Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ClearOutputCache()
- func FindConfigFilesInPath(rootPath string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) ([]string, error)
- func GetDefaultConfigPath(workingDir string) string
- func GetTerraformSourceUrl(terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, ...) (string, error)
- func GetTerragruntSourceForModule(sourcePath string, modulePath string, moduleTerragruntConfig *TerragruntConfig) (string, error)
- func ParseAndDecodeVarFile(hclContents string, filename string, out interface{}) (err error)
- func TerragruntConfigAsCty(config *TerragruntConfig) (cty.Value, error)
- func TerragruntConfigAsCtyWithMetadata(config *TerragruntConfig) (cty.Value, error)
- type CouldNotEvaluateAllLocalsError
- type CouldNotResolveTerragruntConfigInFile
- type CtyJsonOutput
- type Dependency
- type DependencyConfigNotFound
- type DependencyCycle
- type DependencyDirNotFound
- type DuplicatedGenerateBlocks
- type EmptyStringNotAllowed
- type EnvVar
- type EnvVarNotFound
- type ErrorHook
- type ErrorParsingModulePath
- type ErrorParsingTerragruntConfig
- type EvalContextExtensions
- type Hook
- type IAMRoleOptionsCache
- type IncludeConfig
- type IncludeConfigs
- type IncludeIsNotABlockErr
- type IncludedConfigMissingPath
- type InvalidArgError
- type InvalidBackendConfigType
- type InvalidEnvParamName
- type InvalidGetEnvParams
- type InvalidIncludeKey
- type InvalidMergeStrategyType
- type InvalidParameterType
- type InvalidPartialBlockName
- type InvalidSopsFormat
- type InvalidSourceUrl
- type InvalidSourceUrlWithMap
- type Local
- type MaxIterError
- type MergeStrategyType
- type ModuleDependencies
- type MultipleBareIncludeBlocksErr
- type PanicWhileParsingConfig
- type ParentFileNotFound
- type PartialDecodeSectionType
- type StringCache
- type TFVarFileNotFoundError
- type TerraformConfig
- type TerraformExtraArguments
- type TerragruntConfig
- func ParseConfigFile(filename string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, ...) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
- func ParseConfigString(configString string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, ...) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
- func PartialParseConfigFile(filename string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, ...) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
- func PartialParseConfigString(configString string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, ...) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
- func ReadTerragruntConfig(terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
- func TerragruntConfigFromPartialConfigString(configString string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, ...) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
- func (targetConfig *TerragruntConfig) DeepMerge(sourceConfig *TerragruntConfig, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) error
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) GetFieldMetadata(fieldName string) (map[string]string, bool)
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) GetIAMRoleOptions() options.IAMRoleOptions
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) GetMapFieldMetadata(fieldType, fieldName string) (map[string]string, bool)
- func (targetConfig *TerragruntConfig) Merge(sourceConfig *TerragruntConfig, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) error
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadata(fieldName string, m map[string]interface{})
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadataMap(field string, data map[string]interface{}, metadata map[string]interface{})
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadataWithType(fieldType, fieldName string, m map[string]interface{})
- func (conf *TerragruntConfig) String() string
- type TerragruntConfigCache
- type TerragruntConfigNotFound
- type TerragruntOutputEncodingError
- type TerragruntOutputListEncodingError
- type TerragruntOutputParsingError
- type TerragruntOutputTargetNoOutputs
- type TooManyLevelsOfInheritance
- type TrackInclude
- type ValueWithMetadata
- type WrongNumberOfParams
Constants ¶
const (
DefaultTerragruntConfigPath = "terragrunt.hcl"
DefaultTerragruntJsonConfigPath = "terragrunt.hcl.json"
const (
MetadataTerraform = "terraform"
MetadataTerraformBinary = "terraform_binary"
MetadataTerraformVersionConstraint = "terraform_version_constraint"
MetadataTerragruntVersionConstraint = "terragrunt_version_constraint"
MetadataRemoteState = "remote_state"
MetadataDependencies = "dependencies"
MetadataDependency = "dependency"
MetadataDownloadDir = "download_dir"
MetadataPreventDestroy = "prevent_destroy"
MetadataSkip = "skip"
MetadataIamRole = "iam_role"
MetadataIamAssumeRoleDuration = "iam_assume_role_duration"
MetadataIamAssumeRoleSessionName = "iam_assume_role_session_name"
MetadataInputs = "inputs"
MetadataLocals = "locals"
MetadataGenerateConfigs = "generate"
MetadataRetryableErrors = "retryable_errors"
MetadataRetryMaxAttempts = "retry_max_attempts"
MetadataRetrySleepIntervalSec = "retry_sleep_interval_sec"
MetadataDependentModules = "dependent_modules"
const (
FuncNameFindInParentFolders = "find_in_parent_folders"
FuncNamePathRelativeToInclude = "path_relative_to_include"
FuncNamePathRelativeFromInclude = "path_relative_from_include"
FuncNameGetEnv = "get_env"
FuncNameRunCmd = "run_cmd"
FuncNameReadTerragruntConfig = "read_terragrunt_config"
FuncNameGetPlatform = "get_platform"
FuncNameGetRepoRoot = "get_repo_root"
FuncNameGetPathFromRepoRoot = "get_path_from_repo_root"
FuncNameGetPathToRepoRoot = "get_path_to_repo_root"
FuncNameGetTerragruntDir = "get_terragrunt_dir"
FuncNameGetOriginalTerragruntDir = "get_original_terragrunt_dir"
FuncNameGetTerraformCommand = "get_terraform_command"
FuncNameGetTerraformCLIArgs = "get_terraform_cli_args"
FuncNameGetParentTerragruntDir = "get_parent_terragrunt_dir"
FuncNameGetAWSAccountID = "get_aws_account_id"
FuncNameGetAWSCallerIdentityArn = "get_aws_caller_identity_arn"
FuncNameGetAWSCallerIdentityUserID = "get_aws_caller_identity_user_id"
FuncNameGetTerraformCommandsThatNeedVars = "get_terraform_commands_that_need_vars"
FuncNameGetTerraformCommandsThatNeedLocking = "get_terraform_commands_that_need_locking"
FuncNameGetTerraformCommandsThatNeedInput = "get_terraform_commands_that_need_input"
FuncNameGetTerraformCommandsThatNeedParallelism = "get_terraform_commands_that_need_parallelism"
FuncNameSopsDecryptFile = "sops_decrypt_file"
FuncNameGetTerragruntSourceCLIFlag = "get_terragrunt_source_cli_flag"
FuncNameGetDefaultRetryableErrors = "get_default_retryable_errors"
FuncNameReadTfvarsFile = "read_tfvars_file"
FuncNameGetWorkingDir = "get_working_dir"
FuncNameStartsWith = "startswith"
FuncNameEndsWith = "endswith"
FuncNameStrContains = "strcontains"
FuncNameTimeCmp = "timecmp"
const FoundInFile = "found_in_file"
const MaxIter = 1000
MaxIter is the maximum number of depth we support in recursively evaluating locals.
Variables ¶
var DefaultTerragruntConfigPaths = []string{
Order matters, for example if none of the files are found `GetDefaultConfigPath` func returns the last element.
List of terraform commands that accept -input=
List of terraform commands that accept -lock-timeout
List of terraform commands that accept -parallelism=
List of terraform commands that accept -var or -var-file
Functions ¶
func ClearOutputCache ¶ added in v0.21.2
func ClearOutputCache()
ClearOutputCache clears the output cache. Useful during testing.
func FindConfigFilesInPath ¶ added in v0.10.0
func FindConfigFilesInPath(rootPath string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) ([]string, error)
Returns a list of all Terragrunt config files in the given path or any subfolder of the path. A file is a Terragrunt config file if it has a name as returned by the DefaultConfigPath method
func GetDefaultConfigPath ¶ added in v0.21.6
func GetDefaultConfigPath(workingDir string) string
Return the default path to use for the Terragrunt configuration that exists within the path giving preference to `terragrunt.hcl`
func GetTerraformSourceUrl ¶ added in v0.28.3
func GetTerraformSourceUrl(terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, terragruntConfig *TerragruntConfig) (string, error)
There are two ways a user can tell Terragrunt that it needs to download Terraform configurations from a specific URL: via a command-line option or via an entry in the Terragrunt configuration. If the user used one of these, this method returns the source URL or an empty string if there is no source url
func GetTerragruntSourceForModule ¶ added in v0.23.9
func GetTerragruntSourceForModule(sourcePath string, modulePath string, moduleTerragruntConfig *TerragruntConfig) (string, error)
If one of the xxx-all commands is called with the --terragrunt-source parameter, then for each module, we need to build its own --terragrunt-source parameter by doing the following:
1. Read the source URL from the Terragrunt configuration of each module 2. Extract the path from that URL (the part after a double-slash) 3. Append the path to the --terragrunt-source parameter
--terragrunt-source: /source/infrastructure-modules source param in module's terragrunt.hcl:
This method will return: /source/infrastructure-modules//networking/vpc
func ParseAndDecodeVarFile ¶ added in v0.28.11
func ParseAndDecodeVarFile(hclContents string, filename string, out interface{}) (err error)
ParseAndDecodeVarFile uses the HCL2 parser to parse the given varfile string into an HCL file body, and then decode it into the provided output.
func TerragruntConfigAsCty ¶ added in v0.33.2
func TerragruntConfigAsCty(config *TerragruntConfig) (cty.Value, error)
Serialize TerragruntConfig struct to a cty Value that can be used to reference the attributes in other config. Note that we can't straight up convert the struct using cty tags due to differences in the desired representation. Specifically, we want to reference blocks by named attributes, but blocks are rendered to lists in the TerragruntConfig struct, so we need to do some massaging of the data to convert the list of blocks in to a map going from the block name label to the block value.
func TerragruntConfigAsCtyWithMetadata ¶ added in v0.38.6
func TerragruntConfigAsCtyWithMetadata(config *TerragruntConfig) (cty.Value, error)
Types ¶
type CouldNotEvaluateAllLocalsError ¶ added in v0.19.14
type CouldNotEvaluateAllLocalsError struct{}
type CouldNotResolveTerragruntConfigInFile ¶ added in v0.10.0
type CouldNotResolveTerragruntConfigInFile string
type CtyJsonOutput ¶ added in v0.19.0
type CtyJsonOutput struct {
Value map[string]interface{}
Type interface{}
When you convert a cty value to JSON, if any of that types are not yet known (i.e., are labeled as DynamicPseudoType), cty's Marshall method will write the type information to a type field and the actual value to a value field. This struct is used to capture that information so when we parse the JSON back into a Go struct, we can pull out just the Value field we need.
type Dependency ¶ added in v0.19.20
type Dependency struct {
Name string `hcl:",label" cty:"name"`
Enabled *bool `hcl:"enabled,attr" cty:"enabled"`
ConfigPath string `hcl:"config_path,attr" cty:"config_path"`
SkipOutputs *bool `hcl:"skip_outputs,attr" cty:"skip"`
MockOutputs *cty.Value `hcl:"mock_outputs,attr" cty:"mock_outputs"`
MockOutputsAllowedTerraformCommands *[]string `hcl:"mock_outputs_allowed_terraform_commands,attr" cty:"mock_outputs_allowed_terraform_commands"`
// MockOutputsMergeWithState is deprecated. Use MockOutputsMergeStrategyWithState
MockOutputsMergeWithState *bool `hcl:"mock_outputs_merge_with_state,attr" cty:"mock_outputs_merge_with_state"`
MockOutputsMergeStrategyWithState *MergeStrategyType `hcl:"mock_outputs_merge_strategy_with_state" cty:"mock_outputs_merge_strategy_with_state"`
// Used to store the rendered outputs for use when the config is imported or read with `read_terragrunt_config`
RenderedOutputs *cty.Value `cty:"outputs"`
func (*Dependency) DeepMerge ¶ added in v0.31.4
func (targetDepConfig *Dependency) DeepMerge(sourceDepConfig Dependency) error
DeepMerge will deep merge two Dependency configs, updating the target. Deep merge for Dependency configs is defined as follows:
- For simple attributes (bools and strings), the source will override the target.
- For MockOutputs, the two maps will be deeply merged together. This means that maps are recursively merged, while lists are concatenated together.
- For MockOutputsAllowedTerraformCommands, the source will be concatenated to the target.
Note that RenderedOutputs is ignored in the deep merge operation.
type DependencyConfigNotFound ¶ added in v0.19.20
type DependencyConfigNotFound struct {
Path string
type DependencyCycle ¶ added in v0.19.23
type DependencyCycle []string
type DependencyDirNotFound ¶ added in v0.31.10
type DependencyDirNotFound struct {
Dir []string
type DuplicatedGenerateBlocks ¶ added in v0.31.9
type DuplicatedGenerateBlocks struct {
BlockName []string
type EmptyStringNotAllowed ¶ added in v0.13.8
type EmptyStringNotAllowed string
type EnvVar ¶ added in v0.9.1
type EnvVar struct {
Name string
DefaultValue string
IsRequired bool
type EnvVarNotFound ¶ added in v0.23.13
type EnvVarNotFound struct {
EnvVar string
type ErrorHook ¶ added in v0.35.20
type ErrorHook struct {
Name string `hcl:"name,label" cty:"name"`
Commands []string `hcl:"commands,attr" cty:"commands"`
Execute []string `hcl:"execute,attr" cty:"execute"`
OnErrors []string `hcl:"on_errors,attr" cty:"on_errors"`
SuppressStdout *bool `hcl:"suppress_stdout,attr" cty:"suppress_stdout"`
WorkingDir *string `hcl:"working_dir,attr" cty:"working_dir"`
type ErrorParsingModulePath ¶ added in v0.23.9
type ErrorParsingModulePath struct {
ModuleSourceUrl string
type ErrorParsingTerragruntConfig ¶ added in v0.13.14
type ErrorParsingTerragruntConfig struct {
ConfigPath string
Underlying error
type EvalContextExtensions ¶ added in v0.19.20
type EvalContextExtensions struct {
// TrackInclude represents contexts of included configurations.
TrackInclude *TrackInclude
// Locals are preevaluated variable bindings that can be used by reference in the code.
Locals *cty.Value
// DecodedDependencies are references of other terragrunt config. This contains the following attributes that map to
// various fields related to that config:
// - outputs: The map of outputs from the terraform state obtained by running `terragrunt output` on that target
// config.
DecodedDependencies *cty.Value
// PartialParseDecodeList is the list of sections that are being decoded in the current config. This can be used to
// indicate/detect that the current parsing context is partial, meaning that not all configuration values are
// expected to be available.
PartialParseDecodeList []PartialDecodeSectionType
// These functions have the highest priority and will overwrite any others with the same name
PredefinedFunctions map[string]function.Function
EvalContextExtensions provides various extensions to the evaluation context to enhance the parsing capabilities.
func (EvalContextExtensions) CreateTerragruntEvalContext ¶ added in v0.53.4
func (extensions EvalContextExtensions) CreateTerragruntEvalContext(filename string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) (*hcl.EvalContext, error)
Create an EvalContext for the HCL2 parser. We can define functions and variables in this context that the HCL2 parser will make available to the Terragrunt configuration during parsing.
type Hook ¶ added in v0.14.4
type Hook struct {
Name string `hcl:"name,label" cty:"name"`
Commands []string `hcl:"commands,attr" cty:"commands"`
Execute []string `hcl:"execute,attr" cty:"execute"`
RunOnError *bool `hcl:"run_on_error,attr" cty:"run_on_error"`
SuppressStdout *bool `hcl:"suppress_stdout,attr" cty:"suppress_stdout"`
WorkingDir *string `hcl:"working_dir,attr" cty:"working_dir"`
Hook specifies terraform commands (apply/plan) and array of os commands to execute
type IAMRoleOptionsCache ¶ added in v0.36.4
type IAMRoleOptionsCache struct {
Cache map[string]options.IAMRoleOptions
Mutex *sync.Mutex
IAMRoleOptionsCache - cache for IAMRole options
func NewIAMRoleOptionsCache ¶ added in v0.36.4
func NewIAMRoleOptionsCache() *IAMRoleOptionsCache
NewIAMRoleOptionsCache - create new cache for IAM roles
type IncludeConfig ¶ added in v0.4.0
type IncludeConfig struct {
Name string `hcl:"name,label"`
Path string `hcl:"path,attr"`
Expose *bool `hcl:"expose,attr"`
MergeStrategy *string `hcl:"merge_strategy,attr"`
IncludeConfig represents the configuration settings for a parent Terragrunt configuration file that you can include into a child Terragrunt configuration file. You can have more than one include config.
func (*IncludeConfig) GetMergeStrategy ¶ added in v0.31.2
func (cfg *IncludeConfig) GetMergeStrategy() (MergeStrategyType, error)
type IncludeConfigs ¶ added in v0.45.17
type IncludeConfigs map[string]IncludeConfig
func (IncludeConfigs) ContainsPath ¶ added in v0.45.17
func (cfgs IncludeConfigs) ContainsPath(path string) bool
ContainsPath returns true if the given path is contained in at least one configuration.
type IncludeIsNotABlockErr ¶ added in v0.32.0
type IncludeIsNotABlockErr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type IncludedConfigMissingPath ¶ added in v0.4.0
type IncludedConfigMissingPath string
type InvalidArgError ¶ added in v0.14.4
type InvalidArgError string
type InvalidBackendConfigType ¶ added in v0.19.0
type InvalidBackendConfigType struct {
ExpectedType string
ActualType string
type InvalidEnvParamName ¶ added in v0.23.13
type InvalidEnvParamName struct {
EnvVarName string
type InvalidGetEnvParams ¶ added in v0.13.8
type InvalidGetEnvParams struct {
ActualNumParams int
Example string
type InvalidIncludeKey ¶ added in v0.32.0
type InvalidIncludeKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type InvalidMergeStrategyType ¶ added in v0.31.2
type InvalidMergeStrategyType string
type InvalidParameterType ¶ added in v0.19.0
type InvalidParameterType struct {
Expected string
Actual string
type InvalidPartialBlockName ¶ added in v0.19.20
type InvalidPartialBlockName struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type InvalidSopsFormat ¶ added in v0.23.18
type InvalidSopsFormat struct {
SourceFilePath string
type InvalidSourceUrl ¶ added in v0.23.9
type InvalidSourceUrl struct {
ModulePath string
ModuleSourceUrl string
TerragruntSource string
type InvalidSourceUrlWithMap ¶ added in v0.29.3
type InvalidSourceUrlWithMap struct {
ModulePath string
ModuleSourceUrl string
type Local ¶ added in v0.19.14
type Local struct {
Name string
Expr hcl.Expression
Local represents a single local name binding. This holds the unevaluated expression, extracted from the parsed file (but before decoding) so that we can look for references to other locals before evaluating.
type MaxIterError ¶ added in v0.19.14
type MaxIterError struct{}
type MergeStrategyType ¶ added in v0.31.2
type MergeStrategyType string
const (
NoMerge MergeStrategyType = "no_merge"
ShallowMerge MergeStrategyType = "shallow"
DeepMerge MergeStrategyType = "deep"
DeepMergeMapOnly MergeStrategyType = "deep_map_only"
type ModuleDependencies ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ModuleDependencies struct {
Paths []string `hcl:"paths,attr" cty:"paths"`
ModuleDependencies represents the paths to other Terraform modules that must be applied before the current module can be applied
type MultipleBareIncludeBlocksErr ¶ added in v0.32.0
type MultipleBareIncludeBlocksErr struct{}
type PanicWhileParsingConfig ¶ added in v0.19.0
type PanicWhileParsingConfig struct {
ConfigFile string
RecoveredValue interface{}
type ParentFileNotFound ¶ added in v0.13.8
type ParentFileNotFound struct {
Path string
File string
Cause string
type PartialDecodeSectionType ¶ added in v0.19.20
type PartialDecodeSectionType int
PartialDecodeSectionType is an enum that is used to list out which blocks/sections of the terragrunt config should be decoded in a partial decode.
const (
DependenciesBlock PartialDecodeSectionType = iota
type StringCache ¶ added in v0.31.6
type StringCache struct {
Cache map[string]string
Mutex *sync.Mutex
StringCache - structure to store cached values
func NewStringCache ¶ added in v0.31.6
func NewStringCache() *StringCache
NewStringCache - create new string cache
type TFVarFileNotFoundError ¶ added in v0.52.5
type TFVarFileNotFoundError struct {
File string
Cause string
type TerraformConfig ¶ added in v0.9.4
type TerraformConfig struct {
ExtraArgs []TerraformExtraArguments `hcl:"extra_arguments,block"`
Source *string `hcl:"source,attr"`
BeforeHooks []Hook `hcl:"before_hook,block"`
AfterHooks []Hook `hcl:"after_hook,block"`
ErrorHooks []ErrorHook `hcl:"error_hook,block"`
// Ideally we can avoid the pointer to list slice, but if it is not a pointer, Terraform requires the attribute to
// be defined and we want to make this optional.
IncludeInCopy *[]string `hcl:"include_in_copy,attr"`
TerraformConfig specifies where to find the Terraform configuration files NOTE: If any attributes or blocks are added here, be sure to add it to ctyTerraformConfig in config_as_cty.go as well.
func (*TerraformConfig) GetAfterHooks ¶ added in v0.14.4
func (conf *TerraformConfig) GetAfterHooks() []Hook
func (*TerraformConfig) GetBeforeHooks ¶ added in v0.14.4
func (conf *TerraformConfig) GetBeforeHooks() []Hook
func (*TerraformConfig) GetErrorHooks ¶ added in v0.35.20
func (conf *TerraformConfig) GetErrorHooks() []ErrorHook
func (*TerraformConfig) ValidateHooks ¶ added in v0.14.4
func (conf *TerraformConfig) ValidateHooks() error
type TerraformExtraArguments ¶ added in v0.10.2
type TerraformExtraArguments struct {
Name string `hcl:"name,label" cty:"name"`
Arguments *[]string `hcl:"arguments,attr" cty:"arguments"`
RequiredVarFiles *[]string `hcl:"required_var_files,attr" cty:"required_var_files"`
OptionalVarFiles *[]string `hcl:"optional_var_files,attr" cty:"optional_var_files"`
Commands []string `hcl:"commands,attr" cty:"commands"`
EnvVars *map[string]string `hcl:"env_vars,attr" cty:"env_vars"`
TerraformExtraArguments sets a list of arguments to pass to Terraform if command fits any in the `Commands` list
func (*TerraformExtraArguments) GetVarFiles ¶ added in v0.28.11
func (conf *TerraformExtraArguments) GetVarFiles(logger *logrus.Entry) []string
type TerragruntConfig ¶
type TerragruntConfig struct {
Terraform *TerraformConfig
TerraformBinary string
TerraformVersionConstraint string
TerragruntVersionConstraint string
RemoteState *remote.RemoteState
Dependencies *ModuleDependencies
DownloadDir string
PreventDestroy *bool
Skip bool
IamRole string
IamAssumeRoleDuration *int64
IamAssumeRoleSessionName string
Inputs map[string]interface{}
Locals map[string]interface{}
TerragruntDependencies []Dependency
GenerateConfigs map[string]codegen.GenerateConfig
RetryableErrors []string
RetryMaxAttempts *int
RetrySleepIntervalSec *int
// Fields used for internal tracking
// Indicates whether or not this is the result of a partial evaluation
IsPartial bool
// Map of processed includes
ProcessedIncludes IncludeConfigs
// Map to store fields metadata
FieldsMetadata map[string]map[string]interface{}
// List of dependent modules
DependentModulesPath []*string
TerragruntConfig represents a parsed and expanded configuration NOTE: if any attributes are added, make sure to update terragruntConfigAsCty in config_as_cty.go
func ParseConfigFile ¶ added in v0.6.0
func ParseConfigFile(filename string, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions, include *IncludeConfig, dependencyOutputs *cty.Value) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
Parse the Terragrunt config file at the given path. If the include parameter is not nil, then treat this as a config included in some other config file when resolving relative paths.
func ParseConfigString ¶ added in v0.19.0
func ParseConfigString(
configString string,
terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions,
includeFromChild *IncludeConfig,
filename string,
contextExtensions *EvalContextExtensions,
) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
Parse the Terragrunt config contained in the given string and merge it with the given include config (if any). Note that the config parsing consists of multiple stages so as to allow referencing of data resulting from parsing previous config. The parsing order is:
- Parse include. Include is parsed first and is used to import another config. All the config in the include block is then merged into the current TerragruntConfig, except for locals (by design). Note that since the include block is parsed first, you cannot reference locals in the include block config.
- Parse locals. Since locals are parsed next, you can only reference other locals in the locals block. Although it is possible to merge locals from a config imported with an include block, we do not do that here to avoid complicated referencing issues. Please refer to the globals proposal for an alternative that allows merging from included config: Allowed References: - locals
- Parse dependency blocks. This includes running `terragrunt output` to fetch the output data from another terragrunt config, so that it is accessible within the config. See PartialParseConfigString for a way to parse the blocks but avoid decoding. Note that this step is skipped if we already retrieved all the dependencies (which is the case when parsing included config files). This is determined by the dependencyOutputs input parameter. Allowed References: - locals
- Parse everything else. At this point, all the necessary building blocks for parsing the rest of the config are available, so parse the rest of the config. Allowed References: - locals - dependency
- Merge the included config with the parsed config. Note that all the config data is mergable except for `locals` blocks, which are only scoped to be available within the defining config.
func PartialParseConfigFile ¶ added in v0.19.20
func PartialParseConfigFile(
filename string,
terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions,
include *IncludeConfig,
decodeList []PartialDecodeSectionType,
) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
func PartialParseConfigString ¶ added in v0.19.20
func PartialParseConfigString(
configString string,
terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions,
includeFromChild *IncludeConfig,
filename string,
decodeList []PartialDecodeSectionType,
) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
PartialParseConfigString partially parses and decodes the provided string. Which blocks/attributes to decode is controlled by the function parameter decodeList. These blocks/attributes are parsed and set on the output TerragruntConfig. Valid values are:
- DependenciesBlock: Parses the `dependencies` block in the config
- DependencyBlock: Parses the `dependency` block in the config
- TerraformBlock: Parses the `terraform` block in the config
- TerragruntFlags: Parses the boolean flags `prevent_destroy` and `skip` in the config
- TerragruntVersionConstraints: Parses the attributes related to constraining terragrunt and terraform versions in the config.
- RemoteStateBlock: Parses the `remote_state` block in the config
Note that the following blocks are always decoded: - locals - include Note also that the following blocks are never decoded in a partial parse: - inputs
func ReadTerragruntConfig ¶
func ReadTerragruntConfig(terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
Read the Terragrunt config file from its default location
func TerragruntConfigFromPartialConfigString ¶ added in v0.38.9
func TerragruntConfigFromPartialConfigString(
configString string,
terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions,
includeFromChild *IncludeConfig,
filename string,
decodeList []PartialDecodeSectionType,
) (*TerragruntConfig, error)
Wrapper of PartialParseConfigString which checks for cached configs. filename, configString, includeFromChild and decodeList are used for the cache key, by getting the default value (%#v) through fmt.
func (*TerragruntConfig) DeepMerge ¶ added in v0.31.4
func (targetConfig *TerragruntConfig) DeepMerge(sourceConfig *TerragruntConfig, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) error
DeepMerge performs a deep merge of the given sourceConfig into the targetConfig. Deep merge is defined as follows:
- For simple types, the source overrides the target.
- For lists, the two attribute lists are combined together in concatenation.
- For maps, the two maps are combined together recursively. That is, if the map keys overlap, then a deep merge is performed on the map value.
- Note that some structs are not deep mergeable due to an implementation detail. This will change in the future. The following structs have this limitation:
- remote_state
- generate
- Note that the following attributes are deliberately omitted from the merge operation, as they are handled differently in the parser:
- dependency blocks (TerragruntDependencies) [These blocks need to retrieve outputs, so we need to merge during the parsing step, not after the full config is decoded]
- locals [These blocks are not merged by design]
func (*TerragruntConfig) GetFieldMetadata ¶ added in v0.38.6
func (conf *TerragruntConfig) GetFieldMetadata(fieldName string) (map[string]string, bool)
GetFieldMetadata return field metadata by field name.
func (*TerragruntConfig) GetIAMRoleOptions ¶ added in v0.35.1
func (conf *TerragruntConfig) GetIAMRoleOptions() options.IAMRoleOptions
GetIAMRoleOptions is a helper function that converts the Terragrunt config IAM role attributes to options.IAMRoleOptions struct.
func (*TerragruntConfig) GetMapFieldMetadata ¶ added in v0.38.6
func (conf *TerragruntConfig) GetMapFieldMetadata(fieldType, fieldName string) (map[string]string, bool)
GetMapFieldMetadata return field metadata by field type and name.
func (*TerragruntConfig) Merge ¶ added in v0.31.2
func (targetConfig *TerragruntConfig) Merge(sourceConfig *TerragruntConfig, terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions) error
Merge performs a shallow merge of the given sourceConfig into the targetConfig. sourceConfig will override common attributes defined in the targetConfig. Note that this will modify the targetConfig. NOTE: the following attributes are deliberately omitted from the merge operation, as they are handled differently in the parser:
- locals [These blocks are not merged by design]
NOTE: dependencies block is a special case and is merged deeply. This is necessary to ensure the configstack system works correctly, as it uses the `Dependencies` list to track the dependencies of modules for graph building purposes. This list includes the dependencies added from dependency blocks, which is handled in a different stage.
func (*TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadata ¶ added in v0.38.6
func (conf *TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadata(fieldName string, m map[string]interface{})
SetFieldMetadata set metadata on the given field name.
func (*TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadataMap ¶ added in v0.38.6
func (conf *TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadataMap(field string, data map[string]interface{}, metadata map[string]interface{})
SetFieldMetadataMap set metadata on fields from map keys. Example usage - setting metadata on all variables from inputs.
func (*TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadataWithType ¶ added in v0.38.6
func (conf *TerragruntConfig) SetFieldMetadataWithType(fieldType, fieldName string, m map[string]interface{})
SetFieldMetadataWithType set metadata on the given field name grouped by type. Example usage - setting metadata on different dependencies, locals, inputs.
type TerragruntConfigCache ¶ added in v0.38.9
type TerragruntConfigCache struct {
Cache map[string]TerragruntConfig
Mutex *sync.Mutex
TerragruntConfigCache - structure to store cached values
func NewTerragruntConfigCache ¶ added in v0.38.9
func NewTerragruntConfigCache() *TerragruntConfigCache
NewTerragruntConfigCache - create new TerragruntConfig cache
func (*TerragruntConfigCache) Get ¶ added in v0.38.9
func (cache *TerragruntConfigCache) Get(key string) (TerragruntConfig, bool)
Get - get cached value Design decision: Drop the sha256 because map is already a hashtable See
type TerragruntConfigNotFound ¶ added in v0.22.3
type TerragruntConfigNotFound struct {
Path string
type TerragruntOutputEncodingError ¶ added in v0.19.20
type TerragruntOutputEncodingError struct {
Path string
Err error
type TerragruntOutputListEncodingError ¶ added in v0.19.20
type TerragruntOutputListEncodingError struct {
Paths []string
Err error
type TerragruntOutputParsingError ¶ added in v0.19.20
type TerragruntOutputParsingError struct {
Path string
Err error
type TerragruntOutputTargetNoOutputs ¶ added in v0.19.23
type TerragruntOutputTargetNoOutputs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TooManyLevelsOfInheritance ¶ added in v0.4.0
type TooManyLevelsOfInheritance struct {
ConfigPath string
FirstLevelIncludePath string
SecondLevelIncludePath string
type TrackInclude ¶ added in v0.30.4
type TrackInclude struct {
// CurrentList is used to track the list of configs that should be imported and merged before the final
// TerragruntConfig is returned. This preserves the order of the blocks as they appear in the config, so that we can
// merge the included config in the right order.
CurrentList []IncludeConfig
// CurrentMap is the map version of CurrentList that maps the block labels to the included config.
CurrentMap map[string]IncludeConfig
// Original is used to track the original included config, and is used for resolving the include related
// functions.
Original *IncludeConfig
TrackInclude is used to differentiate between an included config in the current parsing context, and an included config that was passed through from a previous parsing context.
func DecodeBaseBlocks ¶ added in v0.19.20
func DecodeBaseBlocks(
terragruntOptions *options.TerragruntOptions,
parser *hclparse.Parser,
hclFile *hcl.File,
filename string,
includeFromChild *IncludeConfig,
decodeList []PartialDecodeSectionType,
) (*cty.Value, *TrackInclude, error)
DecodeBaseBlocks takes in a parsed HCL2 file and decodes the base blocks. Base blocks are blocks that should always be decoded even in partial decoding, because they provide bindings that are necessary for parsing any block in the file. Currently base blocks are: - locals - include
type ValueWithMetadata ¶ added in v0.38.6
type ValueWithMetadata struct {
Value cty.Value `json:"value" cty:"value"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata" cty:"metadata"`
ValueWithMetadata stores value and metadata used in render-json with metadata.
type WrongNumberOfParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
type WrongNumberOfParams struct {
Func string
Expected string
Actual int