Overview ¶
Package control contains the implementations of the standard controls in goradd. These controls generally fall under the following categories: - Standard html tags. For example, div, input, select, table, img - Controls specifically designed to edit database data, like INT, FLOAT or DATE fields - Controls that we need to support the manipulation of database relationships, like one-to-many links - Useful utility controls
Controls in this package should function and be usable even if javascript is turned off.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CalcWrapperID(wrapperId string, childCreator page.Creator, postfix string) string
- func CaptureEvent() *event.Event
- func Children(creators []page.Creator
- func GetCreatorID(c page.Creator) string
- func NoSelectionItemList() []interface{}
- func RegisterColumn(i interface{})
- func RestoreNewDialogFunction()
- func SelectOneItemList() []interface{}
- func SetNewDialogFunction(f DialogIFuncType)
- func SortIds(ids []string)
- type ActiveLink
- func (l *ActiveLink) ActiveAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *ActiveLink) Deserialize(d page.Decoder)
- func (l *ActiveLink) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *ActiveLink) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (l *ActiveLink) IsActive() bool
- func (l *ActiveLink) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (l *ActiveLink) SetIsActive(isActive bool) ActiveLinkI
- type ActiveLinkCreator
- type ActiveLinkI
- type Button
- func (b *Button) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (b *Button) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (b *Button) On(e *event.Event, action action.ActionI) page.ControlI
- func (b *Button) OnClick(action action.ActionI) ButtonI
- func (b *Button) OnSubmit(action action.ActionI) ButtonI
- func (b *Button) SetIsPrimary(s bool) ButtonI
- func (b *Button) SetLabel(label string) ButtonI
- type ButtonCreator
- type ButtonI
- type Canvas
- type CanvasCreator
- type CanvasI
- type CellInfo
- type CellStyler
- type CellTexter
- type Checkbox
- type CheckboxBase
- func (c *CheckboxBase) Checked() bool
- func (c *CheckboxBase) Deserialize(d page.Decoder)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *CheckboxBase) GetDrawingLabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *CheckboxBase) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) LabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *CheckboxBase) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) SetChecked(v bool) CheckboxI
- func (c *CheckboxBase) SetCheckedNoRefresh(v interface{})
- func (c *CheckboxBase) SetLabelDrawingMode(m html5tag.LabelDrawingMode)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) SetValue(v interface{}) CheckboxI
- func (c *CheckboxBase) TextIsLabel() bool
- func (c *CheckboxBase) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) UpdateCheckboxFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) UpdateRadioFormValues(ctx context.Context, group string)
- func (c *CheckboxBase) Value() interface{}
- type CheckboxCreator
- type CheckboxI
- type CheckboxList
- func (l *CheckboxList) ColumnCount() int
- func (l *CheckboxList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (l *CheckboxList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *CheckboxList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *CheckboxList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (l *CheckboxList) LayoutDirection() LayoutDirection
- func (l *CheckboxList) RenderItem(item *ListItem) (h string)
- func (l *CheckboxList) RenderItems(items []*ListItem) string
- func (l *CheckboxList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (l *CheckboxList) SetColumnCount(columns int) CheckboxListI
- func (l *CheckboxList) SetIsScrolling(s bool) CheckboxListI
- func (l *CheckboxList) SetLabelDrawingMode(mode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode) CheckboxListI
- func (l *CheckboxList) SetLayoutDirection(direction LayoutDirection) CheckboxListI
- func (l *CheckboxList) SetRowClass(c string) CheckboxListI
- func (l *CheckboxList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- type CheckboxListCreator
- type CheckboxListI
- type ColumnBase
- func (c *ColumnBase) Action(ctx context.Context, params action.Params)
- func (c *ColumnBase) AddActions(ctrl page.ControlI)
- func (c *ColumnBase) ApplyFormat(data interface{}) string
- func (c *ColumnBase) ApplyOptions(ctx context.Context, parent TableI, opt ColumnOptions)
- func (c *ColumnBase) AsHeader() bool
- func (c *ColumnBase) CellAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *ColumnBase) CellData(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) interface{}
- func (c *ColumnBase) CellText(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) string
- func (c *ColumnBase) CellTexter() CellTexter
- func (c *ColumnBase) ColTagAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *ColumnBase) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (c *ColumnBase) DrawCell(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}, w io.Writer)
- func (c *ColumnBase) DrawColumnTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (c *ColumnBase) DrawFooterCell(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, count int, w io.Writer)
- func (c *ColumnBase) FooterAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *ColumnBase) FooterCellHtml(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) string
- func (c *ColumnBase) HeaderAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *ColumnBase) HeaderCellHtml(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) (h string)
- func (c *ColumnBase) ID() string
- func (c *ColumnBase) Init(self ColumnI)
- func (c *ColumnBase) IsHidden() bool
- func (c *ColumnBase) IsSortable() bool
- func (c *ColumnBase) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (c *ColumnBase) ParentTable() TableI
- func (c *ColumnBase) PreRender()
- func (c *ColumnBase) RenderSortButton(labelHtml string) string
- func (c *ColumnBase) Restore(parentTable TableI)
- func (c *ColumnBase) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetAsHeader(r bool)
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetCellStyler(s CellStyler)
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetCellTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetFooterTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetFormat(format string) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetHeaderTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetHidden(h bool) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetID(id string) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetIsHtml(columnIsHtml bool) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetSortDirection(d SortDirection) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetSortable() ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetSpan(span int) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetTimeFormat(timeFormat string) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SetTitle(title string) ColumnI
- func (c *ColumnBase) SortDirection() SortDirection
- func (c *ColumnBase) Span() int
- func (c *ColumnBase) Title() string
- func (c *ColumnBase) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (c *ColumnBase) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- type ColumnCreator
- type ColumnI
- type ColumnOptions
- type DataBinder
- type DataManager
- func (d *DataManager) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (d *DataManager) HasData() bool
- func (d *DataManager) HasDataProvider() bool
- func (d *DataManager) LoadData(ctx context.Context, owner DataManagerI)
- func (d *DataManager) RangeData(f func(int, interface{}) bool)
- func (d *DataManager) ResetData()
- func (d *DataManager) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (d *DataManager) SetData(data interface{})
- func (d *DataManager) SetDataProvider(b DataBinder)
- func (d *DataManager) SetDataWithOffset(data interface{}, offset int)
- type DataManagerI
- type DataPager
- func (d *DataPager) Action(_ context.Context, params action.Params)
- func (d *DataPager) ButtonProxy() *Proxy
- func (d *DataPager) CalcBunch() (pageStart, pageEnd int)
- func (d *DataPager) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (d *DataPager) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (d *DataPager) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (d *DataPager) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string, pagedControl PagedControlI)
- func (d *DataPager) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (d *DataPager) NextButtonsHtml() string
- func (d *DataPager) PageButtonsHtml(i int) string
- func (d *DataPager) PagedControl() PagedControlI
- func (d *DataPager) PreRender(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (d *DataPager) PreviousButtonsHtml() string
- func (d *DataPager) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (d *DataPager) SetLabels(previous string, next string)
- func (d *DataPager) SetMaxPageButtons(b int)
- func (d *DataPager) SetObjectNames(singular string, plural string)
- func (d *DataPager) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- type DataPagerCreator
- type DataPagerI
- type DateTextbox
- func (d *DateTextbox) Date() time.Time
- func (d *DateTextbox) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (d *DateTextbox) Formats() []string
- func (d *DateTextbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (d *DateTextbox) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (d *DateTextbox) SetDate(t time.Time)
- func (d *DateTextbox) SetFormats(formats []string) DateTextboxI
- func (d *DateTextbox) SetText(s string) page.ControlI
- func (d *DateTextbox) SetValue(val interface{}) page.ControlI
- func (d *DateTextbox) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (d *DateTextbox) Value() interface{}
- type DateTextboxCreator
- type DateTextboxI
- type DateTimeSpan
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) DateTime() time.Time
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) SetDateTime(d time.Time)
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) SetFormat(format string) *DateTimeSpan
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) SetValue(v interface{})
- func (s *DateTimeSpan) Value() interface{}
- type DateTimeSpanCreator
- type DateValidator
- type Dialog
- func (d *Dialog) AddButton(label string, id string, options *DialogButtonOptions)
- func (d *Dialog) AddCloseButton(label string, id string)
- func (d *Dialog) ButtonBar() *Panel
- func (d *Dialog) CloseBox() *Button
- func (d *Dialog) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (d *Dialog) DrawInnerHtml(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (d *Dialog) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (d *Dialog) Hide()
- func (d *Dialog) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (d *Dialog) PrivateAction(_ context.Context, a action.Params)
- func (d *Dialog) RemoveAllButtons()
- func (d *Dialog) RemoveButton(id string)
- func (d *Dialog) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (d *Dialog) SetButtonStyle(id string, a html5tag.Style)
- func (d *Dialog) SetButtonText(id string, text string)
- func (d *Dialog) SetButtonVisible(id string, visible bool)
- func (d *Dialog) SetDialogStyle(s DialogStyle)
- func (d *Dialog) SetHasCloseBox(h bool)
- func (d *Dialog) SetTitle(t string)
- func (d *Dialog) Show()
- func (d *Dialog) Title() string
- func (d *Dialog) TitleBar() *Panel
- type DialogButtonOptions
- type DialogEditPanel
- type DialogI
- type DialogIFuncType
- type DialogPanel
- func (p *DialogPanel) AddButton(label string, id string, options *DialogButtonOptions)
- func (p *DialogPanel) AddCloseButton(label string, id string)
- func (p *DialogPanel) Hide()
- func (p *DialogPanel) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (p *DialogPanel) OnButton(a action.ActionI)
- func (p *DialogPanel) OnClose(a action.ActionI)
- func (p *DialogPanel) RemoveAllButtons()
- func (p *DialogPanel) RemoveButton(id string)
- func (p *DialogPanel) SetButtonStyle(id string, a html5tag.Style)
- func (p *DialogPanel) SetButtonText(id string, text string)
- func (p *DialogPanel) SetButtonVisible(id string, visible bool)
- func (p *DialogPanel) SetDialogStyle(s DialogStyle)
- func (p *DialogPanel) SetHasCloseBox(h bool)
- func (p *DialogPanel) SetTitle(t string)
- func (p *DialogPanel) Show()
- type DialogSavePanel
- type DialogStyle
- type EditablePanel
- type EmailTextbox
- func (t *EmailTextbox) Addresses() (ret []string)
- func (t *EmailTextbox) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (t *EmailTextbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (t *EmailTextbox) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (t *EmailTextbox) SetMaxItemCount(max int) EmailTextboxI
- func (t *EmailTextbox) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (t *EmailTextbox) Validate(ctx context.Context) bool
- type EmailTextboxCreator
- type EmailTextboxI
- type Fieldset
- type FieldsetCreator
- type FieldsetI
- type FloatLimit
- type FloatTextbox
- func (t *FloatTextbox) Float32() float32
- func (t *FloatTextbox) Float64() float64
- func (t *FloatTextbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (t *FloatTextbox) SetFloat32(v float32) *FloatTextbox
- func (t *FloatTextbox) SetFloat64(v float64) *FloatTextbox
- func (t *FloatTextbox) SetMaxValue(maxValue float64, invalidMessage string) FloatTextboxI
- func (t *FloatTextbox) SetMinValue(minValue float64, invalidMessage string) FloatTextboxI
- func (t *FloatTextbox) SetValue(v interface{}) page.ControlI
- func (t *FloatTextbox) Value() interface{}
- type FloatTextboxCreator
- type FloatTextboxI
- type FloatValidator
- type FormBase
- type FormFieldWrapper
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) ChildValidationChanged()
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) ErrorAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) For() string
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) InstructionAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Instructions() string
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) LabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetErrorAttributes(a html5tag.Attributes) FormFieldWrapperI
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetFor(relatedId string) FormFieldWrapperI
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetInstructionAttributes(a html5tag.Attributes) FormFieldWrapperI
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetInstructions(i string) FormFieldWrapperI
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetLabelAttributes(a html5tag.Attributes) FormFieldWrapperI
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SubTag() string
- func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Validate(_ context.Context) bool
- type FormFieldWrapperCreator
- type FormFieldWrapperI
- type GridLayoutBuilder
- func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) Build() string
- func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) ColumnCount(count int) *GridLayoutBuilder
- func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) Direction(placement LayoutDirection) *GridLayoutBuilder
- func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) Items(items []string) *GridLayoutBuilder
- func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) RowClass(t string) *GridLayoutBuilder
- func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) RowTag(t string) *GridLayoutBuilder
- type IDSetter
- type IDer
- type IdSlice
- type Image
- func (i *Image) Alt() string
- func (i *Image) Data() []byte
- func (i *Image) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (i *Image) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (i *Image) Height() int
- func (i *Image) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (i *Image) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (i *Image) SetAlt(alt string) ImageI
- func (i *Image) SetData(data []byte) ImageI
- func (i *Image) SetHeight(height int) ImageI
- func (i *Image) SetMimeType(typ string) ImageI
- func (i *Image) SetSrc(src string) ImageI
- func (i *Image) SetWidth(width int) ImageI
- func (i *Image) Src() string
- func (i *Image) Width() int
- type ImageCapture
- func (i *ImageCapture) Data() []byte
- func (i *ImageCapture) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (i *ImageCapture) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (i *ImageCapture) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (i *ImageCapture) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (i *ImageCapture) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (i *ImageCapture) SetData(data []byte)
- func (i *ImageCapture) SetMaskShape(shape ImageCaptureShape)
- func (i *ImageCapture) SetMimeType(typ string)
- func (i *ImageCapture) SetPixelSize(width int, height int)
- func (i *ImageCapture) SetQuality(quality float32)
- func (i *ImageCapture) SetZoom(zoom int)
- func (i *ImageCapture) TurnOff()
- func (i *ImageCapture) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (i *ImageCapture) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- type ImageCaptureCreator
- type ImageCaptureI
- type ImageCaptureShape
- type ImageCreator
- type ImageI
- type IntValidator
- type IntegerLimit
- type IntegerTextbox
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) Int() int
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) Int64() int64
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetInt(v int) IntegerTextboxI
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetMaxValue(maxValue int, invalidMessage string) IntegerTextboxI
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetMinValue(minValue int, invalidMessage string) IntegerTextboxI
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetValue(v interface{}) page.ControlI
- func (t *IntegerTextbox) Value() interface{}
- type IntegerTextboxCreator
- type IntegerTextboxI
- type ItemIDer
- type ItemIntIDer
- type ItemList
- func (l *ItemList) AddItem(label string, value ...string) *ListItem
- func (l *ItemList) AddItemAt(index int, label string, value ...string)
- func (l *ItemList) AddListItemAt(index int, item *ListItem)
- func (l *ItemList) AddListItems(items ...interface{})
- func (l *ItemList) Clear()
- func (l *ItemList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (l *ItemList) GetItem(id string) (foundItem *ListItem)
- func (l *ItemList) GetItemAt(index int) *ListItem
- func (l *ItemList) GetItemByValue(value string) (id string, foundItem *ListItem)
- func (l *ItemList) Len() int
- func (l *ItemList) ListItems() []*ListItem
- func (l *ItemList) RemoveItemAt(index int)
- func (l *ItemList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- type ItemListI
- type ItemLister
- type LabelAttributer
- type Labeler
- type LayoutDirection
- type Link
- type LinkCreator
- type LinkI
- type ListItem
- func NewItemFromItemIDer(i ItemIDer) *ListItem
- func NewItemFromItemIntIDer(i ItemIntIDer) *ListItem
- func NewItemFromItemLister(i ItemLister) *ListItem
- func NewItemFromLabeler(i Labeler) *ListItem
- func NewItemFromStringer(i fmt.Stringer) *ListItem
- func NewListItem(label string, value ...string) *ListItem
- func (i *ListItem) AddClass(class string) *ListItem
- func (i *ListItem) Anchor() string
- func (i *ListItem) AnchorAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (i *ListItem) Attributes() html5tag.Attributes
- func (i *ListItem) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (i *ListItem) Disabled() bool
- func (i *ListItem) HasAnchor() bool
- func (i *ListItem) HasChildItems() bool
- func (i *ListItem) ID() string
- func (i *ListItem) IntValue() int
- func (i *ListItem) IsDivider() bool
- func (i *ListItem) IsEmptyValue() bool
- func (i *ListItem) Label() string
- func (i *ListItem) RenderLabel() (h string)
- func (i *ListItem) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (i *ListItem) SetAnchor(a string) *ListItem
- func (i *ListItem) SetAttribute(key, value string) *ListItem
- func (i *ListItem) SetDisabled(d bool)
- func (i *ListItem) SetID(id string)
- func (i *ListItem) SetIsDivider(d bool)
- func (i *ListItem) SetLabel(l string)
- func (i *ListItem) SetShouldEscapeLabel(e bool) *ListItem
- func (i *ListItem) SetValue(v string) *ListItem
- func (i *ListItem) Value() string
- type ListValue
- type MaxFloatValidator
- type MaxIntValidator
- type MaxLengthValidator
- type MinFloatValidator
- type MinIntValidator
- type MinLengthValidator
- type MultiselectList
- func (l *MultiselectList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (l *MultiselectList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *MultiselectList) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *MultiselectList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *MultiselectList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (l *MultiselectList) IsValueSelected(v string) bool
- func (l *MultiselectList) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedIds() []string
- func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedItems() []*ListItem
- func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedLabels() []string
- func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedValues() []string
- func (l *MultiselectList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (l *MultiselectList) SetData(data interface{})
- func (l *MultiselectList) SetSelectedValueNoRefresh(value string, on bool)
- func (l *MultiselectList) SetSelectedValues(values []string)
- func (l *MultiselectList) SetSelectedValuesNoRefresh(values []string)
- func (l *MultiselectList) SetSize(size int) MultiselectListI
- func (l *MultiselectList) SetValue(v interface{})
- func (l *MultiselectList) Size() int
- func (l *MultiselectList) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (l *MultiselectList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (l *MultiselectList) Validate(_ context.Context) bool
- func (l *MultiselectList) Value() interface{}
- type MultiselectListCreator
- type MultiselectListI
- type On
- type OrderedList
- type OrderedListCreator
- type OrderedListI
- type PagedControl
- func (c *PagedControl) AddDataPager(d DataPagerI)
- func (c *PagedControl) CalcPageCount() int
- func (c *PagedControl) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (c *PagedControl) GetDataPagerIDs() []string
- func (c *PagedControl) HasDataPagers() bool
- func (c *PagedControl) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (c *PagedControl) PageNum() int
- func (c *PagedControl) PageSize() int
- func (c *PagedControl) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (c *PagedControl) SetPageNum(n int)
- func (c *PagedControl) SetPageSize(size int)
- func (c *PagedControl) SetTotalItems(count uint)
- func (c *PagedControl) SliceOffsets() (start, end int)
- func (c *PagedControl) SqlLimits() (maxRowCount, offset int)
- func (c *PagedControl) TotalItems() int
- func (c *PagedControl) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- type PagedControlI
- type PagedTable
- type PagedTableCreator
- type PagedTableI
- type Panel
- type PanelCreator
- type PanelI
- type PasswordTextbox
- type PasswordTextboxCreator
- type PasswordTextboxI
- type PhoneTextbox
- type PhoneTextboxCreator
- type PhoneTextboxI
- type PrimaryKeyer
- type Proxy
- func (p *Proxy) ActionAttributes(actionValue string) html5tag.Attributes
- func (p *Proxy) ButtonHtml(label string, actionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, ...) string
- func (p *Proxy) Draw(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (p *Proxy) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (p *Proxy) LinkHtml(ctx context.Context, label string, actionValue string, ...) string
- func (p *Proxy) OnSubmit(action action.ActionI) page.ControlI
- func (p *Proxy) TagHtml(label string, actionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, tag string, ...) string
- func (p *Proxy) WrapEvent(eventName string, _ string, eventJs string, options map[string]interface{}) string
- type ProxyCreator
- type ProxyI
- type RadioButton
- func (l *RadioButton) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (c *RadioButton) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (c *RadioButton) Group() string
- func (l *RadioButton) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (c *RadioButton) SetChecked(v bool) RadioButtonI
- func (c *RadioButton) SetGroup(g string) RadioButtonI
- func (c *RadioButton) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- type RadioButtonCreator
- type RadioButtonI
- type RadioList
- func (l *RadioList) ColumnCount() int
- func (l *RadioList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (l *RadioList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *RadioList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *RadioList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (l *RadioList) LayoutDirection() LayoutDirection
- func (l *RadioList) RenderItem(item *ListItem) (h string)
- func (l *RadioList) RenderItems(items []*ListItem) string
- func (l *RadioList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (l *RadioList) SetColumnCount(columns int) RadioListI
- func (l *RadioList) SetIsScrolling(s bool) RadioListI
- func (l *RadioList) SetLabelDrawingMode(mode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode) RadioListI
- func (l *RadioList) SetLayoutDirection(direction LayoutDirection) RadioListI
- func (l *RadioList) SetRowClass(c string) RadioListI
- func (l *RadioList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- type RadioListCreator
- type RadioListI
- type Repeater
- func (r *Repeater) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (r *Repeater) DrawInnerHtml(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (r *Repeater) DrawItem(ctx context.Context, i int, data interface{}, w io.Writer)
- func (r *Repeater) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (r *Repeater) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (r *Repeater) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (r *Repeater) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (r *Repeater) Restore()
- func (r *Repeater) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (r *Repeater) SetItemHtmler(h RepeaterHtmler) RepeaterI
- func (r *Repeater) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- type RepeaterCreator
- type RepeaterHtmler
- type RepeaterI
- type SaveablePanel
- type SelectList
- func (l *SelectList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (l *SelectList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *SelectList) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *SelectList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *SelectList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (l *SelectList) IntValue() int
- func (l *SelectList) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (l *SelectList) SelectedItem() *ListItem
- func (l *SelectList) SelectedLabel() string
- func (l *SelectList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (l *SelectList) SetData(data interface{})
- func (l *SelectList) SetSelectedValue(v string)
- func (l *SelectList) SetValue(v interface{})
- func (l *SelectList) StringValue() string
- func (l *SelectList) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (l *SelectList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (l *SelectList) Validate(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (l *SelectList) Value() interface{}
- type SelectListCreator
- type SelectListI
- type SelectTable
- func (t *SelectTable) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (t *SelectTable) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (t *SelectTable) GetRowAttributes(row int, data interface{}) (a html5tag.Attributes)
- func (t *SelectTable) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (t *SelectTable) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (t *SelectTable) SelectedID() string
- func (t *SelectTable) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (t *SelectTable) SetReselectable(r bool) SelectTableI
- func (t *SelectTable) SetSelectedID(id string) SelectTableI
- func (t *SelectTable) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (t *SelectTable) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (t *SelectTable) Value() interface{}
- type SelectTableCreator
- type SelectTableI
- type SortDirection
- type Span
- type SpanCreator
- type SpanI
- type Table
- func (t *Table) AddColumn(column ColumnI) ColumnI
- func (t *Table) AddColumnAt(column ColumnI, loc int)
- func (t *Table) ClearColumns()
- func (t *Table) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (t *Table) DrawCaption(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawColumnTags(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawFooterRows(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawHeaderRows(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawInnerHtml(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawRow(ctx context.Context, row int, data interface{}, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Table) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (t *Table) FooterCellDrawingInfo(ctx context.Context, col ColumnI, rowNum int, colNum int) (cellHtml string, cellAttributes html5tag.Attributes)
- func (t *Table) FooterRowCount() int
- func (t *Table) GetColumn(loc int) ColumnI
- func (t *Table) GetColumnByID(id string) ColumnI
- func (t *Table) GetColumnByTitle(title string) ColumnI
- func (t *Table) GetFooterRowAttributes(row int) html5tag.Attributes
- func (t *Table) GetHeaderRowAttributes(row int) html5tag.Attributes
- func (t *Table) GetRowAttributes(row int, data interface{}) html5tag.Attributes
- func (t *Table) HeaderCellDrawingInfo(ctx context.Context, col ColumnI, rowNum int, colNum int) (cellHtml string, cellAttributes html5tag.Attributes)
- func (t *Table) HeaderRowCount() int
- func (t *Table) HideColumns()
- func (t *Table) HideIfEmpty() bool
- func (t *Table) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (t *Table) MakeSortable() TableI
- func (t *Table) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (t *Table) PrivateAction(ctx context.Context, p action.Params)
- func (t *Table) RemoveColumn(loc int)
- func (t *Table) RemoveColumnByID(id string)
- func (t *Table) RemoveColumnByTitle(title string)
- func (t *Table) Restore()
- func (t *Table) RowStyler() TableRowAttributer
- func (t *Table) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (t *Table) SetCaption(caption interface{}) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetFooterRowCount(count int) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetFooterRowStyler(a TableFooterRowAttributer) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetHeaderRowCount(count int) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetHeaderRowStyler(a TableHeaderRowAttributer) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetHideIfEmpty(h bool) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetRowStyler(a TableRowAttributer) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetSortColumnsByID(ids ...string)
- func (t *Table) SetSortHistoryLimit(n int) TableI
- func (t *Table) SetSortIconHtml(sortable string, asc string, desc string)
- func (t *Table) ShowColumns()
- func (t *Table) SortColumns() (ret []ColumnI)
- func (t *Table) SortIconHtml(c ColumnI) string
- func (t *Table) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (t *Table) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- type TableCreator
- type TableFooterRowAttributer
- type TableHeaderRowAttributer
- type TableI
- type TableRowAttributer
- type Textbox
- func (t *Textbox) Deserialize(d page.Decoder)
- func (t *Textbox) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (t *Textbox) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (t *Textbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (t *Textbox) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (t *Textbox) MaxLength() int
- func (t *Textbox) MinLength() int
- func (t *Textbox) Placeholder() string
- func (t *Textbox) ResetValidators()
- func (t *Textbox) Sanitize(s string) string
- func (t *Textbox) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (t *Textbox) SetColumnCount(columns int) TextboxI
- func (t *Textbox) SetMaxLength(len int) *MaxLengthValidator
- func (t *Textbox) SetMinLength(len int) *MinLengthValidator
- func (t *Textbox) SetPlaceholder(s string) TextboxI
- func (t *Textbox) SetReadOnly(r bool) TextboxI
- func (t *Textbox) SetRowCount(rows int) TextboxI
- func (t *Textbox) SetText(s string) page.ControlI
- func (t *Textbox) SetType(typ string) TextboxI
- func (t *Textbox) SetValue(v interface{}) page.ControlI
- func (t *Textbox) Text() string
- func (t *Textbox) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
- func (t *Textbox) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
- func (t *Textbox) Validate(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (t *Textbox) ValidateWith(v Validater)
- func (t *Textbox) Value() interface{}
- type TextboxCreator
- type TextboxI
- type UnorderedList
- func (l *UnorderedList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
- func (l *UnorderedList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *UnorderedList) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
- func (l *UnorderedList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
- func (l *UnorderedList) GetItemsHtml(items []*ListItem) string
- func (l *UnorderedList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
- func (l *UnorderedList) ItemTag() string
- func (l *UnorderedList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
- func (l *UnorderedList) SetBulletStyle(s string) UnorderedListI
- func (l *UnorderedList) SetData(data interface{})
- func (l *UnorderedList) SetItemTag(s string) UnorderedListI
- type UnorderedListCreator
- type UnorderedListI
- type Validater
Constants ¶
const ( SaveButtonID = "saveBtn" CancelButtonnID = "cancelBtn" DeleteButtonID = "deleteBtn" )
const ( OrderedListNumberTypeNumber = "1" // default OrderedListNumberTypeUpperLetter = "A" OrderedListNumberTypeLowerLetter = "a" OrderedListNumberTypeUpperRoman = "I" OrderedListNumberTypeLowerRoman = "i" )
const ( // UnorderedListStyleDisc is the default list style for main items and is a bullet UnorderedListStyleDisc = "disc" // default // UnorderedListStyleCircle is the default list style for 2nd level items and is an open circle UnorderedListStyleCircle = "circle" // UnorderedListStyleSquare sets a square as the bullet UnorderedListStyleSquare = "square" // UnorderedListStyleNone removes the bullet from the list UnorderedListStyleNone = "none" )
const ( ColumnAction = iota + 2000 SortClick )
const ( NotSortable = SortDirection(0) SortAscending = SortDirection(1) SortDescending = SortDirection(-1) NotSorted = SortDirection(-100) )
const ( TextboxTypeDefault = "text" TextboxTypePassword = "password" TextboxTypeSearch = "search" TextboxTypeNumber = "number" // Puts little arrows in box, will need to widen it. TextboxTypeEmail = "email" // see TextEmail. Prevents submission of RFC5322 email addresses (Gogh Fir <[email protected]>) TextboxTypeTel = "tel" TextboxTypeUrl = "url" )
const (
DialogClosed = iota + 3000
event codes
const DialogOverlayID = "gr-dlg-overlay"
const (
PageClick = iota + 1000
Variables ¶
var DefaultMaxPagerButtons = 10
DefaultMaxPagerButtons is the default maximum number of buttons to display on the pager. You can change this in an individual control, too.
var DefaultPagerPageSize = 10
DefaultPagerPageSize is the default number of items that a paged control will show. You can change this in an individual control, too.
var SortButtonHtmlGetter func(SortDirection) string
SortButtonHtmlGetter is the injected function for getting the html for sort buttons in the column header.
Functions ¶
func CalcWrapperID ¶ added in v0.2.0
CalcWrapperID returns the computed id of a control that wraps another control This would be the id of the child control followed by the postfix
func CaptureEvent ¶ added in v0.13.3
CaptureEvent triggers when the capture button has been pressed, and the image has been captured.
func Children ¶ added in v0.2.0
Children is a helper function for doing declarative control creation for child control creators. It returns the creators passed to it as a slice.
func GetCreatorID ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetCreatorID uses reflection to get the id of the given creator
func NoSelectionItemList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NoSelectionItemList() []interface{}
NoSelectionItemList returns a default item list to start a selection list that allows no selection
func RegisterColumn ¶ added in v0.3.0
func RegisterColumn(i interface{})
RegisterColumn registers the column for the serialize/deserialize process. You should call this for each column type in an init() function.
func RestoreNewDialogFunction ¶ added in v0.9.3
func RestoreNewDialogFunction()
RestoreNewDialogFunction restores the new dialog function to the default one. This is primarily used by the example code, or in situations where you have multiple styles of dialog to demonstrate.
func SelectOneItemList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func SelectOneItemList() []interface{}
SelectOneItemList returns a default item list to start a selection list that asks the user to select an item
func SetNewDialogFunction ¶ added in v0.9.1
func SetNewDialogFunction(f DialogIFuncType)
SetNewDialogFunction sets the function that will create new dialogs. This is normally called by a CSS dialog implementation to set how dialogs are created in the application.
Types ¶
type ActiveLink ¶ added in v0.21.0
type ActiveLink struct { Link // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ActiveLink is a link that has an active status.
You can give an ActiveLink a set of attributes to merge into the attributes of the html tag to indicate that it is active. This can form the basis of a variety of specialized HTML controls, like navbars, tabs, and accordions.
func GetActiveLink ¶ added in v0.21.0
func GetActiveLink(c page.ControlI, id string) *ActiveLink
GetActiveLink is a convenience method to return the link with the given id from the page.
func NewActiveLink ¶ added in v0.21.0
func NewActiveLink(parent page.ControlI, id string) *ActiveLink
NewActiveLink creates a new standard html link
func (*ActiveLink) ActiveAttributes ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) ActiveAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
ActiveAttributes returns the attributes used to indicate the link is active. If you change them, be sure to call Refresh().
func (*ActiveLink) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) Deserialize(d page.Decoder)
Deserialize reconstructs the control from the page state.
func (*ActiveLink) DrawingAttributes ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*ActiveLink) Init ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init is called by subclasses of ActiveLink to initialize the link control structure.
func (*ActiveLink) IsActive ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) IsActive() bool
IsActive returns whether the link is active or not.
func (*ActiveLink) Serialize ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
Serialize serializes the state of the control for the pagestate
func (*ActiveLink) SetIsActive ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (l *ActiveLink) SetIsActive(isActive bool) ActiveLinkI
SetIsActive sets the active state of the control. When active, the ActiveAttributes will be merged into the tags other HTML attributes.
type ActiveLinkCreator ¶ added in v0.21.0
type ActiveLinkCreator struct { // ID is the control id. Leave blank to have one automatically assigned. ID string // Text is the text displayed inside the link. Text string // Location is the destination of the link (the href attribute). Location string // Download indicates that the "download" attribute should be assigned to the link. // Set to true to use the text of the link as the name of the file. Otherwise set to a string // to indicate the name of the file. Download any // ActiveAttributes are the attributes merged in to the current attributes to show that the link is active. // Matching attributes will be overridden for the most part, but the class attribute will be merged. ActiveAttributes html5tag.Attributes // ControlOptions are additional options for the html control. page.ControlOptions }
ActiveLinkCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of links
func (ActiveLinkCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.21.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (ActiveLinkCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (c ActiveLinkCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl ActiveLinkI)
Init is called by implementations of ActiveLinks to initialize a control with the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type ActiveLinkI ¶ added in v0.21.0
type ActiveLinkI interface { LinkI IsActive() bool SetIsActive(bool) ActiveLinkI ActiveAttributes() html5tag.Attributes }
type Button ¶
type Button struct {
Button is a standard html form button. It corresponds to a <button> tag in html.
By default, we set the "type" attribute of the button to "button". This will prevent the button from submitting the form when the user presses the return key. To choose which button will submit on a return, call SetIsPrimary() or set the "type" attribute to "submit".
If multiple "submit" buttons are on the page, the default behavior will occur if you there are text boxes on the form, and pressing enter will submit the FIRST button in the form as encountered in the html. Using CSS to alter the placement of the buttons (using float for instance), will not change which button the browser considers to be the first.
If you want the button to display an image, create an Image control as a child of the button.
func GetButton ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetButton is a convenience method to return the button with the given id from the page.
func (*Button) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (b *Button) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*Button) Init ¶
Init is called by subclasses of Button to initialize the button control structure.
func (*Button) OnClick ¶ added in v0.21.0
OnClick is shortcut for adding a click event handler.
If your handler causes a new page to load, you should consider using OnSubmit instead.
func (*Button) OnSubmit ¶
OnSubmit is a shortcut for adding a click event handler that is particular to buttons and button like objects. It debounces the click, so that all other events are lost until this event processes. It should generally be used for operations that will eventually redirect to a different page. If coupling this with an ajax response, you should probably also make the response priority PriorityFinal.
func (*Button) SetIsPrimary ¶
SetIsPrimary will set this button to be the default button on the form, which is the button clicked when the user presses a return. Some browsers only respond to this when there is a textbox on the screen.
type ButtonCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ButtonCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // Text is the text displayed in the button Text string // Set IsPrimary to true to make this the default button on the page IsPrimary bool // OnSubmit is the action to take when the button is submitted. Use this specifically // for buttons that move to other pages or processes transactions, as it debounces the button // and waits until all other actions complete OnSubmit action.ActionI // OnClick is an action to take when the button is pressed. Do not specify both // a OnClick and OnSubmit. OnClick action.ActionI // ValidationType controls how the page will be validating when the button is clicked. ValidationType event.ValidationType // ControlOptions are additional options that are common to all controls. page.ControlOptions }
ButtonCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of buttons
type Canvas ¶
type Canvas struct {
Canvas is a Goradd control that is an html canvas control. It currently does not have any primitives to draw on the canvas, and is here primarily to create a canvas that you would draw on using JavaScript.
func GetCanvas ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetCanvas is a convenience method to return the canvas with the given id from the page.
func (*Canvas) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *Canvas) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework to get the temporary attributes that are specifically set by this control just before drawing.
type CanvasCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CanvasCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string page.ControlOptions }
CanvasCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of buttons
type CellInfo ¶ added in v0.9.3
type CellInfo struct { RowNum int ColNum int Data interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CellInfo is provided to the cell texter so the cell texter knows how to draw. Its a struct here so that the info can grow without the CellTexter signature having to change.
type CellStyler ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CellTexter ¶
CellTexter defines the interface for a structure that provides the content of a table cell. If your CellTexter is not a control, you should register it with gob.
type Checkbox ¶
type Checkbox struct {
Checkbox is a basic html checkbox input form control.
func GetCheckbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetCheckbox is a convenience method to return the checkbox with the given id from the page.
func NewCheckbox ¶
NewCheckbox creates a new checkbox control.
func (*Checkbox) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *Checkbox) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework to set the temporary attributes that the control needs. Checkboxes set the grctl, name, type and value attributes automatically. You do not normally need to call this function.
func (*Checkbox) UpdateFormValues ¶
UpdateFormValues is an internal call that lets us reflect the value of the checkbox on the form. You do not normally need to call this function.
type CheckboxBase ¶
type CheckboxBase struct { page.ControlBase // LabelMode describes where to place the label associating the text with the checkbox. The default is the // global page.DefaultCheckboxLabelDrawingMode, and you would normally set that instead so that all your checkboxes draw // the same way. LabelMode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CheckboxBase is a base class for checkbox-like objects, including html checkboxes and radio buttons.
func (*CheckboxBase) Checked ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) Checked() bool
Checked returns true if the checkbox is checked.
func (*CheckboxBase) Deserialize ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) Deserialize(d page.Decoder)
Deserialize is called by the framework during page state serialization.
func (*CheckboxBase) DrawTag ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
DrawTag draws the checkbox tag. This can be quite tricky. Some CSS frameworks are very particular about how checkboxes get associated with labels. The Text value of the control will become the text directly associated with the checkbox, while the Label value is only shown when drawing a checkbox with a wrapper.
func (*CheckboxBase) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*CheckboxBase) GetDrawingLabelAttributes ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (c *CheckboxBase) GetDrawingLabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
GetDrawingLabelAttributes is called by the framework to temporarily set the attributes of the label associated with the checkbox.
func (*CheckboxBase) Init ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init initializes a checkbox base class. It is called by checkbox implementations.
func (*CheckboxBase) LabelAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *CheckboxBase) LabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
LabelAttributes returns a pointer to the input label attributes. Feel free to set the attributes directly on the returned object. The input label attributes are the attributes for the label tag that associates the Text with the checkbox. This is specific to checkbox style controls and is not the same as the label tag that appears when using a FormFieldWrapper wrapper. After setting attributes, be sure to call Refresh on the control if you do this during an Ajax response.
func (*CheckboxBase) MarshalState ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is called by the framework to save the state of the checkbox between form views. Call SetState(true) to enable state saving.
func (*CheckboxBase) Serialize ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
Serialize is called by the framework during pagestate serialization.
func (*CheckboxBase) SetChecked ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) SetChecked(v bool) CheckboxI
SetChecked sets the value of the checkbox. Returns itself for chaining.
func (*CheckboxBase) SetCheckedNoRefresh ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) SetCheckedNoRefresh(v interface{})
SetCheckedNoRefresh is used internally to update values without causing a refresh loop.
func (*CheckboxBase) SetLabelDrawingMode ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) SetLabelDrawingMode(m html5tag.LabelDrawingMode)
SetLabelDrawingMode determines how the label is drawn for the checkbox.
func (*CheckboxBase) SetValue ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) SetValue(v interface{}) CheckboxI
SetValue sets the checked status of checkbox. The given value can be:
For True "1", "true", "TRUE", "on", "ON", 1(int), true(bool)
For False "0", "false", "FALSE", "off, "OFF", ""(empty string), 0(int), false(bool)
Other values will cause a panic.
func (*CheckboxBase) TextIsLabel ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) TextIsLabel() bool
TextIsLabel is called by the framework to determine that the Text of the control is used in a label tag. You do not normally need to call this unless you are creating the template for a custom control.
func (*CheckboxBase) UnmarshalState ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState restores the state of the checkbox if coming back to a form in the same session.
func (*CheckboxBase) UpdateCheckboxFormValues ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c *CheckboxBase) UpdateCheckboxFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateCheckboxFormValues is used by subclasses of CheckboxBase to update their internal state if they are a checkbox type of control.
func (*CheckboxBase) UpdateRadioFormValues ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c *CheckboxBase) UpdateRadioFormValues(ctx context.Context, group string)
UpdateRadioFormValues is used by subclasses of CheckboxBase to update their internal state if they are a radioButton type of control.
func (*CheckboxBase) Value ¶
func (c *CheckboxBase) Value() interface{}
Value returns the boolean checked status of the checkbox.
type CheckboxCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CheckboxCreator struct { // ID is the id of the control ID string // Text is the text of the label displayed right next to the checkbox. Text string // Checked will initialize the checkbox in its checked state. Checked bool // LabelMode specifies how the label is drawn with the checkbox. LabelMode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode // LabelAttributes are additional attributes placed on the label tag. LabelAttributes html5tag.Attributes // SaveState will save the value of the checkbox and restore it when the page is reentered. SaveState bool page.ControlOptions }
type CheckboxI ¶
type CheckboxI interface { page.ControlI GetDrawingLabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes }
type CheckboxList ¶
type CheckboxList struct { MultiselectList // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CheckboxList is a multi-select control that presents its choices as a list of checkboxes. Styling is provided by divs and spans that you can provide css for in your style sheets. The goradd.css file has default styling to handle the basics. It wraps the whole thing in a div that can be set to scroll as well, so that the final structure can be styled like a multi-column table, or a single-column scrolling list much like a standard html select list.
func GetCheckboxList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetCheckboxList(c page.ControlI, id string) *CheckboxList
GetCheckboxList is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewCheckboxList ¶
func NewCheckboxList(parent page.ControlI, id string) *CheckboxList
NewCheckboxList creates a new CheckboxList
func (*CheckboxList) ColumnCount ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) ColumnCount() int
ColumnCount returns the current column count.
func (*CheckboxList) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *CheckboxList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*CheckboxList) DrawInnerHtml ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
DrawInnerHtml is called by the framework to draw the contents of the list.
func (*CheckboxList) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*CheckboxList) Init ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init is called by subclasses
func (*CheckboxList) LayoutDirection ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *CheckboxList) LayoutDirection() LayoutDirection
LayoutDirection returns the direction of how items are spread across the columns.
func (*CheckboxList) RenderItem ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) RenderItem(item *ListItem) (h string)
RenderItem is called by the framework to render a single item in the list.
func (*CheckboxList) RenderItems ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (l *CheckboxList) RenderItems(items []*ListItem) string
func (*CheckboxList) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *CheckboxList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*CheckboxList) SetColumnCount ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) SetColumnCount(columns int) CheckboxListI
SetColumnCount sets the number of columns to use to display the list. Items will be evenly distributed across the columns.
func (*CheckboxList) SetIsScrolling ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) SetIsScrolling(s bool) CheckboxListI
SetIsScrolling sets whether the list will scroll if it gets bigger than its bounding box. You will need to style the bounding box to give it limits, or else it will simply grow as big as the list.
func (*CheckboxList) SetLabelDrawingMode ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) SetLabelDrawingMode(mode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode) CheckboxListI
SetLabelDrawingMode indicates how labels for each of the checkboxes are drawn.
func (*CheckboxList) SetLayoutDirection ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *CheckboxList) SetLayoutDirection(direction LayoutDirection) CheckboxListI
SetLayoutDirection specifies how items are distributed across the columns.
func (*CheckboxList) SetRowClass ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *CheckboxList) SetRowClass(c string) CheckboxListI
SetRowClass sets the class to the div wrapper around each row. If blank, will be given a default.
func (*CheckboxList) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (l *CheckboxList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
type CheckboxListCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CheckboxListCreator struct { ID string // Items is a static list of labels and values that will be in the list. Or, use a DataProvider to dynamically generate the items. Items []ListValue // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // ColumnCount specifies how many columns to show ColumnCount int // LayoutDirection determines how the items are arranged in the columns LayoutDirection LayoutDirection // LabelDrawingMode specifies how the labels on the radio buttons will be associated with the buttons LabelDrawingMode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode // IsScrolling will give the inner div a vertical scroll style. You will need to style the height of the outer control to have a fixed style as well. IsScrolling bool // RowClass is the class assigned to each row RowClass string // Value is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Value string // SaveState saves the selected value so that it is restored if the form is returned to. SaveState bool page.ControlOptions }
func (CheckboxListCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (CheckboxListCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c CheckboxListCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl CheckboxListI)
type CheckboxListI ¶
type CheckboxListI interface { MultiselectListI SetColumnCount(int) CheckboxListI SetLayoutDirection(direction LayoutDirection) CheckboxListI SetLabelDrawingMode(mode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode) CheckboxListI SetIsScrolling(s bool) CheckboxListI SetRowClass(c string) CheckboxListI RenderItems(items []*ListItem) string RenderItem(item *ListItem) string }
type ColumnBase ¶
type ColumnBase struct { base.Base html5tag.Attributes // These are static attributes that will appear on each cell // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ColumnBase is the base implementation of all table columns
func (*ColumnBase) Action ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) Action(ctx context.Context, params action.Params)
Action does a table action that is directed at this table Column implementations can implement this method to receive private actions that they have added using AddActions
func (*ColumnBase) AddActions ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) AddActions(ctrl page.ControlI)
func (*ColumnBase) ApplyFormat ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) ApplyFormat(data interface{}) string
ApplyFormat is used by table columns to apply the given fmt.Sprintf and time.Format strings to the data. It is exported to allow custom cell texters to use it.
func (*ColumnBase) ApplyOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *ColumnBase) ApplyOptions(ctx context.Context, parent TableI, opt ColumnOptions)
func (*ColumnBase) AsHeader ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *ColumnBase) AsHeader() bool
func (*ColumnBase) CellAttributes ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) CellAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) html5tag.Attributes
CellAttributes returns the attributes of the cell. Column implementations should call this base version first before customizing more. It will use the CellStyler if one was provided.
func (*ColumnBase) CellData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) CellData(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) interface{}
func (*ColumnBase) CellText ¶
CellText returns the text in the cell. It will use the CellTexter if one was provided.
func (*ColumnBase) CellTexter ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) CellTexter() CellTexter
CellTexter returns the cell texter.
func (*ColumnBase) ColTagAttributes ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) ColTagAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
ColTagAttributes specifies attributes that will appear in the column tag. Note that you have to turn on column tags in the table object as well for these to appear.
func (*ColumnBase) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*ColumnBase) DrawColumnTag ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) DrawColumnTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
DrawColumnTag draws the column tag if one was requested.
func (*ColumnBase) DrawFooterCell ¶
DrawFooterCell will draw the footer cells html into the given buffer.
func (*ColumnBase) FooterAttributes ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) FooterAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) html5tag.Attributes
FooterAttributes returns the attributes to use for the footer cell.
func (*ColumnBase) FooterCellHtml ¶
FooterCellHtml returns the html to use in the given footer cell.
func (*ColumnBase) HeaderAttributes ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) HeaderAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) html5tag.Attributes
HeaderAttributes returns the attributes to use on the header cell. The default version will return an attribute structure which you can use to directly manipulate the attributes. If you want something more customized, create your own column and implement this function. row and col are zero based.
func (*ColumnBase) HeaderCellHtml ¶
HeaderCellHtml returns the text of the indicated header cell. The default will call into the headerTexter if it is provided, or just return the Label value. This function can also be overridden by embedding the ColumnBase object into another object.
func (*ColumnBase) Init ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) Init(self ColumnI)
func (*ColumnBase) IsHidden ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) IsHidden() bool
IsHidden returns true if the column is hidden.
func (*ColumnBase) IsSortable ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) IsSortable() bool
IsSortable indicates whether the column is sortable, and has a sort indicator in the head.
func (*ColumnBase) MarshalState ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c *ColumnBase) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control.
func (*ColumnBase) ParentTable ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) ParentTable() TableI
ParentTable returns the table that is the parent of the column
func (*ColumnBase) PreRender ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c *ColumnBase) PreRender()
PreRender is called just before the table is redrawn.
func (*ColumnBase) RenderSortButton ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) RenderSortButton(labelHtml string) string
RenderSortButton returns the html that draws the sort button.
func (*ColumnBase) Restore ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) Restore(parentTable TableI)
func (*ColumnBase) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*ColumnBase) SetAsHeader ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *ColumnBase) SetAsHeader(r bool)
SetAsHeader will cause the entire column to be output with th instead of td cells.
func (*ColumnBase) SetCellStyler ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetCellStyler(s CellStyler)
SetCellStyler sets the CellStyler for the body cells.
func (*ColumnBase) SetCellTexter ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetCellTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI
SetCellTexter sets the CellTexter for getting the content of each body cell.
func (*ColumnBase) SetFooterTexter ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetFooterTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI
SetFooterTexter sets the CellTexter that gets the text for footer cells.
func (*ColumnBase) SetFormat ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) SetFormat(format string) ColumnI
func (*ColumnBase) SetHeaderTexter ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetHeaderTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI
SetHeaderTexter sets the CellTexter that gets the text for header cells.
func (*ColumnBase) SetHidden ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetHidden(h bool) ColumnI
SetHidden hides the column without removing it completely from the table.
func (*ColumnBase) SetID ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetID(id string) ColumnI
SetID sets the id of the column. If you are going to provide your own id, do this as the first thing after you create a table, or the new id might not propagate through the system correctly. Note that the id in html will have the table id prepended to it. This is required so that actions can be routed to a column.
func (*ColumnBase) SetIsHtml ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetIsHtml(columnIsHtml bool) ColumnI
SetIsHtml will cause the cell to treat the text it receives as html rather than raw text it should escape. Use this with extreme caution. Do not display unescaped text that might come from user input, as it could open you up to XSS attacks.
func (*ColumnBase) SetSortDirection ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetSortDirection(d SortDirection) ColumnI
SetSortDirection is used internally to set the sort direction indicator.
func (*ColumnBase) SetSortable ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (c *ColumnBase) SetSortable() ColumnI
SetSortable indicates that the column should be drawn with sort indicators.
func (*ColumnBase) SetSpan ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetSpan(span int) ColumnI
SetSpan sets the span indicated in the column tag of the column. This is used to create colgroup tags.
func (*ColumnBase) SetTimeFormat ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ColumnBase) SetTimeFormat(timeFormat string) ColumnI
func (*ColumnBase) SetTitle ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SetTitle(title string) ColumnI
SetTitle sets the title of the column. It returns a column reference for chaining.
func (*ColumnBase) SortDirection ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) SortDirection() SortDirection
SortDirection returns the current sort direction.
func (*ColumnBase) Span ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) Span() int
Span returns the number of columns this column will span. If the span is not set, it will return 1.
func (*ColumnBase) Title ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) Title() string
Title returns the title text that will appear in the header of the column
func (*ColumnBase) UnmarshalState ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c *ColumnBase) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control.
func (*ColumnBase) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (c *ColumnBase) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is called by the system whenever values are sent by client controls. This default version does nothing. Columns that need to record information (checkbox columns for example), should implement this.
type ColumnCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
func Columns ¶ added in v0.2.3
func Columns(cols ...ColumnCreator) []ColumnCreator
Columns is a helper to return a group of columns
type ColumnI ¶
type ColumnI interface { ID() string SetID(string) ColumnI ParentTable() TableI Title() string SetTitle(string) ColumnI Span() int SetSpan(int) ColumnI IsHidden() bool AsHeader() bool SetHidden(bool) ColumnI DrawColumnTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) DrawCell(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}, w io.Writer) CellText(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) string CellData(ctx context.Context, row int, col int, data interface{}) interface{} HeaderCellHtml(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) string HeaderAttributes(ctx context.Context, row int, col int) html5tag.Attributes ColTagAttributes() html5tag.Attributes UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context) AddActions(ctrl page.ControlI) Action(ctx context.Context, params action.Params) SetCellTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI SetHeaderTexter(s CellTexter) ColumnI SetCellStyler(s CellStyler) IsSortable() bool SortDirection() SortDirection SetSortDirection(SortDirection) ColumnI SetSortable() ColumnI RenderSortButton(labelHtml string) string SetIsHtml(columnIsHtml bool) ColumnI PreRender() MarshalState(m page.SavedState) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState) Serialize(e page.Encoder) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder) Restore(parentTable TableI) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ColumnI defines the interface that all columns must support. Most of these functions are provided by the default behavior of the ColumnBase class.
type ColumnOptions ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ColumnOptions struct { // CellAttributes is a static map of attributes to apply to every cell in the column CellAttributes html5tag.Attributes // HeaderAttributes is a slice of attributes to apply to each row of the header cells in the column. // Each item in the slice corresponds to a row of the header. HeaderAttributes []html5tag.Attributes // Each item in the slice corresponds to a row of the footer. FooterAttributes []html5tag.Attributes // ColTagAttributes applies attributes to the col tag if col tags are on in the table. There are limited uses for // this, but in particular, you can style a column and give it an id. Use Span to set the span attribute. ColTagAttributes html5tag.Attributes // Span is specifically for col tags to specify the width of the styling in the col tag. Span int // AsHeader will cause the entire column to output header tags (th) instead of standard cell tags (td). // This is useful for columns on the left or right that contain labels for the rows. AsHeader bool // IsHtml will cause the text of the cells to NOT be escaped IsHtml bool // HeaderTexter is an object that will provide the text of the header cells. This can be either an // object that you have set up prior, or a string id of a control HeaderTexter interface{} // object that you have set up prior, or a string id of a control FooterTexter interface{} // IsHidden will start the column out in a hidden state so that it will not initially be drawn IsHidden bool // Format is a format string applied to the data using fmt.Sprintf Format string // TimeFormat is a format string applied specifically to time data using time.Format TimeFormat string }
ColumnOptions are settings you can apply to all types of table columns
type DataBinder ¶ added in v0.3.0
type DataBinder interface { // A DataBinder must be a control so that we can serialize it ID() string // BindData is called by the data manager to get the data for the control during draw time BindData(ctx context.Context, s DataManagerI) }
type DataManager ¶ added in v0.3.0
type DataManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DataManager is an object designed to be embedded in a control that will help manage the data binding process.
func (*DataManager) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*DataManager) HasData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) HasData() bool
func (*DataManager) HasDataProvider ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) HasDataProvider() bool
func (*DataManager) LoadData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) LoadData(ctx context.Context, owner DataManagerI)
LoadData tells the data binder to load data by calling SetData on the given object. The object should be the embedder of the DataManager
func (*DataManager) RangeData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) RangeData(f func(int, interface{}) bool)
RangeData will call the given function for each item in the data. The function should return true to continue, and false to end early.
func (*DataManager) ResetData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) ResetData()
ResetData is called by controls that use a data binder to unload the data after it is used.
func (*DataManager) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*DataManager) SetData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) SetData(data interface{})
Call SetData to set the data of a control that uses a data binder. You MUST call it with a slice of some kind of data.
func (*DataManager) SetDataProvider ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DataManager) SetDataProvider(b DataBinder)
func (*DataManager) SetDataWithOffset ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (d *DataManager) SetDataWithOffset(data interface{}, offset int)
Use SetDataWithOffset with controls that show a window onto a bigger data set.
offset is the first row number that is represented by the data.
type DataManagerI ¶ added in v0.3.0
type DataManagerI interface { page.ControlI SetDataProvider(b DataBinder) HasDataProvider() bool // SetData should be passed a slice of data items SetData(data interface{}) SetDataWithOffset(data interface{}, offset int) LoadData(ctx context.Context, owner DataManagerI) ResetData() }
A DataManagerI is the interface for the owner (the embedder) of the DataManager
type DataPager ¶
type DataPager struct { page.ControlBase ObjectName string ObjectPluralName string LabelForNext string LabelForPrevious string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DataPager is a toolbar designed to aid scrolling a large set of data. It is implemented using Aria design best practices. It is designed to be paired with a Table or DataRepeater to aid in navigating through the data. It is similar to a Paginator, but a paginator is for navigating through a series of related web pages and not just for data on one form.
func NewDataPager ¶
func NewDataPager(parent page.ControlI, id string, pagedControl PagedControlI) *DataPager
NewDataPager creates a new DataPager
func (*DataPager) ButtonProxy ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*DataPager) CalcBunch ¶
CalcBunch is called by the framework to lay out the data pager based on the number of pages in the pager. It should try to represent an easy to navigate interface that can manage 2 or 2000 pages.
A "Bunch" is defined as the collection of numbers that lies in between the pair of Ellipsis ("...")
Layout ¶
For an IndexCount of 10 2 213 2 (two items to the left of the bunch, and then 2 indexes, selected index, 3 indexes, and then two items to the right of the bunch) e.g. 1 ... 5 6 *7* 8 9 10 ... 100
For IndexCount of 11 2 313 2
For IndexCount of 12 2 314 2
For IndexCount of 13 2 414 2
For IndexCount of 14 2 415 2
Start/end page numbers for the bunch
For IndexCount of 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .. 100 1 .. 4 5 *6* 7 8 9 .. 100 1 .. 92 93 *94* 95 96 97 .. 100 1 .. 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
For IndexCount of 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .. 100 1 .. 4 5 6 *7* 8 9 10 .. 100 1 .. 91 92 93 *94* 95 96 97 .. 100 1 .. 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
For IndexCount of 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 100 1 .. 4 5 6 *7* 8 9 10 11 .. 100 1 .. 90 91 92 *93* 94 95 96 97 .. 100 1 .. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
For IndexCount of 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 .. 100 1 .. 4 5 6 7 *8* 9 10 11 12 .. 100 1 .. 89 90 91 92 *93* 94 95 96 97 .. 100 1 .. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Note: there are likely better ways to do this. Some innovative ones are to have groups of 10s, and then 100s etc. Or, use the ellipsis as a dropdown menu for more selections
func (*DataPager) Deserialize ¶
func (*DataPager) DrawInnerHtml ¶
DrawInnerHtml is called by the framework to draw the control's inner html.
func (*DataPager) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (d *DataPager) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework to add temporary attributes to the html.
func (*DataPager) Init ¶
func (d *DataPager) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string, pagedControl PagedControlI)
Init is called by subclasses of a DataPager to initialize the data pager. You do not normally need to call this.
func (*DataPager) MarshalState ¶
func (d *DataPager) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*DataPager) NextButtonsHtml ¶
NextButtonsHtml returns the html for the next buttons. Subclasses can override this to change how the next buttons are drawn.
func (*DataPager) PageButtonsHtml ¶
PageButtonsHtml returns the html for the page buttons. Subclasses can override this to change how the page buttons are drawn.
func (*DataPager) PagedControl ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (d *DataPager) PagedControl() PagedControlI
func (*DataPager) PreRender ¶
PreRender is called by the framework to load data into the paged control just before drawing.
func (*DataPager) PreviousButtonsHtml ¶
PreviousButtonsHtml returns the html to draw the previous buttons. Subclasses can override this to change how the Previous buttons are drawn.
func (*DataPager) SetMaxPageButtons ¶
SetMaxPageButtons sets the maximum number of buttons that will be displayed in the paginator.
func (*DataPager) SetObjectNames ¶
SetObjectNames sets the single and plural names of the objects that are represented in the data pager.
func (*DataPager) UnmarshalState ¶
func (d *DataPager) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
type DataPagerCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DataPagerCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // MaxPageButtons is the maximum number of page buttons to display in the pager MaxPageButtons int // ObjectName is the name of the object being displayed in the table ObjectName string // ObjectPluralName is the plural name of the object being displayed ObjectPluralName string // LabelForNext is the text to use in the Next button LabelForNext string // LabelForPrevious is the text to use in the Previous button LabelForPrevious string // PagedControl is the id of the control that will be paged by the pager PagedControl string page.ControlOptions }
DataPagerCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of data pagers
func (DataPagerCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (DataPagerCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c DataPagerCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl DataPagerI)
Init is called by implementations of Buttons to initialize a control with the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type DataPagerI ¶
type DataPagerI interface { page.ControlI PreviousButtonsHtml() string NextButtonsHtml() string PageButtonsHtml(i int) string SetMaxPageButtons(b int) SetObjectNames(singular string, plural string) SetLabels(previous string, next string) }
DataPagerI is the data pager interface that allows this object to call into subclasses.
func GetDataPager ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetDataPager(c page.ControlI, id string) DataPagerI
type DateTextbox ¶
type DateTextbox struct { Textbox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DateTextbox is a textbox that only permits dates and/or times to be entered into it.
Dates and times will be converted to Browser local time.
func GetDateTextbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetDateTextbox(c page.ControlI, id string) *DateTextbox
GetDateTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewDateTextbox ¶
func NewDateTextbox(parent page.ControlI, id string) *DateTextbox
NewDateTextbox creates a new DateTextbox.
func (*DateTextbox) Date ¶
func (d *DateTextbox) Date() time.Time
Date returns the value as a DateTime value based on the format. If a bad value was entered into the textbox, it will return an empty datetime.
func (*DateTextbox) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DateTextbox) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
Deserialize recreates the control from the pagestate
func (*DateTextbox) Formats ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (d *DateTextbox) Formats() []string
Formats returns the format string specified previously
func (*DateTextbox) Init ¶
func (d *DateTextbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init initializes the control.
func (*DateTextbox) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (d *DateTextbox) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
Serialize encodes the control into the pagestate
func (*DateTextbox) SetDate ¶
func (d *DateTextbox) SetDate(t time.Time)
SetDate will set the textbox to the give time
func (*DateTextbox) SetFormats ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (d *DateTextbox) SetFormats(formats []string) DateTextboxI
SetFormats sets the format of the text allowed. The format is any allowable format that datetime or time can convert.
func (*DateTextbox) SetText ¶
func (d *DateTextbox) SetText(s string) page.ControlI
SetText sets the DateTime to the given text. If you attempt set the text to something that is not convertible to a date, an empty string will be entered. The resulting datetime will be in UTC time. Use SetDate if you want to make sure the date is in a certain timezone.
func (*DateTextbox) SetValue ¶
func (d *DateTextbox) SetValue(val interface{}) page.ControlI
SetValue will set the DateTextbox to the given value if possible.
func (*DateTextbox) UpdateFormValues ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (d *DateTextbox) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
func (*DateTextbox) Value ¶
func (d *DateTextbox) Value() interface{}
Value returns the value as an interface, but the underlying value will be a datetime. If a bad value was entered into the textbox, it will return an empty datetime.
type DateTextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DateTextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // Type is the type attribute of the textbox Type string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // ReadOnly sets the readonly attribute of the textbox, which prevents it from being changed by the user. ReadOnly bool // SaveState will save the text in the textbox, to be restored if the user comes back to the page. // It is particularly helpful when the textbox is being used to filter the results of a query, so that // when the user comes back to the page, he does not have to type the filter text again. SaveState bool // Text is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Text string // Formats is the time.format strings to use to decode the text into a date or to display the date. By default it is datetime.UsDateTime. Formats []string page.ControlOptions }
DateTextboxCreator creates an date textbox. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
func (DateTextboxCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c DateTextboxCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl DateTextboxI)
Init initializes the creator.
type DateTextboxI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DateTimeSpan ¶
type DateTimeSpan struct { Span // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DateTimeSpan is a span that displays a datetime value as static text. This is a typical default control to use for a timestamp in the database.
func NewDateTimeSpan ¶
func NewDateTimeSpan(parent page.ControlI, id string) *DateTimeSpan
NewDateTimeSpan create a new DateTimeSpan.
func (*DateTimeSpan) DateTime ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (s *DateTimeSpan) DateTime() time.Time
func (*DateTimeSpan) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (s *DateTimeSpan) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*DateTimeSpan) DrawInnerHtml ¶
func (s *DateTimeSpan) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
DrawInnerHtml is called by the framework to draw the inner html of the span.
func (*DateTimeSpan) DrawingAttributes ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (s *DateTimeSpan) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
func (*DateTimeSpan) Init ¶
func (s *DateTimeSpan) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init is called by subclasses to initialize the parent. You do not normally need to call this.
func (*DateTimeSpan) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (s *DateTimeSpan) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*DateTimeSpan) SetDateTime ¶
func (s *DateTimeSpan) SetDateTime(d time.Time)
SetDateTime sets the value to a datetime.DateTime.
func (*DateTimeSpan) SetFormat ¶
func (s *DateTimeSpan) SetFormat(format string) *DateTimeSpan
SetFormat sets the format string. This should be a time.TimeFormat string described at
func (*DateTimeSpan) SetValue ¶
func (s *DateTimeSpan) SetValue(v interface{})
SetValue sets the value display. You can set the value to a datetime.DateTime, a time.Time, or a string that can be parsed by the format string.
func (*DateTimeSpan) Value ¶
func (s *DateTimeSpan) Value() interface{}
Value returns the value as a datetime.DateTime object. Also satisfies the Valuer interface
type DateTimeSpanCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type DateValidator ¶
type DateValidator struct {
Message string
DateValidator specifies the message to show when the date is not validated.
type Dialog ¶
type Dialog struct { Panel // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Dialog is the default implementation of a dialog in Goradd. You should not normally call this directly, but rather call GetDialogPanel to create a dialog. GetDialogPanel will then call NewDialogI to create a dialog that wraps the panel. To change the default dialog style to a different one, call SetNewDialogFunction()
func (*Dialog) AddButton ¶
func (d *Dialog) AddButton( label string, id string, options *DialogButtonOptions, )
AddButton adds the given button to the dialog.
func (*Dialog) AddCloseButton ¶
AddCloseButton adds a button to the list of buttons with the given label, but this button will trigger the DialogCloseEvent instead of the DialogButtonEvent. The button will also close the dialog.
func (*Dialog) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Dialog) DrawInnerHtml ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (*Dialog) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (d *Dialog) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework to set temporary attributes just before drawing.
func (*Dialog) Hide ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (d *Dialog) Hide()
Hide will hide the dialog. The dialog will still be part of the form, just in a hidden state.
func (*Dialog) PrivateAction ¶ added in v0.9.5
PrivateAction is called by the framework and will respond to the DialogClose action sent by any close buttons on the page to close the dialog. You do not normally need to call this.
func (*Dialog) RemoveAllButtons ¶
func (d *Dialog) RemoveAllButtons()
RemoveAllButtons removes all the buttons from the dialog
func (*Dialog) RemoveButton ¶
RemoveButton removes the given button from the dialog
func (*Dialog) SetButtonStyle ¶ added in v0.9.1
SetButtonStyle sets css styles on a button that is already in the dialog
func (*Dialog) SetButtonText ¶ added in v0.13.4
SetButtonText sets the text of a button that was previously created
func (*Dialog) SetButtonVisible ¶
SetButtonVisible sets the visible state of the button. Hidden buttons are still rendered, but are styled so that they are not shown.
func (*Dialog) SetDialogStyle ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (d *Dialog) SetDialogStyle(s DialogStyle)
SetDialogStyle sets the style of the dialog.
func (*Dialog) SetHasCloseBox ¶ added in v0.0.3
SetHasCloseBox adds a close box so that the dialog can be closed in a way that is independent of buttons. Often this is an X button in the upper right corner of the dialog.
type DialogButtonOptions ¶
type DialogButtonOptions struct { // Validates indicates that this button will validate the dialog Validates bool // The ConfirmationMessage string will appear with a yes/no box making sure the user wants the action. // This is usually used when the action could be destructive, like a Delete button. ConfirmationMessage string // PushLeft pushes this button to the left side of the dialog. Buttons are typically aligned right. // This is helpful to separate particular buttons from the main grouping of buttons. Be sure to insert // all the PushLeft buttons before the other buttons. PushLeft bool // IsClose will set the button up to automatically close the dialog. Detect closes with the DialogCloseEvent if needed. // The button will not send a DialogButton event. IsClose bool // IsPrimary styles the button as a primary button and makes it the default when a return is pressed IsPrimary bool // OnClick is the action that will happen when the button is clicked. If you provide an action, the DialogButton event // will not be sent to the dialog. If you do not provide an action, the dialog will receive a DialogButton event instead. OnClick action.ActionI // Options are additional options specific to the dialog implementation you are using. Options map[string]interface{} }
DialogButtonOptions are optional additional items you can add to a dialog button.
type DialogEditPanel ¶ added in v0.9.3
type DialogEditPanel struct { DialogPanel ObjectName string }
DialogEditPanel is a dialog panel that pre-loads Save, Cancel and Delete buttons, and treats its one child control as an EditablePanel.
func GetDialogEditPanel ¶ added in v0.9.3
func GetDialogEditPanel(parent page.ControlI, id string, objectName string) (*DialogEditPanel, bool)
GetDialogEditPanel creates a panel that is designed to hold an EditablePanel. It itself will be wrapped with the application's default dialog style, and it will automatically get Save, Cancel and Delete buttons.
func (*DialogEditPanel) Action ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogEditPanel) Action(ctx context.Context, a action.Params)
func (*DialogEditPanel) EditPanel ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogEditPanel) EditPanel() EditablePanel
EditPanel returns the panel that has the edit controls
type DialogI ¶
type DialogI interface { PanelI SetTitle(string) SetDialogStyle(state DialogStyle) SetHasCloseBox(bool) Show() Hide() AddButton(label string, id string, options *DialogButtonOptions) AddCloseButton(label string, id string) SetButtonText(id string, text string) SetButtonVisible(id string, visible bool) SetButtonStyle(id string, a html5tag.Style) RemoveButton(id string) RemoveAllButtons() }
DialogI defines the publicly consumable api that the goradd framework uses to interact with a dialog.
More and more CSS and javascript frameworks are coming out with their own forms of dialog, which is usually a combination of html, css and a javascript widget. goradd has many ways of potentially interacting with dialogs, but to be able to inject a dialog into the framework, we need a consistent interface for all to use.
This particular interface has been implemented in a simple default dialog and Bootstrap dialogs. As more needs arise, we can modify the interface to accommodate as many frameworks as possible.
Dialog implementations should descend from the Panel control. Dialogs should be able to be a member of a form or control object and appear with an Open call, but they should also be able to be instantiated on the fly. The framework has hooks for both, and if you are creating a dialog implementation, see the current Bootstrap implementation for more direction. Feel free to implement more than just the functions listed. These are the minimal set to allow goradd to use a dialog implementation. When possible, implementations should use the same function signatures found here to do the same work. For example, SetHasCloseBox is defined here, and in the Bootstrap Modal implementation with the same function signature, and other implementations should attempt to do the same, but it is not enforced by an interface.
type DialogIFuncType ¶ added in v0.9.1
type DialogPanel ¶ added in v0.9.3
type DialogPanel struct {
A DialogPanel is the interface between the default dialog style, and a panel. To put a dialog on the screen, call GetDialogPanel() and then add child controls to that panel, call AddButton() to add buttons to the dialog, and then call Show().
func Alert ¶
func Alert(parent page.ControlI, message string, buttons interface{}) *DialogPanel
Alert is used by the framework to create an alert type message dialog.
If you specify no buttons, a close box in the corner will be created that will just close the dialog. If you specify just a string in buttons, or just one string as a slice of strings, one button will be shown that will just close the message.
If you specify more than one button, the first button will be the default button (the one pressed if the user presses the return key). In this case, you will need to detect the button by calling OnButton(action) on the dialog panel returned. You will also be responsible for calling Hide() on the dialog panel after detecting a button in this case. You can detect a close button by calling OnClose(action). Call SetDialogStyle on the result to control the look of the alery.
func GetDialogPanel ¶ added in v0.9.3
func GetDialogPanel(parent page.ControlI, id string) (dialogPanel *DialogPanel, isNew bool)
GetDialogPanel will return a new dialog panel if the given dialog panel does not already exist on the form, or it returns the dialog panel with the given id that already exists. isNew will indicate whether it created a new dialog, or is returning an existing one.
func (*DialogPanel) AddButton ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) AddButton(label string, id string, options *DialogButtonOptions)
AddButton adds a button to the dialog.
func (*DialogPanel) AddCloseButton ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) AddCloseButton(label string, id string)
AddCloseButton will add a button to the dialog that just closes the dialog.
func (*DialogPanel) Hide ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) Hide()
Hide will make a dialog invisible. The dialog will still be part of the form object.
func (*DialogPanel) Init ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
func (*DialogPanel) OnButton ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) OnButton(a action.ActionI)
OnButton attaches an action handler that responds to button presses. The id of the pressed button will be in the event value of the action.
func (*DialogPanel) OnClose ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) OnClose(a action.ActionI)
OnClose attaches an action that will happen when the dialog closes.
func (*DialogPanel) RemoveAllButtons ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) RemoveAllButtons()
RemoveAllButtons removes all the buttons from the dialog
func (*DialogPanel) RemoveButton ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) RemoveButton(id string)
RemoveButton removes the given button from the dialog
func (*DialogPanel) SetButtonStyle ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) SetButtonStyle(id string, a html5tag.Style)
SetButtonStyle sets the style of the given button
func (*DialogPanel) SetButtonText ¶ added in v0.13.4
func (p *DialogPanel) SetButtonText(id string, text string)
SetButtonText sets the text of the given button
func (*DialogPanel) SetButtonVisible ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) SetButtonVisible(id string, visible bool)
SetButtonVisible will show or hide a specific button that has already been added to the dialog.
func (*DialogPanel) SetDialogStyle ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) SetDialogStyle(s DialogStyle)
SetDialogStyle sets the style of the dialog.
func (*DialogPanel) SetHasCloseBox ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) SetHasCloseBox(h bool)
SetHasCloseBox will put a close box in the upper right corner of the dialog
func (*DialogPanel) SetTitle ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) SetTitle(t string)
SetTitle sets the title of the dialog
func (*DialogPanel) Show ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (p *DialogPanel) Show()
Show will bring a hidden dialog up on the screen.
type DialogSavePanel ¶ added in v0.12.0
type DialogSavePanel struct {
DialogSavePanel is a dialog panel that pre-loads Save, Cancel and Delete buttons, and treats its one child control as an EditablePanel.
func GetDialogSavePanel ¶ added in v0.12.0
func GetDialogSavePanel(parent page.ControlI, id string) (*DialogSavePanel, bool)
GetDialogSavePanel creates a panel that is designed to hold an SaveablePanel. It itself will be wrapped with the application's default dialog style, and it will automatically get Save, Cancel and Delete buttons.
func (*DialogSavePanel) Action ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (p *DialogSavePanel) Action(ctx context.Context, a action.Params)
func (*DialogSavePanel) Init ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (p *DialogSavePanel) Init(dlg page.ControlI, id string)
func (*DialogSavePanel) Load ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (p *DialogSavePanel) Load(ctx context.Context, pk string) (data interface{}, err error)
func (*DialogSavePanel) SavePanel ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (p *DialogSavePanel) SavePanel() SaveablePanel
EditPanel returns the panel that has the edit controls
type DialogStyle ¶ added in v0.0.3
type DialogStyle int
DialogStyle represents the style of the dialog, whether its a plain dialog (the default), or whether it should display additional indicators showing that its indicating an error, warning, information, or success. Not all css frameworks support all of these styles.
const ( DialogStyleDefault DialogStyle = iota DialogStyleError DialogStyleWarning DialogStyleInfo DialogStyleSuccess )
type EditablePanel ¶ added in v0.9.3
type EmailTextbox ¶
type EmailTextbox struct { Textbox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EmailTextbox is a Textbox control that validates for email addresses. EmailTextbox can accept multiple addresses separated by commas, and can accept any address in RFC5322 format (Barry Gibbs <[email protected]>) making it useful for people copying addresses out of an email client and pasting into the field.
func GetEmailTextbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetEmailTextbox(c page.ControlI, id string) *EmailTextbox
GetEmailTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewEmailTextbox ¶
func NewEmailTextbox(parent page.ControlI, id string) *EmailTextbox
NewEmailTextbox creates a new textbox that validates its input as an email address. multi will allow the textbox to accept multiple email addresses separated by a comma.
func (*EmailTextbox) Addresses ¶
func (t *EmailTextbox) Addresses() (ret []string)
Addresses returns a slice of the individual addresses entered, stripped of any extra text entered.
func (*EmailTextbox) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (t *EmailTextbox) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*EmailTextbox) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (t *EmailTextbox) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*EmailTextbox) SetMaxItemCount ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *EmailTextbox) SetMaxItemCount(max int) EmailTextboxI
func (*EmailTextbox) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (t *EmailTextbox) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
type EmailTextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EmailTextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // Type is the type attribute of the textbox Type string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // ReadOnly sets the readonly attribute of the textbox, which prevents it from being changed by the user. ReadOnly bool // SaveState will save the text in the textbox, to be restored if the user comes back to the page. // It is particularly helpful when the textbox is being used to filter the results of a query, so that // when the user comes back to the page, he does not have to type the filter text again. SaveState bool // Text is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Text string // MaxItemCount is the maximum number of email addresses allowed to be entered, separated by commas // By default it allows only 1. MaxItemCount int page.ControlOptions }
EmailTextboxCreator creates an email textbox. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
func (EmailTextboxCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c EmailTextboxCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl EmailTextboxI)
type EmailTextboxI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type EmailTextboxI interface { TextboxI SetMaxItemCount(count int) EmailTextboxI }
type Fieldset ¶
type Fieldset struct {
Fieldset is a Panel that is drawn with a fieldset tag. The panel's text is used as the legend tag. Fieldset's cannot have wrappers.
func GetFieldset ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetFieldset is a convenience method to return the panel with the given id from the page.
func NewFieldset ¶
NewFieldset creates a new Fieldset.
func (*Fieldset) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *Fieldset) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework.
type FieldsetCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FieldsetCreator struct { // ID is the id the tag will have on the page and must be unique on the page ID string // Legend is the text to use in the legend tag of the fieldset Legend string // Children are the child creators declaring the controls wrapped by the fieldset Children []page.Creator page.ControlOptions }
FieldsetCreator declares a Fieldset control. Pass it to AddControls or as a child of other creators.
type FloatLimit ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FloatTextbox ¶
type FloatTextbox struct {
FloatTextbox is a text control that ensures a valid floating point number is entered in the field.
func GetFloatTextbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetFloatTextbox(c page.ControlI, id string) *FloatTextbox
GetFloatTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewFloatTextbox ¶
func NewFloatTextbox(parent page.ControlI, id string) *FloatTextbox
func (*FloatTextbox) Float32 ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) Float32() float32
func (*FloatTextbox) Float64 ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) Float64() float64
func (*FloatTextbox) SetFloat32 ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) SetFloat32(v float32) *FloatTextbox
func (*FloatTextbox) SetFloat64 ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) SetFloat64(v float64) *FloatTextbox
func (*FloatTextbox) SetMaxValue ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) SetMaxValue(maxValue float64, invalidMessage string) FloatTextboxI
func (*FloatTextbox) SetMinValue ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) SetMinValue(minValue float64, invalidMessage string) FloatTextboxI
func (*FloatTextbox) SetValue ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *FloatTextbox) SetValue(v interface{}) page.ControlI
func (*FloatTextbox) Value ¶
func (t *FloatTextbox) Value() interface{}
type FloatTextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FloatTextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // Type is the type attribute of the textbox Type string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // RowCount creates a multi-line textarea with the given number of rows. By default the // textbox will expand vertically by this number of lines. Use a height style property for // better control of the height of a textbox. RowCount int // ReadOnly sets the readonly attribute of the textbox, which prevents it from being changed by the user. ReadOnly bool // SaveState will save the text in the textbox, to be restored if the user comes back to the page. // It is particularly helpful when the textbox is being used to filter the results of a query, so that // when the user comes back to the page, he does not have to type the filter text again. SaveState bool // MinValue is the minimum value the user can enter. If the user does not // enter at least this amount, or enters something that is not an integer, it will fail validation // and the FormFieldWrapper will show an error. MinValue *FloatLimit // MaxValue is the maximum value the user can enter. If the user enter more // than this amount, or enters something that is not an integer, it will fail validation // and the FormFieldWrapper will show an error. MaxValue *FloatLimit // Value is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Value interface{} page.ControlOptions }
FloatTextboxCreator creates a textbox that only accepts numbers. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
func (FloatTextboxCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (FloatTextboxCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c FloatTextboxCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl FloatTextboxI)
Init is called by implementations of Textboxes to initialize a control with the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type FloatTextboxI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FloatTextboxI interface { TextboxI SetMinValue(minValue float64, invalidMessage string) FloatTextboxI SetMaxValue(maxValue float64, invalidMessage string) FloatTextboxI }
type FloatValidator ¶
type FloatValidator struct {
Message string
type FormBase ¶
The FormBase is the control that all Form objects should include, and is the master container for all other goradd controls. This is here for future expansion.
type FormFieldWrapper ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FormFieldWrapper struct { page.ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FormFieldWrapper is a Goradd control that wraps other controls, and provides common companion functionality like a form label, validation state display, and help text.
func GetFormFieldWrapper ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetFormFieldWrapper(c page.ControlI, id string) *FormFieldWrapper
GetFormFieldWrapper is a convenience method to return the form field with the given id from the page.
func NewFormField ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewFormField(parent page.ControlI, id string) *FormFieldWrapper
func (*FormFieldWrapper) ChildValidationChanged ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) ChildValidationChanged()
func (*FormFieldWrapper) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*FormFieldWrapper) DrawTag ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
func (*FormFieldWrapper) DrawingAttributes ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
func (*FormFieldWrapper) ErrorAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) ErrorAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
func (*FormFieldWrapper) For ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) For() string
func (*FormFieldWrapper) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
func (*FormFieldWrapper) InstructionAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) InstructionAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
func (*FormFieldWrapper) Instructions ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Instructions() string
Instructions returns the instructions to be printed with the control
func (*FormFieldWrapper) LabelAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) LabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
func (*FormFieldWrapper) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*FormFieldWrapper) SetErrorAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetErrorAttributes(a html5tag.Attributes) FormFieldWrapperI
func (*FormFieldWrapper) SetFor ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetFor(relatedId string) FormFieldWrapperI
SetFor associates the form field with a sub control. The relatedId is the ID that the form field is associated with. Most browsers allow you to click on the label in order to give focus to the related control
func (*FormFieldWrapper) SetInstructionAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetInstructionAttributes(a html5tag.Attributes) FormFieldWrapperI
func (*FormFieldWrapper) SetInstructions ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetInstructions(i string) FormFieldWrapperI
SetInstructions sets the instructions that will be printed with the control. Instructions only get rendered by wrappers, so if there is no wrapper, or the wrapper does not render the instructions, this will not appear.
func (*FormFieldWrapper) SetLabelAttributes ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SetLabelAttributes(a html5tag.Attributes) FormFieldWrapperI
func (*FormFieldWrapper) SubTag ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (c *FormFieldWrapper) SubTag() string
type FormFieldWrapperCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FormFieldWrapperCreator struct { // ID is the optional control id on the html form. If you do not specify this, it // will create on for you that is the ID of the child control + "-ff" ID string // Label is the text that will be in the html label tag associated with the Child control. Label string // Child is the creator of the child control you want to wrap Child page.Creator // Instructions is help text that will follow the control and that further describes its purpose or use. Instructions string // For specifies the id of the control that the label is for, and that is the control that we are wrapping. // You normally do not need this, as it will simply look at the first child control, but if for some reason // that control is wrapped, you should explicitly sepecify the For control id here. For string // LabelAttributes are additional attributes to add to the label tag. LabelAttributes html5tag.Attributes // ErrorAttributes are additional attributes to add to the tag that displays the error. ErrorAttributes html5tag.Attributes // InstructionAttributes are additional attributes to add to the tag that displays the instructions. InstructionAttributes html5tag.Attributes // Set IsInline to true to use a "span" instead of a "div" in the wrapping tag. IsInline bool // ControlOptions are additional options for the wrapper tag ControlOptions page.ControlOptions }
Use FormFieldWrapperCreator to create a FormFieldWrapper, which wraps a control with a div or span that also has a label, validation error text and optional instructions. Pass the creator of the control you are wrapping as the Child item.
func (FormFieldWrapperCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create the control. You do not normally need to call it directly. Instead either pass this creator to AddControls for the parent control you want to add this to, or add this to the Children of the parent control's creator.
func (FormFieldWrapperCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (f FormFieldWrapperCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, c FormFieldWrapperI)
Init is called by implementations of a FormFieldWrapper to initialize the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type FormFieldWrapperI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type FormFieldWrapperI interface { page.ControlI SetFor(relatedId string) FormFieldWrapperI For() string Instructions() string SetInstructions(string) FormFieldWrapperI LabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes ErrorAttributes() html5tag.Attributes InstructionAttributes() html5tag.Attributes }
type GridLayoutBuilder ¶ added in v0.0.3
type GridLayoutBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GridLayoutBuilder is a helper that will allow a slice of items to be layed out in a table like pattern. It will compute the number of rows required, and then wrap the rows in row html, and the cells in cell html. You can have the items flow with the rows, or flow across the row axis. You can use this to build a table or a table-like structure.
This is largely obsoleted by CSS Grid.
func (*GridLayoutBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) Build() string
func (*GridLayoutBuilder) ColumnCount ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) ColumnCount(count int) *GridLayoutBuilder
ColumnCount sets the number of columns.
func (*GridLayoutBuilder) Direction ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) Direction(placement LayoutDirection) *GridLayoutBuilder
LayoutDirection indicates how items are placed, whether they should fill up rows first, or fill up columns.
func (*GridLayoutBuilder) Items ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) Items(items []string) *GridLayoutBuilder
Items sets the html for each item to display.
func (*GridLayoutBuilder) RowClass ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) RowClass(t string) *GridLayoutBuilder
func (*GridLayoutBuilder) RowTag ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (g *GridLayoutBuilder) RowTag(t string) *GridLayoutBuilder
type IDSetter ¶
type IDSetter interface {
SetID(id string)
IDSetter is an interface for an item that sets an id.
type IdSlice ¶
type IdSlice []string
IdSlice is a slice of string ids, and is used to sort a list of ids that the item list uses.
type Image ¶
type Image struct { page.ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Image is an img tag. You can display either a URL, or direct image information by setting the Src or the Data values.
func GetImage ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetImage is a convenience method to return the button with the given id from the page.
func (*Image) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Image) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (i *Image) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework.
func (*Image) SetAlt ¶
SetAlt will set the alt tag. The html standard requires the alt tag. Alt tags are used to display a descirption of an image when the browser cannot display an image, and is very important for assistive technologies.
func (*Image) SetMimeType ¶
Set the MIME type for the data, (jpeg, gif, png, etc.)
type ImageCapture ¶
ImageCapture is a panel that has both an image and button to help you capture images from the user's camera. It is a kind of composite control that exports the image so that you can further manipulate it after creation. It also has javascript to manage the actual image capture process. It does not currently allow the user to upload an image in place of capturing an image from the camera. It only captures images from devices and browsers that support image capture.
func GetImageCapture ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetImageCapture(c page.ControlI, id string) *ImageCapture
GetImageCapture is a convenience method to return the button with the given id from the page.
func NewImageCapture ¶
func NewImageCapture(parent page.ControlI, id string) *ImageCapture
NewImageCapture creates a new image capture panel.
func (*ImageCapture) Data ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) Data() []byte
func (*ImageCapture) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (i *ImageCapture) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*ImageCapture) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework.
func (*ImageCapture) Init ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init is called by subclasses.
func (*ImageCapture) MarshalState ¶ added in v0.13.3
func (i *ImageCapture) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*ImageCapture) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (i *ImageCapture) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*ImageCapture) SetData ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) SetData(data []byte)
SetData sets the binary picture data. The data must be in the mime type format.
func (*ImageCapture) SetMaskShape ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) SetMaskShape(shape ImageCaptureShape)
SetMaskShape sets the masking shape for the image
func (*ImageCapture) SetMimeType ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) SetMimeType(typ string)
func (*ImageCapture) SetPixelSize ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) SetPixelSize(width int, height int)
SetPixelSize sets the pixel size of the image that will be returned. ControlBase the visible size of the canvas through setting css sizes.
func (*ImageCapture) SetQuality ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) SetQuality(quality float32)
SetQuality specifies a number between 0 and 1 used as the quality value for capturing jpegs or webp images.
func (*ImageCapture) SetZoom ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) SetZoom(zoom int)
SetZoom zooms the camera by the given percent, i.e. 50 is 50% closer and 100 would be a 2x zoom.
func (*ImageCapture) TurnOff ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) TurnOff()
TurnOff will turn off the camera and the image displayed in the control
func (*ImageCapture) UnmarshalState ¶ added in v0.13.3
func (i *ImageCapture) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
func (*ImageCapture) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (i *ImageCapture) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is called by the framework.
type ImageCaptureCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ImageCaptureCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string MaskShape ImageCaptureShape MimeType string Zoom int Quality float32 SaveState bool page.ControlOptions }
ImageCaptureCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of buttons
type ImageCaptureI ¶
type ImageCaptureShape ¶
type ImageCaptureShape string
const ( ImageCaptureShapeRect ImageCaptureShape = "rect" ImageCaptureShapeCircle ImageCaptureShape = "circle" )
type ImageCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ImageCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // Src is the content of the source attribute, usually a url Src string // Alt is the text displayed for screen readers Alt string MimeType string Width int Height int Data []byte page.ControlOptions }
ImageCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of buttons
type IntValidator ¶
type IntValidator struct {
Message string
type IntegerLimit ¶ added in v0.2.0
type IntegerTextbox ¶
type IntegerTextbox struct { Textbox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetIntegerTextbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetIntegerTextbox(c page.ControlI, id string) *IntegerTextbox
GetIntegerTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewIntegerTextbox ¶
func NewIntegerTextbox(parent page.ControlI, id string) *IntegerTextbox
func (*IntegerTextbox) Int ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) Int() int
func (*IntegerTextbox) Int64 ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) Int64() int64
func (*IntegerTextbox) SetInt ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetInt(v int) IntegerTextboxI
func (*IntegerTextbox) SetMaxValue ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetMaxValue(maxValue int, invalidMessage string) IntegerTextboxI
SetMaxValue creates a validator that makes sure the value of the text box is at most the given value. Specify your own error message, or leave the error message blank and a standard error message will be presented if the value is not valid.
func (*IntegerTextbox) SetMinValue ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetMinValue(minValue int, invalidMessage string) IntegerTextboxI
SetMinValue creates a validator that makes sure the value of the text box is at least the given value. Specify your own error message, or leave the error message blank and a standard error message will be presented if the value is not valid.
func (*IntegerTextbox) SetValue ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) SetValue(v interface{}) page.ControlI
func (*IntegerTextbox) Value ¶
func (t *IntegerTextbox) Value() interface{}
type IntegerTextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type IntegerTextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // Type is the type attribute of the textbox Type string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // RowCount creates a multi-line textarea with the given number of rows. By default the // textbox will expand vertically by this number of lines. Use a height style property for // better control of the height of a textbox. RowCount int // ReadOnly sets the readonly attribute of the textbox, which prevents it from being changed by the user. ReadOnly bool // SaveState will save the text in the textbox, to be restored if the user comes back to the page. // It is particularly helpful when the textbox is being used to filter the results of a query, so that // when the user comes back to the page, he does not have to type the filter text again. SaveState bool // MinValue is the minimum value the user can enter. If the user does not // enter at least this amount, or enters something that is not an integer, it will fail validation // and the FormFieldWrapper will show an error. MinValue *IntegerLimit // MaxValue is the maximum value the user can enter. If the user enter more // than this amount, or enters something that is not an integer, it will fail validation // and the FormFieldWrapper will show an error. MaxValue *IntegerLimit // Value is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Value interface{} page.ControlOptions }
IntegerTextboxCreator creates an integer textbox. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
func (IntegerTextboxCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (IntegerTextboxCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c IntegerTextboxCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl IntegerTextboxI)
Init is called by implementations of Textboxes to initialize a control with the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type IntegerTextboxI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type IntegerTextboxI interface { TextboxI SetMinValue(minValue int, invalidMessage string) IntegerTextboxI SetMaxValue(maxValue int, invalidMessage string) IntegerTextboxI }
type ItemIntIDer ¶ added in v0.7.0
ItemIntIDer matches orm objects that use an int type for the id
type ItemList ¶
type ItemList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ItemList manages a list of *ListItem list items. ItemList is designed to be embedded in another structure, and will turn that object into a manager of list items. ItemList will manage the id's of the items in its list, you do not have control of that, and it needs to manage those ids in order to efficiently manage the selection process.
Controls that embed this must implement the Serialize and Deserialize methods to call both the base ControlBase's Serialize and Deserialize methods, and the ones here.
func NewItemList ¶
NewItemList creates a new item list. "owner" is the object that has the list embedded in it, and must be an IDer.
func (*ItemList) AddItem ¶
AddItem adds the given item to the end of the list. The value is optional, but should only be one or zero values.
func (*ItemList) AddItemAt ¶
AddItemAt adds the item at the given index. If the index is negative, it counts from the end. -1 would therefore put the item before the last item. If the index is bigger or equal to the number of items, it adds it to the end. If the index is zero, or is negative and smaller than the negative value of the number of items, it adds to the beginning. This can be an expensive operation in a long hierarchical list, so use sparingly.
func (*ItemList) AddListItemAt ¶
AddListItemAt adds the item at the given index. If the index is negative, it counts from the end. If the index is -1 or bigger than the number of items, it adds it to the end. If the index is zero, or is negative and smaller than the negative value of the number of items, it adds to the beginning. This can be an expensive operation in a long hierarchical list, so use sparingly.
func (*ItemList) AddListItems ¶
func (l *ItemList) AddListItems(items ...interface{})
AddListItems adds one or more objects to the end of the list. items should be a list of *ListItem, ItemLister, ItemIDer, Labeler or Stringer types. This function can accept one or more lists of items, or single items
func (*ItemList) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*ItemList) GetItem ¶
GetItem recursively searches for and returns the item corresponding to the given id. Since we are managing the id numbers, we can efficiently find the item. Note that if you add items to the list, the ids may change.
func (*ItemList) GetItemByValue ¶
GetItemByValue recursively searches the list to find the item with the given value. It starts with the current list, and if not found, will search in sublists.
func (*ItemList) Len ¶
Len returns the length of the item list at the current level. In other words, it does not count items in sublists.
func (*ItemList) ListItems ¶
ListItems returns a slice of the *ListItem items, in the order they were added or arranged.
func (*ItemList) RemoveItemAt ¶ added in v0.0.3
RemoveItemAt removes an item at the given index.
type ItemListI ¶
type ItemListI interface { AddItem(label string, value ...string) *ListItem AddItemAt(index int, label string, value ...string) AddListItemAt(index int, item *ListItem) AddListItems(items ...interface{}) GetItemAt(index int) *ListItem ListItems() []*ListItem Clear() RemoveItemAt(index int) Len() int GetItem(id string) (foundItem *ListItem) GetItemByValue(value string) (id string, foundItem *ListItem) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ItemListI is the interface for all controls that display a list of ListItems.
type ItemLister ¶
type ItemLister interface { Value() interface{} Label() string }
type LabelAttributer ¶ added in v0.13.8
type LabelAttributer interface {
LabelAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
type LayoutDirection ¶ added in v0.0.4
type LayoutDirection int
LayoutDirection controls whether items are layed out in rows or columns.
const ( // LayoutRow lays out items in rows LayoutRow LayoutDirection = iota // LayoutColumn lays out items in columns, computing the number of rows required to make the specified number of columns. LayoutColumn )
type Link ¶ added in v0.17.0
type Link struct {
Link is a standard html link. It corresponds to a <a> tag in html.
func GetLink ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetLink is a convenience method to return the link with the given id from the page.
func (*Link) DrawingAttributes ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (l *Link) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*Link) Init ¶ added in v0.17.0
Init is called by subclasses of Link to initialize the link control structure.
func (*Link) SetDownload ¶ added in v0.17.0
SetDownload sets the download attribute of the link.
When a user clicks on the link, the browser will cause the destination to be downloaded. Pass a value to name the download file, or pass the empty string to cause the browser to use the link name as the file name.
func (*Link) SetLocation ¶ added in v0.17.0
SetLocation sets the href attribute of the link
type LinkCreator ¶ added in v0.17.0
type LinkCreator struct { // ID is the control id. Leave blank to have one automatically assigned. ID string // Text is the text displayed inside the link. Text string // Location is the destination of the link (the href attribute). Location string // Download indicates that the "download" attribute should be assigned to the link. // Set to true to use the text of the link as the name of the file. Otherwise set to a string // to indicate the name of the file. Download any // ControlOptions are additional options for the html control. page.ControlOptions }
LinkCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of links
type ListItem ¶
type ListItem struct { ItemList // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A ListItem is an object that is a member of a list. HTML has a few different kinds of lists, and this can be a member of a select list (<select>), or an ordered or unordered list (<ul> or <ol>). It is up to the manager of the list to render the item, but this serves as a place to store options about the item. Not all options are pertinent to all lists.
A list item generally has a value, and a label. Often, lists will have ids too, that will appear in the html output, but the id values are managed by the list manager and generally should not be set by you. In situations where the user selects a list item, you would use the id to retrieve the ListItem selected.
func NewItemFromItemIDer ¶
NewItemFromItemIDer creates a new item from any object that has an ID and String method. Note that the ID() of the ItemIDer will become the value of the select item, and the String() will become the label
func NewItemFromItemIntIDer ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewItemFromItemIntIDer(i ItemIntIDer) *ListItem
func NewItemFromItemLister ¶
func NewItemFromItemLister(i ItemLister) *ListItem
NewItemFromItemLister creates a new item from any object that has a Value and Label method.
func NewItemFromLabeler ¶
NewItemFromLabeler creates a new item from any object that has just a Label method.
func NewItemFromStringer ¶
NewItemFromStringer creates a new item from any object that has just a String method. The label and value will be the same.
func NewListItem ¶
NewListItem creates a new item for a list. Specify an empty string for an item that represents no selection.
func (*ListItem) AnchorAttributes ¶
func (i *ListItem) AnchorAttributes() html5tag.Attributes
func (*ListItem) Attributes ¶
func (i *ListItem) Attributes() html5tag.Attributes
Attributes returns a pointer to the attributes of the item for customization. You can directly set the attributes on the returned object.
func (*ListItem) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*ListItem) HasChildItems ¶
func (*ListItem) IsEmptyValue ¶ added in v0.0.3
IsEmptyValue returns true if the value is empty, meaning it does not satisfy a selection being made if the list has IsRequired turned on.
func (*ListItem) RenderLabel ¶
func (*ListItem) SetAttribute ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*ListItem) SetDisabled ¶
func (*ListItem) SetID ¶
SetID should not be called by your code typically. It is exported for implementations of item lists. The IDs of an item list are completely managed by the list, you cannot have custom ids.
func (*ListItem) SetIsDivider ¶
func (*ListItem) SetShouldEscapeLabel ¶
type ListValue ¶ added in v0.0.3
type ListValue struct { L string // V is the value V interface{} }
ListValue is a helper for initializing a control based on ItemList. It satisfies the ItemLister interface. To use it, create a slice of ListValue's and pass the list to AddListItems or SetData.
type MaxFloatValidator ¶
type MaxIntValidator ¶
type MaxLengthValidator ¶
MaxLengthValidator is a Validater to test that the user did not enter too many characters.
type MinFloatValidator ¶
type MinIntValidator ¶
type MinLengthValidator ¶
MinLengthValidator is a validator that checks that the user has entered a minimum length. It is set up automatically by calling SetMinValue.
type MultiselectList ¶
type MultiselectList struct { page.ControlBase ItemList DataManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MultiselectList is a generic list box which allows multiple selections. It is here for completeness, but is not used very often since it doesn't present an intuitive interface and is very browser dependent on what is presented. A CheckboxList is better.
func GetMultiselectList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetMultiselectList(c page.ControlI, id string) *MultiselectList
GetMultiselectList is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewMultiselectList ¶
func NewMultiselectList(parent page.ControlI, id string) *MultiselectList
func (*MultiselectList) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *MultiselectList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*MultiselectList) DrawInnerHtml ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
func (*MultiselectList) DrawTag ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (l *MultiselectList) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
func (*MultiselectList) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*MultiselectList) IsValueSelected ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (l *MultiselectList) IsValueSelected(v string) bool
func (*MultiselectList) MarshalState ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*MultiselectList) SelectedIds ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedIds() []string
SelectedIds returns a list of ids sorted by id number that correspond to the selection
func (*MultiselectList) SelectedItems ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedItems() []*ListItem
func (*MultiselectList) SelectedLabels ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedLabels() []string
func (*MultiselectList) SelectedValues ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) SelectedValues() []string
func (*MultiselectList) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *MultiselectList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*MultiselectList) SetData ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *MultiselectList) SetData(data interface{})
SetData overrides the default data setter to add objects to the item list. The result is kept in memory currently. ItemLister, ItemIDer, Labeler or Stringer types. This function can accept one or more lists of items, or single items.
func (*MultiselectList) SetSelectedValueNoRefresh ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (l *MultiselectList) SetSelectedValueNoRefresh(value string, on bool)
func (*MultiselectList) SetSelectedValues ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (l *MultiselectList) SetSelectedValues(values []string)
SetSelectedValues sets the current selection to the given values. You must ensure that the items with the values exist, it will not attempt to make sure the items exist.
func (*MultiselectList) SetSelectedValuesNoRefresh ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (l *MultiselectList) SetSelectedValuesNoRefresh(values []string)
func (*MultiselectList) SetSize ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) SetSize(size int) MultiselectListI
func (*MultiselectList) SetValue ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) SetValue(v interface{})
SetValue implements the Valuer interface for general purpose value getting and setting
func (*MultiselectList) Size ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) Size() int
func (*MultiselectList) UnmarshalState ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
func (*MultiselectList) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
func (*MultiselectList) Value ¶
func (l *MultiselectList) Value() interface{}
Value implements the Valuer interface for general purpose value getting and setting
type MultiselectListCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type MultiselectListCreator struct { ID string // Items is a static list of labels and values that will be in the list. Or, use a DataProvider to dynamically generate the items. Items []ListValue // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // Size specifies how many items to show, and turns the list into a scrolling list Size int // SaveState saves the selected value so that it is restored if the form is returned to. SaveState bool page.ControlOptions }
type MultiselectListI ¶
type MultiselectListI interface { page.ControlI ItemListI DataManagerI }
type OrderedList ¶
type OrderedList struct {
OrderedList is a dynamically generated html ordered list (ol). Such lists are often used as the basis for javascript and css widgets. If you use a data provider to set the data, you should call AddItems to the list in your LoadData function.
func GetOrderedList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetOrderedList(c page.ControlI, id string) *OrderedList
GetOrderedList is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewOrderedList ¶
func NewOrderedList(parent page.ControlI, id string) *OrderedList
NewOrderedList creates a new ordered list (ol tag).
func (*OrderedList) DrawInnerHtml ¶
func (l *OrderedList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
func (*OrderedList) NumberType ¶
func (l *OrderedList) NumberType() string
NumberType returns the string used for the type attribute.
func (*OrderedList) SetNumberType ¶
func (l *OrderedList) SetNumberType(t string) OrderedListI
SetNumberType sets the top level number style for the list. Choose from the OrderedListNumberType* constants. To set a number type for a sublevel, set the "type" attribute on the list item that is the parent of the sub list.
func (*OrderedList) SetStart ¶
func (l *OrderedList) SetStart(start int) OrderedListI
SetStart sets the starting number for the numbers in the top level list. To set the start of a sub-list, set the "start" attribute on the list item that is the parent of the sub-list.
type OrderedListCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OrderedListCreator struct { ID string // Items is a static list of labels and values that will be in the list. Or, use a DataProvider to dynamically generate the items. Items []ListValue // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // NumberType is the type attribute and defaults to OrderedListNumberTypeNumber. NumberType string // StartAt sets the number to start counting from. The default is 1. StartAt int page.ControlOptions }
func (OrderedListCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (OrderedListCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c OrderedListCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl OrderedListI)
type OrderedListI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type OrderedListI interface { UnorderedListI SetNumberType(t string) OrderedListI SetStart(start int) OrderedListI }
type PagedControl ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PagedControl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PagedControl is a mixin that makes a ControlBase controllable by a data pager. All embedders of a PagedControl MUST implement the Serialize and Deserialize methods so that the base ControlBase versions of these functions will get called.
func (*PagedControl) AddDataPager ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) AddDataPager(d DataPagerI)
AddDataPager adds a data pager to the PagedControl. A PagedControl can have multiple data pagers.
func (*PagedControl) CalcPageCount ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) CalcPageCount() int
CalcPageCount will return the number of pages based on the page size and total items.
func (*PagedControl) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *PagedControl) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*PagedControl) GetDataPagerIDs ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) GetDataPagerIDs() []string
func (*PagedControl) HasDataPagers ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) HasDataPagers() bool
func (*PagedControl) MarshalState ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (c *PagedControl) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*PagedControl) PageNum ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) PageNum() int
PageNum returns the current page number.
func (*PagedControl) PageSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) PageSize() int
PageSize returns the maximum number of items that will be allowed in a page.
func (*PagedControl) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *PagedControl) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
Serialize encodes the PagedControl data for serialization. Note that all control implementations that use a PagedControl MUST create their own Serialize method, call the base ControlBase's version first, and then call this Serialize method.
func (*PagedControl) SetPageNum ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) SetPageNum(n int)
SetPageNum sets the current page number. It does not redraw anything, nor does it determine if the page is actually visible.
func (*PagedControl) SetPageSize ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) SetPageSize(size int)
SetPageSize sets the maximum number of items that will be displayed at one time. If more than this number of items is being displayed, the pager will allow paging to other items.
func (*PagedControl) SetTotalItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) SetTotalItems(count uint)
SetTotalItems sets the total number of items that the paginator keeps track of. This will be divided by the PageSize to determine the number of pages presented. You must call this each time the data size might change.
func (*PagedControl) SliceOffsets ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) SliceOffsets() (start, end int)
SliceOffsets returns the start and end values to use to specify a portion of a slice corresponding to the data the pager refers to
func (*PagedControl) SqlLimits ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) SqlLimits() (maxRowCount, offset int)
SqlLimits returns the limits you would use in a sql database limit clause
func (*PagedControl) TotalItems ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *PagedControl) TotalItems() int
TotalItems returns the number of items that the paginator is aware of in the list it is managing.
func (*PagedControl) UnmarshalState ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (c *PagedControl) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
type PagedControlI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PagedControlI interface { DataManagerI SetTotalItems(uint) TotalItems() int SetPageSize(size int) PageSize() int PageNum() int SetPageNum(n int) AddDataPager(DataPagerI) CalcPageCount() int HasDataPagers() bool GetDataPagerIDs() []string SliceOffsets() (start, end int) }
PagedControlI is the interface that paged controls must implement
type PagedTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PagedTable struct { Table PagedControl }
func GetPagedTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetPagedTable(c page.ControlI, id string) *PagedTable
GetPagedTable is a convenience method to return the table with the given id from the page.
func NewPagedTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func NewPagedTable(parent page.ControlI, id string) *PagedTable
func (*PagedTable) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (t *PagedTable) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*PagedTable) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *PagedTable) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
func (*PagedTable) MarshalState ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (t *PagedTable) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*PagedTable) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (t *PagedTable) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*PagedTable) UnmarshalState ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (t *PagedTable) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
type PagedTableCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PagedTableCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // Caption is the content of the caption tag, and can either be a string, or a data pager Caption interface{} // HideIfEmpty will hide the table completely if it has no data. Otherwise, the table and headers will be shown, but no data rows HideIfEmpty bool // HeaderRowCount is the number of header rows. You must set this to at least 1 to show header rows. HeaderRowCount int FooterRowCount int // RowStyler returns the attributes to be used in a cell. RowStyler TableRowAttributer // RowStylerID is a control id for the control that will be the RowStyler of the table. RowStylerID string // HeaderRowStyler returns the attributes to be used in a header cell. HeaderRowStyler TableHeaderRowAttributer // HeaderRowStylerID is a control id for the control that will be the HeaderRowStyler of the table. HeaderRowStylerID string FooterRowStyler TableFooterRowAttributer FooterRowStylerID string // Columns are the column creators that will add columns to the table Columns []ColumnCreator // DataProvider is the data binder for the table. It can be either a control id or a DataBinder DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the control id of the data binder for the table. DataProviderID string // Data is the actual data for the table, and should be a slice of objects Data interface{} // Sortable will make the table sortable Sortable bool // SortHistoryLimit will set how many columns deep we will remember the sorting for multi-level sorts SortHistoryLimit int OnCellClick action.CallbackActionI page.ControlOptions // PageSize is the number of rows to include in a page PageSize int // SaveState will cause the table to remember what page it was on SaveState bool }
PagedTableCreator creates a table that can be paged
func (PagedTableCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (PagedTableCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c PagedTableCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl PagedTableI)
Init is called by implementations of Buttons to initialize a control with the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type PagedTableI ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PagedTableI interface { TableI PagedControlI }
type Panel ¶
type Panel struct {
Panel is a Goradd control that is a basic "div" wrapper. Use it to style and listen to events on a div. It can also be used as the basis for more advanced javascript controls.
func GetPanel ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetPanel is a convenience method to return the panel with the given id from the page.
func (*Panel) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *Panel) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
type PanelCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type PanelCreator struct { // ID is the id the tag will have on the page and must be unique on the page ID string // Text is text that will become the innerhtml part of the tag Text string // If you set TextIsHtml, the Text will not be escaped prior to drawing TextIsHtml bool // Children is a list of creators to use to create the child controls of the panel. // You can wrap your child creators with the Children() function as a helper. Children []page.Creator page.ControlOptions }
PanelCreator creates a div control with child controls. Pass it to AddControls or as a child of a parent control.
type PasswordTextbox ¶ added in v0.19.0
type PasswordTextbox struct {
PasswordTextbox is a Textbox for passwords. It has the "password" type attribute, and it is specially controlled so that the password value is never stored in cleartext, either through the pagestate store or through the state store.
func GetPasswordTextbox ¶ added in v0.19.0
func GetPasswordTextbox(c page.ControlI, id string) *PasswordTextbox
GetPasswordTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewPasswordTextbox ¶ added in v0.19.0
func NewPasswordTextbox(parent page.ControlI, id string) *PasswordTextbox
NewPasswordTextbox creates a new PasswordTextbox
func (*PasswordTextbox) Init ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t *PasswordTextbox) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init is called by the framework to initialize the control. Only subclasses need to call it.
func (*PasswordTextbox) SaveState ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t *PasswordTextbox) SaveState(_ context.Context, _ bool)
SaveState normally is used to save the text of the control to restore it if the page is returned to. This version panics, so that you never SaveState on a password text box.
func (*PasswordTextbox) Serialize ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (t *PasswordTextbox) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
Serialize is used by the framework to serialize the textbox into the pagestate.
This special override prevents the value of the password from ever getting put into the pagestate store.
type PasswordTextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.19.0
type PasswordTextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // Text is the initial value of the textbox. Often it is best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Text string page.ControlOptions }
PasswordTextboxCreator creates a PasswordTextbox. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
func (PasswordTextboxCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.19.0
Create is called by the framework to turn the PasswordTextboxCreator into a control. You do not normally need to call it.
func (PasswordTextboxCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c PasswordTextboxCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl PasswordTextboxI)
Init is called by the framework to initialize a newly created PasswordTextbox. You do not normally need to call it.
type PasswordTextboxI ¶ added in v0.19.0
type PasswordTextboxI interface { TextboxI }
PasswordTextboxI is the interface that defines a PasswordTextbox
type PhoneTextbox ¶ added in v0.7.1
type PhoneTextbox struct {
PhoneTextbox is a Textbox control that validates for phone numbers.
func GetPhoneTextbox ¶ added in v0.7.1
func GetPhoneTextbox(c page.ControlI, id string) *PhoneTextbox
GetPhoneTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewPhoneTextbox ¶ added in v0.7.1
func NewPhoneTextbox(parent page.ControlI, id string) *PhoneTextbox
NewPhoneTextbox creates a new textbox that validates its input as an email address. multi will allow the textbox to accept multiple email addresses separated by a comma.
type PhoneTextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.7.1
type PhoneTextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // Type is the type attribute of the textbox Type string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // ReadOnly sets the readonly attribute of the textbox, which prevents it from being changed by the user. ReadOnly bool // SaveState will save the text in the textbox, to be restored if the user comes back to the page. // It is particularly helpful when the textbox is being used to filter the results of a query, so that // when the user comes back to the page, he does not have to type the filter text again. SaveState bool // Text is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Text string page.ControlOptions }
PhoneTextboxCreator creates an phone textbox. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
func (PhoneTextboxCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (c PhoneTextboxCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl PhoneTextboxI)
type PhoneTextboxI ¶ added in v0.7.1
type PhoneTextboxI interface { TextboxI }
type PrimaryKeyer ¶
type PrimaryKeyer interface {
PrimaryKey() string
PrimaryKeyer is an interface that is often implemented by model objects.
type Proxy ¶
type Proxy struct {
Proxy is a control that attaches events to controls. It is useful for attaching similar events to a series of controls, like all the links in a table, or all the buttons in button bar. You can also use it to draw a series of links or buttons. The proxy differentiates between the different objects that are sending it events by the ActionValue that you gave the proxy.
To use a Proxy, create it in the control that wraps the controls the proxy will manage. Attach an event to the proxy control, and in the action handler, look for the ControlValue in the Action Value to know which of the controls sent the event. Draw the proxy with one of the following:
LinkHtml() - Output the proxy as a link ButtonHtml() - Output the proxy as a button TagHtml() - Output the proxy in any tag ActionAttributes() - Returns attributes you can use in any custom control to attach a proxy
The ProxyColumn of the Table object will use a proxy to draw items in a table column.
func GetProxy ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetProxy is a convenience method to return the button with the given id from the page.
func NewProxy ¶
NewProxy creates a new proxy. The parent must be the wrapping control of the objects that the proxy will manage.
func (*Proxy) ActionAttributes ¶
func (p *Proxy) ActionAttributes(actionValue string) html5tag.Attributes
ActionAttributes returns attributes that can be included in any tag to attach a proxy to the tag.
func (*Proxy) ButtonHtml ¶
func (p *Proxy) ButtonHtml(label string, actionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, labelIsHtml bool, ) string
ButtonHtml outputs the proxy as a button tag. actionValue becomes the event's ControlValue parameter
func (*Proxy) Draw ¶
Draw is used by the form engine to draw the control. As a proxy, there is no html to draw, but this is where the scripts attached to the proxy get sent to the response. This should get drawn by the auto-drawing routine, since proxies are not rendered in templates.
func (*Proxy) LinkHtml ¶
func (p *Proxy) LinkHtml(ctx context.Context, label string, actionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, ) string
LinkHtml renders the proxy as a link. To conform to the html standard and accessibility guidelines, links should only be used to navigate away from the page, so the action of your proxy should lead to that kind of behavior. Otherwise, use ButtonHtml.
func (*Proxy) OnSubmit ¶
OnSubmit is a shortcut for adding a click event handler that is particular to buttons. It debounces the click, to prevent potential accidental multiple form submissions. All events fired after this event fires will be lost. It is intended to be used when the action will result in navigating to a new page.
type ProxyCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type ProxyCreator struct { // ID is the id of the proxy. Proxies do not draw, so this id will not show up in the html, but you can // use it to get the proxy from the page. ID string // On is a shortcut to assign a single action to an event. If you want a proxy that responds to more than // one event or action, use On in the ControlOptions struct On On page.ControlOptions }
type ProxyI ¶
type ProxyI interface { page.ControlI LinkHtml(label string, actionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, ) string TagHtml(label string, actionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, tag string, rawHtml bool, ) string ButtonHtml(label string, eventActionValue string, attributes html5tag.Attributes, rawHtml bool, ) string OnSubmit(action action.ActionI) *event.Event }
type RadioButton ¶
type RadioButton struct { CheckboxBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RadioButton is a standard html radio button. You can optionally specify a group name for the radiobutton to belong to and the browser will make sure only one item in the group is selected.
func GetRadioButton ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetRadioButton(c page.ControlI, id string) *RadioButton
GetRadioButton is a convenience method to return the radio button with the given id from the page.
func NewRadioButton ¶
func NewRadioButton(parent page.ControlI, id string) *RadioButton
NewRadioButton creates a new radio button
func (*RadioButton) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *RadioButton) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*RadioButton) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *RadioButton) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework to create temporary attributes for the input tag.
func (*RadioButton) Group ¶
func (c *RadioButton) Group() string
Group returns the name of the group that the control belongs to.
func (*RadioButton) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *RadioButton) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*RadioButton) SetChecked ¶
func (c *RadioButton) SetChecked(v bool) RadioButtonI
SetChecked will set the checked status of this radio button to the given value.
func (*RadioButton) SetGroup ¶
func (c *RadioButton) SetGroup(g string) RadioButtonI
SetGroup sets the name of the group that the control will belong to. Set all the radio buttons that represent a selection from a group to this same group name.
func (*RadioButton) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (c *RadioButton) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
type RadioButtonCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RadioButtonCreator struct { // ID is the id of the control ID string // Text is the text of the label displayed right next to the checkbox. Text string // Checked will initialize the checkbox in its checked state. Checked bool // LabelMode specifies how the label is drawn with the checkbox. LabelMode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode // LabelAttributes are additional attributes placed on the label tag. LabelAttributes html5tag.Attributes // SaveState will save the value of the checkbox and restore it when the page is reentered. SaveState bool // Group is the name of the group that the button belongs to Group string page.ControlOptions }
type RadioButtonI ¶
type RadioButtonI interface { CheckboxI }
type RadioList ¶
type RadioList struct { SelectList // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RadioList is a single-select control that presents its choices as a list of radio buttons. Styling is provided by divs and spans that you can provide css for in your style sheets. The goradd.css file has default styling to handle the basics. It wraps the whole thing in a div that can be set to scroll as well, so that the final structure can be styled like a multi-column table, or a single-table scrolling list much like a standard html select list.
func GetRadioList ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetRadioList is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewRadioList ¶
NewRadioList creates a new RadioList control.
func (*RadioList) ColumnCount ¶ added in v0.0.3
ColumnCount returns the current column count.
func (*RadioList) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*RadioList) DrawInnerHtml ¶ added in v0.4.0
DrawInnerHtml is called by the framework to draw the contents of the list.
func (*RadioList) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (l *RadioList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*RadioList) LayoutDirection ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *RadioList) LayoutDirection() LayoutDirection
LayoutDirection returns the direction of how items are spread across the columns.
func (*RadioList) RenderItem ¶
RenderItem is called by the framework to render a single item in the list.
func (*RadioList) RenderItems ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (*RadioList) SetColumnCount ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (l *RadioList) SetColumnCount(columns int) RadioListI
SetColumnCount sets the number of columns to use to display the list. Items will be evenly distributed across the columns.
func (*RadioList) SetIsScrolling ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (l *RadioList) SetIsScrolling(s bool) RadioListI
SetIsScrolling sets whether the list will scroll if it gets bigger than its bounding box. You will need to style the bounding box to give it limits, or else it will simply grow as big as the list.
func (*RadioList) SetLabelDrawingMode ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (l *RadioList) SetLabelDrawingMode(mode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode) RadioListI
SetLabelDrawingMode indicates how labels for each of the checkboxes are drawn.
func (*RadioList) SetLayoutDirection ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *RadioList) SetLayoutDirection(direction LayoutDirection) RadioListI
SetLayoutDirection specifies how items are distributed across the columns.
func (*RadioList) SetRowClass ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (l *RadioList) SetRowClass(c string) RadioListI
SetRowClass sets the class to the div wrapper around each row. If blank, will be given a default.
func (*RadioList) UpdateFormValues ¶
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
type RadioListCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RadioListCreator struct { ID string // Items is a static list of labels and values that will be in the list. Or, use a DataProvider to dynamically generate the items. Items []ListValue // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // ColumnCount specifies how many columns to show ColumnCount int // LayoutDirection determines how the items are arranged in the columns LayoutDirection LayoutDirection // LabelDrawingMode specifies how the labels on the radio buttons will be associated with the buttons LabelDrawingMode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode // IsScrolling will give the inner div a vertical scroll style. You will need to style the height of the outer control to have a fixed style as well. IsScrolling bool // RowClass is the class assigned to each row RowClass string // Value is the initial value of the textbox. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Value string // OnChange is the action to take when any of the radio buttons in the list change OnChange action.ActionI // SaveState saves the selected value so that it is restored if the form is returned to. SaveState bool page.ControlOptions }
func (RadioListCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (RadioListCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c RadioListCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl RadioListI)
type RadioListI ¶
type RadioListI interface { SelectListI SetColumnCount(int) RadioListI SetLayoutDirection(direction LayoutDirection) RadioListI SetLabelDrawingMode(mode html5tag.LabelDrawingMode) RadioListI SetIsScrolling(s bool) RadioListI SetRowClass(c string) RadioListI RenderItems(items []*ListItem) string RenderItem(item *ListItem) string }
type Repeater ¶ added in v0.2.3
type Repeater struct { page.ControlBase PagedControl DataManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetRepeater ¶ added in v0.2.3
GetRepeater is a convenience method to return the repeater with the given id from the page.
func NewRepeater ¶ added in v0.2.3
NewRepeater creates a new Repeater
func (*Repeater) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Repeater) DrawInnerHtml ¶ added in v0.4.0
DrawInnerHtml is an override to draw the individual items of the repeater.
func (*Repeater) DrawTag ¶ added in v0.4.0
DrawTag is called by the framework to draw the tag. The Repeater overrides this to call into the DataProvider to load the table's data into memory just before drawing. The data will be unloaded after drawing.
func (*Repeater) DrawingAttributes ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (r *Repeater) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is an override to add attributes to the table, including not showing the table at all if there is no data to show. This will hide header and footer cells and potentially the outline of the table when there is no data in the table.
func (*Repeater) Init ¶ added in v0.2.3
Init is an internal function that enables the object-oriented pattern of calling virtual functions used by the goradd controls.
func (*Repeater) MarshalState ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (r *Repeater) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*Repeater) SetItemHtmler ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (r *Repeater) SetItemHtmler(h RepeaterHtmler) RepeaterI
SetItemHtmler sets the htmler that provides the html for each item in the repeater.
func (*Repeater) UnmarshalState ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (r *Repeater) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
type RepeaterCreator ¶ added in v0.2.3
type RepeaterCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // ItemHtmler is the object that provides the html for each item ItemHtmler RepeaterHtmler // DataProvider is the data binder for the table. It can be either a control id or a DataBinder DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the control id of the data binder for the table. DataProviderID string // Data is the actual data for the table, and should be a slice of objects Data interface{} page.ControlOptions // PageSize is the number of rows to include in a page PageSize int // SaveState will cause the table to remember what page it was on SaveState bool }
RepeaterCreator creates a table that can be paged
type RepeaterHtmler ¶ added in v0.2.3
type RepeaterI ¶ added in v0.2.3
type RepeaterI interface { PagedControlI DrawItem(ctx context.Context, i int, data interface{}, w io.Writer) SetItemHtmler(h RepeaterHtmler) RepeaterI }
type SaveablePanel ¶ added in v0.12.0
type SelectList ¶
type SelectList struct { page.ControlBase ItemList DataManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SelectList is typically a dropdown list with a single selection. Items are selected by id number, and the SelectList completely controls the ids in the list. Create the list by calling AddItem or AddItems to add *ListItem objects. Or, use the embedded DataManager to load items. Set the size attribute if you want to display it as a scrolling list rather than a dropdown list.
func GetSelectList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetSelectList(c page.ControlI, id string) *SelectList
GetSelectList is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewSelectList ¶
func NewSelectList(parent page.ControlI, id string) *SelectList
NewSelectList creates a new select list
func (*SelectList) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *SelectList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*SelectList) DrawInnerHtml ¶
func (l *SelectList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
DrawInnerHtml is called by the framework during drawing of the control to draw the inner html of the control
func (*SelectList) DrawTag ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (l *SelectList) DrawTag(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer)
func (*SelectList) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (l *SelectList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*SelectList) Init ¶
func (l *SelectList) Init(parent page.ControlI, id string)
Init is called by subclasses.
func (*SelectList) IntValue ¶
func (l *SelectList) IntValue() int
IntValue returns the select value as an integer.
func (*SelectList) MarshalState ¶
func (l *SelectList) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*SelectList) SelectedItem ¶
func (l *SelectList) SelectedItem() *ListItem
SelectedItem will return the currently selected item. If no item has been selected, it will return the first item in the list, since that is what will be showing in the selection list, and will update its internal pointer to make the first item the current selection.
func (*SelectList) SelectedLabel ¶
func (l *SelectList) SelectedLabel() string
SelectedLabel returns the label of the selected item
func (*SelectList) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *SelectList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*SelectList) SetData ¶
func (l *SelectList) SetData(data interface{})
SetData overrides the default data setter to add objects to the item list. The result is kept in memory currently. ItemLister, ItemIDer, Labeler or Stringer types. This function can accept one or more lists of items, or single items.
func (*SelectList) SetSelectedValue ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (l *SelectList) SetSelectedValue(v string)
SetSelectedValue sets the current selection to the given id.
If you are using a DataProvider, you must make sure that the value will exist in the list. Otherwise it will compare against the current item list and panic if the item does not exist.
func (*SelectList) SetValue ¶
func (l *SelectList) SetValue(v interface{})
SetValue implements the Valuer interface for general purpose value getting and setting
func (*SelectList) StringValue ¶
func (l *SelectList) StringValue() string
StringValue returns the selected value as a string
func (*SelectList) UnmarshalState ¶
func (l *SelectList) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
func (*SelectList) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (l *SelectList) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
func (*SelectList) Validate ¶
func (l *SelectList) Validate(ctx context.Context) bool
Validate is called by the framework to validate the contents of the control. For a SelectList, this is typically just checking to see if something was selected if a selection is required.
func (*SelectList) Value ¶
func (l *SelectList) Value() interface{}
Value implements the Valuer interface for general purpose value getting and setting
type SelectListCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SelectListCreator struct { ID string // Items is a static list of labels and values that will be in the list. Or, use a DataProvider to dynamically generate the items. Items []ListValue // NilItem is a helper to add an item at the top of the list with a nil value. This is often // used to specify no selection, or a message that a selection is required. NilItem string // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // Size specifies how many items to show, and turns the list into a scrolling list Size int // Value is the initial value of the list. Often its best to load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Value string // OnChange is an action to take when the user changes what is selected (as in, when the javascript change event fires). OnChange action.ActionI // SaveState saves the selected value so that it is restored if the form is returned to. SaveState bool page.ControlOptions }
func (SelectListCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c SelectListCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl SelectListI)
type SelectListI ¶ added in v0.0.4
type SelectListI interface { page.ControlI ItemListI DataManagerI SetValue(v interface{}) Value() interface{} IntValue() int }
func GetSelectListI ¶ added in v0.9.3
func GetSelectListI(c page.ControlI, id string) SelectListI
type SelectTable ¶
type SelectTable struct { Table // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SelectTable is a table that is row selectable. To detect a row selection, trigger on event.RowSelected
func GetSelectTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetSelectTable(c page.ControlI, id string) *SelectTable
GetSelectTable is a convenience method to return the button with the given id from the page.
func NewSelectTable ¶
func NewSelectTable(parent page.ControlI, id string) *SelectTable
func (*SelectTable) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (t *SelectTable) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*SelectTable) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (t *SelectTable) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
func (*SelectTable) GetRowAttributes ¶
func (t *SelectTable) GetRowAttributes(row int, data interface{}) (a html5tag.Attributes)
func (*SelectTable) MarshalState ¶
func (t *SelectTable) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
func (*SelectTable) SelectedID ¶
func (t *SelectTable) SelectedID() string
func (*SelectTable) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (t *SelectTable) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*SelectTable) SetReselectable ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (t *SelectTable) SetReselectable(r bool) SelectTableI
SetReselectable determines if the user can send a select command when tapping the currently selected item.
func (*SelectTable) SetSelectedID ¶
func (t *SelectTable) SetSelectedID(id string) SelectTableI
func (*SelectTable) UnmarshalState ¶
func (t *SelectTable) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
func (*SelectTable) UpdateFormValues ¶
func (t *SelectTable) UpdateFormValues(ctx context.Context)
func (*SelectTable) Value ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (t *SelectTable) Value() interface{}
type SelectTableCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type SelectTableCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // Caption is the content of the caption tag, and can either be a string, or a data pager Caption interface{} // HideIfEmpty will hide the table completely if it has no data. Otherwise, the table and headers will be shown, but no data rows HideIfEmpty bool // HeaderRowCount is the number of header rows. You must set this to at least 1 to show header rows. HeaderRowCount int FooterRowCount int // RowStyler returns the attributes to be used in a cell. RowStyler TableRowAttributer // RowStylerID is a control id for the control that will be the RowStyler of the table. RowStylerID string // HeaderRowStyler returns the attributes to be used in a header cell. HeaderRowStyler TableHeaderRowAttributer // HeaderRowStylerID is a control id for the control that will be the HeaderRowStyler of the table. HeaderRowStylerID string FooterRowStyler TableFooterRowAttributer FooterRowStylerID string // Columns are the column creators that will add columns to the table Columns []ColumnCreator // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // Data is the actual data for the table, and should be a slice of objects Data interface{} // Sortable will make the table sortable Sortable bool // SortHistoryLimit will set how many columns deep we will remember the sorting for multi-level sorts SortHistoryLimit int page.ControlOptions // OnRowSelected is the action to take when the row is selected OnRowSelected action.ActionI // SelectedID is the row id that will start as the selection SelectedID string // Reselectable determines if you will get a select command when the user taps the item that is already selected. Reselectable bool // SaveState will cause the table to remember the selection SaveState bool }
SelectTableCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of tables
func (SelectTableCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (SelectTableCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c SelectTableCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl SelectTableI)
Init is called by implementations of Buttons to initialize a control with the creator. You do not normally need to call this.
type SelectTableI ¶
type SelectTableI interface { TableI SetSelectedID(id string) SelectTableI SetReselectable(r bool) SelectTableI }
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection int
type Span ¶
type Span struct {
Span is a Goradd control that is a basic "span" wrapper. Use it to style and listen to events on a span. It can also be used as the basis for more advanced javascript controls.
func GetSpan ¶ added in v0.2.1
GetSpan is a convenience method to return the button with the given id from the page.
func (*Span) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (c *Span) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
type SpanCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Table ¶
type Table struct { page.ControlBase DataManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Table is a goradd control that outputs a dynamic HTML table object, with table, tr, th and td tags, as well as optional col, thead, and tfoot tags.
To use a Table, call NewTable and then add column objects to it. The columns use a CellTexter to draw the contents of a cell in the table. There are a number of predefined columns to draw text coming from slices of maps, slices, database objects, as well as custom functions you define. See the examples directory for examples of using a Table object. See also the PagedTable for a table that works with a Pager object to page through a large data set.
Call MakeSortable() to make a table sortable, in which case the user can click in the header of a column to sort by that column. The Table maintains a history of what columns have been sorted by what row, so that you can implement multi-level sorting if you so desire. This is particularly helpful when some columns have duplicate data, that then get further identified by another column.
You can provide data to the table when it is first created by calling SetData, or you can provide the data just before drawing by calling SetDataProvider at initialization of the table, and then providing the table data in response to the BindData function. The advantage of this approach is that if you are showing a lot of data, the data is only loaded in memory during drawing, and not kept in the pagestate after drawing.
func GetTable ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetTable is a convenience method to return the table with the given id from the page.
func (*Table) AddColumnAt ¶
AddColumnAt adds the given column at the column offset given. 0 is the first column location. Pass a negative number or a number bigger than the current number of columns to put it at the end.
func (*Table) ClearColumns ¶
func (t *Table) ClearColumns()
ClearColumns removes all of the columns.
func (*Table) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Table) DrawCaption ¶
DrawCaption is called internally to draw the caption. Subclasses can override this to draw a custom caption.
func (*Table) DrawColumnTags ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (*Table) DrawFooterRows ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (*Table) DrawHeaderRows ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (*Table) DrawInnerHtml ¶
DrawInnerHtml is an override to draw the meat of the table.
func (*Table) DrawTag ¶
DrawTag is called by the framework to draw the table. The Table overrides this to call into the DataProvider to load the table's data into memory just before drawing. The data will be unloaded after drawing.
func (*Table) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (t *Table) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is an override to add attributes to the table, including not showing the table at all if there is no data to show. This will hide header and footer cells and potentially the outline of the table when there is no data in the table.
func (*Table) FooterCellDrawingInfo ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (t *Table) FooterCellDrawingInfo(ctx context.Context, col ColumnI, rowNum int, colNum int) (cellHtml string, cellAttributes html5tag.Attributes)
FooterCellDrawingInfo is called internally to provide the info for each header cell drawn. Subclasses can override this.
func (*Table) FooterRowCount ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (*Table) GetColumnByID ¶
GetColumnByID returns the column with the given id.
func (*Table) GetColumnByTitle ¶
GetColumnByTitle returns the column with the given title.
func (*Table) GetFooterRowAttributes ¶
func (t *Table) GetFooterRowAttributes(row int) html5tag.Attributes
GetFooterRowAttributes is called internally to get the attributes for the tr tags in footer rows.
func (*Table) GetHeaderRowAttributes ¶
func (t *Table) GetHeaderRowAttributes(row int) html5tag.Attributes
GetHeaderRowAttributes is called internally to get the attributes for the tr tags in header rows.
func (*Table) GetRowAttributes ¶
func (t *Table) GetRowAttributes(row int, data interface{}) html5tag.Attributes
GetRowAttributes is used internally to return the attributes for the tr tag of a data row.
func (*Table) HeaderCellDrawingInfo ¶
func (t *Table) HeaderCellDrawingInfo(ctx context.Context, col ColumnI, rowNum int, colNum int) (cellHtml string, cellAttributes html5tag.Attributes)
HeaderCellDrawingInfo is called internally to provide the info for each header cell drawn. Subclasses can override this.
func (*Table) HeaderRowCount ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (*Table) HideColumns ¶
func (t *Table) HideColumns()
HideColumns hides all of the columns, keeping them in the column list, but causing them not to draw.
func (*Table) HideIfEmpty ¶ added in v0.13.7
func (*Table) Init ¶
Init is an internal function that enables the object-oriented pattern of calling virtual functions used by the goradd controls. You would only call this if you were implementing a "subclass" of the Table. Call it immediately after creating your Table structure, passing the newly created table as "self".
func (*Table) MakeSortable ¶ added in v0.2.0
MakeSortable makes a table sortable. It will attach sortable events and show the header if its not shown.
func (*Table) MarshalState ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (t *Table) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*Table) PrivateAction ¶
PrivateAction is called by the framework to allow controls to process actions internal to themselves.
func (*Table) RemoveColumn ¶
RemoveColumn removes the column at the given location. If you attempt to remove a column that does not exist, it will panic.
func (*Table) RemoveColumnByID ¶
RemoveColumnByID removes the column with the given id. If the column does not exist, nothing will change.
func (*Table) RemoveColumnByTitle ¶
RemoveColumnByTitle removes the given column with the given title. If the column does not exist, nothing will change.
func (*Table) RowStyler ¶
func (t *Table) RowStyler() TableRowAttributer
func (*Table) SetCaption ¶
SetCaption sets the caption of the table. The default Table permits a caption to be either a string, or a goradd control.
func (*Table) SetFooterRowCount ¶
SetFooterRowCount sets the number of footer rows shown. Each column will be asked to draw this number of footer rows.
func (*Table) SetFooterRowStyler ¶
func (t *Table) SetFooterRowStyler(a TableFooterRowAttributer) TableI
SetFooterRowStyler sets a styler that returns attributes to be used on a particular footer row.
func (*Table) SetHeaderRowCount ¶
SetHeaderRowCount sets the number of header rows shown. Each column will be asked to draw this number of header rows.
func (*Table) SetHeaderRowStyler ¶
func (t *Table) SetHeaderRowStyler(a TableHeaderRowAttributer) TableI
SetHeaderRowStyler sets a styler that returns attributes to be used on a particular header row.
func (*Table) SetHideIfEmpty ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (*Table) SetRowStyler ¶
func (t *Table) SetRowStyler(a TableRowAttributer) TableI
SetRowStyler sets a styler that returns attributes to be used on a particular row.
func (*Table) SetSortColumnsByID ¶ added in v0.13.7
SetSortColumnsByID sets the order of the sort column list by id.
The specified columns will be set to sorting descended, and all other columns will be set to not be sorting at all.
The columns specified must be sortable.
func (*Table) SetSortHistoryLimit ¶
SetSortHistoryLimit sets the number of columns that the table will remember for the sort history. It defaults to 1, meaning it will remember only the current column. Setting it more than 1 will let the system report back on secondary sort columns that the user chose. For example, if the user clicks to sort a first name column, and then a last name column, it will let you know to sort by last name, and then first name.
func (*Table) SetSortIconHtml ¶ added in v0.9.5
SetSortIconHtml set the html used to draw the sort icons. If a string is blank, it will not be changed. Use the following for font awesome icons
`<i class="fa fa-sort fa-lg"></i>` `<i class="fa fa-sort-asc fa-lg"></i>` `<i class="fa fa-sort-desc fa-lg"></i>`
func (*Table) ShowColumns ¶
func (t *Table) ShowColumns()
ShowColumns sets all of the columns to be shown.
func (*Table) SortColumns ¶
SortColumns returns a slice of columns in sort order
func (*Table) SortIconHtml ¶ added in v0.9.5
SortIconHtml returns the html used to draw the sort icon
func (*Table) UnmarshalState ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (t *Table) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
func (*Table) UpdateFormValues ¶
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
type TableCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TableCreator struct { // ID is the control id ID string // Caption is the content of the caption tag, and can either be a string, or a data pager Caption interface{} // HideIfEmpty will hide the table completely if it has no data. Otherwise, the table and headers will be shown, but no data rows HideIfEmpty bool // HeaderRowCount is the number of header rows. You must set this to at least 1 to show header rows. HeaderRowCount int FooterRowCount int // RowStyler returns the attributes to be used in a cell. RowStyler TableRowAttributer // RowStylerID is a control id for the control that will be the RowStyler of the table. RowStylerID string // HeaderRowStyler returns the attributes to be used in a header cell. HeaderRowStyler TableHeaderRowAttributer // HeaderRowStylerID is a control id for the control that will be the HeaderRowStyler of the table. HeaderRowStylerID string FooterRowStyler TableFooterRowAttributer FooterRowStylerID string // Columns are the column creators that will add columns to the table Columns []ColumnCreator // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // Data is the actual data for the table, and should be a slice of objects Data interface{} // Sortable will make the table sortable Sortable bool // SortHistoryLimit will set how many columns deep we will remember the sorting for multi-level sorts SortHistoryLimit int // SortableIconHtml will set the html used to draw the icon indicating that a column is sortable. Can also be set globally using SortButtonHtmlGetter SortableIconHtml string // SortAscIconHtml will set the html used to draw the icon indicating that a column is sorted in ascending order SortAscIconHtml string // SortDescIconHtml will set the html used to draw the icon indicating that a column is sorted in descending order SortDescIconHtml string // SortColumnIDs is a list of column ids that will be used to specify the initial sort order SortColumnIDs []string // OnCellClick is the action to take when a cell is clicked. OnCellClick action.ActionI ControlOptions page.ControlOptions }
TableCreator is the initialization structure for declarative creation of tables
type TableFooterRowAttributer ¶ added in v0.0.7
type TableFooterRowAttributer interface { int) html5tag.Attributes }TableFooterRowAttributes(row
type TableHeaderRowAttributer ¶ added in v0.0.7
type TableHeaderRowAttributer interface { // TableHeaderRowAttributes returns attributes to use for the particular header row indicated TableHeaderRowAttributes(row int) html5tag.Attributes }
type TableI ¶
type TableI interface { page.ControlI DataManagerI SetCaption(interface{}) TableI DrawCaption(context.Context, io.Writer) GetHeaderRowAttributes(row int) html5tag.Attributes GetRowAttributes(row int, data interface{}) html5tag.Attributes HeaderCellDrawingInfo(ctx context.Context, col ColumnI, rowNum int, colNum int) (cellHtml string, cellAttributes html5tag.Attributes) SetHideIfEmpty(h bool) TableI SetHeaderRowCount(count int) TableI SetRowStyler(a TableRowAttributer) TableI SetHeaderRowStyler(a TableHeaderRowAttributer) TableI AddColumnAt(column ColumnI, loc int) AddColumn(column ColumnI) ColumnI GetColumn(loc int) ColumnI GetColumnByID(id string) ColumnI GetColumnByTitle(title string) ColumnI RemoveColumn(loc int) RemoveColumnByID(id string) RemoveColumnByTitle(title string) ClearColumns() HideColumns() ShowColumns() MakeSortable() TableI SetSortHistoryLimit(n int) TableI SortIconHtml(c ColumnI) string SetSortIconHtml(sortable string, asc string, desc string) DrawRow(ctx context.Context, row int, data interface{}, w io.Writer) SetSortColumnsByID(ids ...string) }
TableI is the table interface that lets you create a "subclass" of the Table object. The functions defined here are hooks that you can implement in your subclass.
type TableRowAttributer ¶ added in v0.0.7
type TableRowAttributer interface { // TableRowAttributes returns attributes that should be used on the particular row indicated. // Data is the data for that row. TableRowAttributes(row int, data interface{}) html5tag.Attributes }
TableRowAttributer is used to style particular table rows.
type Textbox ¶
type Textbox struct { page.ControlBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Textbox is a goradd control that outputs an "input" html tag with a "type" attribute of "text", or one of the text-like types, like "password", "search", etc.
func GetTextbox ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetTextbox is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewTextbox ¶
NewTextbox creates a new goradd textbox html widget.
func (*Textbox) Deserialize ¶
Deserialize is used by the pagestate serializer.
func (*Textbox) DrawInnerHtml ¶
DrawInnerHtml is an internal function that renders the inner html of a tag. In this case, it is rendering the inner text of a textarea
func (*Textbox) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (t *Textbox) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes is called by the framework to retrieve the tag's private attributes at draw time.
func (*Textbox) MarshalState ¶
func (t *Textbox) MarshalState(m page.SavedState)
MarshalState is an internal function to save the state of the control
func (*Textbox) Placeholder ¶
Placeholder returns the value of the placeholder.
func (*Textbox) ResetValidators ¶
func (t *Textbox) ResetValidators()
ResetValidators removes all validators
func (*Textbox) Sanitize ¶
Sanitize is called by the framework when taking in user input and strips it of potential malicious XSS scripts.
The default uses a global sanitizer created at bootup. Override Sanitize in a subclass if you want a per-textbox sanitizer. This is a very difficult thing to get right, and depends a bit on your application on just how much you want to remove.
func (*Textbox) Serialize ¶
Serialize is used by the framework to serialize the textbox into the pagestate.
func (*Textbox) SetColumnCount ¶
SetColumnCount sets the visible width of the text control. Each table is an approximate with of a character, and is browser dependent, so its not a very good way of setting the width. The css width property is more accurate. Also, this is only the visible width, not the maximum number of characters.
func (*Textbox) SetMaxLength ¶
func (t *Textbox) SetMaxLength(len int) *MaxLengthValidator
SetMaxLength sets the maximum length allowed in the textbox. The text will be limited by the browser, but the server side will also make sure that the text is not too big.
func (*Textbox) SetMinLength ¶
func (t *Textbox) SetMinLength(len int) *MinLengthValidator
SetMinLength will set the minimum length permitted. If the user does not enter enough text, an error message will be displayed upon submission of the form.
func (*Textbox) SetPlaceholder ¶
SetPlaceholder will set the html placeholder attribute, which puts text in the textbox when the textbox is empty as a hint to the user of what to enter.
func (*Textbox) SetReadOnly ¶
SetReadOnly will disable editing by setting a browser attribute.
func (*Textbox) SetRowCount ¶
SetRowCount sets the number of rowCount the Textbox will have. A value of 0 produces an input tag, and a value of 1 or greater produces a textarea tag.
func (*Textbox) SetType ¶
SetType sets the type of textbox this is. Pass it a TextboxType* constant normally, though you can pass any string and it will become the input type
func (*Textbox) SetValue ¶
SetValue sets the text in the textbox. This satisfies the Valuer interface.
func (*Textbox) UnmarshalState ¶
func (t *Textbox) UnmarshalState(m page.SavedState)
UnmarshalState is an internal function to restore the state of the control
func (*Textbox) UpdateFormValues ¶
UpdateFormValues is used by the framework to cause the control to retrieve its values from the form
func (*Textbox) Validate ¶
Validate will first check for the IsRequired attribute, and if set, will make sure a value is in the text field. It will then check the validators in the order assigned. The first invalid value found will return false.
func (*Textbox) ValidateWith ¶
ValidateWith adds a Validater to the validator list.
type TextboxCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TextboxCreator struct { // ID is the control id of the html widget and must be unique to the page ID string // Placeholder is the placeholder attribute of the textbox and shows as help text inside the field Placeholder string // Type is the type attribute of the textbox Type string // MinLength is the minimum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is less than this number, a validation error will be shown. MinLength int // MaxLength is the maximum number of characters that the user is required to enter. If the // length is more than this number, a validation error will be shown. MaxLength int // ColumnCount is the number of characters wide the textbox will be, and becomes the width attribute in the tag. // The actual width is browser dependent. For better control, use a width style property. ColumnCount int // RowCount creates a multi-line textarea with the given number of rows. By default the // textbox will expand vertically by this number of lines. Use a height style property for // better control of the height of a textbox. RowCount int // ReadOnly sets the readonly attribute of the textbox, which prevents it from being changed by the user. ReadOnly bool // SaveState will save the text in the textbox, to be restored if the user comes back to the page. // It is particularly helpful when the textbox is being used to filter the results of a query, so that // when the user comes back to the page, he does not have to type the filter text again. SaveState bool // Text is the initial value of the textbox. Generally you would not use this, but rather load the value in a separate Load step after creating the control. Text string page.ControlOptions }
TextboxCreator creates a textbox. Pass it to AddControls of a control, or as a Child of a FormFieldWrapper.
type TextboxI ¶
type TextboxI interface { page.ControlI SetType(typ string) TextboxI Sanitize(string) string SetPlaceholder(s string) TextboxI SetMaxLength(len int) *MaxLengthValidator SetMinLength(len int) *MinLengthValidator SetRowCount(rows int) TextboxI SetColumnCount(columns int) TextboxI SetReadOnly(r bool) TextboxI SetValue(interface{}) page.ControlI }
type UnorderedList ¶
type UnorderedList struct { page.ControlBase ItemList DataManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UnorderedList is a dynamically generated html unordered list (ul). Such lists are often used as the basis for javascript and css widgets. If you use a data provider to set the data, you should call AddItems to the list in your LoadData function.
func GetUnorderedList ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetUnorderedList(c page.ControlI, id string) *UnorderedList
GetUnorderedList is a convenience method to return the control with the given id from the page.
func NewUnorderedList ¶
func NewUnorderedList(parent page.ControlI, id string) *UnorderedList
NewUnorderedList creates a new ul type list.
func (*UnorderedList) Deserialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *UnorderedList) Deserialize(dec page.Decoder)
func (*UnorderedList) DrawInnerHtml ¶
func (l *UnorderedList) DrawInnerHtml(_ context.Context, w io.Writer)
DrawInnerHtml is called by the framework to draw the content of the tag.
func (*UnorderedList) DrawingAttributes ¶
func (l *UnorderedList) DrawingAttributes(ctx context.Context) html5tag.Attributes
DrawingAttributes retrieves the tag's attributes at draw time. You should not normally need to call this, and the attributes are disposed of after drawing, so they are essentially read-only.
func (*UnorderedList) GetItemsHtml ¶
func (l *UnorderedList) GetItemsHtml(items []*ListItem) string
GetItemsHtml returns the HTML for the items. It is exported so that it can be overridden by other implementations of an UnorderedList.
func (*UnorderedList) ItemTag ¶ added in v0.21.1
func (l *UnorderedList) ItemTag() string
ItemTag returns the HTML tag for an item in the list.
func (*UnorderedList) Serialize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *UnorderedList) Serialize(e page.Encoder)
func (*UnorderedList) SetBulletStyle ¶
func (l *UnorderedList) SetBulletStyle(s string) UnorderedListI
SetBulletStyle sets the list-style-type attribute of the list. Choose from the UnorderedListStyle* constants.
func (*UnorderedList) SetData ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (l *UnorderedList) SetData(data interface{})
SetData replaces the current list with the given data. ItemLister, ItemIDer, Labeler or Stringer types are accepted. This function can accept one or more lists of items, or single items. They will all get added to the top level of the list. To add sub items, get a list item and add items to it.
func (*UnorderedList) SetItemTag ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (l *UnorderedList) SetItemTag(s string) UnorderedListI
SetItemTag sets the tag that will be used for items in the list. By default this is "li".
type UnorderedListCreator ¶ added in v0.2.0
type UnorderedListCreator struct { ID string // Items is a static list of labels and values that will be in the list. Or, use a DataProvider to dynamically generate the items. Items []ListValue // DataProvider is the control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProvider DataBinder // DataProviderID is the id of a control that will dynamically provide the data for the list and that implements the DataBinder interface. DataProviderID string // BulletStyle is the list-style-type property. BulletStyle string page.ControlOptions }
UnorderedListCreator is a declarative helper to create an UnorderedListControl. Pass it to control.AddControls() to add the declared list to the control.
func (UnorderedListCreator) Create ¶ added in v0.2.0
Create is called by the framework to create a new control from the Creator. You do not normally need to call this.
func (UnorderedListCreator) Init ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c UnorderedListCreator) Init(ctx context.Context, ctrl UnorderedListI)
type UnorderedListI ¶
type UnorderedListI interface { page.ControlI ItemListI DataManagerI GetItemsHtml(items []*ListItem) string SetBulletStyle(s string) UnorderedListI SetItemTag(s string) UnorderedListI ItemTag() string }
type Validater ¶
type Validater interface { // Validate evaluates the input, and returns an empty string if the input is valid, and an error string to display // to the user if the input does not pass the validator. Validate(page.ControlI, string) string }
A Validater can be added to a textbox to validate its input on the server side. A textbox can have more than one validater. A number of built-in validators are provided.
Source Files
- build.go
- button.go
- canvas.go
- checkbox.go
- checkbox_base.go
- data_binder.go
- data_pager.go
- datetime_span.go
- dialog.go
- dialog_edit.go
- dialog_panel.go
- dialog_save.go
- doc.go
- fieldset.go
- form_base.go
- form_field_wrapper.go
- grid_layout.go
- image.go
- image_capture.go
- item_list.go
- link.go
- link_active.go
- list_checkbox.go
- list_item.go
- list_multiselect.go
- list_ordered.go
- list_radio.go
- list_select.go
- list_unordered.go
- panel.go
- proxy.go
- radioButton.go
- repeater.go
- span.go
- table.go
- table_column_base.go
- table_paged.go
- table_select.go
- textbox.go
- textbox_date.go
- textbox_email.go
- textbox_float.go
- textbox_integer.go
- textbox_password.go
- textbox_phone.go