Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AltDown() bool
- func AppDataPath() (string, error)
- func AppendToWalkInit(fn func())
- func CommonAppDataPath() (string, error)
- func ControlDown() bool
- func DriveNames() ([]string, error)
- func FormatFloat(f float64, prec int) string
- func FormatFloatGrouped(f float64, prec int) string
- func InitWidget(widget Widget, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error
- func InitWindow(window, parent Window, className string, style, exStyle uint32) error
- func InitWrapperWindow(window Window) error
- func IntFrom96DPI(value, dpi int) int
- func IntTo96DPI(value, dpi int) int
- func LocalAppDataPath() (string, error)
- func LogErrors() bool
- func MouseWheelEventDelta(button MouseButton) int
- func MouseWheelEventKeyState(button MouseButton) int
- func MsgBox(owner Form, title, message string, style MsgBoxStyle) int
- func MustRegisterWindowClass(className string)
- func MustRegisterWindowClassWithStyle(className string, style uint32)
- func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtr(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr)
- func MustRegisterWindowClassWithWndProcPtrAndStyle(className string, wndProcPtr uintptr, style uint32)
- func PanicOnError() bool
- func ParseFloat(s string) (float64, error)
- func PersonalPath() (string, error)
- func RegistryKeyString(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value string, err error)
- func RegistryKeyUint32(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value uint32, err error)
- func SetLogErrors(v bool)
- func SetPanicOnError(v bool)
- func SetTranslationFunc(f TranslationFunction)
- func SetWindowFont(hwnd win.HWND, font *Font)
- func ShiftDown() bool
- func SystemPath() (string, error)
- type AccRole
- type AccState
- type Accessibility
- func (a *Accessibility) SetAccelerator(acc string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetDefaultAction(defAction string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetDescription(acc string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetHelp(help string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetName(name string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetRole(role AccRole) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetRoleMap(roleMap string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetState(state AccState) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetStateMap(stateMap string) error
- func (a *Accessibility) SetValueMap(valueMap string) error
- type Action
- func (a *Action) Checkable() bool
- func (a *Action) Checked() bool
- func (a *Action) CheckedCondition() Condition
- func (a *Action) Default() bool
- func (a *Action) DefaultCondition() Condition
- func (a *Action) Enabled() bool
- func (a *Action) EnabledCondition() Condition
- func (a *Action) Exclusive() bool
- func (a *Action) Image() Image
- func (a *Action) IsSeparator() bool
- func (a *Action) Menu() *Menu
- func (a *Action) SetCheckable(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetChecked(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetCheckedCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) SetDefault(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetDefaultCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) SetEnabled(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetEnabledCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) SetExclusive(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetImage(value Image) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetShortcut(shortcut Shortcut) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetText(value string) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetToolTip(value string) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetVisible(value bool) (err error)
- func (a *Action) SetVisibleCondition(c Condition)
- func (a *Action) Shortcut() Shortcut
- func (a *Action) Text() string
- func (a *Action) ToolTip() string
- func (a *Action) Triggered() *Event
- func (a *Action) Visible() bool
- func (a *Action) VisibleCondition() Condition
- type ActionList
- func (l *ActionList) Add(action *Action) error
- func (l *ActionList) AddMenu(menu *Menu) (*Action, error)
- func (l *ActionList) At(index int) *Action
- func (l *ActionList) Clear() error
- func (l *ActionList) Contains(action *Action) bool
- func (l *ActionList) Index(action *Action) int
- func (l *ActionList) Insert(index int, action *Action) error
- func (l *ActionList) InsertMenu(index int, menu *Menu) (*Action, error)
- func (l *ActionList) Len() int
- func (l *ActionList) Remove(action *Action) error
- func (l *ActionList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type Alignment1D
- type Alignment2D
- type Application
- func (app *Application) ActiveForm() Form
- func (app *Application) Exit(exitCode int)
- func (app *Application) ExitCode() int
- func (app *Application) OrganizationName() string
- func (app *Application) Panicking() *ErrorEvent
- func (app *Application) ProductName() string
- func (app *Application) SetOrganizationName(value string)
- func (app *Application) SetProductName(value string)
- func (app *Application) SetSettings(value Settings)
- func (app *Application) Settings() Settings
- type ApplyDPIer
- type ApplyFonter
- type ApplySysColorser
- type BindingValueProvider
- type Bitmap
- func BitmapFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmap(size Size) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromFile(filePath string) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI(filePath string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromIcon(icon *Icon, size Size) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI(icon *Icon, size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromImage(im image.Image) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromResource(name string) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromResourceId(id int) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI(id int, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapFromWindow(window Window) (*Bitmap, error)
- func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels(size Size) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI(size Size, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- type BitmapBrush
- type BorderGlowEffect
- type BoxLayout
- func (l *BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
- func (l *BoxLayout) Orientation() Orientation
- func (l *BoxLayout) SetOrientation(value Orientation) error
- func (l *BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor(widget Widget, factor int) error
- func (l *BoxLayout) StretchFactor(widget Widget) int
- type Brush
- type Button
- func (b *Button) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (b *Button) Checked() bool
- func (b *Button) CheckedChanged() *Event
- func (b *Button) Clicked() *Event
- func (b *Button) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (b *Button) Image() Image
- func (b *Button) ImageChanged() *Event
- func (b *Button) Persistent() bool
- func (b *Button) RestoreState() error
- func (b *Button) SaveState() error
- func (b *Button) SetChecked(checked bool)
- func (b *Button) SetImage(image Image) error
- func (b *Button) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (b *Button) SetText(value string) error
- func (b *Button) Text() string
- func (b *Button) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type CancelEvent
- type CancelEventHandler
- type CancelEventPublisher
- type Canvas
- func (c *Canvas) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (c *Canvas) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (c *Canvas) DPI() int
- func (c *Canvas) Dispose()
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPart(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, bounds Rectangle, opacity byte) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipse(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImage(image Image, location Point) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImagePixels(image Image, location Point) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretched(image Image, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels(image Image, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawLine(pen Pen, from, to Point) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawLinePixels(pen Pen, from, to Point) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawPolyline(pen Pen, points []Point) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels(pen Pen, points []Point) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels(pen Pen, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error
- func (c *Canvas) DrawText(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) DrawTextPixels(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
- func (c *Canvas) FillEllipse(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) FillEllipsePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) FillRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) FillRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels(brush Brush, bounds Rectangle, ellipseSize Size) error
- func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectangle(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) errordeprecated
- func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (c *Canvas) HDC() win.HDC
- func (c *Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, textDisplayed string, err error)
- func (c *Canvas) MeasureText(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)deprecated
- func (c *Canvas) MeasureTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)
- type CaseMode
- type CellStyle
- type CellStyler
- type CheckBox
- func (cb *CheckBox) CheckState() CheckState
- func (cb *CheckBox) CheckStateChanged() *Event
- func (cb *CheckBox) RestoreState() error
- func (cb *CheckBox) SaveState() error
- func (cb *CheckBox) SetCheckState(state CheckState)
- func (cb *CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error
- func (cb *CheckBox) SetTristate(tristate bool) error
- func (cb *CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide() bool
- func (cb *CheckBox) Tristate() bool
- func (cb *CheckBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type CheckState
- type ClipboardService
- type CloseEvent
- type CloseEventHandler
- type CloseEventPublisher
- type CloseReason
- type Color
- type ComboBox
- func (cb *ComboBox) BindingMember() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndex() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (cb *ComboBox) DisplayMember() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) Editable() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) EditingFinished() *Event
- func (cb *ComboBox) Format() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) MaxLength() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) Model() interface{}
- func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) Persistent() bool
- func (cb *ComboBox) Precision() int
- func (cb *ComboBox) RestoreState() error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SaveState() error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetBindingMember(bindingMember string) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetDisplayMember(displayMember string) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetFormat(value string)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetMaxLength(value int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetPrecision(value int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetText(value string) error
- func (cb *ComboBox) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) Text() string
- func (cb *ComboBox) TextChanged() *Event
- func (cb *ComboBox) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (cb *ComboBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type Composite
- type Condition
- type Container
- type ContainerBase
- func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplySysColors()
- func (cb *ContainerBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (cb *ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
- func (cb *ContainerBase) Children() *WidgetList
- func (cb *ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (cb *ContainerBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (cb *ContainerBase) Layout() Layout
- func (cb *ContainerBase) NextChildID() int32
- func (cb *ContainerBase) Persistent() bool
- func (cb *ContainerBase) RestoreState() error
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SaveState() error
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (cb *ContainerBase) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (cb *ContainerBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ContainerLayoutItem
- type ContainerLayoutItemBase
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children() []LayoutItem
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth() bool
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size
- func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren(children []LayoutItem)
- type CosmeticPen
- type Cursor
- func CursorAppStarting() Cursor
- func CursorArrow() Cursor
- func CursorCross() Cursor
- func CursorHand() Cursor
- func CursorHelp() Cursor
- func CursorIBeam() Cursor
- func CursorIcon() Cursor
- func CursorNo() Cursor
- func CursorSize() Cursor
- func CursorSizeAll() Cursor
- func CursorSizeNESW() Cursor
- func CursorSizeNS() Cursor
- func CursorSizeNWSE() Cursor
- func CursorSizeWE() Cursor
- func CursorUpArrow() Cursor
- func CursorWait() Cursor
- func NewCursorFromImage(im image.Image, hotspot image.Point) (Cursor, error)
- type CustomWidget
- func (cw *CustomWidget) ClearsBackground() bool
- func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (cw *CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize() bool
- func (cw *CustomWidget) PaintMode() PaintMode
- func (cw *CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground(value bool)
- func (cw *CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize(value bool)
- func (cw *CustomWidget) SetPaintMode(value PaintMode)
- func (cw *CustomWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type DataBinder
- func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmit() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay() time.Duration
- func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) BoundWidgets() []Widget
- func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmit() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged() *Event
- func (db *DataBinder) DataSource() interface{}
- func (db *DataBinder) DataSourceChanged() *Event
- func (db *DataBinder) Dirty() bool
- func (db *DataBinder) ErrorPresenter() ErrorPresenter
- func (db *DataBinder) Expression(path string) Expression
- func (db *DataBinder) Reset() error
- func (db *DataBinder) ResetFinished() *Event
- func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit(autoSubmit bool)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay(delay time.Duration)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended(suspended bool)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets(boundWidgets []Widget)
- func (db *DataBinder) SetDataSource(dataSource interface{}) error
- func (db *DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter(ep ErrorPresenter)
- func (db *DataBinder) Submit() error
- func (db *DataBinder) Submitted() *Event
- type DataField
- type DateEdit
- func (de *DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (de *DateEdit) Date() time.Time
- func (de *DateEdit) DateChanged() *Event
- func (de *DateEdit) Format() string
- func (*DateEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (de *DateEdit) Range() (min, max time.Time)
- func (de *DateEdit) SetDate(date time.Time) error
- func (de *DateEdit) SetFormat(format string) error
- func (de *DateEdit) SetRange(min, max time.Time) error
- func (de *DateEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type DateLabel
- func (s *DateLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (dl *DateLabel) Date() time.Time
- func (s *DateLabel) Dispose()
- func (dl *DateLabel) Format() string
- func (dl *DateLabel) SetDate(date time.Time) error
- func (dl *DateLabel) SetFormat(format string) error
- func (dl *DateLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (s *DateLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (dl *DateLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (s *DateLabel) TextColor() Color
- func (s *DateLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type DelegateCondition
- type Dialog
- func (dlg *Dialog) Accept()
- func (dlg *Dialog) Cancel()
- func (dlg *Dialog) CancelButton() *PushButton
- func (dlg *Dialog) Close(result int)
- func (dlg *Dialog) DefaultButton() *PushButton
- func (dlg *Dialog) Result() int
- func (dlg *Dialog) Run() int
- func (dlg *Dialog) SetCancelButton(button *PushButton) error
- func (dlg *Dialog) SetDefaultButton(button *PushButton) error
- func (dlg *Dialog) Show()
- func (dlg *Dialog) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type Disposable
- type Disposables
- type DrawTextFormat
- type DropFilesEvent
- type DropFilesEventHandler
- type DropFilesEventPublisher
- type DropShadowEffect
- type EllipsisMode
- type Error
- type ErrorEvent
- type ErrorEventHandler
- type ErrorEventPublisher
- type ErrorPresenter
- type Event
- type EventHandler
- type EventPublisher
- type Expression
- type ExtractableIcon
- type FileDialog
- type FlowLayout
- type Font
- type FontMemResource
- type FontStyle
- type Form
- type FormBase
- func (fb *FormBase) Activate() error
- func (fb *FormBase) Activating() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) ApplySysColors()
- func (fb *FormBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (fb *FormBase) AsFormBase() *FormBase
- func (fb *FormBase) Background() Brush
- func (fb *FormBase) Children() *WidgetList
- func (fb *FormBase) Close() error
- func (fb *FormBase) Closing() *CloseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) ContextMenu() *Menu
- func (fb *FormBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (fb *FormBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (fb *FormBase) Deactivating() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) Dispose()
- func (fb *FormBase) Hide()
- func (fb *FormBase) Icon() Image
- func (fb *FormBase) IconChanged() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) Layout() Layout
- func (fb *FormBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (fb *FormBase) Owner() Form
- func (fb *FormBase) Persistent() bool
- func (fb *FormBase) ProgressIndicator() *ProgressIndicator
- func (fb *FormBase) RestoreState() error
- func (fb *FormBase) RightToLeftLayout() bool
- func (fb *FormBase) Run() int
- func (fb *FormBase) SaveState() error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetBackground(background Brush)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetContextMenu(contextMenu *Menu)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetIcon(icon Image) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetOwner(value Form) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetRightToLeftLayout(rtl bool) error
- func (fb *FormBase) SetSuspended(suspended bool)
- func (fb *FormBase) SetTitle(value string) error
- func (fb *FormBase) Show()
- func (fb *FormBase) Starting() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) Title() string
- func (fb *FormBase) TitleChanged() *Event
- func (fb *FormBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type GeometricPen
- type Geometry
- type GradientBrush
- type GradientComposite
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Color1() Color
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Color2() Color
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Dispose()
- func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor1(c Color) (err error)
- func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor2(c Color) (err error)
- func (gc *GradientComposite) SetVertical(vertical bool) (err error)
- func (gc *GradientComposite) Vertical() bool
- func (gc *GradientComposite) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type GradientStop
- type GradientTriangle
- type GradientVertex
- type GridLayout
- func (l *GridLayout) ColumnStretchFactor(column int) int
- func (l *GridLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
- func (l *GridLayout) Range(widget Widget) (r Rectangle, ok bool)
- func (l *GridLayout) RowStretchFactor(row int) int
- func (l *GridLayout) SetColumnStretchFactor(column, factor int) error
- func (l *GridLayout) SetRange(widget Widget, r Rectangle) error
- func (l *GridLayout) SetRowStretchFactor(row, factor int) error
- type GroupBox
- func (gb *GroupBox) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (gb *GroupBox) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (gb *GroupBox) Checkable() bool
- func (gb *GroupBox) Checked() bool
- func (gb *GroupBox) CheckedChanged() *Event
- func (gb *GroupBox) Children() *WidgetList
- func (gb *GroupBox) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (gb *GroupBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (gb *GroupBox) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (gb *GroupBox) Layout() Layout
- func (gb *GroupBox) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (gb *GroupBox) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (gb *GroupBox) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (gb *GroupBox) Persistent() bool
- func (gb *GroupBox) RestoreState() error
- func (gb *GroupBox) SaveState() error
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetCheckable(checkable bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetChecked(checked bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
- func (gb *GroupBox) SetTitle(title string) error
- func (gb *GroupBox) Title() string
- func (gb *GroupBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type HasChilder
- type HatchBrush
- type HatchStyle
- type HeightForWidther
- type IDProvider
- type Icon
- func IconApplication() *Icon
- func IconError() *Icon
- func IconFrom(src interface{}, dpi int) (*Icon, error)
- func IconInformation() *Icon
- func IconQuestion() *Icon
- func IconShield() *Icon
- func IconWarning() *Icon
- func IconWinLogo() *Icon
- func NewIconExtractedFromFile(filePath string, index, _ int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconExtractedFromFileWithSize(filePath string, index, size int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromBitmap(bmp *Bitmap) (ic *Icon, err error)
- func NewIconFromFile(filePath string) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromFileWithSize(filePath string, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromHICON(hIcon win.HICON) (ic *Icon, err error)deprecated
- func NewIconFromHICONForDPI(hIcon win.HICON, dpi int) (ic *Icon, err error)
- func NewIconFromImage(im image.Image) (ic *Icon, err error)deprecated
- func NewIconFromImageForDPI(im image.Image, dpi int) (ic *Icon, err error)
- func NewIconFromImageWithSize(image Image, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResource(name string) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResourceId(id int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResourceIdWithSize(id int, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromResourceWithSize(name string, size Size) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromSysDLL(dllBaseName string, index int) (*Icon, error)
- func NewIconFromSysDLLWithSize(dllBaseName string, index, size int) (*Icon, error)
- type IconCache
- type IdealSizer
- type Image
- type ImageList
- func (il *ImageList) Add(bitmap, maskBitmap *Bitmap) (int, error)
- func (il *ImageList) AddIcon(icon *Icon) (int32, error)
- func (il *ImageList) AddImage(image interface{}) (int32, error)
- func (il *ImageList) AddMasked(bitmap *Bitmap) (int32, error)
- func (il *ImageList) Dispose()
- func (il *ImageList) DrawPixels(canvas *Canvas, index int, bounds Rectangle) error
- func (il *ImageList) Handle() win.HIMAGELIST
- func (il *ImageList) MaskColor() Color
- type ImageProvider
- type ImageView
- func (iv *ImageView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (iv *ImageView) Image() Image
- func (iv *ImageView) ImageChanged() *Event
- func (iv *ImageView) Margin() int
- func (iv *ImageView) MarginChanged() *Event
- func (iv *ImageView) Mode() ImageViewMode
- func (iv *ImageView) SetImage(image Image) error
- func (iv *ImageView) SetMargin(margin int) error
- func (iv *ImageView) SetMode(mode ImageViewMode)
- type ImageViewMode
- type Imager
- type IniFileSettings
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) ExpireDuration() time.Duration
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) FilePath() string
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Get(key string) (string, bool)
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Load() error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Portable() bool
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Put(key, value string) error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) PutExpiring(key, value string) error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Remove(key string) error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Save() error
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetExpireDuration(expireDuration time.Duration)
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetPortable(portable bool)
- func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Timestamp(key string) (time.Time, bool)
- type IntEvent
- type IntEventHandler
- type IntEventPublisher
- type IntRangeEvent
- type IntRangeEventHandler
- type IntRangeEventPublisher
- type ItemChecker
- type Key
- type KeyEvent
- type KeyEventHandler
- type KeyEventPublisher
- type Label
- func (s *Label) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (s *Label) Dispose()
- func (l *Label) EllipsisMode() EllipsisMode
- func (l *Label) SetEllipsisMode(mode EllipsisMode) error
- func (l *Label) SetText(text string) error
- func (l *Label) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (s *Label) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (l *Label) Text() string
- func (l *Label) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (s *Label) TextColor() Color
- func (s *Label) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type Layout
- type LayoutBase
- func (l *LayoutBase) Alignment() Alignment2D
- func (l *LayoutBase) Container() Container
- func (l *LayoutBase) Margins() Margins
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetContainer(value Container)
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetMargins(value Margins) error
- func (l *LayoutBase) SetSpacing(value int) error
- func (l *LayoutBase) Spacing() int
- type LayoutContext
- type LayoutFlags
- type LayoutItem
- type LayoutItemBase
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) AsLayoutItemBase() *LayoutItemBase
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Context() *LayoutContext
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Geometry() *Geometry
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Handle() win.HWND
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Parent() ContainerLayoutItem
- func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Visible() bool
- type LayoutResult
- type LayoutResultItem
- type LineEdit
- func (le *LineEdit) CaseMode() CaseMode
- func (le *LineEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (le *LineEdit) CueBanner() string
- func (le *LineEdit) EditingFinished() *Event
- func (le *LineEdit) MaxLength() int
- func (*LineEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (le *LineEdit) PasswordMode() bool
- func (le *LineEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (le *LineEdit) SetCaseMode(mode CaseMode) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetCueBanner(value string) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetMaxLength(value int)
- func (le *LineEdit) SetPasswordMode(value bool)
- func (le *LineEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetText(value string) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (le *LineEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (le *LineEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (le *LineEdit) Text() string
- func (le *LineEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (le *LineEdit) TextChanged() *Event
- func (le *LineEdit) TextColor() Color
- func (le *LineEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (le *LineEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type LinkLabel
- type LinkLabelLink
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Focused() (bool, error)
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Id() string
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Index() int
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetEnabled(enabled bool) error
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetFocused(focused bool) error
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetVisited(visited bool) error
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) URL() string
- func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Visited() (bool, error)
- type LinkLabelLinkEvent
- type LinkLabelLinkEventHandler
- type LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher
- type ListBox
- func (lb *ListBox) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (lb *ListBox) ApplySysColors()
- func (lb *ListBox) BindingMember() string
- func (lb *ListBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (lb *ListBox) CurrentIndex() int
- func (lb *ListBox) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (lb *ListBox) DisplayMember() string
- func (lb *ListBox) EnsureItemVisible(index int)
- func (lb *ListBox) Format() string
- func (lb *ListBox) ItemActivated() *Event
- func (lb *ListBox) ItemStyler() ListItemStyler
- func (lb *ListBox) ItemVisible(index int) bool
- func (*ListBox) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags
- func (lb *ListBox) Model() interface{}
- func (lb *ListBox) Precision() int
- func (lb *ListBox) SelectedIndexes() []int
- func (lb *ListBox) SelectedIndexesChanged() *Event
- func (lb *ListBox) SetBindingMember(bindingMember string) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetCurrentIndex(value int) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetDisplayMember(displayMember string) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetFormat(value string)
- func (lb *ListBox) SetItemStyler(styler ListItemStyler)
- func (lb *ListBox) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error
- func (lb *ListBox) SetPrecision(value int)
- func (lb *ListBox) SetSelectedIndexes(indexes []int)
- func (lb *ListBox) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ListItemStyle
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) Canvas() *Canvas
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawBackground() error
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawText(text string, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
- func (lis *ListItemStyle) Index() int
- type ListItemStyler
- type ListModel
- type ListModelBase
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemChanged() *IntEvent
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsInserted() *IntRangeEvent
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsReset() *Event
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemChanged(index int)
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsInserted(from, to int)
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsRemoved(from, to int)
- func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsReset()
- type MainWindow
- func (mw *MainWindow) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (mw *MainWindow) Fullscreen() bool
- func (mw *MainWindow) Menu() *Menu
- func (mw *MainWindow) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool) error
- func (mw *MainWindow) SetToolBar(tb *ToolBar)
- func (mw *MainWindow) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (mw *MainWindow) StatusBar() *StatusBar
- func (mw *MainWindow) ToolBar() *ToolBar
- func (mw *MainWindow) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type MainWindowCfg
- type Margins
- type Menu
- type Metafile
- type MinSizeForSizer
- type MinSizer
- type Modifiers
- type MouseButton
- type MouseEvent
- type MouseEventHandler
- type MouseEventPublisher
- type MsgBoxStyle
- type MutableCondition
- type NotifyIcon
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ContextMenu() *Menu
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) DPI() int
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) Dispose() error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) Icon() Image
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) MessageClicked() *Event
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetIcon(icon Image) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetToolTip(toolTip string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetVisible(visible bool) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowCustom(title, info string, icon Image) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowError(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowInfo(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowMessage(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowWarning(title, info string) error
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) ToolTip() string
- func (ni *NotifyIcon) Visible() bool
- type NumberEdit
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Background() Brush
- func (ne *NumberEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Decimals() int
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Increment() float64
- func (ne *NumberEdit) MaxValue() float64
- func (ne *NumberEdit) MinValue() float64
- func (*NumberEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Prefix() string
- func (ne *NumberEdit) PrefixChanged() *Event
- func (ne *NumberEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetBackground(bg Brush)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetDecimals(decimals int) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetFocus() error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetIncrement(increment float64) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetPrefix(prefix string) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetRange(min, max float64) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSpinButtonsVisible(visible bool) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSuffix(suffix string) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetToolTipText(s string) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SpinButtonsVisible() bool
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Suffix() string
- func (ne *NumberEdit) SuffixChanged() *Event
- func (ne *NumberEdit) TextColor() Color
- func (ne *NumberEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (ne *NumberEdit) Value() float64
- func (ne *NumberEdit) ValueChanged() *Event
- func (ne *NumberEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type NumberLabel
- func (s *NumberLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (nl *NumberLabel) Decimals() int
- func (s *NumberLabel) Dispose()
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetDecimals(decimals int) error
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetSuffix(suffix string) error
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (s *NumberLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (nl *NumberLabel) SetValue(value float64) error
- func (nl *NumberLabel) Suffix() string
- func (nl *NumberLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (s *NumberLabel) TextColor() Color
- func (nl *NumberLabel) Value() float64
- func (s *NumberLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type Orientation
- type PIState
- type PaintFunc
- type PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImage(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImagePixels(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImagePixelsWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage
- func NewPaintFuncImageWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage
- type PaintMode
- type Pen
- type PenStyle
- type Persistable
- type Point
- type Populator
- type ProgressBar
- func (pb *ProgressBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (pb *ProgressBar) MarqueeMode() bool
- func (pb *ProgressBar) MaxValue() int
- func (pb *ProgressBar) MinValue() int
- func (pb *ProgressBar) SetMarqueeMode(marqueeMode bool) error
- func (pb *ProgressBar) SetRange(min, max int)
- func (pb *ProgressBar) SetValue(value int)
- func (pb *ProgressBar) Value() int
- type ProgressIndicator
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Completed() uint32
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetCompleted(completed uint32) error
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetOverlayIcon(icon *Icon, description string) error
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetState(state PIState) error
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetTotal(total uint32)
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) State() PIState
- func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Total() uint32
- type Property
- func NewBoolProperty(get func() bool, set func(b bool) error, changed *Event) Property
- func NewProperty(get func() interface{}, set func(v interface{}) error, changed *Event) Property
- func NewReadOnlyBoolProperty(get func() bool, changed *Event) Property
- func NewReadOnlyProperty(get func() interface{}, changed *Event) Property
- type PushButton
- type RadioButton
- func (rb *RadioButton) Group() *RadioButtonGroup
- func (rb *RadioButton) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error
- func (rb *RadioButton) SetValue(value interface{})
- func (rb *RadioButton) TextOnLeftSide() bool
- func (rb *RadioButton) Value() interface{}
- func (rb *RadioButton) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type RadioButtonGroup
- type RangeValidator
- type Rectangle
- func (r Rectangle) Bottom() int
- func (r Rectangle) IsZero() bool
- func (r Rectangle) Left() int
- func (r Rectangle) Location() Point
- func (r Rectangle) Right() int
- func (r *Rectangle) SetLocation(p Point) Rectangle
- func (r *Rectangle) SetSize(s Size) Rectangle
- func (r Rectangle) Size() Size
- func (r Rectangle) Top() int
- type ReflectListModel
- type ReflectListModelBase
- type ReflectTableModel
- type ReflectTableModelBase
- type RegexpValidator
- type RegistryKey
- type ResourceManager
- func (rm *ResourceManager) Bitmap(name string) (*Bitmap, error)deprecated
- func (rm *ResourceManager) BitmapForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
- func (rm *ResourceManager) Icon(name string) (*Icon, error)
- func (rm *ResourceManager) Image(name string) (Image, error)
- func (rm *ResourceManager) RootDirPath() string
- func (rm *ResourceManager) SetRootDirPath(rootDirPath string) error
- type ScrollView
- func (sv *ScrollView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (sv *ScrollView) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
- func (sv *ScrollView) Children() *WidgetList
- func (sv *ScrollView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (sv *ScrollView) DataBinder() *DataBinder
- func (sv *ScrollView) Layout() Layout
- func (sv *ScrollView) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (sv *ScrollView) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (sv *ScrollView) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (sv *ScrollView) Name() string
- func (sv *ScrollView) Persistent() bool
- func (sv *ScrollView) RestoreState() error
- func (sv *ScrollView) SaveState() error
- func (sv *ScrollView) Scrollbars() (horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetName(name string)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetScrollbars(horizontal, vertical bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
- func (sv *ScrollView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type Separator
- type Settings
- type Shortcut
- type Size
- type Slider
- func (sl *Slider) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (sl *Slider) LineSize() int
- func (sl *Slider) MaxValue() int
- func (sl *Slider) MinValue() int
- func (*Slider) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (sl *Slider) PageSize() int
- func (sl *Slider) Persistent() bool
- func (sl *Slider) RestoreState() error
- func (sl *Slider) SaveState() error
- func (sl *Slider) SetLineSize(lineSize int)
- func (sl *Slider) SetPageSize(pageSize int)
- func (sl *Slider) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (sl *Slider) SetRange(min, max int)
- func (sl *Slider) SetTracking(tracking bool)
- func (sl *Slider) SetValue(value int)
- func (sl *Slider) Tracking() bool
- func (sl *Slider) Value() int
- func (sl *Slider) ValueChanged() *Event
- func (sl *Slider) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type SliderCfg
- type SolidColorBrush
- type SortOrder
- type SortedReflectTableModelBase
- type Sorter
- type SorterBase
- type Spacer
- func NewHSpacer(parent Container) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewHSpacerFixed(parent Container, width int) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewSpacerWithCfg(parent Container, cfg *SpacerCfg) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewVSpacer(parent Container) (*Spacer, error)
- func NewVSpacerFixed(parent Container, height int) (*Spacer, error)
- type SpacerCfg
- type SplitButton
- type Splitter
- func (s *Splitter) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (s *Splitter) Fixed(widget Widget) bool
- func (s *Splitter) HandleWidth() int
- func (s *Splitter) Orientation() Orientation
- func (s *Splitter) Persistent() bool
- func (s *Splitter) RestoreState() error
- func (s *Splitter) SaveState() error
- func (s *Splitter) SetFixed(widget Widget, fixed bool) error
- func (s *Splitter) SetHandleWidth(value int) error
- func (s *Splitter) SetLayout(value Layout) error
- func (s *Splitter) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (s *Splitter) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type StatusBar
- type StatusBarItem
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Clicked() *Event
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Icon() *Icon
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetIcon(icon *Icon) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetText(text string) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetToolTipText(toolTipText string) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetWidth(width int) error
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Text() string
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) ToolTipText() string
- func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Width() int
- type StatusBarItemList
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Add(item *StatusBarItem) error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) At(index int) *StatusBarItem
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Clear() error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Contains(item *StatusBarItem) bool
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Index(item *StatusBarItem) int
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Insert(index int, item *StatusBarItem) error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Len() int
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) Remove(item *StatusBarItem) error
- func (l *StatusBarItemList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type StringEvent
- type StringEventHandler
- type StringEventPublisher
- type SystemColor
- type SystemColorBrush
- type TabPage
- type TabPageList
- func (l *TabPageList) Add(item *TabPage) error
- func (l *TabPageList) At(index int) *TabPage
- func (l *TabPageList) Clear() error
- func (l *TabPageList) Contains(item *TabPage) bool
- func (l *TabPageList) Index(item *TabPage) int
- func (l *TabPageList) Insert(index int, item *TabPage) error
- func (l *TabPageList) Len() int
- func (l *TabPageList) Remove(item *TabPage) error
- func (l *TabPageList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type TabWidget
- func (tw *TabWidget) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tw *TabWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tw *TabWidget) CurrentIndex() int
- func (tw *TabWidget) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (tw *TabWidget) Dispose()
- func (tw *TabWidget) Pages() *TabPageList
- func (tw *TabWidget) Persistent() bool
- func (tw *TabWidget) RestoreState() error
- func (tw *TabWidget) SaveState() error
- func (tw *TabWidget) SetCurrentIndex(index int) error
- func (tw *TabWidget) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (tw *TabWidget) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type TableModel
- type TableModelBase
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowChanged(row int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsChanged(from, to int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsInserted(from, to int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsRemoved(from, to int)
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsReset()
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowChanged() *IntEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsChanged() *IntRangeEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsInserted() *IntRangeEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent
- func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsReset() *Event
- type TableView
- func (tv *TableView) AlternatingRowBG() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tv *TableView) ApplySysColors()
- func (tv *TableView) CellStyler() CellStyler
- func (tv *TableView) CheckBoxes() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ColumnClicked() *IntEvent
- func (tv *TableView) Columns() *TableViewColumnList
- func (tv *TableView) ColumnsOrderable() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ColumnsSizable() bool
- func (tv *TableView) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (*TableView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tv *TableView) CurrentIndex() int
- func (tv *TableView) CurrentIndexChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) CurrentItemChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) Dispose()
- func (tv *TableView) EnsureItemVisible(index int)
- func (tv *TableView) Focused() bool
- func (tv *TableView) Gridlines() bool
- func (tv *TableView) HeaderHidden() bool
- func (tv *TableView) IgnoreNowhere() bool
- func (tv *TableView) IndexAt(x, y int) int
- func (tv *TableView) Invalidate() error
- func (tv *TableView) ItemActivated() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) ItemChecker() ItemChecker
- func (tv *TableView) ItemCountChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) ItemStateChangedEventDelay() int
- func (tv *TableView) ItemVisible(index int) bool
- func (tv *TableView) LastColumnStretched() bool
- func (tv *TableView) Model() interface{}
- func (tv *TableView) MultiSelection() bool
- func (tv *TableView) Persistent() bool
- func (tv *TableView) RestoreState() error
- func (tv *TableView) RestoringCurrentItemOnReset() bool
- func (tv *TableView) RowsPerPage() int
- func (tv *TableView) SaveState() error
- func (tv *TableView) ScrollbarOrientation() Orientation
- func (tv *TableView) SelectedIndexes() []int
- func (tv *TableView) SelectedIndexesChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TableView) SelectionHiddenWithoutFocus() bool
- func (tv *TableView) SetAlternatingRowBG(enabled bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetCellStyler(styler CellStyler)
- func (tv *TableView) SetCheckBoxes(checkBoxes bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsButtons(b bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsOrderable(enabled bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetColumnsSizable(b bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetCurrentIndex(index int) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetGridlines(enabled bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetHeaderHidden(hidden bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetIgnoreNowhere(value bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetItemChecker(itemChecker ItemChecker)
- func (tv *TableView) SetItemStateChangedEventDelay(delay int)
- func (tv *TableView) SetLastColumnStretched(value bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetModel(mdl interface{}) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetMultiSelection(multiSel bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetPersistent(value bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetRestoringCurrentItemOnReset(restoring bool)
- func (tv *TableView) SetScrollbarOrientation(orientation Orientation)
- func (tv *TableView) SetSelectedIndexes(indexes []int) error
- func (tv *TableView) SetSelectionHiddenWithoutFocus(hidden bool) error
- func (tv *TableView) SortableByHeaderClick() bool
- func (tv *TableView) StretchLastColumn() error
- func (tv *TableView) TableModel() TableModel
- func (tv *TableView) UpdateItem(index int) error
- func (tv *TableView) VisibleColumnsInDisplayOrder() []*TableViewColumn
- func (tv *TableView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type TableViewCfg
- type TableViewColumn
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Alignment() Alignment1D
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMember() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMemberEffective() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Format() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) FormatFunc() func(value interface{}) string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Frozen() bool
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) LessFunc() func(i, j int) bool
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Name() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Precision() int
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetDataMember(dataMember string)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormat(format string) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormatFunc(formatFunc func(value interface{}) string)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFrozen(frozen bool) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetLessFunc(lessFunc func(i, j int) bool)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetName(name string)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetPrecision(precision int) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitle(title string) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitleOverride(titleOverride string) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetVisible(visible bool) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetWidth(width int) (err error)
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Title() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleEffective() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleOverride() string
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Visible() bool
- func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Width() int
- type TableViewColumnList
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Add(item *TableViewColumn) error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) At(index int) *TableViewColumn
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) ByName(name string) *TableViewColumn
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Clear() error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Contains(item *TableViewColumn) bool
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Index(item *TableViewColumn) int
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Insert(index int, item *TableViewColumn) error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Len() int
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) Remove(item *TableViewColumn) error
- func (l *TableViewColumnList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type TextEdit
- func (te *TextEdit) AppendText(value string)
- func (te *TextEdit) CompactHeight() bool
- func (te *TextEdit) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (te *TextEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (te *TextEdit) MaxLength() int
- func (*TextEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (te *TextEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (te *TextEdit) ReplaceSelectedText(text string, canUndo bool)
- func (te *TextEdit) ScrollToCaret()
- func (te *TextEdit) SetCompactHeight(enabled bool)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetMaxLength(value int)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
- func (te *TextEdit) SetText(text string) (err error)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
- func (te *TextEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (te *TextEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
- func (te *TextEdit) Text() string
- func (te *TextEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
- func (te *TextEdit) TextChanged() *Event
- func (te *TextEdit) TextColor() Color
- func (te *TextEdit) TextLength() int
- func (te *TextEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
- func (te *TextEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type TextLabel
- func (tl *TextLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (s *TextLabel) Dispose()
- func (tl *TextLabel) SetText(text string) error
- func (tl *TextLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
- func (s *TextLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
- func (tl *TextLabel) Text() string
- func (tl *TextLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment2D
- func (s *TextLabel) TextColor() Color
- func (s *TextLabel) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wp, lp uintptr) uintptr
- type ToolBar
- func (tb *ToolBar) Actions() *ActionList
- func (tb *ToolBar) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tb *ToolBar) ButtonStyle() ToolBarButtonStyle
- func (tb *ToolBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tb *ToolBar) DefaultButtonWidth() int
- func (tb *ToolBar) Dispose()
- func (tb *ToolBar) ImageList() *ImageList
- func (tb *ToolBar) MaxTextRows() int
- func (tb *ToolBar) Orientation() Orientation
- func (tb *ToolBar) SetDefaultButtonWidth(width int) error
- func (tb *ToolBar) SetImageList(value *ImageList)
- func (tb *ToolBar) SetMaxTextRows(maxTextRows int) error
- func (tb *ToolBar) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ToolBarButtonStyle
- type ToolButton
- type ToolTip
- func (tt *ToolTip) AddTool(tool Widget) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) RemoveTool(tool Widget) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetErrorTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetInfoTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetText(tool Widget, text string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) SetWarningTitle(title string) error
- func (tt *ToolTip) Text(tool Widget) string
- func (tt *ToolTip) Title() string
- type ToolTipErrorPresenter
- type TranslationFunction
- type TreeItem
- type TreeItemEvent
- type TreeItemEventHandler
- type TreeItemEventPublisher
- type TreeModel
- type TreeModelBase
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemChanged() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemInserted() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemRemoved() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemsReset() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) LazyPopulation() bool
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemChanged(item TreeItem)
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemInserted(item TreeItem)
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemRemoved(item TreeItem)
- func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemsReset(parent TreeItem)
- type TreeView
- func (tv *TreeView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (tv *TreeView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (tv *TreeView) CurrentItem() TreeItem
- func (tv *TreeView) CurrentItemChanged() *Event
- func (tv *TreeView) Dispose()
- func (tv *TreeView) EnsureVisible(item TreeItem) error
- func (tv *TreeView) Expanded(item TreeItem) bool
- func (tv *TreeView) ExpandedChanged() *TreeItemEvent
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemActivated() *Event
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemAt(x, y int) TreeItem
- func (tv *TreeView) ItemHeight() int
- func (tv *TreeView) Model() TreeModel
- func (*TreeView) NeedsWmSize() bool
- func (tv *TreeView) SetBackground(bg Brush)
- func (tv *TreeView) SetCurrentItem(item TreeItem) error
- func (tv *TreeView) SetExpanded(item TreeItem, expanded bool) error
- func (tv *TreeView) SetItemHeight(height int)
- func (tv *TreeView) SetModel(model TreeModel) error
- func (tv *TreeView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type ValidationError
- type Validator
- type WebView
- func (wv *WebView) BrowserVisible() bool
- func (wv *WebView) BrowserVisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoBack() bool
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoBackChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoForward() bool
- func (wv *WebView) CanGoForwardChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
- func (wv *WebView) Dispose()
- func (wv *WebView) DocumentCompleted() *StringEvent
- func (wv *WebView) DocumentTitle() string
- func (wv *WebView) DocumentTitleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Downloaded() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Downloading() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) IsTheaterMode() bool
- func (wv *WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabled() bool
- func (wv *WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabledChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Navigated() *StringEvent
- func (wv *WebView) NavigatedError() *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent
- func (wv *WebView) Navigating() *WebViewNavigatingEvent
- func (wv *WebView) NewWindow() *WebViewNewWindowEvent
- func (wv *WebView) ProgressChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) ProgressMax() int32
- func (wv *WebView) ProgressValue() int32
- func (wv *WebView) Quitting() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) Refresh() error
- func (wv *WebView) SetNativeContextMenuEnabled(value bool)
- func (wv *WebView) SetShortcutsEnabled(value bool)
- func (wv *WebView) SetURL(url string) error
- func (wv *WebView) ShortcutsEnabled() bool
- func (wv *WebView) ShortcutsEnabledChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) StatusBarVisible() bool
- func (wv *WebView) StatusBarVisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) StatusText() string
- func (wv *WebView) StatusTextChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) TheaterModeChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarEnabled() bool
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarEnabledChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarVisible() bool
- func (wv *WebView) ToolBarVisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) URL() (url string, err error)
- func (wv *WebView) URLChanged() *Event
- func (wv *WebView) WindowClosing() *WebViewWindowClosingEvent
- func (wv *WebView) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Canceled() bool
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) StatusCode() int32
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) TargetFrameName() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Url() string
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler
- type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher
- type WebViewNavigatingEvent
- type WebViewNavigatingEventData
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Canceled() bool
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Flags() int32
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Headers() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) PostData() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) TargetFrameName() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Url() string
- type WebViewNavigatingEventHandler
- type WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher
- type WebViewNewWindowEvent
- type WebViewNewWindowEventData
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Canceled() bool
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Flags() uint32
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Url() string
- func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) UrlContext() string
- type WebViewNewWindowEventHandler
- type WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher
- type WebViewWindowClosingEvent
- type WebViewWindowClosingEventData
- type WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler
- type WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher
- type Widget
- type WidgetBase
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Alignment() Alignment2D
- func (wb *WidgetBase) AlwaysConsumeSpace() bool
- func (wb *WidgetBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (wb *WidgetBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (wb *WidgetBase) BringToTop() error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Dispose()
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Enabled() bool
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Font() *Font
- func (wb *WidgetBase) ForEachAncestor(f func(window Window) bool)
- func (wb *WidgetBase) GraphicsEffects() *WidgetGraphicsEffectList
- func (wb *WidgetBase) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags
- func (wb *WidgetBase) MinSizeHint() Size
- func (wb *WidgetBase) Parent() Container
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlwaysConsumeSpace(b bool) error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) (err error)
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetParent(parent Container) (err error)
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SetToolTipText(s string) error
- func (wb *WidgetBase) SizeHint() Size
- func (wb *WidgetBase) ToolTipText() string
- type WidgetGraphicsEffect
- type WidgetGraphicsEffectList
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Add(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) At(index int) WidgetGraphicsEffect
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Clear() error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Contains(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) bool
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Index(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) int
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Insert(index int, effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Len() int
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Remove(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
- func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type WidgetList
- func (l *WidgetList) Add(item Widget) error
- func (l *WidgetList) At(index int) Widget
- func (l *WidgetList) Clear() error
- func (l *WidgetList) Contains(item Widget) bool
- func (l *WidgetList) Index(item Widget) int
- func (l *WidgetList) Insert(index int, item Widget) error
- func (l *WidgetList) Len() int
- func (l *WidgetList) Remove(item Widget) error
- func (l *WidgetList) RemoveAt(index int) error
- type Window
- type WindowBase
- func (wb *WindowBase) Accessibility() *Accessibility
- func (wb *WindowBase) AddDisposable(d Disposable)
- func (wb *WindowBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
- func (wb *WindowBase) ApplySysColors()
- func (wb *WindowBase) AsWindowBase() *WindowBase
- func (wb *WindowBase) Background() Brush
- func (wb *WindowBase) Bounds() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) BringToTop() error
- func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBounds() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenu() *Menu
- func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point
- func (wb *WindowBase) CreateCanvas() (*Canvas, error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Cursor() Cursor
- func (wb *WindowBase) DPI() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) Dispose()
- func (wb *WindowBase) Disposing() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) DoubleBuffering() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) DropFiles() *DropFilesEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) Enabled() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) Focused() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) FocusedChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) Font() *Font
- func (wb *WindowBase) ForEachDescendant(f func(widget Widget) bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Form() Form
- func (wb *WindowBase) Handle() win.HWND
- func (wb *WindowBase) Height() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) HeightPixels() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) IntFrom96DPI(value int) int
- func (wb *WindowBase) IntTo96DPI(value int) int
- func (wb *WindowBase) Invalidate() error
- func (wb *WindowBase) IsDisposed() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) KeyDown() *KeyEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) KeyPress() *KeyEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) KeyUp() *KeyEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsFrom96DPI(value Margins) Margins
- func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsTo96DPI(value Margins) Margins
- func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSize() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSizePixels() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MinSize() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MinSizePixels() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MouseWheel() *MouseEvent
- func (wb *WindowBase) MustRegisterProperty(name string, property Property)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Name() string
- func (wb *WindowBase) PointFrom96DPI(value Point) Point
- func (wb *WindowBase) PointTo96DPI(value Point) Point
- func (wb *WindowBase) Property(name string) Property
- func (wb *WindowBase) ReadState() (string, error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleFrom96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleTo96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle
- func (wb *WindowBase) RequestLayout()
- func (wb *WindowBase) RestoreState() (err error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) RightToLeftReading() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) SaveState() (err error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) Screenshot() (*image.RGBA, error)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SendMessage(msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetBackground(background Brush)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetBounds(bounds Rectangle) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSize(value Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSizePixels(value Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetContextMenu(value *Menu)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetCursor(value Cursor)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetDoubleBuffering(enabled bool) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetFocus() error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetFont(font *Font)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeight(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeightPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSizePixels(min, max Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetName(name string)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetRightToLeftReading(rtl bool) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetSize(size Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetSizePixels(size Size) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidth(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidthPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetX(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetXPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetY(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) SetYPixels(value int) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) ShortcutActions() *ActionList
- func (wb *WindowBase) Size() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizeChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizeFrom96DPI(value Size) Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizePixels() Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) SizeTo96DPI(value Size) Size
- func (wb *WindowBase) Suspended() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) Synchronize(f func())
- func (wb *WindowBase) Visible() bool
- func (wb *WindowBase) VisibleChanged() *Event
- func (wb *WindowBase) Width() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) WidthPixels() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
- func (wb *WindowBase) WriteState(state string) error
- func (wb *WindowBase) X() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) XPixels() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) Y() int
- func (wb *WindowBase) YPixels() int
- type WindowGroup
- func (g *WindowGroup) ActiveForm() Form
- func (g *WindowGroup) Add(delta int)
- func (g *WindowGroup) CreateToolTip() (*ToolTip, error)
- func (g *WindowGroup) Done()
- func (g *WindowGroup) Refs() int
- func (g *WindowGroup) RunSynchronized()
- func (g *WindowGroup) SetActiveForm(form Form)
- func (g *WindowGroup) Synchronize(f func())
- func (g *WindowGroup) ThreadID() uint32
- func (g *WindowGroup) ToolTip() *ToolTip
Constants ¶
const ( NoOrientation Orientation = 0 Horizontal = 1 << 0 Vertical = 1 << 1 )
const ( DlgCmdNone = 0 DlgCmdOK = win.IDOK DlgCmdCancel = win.IDCANCEL DlgCmdAbort = win.IDABORT DlgCmdRetry = win.IDRETRY DlgCmdIgnore = win.IDIGNORE DlgCmdYes = win.IDYES DlgCmdNo = win.IDNO DlgCmdClose = win.IDCLOSE DlgCmdHelp = win.IDHELP DlgCmdTryAgain = win.IDTRYAGAIN DlgCmdContinue = win.IDCONTINUE DlgCmdTimeout = win.IDTIMEOUT )
const ( EllipsisNone EllipsisMode = 0 EllipsisEnd = EllipsisMode(win.SS_ENDELLIPSIS) EllipsisPath = EllipsisMode(win.SS_PATHELLIPSIS) )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrPropertyReadOnly = errors.New("read-only property") ErrPropertyNotValidatable = errors.New("property not validatable") )
var (
ErrInvalidType = errors.New("invalid type")
Functions ¶
func AppDataPath ¶
func AppendToWalkInit ¶
func AppendToWalkInit(fn func())
func CommonAppDataPath ¶
func ControlDown ¶
func ControlDown() bool
func DriveNames ¶
func FormatFloat ¶
func FormatFloatGrouped ¶
func InitWidget ¶
InitWidget initializes a Widget.
func InitWindow ¶
InitWindow initializes a window.
Widgets should be initialized using InitWidget instead.
func InitWrapperWindow ¶
InitWrapperWindow initializes a window that wraps (embeds) another window.
Calling this method is necessary, if you want to be able to override the WndProc method of the embedded window. The embedded window should only be used as inseparable part of the wrapper window to avoid undefined behavior.
func IntFrom96DPI ¶
IntFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func IntTo96DPI ¶
IntTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func LocalAppDataPath ¶
func MouseWheelEventDelta ¶
func MouseWheelEventDelta(button MouseButton) int
func MouseWheelEventKeyState ¶
func MouseWheelEventKeyState(button MouseButton) int
func MustRegisterWindowClass ¶
func MustRegisterWindowClass(className string)
MustRegisterWindowClass registers the specified window class.
MustRegisterWindowClass must be called once for every window type that is not based on any system provided control, before calling InitChildWidget or InitWidget. Calling MustRegisterWindowClass twice with the same className results in a panic.
func PanicOnError ¶
func PanicOnError() bool
func ParseFloat ¶
func PersonalPath ¶
func RegistryKeyString ¶
func RegistryKeyString(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value string, err error)
func RegistryKeyUint32 ¶
func RegistryKeyUint32(rootKey *RegistryKey, subKeyPath, valueName string) (value uint32, err error)
func SetLogErrors ¶
func SetLogErrors(v bool)
func SetPanicOnError ¶
func SetPanicOnError(v bool)
func SetTranslationFunc ¶
func SetTranslationFunc(f TranslationFunction)
func SetWindowFont ¶
func SystemPath ¶
Types ¶
type AccRole ¶
type AccRole int32
AccRole enum defines the role of the window/control in UI.
const ( AccRoleTitlebar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR AccRoleMenubar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR AccRoleScrollbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR AccRoleGrip AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP AccRoleSound AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND AccRoleCursor AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR AccRoleCaret AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET AccRoleAlert AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT AccRoleWindow AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW AccRoleClient AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT AccRoleMenuPopup AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP AccRoleMenuItem AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM AccRoleTooltip AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP AccRoleApplication AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION AccRoleDocument AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT AccRolePane AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE AccRoleChart AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART AccRoleDialog AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG AccRoleBorder AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER AccRoleGrouping AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING AccRoleSeparator AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR AccRoleToolbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR AccRoleStatusbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR AccRoleTable AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE AccRoleColumnHeader AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER AccRoleRowHeader AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER AccRoleColumn AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN AccRoleRow AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW AccRoleCell AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL AccRoleLink AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK AccRoleHelpBalloon AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON AccRoleCharacter AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER AccRoleList AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST AccRoleListItem AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM AccRoleOutline AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE AccRoleOutlineItem AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM AccRolePagetab AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB AccRolePropertyPage AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE AccRoleIndicator AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR AccRoleGraphic AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC AccRoleStatictext AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT AccRoleText AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT AccRoleCombobox AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX AccRoleDroplist AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST AccRoleProgressbar AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR AccRoleDial AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL AccRoleHotkeyfield AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD AccRoleSlider AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER AccRoleDiagram AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM AccRoleAnimation AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION AccRoleEquation AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION AccRoleButtonDropdown AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN AccRoleButtonMenu AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU AccRoleButtonDropdownGrid AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID AccRoleWhitespace AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE AccRolePageTabList AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST AccRoleClock AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK AccRoleSplitButton AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_SPLITBUTTON AccRoleIPAddress AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_IPADDRESS AccRoleOutlineButton AccRole = win.ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON )
Window/control system roles
type AccState ¶
type AccState int32
AccState enum defines the state of the window/control
const ( AccStateNormal AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_NORMAL AccStateSelected AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED AccStateFocused AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED AccStatePressed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED AccStateChecked AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED AccStateMixed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MIXED AccStateIndeterminate AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_INDETERMINATE AccStateReadonly AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY AccStateHotTracked AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED AccStateDefault AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT AccStateExpanded AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED AccStateCollapsed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED AccStateBusy AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY AccStateFloating AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FLOATING AccStateMarqueed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MARQUEED AccStateAnimated AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ANIMATED AccStateInvisible AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE AccStateOffscreen AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN AccStateSizeable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SIZEABLE AccStateMoveable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MOVEABLE AccStateSelfVoicing AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELFVOICING AccStateFocusable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE AccStateSelectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE AccStateLinked AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_LINKED AccStateTraversed AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_TRAVERSED AccStateMultiselectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE AccStateExtselectable AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_EXTSELECTABLE AccStateAlertLow AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_LOW AccStateAlertMedium AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_MEDIUM AccStateAlertHigh AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_HIGH AccStateProtected AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED AccStateHasPopup AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP AccStateValid AccState = win.STATE_SYSTEM_VALID )
Window/control states
type Accessibility ¶
type Accessibility struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Accessibility provides basic Dynamic Annotation of windows and controls.
func (*Accessibility) SetAccelerator ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetAccelerator(acc string) error
SetAccelerator sets window accelerator name using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetDefaultAction ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetDefaultAction(defAction string) error
SetDefaultAction sets window default action using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetDescription ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetDescription(acc string) error
SetDescription sets window description using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetHelp ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetHelp(help string) error
SetHelp sets window help using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetName ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetName(name string) error
SetName sets window name using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetRole ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetRole(role AccRole) error
SetRole sets window role using Dynamic Annotation. The role must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
func (*Accessibility) SetRoleMap ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetRoleMap(roleMap string) error
SetRoleMap sets window role map using Dynamic Annotation. The role map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
func (*Accessibility) SetState ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetState(state AccState) error
SetState sets window state using Dynamic Annotation.
func (*Accessibility) SetStateMap ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetStateMap(stateMap string) error
SetStateMap sets window state map using Dynamic Annotation. The state map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
func (*Accessibility) SetValueMap ¶
func (a *Accessibility) SetValueMap(valueMap string) error
SetValueMap sets window value map using Dynamic Annotation. The value map must be set when the window is created and is not to be modified later.
type Action ¶
type Action struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMenuAction ¶
func NewSeparatorAction ¶
func NewSeparatorAction() *Action
func (*Action) CheckedCondition ¶
func (*Action) DefaultCondition ¶
func (*Action) EnabledCondition ¶
func (*Action) IsSeparator ¶
func (*Action) SetCheckable ¶
func (*Action) SetChecked ¶
func (*Action) SetCheckedCondition ¶
func (*Action) SetDefault ¶
func (*Action) SetDefaultCondition ¶
func (*Action) SetEnabled ¶
func (*Action) SetEnabledCondition ¶
func (*Action) SetExclusive ¶
func (*Action) SetShortcut ¶
func (*Action) SetToolTip ¶
func (*Action) SetVisible ¶
func (*Action) SetVisibleCondition ¶
func (*Action) VisibleCondition ¶
type ActionList ¶
type ActionList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ActionList) Add ¶
func (l *ActionList) Add(action *Action) error
func (*ActionList) At ¶
func (l *ActionList) At(index int) *Action
func (*ActionList) Clear ¶
func (l *ActionList) Clear() error
func (*ActionList) Contains ¶
func (l *ActionList) Contains(action *Action) bool
func (*ActionList) Index ¶
func (l *ActionList) Index(action *Action) int
func (*ActionList) InsertMenu ¶
func (l *ActionList) InsertMenu(index int, menu *Menu) (*Action, error)
func (*ActionList) Len ¶
func (l *ActionList) Len() int
func (*ActionList) Remove ¶
func (l *ActionList) Remove(action *Action) error
func (*ActionList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *ActionList) RemoveAt(index int) error
type Alignment1D ¶
type Alignment1D uint
const ( AlignDefault Alignment1D = iota AlignNear AlignCenter AlignFar )
type Alignment2D ¶
type Alignment2D uint
const ( AlignHVDefault Alignment2D = iota AlignHNearVNear AlignHCenterVNear AlignHFarVNear AlignHNearVCenter AlignHCenterVCenter AlignHFarVCenter AlignHNearVFar AlignHCenterVFar AlignHFarVFar )
type Application ¶
type Application struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func App ¶
func App() *Application
func (*Application) ActiveForm ¶
func (app *Application) ActiveForm() Form
ActiveForm returns the currently active form for the caller's thread. It returns nil if no form is active or the caller's thread does not have any windows associated with it. It should be called from within synchronized functions.
func (*Application) Exit ¶
func (app *Application) Exit(exitCode int)
func (*Application) ExitCode ¶
func (app *Application) ExitCode() int
func (*Application) OrganizationName ¶
func (app *Application) OrganizationName() string
func (*Application) Panicking ¶
func (app *Application) Panicking() *ErrorEvent
func (*Application) ProductName ¶
func (app *Application) ProductName() string
func (*Application) SetOrganizationName ¶
func (app *Application) SetOrganizationName(value string)
func (*Application) SetProductName ¶
func (app *Application) SetProductName(value string)
func (*Application) SetSettings ¶
func (app *Application) SetSettings(value Settings)
func (*Application) Settings ¶
func (app *Application) Settings() Settings
type ApplyDPIer ¶
type ApplyDPIer interface {
ApplyDPI(dpi int)
type ApplyFonter ¶
type ApplyFonter interface {
ApplyFont(font *Font)
type ApplySysColorser ¶
type ApplySysColorser interface {
type BindingValueProvider ¶
type BindingValueProvider interface {
BindingValue(index int) interface{}
BindingValueProvider is the interface that a model must implement to support data binding with widgets like ComboBox.
type Bitmap ¶
type Bitmap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func BitmapFrom ¶
func NewBitmapForDPI ¶
NewBitmapForDPI creates an opaque bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI.
func NewBitmapFromFile
func NewBitmapFromFileForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromFileForDPI creates new bitmap from a bitmap file at given DPI.
func NewBitmapFromIcon
func NewBitmapFromIconForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromIconForDPI creates a new bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI and paints the icon on it.
func NewBitmapFromImage
func NewBitmapFromImageForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromImageForDPI creates a Bitmap from image.Image at given DPI.
func NewBitmapFromImageWithSize ¶
NewBitmapFromImageWithSize creates a bitmap with given size in native units and paints the image on it streched.
func NewBitmapFromResource
func NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromResourceForDPI creates a Bitmap at given DPI from resource by name.
func NewBitmapFromResourceId
func NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI ¶
NewBitmapFromResourceIdForDPI creates a Bitmap at given DPI from resource by ID.
func NewBitmapFromWindow ¶
func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixels
func NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI ¶
NewBitmapWithTransparentPixelsForDPI creates a transparent bitmap with given size in native pixels and DPI.
type BitmapBrush ¶
type BitmapBrush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBitmapBrush ¶
func NewBitmapBrush(bitmap *Bitmap) (*BitmapBrush, error)
func (*BitmapBrush) Bitmap ¶
func (b *BitmapBrush) Bitmap() *Bitmap
type BorderGlowEffect ¶
type BorderGlowEffect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBorderGlowEffect ¶
func NewBorderGlowEffect(color Color) (*BorderGlowEffect, error)
type BoxLayout ¶
type BoxLayout struct { LayoutBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHBoxLayout ¶
func NewHBoxLayout() *BoxLayout
func NewVBoxLayout ¶
func NewVBoxLayout() *BoxLayout
func (*BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (l *BoxLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
func (*BoxLayout) Orientation ¶
func (l *BoxLayout) Orientation() Orientation
func (*BoxLayout) SetOrientation ¶
func (l *BoxLayout) SetOrientation(value Orientation) error
func (*BoxLayout) SetStretchFactor ¶
func (*BoxLayout) StretchFactor ¶
type Button ¶
type Button struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Button) CheckedChanged ¶
func (*Button) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (b *Button) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*Button) ImageChanged ¶
func (*Button) Persistent ¶
func (*Button) RestoreState ¶
func (*Button) SetChecked ¶
func (*Button) SetPersistent ¶
type CancelEvent ¶
type CancelEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *CancelEvent) Attach(handler CancelEventHandler) int
func (*CancelEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *CancelEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*CancelEvent) Once ¶
func (e *CancelEvent) Once(handler CancelEventHandler)
type CancelEventHandler ¶
type CancelEventHandler func(canceled *bool)
type CancelEventPublisher ¶
type CancelEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Event() *CancelEvent
func (*CancelEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *CancelEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool)
type Canvas ¶
type Canvas struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCanvasFromImage ¶
func (*Canvas) BoundsPixels ¶
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPart ¶
DrawBitmapPart draws bitmap at given location in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels(bmp *Bitmap, dst, src Rectangle, opacity byte) error
DrawBitmapPartWithOpacityPixels draws bitmap at given location in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacity
func (*Canvas) DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels ¶
DrawBitmapWithOpacityPixels draws bitmap with opacity at given location in native pixels stretched.
func (*Canvas) DrawEllipse
func (*Canvas) DrawEllipsePixels ¶
DrawEllipsePixels draws an ellipse in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawImagePixels ¶
DrawImagePixels draws image at given location (upper left) in native pixels unstretched.
func (*Canvas) DrawImageStretched
func (*Canvas) DrawImageStretchedPixels ¶
DrawImageStretchedPixels draws image at given location in native pixels stretched.
func (*Canvas) DrawLinePixels ¶
DrawLinePixels draws a line between two points in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawPolyline
func (*Canvas) DrawPolylinePixels ¶
DrawPolylinePixels draws a line between given points in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawRectangle
func (*Canvas) DrawRectanglePixels ¶
DrawRectanglePixels draws a rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawRoundedRectangle
func (*Canvas) DrawRoundedRectanglePixels ¶
DrawRoundedRectanglePixels draws a rounded rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) DrawTextPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) DrawTextPixels(text string, font *Font, color Color, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
DrawTextPixels draws text at given location in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) FillEllipse
func (*Canvas) FillEllipsePixels ¶
FillEllipsePixels draws a filled in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) FillRectangle
func (*Canvas) FillRectanglePixels ¶
FillRectanglePixels draws a filled rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) FillRoundedRectangle
func (*Canvas) FillRoundedRectanglePixels ¶
FillRoundedRectanglePixels draws a filled rounded rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) GradientFillRectangle
func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectangle(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error
GradientFillRectangle draws a gradient filled rectangle in 1/96" units.
Deprecated: Newer applications should use GradientFillRectanglePixels.
func (*Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) GradientFillRectanglePixels(color1, color2 Color, orientation Orientation, bounds Rectangle) error
GradientFillRectanglePixels draws a gradient filled rectangle in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) MeasureAndModifyTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, textDisplayed string, err error)
MeasureAndModifyTextPixels measures text size and also supports modification of the text which occurs if it does not fit into the specified bounds.
Input and output bounds are in native pixels.
func (*Canvas) MeasureText
func (*Canvas) MeasureTextPixels ¶
func (c *Canvas) MeasureTextPixels(text string, font *Font, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) (boundsMeasured Rectangle, runesFitted int, err error)
MeasureTextPixels measures text size. Input and output bounds are in native pixels.
type CellStyle ¶
type CellStyle struct { BackgroundColor Color TextColor Color Font *Font // Image is the image to display in the cell. // // Supported types are *walk.Bitmap, *walk.Icon and string. A string will be // interpreted as a file path and the icon associated with the file will be // used. It is not supported to use strings together with the other options // in the same model instance. Image interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CellStyle carries information about the display style of a cell in a tabular widget like TableView.
func (*CellStyle) BoundsPixels ¶
type CellStyler ¶
type CellStyler interface { // StyleCell is called for each cell to pick up cell style information. StyleCell(style *CellStyle) }
CellStyler is the interface that must be implemented to provide a tabular widget like TableView with cell display style information.
type CheckBox ¶
type CheckBox struct { Button // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCheckBox ¶
func (*CheckBox) CheckState ¶
func (cb *CheckBox) CheckState() CheckState
func (*CheckBox) CheckStateChanged ¶
func (*CheckBox) RestoreState ¶
func (*CheckBox) SetCheckState ¶
func (cb *CheckBox) SetCheckState(state CheckState)
func (*CheckBox) SetTextOnLeftSide ¶
func (*CheckBox) SetTristate ¶
func (*CheckBox) TextOnLeftSide ¶
type CheckState ¶
type CheckState int
const ( CheckUnchecked CheckState = win.BST_UNCHECKED CheckChecked CheckState = win.BST_CHECKED CheckIndeterminate CheckState = win.BST_INDETERMINATE )
type ClipboardService ¶
type ClipboardService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClipboardService provides access to the system clipboard.
func Clipboard ¶
func Clipboard() *ClipboardService
Clipboard returns an object that provides access to the system clipboard.
func (*ClipboardService) Clear ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) Clear() error
Clear clears the contents of the clipboard.
func (*ClipboardService) ContainsText ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) ContainsText() (available bool, err error)
ContainsText returns whether the clipboard currently contains text data.
func (*ClipboardService) ContentsChanged ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) ContentsChanged() *Event
ContentsChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling clipboard content changes.
func (*ClipboardService) SetText ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) SetText(s string) error
SetText sets the current text data of the clipboard.
func (*ClipboardService) Text ¶
func (c *ClipboardService) Text() (text string, err error)
Text returns the current text data of the clipboard.
type CloseEvent ¶
type CloseEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CloseEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *CloseEvent) Attach(handler CloseEventHandler) int
func (*CloseEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *CloseEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*CloseEvent) Once ¶
func (e *CloseEvent) Once(handler CloseEventHandler)
type CloseEventHandler ¶
type CloseEventHandler func(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason)
type CloseEventPublisher ¶
type CloseEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CloseEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Event() *CloseEvent
func (*CloseEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *CloseEventPublisher) Publish(canceled *bool, reason CloseReason)
type CloseReason ¶
type CloseReason byte
const ( CloseReasonUnknown CloseReason = iota CloseReasonUser )
type ComboBox ¶
type ComboBox struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewComboBox ¶
func NewDropDownBox ¶
func (*ComboBox) BindingMember ¶
BindingMember returns the member from the model of the ComboBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
func (*ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (cb *ComboBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndex ¶
func (*ComboBox) CurrentIndexChanged ¶
func (*ComboBox) DisplayMember ¶
DisplayMember returns the member from the model of the ComboBox that is displayed in the ComboBox.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
func (*ComboBox) EditingFinished ¶
func (*ComboBox) Model ¶
func (cb *ComboBox) Model() interface{}
Model returns the model of the ComboBox.
func (*ComboBox) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*ComboBox) Persistent ¶
func (*ComboBox) RestoreState ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetBindingMember ¶
SetBindingMember sets the member from the model of the ComboBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
For a model consisting of items of type S, data source field of type T and bindingMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:
A field Foo T A method func (s S) Foo() T A method func (s S) Foo() (T, error)
If bindingMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.
func (*ComboBox) SetCurrentIndex ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetDisplayMember ¶
SetDisplayMember sets the member from the model of the ComboBox that is displayed in the ComboBox.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
For a model consisting of items of type S, the type of the specified member T and displayMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:
A field Foo T A method func (s S) Foo() T A method func (s S) Foo() (T, error)
If displayMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.
func (*ComboBox) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetModel ¶
SetModel sets the model of the ComboBox.
It is required that mdl either implements walk.ListModel or walk.ReflectListModel or be a slice of pointers to struct or a []string.
func (*ComboBox) SetPersistent ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetPrecision ¶
func (*ComboBox) SetTextSelection ¶
func (*ComboBox) TextChanged ¶
func (*ComboBox) TextSelection ¶
type Condition ¶
type Condition interface { Expression Satisfied() bool }
func NewAllCondition ¶
func NewAnyCondition ¶
func NewNegatedCondition ¶
type Container ¶
type Container interface { Window AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase Children() *WidgetList Layout() Layout SetLayout(value Layout) error DataBinder() *DataBinder SetDataBinder(dbm *DataBinder) }
type ContainerBase ¶
type ContainerBase struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContainerBase) ApplyDPI ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
func (*ContainerBase) ApplySysColors ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) ApplySysColors()
func (*ContainerBase) AsContainerBase ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
func (*ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
func (*ContainerBase) Children ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) Children() *WidgetList
func (*ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ContainerBase) DataBinder ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*ContainerBase) Layout ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) Layout() Layout
func (*ContainerBase) NextChildID ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) NextChildID() int32
func (*ContainerBase) Persistent ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) Persistent() bool
func (*ContainerBase) RestoreState ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) RestoreState() error
func (*ContainerBase) SaveState ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SaveState() error
func (*ContainerBase) SetDataBinder ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
func (*ContainerBase) SetLayout ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SetLayout(value Layout) error
func (*ContainerBase) SetPersistent ¶
func (cb *ContainerBase) SetPersistent(value bool)
type ContainerLayoutItem ¶
type ContainerLayoutItem interface { LayoutItem MinSizer MinSizeForSizer HeightForWidther AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase // MinSizeEffectiveForChild returns minimum effective size for a child in native pixels. MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size PerformLayout() []LayoutResultItem Children() []LayoutItem // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer ¶
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainer(container Container) ContainerLayoutItem
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext ¶
func CreateLayoutItemsForContainerWithContext(container Container, ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
type ContainerLayoutItemBase ¶
type ContainerLayoutItemBase struct { LayoutItemBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) AsContainerLayoutItemBase() *ContainerLayoutItemBase
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) Children() []LayoutItem
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) HasHeightForWidth() bool
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) MinSizeEffectiveForChild(child LayoutItem) Size
func (*ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren ¶
func (clib *ContainerLayoutItemBase) SetChildren(children []LayoutItem)
type CosmeticPen ¶
type CosmeticPen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCosmeticPen ¶
func NewCosmeticPen(style PenStyle, color Color) (*CosmeticPen, error)
func (*CosmeticPen) Color ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Color() Color
func (*CosmeticPen) Dispose ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Dispose()
func (*CosmeticPen) Style ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Style() PenStyle
func (*CosmeticPen) Width ¶
func (p *CosmeticPen) Width() int
type Cursor ¶
type Cursor interface { Dispose() // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func CursorAppStarting ¶
func CursorAppStarting() Cursor
func CursorArrow ¶
func CursorArrow() Cursor
func CursorCross ¶
func CursorCross() Cursor
func CursorHand ¶
func CursorHand() Cursor
func CursorHelp ¶
func CursorHelp() Cursor
func CursorIBeam ¶
func CursorIBeam() Cursor
func CursorIcon ¶
func CursorIcon() Cursor
func CursorSize ¶
func CursorSize() Cursor
func CursorSizeAll ¶
func CursorSizeAll() Cursor
func CursorSizeNESW ¶
func CursorSizeNESW() Cursor
func CursorSizeNS ¶
func CursorSizeNS() Cursor
func CursorSizeNWSE ¶
func CursorSizeNWSE() Cursor
func CursorSizeWE ¶
func CursorSizeWE() Cursor
func CursorUpArrow ¶
func CursorUpArrow() Cursor
func CursorWait ¶
func CursorWait() Cursor
type CustomWidget ¶
type CustomWidget struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCustomWidget
func NewCustomWidget(parent Container, style uint, paint PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error)
NewCustomWidget creates and initializes a new custom draw widget.
Deprecated: PaintFunc is taking updateBounds parameter at 96dpi for backward compatibility with clients. On high-DPI displays this is too sparse and may incur a thin unpainted edge around control due to rounding errors. Newer applications should use NewCustomWidgetPixels.
func NewCustomWidgetPixels ¶
func NewCustomWidgetPixels(parent Container, style uint, paintPixels PaintFunc) (*CustomWidget, error)
NewCustomWidgetPixels creates and initializes a new custom draw widget.
func (*CustomWidget) ClearsBackground ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) ClearsBackground() bool
deprecated, use PaintMode
func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (*CustomWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) InvalidatesOnResize() bool
func (*CustomWidget) PaintMode ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) PaintMode() PaintMode
func (*CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) SetClearsBackground(value bool)
deprecated, use SetPaintMode
func (*CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) SetInvalidatesOnResize(value bool)
func (*CustomWidget) SetPaintMode ¶
func (cw *CustomWidget) SetPaintMode(value PaintMode)
type DataBinder ¶
type DataBinder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDataBinder ¶
func NewDataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmit() bool
func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay ¶
func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitDelay() time.Duration
func (*DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended ¶
func (db *DataBinder) AutoSubmitSuspended() bool
func (*DataBinder) BoundWidgets ¶
func (db *DataBinder) BoundWidgets() []Widget
func (*DataBinder) CanSubmit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmit() bool
func (*DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged ¶
func (db *DataBinder) CanSubmitChanged() *Event
func (*DataBinder) DataSource ¶
func (db *DataBinder) DataSource() interface{}
func (*DataBinder) DataSourceChanged ¶
func (db *DataBinder) DataSourceChanged() *Event
func (*DataBinder) Dirty ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Dirty() bool
func (*DataBinder) ErrorPresenter ¶
func (db *DataBinder) ErrorPresenter() ErrorPresenter
func (*DataBinder) Expression ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Expression(path string) Expression
func (*DataBinder) Reset ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Reset() error
func (*DataBinder) ResetFinished ¶
func (db *DataBinder) ResetFinished() *Event
func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmit(autoSubmit bool)
func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitDelay(delay time.Duration)
func (*DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetAutoSubmitSuspended(suspended bool)
func (*DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetBoundWidgets(boundWidgets []Widget)
func (*DataBinder) SetDataSource ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetDataSource(dataSource interface{}) error
func (*DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter ¶
func (db *DataBinder) SetErrorPresenter(ep ErrorPresenter)
func (*DataBinder) Submit ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Submit() error
func (*DataBinder) Submitted ¶
func (db *DataBinder) Submitted() *Event
type DateEdit ¶
type DateEdit struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDateEdit ¶
func (*DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (de *DateEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*DateEdit) DateChanged ¶
func (*DateEdit) NeedsWmSize ¶
type DateLabel ¶
type DateLabel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDateLabel ¶
func (*DateLabel) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (s *DateLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*DateLabel) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (dl *DateLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
func (*DateLabel) SetTextColor ¶
func (s *DateLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
func (*DateLabel) TextAlignment ¶
func (dl *DateLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
type DelegateCondition ¶
type DelegateCondition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDelegateCondition ¶
func NewDelegateCondition(satisfied func() bool, changed *Event) *DelegateCondition
func (*DelegateCondition) Changed ¶
func (dc *DelegateCondition) Changed() *Event
func (*DelegateCondition) Satisfied ¶
func (dc *DelegateCondition) Satisfied() bool
func (*DelegateCondition) Value ¶
func (dc *DelegateCondition) Value() interface{}
type Dialog ¶
type Dialog struct { FormBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDialogWithFixedSize ¶
func (*Dialog) CancelButton ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) CancelButton() *PushButton
func (*Dialog) DefaultButton ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) DefaultButton() *PushButton
func (*Dialog) SetCancelButton ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) SetCancelButton(button *PushButton) error
func (*Dialog) SetDefaultButton ¶
func (dlg *Dialog) SetDefaultButton(button *PushButton) error
type Disposable ¶
type Disposable interface {
type Disposables ¶
type Disposables struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Disposables) Add ¶
func (d *Disposables) Add(item Disposable)
func (*Disposables) Spare ¶
func (d *Disposables) Spare()
func (*Disposables) Treat ¶
func (d *Disposables) Treat()
type DrawTextFormat ¶
type DrawTextFormat uint
DrawText format flags
const ( TextTop DrawTextFormat = win.DT_TOP TextLeft DrawTextFormat = win.DT_LEFT TextCenter DrawTextFormat = win.DT_CENTER TextRight DrawTextFormat = win.DT_RIGHT TextVCenter DrawTextFormat = win.DT_VCENTER TextBottom DrawTextFormat = win.DT_BOTTOM TextWordbreak DrawTextFormat = win.DT_WORDBREAK TextSingleLine DrawTextFormat = win.DT_SINGLELINE TextExpandTabs DrawTextFormat = win.DT_EXPANDTABS TextTabstop DrawTextFormat = win.DT_TABSTOP TextNoClip DrawTextFormat = win.DT_NOCLIP TextExternalLeading DrawTextFormat = win.DT_EXTERNALLEADING TextCalcRect DrawTextFormat = win.DT_CALCRECT TextNoPrefix DrawTextFormat = win.DT_NOPREFIX TextInternal DrawTextFormat = win.DT_INTERNAL TextEditControl DrawTextFormat = win.DT_EDITCONTROL TextPathEllipsis DrawTextFormat = win.DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS TextEndEllipsis DrawTextFormat = win.DT_END_ELLIPSIS TextModifyString DrawTextFormat = win.DT_MODIFYSTRING TextRTLReading DrawTextFormat = win.DT_RTLREADING TextWordEllipsis DrawTextFormat = win.DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS TextNoFullWidthCharBreak DrawTextFormat = win.DT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK TextHidePrefix DrawTextFormat = win.DT_HIDEPREFIX TextPrefixOnly DrawTextFormat = win.DT_PREFIXONLY )
type DropFilesEvent ¶
type DropFilesEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DropFilesEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *DropFilesEvent) Attach(handler DropFilesEventHandler) int
func (*DropFilesEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *DropFilesEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*DropFilesEvent) Once ¶
func (e *DropFilesEvent) Once(handler DropFilesEventHandler)
type DropFilesEventHandler ¶
type DropFilesEventHandler func([]string)
type DropFilesEventPublisher ¶
type DropFilesEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DropFilesEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *DropFilesEventPublisher) Event(hWnd win.HWND) *DropFilesEvent
func (*DropFilesEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *DropFilesEventPublisher) Publish(hDrop win.HDROP)
type DropShadowEffect ¶
type DropShadowEffect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDropShadowEffect ¶
func NewDropShadowEffect(color Color) (*DropShadowEffect, error)
type EllipsisMode ¶
type EllipsisMode int
type ErrorEvent ¶
type ErrorEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ErrorEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *ErrorEvent) Attach(handler ErrorEventHandler) int
func (*ErrorEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *ErrorEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*ErrorEvent) Once ¶
func (e *ErrorEvent) Once(handler ErrorEventHandler)
type ErrorEventHandler ¶
type ErrorEventHandler func(err error)
type ErrorEventPublisher ¶
type ErrorEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ErrorEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *ErrorEventPublisher) Event() *ErrorEvent
func (*ErrorEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *ErrorEventPublisher) Publish(err error)
type ErrorPresenter ¶
type Event ¶
type Event struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Event) Attach ¶
func (e *Event) Attach(handler EventHandler) int
func (*Event) Once ¶
func (e *Event) Once(handler EventHandler)
type EventHandler ¶
type EventHandler func()
type EventPublisher ¶
type EventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *EventPublisher) Event() *Event
func (*EventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *EventPublisher) Publish()
type Expression ¶
type Expression interface { Value() interface{} Changed() *Event }
func NewReflectExpression ¶
func NewReflectExpression(root Expression, path string) Expression
type ExtractableIcon ¶
type FileDialog ¶
type FileDialog struct { Title string FilePath string FilePaths []string InitialDirPath string Filter string FilterIndex int Flags uint32 ShowReadOnlyCB bool }
func (*FileDialog) ShowBrowseFolder ¶
func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowBrowseFolder(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error)
func (*FileDialog) ShowOpen ¶
func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowOpen(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error)
func (*FileDialog) ShowOpenMultiple ¶
func (dlg *FileDialog) ShowOpenMultiple(owner Form) (accepted bool, err error)
type FlowLayout ¶
type FlowLayout struct { LayoutBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFlowLayout ¶
func NewFlowLayout() *FlowLayout
func (*FlowLayout) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (l *FlowLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
func (*FlowLayout) SetStretchFactor ¶
func (l *FlowLayout) SetStretchFactor(widget Widget, factor int) error
func (*FlowLayout) StretchFactor ¶
func (l *FlowLayout) StretchFactor(widget Widget) int
type Font ¶
type Font struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Font represents a typographic typeface that is used for text drawing operations and on many GUI widgets.
func (*Font) Bold ¶
Bold returns if text drawn using the Font appears with greater weight than normal.
func (*Font) Dispose ¶
func (f *Font) Dispose()
Dispose releases the os resources that were allocated for the Font.
The Font can no longer be used for drawing operations or with GUI widgets after calling this method. It is safe to call Dispose multiple times.
type FontMemResource ¶
type FontMemResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FontMemResource represents a font resource loaded into memory from the application's resources.
func NewFontMemResourceById ¶
func NewFontMemResourceById(id int) (*FontMemResource, error)
NewFontMemResourceById function loads a font resource from the executable's resources using the resource ID. The font must be embedded into resources using corresponding operator in the application's RC script.
func NewFontMemResourceByName ¶
func NewFontMemResourceByName(name string) (*FontMemResource, error)
NewFontMemResourceByName function loads a font resource from the executable's resources using the resource name. The font must be embedded into resources using corresponding operator in the application's RC script.
func (*FontMemResource) Dispose ¶
func (fmr *FontMemResource) Dispose()
Dispose removes the font resource from memory
type Form ¶
type Form interface { Container AsFormBase() *FormBase Run() int Starting() *Event Closing() *CloseEvent Activating() *Event Deactivating() *Event Activate() error Show() Hide() Title() string SetTitle(title string) error TitleChanged() *Event Icon() Image SetIcon(icon Image) error IconChanged() *Event Owner() Form SetOwner(owner Form) error ProgressIndicator() *ProgressIndicator // RightToLeftLayout returns whether coordinates on the x axis of the // Form increase from right to left. RightToLeftLayout() bool // SetRightToLeftLayout sets whether coordinates on the x axis of the // Form increase from right to left. SetRightToLeftLayout(rtl bool) error }
type FormBase ¶
type FormBase struct { WindowBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FormBase) Activating ¶
func (*FormBase) ApplySysColors ¶
func (fb *FormBase) ApplySysColors()
func (*FormBase) AsContainerBase ¶
func (fb *FormBase) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
func (*FormBase) AsFormBase ¶
func (*FormBase) Background ¶
func (*FormBase) Children ¶
func (fb *FormBase) Children() *WidgetList
func (*FormBase) Closing ¶
func (fb *FormBase) Closing() *CloseEvent
func (*FormBase) ContextMenu ¶
func (*FormBase) ContextMenuLocation ¶
func (*FormBase) DataBinder ¶
func (fb *FormBase) DataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*FormBase) Deactivating ¶
func (*FormBase) IconChanged ¶
func (*FormBase) MouseDown ¶
func (fb *FormBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
func (*FormBase) MouseMove ¶
func (fb *FormBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
func (*FormBase) MouseUp ¶
func (fb *FormBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
func (*FormBase) Persistent ¶
func (*FormBase) ProgressIndicator ¶
func (fb *FormBase) ProgressIndicator() *ProgressIndicator
func (*FormBase) RestoreState ¶
func (*FormBase) RightToLeftLayout ¶
RightToLeftLayout returns whether coordinates on the x axis of the FormBase increase from right to left.
func (*FormBase) SetBackground ¶
func (*FormBase) SetBoundsPixels ¶
func (*FormBase) SetContextMenu ¶
func (*FormBase) SetDataBinder ¶
func (fb *FormBase) SetDataBinder(db *DataBinder)
func (*FormBase) SetPersistent ¶
func (*FormBase) SetRightToLeftLayout ¶
SetRightToLeftLayout sets whether coordinates on the x axis of the FormBase increase from right to left.
func (*FormBase) SetSuspended ¶
func (*FormBase) TitleChanged ¶
type GeometricPen ¶
type GeometricPen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGeometricPen ¶
func NewGeometricPen(style PenStyle, width int, brush Brush) (*GeometricPen, error)
NewGeometricPen prepares new geometric pen. width parameter is specified in 1/96" units.
func (*GeometricPen) Brush ¶
func (p *GeometricPen) Brush() Brush
func (*GeometricPen) Dispose ¶
func (p *GeometricPen) Dispose()
func (*GeometricPen) Style ¶
func (p *GeometricPen) Style() PenStyle
func (*GeometricPen) Width ¶
func (p *GeometricPen) Width() int
Width returns pen width in 1/96" units.
type GradientBrush ¶
type GradientBrush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGradientBrush ¶
func NewGradientBrush(vertexes []GradientVertex, triangles []GradientTriangle) (*GradientBrush, error)
func NewHorizontalGradientBrush ¶
func NewHorizontalGradientBrush(stops []GradientStop) (*GradientBrush, error)
func NewVerticalGradientBrush ¶
func NewVerticalGradientBrush(stops []GradientStop) (*GradientBrush, error)
type GradientComposite ¶
type GradientComposite struct { *Composite // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGradientComposite ¶
func NewGradientComposite(parent Container) (*GradientComposite, error)
func NewGradientCompositeWithStyle ¶
func NewGradientCompositeWithStyle(parent Container, style uint32) (*GradientComposite, error)
func (*GradientComposite) Color1 ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) Color1() Color
func (*GradientComposite) Color2 ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) Color2() Color
func (*GradientComposite) Dispose ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) Dispose()
func (*GradientComposite) SetColor1 ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor1(c Color) (err error)
func (*GradientComposite) SetColor2 ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) SetColor2(c Color) (err error)
func (*GradientComposite) SetVertical ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) SetVertical(vertical bool) (err error)
func (*GradientComposite) Vertical ¶
func (gc *GradientComposite) Vertical() bool
type GradientStop ¶
type GradientTriangle ¶
type GradientVertex ¶
type GridLayout ¶
type GridLayout struct { LayoutBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGridLayout ¶
func NewGridLayout() *GridLayout
func (*GridLayout) ColumnStretchFactor ¶
func (l *GridLayout) ColumnStretchFactor(column int) int
func (*GridLayout) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (l *GridLayout) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem
func (*GridLayout) RowStretchFactor ¶
func (l *GridLayout) RowStretchFactor(row int) int
func (*GridLayout) SetColumnStretchFactor ¶
func (l *GridLayout) SetColumnStretchFactor(column, factor int) error
func (*GridLayout) SetRowStretchFactor ¶
func (l *GridLayout) SetRowStretchFactor(row, factor int) error
type GroupBox ¶
type GroupBox struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGroupBox ¶
func (*GroupBox) AsContainerBase ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
func (*GroupBox) CheckedChanged ¶
func (*GroupBox) Children ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) Children() *WidgetList
func (*GroupBox) ClientBoundsPixels ¶
func (*GroupBox) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*GroupBox) DataBinder ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) DataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*GroupBox) MouseDown ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
func (*GroupBox) MouseMove ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
func (*GroupBox) MouseUp ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
func (*GroupBox) Persistent ¶
func (*GroupBox) RestoreState ¶
func (*GroupBox) SetCheckable ¶
func (*GroupBox) SetChecked ¶
func (*GroupBox) SetDataBinder ¶
func (gb *GroupBox) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder)
func (*GroupBox) SetPersistent ¶
func (*GroupBox) SetSuspended ¶
type HasChilder ¶
type HasChilder interface {
HasChild() bool
HasChilder enables widgets like TreeView to determine if an item has any child, without enforcing to fully count all children.
type HatchBrush ¶
type HatchBrush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewHatchBrush ¶
func NewHatchBrush(color Color, style HatchStyle) (*HatchBrush, error)
func (*HatchBrush) Color ¶
func (b *HatchBrush) Color() Color
func (*HatchBrush) Style ¶
func (b *HatchBrush) Style() HatchStyle
type HatchStyle ¶
type HatchStyle int
const ( HatchHorizontal HatchStyle = win.HS_HORIZONTAL HatchVertical HatchStyle = win.HS_VERTICAL HatchForwardDiagonal HatchStyle = win.HS_FDIAGONAL HatchBackwardDiagonal HatchStyle = win.HS_BDIAGONAL HatchCross HatchStyle = win.HS_CROSS HatchDiagonalCross HatchStyle = win.HS_DIAGCROSS )
type HeightForWidther ¶
type IDProvider ¶
type IDProvider interface {
ID(index int) interface{}
IDProvider is the interface that must be implemented by models to enable widgets like TableView to attempt keeping the current item when the model publishes a reset event.
type Icon ¶
type Icon struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Icon is a bitmap that supports transparency and combining multiple variants of an image in different resolutions.
func IconApplication ¶
func IconApplication() *Icon
func IconInformation ¶
func IconInformation() *Icon
func IconQuestion ¶
func IconQuestion() *Icon
func IconShield ¶
func IconShield() *Icon
func IconWarning ¶
func IconWarning() *Icon
func IconWinLogo ¶
func IconWinLogo() *Icon
func NewIconExtractedFromFile ¶
NewIconExtractedFromFile returns a new Icon, as identified by index of size 16x16 from filePath.
func NewIconExtractedFromFileWithSize ¶
NewIconExtractedFromFileWithSize returns a new Icon, as identified by index of the desired size from filePath.
func NewIconFromBitmap ¶
NewIconFromBitmap returns a new Icon, using the specified Bitmap as source.
func NewIconFromFile ¶
NewIconFromFile returns a new Icon, using the specified icon image file and default size.
func NewIconFromFileWithSize ¶
NewIconFromFileWithSize returns a new Icon, using the specified icon image file and size.
func NewIconFromHICON
func NewIconFromHICONForDPI ¶
NewIconFromHICONForDPI returns a new Icon at given DPI, using the specified win.HICON as source.
func NewIconFromImage
func NewIconFromImageForDPI ¶
NewIconFromImageForDPI returns a new Icon at given DPI, using the specified image.Image as source.
func NewIconFromImageWithSize ¶
NewIconFromImageWithSize returns a new Icon of the given size in native pixels, using the specified Image as source.
func NewIconFromResource ¶
NewIconFromResource returns a new Icon of default size, using the specified icon resource.
func NewIconFromResourceId ¶
NewIconFromResourceId returns a new Icon of default size, using the specified icon resource.
func NewIconFromResourceIdWithSize ¶
NewIconFromResourceIdWithSize returns a new Icon of size size, using the specified icon resource.
func NewIconFromResourceWithSize ¶
NewIconFromResourceWithSize returns a new Icon of size size, using the specified icon resource.
func NewIconFromSysDLL ¶
NewIconFromSysDLL returns a new Icon, as identified by index of size 16x16 from the system DLL identified by dllBaseName.
func NewIconFromSysDLLWithSize ¶
NewIconFromSysDLLWithSize returns a new Icon, as identified by index of the desired size from the system DLL identified by dllBaseName.
type IconCache ¶
type IconCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIconCache ¶
func NewIconCache() *IconCache
type IdealSizer ¶
type IdealSizer interface { // IdealSize returns ideal window size in native pixels. IdealSize() Size }
type Image ¶
type Image interface { Dispose() // Size returns image size in 1/96" units. Size() Size // contains filtered or unexported methods }
func NewImageFromFile
type ImageList ¶
type ImageList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewImageList
func NewImageListForDPI ¶
NewImageListForDPI creates an empty image list for image size at given DPI. imageSize is specified in native pixels.
func (*ImageList) DrawPixels ¶
func (*ImageList) Handle ¶
func (il *ImageList) Handle() win.HIMAGELIST
type ImageProvider ¶
type ImageProvider interface { // Image returns the image to display for the item at index index. // // Supported types are *walk.Bitmap, *walk.Icon and string. A string will be // interpreted as a file path and the icon associated with the file will be // used. It is not supported to use strings together with the other options // in the same model instance. Image(index int) interface{} }
ImageProvider is the interface that a model must implement to support displaying an item image.
type ImageView ¶
type ImageView struct { *CustomWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewImageView ¶
func (*ImageView) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (iv *ImageView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ImageView) ImageChanged ¶
func (*ImageView) MarginChanged ¶
func (*ImageView) Mode ¶
func (iv *ImageView) Mode() ImageViewMode
func (*ImageView) SetMode ¶
func (iv *ImageView) SetMode(mode ImageViewMode)
type ImageViewMode ¶
type ImageViewMode int
const ( ImageViewModeIdeal ImageViewMode = iota ImageViewModeCorner ImageViewModeCenter ImageViewModeShrink ImageViewModeZoom ImageViewModeStretch )
type Imager ¶
type Imager interface { // Image returns the image to display for an item. // // Supported types are *walk.Bitmap, *walk.Icon and string. A string will be // interpreted as a file path and the icon associated with the file will be // used. It is not supported to use strings together with the other options // in the same model instance. Image() interface{} }
Imager provides access to an image of objects like tree items.
type IniFileSettings ¶
type IniFileSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewIniFileSettings ¶
func NewIniFileSettings(fileName string) *IniFileSettings
func (*IniFileSettings) ExpireDuration ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) ExpireDuration() time.Duration
func (*IniFileSettings) FilePath ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) FilePath() string
func (*IniFileSettings) Load ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Load() error
func (*IniFileSettings) Portable ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Portable() bool
func (*IniFileSettings) Put ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Put(key, value string) error
func (*IniFileSettings) PutExpiring ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) PutExpiring(key, value string) error
func (*IniFileSettings) Remove ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Remove(key string) error
func (*IniFileSettings) Save ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) Save() error
func (*IniFileSettings) SetExpireDuration ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetExpireDuration(expireDuration time.Duration)
func (*IniFileSettings) SetPortable ¶
func (ifs *IniFileSettings) SetPortable(portable bool)
type IntEvent ¶
type IntEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*IntEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *IntEvent) Attach(handler IntEventHandler) int
func (*IntEvent) Once ¶
func (e *IntEvent) Once(handler IntEventHandler)
type IntEventHandler ¶
type IntEventHandler func(n int)
type IntEventPublisher ¶
type IntEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*IntEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *IntEventPublisher) Event() *IntEvent
func (*IntEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *IntEventPublisher) Publish(n int)
type IntRangeEvent ¶
type IntRangeEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*IntRangeEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *IntRangeEvent) Attach(handler IntRangeEventHandler) int
func (*IntRangeEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *IntRangeEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*IntRangeEvent) Once ¶
func (e *IntRangeEvent) Once(handler IntRangeEventHandler)
type IntRangeEventHandler ¶
type IntRangeEventHandler func(from, to int)
type IntRangeEventPublisher ¶
type IntRangeEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*IntRangeEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *IntRangeEventPublisher) Event() *IntRangeEvent
func (*IntRangeEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *IntRangeEventPublisher) Publish(from, to int)
type ItemChecker ¶
type ItemChecker interface { // Checked returns if the specified item is checked. Checked(index int) bool // SetChecked sets if the specified item is checked. SetChecked(index int, checked bool) error }
ItemChecker is the interface that a model must implement to support check boxes in a widget like TableView.
type Key ¶
type Key uint16
const ( KeyLButton Key = win.VK_LBUTTON KeyRButton Key = win.VK_RBUTTON KeyCancel Key = win.VK_CANCEL KeyMButton Key = win.VK_MBUTTON KeyXButton1 Key = win.VK_XBUTTON1 KeyXButton2 Key = win.VK_XBUTTON2 KeyBack Key = win.VK_BACK KeyTab Key = win.VK_TAB KeyClear Key = win.VK_CLEAR KeyReturn Key = win.VK_RETURN KeyShift Key = win.VK_SHIFT KeyControl Key = win.VK_CONTROL KeyAlt Key = win.VK_MENU KeyMenu Key = win.VK_MENU KeyPause Key = win.VK_PAUSE KeyCapital Key = win.VK_CAPITAL KeyKana Key = win.VK_KANA KeyHangul Key = win.VK_HANGUL KeyJunja Key = win.VK_JUNJA KeyFinal Key = win.VK_FINAL KeyHanja Key = win.VK_HANJA KeyKanji Key = win.VK_KANJI KeyEscape Key = win.VK_ESCAPE KeyConvert Key = win.VK_CONVERT KeyNonconvert Key = win.VK_NONCONVERT KeyAccept Key = win.VK_ACCEPT KeyModeChange Key = win.VK_MODECHANGE KeySpace Key = win.VK_SPACE KeyPrior Key = win.VK_PRIOR KeyNext Key = win.VK_NEXT KeyEnd Key = win.VK_END KeyHome Key = win.VK_HOME KeyLeft Key = win.VK_LEFT KeyUp Key = win.VK_UP KeyRight Key = win.VK_RIGHT KeyDown Key = win.VK_DOWN KeySelect Key = win.VK_SELECT KeyPrint Key = win.VK_PRINT KeyExecute Key = win.VK_EXECUTE KeySnapshot Key = win.VK_SNAPSHOT KeyInsert Key = win.VK_INSERT KeyDelete Key = win.VK_DELETE KeyHelp Key = win.VK_HELP Key0 Key = 0x30 Key1 Key = 0x31 Key2 Key = 0x32 Key3 Key = 0x33 Key4 Key = 0x34 Key5 Key = 0x35 Key6 Key = 0x36 Key7 Key = 0x37 Key8 Key = 0x38 Key9 Key = 0x39 KeyA Key = 0x41 KeyB Key = 0x42 KeyC Key = 0x43 KeyD Key = 0x44 KeyE Key = 0x45 KeyF Key = 0x46 KeyG Key = 0x47 KeyH Key = 0x48 KeyI Key = 0x49 KeyJ Key = 0x4A KeyK Key = 0x4B KeyL Key = 0x4C KeyM Key = 0x4D KeyN Key = 0x4E KeyO Key = 0x4F KeyP Key = 0x50 KeyQ Key = 0x51 KeyR Key = 0x52 KeyS Key = 0x53 KeyT Key = 0x54 KeyU Key = 0x55 KeyV Key = 0x56 KeyW Key = 0x57 KeyX Key = 0x58 KeyY Key = 0x59 KeyZ Key = 0x5A KeyLWin Key = win.VK_LWIN KeyRWin Key = win.VK_RWIN KeyApps Key = win.VK_APPS KeySleep Key = win.VK_SLEEP KeyNumpad0 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD0 KeyNumpad1 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD1 KeyNumpad2 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD2 KeyNumpad3 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD3 KeyNumpad4 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD4 KeyNumpad5 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD5 KeyNumpad6 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD6 KeyNumpad7 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD7 KeyNumpad8 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD8 KeyNumpad9 Key = win.VK_NUMPAD9 KeyMultiply Key = win.VK_MULTIPLY KeyAdd Key = win.VK_ADD KeySeparator Key = win.VK_SEPARATOR KeySubtract Key = win.VK_SUBTRACT KeyDecimal Key = win.VK_DECIMAL KeyDivide Key = win.VK_DIVIDE KeyF1 Key = win.VK_F1 KeyF2 Key = win.VK_F2 KeyF3 Key = win.VK_F3 KeyF4 Key = win.VK_F4 KeyF5 Key = win.VK_F5 KeyF6 Key = win.VK_F6 KeyF7 Key = win.VK_F7 KeyF8 Key = win.VK_F8 KeyF9 Key = win.VK_F9 KeyF10 Key = win.VK_F10 KeyF11 Key = win.VK_F11 KeyF12 Key = win.VK_F12 KeyF13 Key = win.VK_F13 KeyF14 Key = win.VK_F14 KeyF15 Key = win.VK_F15 KeyF16 Key = win.VK_F16 KeyF17 Key = win.VK_F17 KeyF18 Key = win.VK_F18 KeyF19 Key = win.VK_F19 KeyF20 Key = win.VK_F20 KeyF21 Key = win.VK_F21 KeyF22 Key = win.VK_F22 KeyF23 Key = win.VK_F23 KeyF24 Key = win.VK_F24 KeyNumlock Key = win.VK_NUMLOCK KeyScroll Key = win.VK_SCROLL KeyLShift Key = win.VK_LSHIFT KeyRShift Key = win.VK_RSHIFT KeyLControl Key = win.VK_LCONTROL KeyRControl Key = win.VK_RCONTROL KeyLAlt Key = win.VK_LMENU KeyLMenu Key = win.VK_LMENU KeyRAlt Key = win.VK_RMENU KeyRMenu Key = win.VK_RMENU KeyBrowserBack Key = win.VK_BROWSER_BACK KeyBrowserForward Key = win.VK_BROWSER_FORWARD KeyBrowserRefresh Key = win.VK_BROWSER_REFRESH KeyBrowserStop Key = win.VK_BROWSER_STOP KeyBrowserSearch Key = win.VK_BROWSER_SEARCH KeyBrowserFavorites Key = win.VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES KeyBrowserHome Key = win.VK_BROWSER_HOME KeyVolumeMute Key = win.VK_VOLUME_MUTE KeyVolumeDown Key = win.VK_VOLUME_DOWN KeyVolumeUp Key = win.VK_VOLUME_UP KeyMediaNextTrack Key = win.VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK KeyMediaPrevTrack Key = win.VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK KeyMediaStop Key = win.VK_MEDIA_STOP KeyMediaPlayPause Key = win.VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE KeyLaunchMail Key = win.VK_LAUNCH_MAIL KeyLaunchMediaSelect Key = win.VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT KeyLaunchApp1 Key = win.VK_LAUNCH_APP1 KeyLaunchApp2 Key = win.VK_LAUNCH_APP2 KeyOEM1 Key = win.VK_OEM_1 KeyOEMPlus Key = win.VK_OEM_PLUS KeyOEMComma Key = win.VK_OEM_COMMA KeyOEMMinus Key = win.VK_OEM_MINUS KeyOEMPeriod Key = win.VK_OEM_PERIOD KeyOEM2 Key = win.VK_OEM_2 KeyOEM3 Key = win.VK_OEM_3 KeyOEM4 Key = win.VK_OEM_4 KeyOEM5 Key = win.VK_OEM_5 KeyOEM6 Key = win.VK_OEM_6 KeyOEM7 Key = win.VK_OEM_7 KeyOEM8 Key = win.VK_OEM_8 KeyOEM102 Key = win.VK_OEM_102 KeyProcessKey Key = win.VK_PROCESSKEY KeyPacket Key = win.VK_PACKET KeyAttn Key = win.VK_ATTN KeyCRSel Key = win.VK_CRSEL KeyEXSel Key = win.VK_EXSEL KeyErEOF Key = win.VK_EREOF KeyPlay Key = win.VK_PLAY KeyZoom Key = win.VK_ZOOM KeyNoName Key = win.VK_NONAME KeyPA1 Key = win.VK_PA1 KeyOEMClear Key = win.VK_OEM_CLEAR )
type KeyEvent ¶
type KeyEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KeyEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *KeyEvent) Attach(handler KeyEventHandler) int
func (*KeyEvent) Once ¶
func (e *KeyEvent) Once(handler KeyEventHandler)
type KeyEventHandler ¶
type KeyEventHandler func(key Key)
type KeyEventPublisher ¶
type KeyEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KeyEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *KeyEventPublisher) Event() *KeyEvent
func (*KeyEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *KeyEventPublisher) Publish(key Key)
type Label ¶
type Label struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Label) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (s *Label) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*Label) EllipsisMode ¶
func (l *Label) EllipsisMode() EllipsisMode
func (*Label) SetEllipsisMode ¶
func (l *Label) SetEllipsisMode(mode EllipsisMode) error
func (*Label) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
func (*Label) SetTextColor ¶
func (s *Label) SetTextColor(c Color)
func (*Label) TextAlignment ¶
func (l *Label) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
type Layout ¶
type Layout interface { Container() Container SetContainer(value Container) Margins() Margins SetMargins(value Margins) error Spacing() int SetSpacing(value int) error CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) ContainerLayoutItem // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type LayoutBase ¶
type LayoutBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LayoutBase) Alignment ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) Alignment() Alignment2D
func (*LayoutBase) Container ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) Container() Container
func (*LayoutBase) Margins ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) Margins() Margins
func (*LayoutBase) SetAlignment ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
func (*LayoutBase) SetContainer ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) SetContainer(value Container)
func (*LayoutBase) SetMargins ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) SetMargins(value Margins) error
func (*LayoutBase) SetSpacing ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) SetSpacing(value int) error
func (*LayoutBase) Spacing ¶
func (l *LayoutBase) Spacing() int
type LayoutContext ¶
type LayoutContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LayoutContext) DPI ¶
func (ctx *LayoutContext) DPI() int
type LayoutFlags ¶
type LayoutFlags byte
LayoutFlags specify how a Widget wants to be treated when used with a Layout.
These flags are interpreted in respect to Widget.SizeHint.
const ( // ShrinkableHorz allows a Widget to be shrunk horizontally. ShrinkableHorz LayoutFlags = 1 << iota // ShrinkableVert allows a Widget to be shrunk vertically. ShrinkableVert // GrowableHorz allows a Widget to be enlarged horizontally. GrowableHorz // GrowableVert allows a Widget to be enlarged vertically. GrowableVert // GreedyHorz specifies that the widget prefers to take up as much space as // possible, horizontally. GreedyHorz // GreedyVert specifies that the widget prefers to take up as much space as // possible, vertically. GreedyVert )
type LayoutItem ¶
type LayoutItem interface { AsLayoutItemBase() *LayoutItemBase Context() *LayoutContext Handle() win.HWND Geometry() *Geometry Parent() ContainerLayoutItem Visible() bool LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags }
func NewGreedyLayoutItem ¶
func NewGreedyLayoutItem() LayoutItem
type LayoutItemBase ¶
type LayoutItemBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LayoutItemBase) AsLayoutItemBase ¶
func (lib *LayoutItemBase) AsLayoutItemBase() *LayoutItemBase
func (*LayoutItemBase) Context ¶
func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Context() *LayoutContext
func (*LayoutItemBase) Geometry ¶
func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Geometry() *Geometry
func (*LayoutItemBase) Handle ¶
func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Handle() win.HWND
func (*LayoutItemBase) Parent ¶
func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Parent() ContainerLayoutItem
func (*LayoutItemBase) Visible ¶
func (lib *LayoutItemBase) Visible() bool
type LayoutResult ¶
type LayoutResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LayoutResultItem ¶
type LayoutResultItem struct { Item LayoutItem Bounds Rectangle // in native pixels }
type LineEdit ¶
type LineEdit struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLineEdit ¶
func (*LineEdit) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (le *LineEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*LineEdit) EditingFinished ¶
func (*LineEdit) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*LineEdit) PasswordMode ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetCaseMode ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetCueBanner ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetPasswordMode ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (le *LineEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
func (*LineEdit) SetTextColor ¶
func (*LineEdit) SetTextSelection ¶
func (*LineEdit) TextAlignment ¶
func (le *LineEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
func (*LineEdit) TextChanged ¶
func (*LineEdit) TextSelection ¶
type LinkLabel ¶
type LinkLabel struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLinkLabel ¶
func (*LinkLabel) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (ll *LinkLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*LinkLabel) LinkActivated ¶
func (ll *LinkLabel) LinkActivated() *LinkLabelLinkEvent
type LinkLabelLink ¶
type LinkLabelLink struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LinkLabelLink) Enabled ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Enabled() (bool, error)
func (*LinkLabelLink) Focused ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Focused() (bool, error)
func (*LinkLabelLink) Id ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Id() string
func (*LinkLabelLink) Index ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Index() int
func (*LinkLabelLink) SetEnabled ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetEnabled(enabled bool) error
func (*LinkLabelLink) SetFocused ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetFocused(focused bool) error
func (*LinkLabelLink) SetVisited ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) SetVisited(visited bool) error
func (*LinkLabelLink) URL ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) URL() string
func (*LinkLabelLink) Visited ¶
func (lll *LinkLabelLink) Visited() (bool, error)
type LinkLabelLinkEvent ¶
type LinkLabelLinkEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LinkLabelLinkEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *LinkLabelLinkEvent) Attach(handler LinkLabelLinkEventHandler) int
func (*LinkLabelLinkEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *LinkLabelLinkEvent) Detach(handle int)
type LinkLabelLinkEventHandler ¶
type LinkLabelLinkEventHandler func(link *LinkLabelLink)
type LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher ¶
type LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher) Event() *LinkLabelLinkEvent
func (*LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *LinkLabelLinkEventPublisher) Publish(link *LinkLabelLink)
type ListBox ¶
type ListBox struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewListBox ¶
func NewListBoxWithStyle ¶
func (*ListBox) ApplySysColors ¶
func (lb *ListBox) ApplySysColors()
func (*ListBox) BindingMember ¶
BindingMember returns the member from the model of the ListBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
func (*ListBox) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (lb *ListBox) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ListBox) CurrentIndex ¶
func (*ListBox) CurrentIndexChanged ¶
func (*ListBox) DisplayMember ¶
DisplayMember returns the member from the model of the ListBox that is displayed in the ListBox.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
func (*ListBox) EnsureItemVisible ¶
func (*ListBox) ItemActivated ¶
func (*ListBox) ItemStyler ¶
func (lb *ListBox) ItemStyler() ListItemStyler
func (*ListBox) ItemVisible ¶
func (*ListBox) LayoutFlags ¶
func (*ListBox) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags
func (*ListBox) Model ¶
func (lb *ListBox) Model() interface{}
Model returns the model of the ListBox.
func (*ListBox) SelectedIndexes ¶
func (*ListBox) SelectedIndexesChanged ¶
func (*ListBox) SetBindingMember ¶
SetBindingMember sets the member from the model of the ListBox that is bound to a field of the data source managed by an associated DataBinder.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
For a model consisting of items of type S, data source field of type T and bindingMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:
A field Foo T A method func (s S) Foo() T A method func (s S) Foo() (T, error)
If bindingMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.
func (*ListBox) SetCurrentIndex ¶
func (*ListBox) SetDisplayMember ¶
SetDisplayMember sets the member from the model of the ListBox that is displayed in the ListBox.
This is only applicable to walk.ReflectListModel models and simple slices of pointers to struct.
For a model consisting of items of type S, the type of the specified member T and displayMember "Foo", this can be one of the following:
A field Foo T A method func (s S) Foo() T A method func (s S) Foo() (T, error)
If displayMember is not a simple member name like "Foo", but a path to a member like "A.B.Foo", members "A" and "B" both must be one of the options mentioned above, but with T having type pointer to struct.
func (*ListBox) SetItemStyler ¶
func (lb *ListBox) SetItemStyler(styler ListItemStyler)
func (*ListBox) SetModel ¶
SetModel sets the model of the ListBox.
It is required that mdl either implements walk.ListModel or walk.ReflectListModel or be a slice of pointers to struct or a []string.
func (*ListBox) SetPrecision ¶
func (*ListBox) SetSelectedIndexes ¶
type ListItemStyle ¶
type ListItemStyle struct { BackgroundColor Color TextColor Color LineColor Color Font *Font // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListItemStyle carries information about the display style of an item in a list widget like ListBox.
func (*ListItemStyle) Bounds ¶
func (lis *ListItemStyle) Bounds() Rectangle
func (*ListItemStyle) BoundsPixels ¶
func (lis *ListItemStyle) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
func (*ListItemStyle) Canvas ¶
func (lis *ListItemStyle) Canvas() *Canvas
func (*ListItemStyle) DrawBackground ¶
func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawBackground() error
func (*ListItemStyle) DrawText ¶
func (lis *ListItemStyle) DrawText(text string, bounds Rectangle, format DrawTextFormat) error
DrawText draws text inside given bounds specified in native pixels.
func (*ListItemStyle) Index ¶
func (lis *ListItemStyle) Index() int
type ListItemStyler ¶
type ListItemStyler interface { // ItemHeightDependsOnWidth returns whether item height depends on width. ItemHeightDependsOnWidth() bool // DefaultItemHeight returns the initial height in native pixels for any item. DefaultItemHeight() int // ItemHeight is called for each item to retrieve the height of the item. width parameter and // return value are specified in native pixels. ItemHeight(index int, width int) int // StyleItem is called for each item to pick up item style information. StyleItem(style *ListItemStyle) }
ListItemStyler is the interface that must be implemented to provide a list widget like ListBox with item display style information.
type ListModel ¶
type ListModel interface { // ItemCount returns the number of items in the model. ItemCount() int // Value returns the value that should be displayed for the given index. Value(index int) interface{} // ItemsReset returns the event that the model should publish when the // number of its items changes. ItemsReset() *Event // ItemChanged returns the event that the model should publish when an item // was changed. ItemChanged() *IntEvent // ItemsInserted returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was inserted. ItemsInserted() *IntRangeEvent // ItemsRemoved returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was removed. ItemsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent }
ListModel is the interface that a model must implement to support widgets like ComboBox.
type ListModelBase ¶
type ListModelBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListModelBase implements the ItemsReset and ItemChanged methods of the ListModel interface.
func (*ListModelBase) ItemChanged ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemChanged() *IntEvent
func (*ListModelBase) ItemsInserted ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsInserted() *IntRangeEvent
func (*ListModelBase) ItemsRemoved ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent
func (*ListModelBase) ItemsReset ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) ItemsReset() *Event
func (*ListModelBase) PublishItemChanged ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemChanged(index int)
func (*ListModelBase) PublishItemsInserted ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsInserted(from, to int)
func (*ListModelBase) PublishItemsRemoved ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsRemoved(from, to int)
func (*ListModelBase) PublishItemsReset ¶
func (lmb *ListModelBase) PublishItemsReset()
type MainWindow ¶
type MainWindow struct { FormBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewMainWindow ¶
func NewMainWindow() (*MainWindow, error)
func NewMainWindowWithCfg ¶
func NewMainWindowWithCfg(cfg *MainWindowCfg) (*MainWindow, error)
func NewMainWindowWithName ¶
func NewMainWindowWithName(name string) (*MainWindow, error)
func (*MainWindow) ClientBoundsPixels ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
func (*MainWindow) Fullscreen ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) Fullscreen() bool
func (*MainWindow) Menu ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) Menu() *Menu
func (*MainWindow) SetFullscreen ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool) error
func (*MainWindow) SetToolBar ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) SetToolBar(tb *ToolBar)
func (*MainWindow) SetVisible ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) SetVisible(visible bool)
func (*MainWindow) StatusBar ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) StatusBar() *StatusBar
func (*MainWindow) ToolBar ¶
func (mw *MainWindow) ToolBar() *ToolBar
type MainWindowCfg ¶
type Margins ¶
type Margins struct {
HNear, VNear, HFar, VFar int
Margins define margins in 1/96" units or native pixels.
func MarginsFrom96DPI ¶
MarginsFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func MarginsTo96DPI ¶
MarginsTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
type Menu ¶
type Menu struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Menu) Actions ¶
func (m *Menu) Actions() *ActionList
func (*Menu) IsDisposed ¶
type Metafile ¶
type Metafile struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMetafile ¶
func NewMetafileFromFile ¶
type MinSizeForSizer ¶
type MinSizer ¶
type MinSizer interface { // MinSize returns minimum window size in native pixels. MinSize() Size }
type MouseButton ¶
type MouseButton int
const ( LeftButton MouseButton = win.MK_LBUTTON RightButton MouseButton = win.MK_RBUTTON MiddleButton MouseButton = win.MK_MBUTTON )
type MouseEvent ¶
type MouseEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MouseEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *MouseEvent) Attach(handler MouseEventHandler) int
func (*MouseEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *MouseEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*MouseEvent) Once ¶
func (e *MouseEvent) Once(handler MouseEventHandler)
type MouseEventHandler ¶
type MouseEventHandler func(x, y int, button MouseButton)
MouseEventHandler is called for mouse events. x and y are measured in native pixels.
type MouseEventPublisher ¶
type MouseEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MouseEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *MouseEventPublisher) Event() *MouseEvent
func (*MouseEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *MouseEventPublisher) Publish(x, y int, button MouseButton)
Publish publishes mouse event. x and y are measured in native pixels.
type MsgBoxStyle ¶
type MsgBoxStyle uint
const ( MsgBoxOK MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_OK MsgBoxOKCancel MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_OKCANCEL MsgBoxAbortRetryIgnore MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE MsgBoxYesNoCancel MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_YESNOCANCEL MsgBoxYesNo MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_YESNO MsgBoxRetryCancel MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_RETRYCANCEL MsgBoxCancelTryContinue MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE MsgBoxIconHand MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONHAND MsgBoxIconQuestion MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONQUESTION MsgBoxIconExclamation MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MsgBoxIconAsterisk MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONASTERISK MsgBoxUserIcon MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_USERICON MsgBoxIconWarning MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONWARNING MsgBoxIconError MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONERROR MsgBoxIconInformation MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONINFORMATION MsgBoxIconStop MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_ICONSTOP MsgBoxDefButton1 MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_DEFBUTTON1 MsgBoxDefButton2 MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_DEFBUTTON2 MsgBoxDefButton3 MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_DEFBUTTON3 MsgBoxDefButton4 MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_DEFBUTTON4 MsgBoxApplModal MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_APPLMODAL MsgBoxSystemModal MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_SYSTEMMODAL MsgBoxTaskModal MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_TASKMODAL MsgBoxHelp MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_HELP MsgBoxSetForeground MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_SETFOREGROUND MsgBoxDefaultDesktopOnly MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY MsgBoxTopMost MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_TOPMOST MsgBoxRight MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_RIGHT MsgBoxRTLReading MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_RTLREADING MsgBoxServiceNotification MsgBoxStyle = win.MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION )
type MutableCondition ¶
type MutableCondition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMutableCondition ¶
func NewMutableCondition() *MutableCondition
func (*MutableCondition) Changed ¶
func (mc *MutableCondition) Changed() *Event
func (*MutableCondition) Satisfied ¶
func (mc *MutableCondition) Satisfied() bool
func (*MutableCondition) SetSatisfied ¶
func (mc *MutableCondition) SetSatisfied(satisfied bool) error
func (*MutableCondition) Value ¶
func (mc *MutableCondition) Value() interface{}
type NotifyIcon ¶
type NotifyIcon struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotifyIcon represents an icon in the taskbar notification area.
func NewNotifyIcon ¶
func NewNotifyIcon(form Form) (*NotifyIcon, error)
NewNotifyIcon creates and returns a new NotifyIcon.
The NotifyIcon is initially not visible.
func (*NotifyIcon) ContextMenu ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ContextMenu() *Menu
ContextMenu returns the context menu of the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) DPI ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) DPI() int
func (*NotifyIcon) Dispose ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) Dispose() error
Dispose releases the operating system resources associated with the NotifyIcon.
The associated Icon is not disposed of.
func (*NotifyIcon) Icon ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) Icon() Image
Icon returns the Icon of the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) MessageClicked ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) MessageClicked() *Event
MessageClicked occurs when the user clicks a message shown with ShowMessage or one of its iconed variants.
func (*NotifyIcon) MouseDown ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
MouseDown returns the event that is published when a mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) MouseUp ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
MouseDown returns the event that is published when a mouse button is released while the cursor is over the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) SetIcon ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetIcon(icon Image) error
SetIcon sets the Icon of the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) SetToolTip ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetToolTip(toolTip string) error
SetToolTip sets the tool tip text of the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) SetVisible ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) SetVisible(visible bool) error
SetVisible sets if the NotifyIcon is visible.
func (*NotifyIcon) ShowCustom ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowCustom(title, info string, icon Image) error
ShowCustom displays a custom icon message balloon above the NotifyIcon. If icon is nil, the main notification icon is used instead of a custom one.
The NotifyIcon must be visible before calling this method.
func (*NotifyIcon) ShowError ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowError(title, info string) error
ShowError displays an error message balloon above the NotifyIcon.
The NotifyIcon must be visible before calling this method.
func (*NotifyIcon) ShowInfo ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowInfo(title, info string) error
ShowInfo displays an info message balloon above the NotifyIcon.
The NotifyIcon must be visible before calling this method.
func (*NotifyIcon) ShowMessage ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowMessage(title, info string) error
ShowMessage displays a neutral message balloon above the NotifyIcon.
The NotifyIcon must be visible before calling this method.
func (*NotifyIcon) ShowWarning ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ShowWarning(title, info string) error
ShowWarning displays a warning message balloon above the NotifyIcon.
The NotifyIcon must be visible before calling this method.
func (*NotifyIcon) ToolTip ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) ToolTip() string
ToolTip returns the tool tip text of the NotifyIcon.
func (*NotifyIcon) Visible ¶
func (ni *NotifyIcon) Visible() bool
Visible returns if the NotifyIcon is visible.
type NumberEdit ¶
type NumberEdit struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NumberEdit is a widget that is suited to edit numeric values.
func NewNumberEdit ¶
func NewNumberEdit(parent Container) (*NumberEdit, error)
NewNumberEdit returns a new NumberEdit widget as child of parent.
func (*NumberEdit) Background ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) Background() Brush
Background returns the background Brush of the NumberEdit.
By default this is nil.
func (*NumberEdit) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*NumberEdit) Decimals ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) Decimals() int
Decimals returns the number of decimal places in the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) Increment ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) Increment() float64
Increment returns the amount by which the NumberEdit increments or decrements its value, when the user presses the KeyDown or KeyUp keys, or when the mouse wheel is rotated.
func (*NumberEdit) MaxValue ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) MaxValue() float64
MinValue returns the maximum value the NumberEdit will accept.
func (*NumberEdit) MinValue ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) MinValue() float64
MinValue returns the minimum value the NumberEdit will accept.
func (*NumberEdit) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*NumberEdit) NeedsWmSize() bool
func (*NumberEdit) Prefix ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) Prefix() string
Prefix returns the text that appears in the NumberEdit before the number.
func (*NumberEdit) PrefixChanged ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) PrefixChanged() *Event
PrefixChanged returns the event that is published when the prefix changed.
func (*NumberEdit) ReadOnly ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) ReadOnly() bool
ReadOnly returns whether the NumberEdit is in read-only mode.
func (*NumberEdit) SetBackground ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetBackground(bg Brush)
SetBackground sets the background Brush of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) SetDecimals ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetDecimals(decimals int) error
SetDecimals sets the number of decimal places in the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) SetFocus ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetFocus() error
SetFocus sets the keyboard input focus to the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) SetIncrement ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetIncrement(increment float64) error
SetIncrement sets the amount by which the NumberEdit increments or decrements its value, when the user presses the KeyDown or KeyUp keys, or when the mouse wheel is rotated.
func (*NumberEdit) SetPrefix ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetPrefix(prefix string) error
SetPrefix sets the text that appears in the NumberEdit before the number.
func (*NumberEdit) SetRange ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetRange(min, max float64) error
SetRange sets the minimum and maximum values the NumberEdit will accept.
If the current value is out of this range, it will be adjusted.
func (*NumberEdit) SetReadOnly ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool) error
SetReadOnly sets whether the NumberEdit is in read-only mode.
func (*NumberEdit) SetSpinButtonsVisible ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSpinButtonsVisible(visible bool) error
SetSpinButtonsVisible sets whether the NumberEdit appears with spin buttons.
func (*NumberEdit) SetSuffix ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetSuffix(suffix string) error
SetSuffix sets the text that appears in the NumberEdit after the number.
func (*NumberEdit) SetTextColor ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextColor(c Color)
TextColor sets the Color used to draw the text of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) SetTextSelection ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetTextSelection(start, end int)
SetTextSelection sets the range of the current text selection of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) SetToolTipText ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetToolTipText(s string) error
func (*NumberEdit) SetValue ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SetValue(value float64) error
SetValue sets the value of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) SpinButtonsVisible ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SpinButtonsVisible() bool
SpinButtonsVisible returns whether the NumberEdit appears with spin buttons.
func (*NumberEdit) Suffix ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) Suffix() string
Suffix returns the text that appears in the NumberEdit after the number.
func (*NumberEdit) SuffixChanged ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) SuffixChanged() *Event
SuffixChanged returns the event that is published when the suffix changed.
func (*NumberEdit) TextColor ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) TextColor() Color
TextColor returns the Color used to draw the text of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) TextSelection ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) TextSelection() (start, end int)
TextSelection returns the range of the current text selection of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) Value ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) Value() float64
Value returns the value of the NumberEdit.
func (*NumberEdit) ValueChanged ¶
func (ne *NumberEdit) ValueChanged() *Event
ValueChanged returns an Event that can be used to track changes to Value.
type NumberLabel ¶
type NumberLabel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNumberLabel ¶
func NewNumberLabel(parent Container) (*NumberLabel, error)
func (*NumberLabel) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (s *NumberLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*NumberLabel) Decimals ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) Decimals() int
func (*NumberLabel) SetDecimals ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) SetDecimals(decimals int) error
func (*NumberLabel) SetSuffix ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) SetSuffix(suffix string) error
func (*NumberLabel) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
func (*NumberLabel) SetTextColor ¶
func (s *NumberLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
func (*NumberLabel) SetValue ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) SetValue(value float64) error
func (*NumberLabel) Suffix ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) Suffix() string
func (*NumberLabel) TextAlignment ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
func (*NumberLabel) Value ¶
func (nl *NumberLabel) Value() float64
type Orientation ¶
type Orientation byte
type PIState ¶
type PIState int
const ( PINoProgress PIState = win.TBPF_NOPROGRESS PIIndeterminate PIState = win.TBPF_INDETERMINATE PINormal PIState = win.TBPF_NORMAL PIError PIState = win.TBPF_ERROR PIPaused PIState = win.TBPF_PAUSED )
type PaintFunc ¶
PaintFunc paints custom widget content. updateBounds is specified in 1/96" or native pixels.
type PaintFuncImage ¶
type PaintFuncImage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPaintFuncImage ¶
func NewPaintFuncImage(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage
NewPaintFuncImage creates new PaintFuncImage struct. size parameter and paint function bounds parameter are specified in 1/96" units.
func NewPaintFuncImagePixels ¶
func NewPaintFuncImagePixels(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error) *PaintFuncImage
NewPaintFuncImagePixels creates new PaintFuncImage struct. size parameter is specified in 1/96" units. paint function bounds parameter is specified in native pixels.
func NewPaintFuncImagePixelsWithDispose ¶
func NewPaintFuncImagePixelsWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage
NewPaintFuncImagePixelsWithDispose creates new PaintFuncImage struct. size parameter is specified in 1/96" units. paint function bounds parameter is specified in native pixels.
func NewPaintFuncImageWithDispose ¶
func NewPaintFuncImageWithDispose(size Size, paint func(canvas *Canvas, bounds Rectangle) error, dispose func()) *PaintFuncImage
NewPaintFuncImageWithDispose creates new PaintFuncImage struct. size parameter and paint function bounds parameter are specified in 1/96" units.
func (*PaintFuncImage) Dispose ¶
func (pfi *PaintFuncImage) Dispose()
func (*PaintFuncImage) Size ¶
func (pfi *PaintFuncImage) Size() Size
Size returns image size in 1/96" units.
type Pen ¶
type PenStyle ¶
type PenStyle int
const ( PenSolid PenStyle = win.PS_SOLID PenDash PenStyle = win.PS_DASH PenDot PenStyle = win.PS_DOT PenDashDot PenStyle = win.PS_DASHDOT PenDashDotDot PenStyle = win.PS_DASHDOTDOT PenNull PenStyle = win.PS_NULL PenInsideFrame PenStyle = win.PS_INSIDEFRAME PenUserStyle PenStyle = win.PS_USERSTYLE PenAlternate PenStyle = win.PS_ALTERNATE )
Pen styles
const ( PenCapRound PenStyle = win.PS_ENDCAP_ROUND PenCapSquare PenStyle = win.PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE PenCapFlat PenStyle = win.PS_ENDCAP_FLAT )
Pen cap styles (geometric pens only)
const ( PenJoinBevel PenStyle = win.PS_JOIN_BEVEL PenJoinMiter PenStyle = win.PS_JOIN_MITER PenJoinRound PenStyle = win.PS_JOIN_ROUND )
Pen join styles (geometric pens only)
type Persistable ¶
type Point ¶
type Point struct {
X, Y int
Point defines 2D coordinate in 1/96" units ot native pixels.
func PointFrom96DPI ¶
PointFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func PointTo96DPI ¶
PointTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
type Populator ¶
type Populator interface { // Populate initializes the slot specified by index. // // For best performance it is probably a good idea to populate more than a // single slot of the slice at once. Populate(index int) error }
Populator is an interface that can be implemented by Reflect*Models and slice types to populate themselves on demand.
Widgets like TableView, ListBox and ComboBox support lazy population of a Reflect*Model or slice, if it implements this interface.
type ProgressBar ¶
type ProgressBar struct {
func NewProgressBar ¶
func NewProgressBar(parent Container) (*ProgressBar, error)
func (*ProgressBar) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ProgressBar) MarqueeMode ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) MarqueeMode() bool
func (*ProgressBar) MaxValue ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) MaxValue() int
func (*ProgressBar) MinValue ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) MinValue() int
func (*ProgressBar) SetMarqueeMode ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetMarqueeMode(marqueeMode bool) error
func (*ProgressBar) SetRange ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetRange(min, max int)
func (*ProgressBar) SetValue ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetValue(value int)
func (*ProgressBar) Value ¶
func (pb *ProgressBar) Value() int
type ProgressIndicator ¶
type ProgressIndicator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ProgressIndicator) Completed ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Completed() uint32
func (*ProgressIndicator) SetCompleted ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetCompleted(completed uint32) error
func (*ProgressIndicator) SetOverlayIcon ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetOverlayIcon(icon *Icon, description string) error
func (*ProgressIndicator) SetState ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetState(state PIState) error
func (*ProgressIndicator) SetTotal ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) SetTotal(total uint32)
func (*ProgressIndicator) State ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) State() PIState
func (*ProgressIndicator) Total ¶
func (pi *ProgressIndicator) Total() uint32
type Property ¶
type Property interface { Expression ReadOnly() bool Get() interface{} Set(value interface{}) error Source() interface{} SetSource(source interface{}) error Validatable() bool Validator() Validator SetValidator(validator Validator) error }
func NewBoolProperty ¶
func NewProperty ¶
func NewReadOnlyBoolProperty ¶
func NewReadOnlyProperty ¶
type PushButton ¶
type PushButton struct {
func NewPushButton ¶
func NewPushButton(parent Container) (*PushButton, error)
func (*PushButton) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (pb *PushButton) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*PushButton) ImageAboveText ¶
func (pb *PushButton) ImageAboveText() bool
func (*PushButton) SetImageAboveText ¶
func (pb *PushButton) SetImageAboveText(value bool) error
type RadioButton ¶
type RadioButton struct { Button // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRadioButton ¶
func NewRadioButton(parent Container) (*RadioButton, error)
func (*RadioButton) Group ¶
func (rb *RadioButton) Group() *RadioButtonGroup
func (*RadioButton) SetTextOnLeftSide ¶
func (rb *RadioButton) SetTextOnLeftSide(textLeft bool) error
func (*RadioButton) SetValue ¶
func (rb *RadioButton) SetValue(value interface{})
func (*RadioButton) TextOnLeftSide ¶
func (rb *RadioButton) TextOnLeftSide() bool
func (*RadioButton) Value ¶
func (rb *RadioButton) Value() interface{}
type RadioButtonGroup ¶
type RadioButtonGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RadioButtonGroup) Buttons ¶
func (rbg *RadioButtonGroup) Buttons() []*RadioButton
func (*RadioButtonGroup) CheckedButton ¶
func (rbg *RadioButtonGroup) CheckedButton() *RadioButton
type RangeValidator ¶
type RangeValidator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRangeValidator ¶
func NewRangeValidator(min, max float64) (*RangeValidator, error)
func (*RangeValidator) Max ¶
func (rv *RangeValidator) Max() float64
func (*RangeValidator) Min ¶
func (rv *RangeValidator) Min() float64
func (*RangeValidator) Reset ¶
func (rv *RangeValidator) Reset(min, max float64) error
func (*RangeValidator) Validate ¶
func (rv *RangeValidator) Validate(v interface{}) error
type Rectangle ¶
type Rectangle struct {
X, Y, Width, Height int
Rectangle defines upper left corner with width and height region in 1/96" units, or native pixels, or grid rows and columns.
func RectangleFrom96DPI ¶
RectangleFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func RectangleTo96DPI ¶
RectangleTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func (*Rectangle) SetLocation ¶
type ReflectListModel ¶
type ReflectListModel interface { // Items returns the model data, which must be a slice of pointer to struct. Items() interface{} // ItemsReset returns the event that the model should publish when the // number of its items changes. ItemsReset() *Event // ItemChanged returns the event that the model should publish when an item // was changed. ItemChanged() *IntEvent // ItemsInserted returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was inserted. ItemsInserted() *IntRangeEvent // ItemsRemoved returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was removed. ItemsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ReflectListModel provides an alternative to the ListModel interface. It uses reflection to obtain data.
type ReflectListModelBase ¶
type ReflectListModelBase struct { ListModelBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ReflectListModelBase implements the ItemsReset and ItemChanged methods of the ReflectListModel interface.
func (*ReflectListModelBase) Value ¶
func (rlmb *ReflectListModelBase) Value(index int) interface{}
type ReflectTableModel ¶
type ReflectTableModel interface { // Items returns the model data, which must be a slice of pointer to struct. Items() interface{} // RowsReset returns the event that the model should publish when the // number of its items changes. RowsReset() *Event // RowChanged returns the event that the model should publish when an item // was changed. RowChanged() *IntEvent // RowsChanged returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was changed. RowsChanged() *IntRangeEvent // RowsInserted returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was inserted. If the model supports sorting, it // is assumed to be sorted before the model publishes the event. RowsInserted() *IntRangeEvent // RowsRemoved returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was removed. RowsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ReflectTableModel provides an alternative to the TableModel interface. It uses reflection to obtain data.
type ReflectTableModelBase ¶
type ReflectTableModelBase struct { TableModelBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ReflectTableModelBase implements the ItemsReset and ItemChanged methods of the ReflectTableModel interface.
func (*ReflectTableModelBase) Value ¶
func (rtmb *ReflectTableModelBase) Value(row, col int) interface{}
type RegexpValidator ¶
type RegexpValidator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRegexpValidator ¶
func NewRegexpValidator(pattern string) (*RegexpValidator, error)
func (*RegexpValidator) Pattern ¶
func (rv *RegexpValidator) Pattern() string
func (*RegexpValidator) Validate ¶
func (rv *RegexpValidator) Validate(v interface{}) error
type RegistryKey ¶
type RegistryKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ClassesRootKey ¶
func ClassesRootKey() *RegistryKey
func CurrentUserKey ¶
func CurrentUserKey() *RegistryKey
func LocalMachineKey ¶
func LocalMachineKey() *RegistryKey
type ResourceManager ¶
type ResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResourceManager is a cache for sharing resources like bitmaps and icons. The resources can be either embedded in the running executable file or located below a specified root directory in the file system.
var Resources ResourceManager
Resources is the singleton instance of ResourceManager.
func (*ResourceManager) Bitmap
func (rm *ResourceManager) Bitmap(name string) (*Bitmap, error)
Bitmap loads a bitmap from file or resource identified by name, or an error if it could not be found. When bitmap is loaded, 96dpi is assumed.
Deprecated: Newer applications should use BitmapForDPI.
func (*ResourceManager) BitmapForDPI ¶
func (rm *ResourceManager) BitmapForDPI(name string, dpi int) (*Bitmap, error)
BitmapForDPI loads a bitmap from file or resource identified by name, or an error if it could not be found. When bitmap is loaded, given DPI is assumed.
func (*ResourceManager) Icon ¶
func (rm *ResourceManager) Icon(name string) (*Icon, error)
Icon returns the Icon identified by name, or an error if it could not be found.
func (*ResourceManager) Image ¶
func (rm *ResourceManager) Image(name string) (Image, error)
Image returns the Image identified by name, or an error if it could not be found.
func (*ResourceManager) RootDirPath ¶
func (rm *ResourceManager) RootDirPath() string
RootDirPath returns the root directory path where resources are to be loaded from.
func (*ResourceManager) SetRootDirPath ¶
func (rm *ResourceManager) SetRootDirPath(rootDirPath string) error
SetRootDirPath sets the root directory path where resources are to be loaded from.
type ScrollView ¶
type ScrollView struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScrollView ¶
func NewScrollView(parent Container) (*ScrollView, error)
func (*ScrollView) ApplyDPI ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
func (*ScrollView) AsContainerBase ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) AsContainerBase() *ContainerBase
func (*ScrollView) Children ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) Children() *WidgetList
func (*ScrollView) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ScrollView) DataBinder ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) DataBinder() *DataBinder
func (*ScrollView) Layout ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) Layout() Layout
func (*ScrollView) MouseDown ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
func (*ScrollView) MouseMove ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
func (*ScrollView) MouseUp ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
func (*ScrollView) Name ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) Name() string
func (*ScrollView) Persistent ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) Persistent() bool
func (*ScrollView) RestoreState ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) RestoreState() error
func (*ScrollView) SaveState ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SaveState() error
func (*ScrollView) Scrollbars ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) Scrollbars() (horizontal, vertical bool)
func (*ScrollView) SetDataBinder ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetDataBinder(dataBinder *DataBinder)
func (*ScrollView) SetLayout ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetLayout(value Layout) error
func (*ScrollView) SetName ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetName(name string)
func (*ScrollView) SetPersistent ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetPersistent(value bool)
func (*ScrollView) SetScrollbars ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetScrollbars(horizontal, vertical bool)
func (*ScrollView) SetSuspended ¶
func (sv *ScrollView) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
type Separator ¶
type Separator struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHSeparator ¶
func NewVSeparator ¶
func (*Separator) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (s *Separator) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
type Size ¶
type Size struct {
Width, Height int
Size defines width and height in 1/96" units or native pixels, or dialog base units.
When Size is used for DPI metrics, it defines a 1"x1" rectangle in native pixels.
func SizeFrom96DPI ¶
SizeFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func SizeTo96DPI ¶
SizeTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
type Slider ¶
type Slider struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSliderWithOrientation ¶
func NewSliderWithOrientation(parent Container, orientation Orientation) (*Slider, error)
func (*Slider) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (sl *Slider) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*Slider) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*Slider) Persistent ¶
func (*Slider) RestoreState ¶
func (*Slider) SetLineSize ¶
func (*Slider) SetPageSize ¶
func (*Slider) SetPersistent ¶
func (*Slider) SetTracking ¶
func (*Slider) ValueChanged ¶
ValueChanged returns an Event that can be used to track changes to Value.
type SliderCfg ¶
type SliderCfg struct { Orientation Orientation ToolTipsHidden bool }
type SolidColorBrush ¶
type SolidColorBrush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSolidColorBrush ¶
func NewSolidColorBrush(color Color) (*SolidColorBrush, error)
func (*SolidColorBrush) Color ¶
func (b *SolidColorBrush) Color() Color
type SortedReflectTableModelBase ¶
type SortedReflectTableModelBase struct { ReflectTableModelBase SorterBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SortedReflectTableModelBase implements the RowsReset and RowChanged methods of the ReflectTableModel interface as well as the Sorter interface for pre-implemented in-memory sorting.
type Sorter ¶
type Sorter interface { // ColumnSortable returns whether column col is sortable. ColumnSortable(col int) bool // Sort sorts column col in order order. // // If col is -1 then no column is to be sorted. Sort must publish the event // returned from SortChanged() after sorting. Sort(col int, order SortOrder) error // SortChanged returns an event that is published after sorting. SortChanged() *Event // SortedColumn returns the index of the currently sorted column, or -1 if // no column is currently sorted. SortedColumn() int // SortOrder returns the current sort order. SortOrder() SortOrder }
Sorter is the interface that a model must implement to support sorting with a widget like TableView.
type SorterBase ¶
type SorterBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SorterBase implements the Sorter interface.
You still need to provide your own implementation of at least the Sort method to actually sort and reset the model. Your Sort method should call the SorterBase implementation so the SortChanged event, that e.g. a TableView widget depends on, is published.
func (*SorterBase) ColumnSortable ¶
func (sb *SorterBase) ColumnSortable(col int) bool
func (*SorterBase) SortChanged ¶
func (sb *SorterBase) SortChanged() *Event
func (*SorterBase) SortOrder ¶
func (sb *SorterBase) SortOrder() SortOrder
func (*SorterBase) SortedColumn ¶
func (sb *SorterBase) SortedColumn() int
type Spacer ¶
type Spacer struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHSpacer ¶
func NewVSpacer ¶
func (*Spacer) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (s *Spacer) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
type SpacerCfg ¶
type SpacerCfg struct { LayoutFlags LayoutFlags SizeHint Size // in 1/96" units GreedyLocallyOnly bool }
type SplitButton ¶
type SplitButton struct { Button // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSplitButton ¶
func NewSplitButton(parent Container) (*SplitButton, error)
func (*SplitButton) Dispose ¶
func (sb *SplitButton) Dispose()
func (*SplitButton) ImageAboveText ¶
func (sb *SplitButton) ImageAboveText() bool
func (*SplitButton) Menu ¶
func (sb *SplitButton) Menu() *Menu
func (*SplitButton) SetImageAboveText ¶
func (sb *SplitButton) SetImageAboveText(value bool) error
type Splitter ¶
type Splitter struct { ContainerBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHSplitter ¶
func NewVSplitter ¶
func (*Splitter) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (s *Splitter) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*Splitter) HandleWidth ¶
func (*Splitter) Orientation ¶
func (s *Splitter) Orientation() Orientation
func (*Splitter) Persistent ¶
func (*Splitter) RestoreState ¶
func (*Splitter) SetHandleWidth ¶
func (*Splitter) SetPersistent ¶
type StatusBar ¶
type StatusBar struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StatusBar is a widget that displays status messages.
func NewStatusBar ¶
NewStatusBar returns a new StatusBar as child of container parent.
func (*StatusBar) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (*StatusBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*StatusBar) Items ¶
func (sb *StatusBar) Items() *StatusBarItemList
Items returns the list of items in the StatusBar.
func (*StatusBar) SetVisible ¶
SetVisible sets whether the StatusBar is visible.
type StatusBarItem ¶
type StatusBarItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StatusBarItem represents a section of a StatusBar that can have its own icon, text, tool tip text and width.
func NewStatusBarItem ¶
func NewStatusBarItem() *StatusBarItem
NewStatusBarItem returns a new StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) Clicked ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Clicked() *Event
func (*StatusBarItem) Icon ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Icon() *Icon
Icon returns the Icon of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) SetIcon ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetIcon(icon *Icon) error
SetIcon sets the Icon of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) SetText ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetText(text string) error
SetText sets the text of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) SetToolTipText ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetToolTipText(toolTipText string) error
SetToolTipText sets the tool tip text of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) SetWidth ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) SetWidth(width int) error
SetWidth sets the width of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) Text ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Text() string
Text returns the text of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) ToolTipText ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) ToolTipText() string
ToolTipText returns the tool tip text of the StatusBarItem.
func (*StatusBarItem) Width ¶
func (sbi *StatusBarItem) Width() int
Width returns the width of the StatusBarItem.
type StatusBarItemList ¶
type StatusBarItemList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*StatusBarItemList) Add ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Add(item *StatusBarItem) error
func (*StatusBarItemList) At ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) At(index int) *StatusBarItem
func (*StatusBarItemList) Clear ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Clear() error
func (*StatusBarItemList) Contains ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Contains(item *StatusBarItem) bool
func (*StatusBarItemList) Index ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Index(item *StatusBarItem) int
func (*StatusBarItemList) Insert ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Insert(index int, item *StatusBarItem) error
func (*StatusBarItemList) Len ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Len() int
func (*StatusBarItemList) Remove ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) Remove(item *StatusBarItem) error
func (*StatusBarItemList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *StatusBarItemList) RemoveAt(index int) error
type StringEvent ¶
type StringEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*StringEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *StringEvent) Attach(handler StringEventHandler) int
func (*StringEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *StringEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*StringEvent) Once ¶
func (e *StringEvent) Once(handler StringEventHandler)
type StringEventHandler ¶
type StringEventHandler func(s string)
type StringEventPublisher ¶
type StringEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*StringEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *StringEventPublisher) Event() *StringEvent
func (*StringEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *StringEventPublisher) Publish(s string)
type SystemColor ¶
type SystemColor int
const ( SysColor3DDkShadow SystemColor = win.COLOR_3DDKSHADOW SysColor3DFace SystemColor = win.COLOR_3DFACE SysColor3DHighlight SystemColor = win.COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT SysColor3DLight SystemColor = win.COLOR_3DLIGHT SysColor3DShadow SystemColor = win.COLOR_3DSHADOW SysColorActiveBorder SystemColor = win.COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER SysColorActiveCaption SystemColor = win.COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION SysColorAppWorkspace SystemColor = win.COLOR_APPWORKSPACE SysColorBackground SystemColor = win.COLOR_BACKGROUND SysColorDesktop SystemColor = win.COLOR_DESKTOP SysColorBtnFace SystemColor = win.COLOR_BTNFACE SysColorBtnHighlight SystemColor = win.COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT SysColorBtnShadow SystemColor = win.COLOR_BTNSHADOW SysColorBtnText SystemColor = win.COLOR_BTNTEXT SysColorCaptionText SystemColor = win.COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT SysColorGrayText SystemColor = win.COLOR_GRAYTEXT SysColorHighlight SystemColor = win.COLOR_HIGHLIGHT SysColorHighlightText SystemColor = win.COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT SysColorInactiveBorder SystemColor = win.COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER SysColorInactiveCaption SystemColor = win.COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION SysColorInactiveCaptionText SystemColor = win.COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT SysColorInfoBk SystemColor = win.COLOR_INFOBK SysColorInfoText SystemColor = win.COLOR_INFOTEXT SysColorMenu SystemColor = win.COLOR_MENU SysColorMenuText SystemColor = win.COLOR_MENUTEXT SysColorScrollBar SystemColor = win.COLOR_SCROLLBAR SysColorWindow SystemColor = win.COLOR_WINDOW SysColorWindowFrame SystemColor = win.COLOR_WINDOWFRAME SysColorWindowText SystemColor = win.COLOR_WINDOWTEXT SysColorHotLight SystemColor = win.COLOR_HOTLIGHT SysColorGradientActiveCaption SystemColor = win.COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION SysColorGradientInactiveCaption SystemColor = win.COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION )
type SystemColorBrush ¶
type SystemColorBrush struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSystemColorBrush ¶
func NewSystemColorBrush(sysColor SystemColor) (*SystemColorBrush, error)
func (*SystemColorBrush) Color ¶
func (b *SystemColorBrush) Color() Color
func (*SystemColorBrush) Dispose ¶
func (*SystemColorBrush) Dispose()
func (*SystemColorBrush) SystemColor ¶
func (b *SystemColorBrush) SystemColor() SystemColor
type TabPage ¶
type TabPage struct { ContainerBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTabPage ¶
func (*TabPage) Background ¶
type TabPageList ¶
type TabPageList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TabPageList) Add ¶
func (l *TabPageList) Add(item *TabPage) error
func (*TabPageList) At ¶
func (l *TabPageList) At(index int) *TabPage
func (*TabPageList) Clear ¶
func (l *TabPageList) Clear() error
func (*TabPageList) Contains ¶
func (l *TabPageList) Contains(item *TabPage) bool
func (*TabPageList) Index ¶
func (l *TabPageList) Index(item *TabPage) int
func (*TabPageList) Len ¶
func (l *TabPageList) Len() int
func (*TabPageList) Remove ¶
func (l *TabPageList) Remove(item *TabPage) error
func (*TabPageList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *TabPageList) RemoveAt(index int) error
type TabWidget ¶
type TabWidget struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTabWidget ¶
func (*TabWidget) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (tw *TabWidget) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*TabWidget) CurrentIndex ¶
func (*TabWidget) CurrentIndexChanged ¶
func (*TabWidget) Pages ¶
func (tw *TabWidget) Pages() *TabPageList
func (*TabWidget) Persistent ¶
func (*TabWidget) RestoreState ¶
func (*TabWidget) SetCurrentIndex ¶
func (*TabWidget) SetPersistent ¶
type TableModel ¶
type TableModel interface { // RowCount returns the number of rows in the model. RowCount() int // Value returns the value that should be displayed for the given cell. Value(row, col int) interface{} // RowsReset returns the event that the model should publish when the number // of its rows changes. RowsReset() *Event // RowChanged returns the event that the model should publish when a row was // changed. RowChanged() *IntEvent // RowsChanged returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was changed. RowsChanged() *IntRangeEvent // RowsInserted returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was inserted. If the model supports sorting, it // is assumed to be sorted before the model publishes the event. RowsInserted() *IntRangeEvent // RowsRemoved returns the event that the model should publish when a // contiguous range of items was removed. RowsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent }
TableModel is the interface that a model must implement to support widgets like TableView.
type TableModelBase ¶
type TableModelBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableModelBase implements the RowsReset and RowChanged methods of the TableModel interface.
func (*TableModelBase) PublishRowChanged ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowChanged(row int)
func (*TableModelBase) PublishRowsChanged ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsChanged(from, to int)
func (*TableModelBase) PublishRowsInserted ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsInserted(from, to int)
func (*TableModelBase) PublishRowsRemoved ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsRemoved(from, to int)
func (*TableModelBase) PublishRowsReset ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) PublishRowsReset()
func (*TableModelBase) RowChanged ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowChanged() *IntEvent
func (*TableModelBase) RowsChanged ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsChanged() *IntRangeEvent
func (*TableModelBase) RowsInserted ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsInserted() *IntRangeEvent
func (*TableModelBase) RowsRemoved ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsRemoved() *IntRangeEvent
func (*TableModelBase) RowsReset ¶
func (tmb *TableModelBase) RowsReset() *Event
type TableView ¶
type TableView struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TableView is a model based widget for record centric, tabular data.
TableView is implemented as a virtual mode list view to support quite large amounts of data.
func NewTableView ¶
NewTableView creates and returns a *TableView as child of the specified Container.
func NewTableViewWithCfg ¶
func NewTableViewWithCfg(parent Container, cfg *TableViewCfg) (*TableView, error)
NewTableViewWithCfg creates and returns a *TableView as child of the specified Container and with the provided additional configuration.
func NewTableViewWithStyle ¶
NewTableViewWithStyle creates and returns a *TableView as child of the specified Container and with the provided additional style bits set.
func (*TableView) AlternatingRowBG ¶
AlternatingRowBG returns the alternating row background.
func (*TableView) ApplySysColors ¶
func (tv *TableView) ApplySysColors()
func (*TableView) CellStyler ¶
func (tv *TableView) CellStyler() CellStyler
CellStyler returns the CellStyler of the TableView.
func (*TableView) CheckBoxes ¶
CheckBoxes returns if the *TableView has check boxes.
func (*TableView) ColumnClicked ¶
ColumnClicked returns the event that is published after a column header was clicked.
func (*TableView) Columns ¶
func (tv *TableView) Columns() *TableViewColumnList
Columns returns the list of columns.
func (*TableView) ColumnsOrderable ¶
ColumnsOrderable returns if the user can reorder columns by dragging and dropping column headers.
func (*TableView) ColumnsSizable ¶
ColumnsSizable returns if the user can change column widths by dragging dividers in the header.
func (*TableView) ContextMenuLocation ¶
ContextMenuLocation returns selected item position in screen coordinates in native pixels.
func (*TableView) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (*TableView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*TableView) CurrentIndex ¶
CurrentIndex returns the index of the current item, or -1 if there is no current item.
func (*TableView) CurrentIndexChanged ¶
CurrentIndexChanged is the event that is published after CurrentIndex has changed.
func (*TableView) CurrentItemChanged ¶
CurrentItemChanged returns the event that is published after the current item has changed.
For this to work, the model must implement the IDProvider interface.
func (*TableView) Dispose ¶
func (tv *TableView) Dispose()
Dispose releases the operating system resources, associated with the *TableView.
func (*TableView) EnsureItemVisible ¶
EnsureItemVisible ensures the item at position index is visible, scrolling if necessary.
func (*TableView) HeaderHidden ¶
HeaderHidden returns whether the column header is hidden.
func (*TableView) IgnoreNowhere ¶
IgnoreNowhere returns if the *TableView should ignore left mouse clicks in the empty space. It forbids the user from unselecting the current index, or when multi selection is enabled, disables click drag selection.
func (*TableView) IndexAt ¶
IndexAt returns the item index at coordinates x, y of the TableView or -1, if that point is not inside any item.
func (*TableView) Invalidate ¶
func (*TableView) ItemActivated ¶
ItemActivated returns the event that is published after an item was activated.
An item is activated when it is double clicked or the enter key is pressed when the item is selected.
func (*TableView) ItemChecker ¶
func (tv *TableView) ItemChecker() ItemChecker
ItemChecker returns the ItemChecker of the TableView.
func (*TableView) ItemCountChanged ¶
ItemCountChanged returns the event that is published when the number of items in the model of the TableView changed.
func (*TableView) ItemStateChangedEventDelay ¶
ItemStateChangedEventDelay returns the delay in milliseconds, between the moment the state of an item in the *TableView changes and the moment the associated event is published.
By default there is no delay.
func (*TableView) ItemVisible ¶
ItemVisible returns whether the item at position index is visible.
func (*TableView) LastColumnStretched ¶
LastColumnStretched returns if the last column should take up all remaining horizontal space of the *TableView.
func (*TableView) Model ¶
func (tv *TableView) Model() interface{}
Model returns the model of the TableView.
func (*TableView) MultiSelection ¶
MultiSelection returns whether multiple items can be selected at once.
By default only a single item can be selected at once.
func (*TableView) Persistent ¶
Persistent returns if the *TableView should persist its UI state, like column widths. See *App.Settings for details.
func (*TableView) RestoreState ¶
RestoreState restores the UI state of the *TableView from the settings.
func (*TableView) RestoringCurrentItemOnReset ¶
RestoringCurrentItemOnReset returns whether the TableView after its model has been reset should attempt to restore CurrentIndex to the item that was current before the reset.
For this to work, the model must implement the IDProvider interface.
func (*TableView) RowsPerPage ¶
RowsPerPage returns the number of fully visible rows.
func (*TableView) ScrollbarOrientation ¶
func (tv *TableView) ScrollbarOrientation() Orientation
func (*TableView) SelectedIndexes ¶
SelectedIndexes returns the indexes of the currently selected items.
func (*TableView) SelectedIndexesChanged ¶
SelectedIndexesChanged returns the event that is published when the list of selected item indexes changed.
func (*TableView) SelectionHiddenWithoutFocus ¶
SelectionHiddenWithoutFocus returns whether selection indicators are hidden when the TableView does not have the keyboard input focus.
func (*TableView) SetAlternatingRowBG ¶
SetAlternatingRowBG sets the alternating row background.
func (*TableView) SetCellStyler ¶
func (tv *TableView) SetCellStyler(styler CellStyler)
SetCellStyler sets the CellStyler of the TableView.
func (*TableView) SetCheckBoxes ¶
SetCheckBoxes sets if the *TableView has check boxes.
func (*TableView) SetColumnsButtons ¶
func (*TableView) SetColumnsOrderable ¶
SetColumnsOrderable sets if the user can reorder columns by dragging and dropping column headers.
func (*TableView) SetColumnsSizable ¶
SetColumnsSizable sets if the user can change column widths by dragging dividers in the header.
func (*TableView) SetCurrentIndex ¶
SetCurrentIndex sets the index of the current item.
Call this with a value of -1 to have no current item.
func (*TableView) SetGridlines ¶
SetGridlines sets if the rows are separated by grid lines.
func (*TableView) SetHeaderHidden ¶
SetHeaderHidden sets whether the column header is hidden.
func (*TableView) SetIgnoreNowhere ¶
IgnoreNowhere sets if the *TableView should ignore left mouse clicks in the empty space. It forbids the user from unselecting the current index, or when multi selection is enabled, disables click drag selection.
func (*TableView) SetItemChecker ¶
func (tv *TableView) SetItemChecker(itemChecker ItemChecker)
SetItemChecker sets the ItemChecker of the TableView.
func (*TableView) SetItemStateChangedEventDelay ¶
SetItemStateChangedEventDelay sets the delay in milliseconds, between the moment the state of an item in the *TableView changes and the moment the associated event is published.
An example where this may be useful is a master-details scenario. If the master TableView is configured to delay the event, you can avoid pointless updates of the details TableView, if the user uses arrow keys to rapidly navigate the master view.
func (*TableView) SetLastColumnStretched ¶
SetLastColumnStretched sets if the last column should take up all remaining horizontal space of the *TableView.
The effect of setting this is persistent.
func (*TableView) SetModel ¶
SetModel sets the model of the TableView.
It is required that mdl either implements walk.TableModel, walk.ReflectTableModel or be a slice of pointers to struct or a []map[string]interface{}. A walk.TableModel implementation must also implement walk.Sorter to support sorting, all other options get sorting for free. To support item check boxes and icons, mdl must implement walk.ItemChecker and walk.ImageProvider, respectively. On-demand model population for a walk.ReflectTableModel or slice requires mdl to implement walk.Populator.
func (*TableView) SetMultiSelection ¶
SetMultiSelection sets whether multiple items can be selected at once.
func (*TableView) SetPersistent ¶
SetPersistent sets if the *TableView should persist its UI state, like column widths. See *App.Settings for details.
func (*TableView) SetRestoringCurrentItemOnReset ¶
SetRestoringCurrentItemOnReset sets whether the TableView after its model has been reset should attempt to restore CurrentIndex to the item that was current before the reset.
For this to work, the model must implement the IDProvider interface.
func (*TableView) SetScrollbarOrientation ¶
func (tv *TableView) SetScrollbarOrientation(orientation Orientation)
func (*TableView) SetSelectedIndexes ¶
SetSelectedIndexes sets the indexes of the currently selected items.
func (*TableView) SetSelectionHiddenWithoutFocus ¶
SetSelectionHiddenWithoutFocus sets whether selection indicators are visible when the TableView does not have the keyboard input focus.
func (*TableView) SortableByHeaderClick ¶
SortableByHeaderClick returns if the user can change sorting by clicking the header.
func (*TableView) StretchLastColumn ¶
StretchLastColumn makes the last column take up all remaining horizontal space of the *TableView.
The effect of this is not persistent.
func (*TableView) TableModel ¶
func (tv *TableView) TableModel() TableModel
TableModel returns the TableModel of the TableView.
func (*TableView) UpdateItem ¶
UpdateItem ensures the item at index will be redrawn.
If the model supports sorting, it will be resorted.
func (*TableView) VisibleColumnsInDisplayOrder ¶
func (tv *TableView) VisibleColumnsInDisplayOrder() []*TableViewColumn
VisibleColumnsInDisplayOrder returns a slice of visible columns in display order.
type TableViewCfg ¶
type TableViewColumn ¶
type TableViewColumn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableViewColumn represents a column in a TableView.
func NewTableViewColumn ¶
func NewTableViewColumn() *TableViewColumn
NewTableViewColumn returns a new TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) Alignment ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Alignment() Alignment1D
Alignment returns the alignment of the TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) DataMember ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMember() string
DataMember returns the data member this TableViewColumn is bound against.
func (*TableViewColumn) DataMemberEffective ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) DataMemberEffective() string
DataMemberEffective returns the effective data member this TableViewColumn is bound against.
func (*TableViewColumn) Format ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Format() string
Format returns the format string for converting a value into a string.
func (*TableViewColumn) FormatFunc ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) FormatFunc() func(value interface{}) string
FormatFunc returns the custom format func of this TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) Frozen ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Frozen() bool
Frozen returns if the column is frozen.
func (*TableViewColumn) LessFunc ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) LessFunc() func(i, j int) bool
LessFunc returns the less func of this TableViewColumn.
This function is used to provide custom sorting for models based on ReflectTableModel only.
func (*TableViewColumn) Name ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Name() string
Name returns the name of this TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) Precision ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Precision() int
Precision returns the number of decimal places for formatting float32, float64 or big.Rat values.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetAlignment ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) (err error)
SetAlignment sets the alignment of the TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetDataMember ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetDataMember(dataMember string)
SetDataMember sets the data member this TableViewColumn is bound against.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetFormat ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormat(format string) (err error)
SetFormat sets the format string for converting a value into a string.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetFormatFunc ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFormatFunc(formatFunc func(value interface{}) string)
FormatFunc sets the custom format func of this TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetFrozen ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetFrozen(frozen bool) (err error)
SetFrozen sets if the column is frozen.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetLessFunc ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetLessFunc(lessFunc func(i, j int) bool)
SetLessFunc sets the less func of this TableViewColumn.
This function is used to provide custom sorting for models based on ReflectTableModel only.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetName ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetName(name string)
SetName sets the name of this TableViewColumn.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetPrecision ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetPrecision(precision int) (err error)
SetPrecision sets the number of decimal places for formatting float32, float64 or big.Rat values.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetTitle ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitle(title string) (err error)
SetTitle sets the (default) text to display in the column header.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetTitleOverride ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetTitleOverride(titleOverride string) (err error)
SetTitleOverride sets the (overridden by user) text to display in the column header.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetVisible ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetVisible(visible bool) (err error)
SetVisible sets if the column is visible.
func (*TableViewColumn) SetWidth ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) SetWidth(width int) (err error)
SetWidth sets the width of the column in pixels.
func (*TableViewColumn) Title ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Title() string
Title returns the (default) text to display in the column header.
func (*TableViewColumn) TitleEffective ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleEffective() string
TitleEffective returns the effective text to display in the column header.
func (*TableViewColumn) TitleOverride ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) TitleOverride() string
TitleOverride returns the (overridden by user) text to display in the column header.
func (*TableViewColumn) Visible ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Visible() bool
Visible returns if the column is visible.
func (*TableViewColumn) Width ¶
func (tvc *TableViewColumn) Width() int
Width returns the width of the column in pixels.
type TableViewColumnList ¶
type TableViewColumnList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TableViewColumnList) Add ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Add(item *TableViewColumn) error
Add adds a TableViewColumn to the end of the list.
func (*TableViewColumnList) At ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) At(index int) *TableViewColumn
At returns the TableViewColumn as the specified index.
Bounds are not checked.
func (*TableViewColumnList) ByName ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) ByName(name string) *TableViewColumn
ByName returns the TableViewColumn identified by name, or nil, if no column of that name is contained in the TableViewColumnList.
func (*TableViewColumnList) Clear ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Clear() error
Clear removes all TableViewColumns from the list.
func (*TableViewColumnList) Contains ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Contains(item *TableViewColumn) bool
Contains returns whether the specified TableViewColumn is found in the list.
func (*TableViewColumnList) Index ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Index(item *TableViewColumn) int
Index returns the index of the specified TableViewColumn or -1 if it is not found.
func (*TableViewColumnList) Insert ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Insert(index int, item *TableViewColumn) error
Insert inserts TableViewColumn item at position index.
A TableViewColumn cannot be contained in multiple TableViewColumnLists at the same time.
func (*TableViewColumnList) Len ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Len() int
Len returns the number of TableViewColumns in the list.
func (*TableViewColumnList) Remove ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) Remove(item *TableViewColumn) error
Remove removes the specified TableViewColumn from the list.
func (*TableViewColumnList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *TableViewColumnList) RemoveAt(index int) error
RemoveAt removes the TableViewColumn at position index.
type TextEdit ¶
type TextEdit struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTextEdit ¶
func NewTextEditWithStyle ¶
func (*TextEdit) AppendText ¶
func (*TextEdit) CompactHeight ¶
func (*TextEdit) ContextMenuLocation ¶
ContextMenuLocation returns carret position in screen coordinates in native pixels.
func (*TextEdit) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (te *TextEdit) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*TextEdit) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*TextEdit) ReplaceSelectedText ¶
func (*TextEdit) ScrollToCaret ¶
func (te *TextEdit) ScrollToCaret()
func (*TextEdit) SetCompactHeight ¶
func (*TextEdit) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*TextEdit) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*TextEdit) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (te *TextEdit) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment1D) error
func (*TextEdit) SetTextColor ¶
func (*TextEdit) SetTextSelection ¶
func (*TextEdit) TextAlignment ¶
func (te *TextEdit) TextAlignment() Alignment1D
func (*TextEdit) TextChanged ¶
func (*TextEdit) TextLength ¶
func (*TextEdit) TextSelection ¶
type TextLabel ¶
type TextLabel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTextLabel ¶
func NewTextLabelWithStyle ¶
func (*TextLabel) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (tl *TextLabel) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*TextLabel) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (tl *TextLabel) SetTextAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
func (*TextLabel) SetTextColor ¶
func (s *TextLabel) SetTextColor(c Color)
func (*TextLabel) TextAlignment ¶
func (tl *TextLabel) TextAlignment() Alignment2D
type ToolBar ¶
type ToolBar struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewToolBar ¶
func NewToolBarWithOrientationAndButtonStyle ¶
func NewToolBarWithOrientationAndButtonStyle(parent Container, orientation Orientation, buttonStyle ToolBarButtonStyle) (*ToolBar, error)
func NewVerticalToolBar ¶
func (*ToolBar) Actions ¶
func (tb *ToolBar) Actions() *ActionList
func (*ToolBar) ButtonStyle ¶
func (tb *ToolBar) ButtonStyle() ToolBarButtonStyle
func (*ToolBar) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (tb *ToolBar) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*ToolBar) DefaultButtonWidth ¶
DefaultButtonWidth returns the default button width of the ToolBar.
The default value for a horizontal ToolBar is 0, resulting in automatic sizing behavior. For a vertical ToolBar, the default is 100 pixels.
func (*ToolBar) MaxTextRows ¶
func (*ToolBar) Orientation ¶
func (tb *ToolBar) Orientation() Orientation
func (*ToolBar) SetDefaultButtonWidth ¶
SetDefaultButtonWidth sets the default button width of the ToolBar.
Calling this method affects all buttons in the ToolBar, no matter if they are added before or after the call. A width of 0 results in automatic sizing behavior. Negative values are not allowed.
func (*ToolBar) SetImageList ¶
func (*ToolBar) SetMaxTextRows ¶
type ToolBarButtonStyle ¶
type ToolBarButtonStyle int
const ( ToolBarButtonImageOnly ToolBarButtonStyle = iota ToolBarButtonTextOnly ToolBarButtonImageBeforeText ToolBarButtonImageAboveText )
type ToolButton ¶
type ToolButton struct {
func NewToolButton ¶
func NewToolButton(parent Container) (*ToolButton, error)
func (*ToolButton) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (tb *ToolButton) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
type ToolTip ¶
type ToolTip struct {
func NewToolTip ¶
func (*ToolTip) RemoveTool ¶
func (*ToolTip) SetErrorTitle ¶
func (*ToolTip) SetInfoTitle ¶
func (*ToolTip) SetWarningTitle ¶
type ToolTipErrorPresenter ¶
type ToolTipErrorPresenter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewToolTipErrorPresenter ¶
func NewToolTipErrorPresenter() (*ToolTipErrorPresenter, error)
func (*ToolTipErrorPresenter) Dispose ¶
func (ttep *ToolTipErrorPresenter) Dispose()
func (*ToolTipErrorPresenter) PresentError ¶
func (ttep *ToolTipErrorPresenter) PresentError(err error, widget Widget)
type TranslationFunction ¶
func TranslationFunc ¶
func TranslationFunc() TranslationFunction
type TreeItem ¶
type TreeItem interface { // Text returns the text of the item. Text() string // Parent returns the parent of the item. Parent() TreeItem // ChildCount returns the number of children of the item. ChildCount() int // ChildAt returns the child at the specified index. ChildAt(index int) TreeItem }
TreeItem represents an item in a TreeView widget.
type TreeItemEvent ¶
type TreeItemEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TreeItemEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *TreeItemEvent) Attach(handler TreeItemEventHandler) int
func (*TreeItemEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *TreeItemEvent) Detach(handle int)
func (*TreeItemEvent) Once ¶
func (e *TreeItemEvent) Once(handler TreeItemEventHandler)
type TreeItemEventHandler ¶
type TreeItemEventHandler func(item TreeItem)
type TreeItemEventPublisher ¶
type TreeItemEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TreeItemEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *TreeItemEventPublisher) Event() *TreeItemEvent
func (*TreeItemEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *TreeItemEventPublisher) Publish(item TreeItem)
type TreeModel ¶
type TreeModel interface { // LazyPopulation returns if the model prefers on-demand population. // // This is useful for models that potentially contain huge amounts of items, // e.g. a model that represents a file system. LazyPopulation() bool // RootCount returns the number of root items. RootCount() int // RootAt returns the root item at the specified index. RootAt(index int) TreeItem // ItemsReset returns the event that the model should publish when the // descendants of the specified item, or all items if no item is specified, // are reset. ItemsReset() *TreeItemEvent // ItemChanged returns the event that the model should publish when an item // was changed. ItemChanged() *TreeItemEvent // ItemInserted returns the event that the model should publish when an item // was inserted into the model. ItemInserted() *TreeItemEvent // ItemRemoved returns the event that the model should publish when an item // was removed from the model. ItemRemoved() *TreeItemEvent }
TreeModel provides widgets like TreeView with item data.
type TreeModelBase ¶
type TreeModelBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TreeModelBase partially implements the TreeModel interface.
You still need to provide your own implementation of at least the RootCount and RootAt methods. If your model needs lazy population, you will also have to implement LazyPopulation.
func (*TreeModelBase) ItemChanged ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemChanged() *TreeItemEvent
func (*TreeModelBase) ItemInserted ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemInserted() *TreeItemEvent
func (*TreeModelBase) ItemRemoved ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemRemoved() *TreeItemEvent
func (*TreeModelBase) ItemsReset ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) ItemsReset() *TreeItemEvent
func (*TreeModelBase) LazyPopulation ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) LazyPopulation() bool
func (*TreeModelBase) PublishItemChanged ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemChanged(item TreeItem)
func (*TreeModelBase) PublishItemInserted ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemInserted(item TreeItem)
func (*TreeModelBase) PublishItemRemoved ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemRemoved(item TreeItem)
func (*TreeModelBase) PublishItemsReset ¶
func (tmb *TreeModelBase) PublishItemsReset(parent TreeItem)
type TreeView ¶
type TreeView struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTreeView ¶
func (*TreeView) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (tv *TreeView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*TreeView) CurrentItem ¶
func (*TreeView) CurrentItemChanged ¶
func (*TreeView) EnsureVisible ¶
func (*TreeView) ExpandedChanged ¶
func (tv *TreeView) ExpandedChanged() *TreeItemEvent
func (*TreeView) ItemActivated ¶
func (*TreeView) ItemAt ¶
ItemAt determines the location of the specified point in native pixels relative to the client area of a tree-view control.
func (*TreeView) ItemHeight ¶
ItemHeight returns the height of each item in native pixels.
func (*TreeView) NeedsWmSize ¶
func (*TreeView) SetBackground ¶
func (*TreeView) SetCurrentItem ¶
func (*TreeView) SetItemHeight ¶
SetItemHeight sets the height of the tree-view items in native pixels.
type ValidationError ¶
type ValidationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewValidationError ¶
func NewValidationError(title, message string) *ValidationError
func (*ValidationError) Error ¶
func (ve *ValidationError) Error() string
func (*ValidationError) Message ¶
func (ve *ValidationError) Message() string
func (*ValidationError) Title ¶
func (ve *ValidationError) Title() string
type Validator ¶
type Validator interface {
Validate(v interface{}) error
func SelectionRequiredValidator ¶
func SelectionRequiredValidator() Validator
type WebView ¶
type WebView struct { WidgetBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewWebView ¶
func (*WebView) BrowserVisible ¶
func (*WebView) BrowserVisibleChanged ¶
func (*WebView) CanGoBackChanged ¶
func (*WebView) CanGoForward ¶
func (*WebView) CanGoForwardChanged ¶
func (*WebView) CreateLayoutItem ¶
func (wv *WebView) CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem
func (*WebView) DocumentCompleted ¶
func (wv *WebView) DocumentCompleted() *StringEvent
func (*WebView) DocumentTitle ¶
func (*WebView) DocumentTitleChanged ¶
func (*WebView) Downloaded ¶
func (*WebView) Downloading ¶
func (*WebView) IsTheaterMode ¶
func (*WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabled ¶
func (*WebView) NativeContextMenuEnabledChanged ¶
func (*WebView) Navigated ¶
func (wv *WebView) Navigated() *StringEvent
func (*WebView) NavigatedError ¶
func (wv *WebView) NavigatedError() *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent
func (*WebView) Navigating ¶
func (wv *WebView) Navigating() *WebViewNavigatingEvent
func (*WebView) NewWindow ¶
func (wv *WebView) NewWindow() *WebViewNewWindowEvent
func (*WebView) ProgressChanged ¶
func (*WebView) ProgressMax ¶
func (*WebView) ProgressValue ¶
func (*WebView) SetNativeContextMenuEnabled ¶
func (*WebView) SetShortcutsEnabled ¶
func (*WebView) ShortcutsEnabled ¶
func (*WebView) ShortcutsEnabledChanged ¶
func (*WebView) StatusBarVisible ¶
func (*WebView) StatusBarVisibleChanged ¶
func (*WebView) StatusText ¶
func (*WebView) StatusTextChanged ¶
func (*WebView) TheaterModeChanged ¶
func (*WebView) ToolBarEnabled ¶
func (*WebView) ToolBarEnabledChanged ¶
func (*WebView) ToolBarVisible ¶
func (*WebView) ToolBarVisibleChanged ¶
func (*WebView) URLChanged ¶
func (*WebView) WindowClosing ¶
func (wv *WebView) WindowClosing() *WebViewWindowClosingEvent
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent ¶
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent) Attach(handler WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler) int
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent) Detach(handle int)
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData ¶
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Canceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Canceled() bool
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) SetCanceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) StatusCode ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) StatusCode() int32
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) TargetFrameName ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) TargetFrameName() string
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Url ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData) Url() string
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler ¶
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData)
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher ¶
type WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewNavigatedErrorEvent
func (*WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewNavigatedErrorEventData)
type WebViewNavigatingEvent ¶
type WebViewNavigatingEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNavigatingEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *WebViewNavigatingEvent) Attach(handler WebViewNavigatingEventHandler) int
func (*WebViewNavigatingEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *WebViewNavigatingEvent) Detach(handle int)
type WebViewNavigatingEventData ¶
type WebViewNavigatingEventData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) Canceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Canceled() bool
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) Flags ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Flags() int32
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) Headers ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Headers() string
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) PostData ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) PostData() string
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) SetCanceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) TargetFrameName ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) TargetFrameName() string
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventData) Url ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData) Url() string
type WebViewNavigatingEventHandler ¶
type WebViewNavigatingEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData)
type WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher ¶
type WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewNavigatingEvent
func (*WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *WebViewNavigatingEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewNavigatingEventData)
type WebViewNewWindowEvent ¶
type WebViewNewWindowEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNewWindowEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *WebViewNewWindowEvent) Attach(handler WebViewNewWindowEventHandler) int
func (*WebViewNewWindowEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *WebViewNewWindowEvent) Detach(handle int)
type WebViewNewWindowEventData ¶
type WebViewNewWindowEventData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventData) Canceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Canceled() bool
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventData) Flags ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Flags() uint32
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventData) SetCanceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventData) Url ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) Url() string
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventData) UrlContext ¶
func (eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData) UrlContext() string
type WebViewNewWindowEventHandler ¶
type WebViewNewWindowEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData)
type WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher ¶
type WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewNewWindowEvent
func (*WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *WebViewNewWindowEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewNewWindowEventData)
type WebViewWindowClosingEvent ¶
type WebViewWindowClosingEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEvent) Attach ¶
func (e *WebViewWindowClosingEvent) Attach(handler WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler) int
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEvent) Detach ¶
func (e *WebViewWindowClosingEvent) Detach(handle int)
type WebViewWindowClosingEventData ¶
type WebViewWindowClosingEventData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEventData) Canceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) Canceled() bool
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEventData) IsChildWindow ¶
func (eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) IsChildWindow() bool
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEventData) SetCanceled ¶
func (eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData) SetCanceled(value bool)
type WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler ¶
type WebViewWindowClosingEventHandler func(eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData)
type WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher ¶
type WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher) Event ¶
func (p *WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher) Event() *WebViewWindowClosingEvent
func (*WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher) Publish ¶
func (p *WebViewWindowClosingEventPublisher) Publish(eventData *WebViewWindowClosingEventData)
type Widget ¶
type Widget interface { Window // Alignment returns the alignment of the Widget. Alignment() Alignment2D // AlwaysConsumeSpace returns if the Widget should consume space even if it // is not visible. AlwaysConsumeSpace() bool // AsWidgetBase returns a *WidgetBase that implements Widget. AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase // CreateLayoutItem creates and returns a new LayoutItem specific to the // concrete Widget type, that carries all data and logic required to layout // the Widget. CreateLayoutItem(ctx *LayoutContext) LayoutItem // GraphicsEffects returns a list of WidgetGraphicsEffects that are applied to the Widget. GraphicsEffects() *WidgetGraphicsEffectList // LayoutFlags returns a combination of LayoutFlags that specify how the // Widget wants to be treated by Layout implementations. LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags // MinSizeHint returns the minimum outer size in native pixels, including decorations, that // makes sense for the respective type of Widget. MinSizeHint() Size // Parent returns the Container of the Widget. Parent() Container // SetAlignment sets the alignment of the widget. SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error // SetAlwaysConsumeSpace sets if the Widget should consume space even if it // is not visible. SetAlwaysConsumeSpace(b bool) error // SetParent sets the parent of the Widget and adds the Widget to the // Children list of the Container. SetParent(value Container) error // SetToolTipText sets the tool tip text of the Widget. SetToolTipText(s string) error // SizeHint returns the preferred size in native pixels for the respective type of Widget. SizeHint() Size // ToolTipText returns the tool tip text of the Widget. ToolTipText() string }
func DescendantByName ¶
type WidgetBase ¶
type WidgetBase struct { WindowBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WidgetBase) Alignment ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) Alignment() Alignment2D
Alignment return the alignment ot the *WidgetBase.
func (*WidgetBase) AlwaysConsumeSpace ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) AlwaysConsumeSpace() bool
AlwaysConsumeSpace returns if the Widget should consume space even if it is not visible.
func (*WidgetBase) AsWidgetBase ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) AsWidgetBase() *WidgetBase
AsWidgetBase just returns the receiver.
func (*WidgetBase) Bounds ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) Bounds() Rectangle
Bounds returns the outer bounding box rectangle of the WidgetBase, including decorations.
The coordinates are relative to the parent of the Widget.
func (*WidgetBase) BoundsPixels ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
BoundsPixels returns the outer bounding box rectangle of the WidgetBase, including decorations.
The coordinates are relative to the parent of the Widget.
func (*WidgetBase) BringToTop ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) BringToTop() error
BringToTop moves the WidgetBase to the top of the keyboard focus order.
func (*WidgetBase) Dispose ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) Dispose()
func (*WidgetBase) Enabled ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns if the WidgetBase is enabled for user interaction.
func (*WidgetBase) Font ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) Font() *Font
Font returns the Font of the WidgetBase.
By default this is a MS Shell Dlg 2, 8 point font.
func (*WidgetBase) ForEachAncestor ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) ForEachAncestor(f func(window Window) bool)
func (*WidgetBase) GraphicsEffects ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) GraphicsEffects() *WidgetGraphicsEffectList
GraphicsEffects returns a list of WidgetGraphicsEffects that are applied to the WidgetBase.
func (*WidgetBase) LayoutFlags ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags
func (*WidgetBase) MinSizeHint ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) MinSizeHint() Size
func (*WidgetBase) Parent ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) Parent() Container
Parent returns the Container of the WidgetBase.
func (*WidgetBase) SetAlignment ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlignment(alignment Alignment2D) error
SetAlignment sets the alignment of the *WidgetBase.
func (*WidgetBase) SetAlwaysConsumeSpace ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) SetAlwaysConsumeSpace(b bool) error
SetAlwaysConsumeSpace sets if the Widget should consume space even if it is not visible.
func (*WidgetBase) SetMinMaxSize ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) (err error)
SetMinMaxSize sets the minimum and maximum outer size of the *WidgetBase, including decorations.
Use walk.Size{} to make the respective limit be ignored.
func (*WidgetBase) SetParent ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) SetParent(parent Container) (err error)
SetParent sets the parent of the WidgetBase and adds the WidgetBase to the Children list of the Container.
func (*WidgetBase) SetToolTipText ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) SetToolTipText(s string) error
SetToolTipText sets the tool tip text of the WidgetBase.
func (*WidgetBase) SizeHint ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) SizeHint() Size
func (*WidgetBase) ToolTipText ¶
func (wb *WidgetBase) ToolTipText() string
ToolTipText returns the tool tip text of the WidgetBase.
type WidgetGraphicsEffect ¶
var ( InteractionEffect WidgetGraphicsEffect FocusEffect WidgetGraphicsEffect )
var ValidationErrorEffect WidgetGraphicsEffect
type WidgetGraphicsEffectList ¶
type WidgetGraphicsEffectList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Add ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Add(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) At ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) At(index int) WidgetGraphicsEffect
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Clear ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Clear() error
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Contains ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Contains(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) bool
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Index ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Index(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) int
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Insert ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Insert(index int, effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Len ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Len() int
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Remove ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) Remove(effect WidgetGraphicsEffect) error
func (*WidgetGraphicsEffectList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *WidgetGraphicsEffectList) RemoveAt(index int) error
type WidgetList ¶
type WidgetList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WidgetList) Add ¶
func (l *WidgetList) Add(item Widget) error
func (*WidgetList) At ¶
func (l *WidgetList) At(index int) Widget
func (*WidgetList) Clear ¶
func (l *WidgetList) Clear() error
func (*WidgetList) Contains ¶
func (l *WidgetList) Contains(item Widget) bool
func (*WidgetList) Index ¶
func (l *WidgetList) Index(item Widget) int
func (*WidgetList) Len ¶
func (l *WidgetList) Len() int
func (*WidgetList) Remove ¶
func (l *WidgetList) Remove(item Widget) error
func (*WidgetList) RemoveAt ¶
func (l *WidgetList) RemoveAt(index int) error
type Window ¶
type Window interface { // AddDisposable adds a Disposable resource that should be disposed of // together with this Window. AddDisposable(d Disposable) // AsWindowBase returns a *WindowBase, a pointer to an instance of the // struct that implements most operations common to all windows. AsWindowBase() *WindowBase // Accessibility returns the accessibility object used to set Dynamic Annotation properties of the // window. Accessibility() *Accessibility // Background returns the background Brush of the Window. // // By default this is nil. Background() Brush // Bounds returns the outer bounding box rectangle of the Window, including // decorations. // // For a Form, like *MainWindow or *Dialog, the rectangle is in screen // coordinates, for a child Window the coordinates are relative to its // parent. Bounds() Rectangle // BoundsPixels returns the outer bounding box rectangle of the Window, including // decorations. // // For a Form, like *MainWindow or *Dialog, the rectangle is in screen // coordinates, for a child Window the coordinates are relative to its // parent. BoundsPixels() Rectangle // BoundsChanged returns an *Event that you can attach to for handling bounds // changed events for the Window. BoundsChanged() *Event // BringToTop moves the Window to the top of the keyboard focus order. BringToTop() error // ClientBounds returns the inner bounding box rectangle of the Window, // excluding decorations. ClientBounds() Rectangle // ClientBoundsPixels returns the inner bounding box rectangle of the Window, // excluding decorations. ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle // ContextMenu returns the context menu of the Window. // // By default this is nil. ContextMenu() *Menu // ContextMenuLocation returns the context menu suggested location in screen coordinates in // native pixels. This method is called when context menu is invoked using keyboard and mouse // coordinates are not available. ContextMenuLocation() Point // CreateCanvas creates and returns a *Canvas that can be used to draw // inside the ClientBoundsPixels of the Window. // // Remember to call the Dispose method on the canvas to release resources, // when you no longer need it. CreateCanvas() (*Canvas, error) // Cursor returns the Cursor of the Window. // // By default this is nil. Cursor() Cursor // Dispose releases the operating system resources, associated with the // Window. // // If a user closes a *MainWindow or *Dialog, it is automatically released. // Also, if a Container is disposed of, all its descendants will be released // as well. Dispose() // Disposing returns an Event that is published when the Window is disposed // of. Disposing() *Event // DoubleBuffering returns whether double buffering of the // drawing is enabled, which may help reduce flicker. DoubleBuffering() bool // DPI returns the current DPI value of the Window. DPI() int // Enabled returns if the Window is enabled for user interaction. Enabled() bool // Focused returns whether the Window has the keyboard input focus. Focused() bool // FocusedChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling focus // changed events for the Window. FocusedChanged() *Event // Font returns the *Font of the Window. // // By default this is a MS Shell Dlg 2, 8 point font. Font() *Font // Form returns the Form of the Window. Form() Form // Handle returns the window handle of the Window. Handle() win.HWND // Height returns the outer height of the Window, including decorations. Height() int // HeightPixels returns the outer height of the Window, including decorations. HeightPixels() int // Invalidate schedules a full repaint of the Window. Invalidate() error // IsDisposed returns if the Window has been disposed of. IsDisposed() bool // KeyDown returns a *KeyEvent that you can attach to for handling key down // events for the Window. KeyDown() *KeyEvent // KeyPress returns a *KeyEvent that you can attach to for handling key // press events for the Window. KeyPress() *KeyEvent // KeyUp returns a *KeyEvent that you can attach to for handling key up // events for the Window. KeyUp() *KeyEvent // MaxSize returns the maximum allowed outer size for the Window, including // decorations. // // For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the Window // has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this. MaxSize() Size // MaxSizePixels returns the maximum allowed outer size for the Window, including // decorations. // // For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the Window // has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this. MaxSizePixels() Size // MinSize returns the minimum allowed outer size for the Window, including // decorations. // // For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the Window // has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this. MinSize() Size // MinSizePixels returns the minimum allowed outer size for the Window, including // decorations. // // For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the Window // has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this. MinSizePixels() Size // MouseDown returns a *MouseEvent that you can attach to for handling // mouse down events for the Window. MouseDown() *MouseEvent // MouseMove returns a *MouseEvent that you can attach to for handling // mouse move events for the Window. MouseMove() *MouseEvent // MouseUp returns a *MouseEvent that you can attach to for handling // mouse up events for the Window. MouseUp() *MouseEvent // Name returns the name of the Window. Name() string // RequestLayout either schedules or immediately starts performing layout. RequestLayout() // RightToLeftReading returns whether the reading order of the Window // is from right to left. RightToLeftReading() bool // Screenshot returns an image of the window. Screenshot() (*image.RGBA, error) // SendMessage sends a message to the window and returns the result. SendMessage(msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr // SetBackground sets the background Brush of the Window. SetBackground(value Brush) // SetBounds sets the outer bounding box rectangle of the Window, including // decorations. // // For a Form, like *MainWindow or *Dialog, the rectangle is in screen // coordinates, for a child Window the coordinates are relative to its // parent. SetBounds(value Rectangle) error // SetBoundsPixels sets the outer bounding box rectangle of the Window, including // decorations. // // For a Form, like *MainWindow or *Dialog, the rectangle is in screen // coordinates, for a child Window the coordinates are relative to its // parent. SetBoundsPixels(value Rectangle) error // SetClientSize sets the size of the inner bounding box of the Window, // excluding decorations. SetClientSize(value Size) error // SetClientSizePixels sets the size of the inner bounding box of the Window, // excluding decorations. SetClientSizePixels(value Size) error // SetContextMenu sets the context menu of the Window. SetContextMenu(value *Menu) // SetCursor sets the Cursor of the Window. SetCursor(value Cursor) // SetDoubleBuffering enables or disables double buffering of the // drawing, which may help reduce flicker. SetDoubleBuffering(value bool) error // SetEnabled sets if the Window is enabled for user interaction. SetEnabled(value bool) // SetFocus sets the keyboard input focus to the Window. SetFocus() error // SetFont sets the *Font of the Window. SetFont(value *Font) // SetHeight sets the outer height of the Window, including decorations. SetHeight(value int) error // SetHeightPixels sets the outer height of the Window, including decorations. SetHeightPixels(value int) error // SetMinMaxSize sets the minimum and maximum outer size of the Window, // including decorations. // // Use walk.Size{} to make the respective limit be ignored. SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) error // SetMinMaxSizePixels sets the minimum and maximum outer size of the Window, // including decorations. // // Use walk.Size{} to make the respective limit be ignored. SetMinMaxSizePixels(min, max Size) error // SetName sets the name of the Window. // // This is important if you want to make use of the built-in UI persistence. // Some windows support automatic state persistence. See Settings for // details. SetName(name string) // SetRightToLeftReading sets whether the reading order of the Window // is from right to left. SetRightToLeftReading(rtl bool) error // SetSize sets the outer size of the Window, including decorations. SetSize(value Size) error // SetSizePixels sets the outer size of the Window, including decorations. SetSizePixels(value Size) error // SetSuspended sets if the Window is suspended for layout and repainting // purposes. // // You should call SetSuspended(true), before doing a batch of modifications // that would cause multiple layout or drawing updates. Remember to call // SetSuspended(false) afterwards, which will update the Window accordingly. SetSuspended(suspend bool) // SetVisible sets if the Window is visible. SetVisible(value bool) // SetWidth sets the outer width of the Window, including decorations. SetWidth(value int) error // SetWidthPixels sets the outer width of the Window, including decorations. SetWidthPixels(value int) error // SetX sets the x coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. SetX(value int) error // SetXPixels sets the x coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. SetXPixels(value int) error // SetY sets the y coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. SetY(value int) error // SetYPixels sets the y coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. SetYPixels(value int) error // Size returns the outer size of the Window, including decorations. Size() Size // SizePixels returns the outer size of the Window, including decorations. SizePixels() Size // SizeChanged returns an *Event that you can attach to for handling size // changed events for the Window. SizeChanged() *Event // Suspended returns if the Window is suspended for layout and repainting // purposes. Suspended() bool // Synchronize enqueues func f to be called some time later by the main // goroutine from inside a message loop. Synchronize(f func()) // Visible returns if the Window is visible. Visible() bool // VisibleChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling // visible changed events for the Window. VisibleChanged() *Event // Width returns the outer width of the Window, including decorations. Width() int // WidthPixels returns the outer width of the Window, including decorations. WidthPixels() int // WndProc is the window procedure of the window. // // When implementing your own WndProc to add or modify behavior, call the // WndProc of the embedded window for messages you don't handle yourself. WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr // X returns the x coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. X() int // XPixels returns the x coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. XPixels() int // Y returns the y coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. Y() int // YPixels returns the y coordinate of the Window, relative to the screen for // RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for // child Windows. YPixels() int }
Window is an interface that provides operations common to all windows.
func FocusedWindow ¶
func FocusedWindow() Window
FocusedWindow returns the Window that has the keyboard input focus.
type WindowBase ¶
type WindowBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WindowBase implements many operations common to all Windows.
func (*WindowBase) Accessibility ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Accessibility() *Accessibility
Accessibility returns the accessibility object used to set Dynamic Annotation properties of the window.
func (*WindowBase) AddDisposable ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) AddDisposable(d Disposable)
AddDisposable adds a Disposable resource that should be disposed of together with this Window.
func (*WindowBase) ApplyDPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ApplyDPI(dpi int)
func (*WindowBase) ApplySysColors ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ApplySysColors()
func (*WindowBase) AsWindowBase ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) AsWindowBase() *WindowBase
WindowBase simply returns the receiver.
func (*WindowBase) Background ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Background() Brush
Background returns the background Brush of the *WindowBase.
By default this is nil.
func (*WindowBase) Bounds ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Bounds() Rectangle
Bounds returns the outer bounding box rectangle of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
The coordinates are relative to the screen.
func (*WindowBase) BoundsChanged ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsChanged() *Event
BoundsChanged returns an *Event that you can attach to for handling bounds changed events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) BoundsPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) BoundsPixels() Rectangle
BoundsPixels returns the outer bounding box rectangle of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
The coordinates are relative to the screen.
func (*WindowBase) BringToTop ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) BringToTop() error
BringToTop moves the *WindowBase to the top of the keyboard focus order.
func (*WindowBase) ClientBounds ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBounds() Rectangle
ClientBounds returns the inner bounding box rectangle of the *WindowBase, excluding decorations.
func (*WindowBase) ClientBoundsPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ClientBoundsPixels() Rectangle
ClientBoundsPixels returns the inner bounding box rectangle of the *WindowBase, excluding decorations.
func (*WindowBase) ContextMenu ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenu() *Menu
ContextMenu returns the context menu of the *WindowBase.
By default this is nil.
func (*WindowBase) ContextMenuLocation ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ContextMenuLocation() Point
ContextMenuLocation returns the the *WindowBase center in screen coordinates in native pixels.
func (*WindowBase) CreateCanvas ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) CreateCanvas() (*Canvas, error)
CreateCanvas creates and returns a *Canvas that can be used to draw inside the ClientBoundsPixels of the *WindowBase.
Remember to call the Dispose method on the canvas to release resources, when you no longer need it.
func (*WindowBase) Cursor ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Cursor() Cursor
Cursor returns the Cursor of the *WindowBase.
By default this is nil.
func (*WindowBase) DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) DPI() int
DPI returns the current DPI value of the WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) Dispose ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Dispose()
Dispose releases the operating system resources, associated with the *WindowBase.
If a user closes a *MainWindow or *Dialog, it is automatically released. Also, if a Container is disposed of, all its descendants will be released as well.
func (*WindowBase) Disposing ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Disposing() *Event
Disposing returns an Event that is published when the Window is disposed of.
func (*WindowBase) DoubleBuffering ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) DoubleBuffering() bool
DoubleBuffering returns whether double buffering of the drawing is enabled, which may help reduce flicker.
func (*WindowBase) DropFiles ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) DropFiles() *DropFilesEvent
DropFiles returns a *DropFilesEvent that you can attach to for handling drop file events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) Enabled ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns if the *WindowBase is enabled for user interaction.
func (*WindowBase) Focused ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Focused() bool
Focused returns whether the Window has the keyboard input focus.
func (*WindowBase) FocusedChanged ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) FocusedChanged() *Event
FocusedChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling focus change events for the WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) Font ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Font() *Font
Font returns the *Font of the *WindowBase.
By default this is a MS Shell Dlg 2, 8 point font.
func (*WindowBase) ForEachDescendant ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ForEachDescendant(f func(widget Widget) bool)
func (*WindowBase) Handle ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Handle() win.HWND
Handle returns the window handle of the Window.
func (*WindowBase) Height ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Height() int
Height returns the outer height of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) HeightPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) HeightPixels() int
HeightPixels returns the outer height of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) IntFrom96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) IntFrom96DPI(value int) int
IntFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func (*WindowBase) IntTo96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) IntTo96DPI(value int) int
IntTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func (*WindowBase) Invalidate ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Invalidate() error
Invalidate schedules a full repaint of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) IsDisposed ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) IsDisposed() bool
IsDisposed returns if the *WindowBase has been disposed of.
func (*WindowBase) KeyDown ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) KeyDown() *KeyEvent
KeyDown returns a *KeyEvent that you can attach to for handling key down events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) KeyPress ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) KeyPress() *KeyEvent
KeyPress returns a *KeyEvent that you can attach to for handling key press events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) KeyUp ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) KeyUp() *KeyEvent
KeyUp returns a *KeyEvent that you can attach to for handling key up events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) MarginsFrom96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsFrom96DPI(value Margins) Margins
MarginsFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func (*WindowBase) MarginsTo96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MarginsTo96DPI(value Margins) Margins
MarginsTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func (*WindowBase) MaxSize ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSize() Size
MaxSize returns the maximum allowed outer size for the *WindowBase, including decorations.
For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the *WindowBase has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this.
func (*WindowBase) MaxSizePixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MaxSizePixels() Size
MaxSizePixels returns the maximum allowed outer size for the *WindowBase, including decorations.
For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the *WindowBase has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this.
func (*WindowBase) MinSize ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MinSize() Size
MinSize returns the minimum allowed outer size for the *WindowBase, including decorations.
For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the *WindowBase has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this.
func (*WindowBase) MinSizePixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MinSizePixels() Size
MinSizePixels returns the minimum allowed outer size for the *WindowBase, including decorations.
For child windows, this is only relevant when the parent of the *WindowBase has a Layout. RootWidgets, like *MainWindow and *Dialog, also honor this.
func (*WindowBase) MouseDown ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MouseDown() *MouseEvent
MouseDown returns a *MouseEvent that you can attach to for handling mouse down events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) MouseMove ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MouseMove() *MouseEvent
MouseMove returns a *MouseEvent that you can attach to for handling mouse move events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) MouseUp ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MouseUp() *MouseEvent
MouseUp returns a *MouseEvent that you can attach to for handling mouse up events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) MouseWheel ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MouseWheel() *MouseEvent
func (*WindowBase) MustRegisterProperty ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) MustRegisterProperty(name string, property Property)
func (*WindowBase) Name ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Name() string
Name returns the name of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) PointFrom96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) PointFrom96DPI(value Point) Point
PointFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func (*WindowBase) PointTo96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) PointTo96DPI(value Point) Point
PointTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func (*WindowBase) Property ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Property(name string) Property
func (*WindowBase) ReadState ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ReadState() (string, error)
func (*WindowBase) RectangleFrom96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleFrom96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle
RectangleFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func (*WindowBase) RectangleTo96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) RectangleTo96DPI(value Rectangle) Rectangle
RectangleTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func (*WindowBase) RequestLayout ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) RequestLayout()
RequestLayout either schedules or immediately starts performing layout.
func (*WindowBase) RestoreState ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) RestoreState() (err error)
func (*WindowBase) RightToLeftReading ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) RightToLeftReading() bool
RightToLeftReading returns whether the reading order of the Window is from right to left.
func (*WindowBase) SaveState ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SaveState() (err error)
func (*WindowBase) Screenshot ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Screenshot() (*image.RGBA, error)
Screenshot returns an image of the window.
func (*WindowBase) SendMessage ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SendMessage(msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr
SendMessage sends a message to the window and returns the result.
func (*WindowBase) SetBackground ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetBackground(background Brush)
SetBackground sets the background Brush of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SetBounds ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetBounds(bounds Rectangle) error
SetBounds sets the outer bounding box rectangle of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
For a Form, like *MainWindow or *Dialog, the rectangle is in screen coordinates, for a child Window the coordinates are relative to its parent.
func (*WindowBase) SetBoundsPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetBoundsPixels(bounds Rectangle) error
SetBoundsPixels sets the outer bounding box rectangle of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
For a Form, like *MainWindow or *Dialog, the rectangle is in screen coordinates, for a child Window the coordinates are relative to its parent.
func (*WindowBase) SetClientSize ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSize(value Size) error
SetClientSize sets the size of the inner bounding box of the *WindowBase, excluding decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetClientSizePixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetClientSizePixels(value Size) error
SetClientSizePixels sets the size of the inner bounding box of the *WindowBase, excluding decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetContextMenu ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetContextMenu(value *Menu)
SetContextMenu sets the context menu of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SetCursor ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetCursor(value Cursor)
SetCursor sets the Cursor of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SetDoubleBuffering ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetDoubleBuffering(enabled bool) error
SetDoubleBuffering enables or disables double buffering of the drawing, which may help reduce flicker.
func (*WindowBase) SetEnabled ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
SetEnabled sets if the *WindowBase is enabled for user interaction.
func (*WindowBase) SetFocus ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetFocus() error
SetFocus sets the keyboard input focus to the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SetFont ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetFont(font *Font)
SetFont sets the *Font of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SetHeight ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeight(value int) error
SetHeight sets the outer height of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetHeightPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetHeightPixels(value int) error
SetHeightPixels sets the outer height of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetMinMaxSize ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSize(min, max Size) error
SetMinMaxSize sets the minimum and maximum outer size of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
Use walk.Size{} to make the respective limit be ignored.
func (*WindowBase) SetMinMaxSizePixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetMinMaxSizePixels(min, max Size) error
SetMinMaxSizePixels sets the minimum and maximum outer size of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
Use walk.Size{} to make the respective limit be ignored.
func (*WindowBase) SetName ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetName(name string)
SetName sets the name of the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SetRightToLeftReading ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetRightToLeftReading(rtl bool) error
SetRightToLeftReading sets whether the reading order of the Window is from right to left.
func (*WindowBase) SetSize ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetSize(size Size) error
SetSize sets the outer size of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetSizePixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetSizePixels(size Size) error
SetSizePixels sets the outer size of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetSuspended ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetSuspended(suspend bool)
SetSuspended sets if the *WindowBase is suspended for layout and repainting purposes.
You should call SetSuspended(true), before doing a batch of modifications that would cause multiple layout or drawing updates. Remember to call SetSuspended(false) afterwards, which will update the *WindowBase accordingly.
func (*WindowBase) SetVisible ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetVisible(visible bool)
SetVisible sets if the *WindowBase is visible.
func (*WindowBase) SetWidth ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidth(value int) error
SetWidth sets the outer width of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetWidthPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetWidthPixels(value int) error
SetWidthPixels sets the outer width of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SetX ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetX(value int) error
SetX sets the x coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) SetXPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetXPixels(value int) error
SetXPixels sets the x coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) SetY ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetY(value int) error
SetY sets the y coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) SetYPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SetYPixels(value int) error
SetYPixels sets the y coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) ShortcutActions ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) ShortcutActions() *ActionList
ShortcutActions returns the list of actions that will be triggered if their shortcut is pressed when this window or one of its descendants has the keyboard focus.
func (*WindowBase) Size ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Size() Size
Size returns the outer size of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SizeChanged ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SizeChanged() *Event
SizeChanged returns an *Event that you can attach to for handling size changed events for the *WindowBase.
func (*WindowBase) SizeFrom96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SizeFrom96DPI(value Size) Size
SizeFrom96DPI converts from 1/96" units to native pixels.
func (*WindowBase) SizePixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SizePixels() Size
SizePixels returns the outer size of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) SizeTo96DPI ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) SizeTo96DPI(value Size) Size
SizeTo96DPI converts from native pixels to 1/96" units.
func (*WindowBase) Suspended ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Suspended() bool
Suspended returns if the *WindowBase is suspended for layout and repainting purposes.
func (*WindowBase) Synchronize ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Synchronize(f func())
Synchronize enqueues func f to be called some time later by the main goroutine from inside a message loop.
func (*WindowBase) Visible ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Visible() bool
Visible returns if the *WindowBase is visible.
func (*WindowBase) VisibleChanged ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) VisibleChanged() *Event
VisibleChanged returns an Event that you can attach to for handling visible changed events for the Window.
func (*WindowBase) Width ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Width() int
Width returns the outer width of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) WidthPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) WidthPixels() int
WidthPixels returns the outer width of the *WindowBase, including decorations.
func (*WindowBase) WndProc ¶
WndProc is the window procedure of the window.
When implementing your own WndProc to add or modify behavior, call the WndProc of the embedded window for messages you don't handle yourself.
func (*WindowBase) WriteState ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) WriteState(state string) error
func (*WindowBase) X ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) X() int
X returns the x coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) XPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) XPixels() int
XPixels returns the x coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) Y ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) Y() int
Y returns the y coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
func (*WindowBase) YPixels ¶
func (wb *WindowBase) YPixels() int
YPixels returns the y coordinate of the *WindowBase, relative to the screen for RootWidgets like *MainWindow or *Dialog and relative to the parent for child Windows.
type WindowGroup ¶
type WindowGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WindowGroup holds data common to windows that share a thread.
Each WindowGroup keeps track of the number of references to the group. When the number of references reaches zero, the group is disposed of.
func (*WindowGroup) ActiveForm ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) ActiveForm() Form
ActiveForm returns the currently active form for the group. If no form is active it returns nil.
func (*WindowGroup) Add ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) Add(delta int)
Add changes the group's reference counter by delta, which may be negative.
If the reference counter becomes zero the group will be disposed of.
If the reference counter goes negative Add will panic.
func (*WindowGroup) CreateToolTip ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) CreateToolTip() (*ToolTip, error)
CreateToolTip returns a tool tip control for the group.
If a control has not already been prepared for the group one will be created.
func (*WindowGroup) Done ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) Done()
Done decrements the group's reference counter by one.
func (*WindowGroup) Refs ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) Refs() int
Refs returns the current number of references to the group.
func (*WindowGroup) RunSynchronized ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) RunSynchronized()
RunSynchronized runs all of the function calls queued by Synchronize and applies any layout changes queued by synchronizeLayout.
RunSynchronized must be called by the group's thread.
func (*WindowGroup) SetActiveForm ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) SetActiveForm(form Form)
SetActiveForm updates the currently active form for the group.
func (*WindowGroup) Synchronize ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) Synchronize(f func())
Synchronize adds f to the group's function queue, to be executed by the message loop running on the the group's thread.
Synchronize can be called from any thread.
func (*WindowGroup) ThreadID ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) ThreadID() uint32
ThreadID identifies the thread that the group is affiliated with.
func (*WindowGroup) ToolTip ¶
func (g *WindowGroup) ToolTip() *ToolTip
ToolTip returns the tool tip control for the group, if one exists.
Source Files
- accessibility.go
- action.go
- actionlist.go
- application.go
- bitmap.go
- boxlayout.go
- brush.go
- button.go
- cancelevent.go
- canvas.go
- checkbox.go
- clipboard.go
- closeevent.go
- color.go
- combobox.go
- commondialogs.go
- composite.go
- condition.go
- container.go
- cursor.go
- customwidget.go
- databinding.go
- dateedit.go
- datelabel.go
- dialog.go
- dropfilesevent.go
- error.go
- errorevent.go
- event.go
- expression.go
- flowlayout.go
- font.go
- fontresource.go
- form.go
- gradientcomposite.go
- graphicseffects.go
- gridlayout.go
- groupbox.go
- icon.go
- iconcache.go
- image.go
- imagelist.go
- imageview.go
- inifilesettings.go
- intevent.go
- intrangeevent.go
- keyboard.go
- keyevent.go
- label.go
- layout.go
- lineedit.go
- linklabel.go
- listbox.go
- mainloop_default.go
- mainwindow.go
- maptablemodel.go
- menu.go
- messagebox.go
- metafile.go
- models.go
- mouseevent.go
- notifyicon.go
- numberedit.go
- numberlabel.go
- path.go
- pen.go
- point.go
- progressbar.go
- progressindicator.go
- property.go
- pushbutton.go
- radiobutton.go
- rectangle.go
- reflectmodels.go
- registry.go
- resourcemanager.go
- scrollview.go
- separator.go
- simpletypes.go
- size.go
- slider.go
- spacer.go
- splitbutton.go
- splitter.go
- splitterhandle.go
- splitterlayout.go
- static.go
- statusbar.go
- stopwatch.go
- stringevent.go
- tableview.go
- tableviewcolumn.go
- tableviewcolumnlist.go
- tabpage.go
- tabpagelist.go
- tabwidget.go
- textedit.go
- textlabel.go
- toolbar.go
- toolbutton.go
- tooltip.go
- tooltiperrorpresenter.go
- treeitemevent.go
- treeview.go
- util.go
- validators.go
- walk.go
- webview.go
- webview_dwebbrowserevents2.go
- webview_events.go
- webview_idochostuihandler.go
- webview_ioleclientsite.go
- webview_ioleinplaceframe.go
- webview_ioleinplacesite.go
- widget.go
- widgetlist.go
- window.go
- windowgroup.go