
package module
v0.6.10 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Feb 12, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 11



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is provides numerous detectors for checking the states of environment (build, executive, ...).


  • is.State(which) bool: the universal detector entry - via RegisterStateGetter(state string, getter func() bool) to add your own ones. Since v0.5.11
  • is.Env() holds a global struct for CLI app basic states, such as: verbose/quiet/debug/trace....
    • DebugMode/DebugLevel, TraceMode/TraceLevel, ColorMode, ...
  • is.InDebugging() bool, is.InTesting() bool, and is.InTracing() bool, ....
  • is.DebugBuild() bool.
  • is.K8sBuild() bool, is.DockerBuild() bool, ....
  • is.ColoredTty() bool, ....
  • is.Color() to get an indexer for the functions in our term/color subpackage, ...
  • Terminal Colorizer, Detector, unescape tools.
  • stringtool: RandomStringPure, case-converters ...
  • basics: closable, closer, signals.
    • easier Press any key to exit... prompt: is.Signals().Catch()
  • exec: Run, RunWithOutput, Sudo, ...
  • go 1.22.7+ required

To using environment detecting utilities better and smoother, some terminal (and stringtool, basics) tools are bundled together.

Since v0.6.0, is.InDebugging() checks if the running process' parent is dlv. The old DebugMode and DebugBuild are still work:

  • InDebugging: checks this process is being debugged by dlv.
  • DebugBuild: -tags=delve is set at building.
  • DebugMode: --debug is specified at command line.


package main

import (


func main() {
    defer basics.Close()

    is.RegisterStateGetter("custom", func() bool { return is.InVscodeTerminal() })

    println(is.State("custom")) // detects a state with custom detector
    if is.InDebugMode() {
        slog.SetDefault(slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true, Level: slog.LevelDebug})))

    // or:
    //    is.Color().GetColorTranslator().Translate("<b>bold</b>")
    fmt.Printf("%v", color.GetCPT().Translate(`<code>code</code> | <kbd>CTRL</kbd>
        <b>bold / strong / em</b>
        <i>italic / cite</i>
        <mark>inverse mark</mark>
        <del>strike / del </del>
        <font color="green">green text</font>
`, color.FgDefault))

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    catcher := is.Signals().Catch()
        WithPrompt("Press CTRL-C to quit...").
        WithOnLoop(dbStarter, cacheStarter, mqStarter).
        WithOnSignalCaught(func(sig os.Signal, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
            slog.Info("signal caught", "sig", sig)
            cancel() // cancel user's loop, see Wait(...)
        Wait(func(stopChan chan<- os.Signal, wgDone *sync.WaitGroup) {
            slog.Debug("entering looper's loop...")
            go func() {
                // to terminate this app after a while automatically:
                time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
                stopChan <- os.Interrupt
            <-ctx.Done()  // waiting until any os signal caught
            wgDone.Done() // and complete myself

func dbStarter(stopChan chan<- os.Signal, wgDone *sync.WaitGroup) {
    // initializing database connections...
    // ...

func cacheStarter(stopChan chan<- os.Signal, wgDone *sync.WaitGroup) {
    // initializing redis cache connections...
    // ...

func mqStarter(stopChan chan<- os.Signal, wgDone *sync.WaitGroup) {
    // initializing message queue connections...
    // ...

Result is similar with:


NOTE that is.Signals().Catch() will produce a prompt and enter a infinite loop to wait for user's keystroke pressed.


The partials:

  • is.InDebugging / InDebugMode

  • is.DebuggerAttached (relyes on delve tag)

  • is.InTracing / InTestingT

  • is.InTesting / InTestingT

  • is.InDevelopingTime

  • is.InVscodeTerminal

  • is.InK8s

  • is.InIstio

  • is.InDocker / InDockerEnvSimple

  • Build

    • is.K8sBuild
    • is.IstioBuild
    • is.DockerBuild
    • is.VerboseBuild
    • is.DebugBuild
    • buildtags.IsBuildTagExists
  • States / Env

    • VerboseModeEnabled
    • GetVerboseLevel / SetVerboseMode / SetVerboseLevel
    • QuietModeEnabled
    • GetQuietLevel / SetQuietMode / SetQuietLevel
    • NoColorMode
    • GetNoColorLevel / SetNoColorMode / SetNoColorLevel
    • DebugMode
    • GetDebugLevel / SetDebugMode / SetDebugLevel
    • Tracing
    • TraceMode
    • GetTraceLevel / SetTraceMode / SetTraceLevel
  • Terminal / Tty

    • is.Terminal(file)
    • is.TerminalFd(fd)
    • is.Tty(wr)
    • is.ColoredTty(wr)
    • is.AnsiEscaped(s) (IsTtyEscaped(s))
    • StripEscapes(s)
    • ReadPassword
    • GetTtySize
    • is.GetTtySizeByName(filename) (cols,rows,err)
    • is.GetTtySizeByFile(file) (cols,rows,err)
    • is.GetTtySizeByFd(fd) (cols,rows,err)
    • StartupByDoubleClick() bool
  • [Special] Terminal / Color

    • escaping tools: GetCPT()/GetCPTC()/GetCPTNC()
    • Highlight, Dimf, Text, Dim, ToDim, ToHighlight, ToColor, ...
  • Basics

    • closers
      • Peripheral, Closable, Closer
      • RegisterClosable
      • RegisterClosers
      • RegisterCloseFns
    • is.Signals().Catcher()
    • is.FileExists(filepath)
    • is.ToBool, StringToBool
Build Tags

Some functions want special buildtags presented. These are including:

  • verbose: See VerboseBuild, ...
  • delve: See DebugBuild, ...
  • k8s: See K8sBuild
  • istio: See IstioBuild
  • docker: See DockerBuild
  • ...
  • buildtags.IsBuildTagExists(tag) bool

The test codes:

import ""

func TestGetCPT(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("%v", color.GetCPT().Translate(`<code>code</code> | <kbd>CTRL</kbd>
    <b>bold / strong / em</b>
    <i>italic / cite</i>
    <mark>inverse mark</mark>
    <del>strike / del </del>
    <font color="green">green text</font>
    `, color.FgDefault))



And more:

func TestStripLeftTabs(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("%v", color.StripLeftTabs(`
    NC Cool
     But it's tight.
      Hold On!
    Hurry Up.

func TestStripHTMLTags(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("%v", color.StripHTMLTags(`
    NC Cool
     But it's tight.
      Hold On!
    Hurry Up.
Basics (Closers)

The Closers() collects all closable objects and allow shutting down them at once.

package main

import (


type redisHub struct{}

func (s *redisHub) Close() {
    // close the connections to redis servers
    println("redis connections closed")

func main() {
    defer basics.Close()

    tmpFile, _ := os.CreateTemp(os.TempDir(), "1*.log")

    basics.RegisterCloseFn(func() {
        // do some shutdown operations here
        println("close single functor")

Basics (Signals)

Signals() could catch OS signals and entering a infinite loop.

For example, a tcp server could be:

package main

import (

    logz ""

func main() {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    defer cancel()

    logger := logz.New("new-dns")
    server := net.NewServer(":7099",
        net.WithServerOnListening(func(ss net.Server, l stdnet.Listener) {
            go runClient(ctx, ss, l)
    defer server.Close()

    // make a catcher so that it can catch ths signals,
    catcher := is.Signals().Catch()
        // WithVerboseFn(func(msg string, args ...any) {
        //     logz.WithSkip(2).Verbose(fmt.Sprintf("[verbose] %s", fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)))
        // }).
        WithOnSignalCaught(func(sig os.Signal, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
            logz.Debug("signal caught", "sig", sig)
            if err := server.Shutdown(); err != nil {
                logz.Error("server shutdown error", "err", err)
        Wait(func(stopChan chan<- os.Signal, wgShutdown *sync.WaitGroup) {
            logz.Debug("entering looper's loop...")

            server.WithOnShutdown(func(err error, ss net.Server) { wgShutdown.Done() })
            err := server.ListenAndServe(ctx, nil)
            if err != nil {
                logz.Fatal("server serve failed", "err", err)

func runClient(ctx context.Context, ss net.Server, l stdnet.Listener) {
    c := net.NewClient()

    if err := c.Dial("tcp", ":7099"); err != nil {
        logz.Fatal("connecting to server failed", "err", err, "server-endpoint", ":7099")
    logz.Info("[client] connected", "server.addr", c.RemoteAddr())

some packages has stayed in progress so the above codes is just a skeleton (from go-socketlib/_examples/new-loop/main.go/v1).


Kindly welcome, please issue me first for keeping this repo smaller.


under Apache 2.0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func AnsiEscaped added in v0.5.9

func AnsiEscaped(s string) bool

AnsiEscaped detects a string if it contains ansi color escaped sequences

func Bash added in v0.5.27

func Bash() bool

Bash returns true if application is running under a Bash shell.

func Closers added in v0.5.7

func Closers() closerS

Closers returns the container includes all registered closable objects.

The simplest ways is using package level Close function:

func main() {
    defer is.Closers().Close()

    // others statements ...

    is.Closers().RegisterCloseFns(func(){ sth.Close() })

    // more statements...

func Color added in v0.5.20

func Color() color.Index

Color returns an indexer for term/color subpackage.

For example, call the Translator to convert the html tags to color codes in a string:


func ColoredTty added in v0.5.1

func ColoredTty(w io.Writer) bool

ColoredTty detects a writer if it is a colorful tty device.

A colorful tty device can receive ANSI escaped sequences and draw its.

func CygwinTerminal added in v0.5.27

func CygwinTerminal(fd uintptr) bool

CygwinTerminal return true if the file descriptor is a cygwin or msys2 terminal. This is also always false on this environment.

func Darwin added in v0.5.27

func Darwin() bool

Darwin returns true if running under macOS platform, including both Intel and Silicon.

func DarwinIntel added in v0.5.27

func DarwinIntel() bool

DarwinIntel returns true if running under Apple Intel Machines.

func DarwinSilicon added in v0.5.27

func DarwinSilicon() bool

DarwinSilicon returns true if running under Apple Silicon.

func DebugBuild

func DebugBuild() bool

func DebugMode

func DebugMode() bool

func DebuggerAttached

func DebuggerAttached() bool

DebuggerAttached returns status if debugger attached or is a debug build.

See also InDebugging.

func Detected added in v0.5.11

func Detected(stateName string) (state bool)

Detected returns the detected state associated with the given state name.

= State, see also it.

func DockerBuild

func DockerBuild() bool

func Env

func Env() states.CmdrMinimal

func FileExists added in v0.5.7

func FileExists(filepath string) bool

FileExists detects if a file or a directory is existed.

func Fish added in v0.5.27

func Fish() bool

Fish returns true if application is running under a Fish shell.

func GetDebugLevel

func GetDebugLevel() int

func GetNoColorLevel

func GetNoColorLevel() int

func GetQuietLevel

func GetQuietLevel() int

func GetTraceLevel

func GetTraceLevel() int

func GetTtySize

func GetTtySize() (cols, rows int)

GetTtySize returns the window size in columns and rows in the active console window. The return value of this function is in the order of cols, rows.

func GetTtySizeByFd added in v0.5.9

func GetTtySizeByFd(fd uintptr) (cols, rows int, err error)

GetTtySizeByFd retrieve terminal window size by fd (file-descriptor). such as [os.Stdout.Fd()]

func GetTtySizeByFile added in v0.5.9

func GetTtySizeByFile(f *os.File) (cols, rows int, err error)

GetTtySizeByFile retrieve terminal window size by *os.File object. such as os.Stdout

func GetTtySizeByName added in v0.5.9

func GetTtySizeByName(fn string) (cols, rows int, err error)

GetTtySizeByName retrieve terminal window size by device name. such as "/dev/tty"

func GetVerboseLevel

func GetVerboseLevel() int

func InBenchmark added in v0.6.2

func InBenchmark() bool

func InDebugMode

func InDebugMode() bool

InDebugMode and DebugMode returns true if:

  • a debug build, see the DebugBuild.
  • SetDebugMode(true) called.

**NOTE** Since v0.6.0, InDebugMode does not check DebuggerAttached.

func InDebugging

func InDebugging() bool

InDebugging and DebuggerAttached returns status if golang debugger 'dlv' is attached.

**Since v0.6.0**, InDebugging checks if the parent process is 'dlv' or not. It supports Linux, Darwin and Windows currently.

If you're looking for old behavior, DebugBuild() returns if the executable is built with delve tag:

 When you runs `go build` with `-tags=delve` options. eg:

	go run -tags=delve ./cli
	go build -tags=delve -o my-app ./cli

 The executable will hold a 'isdelve' tag. For more details please goto

Performance Note:

For security reason InDebugging checks the debuggers lively. It might take unexpected times for detecting.

Debug States:

  1. is.InDebugging, loaded by a golang debugger (dlv) at runtime?
  2. is.DebugBuild, build tags decide it
  3. is.DebugMode, set by command line flag `--debug`

func InDevelopingTime

func InDevelopingTime() (status bool)

InDevelopingTime detects whether is in developing time (debugging or testing).

If the main program has been built as an executable binary, we would assume which is not in developing time.

If GetDebugMode() is true, that's in developing time too.

func InDocker

func InDocker() bool

InDocker detects if the service is running under docker environment.

We tests these two conditions:

  1. find if `/.dockerenv` exists or not.
  2. `docker` in buildtags

func InDockerEnvSimple

func InDockerEnvSimple() (status bool)

InDockerEnvSimple detects whether is running within docker container environment.

InDockerEnvSimple finds if `/.dockerenv` exists or not.

func InIstio

func InIstio() bool

InIstio detects if the service is running under istio injected.


To make this detector work properly, you must mount a DownwordAPI volume to your container/pod. See also:

func InK8s

func InK8s() bool

InK8s detects if the service is running under k8s environment.

func InK8sYN

func InK8sYN() bool

InK8sYN is yet another DetectInK8s impl

func InTesting

func InTesting() bool

InTesting detects whether is running under go test mode

func InTestingT

func InTestingT(args []string) bool

InTestingT detects whether is running under 'go test' mode

func InTracing

func InTracing() bool

InTracing tests if trace.IsEnabled() or env.traceMode (cli app trace mode via --trace).

See the package.

func InVscodeTerminal

func InVscodeTerminal() bool

InVscodeTerminal tests if running under visual studio code integrated terminal

func IstioBuild

func IstioBuild() bool

func K8sBuild

func K8sBuild() bool

func Linux added in v0.5.27

func Linux() bool

Linux return true for General Linux Distros.

func NoColorMode

func NoColorMode() bool

func Powershell added in v0.5.27

func Powershell() bool

Powershell returns true if application is running under a Windows Powershell shell.

Not testing yet.

func QuietModeEnabled

func QuietModeEnabled() bool

func ReadFile added in v0.5.7

func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error)

ReadFile reads the file named by filename and returns the contents.

func ReadPassword

func ReadPassword() (text string, err error)

ReadPassword reads the password from stdin with safe protection

func RegisterStateGetter added in v0.5.11

func RegisterStateGetter(state string, getter func() bool)

RegisterStateGetter allows integrating your own detector into State(name) bool.

For example:

func customState() bool { reutrn ... }
is.RegisterStateGetter("custom", customState)

func Root added in v0.5.27

func Root() bool

Root returns true if current user is 'root' or user is in sudo mode.

For windows it's always false.

func SetDebugLevel

func SetDebugLevel(hits int)

func SetDebugMode

func SetDebugMode(b bool)

func SetNoColorLevel

func SetNoColorLevel(hits int)

func SetNoColorMode

func SetNoColorMode(b bool)

func SetQuietLevel

func SetQuietLevel(hits int)

func SetQuietMode

func SetQuietMode(b bool)

func SetTraceLevel

func SetTraceLevel(hits int)

func SetTraceMode

func SetTraceMode(b bool)

func SetVerboseLevel

func SetVerboseLevel(hits int)

func SetVerboseMode

func SetVerboseMode(b bool)

func ShellName added in v0.5.27

func ShellName() string

ShellName returns current SHELL's name.

For Windows, it could be "cmd.exe" or "powershell.exe". For Linux or Unix or Darwin, it returns environment variable $SHELL. Else it's empty "".

func Signals added in v0.5.7

func Signals() signalS

Signals returns a signals-helper so that you can catch them, and raise them later.

Typically usage is `catcher := is.Signals().Catch(); ...`.

By default, catcher will listen on standard signals set: os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT.

But you can change them with:

is.Signals().Catch(os.Kill, os.Interrupt)


is.Signals().Catch().WithSignals(os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

For example:

	package main

	import (


	  logz "logslog"

	func main() {

	  server := net.NewServer(":7099")
	  defer server.Close()

	  ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	  defer cancel()

	  catcher := is.Signals().Catch()
	  catcher.WithVerboseFn(func(msg string, args ...any) {
	    logz.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[verbose] %s", fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)))
	  WithOnSignalCaught(func(sig os.Signal, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	    logz.Debug("signal caught", "sig", sig)
	    if err := server.Shutdown(); err != nil {
	    	logz.Error("server shutdown error", "err", err)
   Wait(func(stopChan chan<- os.Signal, wgShutdown *sync.WaitGroup) {
	    logz.Debug("entering looper's loop...")

	    server.WithOnShutdown(func(err error) { wgShutdown.Done() })
	    err := server.StartAndServe(ctx)
	    if err != nil {
	      logz.Fatal("server serve failed", "err", err)

func StartupByDoubleClick added in v0.5.9

func StartupByDoubleClick() bool

StartupByDoubleClick detects if windows golang executable file is running via double click or from cmd/shell terminator

func State added in v0.5.11

func State(stateName string) (state bool)

State returns a state with the given state name.

func States

func States() states.CmdrMinimal

States or Env returns a minimal environment settings for a typical CLI app.

See also states.CmdrMinimal.

func StringToBool added in v0.5.9

func StringToBool(val string, defaultVal ...bool) (ret bool)

StringToBool converts a string to boolean value.

func StripEscapes

func StripEscapes(str string) (strCleaned string)

StripEscapes removes any ansi color escaped sequences from a string

func Terminal added in v0.5.9

func Terminal(f *os.File) bool

Terminal returns whether the given file descriptor is a terminal. Terminal detects if a file is a terminal device (tty)

func TerminalFd added in v0.5.9

func TerminalFd(fd uintptr) bool

TerminalFd detects if a file-descriptor is a terminal device (tty)

func ToBool added in v0.5.9

func ToBool(val any, defaultVal ...bool) (ret bool)

ToBool converts a value (int, bool, string) to boolean

func TraceMode

func TraceMode() bool

func Tracing

func Tracing() bool

func Tty added in v0.5.1

func Tty(w io.Writer) bool

Tty detects a writer if it is abstracting from a tty (console, terminal) device.

func TtyEscaped added in v0.5.1

func TtyEscaped(s string) bool

TtyEscaped detects a string if it contains ansi color escaped sequences Deprecated v0.5.3, use HasAnsiEscaped

func Unix added in v0.5.27

func Unix() bool

Unix returns true for Linux, Darwin, and Others Unix-like Platforms.

[NOTE] for unix platforms, more assetions and tests needed.

func UpdateEnvWith

func UpdateEnvWith(env states.CmdrMinimal)

func VerboseBuild

func VerboseBuild() bool

func VerboseModeEnabled

func VerboseModeEnabled() bool

func Windows added in v0.5.27

func Windows() bool

Windows returns true for Microsoft Windows Platform.

func WindowsWSL added in v0.5.27

func WindowsWSL() bool

WindowsWSL return true if running under Windows WSL env.

func Zsh added in v0.5.27

func Zsh() bool

Zsh returns true if application is running under a Zsh shell.


This section is empty.


Path Synopsis
Package term provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
Package term provides support functions for dealing with terminals, as commonly found on UNIX systems.
Package color provides a wrapped standard output device like printf but with colored enhancements.
Package color provides a wrapped standard output device like printf but with colored enhancements.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL
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