *Request) GetQueryInt(key string, def ...interface{}) int
- func (r *Request) GetQueryInt32(key string, def ...interface{}) int32
- func (r *Request) GetQueryInt64(key string, def ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *Request) GetQueryInterfaces(key string, def ...interface{}) []interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetQueryInts(key string, def ...interface{}) []int
- func (r *Request) GetQueryMap(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetQueryMapStrStr(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]string
- func (r *Request) GetQueryMapStrVar(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]*gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetQueryString(key string, def ...interface{}) string
- func (r *Request) GetQueryStrings(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetQueryStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetQueryToStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetQueryUint(key string, def ...interface{}) uint
- func (r *Request) GetQueryUint32(key string, def ...interface{}) uint32
- func (r *Request) GetQueryUint64(key string, def ...interface{}) uint64
- func (r *Request) GetQueryVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetRaw() []byte
- func (r *Request) GetRawString() string
- func (r *Request) GetReferer() string
- func (r *Request) GetRequest(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetRequestArray(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetRequestBool(key string, def ...interface{}) bool
- func (r *Request) GetRequestFloat32(key string, def ...interface{}) float32
- func (r *Request) GetRequestFloat64(key string, def ...interface{}) float64
- func (r *Request) GetRequestFloats(key string, def ...interface{}) []float64
- func (r *Request) GetRequestInt(key string, def ...interface{}) int
- func (r *Request) GetRequestInt32(key string, def ...interface{}) int32
- func (r *Request) GetRequestInt64(key string, def ...interface{}) int64
- func (r *Request) GetRequestInterfaces(key string, def ...interface{}) []interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetRequestInts(key string, def ...interface{}) []int
- func (r *Request) GetRequestMap(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetRequestMapStrStr(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]string
- func (r *Request) GetRequestMapStrVar(kvMap[string]interface{}) map[string]*gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetRequestString(key string, def ...interface{}) string
- func (r *Request) GetRequestStrings(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetRequestStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetRequestToStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetRequestUint(key string, def ...interface{}) uint
- func (r *Request) GetRequestUint32(key string, def ...interface{}) uint32
- func (r *Request) GetRequestUint64(key string, def ...interface{}) uint64
- func (r *Request) GetRequestVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetRouterString(key string, def ...interface{}) string
- func (r *Request) GetRouterValue(key string, def ...interface{}) interface{}
- func (r *Request) GetRouterVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetSessionId() string
- func (r *Request) GetString(key string, def ...interface{}) string
- func (r *Request) GetStrings(key string, def ...interface{}) []string
- func (r *Request) GetStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetToStruct(pointer interface{}, mapping[string]string) error
- func (r *Request) GetUint(key string, def ...interface{}) uint
- func (r *Request) GetUint32(key string, def ...interface{}) uint32
- func (r *Request) GetUint64(key string, def ...interface{}) uint64
- func (r *Request) GetUrl() string
- func (r *Request) GetVar(key string, def ...interface{}) *gvar.Var
- func (r *Request) GetView() *gview.View
- func (r *Request) IsAjaxRequest() bool
- func (r *Request) IsExited() bool
- func (r *Request) IsFileRequest() bool
- func (r *Request) Parse(pointer interface{}) error
- func (r *Request) SetForm(key string, value interface{})
- func (r *Request) SetParam(key string, value interface{})
- func (r *Request) SetQuery(key string, value interface{})
- func (r *Request) SetView(view *gview.View)
- func (r *Request) WebSocket() (*WebSocket, error)
- type Response
- func (r *Response) Buffer() []byte
- func (r *Response) BufferLength() int
- func (r *Response) BufferString() string
- func (r *Response) CORS(options CORSOptions)
- func (r *Response) CORSAllowedOrigin(options CORSOptions) bool
- func (r *Response) CORSDefault()
- func (r *Response) ClearBuffer()
- func (r *Response) DefaultCORSOptions() CORSOptions
- func (r *Response) Output()
- func (r *Response) ParseTpl(tpl string, params ...gview.Params) (string, error)
- func (r *Response) ParseTplContent(content string, params ...gview.Params) (string, error)
- func (r *Response) ParseTplDefault(params ...gview.Params) (string, error)
- func (r *Response) RedirectBack(code
- func (r *Response) RedirectTo(location string, code
- func (r *Response) ServeFile(path string, allowIndex ...bool)
- func (r *Response) ServeFileDownload(path string, name ...string)
- func (r *Response) SetBuffer(data []byte)
- func (r *Response) Write(content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteExit(content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteJson(content interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) WriteJsonExit(content interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) WriteJsonP(content interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) WriteJsonPExit(content interface{}) error
- func (r *Response) WriteOver(content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteOverExit(content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteStatus(status int, content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteStatusExit(status int, content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteTpl(tpl string, params ...gview.Params) error
- func (r *Response) WriteTplContent(content string, params ...gview.Params) error
- func (r *Response) WriteTplDefault(params ...gview.Params) error
- func (r *Response) WriteXml(content interface{}, rootTag ...string) error
- func (r *Response) WriteXmlExit(content interface{}, rootTag ...string) error
- func (r *Response) Writef(format string, params ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WritefExit(format string, params ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) Writefln(format string, params ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WriteflnExit(format string, params ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) Writeln(content ...interface{})
- func (r *Response) WritelnExit(content ...interface{})
- type ResponseWriter
- func (w *ResponseWriter) Header() http.Header
- func (w *ResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
- func (w *ResponseWriter) OutputBuffer()
- func (w *ResponseWriter) RawWriter() http.ResponseWriter
- func (w *ResponseWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error)
- func (w *ResponseWriter) WriteHeader(status int)
- type Router
- type RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) ALL(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) Bind(items []GroupItem) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) CONNECT(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) Clone() *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) DELETE(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) GET(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) Group(prefix string, groups ...func(group *RouterGroup)) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) HEAD(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) Hook(pattern string, hook string, handler HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) Middleware(handlers ...HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) OPTIONS(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) PATCH(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) POST(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) PUT(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) REST(pattern string, object interface{}) *RouterGroup
- func (g *RouterGroup) TRACE(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
- type RouterItem
- type Server
- func (s *Server) AddSearchPath(path string)
- func (s *Server) AddStaticPath(prefix string, path string)
- func (s *Server) BindController(pattern string, controller Controller, method ...string)
- func (s *Server) BindControllerMethod(pattern string, controller Controller, method string)
- func (s *Server) BindControllerRest(pattern string, controller Controller)
- func (s *Server) BindHandler(pattern string, handler HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) BindHookHandler(pattern string, hook string, handler HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) BindHookHandlerByMap(pattern string, hookMap map[string]HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) BindMiddleware(pattern string, handlers ...HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) BindMiddlewareDefault(handlers ...HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) BindObject(pattern string, object interface{}, method ...string)
- func (s *Server) BindObjectMethod(pattern string, object interface{}, method string)
- func (s *Server) BindObjectRest(pattern string, object interface{})
- func (s *Server) BindStatusHandler(status int, handler HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) BindStatusHandlerByMap(handlerMap map[int]HandlerFunc)
- func (s *Server) Domain(domains string) *Domain
- func (s *Server) EnableAdmin(pattern ...string)
- func (s *Server) EnableHTTPS(certFile, keyFile string, tlsConfig ...*tls.Config)
- func (s *Server) EnablePProf(pattern ...string)
- func (s *Server) GetCookieDomain() string
- func (s *Server) GetCookieMaxAge() time.Duration
- func (s *Server) GetCookiePath() string
- func (s *Server) GetIndexFiles() []string
- func (s *Server) GetLogPath() string
- func (s *Server) GetName() string
- func (s *Server) GetRouterArray() []RouterItem
- func (s *Server) GetSessionIdName() string
- func (s *Server) GetSessionMaxAge() time.Duration
- func (s *Server) Group(prefix string, groups ...func(group *RouterGroup)) *RouterGroup
- func (s *Server) Handler() http.Handler
- func (s *Server) IsAccessLogEnabled() bool
- func (s *Server) IsErrorLogEnabled() bool
- func (s *Server) Run()
- func (s *Server) SetAccessLogEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetAddr(address string)
- func (s *Server) SetConfig(c ServerConfig) error
- func (s *Server) SetConfigWithMap(m map[string]interface{}) error
- func (s *Server) SetCookieDomain(domain string)
- func (s *Server) SetCookieMaxAge(ttl time.Duration)
- func (s *Server) SetCookiePath(path string)
- func (s *Server) SetDumpRouterMap(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetErrorLogEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetErrorStack(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetFileServerEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetFormParsingMemory(maxMemory int64)
- func (s *Server) SetHTTPSAddr(address string)
- func (s *Server) SetHTTPSPort(port
- func (s *Server) SetIdleTimeout(t time.Duration)
- func (s *Server) SetIndexFiles(indexFiles []string)
- func (s *Server) SetIndexFolder(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetKeepAlive(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetLogPath(path string)
- func (s *Server) SetLogStdout(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetMaxHeaderBytes(b int)
- func (s *Server) SetNameToUriType(t int)
- func (s *Server) SetPort(port
- func (s *Server) SetReadTimeout(t time.Duration)
- func (s *Server) SetRewrite(uri string, rewrite string)
- func (s *Server) SetRewriteMap(rewrites map[string]string)
- func (s *Server) SetRouteOverWrite(enabled bool)
- func (s *Server) SetServerAgent(agent string)
- func (s *Server) SetServerRoot(root string)
- func (s *Server) SetSessionIdName(name string)
- func (s *Server) SetSessionMaxAge(ttl time.Duration)
- func (s *Server) SetSessionStorage(storage gsession.Storage)
- func (s *Server) SetTLSConfig(tlsConfig *tls.Config)
- func (s *Server) SetView(view *gview.View)
- func (s *Server) SetWriteTimeout(t time.Duration)
- func (s *Server) Shutdown() error
- func (s *Server) Start() error
- func (s *Server) Status() int
- func (s *Server) Use(handlers ...HandlerFunc)
- type ServerConfig
- type Session
- type WebSocket
Constants ¶
const ( URI_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0 // Method name to URI converting type, which converts name to its lower case and joins the words using char '-'. URI_TYPE_FULLNAME = 1 // Method name to URI converting type, which does no converting to the method name. URI_TYPE_ALLLOWER = 2 // Method name to URI converting type, which converts name to its lower case. URI_TYPE_CAMEL = 3 // Method name to URI converting type, which converts name to its camel case. )
const ( // TextMessage denotes a text data message. The text message payload is // interpreted as UTF-8 encoded text data. WS_MSG_TEXT = websocket.TextMessage // BinaryMessage denotes a binary data message. WS_MSG_BINARY = websocket.BinaryMessage // CloseMessage denotes a close control message. The optional message // payload contains a numeric code and text. Use the FormatCloseMessage // function to format a close message payload. WS_MSG_CLOSE = websocket.CloseMessage // PingMessage denotes a ping control message. The optional message payload // is UTF-8 encoded text. WS_MSG_PING = websocket.PingMessage // PongMessage denotes a pong control message. The optional message payload // is UTF-8 encoded text. WS_MSG_PONG = websocket.PongMessage )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func BuildParams ¶
构建请求参数,参数支持任意数据类型,常见参数类型为string/map。 如果参数为map类型,参数值将会进行urlencode编码;可以通过 noUrlEncode:true 参数取消编码。
func ConnectBytes ¶
ConnectBytes is a convenience method for sending CONNECT request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func ConnectContent ¶
ConnectContent is a convenience method for sending CONNECT request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func DeleteBytes ¶
DeleteBytes is a convenience method for sending DELETE request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func DeleteContent ¶
DeleteContent is a convenience method for sending DELETE request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func GetBytes ¶
GetBytes is a convenience method for sending GET request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func GetContent ¶
GetContent is a convenience method for sending GET request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func HeadBytes ¶
HeadBytes is a convenience method for sending HEAD request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func HeadContent ¶
HeadContent is a convenience method for sending HEAD request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func IsExitError ¶
func IsExitError(err interface{}) bool
func OptionsBytes ¶
OptionsBytes is a convenience method for sending OPTIONS request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func OptionsContent ¶
OptionsContent is a convenience method for sending OPTIONS request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func PatchBytes ¶
PatchBytes is a convenience method for sending PATCH request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func PatchContent ¶
PatchContent is a convenience method for sending PATCH request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func PostBytes ¶
PostBytes is a convenience method for sending POST request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func PostContent ¶
PostContent is a convenience method for sending POST request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func PutBytes ¶
PutBytes is a convenience method for sending PUT request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func PutContent ¶
PutContent is a convenience method for sending PUT request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func RequestBytes ¶
RequestBytes is a convenience method for sending custom http method request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func RequestContent ¶
RequestContent is a convenience method for sending custom http method request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
func RestartAllServer ¶
重启Web Server,参数支持自定义重启的可执行文件路径,不传递时默认和原有可执行文件路径一致。 针对*niux系统: 平滑重启 针对windows : 完整重启
func TraceBytes ¶
TraceBytes is a convenience method for sending TRACE request, which retrieves and returns the result content as bytes and automatically closes response object.
func TraceContent ¶
TraceContent is a convenience method for sending TRACE request, which retrieves and returns the result content and automatically closes response object.
Types ¶
type CORSOptions ¶
type CORSOptions struct { AllowDomain []string // Used for allowing requests from custom domains AllowOrigin string // Access-Control-Allow-Origin AllowCredentials string // Access-Control-Allow-Credentials ExposeHeaders string // Access-Control-Expose-Headers MaxAge int // Access-Control-Max-Age AllowMethods string // Access-Control-Allow-Methods AllowHeaders string // Access-Control-Allow-Headers }
CORSOptions is the options for CORS feature. See .
type Client ¶
type Client struct { http.Client // Underlying HTTP Client. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client is the HTTP client for HTTP request management.
func (*Client) Connect ¶
func (c *Client) Connect(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Connect send CONNECT request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) ConnectBytes ¶
ConnectBytes sends a CONNECT request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) ConnectContent ¶
func (*Client) Delete ¶
func (c *Client) Delete(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Delete send DELETE request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) DeleteBytes ¶
DeleteBytes sends a DELETE request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) DeleteContent ¶
func (*Client) DoRequest ¶
func (c *Client) DoRequest(method, url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
DoRequest sends request with given HTTP method and data and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) Get ¶
func (c *Client) Get(url string) (*ClientResponse, error)
Get send GET request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) GetBytes ¶
GetBytes sends a GET request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) GetContent ¶
func (*Client) Head ¶
func (c *Client) Head(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Head send HEAD request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) HeadBytes ¶
HeadBytes sends a HEAD request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) HeadContent ¶
func (*Client) Options ¶
func (c *Client) Options(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Options send OPTIONS request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) OptionsBytes ¶
OptionsBytes sends a OPTIONS request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) OptionsContent ¶
func (*Client) Patch ¶
func (c *Client) Patch(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Patch send PATCH request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) PatchBytes ¶
PatchBytes sends a PATCH request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) PatchContent ¶
func (*Client) Post ¶
func (c *Client) Post(url string, data ...interface{}) (resp *ClientResponse, err error)
Post sends request using HTTP method POST and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
Note that it uses "multipart/form-data" as its Content-Type if it contains file uploading, else it uses "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". It also automatically detects the post content for JSON format, and for that it automatically sets the Content-Type as "application/json".
func (*Client) PostBytes ¶
PostBytes sends a POST request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) PostContent ¶
func (*Client) Put ¶
func (c *Client) Put(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Put send PUT request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) PutBytes ¶
PutBytes sends a PUT request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) PutContent ¶
func (*Client) RequestBytes ¶
RequestBytes sends request using given HTTP method and data, retrieves returns the result as bytes. It reads and closes the response object internally automatically.
func (*Client) RequestContent ¶
func (*Client) SetBasicAuth ¶
SetBasicAuth sets HTTP basic authentication information for the client.
func (*Client) SetBrowserMode ¶
SetBrowserMode enables browser mode of the client. When browser mode is enabled, it automatically saves and sends cookie content from and to server.
func (*Client) SetContentType ¶ added in v1.10.0
SetContentType sets HTTP content type for the client.
func (*Client) SetCookieMap ¶
SetCookieMap sets cookie items with map.
func (*Client) SetHeaderMap ¶ added in v1.10.0
SetHeaderMap sets custom HTTP headers with map.
func (*Client) SetHeaderRaw ¶
SetHeaderRaw sets custom HTTP header using raw string.
func (*Client) SetTimeOut ¶
SetTimeOut sets the request timeout for the client.
func (*Client) Trace ¶
func (c *Client) Trace(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Trace send TRACE request and returns the response object. Note that the response object MUST be closed if it'll be never used.
func (*Client) TraceBytes ¶
TraceBytes sends a TRACE request, retrieves and returns the result content as bytes.
func (*Client) TraceContent ¶
type ClientResponse ¶
func Connect ¶
func Connect(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Connect is a convenience method for sending CONNECT request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Delete ¶
func Delete(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Delete is a convenience method for sending DELETE request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func DoRequest ¶
func DoRequest(method, url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
DoRequest is a convenience method for sending custom http method request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Get ¶
func Get(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Get is a convenience method for sending GET request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Head ¶
func Head(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Head is a convenience method for sending HEAD request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Options ¶
func Options(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Options is a convenience method for sending OPTIONS request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Patch ¶
func Patch(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Patch is a convenience method for sending PATCH request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Post ¶
func Post(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Post is a convenience method for sending POST request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Put ¶
func Put(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Put is a convenience method for sending PUT request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func Trace ¶
func Trace(url string, data ...interface{}) (*ClientResponse, error)
Trace is a convenience method for sending TRACE request. NOTE that remembers CLOSING the response object when it'll never be used.
func (*ClientResponse) GetCookie ¶
func (r *ClientResponse) GetCookie(key string) string
func (*ClientResponse) ReadAllString ¶
func (r *ClientResponse) ReadAllString() string
type Cookie ¶
type Cookie struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Cookie) RemoveCookie ¶
标记该cookie在对应的域名和路径失效 删除cookie的重点是需要通知浏览器客户端cookie已过期
type Domain ¶
type Domain struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Domain) BindController ¶
func (d *Domain) BindController(pattern string, c Controller, methods ...string)
func (*Domain) BindControllerMethod ¶
func (d *Domain) BindControllerMethod(pattern string, c Controller, method string)
func (*Domain) BindControllerRest ¶
func (d *Domain) BindControllerRest(pattern string, c Controller)
func (*Domain) BindHandler ¶
func (d *Domain) BindHandler(pattern string, handler HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) BindHookHandler ¶
func (d *Domain) BindHookHandler(pattern string, hook string, handler HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) BindHookHandlerByMap ¶
func (d *Domain) BindHookHandlerByMap(pattern string, hookmap map[string]HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) BindMiddleware ¶
func (d *Domain) BindMiddleware(pattern string, handlers ...HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) BindMiddlewareDefault ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (d *Domain) BindMiddlewareDefault(handlers ...HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) BindObject ¶
func (*Domain) BindObjectMethod ¶
func (*Domain) BindObjectRest ¶
func (*Domain) BindStatusHandler ¶
func (d *Domain) BindStatusHandler(status int, handler HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) BindStatusHandlerByMap ¶
func (d *Domain) BindStatusHandlerByMap(handlerMap map[int]HandlerFunc)
func (*Domain) Group ¶
func (d *Domain) Group(prefix string, groups ...func(group *RouterGroup)) *RouterGroup
Group creates and returns a RouterGroup object, which is bound to a specified domain.
type Middleware ¶
type Middleware struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Middleware is the plugin for request workflow management.
type Request ¶
type Request struct { *http.Request Server *Server // Parent server. Cookie *Cookie // Cookie. Session *gsession.Session // Session. Response *Response // Corresponding Response of this request. Router *Router // Matched Router for this request. Note that it's only available in HTTP handler, not in HOOK or MiddleWare. EnterTime int64 // Request starting time in microseconds. LeaveTime int64 // Request ending time in microseconds. Middleware *Middleware // The middleware manager. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Request is the context object for a request.
func (*Request) Assigns ¶ added in v1.10.0
Assigns binds multiple template variables to current request.
func (*Request) ExitAll ¶
func (r *Request) ExitAll()
ExitAll exits executing of current and following HTTP handlers.
func (*Request) ExitHook ¶
func (r *Request) ExitHook()
ExitHook exits executing of current and following HTTP HOOK handlers.
func (*Request) Get ¶
Get is alias of GetRequest, which is one of the most commonly used functions for retrieving parameter. See GetRequest.
func (*Request) GetBody ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetRaw retrieves and returns request body content as bytes.
func (*Request) GetBodyString ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetRawString retrieves and returns request body content as string.
func (*Request) GetClientIp ¶
GetClientIp returns the client ip of this request without port.
func (*Request) GetError ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetError returns the error occurs in the procedure of the request. It returns nil if there's no error.
func (*Request) GetFloat32 ¶
func (*Request) GetFloat64 ¶
func (*Request) GetForm ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetForm retrieves and returns parameter <key> from form. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist in the form. It returns nil if <def> is not passed.
func (*Request) GetFormArray ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormBool ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormFloat32 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormFloat64 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormFloats ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormInt ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormInt32 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormInt64 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormInterfaces ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormInts ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormMap ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetFormMap retrieves and returns all form parameters passed from client as map. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetFormMapStrStr ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetFormMapStrStr retrieves and returns all form parameters passed from client as map[string]string. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetFormMapStrVar ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetFormMapStrVar retrieves and returns all form parameters passed from client as map[string]*gvar.Var. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetFormString ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormStrings ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormStruct ¶ added in v1.10.1
GetFormStruct retrieves all form parameters passed from client and converts them to given struct object. Note that the parameter <pointer> is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter <mapping> is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
func (*Request) GetFormToStruct ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetFormToStruct is alias of GetFormStruct. See GetFormStruct. Deprecated.
func (*Request) GetFormUint ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormUint32 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormUint64 ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetFormVar ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Request) GetHost ¶
GetHost returns current request host name, which might be a domain or an IP without port.
func (*Request) GetInterfaces ¶
func (*Request) GetJson ¶
GetJson parses current request content as JSON format, and returns the JSON object. Note that the request content is read from request BODY, not from any field of FORM.
func (*Request) GetMapStrStr ¶ added in v1.9.3
func (*Request) GetMultipartFiles ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (r *Request) GetMultipartFiles(name string) []*multipart.FileHeader
GetMultipartFiles returns the post files array. Note that the request form should be type of multipart.
func (*Request) GetMultipartForm ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetMultipartForm parses and returns the form as multipart form.
func (*Request) GetParam ¶
GetParam returns custom parameter with given name <key>. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist. It returns nil if <def> is not passed.
func (*Request) GetParamVar ¶ added in v1.9.2
GetParamVar returns custom parameter with given name <key> as *gvar.Var. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist. It returns nil if <def> is not passed.
func (*Request) GetPost ¶
GetPost retrieves and returns parameter <key> from form and body. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist in neither form nor body. It returns nil if <def> is not passed.
Note that if there're multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: form > body.
func (*Request) GetPostArray ¶
func (*Request) GetPostBool ¶
func (*Request) GetPostFloat32 ¶
func (*Request) GetPostFloat64 ¶
func (*Request) GetPostFloats ¶
func (*Request) GetPostInt ¶
func (*Request) GetPostInt32 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetPostInt64 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetPostInterfaces ¶
func (*Request) GetPostInts ¶
func (*Request) GetPostMap ¶
GetPostMap retrieves and returns all parameters in the form and body passed from client as map. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
Note that if there're multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: form > body.
func (*Request) GetPostMapStrStr ¶ added in v1.9.3
GetPostMapStrStr retrieves and returns all parameters in the form and body passed from client as map[string]string. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetPostMapStrVar ¶ added in v1.9.3
GetPostMapStrVar retrieves and returns all parameters in the form and body passed from client as map[string]*gvar.Var. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetPostString ¶
func (*Request) GetPostStrings ¶
func (*Request) GetPostStruct ¶ added in v1.10.1
GetPostStruct retrieves all parameters in the form and body passed from client and converts them to given struct object. Note that the parameter <pointer> is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter <mapping> is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
func (*Request) GetPostToStruct ¶
GetPostToStruct is alias of GetQueryStruct. See GetPostStruct.
func (*Request) GetPostUint ¶
func (*Request) GetPostUint32 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetPostUint64 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetPostVar ¶
func (*Request) GetQuery ¶
GetQuery retrieves and returns parameter with given name <key> from query string and request body. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist in the query. It returns nil if <def> is not passed.
Note that if there're multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: query > body.
func (*Request) GetQueryArray ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryBool ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryFloat32 ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryFloat64 ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryFloats ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryInt ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryInt32 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetQueryInt64 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetQueryInterfaces ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryInts ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryMap ¶
GetQueryMap retrieves and returns all parameters passed from client using HTTP GET method as map. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
Note that if there're multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: query > body.
func (*Request) GetQueryMapStrStr ¶ added in v1.9.3
GetQueryMapStrStr retrieves and returns all parameters passed from client using HTTP GET method as map[string]string. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetQueryMapStrVar ¶ added in v1.9.3
GetQueryMapStrVar retrieves and returns all parameters passed from client using HTTP GET method as map[string]*gvar.Var. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetQueryString ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryStrings ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryStruct ¶ added in v1.10.1
GetQueryStruct retrieves all parameters passed from client using HTTP GET method and converts them to given struct object. Note that the parameter <pointer> is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter <mapping> is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
func (*Request) GetQueryToStruct ¶
GetQueryToStruct is alias of GetQueryStruct. See GetQueryStruct. Deprecated.
func (*Request) GetQueryUint ¶
func (*Request) GetQueryUint32 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetQueryUint64 ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (*Request) GetQueryVar ¶
func (*Request) GetRawString ¶
GetRawString is alias of GetBodyString. See GetBodyString.
func (*Request) GetReferer ¶
GetReferer returns referer of this request.
func (*Request) GetRequest ¶
GetRequest retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as interface{}, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
GetRequest is one of the most commonly used functions for retrieving parameters.
Note that if there're multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: router < query < body < form < custom.
func (*Request) GetRequestArray ¶
GetRequestArray retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as []string, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestBool ¶
GetRequestBool retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as bool, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestFloat32 ¶
GetRequestFloat32 retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as float32, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestFloat64 ¶
GetRequestFloat64 retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as float64, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestFloats ¶
GetRequestFloats retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as []float64, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestInt ¶
GetRequestInt retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as int, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestInt32 ¶ added in v1.9.8
GetRequestInt32 retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as int32, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestInt64 ¶ added in v1.9.8
GetRequestInt64 retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as int64, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestInterfaces ¶
GetRequestInterfaces retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as []interface{}, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestInts ¶
GetRequestInts retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as []int, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestMap ¶
GetRequestMap retrieves and returns all parameters passed from client as map, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass the according keys.
GetRequestMap is one of the most commonly used functions for retrieving parameters.
Note that if there're multiple parameters with the same name, the parameters are retrieved and overwrote in order of priority: router < query < body < form < custom.
func (*Request) GetRequestMapStrStr ¶ added in v1.9.3
GetRequestMapStrStr retrieves and returns all parameters passed from client as map[string]string, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetRequestMapStrVar ¶ added in v1.9.3
GetRequestMapStrVar retrieves and returns all parameters passed from client as map[string]*gvar.Var, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <kvMap> specifies the keys retrieving from client parameters, the associated values are the default values if the client does not pass.
func (*Request) GetRequestString ¶
GetRequestString retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as string, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestStrings ¶
GetRequestStrings retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as []string, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestStruct ¶ added in v1.10.1
GetRequestStruct retrieves all parameters passed from client no matter what HTTP method the client is using, and converts them to given struct object. Note that the parameter <pointer> is a pointer to the struct object. The optional parameter <mapping> is used to specify the key to attribute mapping.
func (*Request) GetRequestToStruct ¶
GetRequestToStruct is alias of GetRequestStruct. See GetRequestStruct. Deprecated.
func (*Request) GetRequestUint ¶
GetRequestUint retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as uint, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestUint32 ¶ added in v1.9.8
GetRequestUint32 retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as uint32, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestUint64 ¶ added in v1.9.8
GetRequestUint64 retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as uint64, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRequestVar ¶
GetRequestVar retrieves and returns the parameter named <key> passed from client as *gvar.Var, no matter what HTTP method the client is using. The parameter <def> specifies the default value if the <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRouterString ¶
GetRouterString retrieves and returns the router value as string with given key name <key>. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRouterValue ¶ added in v1.9.2
GetRouterValue retrieves and returns the router value with given key name <key>. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetRouterVar ¶ added in v1.9.2
GetRouterVar retrieves and returns the router value as *gvar.var with given key name <key>. It returns <def> if <key> does not exist.
func (*Request) GetSessionId ¶
GetSessionId retrieves and returns session id from cookie or header.
func (*Request) GetStrings ¶
func (*Request) GetStruct ¶ added in v1.10.1
GetStruct is alias of GetRequestToStruct. See GetRequestToStruct.
func (*Request) GetToStruct ¶
GetToStruct is alias of GetRequestToStruct. See GetRequestToStruct. Deprecated.
func (*Request) GetView ¶ added in v1.10.0
GetView returns the template view engine object for this request.
func (*Request) IsAjaxRequest ¶
IsAjaxRequest checks and returns whether current request is an AJAX request.
func (*Request) IsFileRequest ¶
IsFileRequest checks and returns whether current request is serving file.
func (*Request) Parse ¶ added in v1.11.0
Parse calls r.GetStruct to convert the parameters, which are sent from client, to given struct, and then calls gvalid.CheckStruct validating the struct according to the validation tag of the struct.
See GetStruct, gvalid.CheckStruct.
type Response ¶
type Response struct { *ResponseWriter // Underlying ResponseWriter. Server *Server // Parent server. Writer *ResponseWriter // Alias of ResponseWriter. Request *Request // According request. }
Response is the http response manager. Note that it implements the http.ResponseWriter interface with buffering feature.
func (*Response) BufferLength ¶
BufferLength returns the length of the buffered content.
func (*Response) BufferString ¶ added in v1.9.3
BufferString returns the buffered content as string.
func (*Response) CORS ¶
func (r *Response) CORS(options CORSOptions)
CORS sets custom CORS options. See .
func (*Response) CORSAllowedOrigin ¶ added in v1.9.3
func (r *Response) CORSAllowedOrigin(options CORSOptions) bool
CORSAllowed checks whether the current request origin is allowed cross-domain.
func (*Response) CORSDefault ¶
func (r *Response) CORSDefault()
CORSDefault sets CORS with default CORS options, which allows any cross-domain request.
func (*Response) ClearBuffer ¶
func (r *Response) ClearBuffer()
ClearBuffer clears the response buffer.
func (*Response) DefaultCORSOptions ¶
func (r *Response) DefaultCORSOptions() CORSOptions
DefaultCORSOptions returns the default CORS options, which allows any cross-domain request.
func (*Response) Output ¶
func (r *Response) Output()
Output outputs the buffer content to the client and clears the buffer.
func (*Response) ParseTpl ¶
ParseTpl parses given template file <tpl> with given template variables <params> and returns the parsed template content.
func (*Response) ParseTplContent ¶
ParseTplContent parses given template file <file> with given template parameters <params> and returns the parsed template content.
func (*Response) ParseTplDefault ¶ added in v1.10.0
ParseDefault parses the default template file with params.
func (*Response) RedirectBack ¶
RedirectBack redirects client back to referer. The optional parameter <code> specifies the http status code for redirecting, which commonly can be 301 or 302. It's 302 in default.
func (*Response) RedirectTo ¶
RedirectTo redirects client to another location. The optional parameter <code> specifies the http status code for redirecting, which commonly can be 301 or 302. It's 302 in default.
func (*Response) ServeFileDownload ¶
ServeFileDownload serves file downloading to the response.
func (*Response) Write ¶
func (r *Response) Write(content ...interface{})
Write writes <content> to the response buffer.
func (*Response) WriteExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (r *Response) WriteExit(content ...interface{})
WriteExit writes <content> to the response buffer and exits executing of current handler. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) WriteJsonExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
WriteJsonExit writes <content> to the response with JSON format and exits executing of current handler if success. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) WriteJsonP ¶
WriteJson writes <content> to the response with JSONP format.
Note that there should be a "callback" parameter in the request for JSONP format.
func (*Response) WriteJsonPExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
WriteJsonPExit writes <content> to the response with JSONP format and exits executing of current handler if success. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
Note that there should be a "callback" parameter in the request for JSONP format.
func (*Response) WriteOver ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (r *Response) WriteOver(content ...interface{})
WriteOver overwrites the response buffer with <content>.
func (*Response) WriteOverExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (r *Response) WriteOverExit(content ...interface{})
WriteOverExit overwrites the response buffer with <content> and exits executing of current handler. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) WriteStatus ¶
WriteStatus writes HTTP <status> and <content> to the response.
func (*Response) WriteStatusExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
WriteStatusExit writes HTTP <status> and <content> to the response and exits executing of current handler if success. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) WriteTpl ¶
WriteTpl parses and responses given template file. The parameter <params> specifies the template variables for parsing.
func (*Response) WriteTplContent ¶
WriteTplContent parses and responses the template content. The parameter <params> specifies the template variables for parsing.
func (*Response) WriteTplDefault ¶ added in v1.10.0
WriteTplDefault parses and responses the default template file. The parameter <params> specifies the template variables for parsing.
func (*Response) WriteXmlExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
WriteXmlExit writes <content> to the response with XML format and exits executing of current handler if success. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) WritefExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
WritefExit writes the response with fmt.Sprintf and exits executing of current handler. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) WriteflnExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
WriteflnExit writes the response with fmt.Sprintf and new line and exits executing of current handler. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
func (*Response) Writeln ¶
func (r *Response) Writeln(content ...interface{})
Writef writes the response with <content> and new line.
func (*Response) WritelnExit ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (r *Response) WritelnExit(content ...interface{})
WritelnExit writes the response with <content> and new line and exits executing of current handler. The "Exit" feature is commonly used to replace usage of return statement in the handler, for convenience.
type ResponseWriter ¶
type ResponseWriter struct { Status int // HTTP status. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ResponseWriter is the custom writer for http response.
func (*ResponseWriter) Header ¶ added in v1.9.4
func (w *ResponseWriter) Header() http.Header
Header implements the interface function of http.ResponseWriter.Header.
func (*ResponseWriter) Hijack ¶ added in v1.9.4
func (w *ResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
Hijack implements the interface function of http.Hijacker.Hijack.
func (*ResponseWriter) OutputBuffer ¶
func (w *ResponseWriter) OutputBuffer()
OutputBuffer outputs the buffer to client and clears the buffer.
func (*ResponseWriter) RawWriter ¶ added in v1.9.8
func (w *ResponseWriter) RawWriter() http.ResponseWriter
RawWriter returns the underlying ResponseWriter.
func (*ResponseWriter) Write ¶
func (w *ResponseWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error)
Write implements the interface function of http.ResponseWriter.Write.
func (*ResponseWriter) WriteHeader ¶
func (w *ResponseWriter) WriteHeader(status int)
WriteHeader implements the interface of http.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader.
type Router ¶
type Router struct { Uri string // 注册时的pattern - uri Method string // 注册时的pattern - method Domain string // 注册时的pattern - domain RegRule string // 路由规则解析后对应的正则表达式 RegNames []string // 路由规则解析后对应的变量名称数组 Priority int // 优先级,用于链表排序,值越大优先级越高 }
type RouterGroup ¶
type RouterGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RouterGroup is a group wrapping multiple routes and middleware.
func (*RouterGroup) ALL ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) ALL(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
ALL registers a http handler to given route pattern and all http methods.
func (*RouterGroup) Bind ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) Bind(items []GroupItem) *RouterGroup
Bind does batch route registering feature for router group.
func (*RouterGroup) CONNECT ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) CONNECT(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
CONNECT registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: CONNECT.
func (*RouterGroup) Clone ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) Clone() *RouterGroup
Clone returns a new router group which is a clone of current group.
func (*RouterGroup) DELETE ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) DELETE(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
DELETE registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: DELETE.
func (*RouterGroup) GET ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) GET(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
GET registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: GET.
func (*RouterGroup) Group ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) Group(prefix string, groups ...func(group *RouterGroup)) *RouterGroup
Group creates and returns a sub-group of current router group.
func (*RouterGroup) HEAD ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) HEAD(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
HEAD registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: HEAD.
func (*RouterGroup) Hook ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) Hook(pattern string, hook string, handler HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup
Hook registers a hook to given route pattern.
func (*RouterGroup) Middleware ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) Middleware(handlers ...HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup
Middleware binds one or more middleware to the router group.
func (*RouterGroup) OPTIONS ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) OPTIONS(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
OPTIONS registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: OPTIONS.
func (*RouterGroup) PATCH ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) PATCH(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
PATCH registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: PATCH.
func (*RouterGroup) POST ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) POST(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
POST registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: POST.
func (*RouterGroup) PUT ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) PUT(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
PUT registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: PUT.
func (*RouterGroup) REST ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) REST(pattern string, object interface{}) *RouterGroup
REST registers a http handler to given route pattern according to REST rule.
func (*RouterGroup) TRACE ¶
func (g *RouterGroup) TRACE(pattern string, object interface{}, params ...interface{}) *RouterGroup
TRACE registers a http handler to given route pattern and http method: TRACE.
type RouterItem ¶ added in v1.10.0
type RouterItem struct { Server string Address string Domain string Type int Middleware string Method string Route string Priority int IsServiceHandler bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Router item just for dumping.
type Server ¶
type Server struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetServer ¶
func GetServer(name ...interface{}) *Server
获取/创建一个默认配置的HTTP Server(默认监听端口是80) 单例模式,请保证name的唯一性
func (*Server) AddSearchPath ¶
AddSearchPath add searching directory path for static file service.
func (*Server) AddStaticPath ¶
AddStaticPath sets the uri to static directory path mapping for static file service.
func (*Server) BindController ¶
func (s *Server) BindController(pattern string, controller Controller, method ...string)
绑定控制器,控制器需要实现 gmvc.Controller 接口, 这种方式绑定的控制器每一次请求都会初始化一个新的控制器对象进行处理,对应不同的请求会话, 第三个参数methods用以指定需要注册的方法,支持多个方法名称,多个方法以英文“,”号分隔,区分大小写.
func (*Server) BindControllerMethod ¶
func (s *Server) BindControllerMethod(pattern string, controller Controller, method string)
绑定路由到指定的方法执行, 第三个参数method仅支持一个方法注册,不支持多个,并且区分大小写。
func (*Server) BindControllerRest ¶
func (s *Server) BindControllerRest(pattern string, controller Controller)
绑定控制器(RESTFul),控制器需要实现gmvc.Controller接口 方法会识别HTTP方法,并做REST绑定处理,例如:Post方法会绑定到HTTP POST的方法请求处理,Delete方法会绑定到HTTP DELETE的方法请求处理 因此只会绑定HTTP Method对应的方法,其他方法不会自动注册绑定 这种方式绑定的控制器每一次请求都会初始化一个新的控制器对象进行处理,对应不同的请求会话
func (*Server) BindHandler ¶
func (s *Server) BindHandler(pattern string, handler HandlerFunc)
func (*Server) BindHookHandler ¶
func (s *Server) BindHookHandler(pattern string, hook string, handler HandlerFunc)
绑定指定的hook回调函数, pattern参数同BindHandler,支持命名路由;hook参数的值由ghttp server设定,参数不区分大小写
func (*Server) BindHookHandlerByMap ¶
func (s *Server) BindHookHandlerByMap(pattern string, hookMap map[string]HandlerFunc)
func (*Server) BindMiddleware ¶
func (s *Server) BindMiddleware(pattern string, handlers ...HandlerFunc)
BindMiddleware registers one or more global middleware to the server. Global middleware can be used standalone without service handler, which intercepts all dynamic requests before or after service handler. The parameter <pattern> specifies what route pattern the middleware intercepts, which is usually a "fuzzy" pattern like "/:name", "/*any" or "/{field}".
func (*Server) BindMiddlewareDefault ¶ added in v1.9.2
func (s *Server) BindMiddlewareDefault(handlers ...HandlerFunc)
BindMiddlewareDefault registers one or more global middleware to the server using default pattern "/*". Global middleware can be used standalone without service handler, which intercepts all dynamic requests before or after service handler.
func (*Server) BindObject ¶
绑定对象到URI请求处理中,会自动识别方法名称,并附加到对应的URI地址后面 第三个参数methods用以指定需要注册的方法,支持多个方法名称,多个方法以英文“,”号分隔,区分大小写
func (*Server) BindObjectMethod ¶
绑定对象到URI请求处理中,会自动识别方法名称,并附加到对应的URI地址后面, 第三个参数method仅支持一个方法注册,不支持多个,并且区分大小写。
func (*Server) BindObjectRest ¶
绑定对象到URI请求处理中,会自动识别方法名称,并附加到对应的URI地址后面, 需要注意对象方法的定义必须按照 ghttp.HandlerFunc 来定义
func (*Server) BindStatusHandler ¶
func (s *Server) BindStatusHandler(status int, handler HandlerFunc)
func (*Server) BindStatusHandlerByMap ¶
func (s *Server) BindStatusHandlerByMap(handlerMap map[int]HandlerFunc)
func (*Server) EnableHTTPS ¶
EnableHTTPS enables HTTPS with given certification and key files for the server. The optional parameter <tlsConfig> specifies custom TLS configuration.
func (*Server) EnablePProf ¶ added in v1.10.0
EnablePProf enables PProf feature for server.
func (*Server) GetCookieDomain ¶
func (*Server) GetCookieMaxAge ¶
func (*Server) GetCookiePath ¶
func (*Server) GetIndexFiles ¶ added in v1.11.3
GetIndexFiles retrieves and returns the index files from server.
func (*Server) GetRouterArray ¶ added in v1.10.1
func (s *Server) GetRouterArray() []RouterItem
GetRouterArray retrieves and returns the router array. The key of the returned map is the domain of the server.
func (*Server) GetSessionIdName ¶
func (*Server) GetSessionMaxAge ¶
func (*Server) Group ¶
func (s *Server) Group(prefix string, groups ...func(group *RouterGroup)) *RouterGroup
Group creates and returns a RouterGroup object.
func (*Server) SetAccessLogEnabled ¶
设置是否开启access log日志功能
func (*Server) SetAddr ¶
SetAddr sets the listening address for the server. The address is like ':80', '', '', '', etc.
func (*Server) SetConfig ¶
func (s *Server) SetConfig(c ServerConfig) error
SetConfig sets the configuration for the server.
func (*Server) SetConfigWithMap ¶
SetConfigWithMap sets the configuration for the server using map.
func (*Server) SetCookieDomain ¶
func (*Server) SetCookieMaxAge ¶
func (*Server) SetCookiePath ¶
func (*Server) SetDumpRouterMap ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (*Server) SetErrorLogEnabled ¶
设置是否开启error log日志功能
func (*Server) SetFileServerEnabled ¶
SetFileServerEnabled enables/disables the static file service. It's the main switch for the static file service. When static file service configuration functions like SetServerRoot, AddSearchPath and AddStaticPath are called, this configuration is automatically enabled.
func (*Server) SetFormParsingMemory ¶ added in v1.9.2
func (*Server) SetHTTPSAddr ¶
SetHTTPSAddr sets the HTTPS listening ports for the server.
func (*Server) SetHTTPSPort ¶
SetHTTPSPort sets the HTTPS listening ports for the server. The listening ports can be multiple.
func (*Server) SetIdleTimeout ¶
SetIdleTimeout sets the IdleTimeout for the server.
func (*Server) SetIndexFiles ¶
SetIndexFiles sets the index files for server.
func (*Server) SetIndexFolder ¶
SetIndexFolder enables/disables listing the sub-files if requesting a directory.
func (*Server) SetKeepAlive ¶
SetKeepAlive sets the KeepAlive for the server.
func (*Server) SetLogPath ¶
func (*Server) SetLogStdout ¶
设置日志内容是否输出到终端,默认情况下只有错误日志才会自动输出到终端。 如果需要输出请求日志到终端,默认情况下使用SetAccessLogEnabled方法开启请求日志特性即可。
func (*Server) SetMaxHeaderBytes ¶
SetMaxHeaderBytes sets the MaxHeaderBytes for the server.
func (*Server) SetNameToUriType ¶
func (*Server) SetPort ¶
SetPort sets the listening ports for the server. The listening ports can be multiple.
func (*Server) SetReadTimeout ¶
SetReadTimeout sets the ReadTimeout for the server.
func (*Server) SetRewrite ¶
func (*Server) SetRewriteMap ¶
func (*Server) SetRouteOverWrite ¶ added in v1.10.1
func (*Server) SetServerAgent ¶
SetServerAgent sets the ServerAgent for the server.
func (*Server) SetServerRoot ¶
SetServerRoot sets the document root for static service.
func (*Server) SetSessionIdName ¶
func (*Server) SetSessionMaxAge ¶
func (*Server) SetSessionStorage ¶
func (*Server) SetTLSConfig ¶
SetTLSConfig sets custom TLS configuration and enables HTTPS feature for the server.
func (*Server) SetWriteTimeout ¶
SetWriteTimeout sets the WriteTimeout for the server.
func (*Server) Use ¶ added in v1.11.0
func (s *Server) Use(handlers ...HandlerFunc)
Use is alias of BindMiddlewareDefault. See BindMiddlewareDefault.
type ServerConfig ¶
type ServerConfig struct { Address string // Basic: Server listening address like ":port", multiple addresses joined using ','. HTTPSAddr string // Basic: HTTPS addresses, multiple addresses joined using char ','. HTTPSCertPath string // Basic: HTTPS certification file path. HTTPSKeyPath string // Basic: HTTPS key file path. TLSConfig *tls.Config // Basic: TLS configuration for use by ServeTLS and ListenAndServeTLS. Handler http.Handler // Basic: Request handler. ReadTimeout time.Duration // Basic: Maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body. WriteTimeout time.Duration // Basic: Maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. IdleTimeout time.Duration // Basic: Maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alive is enabled. MaxHeaderBytes int // Basic: Maximum number of bytes the server will read parsing the request header's keys and values, including the request line. KeepAlive bool // Basic: Enable HTTP keep-alive. ServerAgent string // Basic: Server agent information. View *gview.View // Basic: View object for the server. Rewrites map[string]string // Static: URI rewrite rules map. IndexFiles []string // Static: The index files for static folder. IndexFolder bool // Static: List sub-files when requesting folder; server responses HTTP status code 403 if false. ServerRoot string // Static: The root directory for static service. SearchPaths []string // Static: Additional searching directories for static service. StaticPaths []staticPathItem // Static: URI to directory mapping array. FileServerEnabled bool // Static: Switch for static service. CookieMaxAge time.Duration // Cookie: Max TTL for cookie items. CookiePath string // Cookie: Cookie Path(also affects the default storage for session id). CookieDomain string // Cookie: Cookie Domain(also affects the default storage for session id). SessionMaxAge time.Duration // Session: Max TTL for session items. SessionIdName string // Session: Session id name. SessionPath string // Session: Session Storage directory path for storing session files. SessionStorage gsession.Storage // Session: Session Storage implementer. Logger *glog.Logger // Logging: Logger for server. LogPath string // Logging: Directory for storing logging files. LogStdout bool // Logging: Printing logging content to stdout. ErrorStack bool // Logging: Logging stack information when error. ErrorLogEnabled bool // Logging: Enable error logging files. ErrorLogPattern string // Logging: Error log file pattern like: error-{Ymd}.log AccessLogEnabled bool // Logging: Enable access logging files. AccessLogPattern string // Logging: Error log file pattern like: access-{Ymd}.log PProfEnabled bool // PProf: Enable PProf feature. PProfPattern string // PProf: PProf service pattern for router. FormParsingMemory int64 // Other: Max memory in bytes which can be used for parsing multimedia form. NameToUriType int // Other: Type for converting struct method name to URI when registering routes. RouteOverWrite bool // Other: Allow overwrite the route if duplicated. DumpRouterMap bool // Other: Whether automatically dump router map when server starts. Graceful bool // Other: Enable graceful reload feature for all servers of the process. }
HTTP Server configuration.
func ConfigFromMap ¶
func ConfigFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) (ServerConfig, error)
ConfigFromMap creates and returns a ServerConfig object with given map.
Source Files
- ghttp.go
- ghttp_client_api.go
- ghttp_client_bytes.go
- ghttp_client_config.go
- ghttp_client_content.go
- ghttp_client_request.go
- ghttp_client_response.go
- ghttp_controller.go
- ghttp_func.go
- ghttp_request.go
- ghttp_request_auth.go
- ghttp_request_hook.go
- ghttp_request_middleware.go
- ghttp_request_param.go
- ghttp_request_param_custom.go
- ghttp_request_param_form.go
- ghttp_request_param_post.go
- ghttp_request_param_query.go
- ghttp_request_param_request.go
- ghttp_request_param_router.go
- ghttp_request_view.go
- ghttp_response.go
- ghttp_response_cors.go
- ghttp_response_view.go
- ghttp_response_write.go
- ghttp_response_writer.go
- ghttp_server.go
- ghttp_server_admin.go
- ghttp_server_admin_process.go
- ghttp_server_admin_unix.go
- ghttp_server_config.go
- ghttp_server_config_cookie.go
- ghttp_server_config_logging.go
- ghttp_server_config_mess.go
- ghttp_server_config_route.go
- ghttp_server_config_session.go
- ghttp_server_config_static.go
- ghttp_server_cookie.go
- ghttp_server_domain.go
- ghttp_server_error_logger.go
- ghttp_server_graceful.go
- ghttp_server_handler.go
- ghttp_server_log.go
- ghttp_server_pprof.go
- ghttp_server_router.go
- ghttp_server_router_group.go
- ghttp_server_router_hook.go
- ghttp_server_router_middleware.go
- ghttp_server_router_serve.go
- ghttp_server_service_controller.go
- ghttp_server_service_handler.go
- ghttp_server_service_object.go
- ghttp_server_session.go
- ghttp_server_status.go
- ghttp_server_websocket.go