AWS Account Service Broker 
This is an API that creates AWS (sub)accounts in an Organization. The broker conforms to the Open Service Broker API, so is compatible with Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, and Kubernetes.
The use case: you offer one of these platforms, with service brokers for specific databases, etc. Those service brokers will have limitations in the ways the underlying services can be configured, which is fine/desirable in many cases. For those cases where more flexibility is needed, though, this broker offers a trap door for users to get self-service access to full AWS accounts. Since those accounts are under the same Organization, they can be centrally configured with any needed policies, etc.
Install system dependencies.
Clone the repository.
export GOPATH=~/go # or whatever go workspace you prefer mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ cd $GOPATH/src/ git clone cd aws-account-broker
Install Go package dependencies.
dep ensure
Compile the broker.
go build
Setup the database with Proof-of-Concept data.
sqlite3 aws-account-broker.db < poc_data.sql
Alternatively, you can inialize the database with just the schema with no data.
sqlite3 aws-account-broker.db < schema.sql
Change any settings in the
file. See comments in file for instructions. -
You can override the database settings using a
environment variable. (Note: Only tested with sqlite3).export DATABASE_URL="sqlite3:/tmp/alt_database.db"
Pick a base email.
- Email addresses for AWS accounts need to be unique, so
(below) will be turned intosomething+<ID>
. This works in GMail, at the very least - you may need to confirm with your mail provider.
- Email addresses for AWS accounts need to be unique, so
Run the broker.
[email protected] ./aws-account-broker -user=<a username> -pass=<a password>
Confirm it's running and responding to requests. From another terminal, run:
curl --user user:pass -H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.13" http://localhost:8080/v2/catalog
Make sure to use the user and pass that you specified in the run command above.
To create an account (also known as Provisioning):
curl "http://user:pass@localhost:8080/v2/service_instances/<INSTANCE_ID>?accepts_incomplete=true" -d '{ "service_id": "aws-account-broker", "plan_id": "IGNORED", "organization_guid": "IGNORED", "space_guid": "IGNORED" }' -X PUT -H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.13" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Note that the
needs to be unique value for all the accounts in your Organization, as it's used to produce the unique email. The command also contains some dummy parameters - marked asIGNORED
- which are required by the API spec but not yet used.
- make edits
- build and run
go build
[email protected] ./aws-account-broker -user=<a username> -pass=<a password>
- CONTROL+C, then go back to 1
Deploy to
Initialize the database; For proof-of-concept testing, initialize with the
file, otherwise use theschema.sql
file.sqlite3 aws-account-broker.db < poc_data.sql
Log in to and setup the command line. See documentation
For now, target your sandbox
cf target -o <ORG> -s <SPACE>
Push the app. Note: The app will fail because required environment variables are not set yet.
cf push --random-route aws-account-broker
Set the environment variables from the command line or dashboard. environment variables:
cf set-env aws-account-broker BASE_EMAIL ${BASE_EMAIL} cf set-env aws-account-broker BROKER_USER ${BROKER_USER} cf set-env aws-account-broker BROKER_PASSWORD ${BROKER_PASSWORD} cf set-env aws-account-broker AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} cf set-env aws-account-broker AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
Restage the application
cf restage aws-account-broker
Get the random route
broker_url=$(cf app aws-account-broker | grep routes: | awk '{print $2}')
Check the service catalog
curl -u ${BROKER_USER}:${BROKER_PASSWORD} -H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.13" https://${broker_url}/v2/catalog
Check last operation
curl -u ${BROKER_USER}:${BROKER_PASSWORD} -H "X-Broker-API-Version: 2.13" https://${broker_url}/v2/service_instances/gsa-devsecops-test4/last_operation
Register the broker
cf create-service-broker aws-account-broker \ ${BROKER_USER} ${BROKER_PASSWORD} https://${broker_url} \ --space-scoped
Display the broker in marketplace
cf marketplace -s aws-broker
Create an AWS account.
cf create-service aws-account devsecops gsa-devsecops-test<#>
Check the status of the service
cf services gsa-devsecops-test<#>
There is no documentation for this package.