Grafana Plugin Validator

This tool helps speed up the process of publishing plugins to It runs a series of analyzers to ensure plugins are following best practices, checking for security and structural issues, as well as specific requirements related to publishing. A general overview of these requirements can be found here:
It requires a path to a remote or local ZIP archive of the plugin to be specified, for example:
- Remote:
- Local:
You can additionally provide a link to the source code for the project with -sourceCodeUri
to enable additional analyzers such as the Vulnerability Scan.
Installation and usage
Ensure that your version of Go matches the one specified in the go.mod
file to avoid compatibility issues
Docker (recommended)
It is easiest to run the tool using the Docker image as it contains all the security scanning tools needed for the full set of analyzers - so you don't need to have these additional tools installed on your system.
docker run --pull=always grafana/plugin-validator-cli [options] [http://yourdomain/]
Example 1 (basic)
docker run --pull=always grafana/plugin-validator-cli
Example 2 (specifying source code location)
docker run --pull=always grafana/plugin-validator-cli -sourceCodeUri
Using a local archive file with Docker
To run the tool with a local archive you will need to mount it as a docker volume. Here's an example:
docker run --pull=always -v /path/to/ grafana/plugin-validator-cli /
If using relative paths your path must start with ./
Using a local archive file and local source code
docker run --pull=always -v /path/to/ -v /path/to/source_code:/source_code grafana/plugin-validator-cli -sourceCodeUri /source_code /
If using relative paths your path must start with ./
npx -y @grafana/plugin-validator@latest -sourceCodeUri [options] [path/to/]
First you must compile and install it:
git clone [email protected]:grafana/plugin-validator.git
cd plugin-validator/pkg/cmd/plugincheck2
go install
Then you can run the utility:
plugincheck2 -sourceCodeUri [source_code_location/] []
Generating local files For validation
You must create a .zip
archive containing the dist/
directory but named as your plugin ID:
PLUGIN_ID=$(grep '"id"' < src/plugin.json | sed -E 's/.*"id" *: *"(.*)".*/\1/')
cp -r dist "${PLUGIN_ID}"
zip -qr "${PLUGIN_ID}.zip" "${PLUGIN_ID}"
npx @grafana/plugin-validator@latest -sourceCodeUri file://. "${PLUGIN_ID}.zip"
You can optionally remove the files that were generated:
rm -r "${PLUGIN_ID}" "${PLUGIN_ID}.zip"
Additional options can be passed to the tool:
❯ plugincheck2 -help
Usage plugincheck2:
-config string (optional)
Path to configuration file
-sourceCodeUri string (optional)
URI to the source code of the plugin. If set, the source code will be downloaded and analyzed. This can be a ZIP file URL, a URL to git repository or a local file (starting with `file://`)
-strict (optional)
If set, plugincheck returns non-zero exit code for warnings
-checksum string (optional)
If set, the checksum of the plugin archive will be checked against this value. MD5 and SHA256 are supported.
Using a configuration file
You can pass a configuration YAML file to the validator with the -config
option. Several configuration examples are available to use here:
Enabling and disabling analyzers via config
If you want to disable an specific check (analyzer) you can define this in your configuration file, adding an analyzers
section, and specifying which analyzer or analyzer rules to enable and disable.
For example, disable the version
enabled: true
jsonOutput: false
reportAll: false
enabled: false
You can also disable specific rules or change their severity level:
enabled: true
jsonOutput: false
reportAll: false
enabled: true
severity: warning
Severity levels could be: error
, warning
, or ok
Note: Grafana Labs enforces its own configuration for plugins submissions and your own config file can't change these rules.
Source code
You can specify the location of the plugin source code to the validator with the -sourceCodeUri
option. Doing so allows for additional analyzers to be run and for a more complete scan.
Supported remote Git services
The following public Git services are supported:
Private repositories are not currently supported.
Make sure to include the ref
(branch or tag) of the corresponding source code.
For example: you are validating version v2.1.2
and your project is in GitHub. Make sure you create a corresponding tag or branch and use the URL
Debug mode
You can run the validator in debug mode to get more information about the running checks and possible errors.
docker run --pull=always -e DEBUG=1 grafana/plugin-validator-cli -sourceCodeUri
DEBUG=1 npx -y @grafana/plugin-validator@latest -sourceCodeUri
DEBUG=1 plugincheck2 -sourceCodeUri
This validator makes uses of the following open source security tools:
If you run the validator locally or via NPX you can benefit from installing these tools in your system to make them part of your validation checks.
The tool runs a series of analyzers to ensure submitted plugins are following best practices, and speed up the process of approving a plugin for publishing, detailed in the table below. The Analyzer column includes the name required for altering the behavior of a given check in a configuration file. The Dependencies column specifies whether the analyzer requires the source code for the plugin to be provided with sourceCodeUri
or for any additional security scanning tools to be present.
Analyzer |
Description |
Dependencies |
Archive Structure / archive |
Ensures the contents of the zip file have the expected layout. |
None |
Archive Name / archivename |
The name of the archive should be correctly formatted. |
None |
Backend Binary / backendbinary |
Validates the consistency between the existence of a binary file and plugin.json declarations for backend or alerting. |
None |
Backend Debug / backenddebug |
Checks that the standalone debug files for backend plugins are not present. |
None |
Binary Permissions / binarypermissions |
For datasources and apps with binaries, this ensures the plugin can run when extracted on a system. |
None |
Broken Links / brokenlinks |
Detects if any URL doesn't resolve to a valid location. |
None |
Checksum / checksum |
Validates that the passed checksum (as a validator arg) is the one calculated from the archive file. |
checksum |
Code Rules / coderules |
Checks for forbidden access to environment variables, file system or use of syscall module. |
semgrep, sourceCodeUri |
Discoverability / discoverability |
Warns about missing keywords and description that are used for plugin indexing in the catalog. |
None |
Go Manifest / gomanifest |
Validates the build manifest. |
sourceCodeUri |
Go Security Checker / gosec |
Inspects source code for security problems by scanning the Go AST. |
gosec, sourceCodeUri |
Nested includes metadata / includesnested |
Validates that nested plugins have the correct metadata. |
Developer Jargon / jargon |
Generally discourages use of code jargon in the documentation. |
None |
JS Source Map / jssourcemap |
Checks for required file(s) in archive. |
sourceCodeUri |
Legacy Grafana Toolkit usage / legacybuilder |
Detects the usage of the not longer supported Grafana Toolkit. |
None |
Legacy Platform / legacyplatform |
Detects use of Angular which is deprecated. |
None |
License Type / license |
Checks the declared license is one of: BSD, MIT, Apache 2.0, LGPL3, GPL3, AGPL3. |
None |
Logos / logos |
Detects whether the plugin includes small and large logos to display in the plugin catalog. |
none |
Manifest (Signing) / manifest |
When a plugin is signed, the zip file will contain a signed MANIFEST.txt file. |
None |
Metadata Paths / metadatapaths |
Ensures all paths are valid and images referenced exist. |
None |
Metadata Validity / metadatavalid |
Ensures metadata is valid and matches plugin schema. |
None |
module.js (exists) / modulejs |
All plugins require a module.js to be loaded. |
None |
Organization (exists) / org |
Verifies the org specified in the plugin ID exists. |
None |
Vulnerability Scanner / osv-scanner |
Detects critical vulnerabilities in Go modules and yarn lock files. |
osv-scanner, sourceCodeUri |
Plugin Name formatting / pluginname |
Validates the plugin ID used conforms to our naming convention. |
None |
Published / published |
Detects whether any version of this plugin exists in the Grafana plugin catalog currently. |
None |
Readme (exists) / readme |
Ensures a file exists within the zip file. |
None |
Restrictive Dependency / restrictivedep |
Specifies a valid range of Grafana versions that work with this version of the plugin. |
None |
Screenshots / screenshots |
Screenshots are specified in plugin.json that will be used in the Grafana plugin catalog. |
None |
Signature / signature |
Ensures the plugin has a valid signature. |
None |
!Source Code / sourcecode |
A comparison is made between the zip file and the source code to ensure what is released matches the repo associated with it. |
sourceCodeUri |
Unique / templatereadme |
Ensures the plugin doesn't re-use the template from the create-plugin tool. |
None |
No Tracking Scripts / trackingscripts |
Detects if there are any known tracking scripts, which are not allowed. |
None |
Type Suffix (panel/app/datasource) / typesuffix |
Ensures the plugin has a valid type specified. |
None |
Version / version |
Ensures the version submitted is newer than the currently published plugin. If this is a new/unpublished plugin, this is skipped. |
None |
Unsafe SVG / unsafesvg |
Checks if any svg files are safe based on a whitelist of elements and attributes. |
none |
By default, the tool outputs results in plain text as shown below.
warning: possible broken link: (404 Not Found)
detail: might contain broken links. Check that all links are valid and publicly accessible.
warning: contains developer jargon: (yarn)
detail: Move any developer and contributor documentation to a separate file and link to it from the For example,,, etc.
error: osv-scanner detected a critical severity issue
detail: SEVERITY: CRITICAL in package immer, vulnerable to CVE-2021-23436
error: osv-scanner detected a critical severity issue
detail: SEVERITY: CRITICAL in package json-schema, vulnerable to CVE-2021-3918
error: Plugin version 0.0.9 is invalid.
detail: The submitted plugin version 0.0.9 is not greater than the latest published version 0.0.9 on
This can be changed to JSON by passing a configuration file which includes:
jsonOutput: true
Resulting in output similar to:
"id": "briangann-gauge-panel",
"version": "0.0.9",
"plugin-validator": {
"brokenlinks": [
"Severity": "warning",
"Title": " possible broken link: (404 Not Found)",
"Detail": " might contain broken links. Check that all links are valid and publicly accessible.",
"Name": "broken-link"
"jargon": [
"Severity": "warning",
"Title": " contains developer jargon: (yarn)",
"Detail": "Move any developer and contributor documentation to a separate file and link to it from the For example,,, etc.",
"Name": "developer-jargon"
"osv-scanner": [
"Severity": "error",
"Title": "osv-scanner detected a critical severity issue",
"Detail": "SEVERITY: CRITICAL in package immer, vulnerable to CVE-2021-23436",
"Name": "osv-scanner-critical-severity-vulnerabilities-detected"
"Severity": "error",
"Title": "osv-scanner detected a critical severity issue",
"Detail": "SEVERITY: CRITICAL in package json-schema, vulnerable to CVE-2021-3918",
"Name": "osv-scanner-critical-severity-vulnerabilities-detected"
"version": [
"Severity": "error",
"Title": "Plugin version 0.0.9 is invalid.",
"Detail": "The submitted plugin version 0.0.9 is not greater than the latest published version 0.0.9 on",
"Name": "wrong-plugin-version"
By default, the tool will show any warning or error level results from the analyzers. To see all results including successes, you can pass a configuration file which includes:
reportAll: true
Getting Help
Grafana Plugin Validator is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.