Overview ¶
Package bunt provides terminal true color support.
Terminals that support 24 bit (true color) colors with ANSI sequences, the `bunt` package provides functions to wrap text into the respective sequence.
In case the terminal does not support true color, a fallback option is used to calcucate amd pick the best matching color out of the 16 color basic color schema instead.
If the input string already contains ANSI sequences, the wrapping function will break up the string first and apply the target color to each respective segment of the input string to preserve any existing text emphasis like `bold`, or `italic` while additionally applying the desired color.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BoldText(text string) string
- func Colorize(text string, color colorful.Color, modifiers ...Attribute) string
- func Colorize4bit(text string, color colorful.Color, modifiers ...Attribute) string
- func ColorizeFgBg(text string, foreground colorful.Color, background colorful.Color, ...) string
- func Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
- func Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
- func Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
- func PlainTextLength(text string) int
- func Print(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
- func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
- func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
- func RemoveAllEscapeSequences(input string) string
- func Sprint(a ...interface{}) string
- func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string
- func Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string
- func Style(text string, modifiers ...Attribute) string
- func Substring(text string, start int, end int) string
- func UseColors() bool
- func UseTrueColor() bool
- type Attribute
- type Segment
- type String
- type SwitchState
Constants ¶
const ( OFF = SwitchState(-1) AUTO = SwitchState(0) ON = SwitchState(+1) )
Supported setting states
const ( Bold = 1 Italic = 3 Underline = 4 )
Text modifiers (emphasis)
Variables ¶
var ( Pink = hexColor("#FFC0CB") LightPink = hexColor("#FFB6C1") HotPink = hexColor("#FF69B4") DeepPink = hexColor("#FF1493") PaleVioletRed = hexColor("#DB7093") MediumVioletRed = hexColor("#C71585") )
Pink colors
var ( LightSalmon = hexColor("#FFA07A") Salmon = hexColor("#FA8072") DarkSalmon = hexColor("#E9967A") LightCoral = hexColor("#F08080") IndianRed = hexColor("#CD5C5C") Crimson = hexColor("#DC143C") FireBrick = hexColor("#B22222") DarkRed = hexColor("#8B0000") Red = hexColor("#FF0000") )
Red colors
var ( OrangeRed = hexColor("#FF4500") Tomato = hexColor("#FF6347") Coral = hexColor("#FF7F50") DarkOrange = hexColor("#FF8C00") Orange = hexColor("#FFA500") )
Orange colors
var ( Yellow = hexColor("#FFFF00") LightYellow = hexColor("#FFFFE0") LemonChiffon = hexColor("#FFFACD") LightGoldenrodYellow = hexColor("#FAFAD2") PapayaWhip = hexColor("#FFEFD5") Moccasin = hexColor("#FFE4B5") PeachPuff = hexColor("#FFDAB9") PaleGoldenrod = hexColor("#EEE8AA") Khaki = hexColor("#F0E68C") DarkKhaki = hexColor("#BDB76B") Gold = hexColor("#FFD700") )
Yellow colors
var ( Cornsilk = hexColor("#FFF8DC") BlanchedAlmond = hexColor("#FFEBCD") Bisque = hexColor("#FFE4C4") Wheat = hexColor("#F5DEB3") BurlyWood = hexColor("#DEB887") Tan = hexColor("#D2B48C") RosyBrown = hexColor("#BC8F8F") SandyBrown = hexColor("#F4A460") Goldenrod = hexColor("#DAA520") DarkGoldenrod = hexColor("#B8860B") Peru = hexColor("#CD853F") Chocolate = hexColor("#D2691E") SaddleBrown = hexColor("#8B4513") Sienna = hexColor("#A0522D") Brown = hexColor("#A52A2A") Maroon = hexColor("#800000") )
Brown colors
var ( DarkOliveGreen = hexColor("#556B2F") Olive = hexColor("#808000") OliveDrab = hexColor("#6B8E23") YellowGreen = hexColor("#9ACD32") LimeGreen = hexColor("#32CD32") Lime = hexColor("#00FF00") LawnGreen = hexColor("#7CFC00") Chartreuse = hexColor("#7FFF00") GreenYellow = hexColor("#ADFF2F") SpringGreen = hexColor("#00FF7F") MediumSpringGreen = hexColor("#00FA9A") LightGreen = hexColor("#90EE90") PaleGreen = hexColor("#98FB98") DarkSeaGreen = hexColor("#8FBC8F") MediumAquamarine = hexColor("#66CDAA") MediumSeaGreen = hexColor("#3CB371") SeaGreen = hexColor("#2E8B57") ForestGreen = hexColor("#228B22") Green = hexColor("#008000") DarkGreen = hexColor("#006400") )
Green colors
var ( Aqua = hexColor("#00FFFF") Cyan = hexColor("#00FFFF") LightCyan = hexColor("#E0FFFF") PaleTurquoise = hexColor("#AFEEEE") Aquamarine = hexColor("#7FFFD4") Turquoise = hexColor("#40E0D0") MediumTurquoise = hexColor("#48D1CC") DarkTurquoise = hexColor("#00CED1") LightSeaGreen = hexColor("#20B2AA") CadetBlue = hexColor("#5F9EA0") DarkCyan = hexColor("#008B8B") Teal = hexColor("#008080") )
Cyan colors
var ( LightSteelBlue = hexColor("#B0C4DE") PowderBlue = hexColor("#B0E0E6") LightBlue = hexColor("#ADD8E6") SkyBlue = hexColor("#87CEEB") LightSkyBlue = hexColor("#87CEFA") DeepSkyBlue = hexColor("#00BFFF") DodgerBlue = hexColor("#1E90FF") CornflowerBlue = hexColor("#6495ED") SteelBlue = hexColor("#4682B4") RoyalBlue = hexColor("#4169E1") Blue = hexColor("#0000FF") MediumBlue = hexColor("#0000CD") DarkBlue = hexColor("#00008B") MidnightBlue = hexColor("#191970") )
Blue colors
var ( Lavender = hexColor("#E6E6FA") Thistle = hexColor("#D8BFD8") Plum = hexColor("#DDA0DD") Violet = hexColor("#EE82EE") Orchid = hexColor("#DA70D6") Fuchsia = hexColor("#FF00FF") Magenta = hexColor("#FF00FF") MediumOrchid = hexColor("#BA55D3") MediumPurple = hexColor("#9370DB") BlueViolet = hexColor("#8A2BE2") DarkViolet = hexColor("#9400D3") DarkOrchid = hexColor("#9932CC") DarkMagenta = hexColor("#8B008B") Purple = hexColor("#800080") Indigo = hexColor("#4B0082") DarkSlateBlue = hexColor("#483D8B") SlateBlue = hexColor("#6A5ACD") MediumSlateBlue = hexColor("#7B68EE") )
Purple, violet, and magenta colors
var ( White = hexColor("#FFFFFF") Snow = hexColor("#FFFAFA") Honeydew = hexColor("#F0FFF0") MintCream = hexColor("#F5FFFA") Azure = hexColor("#F0FFFF") AliceBlue = hexColor("#F0F8FF") GhostWhite = hexColor("#F8F8FF") WhiteSmoke = hexColor("#F5F5F5") Seashell = hexColor("#FFF5EE") Beige = hexColor("#F5F5DC") OldLace = hexColor("#FDF5E6") FloralWhite = hexColor("#FFFAF0") Ivory = hexColor("#FFFFF0") AntiqueWhite = hexColor("#FAEBD7") Linen = hexColor("#FAF0E6") LavenderBlush = hexColor("#FFF0F5") MistyRose = hexColor("#FFE4E1") )
White colors
var ( Gainsboro = hexColor("#DCDCDC") LightGray = hexColor("#D3D3D3") Silver = hexColor("#C0C0C0") DarkGray = hexColor("#A9A9A9") Gray = hexColor("#808080") DimGray = hexColor("#696969") LightSlateGray = hexColor("#778899") SlateGray = hexColor("#708090") DarkSlateGray = hexColor("#2F4F4F") Black = hexColor("#000000") )
Gray and black colors
var ( AdditionGreen = hexColor("#58BF38") RemovalRed = hexColor("#B9311B") ModificationYellow = hexColor("#C7C43F") )
Special additional colors
var ColorSetting = AUTO
ColorSetting defines the coloring setting to be used
var TrueColorSetting = AUTO
TrueColorSetting defines the true color usage setting to be used
Functions ¶
func Colorize ¶
Colorize applies an ANSI truecolor sequence for the provided color to the given text.
func Colorize4bit ¶
Colorize4bit applies the best suitable 4-bit color attribute to the given text.
func ColorizeFgBg ¶
func ColorizeFgBg(text string, foreground colorful.Color, background colorful.Color, modifiers ...Attribute) string
ColorizeFgBg applies an ANSI truecolor sequence for the provided foreground and background colors to the given text.
func Fprint ¶
Fprint wraps fmt.Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Fprintf ¶
Fprintf wraps fmt.Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Fprintln ¶
Fprintln wraps fmt.Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func PlainTextLength ¶
PlainTextLength returns the length of the input text without any ANSI escape sequences.
func Print ¶
Print wraps fmt.Print(a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Printf ¶
Printf wraps fmt.Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Println ¶
Println wraps fmt.Println(a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func RemoveAllEscapeSequences ¶
RemoveAllEscapeSequences return the input string with all escape sequences removed
func Sprint ¶
func Sprint(a ...interface{}) string
Sprint wraps fmt.Sprint(a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Sprintf ¶
Sprintf wraps fmt.Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Sprintln ¶
func Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string
Sprintln wraps fmt.Sprintln(a ...interface{}) and evaluates any text markers into its respective format
func Substring ¶ added in v1.7.4
Substring returns a substring of a text that contains ANSI escape sequences
func UseColors ¶
func UseColors() bool
UseColors return whether colors are used or not based on the configured color setting
func UseTrueColor ¶
func UseTrueColor() bool
UseTrueColor returns whether true color colors should be used or not base on the configured true color usage setting
Types ¶
type Attribute ¶
type Attribute uint8
Attribute is used to specify the attributes (codes) used in ANSI sequences
func Get4bitEquivalentColorAttribute ¶
Get4bitEquivalentColorAttribute returns the color attribute which matches the best with the provided color.
type Segment ¶
Segment defines a piece of text and its designed style attributes (which can be empty)
type String ¶
type String []Segment
String defines a string that consists of differently colored text segments
func BreakUpStringIntoColorSegments ¶
BreakUpStringIntoColorSegments takes the input string and breaks it up into individual substrings that each have their own coloring already applied
type SwitchState ¶
type SwitchState int
SwitchState is the type to cover different preferences/settings like: on, off, or auto
func ParseSetting ¶
func ParseSetting(setting string) (SwitchState, error)
ParseSetting converts a string with a setting into its respective state